HUMAN Chapter 16

Energy & Body

Ying-ying Chen, PhD Dept. of Physiology, Zhejiang University School of SECTION A METABOLISM Energy Balance

™ The difference between the number of kilocalories that you eat and the number of kilocalories that you Energy intake

™ Energy sources \ -> fatty acids \Long -> shorter -> \Shorter carbohydrates ('') -> glucose \ -> Amino acids ™ Glucose: a major energy source \Aerobic oxidation

\ ™ Fat

\Major form of energy storage

\Alternative Energy Source ™ Proteins Energy transfer

™ ATP: primary energy currency ™ Phosphocreatine: an ATP “buffer” Energy expenditure

heat 20% 50%



™ Heat is the end of almost all the energy released in the body Metabolic rate

™ Normally expressed in terms of the rate of heat liberation during the chemical reactions Factors that affect metabolic rate

™ Physical Activities ™ Thermogenic effect of - of ™ Psychic activity ™ Environmental temperature (BMR)

™ The minimum energy 100 90 Physical activity expenditure for the (25%) 80 body to exist 70 Nonexercise activity (7%) Thermic effect of food (8%) 60 50 40 Basal metabolism 30 (60%) 20 10 0 % Daily energy expernditure Determining BMR under the following conditions

™ Keep fast at least for 12 hours ™ After a night of restful ™ No strenuous activity ™ Eliminated psychic and physical factors ™ RT: 16 to 27°C ™ No physical activity during the test ™ BMR is usually expressed as Calories per hour per square meter of body surface area Other Factors that influence the BMR

™ , male , growth hormone

™ Fever

™ Sleep


BODY TEMPERATURE Body temperature

™ Core temperature

\Homeostatically maintained at 37℃

™ temperature

\influenced by the environment Normal body temperature

Site Range of Variation of Temperature

Oral cavity 36.7-37.7 ℃ Rectum 36.9-37.9 ℃

Armpit 36.0-37.4 ℃ Important to maintain a stable body temperature

Core Temperature Symptoms (℃) 28 muscle failure 30 loss of body temperature control 33 loss of consciousness 37 normal 42 central nervous system breakdown 44 Factors affecting normal body temperature

™ \originates in the ™ Sex

Ovulation is 37.4 marked by a rise in temperature 37.2 C) o 37.0 36.8 0.5℃ 36.6 36.4

Temperature ( 36.2 menstruation 36.0 7 14 21 28 day ™ Age

™ Muscle activity

40 C) o

37 Temperature ( ™ Other factors



\Environment temperature

\Vascular activities

Heat production

™ A principal by-product of the metabolism \Basal metabolism \Extra metabolism caused by ™Muscular activity ™ (thyroxine) ™Sympathetic nervous system ™Dietary intake ™ Main organs of heat production in the body

Percentage in heat production (%) Body at rest working Brain 2.5 16 1 viscera 34 56 8 (especially ) 56 18 90 Others 7.5 10 1 exposure

™ Muscle activity \Reflex change (shivering thermogenesis)

™Primary controlled by hypothalamus ™rhythmic, oscillating skeletal muscle contractions \Voluntary change ™ Chemical activity (non-shivering thermogenesis) \Brown adipose

Intermembrane space H+

H+ H+

Electron transport Uncoupling ATP chain protein synthase

ADP Glucose ATP Fatty acids NADH heat

Mitochondrial matrix \Mediated by sympathetic stimulation and thyroid hormone

\Observed in the following natural situations

™In small children

™In cold

™In hibernating animals Heat Loss


Air and other Deep organs Skin surrounding heat transfer from the body core to skin

™ flow of ™ controlled by the sympathetic nervous system Heat is lost from the skin ™ Radiation \in the form of electromagnetic ™ Conduction \Temperature difference between the touching objects \

heating pad ™

\Air (H2O) currents ™

\Required to transform from a to a gaseous state


™Insensible Evaporation

™Evaporation of sweat ™ Sweating

\An active evaporative heat loss process

\Sweat gland

\ sympathetic innervation

Temperature Regulation

™ Body temperature is controlled by balancing heat production against heat loss Thermoregulatory center

™ Preoptic/anterior hypothalamus (PO/AH) \: set point ™ set point theory Fever ™ Pyrogens: Shift the set point Temperature receptors

™ PO/AH \Heat-sensitive \Cold–sensitive neurons ™ Skin temperature receptors \Cold receptors \Warmth receptors

™ Deep body temperature receptors \Spinal cord, abdominal viscera, great veins ™ PO/AH monitors its own temperature and receives input from receptors in skin & spinal cord ™ Behavioral control of temperature Cold exposure

™ Immediate reflex effects


\Nonshivering thermogenesis (Sympathetic excitation)

\Skin vasoconstriction

™ Chronic effect

\Thyroxine when the body is too hot

™ Vasodilatation

™ Sweating

™ Decrease in heat production Summary

™ Terms \Specific dynamic action of protein \Basal metabolic rate \Body temperature \Set-point ™ List the factors that affect energy metabolic rate ™ Describe the modes of heat-loss from the skin