

Crédit JMN


From 1st to 4th August, the whole Val Porée stadium will be adorned with pink, the emblematic colour of the International Jumping of Dinard. About twenty nations in competition, 150 riders and 300 horses among the best in the world in show jumping, will be the actors of this popular show which attracts more than 40 000 spectators every year.

Four levels of competition will be offered between the sans arena and the green amphitheater : the prestigious CSI5* reserved to the elite of the discipline, the CSI3*, the CSI1* for the expert amateur riders, and the CSIYH for the 7 year old young horses. Split according to these 4 labels, 27 international classes will be scheduled for this 108th edition, granted with 840 700 euros and still free for the public.

Besides the sports classes, the visitors, new to equestrian sport or passionnate, will be able to roam the alleys of the village composed of about fifty exhibitors, re-vitalize on the beaches of the Côte d’Emeraude, or discover the city, its villas from the Belle Epoque, and the numerous curiousities of the region…


Crédit Eric Knoll/Jumping International de Dinard

If, in each level of competition, the classes held on Thursday 1st August will allow riders and horses to familiarize with the show ground and the first courses designed by Jean-François Morand (FRA), the course designer, all of them will get into the heart of the competition, as soon as Friday 2nd August with fences as high as 1,55m for the SUEZ class of the CSI5* (2.30pm) and 1,50m for the Conseil Municipal de Dinard class of the CSI3* (5.00pm).

Saturday 3rd August, as tradition demands, the Tropicana Derby of the CSI3* (4.30pm) will be the highlight of the day. And, since the public never misses the event, the scenario of this spectacular class is played in front of fully packed grandstands. For almost 3 minutes, twenty pairs will have to ride a 1 100 m long course, with its historical design, composed of traditional (double combinations, oxers, verticals) and 1,45m high natural fences (mounds, gates, banks, river). Strong emotions in perspective !

Sunday 4th August will celebrate the best pairs of the CSI5*, CSI3* et CSI1* during the Grand Prix. And since tradition demands to save the best for last, the world elite riding in the CSI5* will go into the arena for the Rolex Grand Prix of Dinard, and its record prize money of 500 000 euros. So many stars expected for this masterful final ! If the list of riders is not finalised yet, some stars of the disciplines already confirmed they would be present among the 50 contenders to victory, like the current world n°1 Steve Guerdat (Swi), the French team Olympic champions Pénélope Leprevost, , Kevin Staut , Martin Fuchs, Denis Lynch…

Live and TV streaming BeIN Sports : Derby Tropicana (03/08, 4:30 PM) and Rolex Grand Prix (04/08, 2:30 PM) ClipMyHorse.tv : all the classes of the CSI5*, CSI3*, CSI1*, CSI HY



Terrain en herbe Carrière en sable 08:30 CSI3* - Prix Mars & Co (145cm) 11:00 CSI YH - Prix Top 7 (130cm) 11:45 CSI1* - Prix Institut Esthederm (110cm) 13:45 CSI3* - Prix Document Store (140cm) 13:00 CSI1* - Prix Vent de voyage (130cm) 16:15 CSI3* - Prix Brunet Tentes / Dinard Equitation (130cm) 14:30 CSI1* - Prix So M (120cm) 16:30 CSI5* - Prix Alvalle (145cm)


Terrain en herbe Carrière en sable 08:45 CSI1* - Prix Institut Esthederm (115cm) 09:00 CSI YH - Prix Haras des M / Top 7 (135cm) 10:15 CSI1* - Prix Le Sabotier (125cm) 11:30 CSI3* - Prix Groupe Fabrice Georgelin (130cm) 12:15 CSI5* - Prix du Conseil Départemental d’Ille et Vilaine (145cm) 14:45 CSI3* - Prix Land Rover (140cm) 14:30 CSI5* - Prix Suez(155cm) 17:00 CSI3* - Prix du Conseil Municipal de Dinard (150cm)


Terrain en herbe Carrière en sable 09:00 CSI1* - Prix Royal Emeraude (135cm) 09:00 CSI YH – Grand Prix Elevage d’Helby – Lamotte Promotion / Top 7 (140cm) 10:15 CSI1* - Grand Prix Institut (Finale 115cm) 12:00 CSI3* - Prix CRE Bretagne (145cm) 11:45 CSI1* - Grand Prix Grand Hotel (Finale 125cm) 14:30 CSI3* - Prix du Colonel de Chaisemartin (135cm) 14:00 CSI5* - Prix du Conseil Régional de Bretagne (150cm) 16:30 CSI3* - Derby Tropicana (145cm)


