ANSI 2019–2020 Annual Report 3 A Letter from the ANSI President and CEO A Letter from the ANSI Chair of the Board

“Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean.” Standardization is perhaps more essential today than at any time in our nation’s history. Standards and conformance are essential to public health and safety. As I see it, this powerful quote from author Ryūnosuke Satoro evokes the They form the backbone of a sound economy—enhancing the competitiveness of strength of collective action that embodies the U.S. standardization community. U.S. industry and stimulating global trade. For more than 100 years, our system has harnessed shared knowledge, diversity of perspectives, and collaboration for the greater good. The challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic have underscored what I’ve always known to be true: The U.S. standardization community is adaptable, flexible, nimble, and strong—always looking In the face of challenge and adversity, the standardization community has always charted a course to a better ahead, never back. It is this forward-looking posture, the belief that better solutions come about by collective tomorrow, and these extraordinary times are no different. ANSI’s COVID-19 resources page gives evidence of action, that contributes to the betterment of our lives, as individuals and as a nation. more than 125 initiatives led by the ANSI Federation to protect public health, safety, and infrastructure and advance U.S. growth and recovery. The Institute has also been proud to speed global response efforts by Looking to the future, ANSI has been leading its five-year review and update to the United States Standards providing access to critical ISO and IEC standards for medical equipment and devices; personal protective Strategy (USSS), working to assure that it continues to meet the needs of diverse U.S. interests, and that it equipment; and building management, security, and resilience. reflects current and upcoming national and international priorities, technological advancements, industry growth areas, and relevant U.S. government policy updates. Standards and conformance activities are also playing a central role in providing confidence in the integrity of goods and services amid the pandemic. Clinical pathologists and medical technicians at the forefront of Reflecting the strength and diversity of the U.S. standardization system, broad stakeholder input has been a COVID must earn an accredited credential attesting to their competence, in accordance with standards and central focus of the USSS revision process, including wide circulation among ANSI members and the broader accreditation procedures. Similarly, medical device manufacturers and diagnostic healthcare labs must adhere standardization community, and a public comment period. The ANSI Board of Directors is expected to approve to relevant U.S. or international standards, and compliance to them. the updated Strategy by the end of the year.

Every challenge that the world has ever faced—no matter how difficult or trying—has ultimately brought On behalf of ANSI leadership and staff, I’d like to extend our deepest appreciation to everyone who contributed about advancements. And at every step of modern history, standardization has played an essential role in this input and feedback and to the members of the USSS task force who dedicated their time and expertise to assist progress. As the world continues to adapt and respond to the challenges of COVID-19, the U.S. standardization ANSI staff in managing the revision. All of these efforts will undoubtedly result in a Strategy that will effectively community—with the strength of its many voices and collaborative solutions—will no doubt continue to make guide how the U.S. develops standards and participates in the international standards-setting process for the the world better, safer, and stronger. Thank you for your dedication and commitment to improving the world years to come. through standardization. Over the course of my term as chair, it has been an honor and privilege to work with ANSI’s governance leaders I also extend my tremendous appreciation to Russ Chaney for his extraordinary leadership as chair of the ANSI and staff to strategically position the Institute and standardization community for continued long-term success. Board of Directors for the last three years. It has been an honor to work alongside him and the entire exceptional I have no doubt that ANSI will continue to strengthen and support the vital standardization system, paving the Board to further enhance ANSI’s ability to serve the standardization community and the nation. way for an even more robust and resilient road ahead.

Joe Bhatia GP Russ Chaney

ANSI 2019–2020 Annual Report 4 ANSI 2019–2020 Annual Report 5 The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) is a private, non-profit organization that administers and coordinates the U.S. voluntary standards ANSI’s Mission is to... and conformity assessment system. enhance both the global competitiveness of U.S. business and the U.S. quality of life by promoting and For more than 100 years, ANSI has proudly facilitated solutions that have facilitating voluntary consensus standards and conformity assessment systems, and safeguarding their powerful, real-world impact, and that address the most pressing issues integrity. facing the U.S. and the world. Representing the diverse interests of more than 270,000 companies and organizations and 30 million professionals, ANSI provides a neutral forum for collaboration between the private and Overview of ANSI’s Roles public sectors.

ANSI also serves as the U.S. national member body to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), the International Electrotechnical Domestically Internationally Commission (IEC) via the U.S. National Committee, and other non- Coordinates and ensures integrity Represents the U.S. around the world treaty regional and international standards and conformity assessment of the standards and conformity assessment system organizations.

Serves as a bridge between Serves as the official U.S. A wholly owned subsidiary of ANSI, the ANSI National Accreditation Board public and private sectors representative in international and (ANAB) is the largest multi-disciplinary ISO/IEC 17011 accreditation regional standardization forums Offers a neutral forum and body in North America, with comprehensive signatory status across the assures fairness Facilitates access by U.S. experts, multilateral recognition arrangements of the International Laboratory organizations, and industry, and Accredits SDOs and approves Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) and International Accreditation Forum promotes U.S. interests American National Standards (IAF). The ANAB accreditation portfolio includes management systems Coordinates standards certification bodies, calibration and testing labs, product certification bodies, capacity-building efforts in personnel credentialing organizations, forensic test and calibration service developing countries providers, inspection bodies, police crime units, greenhouse gas validation and verification bodies, reference material producers, and proficiency test providers. Our Strategic Priorities

ANSI’s priorities serve to strategically position the Institute and U.S. standardization community

Workcred’s vision is a labor market which relies on the relevance, quality, and for long-term success. These priorities shape all of ANSI’s activities throughout the year:

value of workforce credentials for opportunities, growth, and development. » Assert U.S. Leadership Role in the Regional and International Standardization Community

It supports efforts to strengthen workforce quality by improving the » Enhance U.S. Competitiveness and Innovation through Standards and Conformance

credentialing system, ensuring its ongoing relevance, and preparing » Serve as a Bridge between Public-Sector Policies and Private-Sector Solutions

employers, workers, educators, and governments to use it effectively. » Support and Protect the Standards Ecosystem

» Expand Understanding of ANSI’s Role in the Marketplace, Engage New and Existing Constituents

ANSI 2019–2020 Annual Report 6 ANSI 2019–2020 Annual Report 7 Power of Collective Action: ANSI Federation Making a Difference in Combatting COVID-19

From vaccine development efforts to resources supporting water and safer building re-openings, to a newly formed task force to increase understanding of the ability of the virus to persist in the environment―these are just a few of the examples of how the ANSI Federation is advancing public health, safety, infrastructure, and innovation during the pandemic. In addition to new guidance and standards development activities targeted at COVID-19, a number of ANSI-accredited standards developers also moved to make standards and resources freely available to speed timely, rapid, and efficient response efforts.

ANSI’s COVID-19 Resources Webpage FEATURING EXAMPLES ANSI is proud to highlight the tremendous 125+ SPEEDING efforts being carried out by the ANSI Federation, FROM 80+ ORGANIZATIONS and will continue to promote these efforts GLOBAL among key audiences and the public. VIEWED 9,000+ TIMES ANSI Portal for Freely-Available ISO STANDARDS and IEC Standards 37 COVERING: COVID-19 To help speed global response efforts to COVID-19, Medical equipment and devices, including ANSI launched a portal in March to provide free, ventilators and respiratory equipment read-only access to key IEC and ISO standards. The included standards are in demand because they also Business continuity management, support regulatory approvals. The portal was used RESPONSE security, and resilience by manufacturers, government agencies, national

laboratories, research institutions, and universities. Protective clothing used in Several big health supply chain organizations healthcare settings EFFORTS changed their training approaches after referencing it. The portal has had more than 10,900 downloads ACCESSED BY ORGANIZATIONS IN to date, with the value of the freely available 76 DIFFERENT COUNTRIES AROUND THE WORLD downloads totaling nearly $2.5 million. ANSI will continue to maintain the portal, adding standards as needed, throughout the pandemic.

ANSI 2019–2020 Annual Report 8 ANSI 2019–2020 Annual Report 9 International Development Programs under COVID-19 Going Virtual: Enabling Greater Participation

In light of COVID-19-related travel and meeting restrictions, ANSI’s international development programs When the coronavirus brought travel and in-person meetings to a halt, the world of work quickly went virtual—a adapted to fulfill project goals with innovative solutions: transition made seamless by standards for information and communications technologies (ICT). For its part, the standardization community was adaptable and productive as ever.

U.S.-China Standards and Conformity Assessment Cooperation Program In fact, virtual meetings enabled a greatly increased number of global delegates participating in ISO committees (SCACP) hosted a virtual workshop bringing U.S.-based SDOs and industry for which ANSI provides the secretariat: representatives together with Chinese regulators, standards developers, and companies to discuss the regulatory environment and technical solutions related to emergency management. Artificial Intelligence +33% INCREASE VIRTUAL TRAINING COURSES REPLACED IN-PERSON EVENTS IN: Health Informatics +30% INCREASE Cote d’Ivoire: sustainable city South Africa and 17 other countries: planning water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) Earth-Moving Machinery +69% INCREASE Tractors and Machinery for +107% INCREASE India: solar photovoltaic (PV) Zambia: risk-based analysis and Agriculture and Forestry technologies regulatory impact assessment

Senegal: solar energy

Supporting Medical Device Standardization and ANSI also hosted a series of well-received and informative training sessions to help members, standards developers, Good Regulatory Practice and U.S. stakeholders participating in international activities Reducing barriers to U.S. medical device exports—including maintain effective participation while navigating the COVID-19 testing kits—and improving governments’ acceptance of complexities of virtual meetings. international standards for medical equipment are just two of the anticipated outcomes of a USAID grant to the Standards Alliance: “I appreciate ANSI’s...rapid deployment of these Phase 2 (SA2), a public-private partnership between ANSI and training sessions—timely, relevant and greatly USAID. In total, USAID has committed more than $1 billion to fight the pandemic worldwide; $3.5 million of federal and corresponding appreciated in light of the transition to remote work private sector funds have been obligated to the SA2 in recognition due to COVID-19.” of the importance of standardization to global response and recovery efforts. - ANSI ISO Forum Series Participant

ANSI 2019–2020 Annual Report 10 ANSI 2019–2020 Annual Report 11 At every opportunity, ANSI seeks to amplify to new and influential audiences the crucial role of standardization and the U.S. standardization community:

Standardization as the Underpinning of American Prosperity and Innovation

In 2020, ANSI president and CEO Joe Bhatia was a featured speaker in a series of virtual roundtable sessions EXPANDING examining the crucial role that standards-setting plays in shaping the long-term economic vitality of U.S. AWARENESS industry, hosted by the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS): PUBLIC/ OF THE POWER AMERICAN PRIVATE PROSPERITY CHINA OF STANDARD- PARTNERSHIP May 13 May 28 July 13

highlighted the role of the U.S. standardization examined the growing role explored the public-private partnership, system in supporting innovation, addressing of China in international opportunities for cross-cutting technologies IZATION national and global priorities, and contributing standards setting, and like AI and 5G, China and Europe in standards- to rapid and effective COVID-19 response potential implications for setting, and—importantly—how the use of efforts. the U.S. standardization as a strategic tool in global and technical leadership can be leveraged to a greater degree in the U.S.

