

Mit Ausnahme von Kapitel 7, bei dem es sich um einen neuen Beitrag für den vor- liegenden Band handelt, erschienen die Kapitel ursprünglich an folgenden Orten: Kapitel 1 Querelles 1 (1996), 77–104. Kapitel 2 Anke Gilleir / Alicia Montoya / Suzan van Dijk (eds.): Women Writing Back / Writing Women Back. Leiden/Boston 2010, 73–92. Kapitel 3 Zeitschrift für Ideengeschichte VII/4 (Winter 2013), 41–52. Kapitel 4 Rainer Bayreuther u.a. (Hg.): Kritik in der Frühen Neuzeit: Intellektuelle avant la lettre. Wolfenbütteler Forschungen. Wiesbaden 2011, 191–216. Kapitel 5 Ina Schabert / Barbara Schaff (Hg.): Autorschaft: Genus und Genie in der Zeit um 1800. Berlin 1994, 105–124. Kapitel 6 Comparatio 10/1 (2018), 1–18. Kapitel 8 Caroline Lusin (Hg.): Empathie, Sympathie und Narration: Rezeptionslenkung in Prosa, Drama und Film. Heidelberg 2015, 225–239. Kapitel 9 Andreas Hartmann / Fritz Neumann (Hg.): Mythen Europas: Schlüsselfguren der Imagination. Vom Barock bis zur Aufklärung. Regensburg 2007, 166–187. Kapitel 10 Hadumod Bußmann / Renate Hof (Hg.): Genus: Zur Geschlechter- differenz in den Kulturwissenschaften. Stuttgart 1995, 162–205. Kapitel 11 Comparative Critical Studies 6/1 (2009), 149–164. Kapitel 12 Annette Keilhauer / Lieselotte Steinbrügge (éds.): Pour une histoire genrée des littératures romanes. Éditions Lendemains 32. Tübingen 2013, 105–118. Kapitel 13 Literature Compass 11/10 (2014), 667–676. Kapitel 14 Renate von Bardeleben (Hg.): Frauen in Kultur und Gesellschaft. Tübingen 2000, 1–17.

© Der/die Herausgeber bzw. der/die Autor(en), exklusiv lizenziert durch Springer- 265 Verlag GmbH, DE, ein Teil von Springer Nature 2021 I. Schabert, Die Gleichheit der Geschlechter, Die Feministische Aufklärung in Europa | The Feminist Enlightenment in Europe | Les Lumières européennes au feminin, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-62981-9 Abbildungsverzeichnis

Abb. 1.1 Frontispiz von Eliza Haywoods The Female Spectator. London 1745. *EC7.H3362.746f, Houghton Library, Harvard University. Abb. 1.2 Titelillustration zu Sarah Scotts Millenium Hall. London 1762. Her- zog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel: Lq 846. Abb. 6.1 Frontispiz von Anne-Marie Du Boccages Colombiade. Paris 1758. Bayerische Staatsbibliothek München, P.o.gall. 651, urn:nbn:de:bvb:12- bsb10090425-0. Abb. 6.2 The Spirit of Zama. Anne-Marie Du Boccage, La Colombiade. Paris 1758. Bayerische Staatsbibliothek München, P.o.gall. 651, S. 157, urn:nbn:de:bvb:12-bsb10090425-0. Abb. 14.1 Frontispiz von Margaret Cavendishs The World's Olio. London 1671. Von Abraham van Diepenbeek. British Library, public domain.

© Der/die Herausgeber bzw. der/die Autor(en), exklusiv lizenziert durch Springer- 267 Verlag GmbH, DE, ein Teil von Springer Nature 2021 I. Schabert, Die Gleichheit der Geschlechter, Die Feministische Aufklärung in Europa | The Feminist Enlightenment in Europe | Les Lumières européennes au feminin, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-62981-9 Literaturverzeichnis

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© Der/die Herausgeber bzw. der/die Autor(en), exklusiv lizenziert durch Springer- 269 Verlag GmbH, DE, ein Teil von Springer Nature 2021 I. Schabert, Die Gleichheit der Geschlechter, Die Feministische Aufklärung in Europa | The Feminist Enlightenment in Europe | Les Lumières européennes au feminin, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-62981-9 270 Literaturverzeichnis

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A Abaelardus, Petrus, 205 Moderation truly Stated, 72 Briefwechsel mit Héloïse, 205 Some Refections upon Marriage, XIV, 4, Abbeele, Georges van den, 101 10, 43, 44, 54, 55, 67, 69–78, 124, Ackroyd, Peter, 210, 211, 214 219 English Music, 210, 211 The Christian Religion as Profess’d by a Hawksmoor, 214 Daughter of the Church, 11, 68 Addison, Joseph, 115, 244 Atwood, Margaret, 157, 214 Algarotti, Francesco, 103 Lady Oracle, 157, 214 Amory, Thomas, 18 Aubin, Penelope, 210 Memoirs containing the Lives of several Aubrey, John, 6 Ladies of Great Britain, 18 Auden, Wystan Hugh, 214 Anne I., 4, 7, 9, 30, 33, 44, 45, 55, 76, 77, 83, Auerbach, Nina, 10 193, 240 Aulnoy, Marie-Catherine Le Jumel de Anne of Denmark, 40, 49, 62 Barneville, 122, 231 Anslay, Brian, 49 Austen, Jane, XV, XVI, 87, 88, 92, 152, 192, Arend, Helga, 263 194, 197, 213, 215, 216, 227, 238, Ariosto, Ludovico, 226 239 Aristophanes, 220 Emma, XVI, 152 Aristoteles, 182 Northanger Abbey, 92, 152, 215 Armstrong, Nancy, 203 Pride and Prejudice, XVI, 87, 152 Arnim, Elizabeth von, 216 Sense and Sensibility, 87 Vera, 216 Ashton, Helen, 216 The Half-Crown House, 216 B Astell, Mary, XIII, XIV, 4, 7–12, 14, 15, 27, Backscheider, Paula R., 244 39, 41–45, 54, 55, 65–78, 81, 82, Bacon, Francis, 115 124, 191, 214, 218, 219, 239, 254, Baillie, Joanna, 100 255 The Legend of Christopher Columbus, 100 A Fair Way with the Dissenters and their Ballard, George, 9, 77, 78 Patrons, 72 Memoirs of Several Ladies of Great An Impartial Enquiry into the Causes of Britain, 9, 78 Rebellion and Civil War in this Ballaster, Ros, 205, 206 Kingdom, 12, 72 Balzac, Honoré de, 162, 232 A Serious Proposal to the Ladies, 4, 7–9, Séraphita, 232 12, 39, 42–45, 68, 69, 71 Banard, Teresa, 236

