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GOVERNMEN Storage H E A R IN G S BEFORE THE COMMITTEE ON INTERS TAT E AND FOREIGN COMMERCE UNITED STATES SENATE EIGHTY-SEVENTH CO NGRES jx^K TE ^ FI RST SES SIO N RE FE RE NC E ? r ON o NOM INATIONS FOR library^ DE PA RT MEN T CIVIL AERON AUT ICS BOARD %% COMMERCE DE PARTME NT FE DE RA L TRADE COMMISSION IN TE RI OR DEPARTME NT KSU LIBRARIES KSU INTE RS TA TE COMMERCE COMMISSION UN ITED STA TES COAST GUARD MARC H 8, 14, 15, AND 22, 19G1 Pr in ted fo r the use of the Com mittee on In te rs ta te an d Foreign Commerce U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE C8026 WASHINGTON : 1961 * » COMMITTEE ON INTERSTATE AND FOREIGN COMMERCE W AR RE N G. MA GNUSON, Washington, Chairman JO HN O. PA STOR E, Rhode Island AN DR EW F. SC IIO EP PE L, Kansas A. S. MIK E MON RO NE Y, Oklahoma JO HN MA RSHA LL BU TL ER , Mary land GE OR GE A. SM AT HE RS , Florida NO RR IS CO TT ON , New Hampshire STR OM TH UR MON D, South Carolina CL IFFO RD P. CASE, New Jersey FR AN K J. LAUSCHE, Ohio TH RU ST ON B. MO RT ON , Kentucky RA LP H YARBOROU GH, Texas HU GH SCOTT, Pennsylvania CLAIR EN GL E, California E. L. BA RTL ET T, Alaska VAN CE HA RT KE , In diana GALE W. Mc GE E, Wyoming E dward J arrett, Chief Clerk J ohn M. McE lroy, Assis tan t Chief Clerk H arold I. Baynton, Chief Counsel II CONTENTS Page Nominations of the following Coast Guard officers for promotion to the permanent rank of rear admiral in the Coast Guard: Capt. James A. Alger, Jr., USCG; Capt. Donald M. Morrison, USCG; Capt. New W. Sprow, USCG; Capt. Irvin J. Stephens, USCG____________________ 79 Statement of— Richmond, Adm. Alfred C., USCG, Commandant, U.S. Coast Guard, Coast Guard Headquarters, 13th and E Streets NW., Washing ton 25, D.C_________________________________________ SO Nomination of Fran k P. Briggs, Assistant Secretary of the Interior for Fish and Wildlife_____________,______________________________ 49 Statement of— Briggs, Hon. Fran k P., Assistant Secretary of the Interior for Fish and Wildlife, Department of the Interior, Washington 25, D.C________________________________________________ 52 Jackson, Charles, general manager, National Fisheries Institute, Inc., 1014 20th Street NW., Washington, D.C_____________ 55 Kimball, Thomas L., executive director, National Wildlife Feder ation, 1412 10th Street NW.. Washington 25, D.C____________ 51 Long, Hon. Edward, a U.S. Senator from the State of Missouri, 50 Senate Office Building, Washington 25, D.C_______________ 50 Symington, Hon. Stuart, a U.S. Senator, Senate Office Building, Washington 25, D.C___________________________________ 49 Letter submitted by— Long, Hon. Edward V., a U.S. Senator from the State of Missouri, Senate Office Building, Washington 25, D.C_______________ 51 Nomination of John W. Bush, nominee, Interstate Commerce Commis sioner________________________________ _____________________ 67 Statement of— Bush, Hon. John W., Interstate Commerce Commissioner, ICC Building, Washington 25, D.C___________________________ 69 Letter submitted by— Di Salle, Hon. Michael V., Governor, State of Ohio, Office of the Governor, State House, Columbus, Ohio___________________ 68 Nomination of Paul Randall Dixon, nominee, Federal Trade Commisison_ 11 Statement of— Dixon, Paul Randall, nominee, Federal Trade Commission, Wash ington 25, D.C_______________________________________14, 29 Gore, Hon. Albert, a U.S. Senator from the State of Tennessee, Senate Office Building, Washington 25, D.C________________ 13 Kefauver, Hon. Estes, a U.S. Senator from the State of Tennessee, Senate Office Building, Washington 25, D.C________________ 12 Letters submitted by— Bird, Robert J., 1000 Connecticut Avenue NW., Washington 6, D.C_ 47 Ferguson, Garland S., Esq., 1809 20th Street NW., Washington 9, D.C________________________________________________ 47 Kefauver, Hon. Estes, a U.S. Senator from the State of Tennessee, Senate Office Building, Washington 25, D.C________________ 12 Nomination of Philip Elman, nominee, Federal Trade Commissioner____ 56 Statement of— Elman, Philip, Federal Trade Commissioner, Washington 25, D.C_ 56 Letter submitted by— Beall, Hon. J. Glenn, a U.S. Senator from the State of Maryland, Senate Office Building, Washington 25, D.C_______________ 67 (HD IV CONTENTS Page Nomination of Robert T. Murphy, member, Civil Aeronautics Board------ 5 Statement of— Murphy, Robert T., member, Civil Aeronautics Board, Washing ton 25, D.C____________________________________________ 8 Pell, lion . Claiborne, a U.S. Senator from the Stale of Rhode Island, Senate Office Building, Washington 25, D.C_________ 6 Letters submitted by— Fogarty, Hon. John, a U.S. Representative for the 2d Distric t of the State of Rhode Island, House Office Building, Washington 25, D.C_______________________________________________ 6 St. Germain, Hon. Fernand J., a