

Chapter 2

Design Criteria

Revision 96 (Limited Revision)

April 15, 2021

Issued by Engineering Bulletin 21-020 Effective with Design Approval on or after September 1, 2021 DESIGN CRITERIA 2-2

Section Changes

§2.2.7 Culvert New subsection of 2.2 Project Types that describes “Culvert Rehabilitation” Replacement and “New and Replacement Culvert” projects

§ Safety Project type description revised to more clearly define safety projects. Projects (formerly § Safety Projects) §2.3.5 Guidelines for Updated broken links to guidelines on US Access Board website. For Facilities in consistency with existing text in §2.6.11, text was modified slightly to state the Public Right-of-Way that “PROWAG… establishes is the basis of the Department’s standards for (PROWAG) accessible pedestrian facilities within rights of way.”

Exhibit 2-1a Flowchart exhibit replaced with table and title revised to “ Width Considerations for Bicycles”

§ Section renamed “ and Shoulder Width Considerations for Bicycles”. Text revised to provide improved guidance for bicycling considerations for the new context classes that were incorporated into Revision 92.

Exhibit 2-1b 8% added as an allowable superelevation table for “Urban Interstates, Other Superelevation Rate Freeways, Expressways and Parkways with LOS E or F at ETC” and “Suburban Arterials and Collectors”. Note 1 added to table to clarify use of either the 6% superelevation or 8% superelevation. §2.6.4 Horizontal Curve Text revised to clarify how horizontal curve radii are measured. Radius Exhibits 2-3, 2-3a, 2-4, Exhibit notes revised to refer to Section, providing improved guidance 2-4a, 2-5, 2-5a, 2-6, 2- for bicycling considerations for the new context classes that were 6a, 2-7, 2-7a, 2-8, 2-8a incorporated into Revision 92.

Exhibit 2-6a Typo corrected: Minimum Radius Curve (ft) emax = 4% in lower right heading changed to emax = 6%

Exhibit 2-7a Typo corrected in Note 8: “Shoulders may be 4 ft. where speeds are < 40 mph.”

§ Speed Change Text added to allow 15% reduction in acceleration lane length, in certain conditions, based on recommendations in NCHRP 730 Design Guidance for Freeway Mainline Ramp Terminals Exhibit 2-9 (Traveled Table revised to reflect errata changes to 7th Edition of AASHTO’s A Policy Way Widths for Ramps on Geometric Design of Highways and , 2018. and Turning Roadways) § Collector- Text revised to clarify design criteria and design speeds for collector- Distributor distributor roads in relation to the adjacent mainline .

Exhibit 2-15 The forms available on the HDM Chapter 2 webpage have been revised to Nonstandard Feature include additional information in the instructions about design speed and Justification recommended speed. The .pdf version of the form that is available on the HDM Chapter 2 webpage has been revised to add "Left" and "Right" shoulder options and "Other" selections under "1. Type of Feature".

§2.9 References Added NCHRP 730 Design Guidance for Freeway Mainline Ramp Terminals

EB 21-020 D.A. 09/01/2021 DESIGN CRITERIA 2-3


2.1 INTRODUCTION ...... 5 2.2 PROJECT TYPES ...... 7 2.2.1 Pavement Preventive and Corrective Maintenance ...... 7 2.2.2 3R - Resurfacing, Restoration and Rehabilitation ...... 7 2.2.3 Reconstruction and New Construction ...... 7 2.2.4 Minor Reconstruction ...... 8 2.2.5 Major Intersection Reconstruction ...... 8 2.2.6 Projects ...... 8 2.2.7 Culvert Replacement ...... 9 2.2.8 Additional Information ...... 9 2.3 DESIGN CRITERIA SOURCES ...... 10 2.3.1 A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets ...... 10 2.3.2 A Policy on Design Standards, Interstate System ...... 10 2.3.3 NYSDOT Bridge Manual ...... 10 2.3.4 NYSDOT Guidelines for the Adirondack Park ...... 10 2.3.5 Guidelines for Pedestrian Facilities in the Public Right-of-Way (PROWAG) ...... 11 2.3.6 Urban Design Guide...... 11 2.3.7 National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) ...... 11 2.4 FUNCTIONAL CLASSIFICATION OF HIGHWAYS AND CONTEXT CLASSES ...... 12 2.4.1 Functional Classification of Highways ...... 12 2.4.2 Context Classes ...... 14 2.5 PROJECT DATA ...... 22 2.5.1 ...... 22 2.5.2 Terrain ...... 23 2.5.3 Special Routes ...... 23 2.6 CRITICAL DESIGN ELEMENTS ...... 26 2.6.1 Design Speed ...... 26 2.6.2 Lane Width ...... 27 2.6.3 Shoulder Width ...... 30 2.6.4 Horizontal Curve Radius ...... 30 2.6.5 Superelevation ...... 31 2.6.6 Stopping Sight Distance (Horizontal and Vertical) ...... 32 2.6.7 Maximum ...... 32 2.6.8 Cross Slope ...... 32 2.6.9 Vertical Clearance ...... 33 2.6.10 Design Loading Structural Capacity ...... 33 2.6.11 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Compliance ...... 33 2.7 STANDARDS ...... 34 2.7.1 Interstates and Other Freeways ...... 34 2.7.2 Arterials ...... 38 2.7.3 Collector Roads and Streets ...... 50 2.7.4 Local Roads and Streets ...... 62 2.7.5 Other Roadways ...... 74 2.8 REQUIREMENTS FOR JUSTIFICATION OF NONSTANDARD FEATURES ...... 89 2.8.1 Definition and Procedures ...... 89 2.8.2 Technical Discrepancies ...... 89 2.8.3 Documentation ...... 89 2.9 REFERENCES ...... 96

EB 21-020 D.A. 09/01/2021 DESIGN CRITERIA 2-4


Exhibit 2-1 Functional Classification & Context Class of Highways - Various Sources ...... 21 Exhibit 2-1a Shoulder Width Considerations for Bicycles ...... 29 Exhibit 2-1b Superelevation Rate (Applies to NHS and non-NHS) ...... 31 Exhibit 2-2 Design Criteria for Interstates and Other Freeways ...... 37 Exhibit 2-3 Design Criteria for Non-NHS Rural Arterials ...... 40 Exhibit 2-3a Design Criteria for NHS Rural Arterials ...... 43 Exhibit 2-4 Design Criteria for Non-NHS Rural Town, Suburban, Urban, and Urban Core Arterials ...... 46 Exhibit 2-4a Design Criteria for NHS Rural Town, Suburban, Urban, and Urban Core Arterials ...... 49 Exhibit 2-5 Design Criteria for Non-NHS Rural Collectors ...... 52 Exhibit 2-5a Design Criteria for NHS Rural Collectors ...... 55 Exhibit 2-6 Design Criteria for Non-NHS Rural Town, Suburban, Urban, and Urban Core Collectors ...... 58 Exhibit 2-6a Design Criteria for NHS Rural Town, Suburban, Urban, and Urban Core Collectors ...... 61 Exhibit 2-7 Design Criteria for Non-NHS Local Rural Roads ...... 64 Exhibit 2-7a Design Criteria for NHS Local Rural Roads ...... 67 Exhibit 2-8 Design Criteria for Non-NHS Local Rural Town, Suburban, Urban, and Urban Core Streets ...... 70 Exhibit 2-8a Design Criteria for NHS Local Rural Town, Suburban, Urban, and Urban Core Streets ...... 73 Exhibit 2-9 Traveled Way Widths for Ramps and Turning Roadways ...... 78 Exhibit 2-10 Design Criteria for Turning Roadways Not Connecting to the NHS ...... 79 Exhibit 2-10a Design Criteria for Turning Roadways Connecting to the NHS ...... 79 Exhibit 2-11 Minimum Radii and Superelevation for Low-Speed Non-NHS Urban Highways and Streets ...... 82 Exhibit 2-11a Minimum Radii and Superelevation for Low-Speed NHS Urban Highways and Streets ...... 83

Exhibit 2-12 Minimum Radii for Design Superelevation Rates, Design Speeds, and emax = 4% (Non-NHS) ..... 84

Exhibit 2-12a Minimum Radii for Design Superelevation Rates, Design Speeds, and emax = 4% (NHS) ...... 84

Exhibit 2-13 Minimum Radii for Design Superelevation Rates, Design Speeds, and emax = 6% (Non-NHS) ..... 85

Exhibit 2-13a Minimum Radii for Design Superelevation Rates, Design Speeds, and emax = 6% (NHS) ...... 86

Exhibit 2-14 Minimum Radii for Design Superelevation Rates, Design Speeds, and emax = 8% (Non-NHS) ..... 87

Exhibit 2-14a Minimum Radii for Design Superelevation Rates, Design Speeds, and emax = 8% (NHS) ...... 88 Exhibit 2-15 Nonstandard Feature Justification Form ...... 91 Exhibit 2-15a Nonstandard Feature Justification Form for Pedestrian Facilities ...... 92 Exhibit 2-16 Design Criteria Table ...... 94

EB 21-020 D.A. 09/01/2021 DESIGN CRITERIA 2-5

2.1 INTRODUCTION NYSDOT has established the following eleven (11) design elements as critical criteria for the design of highways and based on the controlling criteria established by FHWA:

. Design Speed . Maximum Grade . Lane Width . Cross Slope . Shoulder Width . Vertical Clearance . Horizontal Curve Radius . Design Loading Structural Capacity . Superelevation . Americans with Disabilities (ADA) . Stopping Sight Distance (Horizontal and Compliance Vertical)

Design criteria are influenced by:

. The highway functional classification . Traffic volumes (from all surface, highway and transit modes) . Operating speed . Terrain (level, rolling, mountainous) . Development density and land use . Project type (e.g., new construction, reconstruction, 3R, 2R - simple 3R projects)

Design criteria are presented to provide guidance to individuals preparing the plans, profiles and cross sections. The design criteria for the project alternatives are normally determined during the project scoping stage. In making these determinations, the scoping participants should be aware that the criteria are generally the least acceptable values and, if routinely used, may not result in the optimum design from a safety, operational, or cost-effectiveness perspective. Design criteria values should be established taking into consideration the Department’s Context Sensitive Design philosophy that strives for outcomes that meet transportation service and safety needs, as well as environmental, scenic, aesthetic, cultural, natural resource, and community needs. AASHTO’s A Guide for Achieving Flexibility in Highway Design, 2004, contains guidance on selecting proposed values that take into account the context of the project.

It is the Department’s policy to at least meet the design criteria values for the individual project under consideration. However, the selected values used for a project should be influenced by the design criteria and numerous other factors, including:

• Crash history • Crash potential • Future plans for the corridor • Social, economic and environmental impacts • Purpose and need for the project (e.g., , capacity improvement) • Context of the highway • Construction cost • Stakeholder and public involvement (including the road users and communities that the highway serves)

EB 21-020 D.A. 09/01/2021 §2.1 INTRODUCTION DESIGN CRITERIA 2-6

In situations where values do not meet the design criteria values for certain design elements, a formal justification must be prepared in accordance with Department policy for use of the nonstandard feature, as specified in Section 2.8 of this chapter. The use of design exceptions to achieve an optimum design is discussed in AASHTO’s A Guide for Achieving Flexibility in Highway Design, 2004.

There are other design elements with established values that must be considered in addition to the critical design elements when scoping and designing a project. These elements can affect some of the critical design elements and have a considerable impact on the cost, scope, and quality of a project. Examples include design storm, length of speed change (acceleration and deceleration) lanes, design , clear zone, median width, control of access, and level of service. Since these other elements are not listed as critical design elements, they are not addressed in this chapter but are discussed in others (e.g., Chapter 5 Basic Design, Chapter 18 Pedestrian Facility Design, and Chapter 17 Bicycle Facility Design).

The inclusion of specified design criteria in this chapter does not preclude the use of engineering judgment to consider alternative engineering values and does not necessarily mean that existing roadways, which were designed and constructed using different criteria, are either substandard or unsafe. Many existing facilities are adequate to safely and efficiently accommodate current traffic demands and need not be reconstructed solely to meet current design criteria

EB 21-020 D.A. 09/01/2021 §2.1 INTRODUCTION DESIGN CRITERIA 2-7

2.2 PROJECT TYPES In order to provide consistent methods for developing projects and reporting program data, projects are categorized into types which are determined by their predominant purpose. When the project consists of two or more different kinds of work, judgment must be used to identify the predominant reason for the project in order to select the appropriate type.

When projects have more than a single type of work, it may not be appropriate to use a single set of design criteria. There may be several sets of design criteria that apply to different portions of the project or to different alternatives. Separate criteria are to be provided for adjoining highways when they are being reconstructed to tie into the new mainline.

2.2.1 Pavement Preventive and Corrective Maintenance

Preventive maintenance is defined as those planned activities undertaken in advance of a critical need or of accumulated deterioration so as to avoid such occurrence and reduce or arrest the rate of future deterioration. Corrective maintenance is defined as those activities to correct existing deficiencies. Both of these activities may correct minor defects as a secondary benefit.

These work types include element specific work such as resurfacing a highway’s pavement and shoulders (e.g., 1R/2R resurfacing). Work generally also includes measures to address identified superelevation, pavement marking, signing, delineation, crack and joint sealing, drainage improvements and necessary safety improvements on approximately the same alignment. Refer to Highway Design Manual Chapter 7 for further guidance on 1R and 2R projects.

2.2.2 3R - Resurfacing, Restoration and Rehabilitation

This type of project includes work to preserve and extend the service life of an existing highway, including any safety improvements justified by existing or potential accident problems. Low cost operational improvements are also encouraged. Work is generally limited to pavement rehabilitation along existing alignment, and can include correction of minor subgrade problems, widening of less than a lane width, minor adjustment of vertical and/or horizontal alignment, provision of turning lanes at intersections, arterial consolidation, lengthening acceleration/deceleration lanes and construction of bus turnouts, and pedestrian and bicycle accommodations. These projects may also utilize Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) measures, such as signal retiming and detection, ramp metering, overhead sign structures, and incident detection and management. Work may also include drainage improvement, slope work, and/or replacement of signs and signals, guide rails and other roadside appurtenances. Refer to Highway Design Manual Chapter 7 for further guidance on 3R projects.

2.2.3 Reconstruction and New Construction

This type of project includes work to replace an existing highway, including rebuilding to include geometric improvement, or construction on new alignment. Projects generally involve extensive rebuilding of subgrade, drainage systems, and utility work. These projects may also utilize ITS measures. These projects provide a full depth replacement of hot mix asphalt or Portland

EB 21-020 D.A. 09/01/2021 §2.2 PROJECT TYPES DESIGN CRITERIA 2-8 cement . Highway reconstruction and new construction projects may also include bridge work, including bridge rehabilitation and bridge replacement. Refer to this chapter and Highway Design Manual Chapter 5 for further guidance on reconstruction and new construction projects.

2.2.4 Minor Intersection Reconstruction

This type of project typically provides operational improvements, including geometric changes such as new or lengthened turn lanes, restriping, improved radii, and minor . Other examples of improvements include installation of traffic control devices and signs, installation of , and bus turnouts, incidental improvements such as lighting and drainage improvements, and pedestrian and bicycle accommodations. Minor intersection projects do not involve edge to edge full-depth pavement reconstruction. Refer to Highway Design Manual Chapter 5 and Highway Design Manual Chapter 7 for further guidance on minor intersection reconstruction projects.

2.2.5 Major Intersection Reconstruction

This type of project typically includes operational changes, major capacity enhancements, and relocation/realignment work and usually involves full-depth pavement reconstruction. Major intersection reconstruction also includes new or revised access points for freeway interchanges, as defined in Project Development Manual Appendix 8. Major intersection reconstruction may include but is not limited to, major at-grade signalized intersections, single and multi-lane , diverging diamond interchanges and restricted crossing U-Turn intersections. These projects may also utilize ITS measures. Refer to this chapter and Highway Design Manual Chapter 5 for further guidance on major intersection reconstruction projects.

2.2.6 Bridge Projects

Bridge projects are projects where the primary objective is to construct a new bridge or to replace, rehabilitate, or repair the deck of an existing bridge. Bridge projects would also include projects where an existing bridge is to be removed. Some incidental highway work may be included on the approaches to the bridges, as a necessary transition between the bridge and the unaffected existing highway. Bridge project types are further broken down as shown below. For additional information, refer to the NYSDOT Bridge Manual. Element Specific Cyclical Bridge Work Element Specific Cyclical Bridge Work is planned activity done in advance of a critical need or accumulated deterioration so as to reduce or arrest the current or future rate of deterioration. Element Specific Bridge Work Element Specific Bridge Work includes work outside the scope of that in Section and may include such actions as deck repair, bearing replacement, bridge railing upgrades and bridge or replacement.

EB 21-020 D.A. 09/01/2021 §2.2 PROJECT TYPES DESIGN CRITERIA 2-9 Bridge Rehabilitation Bridge rehabilitation work includes major items such as bridge widening, deck replacement and superstructure replacement. New and Replacement Bridges These projects include replacement of an existing bridge, construction of a new bridge or removal of an existing bridge.

2.2.7 Culvert Replacement Culvert Rehabilitation Culvert rehabilitation projects include activities to repair or extend the service life of an existing culvert that do not disturb the pavement surface. New and Replacement Culverts These projects include replacement of an existing culvert, construction of a new culvert or removal of an existing culvert.

2.2.8 Additional Information Safety Projects While nearly all Department projects incorporate one or more elements to improve safety, these projects are primarily programmed to address safety needs or include significant safety elements. Pedestrian and Bicycle Facilities It is Department policy to address bicycle and pedestrian travel in the programming, planning, scoping, and design, as well as the construction and maintenance of the State’s transportation system. Facilities for pedestrian travel may include sidewalks, pedestrian crossings (including grade separations) and shared-use paths. Facilities for bicycle travel may include bike lanes, wide curb lanes (shared lanes) and shared-use paths. Note that shoulders are not pedestrian facilities, although per the NYS Vehicle and Traffic Law Section 1156, are permitted to utilize shoulders where sidewalks are not provided. In cases where it has been identified that a pedestrian facility is needed and the shoulder is the only option to accommodate that need, then the designer shall ensure that the shoulder is designed as described in HDM Chapter 18 (Pedestrian Facility Design).

Pedestrian and bicycle facilities may be the primary purpose of a project but are more often included as elements of highway or bridge projects and are not listed as separate work types in Exhibit 5-1a of HDM Chapter 5. In any case, the needs and objectives for pedestrian and bicycle traffic should be identified and addressed as part of the overall project development process, beginning with scoping and continuing throughout design and construction. Refer to HDM Chapter 17 (Bicycle Facility Design) and HDM Chapter 18 (Pedestrian Facility Design) for further guidance on these facilities.

EB 21-020 D.A. 09/01/2021 §2.2 PROJECT TYPES DESIGN CRITERIA 2-10

2.3 DESIGN CRITERIA SOURCES This section provides a brief description of the major sources used to establish geometric design criteria for new construction and reconstruction projects with over 400 AADT and major bridge projects on highways with over 400 AADT.

2.3.1 A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets This policy was developed by AASHTO's Standing Committee on Highways. Guidance included in the policy is based on established practices and is supplemented by recent research. The policy is intended to form a comprehensive reference manual for assistance in administration, planning, and educational efforts pertaining to design formulation. A recommended range of design values for critical dimensions of various types of highway facilities is provided.

2.3.2 A Policy on Design Standards, Interstate System This policy provides standards for design features specific to interstate highways. The standards outlined in this publication must be followed for projects on the interstate system in addition to the AASHTO geometric requirements in A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets.

2.3.3 NYSDOT Bridge Manual The Bridge Manual was developed by the NYSDOT Office of Structures. Section 2 of the manual serves as a standard for designers in determining minimum requirements for bridge widths, clearances, and live loadings for all bridge replacement and bridge rehabilitation projects. It is also intended to clarify the above geometric design requirements for all types of bridge work except maintenance.

2.3.4 NYSDOT Guidelines for the Adirondack Park Although the Guidelines for the Adirondack Park do not establish design criteria, it is referenced here because it provides important guidelines for consideration when designing projects within the Adirondack Park. Geometric guidelines for projects within the Adirondack Park are contained in Chapter IV of this publication.

