The list present the 55 'Technical Assistance Reports' provided through the project by the various Technical Advisors, Consultants, Staff Members of Yayasan and other contributors between March 2000 and July 2002. A few more reports shall be completed during the remaining time of the project All reports are available from YS/ICSB - Conservation & Environment Section.


1. Tvevad, A. 2000: Public Awareness and Environmental Education 6th – 26th March 2000. (Omis Consult Ltd. Denmark). 4 p.

2. Webb, C. 2000: Botanical Work in Maliau Basin Conservation Area 19th March –16th May 2000 (NEPCon, Denmark & Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University, USA). 21 p.

3. Bidinger, P .E. 2000: Maliau Basin Field Centre. 1. Mission Report, May - July 2000. (NEPCon & Danish International Human Settlement Service, Denmark). 25 p.

4. Kanstrup, J. 2000: Botanical Canopy Surveys in Maliau Basin. (NEPCon, Denmark). 58 p.

5. Traeholt, C. 2000: {DRAFT} Zoological Fieldwork and Training in Maliau Basin. Progress Report No.1, September 2000. (NEPCon, Denmark). 16 p.

6. Traeholt, C. 2000: Working Paper for Photography Workshop. September 2000 (NEPCon, Denmark). 19 p.

7. MaIim, T.P. & Yasuma, S. 2000: Interim Wildlife Survey Progress Report for the Project Management Group of the YS-Danced Maliau Conservation Area Project 25 September 2000. (Sabah Wildlife Department, Sabah, ). 24 p.

8. Juul-Nielsen, H. 2000: A Survey on Larger Mammal Species in the Maliau Basin, Sabah, Malaysia, September 2000. (University of Edinburgh, UK). 72 p.

9. Wong, A. & Guntavid, J.P. 2000: Socio-Economic Study on Local Communities of District Surrounding the Maliau Basin Conservation Area. (Department of Sabah Museum, Sabah, Malaysia). 77 p.

10. Baptist, J.J., Lojiwin, R.F. & Murang, L. 2000: Socio-Economic Survey of the Indigenous Communities from the Sook, and Districts Surrounding the Maliau Basin. (Department of Sabah Museum, Sabah, Malaysia). 71 p.

11. Hansen, C.B. 2000: Eco-tourism Planning and Management (1), December 2000. (NEPCon/Aibatros Travel, Denmark). 21 p.

12. Biun, A. & Lakim, M. 2000: Fieldwork Report: Diversity and Abundance of Birds Community at Agadtis Camp, Maliau Basin, Sabah. December 2000. (Sabah Parks, Research & Education Division, Sabah, Malaysia). 14 p.

13. Malim,T.P. & Yasuma, S. 2000: Interim Wildlife Survey Progress Report No.2 for die Project Management Group of die YS-Danced Maliau Conservation Project. 3 November 2000. ( Sabah Wildlife Department, Sabah, Malaysia). 11 p.

14. Bidinger, P.E. 2001: Maliau Basin Study Center. Second mission report -November 24th to December 16th 2000. (NEPCon & Danish International Human Settlement Service, Denmark). 16 p.

15. Traeholt, C. 2001: Progress report No.1 for Zoology input (rev.ed.). Duration .June - September 29th, 2000. (NEPCon, Denmark). February 2001. 27 p. 16. Report on the presentation and discussion of results from Maliau Basin Socio- Economic Survey, July -October 2000. Meeting 23 November 2000, Tanjung Aru, , Sabah, Malaysia. 7 p.

17. Juul, H. 2001: Survey on the extent of illegal encroachment of the Maliau Basin Conservation Area. (NEPCon, Denmark). March 2001. 47 p.

18. Project Steering Committee Study Tour to Australia 2 -15 April 2001. Project Management Group. 64 p.

19. Dubgaard, A. 2001: Environmental Cost-Benefit Analyses: Management of the Maliau Basin Conservation Area. Debriefing Report for die period 25 November -10 December 2000. (Royal Vet. And Agricultural University & Ornis Consult Ltd. Denmark). April 2001. 38 p.