Congressional Outreach

In partnership with representatives from six ANSI member standards and code organizations, ANSI created an informative brief for use in Congressional outreach, illustrating the importance of codes and standards to public health, safety, security, and environment. The brief presents a strong, positive message on the importance of copyright protection for standards incorporated by reference into regulations.

ANSI 2019–2020 Annual Report 12 ANSI 2019–2020 Annual Report 13 Building Connections at Home and Abroad Consumer Outreach and Engagement

Consumer voices in standards development are vital, providing first-hand perspectives on how products and services are perceived and used. While the current climate of virtual standards development meetings has enabled greater consumer participation—domestically and internationally— greater consumer engagement remains a priority for February 2020 September 2020 the standardization community.

NORTH ATLANTIC TREATY NATO COMMITTEE FOR » A recommended best practices guide for enhancing ORGANIZATION (NATO) WORKSHOP STANDARDIZATION MEETING, consumer participation is the ultimate goal of a series of virtual roundtables that ANSI is hosting in 2020 and 2021. IN ATHENS, GREECE, » In the international arena, ANSI has also undertaken focused on bridging the gap between NATO’s promoted strategic reflection and discussion activities to increase consumer recruitment and engagement, including through ANSI Consumer use of military specifications and voluntary on the future of NATO standardization Interest Forum members’ participation in the revision of ISO/IEC Guide 76, Development of service standards— consensus standards in recognition of 70 years of Alliance Recommendations for addressing consumer issues, which standardization helps standards developers consider the needs of consumers in standards for the service sector.

Engaging the Next Generation of Standards Professionals

Engaging and preparing the next generation of standards professionals is a top priority for ANSI and the standardization June 2020 October 2020 community alike. Students and young professionals who

ROLE OF STANDARDIZATION IN THE STATE OF THE DEFENSE understand the strategic importance of standardization are an POST-CORONA ERA, STANDARDIZATION PROGRAM asset to industry, government, and U.S. competitiveness at large.

CONFERENCE, » To introduce undergraduate and graduate students to the power of standardization, ANSI sponsored Setting Standards: A Simulation Exercise hosted by the Korean Agency for Technology sponsored by the U.S. Department of Defense, in Strategy and Cooperation in Standardization Processes, in conjunction and Standards, a virtual workshop examining featuring a keynote from ANSI president with Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) and Purdue University. Students explored the analytical and practical skills current and future opportunities for Joe Bhatia on standardization as a driver of needed to engage successfully in standards negotiations and left with a deeper understanding of standardization’s complexities and benefits of standardization to address COVID-19 innovation participation.

» The USNC Young and Emerging Professionals (YEP) Committee is actively creating a framework for a national standards and conformity assessment program for young and emerging professionals in the United States.

ANSI 2019–2020 Annual Report 14 ANSI 2019–2020 Annual Report 15 ANSI completed its highly-anticipated redesign of in September 2020. The new, mobile- friendly website has received a complete makeover in navigation, design, search, and content presentation, creating a logical, fresh, and engaging user experience. Users can now navigate through the broad range of ANSI programs and activities with ease, have quick access to most immediate actions and up-to-the-minute information, interact with the site, and continuously provide feedback for ongoing improvement.



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AN ALL-NEW ANSI's mission is to enhance both the global competitiveness of U.S. business and the U.S. quality of life by promoting and facilitating voluntary consensus standards and conformity ANSI AFFILIATES assessment systems, and safeguarding their integrity.

Encompassing nearly every industry, the Institute represents WEBSITE! the diverse interests of more than 270,000 companies and organizations, and 30 million professionals worldwide.

ANSI 2019–2020 Annual Report 16 ANSI 2019–2020 Annual Report 17 ANSI and the standardization community continue to be at the forefront of collaborative solutions for emerging technologies:

Unmanned Aircraft Systems

Once relegated to science fiction, unmanned aircraft systems—or drones—are now science fact. From rescue and military applications to sky-based monitoring, home and business deliveries, and beyond, the drone industry is expected to soar to more than $123 billion by 2025.

Supporting the industry’s growth and the safe integration of drones into the national airspace, ANSI’s Unmanned Aircraft Systems Standardization Collaborative (UASSC) published the Standardization Roadmap for Unmanned Aircraft Systems (Version 2.0) in June 2020. Developed by 400 individuals from 250 cross-sector organizations, the TECHNOLOGY roadmap builds upon the UASSC’s 2018 standardization roadmap Version 1.0, and cites 71 standardization gaps and associated recommendations.

Future work of the UASSC will include promotion and outreach, monitoring progress against the recommendations, and in time, initiating a roadmap update to examine SOLUTIONS new issues and significant changes.

FOR THE “This updated version of the UASSC Roadmap STANDARDIZATION is of great importance to the greater standards community....This coordinated approach ROADMAP addressing performance, safety, testing, and For Unmanned Aircraft Systems, Version 2.0 WORLD OF training for UAS systems and operators is of vital importance to the Department of Homeland Security and Homeland Security Enterprise TOMORROW operations, and for numerous other use cases.”

Prepared by the ANSI Unmanned Aircraft Systems Standardization Collaborative - Phil Mattson, Standards Executive, Department (UASSC): June 2020 of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate

ANSI 2019–2020 Annual Report 18 ANSI 2019–2020 Annual Report 19 Like the internet, automobile, and electricity before it, 5G is set to change the world. Empowering AI-enabled Systems in Healthcare As the technology is deployed globally, remote surgery, autonomous transportation, connected homes and businesses, and immersive “extended reality” experiences are As Artificial Intelligence (AI) makes its way into more and more aspects of our lives, just a few of the applications we can expect to see in our everyday lives. Connecting it is also finding growing applications in healthcare. And indeed, amid the pandemic, virtually everyone and everything, 5G enables a fully connected ecosystem of AI is proving to be one of the few tools capable of matching the virus’ speed, sifting intelligent sensors and devices. through massive amounts of data to predict the disease’s spread, support diagnoses, and even vaccine development. According to the World Economic Forum, over the next To promote continued U.S. leadership in this transformative space, ANSI is working 10 years, AI will assume an even more prominent role in predictive care, networked closely with our members and leveraging their collective interests to shape the hospitals, and improved efficiencies for patients, hospitals, and health systems. strategy called for in the 2020 Secure 5G and Beyond Act—advanced by the President of the United States—and its related implementation plan, advocating for actions that ANSI—at the recommendation of its Services Sector Initiative Task Group—convened foster greater interagency coordination and enhanced standards-related partnerships a virtual workshop to explore opportunities for progress through collaboration and between the private and public sectors. standardization. The effort set the stage for an in-person workshop in 2021, where recommendations for coordination of standardization and governance to meet Together, ANSI and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) expectations of safety, quality, responsibility, and risk can be developed. are seeking public-private sector agreement on a strategic U.S. approach to work collaboratively in relevant 5G standardization venues. As the first in coordination efforts to come, ANSI and NIST co-hosted virtual roundtables in July and August with private sector and government stakeholders to share information and perspectives on “This work is critically important because of the role and promise of AI to improve the quality technical and policy issues. of care and the patient experience while giving individuals new options for convenience and lower costs.”

- Jamie Ferguson, Vice President, Health Information Technology Strategy, Kaiser Permanente Globally, 5G technologies could generate $12.3 trillion in sales activity In the United across multiple industries States alone, 5G and support 22 million could create up jobs by 2035. to 3 million new jobs and add $500 billion to the nation’s GDP. Source: Congressional Research Service

ANSI 2019–2020 Annual Report 20 ANSI 2019–2020 Annual Report 21 Commercial Space Industry Takes Flight The Company Member Forum: A View into Emerging Tech Trends 2020 marked the first trip to the International Space Station from American soil in Keeping abreast of emerging technology trends and strategic standardization management continued to 9 years, and a new era of human space travel began as private company SpaceX be the focus of ANSI’s Company Member Forum, which enjoyed record-breaking attendance at its spring launched astronauts into orbit in May. 2020 event. Engaging in a highly interactive virtual meeting, the CMF explored topics such as artificial For its part, the White House has issued directives aimed at reinvigorating America’s intelligence, nanotechnology, cybersecurity, and 5G. It is clear that no matter what the focus is of any human space exploration program, calling for national space traffic management given business, it will be impacted by developments in each of these critical technology areas and the standards and best practices. With the goal of returning to the moon within 5 years, standards that emerge. Staying informed of these trends underscores the need for companies to have in and a growing interest in space tourism, the commercial space industry is poised for place effective processes for strategic standardization management. Company members shared their best takeoff. practices, challenges, and lessons learned in working to maintain successful processes, particularly in a remote environment. Recognizing the critical role of standardization in supporting public policy and promoting a safe commercial space industry ecosystem, ANSI convened 40 cross- sector organizations to examine standardization coordination needs, and is currently evaluating input from a broad survey on key priority areas to support the commercial Advanced Materials space industry. Plans for a follow-up workshop are underway. Increasingly, governments and organizations that originally focused on nanomaterials are now also turning their attention to advanced materials as a revolutionary More than 25 billion dollars has technology. The ANSI Nanotechnology Standards Panel held a 2-day virtual event in been invested in 535 unique August examining the intersection of nanotechnologies and advanced materials— space companies over the last and how the gaps and needs relative to advanced materials standards can best be decade, including makers of Wall Street banks, including identified and prioritized. satellites, rockets, and other Goldman Sachs and Morgan space innovations. Stanley, predict the global space economy could grow “While nanomaterials and advanced materials are not the same, they are related and both to more than 1 trillion dollars hold capabilities to bring many benefits to society by making existing technologies better. Source: Space Angels investment firm over the next 20 years. Many future technologies will be based on nano/advanced materials, including drugs and drug delivery systems, medical devices, better batteries, stronger yet lighter vehicles, and SMART Standards many more. The ANSI Nanotechnology Standards Panel (ANSI-NSP) contributes to these

The strategic importance of machine readable standards cannot be overstated. As the efforts by promoting sharing of information so that redundancies are reduced and the world progresses toward digitalization, so must the development and consumption of development of standards proceeds rapidly.” standards content. ANSI and U.S. industry partners are helping advance ISO’s efforts to implement machine-readable, or SMART standards, which will create significant -Dr. Shaun Clancy, Co-chair, ANSI-NSP time and cost savings for companies to incorporate the content of ISO standards into products, processes, and services.