These guidelines were developed by the Adirondack Park Task Force which is comprised of representatives of the Adirondack Park Agency, the Department of Environmental Conservation, and Regions 1, 2, and 7 of the Department of Transportation. They serve as an interagency guide for the design, construction, and maintenance of highways, bridges and maintenance facilities within the Adirondack Park. The purpose of this document is to ensure the preservation and enhancement of the unique character of the Adirondack Park, which may require extra effort by the designer to ensure that the project fits harmoniously into the natural surroundings. These guidelines apply to all projects in the Adirondack Park.

When the use of these guidelines results in a value less desirable than that listed as design criteria, a justification must still be prepared in accordance with Department policy for the use of the nonstandard feature. Part of this justification should be a reference to these guidelines.


2.3.5 Guidelines for Pedestrian Facilities in the Public Right-of-Way (PROWAG) PROWAG, also known as the “Public Rights-of-Way Accessibility Guidelines”, is the basis of the Department’s standards for accessible pedestrian facilities within highway rights of way. Accessible pedestrian facilities are required by the Americans with Disabilities Act. Pedestrian facilities that are not within rights of way or in rest areas are subject to the standards found in the 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design. Transit facilities (defined by ADA as Transportation Facilities) are subject to the 2006 ADA Standards for Transportation Facilities. These documents are referenced because the legal requirement to design and construct all pedestrian facilities in accordance with their provisions may have a direct, unavoidable influence on other critical design elements of a project.

The accessible design standards defined in Chapter 18 of this manual are based on these documents and must be strictly adhered to unless a formal justification is provided (refer to Section 2.8 and Exhibit 2-15a). Departures from these standards should be discussed as nonstandard features.

2.3.6 Urban Street Design Guide The National Association of Transportation Officials (NACTO) Urban Street Design Guide provides guidance for the design of city streets that embrace principles by accommodating a wide range of travel modes and users.

2.3.7 National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Numerous problems facing highway engineers and administrators are studied through the National Cooperative Highway Research Program, which is conducted by the Transportation Research Board (TRB). Upon completion of the research, the problems and recommended solutions are presented in an NCHRP report. Information contained in these reports is considered to be the most current, nationally-recognized data on the topic presented. The information contained in these reports is usually adopted in subsequent issuances of the design manuals that host the subject topic.


2.4 FUNCTIONAL CLASSIFICATION OF HIGHWAYS AND CONTEXT CLASSES Appropriate design criteria are determined by considering both functional classification (the character of the highway itself) and its context class (the character of the surrounding area in which the highway operates).

2.4.1 Functional Classification of Highways Highways are classified by the character of service they provide. Freeways move high traffic volumes at high speeds with limited local access. Local roads and streets are intended to avoid high-speed and volume for increased local access. Arterials and collectors provide intermediate service. The functional classification of a roadway is a major factor in determining the appropriate design criteria.

The Department’s Functional Classification Maps and Highway Inventory should be referenced to determine the existing functional classification of the project roadway(s). This information is maintained by the Highway Data Services Bureau. Functional Class information is available online through the Functional Class Viewer, found on the Function Classification webpage at https://www.dot.ny.gov/gisapps/functional-class-maps.

The functional classification terminology does not precisely match that used for design criteria. Judgment should be used to determine the appropriate design criteria category. For example, the Functional Classification Maps / Highway Inventory have categories that identify some routes as “Rural Major Collector” and “Rural Minor Collector”, yet these roadways should normally be designed utilizing the design criteria for Rural Collectors in Section 2.7.3 of this chapter. If the designer believes any of the project roadway classifications should be changed as a result of current or proposed conditions, they should consult the Regional Planning & Program Management Group to determine if the classification should be revised.

Exhibit 2-1 serves as guide for selecting the appropriate design criteria category for a project based upon the functional classification as recorded on the Functional Classification Maps and Highway Inventory. Interstates and Other Freeways

A. Interstates

Interstate highways are freeways on the interstate highway system. Generally, they are interregional high-speed, high-volume, divided facilities with complete control of access and are functionally classified as principal arterials.

B. Other Freeways

Other freeways are local, intraregional and interregional high-speed, divided, high- volume facilities with complete control of access. Most other freeways have been classified as principal arterials.

Expressways are divided highways for through traffic with full or partial control of access and generally with grade separations at major crossroads. Section 2.7.1, Interstates and


Other Freeways, applies to expressways and to multilane divided parkways, including parkways with occasional at-grade intersections. Arterials

A. Rural Arterials

A major part of the rural highway system consists of rural arterials, which range from two-lane roadways to multilane, divided, controlled-access facilities. Generally, they are high-speed roadways for travel between major points.

B. Rural Town, Suburban, Urban, and Urban Core Arterials

Arterials in moderately and densely populated areas generally carry larger traffic volumes. They vary from multilane, divided, controlled-access facilities to two-lane streets. They serve major areas of activity, carrying a high proportion of an area's traffic on a small proportion of the area's lane mileage. Collector Roads and Streets Collectors serve a dual function. They collect and distribute traffic while providing access to abutting properties.

A. Rural Collectors

Rural collectors are two-lane roadways connecting roadways of higher classification, larger towns, and smaller communities. They link local traffic generators with rural areas.

B. Rural Town, Suburban, Urban, and Urban Core Collectors

Rural Town, Suburban, Urban, and Urban Core collector streets link neighborhoods or areas of homogeneous land use with arterial streets. They serve the dual function of land access and traffic circulation. Local Roads and Streets

A. Local Rural Roads Local rural roads are primarily town and county roads. Their primary purpose is access to the abutting property. They constitute a high proportion of the highway mileage, but service a low proportion of the traffic volume.

B. Rural Town, Suburban, Urban, and Urban Core Streets Local Rural Town, Suburban, Urban and Urban Core streets are primarily village and city streets. Their primary purpose is access to abutting property.

EB 21-020 D.A. 09/01/2021 §2.4 FUNCTIONAL CLASSIFICATION OF HIGHWAYS AND CONTEXT CLASSES DESIGN CRITERIA 2-14 Other Roadways The roadways defined in this section are not considered a functional classification. They have a different function than the highways discussed in the classifications above, and are defined here so the appropriate design criteria can be determined.

A. Parkways These are usually divided highways for noncommercial traffic with full control of access, grade separations, interchanges, and occasional at-grade intersections. Parkways are designated by law.

B. Ramps Ramps are turning roadways that connect two or more legs of an . They may be multilane.

C. Speed-Change Lanes A speed-change lane is an auxiliary lane, primarily for the acceleration or deceleration of entering or leaving through traffic.

D. Turning Roadways Turning roadways are separate connecting roadways at intersections.

E. Collector - Distributor Roads Collector - distributor roads are auxiliary roadways within or between interchanges. The purpose of these roadways is to remove weaving traffic from the mainline and to minimize entrances and exits.

F. Frontage Roads Frontage or service roads are auxiliary roadways along controlled access facilities. They provide access to adjacent property.

G. Climbing Lanes Climbing lanes are auxiliary lanes provided for slow-moving vehicles ascending steep grades. They may be used along all types of roadways.

H. Intersections Intersections are covered in Chapter 5 of this manual.

2.4.2 Context Classes The context of a highway is based on development density, land uses, and building setbacks. Project developers and designers have the responsibility to determine this classification. The design criteria classification selected should be made on the basis of the anticipated character of an area during the design life, rather than political or urban area boundaries. For instance, if an area within an urban boundary indicated on the Functional Classification Maps is rural in

EB 21-020 D.A. 09/01/2021 §2.4 FUNCTIONAL CLASSIFICATION OF HIGHWAYS AND CONTEXT CLASSES DESIGN CRITERIA 2-15 character and is anticipated to remain rural in character for most of the design life of the project, it should be designed utilizing rural criteria.

A project along a single corridor may include more than one context class as it passes through areas with varying character. The portion of the project in each context class should be designed with the criteria most appropriate to that class, with appropriate transitions, as needed. The minimum road segment length for establishing a context class is generally 0.6 miles.

While the context class is, at a minimum, determined to be either “urban” or “rural”, there are characteristics that often require a more detailed context classification, as described in Section Most of the “typical characteristics” identified for a context should be present to select that classification.

Where this manual defines criteria for “rural” or “urban” areas, the accompanying discussion addresses all contexts within the relevant area type. Where the guidance of the policy refers to a specific context class (e.g.,“urban core”), the guidance applies only to the specific context class or classes identified. Context Classifications

A. Rural The rural context has the lowest development density, or no development. Speed expectations for drivers are higher, with infrequent driveways or intersecting roads, and few slowing or turning vehicles.

Typical characteristics are: • Few houses or structures • Widely dispersed residential, commercial, or industrial land uses • Large building setbacks • Undeveloped land, farms, large outdoor recreation areas, or low densities of other types of development


Example of Rural Context

Image © 2019 Google

B. Rural Town The rural town context applies to developed communities within rural areas, and is often applicable to small town, small village or hamlet. Rural highways change character where they enter a rural town, and driver speed expectations are lower, with a higher likelihood of encountering slowed or turning vehicles, pedestrians, and bicyclists.

Typical characteristics are: • Low development densities with mixed land uses • Mostly on-street parking • Average building setbacks < 50 ft. • Average driveway densities greater than 25 driveways/mile on each side of the road • May include residential neighborhoods, schools, industrial facilities, and commercial main street business districts • Some pedestrian and bicyclist activity, often with sidewalks and marked crosswalks in some locations


Example of Rural Town Context

Image © 2019 Google

C. Suburban The suburban context is often applicable to the outlying portions of urban areas. Drivers have higher speed expectations than the urban contexts, but lower speed expectations than the rural contexts.

Typical characteristics are: • Low- to medium-density development • Mixed land uses (with single-family residences, some multi-family residential structures, and/or nonresidential development including mixed town centers, commercial corridors, big box commercial stores, light industrial development • Building setbacks are varied • Driveway densities greater than 20 driveways/mile on each side of the road • Mostly off-street parking • Pedestrians and bicyclist activity; may or may not have sidewalks and marked crosswalks


Example of Suburban Context

Image © 2019 Google

D. Urban

Driver speed expectations in urban areas are generally lower, with a higher likelihood of encountering stopped or turning vehicles, pedestrians and bicyclists. Typical characteristics are:

• High-density development • On-street parking • Varied building setbacks • Multi-story and low- to medium-rise structures for residential, commercial, and educational uses • Structures that accommodate mixed uses: commercial, residential, and parking. • Light industrial, and sometimes heavy industrial, land use • Prominent destinations with specialized structures, e.g., large theaters, sports facilities or conference centers. • High levels of pedestrian and bicyclist activity, with nearly continuous sidewalks and marked crosswalks • Higher density of transit stops and routes • Driveway densities greater than 25 driveways/mile on each side of the road • Minor commercial driveway densities of 10 driveways/mi. or greater • Major commercial driveways • High density of cross streets


Example of Urban Context

Image © 2019 Google E. Urban Core Urban core areas are predominantly in the central business districts and adjoining portions of major metropolitan areas. They have the highest development density and low driver speed expectations. Typical characteristics are: • Mixed land uses with high-rise structures • Most residences are apartments or condominiums • Small building setbacks • On-street parking is usually limited and time-restricted; parking is often located in multi-level structures attached to or integrated with other structures • Prominent destinations with specialized structures, e.g., large theaters, sports facilities or conference centers. • High volumes of automobiles, including commercial delivery vehicles and buses • High density of transit stops and transit corridors, including bus and rail transit, often with major transit terminals • High levels of pedestrian and bicyclist activity, with continuous sidewalks and frequent marked crosswalks • Driveway densities greater than 25 driveways/mile on each side of the road • Minor commercial driveway densities of 10 driveways/mi. or greater • High density of cross streets • Major commercial driveways


Example of Urban Core Context

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Exhibit 2-1 Functional Classification & Context Class of Highways - Various Sources 1,4 Classification is based upon the service Classification determined by the designer based upon the highway is intended to provide and is conditions anticipated during the design life of the dependent upon census data and urban project. 2 boundaries

NYSDOT Highway Inventory & Design Context Class Functional Classification Maps Criteria Section Classification Per HDM §2.4.2 Description Code Urban Principal Arterial - 11 Rural Town, Interstate Suburban, Urban, Interstate Rural Principal Arterial- Urban Core and 01 Interstate Rural Urban Principal Arterial - 12 Rural Town, Other Freeway/Expressway Other Suburban, Urban, Rural Principal Arterial – Freeways Urban Core and 02 Other Freeway/Expressway Rural Urban Principal Arterial - Other 14 Rural Town, Non-NHS Suburban, Urban, Urban Minor Arterial 16 and Urban Core NHS Arterial Rural Principal Arterial – Other 04 Non-NHS Rural Rural Minor Arterial 06 NHS Urban Collector/ Major 17 Rural Town, Non-NHS Collector Suburban, Urban, and Urban Core Urban Minor Collector 18 Collector NHS Rural Major Collector 07 Non-NHS Rural Rural Minor Collector 3 08 NHS Rural Local 3 Rural Town, Non-NHS 09 Suburban, Urban, and Urban Core NHS Local Urban Local 3 Non-NHS 19 Rural NHS

Notes: 1. This table presents the general relationship between the Functional Classifications and the Design Criteria. There may be situations where the association presented will not coincide as shown. 2. Classifications are based on AASHTO’s A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, 2018. 3. Classification that is typically not federal-aid eligible. 4. Highway Data Services Bureau maintains the official, most current, record of Highway Functional Classifications and National Highway System (NHS) designations.


2.5 PROJECT DATA The following items are factors in determining the values of some of the critical design elements.

2.5.1 Traffic Traffic Volume

Traffic volume directly affects the geometric features selected for design of highway and bridge projects. The general unit of measure for traffic on a highway is the two-way, average daily traffic (ADT), defined as the total volume during a given time period (in whole days), greater than one day and less than one year, divided by the number of days in that time period. The ADT volume utilizing a time period of one year is referred to as the two- way, annual average daily traffic (AADT). An hourly traffic volume is also used for design purposes. The unit of measure for this traffic is the two-way, design-hour volume (DHV) which is usually represented by the 30th highest hourly volume of the year chosen for design. This volume is adjusted to provide a one-way, directional design-hour volume (DDHV). Refer to Chapter 5, Section 5.2 of this manual for additional information on traffic data. Trucks and Other Heavy Vehicles

For consistency with the definition in AASHTO’s A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, the term “trucks” used in this chapter refers to all heavy vehicles. The Transportation Research Board’s Highway Capacity Manual defines heavy vehicles as vehicles having more than four tires touching the pavement, and include trucks, buses, and recreational vehicles. Trucks impose a greater effect on a highway or bridge than passenger do. Truck volumes are generally addressed as follows:

• A very low percentage of trucks is considered to be 2% or less.

• A high percentage of trucks is considered to be 10% or more. For the interstates and other freeways, a DDHV of 250 vph of trucks is used to indicate a high percentage of trucks. Traffic Design Year

Highway and bridge design should be based on traffic volumes that are expected to occur within the expected service life of the project. The year chosen for design must also be no further ahead than that for which traffic can be estimated with reasonable accuracy. Refer to Chapter 5, Section of this manual to determine the appropriate design year for the project.

EB 21-020 D.A. 09/01/2021 §2.5 PROJECT DATA DESIGN CRITERIA 2-23 Speed Studies

Speed studies provide an essential measure for evaluating highway geometry. The speed study results may also serve as the basis for selecting a design speed within the acceptable range for the highway’s functional class (refer to Section 2.6.1 of this chapter for a discussion of design speed). Consult Chapter 5, Section 5.2.4 of this manual for more information on speed studies and terminology.

2.5.2 Terrain The topography of the land traversed has an influence on the horizontal and vertical alignment of a highway. For design purposes, variations in topography are categorized by terrain, utilizing the definitions in AASHTO's A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets:

• Level Terrain - That condition where highway sight distances, as governed by both horizontal and vertical restrictions, are generally long or could be made to be so without construction difficulty or major expense.

• Rolling Terrain - That condition where the natural slopes consistently rise above and fall below the road or street grade and where occasional steep slopes offer some restriction to normal horizontal and vertical roadway alignment.

• Mountainous Terrain - That condition where longitudinal and transverse changes in the elevation of the ground with respect to the road or street are abrupt and where benching and side hill excavation are frequently required to obtain acceptable horizontal and vertical alignment. The terrain classifications pertain to the general character of a specific route corridor. The minimum road segment length for establishing a terrain classification is generally 0.6 miles

2.5.3 Special Routes There are special routes designated to serve specific purposes as shown below Strategic Highway Corridor Network (STRAHNET)

The United States Department of Defense has a program called Highways for National Defense (HND) to ensure the mobility of United States Forces during national defense operations. To support this program, a Strategic Highway Corridor Network (STRAHNET) was established. The STRAHNET includes highways which are important to the United States Strategic Defense Policy and which provide defense access, continuity, and emergency capabilities for the movement of personnel, materials, and equipment in both peacetime and wartime. This system consists of interstate and some non-interstate highways. The minimum vertical clearance on these routes is 16’. Refer to Section 2 of the Bridge Manual for information on the 16’ vertical clearance routes. [Note: sections of the interstate system have been exempted from the vertical clearance requirements]. The Highway Data Services Bureau of the Office of Technical Services maintains the designation and map information concerning the STRAHNET system.

EB 21-020 D.A. 09/01/2021 §2.5 PROJECT DATA DESIGN CRITERIA 2-24 Designated Qualifying and Access Highways

The 1982 Federal Surface Transportation Assistance Act (STAA) and the State 1990 Truck Safety Bill provided regulations concerning a system of reasonable access routes for special dimension vehicles. Minimum travel lane widths of 12’ must be provided along Designated Qualifying Highways. Minimum travel lane widths of 10’ are required along Designated Access Highways and for routes within 1 mile of Qualifying Highways. The Office of Traffic Safety and Mobility maintains a listing of all designated highways in the publication Official Description of Designated Qualifying and Access Highways in State. Bicycle Routes

Bicycle routes are a system or network of roads, streets, paths or ways that are open to bicycle travel and that have been designated by the jurisdiction(s) having authority with appropriate directional and informational route markers (with or without a specific bicycle ). Established bicycle routes should provide for continuous routing between logical termini. The surface treatments and lane or shoulder widths required are especially important to assure the usability of designated bicycle routes. Refer to Chapter 17 of this manual for further guidance. National Highway System (NHS)

This system was established after passage of the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA) of 1991 and was approved by Congress in 1995. The NHS is separate and distinct from the functional classification system. The NHS consists of interconnected urban and rural highways and arterials (including toll facilities) which serve major population centers, international border crossings, ports, airports, public transportation facilities, other intermodal transportation facilities, and other major travel destinations; meet national defense requirements; or serve interstate and interregional travel. Although limited in number, there are segments of local highways and rural minor collectors that are classified as part of the NHS. All routes on the Interstate System are a part of the National Highway System. A maps of the NHS routes in New York State be viewed on FHWA’s website at

https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/planning/national_highway_system/nhs_maps/new_york/index.cf m. This information can also be found on the Highway Data Services Bureau’s Roadway Inventory System Viewer at https://www.dot.ny.gov/risviewer.

Design criteria for segments on the NHS follow the AASHTO’s A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, 2018. In general, these standards do not use construction cost or other constraints as a major influence in the criteria.

Title 23 USC 109 allows states to establish design criteria for highways and streets that are not part of the NHS. This allows states to establish criteria that reduce project costs and/or the need for numerous nonstandard features on lower classification highways so that the overall system can be improved using practical criteria. This chapter establishes non-NHS design criteria for collectors, arterials, local roads, and local urban streets based on the 2R/3R design criteria values, which have been shown to cost-effectively improve safety.

EB 21-020 D.A. 09/01/2021 §2.5 PROJECT DATA DESIGN CRITERIA 2-25

Refer to Chapter 7 of this manual for more information on the basis for the 2R/3R design criteria values.

EB 21-020 D.A. 09/01/2021 §2.5 PROJECT DATA DESIGN CRITERIA 2-26

2.6 CRITICAL DESIGN ELEMENTS The eleven (11) items discussed in this section are defined as the critical design elements. Usually, minimum or maximum values are specified for these elements.

