ED 283 504 IR 012 708 AUTHOR Schwartz, Ed TITLE The Educators' Handbook to Interactive . Second Edition. INSTITUTION Asscciation for Educational Communications and Technology, Washington, D.C. REPORT-NO ISBN-0-89240-049-8 PUB-DATE 87 NOTE 161p.; For 1985 edition, see ED 273 253. AVAILABLE FROMAssociation for Educational Communications & Technology, 1126 16th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20036. PUB TYPE Guides - Non-Classroom Use (055) -- Reference Materials - Directories/Catalogs (132)

EDRS PRICE- MF01 Plus Postage. PC Not Available from_EDRS. DESCRIPTORS Authoring Aids 1Programing); *Computer Software; Equipment_Maintenance; *Interactive ; *Optical Disks; Professional Associationst Publications; Purchasing; *Videodisks; *Video Equipment ABSTRACT Designed to be a source of information_for_educators about interactive , this_handbook_presents_an overview of the technology_and_offers additional_sources_to be consulted for more detailed information. It_is noted that, although this second edition of a 1985 publication has gone through extensive changes, clarifications, and corrections, the focus has been kept on the use of technology in education with specific information on appropriate hardware and software to provide a single-source reference for educators and trainers. Information on interactive_videodiscs is presented in 10 chapters1 (1) Introduction to_Videodiscs; (2)_ Overview of Laserdisc Systems; 13) Selecting a Laser Videodisc Player;_(4) Video Playback Units; (5) Videodisc Interface Units; (6) Disc_Player Peripherals; (7) Videodisc System Packages; (8) Educational Videodisc Software; (9) Interactive Videodisc Authoring Tools; and (10) Care and Maintenance. Ten appendices provide directorief, of players, television monitors and projectors, laserdisc interfaces, laserdisc peripherals, laserdisc_system packages, laserdisc software, videodisc_mastering options,_and authoring_language distributors; service information; and a videodisc bibliography which lists 11 books, 17 periodicals, 6 conference proceedings, 3 special videodisc publications, a directory of 14 organizations that hold conferences and workshops, and an index of 112 manufacturers. (NES)

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By Ed Schwartz

Association for Educational Communications & Technology

3 Copyright © 1985; 1987 by Msociation for Educational Communications & Technology All Rights Reserved.

Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 85-71983 ISBN 0:89240:049:8 Printed in the United States of America

Published and Distributed by:

Association for Educational Communications & Technology 1126 16th Street, NW Washington, DC 20036 ABOUT THE AUTHOR

Ed Schwartz works in the Office of Instructional Technology at the University of Delaware as an in- teractive Videodisc Specialist. He was the Instruc- tional Developer for the award winning Videodisc Music Series. Before coming to the University of Delaware, Mr. Schwartz attended the University of Illinois at Urbana majoring in Music Education with an emphasis in computer-based instruction, and worked at WICD-TV, Champaign, as a videographer, editor and production assistant. He also: produced, directed and filmed several documentaries and magazine show segments that aired on network and cable stations.


The sales and comments from the first edition of this book have led to the writing of this second edi= tion. The book has gone through extensive changes, clarifications and corrections. This is nOt to say that the bookig fret_of errors, but it should give the reader a better idea of the videodisc industry as:it is teday with respect to education and training: The in- dilstry has_ gone through many changes in the past months; and the book will not necessarily reflect all of those changes. Only those changes that effeet the use of this medium in education and training have been directly discussed. The focus has been kept On the use Of the technology in education with specific ink:inflation concerning appropriate hardware and_ SciftWare to provide a single-source reference for edu- cators _and trainers_. This edition has added several new features that are hoped to be of use to the readers. The opening introduction to capacitive videodiscs has been re- placed by a discussion of the new Laserfilm technbl- ogy by_McDonnell Douglas. A section in the VideOdiSc Software appendix has been added for Vo- catiOnal Education. Many of these discs may be ap- propriate in an academic or a vocational setting.


This handbook is designed to be a source of in- formation for educators about interactive videodisc. It does not attempt to he a detailed reference of the technology. It is, rather an overview of the technol- ogy, offering additional sources _that you cat: consult for more detailed information. This should help edu- cators find the appropriate eguipment and software for any specific application. The book also serves as a staaing point for many educators who know nothing of the_technology; and assists ymi in deciding whether the technology is worth pursuing as an educational tool in your specific situation. The listings of equipment and software contained here are the result of a search of the listed publica- tions, plus the attendance _at professional confeiences. Although there may be other products available that are not included_in this handbook, the listings none- theless reflect a good_portion of the videothsc,related products available today. Because ot' the fast pace of the industry, many of the prices quoted here may have changed by the time this book is distributed. The prices do, however, still provide a good indica- tion of a general price range of specific items. The products listed are all for use with NTSC (American) standard television equipment unless otherwise specified:


Chapter 1 Introduction to VideedEscs 1 Laserfilm System Laserdisc System

Chapter 2 Overview of Laserdisc Systems Hardware Overview Straight Play: Level Zero Interacthc: Level One Interactive: Level Two Ipteractive: Level Three Interactive: Level Ft ir

Chapter 3 Selecting A Laser Videodisc Player 6 Level Zero Player Level One Players Level Two Players Level Three Players

Chapter 4 Video Playback Units 8 Television Receivers Television Monitors Television Projectors

Chapter 5 Video-disc Interface Units 10 Noncomputer Interfaces Computer Interfaces

Chapter 6 Disc Player Peripherals 12 Graphic Overlay Still Frame Audio Noise Reduction Input Devices Voice Synthesizers

Chapter 7 Videodisc System Packages 13

Chapter 8 Educational VideWdisc Software 14 Videodisc Mastering

Chapter 9 Interactive Video Authoring Tools 16

Chapter 10Care and Maintenance 17 Videodisc Care System Environment Hardware Maintenance

Appendix A Directory of Laserdisc Players 18 Current Level Zero Players Current Level One Players Current Level Two Players Current Lzvel Three Players APPindix B Directory of Television Monitors and Projectors 25 Television Monitors Self-Contained Television Projectors Mountable Television Projectors

Appendix C Directory of Laserdisc Interfaces 31

Appendix D Dire:dory of Laserdisc Peripherals 38 Graphic Overlay Devices Touch Screens Light Pens Voice Input Devices Voice Synthesizers_ Still Fraine Audio Devices VidendiSc NöisëReduction Systems Videodisc Changers

Appendix EDirectory of Laserdisc System Packages 47 Apple Computer Interactive Videodisc:Systems CDCPLATO Interactive Videodisc SysteMS DECIVIS InternctiVe Videodisc Systems MicrOTICCIT Computer Interactive Videodisc Systems IBM=PC COmputer interactive Videodisc Sygtr:ins NCRInteracTV Interactive Videodisc System Sony Computer Interactive Videodisc Systems WICAT Computer Interactive Videodisc Systems

Appendix FDirettoty of Laserdisc Software 52 Aeronautics Art BuSiness Management Career Counseling Computer Science DanceBalkt DanceBallet Cillections DanceInstruction Economics Education Elementary Education Film Studies HealthInstniction HealthSafety History Home Economics Horticulture Language Legal Education MatheMatics MedicineCardiology MedicineEmergency Procedures MedicineHematology MedicineMicmcopy MedidnezNeurology MedicineOrthopedics Medicine----=Ultrasound MedicineUrology MuskInstruction MusicJazz MusicMusicals Music--Opera MusicOrchegral Music7,-Solo/Ensemble Ornithology Photography Physical Education Physical Fitness Reference Materials ScienceAnthropology ScienceBiology ScienceBotany ScienceChemistry ScienceEarth Science ScienceMeteorology SciencePhysics ScienceSpace Studies Social Studies Special Education Special Topics Television Vocational EducationComputer Repair Vocational EducationElectronics VocItional EducationMaintenance Vocational EducationMathematics Vocational EducationSecretarial Skill§ Vocational EducationWriting Skills Vocational EducationStatistical _Process Control Vocational EducationTelemarketing

Appendix G Directory of Videodisc Mastering Options 135 Videodisc Sharing- Small Volume Videodisc Mastering Facilit-es Large Volume Videodisc Mastering Facilities

Appendix H Directory of Authoring Language Distributors... 137

Appendix IService Information 142

Appendix J VidelYdisc Bibliography 143 Bibliography Conference and Workshop Index Manufacturers Index


Rapidly changing technology confronts an educa- port a variety of input devices and graphic overlay. tor with difficult choices in selecting new equipment. Without computer control; an optional remote _con- Will today's state-of-the,art equipment be tomorrow's trol unit can perform the necessary control functions. Edsel? Obviously; educatorsmust be careful in The Laserfilm videodisc is made of photographic choosing a particular technology; making certain that film stored inside of a protective plastic caddy. The it will play an important functional role in the educa- disc can store 1/1 minutes of motion video or 32,400 tional system. The Laser Videodisc system is such a still frames of information. The still frame audio fea- technology, ture can store 4.77 seconds of audio per frame for Not all videodisc systems are either as flexible as over 40 hours of audio available on the disc; or any the laserdisc systems or viable for all of the varied combination_of still frame audio and still frame video. educational settings. The RCA capacitance system; The largest difference between the reflective and for example; which was removed from the market in the photographic systems is the mastering and repli- the spring of 1984; was not suited to most instruc-_ cation. Because the master is made of_photographic tional uses. RCA's decision to withdraw its capacitive film, the process of mastering and replication is as system left the laser technology as the only working simple as developing a photographic negative and videodisc format available to American consumers. then making multiple prints from the negative. Aside Recently, McDonnell Douglas introduced the laser- from reducing costs, this processean mean easy up- film system, This system uses a low cost photographic grading ofinformation; quick turnaround, and rapid method of information storage and replication while distribution: using a_ laser playback system: The laserfilm system The current costs of the system are $3,600.00 for has many of the same characteristics of the laserdisc the basic player without options. The mastering costs systems. from a master videotape are $200 per hour to format the tape, then $500.00 for the master disc, and $10.00 for each duplicate disc. Discs can be replicated at a 'AURELIA (PHOTOGRAPHIC) rate of over 200 to IMO per hour with an automated SYSTEM system; or about 25 per hour with a man-operated system: All of the formatting, mastering and replica- The photographic technology has been around tion systems are available for purchase to allow any for some time now. The early 70's saw atieast two facility to master and replicate their own discs. photographic systemsheing developed. The Thomp- son system sold a small number of units in the late 70's, but the reflective systems received the most at- tention. McDonnell Douglas took the lead in 1981 to LASERDISC (REFLECTIVE) develop the photographic system for their many ap- SYSTEMS plications of the_medium. They are now marketing the system to primarily maintenance, logistics, and The laserdisc system is an optical system reading training markets that need to update and change in- reflected light_from the disc spinning at 1800 revolu- formation frequently. dons per minute. At thisspeed, one revolution can _ _The Laserfilm system consists of the player; a playback one frame of video information. This allows television monitor and the Laserfilm disc. The LSF- the laser to read one revolution over and over, creat- 4400 player has a full list of features that rival those ing a freeze or still frame. A normal 12-inch Interac- of the reflective systems. The player can play both di- tive (CAV) disc can play up to 30 minutes on one rections 2 or 3 times the_normal speed or 'A, 'A side. This offers 54,000 frames or spaces available for the normal speed as well as step frame and scan. The information storage (1,800 x 30 = 54,000), An 8- stereo audio channels are individually selectable ard inch disc can also be used holding 25;200 frames or features a noise reduction system; Other standard 14 minutes of information: features include 2 second worst access time; digi- With the interactive disc; you can search for and tal data retrieval at 2.8 KB per frame, instant jump display each of these 54,000 frames in less than three (under computer control), and still frame audio. The seconds. One disc can store 54,000 pages of informa. player can have_an RS232 serial port or an IEEE 488 don or 54,000 individual pictures and retrieve them at port and an optional internal computer that can sup- will. With the aid of a small microprocessor (which is Ii interactive Videodiscs 1 standard on selected players), you can acceSS infor= Film Disc System Feature mation on the:disc very easily. Yes Yes No special storage environme!L The Non-_Interactive (CLV) laSerdiSc continually needed changes speed_to fit more inforniaticinon the disc, Yes No_deterioration of vicho image playing up tO 60 minutes of video with stereo audio Yes Unlirr led diac life on ohe disc side. Digital audio tracks are also avail- able on either CAN/ or CLV discs. These audio tracks *Laseifilm contains a maximum of 32,400 frames can only be read by players specifically designed for that purpose. The disc itself is made of a metallic SubStance WHY THE LASERDISC? covered in thick clear plastic so it can be handled without damaging the quality of the recorded infor- It Shotild nOW be obvious that both laserfilm and MatiOn. In fact you can be touch; scratch; drop, and laSerdiSc SySteins with their complete_interactivecapa- Soil it with no ill effects to the recorded signal. Only bilities make themmery desirable for educational appli- . the laser beam comes in contact with the disc,pie= canons. The laserfilm is; however, new and untested venting any wear on the disc when it is playd. The in the classroom: The laserdise has been used effee= disc is not indestructible, but with reaSonable care,a tively in the classroom and has a growing listiCif edu- laser_videodisc will_last indefinitely. cational software available to the instructcir. In the In summary, the laserfilth SyStem can perform all claSsroom the possibilities for either system become Of the normal playback functions_commonto the las- endleSS and their unique capabilities _cannot be found erdiSc system with about the same flexibility. Both in any other single media system: Videodiscs and in- systems have still frame and slow motion capabilitieS, teractive video will be the educator's tool in the class= random_access to each individual frame (54,000 With room of tomorrowand it is available to the laserdisc and 32,400 with laserfilm), and normal play educator today! functions. Both systems are impervious tci Wear,as they both are read by the laser and nothing touches the di-kg during playback. The laserdisc audio quality iS mightly better than the laserfilm and offers digital audio as an option,. Where the life of the laserfilmis not yet known; the inexpensive mastering and repli= cation is a definite advantage. Figure 1 compares both the laSerfilm System and the laserdisc system. It is assumed that theseare the top Of the line systems witit all available options.

Film Disc System Feature Yes No Inexpensive mastering and replication Yes Yes Store computer information Yes Yes Interface with home micro- processor_ Yes Yes Download data from the diSc Yes Yes Rapid access to anyWhere on diSc Yes Yes Random access to frame num- berS Yes Yes Freeze frame No* Yes 54__000 color frames per side Yes Yes Full set of interactive functionS Yes Yes Stereo audio No Yes Digit..1 audio Yes Yes User friendly equipment Yes Yes Low cost of playback equip- ment Yes Yes Low cost of discs Yes Yes No erasure of information

interactive Videodiscs . 12 CHAPTER 2. OVERVIEW OF LASERDISC SYSTEMS

The delivery systems for the laser videodisc hardware components and that it is capable of_per- cover a wide range of possibilities. The main differ- forming all the desired functions. Standard RS232C ence in the systems is their varying levels of ,riter- serial communications ports on both computer and activity. The disc systems range from i videodisc player can eliminate the need for a separate system that only plays recorded material to interface. highly interactive systems that employ the use of a Authoring tools (authoring languages and au- host computer to run the disc. thoring systems) allow anyone, regardless of pro- One of the features of thelaserdisc is that inter- gramming experience, to create lessons with very active programming can be encoded either on the complex computer routines. These authoring tools disc and downloaded to a microprocessor in the are generally programs that allow you to insert infor- player, or on a separate floppy disc driven by a host mation into pre-programmed routines. You then put computer. This addresses the main limitation of_the these routines in any order you choose. The com- laserdisc system: it is a read-only_medium. Read-only puter does nearly antic work through a series of means that the end user cannot change the materials questions and prompts for the non-programmer. on the discincludingtheencoding. lust like the in- formation on a phonograph record, the information Standard Videodisc Control Features recorded on the videodisc cannot be changed. When you couple the videodisc with a microcomputer, how- PowerThis function switch turns the AC current on ever, it can become extremely flexible in any setting. or off. You can change and update properly designed pro- PlayStarts the player after the disc has been put grams easily on the host computer. You can superim- into an alternate mode such as pause._ pose graphics from the computer on top of the ReverseAllows_the machine to play backward at videodisc picture allowing modification of the pictures normal speed. as well. StopStops the disc on a single frame and waits for a new command. PauseThis is the same as Stop on most players. HARDWARE OVERVIEW Some players will automatically blank the screen in this mode. The basic piece of hardware for a laserdisc sys- Index/Frame DisplayThis feature enables the user tem is the laserdisc player. The players are catego- to see which frame of video is being viewed. It is rized by their level of interactivity. The Level One used for finding information in single still frames player has limited interactive capabilities. Both Level as well as starting points for sections of video. Two and Level Three players, on the other hand, can Frames 1 to 54;000 are available. With CLV be highly interactive. The helium-neon lasers of the discs, this feature will display elapsed time in early players are now being replaced by the longer either minutes or minutes and seconds depending lasting solid-state laser diodes. on the player. The other necessary piece of hardware is a tele- Scan Forward=-This moves the disc forward at a fast vision monitor. Although the system will work with rate of speed and allows for fast identification of any standard and white or color television, the video images. professional television monitors will yield_much better Scan ReverseThis provides the identical features as picture resolution. High resolution is necessary for Scan Forward, but with the image moving classroom use so that students can read screen text backward. clearly. Large classrooms need large image television Fast ForwardThis function advances the disc image projectors that offer the best possible clarity and res- at three to five times the normal rate of speed. olution. Fast ReverseThis function moves the disc image The higher the desired interactivity, the greater backward at three to five times the normal rate the need for a microcomputer to be connected to the of speed. system. All of the microcomputer's educational char- Still ForwardThis will advance the disc forward one acteristics, including complex branching, can be in- frame at a time. corporated in the system by means of a videodisc/ Step ForwardSame as Still Forward. computer interface. You must take care to ensure Still ReverseThis will advance the disc backward that the interface is compatible with all of the desired one frame at a time.

Interactive Videodiscs 3 Step Reverse ,Same as_Still Reverse: SEARCH is accomplished in the same manner as a MultispeedThis feature allows the user select a bi- FRAME SEARCH. The player will indicate that it is directional multispeed viewing rate. Speeds in- a CAV disc by displaying minutes and seconds in the clude timed still step at 1 frame every 3 seconds screen (00:00) rather than the five digit frame num- or every second, slow speeds at /!4,/x 18x/ and ber (00000). Some early players would allow the I/16X normal speeds, a normal 30 frame per sec- search to any minute of a CLV disc or 60 possible :ond speed and a 3x, or 2x fast speed. searchable locations on an hour disc side. The new Audio IThis switch controls the first audio channel line of Pioneer players now will search to any second which_corresponds to the left channel on stand- on a CLV disc or 3;600 searchable locations on a ard stereo systems: The switch can be toggled on CLV disc. This advance means that the vast amount or off. of commercial videodiscs that are now available can Audio 2This switch controls the second audio chan- be used effectively in the classroom. An opera,a nel which corresponds to the right channel on classic film, or possibly:a filmed stage production can standard stereo systems. The switch can be tog- be studied and viewed in a way that has never been gled on or off. possible and in great detail. The only disadvantage is the inability to use the still frame feature:

INTERACTIVE: LEVEL ONE Access Time Access Time is the term used to designate the A Level One player is the basic videodisc unit on worst-case search time from any two random points the market. The Level One player usually comes with on the disc. If the access time for a player is given as a small hand controller that lets you_operate the three seconds, for example, the player can Search player in a remote mode or using the controls on the from frame 1 to frame 54,000 in three seconds or player itself. Two primary features of the Level One less. players that are the Search and the Picture Stop fea- tures. They allow you to stop the disc at exact frame Chapter CoFdes locations, thus providing natural divisions in the ma- The Chapter Code is a feature that many have terials presented, or allowing you to address specific called Chapter Stop. Chapter Stop is actually incor- still frames. rect; because the player does not automatically stop Most_Level One players also feature interface at a chapter from the play mode. The correct term is ports to upgrade the system. Random access time actually Chapter Code. This feature can only work if varies from one player to the next. Short jumps are Chapter Codes have been encoded on the disc._ ThiS usually under one second, but the maximum search means that there is_adigital code in the vertical or times can be up to ten seconds. blanking interval of the video signal. With the Chap- ter Search command, you can then move directly to FrameiChapter Searth any encoded chapter by using_the hand controller. The Search functions of_the Level One player The player ignores the Chapter Codes when in the are very valuable and; with proper software; give the normal Play, Forward, or Reverse modes, but in the unit a high degree of interactivity. Think of the CAV scan mode, the player will stop within 400 frames of disc as an "electronic textbook" with54000 pages the Chapter Code. (frames) of materials. With the Search function, you can easily go to any page (frame) or chapter of infor- PictUre Stops mation. Picture Stops, like Chapter Codes must also be You can access any gill frame on the disc by us- encoded on the disc; using a digital code in the verti- ing the hand controller. You merely enter the five cal interval of the video signal. The disc will stop au- digit number; from 00001 to 54000 into the small tomatically on an encoded Picture Stop frame from computer in the player and, with the press of the the Play or any of the Multi Forward/Reverse modes. Search key, the frame will appear on the screen Together, the Chapter Stop and Picture Stop will usually in less than fifteen seconds. This function al- provide the user with a point on the disc that will lows you to go anywhere on the disc at any time. If give an automatic still frame and can be located the disc has Chapter Codes, the Search key can also quickly by a Chapter Search. move you to any given chapter of material. Initant Amp Feature Time Seareh This feature, found on many of the high level Although a few of the early players had the ca- players, is available on the Hitachi and Philips Level pability to search to time locations on CLV discs, it One players. The Instant Jump allows the disc player was very difficult to use effectively. The TIME to move instantaneously by random access from one

4 Interactive Videodiscs 14 frame to another within a specified tolerance. The ers do not include controls on the player or have pro- Hitachi VIP-9550 player can jump no frames for- visions for handsets. They are totally dependent on ward and 211:Y0 frames in reverse in less than 5 milli- the host microprocessor for control and allow the seconds._This eliminates screen blanking or breakup user to design more specific functions for the player. from one frame to the next._ The other Level One player with this feature is the Philips VP-935 with a 99 frame jump capability in INTERACTIVE: LEVEL FOUR either direction. Some Level Two and Level Three players:are also equipped with the Instant Jump fea- The definition of this level of interactivity is still ture. Pioneer uses the term Multiple Track Skip to being debated in the:videodisc field. The Level Three denoteinstant Jump. Like the Philips player, the Pi- went a s_tep beyond the disc player to the computer oneer models with this feature are capable of jump- for_control_Many look at Level Four as the use of ing multiple tracks; up to 100; in less than 5 overlayed text; graphics; other visuatinformation. milliseconds. and digital data from the external computer: This combination allows all of the computer's power to be used in conjunction with the videodisc player. yisual INTERACTIVE: LEVEL TWO displays, combining both real video from the disc and text or graphics from the computer, provide an ex-_ The Level Two videodisc player is designed for tremely high degree of flexibility for all educational Industrial and educational applications. These players applications: This_overlayzapability along with the have built-_in microprocessors allowing you to use the added ability to read digital data from the disc; and player as _a stanthalonefully Interactive system. input devices including touch screens; joy sticks, light The onboard microprocessor uses at least_two pens, bar code readers, voice activated systems, or forms of memory to store and retrieve information: bit pads can greatly increase the interactivity of any One form of memory is the Frame Recall storage. A system and promote a more efficient means of attain- user can store and retrieve a five digit frame number ing particular objectives. in a file in any order. The important frames needed Whatever/he definition of Level_Fourisjt will for any given application can be identified and stored be difficult to get a unanimous agreement from_the _ for faster access. The other commoniorm of memory industry. It will probably be adequate to say that the is the Program storage. This allows the user to create applications of this level are in most cases very computer-assisted instruction (CAI) programs: Such unique and require specialized hardware that will programs can include user input functions, branching, make this type of system difficult to obtain with_off- and other normal CAI features as well as timed se- the-shelf equipment. The Level Four system is the quences of Still Frames or real time motion. highest level_of interactivity that is currently available These players usually feature an R5232C parallel on the market: While basically a modified_Levd interface for system upgrading. Random access time Three system, there are no players that are designed is usuallynnder one second for short jumps. and up solely for this application. Obviously, Level Three to five seconds for maximum search distances. players would be the best players suited for this system.


Any disc player iinerfaced with a microprocessor is a Level Three disc system. The Level One players with computer ports can be interfaced into a Level Three configuration; so can the Level Two players with interface ports. All of the disc players onthe market today can be upgraded to a Level Three sys- tem with the exception of the Pioneer model LD- 838D. Several advantages of the Level Three system are obvious. There is a large increase in the available memory, and the use of high-level math functions al- low wore sophisticated programming. This technol- ogy is the combination of computer-assisted instruction (CAI) and high quality visuals. There are several players on the market designed to work exclusively with microcomputers. These play-


LEVEL ONE PLAYERS portant to the user. The two main issues would be access time and interface sophistication. The quicker Level One players are the most economical for access time of the more expensive players could be a many applications. Th,:se players allow the full range good reason to spend the extra money, but with the of interactive features along with the capability min- access time of the inexpensive players coming down, terface with a microprocessor. Too, the access time the real issue seems to be in the degree of sophistica- on these players is generally slower: tion of its interface capabilities, the new CLV time Several Level One players are currently on the search features of the Pioneer players and the instant market Most of these players have a serial computer jump feature. Many of these_ features need to be interfaceiport that, with the addition of a microproc- weighed carefully to insure that the right decision is essor, will allow more sophisticated applications (see reached. The primary advantage of the Level One Level Three applications). The costs range from players over many of the higher level players is the $550.00 tO $1,690.110. optional remote handset that allows the player to be Pioneer, Hitachi; and Sony all offer Level One used without Ihë computer affording the educator players. The Pioneer line offers a wide range of play- added flexibility in the classroom: ers starting with the low end model LD=838D at $550.00, the LDN2000 listing at $590.00, model L13= Hitachi V1P9550: 4200 at $995.00 and-the consumer combination Access Time: 3 seconds Instant Jump 2(X) frames for- player, the CLD-909, at $950.00. The Hitachi VIP- ward, 200 frames reverse 9550 lists for $1,350.00 and_the Sony_LDP,2000/1 is Price $1,350.00 $1,69000. It_should be noted that many of these prices are the suggested list prices, and with some Philips VP 935117: shopping around, many of these players can be found Access Time: 3 seconds; Instant Jump 100 frames anywhere from 10% to 25% lower than list. Quantity forward; 100 frames reverse purchases will also permit the vendor to lower the Price $1,395.00 price. One player that continues to stand out from the Pioneer LV-838D: others is the combination player on Pioneer's con- Access Time: 8 seconds sumer side: The CLD-909 is a multi-purpose player Price $550.00 that is capable of playing compact audio discs (CD'S) as well as the 12" and 8" videodiscs. This player lists Pioneer CLD-909: at $1,200.00 and has the same basic video characteris- Access Time:..10 seconds tics as the Other players. In the digital audio mode it Price $1,200.00 can compare to many of the top CD players. Institu- tions that are involvedin music instruction and home Pioneer LD-V2000: users should find this unit very convenient with the Access Time: 8 seconds same quality_of performance as separate players Price $590.00 would provide. This has opened the way for video- discs that have true digital audio. These discs have Pioneer LD-N4200: both digital and analog audio encoded on them so Access Time: 3:5 seconds any videodisc player can play the disc, with_the909 Price $995.00 necessary to reproduce the digital track: The digital discs can now be pressed in the CLV or the CAV Sony LDP=2000/1: format for maximum use of the laser technology. Al- Access Time: 1.5 seconds pine, Luxman, NAD, Sansui and Teac all have simi- Price $1,690.00 lar combination players on the market. These players are actually Pioneer CLD-900 players which were the precursors to the current CLD-909. LEVEL TWO PIATERS Two mainissues to be weighed in player selec- tion are cost and function: The higher priced players Level Two players are extremely versatile units have several features that might or might not be im- but are also more expensive. 1:f a stand alone system

6 Interacfive Videodiscs 16 is needed with full interactive capabilities, this is The Level Three players can perform .rnany the one. The internal memory of the player makes unique functions that are made possible wtth a dedi- it desirable in many of the more sophisticated cated computer. This player is best suited for individ- applications. ual learning applications. The Philips VP-832/37 Level Two players offet several options of mem- player has a three second access time and Costs ory capacity. The onboard microprocessor of the_ $1 595.110. The_Sony LDP-21)00 series feature 1.5 sec- Sony LDP-2000/2 and Pioneer's 6000 line of players, ond access times for all of the players and starts at the LD-V6000A, LD-V6010, and the LD-V6200 all $2,305 for the LDP- 2000/3 that has the °nboard have 7K of memory (7156 bytes) and the Philips memory of the 2000/2 but adds aparallel interface VP935/ISIA has 8K or ROM and 28K of RAM avail- and the capability of controlling 16 ployer.s. The able. The players have been designed to take advan- LDP-2000/4 lists at $3,235.00 and adds Still Frame tage_ of picture stops and chapter search features. The Audio capabilities in a stand-alone or OMPuter con- Pioneer players will search to any second on the CLV trolled setting, Any Level One or LevelTsvoplayer discs, while the others search only to minutes. All of may also be used as a Level Three player with the the players (except the LD-V6200A) have an RS- exception of the Pioneer LD-838D. 232C port that allows for upgrading to Level Three as well as a combination of onboard computer routines Philips VP832/37: and host computer commands. The LD-V6200A has Access Time: 3 seconds, Instant Jump an 1EEE-488 port for specialized applications. The Price $1,595.00 Sony player is sold for $1,895.00 with a 1.5 second accesstime, the three Pioneer players are $1,875.00 Sony.LDP,2000/3: for the LD-V6200A; $1;800,00 for the LD-V6000A Access Time: ..1.5 seconds, 7K MernorY and $1,650 00 for the LD-V6010 all with 2 second ac- Price $2,305:00 cess times, and the Philips VP935/ISIA is priced at $1,595.00, with a 3 second access time. Sony LDP=2000/4: Access Time: 1.5 seconds, 7K MentorYtill Frame Philips VP 935/ISIA: Audio Access Time: 3 seconds, 8K ROM, 28K RAM, In- Price $3,235.00 stant Jump Price $1,595.00 Sony LDP-2000/5: Access Time: 1.5 seconds, 7K MernorY-igital Data Pioneer LD-V6000A: access Access Time: 2 seconds, 7K Memory, Instant Jump Price $3,535.00 Price $1,800.00

Pioneer LD-V6010A: LEVEL FOUR Access Time: 2 seconds, 7K Memory, Instant Jump Price $1,650.00 Again, Level Four does not have_ 3 special player associatej with it. As with Level Three systems, any Pioneer LD-V6200A: disc player that is interfaced with a coOlPater is con- Access Time: 2 Seconds, 7K Memory, Instant Jump sidered to be Level Three. The addition Of external Price $1,875.00 input devices to the computer, the abilit-Y to read dig- ital data, and high resolution color grarbics overlays Sony LDP-2000/2: will bring any system to Level Four. Access Time: 1.5 seconds, 7K Memory Appendix A lists all of the laserdiSe Players dis- Price $1,895.00 cussed and theispecifications. It should be noted that the majority of the players are front loading ma- chines. The front loading features are OsefUl in situa- LEVEL THREE PUYERS tions where space is a consideration.

The Level Three players offer the speed of the Level Two players and an increased set of capabili- ties. These tend to be the most versatile players available. They demand, however, a greater _under- standing of computer hardware and programming. They are not always as "user friendly" as other players.

interactive l'ideodiscs 7 CHAPTER 4. VIDEO PLAYBACKUNITS

The most misunderstood component of thelaser- the monitor is not equipped to receive commercial disc system is the_video playback unit. Thereare two television stations by antenna or cable, you need a types of nnits_to choose from: a television receiver separate tuner to use it for normal television recep- (the kind of television most people have at home) tion. Many_combination units are available that coin; and a television monitor:(a higher_quality unit usually bine the features of receivers and moniteirS, theSe found_ in educational and industrial Settings).,Al- cost little inftre than the monitOr alone. If teleViSiori though either video unit can reproduce the laserdisc reception is a requirement, a receiVer/Monitcir might image, the high video quality of the laserdisc often be the answer. demands greater resolution than:most normal home Many television monitors will also accept the televisionscan offer. A major difference between RGB (red, green,_blue) signal for a high-quality im- monitorsand receivers is in the type of electronicsig- age from the computer. The RGB signal is the funda- nal that each will accept as an input. Thereare two mental video signal consisting of the primary colorS. types of television signals that-can be usedto repro- It produces clearer images and good color from the duce the videodisc image: an RF signal anda_com- computer because it receives the leaSt aitiount of pro- posite video signal. (A third type of signalRGBis cessing. Computers can prOduce the ROB Signal in common in the high-quality reproduction ofcomputer one of two_formats: analog or digital. Unfortunately; graphics). Each of these signals yields a different pic- there is little standardization ill the RGB output from ture irproduction quality. RF and compcsite SignalS one brand of microcomputer to the next. you must are standard outputs on all videodisc players. RGB be very careful in_ the hardware configuration, there- output_must be created by a computer, normally for fore; to insure the compatibility of oquipment. The computer graphics overlay applications. ROB signal will produce the best results in the uSe Of graphic overlay with the videcidiGe btiage, but it also

demands the most expensive television monitor. _ TELEVISION RECEIVERS It is also important to understand that for each type of playback _unit,_only a limited number of view- :For SituaticinS that do not require the highest ers can comfortably see the image on the screen. As quality picture reproduction; a normal color televi- a general guideline, you should have no mote than sion will give you_an adequate result:. The quality of twenty people viewing a 19-inch:monitor. For the the television receiver is limited by the electronic sig-_ best results, you should select televiSion MOnitors and nal that it uses. The RF (radio frequency) signal used receivers With Specific applicatiOnS in mind. A large- by the receiver mixeS the audio and video signals into screen project& can be the answer to_many situa- ohe. The quality of bOth audio and video signals are tions, but one must be certain that the projector will comprOmised by thiS method. Although the hardware giv6 adequate results with the room configuration and necesSary tci reproduce this signal is the least expen- degree_of image resolution. Media specialists should sive option, the quality of the television picture does be consulted for specific applications. not adequately reflect the quality of the images that have been recorded on the discs. TELEVISION PROJECTORS

TELEVISION MONITORS There are two basic types of large Screen _teleVi= mon projectors from which you can choose. The firSt The more demanding applications require the type is a self-contained unit that has a projector built use of television monitors; A monitor uses_a compos- into a cabinet. This type Of Unit iS fairlY mobile,-and ite video signal to reproduce an image, and gives the has_a screen connected to the Unit. These unitsare best picture quality in color and clarity. The audio fairly Inexpensive and are_often_found instores for signal in this format is processed separately. Because home use. They yield_acceptable results in theproper the composite_signais are proceSsed separately, there environment. Detailed images can often be blurred if is a substantial improVeinent in both the audio and not properly maintained. the video as_compared to an RF signaLA monitor The second type of syStem allowS the imageto coStS more than a receiver; but the increased quality be projected onto screens Of all sizes (much likea of the picture is well worth the higher cost. Because movie projector) through the use of special lenses.

8 interactive Videodiscs 18 These units generally are permanently mounted in large rooms; including auditoriums: Many of these units can produce images up to 25' wide: All of these units can project the image from in front of the screen (like a movie projector); many also can re- verse the image and project from the rear of the screen. Although these units are highly effective in large-group situations, they can be very difficult and expensivet0 maintain. Fot example, the light valve system used in some projectors has a life expectancy of about 1,000 hours. Replacing the light valve costs about $17,000.00 for parts alone, so the use _of such a system_would have to justify the cost not only of pur- chase, but repair and maintenance as well. On a whole, large television monitors not only are moredurable and_ take less maintenance than do the projection units, but they also have a sharpetpic- ture. The self contained projectors are fairly inexpen- sive and offer a minimal amount of maintenance: They also have the larger screen and thus can accom- modate more viewers. The projectors with a very large image and rear screen capabilities are expensiv and only should be considered when a capable tech- nician is available; The listings in Appendix B are selected television monitors, self-contained television projectors, and mountable television projectors. This listing in no way represents all of the units in the market. The listed units are known in the field and are readily adapted to videodisc applications. It should be stressed that television specifications do not always give an accurate representation of the video_ image. Because television image reproduction is very subjec- tive, you should view every television unit prior to purchase.


NON-COMPUTER INTERFACES keep the images separate in order torun text on one screen at the same time that you run visualsOhthe Audiotape/videodisc interfaces offer low-cost al- other. _ ternatives to a microproCeSSOt Whenyou _need a slide Amore sophisticated interfate grodp enables show or othet programmable presentation. These in- you toisuperimp_ose the graphicscapability of the t-ell- reqiiire an audiocassette recorder; with the computer over the video image from the disc. This firSt traCk iiSed to carry an audio control signalfor interface corrbines the functions of several units into the videodisc commands and _the second track for Oiie peripheral. These interfaces; normally expensive, narration; music or other audio information. ThiS reconstruct the NTSC video signal from the _videodist kind of interface system is versatile, ineXperiSive,and and the RGB signal from the computer, makingtheni easy to use. Its_limitation, hbOveVet, iS in that full in- compatible: The added capabilities of the OVerlay teraction with the user is not possible. To_explore function for appropriate applications are usually well fully the thahy interactive capabilities of the laser video- worth:the extra expense. disc system, you need to usea computer. The following:interface compatibility_chartrepre- sents Many:of the interfues that are currently avail- Optkal Data Corp.ATVI able aS Well as their compatibility with:several: Price $125.00 microcomputers. The chart also notes two of the nil= portant features of interfaces: single-screen switehing WhitneyA1320 and overlay capabilities. Refet to Appendik C for de- Price $100.00 tailed information on a specific interface iinq.


For computers to control videodisc players,sys- tem hardware and software tritiSt be eompatible. Sometimes you can directly connect computers and videodisc players with RS232C portsto obtain the desired results. Whenthis is not thecase, an inter- face unit is the necessary hardwareto provide thiS compatibility: Interface units for video-dist -§y§t&ii§ provide the link between the player and the ebmputer. The units come in all shapes and siieS. You cart installan inter- face -card inside the computeror as a separate exter- nal unit. Some interface_units domore than others, SO you needia know their capabilities. The simplest interface units control only the Video- disc player: The main role_of the interface iSto facili- tate the performance of all deSited fiinctiOns through the host computer. These are the functions thatyou would normally accesS thrdugh the interactive player -controls in the handset. The next level_of interface units will also switch displays onto:a single screen, relievingyou -of the need to_watch both the computer Screenand Video- disc screen at the same time. ThiS can bedesirable in many situations, because you Can run a small amount of text on the same screen thatyou use_for visuals and thus keep the learner"s attention focusedon just one screen. Sometimes; however, you may want to

10 interactive Videodiscs 20 Interface Computer Compatibility Chart

Interface AP AT CM IB SO TI SS OL Price AllenUVC * * * * I $1.200.00 AllenVMI * * 0 $575:00 AllenMVP $149.95 BCD Associates,--VIPc $1,195.00 COMSELLVID-GO * * $595.00 Health -EduTechI VC-1 * * $250.00 IEVIEV-I200/2000 * I $2,495.00 IEVIEV=I200/2010 * I $2;795.00 IEVIEV4210/2010 * I $2;995.00 IEV=IEV-60 * * I $3,600.00 I weractive Training Syst I $2;995.00 J.A..; Inc.Jam Card $395.00 LearncomMIC 2000 * $1,950.00 NMGPC GraphOver * $1,990.00 NMGGraphOver 9500 * $9,850.00 OnlineVDC=I00 * $350.00 OnlineGL-512 * * I $1;500.00 * Optical Data Corp.VAI II * $125.00 Poseidon SystemsApple $195:00 Poseidon SystemsCommodore $129.00 Poseidon SystemsIBM $375.00 * SymtecDVA Card * $350.00 * SymtecSony Card * $350.00 * * * Systems ImpactVID:232 * * * $695.00 * * TechnovisionTSI-101 * * * * $ 285.00 U.S. VideoOverlay! 110 * I $980:00 VALPC Microkey 1125 $1,345.00 VALPC Microkey 1175 * I $1,645.00 VALPC Microkey 1225 * I $1,595.00 VALPC Microkey 1275 * * I $1,645.00 VALPC M-icrokey 1300 * * I $1,995.00 VisageV:Link 1000 * * I $1.150.00 VisageV:Link 1500 * * I $1:850.00 VisageV:Link 1550 $2,150.00 Visual Database Systems $ 65.00 WhitneyPC 500-A * $990.00 WhitneySM 500-A $895.00 WhitneyA3001A $695.00

AP= Apple CM =Commodore TI = Texas Instruments AT= Atari IB = IBM-PC SC =Sony SMC-70 SS = Single_ Screen OL =Overlay (I= Overlay Included) (0= Option Available

21 Interactive Videodiscs 11 CHAPTER 6. DISC PLAYER PERIPHERALS

Peripherals are add-on devices that offer new di- INPUT DEVICES mensions to laserdisc system capabilities. Many of these_ peripherals such as_touch panels, and light pens SeVeral types of touch screens are on the market are standard devices used in Computer Assisted In= allowing the user to input information into the sys- struction. These common_deviceS, pluS 'tatty cif the tem's computer simply by touching the appropriate special peripheralS fOr VideodiSc SyStemS, make the spot on the television screen. The Infrared system videodiSc the irioSt poWerful teaching tool available and the Capacitance Grid system are the must com- today. LiSted beloW are short descriptions of many of mon. While the todth systems on the market are rel- the Peripherals available for use with the videodisc atively ekpefigive, they provide a real advantage for technology. itiany Sitiiatiotis where the keyset can impede learning. Graphics tablets; light pens, and joy sticks are GRAPHIC OVERUY inexpensive alternatives to the touch screen. Gener- ally you can purchase these devices as add-ons Graphic overlay devices are very important to in= through computer manufacturers, and then integrate teractive video lessons. These devices alloW the User them into_ any microcomputer system. Like the touch to superimpose computer generated graphics or text streenS, these alternative devices are useful forsev, over _the_television picture from the videodisc. You eral inStrUctional applications;_especially with lessons can display information on the television monitor in a foe young students whose concentration is easily bro- single-scieen mode from a computer or the disc. ken when they _cannot find the correct key on the keyboard. Alternative computer inputs get the learner away from the keyboard. Alternate input de- vices facilitate young students' learning by iiialcitig it STILL FRAME AUDIO easier for them to enter answers. =The still frame audio adapter is designed to read specially encoded discs. You can play theSe diScSon VOICE SYNTHESIZERS any laserdisc player, but the Special encoding can only be decoded by thiS &Vice. This digital device Voice synthesizers can offer speech output as a compresSeS analog audio so that it uses only_about way of communicatmg with the user. Speech_output (t/30) of the space that it would normallyoccupy on devices:can enhance many applications of videodiscs, the disc. Wheityou only_need still frames visually, especially where written text is a problem. but also require either narration or some form of au= Inforination on seVeral peripherals are listed in dio; you do not want to waste space by repeating the Appendik D. This list isnot exhaustive; but it pro- same video image on the disc. With Special encoding, vides an indication of the prices and capabilities of you can compresS theaudio portion so that 40 sec- similar items. onds of audio and still video are condensed into just a few frames. Compression allow. you to store about 1.3 second of audio in the space of a visual frame.


The CX noise reduction system is unique to the laserdtses. Itis a built-in feature in many of the play- e-s but you can also purchase it separately. ThiS SyS= tem claims to improve the sigrial=to=tmige ratio Of the reproduced discs by as much as 10dB for More than 75dB_ (1kHz, 100% mod.IHF A). Whenyou connect this device to your system, you only have to tum it on; you do not have any adjustments to %...3rry about.

12 interactive Videortiscs 22 CHAPTER 7. VIDEODISC SYSTEM PACKAGES

As the demald for interactive video technology videodisc cystem packages. If you choose one of increases, the need for workable systems also in- these syttems, you should carefully consider the capa- creases. Companys now offer complete system pack- bilities of the host microcomputer and all functions ages already configured te serve particular you need for specific applications: applications: Many of thee are "turnkey" systems ones where you only net.i to plug them in and "turn the key on." These systt;m:packages make the:tech- nology even more accessible to c.-ersons intimidated by machines. Some of the systems are self-contained, and someare complete _with _large cabinets_ allowing the system to be moved where you need it: Other sys- tems supply the interface, authorirg system; and: demonstration materials, allowing you the opportu- nity to provide other_ components (computer, televi- sion receiver or monitor, and disc player). In this way, you can configure a system us;ng already- existing equipment. Most systems_come with a standard authoring language plus a demonstration package that enables_ you to familiarize:yourself with _the system in a short period of time This package takes you_ through all the steps you need to know to design the viderNiisc program. As each system is dependent upon the host com- puter; all videodisc system_packages are Level Three systems: The large price difference among systems is attributable to several factors. One of these factors is the system's ability to overlay color graphics and:text from:the computer. A:system that can perform_this function will cost considerably mere than one that cannot. This capability also indicates that_the system requires _more sophisticatedsoftware AO operate. The price of the system rises with increased interface ca, pabilities, The price of the computer itself can be an important:factor. An IBM-PC, for example, is much more costly than the:ATARI-800. The cabinet or en- that comes with several systems adds a sizable sum to the total price. So do peripherals that are in- cluded io the system. Several systems require minicomputers or main- frame computers; and allow you to network several terminals on one computer. These systems can be de- sirable in many situations. The primary manufactur- ers that support such systems are Control Data Corporation with the PLATO system, Digital Equip- ment Corporation with the IVIS system; Hazeltine Corporation with the MicroTICCIT system; and WL. CAT Systems: Each has its own high-level authoring features and ready-to-run software. Appendix E outlines several currently available


Videodiscs are produced in two formats, Con- many familiar titles_are dubbed in Japanese or have stant Linear Velocity (CLV) for limited interactive Japanese subtitles. If you are ordering by phone. do Uses, and Constant Angular Velocity (CAV) for nt hesitate to be specific in Stating what you want or highly interactive instruction: The CLV format allows d , not want. Ken Cranes Video Disc, Instant Replay, for Chapter Stops and time search, while the CAV 1..aser World. Starship Industries, U.S. Video Source; format allows all interactive functions to include still and Video Dynamics are a few of_the mail order frames of any disc frame and random access toany companies around the_country. Their addresses and disc frame. phone numbers are listed in the manufacturers index. While itOtal ihteractivity may be desirable,many educatiOnal needs can be filled by the limited func- tiOAS of the linear play discs. The arts, operas,or-, VIDEODISC MASTERING ClieStral works; or ballets can be studied with:chapter stops and time search. The_increased capabilities of The other aspect Of the videodisc itself is the the time search functions of the newer players have mastering and pressingof_the discs: The most effi-: given anew perspective to CLV distS allowingyou to cient way for one to get started is to share the cost of search to any second on the:disc. : pressing a disc with others. This option allows you to science or mathematics, today's teaching:styles pay only for the space thatis absolutely heeded:oh a demand greater interactivity. As the list of educa-. disc. Several groups offer this service and iiSiially Of- tional videodiscs increases, there will be a marked fer production services:to those clients who do_not emphasis on highly interactive_ programs.: have adequate prOduction facilities APh Technologi- The term "linear disc" refers to a_CLV disc with cal Consultants offer a program called Share Disc. materials that are, from an ediitational perspective, They press shared:discs on request and offer a variety limited_in their:interactive possibilities. The discscan of production services as well. Comsell has an open: be programmed with the newer players and used disc service that offers a shared dise on tequeSt While quite:effectively in appropriate situations. production services are also available. I1CS (Interna- An "interactive disc" is a CAV disc that has ma- tional Interactive CommithitatiOriS Scieiet) alSo hasa terials suitable for_programming with an internalor similar program with prOductibn servicesas an op, external microprocessor. non. In Canada, 3rd_Wave Media Consultants will A "programmed disc" is an interactive CAV disc offer many of the same services-. that has available computer software or, in some Another inexpensive way to master a disc IS to cases, necessary computer software either on dis- use the services of a company such as CtaWfOrd kettes or on the disc itself in the Level Two Communications, Inc. in Geotgia,Oi- Spectra linage applications.: in . These companieS will press a CAV diSc Appendix F lists current educational videodiscs for $300.00:in 24 hotitS. The Video and audio quality on the market: All the discs listed are pressed in the of these quick discs may not be as good as that of NTSC television standard and are designed to be discs pressed in the normal fashion. They are meant used in videodisc players sold ih America and other to be low,cost check discs _that can be used to check countries using the NTSC standard.iThe hardware frame numbers and test interactive programming. and software requirements of each discare identified :Laser Video has the same type of liMited=qUati: whenever possible. The programmed discsare the tity fast-turnaround service, but they giveyou the discs that need special aft rilion from the hardware quality and full 30=Minute storage CaPaeity available and computer software perspective. Linear and inter- from the largeri mastering facilities. Laser Video will active_discs are functional on any_system. provide a 30 minute CAV disc for $2,200:00 andor Several mail order houses sell Commercial laser- 60 minute CLV_disc for $2,900,00 in 24 hours witha discs at about 10 percent less than retail cost,many high degree of quality control. A six day tutmiround of theft discs -i,e iiSefdliin the education,.1 setting. All costs $1,200 for the CAV and_$1,900.00 fOt the CLV. of the diSCS distributed by Laserdisc Corporation of Theieight-inch prices are $1,600.00 fOr a CAV and AM-erica (LDC) can be purchased through these man $1,800.00 for CLViWith a 24 hdiii turnaround, and Order Companies. Instant Replay also:carries:discs $600.00 CAV and $800.00 With a six day turnaround: from LDC Japan (noted as imported titles). Becare- The next group of:companies produce quality ful when purchasing discs in this manner because controlled videodisc masters and can replicate them

14 tnteractive Victeodiacs in large quantities. Each cominny has special ar- rangements for digital dumps; special encoding; 24- hour turnaround;nnd packaging. This book does not discuss the production of videodiscg, but Appendix G is offered ag a resource for those interested in the possibility of producing theiriown materials. It liStS the names and addresses of the primary companies involved in the technology as well as comparison charts outlining set-up and per-disc costs of each vol- ume mastering facility in the United States.


