6.012 - Microelectronic Devices and Circuits - Fall 2005 Lecture 21-1 Lecture 21 - Multistage Amplifiers (I) Multistage Amplifiers November 22, 2005 Contents: 1. Introduction 2. CMOS multistage voltage amplifier 3. BiCMOS multistage voltage amplifier 4. BiCMOS current buffer 5. Coupling amplifier stages Reading assignment: Howe and Sodini, Ch. 9, §§9.1-9.3 6.012 - Microelectronic Devices and Circuits - Fall 2005 Lecture 21-2 Key questions • How can one build a wide range of high-performance amplifiers using the single-transistor stages studied so far? • What are the most important considerations when assembling mulstistage amplifiers: – regarding interstage loading? – regarding interstage biasing? 6.012 - Microelectronic Devices and Circuits - Fall 2005 Lecture 21-3 1. Introduction Amplifier requirements are often demanding: • must adapt to specific kinds of signal source and load, • must deliver sufficient gain Single-transistor amplifier stages are very limited in what they can accomplish ⇒ multistage amplifier. VDD signal source RS signal + load vs R vOUT L - VS VSS Issues: • What amplifying stages should be used and in what order? • What devices should be used, BJT or MOSFET? • How is biasing to be done? 6.012 - Microelectronic Devices and Circuits - Fall 2005 Lecture 21-4 2 Summary of single stage characteristics: stage Avo,Gmo,Aio Rin Rout key function CS Gmo = gm ∞ ro//roc transcond. amp. 1 gm ∞ CD Avo voltage buffer gm+gmb gm+gmb 1 CG Aio −1 roc//[ro(1 + gmRS)] current buffer gm+gmb CE Gmo gm rπ ro//roc transcond. amp. 1 RS CC Avo 1 rπ + β(ro//roc//RL) + voltage buffer gm β − 1 { } CB Aio 1 roc// ro[1 + gm(rπ //RS )] current buffer gm 2 Key differences between BJT’s and MOSFETs: BJT MOSFET IC I = I =0 B β G � g = qIC >g = 2W µC I m kT m L ox D VA 1 ro = >ro = IC λID 6.012 - Microelectronic Devices and Circuits - Fall 2005 Lecture 21-5 2. CMOS multistage voltage amplifier 2 Goals: • high voltage gain • high Rin • low Rout 2 Good starting point: CS stage RS ro//roc + + + + vs vin -gm(ro//roc)vin vout RL - - - - • Rin = ∞ • Avo = −gm(ro//roc), probably insufficient • Rout = ro//roc, too high 6.012 - Microelectronic Devices and Circuits - Fall 2005 Lecture 21-6 2 Add second CS stage to get more gain: RS ro1//roc1 ro2//roc2 + + + + + + vs vin1 -gm1(ro1//roc1)vin1 vout1=vin2 -gm2(ro2//roc2)vin2 vout2 RL - - - - - - • Rin = ∞ • Avo = gm1(ro1//roc1)gm2(ro2//roc2) • but Rout = ro2//roc2, still high 2 Add CD stage at output: 1 ⎢⎢ g + g RS ro2 roc2 m3 mb3 + + + + + + v v A v v R s − in − vo in vin3 − g out L v m3 in3 g + g − − m3 mb3 − CS − CS CD • Rin = ∞ • gm3 Avo = gm1(ro1//roc1)gm2(ro2//roc2) , still high gm3+gmb3 • 1 Rout = , now small gm3+gmb3 6.012 - Microelectronic Devices and Circuits - Fall 2005 Lecture 21-7 3. BiCMOS multistage voltage amplifier 2 Avo(CE) >Avo(CS) because ro(BJ T ) >ro(M OSF ET ) and gm(BJ T ) >gm(M OSF ET ) but... ∞ CS stage is best first stage, since Rin = . 2 Add CE stage following CS stage? ⎢⎢ ⎢⎢ RS ro1 roc1 ro2 roc2 + + + + + + v A v v rπ A v R s − vin1 − vo1 in1 in2 2 − vo2 in2 vout L − − − CS CE Trouble is interstage loading degrades gain: Rout1 = ro1//roc1 Rin2 = rπ2 Voltage divider between stages: Rin2 rπ2 rπ2 = 1 Rout1 + Rin2 ro1//roc1 + rπ2 ro1//roc1 Additional gain provided by CE stage more than lost in interstage loading. 