2.6.1 Design Speed Design speed is a speed established to determine the various geometric design features of the roadway. The design speed should be a logical one with respect to the functional classification of highway, anticipated off-peak 85th percentile speed, topography, the adjacent land use, modal mix, and any planned improvements for the facility, including future projects on adjacent segments. Once established, many of the critical elements of the highway are related to the design speed.

There are important differences between the design criteria applicable to low- and high-speed designs. AASHTO’s A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, defines the upper limit for low-speed at 45 mph and the lower limit for high-speed at 50 mph (i.e., low-speed < 45 mph & high speed > 50 mph). Project design speeds are to be rounded to the nearest 5 mph value and should, therefore, fall within one of these two categories. Establishing a Design Speed

The design speed is either: maximum functional class speed or a speed based on the anticipated (post-construction) off-peak 85th percentile speed within the range of functional class speeds. Refer to Chapter 5, Section 5.2 to determine of the off-peak 85th percentile speed.

The Regional Traffic Engineer should be consulted while determining the design speed that will be used for selection of the other critical design elements. For freeways, the design speed shall equal or exceed the regulatory speed limit in every case. The Deputy Chief Engineer (Design) must approve urban design speeds more than 10 MPH over the proposed regulatory speed in Urban Core areas. (Refer to Section for a definition of Urban Core areas). Scoping documents, design approval documents, etc., should contain the basis for the design speed. The anticipated off-peak 85th percentile speed is to be based on:

• Existing off-peak 85th Percentile Speed - Refer to Section of this chapter and Chapter 5, Section 5.2.4 of this manual for definitions and acceptable methods. For new facilities, the anticipated off-peak 85th percentile speed may be based on the speeds of facilities with similar classifications, geometry, and traffic characteristics.

• Improvements - Since speeds often increase when there is a new pavement surface, and when geometric improvements are made, engineering judgment should be exercised in determining the reasonableness and applicability of using an existing off- peak 85th percentile speed that is below the maximum functional class speed. Where the 85th percentile speed is above the maximum functional class speed, the maximum functional class speed shall be used as the design speed.

• Traffic Calming - Refer to Chapter 25 of this manual for requirements and guidance.


A nonstandard design speed is NOT to be used. A nonstandard design speed cannot be justified since a reduction in the design speed effectively lowers several speed- related critical design elements, which must be justified individually. Design Speed Segments

The use of different design speeds for continuous segments of a facility should be kept to a minimum to better assure consistency of design features such as vertical and horizontal alignment. However, significant changes in highway environment or terrain may necessitate a different design speed for different highway segments within the project (i.e., rural vs. urban, flat vs. mountainous, a large change inside road or driveway density, a large change in building offsets, etc.).

2.6.2 Lane Width The highway lane is the portion of the traveled way used for a single line of vehicles. Lane and Shoulder Width Considerations for Bicycles Bicycling is a factor in determining appropriate lane and shoulder widths.

On curbed sections in Rural Town, Suburban, Urban, and Urban Core contexts, where bicycling demand is high, bicyclists are often accommodated using a shared lane. A shared lane is a right-hand lane that provides enough width (between 13 ft. and 15 ft.) for bicyclists and motorists to operate within the lane. There is minimal need for motorists to encroach into the adjacent lane to pass bicyclists. This type of facility most easily fits into the more constrained rights of way typical of these contexts.

In curbed areas with high bicycle demand and adequate , bicyclists can be accommodated on a 5 ft. minimum width shoulder or 5 ft. minimum width bicycle lane. Widths greater than 5 ft. (up to 7 ft.) are desirable for bicycle lanes adjacent to parking lanes. A separate facility (e.g., cycle track or shared use ) that is within the ROW or along an adjacent/parallel ROW, with convenient access to the same destinations, can also accommodate bicycle demand.

In uncurbed areas, shoulders can often accommodate high bicycle demand. On low-speed (<45 mph) and low volume rural roads with good sight distance, cyclists can often be accommodated within the traveled way. On rural roads with higher speed or higher volumes, or on low-speed rural roads with poor sight distance, cyclists should be accommodated on a 4 ft. to 5 ft. minimum width shoulder (depending on prevalence of vertical obstructions immediately adjacent to the roadway), or, alternatively, with a 5 ft. minimum width bike lane or separate facility. Determining Bicycle Demand

On Urban and Urban Core roadways, bicycling demand is assumed to be high. For all other context classes, determine if bicycling demand or anticipated demand is high or low. This is done by: • Use of the Capital Projects Complete Streets Checklist (CPCSC) • Analysis of the project context • Determining whether the roadway is a designated bicycle route


Determining Appropriate Lane and Shoulder Widths

Use Exhibit 2-1a, HDM Chapter 17, and Chapter 4 of the AASHTO Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities to identify the preferred means of accommodating bicyclists.


Exhibit 2-1a Shoulder Width Considerations for Bicycles

Low bicycle demand and no bicycle route High bicycling demand is present and/or bicycle route is present or and high bicycling demand and/or bicycle there is no parallel bicycle facility1 route is present, but there is also a present parallel bicycle facility1 present

2 Right Shoulder Width Right Shoulder Width Rural On low-speed (< 45 mph) and low volume rural roadways with good sight distance, cyclists can often be accommodated within the traveled way, and right shoulder widths should be determined by using the appropriate Design Criteria Exhibit in HDM §2.7. The minimum recommended shoulder widths below are for shoulders that will accommodate bicycles on higher speed rural roadways, or low-speed rural roadways with poor sight distance. Curbed 4 ft. min., 5 ft. recommended 3,4 per appropriate Design Criteria Exhibit in §2.7

Uncurbed 4 ft. recommended per appropriate Design Criteria Exhibit in §2.7

Rural Town and Suburban Curbed 4 ft. min., 5 ft. recommended 3,4 per appropriate Design Criteria Exhibit in §2.7

Uncurbed 4 ft. recommended per appropriate Design Criteria Exhibit in §2.7

Urban and Urban Core High bicycle demand is assumed. Unless a parallel bicycle facility is present, a 5 ft. min Curbed 5 ft. min.3,4 width shoulder is recommended when bicycles will be accommodated on the shoulder.2,3 High bicycle demand is assumed. Unless a parallel bicycle facility is present, a 4 ft. min Uncurbed 4 ft. min., 5 ft. recommended width shoulder is recommended when bicycles will be accommodated on the shoulder.2

Notes: 1. A "parallel bicycle facility" is defined as being within the right of way or along an adjacent/parallel right of way with convenient access to the same destinations. 2. While a 4 ft. or 5 ft. width shoulder (or designated bicycle lane) is preferable, a 13 ft. min. width shared lane can be used to accommodate cyclists when there are space constraints. If a shared lane is used, the minimum right shoulder width should be based on the appropriate Design Criteria Exhibit in § 2.7. Refer to HDM Chapter 17 and the 2012 AASHTO Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities, Chapter 4, for information on the appropriate use and design of bicycle lanes and shared lanes. Shared lanes are to be marked in accordance with TSMI 13-07. Note that TSMI 13-07 provides criteria for marking shared lanes when the lanes are less than 14 ft. wide. 3. When high bicycling demand exists or must be assumed, if neither the appropriate min. width shoulder (either 4 ft. or 5 ft.) nor 13 ft. minimum width shared lane can be provided, a nonstandard feature justification should be provided. The nonstandard feature justification only needs to document that minimum width shoulder cannot be provided and does not need to justify lane width. 4. 5 ft. is the minimum recommended width on high volume roadways when there is a prevalence of curbing along the roadway segment. It is desirable to provide a shoulder width of 6 ft. where truck traffic his high.


2.6.3 Shoulder Width The shoulder is the portion of the roadway contiguous with the traveled way. Narrow shoulders less than 3’ wide adjacent to curbing are sometimes called curb off-sets. Shoulders may provide for:

• Improved capacity • Easier entry and departure from the highway to side streets and driveways • Truck turning movements • Off tracking of trucks around curves • Evasive maneuvers • Increased horizontal and intersection sight distances • Increase the horizontal clearance • Reduced driver stress • Storm water flow in curbed and gutter sections • Stopped vehicles • Maintenance and protection of traffic • Maintenance operations such as snow removal • Oversized vehicles • Agricultural or slow-moving vehicles • Bicycle and occasional pedestrian use • Fewer passing conflicts with bicyclists and pedestrians • Improved visibility of pedestrians crossing the highway • Emergency use • Mail delivery • Garbage pickup • Bus stops • Structural support of subbase and surface courses

The width of shoulder is the actual width that can be used for an evasive maneuver. Areas behind curbing (turfed, stabilized, or paved) are not considered part of the shoulder since the edge of the useable shoulder must be flush with the traveled way. Therefore, curbs located closer to the edge of the traveled way than the required shoulder width require the shoulder to be justified as a nonstandard feature. The area behind curbing (turfed, stabilized, or paved) may be useful for disabled vehicles and as part of the clear zone.

Interstate and other freeway shoulders are to be fully paved. As an exception, historic parkways classified as freeways require paving only for the first 4’ of shoulder.

Nonfreeway shoulders may be either fully or partially paved or stabilized. Generally, the entire shoulder width is paved. In curbed areas the entire shoulder is to be paved.

2.6.4 Horizontal Curve Radius The minimum radius is a limiting value of curvature for a given design speed and is determined from the maximum rate of superelevation and the maximum side-friction factor selected for design. The radii used for curve and superelevation design is measured from the inner edge of the traveled way on turning roadways and wide (4 or more lanes) undivided facilities. However,

EB 21-020 D.A. 09/01/2021 §2.6 CRITICAL DESIGN ELEMENTS DESIGN CRITERIA 2-31 for two-lane undivided facilities, the radius may be measured to the centerline as the difference in radii is small. Similarly, for high-speed divided highways with separate horizontal control lines, the radius may be measured to the centerline of each direction of traffic.

Note that the radius shown on plan sheets is for construction purposes and is measured to the horizontal control line, which often follows the roadway centerline or the median edge of traveled way.

2.6.5 Superelevation Superelevation is the cross slope of the pavement at a horizontal curve, provided to partially counterbalance the centrifugal force on a vehicle traveling around that curve. A number of factors influence the maximum allowable rate of superelevation, including climate and character (i.e., urban, suburban, or rural). In New York, superelevation rates of 4% or 8% are typically required, depending on the specific roadway design classification. 6% may be used instead of 8% in certain situations identified below. The required superelevation rates are shown below, in Exhibit 2-1b.

Exhibit 2-1b Superelevation Rate (Applies to NHS and non-NHS) Required Superelevation Road Classification Table

Rural Interstates, Other Freeways, Expressways and 8% Parkways

All ramps (except at at-grade intersections) 8% Urban Interstates, Other Freeways, Expressways 8% and Parkways with LOS D or better at ETC Urban Interstates, Other Freeways, Expressways and Parkways with LOS E or F at ETC 6% or 8%1 Suburban Arterials and Collectors

Rural Arterials Rural Collectors 8% Local Rural Roads

Rural Town, Urban and Urban Core Arterials Rural Town, Urban and Urban Core Collectors 4% Local Rural Town, Suburban, Urban and Urban Core Streets

4%, 6% or 8% Ramps that are part of at-grade intersections Refer to §

Notes: 1. While 6% is permissible under the LOS conditions listed, 8% is also permissible for the required superelevation table for any of the road classifications listed. For urban interstates, other freeways, expressways, and parkways with LOS E or F at ETC, and all suburban arterials and collectors, the superelevation that best meets the conditions of the roadway may be used.


The actual superelevation provided for each curve is determined using the appropriate emax table (Exhibits 2-11 through 2-14a) referenced in Section 2.7 of this chapter. Exhibits 2-11 and 2-11a are for use on low-speed urban highways and streets since they minimize the use of superelevation by maximizing the use of side friction (refer to Method 2 in Chapter 3 of AASHTO’s A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, 2018). Exhibits 2-12 through 2-14a use superelevation to gradually increase the side friction demand (refer to Method 5 in Chapter 3 of AASHTO’s A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, 2018). When curves occur on grades steeper than 5%, refer to Chapter 3 of AASHTO’s A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, 2018, for further guidance.

2.6.6 Stopping Sight Distance (Horizontal and Vertical) Sight distance is the length of roadway ahead visible to the driver. The minimum sight distance available on a roadway should be sufficiently long to enable a vehicle traveling at or near the design speed to stop before reaching a stationary object in its path. There are three types of stopping sight distance to consider. These are stopping sight distance for crest vertical curves, stopping sight distance for sag vertical curves under bridges or other vertical sight obstruction (also called "headlight sight distance"), and stopping sight distance for horizontal curves. Sag vertical curve sight distance is not a critical design element where sight lines are unrestricted.

The effect of grades on vertical curve stopping sight distance is not considered when determining the minimum values. For two-way facilities the sight distance available on downgrades is generally larger than on upgrades. The unadjusted stopping sight distance, more or less, provides an average of the downgrade and upgrade values. For one-way roadways without wide shoulders or multiple travel lanes to accommodate evasive maneuvers, an adjustment for grade is desirable.

The effect of concrete barriers and other visual obstructions must be considered when determining horizontal sight distance. A concrete barrier placed on the inside of a horizontal curve will restrict sight distance around that curve. This is a common problem on curvilinear freeways. Refer to Chapter 5 of this manual, Section 5.7.2, for additional information on sight distance.

2.6.7 Maximum Grade The maximum grade is the maximum allowable rate of change in vertical alignment of a highway. Since the rate of grade has a direct effect on the operating speed of vehicles on a highway, the maximum grade is chosen to encourage uniform operating speeds throughout the traffic stream while providing a cost-effective design. Refer to Chapter 5, Section of this manual for a discussion of minimum grades to accommodate drainage.

2.6.8 Cross Slope Cross slope is the minimum value of sustained transverse slope of a travel lane and paved shoulder. For non-superelevated sections of the traveled way, this cross slope is commonly called "normal crown." The purpose of travel lane cross slope is to provide positive drainage from the pavement. To reduce the potential for hydroplaning, the maximum cross slope should generally be used when there is more than one lane in each direction.


2.6.9 Vertical Clearance Vertical clearance is the minimum vertical clear distance to an obstruction over any part of the traveled way and shoulders. Refer to the Bridge Manual, Section 2, for specific design criteria.

2.6.10 Design Loading Structural Capacity Design loading structural capacity is the ability of a bridge to carry its dead load and a given live load. The live load (which includes impact effects) is expressed in terms of standard AASHTO truck configurations or equivalent uniform lane loads.

2.6.11 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Compliance ADA-compliant pedestrian facilities such as sidewalks, curb ramps, ramps, pedestrian crossings, stairs, railings, etc., must meet the requirements of HDM Chapter 18. These standards are concerned with the usability of pedestrian facilities by persons with disabilities, and are based on the standards established by the United States Access Board in Proposed Guidelines for Pedestrian Facilities in the Public Right-of-Way (PROWAG). ADA compliance is a critical design element for all highway construction/reconstruction projects with pedestrian facilities.

The standards found in Chapter 18 must be strictly adhered to, unless a formal justification is provided in accordance with Section 2.8 of this chapter.

Note that a highway shoulder is not typically considered a pedestrian facility as it is primarily intended to meet other needs and requirements (refer to Sections 2.6.3). However, pedestrians are entitled to use shoulders per Section 1156 of the NYS Vehicle and Traffic Law. A shoulder is not required to meet accessibility requirements, except for portions of the shoulder that are designated as a pedestrian access route (e.g., where the shoulder is within or part of a marked ). See Chapter 18 for information on pedestrian access routes.


2.7 STANDARDS This section provides the standard values for the critical design elements. The values are provided for each functional classification, with further division of arterials, collectors, and local roads for rural and urban conditions, similar to the format of AASHTO's A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets. In addition, values are provided for other roadways such as parkways, ramps, speed change lanes, turning roadways, climbing lanes, collector-distributor roadways and frontage roads. When these values are not met, concurrence with nonstandard features must be obtained from FHWA, the Deputy Chief Engineer, the Regional Director or other responsible party, as described in Section 2.8 of this chapter and in the Project Development Manual.

The values shown are the minimum or maximum values or other parameters as applicable. In some cases, further refinement of the values, dependent on certain conditions, are provided.

Desirable values are also provided for a few of the critical design elements (wider shoulders on certain interstates and other freeways, curb offsets on urban streets, and turning lanes). Whenever practicable, considering factors such as cost limitations and social, economic, and environmental impacts, the designer should strive to achieve the desirable values.

There are technical discrepancies between the metric and U.S. customary values in AASHTO's A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets. Guidance on this issue is provided in Section 2.8.2 of this chapter.

Lane and shoulder widths on bridge projects are established by the NYSDOT Bridge Manual, Section 2. They are influenced by future plans for the adjacent highway and should be considered both the minimum acceptable and the desirable values.

The standards for design of accessible pedestrian facilities are based on the United States Access Board’s Proposed Guidelines for Pedestrian Facilities in the Public Right-of-Way (PROWAG). Refer to Chapter 18 of this manual for further guidance

2.7.1 Interstates and Other Freeways Interstates

The design criteria for interstate highways are detailed in sections A to J below.

A. Design Speed The design speed is either: maximum functional class speed or a speed based on the anticipated (post-construction) off-peak 85th percentile speed within the range of functional class speeds, as shown below. Refer to Section 2.6.1 for guidance on design speed and Chapter 5 of this manual, Section 5.2.4 for methods to determine the off-peak 85th percentile speed. The following are the range of design speeds:

EB 21-020 D.A. 09/01/2021 §2.7 STANDARDS DESIGN CRITERIA 2-35

Minimum Maximum Design Design Context Class Terrain Speed Speed (mph) (mph) Rural, Rural Town, and Suburban Level 70 80

Rural, Rural Town, and Suburban Rolling 70 80

Rural, Rural Town, and Suburban Mountainous 50 70 Urban All 50 70

Urban Core* All 50 60

* Urban Core interstates and freeways are those located in dense urban areas, with either of the following conditions: 1. Supported by or depressed with the use of retaining walls 2. Supported on viaducts or depressed in sections

B. Lane Width

Travel lanes = 12 ft. minimum.

C. Shoulder Width

Determine from Exhibit 2-2.

D. Horizontal Curve Radius

Determine minimum radius from Exhibit 2-2. For curves flatter than the minimum radius, the radius and superelevation on each horizontal curve shall be correlated with the design speed in accordance with the appropriate emax exhibit (Exhibit 2-13a for emax. = 6% or Exhibit 2-14a for emax. = 8%).

E. Superelevation

Determine from Exhibit 2-1b.

F. Stopping Sight Distance (Horizontal and Vertical)

Determine minimum distances from Exhibit 2-2 based on a 2.5 second (95th percentile) perception reaction time and 10th percentile deceleration rate.

EB 21-020 D.A. 09/01/2021 §2.7 STANDARDS DESIGN CRITERIA 2-36

G. Grade

Determine maximum from Exhibit 2-2.

H. Cross Slope

Normal crown sections = 1.5% minimum, 2.5% maximum.

I. Vertical Clearance

Vertical clearance applies to bridges and other overhead structures. Determine minimum from NYSDOT Bridge Manual, Section 2.

J. Design Loading Structural Capacity

Determine from NYSDOT Bridge Manual, Section 2. Other Freeways

The design criteria for freeways other than interstates are the same as Section, Interstates.

