
AUCTION 8ALES. AUCTION 8ALBS AUCTION BALES. * ... AUCTION SALES. BTEAMER8, FIT1KK DAYH. TO-JTtOKKOW. till* THE EVENING STAR. A rother six .'fits' walking miteh tw»gan la afternoon. UNQANBON BROS.. Auctioneer*" N a» nwKDAV *^ o?k ".2.05 this a. m . vita nta* entr.t**. B. WILLI A MS A CO.. Anciioneer* DOWLINQ. Auctioneer. D" 9th and D &treeU northwest. poa *i»r twu TLe "^yALTlR DOWLING. Auctioneer. OS THE first mile was covered hy Mijnaal: in c-w, fpHOMAS rpHOMAS rmtuKHicKsf-TATT°X8 RICHMOND H - <« 1 In o J,! la ti i«n and 16. TH ALM T FR * ME PAKLOR 8UITE, XW> THOrjAND Ff.OWERTXO ntrn- VERY VALUABLE REGULAR BALK OF HOUSWH'ILD SBVBG AND POTOMAC Hugtins I.N RRP; IHN HMO VIE WALNUTUPHOLSTEREDDIM; PLANTS, ROSE*. BRIDGE. IMPROVED PBOPERTff OH PARLOR AND OHAMBIK *RT4FORVlTUBK,AND »A(LBOAD. LOCAL NEWS. TbeM.-ootlDp at K*ple pari Saturday i ii mb*r wm.nut extension at OLADIOLAB? HIGH, CONGKKS& JEFFJCBSON, EFfEHTN GENERALLY, TOGBTHEB W'T4 smor.:theriienit>crs of the t srjT£, Will be sn!d my auction rtfni* TrTF^nAv MONTGOMERY. WASHINGTON AND A LOT P970MAC 8I'KAMB.JAT COMPANY. apitalafternoonCity TARLE. PIMM* KOOM CHAIRS; LOUNGE, OF SHELF G-Jods, kc , TAKE* OLD AND favomtk uouric Ihe Rrlt Hailroari W ar. Gun « lrb lumlfhed fine nHo >TKRED IN LEATHEtt WALNUr f beaLL 8TRKET8, GEORGETOWN. D. U.. PLACE AT OUR AUCTION ROOMS h»« mf/L® sport. Twenty glass »'-«»-ssagig AT AUCTION. > with tlie now A CONTEST At* Til THE r>i 1? wi'h r'«e vw tUe I h A V E MARBLE TOP CENTER Sft&s.r.g Mat 10th, commencikg at in a m It and^ I ®f3P CONSTRUCTION OF TU 5 twenty jarc.s tkr/xs. MIRROR, oil monday. mat 9^n. 1s81. oommeno- TUESDAY, sp.endid Steamer CHARTER AMENDMENT. K L Mills and \v. \v Kidrldce miss-vi none. TAM m, WALNUT uH\r NOTH, WICKER IMPROVED iV!> itv tvn at 4 In of 4ba HQEMIQB, IMKfK-i, EASY CFIAIHS. ENGRAVINGS i^HAACEBY~HALE**0F o'clock. front tbe premises, I Vlf BROS-. Auctioneers. The amendment of the Beit < or the r. malning twelve oentealanta, T. K. 1 THB'MJRTH diall sell tbe folio wi- * property: Lots 35 and * »PPOtotM in ererrm9.:«>a. atreet railroid ard W m. one AM> CBboJlO?, REFRIGERATOR HAND WRSTIIRN A^'n^F* 30, 82 feet on the west line of J~)UKCAN80N spellt*-T)d, llnee-barter was King Wncner missed each HOME i:«RD TABLE, HIN4KBN IMPROVED aE" fronting Con^re** six feat family" utulagf. 8ec.in* n. obtained upon the condition A shoeing match for fvn a side.:ih) V TIONTOFN1HE CITYOUTHWl8rEW' street by A depth of 108 feet oil the Ohio Canal, h*w; new Top is that additional d:m«, SK jx, waOHISE; WALNUT BEDSTEAD*. improved by a lanre two-story b.iok warehouse cutty, NtiW light m. and s-snp v facilities should be "xtendel to three > a>ds' rl?e, Eneltsh riles.took p'aee at Bl RE A I » AND WAHHS r AN !'* WIKE-WO with brick stable anil express wagon. and one nu-top t5ie FMt T^nd South. the of the of M. Louis .ast Vi s MKIN0M, PU'.IKD SITTKS, HALL sneds boggy ^ employes Bureau Engraving aad Saturday between Captain Immediately after, lot 63, fronting 26)$ feet on SuuSim?turD1»*. flfe'tt 30p.m. by giving them to ^aidusandW. u. of which R'l'K. r-'Kbhh VASE, HRU8SEUJ HAL.L tbe wett side of between At suction, in front of salesrooms. 9th ..t». »rri^inWMbjnirtoi»«t2andlO Pr»nting transportation the Mitcbeli, virgin:*, Boi AN i' STaiboa*PET>. OLl^AND ' conges? street, ttie Canal and d nearest Intersections of other street w >s won by Bognrdus. the score standing vt to ri«UNA, SftJEi and Water street, four street*. tuesday, iuth fl«*t ciasi " on railways improved by small brio* S1*l ror OKK'KHil WARIt: HAIR AM> HI SK MAT tenements. at 11 o'clock. s''wl.isst..K.1i53BP' re" 'oQ«*ntico.S1u,lltI°0" **coad c «£ two cents The privilege was a!?o granted 7^ Anotner match for t be same amount an J 71 -.-SfH INGRAIN A *D on R- be It tr ».i ^ i 50 of Its with HHf.S.HEfl. lrttfa fL8'2l,re y°*, I33- Immediately after,lot P3, 34 feet on the west aide duncanson 11809-. AucU. to Frederickiburx? Suited "wi extending liue down nth street to Water t'ae s-airt' terms will be shot this week. OtHKK CARPETS; \kLVET Hi'aS AND tw^n a^d^h of day street to Intersect with the Anacostia line. of me ever MaTS KlTlHkN UTIINsIL?, Ao. be^weetfu Jefferson street, between Canal and Water tohomas Auctioneer. to Ir ^ptaKlng growing international .W^u.w » by a of 12<) dowling, Richmond! ltiiiit«d"to l dVv"" is said the re was an a-pect ot the Um lonuM at 10 o'ci.otk <7% ® streets, depth feet, improved by a JJaaLinjrton to express understanding that Kr.gilsb turf. /m.'t, f n THUR8DA V, M»t 12th. tbree story brick house. Washington Richmond, unlimited the lirst to be made was the u j >r.< saj li rem Lave not as yet A v » f at ret>i8 feiss-f SiViS'lu dwelling \*EI L-KEPT HOUSEHOLD FURNI TORE, OOM 10 mchmuud 111111 change taklag 8:."Foreign , shall fell, 2:st\£\. I immediately after, 1 jt 61, fronting 22 8-12 feet on return, gojdfor of the tracks on ohlo avenue u en event of street. t»> weeu H and I mrs-ta earth*e»t. nSl the east of J'K)81NG WALNnt HAIR-CLOTH PARLOR A'diT 8 and 12.h any Importance this season, b it a1v»nt**e3 THK 11TH DAT OF MAY line Jefferson street, between lt,i(ud FURNITURE. WALNUT 7'00 street ar-l them to uih streef thev l ave been tor near to 11 r.-n jvoial to tiose / ^ | 1lH^d^B.WED?E9DAY-1. at s»iue 11 »nri street and C. and O. Canal, by a douth of 107 MAttHLE-TOl' toQuiiitioo aid"u return."gmj1 >>rinr^-.cjl»f««cket transferring provoklngly. them, i!irT their houses hour, lots 27. 28 29 3o ^-5 fiot, TABLES. WALSUT ETEGSRES. on of ft(1 and c street the Buieauof suceosF. In all the £e«trou* f :9&niif Every article iu'provtd by a two-story brick house. AN1> MAHOGANY WALNnC only day imu« , past Kagraving an i great handicap* Am^rleau is of tfce it~ t u ake aad la KOod condition. V Immediately after. Lota 21 and 22, fronting 60 OHAMBKR FURNITURE to Onantlco and return'.' Pilnting. The alleged attempt to evade the horses have ob;aln, frontiug 23 feet on TOP TABLE and to atop at P 13 thought to be a direct v loiatiou or the law, | year o'dp. ar.i only at last to a rjiHOb of the westiine of Washington street, bet ween Briltre « 81DKBOARD, CRAIB", Marshall Hail and Glymont. succumbing I 25th sr£t,sii SwhlM^Vi sireet and OOKlNG BTOVE. RITOHEN REQUISITES. 1 and information cheerfullr which gives the Belt line n o authority to make. colt win so vtry name was unknown to the MO-H I.>IRABLE SUBURB \ ^t-on canal, oya depth of 00 feet; Improved ^ ??, > SI COntaiDilPf ".