20. Forum, S. 2001: Human Resource Development and Institutional Strengthening For Staff Involved in the Management of Maliau Basin Conservation Area. (NEPCon, Denmark). May 2001. 22 p.

21. Forum, S. 2001: Human Resources and Organizational Development Workshop at die Danum Valley Field Centre 26-28 April 2001. (NEPCon, Denmark). May 2001. 34 p.

22. Webb, C. 2001: Botanical Work in Maliau Basin Conservation Area 20 February -16 April 2001. (Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Yale University, USA & NEPCon, Denmark). May 2001.73 p.

23. AIi, S. 2001: Gaham (Aquilal'ia malaccensis Lamk.) (lnnoprise Corporation Sdn.Bhd. (Maliau Basin Unit), , Sabah, Malaysia). July 2001. 28 p.

24. Greer, T. 2001: Installation and Procedures Manual. Automatic Weather Stations. (Omis Consult Ltd., Denmark). May 2001. 23 p.

25. Biun, A. & Lakim, M. 2001: Fieldwork report: Diversity and Abundance of Birds Fauna at Belian Camp, Maliau Basin, Sabab. February 2001. (Sabah Parks, Research & Education Division, Sabah, Malaysia). May 2001.15 p.

26. Jacobsen, E.M. 2001: Workshop summary and debriefing note: Outline and structure of Maliau Basin Management Plan. (Ornis Consult Ltd., Denmark). August 2001. 35 p.

27. Biun, A. & Lakim, M. 2001: Diversity and Abundance of Bird Community at Camel Trophy Camp, Maliau Basin, Sabah. (Sabah Parks, Research & Education Division). September 2001. 18 p.

28. Traeholt, C. 2001: Maliau Basin Conservation Project. Zoological Survey. (NEPCon, Denmark). November 2001. 57 p.

29. Biun, A. & Lakim, M. 2002: Diversity and Abundance of Birds Community at Pakis Camp, Maliau Basin, Sabah. (Sabah Parks, Research & Education Division). January 2002. 21 p.

30. SEM CONSULTANTS 2002: Environmental Impact Studies (EIS) for Maliau Basin Studies Center at Maliau Basin Conservation Area. January 2002. 67 p.

31. Ibrahim, K. 2002: Pre-feasibility Study for the Provision of Environmentally Friendly Energy Supply for the Maliau Basin Field Studies Center. (Centre for Education and Training in Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency, CETREE, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia). January 2002. 15 p. 32. Olsen, M. M. 2002: The Banteng in Sabah. Habitat, distribution and conservation. (Omis Consult Ltd., Denmark). January 2002. 37 p.

33. Tongkul, F. 2002: Structural Geology of Maliau Basin and Surrounding Areas. (School of Science and Technology, Universiti Sabah Malaysia, KotaKinabalu, Malaysia). January 2002.47 p.

34. Hansen, Carsten Broder 2002: Maliau Basin Conservation Project. Eco- Tourism Planning and Management. (NEPCon, Denmark). February 2002. 48 p.

35. Greer, T. 2002: Installation and Procedures NGte -Radio Communications. (Omis Consult Ltd., Denmark). April 2002. 14 p.

36. Greer, T. 2002: Protected Area Management and Land Use Planning - Maliau Basin Conservation Area. (Ornis Consult Ltd., Denmark). April 2002. 19 p.

37. Greer, T. 2002: Water Level Monitoring- Sg. Maliau. (Ornis Consult Ltd., Denmark). April 2002. 12 p.

38. Lakim, M., Biun, A., Yam bun, P. & MoeUer,H.S. 2002: Lake Linumunsut.

(I) The Herpetofauna and Freshwater Fishes of Linumunsut Lake, Maliau Basin, Sabah

(ll) Diversity and Abundance of Birds Community at Linumunsut Lake, Maliau Basin, Sabah. (Sabah Parks, Malaysia & Omis Consult Ltd., Denmark). April 2002. 22 p.

