
Journal of Wildlife and Biodiversity 4(2): 56-64 (2020) - (http://jwb.araku.ac.ir/) DOI: 10.22120/jwb.2020.117400.1103 Research Article

Daily activity pattern of Malayan Sun in Dampa Reserve, Mizoram, India

14.89% detection probability. No activity was Sushanto Gouda1*, Netrapal Singh recorded during the mid-noon phase. Primary Chauhan1, Janmejay Sethy1, Hemanta forests and degraded forests with their large Kumar Sahu2 fruiting trees were represented as important

1 habitat owing to the availability of fruits, *Amity Institute of Forestry and Wildlife, Amity termites and invertebrates. The study will University, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India 2 hopefully be an important step towards North Orissa University, Takatpur, Baripada, acquiring more knowledge on the ecology of the Mayurbhanj, Odisha, India and provide valuable information for the *email: [email protected] conservation of the species and their habitat. Received: 22 November 2019 / Revised: 20 December 2019 / Accepted: 15 January 2020 / Published online: 9 March 2020. Ministry of Sciences, Research and Technology, Arak University, Keywords: Foraging, camera trapping, trap Iran. index, degraded forest

Abstract Introduction Sun bear (Helarctos malayanus) is the smallest The Malayan Sun bear (Helarctos malayanus) is bear species and remains the least known bear a cryptic and solitary mammalian species, among the ursids. Reliable information on occurring throughout South-east Asia, including population and activity pattern of Sun bear has the islands of and , Bangladesh, been lacking, thereby creating difficulties for and northeast India. Sun bear is known to be the field managers and conservationists to develop a most arboreal of all bear species and is found management plan for their conservation. The predominantly in the lowland dipterocarp study was an attempt to determine the habitat rainforest (Smith and Xie 2008). Ecology of preference and daily activity of Sun bear these tropical is little known, mainly through camera trapping and other signs survey because of their secretive, solitary nature and methods. In the study, we had a combined inhabiting dense forest habitats, making them trapping effort of 647 trap-nights with a total of challenging to follow. However, with increases 18 independent images of Sun bear recorded in anthropogenic pressure in forms of habitat between May 2014 and March 2016. destruction and for their body parts as Distribution of bear signs per hectare was found traditional medicine, Sun bears are reported to to be highest in the Bamboo forest (0.398), extinct from some of its home range such as owing to large numbers of termite's mounds. Singapore (Fredriksson et al. 2008) or confined The photo capture rate of Sun bear in Dampa to few forest patches like in India and Tiger Reserve was found to vary by different Bangladesh (Islam et al. 2013, Sethy and habitats with high numbers in degraded forest Chauhan 2012). Knowledge of the abundance landscape within the Reserve. The variation was and factors influencing the abundance of any also influenced by the disturbance of humans in species is essential in many areas of ecological the area and other feeding opportunities. The research (demography, habitat), management, relative abundance index shows that Old Chikha and policy-making (species listings) (Stanley has the highest index of 1.89 with a mean value and Royle 2005, Stephens et al. 2006). of 5.26 ±0.670 among all blocks in Dampa Tiger Considering the fact Sun bear is a "Threatened Reserve. The daily activity index suggests that Species," and there has been a great amount of Malayan Sun bears are more active during the paucity of information even on basic biology crepuscular period than diurnal. The highest such as food habits, home range size, and activity was recorded between 1800- 2200 with reproductive characteristics of Sun bear, its make them a priority species for research 57 | Journal of Wildlife and Biodiversity 4(2): 56-64 (2020) amongst the Ursids members (Servheen 1999, altitudes (Pawar and Birand 2001, Lalrinchhana Wong et al. 2004, Scotson et al. 2017). and Solanki 2015). Bamboo forest and The introduction of camera-trap surveys has abandoned shifting forest can also be found revolutionized wildlife studies and has along the periphery of the tiger reserve which dramatically increased the amount of make the Reserve a conducive habitat for information on secretive and cryptic species in several mammalian species like clouded tropical rainforest habitats and also in steep , elephant, gaur (Indian Bison), wild , terrain where other field methods are likely to sambar, barking deer, porcupine, etc. (Devi et al. fail (Karanth and Nichols 1998, O'Brien et al. 2011). Altitude in the Reserve is from 800 2003, Rowcliffe and Carbone 2008). The to1500m above mean sea level and experiences camera trapping technique is well developed a temperature between 12°C to 25°C during within a robust capture-recapture statistical winter and 22°C to 35°C in summer. framework and is applicable where individuals within a species can be identified with their Line transect uniquely identifiable coat patterns (strips/ 34 transects were carried out in a stratified spots). However, for the majority of tropical manner covering different habitat in the tiger , including Sun bears, it is not possible reserve. Each transect were marked along trails to identify individual bears with confidence and were covered at least 2-3 times in a season unless the chest marks are photo-captured, as by a group of 3-4 persons with 15-20 days developed by Ngoprasert et al. (2012). Although interval. During the transect walks, bears signs radio-telemetry studies of Sun bears were (Sun bear and Asiatic black bear) (claw marks, carried out to determine their activity budgets, footprints, feeding signs, feces, digging, crop- habitat use and ranging behavior by several raiding, etc. were extensively searched. Each researchers in many parts of the world (Nomura tree with claw marks was recorded and in a et al. 2004, Wong et al. 2004, Linkie et al. condition where claw marks of different age 2007), few studies have addressed the use of categories were observed on one tree the most camera trapping rate as an index of abundance recent sign was recorded following Steinmetz (Kelly 2008). Linkie et al. (2007) were the first and Garshelis (2008). GPS coordinates of the to estimates Sun bear occupancy through a tree with claw marks were also recorded. Based detection/ non-detection sampling technique on the distribution of bear signs in the region, using camera-trap data. Henceforth, we aimed to the density of signs per ha was determined use the camera trap data along with relative (Stephens et al. 2006) . ubiquity and long-term persistence signs of Sun Camera trapping bear to determine the habitat use and the activity Based on a preliminary sign survey, that patterns of Malayan Sun bear in the tropical indicated the presence of both Sun bear and forest of Mizoram, India. Asiatic black bear in the Reserve, the study was focused on an area of 160 km2 roughly Material and Methods encompassing the moist evergreen habitat Study area within the Dampa Tiger Reserve below 1200m. The study was carried out in the Dampa Tiger A uniform grid (4x4 km) was imposed on a map Reserve (DTR) located in the Mamit district of of the area. A grid size of 16 km2 was selected Mizoram along the Indo-Bangladesh border. to match the scale of other camera‐trapping The Reserve lies within 23° 23' 15''N - 23° 42' surveys in South‐east Asia (O'Brien et al. 2003, 20’’N latitudes and 92° 16' 25''E - 92° 25' 55’’E Kawanishi and Sunquist 2004, Jackson et al. longitudes and stretches over an area of 550 2006). The study area was further categorized km2. The Reserve harbors a rich floral and into 8 blocks based on anthropogenic pressure in faunal diversity and contains a profusion of forms of human activities, presence of fruiting habitats characterized by diverse biota. The trees and indirect shreds of evidence found Reserve consists of moist forests at during the sign survey. Camera traps were laid the lower reaches and evergreen and semi- on eight blocks of the reserve forest namely Old evergreen with natural grassland at higher 58 | Journal of Wildlife and Biodiversity 4(2): 56-64 (2020)