6.012 - Microelectronic Devices and Circuits - Fall 2005 Lecture 21-8 2 Use two CS stages, but add CC stage at output: r ⎢⎢r 1 + o2 oc2 R r ⎢⎢r g β S o2 oc2 m3 3 + + + + + + v A A v vin3 r +β (r ⎢⎢r ⎢⎢R ) v R s − vin − vo1 vo2 in π3 3 o3 oc3 L − in3 vout L − − − CS − CS CC Interstage loading: Rout2 = ro2//roc2,Rin3 = rπ3 + β3(ro3//roc3//RL) Then, interstage loss: R r + β (r //r //R ) in3 = π3 3 o3 oc3 L Rout2 + Rin3 ro2//roc2 + rπ3 + β3(ro3//roc3//RL) better than trying to use a CE stage, but still pretty bad. Benefit is that Rout has improved: 1 Rout2 1 ro2//roc2 Rout = Rout3 = + = + gm3 β3 gm3 β3 Since, in general, gm(BJ T ) >gm(M OSF ET ), Rout could be better than CD output stage if ro2//roc2 is not too large. Otherwise, CD stage output is better. 6.012 - Microelectronic Devices and Circuits - Fall 2005 Lecture 21-9 2 Better voltage buffer: cascade CC and CD output stages. What is best order? Since Rin(CD)=∞ , best to place CD first: 1 1 + 1 r ⎢⎢r + g β + RS o2 oc2 gm3 gmb3 m4 4(gm3 gmb3) + + + + + + + + v v A A v vin3 vin3 v +β ⎢⎢ ⎢⎢ vin4 vout R s − in − vo1 vo2 in − in4 rπ4 4(RL ro4 roc4) − L − − − − CS − CS CD − CC Interstage loading: Rin3 =1 Rout2 + Rin3 Rin4 rπ4 + β4(ro4//roc4//RL) = 1 1 Rout3 + Rin4 + rπ4 + β4(ro4//roc4//RL) gm3+gmb3 and excellent output resistance: 1 Rout3 1 1 Rout = Rout4 = + = + gm4 β4 gm4 β4(gm3 + gmb3) 6.012 - Microelectronic Devices and Circuits - Fall 2005 Lecture 21-10 4. BiCMOS current buffer 2 Goals: • Unity current gain • very low Rin • very high Rout Start with common-base stage: iin iout i s RS 1/gm -iin roc//(βro) RL • − Aio = 1 1 • R = in gm • Rout = roc//{ro[1 + gm(rπ//RS )]} Note that if RS is not too low, Rout roc//(βro). Can we further increase Rout by adding a second CB stage? 6.012 - Microelectronic Devices and Circuits - Fall 2005 Lecture 21-11 2 CB-CB current buffer: iin1 iin2 iout 1 − 1 − is R iin1 β r ⎢⎢r iin2 R S gm1 1 o1 oc1 gm2 L CB CB ⎢⎢β ⎢⎢ ⎢⎢ [ gm2ro2(rπ2 1ro1 roc1)] roc2 Now Rout = Rout2 = roc2//{ro2[1 + gm2(rπ2//Rout1)]} Plugging in Rout1 roc1//(β1ro1), Rout = roc2//{ro2[1 + gm2(rπ2//roc1//β1ro1)]} But, since rπ2 roc1//(β1ro1), then Rout roc2//[ro2(1 + gm2rπ2)] roc2//(β2ro2) Did not improve anything! The base current limits the number of CB stages that improve Rout to just one. Since CG stage has no gate current, cascade it behind CB stage. 6.012 - Microelectronic Devices and Circuits - Fall 2005 Lecture 21-12 2 CB-CG current buffer: iin1 iin2 iout 1 − 1 − is R iin1 β r ⎢⎢r iin2 R S gm1 1 o1 oc1 gm2 L CB CG β ⎢⎢ ⎢⎢ [gm2ro2( 1ro1 roc1)] roc2 Rout = Rout2 = roc2//[ro2(1 + gm2Rout1)] with Rout1 roc1//(β1ro1), Rout = roc2//[ro2gm2(roc1//β1ro1)] Now Rout has improved by about gm2ro2, but only to the extent that roc2 is high enough... 6.012 - Microelectronic Devices and Circuits - Fall 2005 Lecture 21-13 5. Coupling amplifier stages 2 Capacitive coupling Capacitors of large enough value behave as AC short, so signal goes through but bias is independent for each stage. Example, CD-CC voltage buffer: 5.0 V 5.0 V 3.2 V 4.0 V 2.5 V 2.5 V I I SUP1 SUP2 = Assumes VBE 0.7 V = VGS 1.5 V • Advantages: – can select bias point for optimum operation – can select bias point close to middle of rails for maximum signal swing • Disadvantages: – to approximate AC short, need large capacitors that consume significant area 6.012 - Microelectronic Devices and Circuits - Fall 2005 Lecture 21-14 2 Direct coupling: share bias points across stages. Example, CD-CC voltage buffer: 5.0 V 5.0 V 4.7 V 3.2 V 2.5 V ISUP1 ISUP2 = Assumes VBE 0.7 V = VGS 1.5 V • Advantages: – no capacitors: compact • Disadvantages: – bias point shared: constrains