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y. 1..-%. .5* AVBEAdB DAILT dSOTLATIOM B. fw the Blosth «t July, llMS Moetlj oloo^, 5 . 1 5 9 ehowen tooiyllit; M -iiiiiff Of tho Audit Barera flloodj sad o f

TEN PAGES PRICE THREE CENTS (Caasellled Advertlatnf on Page 8) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, AUQUST 12,19M. VOL. LH., NO. 268 CALL MILK HOLIDAY / As Amed PorcesContrpl Cuba MACHADO QUITS POST; TO BEGIN THURSDAY MILITARY IN CONTROL Members of National Farm­ SMALL DEALERS Find a Traveling Bag Cuba’s President Takes ers’ Gronp Cannot Reach NOTUNDERRAN Leave of Absence — Sec­ an Agreement With the Belonging to Sanborn retary of State Also Re­ IN MILK FIGHT ______^ State Board. k Port Chester, N. Y., Aug. 12 — A., he read the description of Sanborn’s signs and Peace Looms m Gladstone travelling bag believed to bag, which police had reported misS' Hartford, Aug, 12— (AP)— The Supply Here Will Not Be ing. have l&elonged to Henry F . Sanborn, When found, he said, the bag was Island Re[mblic Follow­ State Milk Control board today slain rail executive, was turned over partly open and appeared to lie as issued the following statement: WhoUy Cut Off If Mill to New York detectives today. It it had been thrust from a passing < ing Last Night’s Moodless “The Board of MUk Control is was foimd heie on July 29, a week automobile. It bore the initla’s J surprised to see the announcement before Sanborn’s body was discover­ “E. S.” but Port Chester police sa»J of the Farmers’ National group that Strike Starts, So Leaders ed in a shallow grave at Bayside, N. they understood Sanborn some­ Conp D’Ftat a milk holiday is to be declared. Y. times used a different first name. Every retaonable means has been The New York police planned to Searching the scene of the find and of Producers Intimate. employed to meet the group, show the bag to Miss Magnhild last night, the Port Chester police Havana, Aug. 12.—(AP)— The has apparently failed. The board found a man’s handkerchief about Almskaar, Sanborn’s fiancee, to Cuban State Department today has had two conferences, one on identify it as his property. It was twenty feet away. Manchester is not expected to be Wednesday for four hours and an­ empty except for a 1929 penny. Sanborn was last seen by Miss formally advised toe dlploxnatie other on Friday for another four seriously affected by the milk “holi­ Frederick Dettmer of Port Almskaar, July 16, at a Connecticut corps that President Machado will hours, during which the group pre­ day” announced by producers to be­ Chester found the bag on Ridge camp, wUeb she refused to name. take a leave of absence and toat it sented its plan. This plan was in­ He was seen the.next day in New come effective throughout the state street, which forms a link of a main is the President’s,.purpose later to complete by their own admission, highway from New York to Con­ York by employes at his offee and, and accordhig to their leader. Pro­ next Thursday, as the result of the so far as is known, not seen again resign. Milk Control Board’s refusal to ac­ necticut points. He said, he attach­ fessor Charles A. Beard, was -o ed no significance to the find imtil by anyone who knew him. ’The department’s conmiim|catiOD serve as a basis for future action by cept the marketing plan approved by the Farmer’s National Associa said that Orestes Ferrara, secretary the board. tion, it was learned today. \ of state, had previously resigned “This was the apparent mutual but was continuing and that toe de- understanding of the two groups The majority pf local consumers are supplied with milk by the small, The city in a state of war under order of President Machado, Cuban troops are pictured here search­ partment would attend to routine when the conference adjourned at 3 matters until Ferrara’s successor p. m. After Professor Beard nad independent dealers of Mcmebester, ing a car on Havana’s Miramar bridge. JOHNSON MAKES READY and these dealers, it is \mderstood, was appointed. left iMt evening, the other members The resignation of the secreta^ of the Farmers’ National commit­ will not come under the producer’s ban but will be able to obtain of state as well eis the Presldeat tee, George H- Robertson, Irving part of toe American peace Campbell, an< Dwight Wadhams, enough milk to supply the needs of TO ENFORCE NRA RULES returned to this office at 5 p. m., their customers. This was the pre­ STRIKING MINEl^ plan in order to perxxxlt toe appoint­ vailing sentiment in Manchester to­ CALL BOARDING HOUSES ment of a new secretar> of state ac­ and demanded that the plan be ac­ cepted in its entirety, without day, although local dealers are not ceptable to all factions who should change, and that the board should absolutely certain as to the exact BOMB THREE HOMES Officials Cite Developments THREE MEN KILLED succeed to toe highest office. set itself on record as saying that standing of the situation. ON FARMS UNSANITARY The President’s decision to retire the plan would be put into effect No Quarrel There from office followed closely on 4 beginning September 1st. It was said today that the small in Support of Views That bloodless coup d’etat by toe Arxxxy Other Plans dealers have been assured by the INAGUNBATTLE last night in which military uxiito “Since the board has been .ott Connecticut Milk Producer’s Asso­ Two Men Wounded by Pick­ seized fortresses and other strate­ sidering many other plans, some of ciation, which is affiliated with the nspectors Find Places on PARADE CANCELLED Time for Gentle Persua­ gic points in Havana and demanded which have meritorous points which Farmer’s National. Association, ets When They Attempt that Machado get out would modify and improve the plan that they will not suffer when the Tobacco Plantations in sion Has Passed. Sheriff Sees Two Men Shoot- Suixmer Welles, Uxiited States submitted by the Farmers' National strike is declared, as the producers TO AVERT TROUBLE / ambassador,' recenJy presented 4 group, and lince the board recog­ have no score to settle r^th the to Go to Work. nized the necessity of gathering the small dealers. State Tdthy and Unfit . ing at Third and Mows material which would serve as a It is pointed out, however, there Washlxigton, Aug. 12.—(AP)— political turmoU in toe island Re­ basis for any plan to be put into is just a possibility that the pro­ Several things led various officials public. ducers may decide to clamp the lid Clinton. Ind., Aug. 12.— (AP) — effect, the board cc ot meet the for Human Habitation.” Free State " % e Siirts” today to forecut toat toe glove Hiein Down. Strikes in Havana and through­ down tight in a blanket "strike”, re­ demands of the group that their The bombing of three homes in out toe island have added to the fusing to supply milk through any might soon be peeled back from plan be accepted without change Clin^n suburb, Including residences dislocation of norxxxal activities in avenue, in order to force a more Planned to Hold ESg Pa­ toe harder hand toat is guiding the and for action within twenty days. Hartford, Aug. 12.—(AP) — To- of two miners who were woimded Kaxuas City, Aug. 12.—(AP) — Cuba. “It was at this point that, the rapid agreement with their de- National x^covery drive. Three men. sMd by police to be con­ mapds. In the light of a telephone baceo plantation boarding bouses are by a mob surrounding toe Buiunn First, bituminous coal men toem- group refused to deal further with nected with local night club opera- AWAITINQ CLIMAX interview this morning with Irving utterly filthy; unsanitary and unfit rade Tomorrow m Doblin. No. 4 coal mine at Universal yes­ aelves expected toe National Re­ t-his board, and left, with the sub­ tloxiB, v(ere shot and killed ,^4bout Havana, AUg. JJ.-M AP)—Presi­ sequent action of declaring the milk Campbell of Rockville, formerly of for .human habitation, today de­ terday, added tenseness to the sito- covery Administration probably dent Machado had until xioon today h olidrv this toyn, who is a member of the 'ation at toe mine today: would settle their differences over (Continnef' on Page Two) committee of three known as the clared the representatives of the pendlxxg w age-and-bour4 { x i n g to resign or defy an ultimatum the genered public. There w u evi gins. Free State minister, assusi- Axmouncement by Harry L. Hop­ riding toe trucks erf . baggage car. nandes, he wrote a statement for dence that an attempt had been nated in 1927. kins, emergency relief administra­ The ixijured: presentation to Coxigresa, asking a made to improve conditions in some Although toe position w u clari­ tor, that hereafter his agency will E. R. Massey, firemsn, Delxnar, leave o f absence so that '.ccordixig V. S. ISSIONAIHES Norman, Okla., Aug. 12.— (AP)— of the boarding houses, which were fied b; De Valera’s pronouncement MOUIITAIN FOLKS buy supplies from NRA ctores; Del., severely scalded by esoapixxg to Cuban law, a new secretary of W. B. (Bill) Anthony, who wrapped inepected two or three weeks ago by and General O’Duffy’s Indication Subxxilsslor to Secretary Wallace steam. state can be named, who will enter Oklahoma’s "Capital" In a dirty Commissioner Tone and Deputy that he will not attempt to go for approval erf a sugar stabllisa- William L. Simona, of Salisbury, toe Presidency. shirt and moved it from Guthrie to Commissioner William J. Fitzgerald, against toe decision, keen anxiety plan despite a threat of its re- mail clerk on toe train. The Army’s display of strength in ARE THOUCHT SAFE Oklahoma City, died last night at but even In these the need of fur­ w u nevertheless felt here today. Mrs. Roosevelt to Jsotion by western sugar beet Thoxxias Domoho, Wilixiixigton, uptown Havana, was withdrawn rt the age of 63. ther cleaning w u evident.” 2,000 Blue Shirts grow ers. Del., ••ewa agent on the train. midxiight, and policemen alone re­ Climaxing one of the most bit­ The group w u accompanied for It was estimated toat more than IB coal bearixxfs continuixig to­ Samuel Wilson, Delmar, a pas­ mained. No resentmmt toward Ma­ terly disputed phases of the state’s part of the tlm«. by Fred Griffin, 2,000 Blue Shirts had journeyed to Mask Festival is Virgiiqii day, Jerfmsor made clear he would senger. chado was apparent among toe Americans Marooned disturbed political history, Anthony Dublin from toe-counti^. 'Ihey are xxot perxnit toe fixxal code to Include H. C. Huchens, Wyoxnlxxg, Del. crowds. spirited the Great Seal of Oklahoma (ronttnoed on Page Two, a stipulation tost ininerr must ne­ X Massey was taken from atop toe Ambassador Wellea, who propos­ from the heavily ■ uarded Logan (O ontiaoe^Page 'Two) — Father lived There. gotiate through compaxxy unions. boiler of toe overturned locomo­ ed Machado’s resignation in the in­ in Center of a Rebel War county courthouse at midnight on TREASURY BALANOfiL tive. He was taken to toe Pexxixisu- terests at peace, continued his con­ June SO, 1910, and sped it to the The law, ho said, guarantees collec­ tive buigaixilng by labor, without la General hospital cere vhere Dr. ferences wlto army, opposition and Lee Huckins hotel at Oklahoma Washington, Aug. 12.—(AP)— H. S. Wallee said he probably adxnlnistration ’eaders late into tos City, which for a time thereafter Enroute With Mrs. Roosevelt, such a restriction, and caxmot be in China. The position of the Treasury-Aug­ Aug. 12.— (A P)—White Top,, second modified. would not survive toe se ere bums. night. served as the State House. Anthony TADiTOBOAlE The other four injured were able Strike to End used an automobile. ust 10 w u : highest mountain peak in Virginia, In toe women’s drive, chiefs were Receipts for August 10, 37,602,- took first place among toe peaks to 1eav> toe hoapitiff after first aid. ’Their conclusloxis, Havaxia be­ The seal was regarded as symbolic treatm ent lieved, would be axmounced before Haakow, China, Aug. 12.— (AP) of the Capital’s location. 969.16; expendituru, 328,477,177.- today, with Mrs. Franklin Roosevelt, (OoBtianed Oo Page 'Two) —The belief that eight American C. N. Haskell, Oklahoma’s first 19; balance 3766,246,413.64. Cus­ ID ESCAPE FLAMES toe President’s wife, journeying noon. ' ^ Passionist missionaries are safe at tom s duties fo r month 39>932,088.68. there for a sample of pure mountain It was generally expected - that governor, directed the removal aft­ toe general strike, which xiow Is Yuanchow, sdthough that town weis er returns from an election on the Receipts for fiscal year (from melodies. openly described as s move to ao- the center of a rebel war, was ex question showed that Oklahoma City July 1) 3242,667,485.18; expendi­ Mrs. Roosevelt left Washington pressed today by the Rev. Fr. Ar­ had won. HaskeU, for years tures 3412,161,426.59 (including FisherfoK m Newfonndlani shortly before midnight for Abing­ Saves Cable Tolls, Walks complisb Machado’s withdrawal^! thur Benson, procurator of the credited with making the midnight 3137,759,942.38 for emergency re­ don, toe town at toe foot of White will be terxninated toxnoxrow. American Passionist Mission. ride himself, died recently after lief). Excess of expenditures Top mountain where her father, Cheering thousands, greeted the FiUher Benson, who is from clearing up the incident 3169,493,941.46. Flee Forest fires — Vil­ Elliott Roosevelt, spent toe lu t few In On His Own **Wake** soldiers in toe city’s streets last Pittsburgh, said, however, he had years of his life. xilght when news of developxxieBts hot been able to communicate with A strong personal pull, u well spitMid. the missionaiies since rebels took lages Menaced. u her deep Interert In toe 3-year- were killed, their bodies There were more cheers aa Lieu­ Torrlngton, Aug. 2. — Relativea^peraona tenant Cesar Lorie, assistant Arxny the town June 27. Yuanchow Is in old White Top folk. festival move­ beixig so badly burned as to defy Hunan Province, about 400 miles ment to give annual expression to and friends here have been .moum- auditor, proclaimed toe facts of tM Thebaud and the Bluenose ixig for several days toe accidental identification in several cases. ’The southwest of here. mountain lore, drew Mrs. Roosevelt coup, and declared "Ite sole purpore St. John’s, N. P., Aug. 12.— (AP) death of John Vargena, father of I^Cera daughter, hearing nothlxxg Those trapped there are the Rev. to toe place. was toe avoidance of American tah —Raging forest flree in Newfoxmd- Mrs. Joseph Gauten of this place, from her father, naturaUy was, con­ Edward McCarthy of Boston, the land advanced toward toe northern Forty, yeoura ago',' Mrs. Roosevelt’s vinced bejTond any doubt that ho terventioxx,” and “toe Cuban Arxiiy To Race on Great Lakes father w u wrltinif to his small durixig a visit to Italy where he waa does not want to indicate apyooM Rev. Francis Fiaherty of Cincm- cou t today, driving terror* stoicken sta^xig wUh another daughter who had been killed. She xiotlfled her '*nati, and Sisters Genevieve Ryan, daughter in New York descriptions for President, but we want no mBfi fiaherfolk .to toe sea for safety. lives in Lucera. For three xxlghts alster here to that effect. Coxise- Chrtotiana Werth, Msigdaline Ivan, of toe beauty of to* Virginia moun­ tary for President.” Captain Hundreds of small boats carried relatives and friends gathered at toe quently the- xnouxnixxg. Rosario Goss, Salntanne Callahan Chicago, Aug. 12.—(AP) — Re-^wlthln hailing distance, tains, their people and the singing. •nxe populace foUbwed th^ i Thebaud, toe refugees out into Green Bay Gauteri home, whwe Vargena lived, When Vargexia did return to • and Mark Mullen, who were sent newal of the long standing rivalry Ben Pine, skipper of the First Songs of Nation Airmy*s request that no violonoe sV between two deep sea fishermen on hu never refused a challenge. when hungry llamee closed in on to exchange condolences and to as­ Lucera. to toe axixasement and re­ to China from Pittsburgh. their homes. Late last night Bur­ Now collide prpfesaors are taking lie f at his daughter, she coxxunand- tend toe xnilitary xnove and avoM the waters of Lake Michigan w u In previous mutings on the At­ down, to preserve for posterl^, toe sure each other of toe maiqr vhftues dtsturbances. It was learned today that United in prospect for Chicagoans today. lantic, the Bluenose, a slightly lington and Middle Arm had been of toe deceased. Then Vargena ed him to go straight to toe tde- States consular authoritiea have abandoned and other villages were songs and toe dances that toe first graph office and calde Mrs. Qautsri Senator Fernandes, xnaanwhUk The Gertrude L. Thebaud, pride of larger schooner, hu always been EngUah and Scotch-Irisb uttiers walked in on the ’^rake” sixd, grin- that Herrars intoraasdt approached Ho Chine, governor of the Gloucuter fishing fleet, w u victorious, but yachtsmen pointed threatened. At least 24 buildings nlxig broadly, cried, HeBo, eveiy- at once, xxotifying her of his safety. have been razed at Buriington. iKtMight to this country, and which military detachmenti in six Hunan, with a request that' the due here tomorrow. Her rival, the out that racing conditions on Lake B ody!" He went to toe cable office, all Americans at Yxianchow be rescued. Further rm toe cosuff toe village have been handed dowp, unchanged, right, but toe sise of toe cable tolls inoes he was assu firing toe PieMe Bluenose of Nova Scotia, queen of Michigan would give the American from generation to generation, in What happoxed was this; deney texxipdrarfly and provls|oiml,' The belief prevailed here,, however, vessel a much better chance of win­ of Harbor Deep w u being evacu­ offMxded bis sense of thrift, so he the Atlmitic and international toe motmtain country. Vargena w aa on a tiraixi, g oin g to that the repnbentationa win have champion, wUl meet the Gloucester- ning. ated u another blaze menaced. Naples to see a physician about sent no m essage. H e waa coxxxlng ly* little effect since the governor Is Elree in Nova Scotia and New Wlto Mrs. Rooisovdt is her com­ home at once, anyhow; It would do The Senator liidjpated men and escort them into the har­ The Thebaud left Boston July 27 panion of many tr ^ and busixleae soxxie Tniiwi- aflxnent, when h s m et a nical procedure would tnvolvn. considered virtually heiress to In­ bor. for Chicago u the exhibit of the Brunswick were believed . to be just as well to deliver toe message partxxer, Mlsa Nancy Gook; her sec­ boyhood friend. The fx i^ prevail­ realgnatlon of stf ssendMfS ef terfere with the activltiea of Gen­ Yachting enthusiasts already Masaacdiusetts fishing Industry at a under'control and weary msn and ed aa him to quit toe tram at Bcne- him self. retary and M rs. -Malvlxia ’Tboxxipaon Cabinet, eom^t I eral li Chiao, the' provincial mili­ have started discussions u to Century of Progress. Captoin Pine wom oi who had Islhored side by side vento pay him a Uttia visit. TOe When Vargexia walked tai on the tary overlord and son-in-law of which ship would be superior under expected to reach MltwmukM to­ to save their hmnes prayed - for Stoeider* condolence parQrihero there ur matically wotrid - The final'ocmtestii. a spoeW p« h visit extsnded itsdf over'a numhw General Ho. the different conditlhDS which pre­ night. The BloenoM and a eommlt- tain . y^pv>*>«fog close to a pairfer fo r a w h m t o i t gram for the wixmers, aim -dog Md o f daya Besson tor Treoble. vail in fresh water. Captain Angus tu of Chicagoans beaded by Henry Royal Canadian Mounted Police few xninutes. O f course nolKMly .in The Cuban square daxices, were listed oo' the Meantime the* tssfa-. had : Chinese politlelans here say the Walters of the Bluenose said touy Helntichs expect to m ut toe New were Investigatiag a rqport that Torrlngton believes In i^oata. But he would challenge the Gloucuter- Ehiglaao boat there and escort it to fires in Hants and Picton counties program at -vdiloh she men to a race aa aooo aa ha leame Chicago Sunday. wua o t criminal origin.__ _ . g n e it -■-.t ■C-, ‘ %r-

-■-,>•? -'7 PACOS TWO BfANOfTEffTER CVENrNG HERALD. MANCHBST8R. OONN^ SATURDAY, AUGUSfr 114988. , • I ■■tfnMiHi•• eobbg to get in touch town by-laws. of Our Store. the university was withdrawn. Number of FNa Gaeat TIdInta with Professor Qiarlas A. Beard of President Machado obtained direct HILLS’ GROVE To Be.Oivaa Away WIDi Gm H SUN., MON. AND tee Farmers’ committee, who was I authority over the National A m y The Holden-Nelson Company has Wapping CenUr not present when the strike was I of 15,000 and about half as many leased for Miss Mae L. Ferris her MAHIEU*S caned last night, and iu whose more Runnouards and Natirau home at 10 Pino etreet to W. D; Musie by **Hottentota** ABTHOra DRUG n oa p ■'-Ji Judgment tee governor and the poUce forces. When tee attack Whitney Manufacturing Company, Admisaion 23c. GROCERY board apparently have consldsrable against him progressed beyond tee H v tfo r d , kQd has sold fo r W allace HANCldBBtBB confidence. I verbal stage and tee opposition Hutchinson, his hpme at 40 Hem­ Dancing 9 to 1 A. M. PUBUC MARKET 188 Spmee Street WhUs tee governor expressed the | Dared into open rebelUoB, the old lock street to Esther D. Anderson. i , r-:- rr. :ix • I • ? I • ■. •> •• ' i :.i •.* • '• • * •■■''y . . . • • f - ■ ■ '**».♦*• ...... V, ... ■ ■; •• ■ '< • .1 : • , , • . . ' ■ ” .'i-- . ' 'BdANGHBSTER EVENTNG HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN../'aATim 0AY^At?Ot^ f’AGETHBire

