
Caribbean Journal of Science, Vol. 40, No. 3, 343–352, 2004 Copyright 2004 College of Arts and Sciences University of , Mayagu¨ez

Foraging Behavior, Home Range, Movements and Activity Patterns of inornatus () at Mata de Pla´tano Reserve in Arecibo, Puerto Rico


1Department of Biology, University of Puerto Rico, Mayagu¨ez, Puerto Rico, corresponding author: [email protected]

ABSTRACT.—Observations of foraging behavior of the (Epicrates inornatus) were per- formed at a cave entrance beginning one hour before sunset until one hour after sunrise. Boas captured from 1745 h to 0600 h, but most captures were between 1900 and 2400 h. The most common preyed bats were Erophylla sezekorni, Mormoops blainivillii, Pteronotus quadridens and Monophyllus redmanii, while Brachy- phylla cavernarum was rarely caught. The average prey handling time was 12.53 min. The Radiotelemetry was used to determine the home range, activity and movements of E. inornatus. Eleven (six females and five males) were fitted with transmitters. Using the minimum convex polygon method, the average home range area for females and males was 7,890 m2 ± 6614 m2 and 5,000 m2 ± 4,102 m2, respectively. These were not significantly different. Ten of the radio-tracked snakes returned at least twice to the cave. Females were active during 29 ± 7.2% (n = 89) of the observations, and the males were 36 ± 12.5% (n = 66). Movement by E. inornatus has notable implications for surveys and site assessment. Sites should be managed to ensure that all features needed by the are available within relatively discrete patches; thus, feeding and ther- moregulatory requirements and the provision of shelter and protection should all be available within a limited area.

KEYWORDS.—Puerto Rican boa, radiotelemetry, serpentes, wildlife, endangered species

INTRODUCTION innate fear, religious prejudice, or igno- rance are the main factors affecting the spe- The Puerto Rican boa, Epicrates inornatus, cies (Reagan and Zucca 1982). However, is the largest native in Puerto Rico. quantitative information on the effect of Grant (1933) made the first reference to the these factors in boa populations is needed, apparent scarcity of this snake in Puerto and most of the published information re- Rico. In 1970, the species was designated as garding these aspects is anecdotal rather endangered and was legally protected by than rigorously scientific (Stejneger 1904; the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as Grant 1933; Rivero 1998). Valuable popula- amended. The recent consensus among tion data such as age structure, population herpetologists is that the boa is not as rare turnover rates, foraging rates and strate- as previously thought (Pe´rez-Rivera and gies, home range, and seasonal activities Ve´lez 1978; Reagan 1984; Bird-Pico´ 1994), are essential to evaluate the status of this and Moreno (1991) recommended chang- species. ing its status from Endangered to Threat- The secretive habits and cryptic colora- ened. Bird-Pico´ (1994) suggested that the tion of this species, and the rough terrain species should be maintained in its current and dense forest of its habitat, make it dif- status until further studies regarding as- ficult to study individuals for extended pe- pects of its biology and ecology are carried riods. For this reason, radiotelemetry was out. The decrease boa population is attrib- chosen as a technique. Radiotelemetry is an uted predominantly to human impact. efficient and appropriate technique for ob- Habitat loss, mongoose predation, poach- taining life history information, because it ing for oil extraction, and killing because of enables researchers to study behavior and 343 344 A. R. PUENTE-ROLO´ N AND F. J. BIRD-PICO´ movement in the wild, causing minimal ued until one hour after sunrise. Fifty-one stress to the (Reinert and Cundall visits were made from March 1994 through 1982; Weatherhead and Anderka 1984). Ra- January 1996. Snakes were monitored con- diotelemetry has the potential to provide tinuously using a headlamp fitted with a basic information needed for the conserva- red filter. Observations were made using a tion and management of the Puerto Rican Moonlight Man 30K Night Vision Binocu- boa. lar and a Moonlight Man 1400 Night Vision Our objectives were to: (1) document for- Scope. Data on prey capture and manipu- aging behavior, and (2) to determine home- lation, perch position, number of individu- range, movements, and activity patterns of als, and interactions between individuals the Puerto Rican Boa at Mata de Pla´tano were gathered. Blood samples were re- Reserve in Arecibo, Puerto Rico. trieved for future DNA analysis.