Terrain en herbe 08:45 CSI3* - Grand Prix L’Eperon / Charles de Cazanove (150cm) 12:00 CSI1*- Grand Prix Laiterie de Montaigu (140cm) 14:30 CSI5* Rolex Grand Prix de Dinard (160cm)


Crédit Pixels Event


Pénélope Leprevost : I start my day at 7.00 or 8.00 am with my team. We discuss about the competition of the last week end, the shape of the horses … Then I ride 4 to 8 horses a day, sometimes less if I have to catch a plane to fly to a competition. The training depends on the shape of my horses and my next objectives : stretching exercises on the flat, trotting for the breathing capacity, or gymnastic over fences. At the end of the day, I like to meet up with Eden and spend a mother and daughter evening.

You are a real icon of equestrian sport for many riders of all ages. How does that make you feel ?

P. L. : Very well, since I never think about it ! I never considered myself as an icon ! It is true, my history looks pretty much like many other young riders‘ : I started in a riding center, and I was born in a family that has nothing to do with horses. I am first of all a horse lover before loving high level sport ! I simply think that many passionate people can identify to my story with horses, which is why the public likes me.

Is this « role model » image easy to carry in competition ?

P. L. : It is pleasant to feel supported. In general, I am more demanding with myself than with anyone else. I try my best to succeed mainly for me. And if the public is there to support me, even better !

What is your secret to stay at the highest level ?

P. L. : Work, work even harder, and always believe in yourself and your horses.

6 Sometimes you compete in the same shows as Eden. Do you react to her rounds as a mother or as a competitor ?

P. L. : It is a difficult question ! I am first of all a mother and I do not want her to be sad when she missed her targets. It is a little better now that she grew up, but when she was younger, I used to shiver at each fence ! I always wanted her to enjoy before anything else, and that had to be the main target. Today, Eden is more mature and determined. She knows what she wants and gives her best, so now I tend to be more demanding on a technical point of view, to help her evolve.

What would be your best advice to Eden to become a professionnal jumping rider ?

P. L. : I cannot say I strongly push her to become a professional rider (laugh) ! Whatever it is, I will always tell her to enjoy what she does, to give her best to reach her targets, and never give up. What does the International Jumping of Dinard represent to you ?

What does the International Jumping of Dinard represent to you ?

P. L. : I particularly like the large grass arenas, and the International Jumping of Dinard is without hesitation among the most beautiful shows.

You are an ambassador for the brand Institut Esthederm. How did this collaboration start ?

P. L. : A brand of cosmetics associated to the world of horses does not sound obvious at first. I am a lady before being a sports person, taking care of myself is important. When talking to Céline Nebout et Caroline Morise, we realized we had common values : efficiency, a high level of demand, natural, elegance …The equestrian world is very feminine, and our competition horses are taken care of and pampered. Work together seemed like an evidence. »

Did your passion for horses and competition start with your parents ?

Eden Leprevost Blin-Lebreton : « I was born in this world of horses, and always lived surrounded with horses, so it has been like an evidence. It became a passion very quickly.

How do you organise your days between school and horses ? E. L. B-L. : Straight after class, I go to the stables and take care of my horses, but I have to do my homework in advance.

What is your objective in show jumping ?

E. L. B-L. : I would like to become a professional rider ; my dream is to compete at high level.

According to you, what are the qualities requested to reach the highest level ?

E. L. B-L. : I think you have to be passionate, work hard and never give up. »


Crédit Eric Knoll/Jumping International de Dinard


« Top Star felt very comfortable during the whole championship. He is a very competitive horse, efficient and quick on the ground. He may have one rail down, but when he is clear, he is usually very fast » declares the young champion.

Born on April 29th, 1995, Côme is based ten minutes away from Rennes, in Bourgbarre (35) at the Domaine de la Vayrie, created by his father Sébastien, today the strongest support of Côme and his sister Enora he passed the torch to. Nested in a 20 hectares large estate, the place offers to learn horse riding, livery for horses, education and horse trade, as well as competitions. To compete, Côme can count on twelve horses. Besides his top horse, Top Star du Park, he can also rely on A la Miss de Busséol, a 9 year old mare, who started the 1,50m classes last year at the CSI3* of the International Jumping of Dinard, a show that has a special flavour for him, of course.