«» 9 by two comfortable Frame kc. W 1216 F street n"rt£ use of nth street between V irglnia avenu and Rreat minority of the racing rub'!;> a fortnight tit. MOlEKN IMPROVEMENTS.r?OVF,.GOTfI10ON SSttS?!KW£UlW-t' Houses. ® C street. 'i LA i . FOLLOWING at 5 rn THURKDAY MORNING, May Pennsylvania avenue; W. The work on this ago. he tunning for the sc often AVtNCE, Mi PLEAsA-s'T. WITH DAY, a* 6 o'clock p.M . the eas DAY, o'clock. Lot 13,front' hrnr.fr> u 12^ 4,1"' connecting square herby ing 22 fe»t on tbe north side of 1881, at 10 o'clock, at No 1122 13th street, v^-v Ciwar Stands; at principal Hotels, and at has there-lore been the district as we oat the other the ASD M,'0"'IE Bridge street, beB btt»e*n »i d theho Vv!S? foot of stopped by pointed day. reverses, tw«en Hi^'h and Potomac streets, by a depth of 69 L Massachusetts avenue nortn- Company's office, 7tli street. Commissioners and the opinion of Mr. result of the two thousand, ihat these two 2SKifiBFSiolS18 feet to an *e»t, I shall sell the above off< eta. T pSSSfe Superintendent. Uidd.e. w ailey; improved by a three Brlok I | tne District asked as horses may do as (!nl May at f» r m . l_j story p to the law and IirKsDAY, 12ri?. I ! Duelling house ana fctore. Ten mi cebh. V,-M f-HvKr^i?"ELCB.A?TI^OIjYAjrent. m6 tm29 the attorney, upou Kettledrum, wiUojB'-.- a: i r»ic auction iu irons ot the sMu"K,sa,a^1 At o'clock m9 3t THOMAS DOW LIN'>, Auctioneer. subject. others, in which event the New Vork locker prmi'iii t e a*>*>ve !>» ; J " n.'.-^^wSKSKtig./or which the note* ot the purch*ser hear f>># NAME day, Lots 11 aid 12, AND NEW YORK STEAMERS" POLICE club would be. like the built erty. I 36 feet on the IV ORDERED TO STOP TUK WORK OS TU5 in^ in the Km i 7he »#'.'»r will n< t iLtr 1bterest from the dsv of sal* wiil }>» »4tJn iT, fronting east iiue of High street, by STEAMER JANE MQSELEY iaterfere with this sals. a SALE OF 1 ROAD. Ser.be tKteen years ago, illuminated Tes iiih il»y of m «*. alien on the t'reijaise* sjld. or all cash a J depth of about 60 feet: improved by A Brick VALUABLE IMPROVED i]iiwill leave her wharf, fcot of sixth ,/P .> from r«-taiti«^ rtina , Store and Frame Dwelling-. REAL ESTATE ON FOURTH BS It was reported on threshold to reef." m7-dsu<. THOS. E. WAGGAMAN. Auct. the opLon of tne purchaser. A deposit of ir?i TRUSTEES*TW*.EN A MTRE^T. ®!."2J?£NDAY- WED>E8-_£*5^2M Saturday that th*- miroid At b«. required at the time of sa'e ^ wnvmn-.i?oonveyaaeim Immediately alter at>d adjoining, Lot® 11 and j AND B 8TREKIB NORTHEA^IS DAY and FRIDAY, at 5:30 o'clock company Lad resumed work that day oa the Lexington, Ky.. tto»spring running raA»s at the cost of the 12, fronting about 70 foit on the north side of By virtue of a .bed ox w contested and rpent d Saturday. First ra 2Sib, 1H77. duly recorded in Liber 8t8, ^5* £,.^'~«H^D*aH^nejrp01nt-Fort.ess Monroe txcuriion TickeU.1 Uf trood for four orders w, rurisslma second and Immediately after Lot 105. fronting 40 feet oa folio one cf *ill l* iteced as stop upon t^e \ALUAB1E BUILDING LOTS ON MERIDIAN 34, the land records for the Dig- iJ*'K da>s follows: entire line of the until Lavaoca third. Tltne 1:5i ,. Second race, ta*? i-« the west lice of Montgomery street, between West tiictof and a* the of Koanci to Fortress railway further lnsuu MILL AT AUCTION v.m° ^ysvmas-r'- a of Columbia, request tin pirty Tfip Monroe and Saturday atteruoou a uoas IM.irnlx Hall stakes, one and a quarter * r and be all streets, by depth 9/ ftet, impro.td stcured *e win sell at Acrfc lk8 party of atn e miles, W e ill iter f r #a e at an-Ttiop. th «treMt and Pe k.vaaga^-"""'""1 w Terms of pale: One-third the premise*, SATURDAY, the 7th P°riress Monroe aii*ei*^?or? superiu third. Time 2:16l.. The third * cash and residue DatofMay. at 5 o'clock tha tcidemsand many employes of the Bureau ef rar described Toal estate, situated in th3 folloari?ot Hecond-clacs each if -!"! Engraving and Printing, waited upou the filly stakes. a halt mile dash for two 1-31. rrr^.. c;» m . tb« foilowm* b'lildin* 6 cent, interest, and eecared c'.ty wiy.....V. I' 'hob Mtr,jian YB1 «nd arore.-ti<=ii ?old,or all casu at the option of known aud as 10 George ana s thlrd. .">:t Estate." \.t Lots I. 2, 4, 6. 18. 27. 28 and 29 In ' Corntr lOlh andD sts . facin* Pen'u. ave parcel wound, distinguished ami Trip Pin,1>" Point and Poiut e'unilear, and maae a stateiaent of their can: Mejjlbben filly Time v_. of the purchaser, all conveyancing &3.. at being ljart of Lois uumbsred an J LookouT It is bice* 10, si i ots 24 and 26 in b!cx*k 1?, of Hall and cost. a of wi;l be aeveut-en (17) S.' plaint. They also left a petition, ilgued ly reported thai Mr. .lames K. k*nehM Slvan's as S deposit $50 requiredpurchaser'sei^lite-n (If,) in square numbered s^ven huudrjd Second-clafs, »ach way purchased the a«.>xliviMon. e3ob iot offered will bs T-v r at . r \r.E, r n each property at time of sa'e. The terms of and 1 upwards of a thousand persona, thht celebrated fcnglish racing ?cid without reserve a ftooa is ..F.xECCTORS'COSTL? CONTENTS' <1>.-My five (785,) comti'nctnir tor the s»mo a* Jtatwoonas, *1. Meal*. 7So" asking lion Peter, five opportuaity offered OP Th? this sale must be compiled with in tei days or the a point in the we fit lire of 4th street east ona thecempany be held to the law respecting the years old, by Llermlt outstalJof ro* in-v estuiei t RESI property will bo sold at the risk and cost of the ten extension of Its track, Lady M.i&b.iro. the price be ng a'7,..<> He is IVrnii- on* h*lf cssb, ani Isalanoe ia one and le®ANTlYJ?0«EISBKd } aud (UO/ft^t three (3) Inches northhundredof and that tne District defaulting purchaser or purchasais, the southeast corner of 6ai>uth eighteen (18) feet, aud at. the time, suited to the thatpresentlean s ud. Amer; TAYLOR and r!?r.»in8IfNTSEouo«TKYIHE,'msl'' thence east to the with the delegation he At < IAMBS B FlTCII, MAY 1J' *881. COM bale of two-ktory brick beginning, together >»8vasntffis&ewUf was in sympathy with the employes of that the Maryland K1tie ;ub's match at Fif c ntOrs of the Estate of M«. ,«,?,,W>AY. &c. improvements, on the Joseph Caiey. LO, li A- M / we sha11 881), Gl Cwancebyj HOCrE on twentieth street. near Terms: One-third of the purchase money to be bureau, and he read to them tnpsco range. Baltimore, Saturday, b>stPai ti.7- JA Js at I ,# kt n, of tbe fl -a Fernaado pennsylvania avenue northwest, SM;ais:ai% at- -) arc scores were: I> Detrleh, 47; a. Wo P?nfhre81:K'nce feb) alho lot paid in cash and the balance in six. twslve aad Georgetown every FRIDAY, at 7 a.m. For THE OPINION OK MK. KIDDI E. 46: Boeder, irt coraer of loth ana 1 streets Mil near navy yard bridge, at eighteen months wiih iuterest at 7 per cent par appiy 0 lgent* 63 Waler Btroet' Ueoivennsoto whom the construction or the law A. F. DreseL 42; A. 11. Hack. 4'.'