Intelligence and Analysis Services

Country Travel Advice Report

Overall Risk Rating: Negligible - Low | 1.75

Drum Cussac Group Limited Last Updated: 4 Aug 2021, 21:48 (UTC) Intelligence and Analysis Services


Country Risk Rating Breakdown ...... 3 Country Overview ...... 4 Security Overview ...... 4 Political Overview ...... 4 Infrastructural Overview ...... 4 Environmental Overview ...... 4 Medical Overview ...... 4 Fact Box ...... 5 Travel Risk Advice ...... 6 Threat Scale Reference ...... 8

Drum Cussac Group Limited 2 Last Updated: 4 Aug 2021, 21:48 (UTC) Intelligence and Analysis Services

Country Risk Rating Breakdown

Country Overall Risk Rating Negligible - Low | 1.75

Security Environmental Infrastructural Political Medical

Negligible - Low | 1.50 Low | 2.00 Negligible - Low | 1.75 Negligible | 1.25 Low | 2.00

Drum Cussac Group Limited 3 Last Updated: 4 Aug 2021, 21:48 (UTC) Intelligence and Analysis Services

Country Overview Negligible - Low | 1.75

The Kingdom of Denmark is a politically stable, highly developed, constitutional monarchy situated in Northern Europe, between the North Sea and the Baltic Sea, bordering and . The country has also retained sovereignty of the self-governing dependencies of Greenland and the Faroe Islands. Living standards and constitutional freedoms are amongst the highest in the world, and the government faces few threats to stability. Denmark has a prosperous and well-developed market economy, and much of the country's industrial and agricultural output is exported to other EU member states. Foreign investment is welcome, and corruption within Denmark is very rare. The primary threats to travellers are from petty crime and road traffic accidents. Infrastructure is excellent across the country. Recent years have seen a rise in organised criminal activity.

Security Negligible - Low | 1.50


Denmark is a stable democracy that faces a low security risk. Demonstrations and protests do occur, although they are generally peaceful and are unlikely to affect foreign travelers. There is no tangible threat of conflict and the country remains a key member of NATO and the European Union. The terrorism risk in Denmark is relatively low, although there are some concerns over the presence of radical Islamist networks in the country. Rising organized criminal violence has been recorded in recent years by the Danish police.

Political Negligible | 1.25


Denmark is highly stable and does not face any significant political risk.

Infrastructural Negligible - Low | 1.75


Infrastructure in Denmark is generally well developed and maintained and there are no significant risks associated with travel in the country.

Environmental Low | 2.00


Denmark has a moderate climate due to its northerly coastal position, although the country is susceptible to severe thunderstorms and other inclement weather year-round. Flooding also occurs occasionally. Due to Denmark's northerly latitude, winters can bring ice and snow from November to March.

Medical Low | 2.00


Public and private medical infrastructure is generally excellent and there are no particular health concerns associated with travel to Denmark.

Drum Cussac Group Limited 4 Last Updated: 4 Aug 2021, 21:48 (UTC) Intelligence and Analysis Services

Fact Box

Government Parliamentary Constitutional Monarchy Type

Population 5,809,502 (2018)

Currency Danish Krone

Danish, English predominant as a second language, Other, including Faroese, Greenlandic Languages and German

Time Zone UTC+1

Religions Evangelical Lutheran (official) 80%, Muslim 4%, other 16%

Traffic Drives on the right

Plug Types Type C, Type E, Type F and Type K

Ethnicities Scandinavian, Inuit, Faroese, German, Turkish, Iranian, Somali

Drinking Safe to Drink Water

Significant Dates:

Additional January 1 - New Year’s Day April 9 - Maundy Thursday April 10 - Good Friday April 12 - Information Easter Sunday April 13 - Easter Monday May 8 - Great Prayer Day (Store Bededag) June 1 - Whit Sunday (Pentecost) June 10 - Whit Monday December 25 - Christmas Day December 26 - Saint Stephan’s Day

International Country +45 Code

Drum Cussac Group Limited 5 Last Updated: 4 Aug 2021, 21:48 (UTC) Intelligence and Analysis Services

Travel Risk Advice

Vaccinations and Key Health Risks

You should visit a health care professional at least four to six weeks prior to the trip. Travellers should ensure that they have routine vaccination courses and boosters. Routine vaccines include measles-mumps-rubella (MMR), diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis, varicella (chickenpox), polio, and annual flu vaccine.

Dependent on work, reason for travel, or underlying health conditions, some travellers may require vaccines from:

Rabies Tick-borne encephalitis


Travellers should provide friends and family with a copy of their itinerary, and make a copy of important travel and identification documents.

On Arrival

There are no significant measures to undertake when arriving in Denmark.

In Transit

There are no significant measures to undertake when travelling, public transport is reliable and self-driving is generally safe.

At Your Hotel

There are no significant measures to undertake at hotels in Denmark.

In the Street

Crime rates are low, although travellers are sometimes targeted by opportunistic thieves. Travellers should avoid overt displays of wealth, particularly in crowded areas. Travellers should use only smaller denominations of krone where practical, and keep large amounts of cash and cards in a separate place on their person. The contents of wallets and purses should be reduced, particularly cards which may denote affiliations, memberships or accounts.

While the threat from terrorism is relatively low, there is growing concern over radicalisation of some members of the Muslim community and the influence of the Islamic State (IS) group. Travellers should exercise increased vigilance in crowded areas. If travellers observe anything suspicious they should leave the area immediately and report their concerns to police.

Demonstrations and protests occur periodically. Although generally peaceful, travellers should avoid demonstrations, protests and rallies, which may present a dynamic and volatile environment. Travellers should also be aware that such incidents have the potential to disrupt local transport networks.

