Saffron Trade BY: COREY BUDD What is ?

 Saffron is one of the most expensive spices

 Comes from flower

 It can't grow without human intervention

This Photo by Unknow n author is licensed under CC BY-ND. City of origin

 Originated in Greece

 Paintings from 3600 years ago used Saffron

 In and Santorini

 Here because needs hot June and July and cold November

 Used for its unique color

 Saffron produced huge profits

This Photo by Unknow n author is licensed under CC BY-ND. Saffron's original value

 Saffron was valued highly for the unique color it produces for .

dates back 3500 years!

This Photo by Unknow n author is licensed under CC BY-SA. How saffron is obtained

 Saffron comes from the stigmas of the Crocus Sativus L.

 They are dried, then used whole, cut, or ground

 One kilogram of saffron requires 150,000 flowers! Transportation of saffron

 Saffron was traded on the Silk Road

 Traveled by horse, camel, or boat

 Saffron traded from Persia

 Could've passed through Himalayas, Zagros mts., Arabian Sea, etc.

 Traded to East and South Asia

This Photo by Unknow n author is licensed under CC BY-SA. Transportation of saffron (today)

Transported through truck, plane, and boat

Grown and transported from countries like Iran, India and Afghanistan

Transported between countries by trucks, boats, or planes Saffron upon arrival

 Saffron is used as a spice

 Usually cut or ground before use

 Included in rice and paella (dish containing rice, saffron, chicken, and seafood cooked in a shallow pan)

 Consistently one of the world's most expensive and valuable spices

This Photo by Unknow n author is licensed under CC BY-SA. Sources


 For finding where it originates


 See above


 Finding original value


 Finding how obtained


 Finding how obtained


 Finding where it was traded


 Findind to whom it was traded


 Finding to whom it was traded