© Der/die Herausgeber bzw. der/die Autor(en), exklusiv lizenziert durch Springer- 289 Verlag GmbH, DE, ein Teil von Springer Nature 2021 I. Schabert, Die Gleichheit der Geschlechter, Die Feministische Aufklärung in Europa | The Feminist Enlightenment in Europe | Les Lumières européennes au feminin, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-62981-9 290 Register

Barbauld, Anna Laetitia, 85, 89, 155, 237, Jane Eyre, 190, 262 238, 242, 244 Brontë, Emily, 97, 197, 227 Poems, 244 Wuthering Heights, 97 Baretti, Giuseppe, 103 Brooke, Frances, 241 Barker, Jane, 14, 210, 228, 236 Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, 179, 180, 216, Barksdale, Clement, 6 217 Letter Touching a College of Maids, or a Aurora Leigh, 180, 216 Virgin Society, 6 from the Portuguese, 179 Barlow, Joel, 100 Browning, Robert, 217, 219 The Columbiad, 100 Brückner, Christine, 254 The Vision of Columbus, 100 Wenn du geredet hättest, Desdemona…, Bartas, Guillaume du, 254 254 Batchelor, Jennie, 241 Brunton, Mary, 87, 152, 227 Bavière, Isabeau de, 48 Discipline, 152 Becker-Cantarino, Barbara, 196 Emmeline, 87 Behn, Aphra, XIV, XV, XVI, 24, 40, 65, 67, Buffon, George-Louis Leclerc, 113 78, 126, 127, 131, 132, 134, 135, Burdekin, Katharine, 219 137, 140, 192, 210, 213, 219, 220, Swastika Night, 219 225, 228, 258 Bürger, Christa, 196 Love-Letters between a Nobleman and his Burke, Edmund, 16, 78 Sister, 65, 132, 220 Refections on the Revolution in France, 78 The Dutch Lover, 24 Burnet, Elizabeth, 12, 239 The Golden Age, XV, 132 Burnet, Gilbert, 7, 9, 51 The History of the Nun, 126, 132 Burney, Fanny, XV, XVI, 26, 87–91, 93, 152, The Lucky Chance, 131 216, 227, 233, 238, 241, 244 The Rover, 131, 219 Camilla, 91 Behrendt, Stephen C., 246 Evelina, XVI, 26, 87–89, 91, 152, 216, 241 Bell, Susan Groag, 200 Burstein, Miriam Elizabeth, 239 Beowulf, 210 Burton, John, 83 Bernard, Catherine, 54, 225, 233 Bush, Douglas, 181 Beverland, Adriaan, 125, 132 Butler, Judith, 188 De peccato originali, 125 Byron, Lord George Gordon, 79, 88, 192, 245 Bingen, Hildegard von, 38 Don Juan, 79 Blackburne, Anna, 21 Blake, William, 244 Blanckenburg, Friedrich von, 152 C Versuch über den Roman, 152 Caird, Mona, 219 Bloom, Harold, 200, 201, 213 Calvin, John, 113 Bock, Gisela, 192 Cambon, Maria Geertruida van der Werken, Bodichon, Barbara, 27 147 Boësset, Antoine de, Sieur de Villedieu, 127 Camões, Luís Vaz de, 106 Boileau-Despréaux, Nicolas, 100 The Lusiads, 100, 106 Boudicca, 40 Campiglia, Maddalena, 35 Bourdieu, Pierre, 58 Cantor, Paul, 89 Bovenschen, Silvia, 195 Capefgue, Jean-Baptiste, 100 Bowles, William, 100 Carlson, Julie A., 243 Bradshaigh, Lady Dorothy, XVI, 142–145 Carnell, Rachel, 134, 137, 237 Bradstreet, Anne, 38, 254 Carter, Elizabeth, 15–17, 82, 145 Brinker-Gabler, Gisela, 195 Cary, Lady Elizabeth, 30, 181, 216, 254, 255 Brock, Claire, 240, 241 The Tragedy of Mariam, the Fair Queen of Brontë, Anne, 192, 214 Jewry, 254 Brontë, Charlotte, 190, 192, 194, 197, 214, Cary, Sir Lucius, 216 216, 221, 227, 228, 262 Casanova, Giacomo Girolamo, 165 Register 291

