Sea Surface Temperatures on the Great Barrier Reef: a Contribution to the Study of Coral Bleaching

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Sea Surface Temperatures on the Great Barrier Reef: a Contribution to the Study of Coral Bleaching RESEARCH PUBLICATION No. 57 Sea Surface Temperatures on the Great Barrier Reef: a Contribution to the Study of Coral Bleaching JMLough Australian ]nstitute of Marine Science cRc--).., . AUSTRALIAN INSTITUTf .......... Of MARINE SCIENCE A REPORT TO THE GREAT BARRIER REEF MARINE PARK AUTHORITY © Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, Australian Institute of Marine Science 1999 ISSN 1037-1508 ISBN 0 642 23069 2 -nuswork is oopyrighl Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright AcI1968, no part may be reproduced by any process without prior written permission from the Grut Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority and the Australian Institute of Marine Science. Requests and inquiries cof'll:eming reproduction and rights should be: addressed to the Director, Wornuolion Support Croup, Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, PO Box 1379, TownsvilleQld 4810. The opinions expressed in this docwnent are not necessarily those ofthe Greal Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority. Arouacy in c.alculations. figures, tables, names, quotations, refel"!rlCeS ~c. is the romplete responsibility of the author. National Library of Australia Cataloguing-in-Publication data: Lough,]. M. Sea surface temperatures on the Great Barrier Reef: a contribution to the study ofcoral bleaching. Bibliography. ISBN 0 64223069 2. 1. Ocean temperature - Queensland - Great Barrier Reef. 2. Corals - Queensland - Great Barrier Reef - Effect of temperature on. 3. Coral reef ecology - Australia - Great Barrier Reel (Qld.l - Effect 01 temperature on. 4. Great Barrier Reel (Qld.l. I. Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (Australial. n. TItle. (Series, Research publication (Great Barrier Reel Marine Park Authority (Australia)l ; no. 57). 551.460109943 GREAT BARRIER REEF MARINE PARK AuTHoRrrY PO Box 1379 Townsville Qld 4810 Telephone (07) 4750 0700 CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES iii LIST OF TABLES iv SUMMARy 1 INTRODUCTION 2 DATA....•............................................................................................................................................. 2 GBRMPA in situ SST data , 2 IGOSS-NMC SST data 2 COSTA SST data 3 RESULTS 5 Comparisons ofdata sets 5 GBRMPA data loggers and IOOSS blended satellite 5 GOSTA "ships ofopportunity" and IGOSS blended satellite 5 How unusual was the 1997·1998 summer season? 8 Evidence from GBRMPA SST data 8 Evidence from IGOSS SST data 13 The historical perspective from the GOSTA data set, 1903-1"4 15 Average conditions IS Variations associated with ENSO and anti-ENSO events 17 Was 1997-98 a "typical" ENSO for the GBR? 19 Are summer seasons becoming more extreme? 19 Is the SST climate ofthe GBR changing? 23 Evidence from other climatic indices 27 CONCLUSIONS 27 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 30 REFERENCES 30 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Location map 3 Figure 2. Weekly SSTs for 5 GBRMPA loggers and closest IGaSS 1° square and difference in SST, (GBRMPA-IGOSS) 6 Figure 3. Comparison of monthly SSTs for Geoffrey Bay flat GBRMPA and IGOSS 7 Figure 4. Annual average <a) and average annual range (h) for IGOSS and GOSTA SSTs 8 Figure 5. Difference in monthly means between IGOSS and GOSTASSTs 9 Figure 6. Monthly SST anomalies for IGOSS and GOSTA data selS 1O Figure 7. Latitudinal distribution of correlations between lGOSS and GOSTA monthly SST anomalies 11 Figure 8. Daily average SST, for 8 GBRMPA loggers from 20· July 1996 through 1998 12 Figure 9. Geoffrey Bay flat daily average, daily maximum and daily minimum SSTs, 18" December 1992 to 2"" March 1998 13 Figure 10. Number of days and number ofdegree days above "threshold" for Geoffrey Bay Flat. 15 Figure 11. Maximum monthly mean SST anomalies, 1982-98, from IGOSS data set 16 Figure 12. Comparison of GOSTA and IOOSS maximum monthly mean SST anomalies 17 Figure 13. Monthly mean SSTs, 1903-1994, from GOSTA data set 18 Figure 14. Observed maximum and minimum monthly mean SSTs, 1903·1994 19 Figure 15. Average monthly SST anomalies associated with 23 ENSO events 20 Figure 16. Average monthly SST anomalies associated with 23 anti-ENSO events 21 Figure 17. Average monthly SST anomalies for GBR <10.5-24.5"S) associated with 23 ENSO and 23 anti-ENSO events 22 Figure 18. Average monthly SST anomalies for GBR associated with 23 ENSO events and observed monthly SST anomalies fot 1982-1983, 1986-87, 1991-92 and 1997-98 23 Figure 19. Maximum monthly mean SST anomalies, 1904-1994 24 iii Figure 20. Annual average SST anomalies, 1903-1994 26 Figure 21. Linear trend and percent variance explained for seasonal an<;l annual SSTs 28 Figure 22. Annual anomalies of SSTs and other climatic indices 29 LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Summary of daily SST statistics from 8 GBRMPA data loggers 4 Table 2. Number of days and number of degree days daily average, daily maximum and daily minimum SSTs exceed summer season "threshold" for 8 GBMRPA data loggers 14 Table 3. Return periods for maximum monthly mean SST;::: Isd of 1904-1994 mean 25 Table 4. Average maximum monthly mean SST and 10 wannest years 25 Table 5. Correlation between annual SST variations on the northeast Australian coast and other regional climatic indices 27 iv SUMMARY The extensive coral bleaching event on the Great Barrier Reef(GBR) in early 1998 highlighted the possible causative role ofelevated sea surface temperatw'eS (SSTs) and links with El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events. Three questions related to the 1998 event and SSTs offthe northeast Australian coast are addressed in this report: + How unusual were SSTs in 19981 • Was this a typical ENSO signal on the GBR? • Is the SST climate ofthe GBR changing? Three data sets are used to examine SST variations offnortheast Australia: in situ data loggers, blended satellite data and "ships ofopportunity" data. Agreement between absolute in situ SST data logger and blended satellite observations varies with location and season. Relative temporal variations in the two data sets show a significant level of agreement. Agreement between the two data sets increases with averaging over longer time periods (eg monthly is better than weekly). Agreement between the blended satellite and "ships of opportunity" data is reasonably good. Systematic biases are, however, evident, and are possibly related to common data used to "tune" the satellite data and seasonal and latitudinal variations in cloud amount. Overall, however, the level ofagreement between the three different SST data sets is surprisingly good. Evidence from the daily SST data loggers located on reefs suggests that 1998 was unusual both in the number ofdays SSTs exceeded a particular threshold and also in the intensity ofthe SST anomalies above the threshold (ie number ofdegree days). Evidence from the blended satellite data indicates that the maximum monthly mean SSTs in early 1998 were the most extreme during the period 1982 to 1998. The next warmest years were 1987 and 1982. Evidence from the "ships of opportunity" data places 1987 as the most extreme year within the period 1903 to 1994. This, combined with the satellite data, suggests that 1998 was the most extreme year in the past 95 years on the GBR. During a typical ENSO event SSTs on the GBR tend to be cooler than nonnal in the winter season and wanner than Donnal in the following summer. SST anomalies on the GBR in 1997·98 were qualitatively similar to typical ENSO events. Annual and seasonal average and maximum monthly mean SSTs have increased significantly off the northeast Australian coast from 1903 to 1994. These warming trends are evident along the GBR but are greatest to the south ofthe GBR. These variations match warming over the same time period in Queensland average and minimum temperatures and the Southern Hemisphere combined land and marine temperatures. It is concluded that: • SSTs on the GBR in early 1998 were the warmest in the past 95 years ofinstrumental records. • SST anomalies on the GBR in 1997-98 were typical ofENSO events. • SSTs on the GBR have significantly warmed over the present centwy. 1 INTRODUCTION The extensive coral bleaching event on the Great Barrier Reef(GBR) in early 1998 focussed attention on the role that unusually high sea surface temperatures (SSTs) might play in triggering coral bleaching. 1997~ 1998 also witnessed significant coral bleaching events at many reef sites around the world (Wilkinson" 1998; Berkelmans and Oliver, in press). A link was made between unusually high summer SSTs and the 1997-99 EI NinirSoutbem Oscillation (ENSO) event (Wilkinson et al., in press). As a contribution to the study ofcoral bleaching events on the GBR, this repon addresses the following questions: 1. How unusual were the SST anomalies of 1997·19981 2. What is the average SST signal on the GBR associated with ENSO and anti-ENSO events and was the signal observed during 1997-98 consistent with this? 3. Is there evidence that the SST "climate" ofthe GBR region is cbanging? ie is the frequency of conditions that might be associated with coral bleaching increasing? These questions are addressed using three readily available SST data sets: • Great Barrier ReefMarine Pari< Authority (GBRMPA) in situ SST logger data recorded half­ hourly for various sites along the GBR from the mid-1990s. • Integrated Global Ocean Services System (IGOSS)-NMC blended satellite data available weekly and monthly from November 1981 to date for IO-latjwde by longitude square resolution • Global Ocean 8wface Temperature Atlas Plus (GOSTAplus) "ships ofopportunity" data available monthly from 1903 to 1994 for 1°-latitude by longitude square resolution. Each of these data sets has its advantages; the GBRMPA data logge", are recording SST at high temporal resolution at reef sites, the IG088 blended satellite data is updated rapidly and provides a 1llJ'8C-sca1e, global perspective and the GOSTA "ships ofopportunity" data provide an historical perspective extending back to the start ofthe 20tb century. Comparisons are first made between the different SST data sets: GBRMPA and IGOSS, lGOSS and GOSTA.
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