Electronic Circuit Analysis Lecture Notes B.Tech
ELECTRONIC CIRCUIT ANALYSIS LECTURE NOTES B.TECH (II YEAR – II SEM) (2017-18) Prepared by: Mr. V. Shiva Rajkumar, Assistant Professor Mr. E. Mahendar Reddy, Assistant Professor Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering MALLA REDDY COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY (Autonomous Institution – UGC, Govt. of India) Recognized under 2(f) and 12 (B) of UGC ACT 1956 (Affiliated to JNTUH, Hyderabad, Approved by AICTE - Accredited by NBA & NAAC – ‘A’ Grade - ISO 9001:2015 Certified) Maisammaguda, Dhulapally (Post Via. Kompally), Secunderabad – 500100, Telangana State, India MALLA REDDY COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY II Year B.Tech. ECE-II Sem L T/P/D C 3 1/ - /- 3 (R15A0405) ELECTRONIC CIRCUIT ANALYSIS OBJECTIVE To familiarize the student with the analysis and design of basic transistor amplifier circuits and their frequency response characteristics, feedback amplifiers, oscillators, large signal amplifiers and tuned amplifiers To demonstrate basic understanding of amplifier operation. To analyze amplifier circuits using hybrid model. UNIT - I SINGLE STAGE AMPLIFIERS: Classification of amplifiers, Transistor hybrid model, Analysis of a transistor CE, CB & CC amplifier circuit using simplified h-parameters, Analysis of CE amplifier with emitter resistance and emitter follower. Design of single stage RC coupled amplifier using BJT MULTISTAGE AMPLIFIERS: Distortion in amplifiers, Analysis of cascaded RC coupled BJT amplifier, cascode amplifier, Darlington pair, Coupling schemes-RC coupled amplifier, transformer coupled amplifier,
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