Cavendish, Charles, 31 Le rire de la méduse, 263 Cavendish Bentinck, Margaret, Duchess of Clarke, Norma, 236 Portland, 15, 16 Cleland, John, 220 Cavendish, Margaret, Duchess of Newcastle, Fanny Hill, 220 XIII, XIV, XIX, 3, 5, 10, 18, 20, 24, Clery, Emma J., 247 30, 31, 35, 36, 38, 42, 65–67, 78, Cleveland, Duchess of, 123, 127, 135 250, 251, 253–256, 258 Clifford, Anne, 34 A True Relation of My Birth, Breeding, and Clifford, Margaret, Countess of Cumberland, Life, 256 32, 34 Observations upon Experimental Colet, Louise, 233 Philosophy, 66 Collingwood, Robin G., 177 Philosophical and Physical Opinions, 5 Collini, Stefan, 59, 60 Playes, 24 Columbus, Christopher, 100, 105, 106, 108, Sociable Letters, XIX, 3, 24, 250, 251, 116–118 256, 258 Comenius, John Amos, 50 The Blazing World, 66, 256 Comitini, Patricia, 237 The Convent of Pleasure, XIII, 10, 18, 35 Condorcet, Nicholas, Marquis de, 155, 229, The World’s Olio, 252 233, 242 Cazenobe, Colette, 231, 233 Constant, Benjamin, 230, 233 Au malheur des dames, 231 Constant, Samuel de, 232 Cervantes, Miguel de, 159 Le Mari sentimental, 232 Don Quixote, 159, 215 Conway, Anne, 254 Cescutti, Eva, 261 Copernicus, Nicolaus, 114 Chadwick, Whitney, 217 Corneille, Pierre, 39, 101 Chamberlayne, Edward, 6 La mort de Pompée, 39 Chapone, Hester, 15, 17, 27 Cortés, Hernán, 113 Letters on the Improvement of the Mind, 16 Cottin, Sophie, 233 Charles Emmanuel II, Duc de Savoie, 121 Cotton, Nancy, 198 Charles I, 37, 51, 52, 62, 116, 250 Courtivron, Isabelle de, 217 Charles II, 65, 70, 121, 133 Coventry, Lady Anne, 14 Charles V (von Habsburg), 113 Cowley, Abraham, 21, 242 Charles VI (von Frankreich), 48 Craciun, Adriana, 238 Charles XII of Sweden, 114 Crawford, Patricia, 200 Charrière, Isabelle de, 227, 232, 233 Crébillon, Prosper Jolyot de, 233 Lettres de Mistriss Henley, 232 Cromwell, Oliver, 39 Trois femmes, 232 Cudworth, Ralph, 254 Chateaubriand, François-René de, 230, 233 Curll, Edmund, 133 Châtelet, Émilie du, 102, 233 Chaworth, Lady, 123 Chedel, Pierre Quentin, 99, 114 D Chernaik, Warren, 126, 131 da Vinci, Leonardo, 50 Chessex, Jean-Charles, 101 Dacier, Anne, 14, 134 Choderlos de Laclos, Pierre, XVII, 163, 233 Danto, Arthur C., 177 Les liaisons dangereuses, XVII, 163, 166 Darwin, Charles, 185, 236 Christian, Barbara, 260, 261 Davis, Lennard, 126, 136 Christina, Queen of Sweden, 31, 38, 52, 114 Davys, Mary, 210, 228 Chudleigh, Lady Mary, 4, 43, 71, 82, 218 de Kerouaille, Louise Renée, Duchess of The Ladies Defence, 4, 71, 219 Portsmouth and Aubigny, 123 Churchill, John, Duke of Marlborough, 54, Defoe, Daniel, XIII, 6, 8, 10, 72, 141, 191, 56, 66 220, 228, 258 Churchill, Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough, 66 Conjugal Lewdness, 10 Churchill, Winston, 56, 66 Essay upon Projects, 8 Cixous, Hélène, 24, 262 Moll Flanders, 220 292 Register

More Short-Ways with the Dissenters, 72 Elisabeth von Böhmen, 31, 36–39, 52, 53, 233 Roxana, 220 Elizabeth I, 25, 29, 38, 181, 183, 193 The Shortest Way with the Dissenters, 72 Ellis, Sarah Stickney, 189 DeJean, Joan, 205, 233 The Women of England, 189 Delany, Mary, 16, 17 Elstob, Elizabeth, 23–25, 65–67, 214 Descartes, René, XIV, 6, 39, 52, 62, 81, 114, An English-Saxon Homily on the Birth- 184, 233, 251 Day of St. Gregory, 24 De l’Egalité des deux sexes, 62 The Rudiments of Grammar for the Discours de la méthode, 39 English-Saxon Tongue, 23 Dickens, Charles, 194 Épinay, Louise d’, 227, 232, 233 Dickinson, Emily, 197 L’Histoire de Madame de Montbrillant, Diderot, Denis, 147, 230, 233 232 Encyclopédie, 110 Erasmus, Desiderius, 236 Donne, John, 219, 220, 253 Ercilla, Alonso de, 113 Songs and Sonets, 219 Erikson, Erik, 186 Donnellan, Anne, 143, 145 Eschenburg, Johann Joachim, 100, 148, 150 Doolittle, Hilda, 219 Beispielsammlung, 148 Drake, Elizabeth, 38, 45 Entwurf einer Theorie und Litteratur der Drake, Judith, XIII, 4, 13, 14, 23, 25, 27, schönen Wissenschaften, 100 39–42, 65, 66, 214, 239, 247 Este, Maria Beatrice d', Duchess of Modena, An Essay in Defence of the Female Sex, 4, 121 13, 23, 39–41, 66, 247 Evelyn, John, 8, 123 In a Letter to a Lady, Written by a Lady, 13 Diary, 123 du Bellay, Jean-François, 102, 104 Ezell, Margaret, 30, 181, 203 Essais, 104 Du Boccage, Anne-Marie, XV, 99–118 La Colombiade, XV, 99–106, 108, 110, F 113, 115 Fauchery, Pierre, 232 Le Paradis terrestre, 104, 105, 116 La destinée féminine dans le roman Les Amazones, 104 européen du dix-huitième siècle, Le Temple de la Renommée, 104 232 Durand-Bedacier, Catherine, 54, 225 Felski, Ruth, 212 Duras, Claire de, 227, 230, 232, 233 Fénelon, François de, 6, 39, 109, 233 Olivier, 232 Les Aventures de Télémaque, 109 Traité de l’éducation des flles, 6, 39 Ferguson, Moira, 40 E Ferrier, Susan, 227 Echlin, Lady Elizabeth, XVI, 145 Fetterley, Judith, 177 Edelson, Mary Beth, 50 Fichte, Johann Gottlieb, 185, 189 Edgeworth, Maria, XV, 26, 86, 153, 194, 213, Fiedler, Leslie, 90 227, 237, 238 Fielding, Henry, 64, 88, 92, 123, 153, 167, A Letter from a Gentleman to his Friend, 169, 217, 228 XV, 26, 86 The History of Tom Jones, 124, 167, 228 Ormond, 153 Fielding, Sarah, 217, 241 Egenolf, Susan B., 238 Filmer, Robert, 75 Eger, Elizabeth, 239, 240 Patriarcha, 75 Egerton, Sarah Fyge, 82 Flaubert, Gustave, 215, 233 Ehrardt, Jean, 100 Madame Bovary, 215 Eliot, George, 27, 152, 192, 194, 197, 200, Fleenor, Juliann E., 197 213, 221, 228, 230 Fontaine, Jean de la, 123 Daniel Deronda, 152 Fables, 123 Women in France: Madame de Sablé, 230 Fonte, Moderata, 35 Eliot, T. S., 219 Register 293