ANSI 2019–2020 Annual Report 22 ANSI 2019–2020 Annual Report 23 ISO/IEC Joint Technical Committee (JTC) 1: Biometrics Breaking New Ground in ICT Expected to be adopted by the International Civil Aviation Organization JTC1 provides the international venue for global ICT solutions to be developed, with the U.S. (ICAO) as the basis for their standard on machine-readable travel serving as chair and ANSI as secretariat. documents by the end of the year, the recently revised ISO/IEC 39794 series supports fingerprint, facial, and other biometric data in e-Passports, 4,500+ INTERNATIONAL 35 PARTICIPATING helping nations verify the identity of travelers, and promoting safety around EXPERTS STANDARDS BODIES the globe. Future standards in the 39794 series will address iris, vascular, full body, and gait image data. The standard was created by JTC 1’s SC 37, Biometrics, the secretariat of which is held by ANSI.

ISO/IEC Joint Technical Quantum Computing Committee (JTC) 1 The dawn of a new era of information technology, quantum computing imagines new possibilities and new ways to approach problems, with CHAIR SECRETARIAT the potential to spur breakthroughs in machine learning, medicine, pharmacology, and more. A new working group (WG 14) within JTC 1 has launched the first international standardization activity in this space, 3,200+ PUBLISHED 500+ IN DEVELOPMENT helping the world understand and eventually benefit from the quantum STANDARDS computing revolution.


Artificial Intelligence With the expansive growth of ICT and seemingly endless applications, many people wonder, “How can I know ICT can be trusted?” A recently From healthcare to financial services to COVID-19 response efforts, AI is established working group (WG 13) of JTC 1 will develop frameworks, changing the way we live and do business. Standards are key to unlocking taxonomy, and ontology for ICT trustworthiness, with the goal of giving AI’s promise and removing barriers to adoption. Under U.S. leadership, JTC everyone who relies on ICT confidence that it can be trusted. 1/SC 42 is the first standardization committee of its kind looking at the entire AI ecosystem, currently advancing work in critical areas of data and trustworthiness, terminology, computational approaches, governance of AI, and more. In August, SC 42 launched work on an AI Management System standard, which will help organizations develop or use AI responsibly and meet applicable regulatory requirements.

ANSI 2019–2020 Annual Report 24 ANSI 2019–2020 Annual Report 25 Advancing Global Trade and Development through Partnerships

Supporting trade and economic development around the globe, the Institute added two new international development programs to benefit the U.S. and global communities through public-private partnerships and SUPPORTING broad collaboration: U.S.-INDO-PACIFIC Through ANSI’s public-private partnership with the U.S. Trade STANDARDS & TECHNOLOGY Development Agency (USTDA), the U.S.-Indo-Pacific Standards and COOPERATION PROGRAM Technology Cooperation Program (STCP) launched to coordinate STANDARD- bilateral workshops in the Indo-Pacific region on green technologies, IZATION transportation, smart cities, medical devices, ICT, and more.

Building on ANSI’s 7-year first phase partnership with USAID, the ACROSS THE Standards Alliance: Phase 2 (SA2) will develop capacity in the areas of legal and regulatory framework, standards development, conformity assessment procedures, and private-sector participation. ANSI expects to engage nationally and regionally, when appropriate, with partners in GLOBE the Latin America, Africa, Middle East/North Africa, and Indo-Pacific regions.

Supporting the Largest Free Trade Zone Since the WTO

Supporting the African Union Commission (AUC) in implementing the African Continental Free Trade Area—the largest free trade zone since the establishment of the World Trade Organization— the Standards Alliance recruited and appointed the first U.S.- supported Technical Barriers to Trade Advisor to the AUC.

ANSI 2019–2020 Annual Report 26 ANSI 2019–2020 Annual Report 27 Supporting UN Sustainable Development ISO 30500 AND ISO 24521: NON-SEWERED SANITATION SYSTEMS

Goal 6: Ensure Availability and Sustainable Effective sanitation is linked to better health, safety, and livelihood. ANSI is partnering Management of Water and Sanitation for All with organizations around the world to support the implementation and adoption of two ISO 31800: COMMUNITY-SCALE, RESOURCE- international non-sewered sanitation standards worldwide. ISO 30500 and ISO 24521 ORIENTED SANITATION SYSTEMS can enable nations to promote sustainable community development and ultimately spur economic growth. More than 35% of the world’s population lacks access to adequate sanitation systems, resulting in wastewater crop irrigation that risks the health of nearly one billion people. Marking a major step forward in the quest for improved global sanitation, the newly published ISO 31800 standard drives opportunities to widely manufacture, market, and deploy community-scale resource recovery units, while improving health and safety for millions. The standard was developed by ISO PC 318, Community-scale resource-oriented sanitation 103 systems, whose secretariat was administered by ANSI and ASN (Senegal) under a successful twinning arrangement.

30500 adopted 24521 adopted Both adopted


“Publication of ISO 31800 is an important milestone, and the work of ISO PC 318, with Algeria Kenya Tanzania Algeria Madagascar Tanzania

many developing and developed countries’ committee experts, will lead to commercial Bangladesh Madagascar Togo Bangladesh Namibia Togo

systems that protects human health and the environment. The hundreds of individuals Benin Namibia Uganda Benin Nepal Tunisia that contributed to ISO 31800 should be proud of their great contribution to making the Cameroon Nigeria United Kingdom Cameroon Nigeria Uganda world a better place.” Canada Rwanda United States of Cote d’Ivoire Rwanda United Kingdom America Cote d’Ivoire Senegal Ghana Seychelles Zambia Zimbabwe -Sun Kim, ISO PC 318 chair France Seychelles Kenya South Africa Zimbabwe

Ghana South Africa

ANSI 2019–2020 Annual Report 28 ANSI 2019–2020 Annual Report 29 Looking Ahead Standards Come to Life Looking ahead to 2021, ANSI’s public-private partnerships with USTDA and USAID will continue to provide Learn how ISO 30500 and ISO 24521 support sustainable sanitation solutions in six brief videos: platforms for industry to engage and influence the stakeholders that impact their business in other countries, and for new partnerships to grow—whether the activities take place virtually or in-person.

ANSI’s public-private partnership with the U.S. Trade Development Agency (USTDA), the U.S.-Africa Clean Energy Standards Program (CESP) will provide opportunities for industry and government representatives from the U.S. and sub-Saharan Africa to cooperate on issues relating to standards, conformity assessment, and technical regulations for clean energy technologies.

The U.S.-Africa Information and Communications Technology Standards Program (ICTSP) will coordinate technical workshops for government and industry in sub-Saharan Africa, encouraging the development and implementation of standards, testing protocols, Sanitation Standards Explained in 2 Minutes and regulatory procedures in a range of ICT subject areas.

What’s a Standard, and How Does it Benefit Global Water and Sanitation? U.S.-INDO-PACIFIC The U.S.–Indo-Pacific Standards and Technology STANDARDS & TECHNOLOGY COOPERATION PROGRAM Cooperation Program (STCP) will convene workshops on ISO Standards and the SDGs topics such as medical devices, 5G, ICT, and smart and sustainable cities in Indo-Pacific countries. ISO 30500: Benefits for All

ISO 24521: A Standard We Can Use Now The U.S.-China Standards and Conformance Cooperation Program will conduct virtual workshops ISO 30500 and ISO 24521: Hand in Hand until April 2021 on industry-proposed topics such as green technologies, transportation, and energy.

The ANSI-USAID Standards Alliance Phase 2 will execute activities in Latin America, Africa, Middle East and North Africa, and the Indo-Pacific, International Workshops Total Countries Represented addressing priorities identified by partner countries such as medical Bangladesh, Benin, Bhutan, Botswana, Cameroon, China, devices, WASH, energy, and more. Completed Participants Cote d’Ivoire, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Ghana, India, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar, Mozambique, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Sri Lanka, South Africa, Tanzania, The U.S.-India Standards and Conformance Cooperation Program Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe 17 2,339 Phase II will conclude with a virtual workshop on clean energy topics and updates to

ANSI 2019–2020 Annual Report 30 ANSI 2019–2020 Annual Report 31 ANAB’s Response to COVID

As COVID-19 led to abrupt changes in daily life and the way business is conducted, ANAB brought its years-long experience in remote assessments to the broader market, enabling organizations to attain and maintain accreditation and continue their critical operations during the pandemic.

Meeting the need for continued learning in light of widespread travel restrictions and the need for social distancing, ANAB transitioned its training to instructor-led online programming, helping individuals to keep up with industry changes and the employers to invest in their talent.

TRUST AND “I would thank ANAB and your assessors for the quality of their assessment. We met very professional assessors who took time to understand our organization and to create improvement opportunities that were truly adapted to our business. It has been a useful exercise which is clearly helping us to ensure that we deliver high CONFIDENCE: quality and reliable certification in anti-corruption compliance. I am very happy that we chose ANAB for accreditation.”

-ETHIC Intelligence, Paris (accredited by ANAB for ISO 37001 anti-bribery ANSI NATIONAL management systems) ACCREDITATION

Informing the CA Community about BOARD (ANAB) Remote Assessment A new video explained how ANAB remote assessments can help conformity assessment bodies continue their vital business operations and keep accreditation on track amid the pandemic.

ANSI 2019–2020 Annual Report 32 ANSI 2019–2020 Annual Report 33 Boosting Quality, Trust, and Confidence COMBATTING GLOBAL DEFORESTATION

The World Bank Group has engaged ANAB to help develop accredited 5G: SUPPORTING U.S. LEADERSHIP validation/verification processes for the Forest Carbon Partnership Fostering the safe deployment of modern wireless networks and Facility (FCPF), a global partnership of governments, businesses, civil supporting U.S. leadership in 5G, the Safety Alliance society, and Indigenous Peoples focused on reducing emissions from sought and achieved ANAB accreditation of their Telecommunications deforestation and forest degradation, forest carbon stock conservation, Tower Technical Certifications under ISO/IEC 17024. the sustainable management of forests, and the enhancement of forest carbon stocks. The FCPF works with 47 developing countries across “To continue American leadership in 5G, we must have the skilled Africa, Asia, and Latin America and the Caribbean. workforce necessary to build next-generation networks. The tower technician certifications developed by NWSA are critical to deploying ASSURING QUALITY OF INDUSTRY-RECOGNIZED APPRENTICESHIP PROGRAMS wireless networks safely and efficiently while ensuring that tower companies can draw from a robust pipeline of talent both now and in the In a move that will help to expand the availability of high-quality future. I’m pleased that ANAB has accredited these American certification apprenticeships in the U.S., ANAB was approved by the U.S. Department programs, which will help cement the American wireless industry as the of Labor’s Office of Apprenticeship as a Standards Recognition international gold standard.” Entity. ANAB can now evaluate and recognize industry-recognized apprenticeship programs (IRAPs) pursuant to the Department of Labor’s - FCC Chairman Ajit Pai standards, helping to assure that the programs provide valuable and well-paying employment training opportunities that equip participants BOLSTERING WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT with needed job skills.

