The Mufti of Jerusalem and the Politics of Palestine Author(S): Philip Mattar Source: Middle East Journal, Vol

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The Mufti of Jerusalem and the Politics of Palestine Author(S): Philip Mattar Source: Middle East Journal, Vol The Mufti of Jerusalem and the Politics of Palestine Author(s): Philip Mattar Source: Middle East Journal, Vol. 42, No. 2 (Spring, 1988), pp. 227-240 Published by: Middle East Institute Stable URL: Accessed: 28/08/2009 09:32 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use, available at JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use provides, in part, that unless you have obtained prior permission, you may not download an entire issue of a journal or multiple copies of articles, and you may use content in the JSTOR archive only for your personal, non-commercial use. Please contact the publisher regarding any further use of this work. Publisher contact information may be obtained at Each copy of any part of a JSTOR transmission must contain the same copyright notice that appears on the screen or printed page of such transmission. JSTOR is a not-for-profit organization founded in 1995 to build trusted digital archives for scholarship. We work with the scholarly community to preserve their work and the materials they rely upon, and to build a common research platform that promotes the discovery and use of these resources. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. Middle East Institute is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Middle East Journal. THE MUFTI OF JERUSALEMAND THE POLITICSOF PALESTINE Philip Mattar MUHAMMAD Amin al-Husayni (1895-1974),the most powerful leader of the Palestiniannational movement duringmost of the British rule over Palestine (1917-1948), portrayed himself in his post-1948 writings as one who vigorously opposed both British rule and the Jewish National Home. Arab contemporaries who were his supporters were eager to prove that al-Husayni, the mufti of Jerusalemwho was also known as al-HajiAmin, led revolts in the 1920sand 1930s but was frustratedby Britishand Zionistconspiracies. I His Zionistbiographers on the other hand, have described him as a Muslim fanatic whose extremism and intransigencewere largely responsiblefor the disaster that befell the Palestinians in 1948.Ironically, Arab and Zionistauthors converge on two points: al-Husayni's political preeminencethroughout the mandate,and his pivotal role in the political violence against the British and the Zionists.2 These interpretationscontain a numberof flaws. First, accounts on both sides are so partisanand polemical that the historicalal-Husayni and the movement he led are scarcely discernible. That al-Husayni's political career has not received balanced and impartialtreatment is, of course, not remarkablein view of the PhilipMattar is associate editorof the Journalof PalestineStudies and executivedirector of the Institutefor Palestine Studies in Washington,DC. Theviews expressedin this articleare the author'sand do not necessarilyrepresent those of the Institutefor Palestine Studies. The article is adaptedfrom Mattar's biographyof MuhammadAmin al-Husayniwhich will be publishedby ColumbiaUniversity Press in spring 1988. 1. MuhammadAmin al-Husayni, Haqa'iq 'an Qadiyyat Filastin (Truths Regarding the PalestineProblem), 2nd. ed. (Cairo:Dar al-Kitabal-Arabi bi-Masr, 1957); Emile al-Ghuri,Filastin 'abr Sittin 'Aman(Palestine over Sixty Years),vol. II, (Beirut:Dar al-Nahar, 1972). 2. Zuhayr Mardini,Alf Yawmma' al-Hail Amin (One ThousandDays with al-Haji Amin) (Beirut:Dar al-'Irfan, 1977);Moshe P. Waters, Mufti over the MiddleEast (London:Barber, 1942); Maurice Pearlman,Mufti Over Jerusalem: The Story of Haj Amin el Husseini (London: Victor Gollanz, 1947);Joseph B. Schechtman,The Mufti and the Fuehrer:The Rise and Fall of Haj Amin al-Husayni(New York: ThomasYoseloff, 1965). MIDDLEEAST JOURNAL* VOLUME42, NO. 2 SPRING1988 228 * MIDDLE EAST JOURNAL passionhis namehas alwaysinspired. Some Arabbiographers have laudedhim andhis cause, seekingto absolvehim of any responsibilityfor the 1948disaster, whileJewish nationalists vilify him and discredit his movement.3The secondflaw is the biographers'meager use of oral and unpublishedsources. The Arab biographers,notably Zuhayr Mardini, were satisfied with interviewing al-Husayni andquarrying his memoirs;the Zionistbiographers, especially Maurice Pearlman and Joseph B. Schechtman,rely on the Westernpress; they lack even an elementaryfamiliarity with al-Husayni, Islam, the Arabiclanguage, or Palestinian societyand its politics. The thirdproblem is the ahistoricalassumption by most authorsthat the Mufti'sbehavior and actionswere unchangedthroughout his politicalcareer. In particular,biographers and historiansassume that al-Husayni'smilitancy