design – bias shifts from stage to stage and can stray too far from center of range 6.012 - Microelectronic Devices and Circuits - Fall 2005 Lecture 21-15 Solution: use PMOS CD stage: 5.0 V 5.0 V I SUP1 3.2 V 1.7 V 2.5 V ISUP2 = Assumes VBE 0.7 V = VGS 1.5 V Trade-off: gm(PMOS)<gm(NMOS) → higher Rout In BiCMOS voltage amplifier: 1 1 Rout = + gm4 β4(gm3 + gmb3) 6.012 - Microelectronic Devices and Circuits - Fall 2005 Lecture 21-16 2 Summary of DC shifts through amplifier stages: Transistor Type Amplifier Type NMOS PMOS npn pnp + + V + V V + V IN iSUP iSUP IN Common Source/ OUT OUT OUT OUT Common IN IN Emitter i i (CS/CE ) SUP SUP − − − V V V V − + + + V + V V V i IN SUP iSUP IN Common OUT Gate/ OUT OUT Common OUT Base (CG/CB) i iSUP IN SUP IN V − V − V − V − + + V V + V + V IN iSUP IN iSUP Common OUT OUT Drain/ OUT Common OUT IN IN Collector iSUP (CD/CC ) iSUP − − V − V − V V 6.012 - Microelectronic Devices and Circuits - Fall 2005 Lecture 21-17 Important difference in bias shift between stages in BJT and MOSFET amps: • In BJT (for npn): VBE VBE,on rather independent of transistor size and current level. • In MOSFET (for nMOSFET): � � � � � 2ID L � VGS = VT + � µnCox W Can be engineered through bias current and transistor geometry. 5.0 V 5.0 V 4.7 V 3.2 V 2.5 V ISUP1 ISUP2 = Assumes VBE 0.7 V = VGS 1.5 V 6.012 - Microelectronic Devices and Circuits - Fall 2005 Lecture 21-18 Key conclusions • To achieve amplifier design goals, several stages often needed. • In multistage amplifiers, different stages used to ac- complish different goals: – voltage gain: common-source, common emitter – voltage buffer: common-drain, common collector – current buffer: common-gate, common base • In multistage amplifiers must pay attention to inter- stage loading to avoid unnecessary losses.
SCHOOL OF ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS & INSTRUMENTATION UNIT- I Discrete Electronic Circuits – SEIA1301 1.Introduction to BJT Amplifiers BJT amplifiers : CE, CB and CC amplifiers - multistage amplifiers - differential amplifier - designing BJT amplifier networks(analysis using hybrid -π model) FET amplifiers : CS, CG and CD amplifiers -designing FET amplifier networks Frequency response : low frequency response of BJT and FET amplifiers - Miller effect capacitance - high frequency response of BJT and FET amplifiers. 1.1 Common Base Amplifier: The common base amplifier circuit is shown The VEE source forward biases the emitter diode and VCC source reverse biased collector diode. The ac source vin is connected to emitter through a coupling capacitor so that it blocks dc. This ac voltage produces small fluctuation in currents and voltages. The load resistance RL is also connected to collector through coupling capacitor so the fluctuation in collector base voltage will be observed across RL. The dc equivalent circuit is obtained by reducing all ac sources to zero and opening all capacitors. The dc collector current is same as IE and VCB is given by VCB = VCC - IC RC. These current and voltage fix the Q point. The ac equivalent circuit is obtained by reducing all dc sources to zero and shorting all coupling capacitors. r'e represents the ac resistance of the diode as shown in Fig. Figure 1.1 Common base diagram 2 Figure 1.2 Equivalent Circuit diagram of CB Fig. shows the diode curve relating IE and VBE. In the absence of ac signal, the transistor operates at Q point (point of intersection of load line and input characteristic).
