Oldham District Budget Report
Report to Oldham District Executive Oldham District Budget Report Portfolio Holder: Cllr B Brownridge, Cabinet Member for Cooperatives & Neighbourhoods Officer Contact: Helen Lockwood, Executive Director, Cooperatives & Neighbourhoods Report Author: Simon Shuttleworth; District Coordinator, Oldham Ext. 4720 27th January 2016 Reason for report To advise the Oldham District Executive of the current budget position and seek approval for proposed items of spend. Recommendations 1. To note the current budget position 2. To make the following budget allocations (revenue, unless stated otherwise): a) Winterbottom Street Bollards £2,700 Capital b) Millennium Green/Sholver Centre £3,000 Capital c) Works to Stoneleigh Park £2,500 Capital d) Crèche for Mindfulness Course £720 e) Football provision at Broadfield School pitch £2,658 f) Waste and litter project £7,126 g) Highways Improvements £20,000 Capital h) Alleygating – Glodwick £2,000 Capital i) Clarksfield Alleyway Initiative £4,300 j) Arundel Street Park £2,000 Capital k) Stoneleigh Park Cabin pool table - £291 Revenue Oldham District Executive 27th January 2016 Oldham District Budget Report 1 Background 1.1 The Oldham District Executive has been assigned the below budget for 2015/2016: Revenue 2015/2016 Capital 2015/2016 Alexandra £10,000 £10,000 Coldhurst £10,000 £10,000 Medlock Vale £10,000 £10,000 St James’ £10,000 £10,000 St Mary’s £10,000 £10,000 Waterhead £10,000 £10,000 Werneth £10,000 £10,000 1.2 Each Councillor also has an individual budget of £5000 for 2015/2016 Allocations to date are shown in the attached Appendix 1 2 Current Position 2.1 Revenue and Capital Budgets Allocations made so far are shown below.
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