SOx^DAY aUaOOL LVSSUii sity of supporUng the body llu|t tMf qOlQe this vear. IhRMng Oo«- gram with Mrs.'Mas Ch^mum Belt- serves as tneir sp^eamaf. mehdet Jooc^ TreadiraQ, ,'t ia un- at the organ. ' -' There ate se/eral oqpnlfat^obe d a ia to ^ ha a,'oaaidldata, but. Nstof. Ten-Shun that the dlsaUsO man can Imnim; Jiap m at yot Blpd bia papara far ROCKVILLE The Miqile Grove Bodsty will HANNAH—A DEVOTED MOTHER to. The Legion! the V. F. W., and tlra aiaiw tMd b9 C n o m , -but hold X plcniafor the ohUdran xt the the D. A. V.. Tlie disabled men needs pa active (uunpalfB s alrpa^ r - Grove on Sunday aftemoon. A BuMies the D. A. V. and the p . A. V. needs dar way io behalf ot Aaaon T- Me- program to sports has been arrang­ Text; 1 Sam. 1:19-11, *4:*8; the, .disabled man. If the dlmbisd Onok, HaitCoird 'Owyer, sad prea- ed for tbe occasion and delldous re­ men will support the D. A. V., ent department chalrmao of the CHARTHl(»AN(XO.K. freshments will be served 1^ the Hie Intematloaal Uniform Son- The Bulletin Board are confident, we oan secure many impor«ant rehabilitation commlt- members to the soeWty. day Schotd Lesson for Any. IS. of modifldatiohs of the aa-eaUed taa* EXPECTED ON MONDAY A special meeting to the mem­ Bx-Sorvlee Orfanitttiona. economy* ac t • la raoi^tlon of the which bers to Ellen O. Berry Auxillxty By WM. E. GILBOT, D4^. There are more than 800,000 men MeCook & d done in Odanaetlen will be held <» Monday evening in Editor of The Oonyrefationallst eligible to memborshlp in the D. a . with fettihg the Veteran*' Hoqpital the G. A. R. rooms. Memorial btEud- Lobs Crafidence Than There Anderson-Shen Post V, F. W. V. with the'l,0Q0,O()0 of the Legion at Newington, at th« 1928 annual ing at which Mrs. Alice CSuqiman The story of Hannah Is in a the members of tbe V. F. W. and the coBventioB he was made ao honor­ Was That Election Amend­ will preside. A social hour will iBtemarional Sonday School Lcorl bloesoma tntb. ti|ii,t W09dr«ua moth­ The next meeting of the post will Spanish War. Do yq|i rsaiiM.wbat ary past department commander. follow the business meeting. much less adventurous atmosphere son Text, Ang. IS. . er-love. love can go out to one be held Tuesday. August 16th, at m ent Win Effect Savings. thnn that of Ruth and Naomi in a powerful force this would consti­ Hu untiring elR ^ la behalf of the James Kelley, a chemist, to ths “A woman that feareth.the Lord, only. Bscauae . normal man la intel­ the Armory. tute ? disabled veferane wfll undoubtedly Hockanum Mills Company, has bera our last sermon. she shaD be praised.”—Proverbo lectual predomlnatiagly, he la com­ Here we have a woman in the We are glad to leam that the Sign up now. Don’t w U t Con­ elect him tq very important of­ Little doubt exists but what the awarded a certificate for research 81:80. paratively coarse, rou^, harsh, State Department Council of ad­ gress meets in January sad ‘ who fice of national executive oomrr't- work in textile microscopy and somewhat troubled and unsettled __ i — IncUnsd to advratnre. He is strong­ ministration have made the first changto in the town charter will be days of the time of the Judges, but knows what is in for us if we don’t teeman. voted on Monday providing for bien­ analysis by the Massachusetts insti­ In normal woman (marie *'*e er and takes the heavy work. He Is step in procuring the Omnecticut sign up. The executive committee of the tute ot Technology. whose life was apparent' chiefly roaming in his affeottons. In mar­ cottage at Ekiton Rapids, Mich., to nial instead of annual elections. domestic, a ''evout and faithful word normal), affoctior prodoml- Post wUl '.hold its August meeting During tb«i past twenty-four hours Mtooos Celia and Catherine Trapp riage the wlfs's affootlona purify, cafe for the Ck>nnecticut widows and , British Was Veteraaa at ^ e State Armory, Monday, Au­ of East street are spending a week woman, concerned primarily about nates.' She is a form primarily and stimulate and exalt the husband. orphans. \t the present time there doubt has arisen in some minds as the duties in her own home. predominatingly receptive and ex­ BriUsh War Veterans cf Man­ gust 21, at 8 o'clock: to whether there will in reality be at Rensselaer, New Yorli^ as the ’The tntelligenea of the husband re­ are 'ive widows and theii families chester expect to pararipate in the The business -meeting the Poet guest of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kopf. The life of Hannah, however, like pressive of love from the Lord. In ciprocally elevates Uie affections of from Oonnectiet' being cared for in any considerable saving to the town the lives of so many m such sin-pie of the post Pawtucket for the month of July having been Miss Bernice Morin of Windsor normal mixw the intellectual 'pre­ the wife. Hence with ’ >>arbarians cottages built by other states, and R. I., which is t obe hsia a omitted, meettngs will be resumed treasury. It was first taken for avenue is entertaining her cousin. and unexciting environment, was dominates. He Is c form primarily the wife is a slave and drudge. as soon as the necessary papers are from tomorrow. An Invitation ex­ granted that there would be a sub­ marked by a deep element of on the 28, m tb the selection of a Miss Dorothy Morin of South Had­ receptive and expressive of Intel­ Because normal woman Is in­ made out to purchase the donnecti- tended to the local B., w. V, was nominating committee who will be stantial saving. ley Falls, Mass. ti^edy. Despite her 'strong in­ lectual things from the Lord. The stinctively chaste, pure and loves cut cottage they will no doubt be read at tl}e monthly meeting of The present charter, of the town stinct of motherhood she bad been charged wiP- bringing in a slate of Miss Ruth Wilson of Broad Brook difference between man and wom­ only one, and normal iran Is the moved to the new home. Mons-Ypree post held a t Army offlccra for next year. of Vernon, which mcludes the vJty IB tbe guest of her aunt, Mrs. Rose denied a child, and the life and an descends to the body,, and nudeies opposite, some rins are more grave Plans are being laid for the first and Navy club Wednesday,evening. environment of the home were We Imvez’t a n e a t deal to say to Rockville, calls for annual elec- Wilson of this city. It a corresponding form. H^ce a for women than for men, though annual outside nanquet by the com* Transportation will be arranjged siod regarding the golf match between cons, brought about the suggestion Miss Pearl (Joldstein of New Lon­ marked on that account by the woman wants a husband to whose the law is the same for each. Prac- mittee, an'' according to all reports members planning to go to Paw­ deepest disappointment. the V. F. 'V.’s and tbe Legion play­ of having an election every two don is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Intelligence she can look up. Han UcfLlly everyone acknowledges this this time s to be in the form of a tucket are asked to make contact ed last night OB the Country Club years inasmuch' as tbe ofLcers are Harrly Allen ot Orenard street. chooses 8 wife from the quality of fact, even if not admitted. Because clambake and is to be held on Sun* with “Bill’' Davis before W e^es- course, the V. F.’s won of course, elected for a term of two year's un­ Mrs. George McLean of Talcott In grief of soul she prayed that hA* affections. in going wrong a woman violates day, August 20th, at the cottage of day. A band contest ia to be a fea­ what to her was a real affliction but where were the playere who der tbe present city charter. The avenue is entertaining her cousin, Marriage is not merely phystcal her fundamental nature; so few re­ Clonlrade Edward Keeney at Roar­ ture of tbe affair. romised to come over and swing question was made,that the saving Mrs. John Fieeman ot New Haven. might be removed and that she union, but the conjunctlen chaste, holy, and sacred, mony with her instincts. The wom­ member desiring tickets should con­ the use of bis cottage. the town and city charters is now did not, as many others have done, for it has its origin in the Lord’s an who smokes is not the highest tact Comrade Qarence Wetherell by A piece of C!aptain Jimmy MolU- being brought to the attention of Queer Twists forget the vow she had made in her love for His church, which He t}rpe of the normal man’s concep­ Thursday, August 17th. The price son’s airplane which recently flew the taxpayers. time of yearning and distress. calls His bride, wife, and our tion. of the tickets will be $1.00 wlflch the Atlantic, only to ' qrsim at Moose bt County Boom The story henceforth is the story mother. ’The second birth is from wi include dlimer and refresh­ Overnight In Day*s News Woxnan predominates in the ments. Transportation will be fur­ Bridgeport, was shown to the mem­ Rockville Lodge, Loyal Order ot of Samuel, whom she brought as a the Lord through th-.: Church as churches, because she is in the af- bers by Comrade “BUI” iUtchle. A child to Eli, the Hig>> Priest, that nished anyone caring to attend. Moose, are to be hosts this after­ mother, for like a mother, she fectlonal. Many men ‘.iave rejected friend of BiU’s from Bridgeport A. P. News noon to tbe children at the Tolland Wheeling, W Va.—Michael Gart­ he might grow up in the service of cleanses, nourishes, and feeds the it intellectually. As the church Information is requested by the presented it to mm. ner, 88, and his wife, Katherine, 7A the temple. State Department in regards to the Ctounty Temporary Home for Chil­ soul. ascends in rational faith, the bal- It was reported at the meetmg dren at Vernon Center. This is one were arranging furniture in their The story as it comes to us ii^ number of ex-service men out of that Comrade Harry. Stevenson, who Boston—Two police officers in­ new home. A gust of wind blew a our lesson Is that of a mother’s de­ Because normal woman is a form anca wlU be regained. employment with dependents, this is of the big events of the season at of love, she is by nature tender, "A woman that fearetn the Lord, has been confined with illness for jured as patrol ear coUides with al­ the Coimty Hom8 and several hun­ door shut, imprisoning Mrs. Gartner votion and of the preparation of a chaste, sympathetic and her love she shall be praised.” in connection with the recently en­ several months, is now feMlng much legedly stolen automobile tbey had in a cupboard. life for goodness and service acted Industrial Recovery Act, Sec­ better. dred members of the lodge expected been pursuing. to attend. Tbe feature of tbe after­ For 20 minutes she screamed. In through her consecration. tion 206, Title 2 which provides tbe Tbe entertamment committee con­ Cambridge, Mass.—Three arrested Tf there were more mothers like carrying out ot the Public Works noon is. a baseball game to be fol­ desperation she threw herself sisting of Comrades Joe '^ ^ e , and two policemen and a worker as­ agsdnst the door, forcing it open. Hannah, there would be more chU- and Construction program, "That in Johnny McDowell and John Herron saulted as police fire a shot to dis- lowed by other sports. dren like Samuel; and more proph­ the employment of labor In any such Accompanied by the Rockville She foimd her husband dead from a WUl meet soon to arrange for the -r8*j demunstra'ioD during s t^ e of heart attack believed to have bera ets like the grown man who project preference shaU be given to post’s winter actlvltlea. Se A. R. Hyde and (fompemy shoe Boys Band, the party was due to served Israel as a wise and right­ ex-servlcemei. where they qualify.’ factory. leave the Moose Lodge rooms on brought on by her screams. -1 eous prophet and ruler, a man su­ The Department of Connecticut Elm street at 1 o’clo^ this after­ Chicago — When they picksd-- AozlUary Harry Wellington, Jr., 40, from the premely devoted to the common­ Ladies Auxiliary wili hold Flag Day The monthly meeting of tee Brit­ noon for Vernon Center, making the weal, courageous and unsel''s] in exercises Sunday, August 20tb, at trip in private automobiles. street after he had been struck by ish War Veteran’s A u^iary will be an automobile they found two four- aU his motives and actions, though CHURCHES tbe Fairfield Hospital a^ 3 p. m., d. held in tbe Army and Navy Club County Commissioner Harry leaf clovers in his pockets. some of his deeds pertained to an s. t. TbiO hospital is located at next Wednesday evening at 8 p. m. GILEAD Conklin Smith is to give a short age of violence when cruelty to­ SOUTH METHODIST EPISCO- ^ THE SALVATION ABBIY: Newtown, Copn., and all comrades talk at the County Home GroundJ He died in a hospital. and sisters are invited to attend. President Mr^. Victor Duke urges a ward enemies prevailed as the rule PAL CHURCH i 661 Main Street full atendance since very important The recently elected Directors of this afternoon about 4:30 o’clock. Chicago—^As Mrs. Rubye Bring- ' instead of the dlsposlticm of love. Leonard C. Harris, Pastor Adjutant R. E. Martin Any member intending to attend mann’s attorney explained it in the' National Encampment at Mil­ business will be in order. If is. ex­ tbe Gilead Hall -Association, Inc., Albert S. McCllain, Superintendent pected that about ten new members held a meeting at E. E. Foote’s of the Ctorraty Home, will also court, it was, bridge that caused the The Hannahs of the world have Sunday services: Sunday waukee and esiring transportation trouble and bridge that fixed it up- should Contact Comrade James F. will be admitted, bringing the mem­ Tuesday evening and elected officers speak. never had their proper recogni­ 10:45 a. m.—Union service with Open Air Service comer of Birch bership uj> to over 60. A new ritual for the ensuing year as follows: Leave For Camp ftgain- tion, nor so lar ts the world is con­ the Central Congregational at and Main streets, 7:30 p. m. Ser­ Daley, chalrmat of tbe transporta­ She filed a bill for divorce, alleg-. geant-major Moncrlef Galloway of tion committ'c as soon sus possible. has been adopted for the opening President, Merton W. Hills; vice- Captain J. Ralpb Morin of Wind­ cerned, their reward. The contri­ South church. Rev. L. C Hairris and closing of the Auxiliary’s me«t- president. Clifford R. Perry; secre­ sor avenue left this mo'rning for ing her husband, Conrad, slapp^ bution that they have made to life preaching. Sermon theme: The SbhSnectady, N. Y., will be present We are plea-e?' to leam that the her for trying an unnecessary, and vdll speidc. State Department have gone on Ings and will be tried out Wednes­ tary, Asa W. Ellia; treasurer, C. Niantic with the 118tta Medical has often been made In the narrow­ Mighty Meek. day- , Daniel Way. As there are repairs Regiment Veterinary company, for finesse, but IXter on she won back ness of a closely confined home en­ Music at this service: Sendees for Sunday, August I8tfa record as favoring to send the his affection by noaking several ’The Company Meeting (Simday crack drum and drill corps nf A report on the food sale held ipbt to be made on the hall and other two weeks encampment at Camp vironment and the dally drudgery Prelude, Andante ...... Karganoff Saturday in tbe J. W. Hale store outstanding bills, the directors voted grand slams, while playing opposito that home imd family have de­ Anthem, CJherubic Hynm School) will convene kt 9:8<' a. m. Thompson\iUe, Conn., to the Na­ Cross. In addition tc Dr. Morin four him. Harold Turkington, Young People’s tional Cnnventloi. at Milwaukee pro­ showed that everything wps sold ih to serve a chicken-pie supper in Oc­ 3rcung men from Rockville are to manded; yet ther^ has beer a glory ...... Gretcbanlnoff less than two hours, rummagb tober. And so the divorce bill wa* with­ Sergtant Major. The lesson subject viding the posts in tbe State . will attend Camp Ooss, namely George drawn. , ~ about sui^ lives, and perhaps su(A A n th ^ , Hark, Hark My Soul false enough money to pay the other sale held on T^iursday nig^t in -the Mrs. Gronye of Manchester spent women have not altogether failed M, .Hdy Scriptures!” Bartlett, Robert Farrell, Francis Why notT ...... Shelley ‘ Holiness meetihg at 11:00 o’clock. expenses. We *.*el that the trip of Johnson block also went over with a a day tlds week with Mrs. Joseph Halloran XQ^ Francis McLaughlin. to sense the glory and the satisfac­ Postlude, Finale ...... Lemmens bang. Arapanoe, Neb.—Other organiza­ The Women’s quartet will sing. the Thompsonville C:k)rps is assured Scagliotti. Ready for Mill Work tions have sponsored bathing beau­ tion. Organist and director, Archibald and we hope that the various posts Tbe Sewing Circle will meet at The Misxes Florence and Ann Sometime .go I read of a woman Sessions. Praise Service in the Park at 3:00 p. Everything is in readiness for the ty contests, so why not the Ladies’ m. The Band (David Addy, Band­ in tbe state will fall in line to send the home of Mrs. Sam Pratt next Moore of TalcottvUle visited Mrs. putting of tbe new woolen code in Aid Society? As part of a carnival in a Scotch village who had raised 7:00 p. m.—Out-door service. master) and Songster Brigade the boys out to Milwaukee. Thursday at 2 p. ra. Hart E. Buell Wednesday and ac­ seven sons. The world did not Crospel sing. Male quartet <-nder operation l the woolen mills of sponsored by the Arapahoe Meth­ (Fred (jlbugh, Lieader) will take a companied by Mrs. Buell, visited Mr. Rockville on Monday morning. odist Ladles’ Society, Miss Lela know her, but everyone of those the direction of Helge Pearson. The prominent pait. ’The Male Quartet Andersen-Shea Auxiliary American Legion Notes Buell at the Windham Community seven sons became a man of dis­ pastor will give the second Way- hospital. Final notices were posted today and Curry, 17, won the bathing beauty will also sing. In case of rain the The Ladies. Auxiliary, Hartford Nattona* CMvention everything was made ready today contest tinction and power in his profes­ side Chat 'tn Finding Life’s Trail. service will be held in the Citadel. District County Council will meet The official itinerary t the fif­ Tbe Hebron Young Women’s Club sion. An eminent surgeon, an emi­ Subject: ’The Way of Difficulty. for the change to be made. Seattle—Ted Conibear, a modeler, .Open Air at 7:00 p. m. in front of Sunday afternoon, August 13, at teenth national convention at Chi­ met Thursday with Mrs. Paul Poto- who uses wet sand as his medium, nent minister, and others of equal Through the Week Citadel, this will be followed by a Private Waltei J. Smith Post cek. The change is ^pected to be of distinction in their respective cago, October 2-5, has been releas­ considerable benefit to the woolra says that of all of his models peo­ ’Tuesday, 7:00 p. m.—’The Ceci- great Salvation Meeting at 7:30 in rooms, 252 Main street, New Brit­ ed by tbe department’s transporta­ Mr. and Mrs. J. Banks Jones wera fields, through the character that lian Club will meet at the church visitors in WiUimantlc Thursday. mill employes who are- to receive a ple prefer pf, 3 first th®*>» their own the Sehior Auditorium. Adjutant ain, at 3 o’clock. All delegates and tion commltie* of wbich Harry C. likenesses. that mother iiistilled and the am­ for rehearsal. 4. full attendance of Martin will speak op the subject, alternates are so notified: Sherwood Keefe, who baa blood ten per cent increase in wages in bition to service, went forth to the members 1.^ requested. Jackson of New Britain/ is the addition to the shorter hours of Newark, N. J.—Patrick McGev- 'To ndiom shall we go?” Flag presentation will oe hefd chairman Tlfis convention is des­ poison in his hand, is at the Wind­ em, a hatters’ imlon delegate, drove play a great part in the world. Wednesday, 7:46 p. m. -Meeting Special visitors ,wUl Include En­ Sunday, August 20, r t 3 p. m., d. s. ham Memorifd hospital for treat­ labor. It was the heritage that a mod­ tined to be on4 of tbe moat im- Under the present schedule the home a point on how to revive the of the official board ot the church. sign and Mrs. R. E. Baggs from t., at the FB^i'tield State hospital at portan*' in the history of the Legion ment. hat industry at a union meeting em Hannah had given to the world, New York City, C. S. M. and Mrs. Newtown, Conn. Mr. and Mrs. CTarroU W. Hutchin­ mills have been working on a forty- and though the >*ons found a fame and with the Century Progress here. Galloway, their sqn Moncrlef and The annual outing of Anderson- added attracU rr to tbe colorfulness son and their family enjoyed a fam- eight hour basis and will a-jw re­ "I watched you fellows come In,” that never came to the mother, her CH^CH OF THE NAZARENE daughter Agnes from Schenectady, Shea Auxiliary is being held today Uy reunion at the home of Mrs. ceive tbe same compensation, plus own was the real greatness. ■ w rris B. Anthony, Pastor of the convention should be one of he said. “.And a lot of you were N. Y. at Saybrook Manor. A bus filled the largest from a standpoint of Hutchinson's father, Frank Crocker, ten per cent tor the forty hours of These meetings are public and a in Moodus, last Sunday. There were work. bare-headed. You ought to know Sunday: with members and their friends left attendance. better than that.” cordial invitation is given to any Manchester at 9 o’clock this morn­ Elaborate plans have been made 22 present, the occasion being the Caucus Registration. Elizabeto, N. J.—Captain Joseph 9:00 a. m.—Prayer service. one and every one to attend. ing and will return about 7 o’clock week of Mr. CrockOT’s 72nd birth­ The second and final session for DO YOU KNOW T H A T - 9:30 a. m.—Church school. The Week for tbe entertainment of Legion­ Coughlin took a stroll in the back­ this evening A luncheon consisting naires in Chicago. In anranglng for day. registration of the voters of the yard and solved Elizabeth’s great 10:45 a. m.—Morning worship. . Monday, the Corps Cadet Brigade, of cold meats, salads, beans, pic­ Mrs. J. Kellogg White and her town of Vernon for the party cau­ Sermon by Rev. Charles Hopkins. (Mrs. F. Harris, Leader) at 7:30 p. the transportation of the official kidnaping msrstery. Ten seniors, each with two years’ kles, olives, cake anc. coffee was' state party tbe committee has pre­ children, Alfred Hutchinson, Mr. and cuses was held at the town clerk’s A sobbing mother, Mrs, Fred CJar- 6:30 p. m.—Young People’s Hour. m. Mrs. Charles Plnney and Mirs^ Clay­ office yesterday afternmn and last varsity experience, will be among Leader, Miss Grace Hausmann. served the members and guests. pared an itinerary wbich is both roU, called police to report that her 18 footbcdl lettermen returning at Tuesday, Band Concert in the ton Hills sprat Friday at Mrs. evening. The Board of Registrars, 7:30 p. m.—Evangelistic service. Park. attractive and economics' and ^0 Hills’ cottage at Point O' Woods. son. John, 13, had bera kidnaped Iowa this fall. D. A. V. covers all expenses while enrome Henry Schmidt, republican and and carried off in a black sedan. Sermon by Rev. (Charles Hopkins. Wednesday, The Young People’s The regular monthly meeting of The Boys’ Poultry Club met with George E. Dunn, democrat, opened Duane and Jim Purvis, current The. Week Legion will meet at 7:80 p. m. except meals during stay in the The CJarroll house was surrounded. and ex-P’urdue football stars, are district No. 1, Dept, of Conn., D. A. Stewart Gibson Thursday evening their office at 12 o’clock noon yes­ The only clues were John’s clothing Wednesday, 7:80 p. m.—Prayer Thursday, Open Air service, cor­ convention city. The cost Includes and Friday Mrs. Clifford R. Perry spending the summei selling maps V. of W. W. was held in the Armory transportatloD fare for tbe round- terday and continued In session un­ strewn on the stairs. John was meeting. ner Birch and Main at 7:80. Friday, July 28, 1933 with a large and the boys motored to Storrs to til midnight. to motorists on the Chicago-Lafay- Friday, 7:30 p. m.—Class meet­ Friday, Holiness meeting at 7:80 trip, eight meals enroute, hotel ac­ tene. ette (Ind.) highway. attendance of delegates from the attend a poultry judging contest. Very little interest was shown in Captain Coughlin walked to the ing. P. m. . (______eight chapters of the district. This commodations in (Chicago and Mrs. Elsie Jones of Bolton was a the caucus registration and only a Only one game of Northwest­ Niagara Falls, berth In outside visitor at Mrs. Hart E. Buell’s Fri­ backyard and there was John, shiv­ ern’s 1933 football schedule, that was the first meeting since the dis­ stateroom on the stexmer from small number of names were re­ ering In his pajamas. He had been with Ohio State at Columbus, will ST. MARY’S CHURCH SECOND j ONGRBGATIONAL tricts were organized. Three State day and Mrs. BuelJ accompanied her ceived. walking in his sleep. Rev. James Stuart Neill, Rector Rev. F. O. Allen, Minister Dept, officers were also present and Buffalo to Detroit, and transfers to Willlmantic to visit Mr. Buril. This will be the last registration bt played outside ot "reater Chica­ necessary. Double rooms In the ho­ Mr. Buell hopes to leave the hospi­ go. Two Joes, Iowa and Stanford, gave short talks on the compensa­ for the annual elec-ion to be held on Sunday, August 18th—Ninth Sun­ .Unlpn services c’ the North tion cuts that the comrades were re­ tels In Chicago and Niagara Falls tal soon and return to his home. He tbe first Monday in October. will be met in Soldier field. day after Trinity. have been reserved, and on the will need the services of a nurse for ■Jovemment weather forecasters, Main street churches will be held ceiving. MUk Prices Rise. . Services as follows: at the Conj^gational church Sun­ Darid McCann of Manchester was steamer from Buffalo, outside some time. A gener^ rise of milk from 12 to Book a Day sayt an authority, are correct 80 10:45 a. m.—Morning Prayer and staterooms each accoramocating per cent of the time. A large part day tuomin at 10:45 with Rev. F. appointed Adjutant, Joe Fiengold of Mr. and Mrs. Durau of Walling­ 14 cents became effective in Rock­ Sermon. Sermon topic: "Man With C. Allen in charge. Sermon: ‘The New Britain was appointed Service three persons have been assigned. ford are guests of their daughter, ville yesterday for noilk delivered of the 20 per cent, we take it, is One Talent.” Five nlghtc are provided in Chi­ A HERO WHO HAD NO LUCK when they predict “Cooler weather Sweetness of Religion.” officer and Francis Kelly of Bristol Mrs. Floyd FogiL to homes and the price In stores Eivening Service will be omitted The muolcal program follows: was appointed chairman of tbe cago, allowing ample opportunity tom-iTow.’’ during .ugust. to visit the "Century of progress” rose from 11 to 18 cents a quart. By BRUCE CATTON Girl tennis star declares short Theme in A Flat ...... Schubert Membership committee. Refresh­ This change was ih accordance with One of the most glamorous and fhe Week Warum ...... Schumann ments were served by tbe Manches­ in addition to attending the con­ the ruling oi tbe Connecticut Milk pants are healthful. That’s funny; Tuesday, 7:00 p. ra.