MATERIALS AND METHODS Radiotelemetry Study site Nine snakes (4 males, 5 females) were Mata de Pla´tano Natural Reserve is lo- captured at the entrance, inside, and in the cated 7 km southwest of Arecibo in the vicinity of Cueva de los Culebrones. A fe- limestone karst region of north central male E. inornatus was captured in a Citrus Puerto Rico. The Reserve lies within the sp. tree 550 m from the cave entrance and sub-tropical moist forest life zone. This was included in the study. Another snake, zone covers 58% of the total area of Puerto a male captured in Mayagu¨ ez, was also in- Rico and has a precipitation regime be- cluded in the study. Sex, snout-vent length tween 100 and 220 cm per year with a (SVL), and mass of the snakes were re- canopy height of about 20 m (Ewel and corded. Whitmore 1973). Two types of transmitters were used: an Cueva de los Culebrones is located SB2 model (AVM Instrument Co., Liver- within the Reserve (2037658.159N, 740229. more, California) coated with a 1:1 mixture 926E, Universal Transverse Mercantor co- of paraffin and beeswax with a final pack- ordinates), and is classified as a hot cave. age mass of 39 g, and an SI-2T model (Ho- The only entrance faces 77° NE and is 5 m lohil Systems Ltd., Ontario, Canada) with a wide,3minheight and8mindepth. The package mass of 9 g. Transmitters operated main passage is 182 m long and consists of at frequencies between 150.000 and 151.999 three rooms distributed along a main tun- MHz. nel. Within 20 m of the entrance, two small The units were surgically implanted in rooms branch off the main passage. The the body cavity following the procedure of third and largest room is located 80 m from Reinert and Cundall (1982). Implanted the entrance. The cave is inhabited by five snakes were held in captivity for two weeks species of bats with a wide range of average after surgery for recovery and then were body masses: Brachyphylla cavernarum (40 g), transported to the cave entrance and re- Erophylla sezekorni (16.1 g), Monophyllus red- leased. An implanted animal identification mani (8.7 g), Mormoops blainvillii (8.6 g), and microchip system or passive integrated Pteronotus quadridens (4.8 g). The total transponder tag (AVID, Norco, California) population of these five species has been identified additional snakes captured at the estimated as 300,000 individuals (Rodrı´- study site. guez-Dura´n pers. comm.). At this cave, Ro- drı´guez and Reagan (1984) reported Activity predation by the Puerto Rican boas. Snakes were located every 48 hours and Foraging behavior at the cave entrance tracked for ten months using an Advanced Telemetry Systems receiver (Isanti, Minne- Observations at the entrance of the cave sota) and a hand-held three-element Yagi started one hour before sunset and contin- antenna. Snake activity at the time of loca- EPICRATES INORNATUS FORAGING BEHAVIOR 345 tion (basking, moving, eating, denning in RESULTS cavity or burrow), date and time were re- corded at each location. Even if a snake Foraging behavior could not be seen, its location could be de- termined within an area of 0.5 m2. At each Epicrates inornatus began occupying location, snakes were considered inactive if hunting perches at the entrance of the cave their location was<5mfrom the previous at 1730 h. Snakes were captured from 1745 day’s location and active if their location h to 0600 h, but mostly between 1900 and was>5mfrom the previous day’s location. 2400 h. At the entrance of the cave, snakes This information was transformed and a hung 75% or more of their bodies from a t-Test applied to compare activity of males vine, branch, or limestone outcropping, and females. Global Positioning System making a side to side movement. When (GPS) locations were taken with a Trimble bats flew close or collided with them, the GPS Pathfinder Pro XR unit to determine boas attempted a capture by a quick up- the precise location of the radio-tracked ward swing with their mouths open. Once snakes. These locations were used for cal- a boa had captured a bat, it threw two coils culating home range. around it with the snake’s head inside the coil. After killing the bat, the snake swal- Home range determination lowed it either head first, tail first, or from either side. Inside the cave, snakes hunted The minimum convex polygon method actively during the bats’ reproductive sea- (Hayne 1949; Jennrich and Turner 1969) son from April to July. and the harmonic mean measure (Dixon During the study period, one-hundred and Chapman 1980) were