MMIINNDD--TTRREEEE Volume-I | Issue-9 | May 201 Image Courtesy: Mind---Tree, May 2011 111 MMIINNDD--TTRREEEE Volume-I | Issue-9 | May 2011 We are eager to have your valuable opinions @
[email protected] or
[email protected] Bhakthi Yoga Bhakthi Yoga teaches people the path of Love – to love all as you Bhagwan Sathya Sai Baba is one of the love yourselves, and prosper by rarest Karmayogis India has ever pro- love. Then no harm can come to duced. He has you. It will only spread joy and wiped the happiness to all. God is present tears from the withered faces of the poor and the mar- ginalised Indi- ans. For his be- lievers, he was a demi-God who had definite mesmeric powers. Surpris- ingly, he could also attract millions of human beings towards his abode. May be he had several critics who used to uncharitably criticise him and his charitable disposition. But that did not dissuade him from his destined spiritual duty and yeoman’s service to in all beings as Love. They all en- the people around him. Undoubtedly, deavour to merge their love with he will be remembered for the amaz- the Ocean of Love that God is. ing spiritual service and the philan- Wherever Love is evident, take it Happiness cannot be experienced that it is God’s own Love. God is through spiritual practices. the greatest Lover of mankind. It can be experienced only through Therefore, when anyone decides Divine Love. – Baba to serve humanity whom He thropic works he could undertake for loves, God showers Grace in the welfare of the mankind, whereas plenty.