Lecture 24 Multistage Amplifiers (I) MULTISTAGE AMPLIFIER Outline 1. Introduction 2. CMOS multi-stage voltage amplifier 3. BiCMOS multistage voltage amplifier 4. BiCMOS current buffer 5. Coupling amplifier stages Reading Assignment: Howe and Sodini, Chapter 9, Sections 9-1-9.3 6.012 Spring 2007 Lecture 24 1 1. Introduction Most often, single stage amplifier does not accomplish design goals: • Need more gain than could be provided by a single stage • Need to adapt to specified RS and RL to maximize efficiency ⇒ Multistage amplifier VBIAS Issues: • What amplifying stages should be used and in what order? • What devices should be used, BJT or MOSFET? • How is biasing to be done? 6.012 Spring 2007 Lecture 24 2 Summary of single stage amplifier characteristics Key Stage A , A R R vo io in out Function Common Transcon- ∞ ro // roc ductance Source Avo =−gm(ro //roc) amplifier Common gm 1 Voltage Avo ≈ ∞ Drain gm + gmb gm + gmb Buffer Current Common A ≈ −1 1 r //[r (1+ g R )] io oc o m S buffer Gate gm + gmb Common Transcon- Avo=−gm(ro//roc) r Emitter π ro // roc ductance amplifier Common 1 RS Voltage Avo ≈1 rπ + βo (ro // roc // RL ) + Collector gm βo buffer Common Current Aio ≈ −1 1 r //[r (1+ g ()r // R )] oc o m π S buffer Base gm Differences between BJT’s and MOSFETs BJT MOSFET βo rπ = gmb ∝ gm gm IC W gm = > gm = 2 µCox ID Vth L VA 1 ro = > ro = IC λI D 6.012 Spring 2007 Lecture 24 3 2. CMOS Multistage Voltage Amplifier Goals: • High voltage gain, Avo • High input resistance, Rin • Low output resistance, Rout Good starting point: Common-Source stage: •Rin=∞ •Avo=-gm(ro//roc), probably insufficient •Rout= (ro//roc), too high 6.012 Spring 2007 Lecture 24 4 CMOS Multistage Voltage Amplifier (contd.) Add second CS stage to get more gain: •Rin=∞ •Avo=gm1(ro1//roc1) gm2(ro2//roc2) •Rout= (ro2//roc2), still too high Add CD stage at output (to reduce Rout): •Rin=∞ gm3 • Avo = gm1()ro1 || roc1 gm2()ro2 || roc2 1 gm3 + gmb3 • Rout = gm3 + gmb3 6.012 Spring 2007 Lecture 24 5 3.
The George Washington University School of Engineering and Applied Science Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering ECE 2115 #Tutorial 7 Designing a Cascaded Multistage Amplifier Background: In the previous labs you’ve designed common-emitter and common-collector amplifiers. Each amplifier has its own properties for amplifying either the voltage or the current of an incoming signal. Attaching the output of one amplifier to the input of another is known as cascading. Typically this is done to achieve a desired voltage and current gain to deliver certain amount of power to a load. This tutorial will present a problem that requires a cascaded amplifier as its solution. Problem Statement: Using a supply voltage of 14 V (DC), build an amplifier that will deliver 1.8mWatts (RMS) to a 400Ω load. The input signal will be 70mV (RMS) at 10kHz. Assume a lab function generator supplies the input signal. Architecting the Overall System: 1) Start by converting everything into “peak” voltages and wattages, instead of RMS values. Power to deliver to load: 1.8mWatts (RMS) = 2.5mWatts (at the peak) Input Signal: 70mV (RMS) = 100mV (at the peak) 2) You then want to draw a ‘big picture’ of the system you’re about to design: We draw the load in a Function LOAD box, because it may not generator be just a 400ohm resistor, it could be a 50Ω real device (like the input to another amplifier!). As engineers we just 100 400Ω know we need to deliver mV that device 2.5mWatts of power! First question to ask yourself, “do I even need an amplifier to reach the goal?” You can perform some basic calculations from the above picture.