Fontenelle, Bernard Le Bovier, 18, 40, 102, De l‘égalité des hommes et des femmes, 52 233 Graffgny, Françoise de, 102, 231 Entretiens sur la pluralité des mondes, 102 Lettres d’une Péruvienne, 231 La Pluralité des Deux Mondes, 40 Green, Karen, 102 The Plurality of Worlds, 18 Greer, Germaine, 220, 251 Foucault, Michel, 185, 187, 255 Grey, Lady Jane, 29 Fox, Margaret Fell, 254 Grouchy, Sophie de, 155, 156, 233 François I, 113 Lettres sur la sympathie, 156 François II, 114 Gubar, Susan, 181, 197, 198, 201, 262 Franklin, Benjamin, 103 Guest, Harriet, 238 Frederick II of Prussia (Friedrich der Große), Guilleragues, Gabriel de 114, 165 Lettres Portugaises, 205 Freud, Sigmund, 94, 95, 98, 186, 201 Guillet, Pernette du, 180 Das Unheimliche, 94 Guyon, Jeanne, 233 Frevert, Ute, 189

H G Habermas, Jürgen, 61 Galilei, Galileo, 114 Hagstrum, Jean, 205 Gallas, Helga, 196 Halsey, Katie, 246 Gallo, Pierino, 101 Hamilton, Elizabeth, 238 Gama, Vasco da, 113 Hamilton, Lady Mary, 26 Gandersheim, Roswitha von, 38, 261 Munster Village, 26 Garnai, Amy, 238 Hardy, Thomas, 182 Garrick, David, 16 Jude the Obscure, 182 Gaskell, Elizabeth, 190, 192, 194, 219 Tess of the D’Urbervilles, 182 Cranford, 194 Harington, James, 60 Gassendi, Pierre, 6 Harley, Robert, 237 Gautier, Théophile, 157, 219, 232 Harrison, George B., 254 Mademoiselle de Maupin, 219 Hartlib, Samuel, 50 Gellert, Christian Fürchtegott, 146, 147 Hassauer, Friederike, 206 Genlis, Stéphanie-Félicité de, 227, 230, 231 Hastings, Lady Elizabeth, 7, 14, 27, 38, 54 De l’infuence des femmes sur la littérature Hausen, Karin, 188, 189, 193 française, 231 Hayley, William, 105, 118 George IV, 241 An Essay on Epic Poetry, 105, 118 Gilbert, Sandra M., 181, 197, 198, 201, 262 Hays, Mary, 85, 237, 238 Gilder, Rosamond, 198 Haywood, Eliza, XIV, XV, XVI, 13, 14, 54, Gill-Mark, Grace, 108 65, 66, 126, 127, 137–140, 225, Gissing, George, 194 226, 228, 237, 241, 245, 258 Gnüg, Hiltrud, 195 Fantomina, XV, 127, 137, 140 Godwin, William, 149, 152, 171, 217, 218, Love in Excess, 137 238, 242, 243 The Adventures of Eovaai, Princess of Caleb Williams, 149, 218 Ijaveo, 66, 137, 226 Goethe, Cornelia, 151 The Female Spectator, 13, 14, 241 Briefe und Correspondance Secrète, 151 Hazlitt, William, 85, 150 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang, XVI, 147, 148, Table Talk, 85 151, 152, 227 Heath, Stephen, 187 Faust, Der Tragödie Erster Teil, 159 Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 189 Goncourt, Edmond de, 169 Heine, Maurice, 168 Goncourt, Jules de, 169 Hemans, Felicia, 213, 216 Gottsched, Johann Christoph, 147 Henrietta Maria of France, 62 Gouges, Olympe de, 226 Henri IV, 113 Gournay, Marie Jars de, XIV, 52 Henry VIII, 32, 113, 200, 225 294 Register