The U.S. Department of the Army sought and achieved ANAB accreditation of its Master Logistician Certificate Program, boosting the skills of the U.S. Army’s civilian logistics workforce. The program, first Accreditation plays an important role in: created in 2017, has hundreds of Army logistics civilians participating through courses at Army Logistics University and select partner universities. Bolstering trust and confidence in products, services, people, and systems “This great program, with ANSI's approval, raises the bar of professionalism for our Civilian Logisticians and provides the Army Increasing U.S. competitiveness and productivity with professional multi-functional logisticians by documenting excellence in education, training, and career experience in support Facilitating global market opportunities the Army's critical logistics missions.” Increasing efficiencies -William F. Moore, Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff, U.S. Army Logistics, G-4

ANSI 2019–2020 Annual Report 34 ANSI 2019–2020 Annual Report 35 BUILDING STRONGER, SAFER INFRASTRUCTURE

In a move that will increase efficiencies, reduce federal Celebrating Success: Terry Burgess Assessor of agency resource requirements, and help assure the quality the Year Award

of highways and airport runways, the Federal Highway Stephen Dale was the recipient of ANAB’s third-annual Terry Administration (FHWA) recognized ANAB for construction Burgess Assessor of the Year Award, which recognizes outstanding materials testing. Labs that attain ANAB accreditation for service by an ANAB contract assessor for exemplary customer construction materials testing will now be considered to service, teamwork, creativity and innovation, performance meet requirements in FHWA regulations. excellence, leadership, and commitment.


Providing increased confidence in the reliability of results, competence of personnel, and infrastructure of forensic SUPPORTING STATES IN ENVIRONMENTAL TESTING laboratories, ANAB expanded its forensic accreditation program in conjunction with U.S. Department of State The states of Louisiana and California have joined the federal agencies that look to ANAB to accredit Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement environmental testing labs, ensuring the labs are using appropriate methods to provide accurate, precise, and Affairs and the U.S. Department of Justice International reliable environmental data. Criminal Investigative Training Assistance Program. With 15 forensic labs in Mexican states and the federal lab in Mexico City accredited by ANAB, U.S. and Mexican citizens now benefit from increased national security on both sides of the border. The Quarantine Cookbook

EXPANDING RECOGNITION In recognition of World Accreditation Day

ANAB expanded its International Laboratory Accreditation 2020, ANAB published The Quarantine Cooperation (ILAC) multilateral recognition arrangement Cookbook, highlighting how ANAB status to include ISO/IEC 17043 proficiency testing accreditation helps assure quality and providers, building on the program’s existing recognition by safety of food throughout the supply the Asia Pacific Accreditation Cooperation and the Inter- chain. American Accreditation Cooperation. The recognitions reduce technical barriers to trade and enhance cross- border acceptance of products by eliminating the need for redundant tests, calibrations, and inspections.

ANSI 2019–2020 Annual Report 36 ANSI 2019–2020 Annual Report 37 Promoting Health, Safety, and Consumer Confidence Upcoming Trends in Conformity Assessment

CANNABIS Trust, quality, transparency, and confidence—these principles form the heart of ANAB’s accreditation programs that serve industry, government, and the public. In a rapidly evolving technological landscape, ANAB anticipates Fostering consumer safety and confidence in the cannabis market, ANAB changing trends and developments in the field of accreditation: accredited the first product certification body to administer a cannabis certification program. Building on its existing programs for laboratories INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY (ICT) testing cannabis and cannabis-derived products, ANAB’s accreditation Significant innovation and advancement in the use of ICT in audit and provides assurance that product certification bodies are competently assessment will impact the field, attended by evolving competence testing products to meet standards, and the products are safe for requirements for assessors and technological advances that support consumption and free from harmful levels of contaminants. tasks currently managed by people.


In the area of food and product safety, the first certification program for halal food products and ingredients, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and other personal care products attained ANAB accreditation, assuring that CYBERSECURITY accredited halal certifications meet essential requirements throughout the An increased need for industry sectors to address security and continuity global supply chain. with a more unified global security framework is expected. Some foundational accreditation standards, driven by a holistic approach to business needs, may include information security and business continuity requirements. NON-FOOD PRODUCTS

Protecting consumer health and safety, improving risk-management programs, and reducing manufacturer audit costs are among the benefits of a new ANAB accreditation program for Global Retail and Manufacturer DATA ANALYTICS Alliance Certification, covering a wide range of non-food product Greater importance on data analytics for use in risk assessment, categories including dietary supplements, cosmetics, and OTC drugs. traceability, monitoring, and data validation is on the horizon, including in emerging areas of technology such as satellite monitoring and commercial space activities.

ANSI 2019–2020 Annual Report 38 ANSI 2019–2020 Annual Report 39 Better Career Outcomes for Students

Improved career outcomes for students―including 28% higher salaries, improved rates of hire, and faster STRONGLY AGREE

promotion tracks―are the ultimate goal of a COURSEWORK IS DIRECTLY RELEVANT TO WHAT YOU DO AT WORK.

Lumina-funded initiative, in which Workcred is ONLY ONE-QUARTER OF AMERICAN WORKERS AGREE STRONGLY THAT THEIR PAST COURSEWORK working with the Association of Public and Land- IS DIRECTLY RELEVANT TO THE WORK THEY DO. Source: Strada-Gallup Education Consumer Survey grant Universities, the Coalition of Urban Serving 8 Copyright © 2018 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved. Universities, and the University Professional and Continuing Education Association to connect The Future of the Workforce industry certifications and degrees. Along with its Reaching an audience of more than 1,200 people, partners, Workcred brought together universities Workcred joined education experts to discuss how and certification bodies from across the nation to prospective students, universities, and employers identify opportunities to embed certifications into can use strategies to strengthen workforce QUALITY AND undergraduate degree programs in the growing success. The webinar, “Will College Soon be About fields of healthcare, cybersecurity, manufacturing, Credegrees,” explored how “Credegree” programs that and the liberal arts. A potential future phase of the encompass a traditional bachelor’s degree and an project will test the models from the first phase. EFFECTIVENESS: industry-recognized skill or credential can advance the work readiness of graduates. Certifications as a Vehicle for Increasing Labor-Market Mobility

WORKCRED The current and potential roles for industry and professional certifications as a vehicle for “Certifications are the least understood and increasing labor-market mobility is the focus studied type of credential. Our team seeks to of a two-year Workcred study with Corporation provide a solid baseline about the dynamics of SUPPORTS THE for a Skilled Workforce and George Washington certifications and inform their improved use.” Institute of Public Policy, funded by Lumina Foundation. The research will also cover where - Larry Good, President, Corporation for a certifications present the risk of being dead-end Skilled Workforce WORKFORCE credentials that can limit access to opportunity, and how to instead ensure that certifications serve as part of lifelong pathways for advancement. An initial paper will be published in fall 2020, and the final results in fall 2021.

ANSI 2019–2020 Annual Report 40 ANSI 2019–2020 Annual Report 41 Promoting Quality and Market-Value of Non-Degree Credentials The Healthcare Workforce: More Essential Now Than Ever Before

A network of more than 30 certification bodies convened by Workcred is exploring the potential for data-sharing efforts to improve understanding of the value of certifications, the labor market outcomes of individuals who hold them, and insights into successful career pathways into the workforce. The network works with the National Student Clearinghouse to match data from certification bodies, educational attainment and enrollment data from universities, and aggregate wage data from the U.S. Census Bureau.

“This work is important because educational institutions can use data from credentialing bodies to expand and improve their programs. Employers will be able to identify high-performing programs and quality sources of talent to improve hiring and training decisions. Likewise, data can also support students so that they can make informed decisions about what credentials to earn and where to obtain them.”

-Holly Zanville, Strategy Director, Lumina Foundation

Additionally, Workcred continues to be engaged in national efforts to promote the quality and market-value WORKFORCE ISSUES AND SOLUTIONS IN LIGHT OF COVID-19 of non-degree credentials. Workcred executive director Roy Swift serves on the Non-Degree Credentials Contributing to nationwide conversations about shifts in the U.S. workforce as a result of Research Advisory Council, a group of leading researchers and stakeholders, focusing on the role of non-degree COVID-19, Workcred is participating on a National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and credentials in the credentialing ecosystem. Medicine committee to identify strategies and partnerships for aligning displaced workers with regional workforce needs related to science, technology, engineering, math, and medicine. New Brief on the Value of Non-Degree Credentials

Understanding Quality: The BUILDING INDUSTRY-RECOGNIZED APPRENTICESHIP PROGRAMS IN A new brief published in September 2020 by Workcred, in partnership Role of States in Supporting HEALTHCARE Quality Non-Degree with the National Governors Association, sheds light on the value of Credentials Supporting the expansion of high-quality apprenticeship programs and opportunities in non-degree credentials as tools to empower workers and strengthen The COVID-19 pandemic has had an unprecedented This includes career and technical education programs impact on the U.S. economy, resulting in more than 52 and state eligible training provider lists. This issue million people filing for initial unemployment benefits brief provides guidance about how states can identify healthcare, Workcred has joined a partnership with industry and academia partners to support between mid-March and mid-July. Today, one-third which credentials meet quality thresholds and are state economies amid the significant disruption caused by COVID-19. of individuals in the workforce believe they will need likely to empower workers, highlights states that are additional education and new skills to find comparable leading on this issue, and offers recommendations for employment if they lose their job. Moreover, thirty-five state policymakers. As governors reopen their state percent of adults are planning to change careers if they economies and citizens seek employment opportunities, industry-recognized apprenticeship programs (IRAPs), as part of a $12 million apprenticeship lose their job.1 Governors and states have a key role to there are several recommendations states can follow to The brief, “Understanding Quality: The Role of States in Supporting play in helping individuals make transitions that improve ensure they are supporting quality credentials: their livelihood. In the -term, displaced workers can 1. Develop standardized definitions of the use non-degree credentials to quickly reskill and reenter different types of non-degree credentials the labor market. In the long-term, policymakers should grant from the U.S. Department of Labor. 2. Understand and assess the quality of understand the variety of credentials that can be earned credentials Quality Non-Degree Credentials,” provides several recommendations for in diverse learning environments and modernize the process by which credentials are deemed as valuable – a 3. Ensure that non-degree credentials are win-win for workers and employers. accepted as college credit and embedded into degree programs States also play a critical role in quality assurance, by state policymakers to consider as they recognize and support quality sharing information with individuals and employers 4. Seek out examples of state leadership in about quality credentials and credentialing bodies supporting worker upskilling and reskilling, through a variety of programs administered by states. leading to quality credentials

1 Public Viewpoint: Covid-19 Work and Education Survey,” Strada Education Network, April 7, 2020, credentials for people re-entering or upskilling in the workforce.