—Boy Scouts. vention. Tbe special train wlL be luckless men of the Confederacy our doctor alwajrs advised deep Allegretto Ha3rd3m ter chapter. WAPPING Control Board although many of was Pierre Gustav Toutant Beaura- Sessions of Jie Church School Tbe thirteenth national conven­ made up In Hartford leaving on breathing. omitted during July and August; Saturday, .leptember 80, at 6:45 a. the milk dealers 'iperating In Rock­ gard. In “Beaiuregs’'d—the Great A new Delaware law requires CONCORDIA LUTHERAN tion of the D. A. V. is now history, ville and vicinity protest^ the in­ Oeole,” Hamilton Basso brings him resumed second Sunday in Septem­ Corner Winter and ^erden Streets. but tbe results of its deliberation, m. (d. 8. t ) , arriving xt Buffalo dt The 4-H club of Wapplng held crease in tbe price of milk. all pedestrians on the road at'' ber. 5:45 p. m. Luncheon . on train. down out of the portrait gallery and . night to carry a light of some ^ Rev K. Richter will go a long way in the direction their, meeting oq Thiunday after­ Elks’ CSuirity Danee. of making history. The convention Transfer to D. and C. line steamsr noon at.tbe hqme of their leader exhibits him ia a remarkably warm'' kind—which, we suppose, will now ZION LUTHERAN A record number were on band and human manner. English sendee, lb:00 n. m. was fearlesb but sane, critica] ut leaving Detroit at 7 p. m,, with dla.- Mrs. Hartdd I. Turner. They en­ at the Sandy B«*cb Ballroom last be used by some men as an excuse Rev. H. F. R. Stechbels ner and breakfast oh steamer a.- joyed a .demonstration of vegetable Beauregard seemed to have been t for getting lit up. German sendee, 11:00 a. m. constructive, and the accomplish­ evening for the apnu*} charity ment of its ptogram is an objective rlving at. Detroit a^ 9 a. ra., Sun­ canning. bon* to glory. He was handsonix Story says “Pretty Boy” Floyd, Service in German at 9:30 a. m. On August 27, 1933, “Waldfest” dance sponsored by Rockville Lodge in Jarvis Grwe. Services begin at which will be attained only through day. Time will be alleww for moi* Mr. and 'Mrs. Jpbn W. Watson of Elks. talented, well-bom, ardent, the Oklahoma bandit, has killed at Text of sermon: Luke 16:1-12 bera who wlMi to attend church who were residents of Wapping for kind of man tbe stars often fight. least six men. Perhaps he’s still 10:30 a. m. the strength of the collective forces Sandy . Beach ballroom was taste­ ((Sospel of the 9th Sunday after of tbe nation’s disabled. services. Leave Detroit at 11 a. m., many years, have sold their home for. He commanded the forces th*( looking for the one wbr gave him Trinity). Subject: Learn Wisdom, fully decorated and Manager EMANUEL LUTHERAN The newly elected national offi­ due In Chicago at 8 p. m.. Sunday on -Vernon strviet xnd are living with George Bolds donated the iise of his bombarded Fort Sumtei, he shared that nickname. Ye Children of Light, from the afternoon. On Friday at 8 a, m.. relatives at 20 Chestnut street, c> mmand at , the first battle to Bull It is ofte»i the case that the Unjust Steward! No Sunday ' Rev. X. E. Erickson, Pastor cers are: Commander,' Joseph W. largpe ballroom' for the use of tbe McQueen of Kansas C!lty. Mo.; the party will leave tor home, go­ Manchester Grera. lodge. Run, beautj shop proprietress lives on school will be held until Sunday, ing by way of Nlxgara FiUls w hm I Miss Bnira J. Foster and Miss the fat of the land. 9 >80 a. m.—Sunday school and Senior Vice Ckimmander, Sulo Sal- entire proceeds will be used For a time it looked as if he Sept. 17. onln of Walla Walla, Wash.; First an overnight stop will be mxde. Lois Fostra 1 'ft last Wednesday would inevitably be the Confers^ Bible for a two weelDt' bourse .in Religious for charity, particularly "the Christ­ 10:46 a. m.—Swsdirii service. Junior Vice Commander, Peth Nu- continuing the lomeward! jourbey mas parties to be conducted by the acy*! plumed knight. In New Oiv ent of West Haven,. Conn.; Second at 7:30 a. m.. due to antve at Educational Work at Storrs Col­ leans men said, “Ah—General Lee; 2 Rey. 8. C. Fraasen .will deliver the lege. 82ks lodge. Visitors were present sermon. funlor Vice Commander, William Hartford by 8 o'clock on Saturday; ^ m aD parts to (fonnecticut and I have heard General Beauregard October 7. A registration fix . ef Mrst Edgar J., Stoughtco rater-* No evouUtg service. , Darmltzel of Albuquerque, N. M.; tolaad at her cottage a? Btbek Point Mxwachusetts. speak well of him.” >. The Brotherhood will kold its ma­ Third Junior Vice me 6f Miss EUxx- A union service ot the Unice Oon- ably..he fought nobly below Peters* ' night at ^ Shura at 7 o’clock. babilation officers. appeared on the surface Now to back up these men the D. condldatea for departinsxitort^ceB betb Flaroe , Sunday evening at half gregatlonal, tbe Rockville Baptist b u ^ , but he was In bx'* at Ritot* SOUTH M. E. CHURCH •Tho annual lawn soda', sponsor­ ■•P Oevtil d'clodc. xnd the Rockville Methodist Eptao- mond;. Mr, Basso thinks President ed by the Luther Lssgue, will be A. V. membership must retain its other than those who'. xva abeqdy SUNDAY, AUGUST 18 19:45 A. M. MtOi M a^ rie Felt, with her px) eburebss win be held .on Sunday Davis dkqdoy^ narrow*mtai^ - • « held Friday .Bight at 8 o’clock. present place and bring Into tbe fold announced their 'lawBiaeisa. - -to iqntf ina Si^tb and a minimum of 40,000 ellgibles in the race tor executive totojbltiiii . uortong xt 10:80 o’clock xt th i pxr- spleen in his treatment to him. Preacher: U ^A B D C. HARRIS. IMct Smttk nt Hartford m ion to tbs Union CongK^ttODto So bis war career remaiasd an 8WR01SH OONments s h ^ 4 teach the disabled the toqiau Kejtnbto r b s ^ t” is^i^ Aasdp oi mtpMoatloB nM tbe neeee- M tSfiS A ym m • ^ ‘5 ; ■ ' - -V j. - / MANCH»m!R EVENTNG HERAXD. MANRHB8TBB. WNN..-6ATdBDAT, AVQOST1*. XMAI. % ^ PAGE POUR • # f ,* . ______/ ^ A * >. • ' . Ranrlr^Bter it for tha racUtud»of our intantlosa of newe, which new and then does Behind, the Scenes in ->wby should ItT And wa eaanot get i little depressing. One Of The ProUen» That’s Waiting ba a gavlor to Cuba at tha axpansa Read the day's record of our, fol­ £nnttng flmtlb of our gtandiag with a whola Con* lies, our crimes and our passions, PUBLjaUfiU BY XBJD and you sometimes are brought BXRALD PRINTING COUPANT, INC tla a n t II BIlMll 9tr««t close to deqpalr. Oat out and see MaaebasUr, Conn. TBB TAVBBN. your fellow countrymen as only, a BUTDIO POWBB m a y iVou can’t gat an aaawar tro m tba THOMAS r s f.a u s o N OrORBABB BY KIR BILUONK post offlaa. , _ Oanorai Manasat As our^vorthy friends—they are roving motorist can see them, and ------n»arlle# Brancn. sariay's axacy- FounSad Ootobar 1, IMl numerous w d very respectable— you get back your faith. ■null’s aa Unoffielal Bsttmate, How- tlva asststant, paki ^ J? CR- Publlabad Bvary Bvaning Bzeapt who some few months .ago were aver, and Depanda on loeeeas Memphis, ae lays. fruhlM t^ Sundays and Holidays. Bntarad at. tna rector A V. Oalyriaapie, aiho aiae Post Office at Manebostar, Conn., as BULK FURORE. •I"! ' o f Plana boostiag so vigorously for the pres­ aooorapanled - pam waa m ; a Saeond Glass Mall Mattar. Judging from the tremendous subsc:r ip t io n r a t e s ent State Liquor Control bill drive By BODNBY DUTCHBR businee tri|, 'around the d M it. < Ona Ysar, by mall ...... 16.00 about their town, city or state they furore throughout the state In pro­ ■araM Waahlagton Correepoodeat A* roi Farley, perbape tba^am Par Month, by mall ...... t .60 test against the IdUk Control some ‘‘utuation’ u oonneetkMMrith Slngla ooplas ...... «S .01 may now. If they have eyes, beliold tbe ’empbis poet office. There Dallvared, ona ysar ...... tl.OO the Tavem-^ioblest work of a Board’s edict raislnji the retail price Washington,wuowai-uH, Aug. 12. - Kla mU- usually is. lion persqaa re-employed by Labor ' ------, MEMBER OP THF ASSOCIATED slightly Idiotic conception. of milk to fourteen oenta, this news­ » PRESfe Day may mean $8,000,000,u00 ot In- Tbs Assoelatsd Prass is azeluslvaly It Is not, on the whole, a thing of paper may have been a little pre­ Bear at I f. BoepHal antitlsd to tha uss for rapublleation mature In expreaslngi the opinion creased purobasin| power. The Army madloai oor^ baa put of all nawa dispatehas orcditad to It beauty. Xt la a tawdry, shabby, its okay oe «he hji per oent beer. A thdt a single day should suffice for There aren’t any aocurate, com- or not otharwlss oraditad In this frequently dirty bole. In the great Drehenrive TtatlstTeaisUc on which to 20-foot bar with e brjM rail baa paper and also tbs local nawa pub* special session of the General llshed herein. majority of Instances. It Is, for MM a dollars sod sanCa oomputaUon been laatall^ “V lSf All rights of rapublloatton, of Assexpbly. No doubt that length ofthe pSmlt ofS e NRA re-employ- boapital - •irat yet erected oq the even slightly fastidious, a squat govemmant hospital grounda. special dispatehas harain are also ra* of time would. If the business were ment plan in ease tt ia suooeesful. ssrvad. Id and imattractive substitute .for But amateuri ire making soma Oootora. pausats and ordsrUsa * undertaken In the proper spirit, oe keep a eoupie of bartandcra busy. Full ssrvles client of N E A Sar> clean, often finely equipped and fur^ rough eitimatea from the, material vice. Inc. nlsbed speakeasy, m contrast to sufficient for the passage of nec­ avaiiabie. essary I^Blation to make the fed­ If 6,000,000 persona are re-em- Undsrtsd ChOdran Publlshar'a Rcpraseniativo: The the average soda spa It is a rag­ ployed next month after tbe generm In cootraf with Inalatsnt asssr- Julius Mathews Special Agency—Naw eral Home Loan Act fully operative Tork. Chicago. Detroit and Boston. ged beggar. The Connecticut tav minimum wage maximum hour coda tions from the bigbsst offidals all In Connecticut But it now ai^iears NOPB—IT becomes affective and they last ysar that ths dsprsssioo was MEMBER AUDIT BUREAU OF em which Is not full of files and entirely probable that the people >OeSM'T SAkV tbe $14 minimum w age, they wlU nwkmg everybody bsalthlsr and CIRCULATIUNS. smells. Into which a customer could have $84,000,000 a week to spwd. bealthTer, tbe U B. ChUdren’s Bu- of the state will very soon storm AI'WTHIMC The Herald Printing Company, Ine., wear a good suit of dothes wlthAt Six million re-employed is the im­ raau oomes along with a itudv assumes no flnarcla. responsibility ruining it, is distinctly above the ing the Governor’s office with de­ AaOUT mediate NRA goal. showing >argt Increases la malautrf- foi typographical errors appearing In mands for the repeal of the whole P K k R K i M C May be lore or Leee tioo among cnlldraa. advertisements In tha Manchester average. We have, in a word, re­ NRA e^omlsta think perlU^ Percentage of mAloutrltioa among Evening Herald. milk control act. 'The Legislature duced the business of purveying half of the 80JK)0,000 employed per- New York schoa children, rpM SATURDAY. AUGUST 12. beer to somewhere between the vo might easily fhid Itself In the posi­ aons reedve teaa than tha propoaed fram 12.4 in 1929 to 21.1 in 1982. tion of being unable to avoid some $14 minimum and aay 12,000,000 ThF Community Health Center at cation of the Itinerant pitch-man Philadelphia reported aa increaae OUR IN CUBA. action toward getting rid of that would be a oomparativc figure. If anr* that of the scavanger. And 12,000,000 persona reedved $2 more from 80 per cent to 42 per cent. While the last thing in the world we have made our beer dispensaries law; at least toward insuring Milk a week there would m cn added many American—including this about as elevating as a kitchen-ken Bosgrd proceedings In the Interest o f $24,000,000. of purobaalng power NBA’S Prtoting BUI newspaper—want to see in relation the consiuners and ^ producers in weekly. The total increase by this The NRA sometimes spends as The Tavern, as an institution in rough method of oomputation, to the Cuban troubles is tumed in­ stead of exclusively in the Interest much as $1,^00 a day on pyper f e t this sUte, is what this much-tout­ would run up to some $8,000,000,- ite press releeeee alone. Tbe De­ tervention. by the United States, ed State u4uor Control act has of the big dealers. 000 a year. partment of lommeroe mteaeo- there is of course no question as to The increase might be s lot more. made it, and was boimd to make it graphing ana multigraphlng depart- our strictly legalistic right to taKe Or a lot •‘'ss, if the icbeme doesn’t ment works two fufi inlfte now and It is less well -conduct^ than was work as well as is hoped. employs 180 persons, of whom 90 charge of affairs, since that right is the old tiiM saloon, and very often IN NEW YORK "Otip" Robert’s Peaches are engaged m NRA material. incorporated, in the form of the so- by individuals less reQxmslble imd AssUtsnt Secretary of tbe Tress-, About 7,500 copies of every -oo^ called Platt amendment, in the con­ UT/ tAwrencs W. "Chip’’ Robert are made for dtetiibution, bat tbe of no better Intentions than the so- stitution of Cuba Itself. That pro­ ^ PAUL HARRI^ ^ marched int *be Wbite House with biggest Job is tbe naimeograpblng berated old time rumseller. Also New York, Aug. Id. — Wlmt ^th a basket of enormous peaches from o f transcripts of each code heiuing. vision, constituting an integral part it is permitted to grow, weedlike, so m*«y once-wealthy New Yorkers bis Seorgia fam President Roo4e- of Cuba’s basic law, reads: staying m town for the summei u d ye was tof busy to reedve without control as to numbers; so ed in mimeugrapbeo form. How m iy That the government of Cuba i«wtTni«hing in their penthouses, the ’ get a copy of these recipesr’ peaches. consents that the Uijlted States that soon we may see three or four debutante season is starting earlier Answer: Yes, your sister is quite Did "Chip’’ leave tbe peaches? He usual, and less extravagantly dla not. He toted them off so be A Thought may exercise the right to inter­ taverns slde-by-slde, competing for HEALTH-DIET ADVICE right, I did conduct such’a contesi vene for the protection of Cuban than ever before . • • Time was could bring tbem back again when the beer patronage o f a small neigh­ and many appetising dessert redp8s he could preefnt tbem in person Independence, the maintenance 'when a daughter couldn’t be well BY UK. FKANB McCOY Ye have lived hi pieaeore «■ the borhood—with the inevitable result launched for less than %V)fiOOy tc were submitted. These three prise- of a government adequate for the 4)uesttons to regard to Uaaltb and Dlot winning radpes ma? be obtained oy earth, and have been wanton: ye that their proprietors can make $80,00d. And 9100,000 wasn’t an im Farley’s Expenses have noorlslied year hsarte> as In protection of life, property and will be answered by Ur. McCoy who can ■ending in yotur riqueat which must Southern dr^ who demand to individual liberty, and for dis­ heard of figure when social com­ a day of elaoghter. la nWi 5-8. living only by bootlegging ilUdt petition got keen in the matter o f be addressed In nare of this paper. Bn- be accompiuded by hUY*. self-ad­ know how Postmaster General Jim charging the obligations with re­ close stamped, self-addressed onvolopt?. dressed. stamped envdope. A collec­ Farley finanesd his trty into the liquors. how nuny big orchestna, orchids, Pleasure makes oar youth to- spect to Cuba Imposed by the for reply. tion of otber healthful and delicious south to urge repeal of the 18tb Cheap, shabby, sordid, the rapidly star entertainers and guests one glorious, qur age shameful.—Steele. treaty of Paris on the United had . . . Now, though, a girl can dessert recipes can be obtained by amendment probably won’t find ont. States, now to be assumed and multiplying Tavern Is the firult of o.i: be swept into the socud swim on f r e s h a n d d r i e d APRtOOTK ffioatlng kidney, and tbe majority of asking for Dr. McCoy’s Dessert undertaken by the government of the stupidity of people viio, ignor­ few bottles of champagne, together Recipes, endosing a i^-addressed Cuba. ■ - pstients examlnod aro found to have ant of the purposes underiying the with maybe a hundred friends, a The apricot is a little earlier on at least one kidney lower than what envdope and three cents In postage ffyniLii band and the ballroom of one to partially cover the cost of mail­ There Is probably no parallel for creation of the State liquor Control the market than tbe peach and is oonsidsrsd nonnal. A fioaUng kid this singular provlsloi) in any other of the more modest hotels. . . -TOis may now be found in most markets ney would not be harmed Iw braxidy ing. Board, cheered for-this wretched season 181 debs wUl attain social WATKINS BROTHERS, Inc. constitutional document in the throughout North America. any more than one in normal posi­ liquor bill and panicked the Legis­ reglatei maturity. tion. Whether or not the etimulation KEO OF WWWR EXPLODES world, for the United States' is The freeh apricot is an excellent lature into passing It fruit but is more perish­ of brandy is good in your particular bound to no obligation—could not, Paattmes of the case depends upon many other Norwalk, Conn., Aug. 12.—(AP) Funeral Directors However, the consequence of their Hobbies of the high-hats: Philip able some of the other summer —A keg of beer exploded last nlgbt conceivably be bound to anything advocacy ought to be obvious enough Rhinelander collects heads; at Iw ^ fruits. Most of the commercial crop things besides the position of your to McCarthy’s diner to Mato street, ESTABLISHED 68 YEARS kidneys. by' a Cuban constitution of any by this time. Before the next state he has a number of them wm « Is raised in California and, since the testrtog a three foot bole to tbe character—^whlle Cuba reserves no originally were collected by a .tribe fruit does perish so easily, the bulk fioorTknockinlg a large piece oft a election, perhaps, the state’s goo- of head-himters and shrunken to of it is either dried or canned be­ (Write for Prize Wlanlng Bedpes) marble oounter, ripping the hood CHAPEL AT 11 OAK SJ. right of any sort to keep us out if Question: Mrs. Mable W. writes: goes may be able to perceive that m iniature size . . . Grover Loening. fore being shipped. from over a gas stove and lifting Robert K. Andersoo' Phone: Office 6171 we fed that we ought ,to step In. we got off very much on the wrong the airplane designer, is always a you cannot find tbe fresh aprl- ' "My sister has recently rrltten to the roof at tbe lunch cart several The very one-sidedness of this critidsuig his friends’ bouses ^ cots to your market, you should a t. me, saying that not long ago you inches. John Ryan, the clerk to b'lmeral Director Residence?^ foot In adopting this abortive sys­ cause he wants to help remodel oharge, said that an available cbeck arrangement ought to make the least learn to use the apricot to its conductedj— a Dessert -* «»—Redpe1~- Contest tem of handling the liquor problem them. He planned his own modern­ in your dty and ’bat tbe three failed to work, and no one waa in­ United States extremely, reluctant dried form. * in Connecticut And that the sale istic house on Long Island . • • AS much as 65 per cent of the prtxe-wlnnl^*r r-n bf ohtoin jured. to Intrude into Cuban affairs so long Clarence Mackay, papa-in-law of of alcoholic beverages must be con­ Irving Berlin, has a collection of apricot crop is dried. You wlU find aq it is possible to refrain from do­ trolled in some drastically different armor valued at more than a mil­ that these dried apneota make a wholesome food if prepared propei- ing so. And there is the still bet­ manner if it is to be. made what it lion difilma. . • • And Mrs. Harry ter reason that we cannot take ad­ Horton Benkard owns the ^ st ly. They should be well washed nd should be, a particularly responsible, soaked overnight to enough water vantage of our legal right to med­ valuable collection of Duncan Pyfe closely supervised, orderly, decent furniture outside of any museum to cover them. They should then be dle there without suffering serious business—^in the* hands of persons . . . Tommy Hitchcock, the pololst. cooked to the same water for as loss of faith and friendship through­ fit to handle it or perhaps in the likes prize fights so well that he long aa possible to order to bring out the whole of South and Central goes around unrecognized, to some out the sweet, palatable fiavor. No bands of the state or the munld' of the palooka matches at neighbor­ sugar should be added as the slow America. It is almost desperately pallty Itself. hood sporting clubs . . . And An­ cooking will bring out the fruit necessary that we should do nothing thony addle is so clover with his sugar which will make them taste to destroy the growing hope of fists that he could like the average more deUdous than if commercial, THE OPEN ROAD. amateur. . . . Mrs. Charles Dana Latin America that hereafter this white sugar is used. Jf you may pos- One of the best ways to convince Gibson’s social work specialty is Blbly obtain the dried fruit which country intends to mind its own placing children for adoption. . . . yourself that most of your fellow has not been prepwed with sulphur, business and stop bullying its south­ J. P. Morgan knows more about you will find it a great deal more citizens are, after all, pretty friend­ blooded cattle than the average YOU ern neighbors. It would be ex­ desirable to every way. The ordi­ fiumer. . • • And John D. Rocke­ ly and kindly folk is to take a lei­ nary dried fruits are treated with tremely unfortunate if, at this time, feller, Jr., knows more about we were compelled by force of cir­ surely vacation tour by automobile. precious stones than many a Jeweler. sulphur and some of the sulphur Such a trip will bump jrou up elements are geneially left to the cumstances to once more take over, food, and I find that this tend* to against filling station employes, Sodaltlee at Work even for the shortest time, control Tbe NRA code hasn’t done much cause flatulence to the same way as of Cuba’s government. garage men, inn keejiers, house­ so far for tbs bored or impover­ it is caused by tbe sulphur in onions We have seldom seen the cause wives who have "Rooms for Tour­ ished sodaUte; but a lot of them are and garlic. tnaking more than eigaret-money If you live where you may enjoy of Cuba’s plight set forth more ists’’ on signs in front of their apricots, you will find that thev homes, tea room hostesses, lunch from their Jobs. ’There’s Prince clearly in an editorial article George Sherbatoff, for Instance, make an excellent fruit for the WORLD in a Connecticut newspaper—the counter waitresses and an Infinite who has ^ne in for chicken raising fruit fast. They should sdwaj^ be Waterbury Republican—which sayS: variety of chance acquaintances in o c a farm upstate. Just to be sure eaten alone or with such proteir other automobiles. And nothing that bis eggs are not confused with foods as nuts, cheese, or m ^. If It is chiefly the American sugar any common, run-of-the-coop va­ and banking interests that are could be much more surprising, or they are xued to this way, the skins riety, he stamps each one with i may be eaten if well washed. Cuba’s overlords. They have pleasing, than the way in which 99 neat crown befoi’e it ie crated. . . , over a billion invested in Cuba; The apricot shares tbe excellen­ YOU can sit in your room and turn through advertising pages— per cent of these people will turn Then there’s Whitney Bourne, histri­ cies of the fruit family; it fumlshe; they wield the economic power in onically inclined daughter of Mrs. mineral elnments and vitamins: af­ any portion of the world before you to come to you, and it will come! You the island, and in consequence out to be men and women whom Hiirvey D. Gibson and tbe outstand­ they control the government. you are glad to have for fellow- ing deb of last season. She’ll be on fords bulk; is a cooling summer food, may be classed as a mild laxa­ can summon an ounce of French garden in a perfume vial; intricate pieces They have permitted the govern­ countrymen. « the stage in the fall, and so will tive, and possesses the natural fruit ment to become a bloody tyranny Janet Wyatt, one of the ' ingenue of Switzerland in a tiny wrist-watch; a comer of California packed in a n because it has supported their Maybe the automobile has brotight sensations o f ’33. . . . Tw o society sugar. feudalistic economic system. a change in our national chax6u:ter; matrons, Mrs. John Duncan and Over three mlilion cases of apri­ orange; a handful of Virginia to stuff in yow pipe; Sunny SeviBe in Machado might have gone long maybe the people of this coimtry Mrs. ^ohn H. belin, Jr„ started and cots were packed to 1931-32, show­ ago if it had not meant the rise ing bow popular this food is for a always were pretty nice; whichever are now'Inanaglng the maternity of a liberal opposition bent upon department of a Fifth Avenue canned fi^ t dessert. The canned olives; a taste of Ceylon in tea. economic and social reform—up­ way it is, there isn’t any medicine store. . . . And am ong the ex- apricots are put up to a thick syrup on the breakdown of the great much better for a man than the debbies working in stores are Jane and those with impaired digestions Bishop, Faith Hollins. Carol Barnes, feudal estates into small holdings, series of personal contacts that arise 4riU find that the combtoaiton of AdrertlMments tell you the durable pqrUouB of the world you cm the establishment of a.national Margaret Stafford and Louise Hunt- canned apricots and any form of during an extended motor tour. bank system, the nationalism of ting. . . . Princess Troubetaky, an­ starch food is likely to cause fer­ boy. How moot quickly to call them to you. How much you’ll Hko utilities, the abolltifin of the well- Writers axe fond of saying that other of the scores of titled Ruz mentation. For this reason apricot paid professional army that has Americans are hurried, discourteous, sians hereabout, gets exactly $18 i pie mode from the camned fruit is week for selling stocklngz. . . them when youro. Grown ou • far toland-4ug from a mtao—if i f a ad­ kept MachEulo in power, the end irritable, snappish and lacking In not wholesome. - of the lottery, the independence With the market revival, lots of Apricots may be used for aa Ice warmth. This may be so. In blue-blooded youths have gone back vertised and yon ask for it. If o yonro. If yon ask It to do what i f f advor- of the Judiciary and the estab- erkam flavor, if inaabed. strained » lishment of public education with places; but the motorist'Usually has Into the business of peddling bonds One of tbem, though, Mr. William and combined, with cream and a tised to do, it win. If yon aok others who have used It what they found a free autonoibous''universi^. a different story to tell. little honey and frozen. It may seem fantastic to sup­ FanshSwe White, 4s now guiding You can travel thousands of miles Apricot fluff or vdfip is made by ont, they wffl repeat faeta adverUaed ahont that prodnet Advertlaa- pose that American armed inter- the business destinies of a Jw . or­ without finding, for Instance, a fill­ chestra. * mashing the fruit, straining and ^ vention would ever be made in then mixing the pulp with the meats are yonr anreot. qnlekeat means of enjoying the world. They help Cuba to permit the Cubfuu to ing statiop man who doesn’t go out whites of ekgs whl