after 1936guided his policiesduring the earlieryears as well. But an examinationof British,Zionist, and Palestinian sources reveals a ratherdifferent portrait. Farfrom being static, al-Husayni's career went through two distinctphases: the Palestine phase, between 1917 and 1936, when he was a cautious, pragmatic, traditionalleader who cooperatedwith Britishofficials while opposingZionism; and the exile phase, after 1936, characterized by bitterness, inflexibility, and political alliances of dubious value or wisdom. This article will examine his role in the politicsof Palestineand within the Palestiniannational movement. THE PALESTINE YEARS The fundamentalexplanation of al-Husayni's cooperation with the British until 1936 can be traced to his formative years. Indeed, al-Husayni's role in the politicsof Palestineis incomprehensibleunless we understandthe politicsof the patricianclass from which he emerged.The Husaynis were the mostprominent of the urban notable families who, as the rulingelite of the local Ottoman adminis- tration, dominatedthe politics of Palestine.4Their traditionalinfluence, based on centuries of religious appointments,tax collection, and landholding,gave them a power base both in the countrysideand within such cities as Jerusalem,Jaffa, and Nablus-local power bases through which the Ottomans were able to exercise theirimperial authority. 3. Mardini,for example, reads like the memoirs of an official who made all the judicious decisions. Mardini tried to show that the Mufti and the Palestinians fought with tenacity and self-sacrifice; Waters (pseudonym, Maurice Pearlman)and Schechtman attempted to vilify him, discredithis movement, and blame him for the misfortuneof the Palestinians.The jacket of Waters' book shows a drawing of a hook-nosed, grotesque man, ironically resembling an anti-Semitic caricatureof a Jew, with blood drippingfrom his fingernails.Schechtman's book, which is the best known in English, contains in the frontispiece the photographof a stragglybearded figure, with a turban,who is not al-Husayni,despite the claim of the caption. 4. Albert Hourani, "OttomanReform and the Politics of Notables," in WilliamR. Polk and Richard L. Chambers, eds., Beginning of Modernizationin the Middle East: The 19th Century (Chicago:University of ChicagoPress, 1968),pp. 45-46. MUFTI OF JERUSALEM* 229 The Husaynis and other notables were, in general, the defenders of the political status quo and worked with the local and imperial government to guaranteeor enforce stability in those cities or regions in which they exercised influence. Some of them representedtheir society's interests and demandswithin officialOttoman institutions in Istanbul.On occasion, they led protests againstthe governmentover local issues, but never for movementsaimed at the overthrowof Ottoman rule in Palestine. They were, in essence, partners with their fellow Muslims in the imperialgovernment. The Husaynis represented the epitome of this kind of partnershipwith the ruling power, first with the Ottomansand then with the British, despite the fact that the Britishwere consideredforeigners. Their relations with the Britishbegan, significantlyenough, with the capture of Jerusalemby British forces in 1917; it was Salim al-Husayni, mayor of Jerusalem, who handed the key of the city to General Edmund Allenby on December 9, 1917. Cooperation with the British MilitaryAdministration (1917-1920) continued under Amin's half-brother,Kamil al-Husayni, who had succeeded his father in the powerful position of mufti of Jerusalem, the office traditionallyheld by a religious scholar who provides legal counsel. Al-Haji Amin al-Husayni also continued his family's policy of cooper- ation. Al-Husayni as Nationalist Leader Shortly after returningfrom Turkey, where he had served in the Ottoman army duringWorld War I, al-Husaynihelped a British officerrecruit 2,000 Arabs for the last stages of the war effort against the Ottomans, believing that once Palestine was liberatedit would become part of an Arab state. He then became a clerk in the office of the British district governorof Jerusalem.It was because of this kind of cooperation, and the family name, that Sir Herbert Samuel, a prominentBritish Zionist and the first high commissionerfor Palestine, consid- ered Amin in April 1921 for the office of mufti to replace his recently deceased half-brother Kamil.5 Norman Bentwich, another British Zionist and the first attorney general of Palestine, writes of a meeting between Samuel and Amin al-Husayniin which the latter declared "his earnest desire to cooperate with the government, and his belief in the good intention of the governmenttowards the Arabs. He gave assurances that the influenceof his family and himself would be devoted to maintainingtranquility in
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