Chikha, New Chikha, Malpui, Tuichar, Chikha nights (Jorge et al. 2008, Jenks et al. 2011). The road, Pathloi, IR camp, and Tuilut. Sun bear activity pattern of Sun bears in the study area were photo-captured using 10 passive camera was determined by dividing the day into 12 two- trap units (Cuddeback) between May 2014 and hour periods and summing the number of photo- March 2016. All camera traps was operational captured in each time interval. A daily activity for 24 hours per day and had a 10 Seconds delay index (DAI) was calculated following the between photographs. Cameras traps were methods of Li et al. (2010) to understand the placed on trees at ~75 cm from the ground and movement and time utility pattern of Sun bear in 1-10m from the monitoring area. Consecutive the Reserve. photographs of the same species at the same site were deemed independent when there was at Results least 1-h interval between them (Bowkett et al. Secondary pieces of evidence in forms of claws 2007, O'Brien et al. 2003). The photo-capture marks, scats, and other bear signs indicate the rate was determined using method suggested by presence of bears (Sun bear and Asiatic black Linkie et al. (2007), Tobler et al. (2008) and bear) in the reserve forest. The bamboo forest Rovero and Marshall (2009) that describe it as was found to have the highest signs (0.4 the number of days requires to get a single image signs/ha) followed by Tropical semi-evergreen of a species in any given areas. forest, Tropical wet-evergreen forest, and Semi The relative abundance index (RAI) was evergreen forest. Mix forests and temperate calculated as photo-captured of the species by forests had the lowest density of bear signs all camera traps over all days, multiplied by 100, (Table 1). and divided by the total number of camera trap