Herbert, Mary, Countess of Pembroke, 30, 31, Jeanne d‘Arc, 52 38, 193, 217 Jewsbury, Geraldine, 216 Herbert, William, 217 The Half-Sisters, 216 Herman, Ruth, 237 Jewsbury, Maria Jane, 216 Hermann, Claudine, 253, 262, 263 The History of an Enthusiast, 216 Hermes, Johann Timotheus, 149 Johnson, Elizabeth, 4, 40 Geschichte der Miss Fanny Wilkes, 149 Johnson, Samuel, 9, 15–17, 25, 26, 56, 84, 88, Hesse, Eva, 221 92, 103, 221, 236, 246 Heuser, Magdalene, 196 A Dictionary of the English Language, 56 Heyden-Rynsch, Verena von der, 191 Rasselas, 9, 26 Heyrick, Elizabeth, 27 Jones, Katherine, Viscountess Ranelagh, XIV, Hickes, George, 6, 23, 39 51, 54, 55 A Sermon Preached at the Church of St. Jones, Lady Catherine, 14, 54 Bridget, 6 Jonson, Ben, 212 Hill, Susan, 216 Jordan, Constance, 31 Mrs de Winter, 216 Jordanova, Ludmilla, 187 Hilton, Mary, 237 Joyce, James, 194, 210, 211 Hippel, Theodor Gottlieb von, 184 Ulysses, 210, 211 Über die bürgerliche Verbesserung der Juhas, Kirsten, 241 Weiber, 184 Hobbes, Thomas, 6, 254 Holtby, Winifred, 216 K South Riding, 216 Kairoff, Claudia Thomas, 236 Homer, 105, 106, 134 Kant, Immanuel, 189 Iliad, 105 Kaplan, Cora, 241 Odyssey, XV, 106 Kasmer, Lisa, 239 Honegger, Claudia, 186 Kauffman, Linda S., 205 Horne, George, 16 Keats, John, 214 Hrotsvit von Gandersheim, 38 Keith, Jennifer, 244 Hume, David, 25, 141, 155, 246 Kelen, Jacqueline, 254 History of Great Britain, 25 Kelly-Gadol, Joan, 202 On Essay-Writing, 246 Kelly, Gary, 239 Hutchinson, Lucy, 31 Kennett, White, 12, 72 De rerum naturae, 31 A Compassionate Enquiry into the Causes Huygens, Constantijn, 50 of the Civil War, 72 Kierkegaard, Søren, 165 Tagebuch des Verführers, 165 I King, Kathryn, 236, 237, 242 Inchbald, Elizabeth, XVI, 152, 216, 227, 238 Knight, Ellis Cornelia, 26 A Simple Story, XVI, 152, 216 Dinabarbus, 26 Irigaray, Luce, 256, 261, 262 Kolodny, Annette, 201 Isabella I. von Kastilien, 200 Krawczyk, Scott, 243, 245 Israel, Jonathan I., 125 Kristeva, Julia, 97, 209, 255, 256 Kühlmann, Wilhelm, 61 Kuizenga, Donna, 136 J Kuni, Verena, 263 Jacob, François, 101 L’Epique fns et confns, 101 L James, Henry, 215 La Fayette, Marie Madeleine de, IX, 54, 225, James I, 30, 49, 52, 62, 193, 218 228, 230, 231, 233 James II, 37, 44, 76, 121 La princesse de Clèves, 230 Jameson, Anna, 27 La Fontaine, Jean de, 69 Register 295

Le Renard anglois, 69 The Monk, XVII, 94, 167, 170–172, 214 La Harpe, Jean-François, 164 Lily, William, 22 La Porte, Joseph de, 104 Linton, Eliza Lynn, 219 Histoire Littéraire des femmes françoises, Lipking, Lawrence, 205 104 Locke, John, 11, 12, 22, 39, 41, 44, 68, 75, 81, La Roche, Sophie von, XVI, XVII, 148, 153, 100, 115 155, 165–167, 169, 170, 216 The Reasonableness of Christianity, 68 Geschichte des Fräuleins von Sternheim, Looser, Devoney, 239 XVI, XVII, 153, 165, 216 Louis XIV, 53, 114, 116, 123 La Rochefoucauld, François de, 54, 134, 233 Louis XV, 116 Maximes et réfexions morales, 134 Loy, Mina, 219 La Tour d'Auvergne, Henri de, vicomte de Lucas, Theophile, 123 Turenne, 164 Luther, Martin, 113 Labbe, Jacqueline, 243, 244 Lyttelton, Lord George, 16, 221 Labé, Louise, 180 Dialogues of the Dead, 16, 221 Lacan, Jacques, 186 LaCapra, Dominick, 177 Lamb, Charles, 217 M Lamb, Mary, 217 Macaulay, Catherine, 20, 25, 26, 239 Lambert, Anne-Thérèse de Marguenat de The History of England, 25, 239, 241 Courcelles, 102 MacCarthy, Bridget G., 210, 211 Landon, Letitia Elizabeth, 216 Magellan, Ferdinand, 113 Lanson, Gustave, 55 Major, Emma, 247 Lanyer, Aemilia, XIII, XIV, 32–35, 42, 43, 49, Makin, Bathsua, XIII, XIV, 4, 17, 22, 27, 30, 50, 55, 219, 253, 254 31, 36–38, 42, 52, 54, 214 Salve Deus Rex Judaeorum, XIII, XIV, 32, An Essay to Revive the Antient Education 33, 49, 253, 254 of Gentlewomen, 4, 22, 27, 36–38, The Description of Cooke-ham, 34, 219, 52 254 Malebranche, Nicolas, 64 Laqueur, Thomas W., 187, 188 Mancini, Hortense, Duchesse de Mazarin, La Porte, Armand-Charles de, Duc de la XVI, 69, 70, 121–129, 131, 132, Meilleraye, 69, 70, 121 135, 136, 140 Latouche, Henri de, 232 Mémoires de Madame la Duchesse de Fragoletta, 232 Mazarin, 122, 124, 127, 128, 131, Lau, Beth, 243 136 Le Blanc, Abbé Jean-Bernard, 229 Manley, Delarivier, XIV, XV, XVI, 10, 12, 54, Lettres d’un Français, 1737–1744, 229 56, 65–67, 78, 126, 127, 132–137, Lee, Mary, 43 140, 141, 210, 225, 228, 237, 245, Lee, Sophia, 25 258 The Recess, 25 Memoirs of Europe, 133, 237 Lennard, Anne, Countess of Sussex, 123 The Adventures of Rivella or The History Lennox, Charlotte, 25, 159, 215, 221, 239 of the Author of the Atalantis, XV, Shakespear Illustrated, 25 126, 127, 132–136, 140, 237 The Female Quixote, 25, 159, 215, 221 The New Atalantis, 10, 12, 133, 134, 136, Leprince de Beaumont, Jeanne-Marie, 227 137, 237 Lerner, Gerda, 192 The Royal Mischief, 135 Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim, 146, 150, 159 Man Superior to Woman, 62 Miss Sarah Sampson, 159 Maria-Theresia, 114 Leszczynski, Stanislaw, King of Poland, 114 Marinelli, Lucrecia, 35 Levy, Michelle, 243, 245 Marivaux, Pierre de, 88, 233 Lévy-Strauss, Claude, 159 Marmontel, Jean-François, 104 Lewis, Matthew Gregory, XVII, 94, 170, 171, Les chefs d’œuvres de Pope, 104 214 Marvell, Andrew, 60 296 Register

