
Computing in Groups

William M. Kantor x Eugene M. Luks 2 University of Oregon University of Oregon

Abstract One essential ingredient has, to a great extent, been We present polynomial-time algorithms for computation lacking. The facility to deal with quotient groups (equiv- in quotient groups G/K of a permutation G. In alently, homomorphic images of groups) is a central effect, these solve, for quotient groups, the problems methodology of , but there has not seemed that are known to be in polynomial-time for permutation to be an effective computational analogue. In practice, groups. Since it is not computationally feasible to rep- group theory systems do offer permutation representa- resent G/K itself as a , the method- tions of [Ca]. But, from the standpoint of ology for the quotient-group versions of such problems worst-case complexity, this reduction back to permuta- frequently differ markedly from the procedures that have tion groups cannot work. The reason is that quotients been observed for the K = 1 subcases. Whereas the al- of given permutation groups need not have faithful (1-1) gorithms for permutation groups may have rested on el- permutation representations on a polynomial-size set. ementary notions, procedures underlying the extension For example, in illustrating the computational blowup, to quotient groups often utilize deep knowledge of the Neumann [Ne] gives an example of a 2-group acting on n structure of the group. letters, a quotient of which has no faithful representation In some instances, we present algorithms for problems on less than 2n/4 letters. that were not previously known to be in polynomial time, The above difficulties notwithstanding, we introduce even for permutation groups themselves (K = 1). These methods for dealing with problems that problems apparently required access to quotients. close the apparent complexity gap. In fact, we are mo- tivated to conjecture a Quotient Group Thesis: 1. Introduction If a problem for quotient groups G/K of per- Since the of a permutation group G on n letters mutation groups has a polynomial-time solution can be exponential in n, it is customary, in both the- when K = 1 then it has a polynomial-time so- ory and practice (see, e.g., [Ca], [FHL], [Si]), to spec- lution in general. ify G by a small set of generating permutations (less Corroborating testimony for the Quotient Group The- than n are needed and typically many fewer suffice). sis is our extension of the polynomial-time library for Despite the succinctness of such representations, a sub- permutation groups (as we see it) to quotients of per- stantial polynomial-time machinery has developed for mutation groups. We employ a variety of techniques in computing with permutation groups. A major stimulus this extension, including two very useful tools (the Sy- for this activity was the application to the graph iso- low and Frattini methods in §5) for lifting problems on morphism problem (ISO), for early work ([Bal], [FHL], G/K to problems on a "reasonable" G. In the process, [Lull, [Mill, [Mi2], [BL]) used groups to put significant we enhance the algorithmic infrastructure even for the instances of ISO into polynomial time. Ensuing studies case K = 1: some issues seem to have required access to resulted in algorithms for deciphering the basic build- quotients. ing blocks of the group ([BKL], [Lu2], [Ne], [KT], [Kal], For several problems, the procedures for handling [Ka2], [Ka3], [BLS1]), making available constructive ver- G/K are easy consequences of those for the special case sions of standard theoretical tools. K = 1. But in other, critical instances this is far from 1Research partially supported by NSF Grant DMS 87-01784 the case. As confirmation, witness the difference in the and NSA grant MDA 904-88-H-2040. nature of the underlying theoretical tools. For example, 2 Research partially supported by NSF Grant DCl=t-8609491 and ONR Grant N00014-86-0419. demonstrating, from first principles, that the of a permutation group is computable in polynomial-time in- volves only elementary properties of groups and no other knowledge of the group structure ([Lu2], [CFL]); it is, in Permission to copywithout fee all or part of this material is granted pro- vided that the copies are not made or distributed for direct commercial fact, interpretable as the fixing a set of points advantage, the ACM copyrightnotice and the title of the publication and (in an augmentation of the set) [Lu2] and so computable its date appear, and notice is given that copyingis by permission of the Associationfor ComputingMachinery. To copyotherwise, or to republish, requires a fee and/or specific permission. © 1990 ACM 089791-361-2/90/0005/0524 $1.50 524 by the most basic algorithm in [FILL]. Such a concrete Throughout, let G be a . We write H < G interpretation is not available for quotient groups. To to indicate that H is a subgroup of G, and H