EB 21-020 D.A. 09/01/2021 §2.7 STANDARDS DESIGN CRITERIA 2-37

Exhibit 2-2 Design Criteria for Interstates and Other Freeways Shoulder1 Shoulder Width (ft.) Description Minimum Desirable2

Right Side General, 2 lanes each direction 10 10 In mountainous terrain involving high cost for additional width 8 10 Non-interstate parkways that exclude truck and bus traffic 8 10 Where trucks exceed 250 DDHV (directional design hourly volume) 10 12 4 10

Left Side General, 2 lanes each direction or 3 or more thru travel lanes in one direction for less than 1 mile 4 8 Level or rolling interstates/other freeways, 3 or more thru travel lanes in one direction for over 1 mile 10 10 Level or rolling interstates/other freeways, 3 or more thru travel lanes in one direction for over 1 mile where trucks exceed 10 12 250 DDHV Mountainous interstates/other freeways with 2-3 lanes in one direction 4 8 Mountainous interstates/other freeways with 4 or more lanes in one direction 8 8 Parkways with 2-3 lanes in one direction 4 83 Parkways with 4 or more lanes in one direction 83 83

Minimum Minimum Design Minimum Maximum Percent Grade Radius Radius Speed Stopping Sight Curve, ft. Curve, ft. (mph) Distance, ft. Level 4 Rolling 4 Mountainous emax = 6% emax = 8%

50 4 5 6 425 833 758 55 4 5 6 495 1061 960 60 3 4 6 570 1333 1200 65 3 4 5.5 645 1657 1482 70 3 4 5 730 2042 1815 75 3 4 - 820 2500 2206 80 3 4 - 910 3048 2667

Notes: 1. For bridges, refer to the NYSDOT Bridge Manual, Section 2, for shoulder width. 2. For shoulder widths of 10 ft. or less, an additional 2 ft. is desirable where barrier is used. 3. On historic parkways, only 4 ft. of the width must be paved. The remainder should be paved or stabilized. 4. Grades 1% steeper may be used for one-way downgrades and for extreme cases in urban areas where development precludes the use of flatter grades.

EB 21-020 D.A. 09/01/2021 §2.7 STANDARDS DESIGN CRITERIA 2-38

2.7.2 Arterials Rural Arterials – Non-NHS

The design criteria for undivided and divided rural non-NHS arterials are:

A. Design Speed

The design speed is either: maximum functional class speed or a speed based on the anticipated (post-construction) off-peak 85th percentile speed within the range of functional class speeds as shown below. Refer to Section 2.6.1 for guidance on design speed and Chapter 5 of this manual, Section 5.2.4, for methods to determine the off- peak 85th percentile speed. The following are the range of design speeds:

Terrain Minimum Design Speed Maximum Design Speed Level 45 mph 70 mph Rolling 45 mph 60 mph Mountainous 40 mph 55 mph

B. Lane Width

Determine from Exhibit 2-3.

C. Shoulder Width

Determine from Exhibit 2-3.

D. Horizontal Curve Radius

Determine minimum radius from Exhibit 2-3. The side friction factors for these curves are based on a reduced level of comfort while still considering truck rollover and worn wet tire skidding on worn pavement.

For curves flatter than the minimum radius, the radius and superelevation on each horizontal curve shall be correlated with the design speed in accordance with the appropriate emax table (Exhibit 2-13 for emax. = 6% or Exhibit 2-14 for emax. = 8%).

E. Superelevation

Determine from Exhibit 2-1b.

EB 21-020 D.A. 09/01/2021 §2.7 STANDARDS DESIGN CRITERIA 2-39

F. Stopping Sight Distance (Horizontal and Vertical)

Determine minimum and desirable from Exhibit 2-3 based on a 2 second (>85th percentile) perception reaction time and 10th percentile deceleration rate.

G. Grade

Determine maximum from Exhibit 2-3.

H. Cross Slope

Normal crown sections = 1.5% minimum, 3% maximum.

I. Vertical Clearance

Vertical clearance applies to bridges and other overhead structures. Determine minimum from NYSDOT Bridge Manual, Section 2.

J. Design Loading Structural Capacity

Determine from NYSDOT Bridge Manual, Section 2.

K. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Compliance

Standards for design of pedestrian facilities accessible to persons with disabilities are based on the United States Access Board’s Proposed Guidelines for Pedestrian Facilities in the Public Right-of-Way (PROWAG). Refer to Chapter 18 of this manual for further guidance.

EB 21-020 D.A. 09/01/2021 §2.7 STANDARDS DESIGN CRITERIA 2-40

Exhibit 2-3 Design Criteria for Non-NHS Rural Arterials Travel Lane Width (ft.) 1,2,3 Minimum Design Design Year AADT Minimum Radius Curve Speed Maximum % Grade Sight Stopping AADT AADT AADT (ft.) (mph) Distance (ft.) Under 2,000- Over emax = 8% 2,000 10,000 10,000 Level Rolling Mountainous 40 10 11 11 5 6 8 271 314

45 10 11 11 5 6 7 327 409

50 11 11 12 4 5 7 387 521

55 11 11 12 4 5 6 452 651

60 11 12 12 3 4 6 522 800

65 11 12 12 3 4 5 597 971

70 11 12 12 3 4 5 676 1167

3 Shoulder Width (ft .) Notes: 1. Width of travel lane may remain 11 ft. on reconstructed highways where crash rates are below the statewide rate for similar facilities and the route is not designated as a Qualifying Highway. Undivided (Right 4 ft.5 4 ft.5 6 ft. 2. Routes designated as Qualifying Highways on the National Network (1982 STAA Highways) require Shoulder) 12 ft. travel lanes. 3. For bridges, refer to the NYSDOT Bridge Manual, Section 2. Where the Bridge Manual only furnishes roadway width, subtract the lane width on this table from the roadway width to determine the shoulder width.

Right Shoulder = 8 ft. 4. For turning lanes, use Exhibit 2-4 of this chapter. Divided Left Shoulder = 4 ft. 5. A 5 ft. wide shoulder is recommended where the roadway is curbed and the route is a designated bicycle route, or anticipated bicycle demand is high, and bicycles will be accommodated on the shoulder. Refer to HDM § and Exhibit 2-1a.

EB 21-020 D.A. 09/01/2021 §2.7 STANDARDS DESIGN CRITERIA 2-41 Rural Arterials - NHS

The design criteria for undivided and divided NHS rural arterials are:

A. Design Speed

The design speed is either: maximum functional class speed or a speed based on the anticipated (post-construction) off-peak 85th percentile speed within the range of functional class speeds as shown below. Refer to Section 2.6.1 for guidance on design speed and Chapter 5 of this manual, Section 5.2.4 for methods to determine the off-peak 85th percentile speed. The following are the range of design speeds:

Terrain Minimum Design Speed Maximum Design Speed Level 45 mph 70 mph Rolling 45 mph 60 mph Mountainous 40 mph 55 mph

B. Lane Width

Determine from Exhibit 2-3a.

C. Shoulder Width

Determine from Exhibit 2-3a.

D. Horizontal Curve Radius

Determine minimum radius from Exhibit 2-3a. .

For curves flatter than the minimum radius, the radius and superelevation on each horizontal curve shall be correlated with the design speed in accordance with the appropriate emax table (Exhibit 2-13a for e max. = 6% or Exhibit 2-14a for emax. = 8%).

E. Superelevation

Determine from Exhibit 2-1b.

F. Stopping Sight Distance (Horizontal and Vertical)

Determine from Exhibit 2-3a, based on a 2.5 second (95th percentile) perception reaction time and 10th percentile deceleration rate.

EB 21-020 D.A. 09/01/2021 §2.7 STANDARDS DESIGN CRITERIA 2-42

G. Grade

Determine maximum from Exhibit 2-3a.

E. Cross Slope

Normal crown sections = 1.5% minimum, 2.5% maximum.

I. Vertical Clearance

Vertical clearance applies to bridges and other overhead structures. Determine minimum from NYSDOT Bridge Manual, Section 2.

J. Design Loading Structural Capacity

Determine from NYSDOT Bridge Manual, Section 2.

K. ADA Compliance

Standards for design of pedestrian facilities accessible to persons with disabilities are based on the United States Access Board’s Proposed Guidelines for Pedestrian Facilities in the Public Right-of-Way (PROWAG). Refer to Chapter 18 of this manual for further guidance.

EB 21-020 D.A. 09/01/2021 §2.7 STANDARDS DESIGN CRITERIA 2-43

Exhibit 2-3a Design Criteria for NHS Rural Arterials Travel Lane Width (ft.) 1,2,3 Minimum Design Design Year AADT Minimum Radius Curve Speed Maximum % Grade Sight Stopping AADT AADT AADT (ft.) (mph) Under 400- Over Distance (ft.) emax = 8% 400 2,000 2,000 Level Rolling Mountainous 40 10 11 12 5 6 8 305 444

45 10 11 12 5 6 7 360 587 50 11 11 12 4 5 7 425 758

55 11 12 12 4 5 6 495 960

60 11 12 12 3 4 6 570 1200

65 11 12 12 3 4 5 645 1482

70 11 12 12 3 4 5 730 1815

S ho ulder Width (ft.) 3 Notes: 1. Width of travel lane may remain 11 ft. on reconstructed highways where the crash rate is below the statewide rate for similar facilities and the route is not designated as a Qualifying Highway. Undivided 2. Routes designated as Qualifying Highways on the National Network (1982 STAA Highways) (Right 4 ft.5 6 ft. 8 ft. require 12 ft. travel lanes. Shoulder) 3. For bridges, refer to the NYSDOT Bridge Manual, Section 2. Where the Bridge Manual only furnishes roadway width, subtract the lane width on this table from the roadway width to determine the shoulder width. 4. For turning lanes, use Exhibit 2-4a of this chapter. Right Shoulder = 8 ft. Divided 5. A 5 ft. wide shoulder is recommended where the roadway is curbed and where the route is a Left Shoulder = 4 ft. designated bicycle route, or anticipated bicycle demand is high, and bicycles will be accommodated on the shoulder. Refer to HDM § and Exhibit 2-1a.

EB 21-020 D.A. 09/01/2021 §2.7 STANDARDS DESIGN CRITERIA 2-44 Rural Town, Suburban, Urban and Urban Core Arterials – Non-NHS

The design criteria for non-NHS Rural Town, Suburban, Urban and Urban Core arterials are:

A. Design Speed

The design speed is either: maximum functional class speed or a speed based on the anticipated (post-construction) off-peak 85th percentile speed within the range of functional class speeds as shown below. Refer to Section 2.6.1 for guidance on design speed and Chapter 5 of this manual, Section 5.2.4, for methods to determine the off-peak 85th percentile speed. The following are the range of design speeds:

Context Class Minimum Maximum Design Speed Design Speed Suburban 35 mph 55 mph Rural Town and Urban 30 mph 45 mph Urban Core 25 mph 35 mph

B. Lane Width

Determine from Exhibit 2-4.

C. Shoulder Width

Determine from Exhibit 2-4.

D. Horizontal Curve Radius

Determine minimum radius from Exhibit 2-4. The side friction for these curves are based on a reduced level of comfort while still considering truck rollover and worn wet tire skidding on worn pavement. For low-speed (45-mph and below) streets, where building fronts, drainage, sidewalks or driveways would be substantially impacted by added superelevation, the use of superelevation can be minimized by placing greater reliance on side friction to counter lateral acceleration. This distribution of superelevation is based on Method 2 in Chapter 3 of AASHTO’s A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, 2018.

For radii larger than the above minimum radius for emax = 4%, determine the superelevation rate using Exhibit 2-11.

E. Superelevation

Determine from Exhibit 2-1b.

EB 21-020 D.A. 09/01/2021 §2.7 STANDARDS DESIGN CRITERIA 2-45

F. Stopping Sight Distance (Horizontal and Vertical)

Determine minimum and desirable from Exhibit 2-4 based on a 2 second (>85th percentile) perception reaction time and 10th percentile deceleration rate.

G. Grade

Determine maximum from Exhibit 2-4.

H. Cross Slope

Normal crown sections = 1.5% minimum, 3% maximum.

I. Vertical Clearance

Vertical clearance applies to bridges and other overhead structures. Determine minimum from NYSDOT Bridge Manual, Section 2.

J. Design Loading Structural Capacity

Determine from the NYSDOT Bridge Manual, Section 2.

K. ADA Compliance

Standards for design of pedestrian facilities accessible to persons with disabilities are based on the United States Access Board’s Proposed Guidelines for Pedestrian Facilities in the Public Right-of-Way (PROWAG). Refer to Chapter 18 of this manual for further guidance.

EB 21-020 D.A. 09/01/2021 §2.7 STANDARDS DESIGN CRITERIA 2-46 Exhibit 2-4 Design Criteria for Non-NHS Rural Town, Suburban, Urban, and Urban Core Arterials Lanes1,2 Width (ft.) Travel Lanes Minimum Desirable For highly restricted areas with no or little truck traffic (0 to 2%) 10 - Routes designated as Qualifying Highways on the National Network (1982 STAA Highways) 12 - Shared lane that will accommodate cyclists, per HDM § 134 15 All other conditions (e.g., left-hand through lanes) 11 12 Bicycle lane (dedicated preferential use travel lane for bicycling) 54 6 – 74 Turning Lanes Minimum Desirable Left and Right, Truck volume ≤ 2% 10 11 Left and Right, Truck volume > 2% 11 12 Two-way left-turn lanes 11 14 Parking Lanes Minimum Desirable Future provision for travel lane 11 - Future provision for turn lanes 10 - Future provision for turn lane on 35 mph or less arterial 9 - No future provisions for turn lanes 8 - Shoulders1,2,3,4 Width (ft.) Curbed Minimum Desirable Left shoulder for divided arterials 0 1 to 2 Right shoulder that will not accommodate cyclists, per HDM § 2-1a, and no provision for breakdowns or turning movements 0 4 Right shoulder that will accommodate cyclists, per HDM § 2-1a 43,4 54 Right shoulder, provision for breakdowns and turning movements 6 1 0 Uncurbed Refer to Exhibit 2-3

Design Speed Maximum Percent Grade Minimum Stopping Sight Minimum Radius Curve (ft.) Minimum Radius Curve (ft.) (mph) Level Rolling Mountainous Distance (ft.) emax = 4% emax = 6% 25 7 10 12 133 126 120 30 7 9 11 175 188 177 35 7 8 10 220 263 248 40 7 8 10 271 356 334 45 6 7 9 327 466 436 50 6 7 9 387 595 557 55 5 6 8 452 747 696 Notes: 1. For bridges, refer to the NYSDOT Bridge Manual, Section 2. Where the Bridge Manual only furnishes roadway width, subtract the lane width on this table from the roadway width to determine the shoulder width. 2. Refer to HDM § for information on determining lane and shoulder widths for bicycling in rural town, suburban, urban, and urban core areas. Note that bicyclists have the same rights and responsibilities as motorists, except as provided in Sections 1230-1236 of the New York State Vehicle and Traffic Law. 3. A wider shoulder may be recommended where the route is a designated bicycle route or anticipated bicycle demand is high. Refer to HDM § and Exhibit 2-1a. 4. In curbed urban or urban core areas, a 5 ft. min. width shoulder, 5 ft. min. width bicycle lane or 13 ft. min. width shared lane should be provided where there is no parallel bicycle facility present. In curbed rural, rural, town and suburban areas, a 4 ft. min. width shoulder, 5 ft. min. width bicycle lane or 13 ft. min. shared lane should be provided where there is high bicycling demand and/or a bicycle route is present and no parallel bicycle facility present. If neither the min. width shoulder nor lane can be provided, a justification is required for the nonstandard shoulder width. Refer to HDM § and Exhibit 2-1a. EB 21-020 D.A. 09/01/2021 §2.7 STANDARDS DESIGN CRITERIA 2-47 Rural Town, Suburban, Urban, and Urban Core Arterials - NHS

The design criteria for NHS Rural Town, Suburban, Urban, and Urban Core arterials are:

A. Design Speed

The design speed is either: maximum functional class speed or a speed based on the anticipated (post-construction) off-peak 85th percentile speed within the range of functional class speeds as shown below. Refer to Section 2.6.1 for guidance on design speed and Chapter 5 of this manual, Section 5.2.4 for methods to determine the off-peak 85th percentile speed. The following are the range of design speeds:

Context Class Minimum Maximum Design Speed Design Speed Rural Town and Suburban 35 mph 55 mph Urban 30 mph 45 mph Urban Core 25 mph 35 mph

B. Lane Width

Determine from Exhibit 2-4a.

C. Shoulder Width

Determine from Exhibit 2-4a.

D. Horizontal Curve Radius

Determine minimum radius from Exhibit 2-4a. For curves with radii larger than the minimum radius, the radius of curve and superelevation on each horizontal curve shall be correlated with the design speed in accordance with Exhibit 2-12a for emax = 4%. The superelevation distribution in this table provides a gradual increase in the unresolved lateral forces on a vehicle as the curve radii decreases. This distribution of superelevation is based on Method 5 in Chapter 3 of AASHTO’s A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, 2018.

For low-speed (45-mph and below) urban streets in heavily built-up residential, commercial, and industrial areas (where building fronts, drainage, sidewalks, or driveways would be substantially impacted by added superelevation), the use of superelevation can be minimized by placing greater reliance on side friction to counter lateral acceleration. This distribution of superelevation is based on Method 2 in Chapter 3 of AASHTO’s A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, 2018. For radii larger than the minimum radius for emax = 4%, determine the superelevation rate using Exhibit 2-11a.

EB 21-020 D.A. 09/01/2021 §2.7 STANDARDS DESIGN CRITERIA 2-48

E. Superelevation

Determine from Exhibit 2-1b.

F. Stopping Sight Distance (Horizontal and Vertical)

Determine from Exhibit 2-4a, based on a 2.5 second (95th percentile) perception reaction time and 10th percentile deceleration rate.

G. Grade

Determine maximum from Exhibit 2-4a.

H. Cross Slope

Normal crown sections = 1.5% minimum, 2.5% maximum.

I. Vertical Clearance

Vertical clearance applies to bridges and other overhead structures. Determine minimum from NYSDOT Bridge Manual, Section 2.

J. Design Loading Structural Capacity

Determine from the NYSDOT Bridge Manual, Section 2.

K. ADA Compliance

Standards for design of pedestrian facilities accessible to persons with disabilities are based on the United States Access Board’s Proposed Guidelines for Pedestrian Facilities in the Public Right-of-Way (PROWAG). Refer to Chapter 18 of this manual for further guidance.

EB 21-020 D.A. 09/01/2021 §2.7 STANDARDS DESIGN CRITERIA 2-49

Exhibit 2-4a Design Criteria for NHS Rural Town, Suburban, Urban, and Urban Core Arterials Lanes1,2 Width (ft.) Travel Lanes Minimum Desirable For highly restricted areas with no or little truck traffic (0 to 2%) 10 - Routes designated as Qualifying Highways on the National Network (1982 STAA Highways) 12 - Shared lane that will accommodate cyclists, per HDM § 134 15 All other conditions (e.g., left-hand through lane) 11 12 Bicycle lane (dedicated preferential use travel lane for bicycling) 54 6 – 7 Turning Lanes Minimum Desirable Left and Right, Truck volume ≤ 2% 10 12 Left and Right, Truck volume > 2% 11 12 Two-way left-turn lanes 11 16 Parking Lanes Minimum Desirable Future provision for travel lane 11 12 Future provision for turn lanes 10 12 Future provision for turn lane on 35 mph or less arterial 9 12 No future provisions for turn lanes 8 12 Shoulders1,2,3,4 Width (ft.) Curbed Minimum Desirable Left shoulder for divided arterials 0 1 to 2 Right shoulder that will not accommodate cyclists, per HDM § 2-1a, and no provision for breakdowns or turning movements 0 4 Right shoulder that will accommodate cyclists, per HDM § 2-1a 43,4 54 Right shoulder, provision for breakdowns and turning movements 6 10 Uncurbed Refer to Exhibit 2-3a Design Speed Maximum Percent Grade Minimum Stopping Sight Minimum Radius Curve (ft.) Minimum Radius Curve (ft.) (mph) Level Rolling Mountainous Distance (ft.) emax = 4% emax = 6% 25 7 10 12 155 154 144 30 7 9 11 200 250 231 35 7 8 10 250 371 340 40 7 8 10 305 533 485 45 6 7 9 360 711 643 50 6 7 9 425 926 833 55 5 6 8 495 1190 1060 Notes: 1. For bridges, refer to the NYSDOT Bridge Manual, Section 2. Where the Bridge Manual only furnishes roadway width, subtract the lane width on this table from the roadway width to determine the shoulder width. 2. Refer to HDM § for information on determining lane and shoulder widths for bicycling in urban areas. Note that bicyclists have the same rights and responsibilities as motorists, except as provided in Sections 1230-1236 of the New York State Vehicle and Traffic Law. 3. A wider shoulder may be recommended where the route is a designated bicycle route or anticipated bicycle demand is high. Refer to HDM § and Exhibit 2-1a 4. In curbed urban or urban core areas, a 5 ft. min. width shoulder, 5 ft. min. width bicycle lane or 13 ft. min. width shared lane should be provided where there is no parallel bicycle facility present. In curbed rural, rural, town and suburban areas, a 4 ft. min. width shoulder, 5 ft. min. width bicycle lane or 13 ft. min. shared lane should be provided where there is high bicycling demand and/or a bicycle route is present and no parallel bicycle facility present. If neither the min. width shoulder nor lane can be provided, a justification is required for the nonstandard shoulder width. Refer to HDM § and Exhibit 2-1a.