used to describe and twenty bat captures were observed at home range. Estimates of home range were the cave entrance. Most (117) of the obser- calculated with the home range analysis vations involved predation of one of the software Calhome (Kie et al. 1994). The four smaller bat species (Erophylla sezekorni, term home range was used for the area to Mormoops blainvillii, Pteronotus quadridens, which an animal normally confines its Monophyllus redmani) present at the study movements (Burt 1943). site. Only three observations involved Minimum convex polygons were chosen Brachyphylla cavernarum, a larger species. for the analyses because of their extensive Predation success depended on the perch- use in other studies of reptilian spatial use ing position occupied by a snake (Fig. 1). (Rose 1982; Gregory et al. 1987; Burns and The most frequently used perch category Heatwole 1998). Harmonic mean home consisted of the wall limestone outcrop- range area was delineated by the 95% iso- pings, followed by a looped root, and the pleth, and core activity area by the 50% iso- vines across the center of cave the opening. pleth. Reproductive period was deter- The looped root, located in the midst of the mined from the available literature. Area bats flight path as they exited or entered the used during the reproductive period from cave, was the site with more bat captures March to October and non-reproductive by the boas. Only one individual occupied period was calculated using the coordi- this perch at a time, whereas two or more nates of all males and females during these snakes simultaneously occupied the other periods. Home range size, mean distance locations at various times. Competition for per move, and mean distance moved per the loop root as a hunting spot was ob- day were tested for difference between the served. sexes with the t- Test. The relationship of Usually, the individual that occupied this snout-vent length and home range was perch during the day was the one that oc- analyzed using Spearman Correlation. cupied it at feeding time. Interference be- Two-way ANOVA tests were applied to as- tween individuals resulted in confrontation sess whether use of substrates differed be- in which both individuals abandoned their tween males and females during the study hunting postures and faced each other period. snout to snout for the remainder of the 346 A. R. PUENTE-ROLO´ N AND F. J. BIRD-PICO´

FIG. 1. Number of bats captured by snakes at different foraging perches at Cueva de los Culebrones, Mata de Platano Reserve, Arecibo, Puerto Rico night. The least successful perches (least successful hunter at 0100 h. The prey was captures) were vines at the left and right released after 15 minutes and both the edge of the entrance (Fig. 1). These perches hunter and pirate remained coiled until were higher than the exit/entrance route 0600 h when they separated. In only one of used by the bats. the four piracy events was the hunter able The maximum number of bats we ob- to retain its prey successfully. It later ma- served captured on a single night was 14 by nipulated and swallowed the prey. We of- 10 boas, while the mean was 2.3 bats per fered each lost prey item to resting snakes night (n = 120 captures). The maximum and it was readily accepted. number of captures by one individual was The largest snake marked with a pit tag four bats in a single night. The average han- was a female (140 cm SVL, 22.8 cm tail dling time was 12.53 ± 6.5 minutes. Exclud- length), whereas the smallest one was a ing B. cavernarum, (the largest species), prey male (45 cm SVL, 12 cm tail). Log trans- manipulation averaged 11.5 minutes while formed regressions of weight and length for B. cavernarum averaged 40.6 minutes. did not differ significantly between the We observed four piracies in which the sexes (t = −0.589, DF = 24, P = 0.556) prey was E. sezekorni. In three of these events, one or two snakes perching close to Home range the successful hunter provoked the inter- ference. The interference resulted in loss of Eleven E. inornatus (six females, five the prey after about 30-45 minutes, with the males) were located at least 25 times over a opponents pulling and pushing each other. ten-month period. Home range areas var- In one event, the intruder coiled around the ied from 138.9 m2 to 18,380 m2. Convex EPICRATES INORNATUS FORAGING BEHAVIOR 347

TABLE 1. Time spent (%) at each location by females (n = 6) and males (n = 5) during the study period at Mata de Pla´tano Reserve, Arecibo, PR.