Gehng, In His Prime A t 30, Has Chance To Set A Real Consecutive Game Record Cubs A dvance Into Second

B j ALAN QOULD A Leadinsr Contender (AP Sports IMDtor) WHALE PIRATES TO WEST SIDES ARE LACED New York, Aug. 12.—(AP)— toITOWN SWIMMING MEET the process of cracking the aU- OPEN NEW B D FOR tlme major league “iron man” rec­ BY ALL-STARS, 10 TO I ord cor consecutive games played AT GLOBE POOL TODAY Henry Louis Gehrig has ui oppor­ tunity to build it up for a long time NATIONAL PENNANT to come, unless he or Manager Joe Fire-Rim OntbonU m 5ft McCarthy decides an enforced rest ATTRACTS 60 MTRIES NEWSBOYS TROUNCE far the Yankee first baseman is es­ sential at some future date. and 7th Wh for Sqiplei’ The Yankees have had («ly one Chicago Only 3 1-2 liuiies CHAMPS OF Y LOOP fiiat baseman for so l In Need of Sipples ter, neckties; J. W. Hale Co., mer­ Those old Philadelphia Athletics an error by Hewitt. Sipplas siDgled. wood Slagles, Jrs., into camp by the the Jesanis-Brltton combination was ;an 1; hit by pitcher, Frederlckson St. John siizgled, Kotch ended tbs BALDWIN’ S-GREEN With both of his star fiingers chandise order; Thom McAn, boy’s top seeded in this year’s play. roommates, Jimmy Foxx and >1 by Rossi; struck out, by Rossi 4, nicked for plenty of hits in half a golf hose; Arthur’s Drug Co., dent­ score of 17 to 16. Vartick and Vitt- Simmons are at it again, anc inning ^ flying to first They soov^ ner were the big guns for the “Y” Holland and Bissell were runner- by Senkebeil 5. Time, 8 1-2. hours. ed 6 in the 7tb when Wright got a regular game, the management is al sets; M agneil Drug Co., denUD lips last year, Urbanetti and John­ things look natural and normal Umpire. Beer. in a quandary who to start in the set; Glenney’s, sport sweater; Hult Juniors each getting four out of among the Utters of the American base on balls, 8. Massey singled, four, to every inning the score was son are seeded No. 5 and No. 6 re­ Sipples got on on Hewitt’s sseond • INSERIESCLASH box Monday afternoon against the man’s, Mickey Mouse sweat shirt; spectively in the singles tourney, League to everyone except possi til except the last inning when the error, St. Jobn filed to latt. S tm t- Boston Braves. It was plainly evi­ Brownbilt Shoe Co., sport Keds; and the Harris combination is ex­ Uy Connie Mack. dent last night that the Gems are Diamond Shoe Store, sport Keds "YY” Junioi^ got four runs to win While Chuck Klein continues to ton singled. Wallet got on on an pected to prove one of the out­ HKmANDERS OPPOSE error by Mikan. Pechuk ondod IRi suffering for the lack of the old Marlow’s, beach pajamas; Dewey- the game for tbemseives. Young a run-away race of the chase standing teams. rally by flying to Mlkon. Lcagne Tide at Stake in spirit that was pact of the team’s Richman, book; Fradin’s, girls' "Billy” Arcklvy brought the win­ The Pairings for the Natloiuu League battln handkerchief set; Navin'S Shoe ning nm to win the game for the title, Foxx, and Simmons are lock HERALD TEAM MONDAY Tbe management of tbo Wool big asset when Tommy Sipples was The pairings are as follows: Wal­ Sides is sorry to say that Jackson Store, silk stockings, McLellan’s, “Y” Juniors. Arnold got five out wf ed again in one rf their old-fash running the team. It is a certainty ter Holland and Earl Bissell va Taylor, colored- sensation, was not Game Tomorrow Morning boys’ dress shirts; Grant’s, boys’ eight times to the plate. “Walt” ioned hitting duels. Jimmy dropped that the local ex-numager of the Jdilton Nelson-James Metcalf; Mi- The Herald, a fast and oncoming bers last night Hs is slgaed undsr Gems would have yanked Morrell dress shirts; Manchester Plumbini; Uss pitched a fine game the first chisel Brozowski-Dave Muldoon vs. two points to A66 during the last five innings striking out the first baseball tyam, will clash against contract by tbs Homs Orels and before the score stood 10-2, regard­ A Supply Co., baseball glove; F. T William Leone-Louls Oeorgetti; week. Simmons’ batting* fell off five Highland 'Park next Monday night at Jarvis Grove. nine men. Kloter of the HoUirwood tbs Homs Circls wouldn’t 1st Mm less of bis former reputation. The Blisb Co., baseball glove; Rubi Rev. Leonard Harrls-Carleton Har­ points to A ’-4. at M t Nebo at 6 p. m. Tbe startug pitch. Red Putnam, another star Eagles pitched a fine game for bis The ten leading batters in each score: now’s, girl’s dress; Ben Cohen, ris vs. Jack Puter-Walter Buckley; Herald lineup is as follows: Vince meutionod. was forosd to ploy wltk team. Vittner and Varrick both of Ed Wemer-Francls Mahoney vs. the major * league follows; National, Honse of David State 'Theater passes; J. H. ()uinn e, N. Lasbinski p, Siamonds lb, Har< Savltts who last Piaysd tbs Following is the standing of the the "T” Juniors got a home run. Klein, fblllies,.J80; Terry, Giants, Bight AB. R. H. PO. A. E. A Co., manicure set. winner of the Salmonds-O’Leaty and aburda 2b, Brozowski ss, Kovis 8b, House of David at Hartford. four teams comprising the Manches­ Mr. Simonds had to put five balls in Brimley-Cotton match; Paul Jesan- 858; Avis, PhUUes, 846; Piet, ter American League, as the series Scbadel, S h ...... 5 2 2 0 8 0 The order of events will be Antonio If, O'Leary ef, Mozser rl. W est Sidsa W oods, lb~...... 5 1 3* 10 0 ''Boys, first year to raft, 35 yd. free the game. The 'T ” Juniors would is-James Britton vs. Ed Dziadus- Pirates, 888; Sebulmerlch, Phillies, Tbe Herald tevn is willing to AB.R.B.PO.A.B. to decide the championship of the like to play for the Jzmior cham­ Robert Dexter- 888; FuUis, Pbimes, 883; Vaughan league gets tmder way, with the Form an, c f ...... 5 2 8 6 1 style; girls, first year to raft, 25 yd. challenge any team in the Manebss- Dowd, I f ...... 8 1 1 S 0 0 Beasley, If ...... 5 8 8 1 0 free style; boys, 10-12, 35 yd. free pionship. They slso wou.d like to Allaa Dexter vs. Richard Pirates, 828; Moore, Boston, 817; ter American League, North Bads, Klkan, 3b •*,**• 8 0 0 s g'lne at Jarvis Grove tomorrow Winston Bendall; Lebro Urtianettl- Collins, Cards, 816; Berger, Sm itb, e ...... 6 1 8 4 0 style; ^rls, 10-12, 25 yd. free style play the Bluefield Juniors, the Babe or any other teams. H sw ltt ss ...... 8 0 1 4 morning between Manchester Green Carl Johnson vs. John Klein-John Braves, 815. Ripp, SS ...... 5 2 2 2 1 boys, 12-14, 26 yd. free style; girls, Ruth Aces. Please call the Y. M. C. Stavnitsky, lb .. 8 0 1 0 and the Baldwin A. C. Hedlund; Ken Edwards-Fred Bieber. Amencan: Foxx, Philadelphia, Ram sey, r f ...... 6 2 2 8 1 12-14, 25 yd. free style; I x ^ 14-16, A. Phone 7206. Burkbardt, ef ....8 0 0 0 Games vs. Robert H. 8mitb-Ed Markley. 856; Simmons, White Sox, 854; Team played W. Pet. Starvacus, 2b ...5 1 8 1 8 50 yd. free style; girls, 14-16, 26 yd. MoConkoy, 8b ..3 0 0 0 SOCCER FRACnCE Manuab, Senators, 888; Cronin, Manchester Green ,.2 2 1.000 Swaney. p ...... 5 0 0 0 1 free style; senior girls, 60 yd. free How They Stand WUkiiisoD, rf ... 8 0 0 0 style; senior men, 50 yd. free style Senators, 888; Hodapp, Boston, HedluDd, 0 ...... 2 0 1 0 Baldwin A. C...... 2 2 1.000 884; 4ppUng, C9fieago, 880; Oeb- girls, 10-12, 26 yd. back stroke The Manchester Olymple Soccer YESTERDAFS RESULTS Godek, p ...... 2 0 0 1 Highland Park .... 2 0 .000 45 14 31 37 10 League Leaders ringer, Detroit, 83i; West,. St. boys, 10-12, 26 yd. back stroke team will bold a practice session at Amerloaa League r. Hewitt P *.*• 0 0 0 0 Nmth End Arrows. 2 0 .000 Savltt Gems Louis, 826; Higgins, Philadelphia, gins, 13-14, 25 yd. back stroke the West Side Monday at 4 o’clock. WaitaingtoD 8, Boston 4. The Green defeated the North A3. R. H. PO. A, Apyone wishing a trial should report By ASSOCIATED PRESS . .824; Dickey, Yankees, 831.* • End Arrows on July 30, by a score Putnam, cf ...... 5 1 2 2 boys, 12-14, 25 yd. back stroke (toefuding yesterday's games.) Cblesgo 3, Detroit 0. Totals ...... 34 1 431 7 8 boys, 14-16, 50 yd. back stroke at t^ West Side or get in touch New York at PklUdelpbla (Rain) A tt-Stsm of 11 to 10, and on August 6 were on Farrelf, lb ...... 5 0 1 6 with Manager Lennon. A business National: Unchanged, except runs, girls, 14-16, 25 yd. back stroke BYRD MUSES GOLF MARK (Only games scheduled). AB.R.B.VO.A..J. the Imig end of a 6 to 2 score. The Munn, c ... • • e e • ^ 0 1 6 meeting win be held immediately Martin. Cards, 87. Philadelphia, Aug. 12.—(AP)— Baldvdns playing their opponents, senior girls, 50 yd. back stroke NattoMi Lsacno WV t r lg b t 8b ...... 8 0 0 0 D uffy, If ...... 5 1 0 0 after practice and all members of American: Unchanged When Qeorge Herman Ruth gets the Highland Park team on the senior men’s, 60 yd. back stroke batting, Foxx, Athletics, A66; Sim- Gbieago S.PittsburiSs. 8.S. Msassy, 2 b ....4 8 8 ft Gleascn, 2b ...... 5 0 2 8 the chib are requested to be pres­ tired occasionally out in the nar­ 1 0 aame dates, Just won the first game girls, 10-12, div. W. L. P e t C. Msesey, If . . . . 2 1 1 0 The series starting tomorrow will Loftus, p ...... 8 1 2 1 25 yd. breast stroke; girls, 10-12, ednaisf of the best two out of three 25 yd. breast stroke; boys, 10-12, Perry Denies The Rumor Young Byrd, taking advantiM of W ssU iig to D ...... 68 88 .643 Wallstt c ...... 8 2 1 0 games, and entitle the winner there­ 26 yd. breast stroke; senior girls, a day so bad tbs Yankses andT the New Y ork...... 68 41 A06 Psebuk, p ...... 8 0 2 0 41 7 10x36 13 8 of to meet any other teams in town, 50 yard breast stroke; girls, 14-16, Athletics could not even play base­ PhUadelpbla...... 52 51 A05 StrsttoB, I f ...... 2 3 0 0 House of David .. 313 210 108—14 quidifled to play for the title of 25 yd. breast stroke; 14-16, He*s To Turn Professionul ball, went out to tbs Uanercb links D etroit ...... 52 66 A81 Savltt Gem s ...... 110 004 100— 7 boyt, Town Champions. 60 yd. breast stroke; senior men’s, bere yesterday and abot 'ilmself a G eveland ...... 63 57 A77 I T o t a ls ...... 80 10 18 21 10 ft Two base bits, Woods, Forman 2, It is expected' that Umpire 50 yd. breast stroke; girls, 12-14 magnificent 88-81—69, Just one Chicago ...... 60 66 473 Scors by inniiiga: Beasley, Ramsey, Stravacus, Glea­ stroke above tbe record for the West Sides ...... 100 000 0 - 1 O’Leary wil) officiate during this dlvi^, three required dives; boys, Rye, N. Y„ Aug. 12.—(AP) —^for 24 hours, then went to dinners B o s t o n ...... 46 68 .442 son, Cronin. Loftus; three baM hits. course held by Denny Shuts, new A U -S ta ra ...... 000 000 0—10 series, calling tomorrow morning’s 12-14, diving, tbr^ required dives Another of those most vitally con­ and parties, until I got on the boat S t Louis ...... 42 68 482 Woods, Stravaciu, Wilkes; stolen Brltisb oper champion, and tbe Triple ]^y Godek to Kikan to game at Jarvis Grove, promptly at senior girls, 100 yd. free style; sen cerned reached over today and bit­ I slept all the v^y across, and 1 was Nattonal bases, Beasley 2;, double plays, ooun# proftiilOTHl Stavnitsky: sscrlflos hits, Kiwaa* 10:15. lor men, 100 yd. free style; alrls, terly shook the'Shoulders of profes­ goadro by. newspapermen asking W. L. P e t Flood to Loftus, Fohnan to Smitb; Byrd is so used to tbe role of a «OsrO MoOmksy: stolan basas, Hswl^ 14-16, diving, three required mves, sional tennis, to av^en the sleeper me if 1 were to turn professional. New Y o r k ...... 63 43 left on bases. House of David 4, substitute it felt perfectly normal 47 461 MsiaiMr. Wallett; double plays, B. one optional; ooys, 14-16, four re­ from the grandiose dream of Ells­ I knew nothing about it .’til then. C hicago ...... 60 Savltt Gems 8; struck out, by Mor- to turn tbe trick with borrowed 59 47 JM)7 Hewitt to Klksn to Stavnltikar, quired dives, three optiobal;; senior worth Vines, Jack Crawford, Henri “I didn’t come bere to talk busi­ P itts b u r g h ...... Ye8terday*8 Stars ness, I came here to play tennis.” dubs. He had never before played Boston ...... 56 51 438 Hewitt to Sto^taky; left on boaaa. 4 <“vlng. four ^uired dives, Cochet and Fred Perry, all joining the course. e 53 4 10 AU-8tars 4, West Sidso 1; baso or lou*- opUon^;__senlor men, ^vlng. On his arrival In New Toik yester­ S t Louis ...... 66 the nmks of a profe^onal troup 60 428 balls off Hiwltt l; bit by pitebosr wild pitch, Morrell; passed bail, five required dives, five optional; day, be said be thought the Ameri­ Philadelphia ...... 44 Munn; losiDg pitcher, Morrell; um­ together. KLEIN TO CUBS Brooklyn ...... 42 60 .412 by Godek, Meisner, Pechuk:mtm«k By ASSOCIATED PBES9 imderwater swim open to all. No can Davis Cup team in France was out by Godek 1, Pechuk 1, Hewitt l7 pires, Lynch and Nash; time, 2:15. This time, it was Perry, 24 year under-trained, rather than over­ New York, Aug. 13.—(AP)— Cincinnati - ...... 44 64 ,.407 age lim it. That trade bringing young Dolpb umpires, RuaseU and Olds. Proper Martin, Clardinals, clouted X — ^Riunsey out fo r not touching old ‘Btaglishman, whose izi^ired play trained as critics have insisted; that TODAF8 GAMES swept the historic Davis cup to the thumping first baseman double and three singles, scored 3rd. EAST MEETS WEST Vines was a gqme fellow, but ^’men­ Am erieaa threv runs agaliut Reds. island kingdom for the first time in from Sacramento to tbe Odcago Detroit at Chicago tally sick” fmr the matches; and Cubs in exobitoge for 124,000 In Ted Lycos, White Sox, blanked 11 years. that be had been “Just a Ut lucky.” St Louis at aevslabd Chicago, Aug. 13.-^ AP) — The eaab is only tbe beginning of the New York at Philadelphia (t). Laet Night ’# Fifdtte. with seven hits. BUIEFIELDSTOMEET East and the West, which Rudyard "Fred Perry,” he said, shortly, _D orot^ Round and Mary Hedey, good news in store for CSiieago'i Waihington at Boston. Babe Heimau, Cubs, hit double Kipling said never could meet, will "is not interested in professional- Britidi Wightman cup plasrers, were and two singles for perfect day at fandk>m if reports about town to­ Natfonal cross him up at Onwentsia Cozmtry isuL That is absolutely the final the finalists in womens singles play, DANIELSON INDIANS day are even partly oorrset Caiicago at Pittsburgh (2). asso c ia ted b a t Club no later than tomorrow after­ word. It's beginning to rain now.” By PEBM and latez were scheduled to meet The boys with *htir ears close to Boston at Brooklyn Goose Gosun, Senators, knocked noon, when the first intersectional His flat denial was the second in laing runs against Red Sox with BUlsabeth Ryan, Califonila, who has the ground lay a deal sendinr PhUadripbia ot New York Hartford, Oenn MVMis (tto»: all-star battle in Polo history will from the quartet recognised as the double in ninth. The Bluefldds will be up against lived in England for years, and Caiuck Klein, tbe National League Cindimati at S t Louis. (known) Winston. H artof* knemsff the strongest of any teams they be played. top four of the world’s amateur Freda James, another Wightman battlnx. Chamolon from the Ptalltlea ou t M i ^ FOX, N s w ^ s k . ^ have met this year when they Jour­ Headed to the greatest player of tennis znasters. With almost as cup Invader, in the women’s doutdes t o ^ M Cuba torn been signed, seal­ Patsrson, N. J -^ V ^ PLAY FOB TITLE ney to Danielson tomorrow and play them all. Tommy Hltchoodc, the much feeling. Vines, the lanky Cali­ final. ed and win be delivered nex Bsltimors, stopped Danny Dsmhi;. Qie QulnebaUlK Indians o f that city. eastern team will go into this first fornian dismissed the story as Clifl Sutter of New Orieana was spring. say the PhilUss will WRESTLING AUentown, Pa., ^ Chicago, Aug. 12.—(AP) — The This team is very fast and is com­ game of a best two in three series as “bunk”, after it had been published paired with Gregory Msngin, Na­ get 1100,000 in casb sad Babq Her- WUmtagton. DsL— Women’s western golf champion­ posed of former college and prep favorites. Opposed to them will be simultaneously in two afternoon tional indoor champion, in one nzen’s By ASSOCIATED PBB88 (Seveland, outyototsd ship, which Miss Virginia Van Wie school stars. Some of the outstand­ the cream of the western loup, cap­ papers here on “highest authority., singles semi-final and Lester Stoe- PhiladelphlSr- Jim- Londos, 8 » New York, 8. of Chicago, National women’s oham- ing players are: Waldron of Ford- tained by Cedi Smith, onq of the Once the ice had been broken. fen of Los Angeles and Sidney Wood Thrss Big Tan atblstle dlrectora Louis defeated Mhmrett M arshall, La Syrseuse, N. fv-r*****) |fion, has unsuccessfully pursued fo r ham University and Boyd ot.Ten- steadiest shots in the sport. Perry seemed able to discuss the of New York. In the other, with the have “gone east” in recant yesis. Junta, Cal., (Marshall unable to woiid heavywsiibt Ohatwplmi, df eight years, was within her giusp n esiee A cadem y. L ast year they< matter more freely. flizal held over for Sunday. Vines Frits Crialsr went from MUmfsott oontinue after dive from ring.) t^ tod Harold Mays, When Mrs. Thornton Emmons, today as she played Miss Lucille plajred 82 games and they won 36? and Keith QledbeU. National dou­ to Piincetctt, George Uttle from Boise, Idaho—Howard Oonton new women’s golf champion of Ohio, Was “Torn Apart” FranetMO—Uttls . tlT Robinson of Des Moines, for -the The Bluefields will leave bere to­ bles chamj^ons faced Stoefen and Wisconsin to Rutgers and CXU. Nei-, win*. 220, Pwiiand, Or*.,^ defeated morrow at 12 o’clock sharp. Today woo her title It was the first time in “I was torn apart when 1 return* and Gsas title.- Today’s mat^ called for 18 Jack TidbaU, intercoUegiate cham- son A. Kellogg from Purdue to Everett Klbbona, 215. OUahosaa, goi^ this morning and 18 this after- cars will leave for WilUmantie ^at the history ot the toumamaat that ed to B ng^d after the Davis Cup pkia. In the nuM’s douUaa flnsL twDOf thfse tolls. ' 1 o ’d o e k . p liy yrmt to > d e f . qiltehdf in rrfnee,” he itld. *1 slept -V-, y-r-'. f.V"' ’ V 'i- • S -rv ■’