Mary I, 113 Mulso, Hester, 143–145 Mary II, 76 Murdoch, Iris, 221 Mary Stuart, 113 Musäus, Johann Karl August, XVI, 149, 150, Masham, Lady Damaris, 11, 12, 68, 239 153 A Discourse Concerning the Love of God, Der deutsche Grandison, 150 11, 68 Grandison der Zweite, 149 Occasional Thoughts in Reference to a Musset, Alfred de, 233 Vertuous or Christian Life, 12, 68 Musset, Paul de, 222 Maturin, Charles Robert, 171, 172 Melmoth the Wanderer, 172 Maurier, Daphne du, 214, 216 N Rebecca, 216 Nelson, Robert, 8 Mazarin, Cardinal Giulio Raimondo, 69, 121 Newton, Isaac, 114 McCarthy, William, 238 Newton, Judith, 203, 206 Mee, Jon, 246, 247 Nichols, William, 44, 72–74, 76 Mellor, Anne, 244 The Duty of Inferiours Towards their Meredith, George, 194 Superiours, 44, 72 Mersenne, Marin, 50 Nicolson, Harold, 217 Messenger, Ann, 242 Norris, John, 11, 42, 67–69, 73, 77 Meun, Jean de, 48 Discourses upon the Beatitudes, 11, 67 Roman de la Rose, 48 Letters Concerning the Love of God, 11, 68 Meyer, Conrad Ferdinand, 219 Refections upon the Conduct of Human Gustav Adolfs Page, 219 Life in a Letter to my Lady Michaelis, Johann David, 159 Masham, 11 Mill, John Stuart, 199 Miller, Lady Anna, 14 Miller, Nancy K., VIII, 263 O Milton, John, XV, 23, 60, 77, 88, 100, O'Brien, Karen, 239 104–107, 110, 115, 236, 244 Oeser, Friederike, 151 Paradise Lost, XV, 104, 106–108, 110, 116 Offen, Karen, VII Minife, Margaret, 241 Oliphant, Margaret, 194 Minife, Susannah, 241 Orwell, George, 219 Mitchell, Adrian, 210, 211 Nineteen-Eighty-Four, 219 Modleski, Tania, 197 Ovid, 204, 205, 220, 251 Möhrmann, Renate, 195 Heroides, 205, 220, 251 Monmouth, James Scott Duke of, 65 Owen, James, 72 Montagu, Elizabeth, 15–17, 21, 24, 25, 27, 38, Moderation a Virtue, 72 82, 83, 91, 103, 246 Ozouf, Mona, 65 An Essay on the Writings and Genius of Shakespear, 15, 24, 82 Montagu, Lady Barbara, 18 P Montaigne, Michel de, XIV, 52 Palissot, Charles, 228 Essais, XIV, 52 La Dunciade, 228 Montesquieu, 231 Parker, Patricia, 197, 262 Lettres Persanes, 231 Pearson, Jacqueline, 198 Moore, James L., 100 Peltz, Lucy, 240 More, Hannah, 26, 85, 86, 190, 238 Perkins, David, 211 Strictures on the Modern System of Female Perrault, Charles, 231 Education, 26, 86, 190 Perrot, Michelle, 204 More, Henry, 77, 254 Perry, Ruth, 77, 124, 191 Morgan, Lady Sydney, 238 Peter the Great, 114 Moulin, Marie du, 52, 53 Petronius Arbiter, Gaius, 139 Müller, Adam, 189 Satyricon, 139 Register 297