There are two tools available to the instructor to higher the cost of the tool, the more options and create interactive videodisc lessons: authoring systems flexibility. Again, these options often might require and authoring languages. Each system or language is the purchase of a separate hardware unit: designed to be compatible with one of the major computers on the market. It is crucial in the selection of an authoring tool that the desired system or lan- guage be correct for the microcomputer that will be used: Specific options such as high resolution graphics and graphic overlay are supported by many of the_ available tools, but it should be emphasized that the purchase of a specific graphics or graphics overlay board is almost always necessary. Authoring systems are computer programs allow- ing an individual; without a computer background to design interactive lessons on a microcomputer. Each of the systems on the market varies in its ability to perform the more complex routines including the controi of videodisc players. The less expensive sys:- tems tend to be very limited in their ability to handle any graphics, graphics overlay, peripheral device in- puts, answer judging and record keeping. The more expensive systems can usually handle these functions easily: The most commonisystems are menu driven. In other words, a series of menus take the user through the programming possibilities and allow the user to make decisions based on available options. The menu driven systems are easy to use, and nsu2lly take no understanding of computer programming. All of the actual computer code is generated by the au- thoring system based on the user responses to the menu questions. The authoring_languageiis a computer language that requires knowledge of the language and the pro- gramming techniques to implement the desired teach- ing strategies. Authoring languages generally offer more versatile options than authoring systems as they are not locked into a set pattern of choices; but the languages give up_ the ease of use that the systems of- fer. The primary functions of these languages are not difficult to learn, but it does take a good deal of ex- perience to understand and program the more com- plex routines. The knowledge and creativity of the programmer is_nonnally the_most limiting factor of any language. Examples of an authoring language would be BASIC, Pascal or C. _Appendix H lists several authoring tools that are designed for interactive videodisc applications. Each of the listed tools offers a 'slightly different approach to the development of an interactive lesson, but all should give the same results for a basic lesson with multiple choice or true/false branching; Normally; the

16 intetactive Videodiscs CHAPTER 10. CARE AND MAINTENANCE

VIDEODISC CARE though there probably is little chance of damage, the more care you give a system, the longer it will last. Videodiscs themselves are quite durable. They In equipment placement, be certain that the equip- are, however; not indestructible! The discs; when ment has adequate ventilation. Heat will build up abused; can crack or warp. Minor scratches on the very fast in enclosed areas such as cabinets, and this disc surface do not normally affect the playback. can result in serious damage. Large ccratches or foreign substances on the disc will affect the playback. The only way to insure that the discs will always play correctly is to handle them with HARDWARE MAINTENANCE care. The easiest way to eliminate possible problems is Repair and maintenance should be performed by to handle the discs as if they were phonograph rec- a knowledgeable person. You should allow for main- ords. Store the discs standing on end on a shelf away tenance and repair of equipment in your budget be- from the sun and heat sources. Do not place the discs fore problems arise. Most of the problems you are on top of the player, amplifier or other warm equip- likely to encounter will be minor, but even minor ment. Handle the discs only by their edges and problems can make a system inoperable. Many com- center. panies offer service contracts_for selected hardware: Although the plastic on the disc protects You also might arrange for service from the dealer it from damage, discs will not play correctly if they that supplied the hardware. Although it is unlikely are warped, dirty or scratched, and they may damage that major repairs will be needed for the hardware the player. The discs should be wiped clean with a listed,iyou should consider some type of service _con7 soft cloth before each use, and should be at room tract. If you work in a large institution, you might al- temperature before they are played. Moisture may ready have a contract that covers all video equipment condense on the surface of the disc and effect it's or computer equipment, or you may be able to add performance. more items to_ an existing contract: Remove the tight wrap that seals One company that provides this service is the most newly purchased disc jackets as soon as possi- Warrantech Corporation. This firm will provide ex- ble. This cellophane can tighten around the jacket tended warranty coverage on most videodisc related- and may warp the disc if stored for a long time. items. Based in , Wariantech has a chain Testing for a warped disc is easy. Place the disc of authorized service centers_in all 50 states. The ex- on a flat surface and check to see if the disc is touch- tended warranty begins upon the _expiration of the ing the surface on all sides._ If a gap exists under any original manufacturer's warranty on labor or parts, part of the disc, there is a potential problem. If the whichever occurs first, The coverage can extend up to gap exceeds the thickness of a nickel, you need to five years from the original purchase date of the flatten the disc. You can do this by placing the disc item. In Service, Inc. offers fast and reliable service between two flat surfaces with evenly distributed of videodisc players. Based outside of Chicago, In weights on top. A day or two in this improvised press Service boasts a 5-day turnaround of videodisc play- should put the disc in a playable condition. ers with extended warranties available. Appendix lists their addresses and the current costs for some of the items covered: SYSTEM ENVIRONMENT

The environment necessary to support the system is fairly reasonable. The room temperature should be between 45 and 95 degrees fahrenheit (5 to 30 de- grees centigrade), with humidity ranging between 0 and 90 percent. The optimal conditions; of course lies somewhere in between, It is wise to let equip- ment warm up for a minute or two if it is moved from a cold room to a warm room. This will allow any moisture that has collected to evaporate. Al-


CURRENT LEVEL I MAYERS Audio Output Level: 650 inVrms (1kHz 100% Hitachi rnod.) VIP 9550 VIDEODISC PIAYER Harmonic DiSt.: 1% (lkl-U. 1007 mod.) S/N Ratio: 55_dB Video Ftec1 Resp.: 40Hz-20kHz Video Response: NTSC specificatiOn CR Encoding: Optional S/N Ratio: More than 42 dB VHF Output: Interactive CapabilitiesLevel 1 Impedance: 75 ohms Memory: None Interface: RS232C/110-96(X) baud Audio selectable Output Level: 650 mVrms nomirA (1kHz Op_tional IEEE 488 parallel 100% mod. 50K ohms control bus terminated Access Time: 3 seconds, Instant Jump 99 Harmonic Dist.: Fwd., 99 Rev. S/N Ratio: More than 70 dB(CX on, CLV Search: 1KHz 100% mod.) Freq: Resp:: 40Hz-20kHz Others CR Encoding: Yes LaSer: Power: AC 120V/601-1z 220-240V/ Interactive CapabilitiesLevel I 50Hz Memory: None Power Consum:: 55 watts Interface: RS-232C, Serial 9,600 baud Temp: Range: Access Time: 3 seconds, Instant Jump 200 Disc Format: CAV/CLV. 12" & 8" Fwd, 200 Rev Dim. (WxHxD): 535x133X478 rrim (21k5.2x18.8 CLV Search: Weight: 12.5 kg (27.6 lbs) Others Price: $1,395.00 LaSer: 7,800 Angstrom, laserdiode, 3 mW Power: AC 120V/60Hz Pioneer Video Power Consum:: 38 watts (UL) LD;838D VIDEODISC PLAYER Temp. Range: +5 deg. to +35 deg. C, 41 deg. to 95 deg. F Video Dist Forinat:_ CAV/CLV, 12" & 8" Video Response: NTSC specification (WxHxD ): 435x115x415 mm S/N Ratio: (171/2x44/8x163/8 in) VHF Output: Channel 3 or 4 (switchablé) Weight: 12 kg (26 lbs) Impedance: 75 ohms unbalanced Price: $1,350.00 Audio (analog) Output Level: Harmonic Dist.: Philips Freq. Resp.: VP 935/17 VIDEODISC PLAYER CX Encoding: Yes

Video Audio (digital) Video Response: NTSC specification Output LeVel: S/N Ratio: More than 42 dB HarrnOnie VHF Output: Optional RF-modulator S/N Ratio: 98 dB Impedance: 75 ohms Freq. Resp.: 4Hz-20KHz

18 interactive Videodiscs Interactive CapabilitiesLevel I Temp. Range: +5 deg. to +30 deg. C. 45 Memory: None deg. to 95 dg. F Interface: None Disc Format: CAV/CLV, & 8" Access Time: 8 second maximum search Dim: (WxHxD): 161/2x4x157/s time Weight: 19 lbs (8.6 kg) CLV Search: Minutes/Seconds Price: $550.(X)

Others Laser: 7,800 Angstrom, laserdiode Power: AC 120V/60Hz Pioneer Video

Power Consum.: 38 watts (UL) . LD-V2000 VIDEODISC PLAYER Temp: Range: _4-.5 deg: to +30 deg: C. 45 deg: to 95 deg: F Video Disc Format: CAV/CLV, 12" & 8" Video Response: NTSC specification Dim._ (WxHxD): 161/2x4n157A in S/N Ratio: More than 45 dB Weight: 8.6 kg (19 lb) VHF Output: Channel 3 or 4 (switchahle) Price: $550.00 Impedance: 75 ohms unbalanced

Audio Output Level: 650 mVrms nominal (1kHz 100% mod. 50K ohms terminated Pioneer Video - LD43313D VIDEODISCPLAYER Harmonic Dist.: Less than 0.3% (1kHz 75% Mod.) Videb S/N Ratio: More than 75 dB(CX on) Video Response: NTSC specification Freq. Resp.: 40Hz-20kHz S/N Ratio: CX Encoding: Yes VHF Output: Channel 3 or 4 (switchahle) Impedance: 75 ohms unbalanced Interactive CapabilitiesLevel l Memory: None Audio (Analog) Interface: 8 Pin DIN connector Output Level: 650 mVrms nominal Access Time: 8 seconds maximum search Harmonic Dist.: Less than 0.3% (1kHz 7 5% time mod) CLV Search: Minutes/Seconds S/N Ratio: More than 70 dB (CX on) Freq: Resp.: 40Hz-20kHz Others CX Encoding: Yes Laser: 7,800 Angstrom, laserdiode, 3 hi W Audio (Digital) Power: AC 120V/6014i Output Level: 650 mVrms nominal (1kHz Power Consum.: MO% mod. 50K ohms Temp. Range: +.5 deg: to +30 deg: C. 45 terminated deg: to 95 deg: F Harmonic Dist:: Less than 0.003% Disc Format: CAV/CLV, 12" & 8" S/N Ratio: 98 dB Dim. (WxHxD ): 16.5x4x16 in Freq. Resp.: 4Hz-20kHz Weight: 20 lbs Price: $590.00 Interactive CapabilitiesLevel I Memory: None Interface: None Access Time: 8 second maximum search Pioneer Vicki) time CLD-909 VIDEODISC PLAYER CLV Search: Minute/Second Video Others Video Response: NTSC specification Laser: 7,800 Angstrom Solid State S/N Ratio:. More than 42 dB Power: AC 120V/60Hz VHF Output: Channel 3 or 4 (switchable) Power Consum:: 38 watts (UL) Impedance: 75 ohms unbalanced

29 Interactive Virteadiscs 19 Audio (Analog) Freq. Resp:: 40Hz-20kHz Output Level: 650 mVrms nominal (1kHz CX Encoding: Yes 100% mod. 50K ohms terminated Interactive CapabiliticsLevel 1 Harmonic Dist.: Less than 0.3% (1kHz 75% Memory: None mod.) Interface: R5232 1200/48(X) baud SIN Ratio: 76 dB Access Time: 3.5 seconds maximum search Freq. Resp.: 20Hz-20k Hz time CX Encoding: Yes CLV Search: Minutes/Seconds

Audio (Digital) Others Output Level: 650 mVrms nominal (1kHz Laser: 7,800 Angstrom, laserdiode, 3 100% mod. 50K ohms MW terminated Power: AC 120V/6471HZ Harmonic Dist.: Less than 0.003% Power Consum.: S/N_Ratio: 96 dB Temp. Range: +5 deg: to. +30 deg. C. 45 Freq: Resp.: 5Hz-20kHz deg: to 95 deg: F Disc Format: CAV/CLV. 12" & 8" Interactive CapabilitiesLevel I Dim. (WxHxD ): Memory: Norm Weight: 20 lbs Interface: Seri41 24 pin & 8 pin DIN Price: $995.00 connector Access Time: 10 second maximumsearch time CLV Search: Minute/Seconds Sony Video LDP-2000/I VIDEODISC PLAYER Others Laser: 7,8041 Angstrom, laserdiode, 3 Video mW Video Response: NTSC specification Power: .NC 120V/50/60Hz S/N Ratio: More than 40 dB Power Consum.: 45 watts VHF Output: Channel 3 or 4 (switchable) Temp: Range: +5 deg. to +30 deg. C. 45 Impedance. 75 ohms unbalanced deg. to 95 deg. F Disc Format: CAV/CLV/CD Audio Dim. (WxHxD ): 420X168x447 inm(169/1(,x 6%x Output Level: Less than 2K ohms (100% 17% in) mod.; 47K ohm load) Weight: 15.6 kg (34 lbs 7 oz) unbalanced Price: $1;200.00 Harmonic Dist.: Less than 0.3% (IkHz 75% mod.) Sils1 Ratio: 55 dB (67 dB CX on) Freq Resp.: 20Hz=20kHz Pioneer Video CX Encoding: Yes LD-V4200 VIDEODISC MAYER Interactive CapabilitiesLevel 1 Video Memory: None Video Response: NTSC specification Interface: RS-232C, 1200, 2400, 4800, & S/N Ratio: More than 42 dB 9600 baud_ VHF Output: Channel 3 or 4 (switchable) Access Time: 1_.5 seconds maximum search Impedance: 75 ohms unbalanced time CLV `...;earch: Minutes Audio Output Level: 650 mVrms nominal (1kHz Others 100% mod: 50K ohms Laser: 6328 angstrom, He-Ne ImW terminated Power: AC 120V/60Hz Harmonic Dist.: Less than 0.3% (1kHz 75% Power Consum.: 75 watts mod.) Temp. Range: +5 deg. to +35 deg. C. 41 S/N Ratio: More than 75 dB(CX on) deg. to 95 deg. F

20 Interactive Videodiscs Disc Format: CAV/CLV, 12" & 8" S/N Ratio: More than 40 dB Dim. (WxHxD 424x132x488 mm VHF Output: Channel 3 or 4 (switchable) (163/4k5V4x1914) Impedance: 75 ohms unbalanced Weight: 13.4 kg (29 lbs, 9 oz) Price: $1,690.00 Audio Output Level: 3:3K ohms Harmonic Dist.: Less than 0.5% (1kHz 75% mod.) CURRENT LEVEL 2 PLAYERS S/N Ratio: 67dB with CX, 55 dB without CX Freq. Resp.: 20HZ-20kHz CX Encoding: Yes Philips VP 935/ISIA VIDEODISC PLAYER InteractiveCapabilitiesLevel 2 Memory: 7K byte programmable Video microprocessor Video Response: NTSC specification Interface: RS-232C built-in interface S/N Ratio: More than 42 dB 300-960111 baud VHF Output: Optional RF-modulator Access Time: 2 seconds maximum search Impedance: 75 ohms time; Instant Jump, 100 for- ward, 100 reverse Audio CLV Search: Minutes/Seconds Output L evel: 650 mVrms (1kHz 100% mod.) Others Harmonic Dist.: 1% (1kHz 100% mod.) Laser: 7,800 Angstrom, laserdiode, 3 S/N Ratio: 55 dB mW Freq. Resp.: 40Hz-20kHz Power: AC 120V/50/60Hz CX Encoding: Optional Power Consum.: 40 watts (UL) Temp. Range: +5 deg. to +35 deg. C. 41 Interactive CapabilitiesLevel 2 deg. to 95 deg. 7 Memory: 8K ROM, 28K RAM Disc Format: CAV/CLV, 12" & 8" Interface: RS232C/110-9600 baud select- DiM. (WklixD ): 16'762X5'566x165/16 able, Optional IEEE 488 par- Weight: 30.9 lbs allel control bus Price: $1,800.00 Access Time: 3 seconds; Instant Jump 99 Fwd., 99 Rev. CLV Search: Pioneer Video LD-V6010A VIDEODISC MAYER Others LaSer: Video Power: AC 120V/60Hz, 220-240V/ Video Response: NTSC specification 50Hz S/N Ratio: More than 40 dB Power Consum:: 55 watts VHF Output: Channel 3 or 4 (switchable) Temp: Range: Impedance: 75 ohms unbalanced Disc Format: CAV/CLV, 12" & 8" Dim. (WxHxD): 535x133x478 mm (21x5.2x18.8 A udio in) Output Level: 3:3K ohms Weight: 12.5 kg (27.6 lbs) Harmonic Dist.. Less than 0.5% (1kHz 75% Nee: $1,595.00 mod) S/N Ratio: 67 dB With CX, 55 dB with- (int CX Freq Resp.: 20Hi-20k Hz Pionecr Video CX Encoding: Yes LD-V6000A VIDEODISC PLAYER Interactive CapabilitiesLevet 2 Video Memory: 7K byte programmable Video Response: NTSC specification microproc-:ssor

31 Interactive Videodiscs 21 Interface: RS-232C built-in interface Weight: 30.9 lbS 300;9600 baud Price: $1,875.(X) Aecess 2 seconds maximum search time, Instant Jump, 1(X) for- ward, 100 reverse CLV Search: Minutes/Seconds Sony Video LDP-200012 VIDEODISC PLAYER Others Laser: 7,800 Angstrom, laserdiode, 3 Video mW Video Response: NTSC specification Power: AC 120V/50/60Hz SiN Ratio: More than 40 dB Power Consutn.: 40 watts (UL) VHF Output: Channel 3 or 4 (switchable) Temp. Range: *5 deg. to +35 deg: C. 41 Impedance: 75 ohms unbalanced deg: to 95 deg: F Disc Format: CAV / CLV, 12" & 8" Audio Dim: (WxHxD): 1617/32x515/16x165/16 Output Level: Less than 2K ohMS (100% Weight: 30.9 lbS mod., 47K ehm lead) Price: $1,650.00 unbalanced Harmonic Dist:: Less than 0:3% (1kHz 75% mod.) S/N Ratio: 55 dB (67 dB CX on) Pioneer Video Freq. Resp.: 20Hz-20kHz LD-V6200A VIDEODISC PLAYER CX Encoding: YeS

. Video Interactive CapainhtiesLevel Video Response: NTSC specification Memory: 7K S/N Ratio: More _than 40 dB Interface: RS-232C, 1200, 24(X), 4800, & VHF Output: Channel 3 or 4 (switchable) 9600 baud Impedance: 75 ohms unbalanced Access Time: 1.5 seconds maximum search time Audio CLV Search: Minutes Output Level: 3.3K ohms Harmonic Dist.: Less than 0.5% (1kHZ 75% Others mod.) Laser: 6328 angstrom, He-Ne 1 mW S/N Ratio: 67.dB with CX; 55 dB with- Power: AC 120V/60Hz out CX Power Consum.: 75 watts Freq. Resp.: 20Hz-20kHz Temp. Range: +5 deg. to +35 deg. C. 41 CX Encoding: Yes deg. to 95 deg. F Disc Format: CAV/CLV, 12" & 8" Interactive CapabilitiesLevel 2 Dim. (WxHxD): 424x132x488 mm Memory: 7K byte programmable (16x5%x19) microprocessor Weight: 13:7 kg (30 lbs, 4 oz) Interface: IEEE-488 Price: $1,895.00 Access Time: 2 seconds maximum search time, Instant Jump, 100 for- ward, 100 reverse CLV Search: Minutes/Seconds CURRENT LEVEL 3 PLAYERS

Others Laser: 7;800 Angstrom; laserdiode, Philips 3mW VP 935/37 VIDEODISC PLAYER Power: AC 120V/50/60Hz Power Consum.: 40 watts (UL) Video Temp. Range: +5 deg.- to +35 deg. C, 41 Video Response: NTSC specification deg. to 95 deg. F S/N Ratio: More than 42 dB Disc Format: CAV/CLV; 12" & 8" VHF _Output: Optional RF-modulator Dim. (WxHxD): 16"/320"/16x165/m Impedance: 75 ohms

22 Interactive Videodiscs Audio CLV Search: Minutes Output Level: 650 rriVrms (1kHz 100(.4- mod.) Others Harmonic Dist.. 1% OkHz 100% mod.) Laser: 6328 anestrom, He-Ne 1mW S/N Ratio: 55 dB Power: AC 120V/60H2 Freq. Resp.: 40Hz-20kHz Power Consum.: 75_Watts CX Encoding: Optional Temp: Range: +5 deg. to +35 deg. C. 41 deg: to 95 deg: F interactive CapabilitiesLevel 3 Disc Format: CAV/CLV, 12" & 8" Memory: None Dim. (WxHxD ): 424x132x488 mm Interface: RS232C/110-96(X) baud select- (16Y4x51/2x19) able IEEE-488 parallel con- Weight: 13.9 kg (30 lbS, 8 oz) trol bus Price: $2,305.00 Access Time: 3 seconds, Instant Jump 99 Fwd., 99 Rev. CLV Search:

Others Laser: Sony Video Power: AC_120V/60Hz, 220-240V/ LDP-2000/4 VIDEODISC PLAYER 50Hz Power Consum.: 55 watts Video Temp: Range: Video Response: NTSC specification Disc Format: CAV/CLV, 12" & 8" S/N Ratio: More than 40 dB Dim. (WxHxD ): 535x133x478 mm (21x5.2x18.8 VHF Output: Channel 3 or 4 (switchable) in) Impedance: 75 ohms unbalanced Weight: 12.5 kg (27.6 lbS) Price: $1.595.00 Audio Output Level: Less than 2K ohms (100% mod:, 47K ohm load) unbalanced Harmonic Dist.: Less than 0.3% (1kHz 759k Sony Video MOd.) LDP-2000/3 VIDEODISC MAYER S/N Ratio: 55-dB (67 dB CX on) Freq. Resp.:. 20Hz-20kHz Video CX Encoding: Yes VideoResponse: NTSC specification S/N Ratio: mote than 40 dB interactiveCapabilitiesLevel 213 VHF Output: Channel 3 or 4 (switchable) Memory: 7K Impedance: 75 ohms unbalanced Interface: RS:232C, 12(X), 2400, 48(X), & 96(X) nand Audio IEEE-488, Still Frame Audio Output Level: Less than 2K ohms (100% Access Time: L5 seconds makimum search

mod., 47K ohm load) time _ unbalanced CLV Search: Minutes Harmonic Dist.: Less than 0.3% (1kHz 75% mod.) Others S/N Ratio: 55 dB (67dB CX on) Laser: 6328 angstrom, He-Ne 1mW Freq. Resp.: 2011z-20kHz Power: AC 120V/60H± CX Encoding: Yes Power Consum.: 75 watts Temp: Range: +5 deg. to +35 deg. C. 41 Interactive CapabilitiesLevel 213 deg: to 95 deg: F Memory: 7K Disc Format: CAV/CLV, 12" & 8" Interface: RS=232C, 12(10, 24(X), 4800, & Dim. (WxHxD): 424x132x488 mm 9600 baud IEEE-488 (164/4x51/4x191/4) Access Time: 1.5 seconds maximum search Weight: 14.1 kg (31 lbS, 14 bk) time Price: $3 .235.00

interactive Videodiscs 23 Sony Video LDP;2000/5 VIDEODISC PLAYER

Video Video Response: NTSC specification S/N Ratio: More than 40 dI3 VHF Output Channel 3 or 4 (switchable) Impedance: 75 ohms unbalanced

Audio Output Level: Less than 2K ohms (100% mod.; 47K ohm load) unbalanced Harmonic Dist : Less than 0.3% (1kHz 75% mod.) S/N Ratio: 55 dB (67 dB CX on) Freq. Resp.: 20Hz-20kHz CX Eicoding: Yes

InteractiveCapabilitiesLevel 2/3 Memory: 7K Interface: RS-232C, 1200, 2400, 4800, & 9600 baud IEEE-488, Still Frame Audio, Digital Data Access Time: 1,5 seconds maximum search time CLV Search: Minutes

Others Laser: 6328 angstrom, 1-16:Né IniW Power: AC 120V/6014i Power Consum.: 75 watts Temp. Range: 5 deg. to ±35 deg. C; 41 deg. to 95 deg: F DiSe FOrMat: CAV/CLV, 12" & 8" Dith. (WxHxD ) : 424x132x488 trim (16-4x5 Vix19 1/4) Weight: 14.6 kg (32 lbs, 2 oz) Price: $3,535.00


TELEVISION MONITORS Picture : Square-cornered picture tube Video Input: NTSC-composite video Mitsubishi H. Resolution: 500 lines CS-2061R 20" Television Receiver/Monitor Audio Video Audio Input: Line level Pictr;re Size: 20" diagonal Audio Output: Pi;ture Tube: Video Input: RGB, NTSC-composite Other Features video, or RF Power: 120VAC/6tHz H. Resolution: 320 lines Consumption: 165 WatB Dint, (WkHxD ): 26k19225/8 in

-Audio . Weight: 108 lbs Audio Input: Stereo line in Price: $1:895.00 Audio Output: Stereo line out (built-in speakers)

Other Feauves Pioneer Power: 120VAC/601-li SD-25A 25" Television Monitor Consumption: Video Dim: (WxHxD): 20!Ax19x191/4 in Weight: Picture Size: 25" diagonal Picture Tube: Price: $820.00 0.75mm pitch Video Input: NTSC-cornposite video, (RGB optional) H. Resolution: 400 lines horizontal NEC CT-2060 20" Television Monitor A ad.ib Audio Input: Line level Video Audio Output: 10 watts per channel Picture Size: 20" diagonal Picture Tube: Square,cornered picture tube Other Features NTSC-composite video Video Input: Power: 120VAC/60Hz 380 lines H. Resolution: Consumption: 200 watts DiM. (WxHxD ): 24%k2nii!x19`Vii, in Audio (634560097 mm) Line in Audio Input: Weight: 104 ln, 1 oz Audio Output: Price: 11:300.00 ($70.00 for ROB) Other Features Power: 12OVAC/60Hz Consumption: 180 wam Sony Dim._(WxHxD): 237/8)(173/A183A PVM-1271Q 12" Television Monitor Weight: 48.5 lbs Nee: $600.00 Video Picture Size: 12" diagonal Picture Tube: Trinitron, 0.25mm ROB NEC phosphor7stripe pitch DT-2680 26" Digital Television Monitor Video Input: NTSC-composite video, RGE3 PAL, SECAM Video H. Resolution: 500 lines (video), 600 lines Picture SiZe: 26" diagonal (RGB)

Interactive Videodiscs 25 Audio Consumption: 111 watts Audio !nput: Line level Dim._(WxHxD): 31 1/4x611/2x424 in (open) Audio Output: Weight: Price: $1.500.00 Other Features Power: 120VAC/60Hi Consumption: Dim. (WxHxD): 131/2x13x153A6 in Weight: 3L7 lbs Price: $930.00 NEC RI-4000EN 40" Projection Television

Video Sony Picture Size: 40" diagonal PVM-1910Q 19" Television Monitor Pict tire Type: Rear projection console 5" refractive CRT Video Video Input: VHF. 75 ohm unbaL NTSC- Picture Size: 19" diagooal composite video Picture Tube: Trinitron Brightness: 150 foot lamberts at center Video Input: NTSC-composité video. analog/digital RGB Audio H. Resolution: Audio Input: Line level AUdio Output: 20 watts built speakers Audio Audio Input: Other Features Audio Output: Power: 120VAC/60Hz Consumption: ether Features Dim. (WxHxD): 940x1240X560 MM Power: 120VAC/60Hz (37k48'3A6x22 in) Consumption: Weight: Dim. (WxHx)): .191/4x181/4x211/4 in Price: $2J;00.00 Weight: 63 lbs 15 oz Price: $820.00

Sony SELF=COMAINED TELEVISION KPR=4620 46" Projection Television PROJECTORS Video Hitachi Picture--- Size: 46" diapnal CT5011 50" Projection Television Picture_ Type: Rear oi-ofeetioo console Video Input: RF, _NTSC-composite. ROB Video (ahalOg Or digital) Picture Size: 50" diagooal BrightrieSS: 220 ft lamberts Picture Typt;.: Front_Wiectibn consdle Video Input: RF. NTSC-cbmposite video .4udio Brightness: 120 foot lamberts Audio Input: Line level Audio Output: AudiO Audio Input Line level Othee Featiii-eS Audio Output: 20 watts stereo. built:in POWet: 120VAC/60Hz SpeakeiS Consumption: 186 Watts DiM. (WxFIxD): 441/4x481/2x253/s in Other Features Weight: 169 lbs, S oz Po Wet: 12OVAC/60Hz Price: $3.395.00

interactive Videoctiscs 36 MOUNTABLE TELEVISION Weight: 75 lbs (33.7 kg) PROJECTORS Price: $12.995.00

Eiectrohome (U.S./0 limited ECP-2000 Television Projection System Electronic Systems Products, Inc. AQUASTAR WC Television Projection System Optical Projection System: 3 Tube, 3 Lens Front or Rear Optical. Screen Projectionystem: 3 Tube. 3 Lens Front or Rear Picture Tube: Screen Projection Lens: Single lens, dichroic design Picture Tube: 3 Cathode Ray Tubes. 36KV Picture Size: 5 ft. to 7 ft. diagonal ai Irna each Picture Brightness: 130 foot lamberts (6=ft image Projection Lens: High-resolution. coated f1.0 10 gain)_ lenses Throwing Distance: 87.5 inches Picture Size: 4 ft: to 20 ft. wide

Picture. Brightness: Throwing Distance: 1.5xScreen Width (6' image General . . 9' thrm.) Video Format: NTSC RGB Resolution: Gencral Video Resolution: 600 lines Video Format: PAL. SECAM, NTSC com- Horizontal Scan: 15KHZ to 33KHz posite video Vertical Scan: 45Hz to 100Hz ROB Resolution: 800 lines Power Requirements:9OVAC-132VAC.or ISOVAC- Video Resolution: 330 line: 264VAC 50/60Hz Horizontal Scan: 15KHz to 3KHz Power_ Consumption: 250W Vertical Scan: 40Hz to 120Hz Dimensions (HxWxD): 254x956x651mm Power Requirements:115VAC 60HZ. 220VAC (10"x37.63"x25.63") HWL 50HZ Weight: 75 ItiS- Power Consumption: 400W Price: $15.995.00 Dimensions: 22x51x72 cm (9.5x20x28.5 in) HWL Weight: 33:7 Kg. (75 lbs) Price: $9,995.00 Electronic Systems Products, Inc. AQUASTAR 600 Television Projection System General Electric Company TALARIA PJ4500 Television Projectors Optical Projection System: 3 Tube 3 Lens Front Screen Optical Picture Tube: 3 Cathode Ray Tubes, 35KV Projection System: Single gun single path system Ima each Picture Tube: Single optical path light valve Projection Lens: f1.0 Refractive Lenses Projection Lens: 86 mm lens, less than 1.5C/i Picture Size: 4 ft to 25 ft wide distoition Picture Brightness: Picture Size: 4 feet io greater than 24 feet Throwing Distance: 1.5xSereen Width Picture Brightnem: 325 lumeps Throwing Distance: 5 feet to 200 feet

General . Video Forma-t: ROB. NTSC composi'e video General RGB Resolution: Video Format: NTSC Or ROB Video Resolution: 330 lines ROB Resolution: 625 lines, 50 fp-s Horizontal Sean: 14kHz to 42kHz Video Resolution: 525 lines, 60 fps Vertical Scan: 45Hz to 150Hz Horizontal Scan: Power Requirements:115VAC 60Hz; 220VAC Vertical Scan: 50Hz Power Requirements:105 to 132v or 190 to 260 Power Consumption: 400W volts 50160 Hz Dimensions: 9.5x20x28.5in, 22x51x72 cm Power Consumption:900W max HWL DiMenSionS: 22x17x34 in, HWD

Interactive Videodiscs 27 Weight: 145 lbs InflIght Services, Inc, Price: $55,000.(X) V STAR 5 Television Projection System

Optical General Electric Company Projection System: 3 Tube, 3 Lens Front or Rear TALARIAP-35050 TelevisiOn Picijectors Screen Picture Tube: 5" cathode ray tubes Projection Lens: Optital Delta-2D or Delta:11M Picture Size: Projection System: Single gun single path system 50 intheS to 20 feet Picture Tube: diagonally Single optical path light valve Picture Brightness: Projection Lens: 86 mm lens, less than 1.5% 480 foot lamberts (average) ThroWing Distance: distortion 1.5x screen width Picture Size: 4 feet to greater than 24 feet Picture Brightness: General 650 lumens Video Format: Throwing Di Stance: 5 feet tO 200 feet PAL. SECAM, NTSC 3.58, NTSC 4.43 RGB Resolution: 625 lines, 50 field General Video Resolution: 525 lines, 60 field Video Format: NTSC or RGB Horizontal Scan: 14KHz to 32KHz RGB Resolution: 625 lines, 50 fps Vertical Scan: 50Hz to 100Hz Video Resolution: 525 lines, 60 fps Pow er Requirements:110VAC/220VAC, 40Hz to Horizontal Scan: 100Hz Vertical Scan: Power Consumption: 250W Power Requirements:105 tO 132v_or 190 to 260 Dimensions: 9.25x22.25x36.6 in, HWL volts 50/60 Hz Weight: 81.5 lbS Power Consumption: 900W max Price: $14,495.00 DinienSionS: 22x17x34 in, HWD Weight: 145 lbs Price: $65.000.00 Inflight Services, Inc. BARCODATA 3 Television Projection System

Optical General Electric CoMpany Projection System: 3 Tube 3 Lens Front or Rear TALARIA PJ5055 Television Projectors Screen Picture Tube: 5" High-resolution projection Optical tubes Projection System: Single gun Single path syStem Projection Lens: H.0 coated lenSeS Picture Tube: Single Optical path light valve Picture Size: 50 inches to 20 feet diagonally Projection Lens: 86 mm lens, less than 1.5% _ distortion Pie' ire Brightness: 480 foot lamberts (10 gain Picture Size: 4 feet to greater than 24 feet screen) Picture Brightness: 1300 lumens Throwing Distance: 1:6x screen width Throwing Distance: 5 feet to 200 feet General Video Format: PAL,SECAM, NTSC 3.58. General NTSC 4.43 Video Format: NTSC or RGB RGB 625 lines. 50 field, 10MHz RGB Resolution: 625 lineS, 50 fOS full drive Video Resolution: 525 lineS, 60 fps Video Resolution: 525lines, 60 field Horizontal Scan: Horizontal Scan: 15kHz to 32kHz Vertical Scan: Vertical Scan: Power Requirements:105 to 132v or 190 to 260 Power Requirements:110VAC/220VAC volts 50/60 Hz Power Consumption: 200W Power Consumption: 900W max DiMenSions: 485x130x315 mm HWL Dimensions: 22x17x34 incheS. HWD Weight: 7 kg _ Weight: 145 lbS. Price: $9.995:00 (15MHz) Price: $35;000.00 $12,995.00 (30MHz)

28 interactive Video-eiscs 38 Sony Video Communications Company Video Resolution: 400 lines VIDMAGIC FP-62 Television Projection System Horizontal Scan: 15.75KHz Vertical Scan: 60Hz Optical Power Requirements:1 1OVAC/240VAC, 50Hz/ Projection System: Single Lens Front Screen 60Hz system Power Consumption: 155W Picture Tube: 5.25" high-brightness color Dimensions: 10.25x20Z23m3 in, HWD tube Weight: 26 kg, (57 lb. 5 az) Projection Lens: Acrylic lens f1.0/130 mm Price: $6,260:00 Picture Size: 3e to 200 inches diagonally Picture Brightness: 50 fL with 19 gain 55" screen Options Throwing Distance: Approx. 1.1 m (3.7 ft)/30" VPR-722 Remote screen Controller Approx: 2 m (6.7 ft)/55" SV-722 Projector screen ?edestal Approx. 3.8 m (12.7 ft)/100" VPS-F100 Video Screen screen VPS-100HG1 Video Screen General PSS-722 Ceiling Mount Video Format: NTSC-composite video, VHF/ UHF Video Resolution: 240 lines Sony Video Communications Company Horizontal Scan: VPH-1030Q-5 Television Projection System Vertical Scan: Audio: Built-in 3 watt public address Optical system Projection System: 3 Tube, 3 LenS Front Screen Power Requirements:120VAC/601-12 system Power Consumption: 110 watts Picture Tube: 5.5 in high-brightness tubes Dimensions (HWD): 246x220x668 mm Projection Lens: Acrylic lenses f1.0/130 mm (93/4x83/4x263/4 in) Picture Size: 72 to 250 in, diagonally Weight: 14 kg (30 lb 14 oz) Picture Brightness: Price: $1,505.00 Throwing Distance: 1.6 times screen width

Options General RM-27 Remote control Video Format: PAL. SECAM. NTSC, NTSC unit with microphone 4.43 VLC-60 Projector Car- RGB Resolution: 900 lines RGB rying Video Resolution: 570 lines Horizontal Scan: 15kHz to 26kHz Vertical Scan: 50HZ to 100Hz Sony Video Communications Company Power Requirements:110VAC/240VAC, 501-12/ VPH-IVOQ Television Projection System 60H±

Power Consumption: 215W: _ Optical Dimensions (HxWxD):21x111/2x234 in; 532x280x597 Projection System: 3 Tube, 3 Lens Front Screen mm HWD system- Weight: 30 kg, (66 lb 2 oz) Picture Tube: 5.5 in high-brightness mon- Price: $9,999.00 ochrome tubes Projection Lens: Acrylic lenses f1.0/130mm OPTIONS Picture Size: 100 inches diagoney VPR,722 Remote Picture Brightness: More than 65 foot lamberts Controller Throwing Distance: Approx. 3,368mm (132.75 in) SV-722 Projector Pedestal General VPS-F100 Video Screen Video Format: PAL, SECAM, NTSC; NTSC VPS.=100HG1 Video 4:43 Screen RGB Resolution: 600 lines; 2000 characters PSS-722 Ceiling Mount

Interactive Videodiscs 29 Sony Video Communications Company VPH-722Q Television Projection System

Optical Projection System: 3 Tube, 3 Lens Front Screen system Picture Tube: 5.5 in high-brightness mon- ochrome tube Projection Lens: Acrylic lenses, f1.0/130 mm Picture Size: 72 in, diagonally Picture BrightnesS: 130 foot lamberts (13 gain screen) Th.-owing Distance: Approx. 2;480 mm (97.75 in)

General Video Format: PAL, SECAM, NTSC. NTSC 4.43 RGB Resolution: 600 lines, 2000 characters Video Resolution: 400 lines Horizontal Scan: 15,75KHz Vertical Scan: 60Hz Power Requirements: 120VAC, 501-12160HZ Power Consumption: 165W Dimensions (HxWxD):10.25x20k23.63 in. 1-1WD Weight: 26 kg (57 lb, 5 oz) Price: $6,260.00

Options VPR-722. Remote Controller SV-722 Projector Pedestal VPS-F100 Video Screen VPS:1001-101 Video Screen PSS-722 Ceiling Mount


Allen Communication Supports Pioneer VP10-00. PR-8210, LD-V700. LD- UVC (Universal Video Controller) V4000. Magnavox 8010. Sylvania 72(X) players Can use Pascal. Basic or SuperPilot programs This unit is an intelligent, self-contained interface Software Command Menu provides exercise of all that links virtually any computer with multiple video- commands through single keystrokes disc and videotape players. Software can switch audio and video between monitor or computer:input Featura Cables and demo disc provided Controls up to two disc and two tape players 1K RAM buffer Price: $149.95 Z80 microprocessor. 2.5 MHz RS-232C connectors Auto baud rate detection from 150-1920013PS BCD Associates Accepts 4 audio sources, switches 2 channels out VIPc IBM-PC Videotape/Videodisc Controller Accepts 3 video sources, switches 1 channel out Supports overlay of synthronized video Features Custom cables and demo disc/tape provided Contains an internal microprocessor Simple user commands can access all videodisc Price: $1,200.00 functions Compatible with all current disc players except Hi- tachi, Philips, Pioneer LD=V6(X)0 Allen Communications Compatible with the IBM-PC, Compaq. Columbia, VMI (Videodisc-Microcomputer Interface) Corona and other similar computers The plug-in board comes with up to two modules for This unit will interface an APPLE II computer with disc, tape or one of each any of the disc players currently on the market. Supports the use of the Microkey graphics overlay system Features Can use eiftier1 Apple Pascal or Basic formats Price: $1,195.00 Multiple beards in one computer can run several vi- deodisc players Options Standard RS-2.)2C connections Board _with combination of any two modules tape or Baud rates 150, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, & 9600BPS disc ($1,695.00) Software can switch audio and video between monitor Microkey overlay system for IBM ($2,800.(10) or computer input Cables and demo disc provided Comsell, Inc. Price: $575.00 VID-GO Controller Board

Options Features Enhanced Super PILOT authoring software available Compatible with IBM-PC, XT, AT. and compatible Microkeyer video overlay board available computers Software and cables for additional players available Z8 control processor 8K of ROM or 4K of ROM and 2K of RAM 4 parallel ports, 1 serial port, a special serial port for the COMSELL Casual-User keypad, and a special port Allen Communications to control and invert sync for the Sony line of Profeel MVP Interface (Most Valuable Peripheral) monitors Supports the Pioneer LD-V1000 videodisc player Features Single screen switching Compatible with Apple II +,Ile, 'lc, Commodore 64, Atari; and other microcomputers in progress Price: $595.00

41 Interactive Videodiscs 31 Health EduTech Text and special characters of different styles and EDUTECH IVC-I- Videodisc Interface sizes Graphics commands for picture creation Features Contained by rtio St higher-level languages, including 111 For use with Sony LDP-1000A, 2000, and Pioneer Seal. BASIC, FORTRAN, and COBOL LD-V6000 videodisc players Can switch between RGB and NTSC Screen§on mon- Prices: itors equipped with that feature $3,600.00 With 128K user memory Requires no special computer card $4,500:00 With 512K user memory Price: $250.00 Interactive Training Systems ITS-3000 Interface Controller

IEV Corporation Features IEV-I200/2000 IBM=PC OVeirlay and Disc Controller For use with IBM-PC computerS Board Works with Beta or VHS videotape, and laserdisc players Features Convert§ NTSC video to RGB video Overlay RGB onto NTSC composite video Supports earphone attachment 128K of user memory RS-232C eonnections Gen lock sync generator syncs to videcidiScor video- Single screen switching tape players Graphic Overlay Capabilities Control_features forvideodiSc or videotape players Time code reader and regenerator Available with RS-232 or programmable parallel port 1200 baud interface, 8 bit ASCII with 2 stop bits control 18.75"X14.25"ic3.5" (WDH) Compatible with IBM-PC or XT Single_ screen switching Price: $2,995.00 Graphics board is compatibLwith_most Standard IBM software programs, 640x480x16 with a palette Of 4096 J.A.M. Inc; Prices: JAM Card Videodisc Interface $2,495.00 IEV 1200/2000 with Lormal video output $2,795.00 IEV 1200/2010 with higher quality video FeatureS output For uSe With IBM-PC computers $2,995.00 IEV 1210/2010 for use in a separate Off: Single Screen SWitching board in multiple card applications Serial or Parallel capabilities Compatible with the following players: Pioneer_ LD: V1000; 4000, 6000, 6010, & 7820-3 Sony LDP:1000, 1000A, LDP-180, & LDP=2000 Hitachi 9500 IEV Corporation Software support drivers included IEV-60 Disc Controller systefil With GraPhic One set of Specified cable§ included Overlay Price: $395.00 (Includes Disc Writer course writer) Features Overlay RGB onto NTSC composite video Can drive NTSC or RGB color monitors Leaf-110M Gen lock sync generator syncs to videodiscor video- MIC Sy -MEM 2000 - Videodisc Overlay Interface tape players Control features for videodisc or videotape players Features Contains on-board Motorola 68000 32-bit microproc- For use with IBM-PC, XT, AT computerS essor with memoryto run user programs Supports graphic overlay This system requires no additional microcomputer Can be used in PAL Or NTSC video formats Parallel or serial ports allow compatibility with moSt SySteM include§ Interactive Video Controller Card; current microprocessors InteractiVe Video Graphics Card or an interface to the Graphics resolution of 640x408x16 froma palette of IBM Enhanced Graphics Adaptor; all connectingca- 4096 bles, MIC Software Diskette, and a User Guide and Single screen switching Installation Manual

32 Interactive Videodiscs Supports mouse, light pen; touch screen; and joystick Controls two.videodisc_players simultaneously Software interface available for any authoring language Software programs available Automatic fAding or "Soft-editing- feature included Compatible with existing IBM software Price: $9,850.00

Price: $1,950.00 Options Lightpen, resolution 384k242 ($1,450.(J0) Graphicsrablet, lix 11 ($1,450.1)0) Mouse; resolution 768x484 ($750,00) New Media Graphics Infra-red touch screen ($1,950,00) PC-Graphover Videodisc Overlay Interface Resistance touch screen ($2,250.00) Font editor program ($395.00) Features_ Paint program ($495.00) Complete compatibility with IBM software Graphic overlay capabilities Pixel addressable, 640x400 Graphics selectable 16 out of 4;096 colors Online Computer Systems Multiple character fonts with selectable drop shadow VDC;100 Videodisc Controller Board Analog ROB output (RS-170) Digital data readback from vilkodisc Features Interface for Pioneer LD-V4000 videodisc player For use with 1BM-PC computers RS:132C interface for other players Includes touch panel interface for the Sony PVM1271Q Supports touch screen, mouse, and light pen Allows multiple controllers within one PC Graphics libraries and software demo included Controls any interactive laserdisc player Uses two slots in the PC Cables are included for specified configuration Any cable configuration is optionally available Price: $1,990.00 PILOTplus, PASCAL MT + library, and C library are available Options Expansion board for 265 simultaneous colors ($69500) Price: $350:00 Expansion boards for 4,096 simultaneous colors ($1,39000) Options Lightpen ($190.00) Second set of cables ($75.00) Mouse ($190.00) PILOTplus ($1,000.00) 19 inch monitor w/touch screen ($1,590.00) PASCAL MT + library ($100.00) Player control cable ($90.00) C library ($100.00) Enhanced graphics library (supports window manage- ment) ($290.11)) NMG-Font library ($190.00) NMG-Paint ($290,00) Online Computer Systems, Inc. GL-512 Videodisc Controller with Overlay

New Media Graphics Features Graphover 9500 Videodisc Overlay Interface High resolution graphics 512x480 pixels 16 colors from a palette of 4096 Features Hardware pan and zoom (256X240x16 color resolution) Interfaces to any computer Video images can be overlayed with position de- Graphic overlay capabilities pendent graphics Pixel addressable, 768X484 Multiple card options for one PC to control multiple Graphics selectable 16 out of 64 colors displays and disc players Resident and down-loadable character fonts Allinterface hardware included to run disc player and RGB RS,170 and NTSC video outputs peripherals Pan; zoom; blink; split-screen; and hardware area fill Controls most laser videodisc players Interfaces to any videodisc player Broadcast quality RGB color graphics RS-232C interface PILOTplus, PASCAL MT + , or C libraries available Supports touch screen, mouse, tablet, joystick, and light pen Price: $1,500,00

; 43 Interactive Videddiscs 33 Options Poieidon Systems PASCAL MT+ library ($150.00) Commodore Laserdisc Controller C_ library ($150.00) PILOTOIUS ($1,000.00) Features St Lidio:PC graphics ($1,200.00) Plugs into one slot on Commodore computers Controls one player BaSic Commands can be called from most authoring Optical Data Corporation languages VAI-II Videodisc/Apple Interface Several routine& are included Supports Pioneer LD-700 and LD-V4000 videodisc Features players For use with Apple 11 cir HE computers All cables and interface adapters included SOftWare baSed controller connects togame paddle port Price:$129.00 No modifications necessary Operates with the following laserdisc players:_ Pioneer VP-1000, LD-1100, PR-8210: MagriaVok VC8010GY: Poseidon Systems Sylvania VP7200 IBM Compatible Laserdisc Controller Software, sample programs and cables included Single gotten SWitching Features Plugs into one slot on IBM or IBM compatible Price: $125.00 computer Controls up to four players from one card Options Commands can be called from most atithOring 1N04 Interface cable for :700 ($15.00) languages IN05 Interface table fOr LIDA/4000 ($15.00) Several routines art inchided _Supports Pioneer LD-700 and LD-V4000 videodisc Optical Data Corporation playerS AIVI Audio Tape/Videodisc Interface All cables_and interface adapters included Single screen switching Features Noicomputer needed Price: $375.00 VideodiSc contrOl commands are_on audiotape Voiee Or music can be used on second audio track Filmstrip style programs are easily programmed Symtec Compatible with the following lasetdisc players: DVA Videodisc Control Card Pioneer VP-1000, PR-8210. DVA:7820, LD:1100; Ntig- navox VC801OGY; Sylvania VP7200 FeatureS Plug into single APPLE _peripheral.slot Price: $125.00 8-bit parallel_bi:directional communication Software_supports 7820-2 and 7820-3 players Single screen_ switching_ Poseidon Systems Software on DOS 3.3 disk Apple II Laserdist Ccititto Bet 75 ohm video ititioN 75 ohm video outputs Features Stift Ware accessible from BASIC programs Plugs into one slot on Apple II, Ile,or II + Controls one or two players from one card Price: $35000 Basic commands can be called from mcist authoring languages Several routines art included Symtec Supports Pioneer LD:700 and LD-V4000 videodisc Sony Videodisc Control Card playcrs All cableS and interface adapters included Features Single screen switching Plug into single APPLE peripheral Skit R5232 serial interface, bi-directional Price: $195.00 sifigle screen switching

34 Interactive Videodiscs 4 4 Software on DOS 3.3 disk Will work with off-the-shelf software Two 75 ohm video inputs Compatible with AT&T, IBM-CGA or EGA, Persyst 75 ohm video output Color II, Sperry; and Tecmar graphics cards Software accessible from BASIC programs Videodisc controller for most current players included All cards must be physically cabled to the resident Price: $350.00 color graphics card by Video Associates Labs (included in _price) Resolution and software are determined by the in- Systems Impact dividual graphics cards V1D-232 Videodisc Interface Two slots required

Features Model 1125 For use with any computer with an RS-232 serial port Parailel or serial ports Serial and parallel ports to control most videodisc Keying monitors (Sony PVM. KX series or equiva- players lent) required Built-in RF modulator for use with a standard tele- Available in PAL standard vision in a two screen environment Supports most authoring languages Single screen switching Model 1175 All of the Model 1125 features included Addition of a second port for controlling other disc Price: $695.()0 players Available in PAL standard Technovision 1nc TS1-101 Serial Interface Adaptor Model _1225 Parallel or serial ports Features For use with any analog RGB monitor Links Pioneer ED-V1000 or LD-V4000 to any RS232C Optional fade unit for audio and video device 300, 1200, 2400, or 9600 baud, selectable Fully supports player I/0 protocols Model 1275 All of the Model 1225 features included Internal buffers can receive tip to 128 command char- Addition of a second port for controlling other disc acters May be used as a standalone i,nit players

Price: $285,00 Model 1300 For use with most NTSC video sources Compatible with any composite NTSC monitor or keying monitor U.S. Video Broadcastable and recordable NTS,._ composite video OVER1AY! 110 Videodisc Controller output Built-in parallel port Features Compatible with IBM-PC. XT. AT computers Capable of graphic overlay Prices: Compatible with most graphics card, $1,345.00 for Model 1125 (single video inptit) Supports most videodisc players $1,645.00 for Model 1175 (dual video input) Supports most popular IBM standard software $1,595.00 for Model 1225 (single video input) $1,645,00 for Model 1275 (dual video input) Price: $980,00 $1,995:00 for Model 1300 (single video input)

Options Video Associates Labs EGA Color Graphics Card ($595.00) PC Microkey System Control/Overlay Systems IBM Color Graphics Card ($275.00) Persyst Color_If Graphics Card ($195M0) Standard Features Tecmar Graphics Master Card ($695:00) The PC Microkey System is fully IBM-PC compatible MicroKey Fader ($495.00)

45 tnteractive Virteatitscs 3 5 Visage, Inc, _Universal videodisc control interfaces most current V:LINK 1000 Videodisc Interface with Overlay players RGB _graphics generation and overlay capabilities Features included Uses one expansion slot on an IBM=PC with256K Real-time data decoding from the_videndisc_____ (512K and two_disk drives needed for development) Operating software; graphics_development software e_Universal videodisc control interfaces most current _and a package _ofuseful graphics _elements are included players 256x192pixel resolution with 16 colors NTSC graphics generation and overlay capabilities 300)(200 pixel resolution with 4 colors included _ "Open architecture" allows for third patty software Real-time data decoding from the videodisc in _development _and delivery Operating software, graphics development software Internal sync for independent operation and a package of useful graphics elements are included 256x192pixel resolution with 16 colors Price: $2,150.013 "Open architecture" allows for third party software in development and delivery Options Internal sync for independent operation V:Link Bit Pad Package (BPD-1000)($850.00) Videodisc Interface Cables (Specify Disc player)($35D0 Price: $1;150;00 to $75.00) Options V:Link Bit Pad Package (BPD-1000) ($850.00) _Videodise Interface Cables (Specify disc Visual Database Systems player)($35.0D to $75.00) PC/1.D Videodisc Interface

Visage, Inc. Features V:LINK 1500 Videodisc Interface with Overlay Includes cable and software driver For use with IBM-PC; PCjr or XT computers Features For use_with Pioneer LD-700, LD-V4000 and LID= V6000disc players Uses two expansionslotsOn an IBM:PC With 256K (512Kand two disk drives needed for develdpment) Software is capable of issuing the entire commandset to the disc player Universal videodisc control interfaces most current players Can be connected to the Cassetteor Parallel port RGB graphics generation and overlay capabilities Can control up tO four videodisc players included Real-time data decoding from the videodisc Prieers: Operating software, graphics development software $65.00 (for parallel port version) and a package of useful graphics elements are included $95:00 (for cassette port version) 256x192pixel resolution with 16 colors "Open architecture" allows for third party software in development and delivery Internal sync for independent operation W hitney Educational S&Vitei A1320 Videodisc/Audio Interface Price: $1;850:00 Features Options Two screen system V:Litik Bit Pad Package(BPD-1000)($850,00) Control videodisc player with audiotones on videotape Videcidi St Interfice Cables (Specify Disc player)($35:00 Real-time video on tape can be augmented withslides to $75.00) from the disc Both players can display video simultaneously Compatible with Apple computers Visage, Inc. V:LINK 1550 Videodisc Interface with Overlay Price: $100.0-0

FeatureS Options Uses two expansion slots on an IBM-PC with256K PC1320 interface for the IBM=PC ($100.00) (512K and two disk drives needed for development) SM1320 interface for the Sony SMC-70 ($100:00)

36 Interactive Videodiscs Whitney Educational Services PC-500-A IBM-PC Disc/Tape Controller

Features For use with' IBM-PC or XT computers Operate videotape and disc players together or separatdy SMay_be used with the Insight 2000 Plus authoring language Compatible with Pioneei 1.D-V4000, PR-8210; Hi- tachi 9500; and Sony LDP-1000A players

Price: $990.00

Whitney Educational Services SM-500-A SMC-70 Disc/Tape Contronter

Features For use with Sony SMC-70, 70G computers Operate videotape and disc players together or separately *May be used with the Insight 2000 Plus authoring language Compatible with Pioneer LD-V4000, PR-8210; Hi- tachi 9500; and Sony LDP-1000A players

Price: $895.00

Whitney Educational SeMces A300IA Apple Disc/Tape Controller

Features For use with APPLE H & He computers Operate videotape and disc players together or separately *May be used with the Insight 2000 Pius authoring language Compatible with Pioneer LD-V4000, PR-8210; Hi tachi 9500; and Sony LDP-1000A players

Price: $695.00


GRAPHIC OVERIAY DEVICES Controlled by most higher-level kinguages, including Pascal, BASIC, FORTRAN, arid COBOL

PriCeS: IEV Corporation $3,600.00 With 128K user memory IEV-I20012000 IBM-PC Overlay and Disc Controller $4,500,00 With 512K user memory Board

New Media Graphics Features PC-Graphover Graphic Overlay Unit Overlay RGB onto NTSC composite video 128K of user memory Features Gen lock sync generator syncs to videodisc or video- Complete compatibility with IBM software tape players Graphic overlay capabilitie Control features for videodisc or videotape players Pixel addressable, 640 x 400 Available with RS-232 or programmable parallel port Graphics selectable 16 out of 4,0% colors control Multiple-ch-aracter fonts with selectable drop shadow Compatible with IBM-PC or XT Analog RGB output (RS-170) Single_screen switching Digital data readback from videodisc Graphics board is compatible with most standard IBM Interface for_Pionter_LD-V4000 videodisc player software programs, 640x480x16 with a palette of 4096 RS-232C interface for other players Supports touch screen, mouse, and light pen Prices: Graphics libraries and software demo included $2,495M0 for IEV 1200/2(XX) with normal video Uses two slots in the PC output $2,795.00 fOr IEV 1200/20W With higher quality video Price: $1,990.00 output $2,995.(X) for IEV 1210/2010 for _use in a separate off- Options board box in multiple card applications Expansion board for 265 simultaneous colors ($695.00) Expanskm-boards for 4,096 simultaneous colors $1,390.00 Lightpen ($190.00) IEV Corn9ration Mouse ($190.00) IEV-60 risc Controller System with Graphic Overlay 19 inch monitor w/touch screen ($1,590.00) Player control cable ($90.00) Features Enhanced graphics library (supports window man- Over Lay RGB onto NTSC composite video agement) ($290.00) Can drive NTSC or RGB color monitors NMG-Font library ($190.00) Gen lock sync generator syncs to videodisc or video- NMG-Paint ($290.00) tape players Control features for videodisc or videotape players Contains on-board Motorola 68(1X) 32-bit microproc- New Media Graphics essor with mc:nory to run user programs Graphover 9500 Graphic Overlay Unit This system requires no additional microcomputer Parallel or serial ports allow compatibility with most Features current microprocessors Interfaces to any computer Graphics resolution of 640x408x16 from a palette of Graphic overlay capabilities 4096 Pixel addressable. 768 x 484 Single screen switching Graphics selectable 16 out of 64 colors Text and special characters of different F,tyles and Resident and down-loadable character fonts sizes RGB RS-170 and NTSC video outputs Graphics commands for picture creation Pan, zoom, blink, split-screen, and hardware area fill