Time spent (%) at each location Cave Inside Rock Under Abandoned entrance cave Ground wall Tree litter Cavity Log structure Females Mean .16 25 24 21 08 04 14 .33 03 SE .16 11 10 07 03 04 04 .33 03 Males Mean 11 09 17 01 25 20 03 08 05 SE 05 05 05 .06 12 07 02 04 05 polygon home ranges of males and females were active during 36 ± 12.5% (n = 66). Dif- did not differ significantly (t = 0.847, DF = ferences between the sexes were not signifi- 9, P = 0.419) and were not correlated with cant (t = −1.230, DF = 9, P = 0.246). The size (Spearman correlation coefficient = average proportion of time females were −0.358, N = 10, P = 0.252). However, fe- active was 23 ± 6.6% during the reproduc- males had larger mean home range areas tive period and 6 ± 3.7% during the non- (7,890 m2 ± 6614 m2) than males (5,000 m2 ± reproductive period. Males were more ac- 4,102 m2). Average harmonic means for ra- tive during the reproductive period (32 ± dio tracked males was 2,964 m2 (with range 12%) than during the non-reproductive pe- from 246 m2 to 6911 m2) and for females riod (5 ± 4%). Although males tended to be was 3,365 m2 (with range from 104 m2 to more active than females during the repro- 9729 m2). Male and female harmonic means ductive period, the difference between the were not significantly different (t = 0.195, sexes was not significant (t = −1.549, DF = 9, DF = 9, P = 0.850). Male 50% core activity P = 0.156). area (ranging from 20 m2 to 653 m2) and Females had changed location 24.5% of female core area ± (ranging from 6 m2 to the observations and males 35.6%. Males 664 m2) did not differ statistically (t = −0.218, spent more time at rock walls, trees, and on DF = 9, P = 0.832). the ground; females spent more time inside Mean distance per move was 47.9m±18m the cave, on the ground and on rock walls for females and 51.5 m ± 24 m for males, (Table 1). Relationships between sex and lo- and did not differ significantly between the cation were not significant (F = 0.860, DF = sexes (t = −0.269, DF = 9, P = 0.794). Mean 7, P = 0.542). However, percent of time distance traveled per day was 83m±51for spent by both sexes for eight locations, for males and 99m±88mforfemales and the which data were sufficient for analyses, difference was not significant (t = 0.365, DF were significantly different (F = 4.572, DF = = 9, P = 0.723). The area used during non- 7, P = 0.000). Rock walls, trees, cavities, reproductive time (November to February) ground, and inside the cave were sites oc- by all radio-tracked males was 1,322 m2 cupied significantly more often than under and 22,119 m2 for females. During the re- litter, logs, and the cave entrance (orthogo- productive period (March to October), the nal contrast, F = 28.4, DF = 1, P = 0.000). area used by males was 18,500 m2 and by 2 females 16,940 m . Mean time spent by Movements snakes at the same location was 37.4 ± 38.3 days with range from 5 to 53 consecutive Males radio-tracked revisited the cave days for males and 47 ± 34.7 days with from two to eleven times (meanvisits = 4.8) range from 2 to 96 days for females. during the study period. Five of the six fe- males tracked revisited the cave from 2- Activity patterns 7 times (meanvisits = 4.2). The only female Females were active during 29 ± 7.2% of that did not return to the cave was initially the observations (n = 89), whereas males captured in a Citrus sp. tree 550 m from the 348 A. R. PUENTE-ROLO´ N AND F. J. BIRD-PICO´ cave entrance and released at the cave en- exiting or entering the cave at a given time. trance. Within a two-week period, it had This observation coincides with those of returned to the area where it was originally Henderson et al. (1987) and Schwartz and captured and continued moving in the Ogren (1956) regarding opportunistic feed- same area for the rest of the study period. ing when preys are readily available. One male included in the study was relo- When foraging for bats the difference in cated at the study site from the western feeding strategies among E. angulifer, E. in- part of the island (Mayagu¨ ez) in order to ornatus, and E. subflavus involves differ- document preliminary information of ences in their energetic expenditure. E. an- translocation effect on the specie. Its move- gulifer hunts on the floor close to the heat ments were short and it stayed near the trap within the cave, which serves as a fun- area of release during the study period. In nel for bats entering and exiting, but E. in- general, the movements by ten of the ornatus and E. subflavus occupy perches and snakes were confined principally to two ar- have their bodies in a vertical position eas. Four snakes moved to the haystack while hunting for prey. The energetic, mor- hills areas facing the cave entrance, phological, physiological adaptations that whereas five snakes moved to the haystack are necessary for these actions are demand- hills located behind the cave entrance. ing (Lillywhite and Henderson 1993). Thus, compensating these events with periods of DISCUSSION rest or digesting for several days might be important. Foraging behavior Home range, activity patterns and movements Predation on bats is known for other Car- ibbean Epicrates such as the Cuban boa, Epi- crates angulifer (Hardy 