6.012 - Microelectronic Devices and Circuits - Fall 2005 Lecture 21-1 Lecture 21 - Multistage Amplifiers (I) Multistage Amplifiers November 22, 2005 Contents: 1. Introduction 2. CMOS multistage voltage amplifier 3. BiCMOS multistage voltage amplifier 4. BiCMOS current buffer 5. Coupling amplifier stages Reading assignment: Howe and Sodini, Ch. 9, §§9.1-9.3 6.012 - Microelectronic Devices and Circuits - Fall 2005 Lecture 21-2 Key questions • How can one build a wide range of high-performance amplifiers using the single-transistor stages studied so far? • What are the most important considerations when assembling mulstistage amplifiers: – regarding interstage loading? – regarding interstage biasing? 6.012 - Microelectronic Devices and Circuits - Fall 2005 Lecture 21-3 1. Introduction Amplifier requirements are often demanding: • must adapt to specific kinds of signal source and load, • must deliver sufficient gain Single-transistor amplifier stages are very limited in what they can accomplish ⇒ multistage amplifier. VDD signal source RS signal + load vs R vOUT L - VS VSS Issues: • What amplifying stages should be used and in what order? • What devices should be used, BJT or MOSFET? • How is biasing to be done? 6.012 - Microelectronic Devices and Circuits - Fall 2005 Lecture 21-4 2 Summary of single stage characteristics: stage Avo,Gmo ,Aio Rin Rout key function CS Gmo = gm ∞ ro//roc transcond. amp. 1 gm ∞ CD Avo voltage buffer gm+gmb gm+gmb 1 CG Aio −1 roc//[ro(1 + gmRS)] current buffer gm+gmb CE Gmo gm rπ ro//roc transcond. amp. 1 RS CC Avo 1 rπ + β(ro//roc//RL) + voltage buffer gm β − 1 { } CB Aio 1 roc// ro[1 + gm(rπ //RS )] current buffer gm 2 Key differences between BJT’s and MOSFETs: BJT MOSFET IC I = I =0 B β G � g = qIC >g = 2W µC I m kT m L ox D VA 1 ro = >ro = IC λID 6.012 - Microelectronic Devices and Circuits - Fall 2005 Lecture 21-5 2.
Section D6: BJT Amplifier Applications In the last several sections, we have extensively studied each of the four basic BJT amplifier configurations and developed analytic expressions for basic amplifier properties. In this section, we are going to compile all this information (not the equations again, don‘t worry!) and discuss uses for each of the configurations based on their characteristics. To start with, let‘s see what characteristics an ideal amplifier would have. The two-port network representation of Figure 5.2 is given to the right, with the amplifier inside the black box. Each configuration we discussed has its own expression for the characteristics of input and output resistance (Rin and Rout), but in every case, Rin is considered to be parallel to vin and Rout is in series with the load RL. So… an ideal amplifier would have Infinite input resistance. This would mean that the entire signal applied to the input would make it to the amplifier (refer back to the voltage divider discussion of section D2 where now Rckt=∞ and vin=vsource). Zero output resistance. The higher the output resistance, the larger the voltage drop across Rout for a given current. This means that less current can be drawn from the amplifier without a significant drop in the output voltage. Since Rout is in series with the load, a zero output resistance (short circuit), would ensure that the load can draw maximum current, for maximum power to the load. Note that, although ideal properties are defined above in terms of resistances, the actual properties of interest are impedances.