ised Artene, looking up from her for four cars getting gas at one local’ Plymoutb and Dodge dealers. ^ i n g . tl0 M there is plenty of space for They report an active increase in ITAUANrARGENIlNE > ‘Tt was this way,” she said NEWSCHAiXER parked cars. An air hose ta located new car sales. gleefully after they had given on another Island on the southweet tneir orders at the fifth floor tea ommer Of the property. These TRADE PACT BREWS S^*^'LOV€g(€V€ room. “Barnes came in while STATION OPENS Islanda are enclosed with a concrete BRIDGEPORT SEEKS U. S. you were talking to Miss James. Buenos Aires, Aug. 12.— (AP) — He gave Maiya and Miss Alim An Itallan-ArgSBtlns oomfiaercisi BEGIN W ^E TODAY desk that had been Alice Marshall’s replied crisply. “All the girls on and me a cool, distant good morn­ AD) FOR NEW PAVEMENT agreement moved cloiMr to coi^m * EYE BATliESS, pretty assIrtMit —^was a note which read: the floor are busy and there isn’t ing as if we were molecules and Third m Local Han’s Chain mation today with an examinatlop to EARI.K BARNES, advertUln*^ “Memo to Miss Bayless from an errand boy in sight. Fd bring sailed right through to his office by the ministers ot agriculture and meiuiger of BIzby’s department Mr. Barnes: them up m y^ but 1 have to go and slammed the door. foreign affaiit ot proposals for •tore, secretly marries DICK “After you correct proofs to the receiving room to look over *1 think that dashed the new Opens at HoDywood Bridgeport, Aug. 12.— (AP) — mutual tariff jonctnona. Aigesi- RATtiCR, a oonstmctton soperln- of today's ad, please see Miss a new shipment that just came sirm a little, bdt not for long. Majror E. T. Bunalngham of Bridge­ tins is especially interested id pf9- tendrat. Dick opposes her oon- McElroy and get details for In.” She took out the gooo old pamt port ioda>. askec. the State Public ferential treatment for her m^t tinned employmeot and pleads Basement hat sale' Tuesday. Eve stacked the hats into cjx box and revised her face som-, Junction This Homing. Works Advisory Board to rule products and an Argentine mlssioo for a home but Eve Is determined Select six or eight hats for unwieldy pyramid and carried and was .about ready to go into whether mtmicipalltin may under­ now in Rom* report, d Italy Is will­ to go on working. sketching. Make 3-col. lay­ them to the office herself via the conterence with the boss wboi take highway improvements under ing to make concessions in impeart The same day Eve learns that out for Press and 2-coL for freight elevator. She regarded little me barged in ahead of her Hollywood Super Service Station the National Recovery Act to take quotas. she Is to be srat to New York by this task as beneath the dignity with a message. While 1 was • Times and ^vrite copy and at 342 East Center street opened for advantage of the 30 per cent federal Ehttensive instructions were tile store and most leave that heads to fit. See layotit on of her position and did not wish there 1 thought 1 might as well contribution and pay Ita share of 70 cabled the Argentine Ambassador is night. She does not tell Dick my desk for depth of ad'and to be seen by anyone she knew. call his attention to the fact that business this morning. This is the pet cent balance in yearly install­ Washington regarding s projected this news nntil they are at dinner. apprc^mate size of cut. *1116 buyers, she suspected, did not your former desk bad become a third station to be put m operation ments from State aid road grants. trade treaty. wit> the United States. He sees her aboard her train. “Send proof of your col­ feel about this as she eid. One dumping ground for this and that by .Schaller Motor Sales, Inc. The proposal, first ol its kind to In New Yark Eve meets umn in today’s Press to Mr. of them was likely to appear in and shoula I have Chasles clear The building Is at brick construc­ be advanced in the state, was put WEST IS SWELTERING. FREDA CARTER, dress buyer for Bixby for his O. K.” the advertising office at any time it out so the new girl would have tion with white stone trim. 'There before Archibald McNeil, Public San Francisco, Aug. 12.—(AP)— Blxby*s, who introduces her to with a great armful of new mer­ a place to park her vanity case. is a store and office in the center, Works Board chairman, to^ y when More of the same broiling heat, al­ THERON REECE. Reece Is much chandise. Ehmn Mr. Bixby could He grinned and ag.eed it was a flanked by wings on either side the mayor outlined a comprehensive Eve read this through a second ready the Indirect cause; of one attracted by Eve. He angers her be seen at times balancing a stack good idea and 1 should go ahead. which wlU accommodate four cars city paving program for which death, was the Weather Bureau's by trying to kiss her in a taxL time. Basement hats! Well, they ning gown over his arm. Mr. Then I happened to remember to be serviced at one time. Tire Federal aid was asked. were starting her at the bottom, lit­ forecast for much of California to­ At the end of a week Eve re­ of bandboxes or carrying an eve- that Mr. Bixby wanted to see him. changing, washing, greasing, oil day. turns to Lake City. Dick meets erally. She had taken it for granted Bixby believed firmly in the dig­ Be stopped a moment on his way changing and all kinds of other that there would be a nice girl to SAVED FROM BURNING CAR, The death was that ot K. B. her and takes her to the fash­ nity ot any. useful, honest labor. out to tell our new playmate to work and checldng can be done un­ Howard, 35, an engineer, in Los ionable Hotel Miramar. They are fill the place made vacant by her der cover. One of the compartments BADLY HURT, MAY GET At staff meetings he frequency browse around the store this Angeles yesterday. Police said he about to go down to dinner when promotion. A new girl to write rela­ enlarged on that theme. morning and take notes on any­ has a hydraulic lift. The doors to succumbed to a heart ailment ag­ a woman telephones, asking for tively unimportant bits of copy thing she saw that seemed inter­ these sections are ot the tjrpe that Henry Sehaller Danbury, Aug. 12.—(AP) — An Dick. He leaves immediately say­ and do the errands that could 'Ot X-ray examination at the Danbury gravated by the heat as the mer­ Eve entered / the office and drop^ esting and that by the time she roll up out of the way overhead so ing something has happened “on be trusted to Charles, the office curb and have been very cleverly hospital disclosed that Miss Muriel cury bubbled up to 92 degrees, one ped the bats on a table near got back Charles would have a that all working space is absolutely the job” and does not return aU boy. But there was no time to desk cleared for her. Then be unrestricted. These doors are ex­ landscaped with evergreens , and Rawle, of 84b West End avenue. degree less than the boteest day of waste on injured feelings. Two Marya’s drawing board. 'A girl she New York City, one ot four persona the year, July 28. night. ____ had never seen was sitting at her said you and I should make out ceptionally well adapted to tbla other shrubs. NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY messenger boys entered at that a new schedule of lunch periods type of building and are Very easy The driveways have a heavy rescued from a burning automobile From Needles in the south, where moment, both in great haste. desk—the desk that had been Alice affei the car lef' a highway several the mercury registered 114, to Red Marshall’s. A small, blond girl wipi so one of us would be on hand to handle in winter weather as there covering of cinders which in turn CH A PTER V I “Anything for the Times?” all the time to take oare of phone is no trouble to be had from snow has been covered with fine traprock. miles north of this city, Thursday Bluff in the north, with its 112 de­ round, blue eyes. night, has a fracture of the skull. grees, interior valleys sweltered. It was neturly tim e fo r Eve to askeu one ot them. Eve went caUs.” and ice. The entire yard and buildings are / into Barnes’ office to see. Th-.’e “This is Miss Allen, Miss Bay­ Eve did not tell Dick that eve­ Scballer Motor Sales, Inc., will floodlighted Adtb new type hooded Her condition is not considered se­ San Francisco and the northern start to the office when Dick re­ was a manilla envelope on his less,”- Marya said. “She 'a going ning of her unpleasant encounter feature a complete line of Socony fixtures that give almost as good rious. coast remained cool. turned next morning. desk marked, "Times — Class!' to have your old place.” with the new ^rl. She owed it products including the varioiu kinda illumination as sunlight. The entire All her anger cmd suspicion fled.” The boy snatched it from Elve smiled and offered her to him, she felt, to keep their of gaa and lubricants. Two pumps appearance of the plant la pleasing were lost in concern when she saw her hand and was off. Eve hand. “How do you do, Miss first week together free from of the latest type are located next to and neat. Uniformed service men him. She ran to him contritely turned to the other lad. “Any Allen. I hope you will like it office gossip and office cares. But the building on either side ol the en­ will be in charge. and clung to him. “Oh, Dick, body here by the name of Miss here as much as the rest of us she was uneasy. Mona Allen was trance to the store and office. Two The Sehaller organization also what happened?’* she cried. His Eve Bayless?” he inquired. He do.” not one who would easily forget more are located in an island be­ operates the Maple Super Service clothes were grimy and ruined. carried a box from a florist’s shop. Languidly the yoxing woman a defeat. She would try tp make tween them and Elast Center street. Station on Maple street. Their larg­ withdrew a limp hand from Eve’s His shoulders saigged with weari­ Flowers! Eve wondered if trouble in some way, Ehre was The yard is so designed that traffic est plant is on Center street where Sehaller Motor Sales ness. friendly clasp. “Ob, 1 know Tm very sure. (To Be Continued) must come in off the main highway. they have their main office, a ser­ Earle Barnes could have sent going to adore it here,” she “Somebody tried to wreck the them in honor of her promotion. Cars cannot dri .e up between the vice station and a large and well drawled, taking Eve’s measure ou ter edge o f the island and Blast equipped garage. Inc. foundation,” he explained briefly. Perhaps even Mr. Bixby. There with a hostility that she scarcely ( were six yellow rosebuds, long­ Center street. Besides ample room Sehaller Motor Sales, Inc., are “Used a crude bomb.” took the trouble to veil. stemmed with glossy, deep green AMUSEMENTS EiVe's eyes widened. “ R ack­ E>ve brought a layout sheet, a eteers?” she asked. leaves. The card in the tiny en­ ruler, sharpened pencil and a velope reau, “Lovt from Dick.” STATE THEATER Wish To Take This Opportunity To “I don’t think so. A man was piece of art gum to the desk “Mary Stevens, M. D.” fired last week—a sullen, spiteful Eve brushed one of the fra­ where the new girl was seated. Zane Grey’s “Man of the Forest” chap. He’s the one thej^re himt- grant buds with her lips and with Mona Allen made no move to va­ with Randolph Scott, Harry Cary Thank And Congratulate All Those ing for. >We worked all night a topaz bar pin fastened it below cate her place. "That will be and Buster Crabbe, the Lion Man tiding to get at the bottom of the collar of her frock. The your desk over there, Miss Allen,” together with “Midnight Mary” the mischief and trying to esti­ other five buds, she arranged in a EiVe said, indicating a smaller, with Loretta Young, Ricardo Cortez The Neon Sign Who Had A Part In Building The mate the (Uimage. How about pottery vase that she kept on her shabbier desk stacked with news­ and Franchot Tone, are the two pic­ some breakfast?” desk. papers and merchandise. “1 tures on today’s double feature pro­ Solicitously Eve started the hot Arlene Smith and Marya Vlad haven’t bad time to clear it out gram at the State. Announcing the Name of Hollywood Super-Service Station For water running in the tub for entered the office together. Ar­ because I’ve been away for a The first chapter of “Phantom of Dick’s bath and ordered break­ lene was modem, inclined to be week. But I’ll get my things out the Air” with Tom Tyler will be Sehaller Motor Sales, Inc. fast sent up. slangy. She wore the extremes of the drawers by the time you shown today as an added attrac­ Itieir Co-operation And Efficient Over their coffee Dick told he- in fashion and wore them well. return from lunch and I’ll have tion to the regular screen show. NEW of the night’s work and she Her dark eyes were shaded by an Charles put those newspapers and “Mary Stevens, M. D.” with Kay learned, among other things, that intriguing long black fringe and that merchandise somewhere else.” Francis starts at the State on Sun­ Work In Rushing The Job To Comple­ the woman who had telephoned her soft black hair was kept sleek ’The new girl surveyed Eve day. No one who has watched Jie the night before was Mrs. Hall, through weekly visits to the with cool impudence. ”Oh, I think development of the delectable Kay HOLLYWOOD who owned a barbecue stand beauty shop. Marya was a pretty there must be some mistake,” she from featured player to one of the tion. across the street. She had over­ young Bohemian girl whose fair drawled. “I am sure this is the most popular stars on the scheen, heard conversation which led her hair was parted above a broad des^ Mr. Barnes meant me to will be disappointed in “Mary Super-Service Station to suspect trouble. white forehead and whose gentle have.” Stevens, M. D."—or surprised that “I should have csdled you,” dignity gave evidence of the care­ Eve thought rapidly. Miss she has made such a success of it. Dick said regretfully. “But ful training to which her old Allen, she' suspected, was trying She is the typical professional wom­ things were in such a mess cmd world mother held firmly. to “put something ovw” on her. an from the tips of her small toes to Designed and Installed by the time I could get aroimd to But Eve had no way oi knowing the close-fitting bob of her shapely it, it was long past midnight and The girls showered Eve with what Barnes had' said or Implied. head. BY I hoped you wjae asleep. You questions about her trip to New Fortuhately Marya interrupted to She comprises in her personality see we had to hiake sure there York and exclaimed rapturously ask Eve’s advice about the sketch that rare mixture of professional ef­ was nothing more that could over the gifts she had brought she was making. They went to ficiency and capability with the We Furnished The .cause damage.” them—a dram of jasmine perfume Barnes’ office to compare it with softness, sympathy and attractive­ “But you might have been in a crystal bottle for Marya and the layout he bad prepared. Then ness of a real woman in just the hurt!” Eve was remembering a new lipstick for Arlene. Miss James, heao of the glove d. right degree to make this one ol the Neon Electric that while Dick was risking his Eve corrected the proofs and partment, called up to ask or most moving and worth while things life in the interests of his em­ sent them to the buyers of the Mr. Barnes. Informed that he she has done. BRICK ployers she had been doubting departments represented for their had not yet reached the office, The picture is further fortunate him. She must make that up to approval. Then she went to the she asked if Eve would come to in having two very outstanding Service, ine. him—never hurt him by letting basement bat shop to discuss to­ her department to see some new personalities instead of Just one. (Formerly Claude Neon of Hartford) him know. morrow’s sale. She jotted down e- gloves that she was eager to have Lyle Talbot, who has shown such For Schaller's 1 scriptions and prices and selected advertised in the Times next promise in the past, has been ele­ 672 Conn. Boulevard . East Hartford Eve reached the office half an several hats for sketching. "Please m om in f. vated to the position of leading man hour late. She hoped this tardi­ send these up at once,” she said. opposite Miss Francis, and does it Phone Hartford 8-4111 ness would not come to Mr. Bixbys •"'=.*> Vlad wants them right When Eve returned to the with a sincerity and ability' that notice. He always was at his desk HOLLYWOOD Away.” office 20 minutes later Miss mark him as one of the newest Hol­ early and expected everyone else to . ..1 sorry but I haven’t any­ Allen was nowhere in sight. “Tell lywood actors who can be watched be prompt. On Eve’s desk — the one to send now,” Janet McElroy you all aboui* it at lunch,” prom ­ for sure development. Super-Service Station DEPENDABLE! - REASONABLE! Manufacturers of Face^Rustie Face— Plumbing and BUILDING ALLEN N. Sewer and Heating Work MATERIALS HAYES Merchantable Brick . • CARPENTER - BUILDER For Permanency and Beauty, Build With Our Brick. For Schaller’s New AT SCHALLER'S 36 Maple Street New PLEASANT VALLEY HOLLYWOOD PLANS AND ALL WOODWORK AT HOLLYWOOD SCHALLER^S BRICK COMPANY Super-Service Station HOLLYWOOD E. POLA, President Super-Service Station SUPER-SERVICE STATION Station 51, East Windsor Hill. Furnished By Us DONE BY US 'Telephone Hartford Charter 150-2. Done B y Us Whenever Good Workmanship Is Keeuired This Is The Time Of Year IT’S NOT TOO EARLY TO BEGIN At Reasonable Prices See To See About That THINKING ABOUT FUEL WILLIAMS FOR NEXT WINTER ANDREW ANSAUDI OIL-O-MATIC BURN BURNER FOR YOUR HOME «c COMPANY Ask for details about the New Oil-O-Matic Small BLUE COAL Home Model that can be installed in any type of heating 104 WEST CENTER STREET plant—steam, hot water, vapor or warm air. This Winter for ttie Most Satisfactory Fully Automatic — All Latest Improvements. Heating You Have Ever Had. Order Now Concrete — Masonry Contractors FVom r - ■ JOHNSON SCHAUUBR'S HOLLYWOOD andUTTLE TheW.6. Glenhey Co. SUPER-SERVICE STATDN ' Phimbing and Heating Contractora Coal — Fuel (Ml — Lumber — Maaem’s Supplies and Faint An Ontstandins Example Of NEW LOCATIONf eA 109 Center Street Telephone 5876 836 North Blaln Street . . * Teiephoao 4149 ..■ , o u r ' V'ORraiAM SBlP' ,■ ■■... x t. .'.Vs- ^'-j’ r-W •Vi -\ .iy •T\ .r./?. rC ' <- !• i ' . ) <’ ,y iv •;V . V- t • ■;|i.‘.-‘ n- «• V ■ \ MANCHESTER EVENING HERAU), MANCHESTER* CONNm SATURDAY, AIJGUST12,1988, - ♦

