Subject Index
STP883-EB/Nov. 1985 Subject Index A C Aas in-situ tests, 209-210 Calcarenites, 415,416, 418 Analytical model technique, 432, 438 Calcareous ooze testing, 114, 116, Andersen's procedure, 342, 345,349- 118-121 351 Calcareous sediments cementation and Arabian Gulf soils, 413 grain crushing, 241-242, 243 ASCE conference, 41 Calcilutites, 415 ASTM Standards Calcisiltites, 415,419 D 422:385 Carbonate rocks, 413 D 653:12 Cementation, calcareous sediments, D 1586:517 241-242 D 2435:457 Cemented beach sands, 306, 308, 311 D 3441:34 Cementing agents, 306 D 4186:457 Cesium- 137, 157, 158 field vane shear test, 35,206 Clays Attraction, in-situ, 44, 47-49 Beaufort Sea, 487 classification, 65-66 cyclic degradation, 336 B deformation, 341,351,505-506 Beaufort Sea clays, 487 failure, 267-268,270, 271 Bering Sea sediment liquefaction, 454 Gault, 30, 31 Borehole shear testing, 140 Gulf of Mexico, 363 Borehole swell, 150 illitic "red," 84, 88 Bridge site investigation, 515 Kringalik, 488, 505-508 stratigraphy, 522-523 testing, 492-499 British Standards undrained strength, 508-510 BS 1377-1975:35 yield behavior, 499-505 BS 5930-1981:35 Nelson Farm, 295 Building Research Establishment, 21 overconsolidated, 259 Bulk density, marine sediment, 154, peak shear stress ratios, 271-272 163 pelagic, 114, 115, 117, 251 551 Copyright~ 1985 by ASTM International 552 STRENGTH TESTING ON AAARINE SEDIMENTS plastic Drammen, 338, 350 Consolidation stress, 262-266, 270 quick, 50, 52, 53 Consohdation testing, 201, 256, 323 rod shear testing, 258 Consohdation theory,
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