In 2018, Côme Couturier rode the Tropicana Derby for the first time with Top Star du Park. He will always relish the memory of this experience. « Top Star behaved very well in that class. The Jumping of Dinard is fantastic. For me it is the most beautiful showground in France. It is not only magnificent but very pleasant to ride. Everybody feels good there, the spectators are connoisseurs, they support all the riders with fervour and enthusiasm, it warms your heart. With such a public, one can only complete the course, even over a Derby one rides for the first time. Besides, the show is ideally located to roam around during the week end between two classes. »

This year, the champion of Brittany is determined to repeat the experience. « My horses are in very good shape at the moment, Top Star is even more comfortable than last year because he knows the arena and appreciates it a lot. »


Crédit DR


For the third consecutive year, the starred chef Arnaud Viel and his team will be in charge of the VIP restaurant of the International Jumping of Dinard. During the show, the challenges are not faced only on the track, but also in the kitchen !

« Our job is to provide pleasure to the people whenever they are available. The International Jumping of Dinard is an event we take to heart. It is an activity which changes totally from our daily routine, since the formulas we offer are very different from what we propose in our restaurant, La Renaissance. We make sure we prepare dishes suitable to all nationalities, but we only use excellent products, and everybody likes it. Our target is to create a different atmosphere from a traditionnal buffet », the chef explains.

If the menus change every day, Arnaud Viel and his teams manage to make this moment lively by cooking in front of the guests, whether it is a roasted foie gras or an egg with an emulsion of haddock. For this new edition of the show, the chef will concoct thematic buffets he is the only one to know about, around seafood (lobster from Carteret, monkfish from Port en Bessin and oysters from Brittany), or beef from Normandy and farm lambs, not to forget the local vegetables (sunshoke, cauliflower and celeriac), the cheese platters matured in the region, or the traditional pastries like Paris Brest, or the roasted pineapple flambeed with rum with a coconut milk base. Among his signature dishes, the sweetbreads apple roasted with cider and sarrasin, the chicken egg in perfect cooking served with an emulsion of gruyere from Carrouges, or the apple with its salted butter caramel, served with honey from the Perche region in blown sugar.

The chef will offer a creative cooking to share inspired by his roots around the local products, in order to highlight the products for the region, as well as the faithful breeders and market gardeners he has been working with for years. Everything will be there to please our taste buds !

To know more : www.arnaudviel.com Reservations for the VIP restaurant of the Jumping : www.jumpingdinard.com/info-pratiques/restauration-vip/


Crédit DR


In charge of the green areas for the City of Dinard since October 2018, Virgine Delorme looks after the maintenance of the main arena of the Val Porée stadium, one among very few grass arenas still dedicated to equestrian sport. Among the 37 people she is in charge of, 8 are appointed to the maintenance of the Port Breton Park, and the equestrian center of the Val Porée, over a total surface of 23 hectares.

Virginie Delorme : « The peoploe in charge of the maintenance of the riding center intervene essentially from March to October, once a week for two agents, especially on the green spaces around it, so that the facilities are in perfect condition for the two annual competitions, le Brittany championship (in June) and the International Jumping (in August). Our target is to offer a showground that is not only beautiful, but soft enough to make sure the horses do not injure themselves. » Between the two competitions, we hardly have 2 months to refurbish the arena, which is quite a short period of time, especially in rainy conditions, like this year. We have to wait until the ground is dry to intervene. We add every year around 900 kilos of organic fertilizer, 30 tons of Pouzzolane, a natural rock made of volcanic scories, for its draining capacity, and 90 tons of sand in order to air the ground and give it softness at the reception of the fences. Every year, we analyse the ground, in order to calculate the quantity of fertilizer to add, and make sure it is not stiffled.

We achieve different operations on the ground, like scarification, rolling, padding, decompacting and mowing. We also handle the automatic watering system, with 21 sprinklers placed all around the arena, and a programming system which determines the duration of the process according to the humidity of the soil, the wind and the weather conditions. Water comes partly from a weld, and partly from the city water network. We have to take care of the weeding of the flowerbeds and the maintenance of the mounds. We had to buy a special robot with a remote to mow the grass. The watering of the mounds is complicated, since water flows down from the top.