38 Interactive Videodiscs Interfaces- to any videodisc player PILOTplus ($1,000.00) RS-232C interface Studio-PC graphics ($1,2(80.00) *.Supports touch screen. mouse, tablet. joystick. and light pen Controls two videodisc_players simultaneously Synntec Software programs available Professional Graphics System (PGSIII) Specifications Pilo: $9,850.00 Features Options 16K or 64K dynamic RAM chips Lightpen. resolution 384 x 242 ($1,450.00) 512x480 pixel resolution Graphics tablet,_11 x_I1_ ($1,450,00) 4096 colors Mouse, resolution 768 x 484 ($750;00) Cn,w1 or roll text Infra-red touch screen ($1,950.00) Center by line or page Resistance touch screen ($2.250.00) Flash words Font editor program ($395.00) Allows font creation Paint program ($495.00) Built-in keyer with drop shadow and border lvlixed fonts and colors Save images on floppy disk Learncom Preview capability MIC System 2000 Videodisc Overlay Interface Random pixel access Computer interface to APPLE II Plus or IBM-PC Features Broadcast quality, NTSC standard For use with IBM-PC, XT, AT computers Video overlay capabilities Can be used in PAL or NTSC video formats , Adjustable hue, chrominance, luminance, bkmk, and System Includes Interactive Video Controller Card. sync Interactive Video Graphics Card or an interface to the 17x5.5x13 inches WHD IBM Enhanced Graphics _Adaptor. all connecting ca- 75 ohm/high impedance switchable video output bles, MIC Software Diskette, and a User Guide and Horizontal sync adjustment for proper phasing Installation Manual Internal or external sync Supports mouse, light pen. touch screen, and joystick Zoom and reduce features Software interface available for any authoring language Automatic fading or "Soft-editing- feature Included Price: $7,000.00 Compatible with existing IBM software Options Price: $1,950.00 pGs III-2-page system ($8,500.00) PGS II 2-page system with preview ($10,000.00) Online Computer Systems, Inc. GL=512 Graphic Overlay Card Synetix, Inc. Features Videosprite Graphics Overlay System High resolution graphics 512x480 pixels 16 colors from a palett-: of 4096 Features Hardware pan and zoom (256x240x16 co or resolution) Requires Apple. II series micro with 48K memory, 1 Videc images can be overlayed with position de- Disk drive and DOS_ 3.3 operating system with two pendent graphics monitors (one tor programming input and one for video Multiple card options for one PC to control multiple output) displays and disc players Large range of computer graphics capabilities Broadcast quality RGB color graphics Easy10use commandlanguage PILOTplus, PASCAL MT+ , or C libraries available Commands can be abbreviated Background resolution_of 256Hx192V_ pixels Price: $1,500.00 Standard text mode with_ 40 columns by 32 rows 14 selectable colors and black Options Video-output retains standard of video,input

PASCAL MT -T-library ($150.00) 16K of dedicated video:RAM on board : C library ($150.00) Incoming video can be interlaced or non-interlaced

9 Interaf.tive Videodiscs 39 Signal is phase and frequency locked to colorburst, Videri Associates Labs horizontal and vertical signals of videosource PC=Microkey System for Graphics Overlay Includes Painting and Titling Software (P.A.T.) & system documentation Standard Features The PC-Microkey SyStem iS fully IBM-PC compatible Price: $995.00 Will work_ With Off=the-Shelf software Compatible With AT&T, IBM-CGAor EGA; Persyst Options Color II, Sperry, and Tecmar graphicscards Flashcard 144K (RAM disk emulator)($395.00) Videodisc controller for mostcurrent players included Flashcard 288K (RAM disk emulator)($595,013) All cards must be physically cabledto the resident Complete System (includes; Videosprite board,P.A.T. color graphics card by Video ASSOciatf: Lat(included software, Flashcard 288K and Apple He startersystem in price) with documentation) ($3,695.00) Resolution and software are determined by thein- dividual graphicS cards Two slots required

U.S. Video MOdel 1125 Overlay! 110 Overlay System/Videodisc Controller Parallel Dr serial ports Keying monitors (Sony PVM, KXSeries or equiva- Features lent) required Compatible with IBM-PC, XT, AT computers Available in P- AL Standard Capable of graphic overlay Compatible With most graphics cards Model 1175 SuppOrtS most videodisc players All of the Model 11251eatures included StipportS Most pDpular _IBM standard software in- 0:Addition of a second port for controlling otherdisc players cluding; dBase, R:Base, Savvy, Knowledgeman, 1=2=3, Sidekick; Wordstar Chart Master, and PC Paintbrush Available in P- AL standard

Price: $980.00 Model 1225 Parallel or serial ports For uSe With any analog ROBmonitor OptiOnal fade unit for audio and video

Video ASSoCiates Labs MOdel 1275 VB=3 Microkey System for Graphics Overlay All of the Model 1225 features included Addition of a second port for controllingother disc Features players Compatible with Apple II, Ile, and II+computers NTSC Standard CompoSite video signal, 75 ohmself Model 1300 term. For use with most_NTSC videosources NOrrnal reSoltition, 280 pixelsper line; 192 lines; 53,7611 ComPatible with any composite NTSC monitoror pixelS per picture: 140 nanosecond width keying monitor Works with VTR's & Videodiscs withouta TBC Broadcastable and recordable NTSC composite video Operates without a video input output Genlock Sync Generator locks to externalsources Built-in parallel port Proc amp regenerates burst and sync Capable of producing 2,560,GOD colors Prices: BroadcaSt NTSC keyed vide.) output $1;345.00 for Model 1125 (single video input) POWer Supply included _ $1;645.00 for MOdel 1175 (dual video input) Several Optional Software Packages available $1,595.00 fOr Model 1225 (Single video input) $1,645.00 for MOdel 1275 (dual Nideo input) Prices: $1,995.00 for Model 1300 (single video input) $1;795.00 for VB-3E MicrOkeyer For the Apple HE $1,695.00 for V13=3 Micrcikeyer For the Apple 11/II+ Options EGA Ceilbt Graphics Card ($595.00) Option IBM COW Graphics Card ($275:00) Apple Microkey System Software ($200.00) Persyst Color II Graphics Card ($195.00) 40 Interactive Videaffses 50 Tecmar Graphics Master Card ($695.00) 15" diag. frame ($2,0110.(X)) Micro Rey Fader ($495.00) 17" diag. frame ($2,200.00) 19" diag. frame ($2,400.00) Contact Carroll for information on specific monitors

TOUCH SCREENS Computer Technology Associates Allen Communication CTA 500X Soft-Touch Touch Screen with interface Touchpoint Touch Screen The Touch_Screen interface is designed to_be used Features with _the Apple IL+ or Apple lIE microcomputer; For use with IliM-PC, XT, AT, and compatible and the screen can attach to any 12 inch video computers monitor. Supports several models of videodisc players 100 x 100 sensors fort:1p to 10,000 active touch points Features RS-232C from host computer Infrared emitter-sensor array, self scanning Zenith ZVM 135 monitor included 96 horizontal by 64 vertical point resolution Active_toucharea, 11 in vertical by 8 in. high Price: $1,450.00 Outside dimensions 12x10x_75 in WHD Input power + 5v at 600mA from Apple power supply Occupies 1 Apple II interface slot Parallel cable between screen and interface Carroll Touch Technology Corporation Apple computer buss between interface and CPU Touch Screens All necessary hardware anG software supplied No extra assembly language subroutines necessary The Carroll Touch Technology Corporation has a Screen accessed through Applesoft BASIC wide1 range of touch screens1 available for the common monitors and terminals used in the computer field. Price: $695.00 The prices range between $1,900.00 and $2,500.00.

13" Monitors Aydin 8039,88-10- Ear Three Systems Manufacturing Company Mitsubishi C34I9 The Participator Touch Screen Ramtek GM714 Sanyo DMC6013 This screen is designed to be mounted flush with the Sony PVM-127IQ work surface of a desk, and includes an expanded touch area. The monitor is mounted under the 19" Monitors screen. The system includes: Aydin 8025,8026,8040,8830 11k8.5 inch display screen (14 inch diameter) Ikagarni DM511H 14x12 inch touch screen (18% inch diameter) Mitsubishi C3910,C3919,(26912,C6919 Audio system with two audio jacks_ and a microphone Ramtek GM719,GM720,359C jack for verbal input to the computer Sony CVM1900 Peice: $4,000.00 Terminals HewlettPackard 204X series, DEC VTIOOTM and VT103TM, Datamedia Excel 22, Excel 24 and Color- scan, & ISC8001G Electra Mechanical Systems; Inc: Touch Information Display Touch Screen Flat Touch Panels 9"x 9" window ($1;800.00) Features 17"x 17" window ($2.900.00) Custom designed touch screens Patented Ambient Light and Noise Reduction Circuit Generic Kits Box frame and window frame configurations available (price includes $600 controller) Custom bezel redesign and display packaging available 9" diag. frame ($1,600.00) 12" diag. frame ($1,800.00) Price: $1,265.00 and up depending upon application

51 Interactive Videodiscs 41 Elographics, Inc. Prices: Touch Screens $749.00 for 13 ifith Sereen (installed add $100) $1.175.00 for 19 inch screen (installed add$100) Features Resistive type screen_ 4000)-(4000 point reSolutiOn Easily installed and -calibrated UGHT PE1VS Flat_Screens available IBM-PC. XT. or AT controller is needed FTG Data_ Systons Prices: FTG Light Pens $800.00 for 12 abd 13 inth sereenS $900.00 for 191nch screen Features $300.30 for IBM tontr011er For use with IBM=PC and compatiblecomputers Will WOE1 With IBM-PCjrcomputers Optical push,tip switch standard Will not work with IBM monochromedisplay Micro TouthiSystems Several software packages available MIcrotouch Kit Touch Streen Specifications Price: $195.00 Micro Touch Kits are designed to configure existing terminals; iri,;iitors and other CRT displays with optioid touch-sensitive screens. Hi-Resolution Light Pen Board ($149.00) Analog capacitive sensing technology 256x256 touth points 75 touch_points_per Second Symtec Offered in 9, 12. 13, 15, 19 inch; and custom-sized screens Professional Light Pen Specifications Uses RS232C serial port Features 110-9600 baud Push-tip nose switth on pen Kits include sensor, intelligent controller, serial 0.3 microsecond response timeat 1 milli-lambert screen interface, and EEPROM brightness Device driver for tOuch Screen controller isavailable Touch_ sensitive Software paekageS available 12.5mm diameter by 175mm long (.5in by6.875 iri) Prices; Pen and cable 168 grams () Plug in interface for -compatible $995.00 for 9; 12. 13 inch diagonal computers Adjustable fot light SeriSitivity $1.045.00 for 14. 15 inch diagonal Can resolve a single pikel $1.295.00for 19 inch diagonal

Options Compatible Computer Systems Additional poWei supply ($95.00) Apple IIE. 11+ ;III Power supply w/enclosure($175:00) Atari 400;8(X) RS232C cable ($20;00)_ 1BM-PC Drive Point device driver ($125.00) Commodore VIC-20. 64 Franklin Ace

Compatible Screeas Touch Technology, Inc. Arty Color TV or monitor PC=Touch Touch SCreens AnY black and white TVor monitor Most green screens Features Available in resistive and -capacitive irtbdels Prices: _ 1000 x 1000 contact poitit (f6iMiye) $250.00for Apple -compatible 32, 56, and 60 cOntatt pciintS (capacitive) $175,00 fot il3M=PC tbMpatible Standard RS232 commiinications $15.00 (extra) fen- PtiSh-tip model

42 Interactive Videodiscs 52 Video Associates Labs Accessories: LPS H Light Pen (by Gibson Labs) Wireless microphone (half mile dist.) Apple II Apple Ile Features $595.00 $595.00 True Raster-Scan light pen Noise-cancelling gooseneck microphone with foot Locations are plotted 60 times per second pedal switch $160.00 $1611.00 Price: $349.00 Noise-cancelling headset boom microphone $180.00 $180.00 Programmer's Reference Manual $ 20.00 $ 20.00 Warp Speed Computer Products Warp SpeedLight Pens Scott Instruments Features Voiced Based Learning System Compatible with IBM-PC and compatible computers Can be used on Amber and Green monitors Features Incluries all necessary connecting cables For use with Apple II or Ile computers with 48K or Includes Light Pen Controller software the Franklin computer Comes with side button switch or push tip switch 98% accuracy rate Instant response Price: $199:00 40 word vocabulary, with overlays to access to ad- ditional sets of 40 word vocabularies Compatible with Pascal, Fortran, Basic, Applesoft, Pilot, and Machine Code Personal Computer Supply Compatible with modems, printers and other Voice Input Module peripherals Uses one Apple peripheral slot Compatible with VisiCalc, Visidex, Apple Plot, The Features Source For use with the Apple II or Ile All systems include reference manuals, headset mi- 98% + recognition accuracy crophone, and Voice Entry Terminal Vocabulary :listing and voice pattern stored on disk Maximum word length 1.5 second Uses one adapter_slot Vocabulary is user defined Pricers: 8K onboard memory $895.00 for VBLS System (includes Author diskettz) Menu driven Voice Utility program included Stand alone version Programs available for Visicalc, Wordstar, Magic $795.00 for VET-2 System (includes system diskette) Window, List Handler, and Applesoft Basic to name a Computer dependant system few $595.00 for Shadow/VET System (includes system Immediate response time diskette) Computer dependent system 80 words or phrases per application Maximum word/phrase length 1.25 sec Minimum pause between words 160 msec MULTIPLE INPUT KEYPADS VIM board, cables, Manual, Voice Utility Program, and microphone are included Meeting Services Inc; RESPONDERGroup Keypad System Pricers: VIM-1Hand-held microphone incluued Features Apple II Apple Ile 20-Key multifunction keypad $845.00 $ 90M0 Opel ates from a standard computer with an RS-232 VIM-2----Gooseneck microphone included port 920.00 $ 995.00 Up to 1,000 ikeypads can be used simultaneously VIM-3Headset microphone included Each keypad can be identified by the computer $950.00 $1025.00 Interaction may occur concurrently at the individual, group and subiroup level Introvoice II (160 word vocabulary) add $200.00 to Offers multiple-choice, yes/no integer and floating prices: point numeric (with optional arithmetic calculation); a

53 Interactive Videodiscs 43 timed mode tor competitive and task fulfillment sig- External amplifier/speaker included naling, and an open-key format for electronic hand- Instructional program and voiee data ate tOritained taiSing on a single diskette Response data can be displayed immediately in graphic Additional sOftware available forth, stored for later evaluation, or printed _PromtText can scroll messages to oneor all of the Price: $495.00 keypads Tone can be generated via built-in speakeror earplug Options 16 character single line alphanumeric backlit LCD UE-SC; The Ufonic Speech Composer ($225.00) display Includes 4 disks and Teacher's Guide to add Speech to SyStemS include Responders, System Controller,ca- existing lessons. bling !Or power and_clata; and software to operate Re- speinders from an IBM-PC or compatible STILL FRAME AUDIO DEVICES Prices: $2,060.00 System 4 with 4 Responders EECO $6,284.00 System 24 With 24 Responders VAC-300 Still Frame Video/Audio Converter

Options Features Responder 4Tack Systern_Expander ($844.00) Up to 40_ seconds of audio per still frarne of video Power/Data Expander Pack (one needed for every 24 Each audio frame can store 10 Seconds of real-time additional Responders) ($248.00) audio With 54,000 frames possible at 10 secondsper frame, 54,000seconds or 150 hours of audio are possible with VOICE SYNTHESIZER no video _(see chart below) Up to 120 hours of audio with 10,000 SlideS per diSc Botig-Warner Educational Systems side UVSUfonic Voice System Compatible with interactive VCR'S Computer controllable RS232 interface Features Baud rates 300_to 9600 Capable of adding human:sounding voice toany CBI Audio frequency response MO Hz to 3700 Hz, -3dB lesson Operates on Apple II or Ile computers Prices; Works in any available Apple slot $2,500.00 for Printed _Circiiit Card Card contains microprocessor, memory and synthesizer $3,000.00 for Stwid-alone Desktop

AudioiTime Possible Number of Laserdist Frames Per Video Frames Audio Frames Segments Per Side Disc Per Segment Per Segment Possible Set./HourS 54,000 0 1 54,000 549,000/150.0 54,000 1 1 27,000 270,000/75.0 54,000 1 4 10,800 432;000/120.0 54,000 3 4 7,714 308,560/85.7 54,000 3 1 13,500 135,000/37.5

LaserData 800 Megabytes of computer data available on one disc PC-IRIO=-Still Frame Audio Card side 200 K bytestsec maxuaurn data transfer rate Corrected_error rate better than 10-12 Features NTSC video format Single plug-in card for the IBM-PC Three selectable levels of audio quality 75 hours of digital audio available on one disc side Maximum data integrity achieved by proprietary eri-Or

44 interactive Videodiscs Bandwidth Sec./Frame Sec./Event Sec./Event Kilohertz (standard) (optional) 2.5 5 30 60 3.75 3.33 /0 40 5.0 1.5 15 30

Price: $1.150.00

LaserData 400 K bytes/sec maximum data transfer rate TRIO 110Still Frame Audio Controller Corrected error rate better than 10-12 NTSC video format Features Three selectable levels of audio quality Uses a built-in Intel 80186 microprocessor Can interface up_ to four players 75 hours_ of digital_ audio available on one disc side Can multiplex up to four computers 800 Megabytes of computer data available on one disc Control software, Information Retrieval Software, and side Diagnostic Software available

Bandwidth Sec./Frame Sec./Event Sec./Event Kilohertz (standard) (optional) 2.5 5 39 60 3.75 3.33 49 5.0 / 5 15 30

Pike: $2,950.00

Pioneer Video SS-D1Still Frame Audio System

Features Reed-Solomon error correction method Data storage capaciiyof 1000 floppy diskettes per side RS-232 Baud rate 300-38.4(X) selectable 35 houts of digital audio_ available on one disc side Three selectable levels of audio quality 427 Megabytes of computer data available on one disc Error correction selectable between 10-4 to 10-12 for side 0% to 53% redundancy.

Level Bandwidth Sec./Frame Sec. SS-D1 Per...Side Kilohertz Memory Hours 2.5 3.6 28:1 35:2 II 5:0 1.8 14.0 17.6 Ill 7.5 1.2 9.3 11.7

Price: $1.500.00

Sony_Video Video_input. IV p-p SFA-1000 Still Frame Audio Adapter Remote control, wireless infrared or cable Power requirement, 120VAC, 35W Features Dimensions, 3.28x10xI4.16(HWD) 82x250x354 mm Audio Playback Time, 1.5 to 20 seconds (HWD) Optional expansion to total of 40 seconds allowing Weight, 8.8 lbs (4kg) the storage_of_15_hours of linear audio per disc side Audio frequency response, 3.5 kHz; 3dB Price: $2,500:00


Pioneer Video, Inc. R-I000 CR Noise Reduction System

The CX NOISE REDUCTION system is unique to the . It is a built in:feature in many of the players but can be purchased -separately.1 This system can supposedly improve the signal-to-noise ratio_of the reproduced discs by as much as 14dB to more than 70dB (1kHz, 1()0% mod.IHE A): When con- nected to a systerrL, the user only has to turn it on. There are no adjustments to worry about.



APPLE_COMPUTER_MTERAICTIVE Superior Training Systems VIDEODISC SYSTEMS Apple II/Ile Interactive Video System

This system_is designed to be used with an Apple Ill IIE with 64K, two disk drives, color monitor and a Actronics- LearningiSvstems video player. The $2,400_package includes the Insight CPR LEARNING SYSTEM 2000:Authoring System. Packages complete with fully wired-Learning Center cabinet and peripherals are This system isdesigned specifically_for use in training available. for CPR certification or recertification: Features Features Plug in Video Controller Interface board with cables Industrial laserdisc player for a compatible video player: Microprocessor INSIGHT PLUS Courseware Authoring System with Random access audio cassette tape unit both Authoring and Lesson diskettes. Two television monitors Detailed and Quick Start Installation and Courseware Light pen Authoring Manuals. User control box Videotape (VHS or Beta) tutorial on effective cour- Operating systems software seware authoring techniques. One adult manikin To be used with the following tape or disc players: All necessary cables and user documentation DiscPioneer VPHXX), 8210Sony LDP-HXX) Tape Panasonic 8200 VTRSony Beta, U-Matic VTR's Price: Complete System: $20010.00 Prices: Options Disc or Tape Disc & Tape Infant Marikin ($2.5(X).00) Complete System$1.690.00 $2.400.00 Interface OnlyS 695.00 $895.00

Allen Communications Totally hoegrated Interactive (TII) System PLATO INTERACTIVE- VIDEODISC Features SYSTEMS Allen Communications_Learning Station VMI, Video Microcomputer Interfacemith. Demo Super Pilot Authoring Language with AC library Control Data Corporation diskette Pioneer-Industrial Videodisc Player PR-8210 CDC does not promote a specific videodisc:delivery Apple Ili Plus:Computer or equivalent system but does advertise an authoring service for Disk Drive with controller PLATO users. Any user of PLATO can take advan- 16K_RAM. card .._. tage of the videodisc technology with a Control Data Amdek Color One 13" Monitor PLATO terminal connected_to a central PLATO Sys- tem and a level three videodisc player. or micro- Price: $4,395.00 computer that supports Control Data's Micro PLATO delivery software. Options PLATO-compatible terminals are the ContrOl Data NEC color monitor with touch screen ($1,500.00) 1ST, 1ST II, 1ST III, Viking 721:30/31, IBM=PC or VB-3E Microkey overlay system ($2;195.00) Zenith Z100, and certain 1BM-PC compatible micro- Pioneer LD,V1000 ($1.200.00) computers. Philips VP832-player ($1.395:00) Micro PLATO-compatible micro,computers are the Gibson LPS-II Light Pen ($349.00) CDC110. IBM-PC and the Zenith Z100, and certain Koala Pad touch tablet ($124.95) IBM-PC compatible micro-computers.

57 interactive Videodiscs 47 FOr more information on the PLATO system, contact Data General operator console CRT for performing Control Data Corporation at the address listed. system startup; shutdown, and backup routines ARCNET Local Area Network communications in= terface for remote Icications of up to four _miles DEC PRO 380 COMPUTER Modem for interfacing to_Haieltine'S MicroTICCIT INTERACTIVE VIDEODISC maintenance service network SYSTEM Can use the ADAPT authoring system for courseware development Digital Equipment Corporation IVISInteractive Video Information System Price: $75,000.00

This system offers a stand-alone terninal that can be Option networked to-a mainframe computer. The price listed MicroTICCIT workstation ($7,000.00) is for the workstation and peripherals only. The au- thoring software and networking hardware must be purchased separately as well as the host mainframe: IRM-PC COMPUTER For detailed information on this systelii contact DEC INTERACTIVE VIDEODISC at the address listed. SYSTEMS

Features Allen Communications Digital Professional 380 personal computer Totally Integrated Interactive (TH-PC) System Analog interface box FeatureT VR241:A, RGB 13" color monitor IBM-PC (640K) Hitachi VP-9500 or _Sony LDV-1000A videodisc player 10Meg hard disk; One floppy Softwaredevice driver Microkey 1125 overlay and interface board RS232C connectors Pioneer Industrial Videodisc Player LD-V1000 Baud rate from 50 to 19200 Zenith ZVM 135, 14 inch color monitor Overlay enhancement (drop shadow width 1-15 pixels) Two floppy disk drives with 10 megabyte hard disk Price: $4;670:00 Ogtions $10,0(1) .00 Touchpoint II touch screen ($875.00) $11;100.00 with touch screen Sony PVM 1910 color monitor ($845.00)

MicroTICCIT INTERACTIVE Digital Videodisc Technologies, Inc. VIDEODISC SYSTEMS Video Window Digital Interactive Videodisc System

Hazeltine Corporatiou Complete system includes:, IBM compatible CPU_with 30Meg intemal hard driVe, MiCroTICCIT SYSTEM H 32_,768 cofors at 256 x 256 pixelS, 16:bit -con-cutteht MS- DOS, and -60rvreg -trethtiet- baCkiip driVe The system II configuration is designed to optimize Compatible for Sony LDP-2000, LDP-180 or Pioneer courseware development and delivery for medium- LD-V6000 scale computer-based training efforts. The system will One floppy _disk drive support up to_ forty MicroTICCIT workstations, each 12 inch color monitor with infrared touch screen with of Which can be-used for student, instructor, or au- 30 vertical and 40 horizontal pcints continuously wive thor functions. For detailed information on this sys- tem or any other systems; contact Hazeltine Keypad with 72 alphanumeric keys and a 10=k-es, Corporation at the address listed. meric keypad with cursor arrow and function keys that emulates an IBM keyboard Features Supporting software that features; digitai video; dig, ital audio; graphics overlay; and supporting database Data General microECLIPSE S/20 host processor with frames 256 K bytes RAM 50 M bytes of fixed storage for on-line system soft- Price: $7,500.00 ware, student records, a.ld_courseware 15.4 M byte cartridge tape drive for loading or dump- Option ing data from fixed disk 400Meg external optical drive (WORM)($6,995.00)

48 Interactive Videodiscs 58 Interactive Training Systems, Inc. PILOTplus Authoring Software ITS 3100 Interactive Video Rit 12" Sony PVM 12700 color:monitor VDC=1070 Videodisc Control Card Complete kit includes: IBM Color Graphics Card ITS 3100 controller (full slot board for IBM and com- Pioneer ED-V1000 Videodisc player or equivalent) patibles) with 16 color display, high-resolution text and graphics overlay, and RS232 serial control interface for Complete System: $6,000.00 videodisc High-resolution 13 inch color monitor Omions ;ntegral touch screen1 and controller Touch panel Cabling and system documentation Graphics overlay IBM-PC -XT 10mb Hard Disc Price: $2.995M0 Online Computer Systems Interactive Training Systems, Inc. The Enhanced IBM=PC DISCOVER System Interactive Videodisc Training System The basic package includes: IBM-PC XT (10mb) hard disc system Features IBM PC microcomputer One_ 5 1/4" double sided disk drive Ail cables and interface boards High resolution color monitor Discover Software Supports touch screen and light pen 12" Sony Profeel color monitor Laserdisc or videotape player ITS-2000 Controller Graphics printer and printer stand BASIC Interpreter Pioneer LD-V1000 Videodisc playeior equivalent) Price: S1l:564(X) CP/M-86 Option Authority software package ($12,000.00) Complete System: $10,000.00 Options Touch panel Intcrnãtioflal Business Machines Corporation Graphics overlay INFOWINDOW Interactive Videodisc System

Complete system includes: Superior Training Systems IBM-PC XT (512K) Microcomputer IBM PC Interactive Video System 1200 IBM Enhanced Graphics Adapter 1203 IBM G Memory Module This system is designed to be used_with an IBIWPC 3336-120K bytes Memory Module Kit with 128K. Iwo disk drives, color monitor, and a InfoWindow display video player: The $2,4(X) package includes the Insight DOS 3.2_. 2000 __Authoring _System Packages complete with fully GPIB.card. wired Learning Center cabinet and peripherals are Enhanced Graphics Adapter jumper card available. Control Program-- Pioneer LD-V6000 videodisc player Features Pioneer cable group CK323 Video Controllerinterface box with cables for a com- patible video player.: Price: $10;383.00 INSIGHT PC Courseware Authoring System with both Authoring and -Lesson- diskettes.- Detailed and Quick Start Installation and Courseware Online Computer Systems Authoring Manuals. IBM-PC PILOTplus Training System Videotape (VHS or Beta) tutorial on effective cour- seware .authoring lechniques, The basic package includes: To be used with the following disc players: Pioneer IBM PC with I28K RAM VP1000, 8210, Sony LDP-1000 Two double sided disk drives To be used with the following tape_players: Panasonic IBM or Okidata 92 80 column printer 8200 VTR, Sony Beta, U-Matic VTR'S

59 interactive Videodiscs 49 Prices: 128K RAM $2,080.00 for cOMplete system for disc or tape Two 5 1/4 inch floppy disk drives $2,400.00 for Complete system for disc_wid tape Videodisc Player $990.00.for interface only for disc or tape Audio module $1,2000) for interfacc only for disc and tape Speakers Detachable low profile keyboard Overlay of text and_ graphics Visage; Inc; Supports GW BASIC, PILOT, C. PASCAL. FOR- V:Station 2000 Interactive Videodisc System Series TRAN, RM COBOL Videodisc driver and touch screen driver included Features: Complete SYStem includesIBM-PC V:_Link hardware Complete System: $S,730.00 interface. IBM-compatible color graphics adaptor, and a comprehensive selection of standard and optional Options software Touch screen Graphic overlay including 80-column text 512K memory RGB output 30MB external storage_ ContrOl Of itiOst_ videodisc players NTSC or RGB outputs Membrane touch screen (except V:Station 2001 and Variety of PC peripherals and options 2004) Touch screen resolution: Med-Res 256x256. Hi-Res 1024x1024 Full rangeof software support SONY COMPUTER INTERACTIVE System will run standard IBM-PC programs VIDEODISC SYSTEMS One monitor system Sony Video 256K or 512K of dynamic RAM available View System I Interactive Videodisc System 10 meg Winchester hard disks available Features Prices: _LDP-2000 Videodisc Player. SMC-2000 $5,995.00 for 2001 Floppy diskette-based system. Microcomputer 256K RAM Built-in graphic overlay $7,695.00 for 2002-A Floppy diskette-based system. Two 3.5 inch micro floppy disk drives Hi-Res touch screen, 256K RAM Runs MSTDOSsoftware $6,895.00 fbi- 2002-B _Floppy diskette-based system. 16 character colors. 256 graphic cOlOrS frOM a pal- Med-Res touch screen,_ 256K RAM ette of_4096 $9825.00_for 2003-A_Hard disk-based system, Hi-Res touch screen. 256K_RAM RS232C communications port, IEEE-488 port optional $9,125.00 for 2003-B Hard-disk-based system. Med- Supports lightpen and mouse Res touch screen.- 256K RAM $7,385,00 fOr 2004 Floppy diskette-based system. High_-_quality graphics resolution, 640 x 4(10 512K RAM Integrated system minimizes the number of cables and maximizes the funetiOnality Of bOth the $11,650.00 for 2005-A_Hard disk-based system. Hi- computer and videodisc player Res touch screen, 512K RAM $_10.850.00 for 2005-B_Hard disk-based system. Med- Res touch screen, 512K RAM Complete System: $. 7 150.00 Options Son; offers a wide range of:software and peripheral NCR COMPUTER 1NTERACTWE hardware to support the system. listed are only a feW VIDEODISC SYSTEMS of-the popular options; Dual 12523-2C interface board ($185.00) NCR Corporation IEEE:488/RS232C board ($510.00) NCR INTERACTV Interactive Videodisc System Ram Expansion Board (to 526K)($510,00) Mouse ($200.00) Feature.s Light Pen ($175:00) NCR Personal Computer (MS-DOS 16-bit Operating Video'Graphics Library (Pascal or C) ($195.(J0) System) Lumena Graphics Creation _Program:($545.00) High resolution 12-inch color monitor Menu-driven font editor (5(3 ineliided) ($295.00)

50 interactive Videodiscs 60 Sony Video Intelligent disk controller View System 2 Interactive Videodisc System 8-16 RS,232C serial interfaces(50 to_ 9600_ baud) 1 or2 16-bit general-purpose parallel interface Features ETHERNET PCB for _networking LDP-2000 Videodisc Player. SMC-2000 Microcomputer Can use the WISE authoring system for courseware Still frame audio included development Reads data from the videodisc Built-in graphic overlay Price: $12,MUM 15 inch micra floppy disk drives optional Runs MS,DOS software 16 character colors 256 graphic colors from a palette W1CkT Systems of 4096 System 1255 R5232C and IEEE-488 ports Supports lightpen and mouse The System 1255 offers a stand-alone terminal that High-quality graphics resolution. 640x400 can be networked. The price listed is for the worksta- Integrated system minimizes the number of cables tion:only. The authoring software and networking and maximizes_the functionality of both the computer hardware must be purchased separately. For detailed and videodisc player information on this system or any of the iarger sys- tems. contact WICAT at the address listed. Complete System: $8.260.00 Features Options_ MC68000. 12.5MHziprocessor(approx. 1.25 million Sony offers a wide range of software and peripheral ititi-iietibhpet Setrind) hardware to support the system. listed are only a few 16-bit processor (32 bit data operations) of_the popular options; Memory management

Dual RS232C interface board ($185.00) _ IEEE 796 (extended Multibus) Bus architecture 15inch micro floppy disk drive ($415:00) 1 Mbyte of RAM (expandable to 5 Mbytes) Ram Expansion Board (to 526K)(510.00) 2 programmable interval timers Mouse ($200.00) Intelligent disk controller Ligfrit Pen ($175.00) 8-24 RS-232C serial interfaces (50 to 9600 baud) Vided/Graphics Library (Pascal or C)($195.00) 1 or 3 16-biLgeneral-purpose parallel interface LumenaGraphics Creation Program ($545.(X)) ETHERNET PCB for networking Menu-driven font editor (50 ineluded)($295.00) Can use the WISE authoring system for courseware development


%/CAT Systems System 1250

This system is the least expensive of the WICAT line. TheiSystem 1250 offers a stand-alone terminal that can be networked.: The price listed is for the worksta- tion only. The authoring software and networking hardware must be purchased separately. For detailed information_on this system or any Df the larger sys- tems. contact WICAT at the address listed.

Features MC68000. 12.5MHziprocessor (approx. 1.25 million instructions per second) 16-bit processor (32 bit data operations) Memory management IEEE 796 (extended Mu ltibus)_Bus architecture 1 Mbyte of RAM (expandable to 5 Mbytes) 2 programmable interval timers


AERONAUTICS sections, Thefirst section is a linear program that in- cludes the story of the museum's beginnings and de= National Air and Space Museum ArchiveDist One velopment including rare photographs and hiStoric This disc is an archival c011ectiOn of elbSe tb 100,000 film footage. The second Settititi_cif the diSc iS an in- . . still images of airplanes. frOM the MiisetiM's holdings. teractive catalogue of 1,645till frairieS of painting, The dige documents the history of aircraft from the sculptures, drawings, and print§ from th6 Gallery. early_flying machines up to the aircraft of the 1940's. Each image is followed by a still frame of text identi- The disc comes with_ an index that identifies the air- fying the artist and_work. Following the catalog isa craft by manufacturer: Comprehensive tour through the collection narrat?,c1 by the director of the Gallery, J. Carter . The Interactive CAV collection spans seven centuries of art. Software: None available Smithsonian_Institution (NASM) Interactive CAV Price: $44.95 Software: None available LDC America, Catalog #VPI-NGA-84 Price: $95.00

National Air and Space Museum Ar zhiveDist TWO This disc is an archival collection of clOse to 100,000 still images of airplanes from the muStum's holdings. Philip Pearistein Draws the Artist's _Model The disc documents the history of aircraft from the This disc is the first disc in a series called 1940's up to the aircraft Of the present. The disc Our Time. ,Each drit of theiseries projects willcover comes with an inclek that identifies the aircraft by the work of sönie creative, livingperson whose work manufacturer. will loog after that person wilk Eachone will_be a Completely documented disc of that artist,architect, Interactive CAV &neer, conductor, etc; This disc showcases the Software: None available teachingphilosophy and art of Mr. Perigtein, consid= Smithsonian Institution (NASM) ered to be one of America's most prestigious realiSt Prkz: $44.95 painters: The paintings ofithe artist_ are catalOged On the disc, along with video footage of Perlstein in his studio, his elasSeS and at the opening ofone of hisi_ shows. Interactivity is provided by severalexercises National Air_and Space Museum Archive=-Dist Three SpecifiCally designed by Perlstein foriartistsas well as This disc is an archival collection of cloSe to 100,000 theories and instructiontaught with the computer still images of airplanes from the inuSeum'S häldings. graphics. In doing this, the artist creates fivenew The disc comes with an index that identifies the air- works: craft by manufacturer. Interactive CAV Interactive CAV Software: None_available Software: None available InteractiVe Media Corporation Smithsonian Institution (NASM) Price: $49.95 Price: $44.95

ART Profiles in American Art A series of twelve half-hour discs documenting the ideag and works of some of today's American artists, National Gallery of Art painterS and SCUIptors. The programs penetrate the This disc was produced as "the first catalogue of art liVeS and minds of these painters and sculptorsto from a major museum to be made aVailable to the help the viewer understand that elusive mix of talent, public on videodisc." The diSc iS diVided into two skill and magic we call art. The following individUalS

52 tateractive Videadises 62 have been included in this series hosted hy Chapter 13. Paris and Impressionism: Reference Scourhy: Series. Chapter 14. Provence: The Land & People: Refer- Eric Sloan; painter & writer ence_Series. Donald Teague, watercolorist Chapter 15: Auvers; the Artists' Village: Reference John Clymer, painter Series: Edward Fraughton, sculptor Chapter 16. Summary Glenna GOodacre, painter Chapter 17. Credits William Whitaker, painter Side 2Vincent. The Play. Conrad Schwiering; painter This is a two act one-man show starring Leonard Sergeillongart; painter & poet Nimoy as Theo Van Gogh; Vincent's brother; George Carlson, sculptor Wilson Hurley, painter Interactive CAV John Stobart, painter Software: None available Bob Kuhn, painter LDC America Price: $49.95 The discs are also available in a .,pecial Collector's Edition with a special case and a signed and num- bered disc. A limit of 100 sets arc available. BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Interactive CAV Software: None available American Technology Resources The Business DiscHow To Start and Run a Small Prices: Business $95.00 per disc, $995.00 for the set of twelve The Business Disc is a sophisticated simulation which Collector's Edition: $395:00 per disc; $3995.00 for set leads the user through the steps of planning and man- aging a small business.

The Business Disc: Provides business experience without risk of capital Vincent Van GoghA Portrait in Two Parts Can be used to improve or expand an existing business Thc program on the disc is in two parts. The first Accommodates users' needs and interests art on side one is an overview of the life of Van Allows users to progress at their own pace Cogh thiough his paintings and several letters to his Permits review ofsegments already seen eo. Over 200 of his works are shown on Handles record keeping in detail hi: :ide inatalogues that group the works by pe- Uses live action, drama, animation, graphs and slides liod s;a:;,, is a one-man play starring Leonard Ni- Presents qualified professional advice v Theo, Vincent's brother. The contents is Performs complex spreadsheet calculations r "r down follows: Part One: The Planning Phase 1 ./an Gogh Revisited (itosted by Leonard This section simulates six months of_meetings with professional_advisors;_discussions_with other business,D:.-tch Period: owners; decision making and securing financing. Chapwr 2: Catalogue: _Major Works of Dutch Period. cl-.;ipter 1. Overview, Paris Period. Part Two: The First Year hi Business Chapter Jo. Catalogue: Major Works of Paris Period. This section simulates the first twelve months of op- Chapter 5. 0,,crview, Arles Period. eration. Decisions may have to be made about such Chapter 6. Catalogue: Major Works of Arles Period. matters as: a rent increase, late supply deliveries, Chapter 7. Overview., Saint Remy Period._ parking lot pothole repairs; employee issues; and Chapter 8; Catalogue: Major Works of Saint Remy many more possibilities: Period. Chapter 9, Overview, Auvers Period. Hardware Requirements: Chapter 10. Catalogue: Major Works of Auvers Pioneer LD-V61:100 or Pioneer LD-V60-10 Period. IBM-PC or compatible, 256K, 2 DS/DD Drives, RS- Chapter 11. Painting Techniques: Reference Series. 232 port Chapter 12. Brabant in Vincent's Time: Reference VAL Microkey overlay card 1150 or 1300 (Video As- Series. sociates Labs)

Interactive Videodiscs 53 Sony PVM or KX series monitor, or zehith ZVM= The diSc iS broken into four_15-minute units: Recruit- 135 ment. Selection and Placement; Promotion and Standard dot matrix printer (optional) Transfer; Discipline and Discharge; Preventing Sex- ual Harassment. During the course of the prOgiarn Programmed CAV the videodisc poses multiple-choice questions Which Software: l-or IBM-PC (provided) must be answered correctly before the program Maryland Center for Ati.: lie Broadcasting proceeds. Price: $1995:00 (Two vidtodiscs, four floppy diskS, manual and reproduciblc torms) ThiS Videodisc requires the Pioneer PR-7S20or LD- V60(X) player for interactive functions. Tne handset is needed for user input.

Programmed CAV Decision Point: A Living Case Study Software: Lael two programming on the disc This is an instructional tool that eteateg a rich airid BNA Communications Inc. engag7ng business-management enVirOnment piriVid- Pii-ce: $1,500.00 one year rental: ing the user with the opportunity tO eiplore hisor her decision-making technique§ and capabilities. The user becomes the Associate Vice_President of sales in a:fictional company producing high-precision,ma- chinery-making equipment: Upon entering, the tom= An Introduction to Marketing panyis experiencing problems. Despite_market Understanding the role of marketing iSifithdartierital research predicting a boom matket, ahd deqiite Suc- to_effective management by staff outside the rimeket- cessful past performance. Sales projectionsare not ing function. This course provides an introduction to being met. There is StreSs throughout the organiza- the cOnceptS of Marketing to those who would benefit tion and the user must turn things around. fircirn faMiliarity with the marketing process. Each MOdirle requires one to two hours to complete. The The ten major decision points_involve: learner is placed into real-life situations and required Incentive/Commission Structure to react to the problems presented. Discount_ Approval Policy Technical Training Issues Module l FactOrs Influencing Why and HOW People Workflow RevisiOn BUY Credit Policy The difference between market-led and product-led Managerial EffectiVeness Promotion companies Information/Report Distribution Increasing Staff or Improving Time Management Environmental changes influencing buyer's heeds P. rformance Measurement/Quotas Analysis_ ofbuying behavior in terms of needS

A buying cycle model: : Hardware Requirements: External and internal buying stimuli DEC IVIS Systeiti RatiOnal vs. irrational bases for buying IhdiVidrial roles.within_n buying cycle Programme,: CAV Relating the selling cycle to the buying cycle Software: For 'MC Pro 35(1 Digital Equipu .2nt Corporation Module 2Market Research, Forecasting and Planning Price: $2,2000(! Market segmentation and sectorization/variables uSed Purpose and types of market research Stages of market research MethodS -of gathering information Methods of carrying out surveys lair Employment rintite Reasons for market forecasting This course offers a n, v approach to manaegment Purposes of market planning and supervisory training programs. This course SWOT analysis teaches iaanagers and supervisors how to use the Stages of market planning urinciples of good management to find, hire, and place productive_employees. Promote, transfer and Mbiltile 3Getting the Market Mix,Right supervise them. Handle discipline and diScharge aS The four r_s of the marketing:mix well as prevent_sexual harassment all Within the Tangible and intangible attributes ofa product bounds of EEOC regulatiOnS. Recsons for adjusting the product mix

54 InteractiveVaeoctiscs 64 The product life cycle 2Managing Determinants of _the. mark....t price 3Selling Stages of price setting. 4Supervising Objectives of price setting 5Servicing Customers Purposes and methods of promotion 6Relating Professionally Criteria for deciding in the promotion budget The other five components facilitate applications of Advertisuig- methods this principle in each of their-respective areas-. Of Direct and indirect methods of distribution particular is Relating Professionally, which addresses Inter,relationship between the four P's a problem that is especially prominent in the bur7 A cybernetic.model of marketirg/monitoring, revis- geoningligh-tech fkld_that is; empowering people ing and controlling with extremely specialized skills to better relate to each other professionally more efficiently and with Necessary Hardware: less stress. The Learning Center or the IBM InfoWindow The course contains a common core of three gener c Programmed.CAV modules with the beginning and ending modulesti- Software:included bred to the specific concerns of each discipline; Sell- MindBank, Inc. ing; Managing; and Administration. Each discipline Price: $ L995 MO per modul offers between 8 to 12 hours of instruction: Hardware requirementsIBM/Online; Sony View; AT&T; InfoWindow; NCR.

Programmed CAV: The Name Game: A Coor,,e c,, Software: Provided The_Name Game is designed to d!r.clov -*nes :31-nhiy Wilson Learning Corporation to remember names and faces. This p:..)gram is pre- Prices. sented as ia highly interactive real-time simulation $10,000 for the first discipline that will draw the user into the action. The assign- $5,000 for each additional discipline ment is to:attend a party at the US Embassy in- France, where a:deadly plot is unraveling. The key to solving the plot is remembering the names and faces of the people that are introduced. CAREER COUNSELING Necessary Hardware: The Learning Cenu_r or the IBM InfoWindow COLLEGE U;S;A; Programmed CAV This series of discs offer college-bound students a Software:: Iticluded close-up view of campus life at colleges across the MindBank. Inc. country. Special segments focus on career opportuni- Price: $2595.00 ties in specific fields. Career include: Agrkulture This six,minute videa explores The /iversifted, high tech and scientific nature of agriculture today:It is Versatile Organization pointed out that 90 percent of jobs in agriculture to7 This is a course that is designed to teach how to in- day are off the farm in scientific research, mathemat- crease productivity in an organization's management, ics, computing, engineering, marketing, sales_staff and administrative staff. The Versatile Or. manufacturing and a host of other specialties. ganization is comprised of six distinct_components._ each of which stands on its own as a complete course. ?Architecture These components are: This six-minute video encourages students_t0 explore the challenges, rewards and practical aspects of the IThe Versatile Organization academic preparation for and working as an architect. This component addresses the issue of overall organi- This segment was sponsored by the National Archi: zation versatility and how each individual in a com- tectural AccreditMg Board, American Institute of Ar- pany _has a stake in and contributes to that. It is in chitects, American Institute of Architectural fact; a cultural intervention designed to strengthen an Students, Association of Collegiate Schools of Archi- organization at every level. tecture; National Council of Architectural Registra-

65 Interactive Videodiscs 55 tion Boards and the National Institute of The College_U.S.A. SyStem ir dudes: Architectural Education. A laSet videodisc system An Unlimited supply of postage-paid student response Engineering cards that make it easy to request information fromany The seven-minute video explores the highly techno-_ college in the U.S.A. logical and innovative nature of engineering todayin- Posters promoting College U.S.A. in the students cluding applications in medicine,_fiber optics; Free hardware maintehartee, With 48 hour replacement cOniptiters and more. This:segment was co-produced by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics luteractive CAV Engineering. SOftWare: Nbne available Info-Disc Corporation High _Technology Price:$375:00 per year This two-minute video stresses options in chemistry; biology, computer programming and electronic engi- neering as well as environmental and civil engineer- DISCOVER for Microcomputers This prograin:has been:created ing. This segment was produced by the U.S. Army as a service of the Reserve Officer Training Corps. AnieriCan C011ege Testing Program (ACT). TheDis- COVer prOgram furnishes occupational and educational Nursing information; as wellas the most comprehensive guid- ance_component available with a computer-based oc- This two-minute video encourages studentsto COP- sider the specialized training and financialassistafire cupational information resourcc. Studentscan compi,.:te the entire program in about two hours, available while earning a bachelor's degree, as_wIlAS or career opportunities in the Atiny Or National Guard they can use it for a much shorter period of time, concentrating oni areas of the program that supply as nurse/officer after graduatibri. ThiS SegMentwas produced by the U.S. Army Reserve OfficerTraining Spetifie information to satisfy their currenfneeds: Corps. Discover can store information from a student'suse of a program: ROTC Scholarships . This Video focuses entirely _on th? f:nancial aidas- This means that, over a period of time, individualS pectS Of the Army ROTC and outlines the details of can review and update their self:information, pre- Student funding_for_tuition, books, fees anda ferred colleges, and octupations of interest. The four monthly _subsistence allowance in addition toa corn: Major cOmponents of the program include: mission as an officer in the Army or National GUard after graduation. This_segment WAS produced by the Learning About Yourself U.S. Army Reserve Officer Training Corps. This area contains three assessment tools to helpa student focus on the future. Included are the_90-_item Teaching UNIACT Interest Inventory, a Self-Rating of Abili: This five-minute_video features Ed Asner and Alex ties and a Values Inventory. Haley recalling the impact that teachers hadon their liveS And high school graduates discussing what made Searching For Occupations teachers stand out The video looks at the changes in ThiS coMponent will take the information from the the teaching profession and explores teachingas an last section, or will accept input from the following attractive career choice, especially in the fieldS of interest inventories; Stron-Campbell Interest Inven- computers, science and mathematics. ThiS Segment tory; Ohio Vocational Interest Survey I or II,_or Ku; was produced by the American Federation Of der Form E. Aptitude test scores are accepted from Teachers. Career_Planning Program, Differential Aptitude Tests, General Aptitude Test Battery, and Armed In the college segments; _students will experiencethe SerViceS Vocational APtitude Battery. unique personality of each collegecampus as the camera leads them on a tour of classrooms, labS, li- Learning About Occupations braries and student unionS. They'll hear inSightful The student may either browse the list of appropriate comments from students, professors and administra- occupations or receive detailed informationon occu- . tors and find answersito their key questions about 'Damns of interest. More than 12,000 occupations aie collegesand careers. In addition to_campustours, listed under 23 kit) fainilieS and 12 map regions. each college profile includes up-to-date information about Admission Requirements, Tuition, MajorSOt= Educational Inforittation fered, Class Sizes; Ratios of Students to Faculty, and ThiS Section contains information on about 1,800 Financial Aid. four-year colleges; 1;500 two-year colleges, and 1,000

56 Interactive Videodiscs 66 graduate schools that are updated annually. The stu- World of Work dent may search the schools by any number of crite- The U.S. Department of Education contracted fbi ria including majors available, cost range. size, the production of two prime time, 60-minute televi- geographic location, minority representation, and sex sion programs entitled "Is Technology Stealing Your ratio to name a few. Job" and "Where Will You Work Tomorrow9" Two more programs were produced as an inter- Necessary Hardware active disc with the titles "Guide to Tomorrow's Apple II or Ile computer f1281(), two- floppy disk Jobs" and "The Hidden Job and How to Find It." drives, one 10 Mb CORVUS hard disk (Omni The programs are closed captioned for the hearing Drive), parallel printer, and a Pioneer LD-V6000 vi- impaired. deodisc player. DI IBM-PC (not AT) computer The target audiences for the lessons consists of (128K); one floppy disk drive; RGB monitor; CGA decision,makers; high school connselcrs; students card; 10 Mb hard disk; parallel printer, and a LD- seeking information about high-teciinology careers; V6000 videodisc player. and workers who want to make mid-career changes and need to learn new skills. Programmed CAV- The programs provide a timely overview of the Software:- Provided following concepts: DISCOVER Center How the world of work has changed and its effect on Price: $1.950.00 both skilled and unskilled labor. Impacts on_the job market caused by new; high-tech- nology; especially in compuiers; communications tech- PathfinderA Career Decision Process nology, information sciences, and robotics on the job This is a videodisc program that interprets the results market. The need for solid basic skills (reading, written and of the Strong-Campbell Interest Inventory and then guides participants through a four-step career deci- oral communications, and mathematics) as a continuing sion-making process. prerequisite for a meaningful job and career ;advancement_ Step one helps the user understand how patterns At The role of technical; trade and continuing education: of interest can form the foundation of a satisfying The third and fourth titles have programming career. available and require a SonyiLDf videodisc playt: r Step two helps the user identify a wide variety of and a Sony SMC-70 personal comput2r specific_oceupations_that could match his orher inter- ests._The Strong,Campbell's_106 occupational scales Intel ictive/(Third & Fourth Titles are Programmed) are expanded with 750 related occupations; with easy Software: level 1 and 3 GPN reference to an_additional 200)0 occupations in the Price: $100.00 per set of three discs Dictionary of Occupational Titles. Step three allows the user to evaluate and select the most realistic occupational choices, based on such "real world" criteria as educational requirements. ac- COMPUTER SCIENCE tual job_duties, and long-term job potentiaL Step Four motivates and assists the user in devel- Computer LiteracyDisc I oping the action steps needed to pursue his or her ca- This is a two disc computer literacy course with 12 to er plan. 15 hours of instruction. The course can be used with Print materials include a 32-page Career Guide the IBM-PC or Apple computer systems. (-Vile test- for the user-and Instructional Manual for the coun- ing and record keeping are available. Software can be selor and a Reference Library containing the Diction- altered with the Disc Writer authoring language. An ary of Occupational Titles, the_ Occupational_Outlook online index and glossary, as well as test questions Handbook;_and the User's Guide to the SVIB-SCII. are provided; Pioneer LD-V6000_videodisc player is needed for the level 2 program on the disc. Side I Hardware Programmed CAV Videodisc operating instructions Software: level 2 encoded on disc Interactive Video Microcomputer overview Systems, Inc. History of computers Price: $2,(Xl0,00 first year subscril tioli; $: 500.00 Primary and secondary storage subsequent _years subscription Printers Extra Career Guides; $3.00 (quantity discount3) Common peripherals

67 Interactive Videodiscs 57 Input devices Cliide§ creating and changing_files, addition and dele- Processing tidn Of recOrdS, sorting, renaming and copying files. numerous math computations, and reports. Side 2 Software Necessary Hara- 7re Introduction to software Ccmsell Learning Cetiter, Sony View System, or Applications programs IBM InfoWiudow. Word processing Electronic spreadSheet Programmed CAV Database management Software: Provided Comsell, Inc: Business graphics Price: $1995:00 Advanced topics *Programming *Operating systems *Boolean logic dBASE111 A four to six hour course on using dBASE III. Con- Programmed CAV tent includes creating database files, adding and Software: *titter! fOr IBM Or Apple J.A.M., Inc. changing information, performing time saving Price:$2,995.00 fOr set of 2 discs, software; & searches, retrievals and arithmetic calculatiohS, ex- manual tracting Selected data and printing reports.