EB 21-020 D.A. 09/01/2021 §2.7 STANDARDS DESIGN CRITERIA

2.7.3 Collector Roads and Streets Rural Collectors – Non-NHS

The design criteria for non-NHS rural collectors are:

A. Design Speed

The design speed is either: maximum functional class speed or a speed based on the anticipated (post-construction) off-peak 85th percentile speed within the range of functional class speeds as shown below. Refer to Section 2.6.1 for guidance on design speed and Chapter 5 of this manual, Section 5.2.4, for methods to determine the off- peak 85th percentile speed. The following are the range of design speeds:

Range of Design Speeds (mph) Type of Design Year AADT Terrain 0 to 400 400 to 2000 2000 and over Level 40 - 60 50 - 60 60 Rolling 30 - 60 40 - 60 50 - 60 Mountainous 20 - 60 30 - 60 40 - 60

B. Lane Width

Determine minimum from Exhibit 2-5.

C. Shoulder Width

Determine minimum from Exhibit 2-5.

D. Horizontal Curve Radius

Determine minimum radius from Exhibit 2-5. The side friction for these curves is based on a reduced level of comfort while still considering truck rollover and worn wet tire skidding on worn pavement.

For curves flatter than the minimum radius, the radius and superelevation on each horizontal curve shall be correlated with the design speed in accordance with the appropriate emax. table (Exhibit 2-13 for emax. = 6% or Exhibit 2-14 for emax. = 8%).

E. Superelevation

Determine from Exhibit 2-1b.

EB 21-020 D.A. 09/01/2021 §2.7 STANDARDS DESIGN CRITERIA

F. Stopping Sight Distance (Horizontal and Vertical)

Determine minimum distances from Exhibit 2-5 based on a 2 second (>85th percentile) perception reaction time and 10th percentile deceleration rate.

G. Grade

Determine maximum from Exhibit 2-5.

H. Cross Slope

Normal crown sections = 1.5% minimum, 3% maximum.

I. Vertical Clearance

Vertical clearance applies to bridges and other overhead structures. Determine minimum from the NYSDOT Bridge Manual, Section 2.

J. Design Loading Structural Capacity

Determine from the NYSDOT Bridge Manual, Section 2.

K. ADA Compliance

Standards for design of pedestrian facilities accessible to persons with disabilities are based on the United States Access Board’s Proposed Guidelines for Pedestrian Facilities in the Public Right-of-Way (PROWAG). Refer to Chapter 18 of this manual for further guidance.

EB 21-020 D.A. 09/01/2021 §2.7 STANDARDS DESIGN CRITERIA 2-52 Exhibit 2-5 Design Criteria for Non-NHS Rural Collectors Travel Lane Width (ft.)1,5 Design Min. Min. Based on Design Year Turn Lane (ft.) Maximum Percent Grade 2 Speed AADT Stopping Radius Curve (mph) Sight (ft.) AADT AADT AADT max Under 1,000- Terrain Distance (ft.) e = 8% Over 5,000 Minimum Desirable 1,000 5,000- Level Rolling Mountainous 20 104 10 11 7 10 12 97 70 25 104 10 11 7 10 11 133 113 30 104 10 11 7 9 10 175 167 35 104 10 11 7 9 10 220 233 Match Travel 40 104 11 11 10 7 8 10 271 314 Lane Width 45 10 11 11 7 8 10 327 409 50 10 11 11 6 7 9 387 521 55 11 11 11 6 7 9 452 651 60 11 11 11 5 6 8 522 800

Shoulder Width (ft.)5 Notes: 1. Routes designated as Qualifying Highways on the National Network (1982 STAA Highways) require 12 ft.travel lanes. 2. Short lengths of grade in rural areas, such as grades less than 500 ft. in length, one-way downgrades, or grades on low-volume (<2000 AADT) rural collectors may be up to 2% steeper than the grades shown above. The 500 ft. distance begins at the point where the grade begins to exceed the grade shown above. 3. Width of travel lane may remain 11 ft. on reconstructed highways where crash rates are below the statewide rate for similar facilities and the route is not designated as a Qualifying Highway. 4. 9 ft. lanes may be used for design volumes under 250 AADT. All 5. For bridges, refer to the NYSDOT Bridge Manual, Section 2. Where the Bridge Manual only furnishes roadway Speeds 26,7 47 6 width, subtract the lane width from this table from the roadway width to determine the shoulder width. 6. The minimum shoulder width is 4 ft. if roadside barrier is used on low-volume roads. 7. In uncurbed areas, a 4 ft. min. shoulder width is recommended where the route is a designated bicycle route or anticipated bicycle demand is high and cyclists will be accommodated on the shoulder. In curbed areas, a 4 ft. min. width shoulder, 5 ft. min. width bicycle lane or 13 ft. min. shared lane should be provided where there is high bicycling demand and/or a bicycle route is present and no parallel bicycle facility present. If neither the min. width shoulder nor lane can be provided, a justification is required for the nonstandard shoulder width. Refer to HDM § and Exhibit 2-1a.

EB 21-020 D.A. 09/01/2021 §2.7 STANDARDS DESIGN CRITERIA 2-53 Rural Collectors – NHS

The design criteria for NHS rural collectors are:

A. Design Speed

The design speed is either: maximum functional class speed or a speed based on the anticipated (post-construction) off-peak 85th percentile speed within the range of functional class speeds as shown below. Refer to Section 2.6.1 for guidance on design speed and Chapter 5 of this manual, Section 5.2.4, for methods to determine the off- peak 85th percentile speed. The following are the range of design speeds.

Range of Design Speeds (mph) Type of Design Year AADT Terrain 0 to 400 400 to 2000 2000 and over Level 40 - 60 50 - 60 60 Rolling 30 - 60 40 - 60 50 - 60 Mountainous 20 - 60 30 - 60 40 - 60

B. Lane Width

Determine from Exhibit 2-5a.

C. Shoulder Width

Determine from Exhibit 2-5a.

D. Horizontal Curve Radius

Determine minimum radius from Exhibit 2-5a.

For curves flatter than the minimum radius, the radius and superelevation on each horizontal curve shall be correlated with the design speed in accordance with the appropriate emax. table (Exhibit 2-13a for emax. = 6% or Exhibit 2-14a for emax. = 8%).

E. Superelevation

Determine from Exhibit 2-1b.

F. Stopping Sight Distance (Horizontal and Vertical)

Determine from Exhibit 2-5a, based on a 2.5 second (95th percentile) perception reaction

EB 21-020 D.A. 09/01/2021 §2.7 STANDARDS DESIGN CRITERIA 2-54

time and 10th percentile deceleration rate.

G. Grade

Determine maximum from Exhibit 2-5a.

H. Cross Slope

Normal crown sections = 1.5% minimum, 2.5% maximum.

I. Vertical Clearance

Vertical clearance applies to bridges and other overhead structures. Determine minimum from the NYSDOT Bridge Manual, Section 2.

J. Design Loading Structural Capacity

Determine from the NYSDOT Bridge Manual, Section 2.

K. ADA Compliance

Standards for design of pedestrian facilities accessible to persons with disabilities are based on the United States Access Board’s Proposed Guidelines for Pedestrian Facilities in the Public Right-of-Way (PROWAG). Refer to Chapter 18 of this manual for further guidance.

EB 21-020 D.A. 09/01/2021 §2.7 STANDARDS DESIGN CRITERIA 2-55

Exhibit 2-5a Design Criteria for NHS Rural Collectors Travel Lane Width (ft.)1,5 2 Design Based on Design Year AADT Turn Lane (ft.) Maximum Percent Grade Min. Min. Speed Stopping Radius Curve AADT AADT AADT (mph) Terrain Sight (ft.) Under 400- Over Minimum Desirable 400 2,000 2,0003 Level Rolling Mountainous Distance (ft.) emax = 8% 4 20 10 10 11 7 10 12 115 76

25 10 4 10 11 7 10 11 155 134

4 30 10 10 11 7 9 10 200 214

35 10 4 11 11 Match Travel 7 9 10 250 314 10 Lane Width 40 10 4 11 11 7 8 10 305 444

45 10 11 11 7 8 10 360 587

50 10 11 11 6 7 9 425 758

55 11 11 118 6 7 9 495 960

60 11 11 118 5 6 8 570 1200

Notes: Shoulder Width (ft.)5 1. Routes designated as Qualifying Highways on the National Network (1982 STAA Highways) require 12 ft. travel lanes. 2. Short lengths of grade in rural areas, such as grades less than 500 ft. in length, one-way downgrades, or grades on low-volume (<2000 AADT) rural collectors may be up to 2% steeper than the grades shown above. The 500 ft. distance begins at the point where the grade begins to exceed the grade shown above.

3. 11 ft. lanes may be retained where accident rates are acceptable. 4. 9 ft. lanes may be used for design volumes under 250 AADT. 5. For bridges, refer to the NYSDOT Bridge Manual, Section 2. Where the Bridge Manual only furnishes roadway width, subtract the lane width on this table from the roadway width to determine the shoulder width. All Speeds 26,7 5 6 6. The minimum shoulder width is 4 ft. if roadside barrier is used on low-volume roads. 7. In uncurbed areas, a 4 ft. min. shoulder width is recommended where the route is a designated bicycle route or anticipated bicycle demand is high and cyclists will be accommodated on the shoulder. In curbed areas, a 4 ft. min. width shoulder, 5 ft. min. width bicycle lane or 13 ft. min. shared lane should be provided where there is high bicycling demand and/or a bicycle route is present and no parallel bicycle facility present. If neither the min. width shoulder nor lane can be provided, a justification is required for the nonstandard shoulder width. Refer to HDM § and Exhibit 2-1a. 8. Consider 12 ft. lanes where substantial truck volumes are present or agricultural equipment frequently uses the road.

EB 21-020 D.A. 09/01/2021 §2.7 STANDARDS DESIGN CRITERIA 2-56 Rural Town, Suburban, Urban, and Urban Core Collectors - Non-NHS

The design criteria for non-NHS Rural Town, Suburban, Urban, and Urban Core Collectors are:

A. Design Speed

The design speed is either: maximum functional class speed or a speed based on the anticipated (post-construction) off-peak 85th percentile speed within the range of functional class speeds as shown below. Refer to Section 2.6.1 for guidance on design speed and Chapter 5 of this manual, Section 5.2.4 for methods to determine the off-peak 85th percentile speed. The following are the range of design speeds:

Context Class Minimum Maximum Design Speed Design Speed Rural Town and Suburban 35 mph 50 mph Urban 30 mph 40 mph Urban Core 25 mph 35 mph

B. Lane Width

Determine minimum from Exhibit 2-6.

C. Shoulder Width

Determine minimum from Exhibit 2-6.

D. Horizontal Curve Radius

Determine minimum radius from Exhibit 2-6. The side friction for these curves are based on a reduced level of comfort while still considering truck rollover and worn wet tire skidding on worn pavement.

For low-speed (< 45 mph) streets in heavily built-up residential, commercial, and industrial areas (where building fronts, drainage, sidewalks, or driveways would be substantially impacted by added superelevation), the use of superelevation can be minimized by placing greater reliance on side friction to counter lateral acceleration. This distribution of superelevation is based on Method 2 in Chapter 3 of AASHTO’s A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, 2018.

For radii larger than the minimum radius for emax = 4%, determine the superelevation rate using Exhibit 2-11.

EB 21-020 D.A. 09/01/2021 §2.7 STANDARDS DESIGN CRITERIA 2-57

E. Superelevation

Determine from Exhibit 2-1b.

F. Stopping Sight Distance (Horizontal and Vertical)

Determine minimum from Exhibit 2-6 based on a 2 second (>85th percentile) perception reaction time and 10th percentile deceleration rate.

G. Grade

Determine maximum from Exhibit 2-6.

H. Cross Slope

Normal crown sections = 1.5% minimum, 3% maximum.

I. Vertical Clearance

Vertical clearance applies to bridges and other overhead structures. Determine minimum from the NYSDOT Bridge Manual, Section 2.

J. Design Loading Structural Capacity

Determine from the NYSDOT Bridge Manual, Section 2.

K. ADA Compliance

Standards for design of pedestrian facilities accessible to persons with disabilities are based on the United States Access Board’s Proposed Guidelines for Pedestrian Facilities in the Public Right-of-Way (PROWAG). Refer to Chapter 18 of this manual for further guidance.

EB 21-020 D.A. 09/01/2021 §2.7 STANDARDS DESIGN CRITERIA 2-58

Exhibit 2-6 Design Criteria for Non-NHS Rural Town, Suburban, Urban, and Urban Core Collectors Lanes1,2 Width (ft.) Travel Lanes (with curb) Minimum Desirable Residential and commercial areas 10 12 Routes designated as Qualifying Highways on the National Network (1982 STAA Highways) 12 - Industrial area without severe ROW limitations; 12 - Industrial area with severe ROW limitations 11 - Shared lane that will accommodate cyclists, per HDM § 134 15 Travel Lanes (uncurbed) Refer to Exhibit 2-5 Bicycle Lane (dedicated preferential use travel lane for bicycling) 54 6 -7 Turning Lanes Minimum Desirable Truck volume ≤ 2% 10 12 Truck volume > 2% 11 12 Two-way left-turn lanes (trucks ≤ 2%) 10 16 Two-way left-turn lanes (trucks > 2%) 11 16 Parking Lanes Minimum Desirable Residential area 7 8 Commercial / industrial areas 8 11 Shoulders 1,2,3.4 Width (ft.) Curbed Minimum Desirable Left shoulder for divided urban collectors 0 1 to 2 Right shoulder that will not accommodate cyclists, per HDM § 2-1a, and no provision for breakdowns or turning movements 0 4 Right shoulder that will accommodate cyclists, per HDM § 2-1a 43,4 54 Right shoulder, provision for breakdowns and turning movements 6 10 Uncurbed Refer to Exhibit 2-5 Design Speed Maximum Percent Grade5 Minimum Stopping Sight Minimum Radius Curve (ft) Minimum Radius Curve (ft) (mph) Level Rolling Mountainous Distance (ft) emax = 4% emax = 6% 25 9 12 13 133 113 120 30 9 11 12 175 176 177 35 9 10 12 220 252 248 40 9 10 12 271 356 334 45 8 9 11 327 466 436 50 7 8 10 387 595 557 Notes: 1. For bridges, refer to the NYSDOT Bridge Manual, Section 2. Where the Bridge Manual only furnishes roadway width, subtract the lane width on this table from the roadway width to determine the shoulder width. 2. Refer to HDM § for information on determining lane and shoulder widths for bicycling in urban areas. Note that bicyclists have the same rights and responsibilities as motorists, except as provided in Sections 1230-1236 of the New York State Vehicle and Traffic Law. 3. A wider shoulder may be recommended where the route is a designated bicycle route or anticipated bicycle demand is high. Refer to HDM § and Exhibit 2-1a. 4. In curbed urban or urban core areas, a 5 ft. min. width shoulder, 5 ft. min. width bicycle lane or 13 ft. min. width shared lane should be provided where there is no parallel bicycle facility present. In curbed rural, rural, town and suburban areas, a 4 ft. min. width shoulder, 5 ft. min. width bicycle lane or 13 ft. min. shared lane should be provided where there is high bicycling demand and/or a bicycle route is present and no parallel bicycle facility present. If neither the min. width shoulder nor lane can be provided, a justification is required for the nonstandard shoulder width. Refer to HDM § and Exhibit 2-1a. 5. Maximum grades of short length (< 490 ft.) and on one-way downgrades may be 2% steeper.

EB 21-020 D.A. 09/01/2021 §2.7 STANDARDS DESIGN CRITERIA 2-59 Rural Town, Suburban, Urban, and Urban Core Collectors - NHS

The design criteria for NHS Rural Town, Suburban, Urban, and Urban Core Collectors are:

A. Design Speed

The design speed is either: maximum functional class speed or a speed based on the anticipated (post-construction) off-peak 85th percentile speed within the range of functional class speeds as shown below. Refer to Section 2.6.1 for guidance on design speed and Chapter 5 of this manual, Section 5.2.4 for methods to determine the off-peak 85th percentile speed. The following are the range of design speeds:

Minimum Maximum Context Class Design Speed Design Speed

Rural Town and Suburban 35 mph 50 mph Urban 30 mph 40 mph Urban Core 25 mph 35 mph

B. Lane Width

Determine minimum from Exhibit 2-6a.

C. Shoulder Width

Determine minimum from Exhibit 2-6a.

D. Horizontal Curve Radius

Determine minimum radius from Exhibit 2-6a. For curves with radii larger than the minimum radius, the radius of curve and superelevation on each horizontal curve shall be correlated with the design speed in accordance with Exhibit 2-12a for emax = 4% table. The superelevation distribution in this table provides a gradual increase in the unresolved lateral forces on a vehicle as the curve radii decreases, with a bias that minimizes the unresolved lateral forces on a vehicle as for curves with large radii. This distribution of superelevation is based on Method 5 in Chapter 3 of AASHTO’s A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, 2018. The side friction for these curves are based on comfort and tests from the 1930’s and 1940’s. See Figure 3-5 in Chapter 3 of AASHTO’s A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, 2018.

For low-speed (<45 mph) streets in heavily built-up residential, commercial, and industrial areas (where building fronts, drainage, sidewalks, or driveways would be substantially impacted by added superelevation), the use of superelevation can be minimized by placing greater reliance on side friction to counter lateral acceleration. This distribution of superelevation is based on Method 2 in Chapter 3 of AASHTO’s A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, 2018.

EB 21-020 D.A. 09/01/2021 §2.7 STANDARDS DESIGN CRITERIA 2-60

For radii larger than the minimum radius for emax = 4%, determine the superelevation rate using Exhibit 2-11a.

E. Superelevation

Determine from Exhibit 2-1b.

F. Stopping Sight Distance (Horizontal and Vertical)

Determine minimum from Exhibit 2-6a, which uses a 2.5 second (>95th percentile) perception reaction time and 10th percentile deceleration rate.

G. Grade

Determine maximum from Exhibit 2-6a.

H. Cross Slope

Normal crown sections = 1.5% minimum, 2.5% maximum.

I. Vertical Clearance

Vertical clearance applies to bridges and other overhead structures. Determine minimum from the NYSDOT Bridge Manual, Section 2.

J. Design Loading Structural Capacity

Determine from the NYSDOT Bridge Manual, Section 2.

K. ADA Compliance

Standards for design of pedestrian facilities accessible to persons with disabilities are based on the United States Access Board’s Proposed Guidelines for Pedestrian Facilities in the Public Right-of-Way (PROWAG). Refer to Chapter 18 of this manual for further guidance.