ANSI 2019–2020 Annual Report 42 ANSI 2019–2020 Annual Report 43 ROI of Manufacturing Credentials: Now and for the Future What’s Coming Up for Workforce Development

According to Bersin by Deloitte, the manufacturing In the year ahead, Workcred will lead activities to support various segments of the workforce, sector has the highest average cost per hire of any including: industry. A Workcred research project, expected to be published in 2021, has the potential to SERVICE MEMBERS significantly increase the efficiency of hiring in the Workcred is focusing on empowering service members by bringing their manufacturing sector. Workcred is studying the educational and military experiences into a single learner record, referred to return on investment of manufacturing credentials as learning and employment records (LERs). Currently, Workcred’s partners and the need for new credentials to keep pace with are conducting a scaled testing evaluation of digital authentication and changing skills needs in U.S. manufacturing, thanks authorization based on open data standards. Workcred will work with its to a grant from the U.S. Department of Commerce’s partners to further increase the functionality and use of the LER. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Hollings Manufacturing Extension MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AUDITORS Partnership (MEP). Through a grant, Workcred and partners are developing the competencies for a national apprenticeship program for management system auditors. The creation of this program will train and prepare the next generation of workers for this expanding field with career pathways that have broad applicability across industry sectors.


Workcred is partnering with federal agencies to discuss implementing skills- based hiring and building credentialing systems for federal workers that focus on lifelong learning. This is in direct response to June 2020’s Executive Order 13932 to modify federal recruitment and hiring processes to focus on skills- and competency-based hiring and less on degree-based hiring.

Differing Types of Workplace Workcred in the Media COMMUNITY COLLEGES Credentials Workcred is partnering with the Education Design Lab in an advisory capacity Read more about what Workcred has been to help launch its Community College Growth Engine Fund, which is being A new Workcred video demystifies credentials doing to impact the workforce in Wired, created to meet the urgent demand from community college leadership for to help everyone understand how they differ, RealClearEducation, EvoLLLution, Chronicle support to deliver skills-focused, market-driven education as regions struggle and the appropriate uses for each. of Higher Ed, IndustryWeek, and IIENetworker. to mitigate the growing skills gap. The Fund will invest in U.S. community colleges as they meet growing consumer and employer demand for short- term credentials.

ANSI 2019–2020 Annual Report 44 ANSI 2019–2020 Annual Report 45 763 COMPANY 337 ORGANIZATIONAL 74 GOVERNMENT ANSI, 1239 ANSI MEMBERS: 37 INTERNATIONAL 28 EDUCATIONAL

BY THE Through the work of ANSI and its members, the U.S. currently participates in: MORE THAN 94% OF ...AND ADMINISTERS 14% OF TC AND IEC AND JTC 1 TCs AND SCs SC SECRETARIATS THROUGH THE USNC





As part of its standards procedures and administration work, ANSI has:



ANSI 2019–2020 Annual Report 46 ANSI 2019–2020 Annual Report 47 2019 Financial Information Consolidated Financial position As of December 31, 2019 & 2018

ember services and policy development 2019 2018 2019 2018

nternational standards facilitation ASSETS LIABILITIES omestic standards facilitation Cash and cash equivalents $14,965,826 $16,474,435 Accounts payable and accrued $14,700,571 $13,434,280 expenses Investments 11,816,085 11,198,525 ccreditation services Deferred dues and fee income 9,704,157 7,803,925 Accounts receivable, net eebased programs Pension liability 5,437,255 5,364,897 Publications and royalties 7,024,611 5,942,783 Deferred rent 736,969 871,006 Program support, accreditation, 8,395,629 4,173,929 dues, and other Loan payable - 2,226,522

Prepaid expenses and other 2,256,964 2,105,894 TOTAL LIABILITIES 30,578,952 29,700,630 assets

Goodwill 8,841,488 9,124,148 NET ASSETS Property and equipment, net 1,640,351 1,301,016 Without donor restrictions 24,214,677 20,473,884 TOTAL ASSETS $54,940,954 $50,320,730 $81.4 Million With donor restrictions 147,325 146,216

OPERATING TOTAL NET ASSETS 24,362,002 20,620,100 REVENUE TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS $54,940,954 $50,320,730 5% 39% 9% 40% 7% Consolidated STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES As of December 31, 2019 & 2018

2019 2018 2019 2018 5% 25% 8% 28% 6% 1% 27% REVENUE AND SUPPORT Supporting services Member services and policy $3,856,797 $4,096,162 Membership development 1,082,508 901,805 development and administration International standards 31,727,924 31,349,032 facilitation Management and general 21,054,829 8,185,864

Domestic standards facilitation 7,448,029 6,224,286 22,137,337 9,087,669

Accreditation services 32,414,477 7,636,636 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 78,760,914 55,394,471

Fee-based programs 5,922,202 6,621,045

$78.8 Million TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE Change in net assets from operations 2,608,515 532,690 OPERATING AND SUPPORT 81,369,429 55,927,161 NONOPERATING ACTIVITIES Investment return, net 1,612,003 (266,889)

EXPENSES EXPENSES Gain on acquisition of remaining - 3,503,881 Program-related equity of ANAB

anagement and general Member services and policy 4,184,039 4,544,707 Other components of net periodic development pension cost (389,552) (190,906) embership development International standards 19,331,541 20,979,067 Pension-related changes other than and administration facilitation net periodic pension cost (89,064) (1,550,267) eebased programs Domestic standards facilitation 6,323,273 5,375,747 TOTAL NONOPERATING ACTIVITIES 1,133,387 1,495,819 CHANGE IN NET ASSETS 3,741,902 2,028,509 ccreditation services Accreditation services 21,846,200 8,562,526 Fee-based services 4,938,524 6,844,755 Net assets, beginning of year 20,620,100 18,591,591 omestic standards facilitation 56,623,577 46,306,802 NET ASSETS, END OF YEAR 24,362,002 $20,620,100 nternational standards facilitation ember services and policy development

ANSI 2019–2020 Annual Report 48 ANSI 2019–2020 Annual Report 49 MEMBER ROSTER A MEMBER ROSTER A–B

As of 9/30/2020

3-A Sanitary Standards, Advanced Regenerative Alliance for American Brush American Ladder Institute American Water Works ARUP Laboratories Aurora Innovation Inc. Manufacturing Institute Manufacturers Association Telecommunications American Nuclear Society Ashland, Inc. Austin Police Department (ARMI) 3DISC Americas Industry Solutions Association American Oil Chemists American Welding Society ASIS International Australian Pipeline Valve Advanticom, Inc. Allied Tube & Conduit/ American Chemistry 3D Systems Society American Wind Energy Associated Air Balance Auto Glass Safety Council, Inc. Electrical Division Council A-LIGN Compliance and American Optometric Association Council Allogene Therapeutics, American Composites Security, Inc. Aerojet Rocketdyne, Inc. Association American Wood Council Associated Laboratories, Action Group Inc. Manufacturers Inc. A.K. Stamping Co., Inc. Aerospace Industries Association American Orthotic & American Wood Protection Automotive Lift Institute , Inc. Association Prosthetic Association Association Association for Challenge A2LA American Concrete Avalara Altera Corp. Course Technology Aetna Life & Casualty Institute American Petroleum AmSpec, LLC AAC, Inc. Avanade, Inc. Agilent Technologies Alteryx Institute Association for Print ABB Incorporated American Dental Analog Devices, Inc. American Renewable Technologies Avanos Medical, Inc. Agility Clinical Alticor Association Analytics 4 Life, Inc. Abbott Laboratories Energy Standards and Association for Rubber Avaya, Inc. AgJunction Aluminum Association, American Express AbbVie Certification Association Antonin Scalia Law School Products Manufacturers Inc., The Travel Related Services Avon Protection Systems AIM American Road & AOAC INTERNATIONAL AbsolutAire Company, Inc. Association for the B11 Standards, Inc. Alyeska Pipeline Service Transportation Builders AIM Specialty Health APA - The Engineered Advancement of Medical Accentuate Technology, Company American Family Life Association Instrumentation Babcock Canada Inc. Air-Conditioning, Heating, Assurance Company of Wood Association and Refrigeration Institute AMADIS, Inc. American Society for Association of Commercial BAE Systems Accreditation Council for Columbus (AFLAC) APCO International - Amazon Nondestructive Testing Diving Educators Baker & McKenzie Global Medical Affairs (ACMA) Airbiquity American Gas Association Association of Public Service AMC Institute American Society for Safety Communications Association of Energy Accredited Snow Air Conditioning American Gear Quality Officials Int’l Engineers, Inc. Baker Group, The Contractors Association Contractors of America AMD, Inc. Manufacturers American Society of APIC Program of Association of Equipment Airlines Reporting Association Baker Hughes, Inc. Accredited Standards American Academy of Agricultural and Biological Distinction Manufacturers Committee X9, Inc. Corporation Forensic Sciences American Glovebox Ball Metal Beverage Engineers Association of Home Financial Industry Air Methods Society Apple, Inc. Container Corporation Standards American Association of American Society of Appliance Manufacturers Air Movement & Control American Health Appvion Baltimore Police Physicists in Medicine Baking Association of AccuWeather, Inc. Association International Information Management Architect of the Capitol Bank of America American Association American Society of Civil International Product Association Aclara Technologies, LLC Akima of Radon Scientist and Engineers Architectural Builders Marketing and Bank of Hawaii AmericanHort Supply Management, The Acoustic, L.P. Alabama Cullman Yutaka Technologists, Inc. American Society of Crime Barry Wehmiller Acoustical Society of Technologies American Association American Imaging Laboratory Directors Architectural Woodwork Association of Strategic Companies, Inc. Management Alliance Professionals America Alabama Department of of Textile Chemists & American Society of Institute Battery Council Colorists Acuant Corp. Forensic Sciences American Institute Heating, Refrigerating and Arctic Slope Technical Association of International American Bankers of Aeronautics and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Services Transportation Safety Adaptimmune, LLC Alabama Technology Bausch & Lomb Astronautics Inc. Information Professionals Network Association Argentum Incorporated Adobe Systems American Institute of American Society of ASTM International Incorporated Alamo Group American Bearing ARGO AI, LLC Baxter & Woodman, Inc. Manufacturers Baking Mechanical Engineers Atkins Energy Americas ADP, Inc. Alcoa Armstrong World BB&T Corporation Association American Institute of Steel American Society of Atlas Copco Rental Industries, Inc. Adtran, Inc. Alert Logic, Inc. Construction Plumbing Engineers BBA Aviation USA, Inc. American Board of Atlas Lighting Products, Allegheny Technologies Arrow Fastener Co., LLC BC Industrial, Inc. Advanced Digital Solutions Multiple Specialties in American International American Society of Inc. Incorporated International, Inc. Podiatry Group, Inc. Safety Professionals Artegraft, Inc. BD Diagnostics Becton, Audiovisual and Integrated Allegro MicroSystems, Inc. Dickinson and Company Advanced Medical American Boat & Yacht American Iron & Steel American Type Culture Artisan Partners, Limited Experience Association Technology Association Alliance Data Systems Council Institute Collection Partnership (AVIXA) Beacon Industries, Inc. ANSI 2019–2020 Annual Report 50 ANSI 2019–2020 Annual Report 51 MEMBER ROSTER B–C MEMBER ROSTER C–E