:00i-WlUard Robim i- Synco- 10:46'^Merry Madm^M — Norman 11:00—Time; WoBther; Temperar 8:45—World’B Fair Reporter^ pated Sermons) aoutier, director. ' » ture. \ Flovd Olbbona. SIGNAL RDM BOATS :1D—'Vera Van. l l : 10-^National Recovery Talk. 11:04—Sporto Review BIU WU- 9:00—HMdDInan — ‘‘TbU Week,*’ DAILY RADIO PROGRAM WDRC :80—Julia Sanderson and Frank 11:80—OrCheatra Ctoms—CSuriatlaan UamA. Arthur , Brlabaae; . Judge .C ru m it ’ Kriens, di^aetor; udth Gert- 11:15—New*. Walter C Kelly. Vii WTTHPORTABLE «25 BBTttorC Oeaa. U80 :00—^Eddle Duchln’s Orchestra. • rude Brady, soprano. 11:80—CaecadM Ordfoitrik " Revelen Quarter: A1 SATURDAY, AUGUST It (Oeatnl and Jiutoni Standard Wma) :80—Chicago Knights. 12:tM) Midnight—Montclair Orches­ 12:00—^Hotei Pierre Orehostra. man and his Orebeirira. Brooklyn, N. Aug. 12.—(APK Note—AH prosraiu to koy and baiio ohalns or jToups' thereof nnleoa sped* ’The Gauchos. tra. A. M. . . -a-- • \ 5 - 0:80—Edwin Franko (3oldman and .fled; coast to coast (e to o> designation Inelndes au aTailablo sutlons. :6o— —Tbraa piDhibltlon agents playatf: Sstorday, Aoenst 12. * :80-^ohn Henry — Black Kiver A'M. 12:8(i—Hotel Rooeevelt Qrchaitra. ’ hit Bond. Programs subjeet to ehsnge. P. M. Cent. EasL 1:00—Time. 10:00—New England Vacationeeri. hide ard seek with a portable ”wild (OofflUoKt rtsM 0ns Hottr Lattr) 1:80— '2:SI^Warnow Orohea—o to eat (Eastern Dayllflit Saving IHme.) Giant. ' 12:80—Bud Shay’s Orchestra. * :46—Chicago Variety Program. 1:00—Silent B 10:30—Green Brotbera Novelty Or- cat” radio station today—and’ w oo., NBC-WEAP NETWORK 8:00— SKX>—Spanish Serenade—o to e 8:15— 3:15—Dansig Orchoa.—o to cat P. M. :15—John Henry'^-cr Black River Sunday* August 18. cheetra. Here Is what Agent C M. Bum- stein said in annanndng the eatdi:- BASIC — Bssiti weaf wlw i^ el wtle 2:45-; 3:4^T h e Ambassadors—o to o 1:00—Georgre HodTs Orchestra. G ian t AM 10:45—Newf. irlar wtag wcsb wfl »Ut wfbr wro wgr 3:00— 4:00—Daneing by Sea—also cst “We picked up the station’s sig­ wben wcae wtam wwj wsal; Midwest: 3:30— 4:30—Jack Armstrong — east; l:4!^M adigon Ensemble. :80—Philadelphia Summer Con­ 9:OO^NBC Children’s Hour. ll:0<^Tlme; Weather; Tempera­ wmaq wefl ksd troo-who wow wdaf Between the Bookends—west only 2:00—Dancing Echoes. c e r t 10:00—Southland Sketdies. ture. nals to two liquor boats outside the. NORTHWEST A CANADIAN — Wtm] 3 :4 ^ 4:45—Tito Oulzar, Tenor—to e harbor at 4 a m., and aet out 4:0(^ 3:00—Irving Conn Oreh.—o to e 2:80—String Quartet :80—Freddie Rich’s Entertainers. 10:80—safety (Crusaders. 11:08—Sports Review — BUI WU- wlba kstp webo wday kfyr crot efcf :00—Guy Lombardo’s Orchestra. WBZ-WBZA llatns. t looking for the aet. SOUTH — wrva wptf wwno wls wjax 4:30— 6'JO—Cypsy Nina, Songs — ba­ 8:00—Baseball GHune; Red Sox vs. 10:45—Time; Weather; Tempera­ sic; Jack Armstrong—midwest rpt :30—Jeny Freeman’s Orchestra. ture. 11U5—Four Horeemen. "Everytlme we thought we had wfla*wsnn wlod wsm wmo wsb wapl Washington. ' ' Springfield — Boston wjdz wsmb kroo wky wfsa wbap kpro 4:46— 3:45—Eddie Duwln Or.—« to e 5:00—Dancing by the Sea. 10:48—Samovar Serenade. 11:80—London. Terrace OrchestrA come upon the epot where'the left woal kths 6:16— 6:15—Mildred Bailey—oat to cat meaaages were sent we’d pick np MOUNTAIN-koa hdyl kglr kgbl 6:30 - 6d0—Elder MIehaux-alsocoast 5:80—Jack Armstrong, All-Ameri­ 11!00—Morning Musleale. 12:00—Dance Nocturne — WUUam 6:00— 7:00—Evan Evans, Songe—to e Stoeas and hia Orcheetra. the signals again coming from COAOT — kfl k om oU q kfsd 6:15— 7:15—Ukrainian C n o lr -^ o eat can B oy. 11:80—Rondollers. ktarkgu 5:45—Tito OulxEt, Mexican tenor. Saturday, August 12. 11:45—Metropolitan Organ Recital. A . M. somewhere else. 6:30— 7A0—Philadelphia Con.—o to o ’*That bad us baffled untU we de­ Cent. East. 7:15— 6:16—Ann Loaf at Organ—to e 6:00—Zrvlng Conn’s Orchestra. (Eastern Daylight Saving Tinoe.) P. M. 12:80—Congrese Hotel Orchestra. jl2:00— Olek PIddler A Orchestra 7:4A- 6:46—Saturday Revue—also cst 6:80—Gypi^ Nina. 12:12—Time; Weather; Tempera­ 1:00—’nme. cided 8om ebod3f-must be traveling ;18:S0— 1:10 - Ray Heatherton, Baritone 8:15— 6:15—Isham Jones Ore.—«lso o wnc around with the station. After that 6:45—^Eddie Duchlh's Orchestra. Travelers Broadcastlaf Service P. M. . ture. 1.18:45— 1i45—Harmonlans, Mixed Trio 6:45— 6:45—Oartrude NIesen—also cat we started looking for an automo- 1:00— 8:00—Merry Madeaps Orehestra 9:00—10:00—J. Freeman Oreh.—also e 7:15—MUdred Ballgy. Hartford. Oenn. _ 1:00—New England Agriculture. 12:15—Radlno Qty Concert 1:S(^ S:8^Matlnea Oems by Organ 9:30—10:80—Charllo Davis Or.—also e 7:80—Hoh. Slider Mlchaux and‘his 50,000 W„ 060 R. O., 862-8 M. 1:15—Ralph Ginsberg and his En­ bUe. ttOI^ 8:00—Woskend Revue, Variety 10:00—11:0(H-Barnsy Rapp Or.—also o 1:30—^National Farm and Home Congregation. Hour. semble. About 11 a. m., we spotted a 8:00— 4:0(^Uady Next Door, Kiddies 10:30—11:30—Arnhoim Orenea.—« to oat parked car down neA the bay. Tha 8:10— 4:8(^Arlene Jaekoon—also esC 11:00—ISdXl—Danes Hour—wabe only 8:00—Evan Bhrans; bsvltone. 2:30—Joseph Gallicchio and his 1:30—High Lights of the Bible. m otattons-- 8:45— 4H5—Throe Scamps, Vocal—to e curtains were down and that look­ 4:00— 8:00—Dinner Concert—also cst NBC-WJZ NETWORK 8:15—Koshetx Ukranlan Choir. Saturday, August'^12. Orchestra. 2:00—Summer IdyU—Gloria La- 8:80—^Philadelphia Stunmer Con­ 3:00—Worils and Music — Harvey Vey, Soprano. ed suspidou;.. We crawled up and, 4:80— 5rt0 ■ “Drake’s Drums/' Drams BASIC — Bast; wjs wbs-wbsa wbal (Eastern Daylight Saving Time.) sure enough, the station was in­ 5:0(^ 8:00—Meyer Davis A Orchestra wham kdka wgar wjr wlw wsyr wmal; c e r t Hays, narrator: Ruth Lyon, 2:15—Perkins Boys. The tim e's past for jaU-birds ic­ 6:30— 4:30—Jack and Loretta—to cat Midwest: woky^kyw wenr wls kwk 9:15—^Ann Lekf at the Organ; side. Two feUows were operating it. 8:45— 6:45—Fred Hufsmith, Tenor kwer koll wren wmaq kao P. M. soprano; Charles Howard, 2:30—Jem Garber and his Orches­ ing treated to lectures, games and CSiartes CarlUe, tenor. tra; Virginia Hamilton, vo- We nabbed them." 6:00— 7d)0—To Be Announced NORTHWEST A CANADIAN — wtmj 1:00—Ernie Holst’s Orchestra. tenor. the cinema, making them better off 6dO— 7d0—Antobal’s Cubans—to e wlba kstp wabe wday kfyr eret cfcf 6:45—Fred Barren’s Saturday Re­ Two men who said their munes 1:30—Rex Battle Ckincert Ehisem- 8:30—Springfield College Program. cedlst. , than Jobless cr laborers. 7dM— 8:00—Luelilo Paterson, Seprane SOUTH — wrva wptf wwno wls wjaz vue. 4:00—Dance Masters. 8:00—National Opera Concert. were Morris Brown and Joseph 7:15— 8:15—To Bo Anneuneod wfla-wsun wlod. wsm wmo wsb wapl Me. —Hans Kerri, Prussian cabinet Marks were arraigned before the 7A0— OiB^Kay-Seven, Spy Drama wjdz wsmb kvoe wky wfaa wbap kpro. 10:15—Isham Jones’ Orchestra. 4:30—Concert Favorites. 4:00—Radio Nimble Wits. member. 8 :0 0 - 6:00—B. A. Rolfs Oreh.—o to s woal ktba kths 2:00—Lotus-Gardens Orchestra. Federal commissioner and held in 10:45—Gertrude NIesen. 2:30—Blue Room Echoes—Joseph 5:(X)— Casino Orchestra. 4:15—Cyril Pitts, tenor; Josef 6dim-10dN>—N. V. Dance Orchestra MOUNTAIN—koa kdyl kglr kgbl 11:00—Jerry Freeman’s Orchestra. 5:80—Nell Sisters. Koestner and his Orchestra. 8500 bail each. They’re charged 6d0-10d0—Harold Stem's Orehestra PACIFIC COAST — kgo kfl kgw komo Blume, director. with operating without a Ucense. 10:00-11 dX>—Dick Mossnor Orchestra khq kfsd ktar 11:80—Charlie Davis’ Orchestra. 5:45—Little Orphan Annie. 4:30—Organ Recital—Dion Kenne­ In the long nm those in au­ 10:10-11:15—Hellywoed Bowl Concert 3:00—Merry Madcaps — Norman thority in s democracy are best off CenL EasL Cloutier, director; with 6:00—Hotel Lexington Orchestra. dy. . CBS-WABC NETWORK 12:30— 1:30—Concert Echoes—e to cst Sunday, August 18. 6:80— ^Time; Temperature. 5:00—The Friendly Hour—Dr. Wil­ when their acU are subjected to t 6 h e l p DEBTORS 1:00— 2:00—Words and Music—e to c Frances Baldwin. constant and impartial analysis Waterbury, Aug. 12.—(AP) — BASIC—Bast: wabe wado woko wcao A . M. 3:30—Saturday Matinee — Julius 6:34— Sports Review — BiU WU- liam Hiram. waab wnac wgr wkbw wkrc whk cklw 1130— 2:30—Wealth of Harmony—to c 10:00—Melody Parade. and criticism. —Alfred E. Smith. The Waterbury Bat Association, 2:00— 3:00—Dance Masters. Orehes. Nussman, director. liams. 5:30—Eva Jessye Choir. wdre wean wlp wjas wean wfbl wspd 2:30— 3:30—Conosrt Favorites, Oreh. 10:46—Marion Carley, pianist. 6:40—Weather. 6:00—Light Opera — "Princess through its president, Attorney wsjv; Midwest: wbbra wgn wfbm kmbe 4:00—Silent 3:00— 4:00—P. Ash Orehestra—to est 11:00—Rhoda Arnold and Roger 6:42—Famous Sayings. \ Ida.” James M. Lynch, tor'.ry went on k a o z wowo whas 3:S(^ 4:30—Nell Sisters and Harmony If there must be economic war, EAST A CANADA — wpg whp wlbw 3:45— 4:46—Orphan Annie—east only Kinne. 6:45—O’Leary’s Irish Minstrels. 6:30—Time; Temperature. record as opposing excessive at­ wbeo wlbs wfea woro wioc efrb ckao Sunday, August 18. let the nations across the seas take tachments o” wages of men and DIXIE — wgst wsfa wbro wqam wdod 4:00— 6:00—Ernie Holst's Orchestra 11:30—Salt Lake City Tabernacle 7:00—World in Review. 6:34—Sports Review — BiU Wil­ heed. The 'American nations wiU be 4:30— 6:30—Three X Sisters, Harmony Choir and Organ. P. M. 7:16— ^Edward MemHugh, baritone. liams. women being put back to work. klra wree wlac wdsu wtoc krld wrr 4:46— 6:45—Wm. SeottI A Orehestra ready. ktrh ktsa waeo koma wdbo wodz wbt 5:00— 6:0(L-Am'n Taxpayers League 12:30—Polish Propam. 7:30—Tarzan of the Apes. 7:30—Kaltenmeyeris Kindergarten. 6:40—Weather. Attorney Lynch cent letters to the wdae wblg wtar wdbj wwva wmbg wsjs —Plutarco Ellas Calles of Mexico. heads of various factories pledging MIDWEST — wcab wmbd wta^ kfab 5:15— 6:1^Annla. Judy, Zske—also e P. M. 7:45—Dave Burrows’ Five Slurps. 7:45—Mlmi and Jerry. 6:42—Famous Sayings. E:30— 6:30—Kindergarten Via Radio 1:00—Fred Feibel at the Organ. 8:00—RubinolTs Orchestra. the support of the association in wlan wlbw kfb wmt wkbn wcco wsbt 6:30— 7:00—Jack Danny’s Orehestrs 8:01—Waldorf-Astoria Orchestra. 6:46—Hank Keene. wgl 1:30—Compinaky Trio. 9:00—Manhattan Merry-Go-Round. 8:30—Stadium Concert—Philhar­ 7:00—Jules Lande—Troubadour of It is very difficult to determine curtailing excessive attachments. MOUNTAIN—kror Us koh ksl 6:3(^ 7:30—Lewlsehn Stadium Con. COAST—ktU koln kgb kfre kol kfpy 3:15— 9:15—Songs HearL Sextet 2:00—John K eli^, Irish tenor. 9:30—Walter Hapgood on Sports. monic Symphony Orchestra. the Violin. what |s the Umlt or where the He also urged the employers to re­ 8:30— 9:30—The Cuekoos from Kuku 9:45—Fred Wade, tenor, with beautiful ends and the vulgar be­ port any lawyer who imduly an­ kvl kfbk kmj kwg kem kdb kgmb 9:00—10KIO—Three Jesters A Their Act 2:15—The Playboys. 10:15—Songs of the Heart. - 7:30—Wisdom of the Ages—Cast: Cent. Bast. 9:16—10:15—John L. Fogarty, Toner 2:30—Manhattan Moods. £ ring ensemble. 10:30—Raymond Knight; Orchestra, Janet Beecher, OUve Wynd- gins. noys an employe. He promises an 12:00— 1:00—Dancing Echoes—e to cst 9:30—10:30—WItehInig Hour, Orehes. 3:00—Symphonic Hour. 10:00—Cot Louis McHenry Howe. direction Robert Armbru- ham. —Rufus C. Dawes, president of the investigation of such esses by tha 18:80— 1:30-Savitt atiTnng Quai 10:00—11:00—Henry King's Orehestra 4:00—Cathedral Hour. 10:15—Impressions of Italy. ster. 8:00—Chautauqua Program. Century of Progress Exposition. association. 1:00— 2:00—Italian Idyllie—alsio eeast 10:30—11:30—RogoTs Childs'...... Orehestra SCHALLER MOTOR SALES, Announce The Formal Opening of Their SUPER SERVICE 3TATON Socoily Mobil Free Services Gas aiid Oils / 6 > U, S. L. Batteries A^Boad Service it ★ Windshield aeaned a Goodyear and DuPont ^ J Tires '•■HOltVWOOD ^Crankcase Drained

I ------r. N ' i U S ir Brakes Tested Bean Brake Service m >Tirte Checked Car Washing T^Oil Checked Complete Lubrication 7^ Water Checked The Most Modernty Equipped Service Station In Manchester Open For Your Inspection TODAY, August 12th

V' FOR Hollywood ^^4 S S i ^ \ ^ tv, 'A

V 5

1 % v x m m % V. I" m m Dial 4S33

' ., 342 EAST CENTER ST.

