Annual Report of the Federal Trade Commission : for the Fiscal
Annual Report of the FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION For the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1961 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C., 20402 - Price 40 cents (paper cover) Federal Trade Commission PAUL RAND DIXON, Chairman ROBERT T. SECREST SIGURD ANDERSON WILLIAM C. KERN PHILIP ELMAN JOSEPH W. SHEA, Secretary JOHN N. WHEELOCK, Executive Director JAMES McI. HENDERSON, General Counsel EARL J. KOLB, Director of Hearing Examiners JOSEPH E. SHEEHY, Director Bureau of Litigation SHERMAN R. HILL, Director Bureau of Investigation VACANT, Director Bureau of Consultation VACANT, Director Bureau of Economics ii EXECUTIVE OFFICES OF THE FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION Pennsylvania Avenue at Sixth Street Northwest, Washington 25, D.C. Branch Offices Room 3004, U. S. Courthouse, Foley Room 413, Masonic Temple Building, New Square, New York 7, N. Y. Orleans 12, La. Room 1310, 226 West Jackson Room 811, U.S. Courthouse, Seattle 6, Wash. Boulevard, Chicago 6, Ill. Room 1128, Standard Building, Cleveland 13, Room 306, Pacific Building, San Ohio. Francisco 3, Calif. Room 2806, Federal Office Building, Kansas Room 405, 215 West Seventh Street, City, Mo. Los Angeles 14, Calif. Room 915, Forsyth Building, Atlanta 3, Ga. Room 1001, 131 State Street, Boston 9, Mass. 988 North Monroe Street, Arlington 1, Va. Field Offices for Textiles and Furs in Addition to the above Branch Offices Room 1003—c, U.S. Court and Custom Room 405, 215 W. Seventh St., Los House, St. Louis 1, Mo. Angeles 14, Calif. Room 1304, 1114 Commerce Street, Room 3030A, U.S. Courthouse, Dallas 2, Tex.
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