SEC1205 ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS I UNIT -4 FREQUENCY RESPONSE AND MULTISTAGE AMPLIFIER PREPARED BY : MS.S.YOGALAKSHMI.S,MR.C.KARTHICK PAGE : 1 OF 30 INTRODUCTION OF FREQUENCY RESPONSE BANDWIDTH FREQUENCY Most amplifiers have relatively constant gain over a certain range (band) of frequencies, this is called the bandwidth (BW) of the amplifier. Fig. 1 Typical frequency response of an amplifier As the frequency response curve shows, the gain of an amplifier remains relatively constant across a band of frequencies. When the operating frequency starts to go outside this frequency range, the gain begins to drop off. Two frequencies of interest, f and f are identified as the lower and upper cutoff C1 C2, frequencies. The Bandwidth is found as: BW = f – f C2 C1 The operating frequency of an amplifier is equal to the geometric center frequency fo, fo = √(f f ) C1 C2 Notice that the ration of fo to f equals the ratio of f to fo , this is: C1 C2 fo / f = f / fo C1 C2 Therefore we also have that: 2 2 f = fo / f ; f = fo / f C1 C2 C2 C1 1 SEC1205 ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS I UNIT -4 FREQUENCY RESPONSE AND MULTISTAGE AMPLIFIER PREPARED BY : MS.S.YOGALAKSHMI.S,MR.C.KARTHICK PAGE : 1 OF 30 CUTOFF FREQUENCY OF RC AMPLIFIER The lower cutoff frequency of the Base Circuit is: f = 1 / (2π RC) 1B where : R = Rs + Rin ; R = R ║R ║h in 1 2 ie C = value of the Base coupling capacitor, C C1 The Collector Circuit of the BJT amplifier works as the same principle as the Base Circuit.
Lars Ohlsson 2018-10-02 F9 – Differential and Multistage Amplifiers Outline Reading Guide Sedra/Smith 7ed int • MOS differential pair • Chapter 8 • Common mode signal operation • Differential mode signal operation • Large signal operation • Small signal operation • Differential and common mode half-circuits Problems Sedra/Smith 7ed int • Common mode rejection • P8.2, 8.8, 8.17(a-b), 8.18, 8.84 • DC offset • Differential amplifier w/ current mirror load • Multistage amplifiers ETIN70 – Modern Electronics: F9 – Differential and Multistage Amplifiers 1 Common and Differential Mode Signals (recap) • Two signal sources • 푣1: reference signal minus a (half) component • 푣2: reference signal plus a (half) component • Differential mode signal component, 푣퐼푑 = 푣2 − 푣1 • Typically the “interesting” part of the signal 1 • Common mode signal component, 푣 = 푣 + 푣 퐼푐푚 2 1 2 • Typically a reference or noise level, not desired • Common mode rejection ratio (CMRR) • Differential to common mode power gain ratio, 퐴푑 퐶푀푅푅 = 20 log10 퐴푐푚 Observe the split and polarity of the differential sources. ETIN70 – Modern Electronics: F9 – Differential and Multistage Amplifiers 2 MOS Differential Pair • Two balanced transistors • Same technology, 푘푛 • Same threshold, 푉푡푛 • Same size, 푊/퐿 • Arranged symmetrically • Equal load, 푅퐷 • Share one current sink, 퐼 • Source terminals joined, 푉푆 • Equal gate bias, 푉퐺 • Equal overdrive bias, 푉푂푉 = 푉퐺푆 − 푉푡푛 • Differential ports • Input over gates The MOSFETs in the differential pair (and current sink) • Output over drains must
TUNED AMPLIFIERS 5.1 Introduction: to Amplify the Selective Range of Frequencies, the Resistive Load RC Is Replaced by a Tuned Circuit
TUNED AMPLIFIERS 5.1 Introduction: To amplify the selective range of frequencies, the resistive load RC is replaced by a tuned circuit. The tuned circuit is capable of amplifying a signal over a narrow band of frequencies centered at fr. The amplifiers with such a tuned circuit as a load are known as tuned amplifier. The Fig. 3.1 shows the tuned parallel LC circuit which resonates at a particular frequency. The resonance frequency and impedance of tuned circuit is given as, The response of tuned amplifiers is maximum at resonant frequency and it falls sharply for frequencies below and above the resonant frequency, as shown in the Fig. 3.2. In the Fig. 3.2, 3 dB bandwidth is denoted as and 30dB bandwidth is denoted as S. The ratio of the 30dB bandwidth (S) to the 3 dB bandwidth (B) is known as Skirt selectivity. At resonance, inductive and capacitive effects of tuned circuit cancel each other. As a result, circuit is like resistive and cos φ = 1 i.e. voltage and current are in phase. For frequencies above resonance, circuit is capacitive and for frequencies below resonance, circuit is inductive. Since tuned circuit is purely resistive at resonance it can be used as a load for amplifier. 5.1.1 Coil Losses: As shown in the Fig. 3.1, the tuned circuit consists of a coil. Practically, coil is not purely inductive. It consists of few losses and they are represented in the form of leakage resistance in with the inductor. The total loss of the coil is comprised of copper loss, eddy current loss and hysteresis loss.