39. Tvevad, A., Lim-Hasegawa, D. & Yorath, S. 2002: Plan for Public Awareness and Environmental Education Activities 2002-2006. (Ornis Consult Ltd., Denmark & Innoprise Corporation Sdn.Bhd., Conservation & Environment Section, Sabah). May 2002. 46 p.

40. Jomitin, C. 2002: Final Report on Wildlife Surveys in MBCA and adjacent areas with emphasis on large mammals and bird species. (C.Jomitin, Wildlife Consultant, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah). May 2002.31 p.

41. Jomitin, C. 2002: Special Field Report: Status of Wildlife in the Kuamut Area. (C.Jomitin, Wildlife Consultant, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah). May 2002. 27 p.

42. Prins, E. 2002: Mapping and GIS. (Omis Consult Ltd., Denmark). May 2002. 50 p.

43. Webb, C. & Ali, S. 2002: Plants and Vegetation of the Maliau Basin Conservation Area, Sabah, East Malaysia. Final Report to Maliau Basin Management Committee. (Dept. of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Yale University, New Haven, USA (CW) & Innoprise Corporation Sdn.Bhd., Forestry Division, Sabah, Malaysia (SA». May 2002. 51 p. + Annexes I-V. 88 p.

44. Malim, T.P. 2002: General Wildlife Survey and Wildlife Management Recommendations for Maliau Basin Conservation Area, Tawau, Sabah. Final Technical Report. (Sabah Wildlife Department, Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia). May 2002. 38 p.

45. Maral, Norhaidah bte 2002: Malian Basin Climate 2000-2001. (lnnoprise Corporation Sdn.Bhd., Forestry Division, Sabah, Malaysia) May 2002. 17 p.

46. Sinding, K. & Peck, P. 2002: Analysis of Coal Resource Potential (Knud Sinding. Strategic Natural Resource & Environmental Resource Management, Vanlose, Denmark). June 2002. 42 p.

47. Frederiksen, E.H. & Dubgaard, A. 2002: Assessment of Potential Economic Returns from Tourism in the Maliau Basin Area. (Alex Dubgaard Consult, Copenhagen, Denmark). June 2002. 24 p. 48. Biun, A. & Lakim, M. 2002: Diversity and Abundance of Birds Communities in Maliau Basin, Sabah, Malaysia. (Sabah Parks, Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia). June 2002. (50 p.)

49. Yorath, S. (ed.) 2002: Report on Seminar on Legal Aspects in Forestry & Protected Area Management -Maliau Basin as a Model. (Innoprise Corporation Sdn.Bhd., Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia). June 2002. 40 p.

50. Caldecott, J. 2002: Draft Strategic Plan for the Management of Maliau Basin Conservation Area, 2003 -2012. (Creatura Ltd., Shaftesbury, Dorset, United Kingdom). June 2002. 178 p.

51. Dubgaard, A. 2002: Cost-benefit Analysis of the Maliau Basin Conservation Plan. (Alex Dubgaard Consult, Copenhagen, Denmark). July 2002. 74 p.

52. Memorandum of Understanding between Maliau Basin Management Committee and Harvard University Herbaria, U.S.A. 9 July 2002.4 p.

53. Poulsen, A.D. 2002: Report on Gingers in Maliau Basin Conservation Area. University of Aarhus, Denmark. June 2002. 15 p.

54. Yorath, S. 2002: Public Awareness & Environmental Education Reports. October 2000 & September 2001. Rakyat Berjaya Sdn.Bhd., Sabah, Malaysia. July 2002. 38 p.

55. Ibrahim, K., Soendergaard, M., Kassim, M.J. & Nowani, B.H.M. 2002: CETREE Report. Maliau Basin Studies Centre, Sabah. Malaysia. Plan for the Implementation of Solar Energy PV System. (Centre for Education and Training in Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency, CETREE, Universiti Sains Malaysisa, Penang, Malaysia). August 2002. 40 p.