Necessary' Hardware Comsell Learning Center, Sony View System, or Computer LiteeaoDisc 2 IBM InfoWindow. This is a two disc _computer literacy course with 12 to 15 hours of instruction. The course can be used with Programmed CAV the IBM-PC or Apple compute! systems. Online test- , Softo;are: -Provided Comsell, Inc. mg and record keeping are available. Software can be hice:$1,995.00 altered with the_Dist Writer authoring language. An online index and glossary, as well as test questions are provided.

Side 3 DIsplaywrite III Telecommunications A Six to eight hour course on the techniques of word Introduction to telecommunications processing and haw they may be applied through Modems IBM's DisplayWrite word processing program. Con- Telecommunications software tent includes DisplayWrite III's structure, creating a Local area network§ document, revising and printing a document, creating Consumer information databases a longer document, advanced editing techniqueS, for- Videodisc/Videotext matting tekt, verifying spelling, displaying a directory, and using document utilities. Side 4 New Technologies Necessary Harthware Industrial robotits Comsell Learning Center, Sony View System. or CAD/CAM IBM InfoWindow. Optical storage Integrated software Programmed CAV: SOftware: Provided Comsell, Inc. Programmed CAV Price: $1,995.00 Software: written for IBM or Apple J.A.M., Inc. Price:$2,995.00 for Set of 2 diScS, §OftWare, & manual DI./ Programming A p ogram which introduces the concept of bierarchi- . al data base structure and the rules by which the dBASE II _ DL/I data base is acceAed. the major components of Athree to six hour course in the fundamentals of the DL/1 programming environment are examined, data base management using dBase II. Cotititht in- including the DBD, P13, PCB, SSA, and the EN- 58 Interactive Videodiscs 68 TRY and CALL statements. The course also details data communications. The modules show realistic. the configuration of a DUI application program fOr everyday examples of data communications usage ap- the purpose of accessing a data base sequentially and propriate for both beginning and advancedstudents. directly. The following nine units are covered: Each module package includes: one videodisc, one lesson diskette, course administrator's guide, and stu- IThe Data Base Structure dent handouts. The modules include: 2.Navigating the Hierarchy 3LD/I Components and Program Constrion 1Basic Elements in Data Communications 4Sequential Access 2Hardware and Software Components in Data 5Direct Access Communications Systems 6=-Boolean Logic and Command Codes 3 BinarNumbering Sy-tem and Interchange Codes 7=-The Modification Function Codes Transmission Concepts arid Telephone Lines 8Path Calk 5DTE-DCE Inteqace and RS-232-C 9PCB Components and Advanced Processing 6Basic_Concepts_ in_Data_Link Control Techniques 7Start-Stop Data Link Control

Necessary Hardware Necessary HardK are Sony View System IBM-PC computer, Pioneer LD-VI000 videodisc player, Visual Database Systems videoswitch. or the Programmed CAV- Sony View System. Software: Provided Interactive Training Systems; Inc. Price: $1,000,00 Programmed CAV Software: Provided TCT Technical Tr'ing, Inc: Price: $5...00.00 for complete cot:1.x ol950.00 per module IMSNS Data Communications Programming This program examines the basic concepts of IMS-DC structure and functions, along with IMS ter- minology, effective on-line development, and such extended features as conversational processing. Inf,raductlon to the IBM-PC Two to four hours of fundamentals on the IBM-Pt' Necessarv Hardware and PC compatibles._Content includes internal and Sony View System external operations, keys and function keys, format- ting and copying diskettes, the operating system. and Programmed CA V files and file structure. Software: Provided Interactive Training Systems. Inc. Price: $1,000.00 Necessary Hardware. . Comsell Learning Center, Sony View System, or IBM Info Window.

Programmed CAV IMS Physical Design Software: ProVided Comsell, Inc. This is an_example-driven discussion of how best to Price: $1;995.00 organize data into an IMS data base which optimizes both function and performance.

Necessary Hardware Sony View System Logical Data i3ase Design This program_ is an example-driven discussion of how Programmed CAV, best to org. laze data into an optimally structured Software: Provided Interactive Training Systems. Inc. Logical Data Model, Using relational concepts and Price: $1,000.00 techniques_within a structured methodology, the course covers the major phases of the design; These rhases are:

Intreduction to Data Communications Networks Data Analysis This is ail integrated series of modules providing :in Data Normalization in-depth introduction to the techniques of model a Construction of the Conceptual Data Model

kiteractiveVideodiscs 59 69 Mappmgiof the Conceptual Data Model Programmed CAV Hierarchical SOftWare: Provided Comsell. inc. Network Price: $1,995.00 Inverted File Relational

Necessary Hard Ware Multiplan

Sbny View System Eight to_twelve_hours cf the fundamentals of spread. sheet analysis. The course allows the user t:i p,-ctice Programmed CAV creating spreathheets for cash flow and income analy- Software: Provided Interactive Training Sy Stems, Inc. sis. Content includes startup, data_efitiy and edit-s, Price: $1,()00.00 mathematical computations using formidas, number- ing worksheet i d printing.

Necessary Hardware__ Lotus 1-2-3 Comsell Learning Center, Sony View System, or Eight to twelve hOMS of spread,'-, Luadamentals. PMInfoWindow. Content inchtdc.,:,:artnp, sr: eadsheet setup, dataen- try and mathematica: computations, and Programmed CAV macro, Software: Provided Comsell, FWee: $1,995.00 vtityhard!. il=r0 Con.cLeal ning Center, Sony View Sem, or !Fnvl infoWriCow. MVS/XA: Concepts and Facilities ogrammeti C_AV: This disc presents the theoretical foundation of the SOftWaie: Pi-OSided Comsell: Inc. MVS/XA Operating system as well as an in-depthex- Priee: $1,995 M0 :iinination of the facilities available through MVS/ XA.

Necessary Hardware Sony View System MS=DOS/PC-DOS Six_to_eight hours of the basics in MS-DOS/PC-DOS. Programmed CAv Content includes basic commands. hierarchic.:1 direc- SOftware: Provided Interactive Training Systems, Inc. toes,n. hatch files, and advanced operating Price: $1,000M0 techniques.

Necessary Hardware Comsell Learning- Center. Sons' View System,or MVS/XA: Peoduction JCL IBM IfifoWindow. Examined are_ the advanced _JCL techniques used to perform scheduled work in a production_environ- Programmed CAV merit: It introduces the techniques used to,code and Software: Provided Comsell, Inc. invoke cataloged procedures and explains how to al: Price: $1,995.00 ter parameters on EXEC and DD StateitietitS in tatti: logediprocedures. The course describeS the techniques used to refine output and improve job Crintrol. defines CVOL's and VSAM catalogs, and Multimate descrioes the use of Generation Data Groups: The A six to eight hour course the fundainentals of last unit identifies common JCL errois and describes. word processing uSing MUltiMate. Content includes how to re:olve them. startup. entry,:edit, save and print options, rearrang- ing tekt,:fiii-in letters, math computations. and spell- Necessary Hardware ifig efieekS. sohy vii:w System

Necessary Hardware Programmed CA V_ Comsell Learning Center, SOO/ VieW SYStem. or Software: Provided Interactive Trailing Systems, Inc. IBM InfoWitidow. Price: $1,000:00

60 interactive Videodiscs MVS/XA: TSO/E Necessary Hardware This is a four-unit course that covers the TSO/E-facil- IBM-PC0T:compatible (256K) With 2 diSk drcS. ales needed to develop programs interactively. The color-graphics adaptor with 25_-pin connector. .ii- course presents the concepts of TSO/E and an over- chronous communications adaptor; Pioneer L1J- view of its commands and subcommands. V6010 or 6000 videodisc player; Health_EduTech's IVC-1 interface cable, and a monitor with NTW/ Necessary Hardware RBG key:capabilities (Sony PVM 12710. Zevitii Sony View System ZVM-1350 modified. Sanyo Spectra Tech 31C426 modified); or Programmed CAV The Sony View System with 512K memory; or Software: Provided Interactive Trai _ S\ :ems.Inc. (NCR)--NCR system with Pioneei LTV1000video- Price:$1.1100.00 disc player.

Programmed CAV Software: Provided Health L..: di. Inc. Price: $990.00 ($3.960.00 for all four courses) MVS/XA: VSAM and Basic AMS This course provides a general overview of VSAM with the integrated catalog facility (ICF). and intro- duces the AMS commands. It defines VSAM data sets and provides instruction on building alternate in- Keyboard Concepts and Computer Control 7h.. dexes for VSAM data sets. PC Series part of a four-part Interactive Videodisc

Necessary Hardware Personal _Computer. Train ing.series by .Health__Edu,_ . Sony View System Tech Inc.: The_ course is designed to teach an adult how to use the personal computer. ,Each lesson can Programmed CAV take front_ twenty,minutes to taree hours The pack- Software: Provided Interactive Training Systems. Inc. age includes a-videodisc and a trl-ippy diskette._ Price: $1,000.00 With Keyboard Concepts and Computer ( Ontrol. the user learns_the numeric_keypad;.the alphanumeric keypad.;_the_control _keys_ and the functun ke.,s. The user_ also:composes and edits text with the PC keyboard. MVS/XA: VSAM Programming This disc covers the statements necessary to define Necessary Hardware and access VSAM data sets from a COBOL program. IBM-PC or-compatible (256K) with 2 disk drives, color-graphics adaptor with 25-pin connector. asyn- Necercan' Hardware -.: ronous communicationsadaptor;. Pioneer LD- Son\ View System V6010 or 6000 _videodisc.player. Health_ EduTech's IV('-1. interface cable. and a.monitor with NTSC/ Programmed CAV RBG capah1lities "-Sony PVM 12710. Zenith Software: Provided Interactive Training Systems. Inc. ZVM.-!3,50 modified. Sanyo Spectra Tech 31C426 Price: $1.000.00 modified); or The Sony View System with 512K memory; or (NCR)_NCR system with Pioneer LD-V MOO Video- disc player. PC MentorThe PC Series This is one part of_a four,part Interactive Vtdeodtsc Programmed CAV Personal Computer Training series by Health Edu Software: Pro--'led Health EduTech. Inc. Tech: Inc.. The :.ourse is designed to teach an adult Price: $990.00 ($3,960.00 for all four courses) how to use the personal computer. Each lesson can take from_ twenty minutes to three hours. The pack- age includes a videodiw and a floppy diskette. With PC Mentor. the user learns basic computer Diskso Drives and DOSThe PC Series concepts such as the input-processing7output _cycle. This is one part of a four-part Interactive Videodisc frequently used hardware anctsoftware jargon._the Personal_Computcr_Training.series by.ilealtb Edu- function of the operating system and what the cursor Tech; Inc.. The_course_ is_ designed to _teach an adult is and how to control it. how to use the personal computer: Each lesson can

71 ,:lteractive Videodiscs 61 take from twenty_minutes to three hours. Thepack- Programmed CAV ige includes a videodisc anda- floppydiskette. Software: Provided Health EduTech. With Disks. Drives and DOS.-the uSer learriS Pm 4 $990.00 ($3.960.(X)for all four -courses) how to format, copy and care for diskettes, howto copy_files and hOW to use the disk operatingsystem (DOS). The_DOS Sectio11 _teaches_ functions suchas changing diSk drives, renaming anderasing files and Sets interattiVe 'Personal Computing Course MOVing from the DOS level to the BASIC level. This is a 15 Unit course in rmsonal computing.A placement test allows a student to enter thecourse at Necessary Hardware the_ appropriate level: A typical unit consists Of four IBM-PC or compatible (256K) With 2 diSk driVes, activities: Reading the worktext, WOrking Oh the in- color-graphics adaptor with 257pin connector._asyn- teractive system. PtaCtititig at the computer, and chronouseommunications adaptor. Pioneer ED- Getting _instructional support, management, and_vali, V6010 Or 60(10 Videodisc player.;_Health EduTech's dation. Eath Unit iS an hour atinstructiom The pack- I-VC:1 interface cable, and a monitor with NTSC/ age is, available in English or Spanish versions._ and RBG key capabilities (Sony PVM 12710. Zenith inclUdeS fOur laserdiscs, four courseware diskettes,a ZV_M,1350 modified. Sanyo Spectta Tech 31C426 practice applications diskette, a placementtest diS: modified): or kettc%_a_ worktcxL _and an instructors Manual. The The SonyViewSystern With 5I2K memory: or course content includes: (NCR)NCR SyStern With Pioneer LD-V1000 video- disc player. Unit 1: IntrOduttion tk. Pursonal Computer Programmed CAV SySteM Unit 2: Input Devices Software: Provided Health EduTech, Inc. Unit 3: Output Devices Price:$990:00 ($3,960.00for all four courses) Unit 4: Memory and Unit 5: Storage Unit 6: Disk Operating_SyStemS Unit 7: DOS_CoMmandS Using Applitation ProgramsThe PC Series Unit 8: WOrd-PrOceSSing This iS One part Of a fcitit-part Interactive Videodisc Unit 9: Data BaS-C. Management Systems PerStitial Computer Training_series by Health EduT Unit 10: Spreadsheets Teat.Inc.The course is designed to teach an adult Unit 11: Graphics how _to use the personal computer. Unit 12: Prot,inming in BASIC, Part I, Each lesson Can take from twenty minutesto_ Unit 13: Programming in BASIC, Part II thRe hourS. The package includes a videodisc anda Unit 14:Comr CommunicatiOns floppy diskette. Unit 15: Choosing a Personal Computing System With USing_Application Programs. theuser leatifs how to_start the PC, how to load andrun ap=,_ Necessary Hardware plication programs-. how to distinguish betWeen appli= IBM-PC computer, VAL overlay card (modified), cation programs and _system proganis, Siniple BASIC Sony LDP-2000 videodisc player: ora SonyView commands such as_FILES. LOAD. RUN, LIST and System: or an IBM Infowindow SySteni. SAVE. The user alSO has an opportunity to try_simu- latiotis Of it Word prOcessor, a_databasemanagement Programmed CAV system. a Spreadsheet and a graphics program. Software: PtOVided Synergistic Educational TechriblOgy SyStems._Inc. Necessary Hardware Pike: $3,595.00 (Engiish version)$3,975.00(. pamsh 1BM-PC or compatible (256K) with 2 disk drives, Version) color-graphics adaptor with 25-pin connector,asyn- chronous communications adaptor. Pioneer LID, V6010 ot 6000 VideddiSe piaver. Health EduTech's int-el-Nee Catile and a monitor with NTSC/ WW1 1-2;3 Menhir 1:=The Software Series_ RBG key Capabilities (Sony PVM12710.Zenith This is part one Of a_three:part_Interactive Videodisc ZVM-_1350 modified. Sanyo Spectra Tech 31C426 Personal Computer_Training series byHealth Edu-, modified): or Teeti, Inc.. Theicourse is designed to teachan adult The Sony View System with 512K Memory:or haw_to use the personal computer. The paekagein- (NCR)NCR system With PiOtieet LD-V1000 video- cludes a videodisc, a user's guide andafloppy disc player. diskette.

62 Interactive Videodiscs 72 Lotus 1-2-1 Mentor I_ introducesthe purpose and V6010 or 6N10 videodisc player, Health EduTech's function of Lotus 1-2-3 via simulatiorL This course IVC-1 interface cable and a_monitor with NTSC% teaches the applications of Lotus 1-2-3, its screen RBG key capabilities (Sony PVM 1271Q: Zenith components, the basic: menu and command structure. ZVM-1350 modified: Sanyo Spectra fech 31C42( All basic operations of Lotus 1-2-3 are practiced from modified): or desiping spreadsheets to printing reports. , The Sony View System with 512K memory: or !This course allows users to repeat or skip course (NCR)NCR system with Pioneer LD-V MOO video- sections. request assistance or return to the Main disc player. Menu at any_point in the course and as often as_nec- essary: Assistance provided the user includes various CAV combinations of audio help: computer text and video S(.,_, LOTUS 1-2-3 instruction. not provided._ Health. EduTech_._ Inc: Price: $990.00 ($2,970.(X) for all three coittNes) Necessary Hardware IBM-PC oricompatible (256K) with 2 disk drives, color-graphics adaptor with 25-pin connector, asyn- Lotus 1-2-3 Mentor 111The Software Series chronous communications:adaptor: Pioneer LD- This is part three of a three-part Interactive Video- V6010 or 6000 .videodise player: .Health.EduTech's disc Personal Computer Training series:by:Health IVC-Linterface cable: and a.monitor with NTSC/ EduTech, Inc.. The course is designed to teach an RBG key-capabilities (Sony PVM 12710, adult how to use_the personal computer. The package ZVM-1350 modified, Sanyo Spectra Tech 31C426 includes a videodisc, a user's guide and a floppy modified): or diskette. The Sony View System with 512K memory: or Lotus 1-2-3 Mentor III provides_ active instruc- (NCR)NCR system with Pioneer LD-V1000 video- tion for Graphing: Data Management_and Prog.-arn- disc player; ming:of Lotus 1-273 while using the actual softw,ire. This course utilizes the DATA command to Programmed CAV SORT data an a spreadsheet, and the QUERY corn Software: Pmvided Health EduTech, Inc. inand to FIND a specific word, phrase or number, Price: $990.00 ($2,97(.00 for all three courses) and print a report. The GRAPH command is used to convert a spreadsheet to a bar graph, line graph or pie_chart._ Lotus 1-2,3 Mentor 11-,,TheSoftware Series Users also learn to automate a series of contmands by This is part i.'vo of a_three-part Interactive Videodisc writing a MACRO so the command, can be executed Personal Computer Training series by:Health Edu- by a single keystroke. Tech, Inc.. The_course is designed to:teach _an_ adult how to use:the:personal computer. The package in- Necess(Ry Hardware cludes a videodisc, a user's guide and a floppy IBM-PC or_compatible (256K) with 2 disk drives, diskette. coloriraphics_adaptor with.25Tin connector_asyn- Lotus 1-2-3 Mentor II provides active instruction chronous communications.adaptor:_PioneerED- of all:common and many advanced spreadsheet corri V6U1() or 6000 videodisc player: Health EduTech's mands by asking users to construct spreadsheets: use IVC-1 interface cable, and a __monitor with NTSC/ !eruplates and practice procedures while_ using the:ac- RBG key capabilities (Sony r VM 12710, Zenith tin! Lotus 1-273 software._Each section begins with a ZVM:1350 modified, Sanyo Spectra Tech 31C426 .imulatcd explanation and interactive assistance is modified): or pnwided. The Sony View.System with 512K_memory: or Upon successful completion of the simulated sec- INER.),_NCR system with Pior-.:,r. LD-V1000 video- tion. Lotas 1-2-3 is used to practice copying, mov- disc player: ing, ci :naming_ and hiding ranges: storing and retrieviog data, printing, writing formulas and func- Programmed CAV tions._editing and combining Treadsheets, establish- Software: Course softwareprovided. LOTUS 1=2=3 ing:windows and titles, and manv other techniques not provided. Health EduTechi, Inc. and commai.ds. Price: $990.00 ($2,970.00 for all three courses)

Necessary.Hardware IBM-PC or compatible (256K) with 2.disk Symphony color-graphics adaptor with 25-pin connector: asyn- A six to eight hour overview of this extremely versa- rbronous communications adaptor, Pioneer LD- tile integrated software package: The lessons lead to

73 InteractiveVideodiscs 63 the production of a document utilizing the four inte- Necessar Hardware gration:applicii!ions. Side one emphasizes the spread- Sony View Sy.:tem sheet utility of Symphony and side two looksat its word processing, data base, and graphics functions yrogrammed CAV Software: Provided Interactive Training Systems Inc. Necessary Hardware Ptice: $703.00 Comsell Learning Center; Sony View System,or IBM InfoWindow.

Plogramtned CAV Software: Provided Catti:I.eli, WordPerfett Prke: $1,995.00 A Sift id eight hour course on word processing and libW it is applied through this popular and versatile word processing software. Content includes creatinga document; revising and printing a document, creating an extended document, paginating and editing, for- Thinking: PC'S=Database matting text, verifying Spelling and using additional This course consists of Iwo videodiscs designedto WordPerfect utihtieS. prbvide flexible/raining in the usage and application of microcomputer database_software. Particular focus NeCeSSary Hardware is made on dBase III and Rbase 50(X). Comsell Learning Center; Sony View System,or IBM InfoWindow. Necessary Hardware Sony VieW System Programmed CAV Software: Provided Comsell, Int. Programmed CAV Price: $1,995.00 Software: Provided Interactive Training Systems, Inc. Price: $1,000.00

WordStar Ten to twelve hours in the fundamentals of wordpro- Thinking:_PC'SSpreadsheets cessing using WdtdStar. Content includes installing Spreadsheets is comprised of two videodiscs, designed WordStar, startup, menu structure; entering and edit- to provide personal computer usersiwith a highly ing tekt, MOVing blocks; formatting; finding andre- flexible training program in spreadsheet usage and placing blocks; reformatting, using special printing application. The caurse features four viewing modes; effects; and dot commands to; special effeetc. each Of Which provides a different level of informa- tion. The course includes substantial simulation of Necessary Hardware Lotus 1-2-3 and or MULTIPL XN. Comsell Learning Center, Sony View System,or IBM InfoWindoW. Necessary Hardware Sony View System PrOgrammed CAV Software: Provided Comsell, Inc. Programmed CAV Price: $1;995.00 SOftWare: PrOvided Interactive Training Systems; Inc. Price: $1010.00

The World of dBASE The ,Nrogram was written by Wayne Ratliff who in- VisionUNIX Interadive Video Training vented tiie dBase latiguage fot cOMpUterS, and ROb- A complete course_with a_curriculain_ that consists of ert Byer who has Airitten SeVeral bacikS On the subject three courses and thir_ty,seven individual units. The Of dBaSe. program takes students from basic UNIX commands to a complete understanding of "C" hnguage. ihe Linear _CLV programs also provide for immediate feedback to SoftwareNone available monitor each student's progress. Student handbooks LDC America are included. Price: $34.95

Interactive Videodiscs 7 4 DANCE-BALLET Baryshnikov. Gelsey Kirkland, and Alexander Minz. 79 minutes. Gise Ile The Kirov Ballet with Galina Mezentseva and Kon- LDC America. Catalog No. PA:82:032 stantin Zaklinsky. Viktor Fedotov conducting. Linear CLV (Stereo version.) $34.95

LDC America. Catalog No. Linear CLV $34,95 Sleepin3 Beauty The Kirov Ballet, Marius Petipa choreographer. Irina Kolpakova and Sergei Berezhnoi. 1982. 164 minutes.

Gist lie LDC_America. Catalog No. P4-83-055 The Kirov Ballet with Galina Mezentseva and Kon- Linear CLV stantin Zaklinsky. Viktor Fedotov conducting. This $39.95 Disc is Digital Sound Encoded:

LDC America. Catalog No. Linear CLV Spartacus_ $38,95 Choreographed by Yuri Grigorovich and conducted__ by Alygis Zhyuraitis featurire_danccrs Erek Moukha- medov. _Mikhail Gabovich, Natalia Bessmertnova and Maria EWova. Don Quixote. The American Ballet Theatre at the Metropolitan LDC America Catalog No. Opera House with Mikhail Baryshnikov. Linear ,-.7LV $39.95 LDC America, Catalog N Linear CLV $34.95 Swan Lake The Royal Ballet at Covent Garden. Marius Petipa and Levivanov choreographers.:July 28, 1980. Natalia La File Mal Gardee Makarova and Anthony Dowell. 128 minutes The Royal Ballet at Covent Garden. Frederick \sh- ton, choreographer. HX) minutes. LDC_America, Catalog No: PA-82-018 Linear CLV LDC America, Catalog No. PA-81-007 $39.95 Linear CLV $34.95 DANCE-BALLET COLLECTIONS

Manon American_Ballet Theatre at the Met The Royal Ballet at the Royal Opera House. Freder- This_diseincludes Les Sylphides, Paquita, Triad, and ick Ashton. choreographer. January 1982. 112 Sylvia-Pas de De 'tx; minutes. LDC America, Catalog No. LDC America; Catalog No. PA-83-047 Linear CLV Linear I IV $34.95 $34,95 DANCE-INSTRUCTION Nutcracker Belly Dancing You Can Do It American Ballet Theatre;, with_ the National Philhar, This.series of_programs Instructs you on how to be- monk conducted by Kenneth Schermerhorn; Mikhail come an accomplished belly dancer. Each lesson is

75 interactive Videodiscs 65 progressively more difficult and includesreviews of Making Economic DeekiOnS: A Cae Stii4 preVidus lessons. Dual audio capabilitiesof the laser- Post-test disc system are used with this disc. Bellyrolls. flut- ters; and the shimmy are included in theinstruction. Side TW6 Pretest Interactive_ CAV Economic Systems Software: None available Circular Flow: Household and BuSineSS LDC America. Catalog NO.37-602 Circular Flow: Government

Price: $29.95 Households , Factors of Production BUSinesS Organizations GOVernment in the Economy Moncy DANCE -POPULAR Banking The Federal Reserve Pe'l-e Allen & The Rockettes et Radio City Music Hail Summary Post-test This disc was recorded live At ih. Radio City Music Hall. 57 minutes; 1981. Hardware Requirements AppleII With 48f( two disk drives, two monitors LDC America. Catalog No. 74=016 Linear CLV (computermonitor_and TV monitor). & a Pioneer VP:1000_videndisc player or -a Piorwer LD N, 6000 Price:$24.95 -, se- nes player (serial interface card reqaired).

Programmed CiAy Kids from Fame; Live at the Royal Hall SOftware: PrOVided for Apple II (nine diskettes) MECCi_ Featuring Debbie Allen_ and Gene AnthOny Ray, thiS Price: _$249.00for videodisc; nine diskettes and disc includes We Got The POWer..., Life IS A Cele- support manual for use with the LD7V6000 (No. bration and Fanie. 75 MiriiiteS, 1983. 51)5) $149:00 for videodisc, nine diskettes and support manual for use with the VP:1000 (N6. 5101) LDC America, Catalog No. ML100205 $ 9.00 for student manual Linear CLV Price: $34 95

The Joy of StocksForbes Guide to the Stock Market ECONOMICS This disc offers sten. L.y-step lessonsin howto invest wisely in stocks. To:.; include_ evaluating stocks' Introduction to Economics safety andigrowth potential and anticipating market ThiS paCkage is designed tohea seven week self-in- shifts. 1984, 104 MinuteS. StrUction course in economics geared for 8th grade studentsihrough the adult learnet. A student manual Linear CLV is included to reinforce concepts and ideas through SriftWare: Nione available written exercises while serving asa reference for LDC Arnerim Catalog NIcE ML1(1)332 study and review. InclUdect in the package_ priceare Price: $34:95 nine Apple II diskettes and teacher manual.

Side One How to use the Equipment Pretest EDUCATION Resources_ Wants and Needs Classroom Discipline: A Simulation Approach Scarcity This double-sided disc provides an introduction to six ReSOUreelAlkication heuristic principles_ef elasStoom management and Choices: Influences of Values their application. The Orin-6016S are fairness, consist- Choices: Society's Goals ency,-firmneSS, CiiiirteSY & dignity_flexibility. and hu- Social Goals & Trade:offs mor. Feedback is provided at the end of each Decision making: A Prociss 1 Scenario with regard to the paths chosen. After the

66 Interactive Videodiscs 6 introduction, the students are asked to deal with the 3The Flag_Game following four problems in classroom management: 4Sign Language:: A student comes in late_ 5Terry Teaches the Jig A student refuses to pick up some 6Movie Magic Flip Book A student is doing homework for another class 7Flying A class refuses to settle down 8The Kidisc Target Game In each case, the student must decide on his or 9Root Tying her approach to the video situation from a menu of 10Three Card_Monty representative choices: Each choice leads to a video 11A_Trip to__the Zoo outcome, and usually an additional series of alterna- 12Cat's Cradle tives and video outcomes. 13-101_Jokes &_Riddles 14Waterglass Xylophone Required _Hardware 15Pig Latin Sony LDP-1000A videodisc player 16The Dinosaur Game 17The Performing_Paperclips Programmed CAV 18--117_-!_Origame.Crane Software: Level two encoded on the disc University 19Terry_Teaches Rock _Dancing f Alberta 20A Trip to _Universal Studios Price: $250.(4) 21The Secret Code -Maker 22The Kidisc Bar Game 23The Amazing Rope Trick 24Puzzlers Improving Teacher Effectiveness An Interactive 25Athletes In Motion Videodisc Minkourse 26Closing This tninicourse is designed to be a teacher,tranung workshop cm videodisc: The package provides teach- Interactive CAV ers with self-paced instruction and can serve as thc Software: None available LDC America basis for a group workshop.,The goal is to make Ptice: $19.95 teachers:more aware of the basic principles of effec-_ tive teaching. Among the concepts covered are ieach- ing to the objective, encouraging student participation; and increasing intent to learn. A video- disc Apple diskette, and support manual are included. Fun and Games This is a two sided sequel to zhei popular Kidise In- Required Hardware structional games, activities can he asinteractive as An Apple Ile computer with-two disk drives, a serial necessary. The content is listed by chapter below. interface card and_ a Pioneer LD-V6000 series video- disc player are required. ChaptersSide I 1Choosing Up Sides Programmed CA v 2Tongue Twister Software:- Provided on Apple Ile diskette MECC 3Monster Match Price: $249.00 (No. 5401) 4Flying Discs 5Piñata Party 6Journey_of the Circle 7Hand Shadows ELEMENTARY EDUCATION 8Fun With Meadowlark 9Mar'Dles The First National Kidisc 10Discomobile This disc was nominated for a gramrny because of it's 11Puppets originality. I2Tongue Twister Content_ includes 26 chapters of instruction for 13Card Shuffles kids of_all ages and allows for a high level of 14Close Up interaction: 15Stunts i6Charades Chapters indude: I7Tongue Twister 1Choosing Sides 18Hopscotc:t 2Paper Flying Machines 19Index, Side 1

77 Inferainve Videbdiscs 67 . io2 ELEMENTARILEDUCATION- 21On CHILDREN'S FILMES 22Yo-Yo's Alice In Wonderland 23Clapp: ,1_ ;a:nes The Animated Disney version of the Lewis Carroll 24Tongue rwister story. 1951, 75 minutes. 25 Kites 26-1;ouble Dutch LDC America. Catalog No. 42036AS 27.Pictures Worth 1(X)0 Words Linear CLV 2EJuggling Price: $34.95 29Tongue Twister 30Palmistry 31Tap Dancing 32Mission Unite 33Solitaire Beauty and the Beast 34Tongue Twister Susan Sarandon, Klaus Kinski. This versionis part of 35--:Off to the Races the Faerie Tale Theatre series. 1983, closed captions. 36Silly Songs 37Skelly LDC America, Catalog No. 6395 38Jacks Linear CLV 39Tongue Twister Price: $29.98 40Stick 41Index, Side 2

Interactive CAV. The Boy Who Left Home To Find Out About The Software: None available LDC America Shivers Price: $29 95 Dana Hill. Christopher Lee, Frank Zappa. This isa program in the Faerie Tale Theatre series_about a boy that wants to learn about fear. 1983, closed captions.

LDC America; Catalog No. 6393-80 Villa Alegre _(Happy Village) Linear CLV This videodisc series is the Emmy Award-winning Price: $29.98 public television show put into an interactive format by the Nebraska Videodisc Design Production group and the U.S. Departnient of Ei.:Ocation. Ten 30 min- ute programs are contained on 5 discs. The educa- Dumb° tional content is in the _form of _eritertli.:ning The Disney animated :lassie about the elephant with situations; stories, games; music; dvAL.,:-: and visual oversized ears. 1951; 63 minutes: techniques-- For students age- 5 to 8. This series comes with four diskettes use with LDC_America: Catalog No. 42024AS a microcomputer. Suggested hardware is )llows; Linear_ CLV Disc PlayerMagnavision 8010, Pioneer VP 1000or Price: $34.95 LD 1100 l!iicrocomputerApple II+ (3.3 DOS) or TRS-80 Videodisc Interface VM1 (for Apple computers) Dunder Khipen Allen Communications Animated/live-action disc about the 2-foot_tall Dun- Disc Master 1000 (for TRS computers) der Kiumpen who steals a young girl's dolls and New Media Graphics brings them to life because he is lonely. 1979, 85 minutes.

Programmed CAV LDC America, Catalog No. VL3012 Software: Written fo . 5-80 III & Apple Il + GPN Linear CLV Price: $595.00 for 5 series, manual & software. Price: $34.95

68 Interactive Videodiscs 78 Fraggle Songs Volume One _DC.America; Catalog No: 428MAS This disc features_the Muppets sing.qg many of th;Ar Linear. CLV hit songs. 1983, 51 minutes. Price: $24.95

LDC America, Catalog No. 810AS Linear CLV Price: $24.95 Jack and the Beanstalk Dennis Christopher, Jean Stapleton, Elliott Gould. Another disc in the Faerie Tale Theatre series. 1983, closed captions. The Frog Prince Kermit stars in the Muppet's version of the classic LDC_America; Catalog No. 6369-80 fairy tale. 1971, 50 minutes. Linear _CLV. Price: $29.98 LDC America, Catalog No. 42805AS Linear CLV Price: $24.95 Little Red Riding Hood Malcolm McDowell, Mary Steenburgen. A disc in the Faerie Tale Theatre series based on the classic tale. Goldi locks And The Three Bears 1983, closed captions. Tatum_ O'Neal, Alex Karras, Carole King. This disc, from the Faerie Tale Theatre series, brings the classic LDC.America; Catalog No. 6398-80 fairy t.:'e to life. 1983, closed captions. Linear_ CLV Price: $29:98 LDC_America; Catalog No. 6368-80 Linear CLV Price: $29.98 The Nightingale: Mick Jagger, Barbara Hershey. This version is part of the Faerie Tale Theatre series, 1983, closed captions. GuHiver's Travels This_ is_ an _animated _version of the _Jonathan Swift. LDC Americ., C:italog No 6392 novetabout Gulliver and.the war between Lilliput Linear CLV- and Biefuscu, 1977, 74 minutes, Pike: $29 .98 LDC America, Catalog No. VL2011 Linear CLV Price: $34.95 Pinocchio James Cohurn. Cart_Reiner. This version is part of the Faeric Talc Theatre series; 1983; closed captions. Hansel & Gretel Ricky Schroder, Joan Collins. This disc is in the Fa- LDC America, Catalog No. 6390-80 erie Tale Theatre series. 1982, closed captions. Linear CLV Pike: $29.98 LDC America, Catalog No. 6409-80 Linear_CLV Price: $29;98 The Princess and the Pea Liza Minnelli; 'Com. Conti;_ Beatrice_ Straight._ This is the Faerie Tale Theatre version of the classic tale: Hey, CindereHa The Muppets are featured with Pat Galloway and LDC America, Catalog No. Joyce Gordon. Lively songs and Muppet creatures LineariCLV: give a new look to the classic tale. 1970, 54 minutes. Price: $29.98

79 Interactive Videodiscs 69 Rapunzel LDC Artiol-ca, Catahe NO. 6372-80 Shelly Duvall. Jeff Bridges: Gena Row Linds. This iS Lincar-CLV modernized version of the_ classic tale bY the I:aerie Prie: $29.98 Tale Theatre. 1983, closed -captiofis.

LDC America. CatalOg No. 6370-80 Linear CLV Thumbelina Prie-e: $29.98 Fisher, Burizess Meredith, Williarn Katt. This disc is part:of the Facrie Tale Theatre series: 1983: closed captions.

Rumpelstiltskin LDC America: Catalog Nol 6396 Ned Beatty: iShellv Duvall. This is a feature frOM the Linear CLV Faerie Tale Theatro. 1984, cloSed captiOnS. Priee: $29.98

LDC America, CatalOg No. 6391-80 Linear CLV Priee: $29.98 Velveteen Rabbit This.disc_is a_musical adaptation_of the Margery Wil- liams children's fable: starring Mario Osmond.

Sleeping Beauty LDC America, C,wilo Christopher,Reeve. Bernadette Peters. Beverly Linear CLV- D'Angelo. A modern day version of the classic tale Pil(e: $20 by the Faerie Tale Theatre. 1983: closed captions.

LDC America: Catalog No. 6371-80 Linear CLV Winnie The Pooh Price: $29.98 This disc _is Disney's,version_of the A.A. _Milne claSSie storN of Winnie the_Pooh The voices of Sterling Ifol- loway and Paul Williams are used as Winnie the Pooh and Tigger. 1977, 74 minutes.

Sleeping_ Beauty LDC.America. Catalog No: 25AS This disc_is the animated Disney VOESiOti Of thetale Of Linear.CLV the beautiful princess under a Spell of a Wieked witch. Price: $34:95 75 minutes.

Lpc America. CatalOg No. 476AS Linear:CLV The Wizard of_ Oz__ PriCe: $34,95 Aileen Quinn. Lorne Green: Animated version of the classic story of Dorthy's travels thri:ugh Oz. 1983, 78 minutes:

Snow White and the Seven DWariS LDC America. Catalog No. LV2321 Elizabeth McGovern, VaneSSa Redgrave. Re: Smith. Linear CLV: This is a feature from the Faerie Tale Theati Price: $29.95

WC America, Catalog No. 6392 Linear_CLV Price: $29:98 FILM STUDIES

The Adventures of Robin_Hood Tale of the Frog Prince Errol_ Flynn. Olivia de Havilland: , 13sil Robin Williams,,Teri Garr. ThiS diSe iS anotherstory Rathhone: Alan Hale: Directed by Michael Curti/. in the Faerie Tale Theatre Series. 1983. 1938: 102 minutes.

70 interactive Videodiscs S LDC America. Catalog NO. 4540=80 The Awful Truth Linear CLV . Irene Dunne. Ralph 13.;.dy,,,,fib:Med Price: $34.98 by Leo McCaro. 1937, 90 minutes.

LDC America. Catalog No. Linear_CLV Afri,lin Queen Price: S29:95 Humphrey Bogart. Katherine Hcphurn. Robert Mor- ley, Peter Bull. Theodore Bikel. Directed by John Huston. 1951. 105 minutes. Balt of. Fire LDC America: Catalog No. 2025-80 Barhara Stanwck, try Cooper. Directed IiI low-

Linear CLV ard Hawks. 194. I minutes. B&W. Pike: $34.95 I_DC America.dialog No.

l'rice: $34).5 All Thu Kinifs Men Broderick Criiwford. Mercedes Mc Cambridge. John Ireland. Directed by Robert Rossen. 1941. 109 minutes. The Bank Dick W.C. Fields. Franklin Panghorn. Shemp Howard, LDC America. CatakT No. J.,r-1. Norton. Directed hv Edward Cline. I940. 73 Linear CLV minutes. B&W. Price: $29:95 LDC America, Catalog No. Linear CLV Price: $14:98 Anatomy of_a Murder ,Inmy Stewart. George C. Scott:_Lee_Remick. Di- ;.ected by Otto Preminger: 1959: 161 minutes: BarefoOt in_the Park LDC America. Catalog No. 30701 Robert Redford. Jane Fonda. Charles Boyer, Linear-CLV- Mildred Natwick. Directed hy Gene Saks1967, 106 Price: $'33.9:) minutes.

LDC America. Catalog No. LV-8027 Linear CLV Animal Crackers Price: $29.95 Groucho. Harpo and Zeppo Marx,:Margaret Dumont, Lilian Roth. Directed by Victor Heerman. !930. 97 minutes, B&W.

LDC America, Catalog No: Ben Hur Linear CLV Charlton Heston, Jack Hawkins, Stephen Boyd, Price: $29.95 Hugh Griffith. Sam Lille, Martha Scott. Directed hy William Wvier. 1959, 212 minutes.

LDC America. Catalog No.41:100004 Arsenic and_Old Lace Lmear_CLV Cay Grant, Raymond Massey, Peter Lorre: Jose- Price: $39:95 phine Hull, Jean Adair, Jack Carson. Directed by Frank Capra. 1944, 118 minutes. B&W.

LDC Amenca, Catalog No. 4603-80 Best Years of our Lives Linear CLV Frederick March, Harold Russell. Directed hy Price: $34.98 Wyler. 1946. 182 rr 'flutes. B&W.

81 Interactive Videodiscs 71 LDC Arterica, Catalog No. The Cable Mutiny Linea?iCLV Itimphrey Bogart, Van_Johnson, Robert Johnson, Priee: $39.95 Fred Mac Murray; Jose Ferrer: Directed by Edward Dmytryk. 1954; 125 minutes:

LDC America, Catalog No. The Big Sleep Linear CLV Humphrey Bogart, Lauren Baca 11; Martha Vickers, Price: $33.95 Elisha Cook Jr., Dorothy Malone,_ Directed by How- ard Hawks. 1946; 114 minutes: B&W:

1..DC America, Catalog No. 4532-80 Casablanca_ Linear CLV Humphrey Bogart, Insrid , Peter Lorre; Price: $34.98 Sydney Greenstreet, Paul He_nreid, Claude Rains: Directed tiy Michael Curtiz. Produced by Hal B. Wank. 1942, 102 minutes; B&W,

The Bit& LDC_America, Catalog No. 4514-80 Reid Taylor, Tippi Hedren; Jessica Tandy. Suzanne Linear. CLV Pleshette, Ethel Griffies. Ditected by Alfred Price: $39.98 Hitchcock.

LDC Anierica, Catalog No. Linear CLV Cat on a Hot Tin Roof Price: $35.95 Elizabeth Taylor; Paul Newman, Burl Ives, Jack cat= son: Directed by Richard Brooks. 1958, 108 minuteS.

LDC America, Catalop No. ML100060 The Black Cat Linear CLV 'Orloff, Bela Lugosi. Directed by Edgar G. Ul- Price: $25.95 mer. 1941, 65 minutes. B&W.

LDC America, Catalog NO. 4038(1 Linear CLV Price: $29.98 Citizen Kane Orson Welles, Joseph Cotton, Everett SI bane, Doro- thy Comingore, Ray Collins, Agnes Moorehead. Di- rected by Orson Wells. 41, 119 minutes. Includes a visual essay of wer IA) pdotos, many never pub- Bridge On the River Kwai lished befo: .lid a rarel.. seen 3-minute trailer made William Holden, Alec Guinness, Jack Hawkins. Ses- by We 11,, trout original footage not contained in the sile Hayak;,ova James Donald. Directed by David film itse;t Lean. 1957, 161 minutes. Voyage; Pre!,s. Catalo,1 No. LDC America; Catalog No: VLD2010 InteracNive CAV Linear CLV Price. 91) Price: $34:95

Cool_Hand Luke BliCk Privates Paul Newman, &Sorge Kennedy, J.D. Cannon, Bud Abbott ;_Lou Costello, Lee Bowman, Andrews Strother Martin; Jo Van Fleet: Directed by Stuart Sisters, F.D. Roosevelt. 1941, 84 minutes. B&W. Rosenberg: 1967, 126. minutes.

LDC America, Catalog No. LDC America, Catalog No. i1037LV Linear CLV Linear CLV Price: $29.98 Ptiee: $39.98

72 interactive Wdeottises 82 A Day at the Races LDC Amaica. Catalog No. ML100003 The Marx Brothers. Margaret Dumont, Alan Jones. Linear CLV Maurenn O'Sullivan1937. ifi9 minutes. B&W. Price: $39.95

LDC America. Catalog No. NiLlow64 Linear CLV Price: $25.95 Duck Soup The Marx brothers. Si,l;! 2 is in the CAV format with the original theatrical trailer following the movie: 1933, 70 minutes, B&W: Dinner at Eight_ Mari.; Dressler. John Barrymore. Jean Harlow. Di- LDC America. Catalog No. rected by George Cukor. 1933, I I I minutes, B&W. Linear CLV, Side 1 Interactive CAV, Side 2 LDC America, Catak;g No. ML100533 Price: $29.98 Linear CLV Priee: $34.95 East of _Eden , Richard Davalos, Julie Harris. Ray-_ mond Massey. Jo Van Fleet. Albert Dekker, BUrl Dodge City Ives. Directed by Elia Kazan. 1955, 115 minutes. Errol Flynn. Olivia de Havilland. Direcwd by Mi= chae!I Curtiz. 1939, 104 minutes. LDC_America. Catalog No: Linear CLV LDC America. Catalog N . Price: S' Linear CLV Price: $34.98

Easy Riti Peter Fonda. Denms Hopper. Jack Nicholson. :.aren Dodsworth Black. Directed by mnis Hopper. 1969, 88 minutes. Walter I fusion, Maria OUspenskaya. Mary Astor. David Niven, Paul.Lukas, Directed by William Wy- WC America; Cala;:l No: VLD3140 ler. 1936; 101 minutes: B&W: Linear CLV Price: $29.95 LDC America, Catalog No. Linear CLV $34.95 Exodus Paul_ Newman, Eva Marie Saint..Peter.Lawford; Lee J. Cobb lohn Derek: Directed bv Otto PreirOnger: 1960. 21. minutes. Dr;Strangelove Peter Sellers, Sterling Hayden. George C. Scott. LDC America. Catalog No. James Earl Jones, Keenan Wynn. Slim Pickens. Di- Linear CLV rected by Stanley Kubrick. 1964, 93 minutes. B&W. Priee. $39.98 LDC America. Catalog No. VLD3134 Linear CU/ Price: $29.95 Flight of the Phoenix James Stewart, Richard Attenborough. Dan _Duryea. Ernest Borgnine, George Kennedy. Directed by Rob= ert Aldrich. 1965. 149 minutes. De. Zhivago Geraldine Chaplin, Julie Chris:ie, Omar Shafif; Rod [DC America, Catalog No. Steiger, Alec Guinness, Tom Courtenay. Drected by Linear CLV David Lean. 1965; 176 minutes. Price: $3998

83 Interactive Videodiscs 73 Flying Leathernecks LDC Amc.ica, Catalog No. NIL100473 John Wayne, Robert Ryan. DirectLd by NichOlas Linear CLV Ray. 1951, 102 minutes. Price:$34.95

LDC America, Catalog No. Linear CLV Price:$29.95 Gentleman Jim Errol Flynn. Alexis Smith. Jack Carson. Directed bY Raoul Walsh. 1942, 104 minutes. B&W. Fort Apeche , Jon. kayne, Shirley Temple. John LDC America, Catalog No. Linear CLV Agai.: Anna Lee V- Bond. Victor McLagien. Di- Priee: $34.98 retted by John 1948. 127 minutes: B&W.

i.DC America. Cataiog No. Linear CLV Price'72f:';5 Giant James Dean; Elizabeth 'Taylor. Rock Hudson. Carol Baker; Jane Withers_..Chill_ Wills. Mercedes Mc- Cambridge.. Directed by George Stevens. Frankenstein 1956: 197 mirwtes. Boris_Karloff,_Cohn 4:_live,_Mae Clarke, John BoleS. Dwight 7:rye,Edward van Sloan. Lionel Belmore. L1,1- Airi?rica, Catalog No. Directed by Jai :es Whale. 1931, 71 minutes, B&W. Price: $39.95 LDC America; Catalog No. 23002 Liar CLV. Price:$29:98 The Glenn Miles Aory Jimmy-Stewart, June Allyson. Louis . Gene Krupa. Franis Langford, the Modernaires. Di- Frencli Connection rected by Anthony Mann. 1953, 116 minutes. Gene Hackman_._Fernando Rey. Roy Scheider. Tony LoBianco. Marcel Bozzuffi. Directed by William LDC America, Catalog No. Friedkin. 1971, 104 minutes. Linear CLV Price: $34.98 Nmerica, Catalog No. 1009=80 Lihear_CLV vri-c-e: $29.98

Going_My Way Bing:Crosby. Barry Fitzgerald. Rise Stevens. Jcan Funny Face Heather; Frank McHugh. Directed by Leo McCarey. Audrey Hepburn, Fred Astaire. Kay Thompson. Di- 1944: 126 minutes. B&W: rected by Stanley Donnen. 1956: 103 minutes. LDC America, Catalog No. 21017 LDC America, Catalog No. Linear CLV Linear CLV Price: $39.98 Price: $29.95

Gone With The Wind Gaslight ivienLeigh. C! rk Gable. Olivia de Havilland. Les- Ingrid Bergman_._Charles_Boyer, Joseph Cotton, An- lie Howard. :lac :McDaniel and Butterfly Mc- gela Lansbury. Directed by George Cukor. 1944, 114 Oefsen. Directed by Victor Fleming. 1939. 220 minutt... B&W. minutes:

74 Interactive Videodiscs LDC America. C:adlog No: Gunga Din Linear CLV Cary Grant, Douglas Fairbanks: Jr.: Victor Mc- Price:$49.95 L._41-eii, Joan Fontaino. Sam Jaffee. Directed by GeOrge StitIS. 1939. 117 minutes. B&W.

!,DC America, Catarog No. Cioodbye_Columbus LinearCLV 1..ichard Benjamin, Jack i-+!iigman; Aii MacGraw, Price:$34.95 Nan Martin. Directed by tarry Pierce. 1969.

LDC America, Catalog No. LV682) Linear CLV High Noon Price:$29,95 Gary Cooper;_ Grace Kci'v; Lloyd Bridges, Directed by Fred Zinnemann: 195:.: 85 minutes:

Voyager Press. Catalog No. The Graduate InteraetiveiCAV Anne , Hoffman. Katharitie Priee: $74.95 Directed by Mike Nici-los. 1967, 106 minuteS.

LDC America. Cata:ol! No: 4(X)6-80 Linear CLV ,Igh Sierra Prier.$34.98 Humphrey_BdOrt.Ida Lupino, Cornel Wilde, Arthur Kennedy, Joan LeSlie, Alan Curtis. Directed by Raoul Walsh. 1940, MinutiS.

Grand Ho!ei LDC America, Catalog No. 4629-80 dreta Garbo, John Farrymore, Lionel_Barrymore, Linear CLV Joan :_.awfard, Wai;. Beery, Jeal Hersholt, Lewis Prier.$34.98 Directed by Edmund Goulding. 1933, 112 minutes.

LDC: America; Catakg No High Society Linear CLV , Frank_Sicatra, Gr!re Kelly, Celeste Price:$34.95 Hdlth. Directed by Charles W.cs. 1956, 107 minutes.

LDC America; Catalog NO. ML100292 The Greatest Show on Earth Linear_CLV Betty Hutto: f:ornel Wilde, Charlton Heston, James Price:$34.95 Stewart, Dorothy Lamour: Directed by Cecil B. De Mille. 1952, 149 minutes.

LDC America Catalog No, LV6617 How The West Was Won Linear CLV Henry Fonda; Spencer Tracy John Wayne. Directed Price:$35.95 by ; 165 minutes; Digital Sound.

LDC America, Catalog No. ML100356 Linear CLV Guess Who's Coming to Dinner Prr° $49.95 Katherine Hepburn, Spencer Tracy, Katherine Houghton; Sidney Pottier. Directed by Stanley Kra: met-. 1967. 112 minutes: Hud LDC America, Catalog No. Paul NeWman, Patricia Neal, Melvyn Douglas. Bran- Linear CLV ddri De Wilde. Directed by Martin Ritt. 1962, 112 Price:$34.95 minutes, B&W.

85 Interactive Videodiscs 75 LDC America, Catalog No: LV6O30 lesA Wonderful Life CLV Jimmy Stewart, Donna Reed, LiOrBarryMore, Pric-e: $29,95 Beulah Bondi. fientyT. .A.C1-S, GliiGraham, Ward Bond. piratedby FOIiI Capia. 1946. 129minutes, colorizedversion.

I Married A Witch LIX AMrica, Catalog No: M25 Frederic M,arch.-ci-Oriib Lake, Susan Hayward: Di- L'near CLV rected by Renelair. 1942. 77 minutes: B&W; Price 7$89195

LDC Amer Catalog No: Linear CL' Price:$35 IJezebel Beue Davis. Henry Fonda, George Brent. Fay ELlin- ter. Directed by William Wyler. 1939, 103 minutes, B&W.

InNerit the Wind LDC Anteriea, Catalog No: Spencer Tracy, Fredric March. . Horence Linear CLV Eldridge. Harry Morgan. Directed by Stanley Kra- Price:$3498 mer. 1960, 127 minutes. B&W.

LDC Anterica, Catalog No. Linear CLV Joan of Arc Priee: $39.98 ingrid Bei_grnan, JoSe Ferrer, Gene Loci:hart, JM-1 ir,.land. Directed by Victor Fleming.1948.

LDC America, Catalog No. Ini/aroni of the Body Snatchers Linear CLV_ Kevin McCarthy, Dana Wynter, Directed by Don $3495 Siegal. 1956; 80 minutes.

Voyager Press, CatalubNo. InteractiVe CAV KeyLargo $74.95 EdwardG. RObinScin, Humphrey Bogart, Lauren II+. call, Lionel Barrymore, Claire Trevor, Thomas GOMez. Dan Seymour, Monte Blue, Jay SilverheelS. Directed by John Houston. 1948, 101 minuteS.B&W.

It Happened One Ni. LDCAmerica, Catalog No. 4594:80 , Claudette Colbert. Directed by Frank Linear CLV Capra. 1934. Price:$34.98

LDC America, Catalog No. Linear CLV Price: $29.95 Kid From Brooklyn Danny Kaye,Virginia Mayo, Steve Cochran. Di- rected by Norman Z. McLeod. 1946, 114 minutes. LDC Arica, Catalog No, ICS A Wdfiderfni Life Linear CL V_ Jimmy Stewart, Donna Reed, Lionel Barrymore, Price:$34.95 Beulah Bondi, Henry Travers, Gloria Graham, Ward Bond. Directed by Frank Capra. 1946 129 minutes.