Beckman Coulter, Inc. Broadridge Financial Cast Iron Soil Pipe College of American Cook and Boardman Decision Sciences Donaldson Company, Inc. Electronica Test Solutions Institute Pathologists Group, The International Corporation Laboratories Behavioral Health Center Door & Access Systems of Excellence Broan-Nu Tone, LLC Caterpillar Inc Columbus McKinnon Cool Roof Rating Council Deere & Company Manufacturers Electronic Components Corporation Association Industry Association Bellino Srl Broward Sheriff Office CC-Link Partner CoreLogic Dell, Inc. Crime Lab Association - Americas Comau, Inc. Dow Chemical Company, Electroswitch Corporation Bemis Company, Inc. Core Pacific Incorporated Delphi Automotive Brown Stove Works CEDIA Combe Incorporated Systems, LLC The Elite Electronic Benedictine University Corero Network Security Engineering, Inc. BSI Group America, Inc. Cell Signaling Technology, Commissioning Agents, Delta Dental of California DQS, Inc. Bentley Systems Corning Incorporated Builders Hardware Inc. Inc. DRI International, Inc. Ellucian Incorporated DeltaHawk Engines, Inc. Manufacturers CoServ Embraco Center for Responsible Commission on Deluxe Entertainment Drive DeVilbiss Healthcare Berkshire Hathaway Association Enterprise and Trade, Accreditation of Cotton Incorporated Emergency Management Energy Company Services Group Dues Portal Test Account Building Owners & TheChamberlain Group, Ambulance Services Accreditation Program Covenant Care Morgan Dental Standards Institute, Best Cabinet & Granite Managers Association Inc., The Dun & Bradstreet Commission on Hill, LLC Emerson Electric Co. International Inc. Supply, Inc. CenterPoint Energy Accreditation of Medical DuPont Specialty Products CPLSO EMSL Analytical, Inc. Building Performance Transport Systems Dental Trade Alliance USA, LLC Beyond Air, Inc. Centers for Disease Institute Crane ChemPharma & Department of Forensic Encore Wire Corporation BHP Billiton Petroleum Control & Prevention Commonwealth of Duquesne Light Company Energy Sciences (DFS) (Deepwater), Inc. Bulk Handling Systems Massachusetts Energy Systems Cerner Corporation Dynabrade, Inc. Integration Group Bunn Corporation Compassion International CSA America, Inc. DePaul University BIC Corporation Certified Automotive Parts DynCorp International CSGI Inernational Depository Trust and Ensono, LP BICSI, Inc. BUTEC S.A.L. Association Composite Panel Clearing Corporation E-Tech, Inc. Entertainment Services CACI International, Inc. Association CSI Telecommunications, BIFMA International CertiProf (DTCC) Inc. E. D. Bullard Company and Technology Cadence Design Systems, Compressed Air & Gas Association Bio-Rad Laboratories Channellock, Inc. Design Chain Associates, Inc. Institute CSL Behring, LLC Eastman Chemical LLC enVerid Systems, Inc. Birket Engineering Charleston Area Medical Company California Department of Compressed Gas CSST-Centre De Center Detector Electronics Corp. Environmental Protection Bison Gear & Engineering Water Resources Association Documentation Eastman Kodak Company Agency Corp. Chicago Mercantile Diageo California Independent Computer Science CTC Global Corporation Exchange, Inc. Envista Holdings BlackBerry Limited System Operator Corporation Dialight Corporation Custom Protect Ear, Inc. EBW Electronics Corporation (DH Dental Corporation Cigna Corporation Black Diamond Structures Concept Systems, Inc. DICKEY-john Corporation Bus Svc LLC) CVS Caremark Corporation ECC Corporation California Lottery Cisco Systems, Inc. Concrete Reinforcing Steel Digimarc Corporation Blaize, Inc. ECCMA EOS/ESD Association, Inc. California State University, Citigroup Technology, Inc. Institute CWB Financial Group Dimensional Metrology Ergon Inc. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Office of the Chancellor Echodyne City of Calgary Connector Manufacturing CyberLawfare, LLC Standards Consortium, Arizona Ericsson, Inc. Camargo Pharmaceutical Co. Inc. EClinicalWorks City of Chandler Public Cypress Semiconductor Blue Origin, LLC Service Erie Indemnity Company Work and Utilities Construction & Location Corp. ECM Therapeutics, Inc. BNY Mellon Cambridge Technology Jenik, Inc. Ernst & Young City of Grand Rapids Daikin Applied Discover Financial ECS Federal Boeing Company Capital Group Companies, Construction Innovations Services ESAB Claborn Manufacturing Danaher Corporation Edgewell Personal Care The Bonner County Consumer Technology Diversified Inspections/ITL ESI Company Dana Holding Corporation Edison Electric Institute Capsule Technologie Association Boosted Boards Divestuff Ventures Essential Dental Systems Classic Industries- Ci Dart Container Educational Testing Caradigm USA, LLC Continuity Project, LLC, Booz Allen Hamilton Medical Technologies, Inc. DLA Piper, LLP (US) Eurofins Medical Device Data2 Corporation, A Service Carclo Technical Plastics The Testing Bridgers & Paxton Clinical and Laboratory Division of FineLine Dober Services, LLC EIFS Industry Members Contract Medical Consulting Engineers Cargill, Inc. Standards Institute Technologies Association Evlos Technology Manufacturing, LLC Doble Engineering Bridgestone Bandag, LLC Carhartt, Inc. CMH Services Davis Wright Tremaine, Company Eiko Global, LLC Evonik Corporation Conveyor Equipment CM Services, Inc. LLP Document Center, Inc. Brixton Assessment Carpet & Rug Institute, The Manufacturers Electrical Apparatus Excentium Services Carrier CNA Insurance Association Dealer Tire Dolby Laboratories, Inc. Service Association Exelon Corporation ANSI 2019–2020 Annual Report 52 ANSI 2019–2020 Annual Report 53 MEMBER ROSTER E–H MEMBER ROSTER H–K

Experian FormFactor Beaverton, George Washington Harger Lightning & ICCBBA Insulated Cable Engineers International Quality J. J. Keller & Associates, Inc. Institute of Public Policy Grounding Association Certification Services Inc. Express Calibration ICC Evaluation Service, Services Forsmarks Kraftgrupp AB Georgia Tech Energy and Harley Davidson Motor LLC Integer International Safe Transit James Madison University Sustainability Services Company Association ExxonMobil Fragomen, Del Rey, ICL Performance Products Intel Corp. James McHugh Gesmer Updegrove, LLP Facebook Bernsen & Loewy, LLP Harris Health System LP Inteleos International Safety Construction Co. GFS Chemicals, Inc. Equipment Association Factory Automation Frank Calandra, Inc. Harris IT Corp. IDTech InterDigital, Inc. Janssen Pharmaceuticals, International Sanitary Systems Frasca International Gilbarco Veeder-Root Hartford, The IEEE Inc. International Association Supply Association Family Health International Fraunhofer USA, Inc. Giles Enterprises, Inc. Headway Technologies, Illuminating Engineering for Continuing Education JBT Corporation International Society of Farmers Insurance Inc. Society of North America and Training JEDEC Solid State Freddie Mac GlaxoSmithKline, LLC Arboriculture Fed By Threads (GSK) Health and Safety Institute Imagine Communications International Association Technology Assocation Freeport McMoRan for Six Sigma Certification, International Society of Glazing Industry JLG Industries Federal Housing Finance Sierrita, Inc. Health Level Seven Immersion Corp. LLC Automation Secretariat Committee Agency Johns Manville Freescale Semiconductor, Health Physics Society Incentive Federation, Inc. International Association International SOS Federal Insurance Inc. GL Noble Denton Corporation InCord, Ltd. of Innovation Government Services, Inc. Company, The Fujitsu America, Inc. GlobalFoundries Professionals Johnson & Johnson Hemisphere GPS Industrial and Crane International Staple Nail & Federal Trade Commission Global Inventures, Inc. International Association Tool Association Johnson Controls - Fulbright & Jaworski, LLP Hemolife Medical, Inc. Services, Inc. FedEx Services Global Strategic Solutions, of Plumbing & Mechanical International WELL Automotive Experience Funai Lexington Industrial Fasteners LLC HemoSonics, LLC Officials Building Institute Seating Business Unit Felker Brothers Technology Corporation Institute Corporation Globe Life and Accident HERE North America, LLC International Automotive Interpower Corporation Johnson Matthey, Inc. Futurewei Technologies, Industrial Steel Drum Insurance license, formerly Components Group North Fenestration and Inc. Hexcel Corporation Institute Interstate Renewable Joint Development the Torchmark Corporation America, Inc. IAC Group Glazing Industry Energy Council, Inc. Foundation G2, Inc. HIBCC Industrial Training Alliance (FGIA) formerly, GM Financial International Behavior Intertek JORAKAY Corporation Co., American Architectural Garmin International Hines Industries International (formerly Analysis Organization GNK Driveline, North Ltd. Manufacturers Triple Phase Training) IntraLinks Gates Corporation America, Inc. Hitachi Global Storage International Center for Association K&S Associates, Inc. Technologies Industrial Truck Standards Integrative Systems, Inc. Intuit GE Appliances-a Haier Google, Inc. Fiber Optic Association, Development Foundation, Kaiser Permanente Hobart Brothers Company International Code Council Investment Industry Inc., The Company Green Building Initiative, Inc. Home Innovation InterNational Committee Regulatory Organization of Kaleo Pharma Financial Services Geico Corporation The Information Technology Research Labs for Information Canada Technology Consortium Kansas State University Gemological Institute of Green Business Industry Council Technology Standards Honda North America Invitae First Environment, Inc. America Certification, Inc. Keeping IDentities Safe InGenesis, Inc. International Dynamic Honda RD Iowa DCI Crime Laboratory FIS Global Gemtor, Inc. Greenway Health Ingredion, Inc. Advisors, S.L. Kellen Company IPC — Association Fisher-Price, Inc. Genentech GS 1 AISBL Honeywell, Inc. Keller and Heckman, LLP Institute for Credentialing InterNational Electrical Connecting Electronics Houston Methodist Testing Association FLIR Systems, Inc. General Dynamics- GTW Associates Excellence Industries Kellogg Company Research Institute Ordinance and Tactical International Facility Florida Department of Law Guardian Industries Institute for Market IRRAS Kennametal, Inc. Enforcement Systems, Munition Holdings, LLC HP, Inc. Transformation To Management Association Keurig Dr Pepper Services Sustainability, The Islamic Food and Nutrition Florida Hospital GUNN Consultants Hubbell Incorporated International Institute of Council of America KeyBank National General Electric Co. Institute of Environmental Ammonia Refrigeration Fluid Controls Institute H&T Battery Components Human Factors & (IFANCA) Association General Mills Ergonomics Society Sciences & Technology International Kitchen Flushmate H5 Islamic Society of North Keysight Technologies, Institute of Inspection, Exhaust Cleaning HVAC Concepts, LLC America Inc. FM Approvals Hand Tools Institute Cleaning and Restoration Association Genesis Systems Group Hydraulic Institute Isoray Medical, Inc. FMC Process Tech Center Hanes Supply, Inc. Certification International Monetary Motors Manufacturing Genome ID Group, LLC Hyster-Yale Group Fund Itcerts, Inc. Georgia Food & Drug Hardwood Plywood & Institute of Nuclear Administration GeoEye Veneer Association IBM Corp. Materials Management International Paper Itron, Inc. Kimberly-Clark Corporation ANSI 2019–2020 Annual Report 54 ANSI 2019–2020 Annual Report 55 MEMBER ROSTER K–M MEMBER ROSTER M–O