COVID-19 Information

Total Cases (ECDC) (Updated on Monday): 312,292

Weekly percentage increase in cases:1.74%

Travel Restrictions: Internal Restrictions Authorities are maintaining certain domestic COVID-19 restrictions as of July 6. All businesses except for nightclubs and discotheques are allowed to reopen nationwide. Attendance limits for indoor gatherings are 50 persons; outdoor gatherings are limited to 100 individuals. Certain industry-specific operating requirements are also still in place; conferences, as well as professional and business events, are allowed to be held and host up to 1,000 persons, provided all attendees hold Coronapas COVID-19 passports. Cultural events may take place with up to 2,000 Coronapas holders in attendance. Fitness centers and gyms may also open for persons with Coronapas.

Drum Cussac Group Limited 6 Last Updated: 4 Aug 2021, 21:48 (UTC) Intelligence and Analysis Services

Coronapas passports are issued electronically or in paper form to individuals who meet one of the following three criteria:

Have tested negative for COVID-19 within the previous 72 hours;

Have been vaccinated against COVID-19; or

Have recovered from COVID-19.

International Travel Restrictions Authorities in Denmark plan to amend COVID-19-related international entry restrictions for travelers from certain countries. From 16:00 July 17, several nations will be classified as red countries, including the UK (except for Wales), Tunisia, Malaysia, Iran, and Cuba; other countries, such as Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay, Bangladesh, India, and Nepal, will move from the red category to the orange category. Additionally, Rwanda and Thailand will move from the yellow category to the orange category, while other locations will move from the green category to the yellow category, including the , , (except for the green regions of Central Greece, Central Macedonia, Eastern Macedonia and Thrace, Ionian Islands, North Aegean, Peloponnese, Western Greece, and Western Macedonia), and the Spanish regions of Galicia, Castilla-La Mancha, and Melilla. Officials classify all countries as either green, yellow, orange, or red based on the local epidemiological situation and apply differing entry restrictions based on the departure country's color designation and whether the traveler has been vaccinated or has previously recovered from COVID-19. A full list of country color designations is available here.

Fully vaccinated travelers from green, yellow, and orange countries can enter Denmark for any reason and without restriction. Such travelers must have received the last dose of a vaccine approved by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) no fewer than 14 days before travel. These arrivals must also be a habitual resident of an EU or Schengen Area country, an Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) country, or a yellow third country. Vaccinated travelers from red countries must have a worthy reason to enter Denmark, present a negative result from a COVID-19 PCR test taken within 72 hours before departure for Denmark (or no more than 72 hours before arrival if permanently residing in a red country), take an additional COVID-19 test on arrival, and self-isolate for 10 days. The isolation period can be ended early following receipt of a negative result from a COVID-19 test taken on day four of isolation or following receipt of a negative result from a COVID-19 test taken upon entry if the visit to a red country was 5-10 days prior to arrival.

Travelers who have previously recovered from COVID-19 arriving from green and yellow countries may enter Denmark without restriction. These travelers must present a positive result from a COVID-19 PCR test taken between 14 days and 12 months prior to departure for Denmark and before entry. Such travelers arriving from orange countries must have a worthy purpose to enter Denmark; such travelers arriving from red countries must have a worthy purpose to enter Denmark and self-isolate for 10 days on arrival. The isolation period can be ended early following receipt of a negative result from a COVID-19 test taken on day four of isolation or following receipt of a negative result from a COVID-19 test taken upon entry if the visit to a red country was between 5-10 days prior to arrival.

All permitted foreign travelers who are not fully vaccinated and have not recovered from COVID-19 must be able to present a negative result from a COVID-19 PCR test taken no more than 72 hours before entry, or a negative result from a COVID-19 antigen test taken no more than 48 hours before entry; Danish citizens and residents are only subject to such requirements if arriving from a red country. There are no additional requirements for such travelers from green countries. Such travelers from yellow countries must also take a test on arrival, either at the airport or within 24 hours if arriving via land or sea. Such travelers from orange and red countries must also take a test on arrival and have a worthy purpose for entering Denmark, for which they must present evidence on arrival, and self-isolate for 10 days. The isolation period can be ended early following receipt of a negative result from a COVID-19 test taken on day four of isolation or following receipt of a negative result from a COVID-19 test taken upon entry if the visit to a red country was between 5-10 days prior to arrival.

Additional Information:

Drum Cussac Group Limited 7 Last Updated: 4 Aug 2021, 21:48 (UTC) Intelligence and Analysis Services

Threat Scale Reference

Threat Rating Implication

The operating environment is benign and there are only isolated threats to business 1 - Negligible and/or travel.

The operating environment is generally permissive, although there are a limited 2 – Low number of threats to business and/or travel that requires basic mitigations.

The operating environment is challenging and there are serious threats to business 3 – Moderate and/or travel that requires some mitigations.

The operating environment is hostile and there are significant threats to business, 4 – High personal safety and/or travel, requiring comprehensive mitigations and planning.

The operating environment is characterised by pervasive direct threats to business, 5 – Extreme personal safety and/or travel, requiring strict risk management procedures.

Drum Cussac Group Limited 8 Last Updated: 4 Aug 2021, 21:48 (UTC) Intelligence and Analysis Services


Drum Cussac Group Ltd makes no representation, warranties or assurance against risk with respect to the contents or use of this document, and specifically disclaims any express or implied warranties or usefulness for any particular purpose of this publication. Recommendations made are based on information available at the time of writing. No express or implied warranty is given in respect of any judgment made or to changes, or any unforeseen escalation of any factors affecting any such judgment.


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Drum Cussac Group Limited 9 Last Updated: 4 Aug 2021, 21:48 (UTC)