Newarkers Head for the Heat
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The brides are inszde! See special section with this issue •:• Greater Newark's Hometown Newspaper Since 191 0 •:• 84th Year, Issue 2 For the week beginning February 4 , 1994 Newark, Del. • 35~ TI-llS WEEK City vies for downtown development funds · By JENNIFER l. RODGERS The De laware D e ve lopme nt about the cit y's economic health , of commerce and civic groups that • Economic Restructurin g: Oflice is sponsoring a program for inappropriate demolition, impact wi ll work toge th e r to improve Recruiting new stores, converting In sports NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER eight qualifying communities th at of tourism and much more. downtown. unused s pace into ho usi ng, Newark ci ty officials are hop will provide technical assistance The program ste ms from the • Promot ion: Rekindl ing com offices, entertainment or cultural ing some therapy and a possible and training fo r downtown revital Na tiona l Main Street Center, a munit y excitement and involve fa cilitie ; and harpening the com facelift will he lp Street ization effort s. program of th e National Trust fo r ment by reestablishing downtown petitiveness of Main Street's tradi become a 'well adjusted and well Roy Lopota, director of plan Hi s toric Preservation, and as a compelling place for shop tional merchants. traveled ' tho ro ughfare that can ning said the department has sub incl udes the following steps: pers, investors and visi tors. If approved, the ci ty wi ll ad a pt to th e needs of to day's mitted th e required 22-page appli • Organization : Bu ilding a • Design: Enhancing the vi sual become a member of the National Newarker. cation to the development office. diverse g ro up o f merchants, quality of downtown. -See FACELI FT, 2A .... The application includes questions bankers, public offi cials, chamber Workers filling Newark's By JENNIFER L. RODGERS tained streets. Lapointe said hi s office dis NEWARK POST STAFF WRIT ER patcher, Carolyn Molitor, call ed Bad weather conditions have the state this week to report trou forced drive rs to negoti ate ice ble spots on roads that aren 't the cover~d roads, avoid hydroplan city's responsibility. ing on the standing wate r that "The state usua ll y responds replaced th e ice and now they within three days to a week ," must bypass the potholes. Lapointe said . Rich Lapointe, Newark'. pub Some state roads that have lic works director said the efforts Newarkers swerving to avoid pot to fi ll Newark's potholes began ho les include Elkton Road, East Glasgow 's Shamarra Mason in this week. and West Main streets, Delaware, action Monday. "During thi s time of year with C leveland and Library avenues, freezing and thawing it's an Ca ho Mi ll and New Lo ndon a nnua l occ urrence that we are roads and Kirkwood Hi ghway. GIRLS aware of," Lapointe said. "We Curt Lovelund a ma ter GlASGOW j ust have to wait unti l the roads m echanic at Pe nske Truc k are clear so we can get to them." Leasin g said " hitting a pothole'' Lapointe said th ere are some may cause more than an unwant KEEPON " noticeable areas" that will be ed jolt to rhe driver. There are a lB repaired on Park Place, Academy numbe r o f ways a car c an be WINNING. and Haines streets. Howeve r, damaged by potholes such as a many treets Newarkers travel tire bl owout , suspension compli NEWARK POST STAFF PHOTO BY SG OIT LAWRENCE might not be repaired unti l next cati ons, tire rim damage, front week because they are state main- end alignment and more. Last week's heavy rains turned the White Clay Creek (pictured above , near Curtis Paper Mill) and other HENS HOST local tributaries into muddy, raging courses- ultimate ly affecting drinking water. DREXEL Street light tax on Recent rains tied to strange SATURDAY. lB Bear/Glasgow agenda taste in local drinking water By JENNI FER l. RODGERS NEWARK POST STAFF WR ITER By JENNIFER L. RODGERS "If customers don't smell chl orine they should be more concern ed becau e it ' s an inhibitor for In the news The Bear/Glasgow Council of NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER bacteria,'· DeNagy said. Civic Organizations is hopin g DeNagy suggested that customer bottle their Ne w Castle County and ewarkers experienced the taste of a summer water and refri gerate