. col. w. h. DrrtLV«tf arch >n. a had been S. scored out oft. ;;> a annum, secured by deed of truston the property. town? submitted, and which had Bnrgwyn possible la 15 RAILROADS. to name in detail the py virtue of decree of the Supreme Court ia& or all cash, at option of at WOOD, just been received. shots at a fluo Coffer,«"nnecenpary,1. The c baraeter of the re»i ier c« of ihe District of on the purchaser $l(iO deposit kvi Secretary, The purport of this is that yards range. Co'umbla, passed time of sale and all conveyancing at purchaser's *p3(> 61>i 15th street, opp. D. 8. Treasury. opinion the Base-taii Saturday: At 4 ifi sofflc*ent evidence tust this shall be ssaioofar«a 5th riay of April, 1s8i, in equiy cause No rest. Terms to be with within has lo right to use the square betweencompanyc v\ Trey, N.Y., Troys BALTIMORE AND OHIO superior order. 4,841, wh< rein a. f. llinesetal. are complainants, complied seven WOHFOLK. HOKT8H()IITH street and avenue; thai the orcester s at Boston. Bostous4, Providence RAILROAD. - days from day of aale, otherwise the Trustees Virginia renting of l: at C'atalo«rnes can be had at onr Auction Boomi bs ar>d Belinda Morris et al. are defendant?, tbe serve to EO»FOBTKKSH MUNKOE AND THB HOOTH a at tne corner or Buffalo, Buffalos Detroit i; at XHK MODKL FAST LINE, and THE ONLYLINB open for Slay 10 Trustee will eell at ttie right resell the property at the riskra| 1HE STEAMEH building lith and C street j o.. JJ £*J VHfN aiay*. House inspe'tioh public auction,undersignedon and cc6t of the GEORGE LEASY, southwest is a to claim Chlcagos 4, Cleveland* o: atCleveland,New L H- j, aid deiaulting purchaser after iiva the S. pretext rights und-r THE JOSEPH WOOD.' Executors. iu front of the preB.iees, on 20t& street, Trn. (Carrying U. Mai;), llaven, Yalec. Princetons; at New York. EAST asd THK WEST. VIA WASHINGTON I'EBSANDO WOOP, Pennsylvania avenue and H street northbetweendays advertisement. will wave her wharf, foot of 7th their original charter, which, however, does not . olltans New 4 HEN BY STRASBERGET, > on hold is a s. Yorks Mt»troi WALTER H.\mlliam» jg 00 . ai^H. west, on monday, 9th day of at 5 i Tpn(,tAoq 1UE8DAY8 at d goenl, mere subterfuge to evade the DOUBLE TRACK! JANNEY COUPLER! 8TESL rm?jy>fcdiia May, 1881, BSAINARD H. WARNEri.) ftrwr, at o:30 o'clock p. m., the north part of lot 27, in square j. t. coldwell, Auctioneer. p in , THrK^DA\h law. and that the Commissioners have the W«rl* an» oca's. toj 6 Aiinapoila and way. of'ule trtS>rr?d^?0nitaeGambia, in Liber No. JsM. southeast, to-day. venlng .5arl\e'sroonaD on property sold, or wlioie purchase money can bo classrouLd trip iso H.25 itr ten and one-hair hours work.d«njanded >t C . Iitwton, and distinguished ai date of Bale. No will be By virtueof a deed of bearing beccnd-clasfl, facb way 7* and 1* cents fc;45.btanntoh as J Valley Express. fOoncecti on thetne jrrcucd plat of said city as p*rt of Lot umn paid deed given until ail trust, date on A Steam bout per hour tor extra work. Tne for Uwerrtowa and at toe purchase money and interest shall have bean the 19th day of November, A d.1875, and re- *L Mei1'*'753-' FreiKht" received War. company efferrd them ft ;:t» for eleven houri Point of Rocks for 81uare No.562, and described a on lot corded in liber No. folio *35| Frederick > " as ,<14)*in a P0'at orl t(1" pa'd depositor $100 in square 101 and 802, 385, etseq . vmuTZT' CONTEST OVER POSSESSION OK A RIVER DOCK. work and 13 o-nts per hour for extra tD ;iXJ.On e Of I ^ I?® 8aDQeP HBO cn lot in sijuare east of square lu25 will be cne ol*be land records of tbe county of exteT,d ber trips to Georgetown work, auuday only for Baltimore. AnnapoUa ttreit°ror?h when sold All at D and at the in Jirv kt^0T w.iUPtoppiDK at wharf. Mr. Win. Blrney. attorney for the Upper which terms the men accepted. m and mny "^cee conveyancing purchaser'srequired C-i request writingWashington.of the 'W5!1°nday. Hartley's cost. If terms of bale are not complied with in ten party thereby secured, the will sell at can be had, and Steamboat tompany, In a communication to " lU:(JU-:Ba.uuore ETpress. (Stops at HyattsvlUe, i£ii-s&m&t from of sale the ublic frentof thesubscriber fcnd,8,^*tef'001118 at B. W. The newest thing under the sun" is a Co.>^H, ikrlfsvilie, Laurel. Aarapoiia JoLction. days day Trustee reserves the right I suction,in premises.on ,ion,.i5e^rfaUjr ll""tUhed, Reel'stnfor? the District commissioners, recites that several clous and f:uit J*8ST;p'» and Hanover.) anrt rtty a5u» f^1 to Haid I to resell the property at the risk and cost of the the l'.> ru day of May, A. D. 1881, at 6THURSDAY,o'clock northwest; Cook's Tours, 1431 ytars ago the pre decetsoi s of the refreshing loenge, which taK»«deii, til' 40. °?ie n'^1r''d, purchaser after five days' noticedefaultingla p m., all that piece or parcel of ground, lyin* and 8. Boose'sci^arstands; at pnocipal present the place ci pills and disagreeable purgative pittMhorft, Chica^c. Cincinnati ad 81 stnVt (20> feet el^ht <« > iacnes some in public l«eli g situa'e in the h( tVu. ii T p' granted a license to the Uppercommissioners It la Louis Expreets. t*"fcli< u;e it,< v:n^,rftncin<^ :-,TTi,,yIhe improvameati consist of a newspaper published Washugton. d. c. city of Washington, in the 0 *ud to medicines. named Tropic-1 rult I.ixntive, P M. three JOHN B. 1IINES, Trustee, county alid District aforesaid, ard £UKOFlC^ at that time was rull of and useioss. registered degrees ExfreStS. a?t^e j beiLjr recotdei ia the otflea of ^he subdivisionYOVA<>EHH mud, Tne Chicago ytsterduy. ana 'there was oae cm of t3:C0. Baltimore. Piuuidelphia acd New York 1,v a dpp<* ^ iafom"theapreiS>s trustees* sale of a desirable of the of company proceeded to elean It out, and built a Buiitticke. Express F*f''i(e'? brick the city Washiatrton in liber W. F.,folioSnrveyor J. W. BOTELEB k SOU wharf at and erected a :30.Haltiaicre ard station*. Soarv&Ai dwelling ox threestory10!), tcgethtr with the buildings aud improvement? large expense, platform way (Winchester, corner of first and carrollsoutheast of a *re the Agents for the sale of Tickets la this for Its own accommodation and tor its Frederic*. Hatreratowr ana w»y, via K<-lay.) m,; d*jte ot K. Baik-'r JuaotionTf^8TEF.'SST" NINJ^ 906, folio 320, et. seq. of the land recorda itiw six, twelve at-d eighteoa months, for notes b^arinvr Information by applying to "Mary tLirty j caiK. t4:45. Pcmt of Rocks, Frederick, Htwerstown, J tEN EJII AM)>vPRTH\VEST^B8TWEEVTWENTIETH STRa.E T8. for the District of Columbia, And at the request of inter*st from of J. W BOTKLEK & BON. Washington." At the last mtutloned time the The funeral eervics will b«- Wincb»»Vr anc Way Stations. (On to the t.