Voyager Press, Catalog No. King Kong Interactive CAV Fay Wray, Robert Armstrong, Cabot, Frank Price: $39.95 Reichter, Sam Hardy. Directed by Merian C.

76 intentcfive vdadiscs Cooper.1933,WI ,Hnutes. Included _is a running LDC_ America: Catalog No. commentary by F .)^ald Haver on audio track two Lmear CLV and a visual essay on the making of King Kong. Price: $34:95

Voyager Press. Catalog N. Interactive CAV Price: $74.95 TheLittle Foxes Bette Davis, Herbert Marshall. Richard Carlsor. Dan Duryea. Directed by William Wyler. 1941, 116 min: utes. B&W. Knock on Any Door Humphrey_Bogart, John Derek. Allene Rogerts, Su- LDC America, Catalog No. san Krry. DircJ bv Nicholas Ray.1949. 100min- Linear CLV utes. B&W. Price:$34.95 LDC AMerica. Catalog No. Linear Price: !f; The Little Princess Shirley Temple, Richard Greene, Anita Louise, Cesar Romero. Directed by WalterI-..atv 1939: 93 minuteF.: ladyfrom Shanghai Rita Hayworth, Everett Sloane. Directed by Orson LDC America. Catalog No. Wells: 1948; 87 minutes B&W: Linear CLV $34.95 LDC America. Catalog No. 'Linear CLV rrice: $20.95

Lola _Montes Martine Carol, Peter _Ustinov. D'recied L The Lady _Vanishes Ophuls. 1955; 140 minutes: Orig. ..,1 ;C. -SCTCC I:for- mat with English subtit!:.'s. Margaret I ockwoou, Michael Redgrave. Directed by Alfred Hitehciick. 1938. Voyager Press, Catalog No. Interactive CAV Voyager Press; Catalog No. Linear CLV Nice: S59.95 Price:$39.95

44mn Lawrence of Arabia Peter Lorre, Georg John. Directed by Fritz Lang Peter O'Toole, Alec Guinness. Anthony Quinn. 118 minutes. B&W. Omar Sharif, Jack Hawkins, Claude Rains, Anthony Quayle, Arthur Kennedy, Jo,: Ferrer. Directed by LDC America, Catalog No. David Lean. 1962, 222 minutc..-s. Linear CLV Price: $34.95 LDC.America, Catalog No. VLD3250 Linear CLV Price: $39,95 Macbeth Jon Finch. Francesca Annis. Directed by Roman Po- lanski. 1971: The Lion in Winter Peter O'Toole, Katherine Hepburn, Jane Merrow, LDC America, Catalog No. Trnothy Dalton, Anthony Hopkins, Nigel Stock. Di- Linear CLV r.'. c1 by Anthony Harvey. 1968,135minutes. Price: $35.95

87 interactive Vicieociiscs T:.e Magnificent AMbersons_. M'A'S*H.

im Holt.: Joseph Conon: Agnes . Donald Sutherli:nd: Elliott Gould, SAlv Kellerman,_ Moorehead:. Directed by Orson Welles: 1942: 88 min- Tom Skerritt, JoAnn Pflug, Robert Duval. Directed utes:. This_ version features a commentarv on audio by Robert Altman. 1969, 116 Mintitcs. track _2, Orson Welles' complete shooting scril,the complete storyboards and the entire_radio play (in LDC America, Catalog No. 1038-80 au.lio) by Welles' Mercury Theatre Group. Linear CLV Price. $19.98 Vovaocr Press: Catalog NO. Interactive CAV Price: $99:95

Mr. Smith Goes to Washington James Stewart, Jean Arthur, Raines, Edward , Guy Kibbee, Thomas_Mitchell, Beulah Maltese Falcon Bondi, Jack C, ,son. Directed by Frank Capra. !939, Humphrey .Bogart: Sydney tireenstreet: Mary Astor, 120 minutes, B Peter Lorre.; Gladys George: Barton MacLane: Di- rected by John Huston 1941, 101 minutes, B&W. LDC America: Cati og No: Linear_CLV LDC Amcrica, Catalog No, 4530=80 Price: $29.95 Linea CLV Price:$34.98

Moby Dick Gregory Peel., , OrSon Welk Li?: A Man for al; .Deasons rected by John HuStOn. 1956, 116 minuteS. Robert Shaw, Paul Scofield, Orson Wells, Wendy Hiller, Susannah York. Directed i'.Fred Zinnemann LDC America: CatalOg No. 1966. Linear CIA/ Price: $34.98 LDCAmerica, Catalog No, LVD3332 Linear CLV Price: $34:95

Mutiny on the Bounty , Clark Gable, , Her: The Man Who Knew Too Much hert Mundin, Eddie Quillan, Dudley Diggs, Donald James Stewart, Doris Day, Brenda DeBanzie, Caro- Crisp. Directed Ly Frank Lloyd.1935, 132minutes, n Jones, Bernard Miles, Ralph Truman. Directed B&W. by Alfred Hitch-cock. 1956, 120 minuteS. LDC America Catalog No: ML1:10450 LDC America, Catalog No. Linear CLV Lu-ar CLV Price: $39.95 Price: $34:98

Ninotchka Marty Greta Garbo Melvyn Douizlas Sig Rumann, Alex- Ernest _Borgnine, Betsy Blair, Joe De Santis. Di- ander Granach; Felix Bressart: Bela Lugosi: Ina rected by Defhert Mann: _and written hy Paddy Chay- Clain% Richard Carle: Directed by Ernst i ubitsch. efsky, 1!.,55, 91 rnwutes: B&W; 1939108minutes B&W.

LDC America, Catalog No. LDC America, Catalog No. ML100115 Linear CLV Linear CLV Price: $34.95 Price:$34.95

78 interactiveVitlebdia 88 North by NorthweSt LWAnierica, Catalog No. M1100560 Cary Grant, Eva Marie-Saint. James Mason. Le-o G. Carroll. Directed by Alfred Hitchcock. 1959. 136 $34.95 minutes;

LDC Aperica. Catalog No.N1L100104 Liitt!-at CLV A Place in the Sun priCe:$39.95 Elizabeth Taylor, Montgomery ClifL. Shelly Winters, Keefe Brasselle; Raymond Burr, Di- rected by George Stevens: 1951, 128 minutes: B&W.

Notorious_ __. Cary Grant, Jngrid Bergman.; Claude Raincs; Louis LDC America, Catalog No. LV58I5 Calhern. '/Iadante Konstantin. Directed by Alfred Linear CLV Hitchcock. 1946. 103 minutes. B&W. Price: $35.95

LDC America. Catalog NO. 8011=8(1

Prwe:$19.98 The Pride of the Yankees Gary Cooper, Walter Brennan; Babe Ruth; Th,tresa Wright. Directed by Sam Wood.1942;127 minutes: One Fkw Over the Cuckoo's Nest B&W. Jack NiciloIson, Louise Fletcher, William Redfield, LDC Amen,a. Catalog No. 7145=80 iradpourif. Directed by Milos Forman. 1976, 128 Linear CLV -,rinutes. Price: $34.98 JC America, Cataiog No. Linear CLV Price: $44:95

The Private Life of Henry VIII . Charles Laughton: Directed by Alexander Korda: 1933. 97 minutes. B&W. On The Waterfront Marlon Brando, Karl Malden. Lee J. Cob1:. Rod LDC America. Catalog No Steiger, Pat Henning, Eva Marie Saint. Leif Erick- Linear CLV son. Directed by Elia Kazan. 1954, 108 minuteS. Price:$34.95

LDC Catalog No. CLV Price: $29:95 The Producers Zero Mostel, Gene Wilder. Kenneth Mars. Dick Shawn, Estelle Winwood. Directed by Mel Brooks. Patton 1967, 88 minutes. George_ Scott; Karl Malden Stephen Young, Mi- chael Strong Frank Latimoi-e, Directed by Franklin LDC America Catalog No. 4058-80 Linear CLV J. Schaffner. I9C9. 171 minutes. Price: $29;98 LDC America. Cabiog No. 1005=80 Linear CLV Price:$49.98 The Raven Boris Karloff. Bela Lugosi. Directed by Lew Lan- der-S. I935 61 minutes. B&W. The Pkture of Dorian Gray Hurd 'atfield, George Sanders, Donna Reed. An- LDC America; Catalog No: 40386 gela Lansbury. Directed by Albert Lewin. 1945, II 1 Linear CLV minutes, B&W. Price:$29.98

Interactive Videodiscs 79 89 , Rear WindOW LEX', merica. Catalog No: James Stew;!rt, Grace Kelly. Directed by Alfre,' Linear CLV Hitchcock, ;954. Price:$3 l:95

LDC America Catalog No. Linear CLV Price: $29.98 Samson and Delilah HedY Larharr, Victor Mature, Angela_ Lan,bury, Gedige Sanders. Henry Wilcoxon. Olive 0,:ering, Fay Holden: Directed by Cecil B. de Mille. 1949. 128 larrieS Dean, , Sal Mineo, . minutes. . Corey Allen, Edward Platt, Dennis Hopper, Nick . Directed by Nicholas Ray. LDC America, Catalog No. LV6726 1955; Ill minutes. Linear CLV PriCe:$35.98 LDC America, Catalog No. 1011LV Linear CLV Price:$34.98 San Francisco Jeanette MacDonald, Clark Gable, Speri-cer Tracy. Roman Holiday Directed by W.S. Van Dyke. 1935, 116 minuteS, Giesory Peck, Audrey Hepburn. Eddie Albert, Tul= B&W. ho Carmmati._ Directed by William Wyler. 1953, 1 18 Minutes, B&W. LDC America, Catalog No. MLI00474 Linear CLV LDC America, Catalog No. LV6-", Price:$34.95 Linear CLV Price: $29.95

Sherlock Holmes and the Secret Weapon Romeo and Juliet Basil Rathbone, Nigel Brucc 1942; B&W: OliYia HuSey,_ Leoaard Whiting, , Milo LDC America, Catalog No. O'Shea, John McEnerny, Pat Heywood, Robert Linear CLV Stephens. Directed by . 1968, 138 Price:$34.95 minutes.

LDC America, Catalog No 0/6809 Linear CLV Price:$35.95 She Wore A Yellow Ribbon John Wayne. Directed by J. im Ford. 1'49.

LDC America, Cata7og No. Rope Linear CLV James Stewart, ,.. Oall, Farley Granger. Directed Price: :z.9.95 by Alfreu Hitchcock. 1948, 81 minutes.

LDC America, Catalog No. Linear CLV Price: $34.98 Ship cit_Foo!s Sin-one Signe--Oska- W..rnc Mktiact DunaDi. r,:cted by Still. .:y :lamer 19(5.

Rtoti LDC America, Cat;,1-1 No Jeanette MacDiiinald, NelsonEddy. Directed by W:S. Linear CI Van Dyke. 1936; 113 minutes.B&W: Price:$34 93

80 interactive Videodiscs Some Like it FlOt Nilsson. Directed hy Wilder. 1950. 1111minutes, Marilyn Monroe, Tony Curtis. Jack Lemmon. B&W. George Raft, Pat O'Brien, Nehemiah Persoff: Di- rected by Billy Wilder: 1958, 122 minutes. B&W. LDC AnteriCa. Catahg No. LV4927 Linear CLV LDC America, Catalog No. 4577-80 Price: $29.95 Linear CLV Price: $39,98

Taming of the Shrew Richard Burton, Elizabeth Taylor directed by Franco A Streetcar Named Desire Zeffirelli. 1967. Marlon Brando, Vivian Le:gh, Kim Hunter. Karl Malden. Directed by Elia Kazan. 1951, 122 minutes. LDC Atherica, Catalog No. B&W. Linear_CLV Priee:$29.95 LDC America, Catalog No. 4571-80 Linear CLV Price: $34.98 The Ten Commandments Charlton Heston, Yul Brynner. -Anne Baxter. Yvonne De Carlo, Edward G. Robinson, Debra Pa- Strike Up the Bawl get, JOhri Derek, Cedrie Hardwicke, Nina Foch, Judy Garland, Miekey ROOhey. Directed by Busby Martha Scott, Judith Andersom Vincent Price, John Berkeley. 1940, 120 minutes, B&W. Carradine. Directed by Cecil B. tie Mille. 1956, 220 minutes: LDC America, Catalog No: ML10056, Linear CLV_ LDC America, Catalog No. LV6524 Price: $34.95 Linear CLV Price: $39 95

Suddenly I.-.ast Summer Elizabeth Taylor, Montgomery Chit, Katherine_ . Hep- The Thin Man burn. Directed by Joseph L. Maiikiewicz. 1959, 114 William POwell,_Myrna Loy, Maureen O'Sullivan, minutes. B&W. Nat Pendleton. Directed by W.S. Van Dyke. 1943, 93 minutes. B&W. LDC America, Catalog No. VL95560 Linear CLV LDC America, Catalog No. Pdce:$29.95 Linear CLV Price: $34.( 5

,:ummertime The Third Man Katherine Hepburn, Rossano Brazzi, F),,Iren Mc: ntcon Wells, Joseph Cotton. Trey(); :toward, fiavin. Directed hy David Lea., 1955, (8 minutes. Wilfred Hyde White. Di:ected by Car)1 Reed: 1950. LDC CAalOg No. Voyager Press, Catalog N.). Linear CLV Linear CLV Priire: $34.96 Price: $39.95

SiiisetSoulev Ird The 39 :Jteps vv.. I ILl ilder.. StroLi- Robert Donat, Madeleine Carroll, Lucie Mannheim. ;:;ro F. ci. Direet- by Alfred Hitchcock. 1934: 80 mil.utes If Bus: Keaton. Q. B&W.

81 Interactive Videodiscs 81 Voyager Press, Catalog No. 2001,_A iSpact, Odyssey Linear.CLV Keir Dullea. Gary LoekwoOd, William SylVester, Price:$39.95 Daniel Richter. Directed by StanleY Kubrick. 1968, minutes:

America. Catalog No. ML100002 irCLV a Thief .;9.95 tirant, Grace Kelly, Jessie Royce Land's. Di- rected by Alfred Hitchcock. 103 minutes.

LDC Anieriea, Catalog No. LV 6308 Linear CLV Vertiv Price:$29.95 T.tineStewart; Kim Novak: Directed by Alfred Hitchcock: 1958; 128 minutes

LDC America, Catalog No. 40082 Tom Jones Linear CLV -!klbcrt Fu.ney% Susannah YorL Hugh Griffith Dame Price:$39.98 Edith _Evans, David Tomlinson; Directed by Tony RichardsorL 1963 127 minute:;.

LK America, Catalog No. 4511-8() War and Peace Linear CLV Audrey HepburrL Henry Fonda, Mel Fcrrer, Herbert Price:$34.98 Lorw Anita Ekberg. Directed by King Vidor. 1956, 208 minutes.

LOC Artieriea, Catalog No. Treasure of Sierra Madre Linear CLV riee: $'19 .YJ Humphrey Bogart, Walter Huston, Tim .)1* Bruce

Bennett. Barton MacLane. Directed by J. -1 Easton 1948 126 minutes, B&W.

LDC America, Catalog No. 4639-80 War of the Worlds Linear CLV GeneBarry Ann Robinson: Les iremayne. Directed Price:$34.98 by Byron Haslin. 1953: 85 minutes.

LDC America, Catalog No. LV5303 Linear CLV The Trouble with Harry Price:$29.95 Edmund Gwenn, Mddret' Natwick, Jerry Mathers, Shirley McLaine. Directed By Alfred Hitchcock.

LDC America, Catalog No. We're No Angels Linear CLV Humphrey Bogart, Althi Ray. PeLer tinov. Di- Price:$34.98 rected by Michac, Curtiz. 1955, 103 minutes.

LDC America Catalog No: LV5414 Linear_ CLV 20,000 Leagues Under Price:$29.95 Kirk Douglas, James Mason, Peter Lorre. Directed by Richard Fleiszher. 1954, 118 minutes.

LDC America, Catalog No. 42112A5 The Westerner Linear CLV Walter Brennan, Gary Cooper, Doris Davenport. Di- Price:$34.95 rected by William Wyler. 1940. B&W.

82 Interactive Videodiscs 92 LDC America. r '.italog No. The Women Linear (. LV Shearer._ Joan CraM'Ord. ROSalind Russell. Price: $149.7 Joan Fontaine. Paulette GOddard. Difteted by GeOrge Cul; Or. 1939. 133 minutes. B&W.

WhiteCLcistmas LDC America. Catalog No: M!.:110506 LinearCLV Bing Crosovi, Danny Kaye. Rosemary_Clocrev. era: S39:95 EHen. Directed bv_Michael Curtiz. 1943. 12()miii- Pne: utes. Digital Sound.

LDC America. Catalog No. LV6104 LcaCLV WutheringHeight Price:$39.95 Laurence Olivier. Geraldine vitzgeraid: Directed by William Wyler. 1939. B&W:

LDC America. Catalog No. The Wild One I :near CLV MarlOn Brand(i. Lee Marvin. J.C. Flippn. Directed $34.95 by La Ski Benedek. 1954. 79 minutes. B&W.

LDC America. Catalog No. Iinear_CLV lhe Wizard of Oz 'rice: $29.95 Judy Garland, Frank Morgan. Bolger. Burt Lahr. Jack Haley. Billie Burke. MargaretHamilton. The Midgets. Directed by Victor Fleming. Muic Lyrics Harold Arlen and Yip Harburg. 1939101 minutes.

LD\. Catalog N.MLI00001 !_inear Price: $ S' ;

tnteractive O&M's-a 83 HEALTH INSTRUCTION The Way'715eLive Up to fifteen viewers control an inieracave exhibit. AIDS choosing one of four characters as a surrogate. The This is an adult educition and orientation program story branches _according te the character chosen and which incorporates self-paced trai:.. ig and informa- other_health-related choices made via a computer- tion about Acquired Immune Deficiency. Syndrome linked voting system. The obiect is to make choices (AIDS). The program is designed to provide instruc- that will offer th .:. best lifestyle for a longer lifespan. tion that is confidential and tailored o the individ- The majority vote is the deciding factor. In deciding ual's needs. Three branches address the specific whether their character should go to work by cr, bi- needs of the homosexual populatiorL the heterosexual cycle: or bus, for example: a vote for the bus in- population and the bisexual population: The package creases life expectancy because accidents are less includes the videodisc and 50 AIDS information pam- common in busses than cars or on bicycles. phlets. The contents of the course include: Description Hardware Requirements Treatment Pioneer PR-8210 videodisc player. Atari 800 sys' Symptoms with 48K, 810 interface, disk drive, and 850 moe Transmission one large screen color monitor and two saller morli Diagnosis tors for data and vot:ng display. Prevention Complications Optional Hardware Implications for Lifestyle Changes Extra input keypads for the ''Computer Tally- System are available for $150.00 each. (Five ale suPplied Required Hardware with the basic package). Pioneer LD-V6010 videodisc player. Programmed Cik V Programmed CAV Softw: Fe: Atari written iii Forth Software: Digital dump on disc (level 2) Interactive Image Technologies Inc. Health EduTech, Inc. Price: $5.VAX) for the basic package of a five input Price:$995.(Y0 system. one videodisc and controlling software Sexually Trarsmitted Diseases This course on Sexual -ransmitted Diseases is de- signed for use in the classroom or for individuali7,ed HEALTH SAFETY use for young aduits and_the general adult popula7 tion. Included in the package are one two-sided vi- Back SafetyHealth Care Orientation Series deodisc, STD Teacher's Guide, and 30 Student Tins is one part of a foui.-part Ikath "1:are series by Pamphlets. Content includes; Health EduTech, Inc., This_COLIcse, is bilhgual, (Eng- STD Introduction/Overview lish and Spinish) and is geared to wide range of pri- What it is mary and secondary audiences: Primary audiences Symptoms include; health care professionals, health care para- Transmission professionals, and healtt: care support personnel. Sec- Diagnosis ondary audiences include; housekeeping employees, Treatment foOd service employees, office personnel, p3tieni care Lifestyle and Prevention personnel, and maintenance personnA f:he course Eight Specific STD meets the JCNHcriteria. The package include3vi- Herpes deodisc. 30 student pamphlets. and floppy ofrks (ro Syphilis level 3 use). The system can be configured ;or lovel 2 Vaginitis or level 3 use. Content areas include; Gonorrhea How the back works Chlamydia Proper back care =Gehital Warts Good lifting techniques Hepatitis Caring for your back AIDS Exercising your back ;nteractive CAN/ Necessary Hardware Software; None available Level 2Pioneet LD-V6010 videodisc player. Health EduTech, Ilic. Level 3 (IBM)IBM-PC or compati')Ie (250,with Price:$1,895.00 2 disk drives, color-graphics adaptor with 25-pin con;

84 Interactive Videodiscs 94 nector. asynchronous communications adaptor. Pi- Fire SafetyHealth Care. Orientation Series oneer _LD-V6010 or 6000..videodisc player...Health This is one _part of a_four-.part.Health EduTechs IVC-I interface ,cable, and a monitor with Health_EduTech. Inc:: This.course is .bilinguak (Eng- NTSC/RBG key capabilities (Sony FVM 12710. Ze- lish and Spanish) and is geared to health care audi- nith ZVM-I350 modified, Sanyo Spectra Tech ences. Audiences include; health care professionals, 31C426 modified). health care.paraprofessionals. arid health care support Level 3 (Sony)The Sony View System wAth 5I2K personnel. The course meets the JCAH criteria._ The memory._ package includes a videodkc. 30 student pamphlets. Level 3 (NCR),-_NCR system with Pioneer LD- and floppy disks (for level 3 use). The system can be V1000 videodisc player, configured for level 2 or levd 3 use. Content areas include; Programmed CAV What is fire Software: Provided either as level 2 or level 3 Causes of fire Health EduTech, Inc. Five levels of protection In case of fire Pricer$995.(X) ($3,495.00 for all four courses) Fighting a fire Evacuation Prevention

Electrical SafetyHealth Care Orientatoo Series Necessary Hardware This_ is one part of 2 four7part Health Care series by Level 2Pioneer LD-V6010 videodisc player. Fle_a10-1 EduTech., Inc.. This course is bilingual (Eng- Level 3 (IBM)--1.5M-PC or compatible 256K) with Spanish). geared to health care audi- 2 disk drives, color-graphics adaptor with 25-pin con- ences. Audiences include; health _care professionals, nector, asynchronous communications adaptor, Pi- he2;th care paraprofessionals, and health.ca7;.support once] LD-V6010 or 6060 videodisc player. Health per,. hnel. The course_ meos the JCAH criteria: The EduTech's IVC-1 interface cable. and a monitor with -kage includes a videodisc, 30 student pamphlets, NTSC/RBG key capabilities (Sony PVM 12710: Ze- and-_floppy disks (for_level 3 use). The_ system can he nith ZVM-1350 modifier'. Sanyo Spectra Tech configured for level 2 or level 3 use. Content areas 31C426 modified). include;_ Level 3 (Sony)The Sony View System with 512K Basic termin, iogy memory. Hospital eleccal system Level 3 (NCR)NCR system with Pioneer LIX. Dangers V1000 videodisc rl Grounding Patient vicinity Programmed CAV Electrical safety Software: _Provided either as level 2 or level 3 Emergency procedUres Health-EduTech, Pike: $995.00 ($3.495.00 for all fOtit courses) Necessary Hardware Level 2-.-Tioneer. LD-V60_10.videodisc.player. Level 3 (IBM)IBM-PC.or compatible (256K) with 2 disk drives._ color-graphics adaptor with 25-pin con- Infection ControlHealth Care Orientation Series hector, asynchruhous commuricatious adaptor, Pi- This is one part of a four-part Health Care series by oneer LD-V6010 of 6000 videodisc player, Health Health EduTech, Inc.. This_course is bilingual, (Eng- EduTech's IVC-1 ;r1terce cable, and a moaitor with lish and Spanish) and is geared primarily to health NTSCIRBG key cNK,s.. ities (Sony PVM 12710, Ze- care audiences: Audiences include; health care nith ZVM-.1350 mo, ried. Sanyo Spectra Tech professionals, health care paraprofessionals, and 31C426 modified) health caresupport personnel. Other audiences in- Level 3 (Sony)--T1-cmy View System with 512K clude; nursing employees, housekeeping employees, memory. and food service employees. The course meets the Level 3 (NCR)--NCR systi_rn with Pioneer LD- JCAH criteria, The package includes a videddisc, 30 V1000 videOdisc player. student pamphlets, and floppy disks (for level 3 use). The systerv can In configured for level 2 or level 3 Programmed CAV use. Content areas include: Software: Provided either as levd 2 or level 3 The chain of infection Health EduTech, Inc. How infection is transmitted Price:$995.00 ($3,495:00 for all four courses) How to isolate an infection

95 Interactive videodiscs 85 Proper .handwashing HospitalityHealth Hazards in the Workplace Immuni-tation This is one part of a five-part Health Hazard series Good health habits by Health EduTech, Inc.. This course is geared to a

wide variety of audiences. Each target audience is_ Necessary Hardware grouped with similar occupations on a separate disc: Level 2Pioneer LD-V6010 videOdise player. This disc is a course specific to the hazards in the Level 3 (-IBM)--ABM=Pc -or compatible (25-5K) with. hospitality area. Specific employee target groups in- 2 disk drives._cOlOr-graphics adaptor with 25-pincon- clude; administration, bartenders, servers, guest serv- necar-i :synchronous communications adaptor, Pi- ice employees. cooking. food preparation, kitchen, oneer LD-v6010 or. 600a videodisc piayer, Health cleaning em.;-.1oyees. engineering, building mainte- EtfuTech's1VC-Linterface cable, and a monitor with nance employees, housekeeping employees, laundry. 3C/RBG key capabilities (Sony PVM 12710, Ze= valet employees office employees; stewarding. dish- nith ZVM-I350 modified, Sanyo Spectra Tech washing employees; The course can be used by the 31C426 modified). hospilality industry to avoid the highz.s: qf non-_ Level 3 (Sony)The Sony View System with 5I2K compliance. The package includes a videodisc, 50 memory. user pamphlets, and 50 ceitificates of trai.,ng. The Level 3 (NCR)NCR system with Pioneer LD- system is for a level 2 program. Content oreas VKKI0 videodisc player; include: Introduction Programmed CAV Definition and examples of 14 hazardous substance Software: Provided either as level 2 Or leVel 3 categories Health -EduTech. Int. c Definition and examples of 4 harmful physical agents Price: $995.(K) ($3,495.(l (or all ldur courses) Definition and examples of 5 modes of injury Material Safety Oata Sheet (MSDS) Engineering controls Protective clothing and equipment Infectious agents Business/IndustryHealth Hazards in the Workplace Necessary Hardware This is one part of a five-part Health Hazard series Pioneer LD-V6010 videodisc player. by Health EduTech, Inc.. This course is geared to a wide variety of audiences. Each target audience is grouped with similar occupations on a separate disc. Programmed CAV This disc is a general course on the hazards in busi- Software:level 2 digital dump on ,c. ness and Industry. The course can be used by busi- Health EduTech, Inc; ness and idustry to avoid the high cost of non- Price: $1990.00 compliance. The package includes a videodisc, 50 user pamphlets, and 50 certificates of training. The system i5 for a level 2 program. Content areas include: Introduction Definition and examples of 14 hazardous substance EducationHealth Hazards in the Workplace categories This is one part of a five.p.At Health Hazard series Definition and examples :1 4 harmful physical agents by Health EduTech, Inc.. This course is geared to a Definition and examples of 5 modes of injury wide variety of audiences. Each target audience is Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) grouped with similar occupations on a separate disc. Engineering controls This_disc is a course specific to the hazards in the ed- Protective clothing and equipment ucation area. Specific employee target groups in- Infectious agems clude: administration art teachers, auto mechanics teachers; building & grounds_employees, custodial Necessary Hardware employees, food service employees, graphic arts & Pioneer LD-V6010 videodisc player. photography teachers, metal shop teachers, office & clerical employees, science teachers, transportation Programmed CAV employees, and wood shop teachers. The coursecan Software: level 2 digital dump on diYe. be used by education to avoid the high cost of non- Health EduTech, Inc. compliance. The package includes a videodisc, 50 Price: $995.0f) user pamphlets. and 50 certificates of training. The

86 Interactive Vitteodiscs system is for a level 2 program. Content areas GovernmentHealth Hazards in the Workplace include: This is one_part of a five-part Health Hazard series Introduction by Health EduTech, Inc.. This course is geared to a Definition and examples of 14 hazardous substance wide variety of audiences: Each target audience is categories grouped with similar occupations on a separate disc. Definition and examples of 4 harmful physical agents This disc is a course specific to the hazards in govern- Definition and examples of 5 modes of injury ment jobs. Specific employee target groups include; Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) street maintenance:employees, parks and recreation Engineering controls employees, sewer department employees, water_treat- Protective clothing and equipment ment and distribution employees; law enforcement Infectious agents employees; fire department employees; health de- partment employees, equipment and vehicular main- Necessary Hardware tenance employees, painter and carpenter employees, Pioneer LD-V6010 videodisc player. electrician and plumber employees, custodial employ- ees, general office employees, and supervisory em- Programmed CAV ployees. The course can be used by government to Software: ievel 2 digital dump on disc. avoid the high cost of non-compliance. The package Health EduTech, Inc. includes a videodisc, 50 user pamphlets; and 50 cer- Price: $1,990.00 tificates of training: The system is for a level 2 pro- gram: Content areas include: Introduction Definition and examples of 14 hazardous substance Health CareHealth Hazards in the Workplace, categories This is one part of a five-part Health Hazard series Definition and examples of 4 harmful physical agents by Health EduTeeh,_ Inc,. This course is geared to a Definition and examples of 5 modes of injury wide variety of audiences. Each target audience is Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) grouped with similar occupations on a separate disc. Engineering controls This disc is a course specific to the hazards in the Protective clothing and equipment health care area. Specific employee target groups in- Infectious agents clude; administration, engineering and maintenance employees, food service employees, housekeeping Necessary Hardware and custodial employees, laboratory employees, laun- Pioneer LD-V6010 videodisc player. dry employees; office and clerical employees, op:rat- ing room employees; patient care professionals; Programmed CAV radiation employees, and central sterile supply em- Software: level 2 digital dump on disc. ployees. The course can be used by the health care Health EduTech, Inc. industry to avoid the high cost of non-compliance. Price: $1,990.00 The package includes a videodisc, 50 user pamphlets, and 50 certificates of training. The system is for a level 2 program. Content areas include: Introduction Definition and examples of 14 hazardous substance categories HISTORY Definition and examples of 4 harmful physical agents Definition and examples of 5 modes of injury America and the World Since World War Il Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) This is a collection of major world events using ABC Engincring controls news footage with Peter Jennings. Protective clothing and equipment Infectious agents Volume 1, 1945-1952 Volume 2, 1953-1960 Necessary Hardware Volume 3, 1961-1975 Pioneer LD-V6010 videodisc player. Volume 4, 1976-1985

Programmed CAV Linear CLV Software: level 2 digital dump on disc. Software: None available Health EduTech, Inc. LDC America Price: $1,990.00 Price: $26.95 per volume

97 Interactive VidOodiscs 87 The History Disquiz Disc 2 This disc is a one hour program that willtest ones Volume 4: Midway Is East: JapaneSe Victoriesand knowledge_ of 20th century histbry. Film_ clips of such the Battle of Midway events as the Beatles invasion, the firstmoon landing Volume 5: Mediterranean Mosaic: Gibraltar,Allied and the explosion of the Hindenbergare followed by and Enemy Fleets, Malta questiorr. Score points as you follow the action. Volume6: Guadalcanal Steve Allen is the host for theprogram. The Hi Story Disquiz covers a wide range of topics including poli- Desc 3 tics, entertainment, science, international affairs, Volume7:Rings Around Rabaul trends, and sports to name a few. Volume 8:Mare Notrutri Volume 9:Sea and Sand Interactive CAV SOftware: None available Dise 4 LDC America VoluMe 10: Beneath the Southern Cross Price: $29:95 Volithie 11: Magnetic North Volume 12: Conquest of Micronesia

Disc 5 Mein Kampf Volume 13: Melanesian Nightmare: New Guinea Documentary of World War H using focitage from Campaign original sources including previously untappedGer- Volume 14: Roman Renaissance: Sicilyand the Ital- man archives. The disc looks at the rise and fall of ian Campaign Getman faScism. 117 minutes, 1960: B&W Volume 15: D-Day: Normandy

Linear CLV Disc 6 Software: None available Volume 16: Killers and the Killed: Victory inthe A LDC America lantic1943:1945 Price: $34.95 Volume 17: The Turkey Shoot: Conquest ofthe Marianas 0. Volinne 18: Two If By Sea: Peleliu and Angaur

Linear CLV The Statue of Liberty Software: None available A 1986 Academy Award Nominee withfacts and leg- LDC America ends surrounding the Statue of Liberty. Price:$34.95 per diSc Linear CLV Software: None available LDC Amertca Price:$29:95 Victory_at Sea; Volumes 19=26 This television series was produced by NBC TV in 1954. It is a comprehensive visual history of the Al- lied naval warfare during World War II. The_music is ah otigihat Se Ore by Richard Rodgers and the series is Victory at Sea, Volumes 1-18 narrated by Lerinard Graves: Black and White. This television series was produced by NBC TV in 1954_ It is a comprehensive visual history of the Al= Disc 7 lied naval warfare during World War II. Themusic Fs Volume 19: The Battle for Leyte Gulf: Destruction an original score by Richard Rodger§ and the series is of the Japanese fleet narrated by Alexander Scourby. Black and White. Volume 20: Return of the AllieS: Gr Mind fighting in Luzon DiSc / Volume 21: FUll Fathom Five: Destruction of Iapa- Volume1: Design for War: The Battle of the Atlan- neSe ShiPPing tic 1939-1941 Volume 2: The Pacific Boils Over: Pearl Harbor, Disc 8 December 7, 1941 Volume 22: The Fate of Europe Volume 3: Sealing the Breath: Anti-Subrriarine Volume 23: Target Suribaehi Warfare1941=1943 Volume 24: The Road to Mandalay

88 interactive Wdeodiscs 98 Disc 9 lints to the home front in six videodiscs. The series is Volume 25: Suicide for Glory: Conquest of Okinawa narrated by Richard Basehart and contains one vol- Volume 26: Design for Peace: Hiroshima & the Japa- ume per videodisc. nese Surrender Vo lurk I: America in:Vietnam and Dien Bien Phu Linear CLV Volume 2: Days of Decision and Uneasy Allies Software: None available Volume 3: The Trail and Firepower LDC America Volume 4: A Seige and Frontline America Price: $34.95 per disc "Vo :lime 5: The Village War and Peace Vclume Sinrender and The Unsung Soldiers

Linear CLV The Video Encyclopedia of the 20th Century Software: None 6:/ailable This is an unprecedented collection Of denial footage LEC America of the_ignifiennt people and events of the 20th cen- Pri&: $34.95 per volume tury, OVer the past 23 years, CEL has idelitified and Compiled millions of feet oforiginal film and video- tape_documenting the 20th century: The Video Ency- clopedia consists of the most significant 75_hours from the CEL Archive and offers ia compelling visual HOME ECONOMICS perspective which motivates studying, learning, and understanding the people and the eVentSibf the 20th Men L Alien Tektite Collection century ...unlike any other edneational resource Helen LOuiSe Allen taught at the University of_Wis- available today. consinNadison_ from 1927-1968 and amassed an out- A comprehensive_alphabetical and chronological standing private textile collection. Miss Allen's index system allows the user easy access to the 2.217 collection was a bequest to the University and forms units in the Video Encyclopedia. Tile purchase price the basis of the current Allen Collection. A narrated includes.38 videodiscs (in the CLV forthat). a fOnr: video segment preScrits a short overview of the origin volume Reference,Set, three COMpleie SetS Of the and Content8 Of the Allen Collection. Master Index, an Instructional Manna!, a Curriculum The videodisc also contains 20.000 full color Im- guide, and a Pioneer LD-V4X,Y0 videodisc player: A ages of individual objects from ancient to modern few of the video units include: times. They include archaeological tentiles from the Thomas Edison's early films eastern Mediterranean and Pre-Columbiar Peru, such The San Francisco Earthquake as Late Roman (Coptic) tapestry woven roundels and The Russian Revolution bands, and woven and painted textiles from a ParacaS The Depression Years needle--knitted band to a Chimu miniature tunic. Also FDR's "Nothing to Fear AddreSS included are cOntemporary fiberworks by pioneers in_ The rise and_fall Of Ades lph the fiber art movement including Claire Zeisler;iPeter. Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor Collingwood, Walter Nottingham; and Luba Krecji. Inaugurations of every 20th century president Examples of handmade and industrial products in- Dr. Jonas Salk developing the first polio vaccine clude over 3;000 woven objects. plus bobbin and Dr: Martin Luther King, Jr. leading the march to needlemade laces. I.:lock-printed yardage. cross-stitch Montgomery samplers. bark_cloth and the work of major tektile Gorbachev succeeding CherrienkO in the So Viet Union designers like Jack Len Or Larsen,Dorothy Liebes. Sonia _Delaunay. and Alexander Girard. Linear CiLy The diSc iS deSigned in &level one format with Software: None available inclekeS supplied on the disc for quick and easy access CEL Resources to the images_ A printed index accompanies each disc Price: $10;000.00 that provide -. basic information about all objects pic- tured on the disc fully cross-referenced, a subject in- dex. and an artist/designer index.

Vietnain: The Ten Thousand Day War; Volumes Interactive CAV 1-6 Software: None available This series of documentaries traces the history of the UniVergity of Wisconsin Ten Thousand Day War in Vietnam trom the frOnt Price: $250.011 for disc and printed index

-9g Interactive Videodiscs 89 HORTICULTURE LDC America Catalog No. 11-110 Price: $29:95 Eitotic Plants: A Videodisc Compendium This disc contains over two thousand high quality color photographs of tropical._ subtropical and other exotic plants. All of the popular exotic plant families are pictured, many in their natural habitats. The LANGUAGE slides are from the personal collection of interna- tional horticulturist, photographer, and author Exploring Language: Thinkingi Writingi Charles Marden I itch._ Also included on this disc is a Communicating film illustrating what many of these plants have in This series of discs is designed to be a lower level common; the ahty to flower: "Why Plants Flower" Humanities course. The series has a dual purpose: to is a short motion picture based on the time lapse cin- explore the social, psychological, and political impli- ematography of Ken Middleham, pioneer in high cations of language and to teach the fundamentals of speed and time lapse phmography. clear, concise writing by providing week-by-week in- The disc also comes with a User's Guide that en- struction in organizing and writing essays. The com- ables quick location of specific information on each position and language-study parts of this course plant pictured. The guide epntains a Chapter and compliment each other. Frame_Index; a section on How to Use the Di 3c, and The composition portion helps to improve a st.- Sample Lesson Plans: The disc contents includes: dent's awareness of the language envircamcnt. topics include the structure and_function of language, I. Introduction to Exotic Plants: A Videodisc Compendium how language is acquired, how language is used for II.Still Frame Exotic Plants CompendiumA Vis- manipulation in politics and advertising, and how it is ual Encyclopedia of Exotic Plants a medium_for sexism and chauvinism; This dual focus Taxonomic Groupings: Family and Genus helps students to understand and to use language Survey more effectively. Plant Habitats/Botanic Gardens/Common Portions of six texts and a Course Guide are re- Names quired if theidiscs are used for credit. Suggested Popular _Groupings credit value is six semester-hours. Content of the discs are listed below. Bromeliads/Palms/Cacti and other Succulents Flowering and Foliage Ornamentals Program I: The Shape of Language Orchids/Gesneriads Program 2: Communities of Speech Plant Care/Environmental Considerations Program 3: Language, Learning and Children Light and Temperature Preferences Program 4: The Rhyme and Reason of Politics Propagation Techniques/Ease of Growth Program 5: The Written Word III. Why Plants Flower: A Time Lapse Motion Program 6: Men. Women and Language Picture Program 7: Just Plain English What is a Flower?/Why Are Insects Attracted Program 8: Apes and Language to Them? Program 9: The State of English Where Do Fruits Come From?/What Do Seeds Do? Interactive CAV Software: None.available Interactive CAV (8") Maryland Center_ for_ Public Broadcasting. Software: None available Price: $125:00 per disc. or $500:00 for the set: Print VT Productions materials cost an additional $60.00 Price: $230.00

Gardening at Home This disc provides the fundamentals of gardening for LANGUAGE ---=-FOREIGN both the beginner and expert gardener. A plant guide includes over 350 plants to help guide the_ user in The Language Learning Disc their care and growth. The dual audio capabilities of This disc is designed to help foreign language stu- the laserdisc are used for separate audio programs. dents take charge of their own learning by improving their language skills and by becoming a more active Interactive CAV learner. The disc provides opportunities for students Software: None available to experiment with a wide range of strategies. Specif:

90 interactive Wdeodiscs ically, disc users can expect to derive the following Programmed CAV benefits from this instructional material: Software:_Supplied.for IBM,PC Gain insights into their own learning Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction Be able to decide on strategies appropriate to a Price: $450:00 task and loa their own learning purpose Use these strategies in a classroom; self-study, and conversation Determine the best strategies to improve their memory for language learning MATHEMATICS Learn to transfer relevant knowledge from one lan- guage to another Infinity Factory Learn ta use resources wisely A series of 20 thirty minute lessons (10 _discs) for stu- The disc accomplishes this purpose using a wide dents between the ages of 8 and 12 to learn math in range of topics (from the reading of an instructional real life situations. This is geared for students in the manual to connect a VCR, from listening to news Black and Latin communities. All programs are and weather on a radio aro to_accomplishing closed-captioned for the hearing-impaired. social functions through appropriate language use) and using a wide range of languages (students can Lesson Titles work with 20 languages on the disc). Percentages Graphs Necessary Hardware Decimal Fractions (1) IBM-PC computer with a Microkey 1125 Overlay Approximation (1) card, a Son; 2VM Series Monitor or compatible, and Measurement in Meters (1) a Pioneer LD-V1000 videodisc player. Angles Averages Programmed CAV Fractions Software: Provided Estimation of Length and Quantity Joan Rubin Associates Estimation of Quantity and Length Price: $995,00 Estimation of Weight and Volume Measurement of Volume Mapping and Scaling Negative Numbers Decimal Fractions (2) LEGAL EDUCATION Approximation (2) Measurement in Meters (2) Evidence Objections Measurement of Time (An interactive videodisc for legal education) Multiplication This disc is designed to augment the instruction that a Problem-Solving law student receives in an Evidence and Trial Advo- cacy course. Each student can use the exercise indi- Linear CAV vidually or in a team of two to get experience_in Software: None available recognizing when to object and how to argue in sup- GPN port of an objection. The law student will play the Price: $300.00 for ten discs and manual role of defense_ council in a criminal trial. All of the other participants are on the videodisc; During the prosecutor's direct examination; improper questions will be asked. The witness will have improper infor- mation in some of the answers. The student must in- Interactive Math Series terrupt the trial at the proper occasions, otherwise This is an interactive videodisc progiam presented ;n the trial will not stop. After making the objection, 21 disc sides. It is geared for courses that cover the the student will have to state the correct reason and specific content, or for adult and remedial courses. the judge will pass a ruling onit. The_trial will then The package inciudes; Six Basic Math videodiscs, 30 resume at the proper point. The computer provides Basic Math Learner Guidesand Placement Tests, one an analysis of the student's performance; Basic Math Instructor's Guide; five Applied Algebra discs; 30 Applied Algebra Learner Guides and Place- Hardware Requirements ment Tests, one Applied Algebra Instructor's Guide, IBM-PC computer and a Pioneer LD-V1000 Laser- and one floppy disk per chapter of instruction (with disc player level 3 configuration). Available in a level 2 or level

1 01 interactive Videodiscs 91 3 configuration for IBM, AppleSony or NCR com- Evaluating formulas puters. Course chapters include: Evaluating complex formulas 3Solving Simple Equations Basic Math_ Pr Okrarn Pre View and Self,test Prnperties and equations .1--=WhedeNithibers _ PreVieW and Self-test Solving simple equations byaddition and Introduction subtraction Reading and_writing whOle numbers Solving simple equations bymultiplication and division Addition and subttaction of wholenumbers Solving Si Mple equations by Multiplicatidn and division of wholenumbers special operations Finding_aVetageS of whole numbers Solving §iinple equations by severaloperations Prattital apPlications of whole numbers 4=-So lying Sirr Ole Formulas 2=-Fractions Preview and Self-test Preview_and Self-test Introduction Introduction Solving simple formulas byddition and Definitions of fractiOns subtraction AdditiOn and Siibtraction of fractions Solving simple formulas bymultiplication and division Multi_plitation and diVision of fractions Sittiplifying Complex fractions Solving §iMple formulas by specialoperationS Practical application of fractions Solving simple formulas by severaloperation§ 3+-Decimals and Decimal Fractions 5Ratio Proportion and Variation Pmiew and Self-test Preview and Self-test Introduction Introduction Properties of decimals Properties of ratiOS and simplifyingratios Properties of proportion and solving Changing fractionS to decimals and decimalsto proportion fractionS Practical application of ratio;proportion and Rounding decimals variation§ Addition and subtraction of decimals Multiplication and division of decimalS NeceSsaiy Hardware Practical application of decimals and decimal Level 2Pioneer LD-V6010videodisc player. fractions Level 3 _(Apple)Apple II+or lle (64R) computer 4Percent with one or two disk drives_, PioneerLD-V700 video- Preview and Se lkest disc player, Whitney'S Apple SuperCircuitor the Op- Ina (Auction tical Data Corporation VAI-Heinterface; and any PrOpertieS of percent NTSC/compoSite monitor. Level 3 (IBM)=---IBM,PC Changing fractions to percent andpercent to or compatible (256K) With fractions 2 diSk drives, color-graphicsadaptor with 25;pin con- Solving basic percents nector, asynchronous communicationtadaptOr, Pi- Jacob's law Miter LD-V6010 or 6000 videodiscplayer, Realth Practical applications of percent EduTech's IVC-1 interface cable,and a monitor with NTSC/RBG key capabilities (SonyPVM 12710; Ze- nith ZVM-1350 modified, SanyoSpectra Tech App#ed Algthra Program 31C426 modified). 1BaMc Algebra Level 3 (Son).------The SonyView System with 512K Preview and Self,test memory. Basic properties and definitions ofalgebra LeVel 3 (NCR)--1ICRsystem with Pioneer LD- Algebraic signs and symbols V1000 videodisc player. Like and unlike terms Positive and negative nuithers Programmed CAV Addition and Subtractitin of signednumbers Software: Provided eitheras level 2 or level 3 Multiplication and diVi-sionof signed numbers Health EduTech, Inc. Removal of Signs of grouping Price: $7,990.00 Basic operatiOnS_with exponents 2Evaluating Algebraic Expressions Preview and Self-test Mastering Decimals and Percents Introduction This is a companion cOurseto Mastering Fractions; Evaluating algebraic eXpreSsions The progtain covers the skills needed for highschool

92 Interactive Wdeodiscs 102 equivalency tests; such as GED: The package in- prompts; rentechation exercises; and frequent cumula- cludes one two-sided videodisc, instructor's manual, tive tests: The package includes three two,sided vi- and 35 student r!sponse booklets. This minicourse deodiscs, instructor's manual, and 35 student consists of 15 lessons that include: response booklets. This minicourse consists of 40 les- Reading and writing decimals sons that include: Adding and subtracting decimals Relationships between equivalent fractions and Decimal/fraction/percent conversions ratios Decimal division and multiplication Estimating the missing part of a ratio Rounding Translation word problems into ratios Word problems involving decimals and percents Solving word problems that include percents and ratios Interactive CAV Software: None available Interactive CAV Systems Impact, Inc. Software: None available Price: $600.00 Systems Impact, Inc. Price: $1;800.00

Mastering Fractions This program takes students through the subject with Math Assessment explanations, guided practice; and independent prac- This is a bilingual math assessment videodisc for grade levels 1-3. It contains 335 criterion-referenced tice_on all requisite skills. The materials include three double-sided videodiscs, a Teacher's Guide and Stu- objectives presented in English or Spanish. Devel- oped through State University's videodisc re- dent Response Booklet. The 35_Iessons covering the search program, the disc can be used with or without core conceptsiof fractions include: Discriminating whether fractions are more than, an external computer. The package includes: Math Assessment Videodisc less than, or equal to one "Decoding" fractions so they are understandable Users manuals on a number line or as diagrams Record-keeping software Writing whole numbers and other values as Support materials fractions Hardware Requirements Generating equivalent fractions (Optional External Program) Ranking fractions by size Allen Communications Interface with Apple II or Ile Rewriting whole numbers on number lines as micro, Pioneer PR-7820, PR-8210 or VP-1000 video- fractions disc player. Rewriting improper fractions as mixed numbers (Internal Program) Simplifying fractions Pioneer PR-7820-3 videodisc player (Epson printer Multiplying fractions by fractions and whole optional) numbers Adding and subtracting fractions with unlike denominators Programmed CAV Rewriting mixed numbers as fractions Software: Provided for Apple II or Ile, or encoded Dividing fractions on disc Systems Impact, Inc. Interactive CAV Price: $295.00 with diskettes, $195.00 for encoded Software: None available disc. Systems Impact, Inc. Price: $1,800.00

Math in Biology This program combines a videodisc _and a microcom- Mastering Ratios puter to provide interactive basic math instruction. This program builds on the concepts covered in Mas- The target groups for the instruction are women and tering Fractions and Mastering Decimals and Per- minorities who seek a Career in the life and health cents. The material is designed to be used with_upper sciences, but have inadequate math skills. It is appli- elementary through senior high students providing cable to others as well. Biology examples are used lesson presentations, quizzes, on-screen teacher throughout.

1 03 interactive Videodiscs 93 Programmed CAV tenty and skills in recognizing tlysrhythmias. Itcan be Software: Provided used as a constantly availablecourse for training in University of Washington dysrhythmia recognition; as an instructor's aid.Or Price: $495.00 within the Advanced Cardiac Life SupportCiitirk-e. The technology includes a MitrOcOmputer inter- faced with a videodisc player, and an interactive_au- Triglandi dio cassette player. The Learning System enhances Trig land iS an eXperiMental interactive microcompu- inStitiCtiOn in pSychoniestar and cognitive skills byus- ter/videodisc course in Trigonometry: It is designed ing intiltiple inedia. Video screens, anda synchro- for schools that are_unable to offer a conventional n:±ed audio track: All components combineto assist ttigonometry_course. It is intended to be USed by the student in_gaining understanding and MaStery of small numbers of students, preferably 1 Or 2 at a course content with continual audio arid viSUal time.ilt is recommended that a Math teacher closely feedback. monitor the studentS' progreSS, giVe additional in- The COUrSe ebriSiStS Of a SerieS of lessons which struction when needed and provide supplementalma- provide the background informationnecessary for the terials to reinforce the topics discussed in the underStariding of dysrhythmia recognition. Thesesec- Trig land Modules. Progress quizzes are provided for tiOnS are designed to cover,_ augment and expand each_module to help the teacher to determine areas upon the Advanced Cardiac Life Support TextboOk of weakness and strength. material-. The course consists of one videodisc andsixteen There are practicei and teSting Sections in: computer diskettes COntaining tWelve modules of in- Static Dysrhythmia RettignitiOn struction.:Tne module topic§ are: Pynamic DySillythntia Recdgnition 1. Intro-du-0.i On- Therapeutic Modalities 7. Concepts of Relation and Function With additiOnal components in: 3. Circular Functions Static Dysrhythmia strips; for practice and testing. 4 Degrees and Radians generated randomly from a bank of 10 examples for 5: Sine and Cosine Functions- each dysrhythmia 6: Tangent and Reciprocal FUnttionS On-demand Referente BarikS in PharMacology. Al- 7. Basic Identities gorithms and DysrhythMia 8. Trigonometric RatioS, Interpolation and the Law The ability to ifich.i.tle or eicelude specific lessons; Of Sine§ and the Law of Cosines practices:or tests 9. Amplitude, Period, Phase and Vertical Shift and Recorded test scores for administrative review kep: Addition of Ordinates "on file- in the computer's memory 10. Uniform Circular Motion, Periodic Motion and Ungraded content quizzes after each leSSOn Which Simple Harmonic Motion allow the student to ascertain his or herown reten- 11. Inverse Functions tion level 12. Solution of Simple Linear and Quadratic Equa- tions Involving Circtilar Functions; and Equations Hardware- Requirements Containing More Than One Circular anction. The American Heart Association CPR/ACLS Learn: ing System: Necessary Hardware Apple Ile with 641( and tWo disk drives;_a serial in- Programmed CAV terface card, and a Pioneer LD-V6000 series video- Software: Included disc player are required; Actronics Inc. Programmed CAV Price: $17,000.00 including the AHA CPR/ACLS Software: Provided for Apple Ile Learning System; $3;500:00 for software only MECC Price: $249.00 fOr Videodisc. sixteen Applediskettes and support manual The Interactive CPR V4 Courseware The Interactive CPR V4 CourSeWare and Le,Irning System were originally developed by the American MFDICINE-CAMMOLOGY Heart Association as a mean§ Of significantlyincreas- ing the number of persons trained incardiopulmon- Dysrhythinia Recognition Course ary reSuscitation hy providing a high quality. The purpose of the American Heart Association Dys- standardized course that does not requirean in; rhsihmia Recognition Course is to maitimizecompe- creased number of instructors.