Pfalz, Friedrich von der, 52 The Italian, 91, 97 Philip II of Spain, 113, 114 The Mysteries of Udolpho, XV, 25, 87, 89, Philips, Katherine, 38–40, 42, 62, 213, 219, 94–97 253 The Romance of the Forest, 25, 87, 94, 97 Upon the Double Murther of King Charles Raus, Anja, 263 I, 62 Recke, Elisa von, 153 Phillips, Constantia, 236 Reddy, Maureen T., 197 Phillips, Edward, 39 Redgrove, Peter, 217 Theatrum Poetarum, 39 Reeve, Clara, 25 Pilkington, Laetitia, 236 The Old English Baron, 25 Pizan, Christine de, XIV, 31, 47–49, 55, 226 Reid, Elizabeth, 27, 200 Le livre de la cité des dames, XIV, 31, Rhodius, Apollonius 47–50 Argonautica, XV, 106 Pizarro, Francisco, 113 Rhys, Jean, 216 Plato, 100, 220 Wide Sargasso Sea, 216 Symposium, 220 Riccoboni, Marie-Jeanne, 232, 233 Plumer, Francis, 147, 151 Lettres d’Élisabeth-Sophie de Vallière, 232 Candid Examination of the History of Sir Richardson, Dorothy, 194, 213 Charles Grandison, 147 Pilgrimage, 194 Pohl, Nicole, 240 Richardson, Samuel, XVI, 9, 15, 84, 86, 88, Polwhele, Richard, 85, 89 90, 141–150, 152–155, 159–161, Poovey, Mary, 91 163, 166, 167, 182, 205, 219, 220, Pope, Alexander, 64, 82, 92, 104, 105, 116, 224, 228, 233, 244, 246, 258 228, 236 Clarissa, XVI, 142–144, 146, 159, 160, Essay on Criticism, 104 163, 165–167, 182, 205 Essay on Man, 104 Pamela, 167, 220 The Dunciad, 228 Sir Charles Grandison, XVI, 9, 84, 142, The Rape of the Lock, 104 146, 148, 149, 153, 154, 156, 246 The Temple of Fame, 104 Richetti, John, 126 Pope Joan, 38 Rivet, André, 50, 53 Poullain de la Barre, François, V, VI, XI, 4, Riviere, Joan, 139 39, 62, 82, 124, 184, 218, 219, 224, Robinson, Mary, 238, 241, 246 225, 228 The Morning Post, 241 De l’égalité des deux sexes, 4, 39, 124, Rochester, John Wilmot, Earl of, 39, 165 184, 218, 224 A Session of the Poets, 39 The Woman as Good as the Man, 4, 39 Rogers, Samuel, 100 Pound, Ezra, 214, 219, 221 Rohan, Anne de, 52 Pratt, Mary Louise, 242 Ross, Angus, 159 Praz, Mario, 216 Rossetti, Christina, 88, 178–180, 217 Prescott, Sarah, 240 A Birthday, 178 Prévost, Abbé Antoine François, 147, 159 Goblin Market, 180 Puisieux, Florent de, 225 Monna Innominata, 179 Puisieux, Madeleine de, 225, 233 Song, 178 La femme n’est pas inférieure à l’homme, Rossetti, Dante Gabriel, 217 225 Roumier Robert, Marie Anne, 226, 232 Pulteney, William, Earl of Bath, 16 Les Ondins, 226 Voyages de Milord Céton, 226 Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, X, XI, 88, 182, 185, R 205, 224, 227, 232, 233, 242 Racine, Louis, 101, 110 Émile, 182 Discours sur le poëme épique, 110 La Nouvelle Héloïse, 182, 205, 232 Radcliffe, Ann, XV, 88–91, 94, 96–98, 170, Les Confessions, 232 213, 214 Rowse, Alfred Leslie, 56 298 Register

Russell, Gillian, 245 Waverley, 215 Russell, Lucy, Countess of Bedford, 30, 31, Scudéry, George de, 233 193 Scudéry, Madeleine de, 52, 210, 231, 233 Russo, Stephanie, 238 Clélie, histoire romaine, 210 Ryves, Elizabeth, 83, 84 Seeber, Hans Ulrich, 178 Poems on Several Occasions, 83 Sévigné, Françoise-Marguerite de, Comtesse de Grignan, 122 Sévigné, Marie de Rabutin Chantal, marquise S de, 122, 136 Sablé, Madeleine de Souvré, 231 Seward, Anna, 236, 245 Sackville-West, Vita, 217, 218 Shakespeare, William, XIII, 23–25, 27, 36, Sade, Donatien Alphonse François, Marquis 56, 82, 88, 115, 146, 158, 181, 219, de, XVI, 89, 167–171 225, 240, 254 Idée sur les romans, 170 King Lear, 146 Justine ou les malheurs de la vertu, Othello, 254 167–170, 172 Shelley, Mary, 91, 194, 217, 220, 221, 243 La nouvelle Justine ou les malheurs de la Frankenstein, 194, 218, 220, 221 vertu, XVI, 168 The Last Man, 220 Les Infortunes de la vertu, 168 Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 194, 217, 218, 221 Saint-Évremond, Charles de, 123, 125 The Revolt of Islam, 194 Funeral Oration, 125 Sheridan, Frances, 151, 216, 241 Portrait of Madame La Duchesse Mazarin, Memoirs of Miss Sidney Bidulph, 151, 241 125 Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 216 Sur les plaisirs, 125 Showalter, Elaine, 197, 201, 214, 263 Saint-Réal, César de, 122 Shuttle, Penelope, 217 Sancroft, William, 42, 67 Sidney, Algernon, 60 Sand, George, 192, 227, 231–233 Sidney, Robert, 217 Elle et lui, 222 Sidney, Sir Philip, 180, 217, 256 Gabriel, 227 Apology for Poetry, 217 Mademoiselle Merquem, 227 Arcadia, 217 Sandeau, Jules, 233 Simmel, Georg, 245 Sappho, 14, 26, 38, 40, 204, 205, 220 Singer Rowe, Elizabeth, 4, 14, 40, 82, 210, Schabert, Ina, IX, XII, XIX, XV 244 Schellenberg, Betty A., 235, 240–242 Friendship in Death, 244 Schiller, Friedrich, 153 Letters Moral and Entertaining, 244 Schlegel, Friedrich, 182, 189 Poems on Several Occasions, 4, 40 Lucinde, 182 Sitwell, Edith, 219 Schleiner, Louise, 30 Slinn, Jane, 246 Schlosser, Cornelia, 147 Smith, Adam, 141, 150, 155, 156 Schlosser, Johann Georg, 148, 151 The Theory of Moral Sentiments, 150, 155 Schmid-Bortenschlager, Sigrid, 196 Smith, Charlotte, 238, 243, 244, 246 Schönau, Elisabeth von, 38 Smollett, Tobias, 88, 244 A Path to direct Us to the Way to God, 38 Snowden, Richard, 100 Schurman, Anna Maria van, XIV, 6, 22, 31, Somerset, Mary, First Duchess of Beaufort, 21 37, 38, 40, 52, 53, 183, 214 Sorel, Charles, 226 De Ingenii Muliebris, 6, 22, 37, 52 Southwell, Robert, 32 Scott, Joan W., 203, 212 Souza, Adelaïde de, 227 Scott, Sarah, 18, 21, 27, 38, 45, 241 Spacks, Patricia M., 93 A Description of Millenium Hall, XIII, 18, Speght, Rachel, 29–31, 33, 42 21, 45 A Mouzell for Melastomus, 29, 33 Scott Taylor, Mary, 21, 82, 229 Spencer, Jane, 242 The Female Advocate, 21, 82, 229 Spender, Dale, 203 Scott, Walter, 215 Spenser, Edmund, 226 Register 299