Any One of These Thrpe/Stations Are Prepared To Service Your Car Maplh Super Service Station Carefully and Efficiently. Sehaller 11 MAPLE STREET ^ TELEPHONE 3865 . We Have the Equipment and Hymonth and Dodge Sales nnd Sanie* 'raajiPHONE / ' ' ______' ■ Mechanics To Do Any and All Kinds 634 CENTER STREET UNEST EQUIPMENT of Automotive Work. COURTEOUS

•>. U L ,; 4. ^ -V .’ey' -.U'C-’k: • xtr: ..i-y r c ^■■■PAGE-EIGOT ^ ■ ' " / - ’ ■‘ MA|a(OTEStBR.isy:BWt^C-HEBAU)^MAN(^ESTEm.(X)NN^’^ 1 T O D A y :.;A 'tiG B fe ^

^ — — . ------^ ■ ■■'■ - ,:;L — > ..u^n ^ ‘., , -!h I; ■

»•■ 0» - Read the &assijied Rental Propertq Liitinq on this Paq . . V -' •

AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 4 AUI'OMOBILBS FOR SALE 4 APARTMBNTS^FLATS- D R IK ^ ,'C O N V IC T WITH TENEMBNTS : 5S LONDON APPROVES Fate of ‘Scenic Paradise’ Hinges on U. S. Inquiry 1931 CHEVROLET COACH; 1929 1929 CHRYSLER COACH, Model Pm ,TOBETRANSFERRED Ford coupe; Chevrolet coupe, 65, a small car with lots of miles THE EASY WAY TO find A zept, / ^ < ■> y,-<, '' J 5’*;* s 1 / •> >> '*4 Buick coupe ; Chrysler sedan, 45 left, painted b^ue with black trim, siagles, flats, teoenieuts, all . eec- down, balance 20 months. Brown’s low price for this popular modpi, tions. No chaise to you. Everett NEW DEAL IN U. S. Garage, West Center street, 8805. $145. Riley Chevrolet Company, M cKinney, 829 Main street. .'Disd Loses All Privileges and: **^ood Armory Garage, 60 Wells street 8608-5230. Behavior** Commntation *» WE BITS, SELL and axehange used telephone 6874. cars all makes and modeia. Armory FDR RENT—3 ROOM APART­ Press o f Greilt Britain Sees Goes to Atlanta. Garage. 60 Wells street Telephone FOR SALE—1928 STUDEBAKER MENT, all improvements, hot wa­ 687A roadster, perfect condition, mileage ter beat furnished also garage. In­ 13,000, owner driven. Bargain. quire 18 Lilley street upstairs. Roosevelt the^ Champa Washington, Aug. 12.—(AP)— Holden-Nelson Inc.. 853 Main. Terrence Druggan, Chicago beer 1929 FORD SPORT coupe, good FD R RENT—^NEAR . Center, two baron, not only lost his special condition throughout, tires, paint 1930 CHRYSLER sedan. Model 70, modem, five room flats, outlet for of Lamb of Prosperity. and upholstery, exceptionally goo,A has had one owner, and the best electric stove, garage' if deMred. privileges at Leavenworth Federal Low mileage and ready to go .at of care, only 33,000 miles, tires and Phone 6661. penitentiary but todpy was await­ only $145. Riley Chevrolet Com­ paint very good, new low price of B y aOL’TON BBONNEB ing transfer to the Atlanta prison, pany, Armory Garage, 60 WeUs $295. Riley Chevrblet Comptmy, FOR RENT—5 ROOM apartment NEA Service Writer. there to serv five months longer street Telephone 6874. Armory Garage, 60 Wells street. with sun porch, all improvements, than he bad expected. Telephone 6874. heat and hot water. Inquire 444 London, Aug. 12.—For the. bulk That decision was reached by the Center street 1926 STAR COACH, runs good. of Britons' the two most interest­ trial board which recommended 1931 FORD COACH, low mileage, that, pending the transfer, the Chi Hurry to get this one, for only $10. good paint nnd tires, upholstery FOR RENT;-4* ROOM FLAT ing mui in the world today are Riley Chevrolet Company, Armory with all unprovements, and hot cagoan, sentenced to two and a very clean, painted dark blue. President Franklin Roosevelt and half yeafs for income tax evasion, Garage, 60 Wells street telephone These models are very scarce. Un­ water heat 170 Oak street Baquire 6874. ChanceUor Adolf Hitler. More be kept in the “segregation ward’’ usual low price of $225. Riley at Maples Maternity Home, 164 space is given to them and their Oak street or caU 8241. at Leavenworth. Chevrolet Company, Armory Ga­ doings, more editorials are devoted The board decided to take away rage; 60 Wells street. Telephone TWO OF OUR BBSl three room to them than about any of their 150 days of the total “good be­ 6874. ’ apartments are vacant redeoorat- own statesmen or any personalities havior’’ deduction that Druggan Acquisition by John D. Rocke­ ..ed, hot water. Johnson Block. TeL in their empire. The difference is would ioave been allowed. Want Ad InformattOB 1930 CHEVROLET COACH; 1929 that Roosevelt has a good press, feller, Jr., right, of 39,000 Whippet four sedan; 1928 'Whippet 6917 or 7635. Since Robert S, ^udspeth, ward­ while Hitler has a very bad one. acres of wilderness, rich in en of the cumex in vdilcb Druggan six coach, 1928 Nash light six Manchester FOR REa*n—TWO, THREE and With very few exceptions, the scenic beauty. In the Jackson had been kept, “has'had n splendid sedan; 1927 Whippet cpacb. Cole four room furnished at unfurnished great London press has expressed Hole section of Wyoming, and record,” the board agreed that cen­ Motors, at the Center. Evening Herald apartments. Manchester Construe- itself in the most cordial and sym­ the proposal to Incorporate the sure for him was sufficient, espe­ tioD Co. Tel 4131 or 4369. pathetic terms about the great ex­ territory in Yellowstone Na­ cially because he was guilty of CLASSU'iED periment the President is maldng. tional Park, shown in map, will FLUU12STS—NURSERIES 15 “carelessness rather than active ADVERTISEMENTS FOR RENT—FIVE room flat, down­ Some as diverse as a reactionary be investigated by a Senate sub­ participation in the bestowal of stairs. all modern^ improvements. Tory paper and a radical Labor committee at a hearing sched­ privileges.” But P. J. Kearney, dep­ Count six average words Co a ^ a . TWO YEAR OLD gold medal del- Inquire at 34 Clinton street or tele­ paper express the fervent and pious uled to open Aug. 7 in Jackson, uty warden, was suspended and J. Initials* numbers and abbreviations phinian plants, single and double, phone 4314. wish that their own> government center of the area involved. The A. Ording, chaplain, Lester M. each coun^ as a word and compound now in bloom 10 and 15c each. **orOB ES two words Mlnlmoni cost is would get a move on—a la Roose- top photo shows Jackson, a Wahler, guard, and 'Vemon M.. price of three Unee. Greenacres Perennial Garden, 67 FOR RENT—4. 5 AND 6 ROOM v d t town of 500 inhabitants, nes­ Swearingen, automobile mechanic, Lilne rates oer day for transient Branford street. ^em ents, all improvements, ga­ tling between the mountains. ada were dismissed. satectl're Itareh 17, 1M7 rage if desired. Call 8608 or 5230. Editorial Oommento Senator Gerald P. Nye, chair­ Cash Obarsa The Thunderer—Qie Times—in a man of the investigating com­ We haven’t yet heard the outcome C Consecutive l>ays 7 cts| • cts FOR RENT—5 ROOM flat with aU MOVING— TRU CKING- grave and weighty editexial says: mittee, is shown in the inset. of a trial at Auburn, Maine, where S Consecutive Cays ..I • ots,> 11 sts improvements and garage. Inquire STORAGE 20 .. “Mr. Roosevelt was—and is— Rockefeller, who offers the 30,- a husband and wife were chosen to 1 Day ...... I n oW 1* ®“ 45 Hamlin str«;et AU orders lor irregular insertions charged by law, and by the eager 000 acres to the government as sit on the same Jury, but If the Jiuy will he charged at the one Ume rate. SILVER LANE BUS LINE offer the apimjval of the public voice, with a wild game preserve, will be was able to agree It certainly should Special rates tor long term every accommodation ot their large De- FOR RENT—6 TIOOM flat with a task that was nothing short of questioned when the hearing is day advertising given upon request. garage. Inquire W. Manning, 15 surprise a lot of people. Ads ordered lor three or sis days Luxe bus for lodge, party or tdam revolutionary. . . . The failure of continued in Washington. and stopped before the third or fifth trips at special rates. Phone 3063. Walker street the American meperiment would day will be charged only lot the ac­ 8860. 8864. amount to a universal disaster. Its of the latter. They need a more tual number of times the ad appear­ PORJtENT—5 ROOM flat first velt certainly seems to be the man progress should be watched with to do it.’’ real Incentive than that. ed charging at the rate earned, but LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE floor. All improvements, rent rea­ no allowance or retonds can be made deep and friendly interest Its suc­ The Week-End Review, a compar­ We have to work it out as best moving, general auuking, livery sonable. Inquire 36 R u s^ street BUSINESS on sis time ads stopped after the cess should be devoutly desired atively new and very independent we may, depending on the type of filth day. service. Our afflliatlOD with United YOUR No “tin forbids” ; JspU y Unes not FDR RE^JT—4 ROOM tenement, all everywhere. weekly, printe a table of events of child and what the work is. But OPPORTUNITY sold. Vans Service means lower rates on improvements, garage if desired. ’'Today by a turn of the political a fort^gbt in America and Great one thing is sure. Interest behind The Herald will not be responalble furniture moving to distant pomts. Call 8608 or 5230. wheel, the White House is occupied Britain, the whole purpose of which work makes work play. tor more than one Incorrect Insertion Large modem trucks, experienced by a man exceptionally gifted in Confectionery Store, stock of any advertisement ordered tor is to show that Roosevelt was act­ CHILDREN and fixtures; good neighbor­ more than .one tima men, prompt service, all goods m> FDR RENT—MODEIRN 6 room the qualities demanded ot leadership ing, while the British government The Inadvertent omisalon of incor­ sured while in transit are features tenement with garage, pn Eldge- In a democracy and by force of dire was fooling around. It also runs a By Olive Roberta BartoA hood trade. Rent $20 per rect publication of advertising wlU be offeree at no extra expense to you. emergoicy this man is vested with rectified onlv by cancellation ot the ton street five minutes to mills. brief editorial, which concludes: TO RENT month. charge made tor the service endered. Daily trips to New York, baggage Telephone 8301. ' powers not less than his need. . . ‘This at least Is certain, that the All advertisements mnst conform uelivered direct to steamship piers. It is not in him, more than in other UNFURNISHED ROOMS In the President will not be beaten so “Oh dear!” sighed Mrs. Robinson, Tiiiker Block, light bill paid, hot in stylA copy and typogrraphy with For further informatioD caL 3063. FOR REarr—6 ROOM tenement mortals, to command success, but he easily as certain interests hope he Phone 8608— 5230 regulations enforced by the publish­ 8860, 8864. Perrett & Glenney, Inc. with garage, 162 School street also richly deserves It.’’ “ I get so sick o f housew ork! EJvery water fumlahed, all rooms recent­ ers and they reserve the right to wiU.” ly renovated: $8 to $15. See edit, revise or refect any copy oon- three room apartments. Maple day the same thing - to • be done Everett T. McKinney sldered objectionably street Telephone 6ul7. The. ultra-Tory Morning Post said again. If I didn’t have a good stiff Chris Glconcy. CLOSING HOURS—Classified sds to of President Roosevelt’s broadcast REPAIRING 23 upper lip 1 don’t know what w^uld be published same day must be re­ address asking the people to join ceived by 13 o'cloch noon: Saturdays BUSINESS LOCATIONS become of us.” 10:30 a. m. MOWER SHARPENING, vacuum him in the fight: G l o r i f y i n g TELEPHONE YOUR cl-iimer, washing machine, gun, FOR RENT 64 “The address was instinct with The postman handed in a letter. lock repairing, key making. Braith- leadership, with faith in w or^.w ith Mrs. Robinsor read" it. Her face WANT ADS. waite, 52 Pearl street TO RENT—OFFICES AT 865 Mam the conviction that man cariT if he' lighted up and she exclaimed. “Sue Ads are accepted over the telephone street (Orford Bldg.). Apply Ed­ will, be the master of things. _Y o u r s e l f _ is coming!’ ! haven’t seen her for at the CHARGS RATS! given above five years. Won’t we have a grand as a convenience to advertisers, but ward J. HoU. Tel. <642 and 8025. , ■Whateve*- we may think of some of the Ca sh RATSS win be accented as aUlRSES AND CLASSES 27 the items in his program or even of tim e!” FULL PAYMENT If paid at the busi­ the program as a whole, the Presi­ Then she began to think and plan. BEAUTY CULTURE—Earn while HAL COCHRAN <5E0R6E SCARPO^ ness office on or before the seventh HOUSES FOR KENl 65 dent is certainly approaching his The guest room looked pretty seedy. day followLig the first insertion of leammg. Details free. ^ Hartford tot^SiOV NCA SERVICG each ad otherwise the CHARGE FOR RENT—4 ROOM house at 50 fask'ih the right spirit She had better get out thfit creton­ Academy dt Hairdressing. 693 Main ne and run up those new curtains r a t e will be collected. No responsi­ Birch street Apiply at same, ad­ «“If he fails, he wlA have failed bility tor errors In telephoned sds street Hartford. YOU CAN WEAR ANY COLOR and covers. All summer she had dress. nobly, and it is scarcely conceivable will be assumed and their accuracy that even.failure will not leave BECOMINGLY IF YOU CHOOSE had that in mind but it bad looked cannot be guaranteed. RIGHT COSMETICS HELP WANTED— FOR RENT— 78 W ASIHNG’TON America in a healthier condition like a big job — hopeless in the INDEX OF than if nothing had been attempted. beat. 35 street, 6 room single, available Don’t let yo^ L own natural col­ CLASSIFICATIONS ' FEMALE . It is impossible not to contrast the Imbued With New Spirit Sept. 1st., also several . others; oring stop you from wearing col­ Births A EARN UP TO $50 weekly at home five and six roqm singles. Arthur energy and initiative of President And the old white furniture was Engagements I • • • M a «.• •••••## •'« addressing cards for insurance A. Knofla. 875 Main street Dial Roosevelt’s government with the ors which your heart craves. getting scratched. In the spring Mariir *es ... ■ •>a:arra«» •••«;«•#.« comparative inactivity of our own.” she had bought enamel to fr< en X>eaths...... „ company; no experience needed; no 5440 or 4359. A famous American manufac­ Card ot T h an k s...... B selling; nothing to buy. American Speaking o f, Roosevelt’s great turer jf cosmetics says that any it up but the cans were still un­ summer offensive against unemploy­ opened. Now her thoughts flew to In M6mort&tD ^ People’s League, Berwyn, 111. FOR RENT—FOUR ROOM flit woman can wear any color—if she Lost and Found 1 sL'igle house, all improvements, ment, the Labor-Socialist organ. chooses the oroper cosmetics. the paint. She could get it all fin­ Announcements ...... S The Daily Herald, with the biggest ished in plenty of time before Sue Personals ...... -.. mm > ' garage *11 desired. 16 Homestead For example, you hear many Astoaeobtles * W ANTED— EXPEIRIEINCBID house­ street Telephone 7091. circulation in Britain, says: girls say Uiat they can’t wear cam e. Automobiles for Sale ....•■»•» 7 keeper. Apply 65 Durkin street “Such language as the President black and they can’t wei r white. Mrs. Robiraon sang as she work­ Automobilee for Eschar go ...an 6 ID RE.MT—FIV E AND SIX room used is no doubt regarded as f They main.oin that a combina­ ed. For a week ^e sewed and Auto Accessories—Tirss .r.....*. * bouses, single ano double; also decorous in Downing Street, wh< painted. Then she cleaned the Auto Repairing—Painting < tion of the two makes them look Auto ^hools 7—A POULTRY AND SUPPLIES 43 modem apartments. Apply ^w aro Ministers prefer to regard imem- deathly. However, with proper house as it never had been cleaned before. The thermometer stood at Antos—Ship by Truck ...•••«»• I J. Roll. Telephone 4642 and 8025. ployment as a divine visitation or an shades ot powder, rouge and lip­ •^t.nto^^^For ^Ure ...... —. —. • 3 ALLEN’S ROASTING ducka live ’economic blizzard’ not to be con­ 90 but she didn’t feel the beat. She Garages—Service—Storage « . . . 11 stick, they can bt worn becom­ beat rugs in the glaring sun. She Motorcycles—Bicycles ...... 11 Ire lb., dressed 22c. Tolland lum - trolled by human endeavors. . . . ingly. Wanted Autos—Motorcycles .... 13 pike and Parker streets. Tei. 8837. There is a note of common sense cleaned windows when her neigh­ Bnalaera aud Protessloaal Servtcea and courage running through the You should have a powder that bors were playing bridge Magic Business Services Offered ...... IS GIRL GRABS STEERING President’s pronouncement—a note is slightly rachel in tone. See that colored everything she did. Household Services Offered .....IS -A its creamy lights^ are high ones. Sue came amd the hard work was Building—Contracting ...... 14 ARTICLES FOR SALE 45 which has been tragically absent Florists—^Nurseries ...... IS GEAR, PAYS WITH LIFEfrom British Ministerial speeches for Rouge should be red with a hint forgotten — if Mrs. R. had thought Funeral Directors...... 16 CHEAP IF SOLD AT ONCE— two long years.” of orange in it, and ynur Jpstick .o f it at aO. (READ THE STOKk, FHEA COLOR THE PICTURE) Heatin- Plumbing—Roofing m« 17 Bicycle in good condition. Odd lots should toateb the shade rf>f the , Now what is to be learned from Insurance ...... 18 / of lumber 2»i, 2x2, 4x8, and 2x8, rouge. *Mra. Robinson? Plainly one thing. The porpoise shortly grew tired might, which made the fish swim Millinery—Dressmaking ...... 16 Heavy Weather Due out of sight “Why, Tm surprised,” Moving—^Trucking—Storage . . . SO from 2 to 16 feet long. Poultry Crash at Bakerville Kills One, Green eye shadow will give Work is never work when there is out, and Shrimpy said, “That is Painting—Papering ...... 81 wire, all sizes and lengths, square The Daily Etepress says that the said Shrimpy. “I thought you were Injures Three on Torringtim* your eyes the brightness needed a real interest or a\ definite pur­ about enough of sliding down his Professional Services ...... mm 81 and round mesh. Lot of large steel President and hte friends are in for brave and bold. Repairing ...... 88 Hartford Road. to vOear black and wh'te, and black pose behind it A plan to get feed barrels and poultry supplies. heavy weather, but are not in dan­ mascara will moke your eyes seem somewhere — to achieve some end back. We’d best giye him a rest” “There was no need for such a Tailoring—Dyeing—Cleaning ... 84 ger of destruction. The blsmket Toilet Goods and Service ...... 86 Call evenings, 5 to 9 o’clock. Ill larger and. brisditer. with an Inspiration to boot it “Thdt’s fair enough,” said Scouty. fuss.” Just >hen they saw an octo­ code will not exhaust his remedies. Wanted—Business Service « . . . . 86 Main street Afro isn’t important. Young girls along. “Gee, he’s been as kind as he could pus. It stuck one of its arms out Torringtem. Aug. 12.— (AP)—The He still has two in reserve—the de­ Bdaeatleaal can wear black dresses in youthful And once we get that point of be. I'c give us lots of fun,, that and or Shrimpy 'grabbed a hold. Courses ano Classes 87 State Police today were invdsti- valuation of the dollar and the Prlvxto CsstTncHoD •»••••••••-•• 88 noanner and cider women can wear view we have climbed a mountain­ fine old feUow did his best.” Dancing 88-A GARDEN—FARM— gating an accident which ocqirred spending of money on public works. ous question concerning children. Just then another Tiny cried, "Now, don’t be frightened any The first was employed by France all the vivid shades of green, red Musical^—Dramatic 88 DAIRY PRODUCTS 50 late last night on the ’Totrliigton- and blue without detracting the How to make them industrious? “Perhaps we’d better run and hide. more.” he cried. “There is real fun Wanted—Instruction ...... 86 with undoubted advantage. The Hartford road near BakerviUe, in beauty of their skins. The trick How to show them the beauty of Here comes an ugly bullhead. My, in store. This funny looking fel­ Plaaaelal WANTEID— POTATOES, country vdiich a young woman, listed here second never yet been thorough­ getting things done? low’s going to help us have a ^nds—Stocks—Mortgagee m . . . 61 lies, not in the age of your com­ oh my, but he looks mad ” Business Opportunities ...... S3 produce and fruits, highest daily cm Anna Baker, 22, p t New Britain, ly tried out anjrwhere. A Goal to Woric For “Ha, ha,” laughed Shrimpy. dance. , About the main dissenting note plexion, but in the shades of cos­ Money to Loan-...... 81 market price paid. Mahieu’s Gro­ a domestid employ^ at a home in metics which you choose. Csmnot we use our Imaginations “Don’t you fret! ’That bullhead “He’U -etfe rif^it down on the Help aad SttaatleBS cery, 183 Spruce street South New Hartford, was killed. ’Three was struck by The Financial Times, enough to ~get thi^ interest into never hurt me yet. In fact he’s ground and, when 1 say so, whirl Help Wanted—Female ...... Si organ of' 'London’s Wall Street, Manchester. others were injured in the accident. NEXT: More color talk. them concerning work? We surely very friendly and to meet jmu he’ll around. Ehicb Tinym ite can grab an Help Wanted—M a le ...... 86 whirii sourly observed: are smart enough to dress up a task Help Wanted—Male or Female . . 81 Plesent Valentine, 23, of Union- be glad. arm. Come on who’H take a Agents Wanted ...... -c tl-A ville, driver of the car, Is at the “If President Roosevelt’s apolo­ so that it has a real interest be­ ch a n ce?” ^ Situations Wanted—Female . . . . . S3 WANTED TO BUY 58 Chariotte Hungerford hospital with gia has no warmer reception in the hind it This ia the secret for work­ “He ia not handsome. ’That.y n i He had to coax each TTnyintfiR Situations W anted^^Male ...... SI United States than in London, it ing for a bribe or a prize, both of and promise it would be all right. Employment Agencies...... 41 a broken collar bone andv lacera­ Deaths Last Nix say! But shucks, lads, he was Live Stock-P ete- Penlfvy " FcMelee HIGHEST PRICES AID for junk tions of his hand, and Catherine will not float the country to pros­ which, by the way, are mwlse bom that way.” Aiid then the bull­ Then, one by one, they grabbed an Dogrs—Birds—Pets ...... 41 of all kinds. Paper stock, rags, Lewis, 22, a t Winsted, also a domes­ perity on a wave of enthusiasm.” things in themselves. But after all, head swam right up and f pped his arm. Soon Scouty shouted “Whee! Llv -. Stock—Vehicles...... 48 metal and rubber. Wm. Oatrinaky, tic at a home in New Hartford, is wasn’t Mrs. Robinson working for “The ottopus is trained real well. Poultry and Supplies ...... 48 New York—George O. Weedon, a prise — the prise of having her tall a ttm t Wanted — Pets—Ponltix—Stock 44 Tel. 5879. also at the hospital with concussion ^m e of the prominent weekly Wee Scouty grabbed hold iff a fin I fhinte this Mttie danc- Ja sarell.” of the brain, bnilaes and lacerations. TnagMiwM m epr^ doubts as to the 58, theatrical and sporta manager. house beautiful and her friend’s ap­ “And so do r,’ cried Duney, “but For fialo—iHeeellnace— Norman. Okla.—W. B. Aothony, preciation and comment? and said, “His friendship I will Articles tor Sale ...... 46 Francis Dingh, 19, of Bakerville, outcome in 'Am'erica, but the New win.” But Gdldy cried, "I don’t Tm dizsy as can be." Boats and Accessories ...... 46 ROOMS w it h o u t BOARD 5» was slightly hurt The accident oo- Statesman and Nation, which is no famed in Oklahoma for bis mid­ There are so many kinds of Building Materials ...... 47 night ride wlfli_thr I Great Seal^ prizes. Praise is one. The satis­ like Mm. Oh, kindly chase him cuired, according to D ing’s state­ lover of capitalists, says: o u t ” (Dancy and Scouty have a race Diamonds— Watches—Jewelfy . . 46 FOR RENT—FURNISHED rooms “If any man can put capitalism transferring the Capitol from Guth" faction of duty done is another. But Sleetrtoal Appllanoea—Radio ... 46 for light housekeeping, gas and ment to the police, when Miss Ba&m: She splashed around with an her In tile next story.) Fuel and Feed ...... 66-A grabbed the steering wheeL' on its feet again, Piesident Roose- rie to Oklahoma City. children<.'have not reached the point Garden — Farm—Dairy Prodneta 66 sink in every room, reasonable, 109 Household Goods ...... 61 Foster street—Grube. Macblnsiy and T o o ls ...... 61 Mnsloal InstnusMts 66 By HAMLIN Offles and Stors flSqnlomsat . « ■ 66 ALLEY OOP A Tail of Woe! Specials at tbs Stores 66 BOARDERS WANTED 69-A Wsartng Apparel—Fnrs .^ ....«. 61 Wanted—To Buy ...... « . . . 66 FOR RENT—LARGE pleasant room .1 tsis Ksetrta fo ' 2 persems, with board. Reason­ able. 63 Garden atreet Phone 6194. Boosos Without Board 66 Boarders Wanted ....«M * 9 «*M.66-i^ CountTF Board—Resorts . 60' Hbtela—aestauraete 61 APARTMENTS—FLATS-* .Wanted—Booma—Bperfl ...... « • 66 TENEMENTS 63 ■eal MataOe Fee Bant Aparmeats, Flata, Teaeaeats xe *6 FOR RENT—FOUR room tene­ Baalaeas Looatloaa for Beat •»« 66 Hoaaea tor.Beat 66 ment, with an imprevements. In- Babarbaa for Boat 66 quhe 254 Oak sLeet Bwamer HOmeo for Beat .-«..«■ 61 'Waatod to Beat ...'.....ac«....M 66 FOR RENT—FOUR ROOM tene- ■sal astate a»i^ m oit with garage. Apply 165 Pearl at BoUdlag tor Bala « f l stre e t - S 8 ■OBsea fiw Bak ...... II FOR RENT—6 ROOM tenement^ AAta 6B0 flalo iM ....—...«*eaw.« 16 w ith aU im provem ents, com er Baaort PnpartF tor Bala 16 ‘.I V.' V ipbartoHi fOr.Bsla 16 Wadsworth Summit stresta. tor VgttaaBa If Vpply 31 Wadsworth street ■ ' Batata FOR RBNT-^THRim ROOM pax- led apartment - edth prtvata im Fodtar sttiM t^niba. . ^ L -f V •-tOi’ u s . 1 •» MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN h SATURDAY/AUGUST 12.198«. RAGE m m Toonerville Folks By F now removing those dirty spark plugs. SCORGHY SMITH In Peril By John C. Terry Now that the censors have clean­ .. _ _ HOW 010 HE DROP ed up the stuff behind the footlights, I L ^ [ ovrr OF SIGHT that, it’s about time someone investigated WAY7...- DOUBLE CROSS JOEL NALDY, what goes on behind the headlights. WOULD YER ? “Poor Harper,’’ mused a friend, ^ WELL, I RECKON YOU F\6URE0 “he certainly has all kinds of trou­ y - ■^V^WRONG TH\STiV\E,SCOPCHVS!AlTH! ble. He got himself an automobile, and the dam thing blew up. Then M i , he got himself an airplane, and it blew down.’’ STOP WHERE YOU ARE.NAVlYi Pauline—Oh, look at the poor old % W. r/4 man all bent over with rheumatism. A ^ Paul—Rheumatism, my eye! J t ’s Fred Perry coming back from a ride in a rumble seat. Why spend money on an electric vibrator when you can get a Model T, second-hand Ford for less than half the price? » us Th« A. P,. AJI Rlfbu IUwrv«d 1 Policeman — This won’t do, WASHINGTON TUBS n By Crane OUT OUR WAY By Williams madam. Your car has been here 20 [ MOKE ‘ BLISTERING HEAT! FLAMES I minutes. I timed it by the clock in 7 Tv-t/vr R»OHiT? \ / SEH .HEHl \/NAs r e t o T h a t OM o m e vjvPE H\B HAn S lioT '5 - WJtPE VA*-/ P ie c e o' p a p e r , OM, AM* T»-\EKl 0 .-3 - lo o k w a s h e r s HAmOS ONI — m o t s o m o o -\ G E -fe *Ena VMlPEq fREWITH 1 SETsepew/- ■tiHER'-S MO BlGOER XHAM TPiEV v E S avjEO roona Pe r A AlRN\A>\_ ONETENTH OF-A y o u / I null FilE-^ I FILE MAMOLE.. A HAMOHOLT ^ T A naP. CENT ON PAPER Art OM Th e b e L O B T T E nj CEmT ^ IN* W Act'S. A. / Pl'i II r _u


