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Arthropoda Selecta 18(12): 95109 © ARTHROPODA SELECTA, 2009 A check-list of spiders (Aranei) from the Lazo Reserve, Maritime Province, Russia Ñèñòåìàòè÷åñêèé ñïèñîê ïàóêîâ (Aranei) Ëàçîâñêîãî çàïîâåäíèêà, Ïðèìîðüå, Ðîññèÿ Yuri M. Marusik Þ.Ì. Ìàðóñèê Institute for biological problems of the North FEB RAS, Portovaya Str. 18, Magadan 68500 Russia. E-mail: [email protected] Èíñòèòóò áèîëîãè÷åñêèõ ïðîáëåì Ñåâåðà ÄÂÎ ÐÀÍ, Ïîðòîâàÿ 18, Ìàãàäàí 690022 KEY WORDS: Aranei, Russian Far East, new synonyms, new record ÊËÞ×ÅÂÛÅ ÑËÎÂÀ: Aranei, äàëüíèé Âîñòîê Ðîññèè, íîâûé ñèíîíèì, íîâûå íàõîäêè ABSTRACT. From the territory of the Lazo State which encompasses 326 species [Marusik et al., 2007]. Reserve, 244 species of spiders belonging to 31 fami- None of the local faunas in the Maritime Province is lies are reported. Two new synonyms are established: known in detail so far. Araneus seensis Oliger, 1991 syn.n. = Araneus ish- Within the Maritime Province, most efforts have isawai Kishida, 1920 and Gayenna sachalinensis Sai- been undertaken in a study of the fauna of the Lazo to, 1935 syn.n. = Anyphaena pugil Karsch, 1879. A Reserve. Arachnological research in the Reserve and genus and species, Sernokorba pallidipatellis (Bösen- the whole province was started by Tatyana Oliger, who berg et Strand, 1906) is reported from Russia for the published her first paper on spiders of the Lazo Re- first time. Ozyptila scabricula (Westring, 1851) is first serve [Oliger, 1980]. She worked in this reserve as reported from the Russian Far East, and Anyphaena scientific researcher responsible for all animals. In her pugil is reported for the first time outside Sakhalin first paper she reported 10 species from two families: Area, Japan and Korean Peninsula. Anyphaena pugil Araneidae (4 species) and Lycosidae (6 species). Later and Sernokorba pallidipatellis are illustrated. she published another faunistic paper [Oliger, 1984] with records of 35 species, and a series of taxonomic ÐÅÇÞÌÅ. Ñèñòåìàòè÷åñêèé ñïèñîê ïàóêîâ çà- works [Oliger, 1983a,b, 1985, 1991, 1993, 1994, 1998, ïîâåäíèêà íàñ÷èòûâàåò 244 âèäà èç 31 ñåìåéñòâà. 1999] where she described 12 species and one new Óñòàíîâëåíî, ÷òî Araneus ishisawai Kishida, 1920 genus (Oculocornia Oliger, 1985): Agelenidae (1), Ara- ÿâëÿåòñÿ ñòàðøèì ñèíîíèìîì Araneus seensis neidae (2), Atypidae (1), Cybaeidae (1), Gnaphosidae Oliger, 1991, syn.n., à Anyphaena pugil Karsch, 1879 (1), Linyphiidae (3), Lycosidae (1) and Pholcidae (2). ñòàðøèì ñèíîíèìîì Gayenna sachalinensis Saito, After Oliger moved to the Nizhnesvirski Reserve in 1935, syn.n. Íà òåððèòîðèè çàïîâåäíèêà îòìå÷åí Leningrad Area, the collecting of spiders in the reserve îäèí íîâûé ðîä è âèä äëÿ ôàóíû Ðîññèè: Sernokorba almost stopped. During the 1990s only a few paper pallidipatellis (Bösenberg et Strand, 1906). Ozyptila were published in which some additional or new spe- scabricula (Westring, 1851) âïåðâûå îòìå÷åíà íà cies were reported from the reserve [Eskov, 1992; Äàëüíåì Âîñòîêå, à Anyphaena pugil âïåðâûå îòìå- Mikhailov, 1994, 1995; Logunov, 1998, 1999; Marusik ÷åíà çà ïðåäåëàìè Ñàõàëèíñêîé îáëàñòè, ßïîíèè è & Logunov, 1998; Ovtsharenko & Platnick, 1998]. Êîðåéñêîãî ïîëóîñòðîâà. Äâà âèäà Anyphaena pugil New studies of spiders in the Lazo Reserve were è Sernokorba pallidipatellis ïðîèëëþñòðèðîâàíû. initiated in 1998 when a joint RussianFinnish expedi- tion visited the reserve, and a long-term cooperation on Introduction the study of spiders was established between the arach- nologists and Yuri N. Sundukov, an entomologist (cara- Spiders of the south part of the Russian Far East are bidologist) from the reserve. From the material collected relatively well studied. The number of species found in by the joint RussianFinnish expedition, and collections this Area is about 750 [Marusik, 2007]. They belong to made by Sundukov, a special paper was published on 38 families (the highest family diversity within Rus- the spiders of the Maritime Province [Marusik & Ko- sia!). Nevertheless, there are many blank spots in Kha- ponen, 2000]. This paper contains 41 new species records barovsk and the Maritime Provinces. Up to now the from the Reserve and the Lazo District. From conse- single studied local fauna in that part of Russia is the quent collections made by Sundukov and old material Bolshekhekhtsyrski Reserve (environs of Khabarovsk) collected by Oliger, several more papers were published 96 Yu.M. Marusik on the fauna of the reserve [Logunov & Marusik, 1999, Agelenopsis potteri (Blackwall, 1846). without precise 2000; Logunov & Koponen, 2000; Marusik et al., 2003; locality and dates, #$ [sub Agelena naevia, Oliger, 1984]; Marusik & Omelko, 2008; Mikhailov, 2003; Oliger et Lazo, 1 # [Marusik & Koponen, 2000]. Builds funnel