-cmea we day sale; deferred payments to ue moved its boat for and conducted by the Sunday ^ a decree of tlie Supreme Court Y1>-ST*A*shi» an hour afterwards Mr. H. within frem 514 6th \d. in the cause May 4 carh at the out on of tliaTrustee. Conveyancing Lwa LEX wken Nbtw Geurge Phillips, n"rthwc8t, XiieHiJay 3fteni0'>n. ABiiaj<-.iv Way i f Enili^h I?°FEnfrColQfLb,ia',iehet a!..P^sedNo. 7616 9. ?88?, at 40 o'clock p. m.. all that at the cofet of Yokk, HAVES. Lohdoh.uuh' manager of the l'otoaac selz.d May It th, &t 4 o'clock. Ttie is tS:45.B»;tiui no; Sodihampxoh and Bhkmku. Ferry Company, deceased tDo uia-'Si (itaitmsbnrKatid Way, T\. 8al0' oa THURSDAY. MAY 12th piece or paicel of laud situate in the citycertainof comv'iied with in live from of upon the vacant dock and has, since that daughter of tlie Hon. D. P Hollo way. via R».a> Ston at Hisil»v;lle *nd ir days day sa'.e. T ® termers of this will sail every 8aV time, Laurai.) Mi fnwclock p m » on tiie premi"sf»« th«f Vqi' Washington, District of Columbia, known and oompany , wiil be resold at risk and expense of the same a 6:06.Pr.i^i of Rocks ana Way Stations. i as lot lettered to f. w. defauittnirprope*ty °'8d "treet. Hoboken. occupied with boat of the Ferry ULL Monday, May 9th, lf-i, at C 5S o'. look t6 46.Ba.tituore and stations. °f as the West 25 fo- t of "m," accordiug dosciibed A dei'osii of two hundred dollars will 'r°^. rupu1£ler*From feot York to and made declarations ». m., of pnenuioiila, .1 wkph of Way ]?iDok J^LOwn ,o' junes' subdivision of lots nnmt>ered eigbt (3), e at Nfw Havre, Company, repeated of Ukmiv, oniyajji 7 i3 or to t in fwliteeu months from day o' sale* public B. WILLIAMS & Auctioneers. dock, assignment and T/2 Cth arrett northweat, to loih a' Stops signal !e otf passeuKers at any leferredi'T ferS» l cayajen:s to ba evidetced by the nn-' plans cf said city, together with tile CO., bZ&BV£S^%£ the Commissioners. ' morrow. May staticn bet*e^n WaiLm.ton and Annai; by S4id d«ed of tru't, with t«ie taxes and ex penses of REAL KKTATK FRONTING ON E STREET. exercise of the police power for the 1SH1, BonSBX M. OuBLswooi), in the forty second conveyaDciDK and recordiDviat Dn^hMervSwit * BETWEEN I RAKI) ia>K. Eortoi. txpress. Slteinu^ Cars to New York. 8AMU EL D. 8CH MUC EE h»le in cash the balance in 6 aud li mouths with EIGHTH AND NINTH STREETS NOTIOl. malntalnanoe of order on the commercial front year of hie a?e. tDai.y. tsonday only. Other trains daily, except & T?nsto? interest at f> per cent per annum, securol deed NORTHWEST. AT AUCTION, BEING N'J. ci the city." The complaint was referred to Oi honored, beloved, to earth n-4-dAgs t'fflce 43 Lexin>rton st . Baitimora. by 811. unconlineJ, Sunday. of trust on the property sold, or all cvsh. at option tH* OOMPANT LTM the Attorney for the District, who reports that Thou baet s aret on birfh ; Ah trains from Washinarton stop at Relay Station of tie purchaser, a deposit of $u 0 required at liy v rtus of a deedof trust dated M%rch 1st, CCSABD^bl"i.Ai'Vui* the commissioners have Tbon hast left as behind. For farther information at the Baltimore A. v. 1KHU. and duly recorded in lifcer No. i?IW undoubted police Bat our pai is not *pply the time of saie. and all conveyancing at 241 C«twwi !*ew York and Idverpool, Call* juilsdictlon over the place, and to enforce the tin* torever: asd Ohio ticket offices, Washington Station, and CV^S»ytf.KgmTya,s!Ha»»HBBICE expense. Terms to be compliel withpurchasersin 9£C, folio et tea , ot tee land recordsof theJUH We will follow thee by Heaven's litfht, SI9 and 1261 Pennsylvania avenue, corner 14th DWELLINGS WITH ALl 'iH seven days; otherwise the trustees reserve the District of Columbia, and by direction of tha part/ right conferred by the District authorities. Whtre the t^rave canLOt dinaever street, wht-re orders will be taken for baawatfe to be MODURN JMfROVgMRNT*? NOS (hi i?n ritrht to re el the at the risk and cjst of secured thereby, we shall sell at pub ic auction, in ,, raoMwifU^S^Sf-TOB,. The 8<*u!p whom God will unite. * MNE-iEENTH STREET ftOttTHVFEsr property froi-t of tbe on Wcd>«11 )v/a?. I Aleppo.. .Sa*.. 3^ May Itaeet at the National checked ai r»-»lved at any point in the city. tie defaulting purchaser after five days' premises, FRIDAY. Mav 20th, a ) FairUtouudt. Funeral cervices will be held at the Epiphany 1 of the Surreme Court w D. lfctfl, at 6 o'clock p. m., all .that certa n ('Bothnia.Wed., June." Church eveulu*. at J place " }255ay EVENTS ON Tuesday o'clock. '.!e57®®' advertisement.or of Ha®irla.Weii., 1 .lr.n«. SATURDAY. h'ritn.U THK (ilJEAT 1 OD1 Olanihia. t::tiQ.' in .,u benjamin p. snyder. ) parcel ground situate, lying aad being in said v.U?;; 'J2ar- t i.A relatlvee are respectfully invlt' l. "I CQ1 tv atcciton,Mtr./vtnJi hooeiver,if ^c., vs. New-lorn^vJilllMt>. a23-eodfcdPKOBKh.t o- city and District, and known, designated and M>r O*,JIa...'W0d.. y Jane. The stak of Saturday, by telegraph, iOOl PFNNbYLVANTA ROUTE lOOl holtzman.) on the And every Wednesday from r«ew York HK'KET Paturday moriiintr, May 7»h. ISHI, at 1-ileItPU'fcnceCo. etal.,c»nse No. GO'J'J ground plauorplitof said citydescribedas OF PAS8AQ*. the result ol the race, in whichannounced10 o'cJcc^. Path it k T. Bi .n at IO THE NORTH, WEST AND iart of Lot j. pacing Coruurtju, rawed on the 28th day of April 1881 the 1HABLES W. HANDY. Beal Estate numbered two, (2,) in Square on mar,- _BATS^ Ind., in the tifty eitrhVh year of his Track. Steel Rails. under^u-Lfd,S as receiver, will sell at auction f four hundred au3 six. (40P,) being the numbered Mattle Iluiter was the victor, as al o the two aife. SOUTHWESTDouble public of said hats In the 2:21 cla s (utilulaned last May hia soul rest in wjacv BfllSDID SCXNKKY, MaQSIFIOEITT EQriPMZiri. Vrett:8eB- on MONDAY. Mfi 16* bale of lot No 8, A^eutchancerysubdivi- p&rt lot, andhavi^jra front of western Eetnrn tickets on favorable terms. 