Crestone Mountain Center Admonitions

Follow the schedule completely. If you are unable to do so, tell the Leader, also known as the Ino. Brian will be the Ino during this Sesshin.

Observe silence during Sesshin. There should be no reading or writing. Limit your talking to what is necessary and functional.

Walk and stand in Shashu posture. Stop and bow when passing one another.

Do not lie down in common spaces (Zendo, Guest House hallway, Main House, Atrium or Kannon- do) during breaks. Everyone should have a private space in which to rest during breaks.

There are no showers or baths during Sesshin. However, everyone should keep their hands, face, mouth, and feet clean throughout the day.

Persons who have long hair should keep it tied back when in the Zendo or working in the kitchen.

Please do not wear jewelry or watches in the Zendo.

There is no Han (sounding board) during Sesshin. When you hear the wake-up bell, get up, prepare for sitting and go to the Zendo. Please do not get up before the wake-up bell. Ten minutes before the scheduled time for , there will be two hits on the Densho bell. At this time, you should be heading for the Zendo. Five minutes later there will be one hit on the Densho bell inside the Zendo. All participants should be at their seat in the Zendo before the second hit of the Densho. Please do not enter the Zendo to sit after the second hit of the Densho -- if you are late, step into the Zendo and bow so that the Ino knows where you are, and then sit in the Guest House hallway. Come back to the Zendo for the next kinhin.

During Kinhin you may use the bathrooms. Otherwise, please stay in the Kinhin line.

There is no break between service and meals. After service go immediately to the Kannando for the meal.

During breaks, tea and coffee are available in the Main House Atrium.

After hot drink in the evening, prepare for bed. You may return to the Zendo for open sitting. After open sitting, please do three full bows in front of your seat towards the altar before leaving the Zendo for the night. If you are the last to leave the Zendo, please make sure the candle is out. Some people may be sleeping in the Zendo, but the last one sitting should put out the candle.

AR 11/30/20