94 totetactive Video° s 104 The technology includes a microcomputer inter- MEDICINEEMERGENCY faced with a videodisc player. an interactive audio PROCEDURES cassette player and a CPR manikin wired with a se- ries of electronic sensors. The learning theory is DxTERThe Clinical Simulator System based on the premise that student performance is im- This is a series of interactive videodiscs for the nurse proved by immediate feedback which can zero in on or physician in the intensive care or emergency room the student's mistakes as they occur. setting. The user must solve treatment problems and As the student interacts with the manikin, the make decisions under the simulated daily pressures of system provides four different types of feedback: these areas. The medical progress of the patient is depicted -live7 on the screen and reinforced by the I) audiovisual_coaching using videodisc action seg- same visual, verbal and auditory cues the clinician ments selected by the computer would receive from the patient and other profession- 2) visuar display on the computer monitor (indicating, als in an actual emergency. The clinicians can gener- for example, that hand placement is incorrect or ate anrespond to clinical physiological and depth of compression is too shallow) pathological data in order to make treatment deci- 3) Audio tones to indicate the proper timing of each sions. The patients outcome depends on the decisions compression the clinician makes. 4) a graphic summary on the computer monitor which details overall performance Necessary Hardware An individual student with some medical background Sony View System may be able to complete the CPR course in two hours. A group of_four students utilizing one system Programmed CAV may require as Ftle as four hours to finish the pro- Software: Provide(' gram. Recertification may require less than one hour. Intelligent Images, Inc. Price: $750M0 Hardware Requirements The American Heart Association CPR/ACLS Learn- ing System. An optional Infant Manikin is available for$3,500.00. Trauma Training Materials Videodisc The University of_Washinoton D_epartment of Surgery Programmed CAV and ihe HSCER dev:loped this program of two discs Software: Included (three sides) that demonstrates basic techniques that Actronics Inc: must be mastered by a trauma care team working in Price: $22AOMO including the AHA CPR/ACLS an emergency room setting Each side covers two Learning System, $7,500.00 for software only topics including interactive testing segments on each topic. Topics include: Approach to the Critically In- jured Patient;_Chest Tube Placement: Subclavian Catheterization; Peritoneal Lavage: Venous Cannula- tion and Arterial Puncture. How Your Heart and Circulatory System Work.s This videodiscis designed to teach children 10 to 17 Hardware Requirements years about /he structure of the heart_function of the The PioneerPR-7820or LD-V6000 videodisc player blood, how to monitor heart rate, take blood pres- is needed for the interactive testing segments. The sure and to understand diseases and disorders of the disc may be used without the testing segments on any heart and blood vessels. Each disc is accompanied by laserdisc player. a 110 page operator's manual. This manual explains how to use the automatic and manual mode to ar- Programmed CAV range and locate materials. The manual also describes Software: Level 2 testing segments encoded on disc and lists locptions of motion scenes, slide and prim American Technology Resources material fr. each of the six chapters on the videodisc. Price:$225.00 Hard;mre Requirements PioneerPR-7820 orLD-V6000 for programmed use MEDICINE-HEMATOLOGY Programmed CAV Software: Level 2 encoded on disc Medkal Applications Videodisc: Hematology Simon Fraser University A collaborative effort of the American Society of He- Price: $100.00 matology, the University Physical Diagnosis

105 Interactive Videodiscs 95 Slide Bank, the World Health Organization and the MEDICINE-NEUROLOGY University of Washington Health Sciences Center for Educational Resources. Assessment of Neuromotor Dysfunctions in By referring to the accompanying, catalog of the Infants disc contents the user may rapidly and accurately lo- This program was developed at the University of tate any frame of the disc. The disc niayhe utilized Iowa by physiciariS, phySital therapists, andcom- with either a syllabus or an external computer source puterassiSted inStruction Specialists. Theprogram (microcomputer to full main_frame) to develop a va- wag the recipient of the Fred Sage Award in 1983 and riety of computer-assisted lessons, tests or case the NebraSka Interactive Videodisc Award in 1984 simulations. fOr the best educational project. Theprogram pre- This one-sided videodisc contains: sents visual examples of clinical assessmentproce- dures in a unique format that allows theuser to 1. The entire American Societs, of Hematology interact with 27patieritS videotaped Overa five _ morphology collection (approximately 2200 month period. Thit Offer§ firSt-hand exercise in the frames) methodS employed by professionals whotest for neu- 2. The World Health Organization International narrfotor dySflinction in a self-paced program that is Histologic Classification of Tumors (approxi- eaSy far video-computer novices to understand. mately 2500 frames) A comprehensive introduction reviews factors 3: Selected frames from the_ Western Universities contributing to abnormal develOprhent, clinicalclues Physical Diagnosis Slide Bank (approinmately one may note during routine eXam, and questionsan 2000 frames) examiner should aSk every patient. The userihen 4. The film "Red Cell Shapes" by Professor participates in Systeniatic assessment of fiveparame- Marcel Bessis terS Of fietirontotor function in infants followed bya 5. The short technique video tape "Venipunc- caSe Study. Each lesson is listed below withan ap- lure: The Vacutainer System" by Joyce Beh- proximate lesson completion time. rens; M.T. (ASCP) Introduction (10-25 minutes) 6: A short demonstration program intrOducing Muscle function (35-50 minuteS) the applications for the disc Movement (20-35 mintiteS) Reflexes (30=45 minutes) Interactive CAV Structure (10-15 minutes) Software: None available GrOSS mdtor skills (30-45 minutes) American Technology Resoarces Ca Se Study (20-35 minutes) Price: $250.00 (estimated) Hardware Requirements An IBM TII System available through AllenCommu- nications, or 128K IBM=PC With Oneor two disk drives, Allen Cdnimunications UVC interface;Pi- oneer L134/1000 Videodisc player; and separatemon- itorS for Videadisc and computer.

MEDICINE=MICROSCOPY Programmed CAV Software:_Provided for IBM-PC Clinic& Microscopy Williams and Wilkins This one-sided disc contains materials from approxi- Price: $850.00 mately 200 different clinical cases. It_ includesmate- rial in_Hematology, Pathology, Cytology, Histology, Parasitology, and MictabiOlOgy. Scans of the material at various mid-OS-cope features of the case inclues- tiOn._The accOmpanying catalog allows generation of a_Wide Variety Of instructional programs utilizing DiS6tethi Of the Nervous System: Motor either Syllabi or computer (including microcomputer) ThiS one-Sided disc is a compilation of materialfrom control. a "Visual glossary"_ collection of neurologicaldysfunc- tion_Normal and abnormal gaits and reflexesare demonstrated as well as a Wide Variety ofmotor signs Interactive CAV and disorders. The atcOffipanying catalogallows rapid Soft Ware: None available access for lettute derndriStration or self-study as well American Technology Resources as the compilatiOA of Written or computerized instruc- Price: $250.00 (estimated) tional programs_

96 interactive Videodiscs 10 6 Interactive CAV to conduct off-site, comprehensive and systematic Software: knee examinations. American Technology Resources CASE STUDIES Price: $175.00 Module V presents detailed practical applications, us- ing specific case histories.

Hardware Requirements Disorders of the Nervous System: Mentation Visage V: Station 2000 or the IBM InfoWindow (Up, This one-sided disc is a compilation of material from grade kits-are available- for 1BM-PC owners who wish a "visual glossary" collection of neurological dysfunc- to use their own PC With the system). tion. Six patients are shown who demonstrate a vari- etyof disorders of mentation. The accompanying Programmed CAV catalog allows rapid access for lecture demonstration Software: Provided for IBM and compatibles or self-study as well as the compilation of written or The ALIVE Center computerized instructional programs. Prices: $2,975.00_for disc, software, student workbook; and Interactive CAV instructor's manual Software: $11,990.00 for complete courseware and hardware American Technology Resources $6.295.00_ for hardware upgrade package Price: $175.00 $19.95 for additional student workbooks $22.95 for additional instructor's manuals

MEDICINE-ORTHOPEDICS MEDICINE-ULTRASONICS The Active Knee The Active Knee was created by Dr: Walter A. Sight Through SoundAn Interactive Hoyt, a leader in orthopedic medicine, Dr. Robert Introduction to Medical Diagnostic Ultrasound H. , an orthopedic surgeon, Dr. P. Joseph Ver- This one-sided disc covers the basic concepts and tucci, president of The ALIVE Center and leading practice of ultrasound from principles of physics to interaciive design specialist, and the staff of The the use of equipment and accurate interpretation of ALIVE Center. sonographic images. Viewers benefitirom an interac- Designed as a modular course-, it is geared to tive learning games approach providing valuable non-orthopedic medical professionals; such as emer- feedback on short case histories, identification of son- gency physicians, paramedics, coaches and trainers; ograms for clinical applications, recognizing trans- medical students, and professiolials who are continu- ducer motion, and more. Viewers can actually ing their education. The program also has a great manipulate simulated ultrasound scanner controls value to patients and athletes_ who run a high risk of while watching the results of their actions on the knee injury at some time in their career. video monitor. The course is a two-sided Level 3 interactive vi- deodisc providing up to 20 hours of instructkl _with Hardware Requirements five modules of instruction: Each module is further Pioneer PR-7820 or LD-V6000 player needed for in- divided into subtopics. The modules are as follows: teractive program. FUNCTIONAL ANATOMY OF THE KNEE Module I presents functional anatomy, addressing Programmed CAV bones, major ligaments, main muscle groups, and the Software: Level 2 encoded on disc specific forces that can damage anatomical structures. American Technology Resources PRE-SEASON EXAMINATION OF THE KNEE Price: $495.00 Module II covers _a systematic process for conducting pre-season screening exams so you can determine which athletes and active people may be predisposed to -knee injury. MEDICINE-UROLOGY PHASE I KNEE EXAMINATIONS Module III prepares the examiner to conduct on-site Urinary Catheterization examinations of the knee. This disc demonstrates the correct procedures for all PHASE II KNEE EL4MINATIONS aspects of preparing the equipment and the patient Module IV provides complete procedures necessary (male and female) for urinary catheterization. The 107 toteactive Videodiscs 97 disc also demonstrates theproper catheterization sideI. Symphonic ProgramMusic techniques for both male and female:patients. The Fector Berlioz, "Symphonie Fantastique," 5thmove= disc includes both instructional andtesting features. ment. Oberlin Conservatory Orchestra. The videodisc; including a manual, are available to Full video performam.with stereo sound accredited educational and healthcare inStitutions. Reduced Score Statements of the Idee Fixe from ailmovements Hardware Requirements Gregorian Chant, "Dies lrae." Catholic University The system has program dumps 6n the disc;and is Full video performance with stereo sound designed to be used with a Sony LDP-1000 videodisc Rhythmic analysis of the chant player. statements in the Symphonie Fantastique

Programmed CAV Side 2: Orchestral Program Music Software: Level Two program On the videodiSc Claude Debussy, "Prelude to the Afternoonof a ACCESS Alberta Faun." Oberlin Conservatory Orchestra. Price: $225.00 including manual Stertb aUdiO performance RedUced two-line score OrtheStral Instrument Demonstrations Video examples with stereo sound MUSIC INSTRUCTION Video spectrum analysis of selected instruments

Videodisc Music Series, DISC 1 Interactive CAV Software: None available This four disc series Was designedand_produced by the University of Delawareunder a grant from NEH. University of Delaware Each diSc Side containsa supporting slide library. Price: $295.00 for four discs and Manual

Side 1. Symphonic and ChamberMusic JoSeph Haydn, "Symphony No.94 (Surprise),"2 d movement. University of Michigan Orchestra. Stereo audio performance Videodik Music _Series, Disc 3 Two:line Sccire With harmonic reduction& analysis This four disc series was designed and producedby W.A. Montt,"Quintet for Clarinet andStrings the_ University of Delaware undera grant from NEN. K.581," first movement. Delos StringQuartet with Each disc side contains a supporting Slidelibrary. Peter Hill. Full video performance withstereo Sbund Side I. Vocal Music Full score with harmonic analysis Karl Loeike, J.F. Reichardt; Franz Schubert,"Erl- Melodic contour map konig." Curtis Institute of Music. Full video performances for all three settingS_ Side 2. Chamber Music Full score of the Schubert with harmonicanalySis W.A. MoZart. "Piano Concerto in 0Major K.453," Full audio performance of the Schubertin English 1st movement. Ars Musica with PenelopeCrawford. Johannes Brahms, "Shaffe in Mir Gott,"from the Full video performance withstereo sound 51st Psalm. Oberlin Conservatory Chorus. Performance on period instruments Full audio performance in stereo Two of Mozart's cadenzas Full Score with color-coded form analysis Reduced four-line score Side 2. Opera Interactive CAV Giacomo Puccini, "La Boheme," selectedSceneS. Software: None available . directed by Franco Zeffirelli. UniverSity of Delaware Video performances of selectedscenes from the Price: $295.00 for four discs and Manual opera Francci Zeffireni's views on singers/actors RehearSal sequences of theopera Excerpts of the soon-to-be-released discby the Met Videodisc _Music Series; Disc 2 Interactive CAV This four_disc series was designed andprodliced by Software: None available the_University of Delaware undera grant from NEW University of DelaWare Each disc side contains a supporting slidelibrary. Price: $295.00 fOr four discs and Manual

98 Interactive Videodiscs 108 Videodisc Music Series; Disc 4 MUSIC-JA/Z This four disc series was designed and produced by the University of Delaware under a grant from NE11. Nat Adder ly, Jatt Life Volume 3. Each diSc Side containS a supporting slide library. Songs include "Wbrk sohg,.. "TallahasSie," "Chelsea Bridge;" "Jordanian Walk" and "The:Stehe." Re: Side 1. Keyboard Works corded live at the Village Vanguard.55Minutes. Carl Phi llipp Emanuel Bach. "Fantasia in G Minor." James Weaver; Smithsonian Institution._ LDC America; Catalog No: Full performances on clavichord and fortepiano Linear CAV Full score with harmonic reduction and anaty PriCe: $29.95 Demonstration of period keyboard orncments LudWig van Beethoven. "Piano Sonata Opus 13 (Pathetique)," Michael Steinberg, University of Delaware. Toshiko Akiyoshi: My Elegy Full video performance in stereo Toshiko Akiyoshi, piano; Lou Tabakin, tenor sai/ Full score with harmonic reduction and analysis flute; Frank Weise; sax; Scott Robinson; drums. Color-coded formal analysis Songs include "Elegy." "Remembering Bud;" and "Autumn Sea." Side 2. Keyboard Works Frederic Chopin, "Polonaise, Opus53."Leon Bates. LDC America, Catalog NO. University of Delaware. Linear CLV Full video performance in stereo Price: $34.95 Full score with harmonic reduction Full score with color-coded formal analysis

Interactive CAV Count Basie Orchestra Software: None available Recorded on November 11, ShinjukiiKosei- University of Delaware nenkin Kaikan. Conducted by Thad Jones with Jije Price: $295.00for four discs and Manual Williams arid Nancy Wilson. Songs include "Night in Tunisia;" "Satin Doll," "Moonlight Becomes You," "One O'Clock Jump;" and "April in Paris." Digital Sound.

Music IS LDC America. C:italog No. This cdurse is geared for upper elementary leVel_mu= Linear CLV sic classes. The course consists of 5 discs with a 30 Price:$47.95 minute lesson on each side. The instruction is based on a linear play format; so there is no interactivity built into the course. The disc is also equipped for Tony Bennett Sings closed captions. Includes "This Can't -Be Love," "My Funny Valen- tine" and "Lullaby of Broadway." 49 minutes. 1. Mu Sic Is 2.Music Is Rhythm LDC America; Catalog No. 3; Music Is Melody Linear CLV 4. Music IsHarmony Price: $ . 5. Music Is Tone Color 6. Music Is Form 7. MUSic Is Composed 8. Music Is Conducted Art Blakely 9. Music Is Improvised With Wynton Marsalis live at 7th Avenue South, De- 10. Music Is Style cember 21, 1981. Songs include; "MS.BC," -My Ship," "Fuller Love," "Alicia" and "Gypsy Folk: tales."54minutes. Linear CAV Software: None available LDC America; Catalog No: GPN Linear CAV Price: $150 for five discs with teacher's guide PfiCe: $29.95

109 Interactive Videodiscs 99 Carla Bley: In Concert Miles Davis: The Sound of Miles Davis 88 minutes. Disc includes "So What" and "The Duke". 27min: utes. Monaural sounth Black and White. LDC America, Catalog No. Linear CLV LOC America, Catalog NO. Price: $34.95 Interactive CAV Price: $34.95

Cab Calloway and His Orchestra This disc was recorded live at Disneyland and in: George Duke: Super Keyboards cludes "Minnie the Moocher" and "It Ain't NeceS- sadly So." LOC America, Catalog NO. Linear _CLV LDC America, Catalog N . Price: $34.95 Linear CLV Price: $24.95

Ella Fitzgerald Recorded with Paul Smith Trio and All StarS.Songs Richie Cole; Life Volume I include "Night and Day," "HoneySuckle Rose," Recorded June 1981 at the Village Vanguard in New "Old Mac Donald," And "Georgiaon My Mind." 59 York._"Punishment BlneS," "Yardbird Suite," "Is- minutes. land Breeze," and "Body and Soul:" 51 minutes. LDC America, Catalog No. LDC America; Catalog No. Linear CLV Linear CAV Price: $29.95 Price: $29.95

Dizzy Gillespie &.The All-Star Dreamband Chick Corea With Gerry Mulligan, Max Roach, Paul WeSt,John Songs include "L's Bop,"_"Why Wait," "3,500Miles Lewis, Milt Jackson, and otherS. Recordedon Febru- High," and "Guernica." 57 minuteS. ary 16, 1982. 90 minuteS.

LDC America, Catalog No. LDC America, Catalog No. Linear CLV Linear CLV Price: $38.95 Price: $44.95

Chick Corea & Gary Burton Dizzy Gillespie: Live at Concerts by the_Sea Crystal Break Recorded on February 26, 1981: SongS include"Be Bop," "Hard of Hearing," "Mama," and"Jazz LDC America, Catalog No. America." Linear CLV Price: $24.95 LDC America, Catalog No. Linear CLV Price: $29.95

Chia Corea & Gary Burton Live in Tokyo Songs include "La Fiesta," "Senor Wilk," and Johnny Griffen at the Vanguard "Children's Songs." 58 minutes. 1981, CX encoded;

LDC America, Catalog No. PA-83-037 LDC. America, Catalog No. Linear CLV Linear CLV Price: $24.95 Price: $29.95

100 tnteractkee VidOodiscs 110 Johnny Griffen, Jazz Life Volume 2 Keith Jarrett: Vermont Solo Concert 1977 Songs_include "Blues for Gonzi," "56." "A Monks Dream" and "Blues for Lesley:" Recorded in June of LDCAmerica, Catalog No: 1981 at the Village Vanguard in New York: 47 Linear CLV minutes. Price: $4L95

LDC America, Catalog No. Linear CAV Price: $29.95 Keith Jarrett: Last Solo Recorded January 25, 1984 in Tokyo. 92 minutes.

LDC America, Catalog No. Linear CLV Chico Hamilton Price: $44.95 Songs include "Clinton Avenue" and "The Baron." CX encoded.

LDC America, Catalog No: Linear CLV Keith Jarrett Trio Live 1985 Price: $29.95 LDC America, Catalog No. Linear CLV Price: $44.95

Lionel Hampton and His Big Band This disc-was recorded live at Disneyland and in- cludes "Skylark," "Hamp's Boogie Woogie," and Quincy Jones: Reflections "Flying Home." Includes "Ironside:" "Killer Joe," "What's Going On:" "Razzamatazz," "Mantaca" and "Ai No Cor- LDC America. Catalog No: rida." 60 minutes: Linear CLV Price: $24.95 LDC America, Catalog No. Linear CLV PriCe: $38.95

Woody Herman and The Young Thundering Herd This disc was recorded live at Disneyland and in- cludes "Things Ain't What They Used To Be," George Kawaguchi Meets Shelly Manne "Woodchopper's Ball:" "Blue Flame:" and "Sonny Songs indude "OldMan:" "Sand Storm:" "Windy Boy." Afternoon," "Traditional" and "Bear Walk:"

LDC America, Catalog No. LDC America, Catalog No. Linear CLV Linear CAV Price: $24.95 Price: $29.95

Lee Konitz Freddiellubbard Live at The Village Vanguard Live at the Village Vanguard. Recorded in Septem- Songs include "Happy Times:" "Guernica:" "Little ber of 1983 and two Black and White clips from Waltz," "Fantasy in D." Recorded on June 24, 1982: 1954. Songs include "Max," "Chopin Prelude," and 55 minutes. "Subconscious Lee." 55 minutes.

LDC America, Catalog No. LDC America, Catalog No. Linear CLV Linear CLV Price: $29.95 Price: $29.95

111 interactive Vdeoeiscs 101 Ramsey Lewis Music In Monk Time Chick Corea and others_pay a musical tribute tO the LDC America, Catalog No, late Thelonius Sphere Monk's compositions inClUding Linear CLV 10 selections. 60 minutes. Price: $29.95 LDC America, Catalog No. Linear CLV Price: $38.95

Mike Mainieri: 7th AVenue South _ Recorded live at 7th Avenue South with Omar Hakirti, Eddie Gomez; and . thi_tp7 eludes "T-Bag:" and "Sarah's Touch.1982, CX encoded. Gerry Mulligan: Live At Eric ,_ Songs include "17 Mile Drive,'" ::Foran Unfinished LDC America, Catakig NO. Woman," "Walk on Water," "North Atlantic Rutl- Linear CLV and "K:4 PaCifie." Recorded on February 26; 1981: Price: $29.95 59 minutes.

LDC.America. Catalog No. Linear CLV Henry_Mandni & Friends Price: $29.95 Reciirded_at the Edmonton Jubilee Auditorium_with Vicki Carr_& Robert Goulet in 1980. Includes the Theme from "Ten," " River,iilid "Siing For You:" 48 minutes. One Night Stand_ LDC America. Ciital6g Nd. Linear -CLV Eubie Blake; Kenny Barron in duet with Bobby Price: $29.95 Hutcherson. Bob James and others. 1981, 98 minutes.

LDC America, Catalog No. 7044-8(1 Linear CLV Mike Mainieri: Manhattan aptess_ Price: $29.98 Mike iMainieri with BOb Minier on electric bass clari- net. Recorded in_December Of 1981 at Seventh Ave- nue South, New York. Songs inciude "I'm Sorry," '!Flying Colors," "Crossed Wires." and "Bamboo." 50 minutes. Makoto Ozone: Crystal Love Makoto Ozone (piano), Gary Burton (vibes), Eddie LDC America, Catalog No. Gomez (bass). 1985, CX encoded, Digital Souno. Linear CAV Price: $29.95 LK America, Catalog No. LineatiCLV Price: $29 .95

Manhattan Transfer: Vocalese With special appearances by Bobbie McFerrin and the Four Freshmen this disc includes "Bee Bop Blues,"_"Another Night in Tunisia," and "To You." Jaco Pastoreous Digital Sound. 58 minutes.

LDC America, Catalog NO. VAL-3017 LDC America, Catalog No. Linear CLV Linear -CLV Price: $19.95 Prke: $29.95

102 Interactive Wdeodiscs 112 Oscar PeterSOn LDC America: Catalog No: PA-82-011 Songs include "City Lights." "On Danish ShoreS. Linear CAV "Yesterday." and "My Shining Hour." 56 minutes. Price: $24.95

LDC America; Catalog No: Linear_CLV Price: $29.95 Weather Report: Evolutionary Spiral 1981; CX encoded.

LDC America: Catalog No: Max Roach Live At Blues Alley Linear CLV Songs include "Mr. High Hat."-"Big Sid." "lt'S Price: $19.95 Time." and "Back to Basics." Recorded on March 2 1981. 59 minutes.

LDC America. Catalog No: Nancy Wilson With_The Chick Corea Band Linear CLV Songs include ''_1:Want to be pappy;" "I Get a Kick Price: $29.95 Out of You." "'Round Midnight:" "But Not For Me." "Yesterday." "Them There Eyes:" "Take the A Train." 47 minutes.

cawlog No. Sonny Rollins: Montreal 1982 LinearCLV Price: $38.95 LDC America. Catalog No: Linear CLV Priee: $29.95 MUSICJAZZ COLLECTIONS

All Star Swing Festival At Ambassador Auditorium Ella Fitzgerald; Dave Brubeck, Count Basic. 'Lenny Songs include "On A Clear Day." "High and In- Goodman: Joe Williams; Dizzy_Gillespie. Duke El- side," "Close Enough for Love," -Up a Lazy River," lington. live from : "Concerto for Classical Guitar and Jazz Piano." George Shearing, piano. Angel Romero, guitar, LDC America, Catalog No. Shelly Manne, drums, and Brian Torff, Bass. 50 Linear_CLV_ minutes. Price: $29.95

LDC America, Catalog No. PA-824)22 Linear CAV Price: $29.95 Blue Monday Party Percy Mayfield, LoWell Fu lson and Ester Jones are recorded in_ concert at Mark Naftalin's Blue Monday Party, Along with the concert are over 200 Still frames with a discography; pictures of their albums Mel Torme And Della Reese in Concert covers, and archival photos from Living Blues Maga. 1978 zine. This disc can be used in a Level Om or Level Two format. LDC America: Catalog No: 74-009 Linear CLV VT Productions Pike: $24.95 Programmed CAV Price: $155.00

Grover Washington, Jr. in Concert With_Eric Gale_;_Richard Tee, and Steve Gadd. Songs Jai on A Summer's Day include "Just the Two of Us_;" "Wine light," and LouiS Arm Strong, Thelonius Monk, , "Come Morning." 53 minutes: George Shearing, Dinah Washington, Gerry Mu 113 tnteraclive Videodi-scs 103 gan, Chico Hamilton, Anita O'Day, Jimmy Guiffre, Playboy Jazz Festival Volume 2 Chuck Berry,_Big Mybelle Smith, Jack Teagarden Dave Brubeck, Ornette Coleman. Weather Report, and Mahalia JackSOn. Manhattan Transfer. 90 minutes. LDC AMerica, Catalog No. LDC AMerita, Catalog N. Linear CLV Linear CLV Prie-e: $52.95 Price: $41.95

Jazz Vocal Special Rare footage of 50'S teleVision shows including Anita Prime Cuts O'Day, Nat King CO le, , CabCallo- Miles Davis, Chuck Mangione. Al DiMeola.Andreas way, and Helen O'Connell. Songs include "Man Vollenwieder, Hiroshima, Clarke/Duke Project;and That'S Groovy." "Got A Penny Benny,""Lonesome Weather Report. 1985 Road," "Five Guys Named Mop," and "Thanksfor the Boogie Ride." 40 minutes, Black and White. LDC Anierica, Catalog No. (Monaural sound) Lineir CLV (8") Price: $17.98 LDC America. Catalog No. Linear CLV Price: $38.95

Midnight Session MUSICMUSICALS Milt Jackson vib), Ray Brown (bass), CedarWalton An American in Patii (piano), and Mickey-Roker (drums) play 15songs in- Gene Kelly, LeSlie Caron; Oscar Levant,_Georges -du-ding "In Walked Bud," "Close Enough For Gunaty. Directed by . Musicby Love," "Straight,- "No Chaser," "Django,- George Gershwin: 1951; 102 minutes. " 'Round Midnight" and "Bag's Groove.-85 Minutes. LDC America, Catalog No. ML100006 Linear CLV LDC America, Catalog No. Price: $34.95 Linear CLV Price: $44.95

Annie MOdeen Jaiz Quartet_Again Aileen Quinn; Ann Reinking, Geoffrey Holder, &ono ifielude "The Cylinder," "Summertime," Carol Burnett; Albert Finney, Bernadette Peters, "Monterey_Mist" and "Confirmation." Recorded in Tim Curry: Directed by John Huston. Music andlyr- concert October 20, 1981 at the Tokyo Budokari. 79 ics by Charles strouse and Martin Charm. 1981. minutes. LDC Anierica, Catalog No. VLD1030 LDC America, Catalog N . Linear _CLV Linear CLV Price: $39.95 Price: $34.95

Playboy Jazz Festival Volume 1 Babes in Arms Willie Bobo, Art Fatthet, Maynard Ferguson; McCoy Judy Garland, Nikko, RObOcy, Charles Winninger. Tyner, ElViii TorieS, LiOnel Hampton; Red Norvo and Music by Roots arid Hart, directed by Busby Berke- GrOVer Washington. 90 minutes: rey. 1939, 91 minutes, B&W.

LDC America, Catalog No. LDC America, Catalog No. MLI00585 Linear CLV Linear CLV Price: $41.95 Price: $34.95 104 Interactive Videodiscs 114 Best Little Whorehouse in Texas A Chorus Line Dolly Parton, Burt Reynolds, Dom De Luise, Charles Michael Douglas. Directed by Sir Richard Attenbor- Durning, , Lois Nettleton. Directed by ough, choreographed by Jeffrey Hornaday. CX en- Colin Higgins. 1982, 114 minutes. coded Digital Sound.

LDC America; Catalog No: 17-0e8 LDC America; Catalog No. Linear CLV Linear CLV Price: $34.98 Price: $39.95

Brigadoon Gene Kelly, , . Directed by Topol, Norma Crane, Molly Picon, Leonard Frey. Vincente Minnelli. Music and lyrics by Frederick Directed by Norman_Jewison. Music and lyrics by Loewe and Alan Jay Lerner. 1954, 108 minutes. Jerry Bock and Sheldon Harnick. 1971, 169 minutes.

LDC America; Catalog No. ML100040 LDC America, Catalog No. 4524-80 Linear CLV Linear CLV Price: $34.95 Price: $49.98

Finian's Rainbow Bye Bye Birdie Fred Astaire; ; Keenan Wynn. Music Dick Van Dyke, Janet Leigh, Ann-Margret, Paul and lyrics by Burton Lane and E.Y. Harburg.Di- Lynde, and Bobby Rydell. Music by Charles Strouse rected by Francis Ford Coppola. 1968, 141 minutes. and Lyrics by Lee Adams. 1963.

LDC America, Catalog No: 7035-80 LDC America, Catalog No. 11208LV Linear CLV Linear CLV Price: $39.98 $34.98

42nd Street Cabaret Dick Powell, Ginger Rogers, Ruby Keeler, Bebe Liza Minnelli, Michael York, ;Joel Grey, Helmut Daniels, Warner Baxter, Guy Kibbee, Una _Merkel. Griem, Fritz Wepper; Marisa Berenson. Directed by Directed by Lloyd Bacon. Music and lyrics by Harry Bob Fosse. Music and lyrics by John Kander and Warren and Al Dubin. 1933, 89 minutes, B&W. Fred Ebb. 1972, 117 minutes. LDC_America; Catalog No. 4502-80 LDC America, Catalog No. 7035-80 Linear. CLV Linear CLV Price: $29.98 Price: $34.98

Funny Girl Camelot , Kay Medfork1;_Walter Pidgeon; Richard Harris, Vanessa Redgrave, David Hem- Omar Sharif, Ann Francis. _Directed by William Wy- mings. Directed by Joshua Logan. Music and lyrics ler. Music and Lyrics by Jule Styne and Bob Merrill. by Frederick Loewe and Alan Jay Lerner. 1967. 1968.

LDC America; Catalog No: 11084LV LDC America, Catalog No. VLD3155 Linear CLV Linear CLV_ Prite: $39.98 Price: $39.95

115 interactive video-els-a 105 Funny Lady by Joseph L. Mankiewicz. Music andlyrics by Frank Barbra Streisand, James Caan. Loesser. 1955. 150 minutes.

LOC America. Catalog No: 30685A LDC Anierica. Catalog No. 7039-80 Linear CLV Linear CLV Price: $34.95 Price: $39.98

A Funny mit* Happenedon the Way to the Hair Forum_ Treat Williams. John Savage, BeverlyD'Angelc. MU= Zero Mostel. Phil Silvers. Jack Gifford. BuSter Ken= Sic by Galt MacDermot and lyrics byGerbtne Ragrii ton. Directed by Richard Lester. Music and lyricSby and James Rado. 1979. 119 minutes Stephen Sondbeim. 1966, 99 minutes. LDC America. Catalog No. 4593 LOC America, Catalog No. 418-80 Linear CLV Linear CLV Price: $34.98 Price: $34.98

Hello Dolly Barbra Streisand. .Michael Craw- Leslie Caron. Louis Jourdan:, Maiiriee Chevalier. ford. Louis Armstrong. Directedby Gene Kelly._Mu- Hermione Gingold. Directed by VincenteMinnelli. sic and lyrics by . 1969:148 minutes. Music and lyries by Frederick Loeweand Alan Jay Lerner. 1958, 115 minutes. LDC Atherica. Catalog i..101101-80 Linear_CLV LDC AMerica, Catalog No: ML100050 Priee: $39.98 Linear CLV Price: $34.95

The King and I Grease Deborah Kerr, Yul Brynner._ RitaMoreno, Martin Olivia Newton,John. John Travolta. Benson. Terry Saunders. Rex Thompson.Directed StOckard Chan- by Walter Lang. Music by Richard ning, Eve Arden. Sha-Na-Na. MuSicand lyrics by RodgerS Aid Os- car Hammerstein H. 1956. 133 minuteS. Warren Casey and Jim Jacobs.1977, 110 minutes.

LDC America. Catalog No. LV1108 LDC America. Catalog No. 1004-80 Linear CLV Linear CLV Price: $29.95 Price: $34.98

Grease II_ Kiss Me Kate Maxwell Caufield, Michelle Pfeiffer, LornaLuft,_Ad- Directed by Bob Fosse. 1953. 113 Minutes. rian ZMed, Didi Conn, Eve Arden. SidCaesar. Tab Htinter. 1982: 115 minutes: LDC America. Catalog No. Ml100307 Linear CLV LDC America. Catalog No. LV1193 Price: $39.95 Linear CLV Price: $29.95

Tht Little Prince Richard Kiley, Bob Fosse, Gene Wilder. Guys and Dölls SteVen Warner_Directed by Stanley Donen. ; Marlon Brando, Stubby, MuSic and lyrics Kay. Jean by Frederick Loewe and AlanJay Lerner. 1974: 88 Simmons. Vivian Blaine. Sheldon Leonai-d.Direeted minutes.

106 Interactive Videodiscs 116 LDC America; Catalog No: LV8017 LDC America, C;italog: NO. 7038=80 Linear CLV Linear CLV Nice: $29.95 Price: $39.98

Mame Oklahoma Lucille ball, Beatrice Arthur, Robert Preqon. Music Shirley Jones, Gordon MacRae, Rod Steiger, Char- and lyrics by Jerry Herman: 1974; 131 minutes. lotte Greenwood, GlOria Grahanie, Eddie Albert. Directed_by Fred Zinnemann. Music and 1N ries by LDC America, Catalog No. 111000LV Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein II. 1955. Linear CLV &Ice: $39.98 LDC America, Catalog No: 7020-80 Linear CLV Pfice: $39.98

Mary Poppins Julie Andrews, Dick Van Dyke, Glynis Johns; David Tomlinson. Directed by Robert Stevenson. Music and Oliver lyrics by Richard M. Sherman and Robert B. Sher- Oliver Reed; Mark Lester; 1968: man. 1964, 139 minutes. LDC America, Catalog No. LDC America, Catalog No. 42023AS Lihear CLV_ Linear CLV Price: $34.95 Price: $44.95

On The Town Meet Me ill St. Louis Frank Sinatra, Gene Kelly, Ann Miller, Vera-Ellen,_ Judy Garland, Margret O'Brien, Mary Astor, Tom Betty Garrett, Jules Munshin. Directed by Gene Kel- Drake June Lockhart. Harry Davenport, Lucille ley and stAfiley DOnen. Musk by Leonard Bernstein, Bremer; Marjorie Main; Directed by Vincent Min- lyrics by AdOlph Green and Betty CoMden. 1949, 98 nelli. Music and lyrics by Hugh Martin and Ralph minutes; Slane. 1944, 115 minutes, B&W. LDC America, Catalog No: ML100057 LDC America, Catalog No. ML100005 Linear CLV Linear CLV $34.95 Price: $34.95

Paint Your Wagon Lee Marvin, Clint Eastwood: Jean Seberg; Harve The Music Man Presnell, Ray Walston. Directed by Joshua Logan: Robert Preston; Shirley Jones, Ronny Howard. 151 Music and lyrics by Frederick Loewe and Alan Jay minutes: Lerner. 1969, 13 minutes.

LDC America, Catalog No. I1473LV LDC_America; Catalog No. LV69332 Linear CLV Linear_CLV Priee: $39.98 Price: $35:95

My Fair Lady _ Paleface Audrey Hepburn; Rex Harrison, Stanley Holloway, Bob Hope; Jayne ROSSell. 1948, CloSed CaptiOned. Wilfred Hyde White; Gladys Cooper; Jeremy Brett, Theodore Bikel. Directed by George Cukor: Music LDC America; Catalog No. and lyrics by Frederick Loewe and Alan Jay Lerner: Linear CLV 1964, 170 minuteS. Price: $29.95

117 InteractiveWc16ddiscs 107 Pete!s Dragon RObert Wise. Music and lyrics by Richard Rodgers Helen Reddy, Jim Dale, Red Buttons, Micky Roo: and Oscar Hammerstein 11. 1965, 174 minutes. ney. CX encoded. LDC America; Catalog No. 1051-80 LDC America, CatalOg NO. Linear CLV Linear CLV Price: $49.98 Prite: $45.95

Pippin South Pacific Ben Vereen, Williani_Katt, Martha Raye, Chita Riv- Rossano BrazZi, Mitzi Gaynor, Ray Walston; France era. Music and lyrics by Stephen Schwartz. 1981. 110 NUyen,iMuSic and lyrics by Richard Rodgers and minutes. ()Scar Hammerstein 11. 1958; 150 minutes.

LDC America, Catalog No. PA-82-009 LDC_America, Catalog No. 7045-80 Linear CLV Linear CLV Price: $34.95 Price: $39.98

Seven Brides for Seven Brothers HOWard Keel; Jane Powell, Russ Tamblyn. Directed Swim/ Time by Stanley Donnen. 1954, 103 minutes. Fred AStaire, Ginger Rogers; Victor Moore,Helen Broderick, Eric Blore.:Betty Furness. Directed by LDC America, Catalog No. ML100091 George Stevens: Musiciby Jerome Kern. 1936,103 Linear CLV minutes, B&W: This version features a crititalCOM- Price: $34.95 mentary_on audio track 2 1:0,-/ John Mueller anda photo scrapbook of behind:the:SceneS StillS.

Voyager Press, Catalog N Interactive CAV 1776 _ Howard da Silva, William Daniels, Ken Howard, Price: $74.95 Donald Madden, Blythe Danner. 1972.

LDC America, CatalOg NO. Linear CLV Price: $29.95 Thoroughly Modern Millie lie Andrews, James Fox. Directed by George Roy Hill. 1967, CX encoded; Digital Sound.

LDC America, Catalog No. Singing in the Rain Linear CLV Gene Kelly, Debbie ReynOldS, DOnald O'Connor, Price: $39.98 Jean Hagen, Rita Moreno, Cyd ChariSse. Directed by Stanley Ponen. Mu Sic and lyricS by Arthur Freed and Nacio Herb Brown. 1952, 103 minutes.

LDC America; Catalog No: ML100185 Linear CLV Tommy Price: $35:95 Ann-Margret, Oliver Reed; Jack Nicholson, Elton John, Tina Turner; Roger Daltrey, Eric Clapton, Keith Moon._ Directed by Ken Russell. Musie and lyrics by Peter Townsend. 1975.

Sound of Music LDC America, Catalog No. VLD59.51 Julie Andrews, Christopher Plummer; Eleanor Linear CLV_ Parker, Peggy Wood, Richard Haydn. Directed !-,j, Price: $29.95

108 Interactive Videodiats 118 Treasure Island; The Musical MUSIC-OPERA Christ-ipher Cazenove, Frank Gorshin, Bernard Miles. Music by , lyrics by Hal Shaper. Aida 118 ininuteS. By GiuSeppi Verdi. Maria Chiara, Nicola Martinucci, Fioren±a COSSotto, Giuseppe Scandola. Performed at LDC America, Catalog No. PA-83-062 the Arena Di Verona on July 31, 1984, Anton Guad- Linear CLV agno conducti',g. 154 minutes. Price: $24:95 LDC America, Catalog No: PA-82-017 Linear CLV Pii-ce: $59.95 West Side Story Natalie Wood, Richard Beymer, Rus Tamblyn; Rita MOreno, GeorgeiChakiris. Directed by Robert Wise Carmen and Jerome Robbins. Music and lyrics by Leonard By Georges, Bizet: Placido Domingo_Ruggero Bernstein and Stephen Sondheim. 1961, 150 minuteS. Raimondi, Julia Mignes-Johnson: The FrenchNa- tionalOrthtstraand Chorus are conducted by Lorin LDC America; Catalog No. 4519-80 Maazel, and the film is directed by Francesco Rosi. Linear CLV Price:$39.98 LDC America, catalog No. 85=136 Linear CLV Price: $49:95

The Wiz Diana Ross, Michael Jackson, Nipsey Russell; Ted Don Carlo Ross, Mabel King, Thelma Carpenter. Music and lyr- By Giuseppi Verdi. NrfOrrifed at theiMetropolitan ics by Charlie Small. 1978, 134 minutes. Opera_conducted by . Placido Dominso, Mire Ila Freni, Grace Bumbry, Louis QUili-co, Nicolai LDC America, Catalog No. 17-005 Ghiaurov. March 26; 1983. 214 minutes. Linear CLV Price: S29.95 LDC America, Catalog No. PA-84-075 Linear CLV Price:$49.95

Ranadu Olivia Newton-John, Gene Kell ,, Michael Beck. Ernani 1980; 97 minutes. By Giuseppi Verdi. Teatro Alla Scala. Placido Domingo, Mire lla Freni, Renato Bruson, Nicolai LDC America; Catalog No. 17-006 Ghiavrov. 138 min. Linear CLV Price:$29.95 LDC America; Catalog No. PA-83-060 Linear CLV Price: $49.95

Yankee Doodle Dandy James Cagney; Joan Leslie, Walter Hust66, Irene FalStaff Manning, Rosemary De Camp; Jeannefagney By GiiiSeppi Verdi. ROyal Opera House Covent Francis,LangfordRichard Whorf. Directed by Gardens. Renato Bruson. Katia Ricciatelli, Leo Michael Curtiz. MUSiC by George M. Cohan. 1943; Nucci; Barbara Hendricks. Conducted by Carlo 126 minutes. B&W Maria Giulini: 1982; 139 minutes.

LDC America, Catalog No. 4513-80 LDC America, Catalog No. PA-84-064 Linear CLV Linear CLV Price:$39.98 Price: $49.95

119 Interactive Victoodiscs 109 Die Fledermaus It Lombardi By_Johann Strauss. Royal Opera House, CoventGar By Giuseppi:Verdi. Teatro Alla Scala. JoseCarteraS, den: Kin te Kanawa. Hildegarde Heichele, Dennis Ghena Dimitrota,_Silvano Carron, Carlo Bini.con- O'Neill. Hermann Prey. Conducted by Placido ducted by Gianandrea Gavazzeni. Domingo. 180 minutes. LDC America. Catalog No. LP-7 AM-erica. Catalog No: Linear CLV Linear CLV Price: $49.95 Price: $37:50

Der Freischutz La Boheme By_Karl Maria vOn Weber. Dresden StateOrchestra By Giacomo Puccini. Royal Opera House,Covent and Chorus. Rolf Haunstein, Rolf Wolfrad.Ana Pi: Garden. Ileana Cotrubas and Neil Shicoff. February 16. 1982: 116 minutes. Sar, Christine_Weidinger, Karl-Heinz Stryczek.Re: iner Goldberg; Rolf Tomaszewski,_andGunter Leib with Siegfried Krutz conducting. 135minutes. LDC America, Catalog NO. PA=82-028 Linear -CLV LDC America. Catalog No. Piice: $49.95 Linear CLV Price: $41.95

La Boheme Hansel And Gretel By Giacomo Puccini. Metropolitan Opera House. TeireSa StrataS, JoSe Carreras._Alan Monk. conducted Engelbert Humperdinck. This Metropolitan Op- by James Levine. Taped at the January 16, 1982per- era Production iS sung in English and features:Fred- formance directed by Franco Zeffirelli. Subtitled in erica vdti Stade. JUdith Blegen, and RosalindElias. English with Digital Sound. Condlieted by Thomas Fulton: Recordedon Decem- ber 25, 1982. LDC America, Catalog No. Linear CLV LDC America, Catalog No. 85-136 Price: $49.95 Linear CLV Price: $49.95

La Fancluila Del West H.M.S. Pinafore By Giacomo Puccini. Royal Opera _House, COVent & Sullivan: Peter Marshall Frankie How: Garden. Placido Domingo. Carol Neblett, and Sil- aid, Meryl Drower. Michael Bulman. 90 minutes. vano Carroii. 1982, 140 minutes.

LDC Americz,. Catalog No. PA:84:067 LDC America. Catalog No. PA-83-056 Linear CLV Linear CLV Price: $24.95 Price: $49.95

ldomeneo La Traviata Rs/ wolfgafig Athadeus Mozart. Metropolitan Opera By GitiSeppi Verdi. Franco Zeffirelli's film version. House. Luciano Pavarotti; Ileana Cotrabas,,.9n- Placid-ci Domingo; Theresa Stratas, CornellgacNeil, clucted_by_James Levine on November 26, 1982. Sub- Alan Monk; Axelle Gall. Pina Cei, with English titled in English with Digital Sound. Stib- titles: 1983, 105 minutes. Surround soundencOded.

LDC America, Catalog No. LDC America, Catalog No. Linear CLV Linear CLV Pkite: $49.95 Price: $29.98

110 litterattittVidEodiscs 12 0 Lucia Di Lammermoor LDC Atnerica, Catalog N. PA-82-M8 By Gaetano Donizent. Metropolitan Opera con- Linear -CLV ducted by Richard Boyge. Joan Sutherland. Alfredo Price: $59.95 Kraus; Pablo Elvira; Ariel Bybee. 128 minutes.

LDC America: Catalog No: PA-84-076 linear CLV Pirates Of Penzance Price: $49.95 By Gilbert & Sullivan. Peter Allen. Keith Michell. Gillian Knight, Alexander Oliver. and JaMs Kelly. Staged by Michael Geliot and Directed by Rodney Greenburg with the London Symphony Orchestra, The Magic Flute Alexander Faris conducting. 94 minutes. 1982. By Wolfgang Amadeus Mozlirt. Directed by Ingmar Bergman. English subtitles. Digital Sound. LDC America: Catalog No. PA-83-059 Linear CLV LDC America. Catalog No. Price: $24.95 Lintar_CLV Price: $39;95

Samson And Dalila - Manon Lescaut By Eamille_Sainit-Saens,..RoyaLOpera House; Covent Garden: -Jon Vickers and Shirley Verrett: 118 By Giacomo Puccini. Royal Opera House. Covent Garden. Placido Domingo, Kin te Kanawa, Giuseppi minutes. Sinopoli conducting. LDC America. Catalog No. PA:82=014 Linear CLV LDC America, Catalog No: PA-83-047 Priee: $59.95 Linear CLV Price: $44.95

Tales Of Hoffmann The Mikado By Jaques Offenbach. Royal Opera House, Covent By Gilbert & Sullivan. Clive Revill, William Conrad, Garden. Placido Domingo, Luciana Serra, Agnes Stafford Dean, Gordon Sandison and Kate Flowers. Baltsa; Ileana Cotrubas. 159 minutes; Staged by Michael Gehot and Directed by Rodney Greenburg with the London Symphony Orchestra, LDC America, Catalog No. PA-81-006 Alexander Faris conducting. 113 minutes. 1982. Linear CLV Price: $59.95 LDC America; Catalog No: PA-83-061 Linear CLV Price: $24.95 Tannhauser By Richard Wagner. Metropolitan Opera Production Otello with Richard Cassilly, Eva Marton Eschenbach, John By Giuseppi Verdi. Arena de Verona. Vladimir At- Macurdy, Conducted by James Levine. Recorded on lantov, Kiri Te Kanawa, and Piero Cappucelli, 1982, December 15 and 20, 1982 with Digital Sound. 144 minutes. LDC America, Catalog No. PA86159 Amenca, Catalog No. PA-83-054 Linear CLV Linear CLV Price: $49.95 Price: $49:95

Tama Peter Grimes By Giacomo Puccini. Metropolitan Opera Production By Benjamin Britten, Royal Opera House, Covent with Hildegard Behrens; Placido_Domingo; Cornell Garden. Jon Vickers 150 minutes: MacNeil and Italo Tajo: Produced by Franco Zeffi-

121 Interactive Videodiscs 111 relli_and conducted by Giuseppi Sinopoli. 1985, Digi- Beethoven, Ludvvig Viitt tal Sound. *Symphony NO. 3 in E Mit Major 0p.55 (Eroica) NHK SymphOny OreheStra, Otmar Suitner; LDC_America. Catalog No: conducting. 52 minutes. Recorded in November of Linear CLV 1980. Price: $49.95 WC America, Catalog No. MC-051 Linear CLV Price: $29.95 LesiTroyeas By Hector Berlioz. Metropolitan Opera Production with Tatiana Troyanos, Jessye Norman, Placido Domingo; Alan Monk, and Paul Plishka. Conducted by James Levine on October 8, 1983. Eng liSh 'Symphony No; 5 in_ C minor, Op.67 (Fate) subtitles. Staatskapelle Berlin, Otmar Suitner, conducting.Re- corded June 7, 1981 in Japan. LDC America, Catalog No. Linear CLV LDC America, Catalog No. MC-044 Price: $49.95 Linear CLV Price: $34.95

Un Ballo In Maschera ByGitteppi vet-di. Metropolitan Opera House Pro,- Symphony No. 6 in_F major Op;68 (Pastorale) dactiOn With Luciano Pavarotti; Katia Ricciarelli; Ju- NHK Symphony Orchestra, Otmar Suitner, conduct- dith Blegen, Bianca Berini; Louis Quilico: Conducted ing: Recorded in November of 1980. 46 minutes. by Giuseppe Patane: 1980: English subtitles. LDC America, Catalog No. MC-053 LDC America, Catalog No. Linear CAV Linear CLV Price: $29.95 Price: $37.50

Yeoman Of The Guard Symphony No. 9 in D minor By Gilbert & Sullivan. Joel Grey. Wolfgang Sawallisch, conducting the Czechoslovakia Philharmonic Orchestra. Recorded in June of 1981. LDC America, Catalog No. 71 minutes. Linear CLV Price: $24.95 LDC America, Catalog No. MC-035 Linear CLV Price: $34.95

MUSICORCHESTRAL (* Denotes multiple selectionson disc) *Egmont Overture Staatskapelle Berlin, Otmar Suitner conducting.

Bach,J.S. LDC America, Catalog No. MC-044 Vier OUVerturen (Orchestersuiten) Linear CLV KaMiiiereirchester Berlin, Helmut Koch, conducting. Price: $32.95 Ballet sequences by Leipzig Opera Company Ballet Troupe. 79 minutes.

LDC America, Catalog No. MC-065 *Leonore Overture No; 3 from Opus 72 Linear CLV Staatskapelle Berlin, Otmar Suitner, conducting. Re- Price: $28.95 corded June 7, 1981 in Japan.

112 Interactive Vitleottisec 122 LDC America, Catalog No. MC-044 Schubert; Franz Linear CLV *Symphony No. 8 in B minor (Unfinished) Price: $34.95 Staatskapelle Dresden, Herbert Blomstedt conducting.

LDC America Catalog No. MC-045 Linear CLV Bruckner, Anton Price: $32.95 *Symphony No. 4 In E flat major (Romantic) Staatskapelle Dresden, Herbert Blomstcdt, conducting. Recorded in July of 1981.

LDC America, Catalog No. MC-045 Smetana, Bedrkh Linear CLV My_Fatherland (Ma Viast) Price: $32.95 Czech Philharmonic Orchestra: Vadav Neumann conducting.

LDC America, Catalog No. MC-034 Linear CLV [Nora, Antonin Price: $29.95 Slavic Dances Zdenek Kosler, conducting. 71 minutes.

LDC America Catalog No. MC-037US Interactive CAV Stravinsky; lgor Price: $29.95 The Soldier's Tale (L'Histoire du soldat) This is an animated version of the Stravinsky work by R.O. Blechman who is a noted cartoonist for the New Yorker magazine. It features voices-of Max Von Syd.3w, Dusan Makavejew. and Andre Gregory. Mu- Symphony No. 9 in E minor, Qp.95 (New World) sic is performed by the Los Angeles Chamber Or- CzechThilharmonic Orchestra, Vaclav Neumann, chestra conducted by Gerard Schwarz. 56 minutes. conducting: LDC America, Catalog No. LDC America, Catalog No. MC-036 Linear CLV Linear CLV Price: $31.45 Price: $27.95

MUSIC-SOLO/ENSEMBLE Symphony No. 9 in E minor 013;95 (New World) NHK Symphony Orchestra, Otmar Sawallisch con- Ayako, Nakamura ducting. Recorded in April of 1980. 46 minutes. Nakamura Ayako on piano performing Pictures at an Exhibition by Modest Mussorgsky. LDC America, Catalog No. MC-052 Interactive CAN/ LDC America Catalog No. Price: $28.95 Interactive CAN/ Price: $29.95

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus *Symphony No. 35 in D major K.285 (Hafner) Callas, Maria Staatskapelle Berlin, Otmar Suitner conducting. The Maria Callas Concerts 1959, 1962=ThiS Oise contains three concert appearances, two from Ham- LDC America, Catalog No. MC-044 burg Germany; Nicola Rescigno and Georges Pretre Linear CLV conduct excerpts from Massenet's "Le Cid.% Bizet's Price: $32.95 "Carmen", and Verdi's "Ernani."