1 O lV.>0 OCLO.K P. if fe»t seven which were won HCPFMAX. At Mt. Alto, (ieoiv^town Heiirlit*. IN Er FECT. April 4ts, i8Si. UH.r0V-r°R.V ^ M-. the foliowin dc*. SloN of hquarh 719. situated on h (23) (7) inches on E street,twentylhrteaad tickets froa by Jersjy Boy, Thursday"',giving ISM. Wit.LiaM L» scribed real enlate situate in the of Washing 1 running ba k with the same wiith , iow.r*teB- Steerage him the race. Voltaire May Mb, He: Max. iu tho TRAINS LEAVE WASHINGTON, frora Depot, City htbekt, be ween second street and eighty-seven 7?:y ^ 0tiier par* got second money and li> aiie. comer yf Kxth and B as follows: °'Columbia to wit; Lots "ty and delaware avenue northeast. (87) feet and six (C) inches to an ailey, being the siiveiton third. There were three on sevinty-tfcini jcarot stref-ta, "w VU 1 same to said taVo^t'f^tTa?^ events tne funeral wrill take place to morrow, thel'»th mat., Far Pittehurrf and the west, h 00 a m.. daily, with ; iy's subdivision of part of lo* By virtue of a decree of the Supreme pioperty conveyed parties of the brat bilxe of for card for ihe hfternoon: a 2:3* the of Disirict Courtagdfc part in trust for said a ret E. laden iriven Belfast, Qlas race, which WnS at 3 30 o'clock from the residence of his dairfhter, Sleepii.^ Cers to Pittt-burw and Chicago; 10:So Bijuaie 142. together with improve man ts," the of Columbia, passed in equity Marti Km*, byd:e1 .^LhlRni»« *ad ether porta on th« won by Jchn Turner's chestnut stallion Ken- Mre. BenJ I'. Hunt, Oeorwetow: 11»-tjtr. a. m daily, w:th Sleei iua- Cars from Harrisbar? ^la cause No. c 999, of Ellen bhehan aarainstJohu a twariE^r date on the 14th day of Autruiit, A D- 1*78, I5*;,®Alj^?n> Con4 t-'rim .8 . Mediterranean ports. tucklan, the fourth fastest heat trot .t d anti aciuaiiitances are f- invited to Oincinuan St. Louis and offerfl a flne opportunity for a Shehan etal , tue as Trustee, \«k1 sell sud duly recorded In liber No. 8l)t">, foiio 12H et w H ? £or being pectfuliy Chicago;8;30 p.m. J^^WWy undersigned, one of the aadpasL4«e apply at the Comranr* bv him in Allen Interaient at Oak Hi 1. attend. daily, w.tb Pa'.a<* Cars v< Fittabur*. p>oflt%b.e :n\ectUient. tein^f situated in oao of the at public auction, in front of the premise*, on stci laud records c.f said District, with fTLct,'SP^*no i hoTFLiau ureen. or both steerage ard 2:2£>., Goldsmith's Fritz second. BALTIMOHE aND POToMAO RAILROAD. iocaiitie8 la the west eni monday, the 9th day of May, a. d. 1881, at improvements, consisting of a four-story and °°-m Whitehead third. The -2:2> race was won by LAMAK. On Sunday, May stb, 1S81, at 10.80 For Cvnai.Jai.fua, Roch»nrer, Buffalo, Nissara, Mef/ttnt^^to tLe treasury, bt race was won by Sun plea«e copy 1 Baltimore For WUilan. sport. Lock Haven and Eimira.at 10 ca'h. street, street and Delaware venue -annually, .. a.m. 1 .a.atce in six and twelve months, with i ate -est at northeast. aud a deed of trust on tne property sold, o- ah Aullrda lu 2:34)$. 2:33\ and 2:3« \, MORGAN, on except Sunday. _ , Granger hDnday, MaySth, at 6 a. daily, a a . ., , cash at the purchaser's A AM£a?£?£?k".."RoTTERDAM>""W. A. 1K81, For New lorK and the East, 0Ci.ni., 10:50a m-, j>er iupunt, secured by deed of 'ruse Terms of sale: One-third cash; and bvanee In option. deposi of *2i0 SCHIEDAM," 8CHOLTEN," col. Hayward third. second,m . PiiK-TOs llnLE'.Mi only p n cf t tiariea W. 3:00 and 10 00 p.m. On Sunday 2:00 and 10:00 ?\wcenton the property told ; or all cash, at the option of tbree six, nine and twelve moutns from day of will be required at tbe time of sale if tbe. tenia aL.l Jofeyhlne M Morgan, am-d two years and limited express of Puiman Parior Oars, a deposit of i2i>0 required on e*"h saie, with interest, secured by the promissory notos of sale arc net complied with in live days from th* o. Tran«l'cr« of ICcal Estate. eiwhtdaya. p.m., J"'®houseI)UI^h8serat the time of and all st of the with dav of sale, the Trn6t»es rea*r»e the li^ht to resell av641 R's^tssaa^iis;on 5:30 a. m. daily, except Sunday. sale, ctmveyancini purchase -, surety to tna satisfaction of Er00klyn« retfnlarly, WKD Deeds in fee have been recorded as follows: Funeral from the residence of hi# r>ar.nt«. No. For Brooklyn, N. Y., all through trains connect at purchaser's con. Terms to l.a complied wnh f,, Trustee. a lieu retained on property for purchase at the cost and risk of the defaulting purchaser. NE8DAY 24 7th etrtetscutheast,on Tuesday uext,aotn inst., « Jersey Cl*y with ooats of Brooklyn Annex, °tberwis«- the property will be resold at money No deed given until ail purchase money All conveyancing at purchaser's coat. **" Steerue,2fi8tJchn H. Flagg to George C. Hound, sub. 2-2, sq. at 3. t.0 p. m. theIk11 ^a^.Brisk and cost of the or LEKOY M. > HbiM ,°?b,c' ** direct transfer to Fulton street, affording defaulting^ purebaser 0r sba'l have been paid All conveyancing at TAYLOR, Tril.fp(>R st^' v?ri' GSDeraI South 202; $<".< o. K. K. Perry, trustee, to George Kern, PHILIP. Suddenly, of ^enmonia, at 7o'olook dor.bit ferriage across Sew York city.avoidla# I urchas<-Ts. after five days'.^eertlsemein purchaser's cost. A deposit of $50 will be required CAMPBELL CABRINGTON-S in., haturd.iy May l*c!J. at the Buckioirham 00 10 a Receiver, kc. when te sold. d lot 12, sq. s^'5; *75<; »3. John K. Murray to Maria p 7, For Philadelphia, H a.m., 30 m., STOCKTON, property _ _ lrus'eesm9- Wil%"oo"jr Ne« 2rGO, T mi or su'i. W. A. Hot"-!, York, Colonel W- H Phiuii-, id the 5.40 and lO CO p.m. On ftinday, 2:00, 5AL J T. COLL^vtlnWELL, Auct. m2-^^ds william j. miller. Trustee, Washington; F. H. JOHNSON. A^ent, NaUonsS Anderson, 33. sq. 191; $.. * 486 mhomas dowling, Auctioneer. corner New ave. to Sarah B. sub. 2>5: fifty eighth year of his a#e. and 10.00 p.m. Limited Express, 8:90 a.m. , Office, Louisiana avenue. .diI'1, York and Gould, 33, sq. $1,4<>'.Johnsen At j. T. ?5thlota St.«,Sthnorthwest. lilCllAKDSoN Brooklyn, N. Y , daily, except Sunday. DOWLINO, Auctioneer. coldwell. Auctioneer. ap'38-d£d« Janl7 James Goddard to A. Taylor King, pta. ls-2 and of May 6th, For Bsltlnote, 6 40. 6 i>0. 9 SO. 10:30 a.m., and TJ1UOMAB TRUSTEE'S PALE OF VALUABLE IMPROVRD is4, block sc. Georgetown: Sstx>. Ellen M. l^hi, dlphtheiia, Uknrv Olay Hi. hakh.on. 2.00, 4 21'. 