ECA Lab manual LENDI INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Approved by AICTE, New Delhi and Affiliated to JNTU, Kakinada) Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering ELECTRONIC CIRCUIT ANALYSIS LAB Lab Manual Prepared by Dept of ECE, Lendi Institute of Engineering and Technology Page 1 ECA Lab manual LIST OF EXPERIMENTS A) TESTING IN THE HARDWARE LABORATORY: . 1. TWO STAGE RC COUPLED AMPLIFIER. 2. RC PHASE SHIFT OSCILLATOR USING TRANSISTORS. 3. CLASS A POWER AMPLIFIER.(SERIES FED) 4. CLASS B COMPLEMENTARY SYMMETRY AMPLIFIER. 5. CURRENT SHUNT FEEDBACK AMPLIFIER. 6. SINGLE TUNED VOLTAGE AMPLIFIER. 7.HARTELY OSCILLATOR 8.VOLTAGE SERIES FEED BACK AMPLIIER 9.CLASS –A TRANSORMER COUPLED POWER AMPIFIER 10.CLASS-B PUSHPULL POWER AMPLIFER B) DESIGN AND SIMULATION USING PSPICE SOTWARE: 1. TWO STAGE RC COUPLED AMPLIFIER. 2. RC PHASE SHIFT OSCILLATOR USING TRANSISTORS. 3. CLASS B COMPLEMENTARY SYMMETRY AMPLIFIER 4.WEIN BRIDGE OSCILLATOR 5. CLASS A POWER AMPLIFIER.(SERIES FED) 6. SINGLE TUNED VOLTAGE AMPLIFIER. 7. CLASS –A TRANSORMER COUPLED POWER AMPIFIER 8.VOLTAGE SERIES FEED BACK AMPLIIER 9. CURRENT SHUNT FEEDBACK AMPLIFIER. 10.CLASS-B PUSHPULL POWER AMPLIFER Dept of ECE, Lendi Institute of Engineering and Technology Page 2 ECA Lab manual 1. TWO STAGE RC COUPLED AMPLIFIER AIM: To obtain the Voltage gain for two stage RC coupled Amplifier and also to observe the frequencyResponse. EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: 1. cathode ray oscilloscope 1No 2.Regulated power supply 1No 3. function generator 1No 4.bread board 1No 5.connecting wires COMPONENTS REQUIRED: 1. Resistors: 15k-2no 10k-2no 1k-2no 3.3k-2no 220Ω-2no 2.Transistor :BC107-2no 3.Capacitors-10µf -5no CIRCUIT DIAGRAM: Dept of ECE, Lendi Institute of Engineering and Technology Page 3 ECA Lab manual THEORY: Whenever large amplification with very good impedance matching is required using an active device such as a transistor or a field effect transistor a single active device and its associated circuitry will not be able to cater to the needs.
HIGH PERFORMANCE BUILDING BLOCKS FOR WIRELESS RECEIVER: MULTI-STAGE AMPLIFIERS AND LOW NOISE AMPLIFIERS A Dissertation by XIAOHUA FAN Submitted to the Office of Graduate Studies of Texas A&M University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY December 2007 Major Subject: Electrical Engineering HIGH PERFORMANCE BUILDING BLOCKS FOR WIRELESS RECEIVER: MULTI-STAGE AMPLIFIERS AND LOW NOISE AMPLIFIERS A Dissertation by XIAOHUA FAN Submitted to the Office of Graduate Studies of Texas A&M University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Approved by: Chair of Committee, Edgar Sánchez-Sinencio Committee Members, César O. Malavé Weiping Shi José Silva-Martínez Head of Department, Costas N. Georghiades December 2007 Major Subject: Electrical Engineering iii ABSTRACT High Performance Building Blocks for Wireless Receiver: Multi-Stage Amplifiers and Low Noise Amplifiers. (December 2007) Xiaohua Fan, B.S., Tsinghua University; M.S., Chinese Academy of Sciences Chair of Advisory Committee: Dr. Edgar Sánchez-Sinencio Different wireless communication systems utilizing different standards and for multiple applications have penetrated the normal people's life, such as Cell phone, Wireless LAN, Bluetooth, Ultra wideband (UWB) and WiMAX systems. The wireless receiver normally serves as the primary part of the system, which heavily influences the system performance. This research concentrates on the designs of several important blocks of the receiver; multi-stage amplifier and low noise amplifier. Two novel multi-stage amplifier typologies are proposed to improve the bandwidth and reduce the silicon area for the application where a large capacitive load exists. They were designed using AMI 0.5 µm CMOS technology.