123 Interactive Videodiscs 113 LDC America, Catalog No. LDC America, CatalOg Nd. PA-82-024 Linear CLV Linear CLV Price: $49.95 Price: $24.95

Cliiichro, Josef Ensembles Josef Chuchro performing the Cello Concerto inB The Met GalaThe one=htindredth anniversarycon- Flat, Opus 104 by Antonin Dvorak. Vac lavNeumann cert at the Metropolitan Opera House features close conducting the CzechoSloVakian Philharmonic. to one hundred of the *Odds leading singers.,seven conductors, the Met Orchestra; Chorus and Ballet LDC America,_CatalOg No. performing in two separateprograms. -The Met Interactive CAV Gala" recalls some of the most brilliant ariasand en- Price: $29 .95 sembles of the repertory, performed againsta back- dmp of five Met productions. 1983.

LDC America, Catatog N . Horowitz, Vladimir Linear CLV $49.95 Horowitz in LondonRoyal Opera House,June 1983. IncludeS Chopin; Scarlotti Sonatas,St umann's SCenes from Childhood and Rachmaninoff. 116 minutes. ORNITHOLOGY LDC America. Catalog No. PA=82-031 Linear CLV_ Audubon Society Guide: Birds Of NorthAm?rica Price: $29.95 The National Audubon Society_has -usedthe unique features_of the_laserdisc to catalog the Sightsand sounds of the 116 specieS of North Ainericanbirds on one videodisc. The celebrated editOr of Audubon's bird guide books, JOhri Fairand. Jr.was the editor PaVarotti, Ludano for this disc that WaS Written, directedand inarrated Pavarotti in LondonRoya! Albert Hall,April 13, by naturaliSt Michael Godfrey: Afteran introduction 1982: Royal Philharmonic OrcheStia.Ifickides arias by Roger Tory Peterson; the disc boastsa collection from Tosca, Macbeth. D'Arnore, and Tnran- of spectacular moving footage and colorphotographs dot. 51 minutes. from many of the great nature photographers,includ- ing_Eliot Porter, Crawford GreefieWalt,and Alfred LDC America, Catalog No. PA-83-043 Eisenstaedt. Linear CLV Price: $29.95 Interactive CAV SOftware; None available Instant Replay Price: $35.95 Perlman; itzhak Itzhak PerlmanPhilharmonia Orchestra,Carlo Maria Giulini conducting. Beethoven ViolinConcerto in D. Opus 61, 45 minutes. PHOTOGRAPHY

LDC America; Catalog No. PA-83-042 The Creative Camera Linear CLV This disc is a participative disc which enablesone to Price: $24.95 learn more about 35mm single lens reftek (SLR)cam- eras: It describes technical terniS and techniques and reviews the do's and dOn't'S Of good photography. Audio track #1 feature§ inStrUctions for thebeginner, audio track #2 iS fOr the More advanced RtistrOpovich, Mstislav photographer. RostropovichDvorak Cello Concerto, and Saint- Saens Cello Concerto_# 1. London PhilharmcinicOr- 1The Camera chestra, Carlo Maria Giulini conducting. 65 minutes. 2The Lens

114 Interactive Videodiscs n A 3Film Aerobicise:_ The Ultimate Workout. 4Light Two Self-contained classes: 1982: 105 minutes: 5Exposure 6Accessories LDC America. Catalog No. 7Photographing People Linear CAV 8Photographing Sports & Action Price: $29.95 9Photographing Scenes & Travel 10Special Effects

Five photo assignments include: Glamour. San Fran- cisco Houses, Vintage Cars. Wildflowers and Rodeo. Jazzercise Judi Sheppard Missett is the instructor for this disc Interactive CAV that uses many styles of popular music to exercise to. Software: None available The disc allows the user to set a routine that is suited LDC AmericaCatalog No. HP-019 to individual needs. The disc uses the dual audio ca- Price: $29.95 pabilities of the laserdisc. LDC America. Catalog No. 32-608 Linear CAV Price: $24.95 PHYSICAL EDIICATION- SELF-DEFENSE

The World Of Martial Arts This is a complete course on two levels. Audio track Muscle Motion one provides explicit instructions to the moves shown Featuring the men of Chippendales: 1983; 57 on the screen, while audio track two contains more minutes. advanced information. Many of the world's foremost practitioners are teachers on this disc. An added fea- LDC America, Catalog No. PA:8.7)=049 ture is the philosophy behind the Al Thomas system Linear CAV of Budojujutsu: Price: $24.95

Interactive CAV Software: None available LDC AmericaCatalog No. 37-605 Price: $29.95 PHYSICAL FITNESS-REWUTION The Joy of Relaxation The disc contains two complete relaxation routines. One for indoors, and one for outdoor environments. PHYSIC/a FITNESS-EXERCISE Step-by-step instructions teach the user how to relax. Aerobicise: The Beginning Workout; LDC America. Catalog No: 37-604 Linear CAV 1982, 96 minutes. Price: $29.95 LDC_America; Catalog No. LV2312 Linear_CLV. Price: $29:95 PHYSICAL FITNESS-RUNNING

Aerobicise: The Beautiful Workout. Jim Fixx iOn Running Loryanna Catalano, Deborah Corday, Tina Rocca. Tips on all aspects of running are contained on this 113 minutes. disc, hosted by Jim Fixx. 53 minutes.

LDC America; Catalog No: LV2308 LDC America. Catalog No. 32-007 Linear CLV Line_ar_CLV_ Price: $29.95 Price: $24:95

125 InteractiveVideodiscs 115 PHYSICAL FITNESSYOGA An 84-page companion booklet contains_acom- plete indek to theidisc that is _geared to collegelevel Yoga Moves with Alan_ Finger Atithi-OpOlOgy or Folklore courses: A__complete workout _with_Alan Finger for rejuvenat- ing the mind and body. 59 minutes. Hardware Requirements: LDC America, Catalog No. 30-002 Linear CLV Pioneer PR-7820-3 or the LD:V6000 plaYer. Price:$29.95 Programmed CAV/CLV SOftWare: Level 2 encoded on disc Library of Congress Price: REFERENCE MATERIALS $172.00 for disc booklet and shipping Knowledge DIsc The_ first _videodisc encyclopedia, Know-ledteDi Sc; contains the_entire 9 million words ofiGrdlier'Shighly SCIENCE INSTRUCTIONBIOLOGY acclaimed Electronic Encyclopedia. This iScompara- ble to a full 20 volume encyeld-diaset. Stepping Animals ComteInteractive ScienceSeries Thig_ i8 Ohe part of a four,part Science through the frames of the disc "turns thepages" of series by Health EduTech, Inc.: This thiS "book." Knowledge_Disc containsarrange, quan- course is geared to shi: dents in grades 4; 5 and 6: The package tity and diversity of topics that will satisfymost _re= inelUdeS search needs. The information can be_ easily and three videodisc sides, 30 studentworkbookS, 30 sets of unit tests; one teacher's guide, quickly accessed using the scan, search andStep func- glossarY, explana- tion of symbols, descr,ption of additional tions of the videodisc playet._The encyclopedia is ina activities; text-only format with fib hiotibh aUdio di Visuals. and floppy disks (for ,evel 3 use). Thesystem can be configured for level 2 or level 3use. Lessons include; Interactive CAV SOftware: None available Unit OneVertebrates GrOlier Electronic Publishing, Inc. 1Mammals Price: $89.95 2Birds 3Fishes 4Amphibians

Unit The Video Encyclopedia Of The 20thCentury ,Two --Invertebrates (See History) 1Arthropods 2Mollusks

Unit ThreeHow Animals Grow and BchaVe 1Life cycle SCIENCEANUIROPOLOGY 2How atiiinAls reprOduce 3Social behavior Ninety-Six: A Cattle Ranch In Northern Nevada This disc_describes the operation ofa beef cattle Unit FourHow Animals _Survive ranch in Humbolt County, Nevada. Side A of the 1Animals respohd to c!imates andseasons diSc is interactive with motion _footage and 2,400still 2Animals and danger frames of ranches, churches; clubs, and other sitesin the area. Motion_ segments include; NeceSSarj, Hardware Fall roundup Level 2--7Pioneer LD-V6010 videodisc player. Drive Level 3 prod)IBM-PC or compatible (256K)with Branding 2 _disk drives, color-graphics adaptor With25-pin con- Animated maps nector, asynchronous communications adaptor; Pi- USe of Nattles to identify cattle oneer LD-V6010 Or 60710 videodisc player; Health Side B is a linear presentation_nsing different audio EduTech'S IVC=1 interface cable; anda monitor with on tracks one and two,_The side presents personal= NTSCIRBG key capabilities (Sony PVM I2710,Ze; experience anecdotes from ranch workersand_ekarn= nith ZVM-1350 modified, Sanyo Spectra Tech ines the role of Native Americanson the ranch. 31C426 modified).

116 lfiteractive Videodiscs Level 3 (Sony)The Sony View System with 512K and animal life of each environment, predictions must memory: then be made as to the types of organisms that would Level 3 (NCR)NCR system with Pioneer LD- likely_be found in a given environment. Students V1000 videodisc player. must construct climatograms of those environments. Hardware Requirements Programmed CAV Pioneer LD-V1000 player Software: Provided either as level 2 or level 3 Health Pioneer SIA interface EduTech, Inc. 2color television monitors Price: $1,500.00 ($4,995.00 for all four courses) Option #1 Apple II; 11+ or Ile (48K) CP/M 2.0 or greaterslot independent Bio Sti 16K RAM cardslot 0 (II, II + ) This disc is a generic videodisc with a slide bank of Serial Interface Card--slot 2 over 6,001:1 color images covering many areas of biol- 80 column boardslot 3 ogy. An image directory assists in quickly locating a given image: Areas_covered are; Protozoology; His- Option #2 tology; Invertebrate Zoology; Plant Taxonomy; Ento- 1BM-PC (64K) mology,_Ecology, Ichthyology, Cell Biology, Serial Interface Card Herpetology, Developmental Biology, Ornithology, RS232 cable Biochemistry, Mamma logy. Programmed CAV Software packages available _March 1, 1984; Software: Written for IBM-PC and Apple #1Protein Synthesis, Predator-Prey, Mendelian GPN Genetics, and Fertilization & Development. Price: $425.00 for disc with manual and software. #2Adaptive Illusion,' Invertebrates, Insects, Am- phibians, Arthropods, Reptiles. #3,Steppe Biome; Wet Coniferous Forest Biome, Mt: St: Helens;_Plant Diversity. Life Cycles #4Gymnosperms; Fungi; Angiosperms: This disc is a comprehensive visual database for re- #5Reptiles, Birds, Animal Diversity, Fishes, productive biology. Developed in cooperation with Mammals Oxford Scientific Films; this disc presents a stunning visual record of how life begins, in motion picture Programmed CAV and still frame images with nearly 4;000 color images; Software: Written for Apple 11 and IBM-PC jr. graphic illustrations, and footage from sixteen films. Videodiscovery; Inc Comes with Image Directory. Disc contents includes: Price: $495:00 for disc $75:00 per software program: PlantsHow insectsipollinate plants; fruit forma- $300.00 for the set of five programs. tion; germination of a bcan plant; dissection of flower parts; pseudo copulation of wasps with orchids; flies and stink plants; Sexual Encounters of the Floral Kind; Interactive Videodisc Science ProtozoaHow single cell organisms reproduce Instruction Project through cell_division; reproduction of Volvox through new colony formation; sexual reproduction in Developed by Nebraska Videodisc Group for the Paramecia. Corporation of Public Broadcasting and Annenberg Invertebrates--Aating and reproduction in earth- School of Communications. worms and snails; developmental forms in starfish; sea urchins; squid; octopus; octopus and their eggs; Lesson 1. Respiration insect larval forms; ant queens/termite queens; serial The videodisc is used to simulate laboratory appara- chamber construction by solitary bees; Digger wasp tus which allows the student to subject an organism burrows; nest-building of Paper and Mud-dauber to different temperatures and pressures. The student wasps; praying mantis reproduction; metamorphosis, can project how respiration will be effectect by these emergence of moths Monarch butterfly, variables and observe the organism to see if the pre- FishCourtship; spawning; egg laying in Brown dicted outcome was correct. trout; nest-building and courting of the Stickleback; Lesson 2. Climate and Life territorial display, nesting, reproduction of the Sia- The student observes the characteristics of different mese Fighting Fish; egg laying, embryonic develop- climatic environments on earth, and studies the plant ment, hatching, and mouth-brooding of the cichlid.

127 interactive Videodiscs 117 AmphibiarsComplete dOeumentation of frogre- Math In Biology production mating. egg laying, embryo development: (See Mathematics) the _uhique brood pouch of the marsupialfrog; mating ofithe crested newt: nesting andegg laying of the salamander. Plants CourseInteractive Science Serks Reptiles---Egg laying, embryonic develOpinent, This is one part of a four-part ScienceSerie§ by hatching of sea turtles including their itiarehto the Health EduTech, Inc.. This courge iS gearedto stu- sea; hatching ofisnake esgs, shoVving the eSs,tooth dents in grades 4, 5 and 6. The package includes snakes grow and discard when Out of_theshell: three videodiSc sideS, 30 Student workbooks.30 sets Birds-=Nesting, courtship,hatching,care of young of unit testS, one teacher'S guide; glossary,explana- in a wide variety of bird species, includingthe OS- tion of symbols, description of additionalactivities, ti.itb, flamingo penguin. wren,_swift, gull,Redtail and floppy disks (for level 3 use). Thesystem can be hawk,_Golden_Eagle. Bald Eagle. osprey, and prairie configured for level 2 or level 3use. Lessons include; chickeri; the -claim- jumping': cutkOO bird:COMplete embryonic development and hatching of 4 Chicken. Unit OnePlants and Theit PartS MammalsWith emphasis oh Hire birth; thissec- 1Roots tion explores territOrial behaVior;_mating:reproduc- 2Stems tiOn, and Care of young in elephant seais, sheep, 3LeaveS dOgs, horses, and zebras;_cattle and sheep,cheetaltS, 4FlOWei-S lions, elephants_;_field mice. house mice. 5Seeds Histology/DissectionsTissue sections of tiOrtnal human_reproductive organs, including tiOSS=SectiOns Unit TwoHow _Plants Sot-141,e of the complete organs, ovaries, endbirretribm,pla- 1What Plants Need cental tissues, testes, and seminiferbits tubules;close- 2How plants iti4ke ftkid up sections of substructures. MOdelS &_Drawings=Three,dimensionalmodels of Unit Three= HOW Plants _Grow id:depth understanding of cell division, mitosis,re= 1How plants reproduce productive parts of plants, embryonicdevelopment, 2Life cycles male/female reproductive organs, Inittian birth. Necessary Hardware Interactive CM/ Level 2-7Pioneer LDN6010 Videbdisc player: Software: None available Level 3 (IBM)_-IBM=PC 6r compatible(256K) with Videodiscoverv, Inc. 2 diSk drives, color-graphics adaptor with25-pin con- Price: $495.00 nector, asynchronous communications adaptor, Pi= oneer LD-V6010 or 6000 videodisc player, Health EduTech's IVC-1 interface table, anda rtiOnitor with NTSC/RBG key capabilities- (SOny PVM12710, Ze- Life Science I nith ZVM-1350 modified, Sanyo Spectra Teth This is the first of two Life Science diScSin the Living 31C426 modified). Textbook Level 3 (Sony)The Sony View Systemwith 512K Series by Optical Data Corp-oration memory. LeVel 3 (NCR)NCR system with Pionar Ifl Programmed CAV V1000 videodisc player. SOftWate: Available for the Apple II Optical Data Corporation Programmed CAV Price: $400.00 Software: Provided either aS level 2 Or level 3 HealthiEduTech, Price: $1,500.00 ($4;995.00 for all fourcourses)

Life Science II This is the second of two Life Rieke diSes inthe Videodisc In Science EdittatiOn Living Textbook Series by Optical Data Corporation: This disc, produced under and NSFgrant. contains two Segments of materials. The first segment,an Ex- PrOgrammed CAV ecutive Review; consists of primarily motion thatre: SOftware: Available for the Apple II Views the need for improved science educatiOn Optical Data Corporation and looks at the development and evaluation of themate- Price: $400:00 rials contained in the second Section. 118 Interactive Videodiscs I 8 The second section, Biology Course Material, con- INTERACTIVE VIDEODISC SCIENCE tains about 15 minutes of motion and 2,500 still INSTRUCTION PRUJECT frames in the area of developmental biology. Developed by Nebraska Videodisc Group for the Corporation of Public Broadcasting and Annenberg Necessary Hardware School of Communications. Pioneer PR-7820, or LD-V6000. Lesson I. Titration The videodisc is used to simulate titration experi- Prograrnrned CAN/ ments with all the necessary equipment_ The student Software: Digital dump on disc (level 2) has control of the variables in each experiment allow- WICAT Education Institute ing for thousands of possible titration experiments. Price: $75.00 Lesson 2. Unknowns The student is asked to determine the chemicals used WhaleS to obtain a given reaction. Hundreds of chemical re- The Whales disc is a 24 minute program on whales actions are available for the student to view permit: that was prepared as a prototype for use in grades 3- ting the student to observe how known chemicals 8; It can be used as a 24 minute presentation, as four react with each other. six minute lessons or as a text-and-image data base. Still-frame sequences with text provide supplemental Hardware Requirements information: video glossary defines basic terms; on- Pioneer LD-V1000 player screen questions and games test the students' Pioneer SIA interface knowledge. 2color television monitors The disc offers closed captions for the hearing impaired. Option #1 Apple IL II+ or Ile (48K) CP/M 2.0 or greaterslot independent Interactive CAV 16K RAM cardslot 0 (II, ) Software: None available Serial Interface Cardslot 2 National Geographic Society 80 column boardslot 3 Price: $97.50 for disc and complete user's guide (add $6.25 for postage and handling) Option #2 IBM-PC (64K) Serial Interface Card R5232 cable

SCIENCE INSTRUCTION-T-BOTANY Programmed CAV Software: Written for IBM-PC or Apple Exotk Plants: A Videodisc Compendium GPN (See Horticulture) Price: $425.01 for disC with manual and software.

SCIENCE INSTRUCTION----CHEMISTRY Standard Heats Of Solution A n interactive general chernistry predahoratory ex- Chemistry For Biologists periment at the college freshman level; The program This 2 videodisc, 20 lesson course teaches elements contains self-evaluation quizzes and remedial and compounds, bonding, the major elements of life, segments. equilibrium, classes of organic compounds (their Hardware Requirements: composition and properties), diffusion in gasses and Pioneer PR7820 liquids, and water and hydrogen bonds. Programmed CAV Interactive CAV Software: Level 2 encoded on disc Software: None available Systems Impact; Inc. UCLA Instructional Media Library Price: $1200:00 Price: $150M0

Interactive Vdeodiscs 119 129 SCIENCE-EARTH SCIENCE Necessary Hardware Level 2Pioneer LD-V6010 videodisc ploer. Earth Stience Level 3 (IBM)IBM-PC or compatible (256K) With The 4 videodisc. 30 lesson Earth ScLnce minicourse 2 disk drives, color-graphics adaptor with 25:pincon- explains much_of the earth, ocean and atmosphere nector, asynchronous communications adaptor, Pi- through convection: The course begins with thecon- oneer LD-V6010 or 6(XX) videodisc player, Health cepts that underlie convection: matter, temperature. EduTech's IVC-1 interface cable, and a monitor with density and pressure. The course thencovers geo'.ogy NTSC/RBG key capabilities (Sony PVM 12710, Ze- of the earth: plate tectonics (formation and struc- nith ZVM-1350 modified; Sanyo Spectra Tech ture), subduction zones, volcanoes, earthquakes and 3LC426 modified). itioUtitaih building, weathering of rocks and the rock Level 3 (Sony)The Sony View SyStem with 512K cycle; meteorology: atmosphere; rain and clouds, memory. large scale movement of air masses, violent storms; Level 3 (NCR)NCR system with Pioneer LD- and oceanography: major features, wind driven circu- V1000 videodisc player. lation and coastal updwelling. Programmed CAV Interactive CAV Software: Provided either as level 2 or level 3 Software: No, ie available Health EduTech, Inc. Systems Impact, Inc. Price: $1.500AX) ($4,995.00 for all four courses) Price: $2,400.00

SCIENCE INSTRUCTION-PHYSICS SCIENCE-METEOROLOGY -MPT Physics Slides Videodisc Thirteen of the American Association ot Physics Weather Courseinteractive Science Series Teachers most popular 35-mm slide sets (199 slides in This is one part of a four-part Scienceseries by all) are now available on a single videodisc. An In- Health EduTech, Inc.. This course is geared tostu- structor's Manual containing the teacher's guide for dents in grades 4, 5 and 6. The package includes each slide set accompanies the videodisc. three videodisc sides, 30 student workbooks 30sets The following slide sets are featured: of unit tests, one teacher's guide, glossary; explana- PASCO's Drawings of Famous PhysiciStS (SL=23) tion of symbols. description of additional activities, Nineteenth Century Textbook 111UStrationS (SL:20) and floppy disks (for level 3 use). Thesystem can be Atmospheric Phenomena I and II (SE-4 & SL-5) configured for level 2 or level 3 use. Lessons include; Bently's Snow:Flakes and Ice Crystals (SL-6) Stop-Action Photography (SL-35) Unit OneWeather Instruments Bursting Projectile (SL-7) 1Measuring air temperature Equilibrium Examples (SL-12) 2Measunng air pressure Non-Commutivity of Angular Displacements (SL= 21) Unn Tivb7-.Wind Light on Campus (SL-15) 1 Air. circulation Total Internal Reflection and the Multimode Opti- 2Wind direction cal Fiber (SL:41) 3Wind speed Dislocations (SL-8) Skylab Set (NASASet) Unit ThreeAir Masses 1DeScribing air masses Interactive CAV 2Air masses on the move Software: None available American Association of Physics Teachers Unit FourWater Cycle Price:$45M0 1Evaporation 2Condensation 3Precipitation Energy Courseinteractive Science Series Unit FiveClouds This is one part of a four:-part Science series by 1Cloud types Health EdliTech, Inc.. This course is geared to stu- 2Storms dentS in gradeS 4, 5 and 6. The package includes 120 Interactive Videodiscs 130 three videodisc sides, _30 student workbooks, 30 sets Ch.2 Tacoma Narrows Bridge Collapse. Eyewitness of unit tests, one teacher's guide, glossary, explana- reports make_ up the narration for this live footage tion of symbols, description of additional activities, that is not otherwise available. and floppy disks (for level 3 use). The system can be Ch.3Influence of the Wind. Lab experiments are configured for level 2 or level 3 use. Lessons include: used to recreate actual conditions. Ch.4Importance of Physical Properties: Live film Unit OneWhat is Energy? and lab experiments demonstrate the principles of 1Energy defined physics needed to understand the collapse, 2forms of energy Ch.5Conclusion.

Unit TwoThe Sun's Ewrgy Programmed CAV 1Heat Energy Software: Encoded on disc (level 2) 2Light energy John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Price:$150.00 Unit ThreeChemical Energy 1--What is_chemical energy? 2Using chemical energy interactive Videodisc Science Instruction Project Unit FourElectrical Energy Developed by Nebraska Videodisc Group for the 1What is electrical energy9 Corporation of Public Broadcasting and Annenberg 2Using electrical energy School of Communications.

Unit Five--Nuclear Energy Lesson I. Studies in Motion 1NuclearEnergy The student is shown video segments of dance, diving and gymnastics to study motion. Linear momentum, Necessary Hardware angular momentum, gravitational potential energy, Level 2Pioneer LD-V6010 videodisc player. center of mass, and moment of inertia can be deter- Level 3 _(IBM)IBM-PC or compatible (256K) with mined through equations. 2 disk drives, color-graphics adaptor with 25-pin con- nector; asynchronous communications adaptor, Pi- Lesson 2. Energy Transformation oneer LD-V6010 or 6000 videodisc player, Health Through the use of different bicycles, the student can EduTech's IVC-1 interface cable, and a monitor with calculate conservation of energy, the effects of fric- NTSC/RBG key capabilities (Sony PVM 12710, Ze- tion, wind resistance; tire inflation, and mass of the nith ZVM=1350 modified, Sanyo Spectra Tech rider: 31C426 modified). Level 3 (Sony)The Sony View System with 512K Hardware Requirements: memory. Pioneer LD-V1000 player, Pioneer SIA Interface, Level 3 (NCR)NCR system with Pioneer LD- IBM:PC (64K), Serial Interface Card, RS232 cable, V1000 videodisc player. Video Associates LabS Microkey System, One color monitor Programmed CAV Software: Provided either as level 2 or level 3 Programmed CAV Health EduTeeh, Inc. Software: Written for IBM-PC Price:$1,500.00 ($4,995.00 for all four courses) GPN Price:$425,00 for diSc With manual and software.

The Puzzle Of The Tacoma Narrows Bridge Collapse Frames Of Reference This disc introduces students to the physics of wave Various motions viewed from inertial and noninertial motion and_resonance, Three levels or tracks of in- frames of reference are presented in this videodisc, struction are available on the disc: Five instructional which vividly demonstrates the appearance of ficti- units offer both experiments and actual footage of the tious forces: bridge collapse. For use with Apple II + or Ile computers and Ch.1--Introduction to the Player. This explains the Pioneer PR-8210, LD-1100, VP-WOO, Magnavox 'VC- use of the Pioneer PR-7820 (level 2) player in inter- 8010, or Sylvania VP-72(10 videodisc player with the active instruction, Optical Data VAI-135 interface.

interactive Vidèodiscs 121 131 Programmed CAV On-orbit launch of communications satellites. Software: Written fOr Apple II -T- or Ile Space walks of Story MuSgrave and DonPeterson. Central Scientific Company Deployment and retrieval of the SPAS palletsatel- Price: $210.00 With program; $165.00 for discalone. lite, including remote video views ofthe Shuttle from SPAS. Housekeeping; Shuttle style, including techniques for shaving;_eating and sieeping inzero gravity. Photons And Interference Of Ph6tOng Still photo collection of mission activitiesand out- The first part of the disc showsan experiment with the-window views of the Earth. very weak light, and demOriStrateS thateven weak Comments by Commanders Vance Brand light can eject electrons without:delay, and Pan! suggesting Weitz, and MisSion Specialists Joe Allen,Sally Ride that radiant energy comes in packages. Thesecond and John Fabian. demonstrates that_even very weak light,which was shown to carry energy like a particle, produces Interactive_CAV: interference patterns characteri.,tic ofwaves. Software: None available Video Vision Associates, Ltd. For use with Apple II +or Ile computers and Pi- Price: $39.95 oneer PR-8210. LID:1100, VP-1000, Magnavox VC- 8010, Or SylVania VP-7200 videodisc playerwith the Optital Data VAI-135 interface: Space Archive Volume 2, 17 MissionTo Programmed CAV Taurus Littrow Software: Written for Apple II+ or Ile This disc takes the vieWer to the surface ofthe moon Central Scientific Company with the first exploration teamever to set foot on it: Price: $250.00 with program, $195.0() fordisc alone. This dist iS a must for the science classroomto see the effects of low gravity ona ph:net. Live footage taid Stills of the lunar surface, and theastronauts per- forming their experiments are containedon the disc. Physics And Automobile Collision& Interactive CAV This disc features slow motionfootage of automobile Software: None available collisions for the study of momentum. Thisdata base Video Vision Associates, Ltd. of visual informatiOn focuseson Newton's Laws and Price: $39.95 mechanical energy. Students can still framethe disc and meaSure distances on the televisionscreen and c011ect collision data for simulatedexperiments. Space ArthiVe VOluMe 3, Mars And Beyond ThiS disc iS uniqtye in the series ofspace discs in that Necessary Hardware it includeS footage in 3-D. Two pairs of 3-D Pioneer LD-V6000. are provided with the disc. Side one documents the Viking mission :o Mars with over 500 phOtos and 20 Programmed CAV minutes of video (14 minutes in 3-1)). Mission phoios Software: Level 2 encodedon disc from Voyager document the planets Of Jupiter and JOhn Wiley and Sons, Inc. Saturn. Side Two includes a 25 minute film "Voy- Price: $150.00 ager" that was produced by the Jet Propulsion Lab.

Interactive CAV SoftWare:None available SCIENCE INSTRUCTION Video Vision Associates, Ltd. SPACE SCIENCES Price: $39.95

Space Archive Volume I; SpaceShuttle This disc contains an audio-visual documentation of Space Archive Volume 4; Space Archive SpeCial the space shuttle STS 5,6 and 7 miSSionS.The pro- Edition Shuttle Downlink: The Repair Of Solar gram features the following events; Max Solid Rocket Booster staging, freefall, parachute This disc has live footage and Still frames ofthe latest deployment, splashdown andrecovery. Shuttle mission. The disc has excellent color pictures Flight deck views of re-entry with superb clarity of the astronauts walkingin space 122 interactiveVideadiai 132 as well_as in the weightless cabin. The disc has sonic Space Disc 2Apollo of the best blast-off footage_to date. The disc also The Center for Aerospace Education at Drew Uni: features more prompts fOr the viewer to_ take advan- versity, in cooperation_with NASA Lducanon Serv- tage of the interactive nature of the medium. ices put this series of discs together that document outer space and this country's exploration of the Interactive CAV The_discs come with a reference man- Software: None available ual and image directory. Video Vision Associates. Ltd: Approximately 10,000 NASA photos of the Apollo Price: $39.95 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 missions Astronaut training Spacecraft preparation Mission and recovery_ Space Archive Volume 5, Greetings From Earth '0.nboard".photographs shot .by the astronauts This disc has over 2.700 video still frames includmg Movie highlights of each mission more than 1.500 color composite Landsat images; Launching and docking_ sequences The Landsat images make up an of the U.S. Out-the-window views from lunar orbit and during and other international points of interest. Also In- descent _and_EVA activity cluded is a twenty-page image directory and a refer- Includes the Space AtehiVe Volume 2 diSc ence map of the U.S. providing descriptions and viewing aids. Dozens of video clips and two music vi- Programmed CAV deos with music by Tangerine Dream comprise the Software: Written for Apple IIE

rest of the disc; Video Vision _ Price: $36000 for 2 discs Interactive CAV Software: None available Video Vision Associates. Ltd. Price:$39.95 Space Disc 3---Shuttle The Center for Aerospace Education at Drew Uni- versity; in cooperation with NASA Education Serv- ices put this series of discs together that document Space Disc IVoyager outer space and this country's exploration of the The Center for Aerospace Education at Drew Uni- space frontier. The discs come with a reference man- versity. in cooperation with NASA Education Serv- ual and image directory, ices put this series of discs together that document Approximately 3,400 NASA photos of the STS outer space and this country's exploration of the development space frontier. The discs come with a reference man- Onboard photography from STS 1, 2, 3 and 4 ual and image directory. Developmental movies, including approach and landing tests and propulsion test firing General information movies Engineering movies, including launch, ET Computer generated mission profile movies for separation Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune encounters Out-the-window views of launch and landing Spacecraft development and assembly Staging views from orbit, cargo bay, manipulator Descriptions and results of all 11 experiments arm experiments and cabin interior 16 data animation movies of the rotation of Jupiter, Landing video from chase planes the Red Spot, Saturn and Saturn's rings Includes Space Archive Volume 1 and the Space Comprehensive coverage of the imaging science ex- Archive Special Edition Shuttle Downlink discs periment, prepared by Dr. Reta Beebe Physical data, scale and USGS topographic maps Programmed CAV (when available) for each object encountered Software: Written for Apple IIE Single-concept programming segments; such as the Video Visfon Deep Space Network, MTIS image display system Price: $400.00 for 3 discs Galileo mission profile movie Includes the Space Archive Volume 3 disc

Programmed CAV Space Disc 4The Sun Software: Written for Apple IIE The Center for Aerospace Education at Drew Uni- Video Vision versity, in cooperation with NASA Education Serv- Price: $360.00 for two discs ices put this series of discs together that document

133 interactive VidOodiscs 123 outer space and this country's exploration of the enter space and this _country's exploration of the space frontier. The disc comes with a reference man- Space frontier. The disc comes with a referenceman- ual and image directory. ual and image directory. Photo archive of more than 2,100 images thatcap- Terrestrial geoscience. including plate tectonics vol- tures every aspect of solar research canism. surface features and rock studies Solar Spectrum from 3000 to 12500 angstroms Lunar sample and Meteorite studies Solar features at different wavelengths Comparative planetology, including crater studies, ObServable layers_ SUrfate thappiiig of terrestrial-like bodies Comets, aurorae and eclipse expeditions U-2 high-altitude photography; including 100 larg- Movie clips of sunspots, prominenceS, flares. Solar est American cities rotations (in H alpha, magnetogramS, 'Clays), the Gemini,_Apollo, Skylab, Apollo/Soyuz Earth=look= sunspot cycle, eclipse time lapse, the corona during ing photography totality and terrestrial aurorae Comprehensive LANDSAT coverage, including the Cc erage of AS & E, Big Bear; Kitt Peak, Mt. USA Ala5ka, selected global regions, seasonscom- WilSon, Sacramento Peak; Skylab and Solar Max pariSonS ahd special mosaics The 28-minute award-winning NASA film Ithaging radar studies from Seasat and STS 2 UNIVERSE Advanced analysis and mapping techniques

Programmixl CAV Programmed CAV Software: Written for Apple IIE Software: Written for Apple IIE Video Vision Vick o Vision Price:$320.00 Price:$400.00

Space Disc 5Astronomy Planetary Image Videodisc The Center for Aerospace_ Educationat Drew Uni- This disc is a reference archive of 100,000 black_and versity, in coop-OMR:in With NASA Education Serv- white still frames of planetary images from the Jet ices put this SerieS Of discs together that document Propulsion Laboratory. outer space and this country's exploration of the Space frontier. The disc comes witha reference man: Interactive CAV ual and image_directory. Software: None available Pictorial glossary of all SOlar SyStem bodieS National Technical Information Service Planetary exploration by spacecraft Price:$50.00 catalog #PB83-223131 (American Cosmogony and comparatiVe planetology stillim- Express, Master Card and Visa accepted) ages and movie clips Motion of sky from Earth; includingstar trails, re- trograde motion, seasons and lunar phases Collection of solar stills Selected NASA4PL Mission Video Images Movie clips of sunspots, prominences,flares, rota- This diSc is a reference archive of black and white tion and eclipse and cc Jr planetary images from the Jet Propulsion Photographs of observatories and collections from Laboratory: their public files and archives Glossary of deep sky objects Interactive CAV Movie clips of big bang, animation of stellar evolu- Software: None available tion, pulsars and black holes National Technical Information Service Price: $50.00 catalog #PB83-223123 (American Programmed CAV EXpress, Master Card and Visa accepted) Software: Written for AppleIIE Video Vision Price:$400.00 SpacewatchCAV Home Planetarium This is a bilingual disc that includes a full directory of the disc images.

Space Disc 6Earth Science Side One: The Center for Aerospace Education at Drew Uni- The Solar System versity, in cooperation with NASA Education Serv- Birth of the sun; Formation of the Planetary System, ices put this series of discs together thatdocument Mariner 10 Mission to Mercury, Animation: Surface

124 tnteractive Vieteeiscs 134 conditions of Venus, Soviet Venera Mission to Ve- simple numbers, word signs and phrases. The disc nus, Viking Expedition to Mars, Olympus Mons. captures the crucial elements of motion that are Phobos and Demos. Jupiter and Satellites, Uranus, otherwise difficult to convey through the conventional Neptune, Pluto and Charon, Halley's Comet method of learning from a series of still photographs. The program combines the benefits of personal in- Side Two: The Stars struction with feedback to provide the most advanced Polaris; Orion; Sirius; Gemini, Taurus, Betelgeuse, and effective methods of teaching the communication The Norsehead Nebula, Orion Nebula, Trapezium, skills of sign language. Rigel, Pleiades, Aldebaran and the Hyades, Crab Nebula, Castor and Pollux, Eskimo Nebula, Canis Programmed CAV Major, Rosette Nebula in Monoceros, Deneb, The Software: .Program encoded on diSc (level 2) Black Hole in Cygnus X-1, Veil Nebula, Vega, Al- Hardware: Sony LDP-1000 tair. Globular Clusters, The Galactic Center in Sagit- ACCESS Alberta tarius; Trifid Nebula, Andromeda Galaxy, Arcturus. Price: $225.00 From Sputnik to the Space Shuttle

Interactive CAV Software: None available SPECIAL TOPICS Instant_ Replay Price: $44.95 Discursions This disc is a sample of different appacations for the videodisc technology: Each ot the 16 demonstrations in Discursions is organized into a chapter that con- SOCIAL STUDIES tains a slide show, a motion video segment, and digi- tally encoded text from relevant publications. These The Lost Civilization,Expedition demonstration segments range in length from 40sec- This interactive videodisc program is designed to help onds to seven minutes, and are located on both sides intermediate level students find lost study skills in- of the disc. Content of the chapters is outlined below. cluding building vocabulary, taking notes, under- standing graphic information, using reference Side One material; and outlining skills: Students sift through Chapter 1Table of contents and introduction to the the many levels of their "archeological dig" to record disc. important facts about King Tut's tomb, the Mayan Chapter 10Interactive Movie Map (Aspen). This is Civilization, the Trojan horse and the buried city of a dynamic, interactive map, based on videodisc tech- Pompeii. The package includes one videodisc, four nology, which the viewer uses to take a simulated Apple diskettes with back-ups, a teacher's manual, drive through an unfamiliar space; and several teaching aids. Chapter 11Movie Manual. This section demon- strates how the technology might be used as an elec- Required Hardware tronic book. Apple II + or Ile (48K) computer; Pioneer LD- Chapter 12Communication News. This section sim- V4000 videodisc player, and an Allen MVP interface. ulates a personal electronic newspaper. Chapter 13DeSk File. Desk file explores electronic Programmed CA V mail. Software: Provided for Apple II + or IIe Chapter 14Talking Heads: Three-dimensional pro- Society for Visual Education. Inc. jections with sound-sync and dynamic spatial corre- Price: $299:00 spondence are explored. Chapter 15Zero Bandwidth Video. Several tele= conferencing techniques are explored. Chapter 16Lip Sync. Experimems in lip sync SPECIAL EDUCATION- techniques. SIGN LANGUAGE Chapter 17Caricature Generator: This program uses a computer to create caricatures. Deaf Awareness: Let Your Rogers Do the Talking This disc is designed to teach sign language to com- Side Two municate with the hearing impaired. The videodisc, Chapter 20Phone Slave. This section demonstrates along with a support manual, includes both instruc- a personalized telecommunications system that works tional and testing segments on the manual alphabet, with voice and electronic mail messages.

13 5 interactive Videodiscs 125 Chapter 21Put That There. A voice and gesture Programmed CA V interactive system. Software: Included Chapter 22Graphical Marionette. ThiS Seetibn ek- IMEDIA International, Inc. plores A Method of_capturing numan motion. Price: $199.00 Chapter 23Archfile, A visual database of 5,000 recbids of American architecture. Chapter 24Picassofile. A visual database of 100 Pi- casso works stored by style, period, location and TELEVISION subject: Chapter 25Viewpoint Dependant Imaging, This Photo Store section simulates viewing a three-dimenSional One of America's top photo agenc;es, UNIPHOTO environment. Picture Agency, of Washirgton, D.C. and Meta Me- Chapter 26Stereoscopic Workspace. This chapter dia Systems, Int., have co, ibined to produce the expleires the use of a three-dimensional digitizer. Photo Store, a distinctive video and communications Chapter 27,Facemaker; This section demonstrates tool. Tens of thousands of high quality colortrans- the use of videodisc for creating composite faces from parencies covering the entire range ofcontemporary a catalog of facial features. Chapter 30Disc De: stock photography are containedon this disc. sip. An overview of the disc. Chapter 31Digital Data. Description of how the Direct processing from the videodiscmeans that no data SectiOns of the disc were created. external time base corrector is needed to producea Chapter 32Bib1iography; broadcast quality image. One annual licensing fee al- Chapter 33Mapping by Yourself (Do-It-Yourself lows the uSe of any image for editorial video produc- Aspen); This section allows the user to create an in- tion, and many photos are released and availablefor teractive mini-movie map with Aspen footage. commercial use on a per use basis. Chapter 34ArcMan in Action (24 HourS at the 'Mac). This is a documentation of one day at the Ar- The disc comes with a full color catalog/indexso im- thiteeture Machine Group terminal garden in still- ages can be found quickly with any videodisc player. frames. Image Search software for the IBM-PCcomputers is Chapter 35Arc Mac Slidathon. A collection of over available. 3,000 still imagcs. Programmed CAV Interactive CAV Software: Available with IBM-PC computers Software: None available Picture Management Systems Architecture Machine Group Price: $ Price:$100.00

VOCATIONAL EDUCATION==.BANK TELLER TRAINING Frame Up This disc is presented as the first interactive video- NCR Bask Teller Training disc-based fictiOn. ThiS iS a disc thatstresses strategy This is a two-day, Selriliated, interactiVe videodisc arid making decisions. The package consists ofone training parckage, iiSing touch-screen technology.It double ,,ided videodisc, a floppy diskette, anda tiger inclUdeS the fithdainental skills and procedurescorn- manual. inbn tO all financial institutions. It is generic inna- The scenario is about Eddy, who iS kieked ina ture: not dependent on a specifi, banking Software department store at niElit. The USer Must make the application, nor is it designed for a partittilat bank. right decisions at th, right tiMeS in orderto get Eddy The course is designed for the Student having littleor out of trouble and prOve his innocence. The store is no knowledge of teller_fiinctionS, The package in- under electronic surveillance via 10 videocameras cludes two_one=skied Videbdiscs, three floppy dis- hooked Up to videotape recorders. Clever manipula= kettes, and adMihiStrator's/instaflation guide, anda non of the control room equipment will be of invalu: sti,dent Maridal. Side one is preparatory, and intro- able assistance in getting out of the trap. duces the user to basic concepts. Sidetwo requires performance. Through simulation, theuser interacts Necessary Hardware with "customers- from the videodisc,_ performsvar- IBM=PC, XT, or AT (128K) with RS232Cport and ious customer transactionS, and then balancesthe one disk drive, and a Pioneer LD-V6000 or LD- day's transactions using the teller worksheet.The V6010 videodisc player; content includes:

126 Interactive Videodiscs 136 Side/ struction: The package includes one videodisc._two Module A: Using The System; Identifying Coin diskettes, course v.. orkbook. student notes. and a ref- (Sample Lesson) erence manual. Module B: Coin And Currency; Identifying Cur- rency;_ Counting Currency, Packaging Coin. Hardware requirements Currency; Counterfeit Money; Mutilated Money, IBM7PC. computer or_ equivalent; Pioneer LD-No000 Drawer Limits videodisc player; Videoswitch unit; or Sony View Module C: Bank Services; Account Types. Safe De- system: posit Module D: Checks And Negotiables; Negotiable or Programmed CAV Ndt, Check Negotiability, Endorsements, Customer Software: Provided ID's, Check Numbers TCT Technical Training. Inc. Module E: Documents; Teller Stamp, Deposit and Price: $2,400.00 Withdrawal; Guaranteed Negotiables; Certified Checks, Redeeming Bonds. Cash in and Cash Out; Miscellaneous Checks Module F: Debits And Credits; Debit/Credit Items. Balancing Debits/Credits VOCATIONAL EDUCATION- ELECTRONICS Side 2 Module G: Transactions; Cash Deposit, Non-Cash Basic Electronics Deposit; Split Deposit; Less-Cash Deposit; Loan This is part one of a four-part_Basic Electronics cur- Payment, Cashing Checks, Withdrawals riculum: This nine-hour course,is designed for main- Module H: Teller Procedures; Night Depository, tenance personnel, production technicians, engineers. ATM's, Buying/Selling Cash, Completing the Teller instrumentation technicians, and others who require a Worksheet,iOut of Balance basic understanding of electronic components and Module I: Final Test (Your First Day As A Teller) their measurement. This course provides an ideal Module J: Customer Relations foundation for more advanced courses in electronics. An optional lab pack; witha_Measurement Trainer; Necessary Hardware experiments workbook; and parts kit are available:_ NCR InteracTV System Included_in this package are two_videodiscs and one barcoded workbook. Course content includes: Electicinic Quantities and Testing Principles Programmed CAN/ Multimeters and Bridge-Type Instruments Software: Providtd Oscilloscopes NCR Interactive Villeodisc Services Signal Generators Price: $ Component Testing Necessary Hardware IBM InfoWindow, the Visage System. Sony View System. JVC Interactive Learning System, or the Ac- tion Code System. VGCATIONAL EDUCATION- COMPUTER REPAIR Programmed CAV Software: Included Guru Course Deltak How To Determine The Problem Component in a Price: $1.000:00(approx:) Multi-Vendor SNA Systems Network Architecture, SNA, is now synonymous with IBM data communica- tions environments. However, increasing numbers of IBM users are adding non-IBM products (terminals, Electronic Circuits protocol , modems, multiplexers, and soft- This is part two of a four-part Basic Electronics cur- ware) to_ their _overall _SNA systems_ This course riculum; This fourteen-hour course is designed for teaches the user to locate the problem component us- maintenance personnel; production technicians; engi- ing a GTF or line monitor trace (a procedure rele- neers, instrumentation technicians; and others who vant to multi-vendor as well as all-IBM require a_basic understanding of electronic compo- environments). nents and their measurement. This course provides The course consists of six to eight hours of in- an ideal foundation for more advanced courses in

137 interactive victeodiscs 127 electronics. An optional lab pack, witha Measure- Programmed CAV Merit Trainer, experiments workbook, andparts kit Software: Included are available: Included in this package are twO video: Deltak discs and one barcoded workbook. CourSe content Price: $1,000.00 (approx.) includes: Review of Electrical Quantities Component:Characteristics and Circuits ReSonant Circuit Characteristics Advanced Troubleshooting In Electronic Systems ReSonant Circuit Applications This is part four of a four-part Basic Electronicscur- Rectifiers and Power Supplies riculum. This thirty eight-hour course is_designed for Amplifiers maintenance personnel, field service technicians, in- Oscillators strumentation technicians,_and Others who requirean Pulses, Waveshaping, and_Pulge Generators understanding of advanced troubleshootingproce- Logic Circuit FundamentalS dures and test equipment. An optional lab pack, with IntroductiOn to Number Systems trainers, experiments workbooks; and parts kitare Losic Devices and Diagrams and Circuit available. Included in this package are two videodiScS ApplicationS and one barcoded workbook. Course content Digital Types of Integrated Circuits includes: Necessary Hardware Troubleshooting Mechanical Problems IBM Info Window, the Visage Sy Stein, Sony VieW Troubleshooting_Power Supplies Systein, JVC Interactive Learning System,or the Ac- Grounding Problems tion Code System. Troubleshooting Linear Circuits Troubleshooting Microprocessors and Peripherals Programmed CAV Symptom Analysis and Diagnosis SOftWare: Included Preventive Maintenance Techniques Deltaic Efficient Maintenance_and Repair Price: $1,000.00 (approx.) Diagnosis by System Analysis_ Signal Generators and Other Instruments Troubleshooting Practice Problems Marc Tronbleshooting In Electronic Systems Printed Aids to Troubleshooting ThiS is part ihree of a four-part Basic Electronics_cur: Failure7Rate Analysis Industrial Power Control : riculum.,This twenty four-hour course deSigned for maintenance personnel, production tcchnicianS, engi- Testing Industrial Linear Devices neers, instrumentation technicians, and others who Analyzing Industrial Sy Stems. Commonsenk Approach require a basic understanding of electroniccompo-i nents and their measurement. This course provides an ideal_foundation for more advanced courses in NeceSsary_Hardware IBM Info Window, the Visage System, Sony View electionicS. An optional lab pack, with trainers,ex= periments workbooks; and parts kitare available. In: System, JVC Interactive Learning System,or the Ac: eluded in this package are two videodiScS and one tion Code System. barcoded workbook. Course content inchideS: Introduction_to Trouble Shooting Programmed CAV Methods of TroubleShOoting Software: Included Dcltak Using Symptoms Diagnosis to Localizea Unit Isolating Trouble to a Circuit Piice: $1,000.013 (approx.) Locating the Defective Component Soldering and Desoldering Techniques Testing Power Supply Failures Electrical/Electronic Skills Input/Output Devices This training program takes the learner beyOnd the Oscillators/MultivibratorS concepts presented in the ELECTRICAL/ELEC- Digital Circuits TRONIC THEORY cOurSe. The programcovers six AinplifierS distinct subject areas that are devoted to the training of practical, maintenance-related skillsas applied to Necessary Hardware induStrial electrical/electronic maintenance procedures IBM Info Window, the Visage System, Sony View and situations; The seventeen lessons included in the System; JVC Interactive Learning Sy Stem,or the Ac- program are designed for training entry-level perSon: tion Code System. nel and for providing remediztion in selectedareas to

128 interactive Videodiscs 138 experienced individuals. The package includes one vi- 2AC/DC Theory: Characteristics of AC Circuits deodisc per lesson, one set of floppy disks per lesson, 3ACIDC Theory: Three-Phase AC Systems five copies of the User Materials per lesson, one copy 4Solid-State Theory: Semiconductors and Diodes of the Instructor materials, and one Course Adminis- 5Solid-State Theory: Rectifiers and Filters tration Utility floppy disk. The seventeen lessons in- 6Solid-State Theory: Transistors, SCR's, and clude the following topics: TriacS 7Introduction to Digital Electronics 1The Oscilloscope 2The Mpltimeter Necessary Hardware 3The Wheatstone Bridge, Megohmmeter, and Visage V:STATION 2000 system: Clamp-On Ammeter 4Ladder Diagrams Programmed CAN/ 5Wiring, Single Line, and Building Electrical Software: Provided Diagrams Industrial Training Corporation 6Electrical Control Equipment: Switches; Coils; Price:$5,595.00 ($850.(K ) per lesson) and Overload Relays 7Electrical Control Equipment: Limit Switches 8Electrical Control Equipment: Fuses and Molded Case Circuit Breakers 9Electrical Control Equipment: Motor Starters 10Troubleshooting Electrical Control Circuits VOCATIONAL EDUCATION- 11AC Motors: Theory and_Routine Testing MATHEMATICS 12AC Motors: Maintenance 13AC Motors: Variable Speed Motor Theory and Applied Industrial Mathematics Maintenance This training program is an applications-oriented pro- 14DC Motors: Theory and Maintenance gram that focuses on the math skills that are actually 15Protective Relays used on the job. The eight lessons included in the 16Switchgear: Bus Work and Circuit Breakers program cover the topics from basic skills such as 17,Switchgear: Circuit Breaker Testing and whole number operations to more advanced opera- Maintenance tions such as_geornetry; algebra, and trigonometry. Both analytical problem-solving skills and computa- Necessary Hardware tion skills are taught using realistic job-related prob7 Visage V:STATION 2000 system. lems. The program is designed for training industrial craft skills workers from all industries. The package Programmed CAV includes one videodisc per lesson, one set of floppy Software: Provided disks per lesson, five copies of the User Materials per Industrial Training Corporation lesson, one copy of the Instructor materials, and one Price: $12;99500($850:00 per ',:sson) Course Administration Utility floppy disk. The eight lessons include the following topics: 1Whole Number Operations Eledrical/Electronic Theory 2Fractions This training_program covers two distinct subject 3Decimals: areas that are devoted to the training of electrical/ 4Percent, Ratio and Proportion, Graphs electronic theory, concepts; and applications. The 5Positive and Negative Numbers, Powers and seven lessons included in the program are designed Roots for introducing entry-level trainees to industrial re- 6Algebra: Using Common Industrial Formulas lated electrical/electronic concepts for the first time, 7Measurement/Unit Analysis and for providing remediation in the theoretical foun- 8Geometry and Trigonometry: Length, Area, Vol- dation of ihe craft to experienced individuals. The ume and Angle Calculations package includes one videodisc_per lesson; one set of floppy disks per lesson; five copies of the User Mate- Necessary Hardware rials per lesson, one copy of the Instructor materials; Visage V:STATION 2000 system. and one Course Administration Utility floppy disk. The seven lessons include the following topics: Programmed CAN/ Software: Provided Industrial Training Corporation 1AC/DC Theory: Ohm's Law and DC Circuits Price:$6,495.00 ($850.00 per lesson)

9 interactive Videodiscs 129 Fundamental St tidy Skills: Mathematics Programmed CAV ThiS program is a series of four modules thatbuilds Stift WareIncluded Deltak practical skills step,by-step from whole numbers Price: $1;000:00(approx.) through introductory _algebra. The learnerneedsiorily number recognition skills to enter the prograM.Each of the four modules in the fifty-hourprograM is an independent, self-contained caiirSe. A Studentmay take one, or all of the Mdclules: skills_are determined VOCATIONAL EDUCkTION- by objectiVe=based pre-testing. Amastery test at the MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY end of each module verifies that the student isready to proceed to the next: industrial Hydraulics The package contains two videodiscs, fourWOrk: This sixteen-hour course is designed formaintenance books; Pre-test, and an Objettive:baSed Mastery personnel, production technicians, engineers, instru- Testing Course Managern Nit Sy Stein. Coursecontent mentation technicians, and others who -requirean includes: underStanding of basic hydraulics: Thiscourse pro- vides an ideal foundation formore advanced cOut-SeS on mechanical maintenance. It can be used tocross- Module 1: Whole Numbers train electrical/electronics maintenance_persOnnel The Language of Numbers whose job performance would benefit frOMa basic Place Value knowledge of hydraulics. Included in this packageare Adding Whole Numbers two videodiscs and one barcoded workbook: Course Subtracting Whole Numbers content inthides: Multiplying Whole Numbers PrintipleS Of Hydraulics; Introductionto Hydraul- Dividing Whole Numbers itS, Hydraulic Pressure; How Hydraulic Power Solving Problems svoek-s Pressure Gauges The Eydraulic Power System; Basic_COmpOtientS Module 2: Fractions and Accessories. Symbols, Hydraitlie Cittitits Understanding Fractions Hydraulic Fluids; Properties of HydraulicFluids; Adding Fractions Common Hydraulic Fluids, Storage; Handling;and Subtracting Fractions Maintenance: Multiplying Fractions iHydraulic Piping, Fittings and Connections;Piping Dividing Fractions Materials; Piping Specifications, Fittings and Ft-attic:MS and Mixed Numbers Connections Hydraulic Pumps; The Hydraulic Pump, Gear Pumps. Vane_ Pumps, Piston Pumps, Piiinp Servicing Module 3: Decimals Hydraulic Stem and Pump Accessories:Tower Understanding Decimals Source. Fluid Reservoirs, Filters and Strainers,Heat Working with Deeimals EXthatigers Adding and Subtracting Decimals PieSSitre Control Valves; Relief Valves, Holding Multiplying Decimals Valves, Sequence Valves, Pressure-ReducingValVeS, Dividing Decimals Pressure Switches Percents Flow and Directional Control Valves andAccumu- lators; Flow Control Valves, Directional Control Module 4: Intraductioq to Algebra Valves, Accumulators Positive and Negative (Signed) Numbers AthiatOrs; Hydraulic Cylinders, Hydraulic Motors. Adding and Subtracting Signed NuMbers Rotai-y Actuators Multiplying and Dividing signed Nnthbers Maintenance and Safety of Hydraulic SySteMS; Algebraic Representation and Terms Maintenance Practices, Changing Hydraulic FlUidS, Powers and Exponents Reservoir Maintenance, Heat Exchanger Mainte- Order of Operations nance, Pump Maintenance, Maintenance Safety Equations and Statements Trouble Shooting Hydr ulic Systems; Whereto Operations with Statements Start, Loss of System Pressure; ActuatorMalfunc- nein, Overheating Necessary Hardware Necessary Hardware IBM Info Window, the VisageSystem, Sony View IBM_ Info Window, the Visage System, SonyView System, JVC Interactive Learning System,or the Ac- tion Code System: System, JVC Interactive Learning System,or the Ac- tion Code System.