it for a coupl e of hours to di s CMCGROUP De lma rva Powe r and Lig ht day at the pool in their drinking water this sipate the chl orine. (DP&L) officials can ex plain the N week. The hig hl y treated wate r wi ll remain in the treet-light tax to residents at its David DeNagy, comme rc ial manager a t holding tanks until it is used. DeNagy said com TAKES DEVELOPERS next meeting Feb. 7 at 7 p.m. in Wilmington Suburban Water Treatment Plant, said plaint are already dropping. th e room 209 of the Glasgow last Friday's heavy rain caused flo od conditions at The City of Newark ha been buying it water Medical Center. the plant. Water, ice, trees and sticks ran off the from Wilmington Suburban for the Ia t couple of TO TASK. .. Problems started when DP&L streets into the water supply and turbulent condi days, according to cit y manager Carl Luft .. insta ll ed turn-of-century street tions caused a lot of mud to be churned into the Luft said Newark shut down its water treatment lights in developments through water. plant because of "the turbidity of the creeks." The BEFORE THEY out the county. These lights cost Chlori ne and ferric chloride (a chemi cal that c it y has a contract with Wilmington Suburban to $ 1,500 each, which is about I /3 adheres to floating particles in water, causing them purcha e a certain amount of water a year. more than other styles, according to be heavy and si nk so they don' t filter into the ·'The demand (for water) is low now and we are BUILD. to Gary Jones, a re present ative water supply) were increased to combat a high meeting our cont.ract minimum with Wilmington 2A from DP&L. bacteria level. Suburban." Luft said. Some are questioning the coun ty's bill for street lights like this . See TAX , 3A ... In Lifestyle Recent snow days might mean a shorter summer vacation for students AFGHAN DESIGNER Stude nt s in the Chris tina celed chool for six days. Also, board for a waver to u e sched Reynolds :aid sa fety of tu surface of roads in bad weather. School Di stri ct could be in school school wa ler out early one day uled holidays. dent and road cond iti o ns are Superi ntendent lris Metts al o PROMOTES FAVORITE until June 20, un les district offi and started two hours late <moth Stude nts in De laware a re cons id e red whe n decidi ng decides if school is ope n or cials ask the Delawa re State er. req uired to atte nd c lasses 180 whether to cancel school. closed, he said . Board of Education for permis State Board Pres ide nt Paul days a school year. He said C h ristina Di tri t Even if. chool continues late sion to use spring break and/or Fine said the district superin ten "This many suow days is very Superintend ent of Tran portation into June , school wi ll still begin DElAWARE teacher in -se rvice days to make dent can tack on the days needed unusual ," sa id Bob Reynold s, Greg Sac o and Frank Ris hel. aft er Labor Day in the beginning 6A up snow days. to be made up to the end of the public infonnation officer for the a sistant superi nte ndent, drive of September. PlACES. To date the district has can- school year or can a k the tate Christina School Di. trict. around at 3 or 4 a.m. to test the -Tonja Castaneda PARENTING Newarkers head for the heat CIA)SES SOON By TONJA CASTANEDA he aid her agency is sending peopl e to Icy, cold weather th e Bahama , ancun, the Caribbean and NEWARK POST STAFF WRITE R " tons of people to Orl ando, Florida to Disney World." UNDERWAY With every blast of cold air, travel agen has many flocking Liberty Travel in Christiana Mall has c ies are bustling with more Newarkers had a high number of walk-in bu s inc s. wanting to journey to places with warmer " ormall y we are busy now, but we hav a HERE. climates. to local travel 6A lot f last -minute travelers who want to get "We're busy for two reasons," said Lynn away as . oon as p sible," said Manager Woerner, manager of Ambassador Travel in agencies in search Bernadette Holt. Index Newark. "People want to escape the cold " It '. been kind of razy with the weath weather and go anywhere warm and al o of some relief er," said Ho lt . "The mall has been lo ed the airlines just lowered fares." NEWS 1·10A down early some days and we' ve still been Woerner said Ambas actor i bu ier than four ni ght s and from ten days to two weeks trying to service people." POLICE 2A usual.