4 40. 5 40. u.30 and 10.00 Ot Lhancfry sale of improved a\d ttvt\t i. coldwell, Beal Estate Auctioneer. PROPERTY IN GRORGETOWN AT youngest eon of the late C. E. H Bicbardoon. of p.m. M ! CaTk ov a Hr COPPI.R LIGHTNING to W.T.Hutcnlnson, pt. 14, sq. SIS; fOTCWaalibuinC7. XioatiiU, and Mrs. k. M now of Sue day. 8 00, 10 8c" a.m.. 2:00, 6 40, b SO and PROVED REAL ESTATJC j AUCTION. M?ELfci0Il W. 11. to It. hichardKon, tbis w 10 (O m trcstee'8 bale of de3irablb virtue of a deed of T^.r»ELOD will conduct more eiectri nty than sny Clagett Bowaler, south ua;t of A, city. P r»v By trust, dated Webm i~A. oilier rod: ever twice that For 's Creek Line, C 40 a m. and 4:40 p.m ?KvSI«DV'f;I»\FEN B AND fi^TJtreetkaht.B^O STREETS HonTff beal estate. situatedunimprovedat ary Ittli, 1875, lecorded ia Liber 77(5, folio rFb copper cJ waivanized, hong Meadows; $1,200. James Taylor to Edward daily, exorpt Sunday. AND roOBTU the southeast cobner of sevenxh of ih« land recorda of hve times that of iron msnnfactured, and put up F. Davis, pt. 4. block 3, Mt. Pleasant; «213 31. AND ON BOITTH and k 135, W»shin«ton-»2JB. with Improved attachment to convey safely anv For Annapo is. ti 4U a.m. sad 4 40 p.m. daily, bTREVn^KnnvS3?°7v, SOCTHEAhT. stbeets sodthwe8t. ccunty, and by Cirection of the holder of the note 10 Johnson and Blrkhead. trustees, to Sarah 11 U NDKRTAKEii8 Sunday. except AS® By virtue of a deed of trust, dated August (PA secured thereby, I will sell, in front of the wires' by teiegraph aad other Crump, lot 60, sub, -q. 462; $2.3'.0. ALEXANDKIA AND FREDERICKSBURG JNTH^irBAW-?^CWL* 0tf,t>^ITE THE 29tb, 1870, and recorded in Liber No. 831, vPW on MONDAY, th# 23i> MAY.18-U.at 0 o'clockpremises. HACK KTTc*1Ui Arotarr* U S. folio 248 et tvm apaO-Im J II. KCEHLING. VV'hl.lA.tl AND ALEXANDRIA AND NA\"Y YARD seq., of the land records of the 1 , all tbat part of Lot in fi The fT BraoDoa?, FOBMbHING UNDEU BAI1.K4 AD. RAILWAY. Listnct of Columbia, and the written 93. Boatty Hawain*' (ourt«. TAXES. WASHINGTON 016 8urreme Court t j by request addliion totieorgetown, described as follows: Court in No. SIC Pa. ave. n w,. between Id aad 4t» str«-eta. For Alexaniirts, 7:00. 7 30. 9:20, and 11:30 a. m.. of^e^'Mrt^ of Cojumbia^ pa»se.i in Equity of the party secured thereby, I will sell at public winning at tbe northwest corner of High and BjI1st MINERAL HPRINQ General Term. Sverythinir first-ciaaa. Jcr>)8 4 30, 5 »o. b 20, 8:00and 11 30 p. m. Oa acre No. (tt Centril Nati jDai auction, in front of the premises, on monday, stjeetp, and run- ieg thence northwest on Hiah SUMMIT WATES.^11! To-day, Barber agt. Peoples'savings Hank; 7,tss, BansJESL May at 5 p.m L'Utti. vmUhHKi at 7 30, 9 20 and 11 3o a m., and 8:i*J p.m.Banday 9th. 1881. o'clock , Lot No 25. of street 'i2 leet 2>4 inches: thence westerly at a right Pold by lesdlrg PruKKists everywhere. judgment below aiiirmed~opinion by Judge For Richmond and the South, 7 30 and 11:1S a. m. Van Biswick's subdivision cf square No. 471, anKle to Bigh street 17 feet 10)$ inches; theuce ap27-lm flagaer. Waldy agt. AndersoD; dismissed. * CMIEKTAHCK, aid 5:00 p.m. in the city of Washington. D.C. daily, daily, except Sunday. menuwiid/rilu^' situatenor:her)v6 feet2X inches; thence westerly at a NATTABS' VEGETABLS PIL.I S e larke agt. Kiillat : mandate from U.S. Supreme 5»p1J 12113 7iheirert northwm. Train# t-ave Alexandria for Washmirtou. 6:00, 8:06 Teims: One-fourth cash; balance in six, twelve right antrle to Hitfh street 20 feet 0 inches; theaca ITS®tor Billioumess and Indirection. couit. and 10:00 a m ; 13 3:00, 5 O0, 7:00and 9:10 ar.d eighteen months, with six per cent, interest, west 39 feet inches to the west side of a 50, secured 4-foot CbL NATTANS' Y1:GETaBLE PILLS for Circuit Mac tt. KKH.HT, p.m., and 12 00 miilmxht. On Sunday at 8.05 by deed of trust. $75 at time of sale. alley, and at a point distant about 13 feet 10 iachss and Hck Headache, Liver (Jomplaints andNervonsa'.l Court.Judge Arthur. "JOHN and 10:M< a m. ; 7 :Cu and 9:03 p.m. Coiivevaocing at expense of purchaser. Terms to north from 1st street ; thence south to 1st street. Friday, snea Smith; Charier Oak UNUKETAHIR, and It Billious diEordtrs. Pleasant and effective. 25cts agt. agt. Tickets formation at the office, northea .tr>H a w corner of 13th street and Pennsylvania av^aae, aad djgj.g s raMEBi street, about 31 fe*t 1 inch to the beginning, AaTIlCB NATTABN, Pharmacist. a. Son agt. e.ariand; bills of exceptions signed. at the depot, where crders can be left for the ap20-2aw&da Surviving Trustee. by a two story Brick House. _ checking of to destination proved im! ap-30 Hth and 1 sts.and ami It n nr. C&dy agt. Drlscoll; motion for new trial i>a.-,ra«re from hotels and Terms of sale: One-third cash, and ex"eises of O'Donnell to EDUCATIONAL. residence*. Lot 10 a six agt. MacCaulltT; leaveovermled. J w has fr®t of 47 sale, and balance and twelve moatln from day HEW II1IHH, amend declaration. new R (X)D, General Paasenfrer A^ent. rJtsl0bu"dinK. TWITCH, FOX & BROWN, Real Estate Brokers. of sale, with interest at ei>rht i>er cent per annum, Betls agt. carrlco; 8. l. cadv'h uuahdina and day FRANK THOMSON. General Manager nov09 payable gemi-annually m.tll secured deed A Jrsr Oompletfd. trial granted by consent, carpenter agt. Starr; auction bale of fine building lot on paid, hy TE"EPRONE REGISTER, MbsbCHOOL for youn#r ladles; West End of trust on premises sold. A depoiitof $100 will ToTn re»i6ter,THE>our message". motion for new trial on exceptions tiled. New Haven, Conn. Eleventh year t» street, liBTWEEN seventeenth be required at ttmecf sale. If terms of sa*e are liiatltute. and Por sale at J. BACMG ARTEC'S, Equity court.Judgr W'jlie. geptemt-er 21*t. Send circular. m28-3mcommtucee M EPICAL, Ac. ElGHiEBNTHBlBEETS also. lot not complied with in feven days the Trustees Pa-bt No. 1223 un Ful rtskn lH btrest, between s reserve the right to re3eii at the riEB8 Certain w e will sell at default'ng parctaeer. Conveyancing cost DRcure for Kidney Diseases, firavel and a'l end > a width of 30 feet to an additioaa' d».n*h of public aution, on the rreml-jflk of purchaser. Mce agt. Nice; case off; no jurisdiction. Porter York. The lar«+t a'ticuiation School in the j«-i>. Lot la fronts 55 feet on the slreet sen, on 'luhslay. May 17th. 1881, at 4 15*t* R. P. > ^TOB&UE, demurrer overruled: leave to Established 1S67. Pure oral method. Hond Cit Nervous Ceb 'ity, Seminal UriL.iry samV o'clock p DODTE, Trunks BtOR"age. onr rooms are agt. White; plea! country. Scr::u .jofeett>y ,5 deep oa 4!h street east, and is improved m.. Lot 18. in square 169, fronting AUSTIN < v« for circular. at>l-eo6m lBWt> a Bnbgtautiil two story lirick Direi in*r* wt^i*tJ G street, between 17th and m».12,14.I7,19.21,23 J-"1*16-*I to referred to with instructions. Diehi » l^td streets northwest, with a depth of 113 feet Apply LUNOANSON BR03.. auditor, OB IN eLAHS.