Banjir Di Madiun Tahun 1940-1989
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IR-PERPUSTAKAAN UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA ABSTRAK Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang bencana banjir yang melanda Madiun pada tahun 1940-1989. Sejak masa kolonial, Madiun merupakan salah satu daerah yang dikenal sebagai daerah langganan banjir. Hal ini terjadi karena di daerah Madiun terdapat anak sungai Bengawan Solo, yakni Kali Madiun. Setiap tahun, terutama ketika musim hujan tiba, Kali Madiun akan mendapat kiriman dari daerah hulu dan anak-anak sungainya, sehingga membuat air di sungai tersebut meluap. Akibat banjir yang rutin terjadi, penduduk Madiun tidak hanya mengalami trauma secara psikis, melainkan juga kerugian fisik dan kerugian finansial. Oleh karena itu, pemerintah perlu melakukan penanggulangan untuk mencegah banjir. Selama masa kolonial hingga masa Orde Baru, pemerintah telah melakukan berbagai upaya untuk mencegah dan mengurangi dampak terjadinya banjir. Pada masa kolonial, pemerintah kolonial melakukan penanggulangan dengan memasang pompa serta melakukan perbaikan kampung. Kemudian, ketika masa Jepang tidak ditemukan keterangan mengenai banjir. Sementara itu, pasca kemerdekaan hingga masa Orde Baru, pemerintah Indonesia mulai serius menangani banjir di Madiun, salah satunya melalui Proyek Bengawan Solo. Setelah penanggulangan dilakukan, banjir perlahan berkurang. Meskipun demikian, banjir masih terjadi di Madiun, terutama di Kabupaten Madiun. Selain itu, di samping mengurangi banjir, penanggulangan banjir juga membawa masalah baru, yakni terkait lahan, terutama bagi mereka yang tinggal di sekitar Kali Madiun. Kata kunci: banjir, banjir sungai, Madiun, Proyek Bengawan Solo. xix SKRIPSI BANJIR DI MADIUN… NABILA AMELIA IR-PERPUSTAKAAN UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA ABSTRACT This research examines the floods that hit Madiun in 1940-1989. Since the colonial period, Madiun is one of the areas known as a flood-prone area. This happened because in the Madiun area there is a tributary of the Bengawan Solo river, namely the Madiun River. Every year, especially when the rainy season arrives, the Madiun River will receive shipments from the upstream area and its tributaries, so that the water in the river overflows. As a result of the routine flooding, Madiun residents are not only physically traumatized, but also physically and financially. Therefore, the government needs to take countermeasures to prevent flooding. During the colonial period until the New Order era, the government made various efforts to prevent and reduce the impact of flooding. During the colonial period, the colonial government took control by installing pumps and carrying out village improvements. Then, during the Japanese period, there was no information about the flood. Meanwhile, after independence until the New Order era, the Indonesian government began to seriously deal with floods in Madiun, one of which was through the Bengawan Solo Project. After the countermeasures were carried out, the flooding slowly decreased. Even so, flooding still occurs in Madiun, especially in Madiun Regency. In addition, in addition to reducing flooding, flood prevention also brings new problems, namely related to land, especially for those who live around Kali Madiun. Key words: flood, river flood, Madiun, Bengawan Solo Project. xx SKRIPSI BANJIR DI MADIUN… NABILA AMELIA .