Kingdom of MU Licensing Executives Management and Strategy Methode Electronics, Inc. Mueller Company, LLC National Electrical NELAC Institute, The North American Security Government Society USA & Canada Institute Manufacturers Products Organization Metlsaw Systems, Inc. Myriad Genetics, Inc. Netflix Association Kirk Key Interlock Liebherr Minining Manufacturers North Atlantic Treaty Mettler Toledo, Inc. Mythic, Inc. NETGEAR Company, LLC Equipment Newport News Standardization Society National Elevator Industry, Organization MFS Investment N3B Los Alamos NetScout Systems, Inc. Co. Marketing Accountability Inc. Kitchen Cabinet Management North Carolina Department Manufacturers Lifecore Biomedical Foundation NACE International National Emergency Network Code Company of Labor Miami-Dade Police Association Market Strategies Nalu Medical Number Association Life Cycle Engineering, Inc. Department Forensic New Editions Consulting, North Memorial Medical Kitty Hawk Corporation International National Environmental Inc. Linux Foundation, The Services Bureau NantHealth, Inc. Center Kitware, Inc. Mars, Inc. Balancing Bureau Newell Rubbermaid LipoScience, Inc. Micron Technology, Inc. NASA Headquarters Northrop Kloeckner Metals Marvell Semiconductor, National Fenestration Corporation Microsemi Analog Mixed Nashville State Newmont USA Limited Corporation Lirio, LLC Inc. Rating Council Signal BU Community College Newport Corporation NOTS Logistics, LLC Litania Sports Group, Inc. Masonry Society, The National Fire Protection Koch Business Solutions Microsoft National Air Duct Cleaners Association Next Level Fall Protection, Nova Oculus Partners, LLC Littelfuse, Inc. Massachusetts Institute Kohler Power Systems Millennium Challenge Association LLC of Technology Lincoln National Fire Sprinkler Novozymes North KPA, LLC Livent Corporation Corporation Laboratory National Archives & Association Niagara Industries, Inc. America, Inc. KPMG, LLP LMI Consulting, LLC Miller Electric Records Administration Massachusetts State National Fluid Power Nidec Minster Corporation NSF International Manufacturing Co. National Association Kronos, Inc. Corp. Police Crime Laboratory Association NTT DATA State Health of Architectural Metal Nielsen Company, The Locomation, Inc. Minnesota Housing Consulting, LLC Kwik Lok Corporation Material Handling Industry Manufacturers National Ground Water Minnesota State Colleges LakePharma LogiCore Corporation Matheson Tri-Gas Association Nuance Communications and Universities National Association of NIOSH - National Personal Lapp Insulators, LLC Logitech Maximus, Inc. Manufacturers National Information Nuclear Information & Mitsubishi Chemical Protective Technology Lab Standards Organization Records Management Laser Institute of America Long Beach Police Maxitrol Co. Carbon Fiber and National Association NIST - US Department of Association Department Composites, Inc. of State Boating Law National Marine Las Vegas Sands Mayo Clinic Commerce Administrators Electronics Association Nucor Corporation LATICRETE International, Loram Maintenance of Mitsubishi Polyester Film, NOCSAE National Mazak Corporation National Pork Producers Inc. Way, Inc. Inc. National Board of Boiler Operating Committee on NVIDIA Corporation Mechanical Power Council Modern Technology & Pressure Vessel Standards for Athletic Lear Corporation Los Angeles County Transmission Association NW Natural Sheriffs Department Solutions, Inc. Inspectors National Propane Gas Equipment NYSE Euronext Leatherman Tool Group, MedBiquitous Consortium National Board Of Association Inc. Lubrizol Corp., The Modular Mining Systems, Nokia Corporation Medical Advantage Group Inc. Medication Therapy National Renewable OASIS LED Roadway Lighting, Management, The Non Emergency Medical University of Energy Laboratory Office Depot, Inc. Ltd. Molex Medical Transportation Lumenpulse Lighting, Inc. South Carolina National Board of Surgical National Restaurant Monitoring Association, Accreditation Commission Office of Emergency Lee Company Luminar Technologies, Inc. Technology and Surgical Association Communications MedImmune, LLC The North American Crossbow Legrand - Electrical Wiring Assisting Lutron Electronics Co., Inc. Mega Fortris Marketing, Monster Tree Service of National Ski Areas Federation Office of the Assistant Systems National Center for Inc. Portland Association Secretary for Research Magna International Competency Testing North American Electric Leidos and Technology (OST-R) Memorial Medical Center Moody’s Corporation National Trappers Reliability Corporation Magnifi Group, Inc. National Commission for LensGen, Inc. of West Michigan Association Office of the Texas State MagTek, Inc. Mosaic ATM, Inc. the Certification of Crane North American Energy Leonardo Academy Mentor Graphics National Waste & Chemist Motor Components, LLC Operators Standards Board Mahana Therapeutics, Inc. Corporation Recycling Association Level 5 Safety Ohana Biosciences, Inc. Motorola Mobility, LLC National Contract North American Maine State Police Crime Mercedes-Benz US, LLC Natural Stone Institute LGI Forensic Engineering, Management Association Interconnect Ohio State University-- Laboratory Motorola Solutions NCR Corporation Center on Educational P.C. Merck & Co., Inc. National Council North American Laminate Makita USA MovoCash, Inc. Training for Employment Liberty Global Services Messer Construction Co. Prescription Drug Program NCSL International Flooring Association B.V. MA Mortenson MTC Holding Corporation Oklahoma State University Metal Hose Manufacturing National Electrical NC Transaction, Inc. North American Power Liberty Mutual Group ManageMen, Inc. Association MTConnect Institute Contractors Association (NewsCorp) Sweeping Association OmegaFlex, Inc. ANSI 2019–2020 Annual Report 56 ANSI 2019–2020 Annual Report 57 MEMBER ROSTER O–Q MEMBER ROSTER Q–S

Omnicell, Inc. (formerly Palantir Technologies Phoenix Contact Precast/Prestressed Raveneye (Kirkpatrick RMS Scaffold & Access Industry SICK AG Aesynt, Inc.) Development and Concrete Institute Price, Inc. dba Raveneye) Association Palo Alto Networks Robotic Industries Siemens USA Manufacturing Onanon, Inc. Presbyterian Healthcare Raven Industries, Inc. Association Schafer Corporation Panasonic Avionics Siemon Company, The Phoenix Police Crime Lab Open-IX Association Services Raydon Corporation Rocheston, LLC Schellman & Company, Paradigm Manufacturing Sierra Case Parts, LLC Pierce College Library Inc. Open Applications Group, Presidio Networked Raypak Rockwell Automation Parametric Technology Inc. Pi Innovo, LLC Solutions, LLC Schlumberger Technology Sigala Industrial & Raytheon Company Roka Sports, Inc. Corporation Corporation Mechanical Contracting, Open Source Electronic Pilz Automation Safety LP PricewaterhouseCoopers, RBG, Inc. Rolling Plains Memorial Ltd. Health Record Alliance, Parenteral Drug LLP Schneider Electric Pinova, Inc. Hospital Inc. Association Real Floors Commercial, Signature Science, LLC Primus Pipe and Tube, Inc. SCHOTT Gemtron, Inc. Pioneer Hi-Bred Inc. Roush Enterprises, Inc. Open Systems Parkview Health System, Silgan Plastics Corp. International, Inc. PRN Ergonomic Service Schweitzer-Maudit International Inc. Recreational Off-Highway Roush Yates Engines International, Inc. Silicon Labs Piping Engineering, LLC Pro-Line Hydralink Vehicle Association Open Text Corporation Particle Measuring RSR Corporation SCS Standards Simon Institute Systems Piston Automotive, LLC Probewell Lab, Inc. Recreational Scuba Optics and Electro-Optics RTI International Development Training Council SiteMaster Standards Council Partners Healthcare Pivotal Software, Inc. Proco Products, Inc. Russell Marketing Seagate Technology System Recreation Vehicle Skadden, Arps, Slate, Optimizely Palantir Technologies Procter & Gamble Research, Inc. Seaspan Ship Meagher & Flom, LLP Partnership for Quality Industry Association Optiv Security, Inc. Plastic Fusion Fabricators, Prodomax Automation, Scott Company, L.P. Management, Ltd. Medical Donations RedSec1, LLC SlipNOT Metal Safety Inc. Inc. Optum Health A United Sabre Corporation Sechan Electronics, Inc. Flooring PCI Security Standards Health Company Plastics Industry Regulatory Technology Professional Contract Security Industry Council Association Services SAE International SME Steel Oracle Services, Inc. Association PCL Alverno Remanufacturing Safe Ocean Service, Inc. SmithGroupJJR PMMI - The Association Professional Electrical Orbis Corporation Industries Council SEI Investments Company PDF Association, Inc. for Packaging and Apparatus Reconditioning Safety Services Company Snap-On Tools Oregon State Police Processing Technologies League Residential Energy Semtech Corporation- San Forensic Labs Pearson VUE SAIC Diego Office Snow & Ice Management Pokemon Company Services Network, Inc. Professional Ropes Association, Inc. Orrick, Herrington & Peerless Chain Company International, Inc., The Salesforce Sentinel Labs, LLC Course Association Resilient Floor Covering Sutcliffe Society for Human Penford Products Pool & Hot Tub Alliance Institute Samsung Semiconductor, Sentry Air Systems, Inc. Professional Testing, Inc. Resource Management Orthofix Company Inc. Portable Generator RESNA - Rehabilitation Sentry Insurance Company Progressive Casualty Society for Imaging Ortho Molecular Products, Pennsylvania Department Manufacturers Engineering and Assistive San Diego Gas & Electric SES - The Society for Science & Technology Inc. of Labor & Industry/ Association Insurance Company Technology Society of San Francisco Standards Professionals Bureau Of Occupational North America Portable Lights American Project Management International Airport Society for Laboratory And Industrial Safety SEW-Eurodrive, Inc. Trade Organization Institute Retractable Technologies, Automation and Screening Otis Elevator Company San Francisco Public (BOIS) Inc. Shawcor Pipe Protection, Portable Sanitation Prometric Utilities Commission Society for Maintenance Otsuka Pharmaceutical LLC People’s United Bank Association International Reusable Industrial and Reliability Development & PTC, Inc. San Jacinto Methodist Packaging Association Sheet Metal and Air Professionals Certifying Commercialization, Inc. PepsiCo, Inc. - Indiana Portland Cement Hospital QEI Engineers, Inc. Conditioning Contractors’ Organization Association Revere Electric Supply Outdoor Power Equipment PepsiCo, Inc. - Texas San Jose State University National Association Quad Society for Protective Institute Portwest, LLC Richland County Sheriff Personal Care Products San Juan Regional Shenzhen Xeccon Lighting Coatings, The QUALCOMM Incorporated Department Forensic Lab Owens & Minor, Inc. Council Powder Actuated Tool Medical Center Technology Co., Ltd. Society of Allied Weight Manufacturers’ Institute Qualitrol, LLC Ricoh USA, Inc. P.I.P.E. PFISTERER Ixosil AG Santa Clara County Crime Sheppard, Mullin, Richter & Engineers, Inc. Powell Electrical Systems, R.P. Stone Consulting, Inc. Ringers Gloves Lab Hampton Pharmaceutical Product Inc. Society of Cable Development, LLC Radiological Society of Risk & Insurance Sartorius Stedim North Shire (HGT) Human Pacific Gas and Electric Telecommunication Powell Industries, Inc. North America Management Society, Inc. America Genetic Therapies Company Philips Engineers PowerDMS, Inc. Rapid, LLC Riverside Health System SAS Institute, Inc. Showa Best Glove Pacific North West Cyber Phoebe Putney Health Society of Fire Protection Education System, Inc. Power Tool Institute Rapid7, LLC Automotive, LLC Satake USA Shutterfly, Inc. Engineers ANSI 2019–2020 Annual Report 58 ANSI 2019–2020 Annual Report 59 MEMBER ROSTER S–U MEMBER ROSTER U–Z