EB 21-020 D.A. 09/01/2021 §2.7 STANDARDS DESIGN CRITERIA 2-61 Exhibit 2-6a Design Criteria for NHS Rural Town, Suburban, Urban, and Urban Core Collectors Lanes1,2 Width (ft.) Travel Lanes (with curb) Minimum Desirable Residential and commercial areas 10 12 Routes designated as Qualifying Highways on the National Network (1982 STAA Highways) 12 - Industrial area without severe ROW limitations 12 - Industrial area with severe ROW limitations 11 - Shared lane that will accommodate cyclists, per HDM § 134 15 Travel Lanes (uncurbed) Refer to Exhibit 2-5 Bicycle Lane (dedicated preferential use travel lane for bicycling) 54 6 -7 Turning Lanes Minimum Desirable Truck volume ≤ 2% 10 12 Truck Volume > 2% 11 12 Two-way left-turn lanes (trucks ≤ 2%) 10 16 Two-way left-turn lanes (trucks > 2%) 11 16 Parking Lanes Minimum Desirable Residential area 7 8 Commercial / industrial areas 8 11 Shoulders1,2,3,4 Width (ft.) Curbed Minimum Desirable Left shoulder for divided urban collectors 0 1 to 2 Right shoulder that will not accommodate cyclists, per HDM § 2-1a, and no provision for breakdowns or turning movements 0 4 Right shoulder that will accommodate cyclists, per HDM § 2-1a 43,4 54 Right shoulder, provision for breakdowns and turning movements 6 10 Uncurbed Refer to Exhibit 2-5a Design Speed Maximum Percent Grade5 Minimum Stopping Sight Minimum Radius Curve (ft) Minimum Radius Curve (ft) (mph) Level Rolling Mountainous Distance (ft) emax = 4% emax = 6% 25 9 12 13 155 154 144 30 9 11 12 200 250 231 35 9 10 12 250 371 340 40 9 10 12 305 533 485 45 8 9 11 360 711 643 50 7 8 10 425 926 833 Notes: 1. For bridges, refer to the NYSDOT Bridge Manual, Section 2. Where the Bridge Manual only furnishes roadway width, subtract the lane width on this table from the roadway width to determine the shoulder width. 2. Refer to HDM § for information on determining lane and shoulder widths for bicycling in urban areas. Note that bicyclists have the same rights and responsibilities as motorists, except as provided in Sections 1230-1236 of the New York State Vehicle and Traffic Law. 3. A wider shoulder may be recommended where the route is a designated bicycle route or anticipated bicycle demand is high. Refer to HDM § and Exhibit 2-1a. 4. In curbed urban or urban core areas, a 5 ft. min. width shoulder, 5 ft. min. width bicycle lane or 13 ft. min. width shared lane should be provided where there is no parallel bicycle facility present. In curbed rural, rural, town and suburban areas, a 4 ft. min. width shoulder, 5 ft. min. width bicycle lane or 13 ft. min. shared lane should be provided where there is high bicycling demand and/or a bicycle route is present and no parallel bicycle facility present. If neither the min. width shoulder nor lane can be provided, a justification is required for the nonstandard shoulder width. Refer to HDM § and Exhibit 2-1a. 5. Maximum grades of short length (< 490 ft.) and on one-way downgrades may be 2% steeper.

EB 21-020 D.A. 09/01/2021 §2.7 STANDARDS DESIGN CRITERIA 2-62

2.7.4 Local Roads and Streets Local Rural Roads - Non-NHS

The design criteria for non-NHS local rural roads are as follows:

A. Design Speed

The design speed is either: maximum functional class speed or a speed based on the anticipated (post-construction) off-peak 85th percentile speed within the range of functional class speeds as shown below. Refer to Section 2.6.1 for guidance on design speed and Chapter 5 of this manual, Section 5.2.4 for methods to determine the off-peak 85th percentile speed. The following are the range of design speeds:

Range of Design Speeds (mph) Type of Terrain Design Year AADT Under 50 50 to 250 250 to 400 Over 400 Level 30 – 55 30 – 55 40 – 55 50 – 55 Rolling 20 – 55 30 – 55 30 – 55 40 – 55 Mountainous 20 - 55 20 – 55 20 – 55 30 – 55

B. Lane Width

Determine minimum from Exhibit 2-7.

C. Shoulder Width

Determine minimum from Exhibit 2-7.

D. Horizontal Curve Radius

Determine minimum radius from Exhibit 2-7. The side friction for these curves are based on a reduced level of comfort while still considering truck rollover and worn wet tire skidding on worn pavement. For curves flatter than the minimum radius, the radius and superelevation on each horizontal curve shall be correlated with the design speed in accordance with the appropriate emax table (Exhibit 2-14 for emax = 8%).

E. Superelevation

Determine from Exhibit 2-1b.

EB 21-020 D.A. 09/01/2021 §2.7 STANDARDS DESIGN CRITERIA 2-63

F. Stopping Sight Distance (Horizontal and Vertical) Determine minimum from Exhibit 2-7 based on a 2 second (>85th percentile) perception reaction time and 10th percentile deceleration rate.

G. Grade

Determine maximum from Exhibit 2-7.

H. Cross Slope

Normal crown sections = 1.5% minimum, 3% maximum.

I. Vertical Clearance Vertical clearance applies to bridges and other overhead structures. Determine minimum from the NYSDOT Bridge Manual, Section 2.

J. Structural Capacity

Determine from the NYSDOT Bridge Manual, Section 2.

K. ADA Compliance

Standards for design of pedestrian facilities accessible to persons with disabilities are based on the United States Access Board’s Proposed Guidelines for Pedestrian Facilities in the Public Right-of-Way (PROWAG). Refer to Chapter 18 of this manual for further guidance.

EB 21-020 D.A. 09/01/2021 §2.7 STANDARDS DESIGN CRITERIA 2-64 Exhibit 2-7 Design Criteria for Non-NHS Local Rural Roads Travel Lane Width (ft.) Based Turn Lane (ft.) Max. Percent Grade on Design Year AADT1,2 Min. Min. Design Stopping Radius Curve Speed AADT AADT AADT Terrain Sight (ft.) Under 400- Over Minimum Desirable Distance (ft.) emax = 8% 400 2,0003 2,0004 Level Rolling Mountainous

20 9 10 11 8 11 16 97 70

25 9 10 11 7 11 15 133 113

30 9 10 11 7 11 15 175 167

35 9 10 11 Match 7 10 14 220 233 Travel 10 Lane 40 9 10 11 Width 7 10 13 271 314

45 10 11 11 7 9 12 327 409

50 10 11 11 6 8 10 387 521

55 11 11 11 6 7 10 452 651

Shoulder Width (ft)1 Notes: 1. For bridges, refer to the NYSDOT Bridge Manual, Section 2. Where the Bridge Manual only furnishes roadway width, subtract the lane width on this table from the roadway width to determine the shoulder width. 2. Minimum travel lane width is 10 ft. for routes designated as Access Highways and for routes within 1 mile of Qualifying Highways on the National Network (1982 STAA Highways). 3. For roads in mountainous terrain with a design volume under 3,000 AADT and a design speed of 40 mph or less, use 9 ft. lanes (except where Note 2 applies).

All 4. 12 ft. lanes should be considered where the crash rate is above the statewide rate for similar facilities 25,6 46 6 Speeds and there is substantial truck traffic. 5. The minimum shoulder width is 4 ft. if roadside barrier is used on low-volume roads. 6. In uncurbed areas, a 4 ft. min. shoulder width is recommended where the route is a designated bicycle route or anticipated bicycle demand is high and cyclists will be accommodated on the shoulder. In curbed areas, a 4 ft. min. width shoulder, 5 ft. min. width bicycle lane or 13 ft. min. shared lane should be provided where there is high bicycling demand and/or a bicycle route is present and no parallel bicycle facility present. If neither the min. width shoulder nor lane can be provided, a justification is required for the nonstandard shoulder width. Refer to HDM § and Exhibit 2-1a.

EB 21-020 D.A. 09/01/2021 §2.7 STANDARDS DESIGN CRITERIA 2-65 Local Rural Roads - NHS

The design criteria for NHS local rural roads are as follows:

A. Design Speed

The design speed is either: maximum functional class speed or a speed based on the anticipated (post-construction) off-peak 85th percentile speed within the range of functional class speeds as shown below. Refer to Section 2.6.1 for guidance on design speed and Chapter 5 of this manual, Section 5.2.4, for methods to determine the off- peak 85th percentile speed. The following are the range of design speeds:

Range of Design Speeds (mph) Type of Design Year AADT Terrain Over 2000

Level 50 – 55 Rolling 40 – 55 Mountainous 30 – 55

B. Lane Width

Determine from Exhibit 2-7a for design speeds of 50 mph or more. Determine from Exhibit 2-7a for design speeds of 45 mph or less.

C. Shoulder Width

Determine from Exhibit 2-7a for design speeds of 50 mph or more. Determine from Exhibit 2-7a for design speeds of 45 mph or less.

D. Horizontal Curve Radius Determine minimum radius from Exhibit 2-7a. For curves flatter than the minimum radius, the radius and superelevation on each horizontal curve shall be correlated with the design speed in accordance with the appropriate emax table (Exhibit 2-14a for emax = 8%).

E. Superelevation

Determine from Exhibit 2-1b.

EB 21-020 D.A. 09/01/2021 §2.7 STANDARDS DESIGN CRITERIA 2-66

F. Stopping Sight Distance (Horizontal and Vertical) Determine from Exhibit 2-7a, based on a 2.5 second (95th percentile) perception reaction time and 10th percentile deceleration rate

G. Grade

Determine maximum Exhibit 2-7a.

H. Cross Slope

Normal crown sections = 1.5% minimum, 2.5% maximum.

I. Vertical Clearance Vertical clearance applies to bridges and other overhead structures. Determine minimum from the NYSDOT Bridge Manual, Section 2.

J. Structural Capacity

Determine from the NYSDOT Bridge Manual, Section 2.

K. ADA Compliance

Standards for design of pedestrian facilities accessible to persons with disabilities are based on the United States Access Board’s Proposed Guidelines for Pedestrian Facilities in the Public Right-of-Way (PROWAG). Refer to Chapter 18 of this manual for further guidance.

EB 21-020 D.A. 09/01/2021 §2.7 STANDARDS DESIGN CRITERIA 2-67

Exhibit 2-7a Design Criteria for NHS Local Rural Roads

Design Travel Lane Width (ft.) Based Turn Lane (ft.) Max. Percent Grade Speed on Design Year AADT1,2,9 Min. Min. Stopping Radius Curve AADT AADT AADT Terrain Sight (ft.) Under 400- Over Minimum Desirable Distance (ft.) emax = 8% 400 2,0003 2,0004 Level Rolling Mountainous

30 9 10 11 7 10 14 200 214

35 9 10 11 7 10 14 250 314 Match 40 9 10 11 10 Travel 7 10 13 305 444 Lane 45 10 11 11 Width 7 9 12 360 587

50 10 11 11 6 8 10 425 758

55 11 11 11 6 7 10 495 960

60 11 11 11 5 6 - 570 1200

Shoulder Width (ft)1 Notes: 1. For bridges, refer to the NYSDOT Bridge Manual, Section 2. Where the Bridge Manual only furnishes roadway width, subtract the lane width on this table from the roadway width to determine the shoulder width. 2. Minimum travel lane width is 10 ft. for routes designated as Access Highways and for routes within 1 mile of Qualifying Highways on the National Network (1982 STAA Highways). 3. For roads in mountainous terrain with design volume under 600 AADT and a design speed of 40 mph or less, use 9 ft. lanes (except where Note 2 applies). 4. 12 ft. lanes should be considered where the crash rate is above the statewide rate for similar facilities and there is substantial truck traffic. All 25,6 57,8 6 5. The minimum shoulder width is 4 ft. if roadside barrier is used on low-volume roads. Speeds 6. In uncurbed areas, a 4 ft. min. shoulder width is recommended where the route is a designated bicycle route or anticipated bicycle demand is high and cyclists will be accommodated on the shoulder. In curbed areas, a 4 ft. min. width shoulder, 5 ft. min. width bicycle lane or 13 ft. min. shared lane should be provided where there is high bicycling demand and/or a bicycle route is present and no parallel bicycle facility present. If neither the min. width shoulder nor lane can be provided, a justification is required for the nonstandard shoulder width. Refer to HDM § and Exhibit 2-1a. 7. For roads in mountainous terrain with a design volume of 400 to 1500 AADT and low anticipated bicycle demand, use 2 ft. shoulders. 8. Shoulders may be 4 ft. where speeds are < 40 mph.

EB 21-020 D.A. 09/01/2021 §2.7 STANDARDS DESIGN CRITERIA 2-68 Local Rural Town, Suburban, Urban, and Urban Core Streets – Non-NHS

The design criteria for non-NHS local streets in Rural Town, Suburban, Urban, and Urban Core contexts are:

A. Design Speed

The design speed is either: maximum functional class speed or a speed based on the anticipated (post-construction) off-peak 85th percentile speed within the range of functional class speeds as shown below. Refer to Section 2.6.1 for guidance on design speed and Chapter 5 of this manual, Section 5.2.4, for methods to determine the off- peak 85th percentile speed:

Minimum Maximum 20 mph 30 mph

B. Lane Width

Determine minimum from Exhibit 2-8.

C. Shoulder Width

Determine minimum from Exhibit 2-8.

D. Horizontal Curve Radius

Determine minimum radius from Exhibit 2-8. The side friction for these curves are based on a reduced level of comfort while still considering truck rollover and worn wet tire skidding on worn pavement. See Figure 3-5 in Chapter 3 of AASHTO’s A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, 2018.

Local streets in heavily built-up residential, commercial, and industrial areas (where building fronts, drainage, sidewalks, or driveways would be substantially impacted by added superelevation), the use of superelevation can be minimized by placing greater reliance on side friction to counter lateral acceleration. This distribution of superelevation is based on Method 2 in Chapter 3 of AASHTO’s A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, 2018. Below are the minimum radii at 4% superelevation using this method.

For radii larger than the above minimum radius for emax = 4%, determine the superelevation rate using Exhibit 2-11.

E. Superelevation

Determine from Exhibit 2-1b.

EB 21-020 D.A. 09/01/2021 §2.7 STANDARDS DESIGN CRITERIA 2-69

F. Stopping Sight Distance (Horizontal and Vertical)

Determine minimum from Exhibit 2-8 based on a 2 second (>85th percentile) perception reaction time and 10th percentile deceleration rate.

G. Grade

Grades for local streets = 15% maximum. An 8% maximum or flatter grade is desirable in commercial and industrial areas.

H. Cross Slope

Normal crown sections = 1.5% minimum, 3% maximum.

I. Vertical Clearance

Vertical clearance applies to bridges and other overhead structures. Determine minimum from the NYSDOT Bridge Manual, Section 2.

J. Design Loading Structural Capacity

Determine from the NYSDOT Bridge Manual, Section 2.

K. ADA Compliance

Standards for design of pedestrian facilities accessible to persons with disabilities are based on the United States Access Board’s Proposed Guidelines for Pedestrian Facilities in the Public Right-of-Way (PROWAG). Refer to Chapter 18 of this manual for further guidance.

EB 21-020 D.A. 09/01/2021 §2.7 STANDARDS DESIGN CRITERIA 2-70

Exhibit 2-8 Design Criteria for Non-NHS Local Rural Town, Suburban, Urban, and Urban Core Streets Lanes 1,2 Width (ft.) Travel Lanes (with curb) Minimum Desirable Residential area without severe ROW limitations & commercial areas 10 11 Residential area with severe ROW limitations 9 10 Industrial area without severe ROW limitations 12 - Industrial area with severe ROW limitations 11 - Shared lane that will accommodate cyclists, per HDM § 133 15 Travel Lanes (uncurbed) Refer to Exhibit 2-7 Bicycle Lane (dedicated preferential use travel lane for bicycling) 53 6 – 73 Turning Lanes Minimum Desirable Truck volume ≤ 2% 9 10 Truck volume > 2% 9 12 Two-way left-turn lanes 10 11 Parking Lanes Residential area 7 8 Commercial / industrial areas 8 11 Shoulders1,2 Width (ft.) Curbed Minimum Desirable Left shoulder for divided urban street 0 1 to 2 Right shoulder, no provision for curb offset 03 -- Uncurbed Refer to Exhibit 2-7 Grade Maximum Residential area 15% Commercial / industrial areas 8% Design Speed Minimum Stopping Sight Minimum Radius Curve (ft)5 (mph) Distance (ft) emax = 4%

20 97 78 25 133 126 30 175 188

Notes: 1. For bridges, refer to the NYSDOT Bridge Manual, Section 2. Where the Bridge Manual only furnishes roadway width, subtract the lane width on this table from the roadway width to determine the shoulder width. 2. Refer to HDM § for information on determining lane and shoulder widths for bicycling in urban areas. Note that bicyclists have the same rights and responsibilities as motorists, except as provided in Sections 1230-1236 of the New York State Vehicle and Traffic Law 3. Bicycle volumes on local rural town, suburban, urban, and urban core streets can often be accommodated in the travel lane (i.e., a shared lane). In urban or urban core areas, a 5 ft. min. shoulder/bicycle lane or a 13 ft. min. shared lane should be provided where there is no parallel bicycle facility present. If neither can be provided, a justification is required for the nonstandard lane width. Refer to HDM § and Exhibit 2-1a. 4. Radii and lane widths should be checked using design vehicle turning path.

EB 21-020 D.A. 09/01/2021 §2.7 STANDARDS DESIGN CRITERIA 2-71 Local Rural Town, Suburban, Urban, and Urban Core Streets - NHS

The design criteria for NHS local streets in Rural Town, Suburban, Urban, and Urban Core contexts are:

A. Design Speed

The design speed is either: maximum functional class speed or a speed based on the anticipated (post-construction) off-peak 85th percentile speed within the range of functional class speeds as shown below. Refer to Section 2.6.1 for guidance on design speed and Chapter 5 of this manual, Section 5.2.4, for methods to determine the off- peak 85th percentile speed. The following are the range of design speeds:

Minimum Maximum 20 mph 30 mph

B. Lane Width

Determine minimum from Exhibit 2-8a.

C. Shoulder Width

Determine minimum from Exhibit 2-8a.

D. Horizontal Curve Radius

Determine minimum radius from Exhibit 2-8a. For curves with radii larger than the minimum radius, the radius of curve and superelevation on each horizontal curve shall be correlated with the design speed in accordance with Exhibit 2-12a for emax = 4% table,. The superelevation distribution in this table provides a gradual increase in the unresolved lateral forces on a vehicle as the curve radii decreases. This distribution of superelevation is based on Method 5 in Chapter 3 of AASHTO’s A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, 2018.

Local urban streets in heavily built-up residential, commercial, and industrial areas (where building fronts, drainage, sidewalks, or driveways would be substantially impacted by added superelevation), the use of superelevation can be minimized by placing greater reliance on side friction to counter lateral acceleration. This distribution of superelevation is based on Method 2 in Chapter 3 of AASHTO’s A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, 2018.

For radii larger than the above minimum radius for emax = 4%, determine the superelevation rate using Exhibit 2-11a.

EB 21-020 D.A. 09/01/2021 §2.7 STANDARDS DESIGN CRITERIA 2-72

E. Superelevation

Determine from Exhibit 2-1b.

F. Stopping Sight Distance (Horizontal and Vertical)

Determine from Exhibit 2-8a, based on a 2.5 second (95th percentile) perception reaction time and 10th percentile deceleration rate.

G. Grade

Grades for local streets = 15% maximum in residential areas and 8% maximum in commercial and industrial areas.

H. Cross Slope

Normal crown sections = 1.5% minimum, 2.5% maximum.

I. Vertical Clearance

Vertical clearance applies to bridges and other overhead structures. Determine minimum from the NYSDOT Bridge Manual, Section 2.

J. Design Loading Structural Capacity

Determine from the NYSDOT Bridge Manual, Section 2.

K. ADA Compliance

Standards for design of pedestrian facilities accessible to persons with disabilities are based on the United States Access Board’s Proposed Guidelines for Pedestrian Facilities in the Public Right-of-Way (PROWAG). Refer to Chapter 18 of this manual for further guidance.