Spinoza, Baruch, 124, 125, 140 Tinker, Chauncey Brewster, 240 Springborg, Patricia, 239 Todd, Jane Maria, 94 Sprint, John, 43, 44, 70–72 Todd, Janet, 126, 131, 236 The Bride-woman’s Counsellor, 43, 70 Torquato, Tasso Staël, Germaine de, 93, 155, 192, 205, 215, Gerusalemme Liberata, 106, 109 216, 227, 229, 230, 233, 241 Trevelyan, George Macaulay, 54, 66 Corinne ou l'Italie, 155, 205, 215, 216, 227 England Under Queen Anne, 54 Stanhope, Philip, Earl of Chesterfeld, 100, Trollope, Anthony, 194, 216 103 Trollope, Frances Milton, 216 Staves, Susan, 214, 241 Trotter Cockburne, Catharine, 12 Steele, Richard, 8 Tuchman, Gaye, 213 The Ladies Library, 8 Tuite, Clara, 245 Steinbrügge, Lieselotte, 185 Ty, Eleanor, 197 Stephen, Sir Leslie, 218 Stern, Daniel, 232 Sterne, Laurence, 228 U Stevenson, John Allen, 151 Urfé, Honoré d' Stillingfeet, Benjamin, 15, 16 L'Astrée, 122 Stuurman, Siep, VI, X Sutton, Isabella, 143, 145 Swetnam, Joseph, 29, 218 V The Arraignment of Lewd, Idle, Froward Vane, Sir Henry, 60 and Unconstant Women, 29, 218 Vaughan, Henry, 32 Swetnam the Woman-Hater, Arraigned by Vergil, 205 Women, 218 Sappho und Phaon, 205 Swift, Jonathan, 12, 64, 218, 237 Vesey, Elizabeth, 15, 17 Sylvester, Joshua, 254 Vespucci, Amerigo, 113 The Devine Weekes, 254 Victoria I, 194 Villedieu, Marie-Catherine Desjardins de, XV, XVI, 54, 126–133, 137, 139, 140, T 225, 226 Talbot, Catherine, XVI, 16, 77, 145 Jouissance, 127, 130 Essays on Various Subjects, 16 Les Amours des grands hommes, 128 Tasso, Torquato, 106, 109, 132 Les Aventures du Prince de Clermont, 137 Aminta, 132 Lettres et Billets Galants, 127 Taylor, Elizabeth, 216 Mémoires de la Vie de Henriette-Sylvie de Palladian, 216 Molière, XV, 126–129, 131, 133, Taylor, Harriet, 199 140 Tennyson, Alfred Lord, 180, 215 Recueil de Poésies, 128 The Princess, 180, 215 Villeneuve, Gabrielle-Suzanne de, 233 The Examiner, 237 Virgil, 106, 107 The Female Advocate; or a Plea for the Just Aeneid, XV, 106 Liberty of the Tender Sex, and Vives, Juan Luis, 200 particularly of Married Women, 70 Voltaire, 24, 83, 102, 104–106, 110, 113, 114, The Female Wits, 39 168, 230, 233 Thébaud, Françoise, 212 Candide, 168, 232 Theweleit, Klaus, 262 Essai sur la poésie épique, 105, 106, 110 Thompson, Lynda M., 236 Essai sur les mœurs et l’esprit des nations, Thott, Birgitte, XIV, 52 105 Thrale, Hester, 17 La Henriade, 100, 105, 106, 113 Thynne, Frances, 14 Zadig; or, The Book of Fate, 168 Tidcomb, John, 134 Vossius, Isaac, 125 300 Register

W Wood, James, 209 Walker, Gina Luria, 237 Oxford English Literary History, 209 Waller, Edmund, 123 Woolf, Leonard Sidney, 218 The Triple Combat, 123 Woolf, Virginia, XVII, 9, 182, 185, 194, 197, Walpole, , 16 198, 200, 203, 210, 211, 213, 218, Walpole, Sir Robert, 66 254, 261, 263 Ward, Ian, 238 A Room of One’s Own, 200, 203, 261, 263 Warton, Joseph, 146 Modern Fiction, 194 Watkins, Daniel P., 238 Orlando, XVII, 182, 210, 211 Watkins, David P., 244 Three Guineas, 9 Weekley, Ernest, 81 Wordsworth, Dorothy, 199, 217, 245 Weigel, Sigrid, 195, 196, 261–263 Wordsworth, William, 60, 88, 199, 217, Wheler, George, 8 243–245 The Protestant Monastery, 8 The Prelude, 88 White, Daniel E., 238, 245 Wortley Montagu, Lady Mary, 9, 12, 22, 103, White, Hayden, 177 165, 214, 221, 239 Wieland, Christoph Martin, XVI, 146–148, The Nonsense of Common Sense, 12 153 Wroth, Lady Mary, 31, 180, 213, 217 Clementina di Porretta, 147 Pamphilia to Amphilanthus, 217 Wilde, Oscar, 172 The Countess of Montgomery’s Urania, William III, 44, 76 217 Williams, Helen Maria, 238 Wittig, Monique, 261 Wolfson, Susan J., 242, 245 Y Wollstonecraft, Mary, 26, 78, 79, 85, 91, 97, Yaeger, Patricia S., 197 147, 184, 194, 217, 218, 226, 236, Yearsley, Ann, 82, 83 238, 239, 243, 245, 246 Young, Edward, 146, 258 A Vindication of the Rights of Men, 78 Conjectures on Original Composition, 258 A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, 26, 79, 184 Wolzogen, Caroline von, 153, 154 Z Agnes von Lilien, 154 Zola, Emile, 58, 60 Woman's Superior Excellence over Man, 4, 62, J’accuse! Lettre au Président de la 193, 218 République, 60 Woman not Inferior to Man, 4, 62, 193, 224