e p H e y ARE s a v e d ! o n d e c k lUiAMS “ TMEy GO, a n d o y e r t h e s id e . T h e h a n d y lv-t t l e p a d . i Ti] V9» Km*52SL2£L, ma.u.APAT.err. iwj mr m u i Laaww.orr.yn. A Sam and Charley Horse! By SmaU f{ BOUGHT THIS OUTFIT PDR.TH' ) HEADS \ jCOjU^CHARUey^ 'S p FAR. SO g o o d ! HOlO 1T% UP TO WOU FELLAS To (^THAT OJAS A • TH ‘ WtMUTfeUJB G or TO - CretHER. IT FUHJREO ITS€LF CIRCUS, AND I'M GONNA UET j / AND MOU TAIUSI 6-eCr T b O 'e T H E R . AM O F U S ^ R e O U T HOttJ T b COORK I T [ CIM CH , C H A R L E Y * VOU BOVs PLAV HOR.se. I OOTI V\ V\ SURE. PAT — IXL WEU--.THANK& A LOT, DEO- CACCY TH E LUNCH ~ BUT PERHAPS FRECKLEB V' Ho JUST LET M E HAVE WOULD U K E TO CARRY BILL2- ji IT — TH A TS t o o rr HEAW FOC VDU!

’’U 'i I -® -[ 7^7 fl«/« w/.. ' ^ « /a w tr.eer.;j wfiittapi^wa jy GAS BUGGIES To The Front By Frank Beck

A H ., r h a v e it . . . a c l e v e r S IU N C I! IS THI* NOW MV GOOD MAN IT IF SO A SH ALL 3E y o u r PRIVILSGE SCHEME X CONCOC-TBD FOR A W T fN V .. h apprehending -TH> p a r i n g J ’ACKSON KNOWS AW, BUT W E ______TO WITNESS A 4JMCAS0N HOW DEAL WITH J t h a t b s p l e n d id ! «N a c t io n cET us retire CONSPIRATORS WHO GOUGHT TO A C o m TO BEE THEN FRECKLE& ,TD MV q u a r ter n while THE CROWN JEWELS OR MUTINEERS.. c o m m a n d >. GETTO LUD rr. AND AND I CAM I MAP OUT A CAMPAIN t h e SHAh o r P E R S IA ... eOW8BLt.Sf HOLLOW f e a r l e s s l y W f > X WON THE WAUC ON FOR CAPTURING t h e OUT ENOUGH ROR. NOW... O 0 < - IN StARc^ COMB...W6 HAVE CATCH IN' i TDB&, AHEAD — t h i e f w h o STOLE -r VOUR p r o p e r t y WORK TO DO.. IW/ COME ON, »va H O -.. FRECKLES/ VO NO'* 4: »w •{

- t /,

m JtH

\r f^' ■■». V «■ > A G B 1 X H sATDsnAr^uessc 1% -u

ABOUT TOWN SILK WORKERS ADJOURN CHAMBERS TO S E ffi NORTH END HOLDS TO REOPEN ADCnON Items of Interest FIREARI^EXPEinrWIii^ ' Mn. Hden D. Smith and daugh­ UNTIL TOMORROW A. M. MARKET AUGUST 25 Recreation Center T A U TO KIWANIAN5 ter, Rayetta, of Ckjoper street and TOWN BOARD PLACE William Griffin of Henry street ac- A SWIMMING MEET Velvet Employees Desire Rep­ Miller-Fallot With a gloomy sky overhead early compa^ed by Hto'tford friends left Miss Irma Agnes Fallot, daughter Farmers Leave Exact .Time to Weddy Letter e t Service Gidi early morning for the Century resentation in Drawing Up of Mr. and Mrs. Frederic G. Fallot Directors But Set Approxi­ last nigdit it was 'deemed best to hold the East Side Recreation build­ I^ys TiilHite to the Late two-day stopover at the Elbow claims through members of the ford County Home in Warehouse ding trip, the bride wearing a brown Beach Hotel. Works Council only, but have been Point for several months. race (Boys), 1st, Patsy Vincek, 2nd, Heart, a decoration founded by ensemble. On their return they will Johnnie Bycbolski, 3rd, Walter informed that this is not binding Last Year’s First Try make their home' at 91 Ridge street. Over Night— Those Who General Washington and revived by A daughter, Roberta Warfield and they expect to name a commit­ Mr. Chambers has never held Rubacha; Egg and spoon race the war department during his bi­ Manning, was born this morning to tee to me-!t with the works council public office amd last year was the (Girls), 1st, Alice Bonzek, 2nd, centennial in 1932, are asked to send SEE I'HE NEW Eleanor Davis, 3rd, Bonnie Martin; Adopt Program. Mr. and Mrs. Howard R. Manning when they confer with Cheney first time he has sought office, but 57 TRANSFER NAMES in their name and number of medal of 49 Scarborough Road. The baby Brothers. When they have drawn his showing in the primary last Sep­ Underwater distance swim, Boys to National Commande*' Framk J. up a detailed p’an embodying their and Girls, 1st, Johnnie Bycholski, EASY WASHER was born at Mrs. Howe’s Maternity tember was so encouraging that he The list of local signers of the Cushner, The Purple Heart Associa­ •t Home on Wadsworth street. claims they will present it and they decided to be a candidate again thig TO DEMOCRAT UST 2nd, May Sloan, 3rd, Walter tion of the United States, Inc., to blanket code of the National Re­ feel that the condition will soon be year. Rubacha; Pool Champion (Boys), be printed in the souvenir program changed as it was in the winding No other selectmen candidates Patsy Vincek; Pool Champion, covery Act program neared the 200- of the first national convention of $ 5 9 . 5 0 Miss Jessie Potts and Miss Mar­ department when William C. Cheney Total of 63 Enrolled at Regis­ (Girls), Alice Bonzek; Diving, mark today, with the ladditlon of New agitator. Imllooa type garet Parsons returned today from have been announced as yet, al­ this distinguished organization, to rolla; new tub new bea' 'v. heard their complaint recently and though several names have been trars Session Yesterday — (Girls), 1st, May Sloan, 2nd, Eileanor thirty-two names overnlgh to bring be held at Derby, Connecticut, Octo­ a week’s trip that included a brief had it adjusted‘at once. 21 “To Be Made.” Vittner and Debora Sloan, (tied), the total number of signers to 184. '>nJy $5 a month. stay at the World’s Fair in Chica­ mentioned as possibilities. It is un­ ber 6th and 7th. derstood that some of the present 3rd, Eileanor Davip; Diving ( ^ y s ) , The latest signers tre: Camp­ The Purple Heart medal is go- members have been inclined to drop The Democrats gained 63 nsunes 1st, John Salisbury, 2nd, WaJter bell’s service station, the Flats fill­ award to those veterans who either KEMP’S, II^C out of the board, but they have on their caucus list at the session Uss, 3rd, Billy Archivy. ing station, State tailoring shop, were wounded or gassed in combat Free Home Demonatratlon Mr. and Mrs. William Quoos and LICENSE 5 YEARS OLD, made no decision yet. Clarence H. of the registrars held yesterday. Six State shoe repairing, John E. Krie- with the enemy or had been given daughter, Emma and Mr. and Mrs. Anderson and John Jensen have an­ who had never been enrolled in any ski, Manchester Tailor shop, the meritorious service citation Cheu'les Bomba, all of Nanticoke, nounced the-r intention of seeking party yesterday enrolled as Demo­ SMALL DEALERS TO GET Gaetano Lantieri’s grocery stora, certificate by the commzinder-in- Pa., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. MARRIAGE JUST AS GOOD the office of Assessor this year. crats and the other fifty-seven were Oscar E. Bailey, Corner Soda Shop. chief of the A. E. F. Recipients of Adolph Knofla of East Middle Turn­ gained by names being removed Frank Diana’s shoe repairing, the medal are .-sked to send their pike over the week end. y Joseph Zadrozny and Mrs. RONALD LINGARD JOINS from the Republican list and trans­ MILK IF FARMERS STRIKE Canale’s Market, Louis Jaffe, Don­ name and uumber of medal to Na­ SCHALLER SALES FORCE ferred to the Democratic list. / ____ . nelly’s, ‘Joseph F. Pohlman, Im­ tional Commander Cushner, chair­ JOE’S Mr. and Mrs. Clarence W. Thorn­ Rosie Lis Joined by Justice At the meeting of the registrars perial barber shop, Adamy’s ser­ man of the convention committee, ton of 60 Westminster I^ad left to­ (Oontinaed From Page One) of Peace Symington Today. Ronald Llngard, formerly on the held a week ago one application was vice station, American shoe repair­ P. O. Drawer 30, Derby, Connecti­ GARAGE day for White Sands Beach for an cut, on or before September 15th. sales force for James M. Shearer, made to be placed on the Republican Mr. Campbell, “is this. Consumers, ing, Buck’s grocery, Greenberg’s GENERAL REPAIRING eight day stay. They will have as A marriage license issued over local Bulck distributor, today joined list and six applications were filed Cleaners and Dyers, Pagani’s bar­ their week-end guest, Mr. Thorn­ five years ego was good enough to­ small dealers and farmers are on Agency for Graham Cars. the force of Henry Schaller, dealer to be transferred from the Republi­ one side of the issue, and one or two ber shop. Ray’s News shop, Man­ ton’s mother, Mrs. Sarah Thornton day to authorize the marriage of can to the Democratic list. Ask for Demonstratioa. in Dodge and Plymouth cars here. large dealers are on the other side. chester Center Package store, H. A. Stephens of Main street. Joseph Zadrozny and Mrs. Rosie Lis, A total of twenty-one names were Mr. Llngard will be manager of the You’d better mahe it plainer than American barber shop, Frank V. OR. C. M. PARKER in Charge of Sales. both of North street. The cere­ Schaller garage and service station received to be placed on the “to be Williams, John Flrato’s grocery, DENTIST All members of Eleanor Duse mony was performed just before that and say that the National FOR SALE at 634 Center street. Mr. Schaller made” list. Dairy Association is the other side. James R. Pitkin, P. J. Moriarty, Telephone 64 Pratt Street Lodge, Daughters of Italy, planning noon by Justice of the Peace Harold will devote most of his time to the 6-8492 Hartford, Ct. 1931 Pontiac Sport Coupe. to attend the annual banquet tomor­ Symington. “You may draw your own conclu­ Jim’s Hat and Shoeshin? parlor, Hollywood Super-Service Station Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Frazier of sions from this,” Mr. Carmpbell said Michael Pantaleo, Clarence Barlow, Dentistry that will please you, 1928 Velie 4-£^r Sedan. row at the Sons of Italy Hall on Zadrozny and Mrs. Lis planned to which opened this morning. Medford, Mass., are spending the at a price you can afford to pay. Keeney street should meet at the get married in 1928. They had a when asked if the small local deal­ Mintz dry goods store and Mintz Tel. 8129 362 East Center St. Mr. Llngard has been on the week-end with Mrs. Frazier’s par­ ers would be affected by the strike. Tavern. home of Mrs. Anna Della Ferra on license issued on March 5 of that Shearer force for the past four and ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Mitchell Oak street at 10 o’clock sharp, Sim- year. But Mrs. Lis had been mar­ one-half years. He has had consid­ of Beech street. Miss Jean and Miss day morning. Transportation will ried before and when it came time erable automotive experience, com­ Ann Frazier will retUTi with their be furnished the members from to take the step eigain she thought ing to Manchester from Georgia parents tomorrow night, having there. more seriously of it. She decided where he was with a large automo- spent the past two weeks with their there would be no marriage ties for Blle sales agency. grandparents. Hose Company No. 1, M. F. D., her and told Joe to wait. Joe, who will hold its annual outing at boarded with Mrs. Lis, paid the rent Osano’s cottage at Bolton Lake to­ and otherwise assisted in the house­ morrow. The firemen will meet at hold duties, continued to wait and the company headquarters at che every time marriage was mention­ comer of Main and Hilliard street ed he foimd Rosie still cold. at 9:30 sharp and transportation Last week Joe issued an ultima­ will be furnished those who desire tum. Either the marriage was to be performed or he would walk out SAM and EARL it. Charles Connors heads the com­ mittee of arrangements. leaving Rosie without visible means of support. Rosie thought it over some more and decided she had bet­ w ill Entertain Ton Miss Henrietta Kanehl of Center street will play the bridal music at ter marry Joe. Joe dug up the old the garden wedding this afternoon license and wondered if it would still of Miss Dorothy Wheeler, daughter be good. He inquired and weis told of Prof, and Mrs. Charles A. Wh.;el- the 1928 piece of paper was authori­ TONIGHT zation enough so he and Rosie be­ er of Storrs, and Earl Spaulding. came man and wife today. A t The The ceremony will be performed in the Wheeler garden about 5 o’clock. Miss Kanehl will also accompany Miss Caroline Cummings of Willi- mantic who will play the cello. SPRUCE ST. TAVERN For Unexpected (119 Spruce Street) Guests NARRAGANSETT FILMS —That Ready-To- DEVELOPED AND Serve Dessert— BEER on DRAUGHT PRINTED 24 HOUR SERVICE Entertainment At 8 O’clock. ' . Film Deposit Box At ROYAL Zanlungo & Levrio, Props. Store Entrance. ICE KEMP'S CREAM Fills the Bill To Perfection! Buy Winter Coal TYPEWRITERS “A Royal Treat OVERHAULED For All the Family” Plan on having your typewriters overhauled while your STENOG­ NOW»dSAVE!l RAPHER is on her vacation. FREE ESTIMATES GIVEN ROYAL Special Summer Rental Rates Just Call the .. ADVERTISING ICECREAM Service CtHnpany Typewriter Co. 92 Asylum St., Hartford, Conn. Obtain It At Your Dealer Is The Connecting Link You Phone 5-071S Or Phone 8942 Need Between Your Business / Drive The New And Your Prospective Customers CHEVROLET NO OBLIGATION IP YOU DON’T BUY Advertisers who are usinsr The Herald regularly know from experi­ FULL LINE OF CARS AND TRUCKS ence that it brings them RESULTS. Now is the time to declare an extra ON HAND appropriation for that advertising budget and ^ be prepared to tell this Larger Allowances On Your Present Car tra^ng area about your store—^your products. Business is on the up-tiim. Owing To the Great Used Car Shortage. People are working again—they’re going to start buying again.

Prices $445 f. o. b. and Up. i Down Payment As Low As $191 Fuel Oil — Lumber and $24.85 Per Month. Mason’s Sui^lies Tell Them Through The Columns Of The RILEY CHEVROLET CO. Paint eo Wells Street Telephone 6874 Open Evening's and Sunday G. E. WILLIS & SON. Inc. > Main gtreet lU . 5U5 BfaneliMter