EB 21-020 D.A. 09/01/2021 §2.7 STANDARDS DESIGN CRITERIA 2-73 Exhibit 2-8a Design Criteria for NHS Local Rural Town, Suburban, Urban, and Urban Core Streets Lanes1,2 Width (ft.) Travel Lanes (with curb) Minimum Desirable Residential area without severe ROW limitations & commercial areas 10 11 Residential area with severe ROW limitations 9 10 Industrial area without severe ROW limitations 12 - Industrial area with severe ROW limitations 11 - Shared lane that will accommodate cyclists, per HDM § 133 15 Travel Lanes (uncurbed) Refer to Exhibit 2-7 Bicycle Lane (dedicated preferential use travel lane for bicycling) 53 6 – 73 Turning Lanes Minimum Desirable Truck volume ≤ 2% 9 10 Truck volume > 2% 9 12 10 11 Two-way left-turn lanes Parking Lanes Residential area 7 8 Commercial / industrial areas 8 11 Shoulders1,2 Width (ft.) Curbed Minimum Desirable Left shoulder for divided urban streets 0 1 to 2 Right shoulder, no provision for curb offset 03 -- Uncurbed Refer to Exhibit 2-7a Grade Maximum Residential area 15% Commercial / industrial areas 8% Design Speed Minimum Stopping Sight Minimum Radius Curve (ft)4 (mph) Distance (ft) emax = 4% 20 115 86 25 155 154 30 200 250 Notes: 1. For bridges, refer to the NYSDOT Bridge Manual, Section 2. Where the Bridge Manual only furnishes roadway width, subtract the lane width on this table from the roadway width to determine the shoulder width. 2. Refer to HDM § for information on determining lane and shoulder widths for bicycling in urban areas. Note that bicyclists have the same rights and responsibilities as motorists, except as provided in Sections 1230-1236 of the New York State Vehicle and Traffic Law 3. Bicycle volumes on local urban streets can usually be accommodated in the travel lanes. In curbed urban or urban core areas, a 5 ft. min. width shoulder, 5 ft. min. width bicycle lane or 13 ft. min. width shared lane should be provided where there is no parallel bicycle facility present. In curbed rural, rural town and suburban areas, a 4 ft. min. width shoulder, 5 ft. min. width bicycle lane or 13 ft. min. shared lane should be provided where there is high bicycling demand and/or a bicycle route is present and no parallel bicycle facility present. If neither the min. width shoulder nor lane can be provided, a justification is required for the nonstandard shoulder width. Refer to HDM § and Exhibit 2-1a. 4. Radii and lane widths should be checked using design vehicle turning path.

EB 21-020 D.A. 09/01/2021 §2.7 STANDARDS DESIGN CRITERIA 2-74

2.7.5 Other Roadways Parkways

Parkways that are multilane, divided freeways, or expressways with occasional at-grade intersections should follow the standards in Section Other Freeways. Parkways that are two-lane highways or multilane, divided highways with signalized intersections should follow the standards of the design classification established for the subject . Ramps to Non-NHS Facilities (Turning Roadways for Grade-Separated Highways)

Ramps are turning roadways to accommodate high volumes of turning movements between grade-separated highways. Ramps are functionally classified based on the higher-type highway they service. For example, all the ramps to and from an interstate are considered part of the Interstate System. The design criteria for ramps are:

A. Design Speed

A ramp speed study is not required to determine the ramp design speed. The ramp design speed for the design criteria applies to the sharpest ramp curve, usually on the ramp proper. The ramp design speed does not apply to the ramp terminals, which should include transition curves and speed change lanes based on the design speeds of the highways and ramps involved.

Desirably, ramp design speed should approximate the off-peak running speeds (50th percentile speeds) on the higher speed intersecting highway, but not exceed 50 mph. Ramps with design speeds over 50 mph should be designed using Section 2.7.1 of this chapter. The minimum design speeds based on ramp type (as illustrated in Table 10-1 of AASHTO’s A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, 2018) are:

1) Loop ramps – 25 mph minimum for highways with design speeds of more than 50 mph. 2) Semidirect connection ramps – 30 mph minimum. 3) Direct connection ramps – 40 mph minimum; 50 mph preferred. 4) Diagonals, outer connections, and one-quadrant ramps - Below is the minimum ramp design speed related to the highway design speed. The highway design speed is the higher design speed of the interchanging roadways.

Highway Design Speed (mph) 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 Min. Ramp Design Speed (mph) 20 25 25 30 30 30 35 40 40

B. Lane Width

Determine minimum lane widths from Exhibit 2-9.

C. Shoulder Width

Determine minimum shoulder widths from Exhibit 2-10.

EB 21-020 D.A. 09/01/2021 §2.7 STANDARDS DESIGN CRITERIA 2-75

D. Horizontal Curve Radius

Determine minimum radius from Exhibit 2-10. For curves flatter than the minimum radius, the radius and superelevation on each horizontal curve shall be correlated with the design speed in accordance with the appropriate e max table (Exhibit 2-13 for e max. = 6% or Exhibit 2-14 for e max. = 8%).

E. Superelevation

Determine from Exhibit 2-1b.

F. Stopping Sight Distance (Horizontal and Vertical)

Determine minimum and desirable stopping sight distance from Exhibit 2-10 based on a 2 second (85th percentile) perception reaction time and 10th percentile deceleration rate.

G. Grade

Determine maximum from Exhibit 2-10.

H. Cross Slope

Normal crown sections = 1.5% minimum, 3% maximum.

I. Vertical Clearance

Vertical clearance applies to bridges and other overhead structures. Determine minimum from the NYSDOT Bridge Manual, Section 2. Ramps should have the same vertical clearance as the higher functional classification of the interchanging roadways.

J. Design Loading Structural Capacity

Determine from the NYSDOT Bridge Manual, Section 2.

K. ADA Compliance

Standards for design of pedestrian facilities accessible to persons with disabilities are based on the United States Access Board’s Proposed Guidelines for Pedestrian Facilities in the Public Right-of-Way (PROWAG). Refer to Chapter 18 of this manual for further guidance.

EB 21-020 D.A. 09/01/2021 §2.7 STANDARDS DESIGN CRITERIA 2-76 Ramps to NHS Facilities (Turning Roadways for Grade-Separated Highways)

Ramps are turning roadways to accommodate high volumes of turning movements between grade-separated highways. Ramps are functionally classified based on the higher-type highway they service. For example, all the ramps to and from an interstate are considered part of the Interstate System. The design criteria for ramps are:

A. Design Speed

A ramp speed study is not required to determine the ramp design speed. The ramp design speed for the design criteria applies to the sharpest ramp curve, usually on the ramp proper. The ramp design speed does not apply to the ramp terminals, which should include transition curves and speed change lanes based on the design speeds of the highways and ramps involved.

Desirably, ramp design speed should approximate the off-peak running speeds (50th percentile speeds) on the higher speed intersecting highway, but not exceed 50 mph. Ramps with design speeds over 50 mph should be designed using Section 2.7.1 of this chapter. The minimum design speeds based on ramp type (as illustrated in Table 10-1 of AASHTO’s A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, 2018) are:

1) Loop ramps – 25 mph minimum for highways with design speeds of more than 50 mph. 2) Semidirect connection ramps – 30 mph minimum. 3) Direct connection ramps – 40 mph minimum; 50 mph preferred. 4) Diagonals, outer connections, and one-quadrant ramps - Below is the minimum ramp design speed related to the highway design speed. The highway design speed is the higher design speed of the interchanging roadways.

Highway Design Speed (mph) 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 Min. Ramp Design Speed (mph) 15 20 20 25 25 30 30 30 35 40 45

B. Lane Width

Determine minimum lane widths from Exhibit 2-9. For one-lane, one-way ramps, Case II, which provides for passing a stalled vehicle, should normally be used.

C. Shoulder Width

Determine minimum shoulder widths from Exhibit 2-10a.

D. Horizontal Curve Radius

Determine minimum radius from Exhibit 2-10a. For curves flatter than the minimum radius, the radius and superelevation on each horizontal curve shall be correlated with the design speed in accordance with the appropriate e max table (Exhibit 2-13a for emax. = 6% or Exhibit 2-14a for emax. = 8%).

EB 21-020 D.A. 09/01/2021 §2.7 STANDARDS DESIGN CRITERIA 2-77

E. Superelevation

Determine from Exhibit 2-1b.

F. Stopping Sight Distance (Horizontal and Vertical)

Determine minimum and desirable stopping sight distance from Exhibit 2-10a based on a 2.5 second (95th percentile) perception reaction time and 10th percentile deceleration rate.

G. Grade

Determine maximum from Exhibit 2-10a.

H. Cross Slope

Normal crown sections = 1.5% minimum, 2.5% maximum.

I. Vertical Clearance

Vertical clearance applies to bridges and other overhead structures. Determine minimum from the NYSDOT Bridge Manual, Section 2. Ramps should have the same vertical clearance as the higher functional classification of the interchanging roadways.

J. Design Loading Structural Capacity

Determine from the NYSDOT Bridge Manual, Section 2.

K. ADA Compliance

Standards for design of pedestrian facilities accessible to persons with disabilities are based on the United States Access Board’s Proposed Guidelines for Pedestrian Facilities in the Public Right-of-Way (PROWAG). Refer to Chapter 18 of this manual for further guidance. Speed Change Lanes

The standard for lane width for acceleration lanes, deceleration lanes, and combination acceleration-deceleration lanes shall be the same standard as the adjacent travel lanes. The minimum right shoulder width is 6 ft. for speed change lanes on interstates and other freeways and 4 ft. on other roadways. All other critical design elements (grades, stopping sight distance, etc.) are the same as apply for the adjacent roadway.

The lengths of acceleration and deceleration lanes are not critical design elements. However, the lengths, as determined by selecting the appropriate value from AASHTO's A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, 2018, Chapter 10, should be provided. For acceleration lanes only, the values from the AASHTO Book may be reduced by 15% if free flow merge conditions are expected through the design year and constraints make it difficult to achieve the full value from the AASHTO Book1. If these lengths are not provided, an explanation must be included in the design report.

1 15% reduction is based on recommendations in NCHRP Report 730, Design Guidance for Freeway Mainline Ramp Terminals

EB 21-020 D.A. 09/01/2021 §2.7 STANDARDS DESIGN CRITERIA 2-78

Exhibit 2-9 Traveled Way Widths for Ramps and Turning Roadways Traveled Way Width (ft.) Radius on Inner Case I Case II Case III Edge of Traveled Way, One-Lane, One-Way Operation – No One-Lane, One-Way Operation- with Two-Lane Operation - Either One-Way R (ft.) Provision for Passing a Stalled Provision for Passing a Stalled Vehicle or Two-Way Operation Vehicle Design Traffic Condition 1 A B C A B C A B C 50 (See Note 1) 18 18 23 20 26 30 31 36 45 75 (See Note 1) 16 17 20 19 23 27 29 33 38 100 (See Note 1) 15 16 18 18 22 25 28 31 35 150 14 15 17 18 21 23 26 29 32 200 13 15 16 17 20 22 26 28 30 300 13 15 15 17 20 22 25 28 29 400 13 15 15 17 19 21 25 27 28 500 12 15 15 17 19 21 25 27 28 Tangent ( ≥ 600 ft.) 12 14 14 17 18 20 24 26 26 Width Modification Regarding Edge of Traveled Way Treatment: Stabilized Shoulder Less Than 2 ft on Either Side: No curb None None None Sloping curb None None None Vertical curb one side Add 1 ft None Add 1 ft Vertical curb two sides Add 2 ft Add 1 ft Add 2 ft 2 Ft or Greater Stabilized Shoulder on Both Sides: Lane width for conditions B & C on radii Stabilized shoulder on Deduct shoulder width(s); Deduct 2 ft where one shoulder is ≥ than 600’ may be reduced to 12 ft one or both sides minimum pavement width as under Case I 4 ft or wider where one shoulder is 4 ft or wider Notes: 1. For turning roadways that do not connect to a freeway, the design vehicle turning path should be used in place of this table for radii under 150 ft. 2. The design traffic conditions are defined: A Predominantly P vehicles, but some consideration for SU trucks. Accommodates occasional WB 40 trucks. B Sufficient SU vehicles to govern design, but some consideration for semitrailer vehicles. Generally, SU plus semitrailer vehicles = 5 to 10% of the total traffic volume. Accommodates occasional WB 40 trucks. C Sufficient bus and combination-types of vehicles to govern design (over 10% of total traffic volume). Accommodates occasional WB 62 trucks. The traveled way plus paved shoulder width for ramps and turning roadways with WB 67 or larger design vehicles (e.g., ramps connecting to Qualifying Highways on the National Network (1982 STAA Highways)) are to are to be checked using the design vehicle turning path in CADD.

EB 21-020 D.A. 09/01/2021 §2.7 STANDARDS DESIGN CRITERIA 2-79

Exhibit 2-10 Design Criteria for Turning Roadways Not Connecting to the NHS Minimum Radius (ft.) Shoulders Minimum (measured to the inside edge of Design (ft.) 1 Maximum Stopping traveled way) Speed Percent Sight (mph) Grade Distance emax emax emax Left Right2 (ft.) = 4% 3 = 6% = 8%

15 3 6 10 66 43 41 38 20 3 6 10 97 78 74 70 25 3 6 9 133 126 119 113 30 3 6 9 175 188 176 167 35 3 6 8 220 263 247 233 40 3 6 8 271 356 333 314 45 3 6 7 327 466 435 409 50 3 6 7 387 595 556 521

Notes: 1. For urban turning roadways with curbing and not connected to a freeway, no shoulder is required. A 2 ft. curb offset is desirable. 2. For direct connection ramps with design speeds over 40 mph, use an 8 ft. minimum right shoulder. 3. Only for urban turning roadways for at-grade intersections. See §

Exhibit 2-10a Design Criteria for Turning Roadways Connecting to the NHS Minimum Radius (ft.) Shoulders Minimum (measured to the inside edge of Design (ft.) 1 Maximum Stopping traveled way) Speed Percent Sight (mph) Grade Distance emax emax emax Left Right2 (ft.) = 4% 3 = 6% = 8%

15 4 6 8 80 42 39 38 20 4 6 8 115 86 81 76 25 4 6 7 155 154 144 134 30 4 6 7 200 250 231 214 35 4 6 6 250 371 340 314 40 4 6 6 305 533 485 444 45 4 6 5 360 711 643 587 50 4 6 5 425 926 833 758

Notes: 1. For urban turning roadways with curbing and not connected to a freeway, no shoulder is required. A 2 ft. curb offset is desirable. 2. For direct connection ramps with design speeds over 40 mph, use an 8 ft. minimum right shoulder. 3. Only for urban turning roadways for at-grade intersections. See §

EB 21-020 D.A. 09/01/2021 §2.7 STANDARDS DESIGN CRITERIA 2-80 Turning Roadways - Channelized for At-Grade Intersections

Channelized right-turning roadways are sometimes called right-turn slip lanes or right-turn lanes. There are two types of channelized right-turning roadways for at-grade intersections: right-turning roadways with corner islands and free-flowing, right-turning roadways. Further information on these roadways is provided in Chapter 5, Section 5.9.4 of this manual.

A. Turning Roadways with Yield, Stop, or Signal Control That Are Not Freeway Ramps

Turning roadways with yield, stop, or signal control often have channelized islands and do not include taper- or parallel-type acceleration lanes. Design criteria is not required for these types of turning roadways.

For layout, the design speed may range from 15 mph to 25 mph. Refer to Chapter 5, Section A of this manual for additional guidance.

B. Free-Flow Turning Roadways

Free-flow turning roadways are essentially intersection bypass roadways or ramps for at- grade intersections. They generally include speed-change lanes. The design speed may be equal to or as much as 20 mph less than the design speed of the higher speed intersecting highway. The acceptable range of design speeds is 15 mph to 50 mph.

1) Determine the lane widths from Exhibit 2-9. 2) Determine the shoulder widths, grade, stopping sight distance, and minimum radii from Exhibit 2-10. 3) A maximum superelevation rate of 4% is used for urban areas, 6% for rural areas where traffic is likely to stop on the turning roadway, and 8% for rural areas where traffic is unlikely to stop on the turning roadway. For superelevation rates on curves with radii above the minimum radius, use Exhibits 2-12, 2-13, or 2-14 for emax equal to 4%, 6%, or 8%, respectively, on non-NHS facilities and Exhibits 2-12a, 2- 13a, or 2-14a for emax equal to 4%, 6%, or 8%, respectively, on NHS facilities. 4) Determine the remaining critical design elements from Section Collector-Distributor Roads

The design speed of a collector-distributor road will usually be less than that of the adjacent mainline road, but the difference in design speed should not exceed 15 mph. The design speed of the collector-distributor road cannot be less than 50 mph for freeways. The lane and shoulder widths should match those of the mainline road, while all other design criteria and elements should be based on the design speed of the collector-distributor.

EB 21-020 D.A. 09/01/2021 §2.7 STANDARDS DESIGN CRITERIA 2-81 Frontage Roads (Service Roads)

The design criteria for frontage roads should be consistent with the design criteria for the functional class of the . Climbing Lanes

Climbing lanes should have the same lane width as the adjacent travel lanes. The minimum shoulder width for a climbing lane is 4 ft., or the shoulder width of the highway, whichever is less. Desirably the climbing lane shoulder should match the shoulder for the adjacent segments of highway. All other critical design elements (grades, stopping sight distances, etc.) are the same as applies for the adjacent roadway.

The design criteria used for tunnels should not differ materially from those used for structures. For tunnels on interstates and other freeways, refer to AASHTO’s A Policy on Design Standards – Interstate System, 2016 (page 8) for design standards. For tunnels on other roadways, contact the Office of Design for further guidance. Shared Roadway

A roadway that is open to both bicycle and motor vehicle travel upon which no bicycle lane is designated. Examples may include roads with wide curb lanes and roads with shoulders. Refer to Section of this chapter for discussion of shared lanes in urban areas; refer to various tables within Section 2.7 of this chapter, and Chapters 17 and 18 of this manual for shoulder / lane width guidance.

EB 21-020 D.A. 09/01/2021 §2.7 STANDARDS DESIGN CRITERIA 2-82

Exhibit 2-11 Minimum Radii and Superelevation for Low-Speed Non-NHS Urban Highways and Streets

Vd = 15 Vd = 20 Vd = 25 Vd = 30 Vd = 35 Vd = 40 Vd = 45 e (%) mph mph mph mph mph mph mph

R (ft.) R (ft.) R (ft.) R (ft.) R (ft.) R (ft.) R (ft.) -2.5 53 97 157 235 333 454 600 -2.0 52 95 154 231 327 444 587

-1.5 51 94 152 226 320 435 574

0 48 89 144 214 302 410 540

1.5 46 85 137 203 287 388 509

2.0 45 83 134 200 282 381 500

2.5 45 82 132 197 277 374 491

3.0 44 81 130 194 272 368 482

3.5 43 80 128 190 268 362 474 4.0 43 78 126 188 263 356 466 Notes: 1. For low-speed (≤45 mph and less) urban streets in heavily built-up residential, commercial, and industrial areas (where building fronts, drainage, sidewalks, or driveways would be substantially impacted by added superelevation), sharper curves are allowed. 2. Computed using AASHTO Superelevation Distribution Method 2 and revised side friction factors (f=0.34-0.002V). 3. Do not interpolate. Round up to the higher superelevation rate.

EB 21-020 D.A. 09/01/2021 §2.7 STANDARDS DESIGN CRITERIA 2-83

Exhibit 2-11a Minimum Radii and Superelevation for Low-Speed NHS Urban Highways and Streets

Vd = 15 Vd = 20 Vd = 25 Vd = 30 Vd = 35 Vd = 40 Vd = 45 e (%) mph mph mph mph mph mph mph

R (ft.) R (ft.) R (ft.) R (ft.) R (ft.) R (ft.) R (ft.) -2.5 51 109 203 343 527 790 1080 -2.0 50 107 198 333 510 762 1038

-1.5 49 105 194 324 495 736 1000

0 47 99 181 300 454 667 900

1.5 45 94 170 279 419 610 818

2.0 44 92 167 273 408 593 794

2.5 43 90 163 267 398 577 771

3.0 43 89 160 261 389 561 750

3.5 42 87 157 255 380 547 730 4.0 42 86 154 250 371 533 711 Notes: 1. For low-speed (≤45 mph and less) urban streets in heavily built-up residential, commercial, and industrial areas (where building fronts, drainage, sidewalks, or driveways would be substantially impacted by added superelevation), sharper curves are allowed. 2. Computed using AASHTO Superelevation Distribution Method 2. 3. Do not interpolate. Round up to the higher superelevation rate.

