Bacterial Diversity in the Rhizosphere of AVP1 Transgenic Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) and Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Muhammad Arshad 2016 Department of Biotechnology Pakistan Institute of Engineering & Applied Sciences Nilore-45650 Islamabad, Pakistan Reviewers and Examiners Foreign Reviewers 1. Dr. Dittmar Hahn Department of Biology, Texas State University, 601 University Drive San Marcos, Fax +1 (512) 245 8713 Telephone: +1 (512) 245 3372 E-mail Address:
[email protected] 2. Dr. Philippe Normad Microbial Ecology Laboratory, UMR CNRS 5557, F-69622 Villeurbanne Cedex Telephone: 33 (0)4-7243-1377 E-mail Address:
[email protected] University of Arkansas, 3. Dr. Katharina Pawlowski Stockholm University Mailing Address: SE-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden Telephone (With Country Code): +46 8 16 37 72 E-mail Address:
[email protected] Thesis Examiners 1. Dr. Asghari Bano, Department of Biosciences university of Wah cant Telephone # 03129654341 E-mail Address:
[email protected] 2. Dr. Muhammad Arshad Department of Botany, PMAS AAU, Murree Road, Rawalpindi Telephone: 051-9062207 E-mail Address:
[email protected] 3. Dr. Amer Jamil, Molecular Biochemistry Lab, Dept. of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Agriculture Faisalabad Telephone: 41-9201104 E-mail Address:
[email protected] Head of the Department (Name): Prof. Dr. Shahid Mansoor, S.I. Signature with date: _____________________ Thesis Submission Approval This is to certify that the work contained in this thesis entitled Bacterial Diversity in the Rhizosphere of AVP1 Transgenic Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) and Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), was carried out by Muhammad Arshad, and in my opinion, it is fully adequate, in scope and quality, for the degree of M.