-Matbonianoe, in hours. For -jle by Wjfl Gonorrr*-«-acu»edB W- dri^' bavln£ P^SB bri'k front inches. 8>i 1115 9th and D sts. north vveet. agt. Gross; sale ordered and F. F. Browning PitlVAlELY.Latin, Greek, French, German and En^iialj. Dru^w;»t. c r^er 12th st and Pa. ave.EN1V18LE,bn^ MAT yO, ls81« AT the save hocb, made. . SALE OF FOUR SMALL to Special attention to for Oolite, Wert Pr.ce ^ 1 per box, kent mail under soal on th» ^ m square 882. having a front of 40 fe-t Terms known at time of FRAME DWELLINGS AND Ei'Dolnted tiustee sell. Grant agt. preparation bjr on same *fternoon, at 5 o'clock p. m., wa PEREMPTORY LOTS AT THE IUliNEH^ man's and Tru-t billFreed'and Point, Annapolis and ail competitive examinations. of pner. mil recelpt tuck thai will sell l«s thereafter, the resldiifl j per interest, by deed of shall sell four small The Celebrated Concord Harness and Collan. Friday, Digham; has a progressive and successful experience of curefroia ap25-eots j. t. coldwell, Anot. \nn Fr.edrlch. Estate of John Bolmcs: positions of trust and profit. Course of study and / 'OLlt MKD1L AW lllDKD THK Terms One-third cash; tbe remainder in six 497 PENN8TLVAKI4 AVESCK, peUtlon trainiDK the Eu#lisn Lamma^e, BasmeM * iW.th.rf^SfirtS'S salk of fine building and twelve monthu with Interest, secured by a of executrix for probate of will and for letters comprises Practical AllUOH I.A new aad *reat Medical 0r ^ I.OT ON THIRD STREET. BETWEE N P died of trufet. A deposit of !js5» on each Sole Arents for Hill's Concord Harness. testamentary filed. Estate of D. Arithmetic, gpencerian Peiimanaiiip. i-erterorlrhe'^^onper'rvmrror ineir e ertion. lhe t.t'e t«) tUe re«Dectiv« Peremptory required. Emily Youag: Bookkeeping (by single and double entry; adapted warranted the best aad ro r«t*iced until th»' full of A VENL'E AND 0 BlK&a'EiNNSYLVA.N1A THOMAS J. FJSHER ft OO., Trunks and Harness In at w ill admitted to probate. Estate of Geo. of business; Elocution and Work, cheapest, amount d&ds Real Estate 1213 F st. n. w. Kreat variety lowest to every variety ifcc purcha?' Hi'icey and interest ih i>Aiii Tf ano NOBTHWiST. Auctioneer, prices. letters of administration granted to MaryClymer;ttn-es. Day and Evening Sessions. For information e *o every man. ent.tled "Th» Scienceiadispensa!-of Life 1 nrcha'i-r thall fail to comply wita tae terais of also, careful attention yiven to repairing. ap25-lm S. Ciymer. Estate of Bridget o Day; and terns call a: tne Co:i«»re or address HCNBVLeoIO. KWOFP or Srlf-Prfser;a»:onbound in siLelreterv.' the ri«ht to feadverti,.. andreae'l building lots fronting "stanton "cutch, fox ft bro>vn, Beal Estate Brokers. cf Anson S.Taylor revoked, acdappointmentletters 8PENCEB. Principal. lanlH finest French mislir", embossed tht ' rof erty at tie nsi Sn j co»t of sueh defaulting sqcarv, on c 8trket, between fifth ri^IiE CELLULOID TRUSS:th»t never breaks, of administration granted to Dorsey Ciagetu ASCHg.'i TH\ SELF, foil rfilt. 300 pa^e^, contains bsau puiehaser '1 he property will be offeretia teoa and sixth striets northeast. hALF. OF ELEGANT TNTIQOE AND OTHER X never wears out, always clean, and can be Estate of Crittenden letters of IN8TITPTE, tifoi ste*I FINE FURNITURP, &c , CONTAINED IN worn while is for rale Cohen; WASIilNGTONll). C. earfravinfri. 12S. 1,ty d)U*" On w ednesday afternoon, bathinK, at to widow. Estate of Jane C TlHKFor Circulars addrees Mrs M. B. ARCHER. 1400 ns, pric« only *1.26 sent by mail. prescnptii erfIwh Wd. at 5 o'clock, we *111 sell, in frontmayiith,^®of THE late RFSiOKNCE OF'admiral CHA8. FISHER'S, granted administration - cepuinw Mallord; Chas. J. Jones co almtnis- Massachusetts avenue, Washington, D-O. Janlfl sample ix cents. Send now. AddressIllustrated '"»» » pren. i« es. 1 tha^£ BAJLEY, LKOKAoED. No. 1109 K S1RKET C23 7th street northwest. appointed Medical Institute or Dr. WM. 11 PARKER,Peabody, . ALL OF LOT 11. IN RESERVATION 11. NORTHWEST. trator with Jas. II. smith. Mary Covey, minor; Ko. 4 bt.lfci.ch Boston. as Mrs. lisher devotes her attention to the ^snts of order Ellen street. apl8-m, w,f froruiDtf 55 fSet on 3d street, and rannin* bact to % Partly named followB, and all in m2 appointing covey guardian. Estate DOWLINO. Aaotlcneer. a5 foot alley. This lot is located near lent condition. exceli laoy ratrons. of Elizabeth Ann Hoover; Fannie E. Hoover ^SPECIALTIES. BROTHERS is the Oldest EstabUshe-J La, Trinity ,. ap aie*' rjiHOMAS Church, aud is \ery desiraHe, brim? near three Handsome Bcsewood Parlor Eui'.e, ia gold,11 pointed administratrix, la re a. A.bert Welgte. DB Ihynoian in Waehin»rton. Female POB1TIVE SALE OF DESIRABLE RKAL ES lines of street cars and business center. pleos. 111 OYBUCOAT8 of H. F. WEIGHT, CnaavoTAirr aju> lrre«:.ar:tie»l Or*tructlon« and Ledeorrhiba Rosewood Center Table, gPBLXi iruardlan orphans of John W. Hurley; MltS. Phtsxcian,baseminentsuroess in Saokexic TATE IN WEST WASHINGTON. also. . ctr»-*i- Othte SM 6 B st. souihwest. on at 6 Pier FROM 87 TO 830. Sdavlt of John F. Dppard and others tiled. arI scute and chronic dise&aes The soifeno*treatir* .'Jiif. ?- * « samf. AFTXitsooN, o'clock, in front the lableB, (Mirror Back, Marble Gold »o ch-r^e for advice. I will sell at aucliin on MONDAY,the 16th of Pillare, tate of Thomas Breen. continued E4Ito should call at her 600 6th street, orner opK.m;:hsonian. at p rremlfete. we will sell the west 1>8 feet 85$ inch.s of Tracing- Claw f^et.) b°tton deceased; residence. ap29 lm* 6* O'clock m.. the two-story flW Gilt Fraire French * °ine and.four-button. 