Table 1. Distribution and density of bear signs in different habitat in DTR

Sl No. Habitat category Sampling plots No. of bear No. of plots with Density of signs (n=310) signs in sample bear signs (signs/ha) plots (n=258) (n=236) 1 Mix forest 30 22 20 0.085 2 Tropical wet-evergreen 50 31 39 0.165 forest 3 Tropical semi-evergreen 50 44 41 0.174 forest 4 Semi-evergreen forest 40 31 27 0.114 5 Temperate forest 30 20 15 0.064 6 Bamboo forest 110 98 94 0.389

During the study period, a total of 18 Mann Whitney U-test perform for non- independent images of the Sun bear was photo- parametric values for the photo-capture rate in capture using ten camera traps from 8 different disturbed and undisturbed forest habitat suggest blocks within the study (Table 2). The photo- a statistically significant difference in ranked capture rate in 8 forest blocks shows that distribution between the two forest types with Chikha block requires the minimum numbers of U-value of 7.00, p= 0.886, and Z-value =-2.90. days (n=12) to acquire a single photograph of Similar statistics were also used by Stephens et Malayan Sun bear in DTR, whereas; Tuichar al. (2006) to determine the density for red deer block was found to require the maximum (Cervus elaphus xanthopygus), Siberian roe numbers of days (n=37) for a single image of deer (Capreolus pygargus) and Sika deer Sun bear (Table 2). Tuichar block is known to (Cervus nippon) where the population size was experience higher cases of poaching as there is relatively very low (n=<10). no proper demarcation or fences along its The relative abundance index (RAI2) shows that border with Bangladesh, and poachers can Old Chikha has the highest RAI2 value (1.89) quickly move across, thereby leading to the low followed by Chikha road, New Chikha, and frequency of sighting or photo-capture. The Tuilut with values of 1.23, 0.78, 0.45 59 | Journal of Wildlife and Biodiversity 4(2): 56-64 (2020) respectively (Table 2, Fig. 1). The mean value et al. 2013). The Daily activity index (DAI) of was estimated to be 5.26 ± 0.670 for all the Malayan Sun bear in the Reserve was blocks within DTR. Mann Whitney U-test for determined from the camera-trap images. The the relative abundance index was 3.00, with Z- activity of Sun bear was recorded from 0200- value=-1.443, p<0.05, thus showing a 2400 h, and high detection probability was difference between the ranks for the disturbed between 1600- 1800 h, 1800- 2000 h and 2000- and undisturbed forest habitat. Tuilut, however, 2200 with 10%, 15%, 18%, respectively. No was found to have a comparatively higher value activity was recorded during mid-noon that may due to the abandoned agriculture fields that are occur probably due to the high temperature that in the vicinity of the reserve forest. Primary may range up to 350C during day times. forests with their large fruiting trees have Between 1000 h to 1200 h the activity of the undoubtedly been represented as excellent Sun bears reached its lowest level with about habitat for Sun bear as reported in previous 2% detection probability (Table 3, Fig. 2). literature published on the Sun bear (Wong These data suggest that Malayan Sun bears 2002, Bailey et al. 2004, Wong et al. 2004, were more active during the crepuscular period Datta et al. 2008, Wong et al. 2013, Steinmetz than diurnally.

Table 2. Photo-capture and relative abundance Index of Sun bear in DTR Malayan Sun bear Asiatic Black bear Area/blocks No. of Independent RAI1 RAI2 No. of Independent RAI1 RAI2 total photos total photos photos photos Old Chikha 17 7 15 1.89 21 10 9 2.07 Malpui 5 2 21 0.23 4 4 11 0.05 Tuichar 2 2 37 0.05 5 2 16 0.23 Chikha road 11 3 12 1.23 7 3 17 0.45 Pathloi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IR camp 1 1 31 0.12 0 0 0 0 Tuilut 4 1 21 0.45 2 1 23 3.97 New chikha 7 2 14 0.78 0 0 0 0 Total/ Mean 47 18 21.57 5.26 39 20 15.02 6.65 RAI1: Number of days required to get a single photo-capture, RAI2: Number of independent photos per 100 trap-nights.

