DOI 10.1515/bz-2018-0017 BZ 2018; 111(3): 641–658 Scott Kennedy Bessarion’sdateofbirth: anew assessment of the evidence Abstract: The cardinal Bessarion was aforemost figure of the Italian Renaissance and late Byzantium. However,some of the details of his life are not yetsecurely established, especiallyhis dateofbirth. Over the lastcentury,scholars have pro- posed dates rangingfrom 1400 to 1408. In this study, Icriticallyinterrogatethe two most commonlyaccepted dates (1400 and 1408). In the past,scholars have relied on the agerequirementsofcanon laworthe testimonyofItalian observers to determine Bessarion’sage.Bycritically examining the validity of these two as- sumptions, Ireprioritize the evidence,approximating the cardinal’syear of birth as 1403. Adresse: Dr.Scott Kennedy,Bilkent University,Main Campus, GBuilding, 224/g, 06800 Bilkent–Ankara, Turkey;
[email protected] Striding the boundary between East and West,Greek and Latin, the cardinal Bes- sarion (d. 1472) was amajor figure in the transmission of Greek learning to the Latin West.¹ Born in Trebizond (mod. Trabzon) on the Black Sea coast,Bessarion In preparing thisarticle forpublication, Ihaveincurred adebt of gratitude to anumber of schol- ars. Thanksare due to Anthony Kaldellis forhis usual editorial wisdom and foralerting me of Evangelos Chrysos’sarticle on prematureordinations in the Middle Byzantine period. Alice MaryTalbot helpfully discussed thisarticle with me on multiple occasionsasIprepared my forthcoming translation of Bessarion’sencomium of Trebizond and Panaretos’schronicle of the emperors of Trebizondwiththe Dumbarton OaksMedieval Library. She also shared with me her pioneeringwork on Akakios Sabbaites. Finally,Iowe adebt of gratitude to Byzantinische Zeitschrift’sanonymous reviewers whose comments and corrections much improved this article.