1957; Silva-Taboada Most of the studies of home ranges of 1979) and the Jamaican boa, Epicrates sub- snakes have not found significant differ- flavus (Prior and Gibbson 1997). The hunt- ences in home range sizes between the ing strategy of E. inornatus is similar to that sexes (Clark 1970, 1974; Freedman and observed in E. subflavus but different from Catling 1979; Goddard 1980; Plummer that of E. angulifer. Epicrates angulifer can be 1981b; Michot 1981; Reinert and Kodrich found foraging on the floor of the caves and 1983; Burns and Heatwole 1998). There has at heat traps within the caves, feeding been only one study that we are aware in mostly on Phyllonycteris poeyi, the ecologi- which females had significantly larger cal equivalent of Erophylla sezekorni in home ranges than males (Natrix natrix, Puerto Rico (Silva-Taboada pers. comm.). Madsen 1984). Gregory et al. (1987) re- Rodr´ıguez-Dura´n (1996) reported E. inor- ported that in some studies males exhibited natus hunting bats in four other caves in a greater home range than females, but ei- Puerto Rico, and reported that boas did not ther the methods used to calculate home start hunting at the onset of bat activity. His range lacked credibility or there was no test observations contrast with our findings for differences. No significant sexual differ- that snakes start hunting as bats begin ex- ences in home-range size were found for iting the cave. The fact that most of the prey E. inornatus during the present study, al- items involved Erophylla sezekorni suggest though a tendency for females to have a that prey density may be a crucial factor for larger mean home range was observed. On E. inornatus. Of the approximately 300,000 going studies of movements of E. inornatus individuals at the cave, the highest number in other areas show females with a larger of individuals is that of E. sezekorni (Rod- home range area (Puente-Rolo´n unpub- r´ıguez-Dura´n 1996). Thus, the boas seems lished data). to capitalize not on the weight of this spe- Stickel and Cope (1947) suggested that cies (15 g), as opposed to the other available home ranges in highly productive habitats species ranging from five to nine grams, are smaller than those in less productive but rather on the number of bats that are habitats. Michot (1981) found, for the water EPICRATES INORNATUS FORAGING BEHAVIOR 349 snakes Neroida spp., small home range size search, investing their time in seeking in Lousiana where the predominant prey mates rather than in foraging and diges- was fish. Fish occurred in great concentra- tion. tions and water snake predation on them Epicrates inornatus spent most of the had little impact on prey population den- study inactive; a substantial part of the ac- sity. However, Madsen (1984) found a tivity that did take place occurred during greater home range size for water snakes the reproductive period. Montgomery and (Natrix natrix) where they fed on amphib- Rand (1978) found that when a Boa constric- ians occurring in much lower densities than tor was located, at hourly or shorter inter- the prey populations of the water snakes in vals during the day and night, the snake Louisiana. Cueva de los Culebrones repre- was usually inactive. For an ectotherm, sents a highly productive habitat, where movement greatly increases metabolic rate food is concentrated in a particular area (Bennett 1982). It is energetically and meta- and is available to the snakes. This may ex- bolically beneficial for a to minimize plain why individuals of E. inornatus in its movements. Lower energy expenditure Mata de Pla´tanos Reserve were confined to results in a decreased need to actively for- the proximity of the cave. In areas where age for food (Gent and Spellerberg 1993). food resources are more dispersed or in One of the primary concerns of an ecto- lower densities E. inornatus needs larger therm is the maintenance of body tempera- home ranges (Puente-Rolo´n unpublished ture. Thus, movement may be a response to data). local factors, perhaps determined by ther- Bonnet et al. (1994), Brown (1991), and moregulatory needs or movement between Diller and Wallace (1984) found that body places offering shelter. reserves were important for vitellogenesis Rock walls were an important location in many species of snakes. Three of the ra- for E. inornatus. These provide a thermo- dio-tracked females were gravid during the regulatory site during the morning and be- study period. We observed a reduction in fore sunset periods (pers. obs.). Selection of their movements, compared to those of a thermally heterogeneous environment non-gravid females; also, gravid females may allow behavioral thermoregulation spent the day basking in rock walls. Gar- and avoidance of extreme temperatures land and Arnold (1983) noted that preg- through only small movements (Gent and nancy in squamates involved more changes Spellerberg 1993). Also, these areas are im- than a mere increase in body mass. In stud- portant as a food resource. Mancina and ies with gravid garter snakes (Thamnophis Llanes-Sosa (1997) reported predation on sirtalis), Birchard et al. (1984) found that the cave swallow (Hirundo fulva) by the Cu- heart rate and oxygen consumption in- ban boa (Epicrates angulifer) at