We are also in charge of decorating the riding center and the main arena for the International Jumping, on top of the floral decoration achieved by the organisers. We provide around 2000 petunias, and more than 300 potted plants for the whole site. The difficult part is to make sure the site is at its best on D day. These past few years, we had good conditions, but this year we are a little worried because of the heavy rainfalls we had to face. We will do our best to please the riders and the public.

One more time, no doubt, the combined efforts of all will make the International Jumping of Dinard one of the most expected shows of the 2019 equestrian calendar.


Crédit Adobe Stock


Authenticity and life style lovers, there is no better place in Brittany than the Cote d’Emeraude ; a colourful setting with wild sceneries, multiple smells and flavours that expose, among its precious patrimony, a jewel : Dinard.

This fishing village from the 19th century is famous for being one of the most beautiful sea resorts in Europe. Gifted with an exceptional architectural patrimony, the City of Dinard ows its reputation to its numerous villas from the Belle Epoque period, concentrated on the sea side, opposite the Jersey island. Its beaches make people dream. Located a stone throw away from the Val Porée stadium, the Prieuré beach is the first stop for pleasure sailors who cross the Rance dam, but the beach from the Ecluse remains the vacationers’ favorite.

Dinard is also a sportive city : from equestrian sport with its mythical International Jumping, but also golf, cycling, and nautical sports of course. For the Paddle and Kayak lovers, the Cote d’Emeraude, which spreads from Cap Fréhel to Cancale, delivers its secrets by the Prieuré beach. Three hours of aquatic sport before crossing the 23 hectares of the Port Breton and his manor, its rose gardens, its wild life …. and the unconditionnal desire to spend a few days in Ile et Vilaine arises.


The four Majors in equestrianism © Rolex


For more than a century, Rolex’s quest for excellence through continuous improvement and innovation has underpinned the company’s activities – in its watchmaking and in all its engagements. As part of its drive for Perpetual Excellence, Rolex seeks partnerships with individuals and organizations in the arts and in sport who set the highest standards of performance.

Through its support of the finest riders, competitions and institutions, Rolex encourages the development of equestrianism worldwide. This enduring commitment is based on a rich heritage, stretching back more than 60 years, of helping to foster the excellence and elegance inherent in the sport.


Rolex’s support for equestrianism extends across three of its leading disciplines: show jumping, and dressage. The brand’s privileged relationship with the sport is highlighted by its partnerships with the principal events and competitions, including as the founding supporter of two of the most demanding challenges in all of equestrianism: the Rolex Grand Slam of Show Jumping and the Rolex Grand Slam of Eventing.

The Rolex Grand Slam of Show Jumping comprises the four Majors: The Dutch Masters, CHIO , the CSIO Spruce Meadows ‘Masters’ Tournament and CHI Geneva. Widely regarded in the sport as the ultimate show jumping achievement, the Rolex Grand Slam rewards the rider who wins three consecutive Grand Prix. The fourth Grand Prix is an extra opportunity to win the Grand Slam and the corresponding prize.

In eventing, which combines the three disciplines of dressage, cross-country and show jumping, Rolex sponsors three legendary competitions: the Kentucky Three-Day Event, the Mitsubishi Motors and the Land Rover . The Rolex Grand Slam of Eventing – an award presented to the rider who wins consecutively at these three annual events – has been won only twice, in 2003 and 2016.

Behind the scenes, Rolex participates in the development of equestrianism through its patronage of the Young Riders Academy (YRA), which was established to help support future talent.


Rolex’s presence at the highest level in equestrianism is reinforced by close associations with the foremost riders in show jumping, including Ireland’s Bertram Allen, Britain’s (the only winner of the Rolex Grand Slam of Show Jumping), Jeroen Dubbeldam of the Netherlands, Swiss riders Martin Fuchs and Steve Guerdat, Canada’s Eric Lamaze, Germany’s Meredith Michaels-Beerbaum, Brazil’s Rodrigo Pessoa, France’s Kevin Staut and Kent Farrington from the United States.

In eventing, Rolex supports British equestrian Zara Tindall, team silver medallist at the London 2012 and at the FEI World Equestrian GamesTM in Caen in 2014.

And in dressage, Rolex Testimonee Isabell Werth, winner of a record number of titles in her discipline, holds the unique honour of having represented Germany at five Olympic Games (1992, 1996, 2000, 2008 and 2016), and winning team gold medal at each and one gold and four silver in the individual competition. She has won the FEI Dressage World CupTM Final five times (1992, 2007, 2017, 2018, 2019) and multiple individual and team gold medals at the FEI World Equestrian GamesTM.


