Samuels Is Seated As Sheriff; Speaks of Plans Hightower Outspending Republican Votes
; . l I .} 1 . I + " I I'~"'; [ ... I I 1 I' I ': ~.,' .. , 1 ;r.. 1986 Streets were Theyear in photos crowded for holidays SeePage7A SeePage2A ) .' j' ( I. : ' I i·- ". NO. 70 IN OUR 41ST YEAR 35c PER COpy F MONDAY, JANUARY 5, 1987 _RUIDOSO, NM 88345 Sheriff race cost the most by FRANKIE JARRELL votes and Wooldridge 1,351. News Staff Writer Following are the names of can didates, their party affiliation, the Candidates for county offices number of votes received, total ex spent well over $17,000 in cam penditures and total contributions paigns preceding last November's with the names of contributors not general election with would-be previously published listed. Offices sheriffs topping the list. are listed in ballot order and win AccordiIlg to financial reports fil ners are listed first among ed 30 days after the election, write candidates. in candidate Lerry Bond spent DISTRICT MAGISTRATE DIVI more than $3.85 each for the 994 SION I Yotes he garnered in the race for -Gerald Dean Jr., Democrat Uncoln County Sheriff. (D)-2,040 votes. Republican Sheriff Don Samuels' Expenditures: $1,130.85 2,085 votes cost him about 81 cents Contributions: $65. each while bis unsuccessful -Alfred Leroy Montes, Republican Democratic opponent, Jim (R)-1,976 Yotes. Nesmith, spent less than 50 cents Expenditures: $-1,054.51 per vote. Spending by all three Contributions: $800. sheriff candidates was close to '$6,000-. DlSlRlCI- MAGISTR.AXE-.. DIVI Bond reported $2,049.38 on the, SIOND 3O--day report, bringing his total -Jim Wheeler (R)-2,824 votes.
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