Society of Motion Picture Stiltz Home Elevators Telecommunications Tree Care Industry U.S. Department of UJET, Inc. Velazquez Hydraulic WEXCO International and Television Engineers Industry Association Association Defense Service Stroz Friedberg, An Aon Underwriters Laboratories, Corporation SOLLiD Cabinetry Company Teledyne Impulse Tricam Industries U.S. Department of Energy Inc. VentriFlo, Inc. WIC Program Sony Electronics, Inc. Structural Building Teledyne MEC TRI Environmental, Inc. U.S. Department of Unified Abrasives Verify Homeland Security Manufacturers Will-Burt Company Sound Transit Components Association Trijicon, Inc. Verizon Business Teledyne Scientific and Association U.S. Department of South Central Regional Student & Youth Travel Imaging T Rowe Price Verizon Communications Window & Door Housing and Urban UniGroup, Inc. Medical Center Association TELUS Vertex Pharmaceuticals Manufacturers TRSA, the Association for Development Unilife Medical Solutions, Spartanburg Regional SubCom, LLC Association Temtco Steel Linen, Uniform and Facility U.S. Department of Justice Inc. Vertiv Healthcare System Suffolk County Crime Services Tenable, Inc. - Antitrust Division Union Pacific Railroad Vibration Institute Window Covering Sparton DeLeon Springs, Laboratory TrueBlue, Inc. Texas A&M University U.S. Department of Justice United Association Vicarious FPC, Inc. Manufacturers LLC Summers Manufacturing Truesdail Laboratories, - Bureau of Alcohol, Association Texas Department of of Journeymen and Vicarious Surgical Specialty Vehicle Institute Company Inc. Tobacco, Firearms & Public Safety Apprentices of the of America Explosives Group, Inc. Wind River Systems, Inc. Sunglass Association of Truss Plate Institute Plumbing and Pipe Spokane Teachers Credit America, Inc. Texas Instruments U.S. Department of Justice Virginia Department of Truvantis, Inc. United Network for Organ Wood Machinery Union Incorporated - FBI Forensic Science Sun Hydraulics Sharing Manufacturers of America Sporting Arms Textile Care Allied Trades TSI Incorporated Corporation U.S. Department of Justice United Services Virtual, Inc. & Ammunition Association Woodworking Machinery Tufts Associated Health - Justice Management Automobile Association Manufacturers Institute Sunset Technology, Inc. Vision Council, Thermon Manufacturing Plans, Inc. Division Industry Association SunSpec Alliance United States Postal TheWonderful Company, Spraying Systems Co. Co., The U.S. Department of Justice TuSimple Service Office of Inspector The Wooster Community Super Anchor Safety - Justice Management SPRI, Inc. Thyssenkrupp Elevator General U.S. Access Board Division VMEBus International Hospital Spring Manufacturers Superior Industries Corporation United Technologies Trade Association International, Inc. U.S. Bureau of U.S. Department of the Institute TiePoint-bkm P.C. Corporation World Bank Group, The Reclamation Interior - U.S. Geological Walt Disney Parks and St. John’s Medical Center Surialke Marketing & Universal City Studios, LLC Resorts - Worldwide Safety Tile Council of North U.S. Coast Guard (DC) Survey World Millwork Alliance Industrial Services Limited and Accessibility Stadler Rail AG America, Inc. Universal Electronics, Inc. U.S. Consumer Product U.S. Department of Worldwide Clinical Trials Sustainable Electronics Washoe Co SO Forensic Standards Michigan Time Manufacturing Co. Safety Commission Transportation - Maritime University of Alabama Recycling International Science Division Administration Birmingham Hospital World Wide Technology, Standards Strategies, LLC Timken Co. U.S. Cutting Tool Institute Sustainable Forestry Water Quality Association U.S. Department of University of California Inc. Stanley Black & Decker Tire and Rim Association, Initiative, Inc. U.S. Department of Transportation - Pipeline Irvine Watson Pharmaceuticals Inc. Wyndham Hotel Group Stanley Healthcare Agriculture - Agricultural and Hazardous Materials Swedish Medical Center University of North Webtrends Titan Supply LP Marketing Services Safety Administration Starbucks X12 Incorporated Synopsys, Inc. Carolina at Chapel Hill WEC Business Services, U.S. Department of U.S. Department of Certification, LLC TMEIC LLC Xilinx, Inc. Systems Integration Agriculture - Animal and Veterans Affairs University of North Texas State Auto Specialists Company TMI USA Inc. Plant Health Inspection System Wegmans Food Markets, U.S. Green Building XSB, Inc. Service Inc. State Compensation T.A.P.P.I. Topcon Positioning Council University of Virginia Insurance Fund Systems Weld Tooling Corp. Yamaha Motor Tag ISO/TC126 U.S. Department of U.S. Pharmacopeia Unum Group Manufacturing State of Connecticut Toro Co. Agriculture - Livestock UP Systems, Inc. Wells Fargo Bank Tala Tek, LLC U.S. Securities and - Divison of Scientific Poultry and Seed Program Corporation of America Toy Association, The Exchange Commission USPIS Forensic Laboratory WellSpan Health Services Tapeswitch Corporation U.S. Department of Services Motor North U.S. Tire Manufacturers Werner Co. Zebra Technologies Corp. Steelcase Inc. Target Corporation Agriculture - Safety and America Production Eng., Association Inspection Service Vanguard Group, Inc. Western Digital Zeineddin Steel Deck Institute, Inc. Taylor Machine Works, Inc. Inc. U.S. Department of Uber Advanced Vantage Technologies, Inc. Steel Door Institute Techstreet Transcat, Inc. Technologies Center Zoox Agriculture National Variance Reduction Western Governors STG, Inc. TeladocHealth, Inc. Travelport LP Centers for Animal Health UCB, Inc. International, Inc. (VRI) University Zume, Inc. ANSI 2019–2020 Annual Report 60 ANSI 2019–2020 Annual Report 61 BOARD OFFICERS BOARD OF DIRECTORS

VICE-CHAIR Neil Bogatz Tim Klein Edward Mikoski CHAIR David Miller IAPMO U.S. Department of Electronic Components uss haney Director, Standards Transportation Industry Association Chief Executive Officer Development Sue Carioti American Petroleum ASIS International John Kulick Susan Miller nstitute ATIS Scott Colburn Siemens Corporation Paul Moliski U.S. Food and Drug Earl Lawrence Intertek Testing Services NA, IMMEDIATE PAST CHAIR VICE-CHAIR Administration Federal Aviation Kevan P. Lawlor Philip M. Piqueira Inc. Vice President, Global Stephen Crawford Administration President and CEO Kathie Morgan NSF International Standards George Washington Institute Kevin Lippert Underwriters Laboratories ASTM International of Public Policy, GWU Eaton Corporation Earl Nied Don Deutsch Angus Low Intel Corporation VICE-CHAIR VICE-CHAIR Oracle Rockwell Automation Dale Cyr Claire Ramspeck Elise Owen Christian Dubay and ecutive Managing Director, Edward Manns U.S. Environmental National Fire Protection Director Standards NACE International Protection Agency Inteleos ASME Association Amy Marasco David R. Pittle Patricia Edwards Microsoft Corporation Consumer Representative U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission James Matthews Jack Pokrzwya SAE International Corning Incorporated Cristine Fargo SENIOR MANAGEMENT TEAM Rusty Rentsch ISEA Philip Mattson AIA Jamie Ferguson U.S. Department of Dan Roley Kaiser Permanente Homeland Security JOE BHATIA MICHAEL PETOSA Caterpillar Incorporated President and Chief Executive Officer Vice President, Information Technology International Scott McGrath Sharon Stanford OASIS PATRICIA A. GRIFFIN MARY SAUNDERS Gordon Gillerman American Dental Association Senior Vice President and General Counsel Vice President, Government Relations NIST Joe McGuire David Weinstein AHAM GEORGE GULLA FRANCES E. SCHROTTER Linda Golodner CSA Group Senior Vice President, Publications Sales and Membership Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer Consumer Interest Mary McKiel Rachel Weintraub LANE HALLENBECK JOSEPH TRETLER JR. Don Huber American Academy of Consumer Federation of Executive Director, ANSI National Accreditation Board Vice President, International Policy Consumer Reports Forensic Sciences America MARGARET JENSEN Gillian Kelleher Rae McQuade Cynthia Woodley Senior Vice President, Finance and Administration, and Chief Financial Officer Wegmans Food Markets NAESB Professional Testing, Inc.

ANSI 2019–2020 Annual Report 62 ANSI 2019–2020 Annual Report 63 Headquarters New York Office 1899 L Street, NW 25 West 43rd Street Eleventh Floor Fourth Floor Washington, DC 20036 New York, NY 10036 202.293.8020 212.642.4900