The roots of Rolex’s affinity for sports and human achievement can be traced back to the origins of the company. When founder Hans Wilsdorf set up his watchmaking firm, he was influenced by the swift changes sweeping through society at the beginning of the 20th century. In an era when wristwatches were still regarded as fragile items of apparel, he was determined to create a wristwatch that would be robust, precise and reliable, adapted to ever more active and athletic lifestyles.

After pioneering the quest for precision in wristwatches, in 1926 Rolex invented the Oyster, the first waterproof wristwatch in the world, thanks to a case equipped with an ingenious patented system consisting of a screw- down bezel, case back and winding crown. To prove his invention, Hans Wilsdorf equipped young English swimmer Mercedes Gleitze with an Oyster when she swam the English Channel a year later in 1927. The Rolex watch emerged from more than 10 hours in the water in perfect working condition, and Gleitze effectively became the first Rolex Testimonee – a witness to the watch’s uncompromised performance.

Rolex support for equestrianism began when trailblazing British show jumper Pat Smythe became the brand’s first Testimonee in the sport. Since that auspicious partnership, Rolex’s involvement in equestrianism has grown over the decades and the brand is now behind some of the world’s most prestigious horse shows.

Rolex continued to use the world as a real-life proving ground for the Oyster, demonstrating time and again its reliability and performance in the most extreme conditions: on land, in the air, in the depths of the ocean and on the tallest peaks. These exploits helped to develop Rolex Professional watches, such as the Oyster Perpetual Explorer and Explorer II, the Cosmograph Daytona, the Submariner, the Yacht-Master and Yacht-Master II. This commitment to superior performance extended to the realm of sporting excellence, where Rolex is a leading and trusted partner.

Driven by its universally recognized excellence, Rolex has built upon its own defining heritage in watchmaking to embrace the rich heritage of equestrianism. The brand’s innovative spirit and exacting standards are shared with the leading riders and events


For the fifth consecutive year, Rolex is Official Timekeeper of the Jumping International de Dinard, a CSI 5* competition that re-joined the domain of elite equestrianism in 2015. The focal point of this edition will be the Rolex Grand Prix, which will take place on Sunday 4 August 2019 at 2.30 p.m. On offer will be one of the season’s most coveted prizes.


Institutional Partners Département Ille et Vilaine Fédération Equestre Internationale Fédération Française d'Equitation Région Bretagne Ville de Dinard

Official Timekeeper for the CSI5* Rolex

Commercial Partners Alvalle Grand Hôtel Barrière Hôtel Royal Emeraude Institut Esthederm Laiterie de Montaigu Land Rover Pepsico Suez Tropicana

Media Partners Clipmyhorse.tv L'Eperon Jours de Cheval Ouest France RMC



Event name : Jumping International de Dinard Dates : from August 1st to 4th 2019 (CSI5*, CSI3*, CSI1*, CSI YH 7 years) Place : Stade équestre du Val Porée, 20 rue du Val Porée, 35800 Dinard

Official : Chairman : Danièle MARS Director : Axel MARS Sports manager : Grégory MARS Course designer : Jean-François MORAND (FRA)

Total allocation : 840 700 euros

Website : www.jumpingdinard.com Free entry. Catering in the exhibitors' village. Ticket reservations covered grandstand: [email protected]

Social networks : Facebook : @jumpingdinard Twitter : #jumpingdinard

Acces : By plane => Dinard International airport (15 minutes by car from the show) Rennes International airport (45 minutes by car from the show) By train => Saint Malo TGV train station (3 directs train per day from Paris) By car => 400 km from Paris (about 4 hours of travel time)

For media only

Online accreditation form: https://jumpingdinard.com/presse/accreditation/

TV and Web TV : Derby Tropicana (Saturday August the 3rd, 4:30 PM) and Rolex Grand Prix de Dinard (Sunday August the 4th, 2 :30 PM) => EVS Highlights free of rights available at the EBU, and on server (the link will be sent by email).


FRENCH PRESS AND TELEVISION RELATIONS Véronique GAUTHIER - Agence Consulis Tél. : +33 (0) 672 770 600 | [email protected]

INTERNATIONAL TELEVISION Bruno OPPENHEIM - Agence O.I.C. Tél. : +33 (0) 614 422 795 | [email protected]