ELECTRONIC CIRCUIT ANALYSIS LECTURE NOTES B.TECH (II YEAR – II SEM) (2017-18) Prepared by: Mr. V. Shiva Rajkumar, Assistant Professor Mr. E. Mahendar Reddy, Assistant Professor Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering MALLA REDDY COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY (Autonomous Institution – UGC, Govt. of India) Recognized under 2(f) and 12 (B) of UGC ACT 1956 (Affiliated to JNTUH, Hyderabad, Approved by AICTE - Accredited by NBA & NAAC – ‘A’ Grade - ISO 9001:2015 Certified) Maisammaguda, Dhulapally (Post Via. Kompally), Secunderabad – 500100, Telangana State, India MALLA REDDY COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY II Year B.Tech. ECE-II Sem L T/P/D C 3 1/ - /- 3 (R15A0405) ELECTRONIC CIRCUIT ANALYSIS OBJECTIVE To familiarize the student with the analysis and design of basic transistor amplifier circuits and their frequency response characteristics, feedback amplifiers, oscillators, large signal amplifiers and tuned amplifiers To demonstrate basic understanding of amplifier operation. To analyze amplifier circuits using hybrid model. UNIT - I SINGLE STAGE AMPLIFIERS: Classification of amplifiers, Transistor hybrid model, Analysis of a transistor CE, CB & CC amplifier circuit using simplified h-parameters, Analysis of CE amplifier with emitter resistance and emitter follower. Design of single stage RC coupled amplifier using BJT MULTISTAGE AMPLIFIERS: Distortion in amplifiers, Analysis of cascaded RC coupled BJT amplifier, cascode amplifier, Darlington pair, Coupling schemes-RC coupled amplifier, transformer coupled amplifier,
UNIT-III Multistage Amplifiers Classification of Amplifiers Depending Upon the Type of Coupling, the Multistage Amplifiers Are C
UNIT-III Multistage Amplifiers Classification of amplifiers Depending upon the type of coupling, the multistage amplifiers are classified as: 1. Resistance and Capacitance Coupled Amplifiers (RC Coupled) 2. Transformer Coupled Amplifiers 3. Direct Coupled DC Amplifiers 4. Tuned Circuit Amplifiers. Based upon the B. W. of the amplifiers, they can be classified as: 1. Narrow hand amplifiers 2. Untuned amplifiers Narrow hand amplifiers: Amplification is restricted to a narrow band offrequencies arounda centre frequency. There are essentially tuned amplifiers. Untuned amplifiers: These will have large bandwidth. Amplification is desired over a Considerable range of frequency spectrum. Untuned amplifiers are further classified w.r.t bandwidth. I. DC amplifiers (Direct Coupled) DC to few KHz 2.Audio frequency amplifiers (AF) 20 Hz to 20 KHz 3.Broad band amplifier DC to few MHz 4.Video amplifier 100 Hz to few MHz The gain provided by an amplifier circuit is not the same for all frequencies because the reactance of the elements connected in the circuit and the device reactance value depend upon the frequency. Bandwidth of an amplifier is the frequency range over which the amplifier stage gain is reasonably constant within ± 3 db, or O. 707 of AV Max Value. Resistance and Capacitance Coupled Amplifiers (RC Coupled) This type of amplifier is very widely used. It is least expensive and has good frequency response.In the multistage resistive capacitor coupled amplifiers, the output of the first stage is coupled to the next through coupling capacitor and RL. In two stages Resistor Capacitor coupled amplifiers, there is no separate RL between collector and ground, but Reo the resistance between collector and V cc (RC) itself acts as RL in the AC equivalent circuit.