webs. al., 2002; Omelko, Marusik, 2008]. Nearctic species, recently introduced to Eurasia and known In this paper, I summarize all the literature and from several localities in the Maritime Province, in Kha- barovsk Province, Kyrgyzstan and Ukraine. unpublished data on spiders of the Lazo Reserve. Alloclubionoides amurensis (Ovtchinnikov, 1999). Korpad, Gorelaya Sopka Mt., Amerika, Korpad, 22 ##$$ Material and methods [Marusik, 2009]. Ground dweller. Palaearchaearctic range. Known also from the southernmost part of Khabarovsk Prov- Besides literature data, I have used in this paper my ince and across Maritime Province. personal material collected in the reserve in 1998 and Alloclubionoides napolovi (Ovtchinnikov, 1999). Kor- numerous material collected by Yu. Sundukov in 1999 pad, Sukhoi River, Amerika, Prosyolochnaya, Gorelaya Sop- 2007. Since there is no check-list of spiders of the ka Mt., ##$$. Ground dweller. Palaearchaearctic range. Maritime Province, in discussions on families I use Known only from the Maritime Province. Paracoelotes spinivulva (Simon, 1880). without precise species diversity of the entire south part of the Russian locality and dates, #$ [sub Coelotes luctuosus Oliger, 1984]. Far East (Amur Area, south part of Sakhalin Area, Palaearchaearctic range. In Russia it is also known from Khabarovsk and the Maritime Provinces). Khabarovsk Province and Amur Area. Outside of Russia it Each species paragraph includes the data about col- is known from Korea and northeastern China. lection localities within the reserve or its environs, Tegecoelotes secundus (Paik, 1971). Uglovaya, Petrova, total number of specimens examined, and literature Prosyolochny, 1 # 5 $$. Litter dweller. Palaearchaearctic range. references. If a species was reported in other combina- Tegenaria domestica (Clerck, 1758). Lazo, #$. Synan- tion or under different name I provide original name tropic, cosmopolitan. and combination. When possible I provided indication of habitat preferences, distribution, etc. Type localities ANYPHAENIDAE (1) where the holotype was collected are underlined. Spe- Anyphaenidae is medium-sized, globally distributed cies new to the fauna of Russia is marked with asterisk. family with 508 species in 56 genera [Platnick, 2008]. Species distributed in the south part of the Russian Far Only three species of Anyphaena are known from Rus- East and in adjacent countries (Japan, Korea, and north- sia, and only one species occurs in the Far East. eastern China) are addressed as having Palaearchae- Anyphaena pugil Karsch, 1879 (Figs 18). Uglovaya arctic range. Two localities lie outside of the reserve Bay, 1 #, 23.11.2000 Yu.Sundukov. It is the first record of but in very close vicinity: Kiyevka and Benevskoye. this species from mainland Russia. Earlier it was known Specimens were photographed using an Olympus from Sakhalin, Kuril, Japanese Islands and Korean Peninsu- Camedia C-500 camera attached to an Olympus SZX12 la. It is tree and bush dwelling species. Study of the Anyphae- stereomicroscope. The images were montaged using na specimens from Kuril and Sakhalin Islands revealed that CombineZM image stacking software. Photographs the only A. pugil occurs there. Comparison of these (Figs 1 were taken in dishes of different size with paraffin in 7) specimens with descriptions and figures of Gayenna sa- the bottom. Different size holes were made in the bot- chalinensis (Fig. 8) reveals that this species name is a junior tom to keep the specimens in the right position. synonym (Gayenna sachalinensis Saito, 1935, syn.n.). ARANEIDAE (19) Check-list Araneidae has a worldwide distribution. According AGELENIDAE (8) to species number it is third largest family with about 3000 species in 166 genera [Platnick, 2008]. About Family has worldwide distribution and encompass- 100 species and 18 genera are known in Russia. Of es about 800 species in 50 genera [Platnick, 2008]. 26 these, 56 species in 13 genera occur in the Russian Far species from 8 genera are known from Russia; of these, East. So far, 19 species have been found in the reserve. 15 species and 7 genera are reported from this part of There is no doubt that several more species and even the Russian Far East. Seven species were found in the genera can be found in the reserve, such as Pronoides Lazo Reserve. In Platnicks catalogue [2008] two gen- brunneus Schenkel, 1936, and several species of Cy- era, Alloclubionoides and Paracoelotes are treated in closa. I expect than not fewer than 30 species occur in Amaurobiidae. the reserve. Agelena labyrinthica (Clerck, 1758). Korpad, 6 speci- Aculepeira cf. matsudae Tanikawa, 1994. Korpad, 1 $ mens. Funnel webs are placed among herbs and bushes. [Oliger et al., 2002]. It is known by one female from a single Transpalaearctic range. locality. Most probably