rock walls. creased during the gestation period. All the Although these behaviors have not been re- changes during development of the off- ported for E. inornatus, we have observed spring result in a decrease in locomotion snakes at rock walls supporting many nests ability that may be more complex and vari- of cave swallow. able than that seen during a comparable The interior and floor of the cave were increase in mass following feeding (Seigel important for the females. The cave offers a et al. 1987). meeting place where snakes can choose Males of E. inornatus showed high activ- mates and copulate. Afterwards, females ity during the reproductive period. Gib- can spend time inside the cave eating, bons and Semlitsch (1987) and Gregory thermo-regulating, and eliminating ecto- et al. (1987) determined that there is an in- parasites in the water pools (pers. obs). crease in movements in response to mate The fact that ten E. inornatus returned to searching, like that observed in E. inornatus. the cave more than once indicated good Studies with viperids showed that feeding knowledge of the habitat. Recognition of in males decreases during the mating pe- visual landmarks was important in short riod (Bea et al. 1992; Bonnet and Naulleau movements for snakes, whereas chemosen- 1996). This enables males to optimize their sory cues play a major role in the trailing 350 A. R. PUENTE-ROLO´ N AND F. J. BIRD-PICO´ behavior of conspecific snakes, especially los Rodr´ıguez. The Department of Natural trailing of females by males during the mat- Resources and the Environment (DNRE) ing season (Gregory et al. 1987). and the US Fish and Wildlife Service pro- Landreth (1973) found that when Crota- vided permits to pursue the research. The lus atrox were released in a strange habitat, Department of Biology at the University of they reacted differently from local Puerto Rico at Mayagu¨ ez Campus pro- and continued to move in direct courses, vided a teaching assistantship during the usually returning to the area where they study. Dr. Harold Heatwole critically re- had been captured. This seems to be true viewed the manuscript. This research was for the snake captured far from the cave supported by a Cooperative Agreement and released at the cave. However, E. inor- from the US Fish and Wildlife Services natus relocated from another municipality (#1448-0004-95-9162) and the US Forest Ser- remained near the release point. Parker and vice (Grant # IITF-96-G-001). Brown (1980) established that homing suc- cess by Masticophis t. taeniatus and Pituophis malanoleucus deserticola was inversely corre- LITERATURED CITED lated with displacement distance. Gregory Bea, A., F. Brana, J. P. Baron, and H. Saint Girons. et. al. (1987) concluded that many snakes’ 1992. Regimes et cycles Alimentaires des Viperes species are sometimes capable of homing europeenes (Reptilia, Viperidae). An. Biol. 31:25-44. over short distances. Bennett, A. F. 1982. The energetics of reptilian activity. Epicrates in- In Biology of the Reptilia, ed. C. Gans, and F. H. The movements exhibited by Pough, Vol. 13, 155-199. N. Y.: Academic Press. ornatus have notable implications for sur- Birchard, G. F., C. P. Black, G. W. Schuett, and V. veys and site assessments. This means that Black. 1984. Influence of pregnancy on oxygen con- observations of E. inornatus in a particular sumption, heart rate and hematology in the garter site may under represent the total popula- snake: implications for the cost of reproduction in tion that uses the area. Also, the low move- live bearing . Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 77A: ments of this species in a highly productive 519-523. Bird-Pico´, F. J. 1994. Final Report on Epicrates inornatus habitat indicate these animals are likely to survey throughout Puerto Rico. Cooperative Agree- remain within a specific area for prolonged ment between U.S. Department of Interior, Fish & periods. Sites, therefore, should be man- Wildlife Service and the Department of Biology, aged to ensure that all features needed by University of Puerto Rico, Mayagu¨ ez Campus #14- the species are available within relative dis- 16-0004-92-958. crete patches. Thus, feeding and thermo- Bonnet, X., and G. Naulleau. 1996. Are body reserves regulatory requirements and the provision important for reproduction in male dark green snakes? (Colubridae: Coluber viridiflavus). Herpeto- of shelter and protection should be avail- logica 52(2):137-146. able within a limited area. Bonnet, X., G. Naulleau, and R. Mauget. 1994. The influence of body condition on 17-beta estradiol Acknowledgments.—We thank Jeffrey Lee levels in relation to vitellogenesis in female Vipera and Vince of the Tall Timbers Research Sta- aspis (Reptilia, Viperidae). Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. tion and Dr. Wes Burger and Dr. Francisco 93:424-437. Vilella of Mississippi State University for Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife. 1973. Threat- ened Wildlife of the United States. Bureau of Sport training in use of telemetry. We are grateful Fisheries and Wildlife Resourse Publ. to the following people who helped and/or Burns, G., and H. Heatwole. 1998. 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