EB 21-020 D.A. 09/01/2021 §2.7 STANDARDS DESIGN CRITERIA 2-84

Exhibit 2-12 Minimum Radii for Design Superelevation Rates, Design Speeds, and emax = 4% (Non-NHS)

Vd = 15 Vd = 20 Vd = 25 Vd = 30 Vd = 35 Vd = 40 Vd = 45 e (%) mph mph mph mph mph mph mph

R (ft.) R (ft.) R (ft.) R (ft.) R (ft.) R (ft.) R (ft.) 1.5 792 1400 2030 2770 3640 4640 5750

2.0 503 882 1300 1790 2360 3030 3770

2.5 232 408 641 923 1270 1700 2170

3.0 129 229 365 534 743 1000 1300

3.5 82 146 234 345 482 652 849

4.0 43 78 126 188 263 356 466 Notes: 1. Computed using AASHTO Superelevation Distribution Method 5 and a revised side friction factor (f = 0.34-0.002V). 2. Curves with radii greater than that needed for e = 1.5% may retain normal crown. 3. Curves with radii requiring e= 1.5% to less than e = 2.0% require removal of the adverse cross slope. 4. Do not interpolate. Round up to the higher superelevation rate.

Exhibit 2-12a Minimum Radii for Design Superelevation Rates, Design Speeds, and emax = 4% (NHS)

Vd = Vd = 15 Vd = 20 Vd = 25 Vd = 30 Vd = 35 Vd = 45 e (%) 40 mph mph mph mph mph mph mph

R (ft.) R (ft.) R (ft.) R (ft.) R (ft.) R (ft.) R (ft.) 1.5 796 1410 2050 2830 3730 4770 5930

2.0 506 902 1340 1880 2490 3220 4040

2.5 231 443 733 1120 1570 2130 2730

3.0 127 251 433 681 982 1370 1800

3.5 80 161 282 452 661 935 1240

4.0 42 86 154 250 371 533 711 Notes: 1. Computed using AASHTO Superelevation Distribution Method 5. 2. Curves with radii greater than that needed for e = 1.5% may retain normal crown. 3. Curves with radii requiring e= 1.5% to less than e = 2.0% require removal of the adverse cross slope. 4. Do not interpolate. Round up to the higher superelevation rate. EB 21-020 D.A. 09/01/2021 §2.7 STANDARDS DESIGN CRITERIA 2-85

Exhibit 2-13 Minimum Radii for Design Superelevation Rates, Design Speeds, and emax = 6% (Non-NHS)

Vd = 15 Vd = 20 Vd = 25 Vd = 30 Vd = 35 Vd = 40 Vd = 45 Vd = 50 Vd = 55 Vd = 60 Vd = 65 Vd = 70 Vd = 75 Vd = 80 e mph mph mph mph mph mph mph mph mph mph mph mph mph mph

(%) R (ft.) R (ft.) R (ft.) R (ft.) R (ft.) R (ft.) R (ft.) R (ft.) R (ft.) R (ft.) R (ft.) R (ft.) R (ft.) R (ft.)

1.5 892 1570 2270 3080 4040 5130 6340 7710 9180 10800 12200 13600 15100 16700

2 633 1110 1610 2190 2880 3660 4530 5520 6580 7750 8720 9760 10900 12100

2.5 472 826 1200 1640 2160 2760 3420 4170 4980 5880 6640 7460 8330 9260

3 357 623 912 1260 1660 2120 2650 3240 3880 4590 5210 5880 6600 7370

3.5 254 438 665 929 1250 1620 2030 2510 3030 3610 4130 4700 5310 5970

4 165 288 448 641 878 1160 1490 1860 2270 2750 3220 3720 4280 4860

4.5 118 207 326 472 652 868 1120 1420 1740 2120 2510 2940 3420 3940

5 88 156 247 360 500 669 865 1100 1360 1670 1990 2360 2770 3220

5.5 66 118 188 275 384 515 669 853 1060 1300 1570 1870 2210 2600

6 41 74 119 176 247 333 435 556 695 857 1043 1256 1500 1778

Notes: 1. Computed using AASHTO Superelevation Distribution Method 5 and a revised side friction factor (f = 0.34-0.002V). 2. Curves with radii greater than that needed for e = 1.5% may retain normal crown. 3. Curves with radii requiring e= 1.5% to less than e = 2.0% require removal of the adverse cross slope. 4. Do not interpolate. Round up to the higher superelevation rate.

EB 21-020 D.A. 09/01/2021 §2.7 STANDARDS DESIGN CRITERIA 2-86

Exhibit 2-13a Minimum Radii for Design Superelevation Rates, Design Speeds, and emax = 6% (NHS)

Vd = Vd = Vd = Vd = Vd = Vd = Vd = Vd = Vd = Vd = Vd = Vd = Vd = Vd = e 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 mph mph mph mph mph mph mph mph mph mph mph mph mph mph

(%) R (ft.) R (ft.) R (ft.) R (ft.) R (ft.) R (ft.) R (ft.) R (ft.) R (ft.) R (ft.) R (ft.) R (ft.) R (ft.) R (ft.)

1.5 868 1580 2290 3130 4100 5230 6480 7870 9410 11100 12600 14100 15700 17400

2 614 1120 1630 2240 2950 3770 4680 5700 6820 8060 9130 10300 11500 12900

2.5 455 836 1230 1700 2240 2880 3590 4380 5260 6230 7080 8010 9000 10100

3 341 635 944 1320 1760 2270 2840 3480 4200 4990 5710 6490 7330 8260

3.5 231 461 717 1030 1390 1820 2290 2820 3420 4090 4710 5390 6130 6940

4 151 309 511 766 1070 1440 1840 2300 2810 3390 3950 4550 5220 5950

4.5 109 224 381 584 827 1140 1470 1860 2300 2810 3330 3890 4500 5180

5 82 169 292 456 654 911 1190 1510 1890 2330 2800 3330 3910 4550

5.5 62 129 225 354 513 723 949 1220 1540 1910 2330 2810 3350 3970

6 39 81 144 231 340 485 643 833 1061 1333 1657 2042 2500 3048

Notes: 1. Computed using AASHTO Superelevation Distribution Method 5. 2. Curves with radii greater than that needed for e = 1.5% may retain normal crown. 3. Curves with radii requiring e= 1.5% to less than e = 2.0% require removal of the adverse cross slope. 4. Do not interpolate. Round up to the higher superelevation rate.

EB 21-020 D.A. 09/01/2021 §2.7 STANDARDS DESIGN CRITERIA 2-87

Exhibit 2-14 Minimum Radii for Design Superelevation Rates, Design Speeds, and emax = 8% (Non-NHS)

Vd = 15 Vd = 20 Vd = 25 Vd = 30 Vd = 35 Vd = 40 Vd = 45 Vd = 50 Vd = 55 Vd = 60 Vd = 65 Vd = 70 Vd = 75 Vd = 80 e mph mph mph mph mph mph mph mph mph mph mph mph mph mph

(%) R (ft.) R (ft.) R (ft.) R (ft.) R (ft.) R (ft.) R (ft.) R (ft.) R (ft.) R (ft.) R (ft.) R (ft.) R (ft.) R (ft.)

1.5 907 1630 2370 3230 4210 5350 6610 8010 9560 11300 12600 14100 15600 17300

2 657 1190 1720 2350 3060 3900 4820 5850 6980 8200 9220 10400 11500 12700

2.5 505 910 1330 1820 2370 3020 3730 4540 5420 6380 7180 8040 8950 9920

3 402 725 1070 1460 1900 2430 3010 3660 4380 5150 5810 6530 7280 8080

3.5 327 590 867 1190 1560 2000 2480 3020 3620 4270 4830 5430 6080 6760

4 267 483 715 984 1300 1660 2070 2530 3040 3590 4070 4600 5160 5760

4.5 215 392 587 814 1080 1390 1740 2130 2570 3040 3470 3940 4440 4970

5 162 300 465 658 880 1150 1450 1790 2170 2590 2980 3400 3850 4330

5.5 126 233 366 524 708 934 1190 1490 1820 2180 2540 2930 3350 3800

6 101 187 296 427 581 772 987 1240 1530 1840 2170 2530 2910 3330

6.5 82 153 243 353 484 645 829 1050 1290 1570 1860 2180 2540 2920

7 68 125 201 293 403 540 696 880 1100 1330 1590 1880 2200 2550

7.5 55 102 164 240 331 445 576 731 909 1110 1340 1590 1880 2190

8 38 70 113 167 233 314 409 521 651 800 971 1167 1389 1641

Notes: 1. Computed using AASHTO Superelevation Distribution Method 5 and a revised side friction factor (f = 0.34-0.002V). 2. Curves with radii greater than that needed for e = 1.5% may retain normal crown. 3. Curves with radii requiring e= 1.5% to less than e = 2.0% require removal of the adverse cross slope. 4. Do not interpolate. Round up to the higher superelevation rate.

EB 21-020 D.A. 09/01/2021 §2.7 STANDARDS DESIGN CRITERIA 2-88

Exhibit 2-14a Minimum Radii for Design Superelevation Rates, Design Speeds, and emax = 8% (NHS)

Vd = 15 Vd = 20 Vd = 25 Vd = 30 Vd = 35 Vd = 40 Vd = 45 Vd = 50 Vd = 55 Vd = 60 Vd = 65 Vd = 70 Vd = 75 Vd = 80 e mph mph mph mph mph mph mph mph mph mph mph mph mph mph

(%) R (ft.) R (ft.) R (ft.) R (ft.) R (ft.) R (ft.) R (ft.) R (ft.) R (ft.) R (ft.) R (ft.) R (ft.) R (ft.) R (ft.)

1.5 932 1640 2370 3240 4260 5410 6710 8150 9720 11500 12900 14500 16100 17800

2 676 1190 1720 2370 3120 3970 4930 5990 7150 8440 9510 10700 12000 13300

2.5 520 914 1340 1840 2430 3100 3850 4690 5610 6630 7490 8430 9430 10600

3 415 730 1070 1480 1960 2510 3130 3820 4580 5420 6140 6930 7780 8700

3.5 338 595 877 1230 1630 2090 2610 3190 3830 4550 5170 5860 6600 7400

4 277 490 729 1030 1370 1770 2220 2720 3270 3890 4450 5050 5710 6420

4.5 225 401 607 863 1170 1520 1910 2340 2830 3380 3870 4420 5010 5660

5 172 314 499 727 991 1310 1650 2040 2470 2960 3410 3910 4460 5050

5.5 132 246 403 604 841 1130 1430 1780 2170 2610 3030 3500 4000 4550

6 105 199 332 506 713 965 1250 1560 1920 2320 2710 3150 3620 4140

6.5 85 163 277 427 609 832 1080 1370 1690 2060 2440 2850 3290 3780

7 70 135 231 360 518 716 933 1190 1480 1820 2180 2580 3010 3480

7.5 57 110 190 300 435 606 794 1020 1280 1580 1910 2290 2720 3190

8 38 76 134 214 314 444 587 758 960 1200 1482 1815 2206 2667

Notes: 1. Computed using AASHTO Superelevation Distribution Method 5. 2. Curves with radii greater than that needed for e = 1.5% may retain normal crown. 3. Curves with radii requiring e= 1.5% to less than e = 2.0% require removal of the adverse cross slope. 4. Do not interpolate. Round up to the higher superelevation rate.

EB 21-020 D.A. 09/01/2021 §2.7 STANDARDS DESIGN CRITERIA 2-89


2.8.1 Definition and Procedures A nonstandard feature is created when the established design criteria for a critical design element is not met. All nonstandard features to be retained must be listed, justified, and approved in accordance with this chapter and the Project Development Manual.

Since many of the values for the critical design elements are dependent on the design speed, the selection and justification of a nonstandard design speed is not permitted. Instead, the design speed should be determined in accordance with Section 2.7 and any nonstandard critical design elements individually justified. In addition to the critical design elements covered in this chapter there are other design elements with established values or parameters that must be considered. These elements are important and can have a considerable effect on the project’s magnitude. Any decisions to vary from recommended values or accepted practices need to be explained and documented as nonconforming features in the scoping / design approval documents. Refer to Chapter 5, Section 5.1 for further information on these design elements. Nonstandard Pedestrian Facilities

Exhibit 2-15a is to be used to justify sidewalks, curb ramps, walkways, pedestrian ramps and other pedestrian facilities that do not fully comply with the standards in HDM Chapter 18. If it is found that a pedestrian facility cannot fully comply with standards, the facility must be made accessible to the extent practicable within the scope of the project.

2.8.2 Technical Discrepancies There are technical discrepancies between the metric and U.S. customary values in AASHTO's A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets. The discrepancies are from the independent development of the criteria using the two systems of measurement. Since conversion was not intended to create nonstandard features, a nonstandard feature justification is not necessary if the feature is to be retained and it meets either the metric or U.S. customary values in this chapter.

2.8.3 Documentation The documentation for all nonstandard features to be created or retained must be included as follows: 1. A brief narrative in Section of the Design Report, Section of the PSR/FDR, or in the IPP/FDR, as appropriate. 2. Exhibit 2-15: completion and inclusion in the body of the DAD or as an appendix to the DAD. The form must also be filed separately on ProjectWise in accordance with the “Filing Instructions” on the form. 3. Exhibit 2-15a (for pedestrian facilities): completion and filing on ProjectWise in accordance with the “Approval and Filing” instructions on the form

Exhibit 2-15, Nonstandard Feature Justification Form:


The form is designed to be completed electronically. The electronic form, which includes guidance to complete and file the form, is available on the HDM Chapter 2 web page. Similar features with similar accident histories may be justified with a single Nonstandard Feature Justification form (Exhibit 2-15). Examples of features that may be grouped together include: a series of curves with similar radii, shoulders on a grouping of similar ramps, and bridge widths for a series of bridges to be rehabilitated or replaced in a future project.

Exhibit 2-15a, Nonstandard Feature Justification Form for Pedestrian Facilities:

The form is designed to be completed electronically. The electronic form, which includes guidance to complete and file the form, is available on the HDM Chapter 2 web page.

Use a separate form (Exhibit 2-15a) for each facility type (e.g., sidewalk, curb ramp, pedestrian ramp). If there are multiple nonstandard elements on a given facility, one form may be used to justify all of them.


Exhibit 2-15 Nonstandard Feature Justification Form


Exhibit 2-15a Nonstandard Feature Justification Form for Pedestrian Facilities (Page 1 of 2)


Exhibit 2-15a Nonstandard Feature Justification Form for Pedestrian Facilities (Page 2 of 2)


Exhibit 2-16 Design Criteria Table (Page 1 of 2)

Table X - Critical Design Elements for PIN BIN (if applicable) Project Name:

Functional Class: (Choose) (Choose) NHS Non-NHS

Design Class: (Choose) Context Class: (Choose) Project Type: Terrain: (Choose) Percentage of Design Year AADT: Trucks: Truck Access or Qualifying If not a QH, is project (Choose) (Choose) Highway (QH)? within 1 mi of a QH? Existing or Proposed Bicycle (Choose) Bicycle Demand (Choose) Route? Existing Proposed Element Standard Condition Condition2 50 mph1 mph 1 Design Speed posted HDM Section

11 ft 2 Lane Width Bridge Manual (BM) Section 2.2.1 and Table 2-1 [OR] HDM Section

Approach Lane Width

4 ft 3 Shoulder Width BM Section 2.2.1 Table 2-1, and App. 2A Tables & [OR] HDM Section Approach Shoulder

Width Horizontal Curve 758 ft Min (at emax= (Choose)) 4 Radius HDM Section Curve 1: Curve 1: X% @ emax X% @ emax = emax = (Choose) = (Choose) (Choose) 5 Superelevation HDM Section Curve 2: Curve 2: X% @ emax X% @ emax = = (Choose) (Choose)

Stopping Sight 425 ft Min. 6 Distance (Horizontal and Vertical) HDM Section 7% 7 Maximum Grade HDM Section 1.5% Min. to 2% Max. 8 Cross Slope HDM Section 14 ft Min. Vertical Clearance 9 16’-6” ft Min. for Thru-Truss


Exhibit 2-16 Design Criteria Table (Page 2 of 2) NYSDOT LRFD Specifications NYSDOT LRFD Specifications AASHTO HL-93 Design Live Load with LRFR 1.2 or higher Design Loading BM Section 1.3 10 Structural Capacity NYSDOT LRFD Specifications NYSDOT LRFD Specifications AASHTO HL-93 Live Load and NYSDOT Design Permit Vehicle HDM Section 19.5.3 Use one or combination of the following as appropriate:

No new proposed pedestrian facilities Use one of [OR] the Proposed following: pedestrian facilities will comply with No existing HDM Chapter pedestrian 18 facilities [OR] [OR] There are Existing pedestrian Americans with pedestrian facility 11 Disabilities Act HDM Chapter 18 facilities elements Compliance3 [proposed [OR] Select to remain] that comply with cannot be HDM made Chapter 18 compliant and standards will be justified [OR] as nonstandard4**. Facilities will [OR] be evaluated in If pedestrian final design facilities are found to have noncompliant elements that cannot be made compliant, they will be justified as nonstandard.4 Notes: The Regional Traffic Engineer has been consulted on the use of a Design Speed of mph.


2.9 REFERENCES 1. A Guide for Achieving Flexibility in Highway Design, 2004, American Association of and Transportation Officials, Suite 225, 444 North Capitol Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20001. 2. A Policy on Design Standards, Interstate System, May 2015, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, Suite 225, 444 North Capitol Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20001. 3. A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, 2018, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, Suite 225, 444 North Capitol Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20001. 4. Highway Safety Manual, 2014, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, Suite 225, 444 North Capitol Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20001. 5. Proposed Guidelines for Pedestrian Facilities in the Public Right-of-Way, 2011, United States Access Board, 1331 F Street NW, Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20004-1111 (www.access-board.gov) 6. Bridge Manual, Office of Structures Design and Construction, New York State Department of Transportation, 50 Wolf Road , Albany, NY 12232. 7. Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities, 2012, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, Suite 225, 444 North Capitol Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20001. 8. Guidelines for Highways Within the Adirondack Park, 1996, New York State Department of Transportation, 50 Wolf Road , Albany, NY 12232. 9. Highway Capacity Manual, 2010, Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, 2101 Constitution , N.W., Washington D.C., 20418. 10. Highway Safety Design and Operations Guide, 1997, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, Suite 225, 444 North Capitol Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20001. 11. NCHRP Report 400 Determination of Stopping Sight Distances, 1997, D. Fambro, K. Fitzpatrick & R. Koppa, Transportation Research Board, 2101 Constitution Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20418. 12. NCHRP Report 439 Superelevation Distribution Methods and Transition Designs, 2000, J. Bonneson, Transportation Research Board, 2101 Constitution Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20418. 13. NCHRP Report 774 Superelevation Criteria for Sharp Horizontal Curves on Steep Grades, 2014, D. Torbic, Transportation Research Board, 2101 Constitution Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20418. 14. NCHRP Report 783 Evaluation of the 13 Controlling Criteria for Geometric Design, 2014, D. Harwood, Transportation Research Board, 2101 Constitution Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20418. 15. NCHRP Report 785 Performance-Based Analysis of Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, 2014, B. Ray, Transportation Research Board, 2101 Constitution Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20418.

EB 21-020 D.A. 09/01/2021 §2.9 REFERENCES DESIGN CRITERIA 2-97

16. NCHRP Synthesis 442 Trade off Considerations in Highway Geometric Design, 2011, P. Dorothy, Transportation Research Board, 2101 Constitution Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20418. 17. NCHRP Synthesis 443 Practical Highway Design Solutions, 2013, H. McGee Sr., Transportation Research Board, 2101 Constitution Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20418. 18. The New York State Supplement to the National Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways, Official Compilation of Codes, Rules and Regulations of the State of New York (NYCRR), April, 2008, Volume 17B, Uniform Traffic Control Devices, Department of State, 41 State Street, Albany, NY 12231. 19. Official Description of Designated Qualifying and Access Highways in New York State, Traffic and Safety Division, New York State Department of Transportation, 50 Wolf Road, Albany, NY 12232. 20. Project Development Manual, Design Quality Assurance Bureau, New York State Department of Transportation, 50 Wolf Road , Albany, NY 12232. 21. Urban Street Design Guide, National Association of City Transportation Officials, 120 Park Avenue 23rd Floor, New York, NY 10017 22. NCHRP Report 730 Design Guidance for Freeway Mainline Ramp Terminals, 2012, D. Torbic, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. https://doi.org/10.17226/22743.

EB 21-020 D.A. 09/01/2021 §2.9 REFERENCES