130 Interactive Videodiscs 140 Programmed CAV structor materials, and one Course Administration Software: Included Deltak Utility floppy disk. The seven lessons include the fol- Price:LOOOM (approx:) lowing topics:

1Principles and Practices of Predictive Maintenance Industrial Pneumatics 2Vibration Analysis This sixteen-hour course is designed for maintenance 3--Lubricant and Trend Analysis personnel, production technicians, engineers. instru- 4Techniques for Extending Bearing Life mentation technicians, and others who require an 5Principles of Reverse Double Dial Alignment understanding of basic pneumatics. This course pro- 6Reversal Double Dial Alignment Procedure vides an excellent foundation for more advanced 7Computerized and Laser Alignment courses on mechanical maintenance: It can be used to cross-train electrical/electronics maintenance person- Necessary Hardware nel whose job performance would benefit from a Visage V:STATION 2000 system. basic knowledge of pneumatics. Included in this package are one videodisc and one barcoded work- Programmed CAV book. Course content includes: Software: Provided Industrial Training Corporation Basic Principles of Pneumatics; Properties of Air, Price:$5:595.00 ($850:00 per lesson) Measuring Air Pressure and Flow Pneumatic Systems and Components; Basic Pneu- matic Controls; Graphic Symbols Compressors; Types of Compressors, Positive Dis- placement Compressors, Non-Positive Displacement Compressors VOGITIONAL EDUCATION-MIDI/4G Fluid Conditioners; Filters, Air Dryers, Lubrica- tors, Regulators, Trio Units Fundamental Study Skills: Reading Pneumatic Controk; Pret,sure Control Valves, Flow This program is a series of five modules designed to Control Valves; Directional Control Valves upgrade reading and comprehension skills to the Pneumatic Actuators; Air Cylinders, Air Motors grade 9 levet as a foundation for subsequent training. Maintenance and Troubleshooting of Pneumatic The learner needs only a grade 3 equivalent skill Systems; Compressors, Filters. Lubricators, Air level to enter the program: Each of the five modules Dryers, Control Valves, Actuators, Systems in the forty-hour program is an independent; self- contained course. A student may take one, or all of Necessary Hardware the modules., skills are determined by objective-based IBM_InfoWindow, the Visage System; Sony View pre7testing. A mastery test at the end of each module System; JVC Interactive Learning System; or the Ac- verifies that the student is ready to proceed to the tion Code System. next. The package contain& two videodiscs, five workbooks; Pre-test; and an Objective-h,d Mastery Programmed CAV Testing Course Management System: content Software: Included Deltak includes: Price:$1,000.00 (approx.) Module 1: Basic Skills Dictionary SkillS Context Clues Prefix, Suffix and Root Rotating Equipment Predictive Maintenance And How to Read Charts and Diagrams Alignment Module 2: Literal ComprehensionlMain ideas This training program is an applications-oriented pro- The Topic Sentence_ gram that focuses on the necessity of predictive main- The Definitive Paragraph tenance of rotating equipment. The seven lessons The Descriptive/Explanatory Paragraph included in the program are designed to Introduce The Introductory/Summary Paragraph mechanics to the concepts of predictive maintenance How to Spot Printing Clues in order to identify and reduce potential problems_ Module 3: Literal ComprehensionlRelationships Various procedures for performing alignment are also Classification Comparison/Contrast presented. The package includes one videodisc per Analogy lesson, one set of floppy disks per lesson, five copies Sequence/Procedure of the User Materials per lesson, one copy of the In- Cause/Effect

141 Interactive Videodiscs 131 Module 4: Inference Getting and giving information Thinking Ski 11Si Remaining positive and efficient Inferring the Main Idea Calls of personal_or confidential nature Inferring Relationships Ending calls ea the right note Drawing Conclusions Efficient tise of your time and your caller's time Using Judgment Identifying objectives and preparing whatto say Module 5: Study Skills ChOosing the best time to call Using Outlines and Chang tO Organi±e Leaving messages Information Summarizing_Godd Study Techniques Module 3Dealing with Difficidt CallS Problem-solving Handling wrong numbers, crossed lines, noiseson Necessary Hardware theline, being cut off IBM Info Window, the Visage System, Sony View Handling complaints and objections System; JVC Interactive Learning System,-or the Ae: Questioning techniques tion Code System. Offering the caller alternatives Using the caller's name effectively_ Programmed CAV Dealing with different types Of taller: vagne, ag- Software: Included Delta( gressive, rude, or complaining Price: $1,C100.01) (approx.) Dealing with distractions in the Office Necessary Hardware The Learning Center or the IBM InfoWindow VOCATIONAL EDUCATION Programmed CAV SECRETARIAL SHILLS Software: Included MindBank, Inc. Price: $1;995.00 per module Mtke The Telephone Work For You Initial contact with an organization often takesplace on_the telephone; thus an organization'S iMageand reputation rely on the staffs ability tei effectiVely Writing For Results handle calls. This three=part eciurSe addresses _the_ im- Acquiring the skills towrite successful businessletters portance and necessity -of creating the rightimpres- and memos is essential to the IndiVidual andthe or- sion on the telephone. Each module requires one to ganization._ This course is designed to help theuser two hours to complete. The learner is placed into understand and apply the basic concept of effective real-life situations and required to reactto the prob= buSiness writing in a disciplined approach. lems presented. Module l The Basics Module ICreating the Right lmpresSionon the Writing for results Telephone Letters as ambassadors ofyour Organization Importance of_creating the right impression Memos as ambassadors of you Having the right attitude andmanner Other types of business writing Servicing a call/importance of the firstcontact Analyzing effects on_readers Overcoming the limitations of the phone Undeistanding_the reader's concerns Speaking clearly/making the most ofyour voice What your reader wants from you Capitalizing on words and tone The pros and cons of telephonineconve6ing/ Need for accuracy in conveying information meeting Importance of note takineconveying ofmessages When writing is required Knowing about your own organization/accessing Recognizing mistakes further information Why _people make mistakes Assisting the telephone receptionist Clarifying your purpose Considering your reader Module 2Using the Telephone Organizing your ideas Answering /greeting/getting the caller'S name And Choosing appropriate language using it Making it readable Progressing a call/transferring a call/handling a call for someone who is out Module 2Planning Your Writing Dealing with inquiries and taking them to the next Knowifig what you want to achieve stage What is an objective?

132 interactive Vidiodiscs 142 Ordering objectives In the interest of public relations What you should know about the reader The issue (if fault Making the right assumptions Legal implications Why readers react as they do Getting payment Listing your points The second letter Getting the facts The final step The main subject Importance of conciseness Necessary Hardware Testing for relevance The Learniq Center or the IBM InfoWindow The structure of _writing Inductive vs; deductive Pr3grammed CAV Choosing the best sequence: chronological, spatial, Software: Included functional, order of complexity, order of importance MindBank, Inc. What should happen next? Price: $1,995.00 per module Make it easy for the reader

Module 3Writing with Style What is style? VOCATIONAL EDUCATION- Written word and th- e reader STATISTICAL PROCESS CONTROL What is tone? Writing tone through words Statistical Protess Control Choosing your words This training program is_an applications-oriented pro- Being concise gram that focuses on the role of the control chart as a Using familiar words powerful tool in monitoring quality: The seven les- When to use jargon sons included in the program are designed to intro- Keeping sentences short duce shop floor operators, supervisors, and technical Unity and complexity personnel to the techniques of SPC. The package in- Useless phrases dudes_one videodisc per lesson, one_set of floppy What is a paragraph disks per lesson, five copies of the User Materials per Topic and length lesson, one copy of the Instructor_materials, and one Beginnings and end- ings Course AdmMistration Utility floppy disk. The seven Punctuation lessons include the following topics: Pausing and clarifying Simplifying commetcial jargon IIntroduction to SPC Activating the passive tense 2Introduction to Control Charts How to edit your own writing 3Control Charts for Variables Layout hints 4Control Charts for Attributes Final checklist 5Advanced Control Charts 6--M3chine and Process Capability Module 4When the Going Gets Tough 7Problem Solving Techniques Writing to persuade When to persuade Necessary Hardware Being pleasant Visage V:STATION 20(X) system. Arguing your case Stressing the benefits Programmed CAV Making your point Software: Provided_ Writing to complain Industrial Training Corporation The tone Price: $5,595.00 ($850.00 per lesson) Defining the problem Suggesting a solution Keeping alternatives open Meeting justified complaints TELEMARKETING Being timely Admitting fault _ Make the Telephone Sell for You Being constructive Many organizations are making increasing use of the Giving satisfaction telephone as a sales medium. Telephone sales staff Dealing w:th unjustified complaints must be adequately trained to maximize the effective- 1 3 Interactive Wdeodiscs 133 ness of telemarketing,This course is designed for Relating benefits to needs by matching those learning to use the telephone to sell, and is also Obtaining understanding and agreementby suitable as a refreshercourse. Each Module requires confirming one to two hours to complete. The learner_is placed Using feedback into real-life situations and required to react to the Obtaining agreement by a series ofpositive problems presented. statements

Handling price _ Module 1communicatingover the TelephOne Presenting the benefits before price Creating the right impression Emphasizing quality and value Attending to attitude/manner/voice Answering promptly Module 4Dealing WithObjections and Di-Bic:di Being Prepared Customers Overcorriing the limitations of the phone Handling problem customers 1 Using descriptive, decisive, concise language Talkative type: use echo technique Avoiding jargon Silent type: use open queStitiAS Attending to_emphasis and pitch Buying bully: handle firmly Obtaining feedback Timid/indecisive typeS: build theirconfidence Preventing defensiveness Stubborn type:_ use strong Making the most of incoming call§ presentation Dealing with objections intwo stages: handling and Gaining information to make sales answering: To sell up, on, or across Preempting objections Turning a complaint intoa further sale Using seeming,to-agree andboomerang teChniques Uncovering_concealed objettions Module 2Planning your Telephone SalesTactics Handling non-genuine objettibriS Building a data bank Answering standard Objectirins Knowledge of your customer's business,your prod- uctS and services, and your competition Module 5Closinga Telephone Sale and FollOW:Up Product knowledge based oncustor..,:r applicatiOn Knowing *hen to close on the phone Sources of information/how to obtain Picking up buying signals Keeping customer records Using questions Managing outgoing calls Types of close Updating records Asking the direct qUeStiOr FollOWing leads Giving tv,,,) choiceS Identifying the decision maker Using assumptive close Planning when to call Using a concession Structuring a call Getting a series ofagreements Using a call planner Rules after closing Planning o'ljectives/the approach/keypresentation Checking for understanding points Pro_viding for a follow:tip Choosing an approach Analyzing performance if the callfails Types of calls Follow-up calls to: Cold calls Check for rroblems rOutine sales calls Sell a repeat order calls to resolve problems Try another presentationafter a failed call after sales calls Give advance warning Responding to danger Sighzik Module 3Making a Telephone SalesPreSentatiOn Preparing a presentation Necessary Hardwa-r-e Identifying needs The Learning Center Or the IBM InfoWindow Stressing benefits usihg ohly One or two key selling points Programmed CAV USitig testimonials Software: Ineluded Carrying out the presentation Mind Bank, Inc. Getting through to the decision maker Price: $1,995:00per module Presenting in four stages Generating interest by the approach Identifying heeds by probing


VIDEODISC SHARING Sony Video Communications Sony 1::vrive APh Technological Consultants Park Ridge, NJ 07656 55 North St. John Avenue (201) 930-10(10 Pasadena. CA 91103 (818) 796=0331 Technidisc 2250 Meijer Drive ComselL Inc. Troy, MI 48084 500 Tech Parkway (313) 435:7430 Atlanta; GA 30313 (404) 872-2500 3M Optical Recording Project 223-5S 3M Center International Interactive Communications Society St; Paul;.MN 55144 (IICS) (612) 733-4435 2120 Steiner Street San Francisco, CA 94115 (415) 922-0214 CompariSon of Mastering Costa Set Up Costs Per Di Se Side (12") 3rd_Wave Media Consultants 1600_Notre Dame, Suite 206 Company CAV CAV + CLV Montreal, Quebec Canada, H31 1M1 Pioneer $2,100.00 $2,400.00 $2,400.00 (514) 932=9885 Sony $2.000.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 Techmdisc $1,800.00 $2,400.00 $2,400.00 3M $1.800.00 $2.500.00 $2.500.00 SMALL VOLUMEVIDEODISC MASTERING

Crawford Communications 535 Plasmamour Drive Atlanta, GA 30324 (8019 831-8027 (404) 876-7149

Laser Video; Inc; One East _Wacker Drive Chicago, IL 60601 (312) 467:6755

Spectra Image 540 North I-Iullywood Way Burbank; CA 91505 (808) 842-1111


Pioneer _Video; Inc, 5150 East .Pa;:fic Coast Highway; #300 Long Beach;_--A 90804 (213) 498-0300 145 interactive Viatodiscs 135 Cost Per Disc Company Qt.8' CAV CAV CAV+ CAV+ CLV Lv Isd 2sd lsd 2sd Isd 2sd Pioneer 1000 $10 $15 $14 $19 $14 $19 1000 $ 7 $12 $10 $15 $10 $15 Sony 249 $19 $30 $19 $30 $19 $30 499 $18 $26 $18 $26 $18 $26 999 $16 $25 $16 $25 $16. $25. 1999 $15. $24. $15. $24 $15 $24 2999* $14 $23 $14 $23 $14 $23 Technidisc 49 $18 $23 $18 $23 $18 $23 199 $16 $21 $17.5 $22.5 $16 $21 499 $14 $19 $17 $22 $14 $19 999 $12 $17 $16.5 $21.5 $12 $17 !499 $11 $16 $16 $21 $11 $16 1999 $10 $15 $15 $20 $10 $15 3M 99 $18 $23 $18 $23 $18 $23 499 $14 $20 $18 $23 $14 $20 999 $12 $17 $18 $23 $12 $17 1999 $10 $15 $15 $21 $10 $15 2499 $ 9 $115 $12 $17. $ 9 $115 2999 $ 8.25 $12.75 $12 $17 $ 8.25 $12.75 4999 $ 8.25 $12.75 $10.5 $10.5 $ 8.25 $12.75 saao + $ 8 $12 $10 $10 $ 8 $12 CAV with digital programming * No set up charge for discs without digitalprogramming

Se Up Costs Per Disc Side (8")

Company CAV CAV+ CLV Pioneer $1,500.00 $1,800 .00 $1,800.00 3M $1,500.00 $1,800.00 $1,800.00

Cost Per Disc

Company Qty CAN/ CAV CAV+ CAV+ CLV LV lsd 2Sd lsd 2sd Isd 2id Pioneer 1000 $ 7.5 $ 9.5 $10 $12 $10 $12 1000 $_..5 $ 8 $ 8 $10 $ 8 $10 3M ,99 $10 $14 $12.5 $14 $10 $14 499 $10 $14 $125 $14 $10 $14 999 $10 $14 $12,5 $14 $14 1999 $ 8.5 $123 $12.5 $14 $ 8.5 $12.5_ 2499 $ 7.5 $11.25 $10 $14 $ 7.5 $11.25 2999 $ 7 $10.75 $10 $14 $ 7 $10.75 4999 $ 7 $10.75 $ 8.75 $13 $ 7 $10.75 5000+ $ 6.75 $10 $ 8.25 $12.5 $ 675 $10 + CAV with digital programming * No set up charge ft:it diScS WithOUt digital programming


AUTHORING LANGUAGES Applied Data Research, Inc. Adroit AuthorhIg System Almtech Corporation Maestro Authoring System Runs on the 1BM-PC computer Menu-driven system Runs on the following- computers with mouse: Supports graphic overlay 1BM:PC Graphics editor included Digital VaxStation True/false. multiple choice, multiple right, multiple Sun Microsystem/3 wrong; short answer; and close but wrong (for spell- Wang Advanced Professional Computer ing errors) inputs Sony KTX1350 Intelligent Workstation 30 response judges per screen up to 72 characters Icon-based menus in length for short answer "Symbolic Authoring" technique for building flow Record keeping included charts Screen capture Course can be "run" from any location within the Easy toedit and change structure Music _and voice feedback Pull down windows Supports lightpen Multiwindowing with Sun and Vaxstation Optional mouse support No arbitrary limits on interactivity or branching Supports graphic overlay Price: $5.500.00 Graphics editor included Frame capturing available BDC Assodates Price: $5,000.00 The Instructor Authoring System Runs on the Apple II computet- Menu-driven system Student record keeping Allen Communkations QuestAuthoring System Price: $395.00

Runs on the IBM,PC and AT&T 630X1 computers Menu-driven system Computer Teaching Corporation Prompts displayed at all times TenCORE Authoring System No knowledge of programming necessary Capable of dot-by-dot color graphics Runs on IBM-PC computers Quick creation of shapes and animation. advanced Fully prompted menu-driven system text video and audio features No programming experience necessary True/false multiple choice, and fill in the blank True/false, multiple choice and open ended ques- formats available tion jndging_ Unequalled range of branching capabilities User defined character sets can implement special Student data_management options symbols, graphics or lags Student feedback options Sophisticated feedback capabilities offer added Simple set of commands flexibility Lessons easily modified Answer judging includes spelling, letter case and Manual with tutorials provided word order Allows the use of touch screens; light pens, and Student record keeping key pads Graphics overlay supported Supports mouse, light pen androuch screen Price: Optional APPLE Student Executer will run IBM $1,295.00 includes license for one development station TenCORE programs on the APPLE II family of and one delivery station computers

147 Interactive Videodiscs 137 Optional Computer-Managed InStruetion System "Student Summary feature evaluates student for extensive student record keeping andmanage- performance ment options Price:$595.(X) Price: $2000.03 for TenCORE Authoring System $2,000.00 for TenCORE Computer-ManagedInStrix- tion System Global Information Systems Technology, Inc. Accord Authoring System $250,00 for TenCORE Assistantjauthoring aid) $2,000.00 for TenCORE Apple StUdent Executer Anth 6ring and delivery on the AT&T 3B line of computers Delivery on AT&T PC6300 and IBM-PCcomputers Comware Incorporated= Uses the TUTOR authOring language KSS Author, Authdring SYStem Full color graphic tapabilities full_judgirig features for user inputunalysis Runs on IBM-PC or rompatiblecomputers UtiliZeS eictended ASCII code for text and graphics Window-level uuthoring system SOO-oils touch, mouse and other external devices No menu structures to slow the advanceduSer Linkage_to other programming languageS Free form branching structures fora variety of stu- Interfaces to native hierarchical file fatilitieS dent input from simple menu selectionsto sophisti- User-defined font sets cated answer-judging_ Graphics overlay supported Graphics ed;*--- included Scre-en capture included Nice:$5,000.00 Student record keeping Graphic overlay supported Touch screen supported Interactive Training SyttbMs Authority-=-Authoring System Prices: $2,995.00 Annual Sy Stem license Run§ 6n IBM-PC computers $5,995.00 Perpetual System license NO prOgramming expertise necessary Menu-driven system Provides second-generation authoring Datamed capability Supports video and teXt-basedcourse development Videodisc Authoring System Includes competency:based educationalformats 20 touch:Sensitive, lightpen-sensitiveor keyboard- Runs on the IBM-PC computer SenSitive areaS are definable System commands use English-like syntak Medium or high resolution graphics editing Judging includes true/false, multiple choice, key included word or phrase searches Supports graphic o-crlay Source text files included to allow customizing of Sophisticated student retOrd managementincluded commands Supports light pen and touch screen Input deVices supported:include lightpens, touch Screens, graphic overlay devices, barcode readers, Price:$3,000.00 magnetic stripe readers, and mouse devices No extra fees or licensing International, Business Machines Corp. Price:$295.00 Learning Sy Stem/IAuthoring System

Run§ 6n the Info Window System Edudisc MenuTdrivensystem Mentor/MacVideo Authoring System Supports touch screen and mouse Supports the integration of graphics from existing RUnS on the Apple Macintosh computer packages Macintosh ic6n-based menus AdminiStratiVe Utility Supports student data High resolutiongraphics c011ectiOn Relational format for open-ended lessons Support§ graphic overlay Full windowing Supports windowing

138 intemtive Videodiscs 148 Supports synthesized speech Online Computer Systems, Inc. Variety of text fonts and sizes Pilot Plus Authoring Language LS/1 Presentation System is available for lesson delivery PilotPlus_is_supported on CP/M 12 Z80 based sys- tems and IBM-PC or computers that use 8088 or 8086 Prices: processors $5010.00_for .LS/1 Authoring System Command-based system $125:00 for LS/1 Presentation System Complex answer judging Supports digital sound technologies Graphic_ overlay supported J.A.M., Inc. Fullscreen editor for creating or modifying JAM Discwriter Course Authoring System materials Online testing and record.keeping capabilities Runs on the IBM-PC computer User defined character sets available Menu-driven system No programming knowledge necessary Price 7 $1,000.00 User's ride gives step-by-step instructions Online testing and record keeping capabilities Prints management reports Optical Data Corporation Menu based system Laser Write Authoring Program

Price: $159.00 Runs on the Apple II and Ile computers Capable of_highly structured branching routines Mix and match captions, true/false questions and Learncom multiple choice items with or without the laserdisc SAM Authoring System player online No programming experience necessary Runs on the IBM-PC and compatible computers Programs can be edited with the Laser Write editor All commands are prompted or Apple Works word processing program Full-screen editing for text and graphics Page overlaying and erasing for a *windowing- Price: $80:00 effect Standard or user definable character sets available Text and graphics animation Sophisticated answer judging Regency Systems, Inc. Training & Education Language (TEL) Strings within strings can be recognized Student record keeping Command-driven Graphic overlay supported Menu-driven utility included Fading feature can fade video, text, graphics or Runs on IBM-PC computers, 320K RAM audio Graphics Editor generates TEL code Student record keeping Prices: User-defined character editor $4,000.00 First year license Fill-in-the-blank; true/false; yes/no judging $875.00 Per year Package includes Source Editor; Group Editor; Dotset Editor, Print Table Editor, File Manager, On- Master Class Corporation line learning aid Cast Authoring System Price: $3,950.00 Runs on the IBM-PC and compatible computers and any UNIX-based hardware Command-based system Sony CDS/GenesisAuthoring System Student record keeping and student management features Runs on the IBM Info Window, Sony View, NCR Up to 127 windows available per screen InterasTV-2, and the Visage 1500 videodisc systems Complex arithmetic computations supported Menu-driven system Supports multi-level authoring Price: $1;295.00 for IBM-PC Supports lesson structure design 149 Interactive Videodiscs 139 Screen-oriented editor Build and revise courseware Flow charts of lessons can be printed User options always displayed_ Student data gathering Analysis of student responSe data available Supports light peh, MOUSe and touch Sereen Complex branching roinineS aVailable Fully transportable on the following systems: Price: $ 1BM=PC (MS-DOS V.2) Zenith Z-100 (MS,DOS V.2) Courseware can be developed for one-third the Spectrum Training COrporation normal cost The Educator Authoring System Supports graphic overlay Ptices: Runs on the IBM-PC; XT; AT and compatible computers $600.00fOr Educational Institution site license Menu-driven options $2,000.00 for Full support $1,250.00 for Small organizations 2 computer license True/false, multiple choice, filFin=the:blank, Or yes! no judging available $3,000.00 for Full support Frame Capture Utility included $2,50000 for Large organizations site license $6,000.00 for Full support Full-screen word processing and graphics Total control of color Advanced graphics_ czpabilit:es User-xlefined font capabilities Supports windowing Group or individual record keeping Vldeodiscovery Supports graphics overlay V1DKIT Authoring System

Price: $3,500.00 per year per author RunS on the 1BM-PC OR IBM-PCjr computers Menu-driven system Graphics editor Student record keeping available Thomas Communications True/false, multiple choice, and shortanswer input Force Ten Authoring System judging Student record keeping Runs on the IBM-PC, XT, AT or compatible SupportS tbuch screen, mouse; and light pen inputs computers Capable of printing lesson flow chart Supports Sony LDP-1000, LDP-2000, Pioneer LD- V6000 0: Philips VP-835E videodisc players Price: $150;00 Menu-driven ,vstem Maltiple choice, fill-in-the-blank; keyword search/ free form response; list match, yes/no,or true/false answer judging Supports graphics overlay Video Nova Windowing and animation supported Video Nova Authoting System User-defined fonts Screen capture feature RunS on the Sony SMC-70; View and IBM-PC Advanced graphics features included computers Group or individual record keeping MenuAriven system Supports Graphic overlay Price: $5,000,00 Supports light pen, joy stick, and touch screen Graphics editor Answer juaging includes matching text input Student record keeping available Darbick Instructional Software Systems VCIS--ideo-Computer Courseware Prices: Implementation System $1,995,00 for Base system $995.00_ for Course_Supervisor & Student Record Keeper No programming required $149.00 for Type Font & Titling Package Create arid edit text and graphics $395.00 for Deluke TeSting Format Package

140 tnteractive VI-M(1*s 150 Washington Computer s6-vite Whitney Educational_Servicea Pilot Authoring Language SM 327Insight 70 Authoring Language

Runs on the Apple Macintosh and IBM-PC RiMS On the SOriSMC-70 computer computers Supports the SMC=70 SiiperimpOSe funetions Command-based language 35 levels of branching Multiple text Windows 10 levelsof unit _nesting User-defined character fontS Options for multiple choice; true or false, or fill in Extensive_graphics Support the blank questions with unlimited responses _ Student record keeping Student control can beuvailable at any time Screen capture Student response storage file Full computational features Built in diagriOStic featureS Arrays. strings, functions, pattern matching; judging Price: $895 00

Prices: $200.00 for PC/PILOT $350:00 for MacPILOT

Whitney Educational Services A 128-AInsight 2000 Plus Authoring Language

Runs on the Apple computer 35 levels of branching 10 levels of unit nesting Options for multiple choice, true or false_; or fill in the blank questions with unlimited responses Student control can be available at any time Student response storage fiie Built in diagnostic features


Whitney Educational Services PC-227AInsight-PC Plus Authoring Language

Runs on the IBM-PC anJ compatible computers 35 levels of branching 10 levels of unit nesting Options for multiple choice; true or false or fill in the blank questions with unlimited responses Student control can be available at any time Student response storage file Built in diagnostic features


151 Mzeiactive Woodiscs 141 APPENDIX I. SERVICEINFORMATION

In Service, Inc. 765 Route 83,_Suite 114 Bensenville, IL 00106 (360:9822

In Service;Inc. has been desighated_asa preferred service_company by Pioneer._VideOdiSc playershave a five-day turnaround frotti the date received by In_ Service, inC., with fiat labor ratesan all models: Ex- tended warranties are available. Callfor quotes. Warrantech Corporation 126 East 56th Street New York, NY 10022 (212)3 )-8383

Approximate CostS for Selected Videodisc Related Items

IteM Carry InIn Home Laserdisc Player 1 yr $ 59.99 2 yrs $ 99.99 3 yrs $139.99 TV Monitors 1 yt $ 39.99 $ 59:99 (less than 19") 2 yrs $ 69:99 $109. 99 3 yrs $ 99:99 $139.99 TV Monitors 1 yr $ 59.99 (19" or larger) 2 yrs $109.99 3 yrs $159.99 TV Projector I yt $109.99 2 yrs $219:99 Microcomputer IteitiS per/yr$100.00* $150.(X)** Audio System 1 yr $ 59.99 (Up to 5 compo!Fits)2 yrs $ 99.99 3 yrs $139.99

* or 14% of retail price, whichever iSgreater ** or 17e, of retail price, whichever isgreater

142 tnteractive VideodiSal 152 APPENDIX J. VIDEODISC BIBLIOGPIAPHY

This bibliography is a collection of books, periodicals, Lambert, Steve and Jane Sallis. CD-I and Interactive conference_proceedings, and special publications per- Videodisc Technology. Howard W. Sams & Co., taining to the subject of videodiscs. Although very 4300 West 62nd Street, Indianapolis, Indiana few books have been written about videodiscs, those 46268. $24.95. on the market range from historical accounts of the Sigel-Schubin-Merrill. Video Discs. Van Nostrarid technology to production guides for interactive pro- Reinhold Company, 135 W. 50th St. New York, gramming. The bulk of the information concerning NY 10020: 1980: the applications of the technology, and the specific problems encountered in daily use is contained in the periodicals. The periodicals listed ;Jere are either fully PERIODICALS devoted to videodisc technology or have frequent ar- Disc Topics, Pioneer Video, Inc., InduStrial Sales Di- ticles that are helpful in understanding the different vision,5150 E. Pacific Coast Highway, Suite 300, aspects of videodisc use. Several fields offerpublica- Long Beach, California 90804. Phone (213) 498- tions that discuss the videodisc technology: profes- 0300. Quarterly. Free. sional television, educational media; computer Educational Technology; Educational Technology assisted instruction, and optical disc technology. As Publications; 140 Sylvan Avenue; Englewood each of these areas have different readers, it is often Cliffs, NJ 07632. Phone (201) 871-4007. Monthly. interesting how many different perspectives from $49.00/year. which the technology can be viewed. E-1TV, C.S. Tepfer Publishing Com_pany, Inc., 51 Sugar Hollow Road, Danbury, CT 06810. Phone Videodific Bookir (203) 743-2120. Monthly. $15.00/year, $2.09/single Bennion; Junious L. and Edward W. Schneider; Vid- copy. eodiscs. Educational Technology Publications; En- Interactive Discs Today; 2315 Broadway; New York; glewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 07632. 1981. NY 10024: Phone (212) 873-5900: Biweekly Daynes, Rod, and Beverly Butler. The Videodisc $225.00/year. Book. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., P.O. Box 063, Interactive Video Technology, 223 Sunrise Wye, Somerset, New Jersey 08873. 1984. $89.95 Shreve, OH 44676. Phone (216) 567:3732. DeBloois, Michael L Effectiveness of Interactive Vid- Monthly. $45.00/year. eodisc Trairthig;Learning Link Corporation; 2880 IICS Reporter, International Interactive Communica- South Main Street; Suite 111, Salt Lake City; Utah tions Society; 2120 Steiner Street; San Francisco; 84115. 1985. $25.00. CA 94115: Phone (415) 922- 0214: Monthly: Mem- DeBloois, Michael L. Videodisc/Microcomputer bership $50:00/year. Courseware Design. Educational Technology Publi- International Television, Fulfillment Dept., P.O. Box cations, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 07632. 1229, Murry Hill Station, New York, NY 10016. 1982. Phone (212) 725-5742. Six issues per year. $13/ Floyd; Steve and Beth Floyd. Handbook of Interac- year, $2.50/single copy. tive Video: Knowledge Industry Publications; 701 Journal of Educational Technology Systems, Socicty Westchester Avenue; White Plains; New York forApplied_Learning Technology; 50 Culpepei 10604. 1983. $34.95. Street; Warrenton; VA 22186; Phone (703) 347- Gaye Ski, Diane M. Corporate & Instructional Video °055: Membership $25.00/year; Journal $31.00/ Design & Production. Prentice-Hall, Englewood yeai. Cliffs, NJ 07632. 1983. $21.95 The Laser Disc Newsletter, Suite 428, 444 Hudson Gayeski, Diane M. and David Williams. Interactive Street, New York, N.Y. 10014. Phone (212) 242= Media: Prentice-Hall; Englewood Cliffs; NJ 07632. 3324. Monthly. $15.00/year, $2.00/Single copy. 1985. Medical_Disc Reporter; 5219 Acacia Avenue, Be- Iuppa, Nicholas V. A Practical Guide to Interactive thesda; Maryland 20814: Bi-Monthly newsleuer. Video Design. Knowledge Industry Publications, $45.00/year. Inc., 701-Westchester Ave., White Plains, NY Optical Information Systems, Meek ler Publishing, 520 10604. 1984. $34.95. Riverside Avenue, Westport, CT 06880. Phone Kindelberger, Charles. Interactive Video-1984. Ap- (800) 243-4223. Quarterly. $75/year. plied Video Technology, Inc.; 5118 Westminster Optical Information Systems Update, Meek ler Pub-

Place; St: Louis; Missouri 63108, Phone (314) 569- lishing; 520 Riverside Avenue; Westport, CT _ 9144. $31.50 or $45.50 with supplement. 06880: Phone (800) 243-4223: Monthly: $96/year;

Interactive Videodiscs 143 $66/year with subscription to Videodisc and Optical CONFERENCE AND WORKSHOP Disk. INDEX Optical Memory Newsletter:E. S_Rothchild Pub- lisher,-P.O. Box 14807,_San Francisco; CA 94114- The folloWing iS a list of organizationsthat hold 0817. Phone (415) 621-6620: Bi-Monthly. $295/ regular workShopS or conferences in the fieldof in- year. teractive videodisc. Many of these organizationshate Video Computing; P.O. Box 3415, Indialantie, FL SeSSions that are specifically geared towardeducation 32903: Phone (305) 768-2778. monthly. $130.(1)/ and training; as well as technical sessionsgeared year: more for industrial applications of the technology and Videodisc Design/Production Griiiip NeWS, KUON- interactive video producticin techniques.Readers TV/University of -Nebraska7Lincoln, P.O. Box should contact each organization beforeattending to 83111,Lincoln, NE 68501-3111, Phone (402) 472- be sure that the WerkShopor convention will be ap- -3611. iBi-Monthly,_Free, propriate tci meet their specific needs; The_Videodise Monitor; Future Systems, P.O. acik 26 Falls,Church, VA 22046. Phone (703) 241=1799. _Monthly: $197/year $10/singletopy. Association for the Development of Computer-Basid Instructional Systems (ADCIS) Videu Systems, Intertec-PtibliShing Corp.; 9221_ Oui- Miller Hall 409 vira Road, P.O. Bei 12901, OVerland_Park, KS. Western Washington University 66212=9981. Phone (913) 888-4664;_ Monthly._ Bellingham, WA 98225 $25.00/year, $3.00/single copy; free to video/audio (206) 676-2860 prefesSionals with purchasing authority:

Association for Educational Communicationsand Technology _(AECT) CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 1126 16th Street, N.W. The following proceedings are atailable ft-cmthe So- Washington, D.C. 20036 (21.,) 466=4780 ciety for Applied Learning_Technology, 50Culpeper Street, Warrenton, VA 22186. Phone (703)347-0055. Interactive Videodisc in Education and Training COlumbia University (1983). $35.00. Office Of Continuing Education Microcomputers in Education and Training (1983). Boi 132

$40.00. _ Teachers College Educational Technology to Improve Internatioaal New York, NY 10027 Education and Training (1982). $30.00. (212) 678-3147 Public, Vocational and Industrial Education and Training (1982) $35.00. Institute for Graphic Communication Videodisc, Microcomputer and System Technologies 375 Commonwealth Avenue in Education and Training (1982): $40,00. Boston, MA 02115 Learning Technology for the 80's, (1981). $35.00. (617) 267-9425 Videodisc, microcomputer and Learning System Technologies in Public, Vocational, Medical, and Handicapped Education and Training (1980). International Interactive Communications Society $40.00. (IICS) 2120 Steiner Street San Francisco; CA 94115 (415) 922-0214 SPECIAL VIDEODISC PUBLICATIONS Journal for Performance_and Instruction, Volume22; Ithaca College Number 9 November 1983. NationalSociety_for Office Of Summer Sessions Performance and Instruction, 1126 16th Street; Muller 210 N.W.,_ Suite 315, Washington; D.C. 20036. $5.00. Ithaca, NY 14850 LaSer Library Resource Guide, Nashua PublicLi= (607) 274-3525 brary, 2 Court Street, Nashua, NH 03060. (603) 883-4141_ $5,00. Knowledge Industry Publications, Inc Medical Disc Reporter Project Directdry,5219 Aca- 701 Westchester Avenue cia Avenue, Bethesda, Marytand 20814. Directory White Plains, NY 10604 $65.00, quarterly updates $25.00. (800)431-1880 144 interactive Videodiscs 154 Meckler Publishing Aimtech Corporation 11 Ferry Lane West 77 Northeastern Boulevard Westport, CT 06880 Nashua, NH 03062 (203) 226-6967 (603) 883-0220

Nebraska Videodisc Design/Production Group The ALIVE Center KUON-TV/University of Nebraska-Lincoln P.O. Bok 73 P.O. Box 83111 Fairlawn, OH 44309 Lincoln, NE 68501-3111 (800) AT-ALIVE (402) 472-3611 (216) 374-1620 in Ohio The Parke Institute 120 Central Park Plaza Allen Communications 2880 South Main Street 140 Lakeside Plaza II Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 5225 Wiley Post Way (800) 221=0254 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 (801) 486=2348 in Utah (801) 537=7800

Society_for Applied Learning Technology 50 Culpeper Street American Association of Physics Teachers Warrenton; VA 22186 5110 Roanoke Place, Suite 101 College Park, MD 20740 (703)347-0055

Sotiety of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers American Technology Resources (SPIE) Rose Tree Professional Center P.O. Box 10 1245 N. Providence Road Bellingham, WA 98227-0010 Media, 19342 (206) 676-3290 (215) 565-6434

Technology Opportunity Conference APh Technological Consultants P.O. B0)1 14817 San Francisco, CA 94114=0817 55 North St. John Avenue Pasadena, CA 91103 (415) 626-1133 (818) 796=0331 Visual Communications Congress 475 Park Avenue South Applied _Data Research; Inc; York, NY 10016 Route-206 and Orchard Road, CN-8 (800) 525-9710 Princeton, -NJ-08540 (201) 874=9000

Architecture Machine Group Room 9-516 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 105 Massachusetts Avenue MANUFACTURERS INDEX Cambridge, MA 02139 (617) 253-5981 ACCESS Alberta Instructional Technology Unit BCD Associates; Inc; 16930-114 Avenue 5809 S.W. 5th Street, Suite 101 Edmonton; Alberta; Canada Oklahoma City. OK 73128 T5M 3S2 (405) 948=1293 (403) 451-3160

Actronics Inc. BNA Communications Inc. 810 River Avenue 9417 Decoverly Hall Road Pittsburgh. PA 15212 Rockville, Maryland 20850 (412) 231-6200 (301) 948-0540

155 Interactive Videodiscs 145 Borg-Warner Educational Systems Ken Cranes Video Disc (10 West University Drive 49(X) W. 147th Street Arlington Heights, Illinois 60004 Hawthorne. CA 90250 (800) 323-7577, in Illinois (800) 942-6995 (8(X)) 624-3078 (800) 624-1768 in California Carroll Touch Technology 2902 Farber Dri Ve Craiiitord Communications Champaign, Illinois 61821 535 Plasamour Drive (217) 351-17(X) Atlanta. GA 30324 (800) 831-8027 CEL Educational Resources (404) 876-7149 515 Madison Avenue New York, NY 10022 (800) 235-3339 Darbick Instructional Software Systems P.O. Box 81157 (212) 421:4030 Salt Lake City, Utah 84108 (801) 582-2377 Celebrations Video 111 South Church Tucson, AZ 85705 Datamed (602) 623-1400 5202 Valmar Concord. CA 94521 (415) 798-6736 Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction 229 Nineteenth Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55455 Data Processing Resources (612) 373=5352 P.O. Box 47944 Tulsa; OK 74147 (918) 492-8873 Ceittral Scientific Company 11222 Melrose Avenue Franklin Park, Illinois 60131-1364 De ltak (SithSidiary of National Education Training Corporation) Computer Teaching Corporation 1751 Diehl Road 1713 S. Neil Naperville. IL 60566 Champaign; IL 61820 (312) 369-30(X) (217) 352-6363 Digital Equipment Corporation Computer Technology Associates. EdUcatibtial Services New Product Division 12 Crosby Drive 1704 Moon, N.E., Suite 14 Bedford; MA 01730 Albuquerque, New Mexico 87112 (617)276-4111 (505) 298:0942 Digital Videadisc Technologies, Inc. Comsell, Inc. 1704 Moon N.E. 500 Tech Parkway Albuquerque, NM 87112 Atlanta, GA 30313 (505) 292-1212 (404)872-2500 DISCOVER Center Comware Incorporated 230 Schilling Cite le 4430 Carver Woods Drive schiniog _Plaza SOUth Cincinnati, OH 45242 Hunt Valley, MD 21031 (513) 791:4224 (301) 628-8000

Control Data Corporation Ear Three Systems Manufacturing Company 8100 34th Avenue South P.O. Box 9424 Bloomington, MN 55420 Arlington, VA 22209 (612) 853-5022 (703) 525=8770

146 Interactive Videodiscs 156 ECCO Incorporated Hazeltine Corporation 1601 E. Chestnut Avenue 10800 Parkridge Blvd: P.O. Box 659 Reston, VA 22091 Santa Ana. CA 92702=0659 (703) 620-6800 (714) 835-60(X) Health EduTech. Inc. Edudisc 7801 East -Bush Lake Road/Suite 350 3501 Amanda Minneap-olis.- MN 55435 Nashville. TN 37215 (612) 831=0445 (615) 269-9508

Electro Mechanical Systems, Inc. Hitachi Sales Corporation of America (Disc Players) 801 West Bradley Avenue 1290 Wall Street Champaign. IL 61820 West Lyndhurst; NJ 07071 (217) 359-7125 (201) 935-53()0

Electrohome (U.S.A.) Limited 250 Wales Avenue Hitachi Sales Corporation of America (Televisions) Tonawanda, NY 14150 401 West Artesia Blvd. (716) 694=3332 Compton. CA 90220 (213) 537=8383 Electronic Systems Products, Inc. One Tico Road Industrial Training Corporation Titusville. FL 32780 14616 Southlawn Lane (305) 269-6680 P.O. BOk 6009 Rockville._MD 20850 Elographics, Inc. (800) 638-3757 105 Randolph- Road (301) 279-2527 (in Maryland) Oak Ridge._ TN 37830 (615) 482-4100 IEV Corporation FTG Data Systems 3030 South Main St Suite 3(8) Salt Lake City; Utah 84115 P.O. Box 615 Stanton, CA 90680 (800) IEV-6161 (801) 466-9093 (714) 99539(X)

General Electric Company IMEDIA International; Inc. Projection Display Products Operation 1333 F Street N.W., Suite 330 Electronics Park 6-206 Washington, DC 20004 P.O. Box 4840 (202) 639-8505 Syracuse, NY 13221 (315) 456-2152(315) 456-2153 Inflight Services; Inc; 485 Madison Avenue Global Information Systems Technology, Inc. New York, NY 10022 201 West Springfield, Suite 700 (212) 751=1800 Champaign, IL 61820 (800) 221:1297 (217) 352=1165

GPN Info-Disc Corporation Box 80669 4-Professional Drive Lincoln, Nebraska 68501=0669 Gaithersburg-5 MD 20879 (800) 228-4630(402) 472=2007 (301) 948=2300

Glolier Electronic Publishing; Inc; In Service; Inc. . Sherman Turnpike 765 Route 83,_ Suite 114 Danbury, Connecticut, 06816 Bensenville, IL 60106 (800) 858=8858 (312) 860=9822

/57 interactive Videodiscs 147 NCR Corparation Picture Management Systems 101 West Schantz Avenue 1071 Wisconsin Avenue, N.W. Dayton. OH 45479 Washington,D.C. 20007 (MX)) CALL-NCR (202) 338-6390 (513) 445-3770 Pioneer Video National Geographic Society 200 West Grand Avenue Educational Services Montvale, New Jersey 07645 Department 86 (201) 573=1122 Washington; D.C. 20036 (8CO) 368-2728 Poseidon Systems; Inc. (30) 921-1330 Maryland, Ala Ska, HaWaii 5500 Central Avenue Boulder, CO 80301 (303) 449-4999 National Technical Information Service 5285 Port Royal_ Road Regency Systems, Inc. Springfield; Virginia 22161 3200 Farber Drive (703) 487-4650 P.O. Bo* 3578 Champaign, IL 61821 NEC Home Electronics (U.S;AO Inc; (217) 398-8067 1401 Estes Avenue Elk Grove Village, IL 60007 Joan Rubin Aswciates (312) 228-5900 1640 San Pablo Avenue, Suite C Berkeley, CA 94702 (415) 527-7037 New England Technology Group 400 West Cummings Park Scott Instruments Woburn, MA 01801 1111 Willow Springs Drive (617) 938-8833 Denton, Texas 76201 (817) 387-9514 New Media Graphics 279 Cambridge Street Simon Fraser University Burlington, MA 01803 Videodisc Project Director (617) 272-8844 Faculty of Education; Office of the Dean Burnaby, B.C. V5A 1S6 Canada

Nth di American Philips Corporation Smithsonian Institution 100 East 42nd Street National Air and Space Museum New York, N.Y. 10017 Records Management Division (212) 697:3600 Washington, D.C. 20560 (202) 357-3133 or 3391 Online Computer Systems, Inc. 20251 Century Blvd. Society for Visual Education; Inc; Germantown, MD 20874 1345 Dwersey Parkway (800) 922-9204 Chicago, IL 60614 (800) 621-1900 Optical Data Corporation (312) 525-1500 (in Illinois call collect) 66 Hanover Road Florham Park, NJ 07932 Sony Corporation of America (800) 524-2481 Sony Drive Park Ridge, NJ 07656 (201) 930-1000 Personal Computer Supply 157 S. Kalamazoo Mall Spectrum Training Corporation Kalamazoo; MI 49007 50 Salem Street (800) 421-4157 Lynnfield, MA 01940 (616) 34546131 (in Michigan) (617) 245-8500

148 Interactive Mortises 158 The Instant Replay Laser _World_ 479 Winter Street 533 2nd Street Waltham, MA 02154-1216 San_Francisco, CA 94107 (8(X)) V-1-1S=DISC (US), (800) VHS=BETA (MA), (800) 637-7888 (617) 890:5384 (415) 957=1163 (CA) (8(X)) THE-INST (Canada) Learncom Intelligent Images, Inc. 215 First Street 5510 Morehouse Drive, Suite 210 Cambridge, MA 02142 San Diego: CA 92121 (617) 576-3100 (619) 457-5505 Library of Congress Interactive Image Technologies Ltd. American FoIklife Center 49 Bathurst Street, Suite 401 Washington,-D.C. Toronto, Ontario (202) 287=6590 Canada M5V 2P2 (416) 361-0333 Maryland Center for Public Broadcasting Owings Mill; Maryland 21117 Interactive Media Corporation (301) 356-5600 65_ West _55th Street,_Suite 4B New York; N.Y. 10019 (212) 245-8409 Master Class Corporation 1721 Black River Road Interactive Training Systems Rome, NY 13440 4 Cambridge Center (315) 337-!000 Cambridge, MA 02142 (800) 227=1127 McDonnell Douglas, Electronics Company (617) 497=61110 (MA) P.O. Box 426 St. Charles, MO 63302 Interactive Videu Systems, Inc. (800) 345-6632 ' WeSt 80th Street (314) 925-4972 MN 55437 328-9341 Meeting Services; Inc: 2) F.,)3-966; (in Minnesota) 24 Depot Square Tuckahoe, NY 10707 13,, .ness Machines Corp. (914) 961=1900 71.:\ Par :way. N.W. MicroTouch Systems, Inc. 3032) Ten State Street (41:4) 2(f') Woburn, MA 01801 (6:7) 935-008()

42 East Acnrie MindBank;Inc. Rochctet; N 14604 115.Evergreen Heights Drive (716) ::"..?.-550(` Pittsburgh, PA 15229 (412)931-75(10 Laserdata Oile Nendall Square Minnesota Educational Computing Consortium Building 200 (MECC) Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 3490 Lexington Avenue North (617) 494=4900 St. Paul. MN 55112 (612) 481=350() LDC America (Laser Disc Corporation of America) 200 West Crarid_Avenue Mitsubishi Electric Sales America, Inc. Montvale, New Jersey 076715 3010 East Victoria Street (201) 573=1122 Rancho Dominguez: CA 90221

Interactive Videodiscs 149 159 Starship Industries Thomas Communications (Canada) 605 Utterback Store Road 120 Rosedale Valley Road, Suite 611 Great Falls, VA 22066 Toronto, Ontario. Canada M4W 1P8 (703) 430-8692. (703) 450-5780 (416) 929=5344

Superior Traidng Systems Touch Technology, Int. 114 State Street 107 Gibraltar Street Boston, MA 02109 Annapolis, MD 21401 (617) 523-4040 (301) 269=6181

Symtec _Incorpprah;d UCLA Instructional Media Library 15933 West 8 Mile 10962 Le Conte Ave. Dttroit, MI 48235 L-s Angeles. CA 90024 (313) 272=2950 (213) 825-7771

Synergistic Edutational Teehnology Sy Steins, Inc. University of Delaware (SETS) Videodisc Music Series 4405 Vineland Road, Suite 4C Office of Instructional Technology Orlando, FL 32811 Newark, DE 19716 (305) 422-7444 (302) 451-8161

Synetix Inc. 10635 NE 38th Place University of Washington Kirkland, WA 98033 Educational Assessment Center (800) 426-7412(206) 828-4884 1400 N.E. Campus Parkway Room 453 Seattle, Washington 98105 (206) 543-1170 Systems Impact; Inc. 2084 North 1200 East Logan, Utah 84321 University of Wisconsin (801) 753=7973 Helen L. Allen Textile Collection (800) 822=INFO 1300 Linden Drive Madison, WI 53706 (608) 262-1162 TCT Technical Training; Inc. (T-Cubed) 599 N. Mathilda Avenue Sunnyv.;:e, CA 94086 U.S. Video (408) 735-9990 1230 Douglas Avenue Longwood, FL 32779 (305) 682-5333 Technovisioni Inc. 1087 Meyerside Orive. Unit 14 Mississauga, ON sio U.S. Video Source Canada, L5T IM 219 Glenridge Avenue '116) 671-8788 Montclair, NJ 07042 (800) USA-DISC 3i--!1 Wave Media Consultants (201) 783-7650 ;X) Notre Dame-, Su;1;-. 206 Quebec Video AssociateS Labs H3J 1M1 3933 Steck Avenue, B-106 0 1 4) 932-9885 Austin, TX 78759 (512) 346-5781 Thamas_Commnnications (US) 1/4./O ..-!os.kman & Associates Inc. VideodiSedVery, Inc. 164 Mason Street P.O. Box 85878 z:SeelivAch. CT 06830 Seattle. WA 98145-1878 (2(b3) 661-3338 (206) 524-4007

150 Interactive Veal-discs 160 Video Dynamics, Inc, WICAT. Education _Institute Colony Square_ Sh,wping Center 931 East 300 North 2318_S:_Elmhurst Road Provo, UT 84601 Mount Prospect, IL 60056 (801) 377-4922 (312) 593-2304 WICAT Systems Video Nova Training System Division 400 Renaissance Center, Suite 500 P.O. BOic 539 Detroit; MI 48243 1875 South State (313) 861-6034 Orem; UT 84057 (801) 224-6400 ext,209

Voyager Press John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2139 Manning Avenue 605 Third Avenue Los Angeles. CA 90025 New York, NY 10158 (800) 446-2001 _ (212) 85040A) (800) 443-2001 In CA (213) 474-0032 Williams and Wilkins 428 Preston Street VT Productions Baltimore, MI) 21202 P.O. Box 339 (800) 638-0672 Soquel, CA 95073 Maryland residents call 528-4221 collect (408) 476-5858 Canadian residents call (301) 528-4223 collect

Wilson Learning_Corporation Visage, irm. 6950 Washington Avenue South 12 Michigan Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Natick MA 01760 (612) 944-2880 (617) 655-1503

Visual Database stems 614 Been Creek Road Scotts Valley. CA 95066-3314 (408) 438-8396

Warp Speed Computer Products, Inc. 5555 South Inglewood Blvd. Los Angeles; CA 90230 (213) 822-0647 (800) 874-4315 US (800) 826-1563 CA

Warrantech Corporation 126 East 56th Street New York, NY 1(X)22 (212) 319-8383

Washington Computer Services 3028 Silvern Lane Bellingham; WA 98226 (206) 734=8248

Whitney Educational Services 1777 Borel Place San Mateo, CA 94402 (415) 340-5818

161 interactive Videodiscs 151