13th consent. Estate of Maria cf F street northwest. marl-^m* U, Eft adjoinintf my house JESS, lot 1, in bquahe No. 837. Plate m'rror. verv iarga and CL1a\\A\vLE88 8UITS, from all new styles probate of will and letters testamentary. LIFE. All business oontldential. Ladles and and private is enabled to bt^eet, between 5tn and Ctli streets northeast. Mahogany Chairs; pillar Exteu*i3n Table, (4t. C A6bIMERES, BERGE8, of Rachel citation, Gentlemen 60 cents eacb. No. 408 L street, between practice, guarantee a core Both of ihe above lots are situated and tiomicgo Mahogany.) FLANNELS? WinQeld, agt. Estate "JPbditic disorders of the blood, throat, nose or desirably sc., sc. CHSMUlS, returnable May 25th. 4th and 6th streets northwest feblO-liw* skin Victims cf indiscretion with a niil be peremptorily told. Walnut Marble-top Sideboard. BOYS' and CHILDREN'S CLOTHING in iSiUeaalminisiratrlx; Bpermatorhea. sSSsSnSs'a Terms: one-thira balance in one and two Mahogany Side Tab es. A. Mason; letters of administration premature dtcay. lost maah' od, he, rendering cash; Blouse, Hailor or PlaaieJ. Cutaways. or t years vitli 6 i>er cent iiitties:. A deposit ol $1u0 Tuikisb, e*»y and c»a ave. plea wmdic^r^t sustained WITH FURNACES 0$ HEATER AND i*r lett, tecured #wltb 81, or *"0»»^ j Furniture defendant. Z. Downing, falling to l^gmentexnlb.t light, pONfcULIOR ROBERTSON, every Wednesday All conveyancictra^coStnir'n,,1 0041 of K1 and at hi* Purchaser. #100 cash Brussels and YOD WANT THE VERY NICEST BERAD' RANGES FOR COOEINO, WITH Saturday, office, 456 C at. north do»u at »i> 'ku8tbe8' sale of~a desirable Tai>eetry, Body other Carpet*. " FIRSTCLASS tsar 4x st., from 3 to 9 p m., who, with If «*t WM" H- T^NNEY. oby uwklling. No. 13ol u i.onnges. Curtains. Paliastea. IFbuy "Our New South It is sure to pl^ae juror, were nacwrgMtu. T80S. LCWLING. An* * frame twosi For sale all "rSSSr.'tySat years' experience, guarantee* a cure in all diseases rni-d 87 beet north Ohina, Glassware, Blinbets by , Thursday. JtB PLUMBING. _ , ESTIMATES of the urtn*ry Oraana, Nervou* and a of dated Bending, Kitchen Utensils. Ac. b first^cg^Ogce Weakness. Seminal H WAB»EB. viitue of deed westBytrust Febrn- jla ^ ^wholesale Police Court.Judge Sustu Nocturnal kii^nsions. 1mpotency. As K^JUtate Auctioneer. ary 2rt. a d. 1878, duly recorded In liber fla® As also a varietv of ether goods not necsssary t"> Flour, Feed. Corn. Oats, Hay, Straw, Donohueand Goaorrhcea or »> phiiia, recently contracted, B. No 879, folio 247, one of tae und records j. mention, all of which ia well worthy oi exam »oln ' Saturday Matthew Thos.Feeney. cored In from 6 to 10 podUv»ly ON M STREET, at the of inttion. CAPITAL MILL8, .r with keeping more than two co ws for WALTEK D. WI VILL. day*. Oonsaitatlon for the bistrict ol Oo.umbii, aad request .dt. _ tricr.'T rr'v.t®, and separate < does for we will sell Bsle to take place at tbe ab'Jve dwelling on W. Washington. P. O. nearer than two hundred feet of to the ladlsa. NolahTe°T impi;?XXJK«"THBEPTRktTSthe party secured tnereby, ^5 dafry pulses B^-fers Itadimr physicians of Baltimore, tne on monday.t.p'jj'u0 MOANING, May commencing atl'RIDAY'10 a house other than their $.-. ' anctioD, In front of premises, 13th, dwelling own; »ts. la's cff.r*. IS H dwellino niufcE V^.1511 °wE£LwiTH* STREE'l p. o'clock. fihchek's dry gleahin« wsttar. apll-lm f»i> Ps»a. orthw.t. ' Katawst.. BviUmors. Chanre* NORTHWEST. May 16th 1881. at 5.30 o'clock m., all thoie ratharlne Dentz forfeited collateral for selling teller* te «eb7 certain or of land situate iq the Horse cpen and troods for examination at 8 AntonUHHMKNT aud DYE \YOKKsTNo SwIg sT Edward By virtue of a decreed theSuirerneOourt ^ pieces parcels o'clock on niorninerof sale. northwest, near the D. 8. Patent Offloe nnuor on Sunday. Joaea, vagrancy: NO BEASOKABLE OFFER of kaownMci^ . D. a . pasrrd In came Nu 7 JbCi Washington District of Columbia. . ?. do : AM L5 FOREST HAS REMEDY FOB tquify i^i's lumbered twenty-nine (29) and tbirty. dun0an9qn bros., Auctioneers. m.-d GARMENTS of an kinds hocds or so day Joseph Bishop, personal MAI«.a'e« a., f jQULecofflpiAlou aalcklyoovtd. 8ei> st rublio Auction iuJfcM in White's recorded nLB*wwf?d^?U1^^ VKILB' bcnS? Robert W. Wheeler, loud and REFUSED tin U. coi. c da. > at 924 Fr. nt'ot tT«w11 oa th" (30,) Charles i. ft or l' Lewis and Johnb^ter-Mar- fW\ 7th street north weal. da* or TUE-JDAy! UrT vision of the west half of Hqnare numberedsubdi't*0 alter b- WILLIAMS co , Aictioneara. ens »5 days. Hecry | Off* [»on'» f'-int 1 to 9 p. m. fab9-4m* m\\ "VtrtwV 1 hundred aud with tne vy line EVENING tiran. stones in the street; ft each, rtJU AVE ARTICLE IN OUB LARGEW half of 1-1 2. ia iq.iarb 19«. Wuuiton' ChtVo tbirty-tix, (236.) together alotion PALE of two de8ir able kuild- I DaESSES. Thirtyn^sS111years,c!awiI°*experlenoe. Terms throwinj: h'J'OOE OF ', &c. F-iiiik Bar. a chargKl with mak improvement*. . plumber. . , mar84 JiT, Terms : One-third in cash and the balance in ing sites in the west enp, the mos i modftrate-ir'rr a co- -'c lou with a public sewer without a TU£ six, twelve ano eighteen with interest at improved part of the cit i. FORFEITED Pl.EDGES, 6 morths. may at rLOMlilM*. ocrmlt; i- appeal noted. Ll/tle Drew. j per cent per annum, secured by a deed i-f tfTist On mo>day, 16th, 1881, cjm ^ANIT&itYw - » j C . rtifib' Pbaotical SirXBXUtCIX. t.f»b a) flaj a. Mary Ikxod and i on the property tioid, or all cash at oi-tion of the o'clock, p. m., in front of tne premise*, we*p» b TagmncjOompris nit FINE DIAMONDS. Ladiss and Uea« orfliai, r a ssll lot in 209, 43 BRIKN, 419 Utb it. a.w. Hall, threats to ct-ch olhkbt employ* °ftc«1 r. 4H at. and La »ve. > prciwrty the risk and o st of tha deiaultiag two and three yeara w.ta notes bearing interest at riPNNIKQHAM. THE WELL-KNOWN. lail. John Harris, larceny of two pairs of snlpps SPECIAL BATH FOB El00 ASD UPWABDt. first class Workmen, and turns Trustees. alter five days' purchaser,six per cent, secured by a deed of trust on th < to do all kinds of BOOKBINIil,'G.TheLTcrrr out superior BENJAMIN F. LEIomoN. ^ GEOR iK advertisement. able HATTER. Is prepared BELIKJfrom James Burneite; so days In ja'.L Mary work It la one of the oldest eatabllahmcnla in ths "t- nortllwe*t. i O. ROWAN, t property so d- All conveyancing at purchaser's work in his line. New SILK HATS made to order, eats to Martha J.K. A B. COHEN. «tt/- UU Fa. are-, 3d floor. ootl 1 *** CBARUlB L DPB9IS,( Trustaas. coet S100 down on each lot at time of sals. ones remodeled. Remember Uienumber. Ubbs, t hi Shepherd; peraoail W5-U&^°* Bi-«Otds »7 7t WALTER B- WILLIAMS ft Ot)., Aurcta. *°d^d7AO itrMt nortiiwwl, bimM ijonds to keep thepeace. [ Ml 110* Ps«aa« are, MTttwMU

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