A Neorealist Analysis of International Space Politics (1957-2018)
“War in Space: Why Not?” A Neorealist Analysis of International Space Politics (1957-2018) Eirik Billingsø Elvevold Dissertação em Relações Internacionais Maio, 2019 Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Relações Internacionais, realizada sob a orientação científica da Professora Doutora Ana Santos Pinto e a co-orientação científica do Mestre Rui Henrique Santos. ii To my wife Leyla, For your love, patience and support. iii AKNOWLEDGEMENTS As I came to Portugal to work for the Norwegian Embassy in Lisbon, I had no idea I would stay to study for several years. The decision, however, I will never regret. I would like to thank Universidade Nova and the social sciences faculty, FCSH, for allowing me to study at a leading university for International Relations in Portugal. Our classes, especially with prof. Tiago Moreira de Sa and prof. Carlos Gaspar, will always be remembered. To my coordinator, professor Ana Santos Pinto, I want to express gratitude for her guidance, sharp mind and patience throughout the process. The idea of studying a mix of international politics and space came with me from Norway to Portugal. After seeing Pinto teach in our scientific methods class, I asked her to be my coordinator. Even on a topic like space, where she admitted to having no prior expertise, her advice and thoughts were essential for me both academically and personally during the writing process. In addition, I want to express my sincere gratitude to Rui Henriques Santos for stepping in as my co- coordinator when professor Pinto took on other challenges at the Portuguese Ministry of Defense.
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