U.S. Representative for the 1st District of the State of Rhode Island, House Office Building, Washington 25, D.C____________________________________ 7 Nomination of Hickman Price, Jr., Assistan t Secretary of Commerce___ 1 Statement of— Hart, Hon. Philip A., a U.S. Senator from the Sta te of Michigan, Senate Office Building, Washington 25, D.C________________ 2 McNamara, Hon. Patrick V., a U.S. Senator from the State of Michigan, Senate Office Building, Washington 25, D.C______ 2 Price, Hickman, Jr., Assistan t Secretary of Commerce, Commerce Department, Washington 25, D.C_________________________ 2 Nomination of William II. Tucker, nominee, Interstate Commerce Commissioner______________________________________________ 76 Statement of— Tucker, Hon. William H., Interstate Commerce Commissioner, ICC Building, Washington 25, D.C________________________ 78 Statement submitted by— Colson, Charles W., Esq., Washington counsel, the New England Council, suite 302, VFW Building, Washington, D.C__________ 77 Letters submitted by— Saltonstall, Hon. Leverett, a U.S. Senator from the State of Massa chusetts, Senate Office Building, Washington 25, D.C_________ 77 Smith, Hon. Benjamin A., II, a U.S. Senator from the State of Massachusetts, Senate Office Building, Washington 25, D.C__ 77 SUNDRY NOMINATIONS— 1961 W EDN ESDA Y, M A RCH 8, 1961 U.S. S en ate , C om m it te e on I nt er st at e an d F oreig n C om me rc e , Washington, D.G. The committee was called to order, pursuant to notice, at 10 a.m., in room 5110, New Senate Office Building, Hon. John O. Pastore presiding. NOMINATION OF HICKMAN PRICE, JR., OF MICHIGAN, TO BE AN ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF COMMERCE Senator P astore. This hearing will please come to order. The first matter on the agenda this morning is the nomination of Hickman Price, Jr. , of Michigan, to be an Assistant Secretary of Commerce. This committee is honored this morning with the presence of its two distinguished Senators from that State, Mr. McNamara and Mr. H art. Mr. Price, you may come forward. We have a biographical sketch of Mr. Price tha t we will insert in the record at this point. (The biographical sketch of Mr. Price follows:) Biographical S ketch of H ickm an P rice, J r. (Designated by President Kennedy to be Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Domestic Affairs) Hickm an Price, Jr., was born August 14,1911, in Nashville, Tenn. He was educated in Ta ft School, Philips Ex ert er Academy, and Columbia Uni versity, and in 1JKJ2-34 was associated with his father in wheat farmin g in the Texas Panhandle. Joining the Bankers Trust Co., in New York, in 1934, Mr. Price was asso ciated with the institu tion until 1941. He was with the Foreign Economic Adm inistration and predecessor agencies in 1942-45, serving in a variety of assignments. He was Chief of the American Economic Mission to the Belgian Congo; member of the Economic Mission to South Africa; join t Anglo-American represen tative, Middle East Supply Center, Addis Ababa, and Chief of the Neu tral Countries Division, Bureau of Areas. Mr. Price was named executive assistan t to the president, Graham-Paige Motors Corp., Detroit, in 1945, and from 1945 to 1952 was vice president and di rector of the Kaiser-Frazier Corp. lie served as tre asurer of the corporation in 1945-46 and subsequently was executive vice presiden t and director of the Kaiser- Frazier Export Corp., and an officer in foreign subsidiaries—Canada, Nether lands, and Israel. From 1952 to 1956, Mr. Price w as president and director of Willys-Overland Ex port Corp., and Willys-Overland of Canada, Ltd., and from 1954 to 1956 was vice president of Willys Motors, Inc. In 1956-59, Mr. Price was managing dire ctor of Willys-Overland do Brazil at Sao Paulo, and from 1959 to 1961 was executive vice president and director of Mercedes-Benz do Brazil at Sao Paulo. 1 2 SUNDRY NOMINATIONS— 1961 Mr. Price has been decorated by th e Belgian and Bra zilian Governments for hia work and has received special citations from the British and South African Governments. Mr. Price is married to the form er Margaret Bayne, and they have two chil dren—Hickman II I and Marston. Senator P astore. Before we hear from our two distinguished Sena tors, I will ask you about your biographical sketch. Is there any thing that you want to add to it or is it complete ? Mr. P rice. It is complete. Senator P astore. Mr. McNamara. STATEM ENT OF HON. PATRICK V. McNAMARA, U.S. SENATOR FROM TH E STATE OF MICH IGA N Senator McNamara. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. You have made reference to the biographical sketch, which has all the pertinent information. I am very happy to appear here with the most distinguished nominee from the State of Michigan who has indicated his willingness to ac cept a very high and responsible position in our Government.