
The Roaming Roman All the News Romans Need to Know 182AD

Letter to the Editor Connelius Reillium

Dear Roaming Roman,

I am writing this letter because I want you to know I am sorry, but only that I failed to kill . If I had succeeded, and her husband would have brought the Roman back to the glory we saw when her father ruled. The two years since he died have been terrible for the . In his 58 years of life, the only thing he did that was bad for the Romans was to let Commodus into power. Marcus Aurelius was a great man. himself would have said he was the he hoped would rule an empire. I read his regularly and find his so different from the terrible policies of Commodus. Commodus does not seem to care about us Romans. Commodus had everything handed to him, but your father was different. His father died when he was two, but that did not stop Marcus Aurelius. He became a at 18 and a at 25. He even died fighting the German tribes. Romans need a leader like your father. Commodus needs to be killed, but he will certainly sentence me to death for trying to kill him outside the theater today. I only hope someone finds my and finishes the job.

Sincerely, Appius Quintianus, 182AD

Bust of Marcus Aurelius 160-170 Source:

Sources: Aurelius, Marcus, The Emperor’s Handbook Boak, Arthur, A to A.D.565 Birley, Anthony, Marcus Aurelius , Judson, Ancient : Biographies