Table 3. Daily Activity Index (DAI) of Sun bear in the tiger reserve Commo 0.00- 02.00 04.00 06.00 08.00 10.00 12.00 14.00 16.00 18.00 20.00 22.00 n name 02.0 ------0 04.00 06.00 08.00 10.00 12.00 14.00 16.00 18.00 20.00 22.00 24.00 Malayan 0 4.25 6.32 12.12 12.12 2.64 0 0 10.63 14.89 18.18 18.25 Sun bear Asiatic 6.06 12.12 12.12 12.12 6.06 6.06 0 18.18 9.09 6.06 6.06 6.06 black bear 60 | Journal of Wildlife and Biodiversity 4(2): 56-64 (2020)

Figure 1. Photo-capture and relative abundance Index of Sun bear in DTR





12 Asiatic black bear 10

DAI Malayan Sun bear 8




0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Time in 2hr division

Figure 2. Daily activity index of Malayan Sun bear in DTR

Discussion higher number of bear signs in the bamboo Sign surveys are an important means for the forest in the study may be due to the presence of identification of cryptic species or species with termite mounds and large wooden logs. a low population in a relatively large area. The Fredriksson et al. (2006) and Wong et al. (2004) 61 | Journal of Wildlife and Biodiversity 4(2): 56-64 (2020) have also considered logged, and degraded observed in relation to human disturbance. forests as important habitat as they provide with Blocks such as Tuichar, IR camp, Pathloi and varied forms of food sources necessary for Sun Tuilut experience higher human activities in bear dietary requirement. forms of vehicular movement, collection of fuel Statistical analysis for the non-parametric values woods and other daily livelihood activities, shown as uneven variation in the distribution of hence restricting and affecting the movement of Sun bear, that may be attributed to the bears. anthropogenic pressure experienced in the region. The blocks, namely Malpui, Pathloi, IR Conclusion camp, and Tuilut have high human disturbance Sun bear as noted by many has been curbed from and vehicular movement as it is the main route most of their natural habitat and is now restricted connecting villages that lies in the periphery of to few forest patches across their home ranges. 2 DTR, thus contributing to their lower RAI Nevertheless, with increasing anthropogenic values. pressure such as and over-hunting, The high sighting frequency of Sun bear in it is essential to determine their population block-like Old Chikha, were mainly due to the trends in the wild accurately for driving presence of a high number of feeding plants for conservation efforts. As suggested by Steinmetz bears. The blocks being an abandoned village and Garshelis (2008) and Rovero and Marshall have wide ranges of fruiting trees such as figs, (2009) Sun bears leave different forms of Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus), Charcol relative ubiquity and long-term enduring signs, tree (Trema orientalis), Chaplash (Artocarpus such as scats, logs ripped apart, and claw marks chama), Hairy fig ( hispida), Beal (Aegle on trees, which reveal presence and activities marmelos), Ficus benghalensis, etc. providing and is also a widely relevant technique for excellent fruiting phenology for the bear individuals that cannot be distinguished from species. The degraded forest can also represent photographs (Rowcliffe et al., 2008). The use of important habitat owing to the availability of camera trapping in recent times have allows termites and invertebrates (Linkie et al. 2007, detection of the rarest and ⁄or nocturnal and Fredriksson et al. 2006, Wong et al. 2004). crepuscular species, such as Sun bear (Bowkett The Daily activity index (DAI) determined et al. 2007). During the study it was observed through camera-trapping shows that the bear that forest habitat, fruiting phenology and duo of Asiatic black bear and Malayan Sun bear human disturbance plays significant roles in are highly sympatric in their ecology as they not habitat selection and distribution of Sun bear in only share their habitat but also their frugivory DTR. Increase in agriculture practices (Shifting time. They were active mostly during the late- cultivation) though requires logging and felling night hours and at early dawn hours. The area is of large areas, they also provide opportunities located in the tropical belt experiencing a for food in forms of termites mounds and growth moderately high temperature, i.e., 35ºC, which of several fruiting plants for bears such as also explains the zero photo-capture of bears Artocarpus heterophyllus, Cucurbita pepo, Zea between 1200- 2000 hrs. The sympatric bear's mays, Trema orientalis, Syzygium cumini, species in the Reserve, i.e., the Asiatic black Carica papaya, Ficus Spp etc. Degraded forest bear and Sun bear, both have similar activity lands and abandoned agriculture fields in and index and also share the same niches. Activity around the Reserve can serve as important patterns of are considered to be an foraging ecology and therefore cannot be ruled adaptation to seasonal, physiochemical and out for trespassing of bear to regions with human diurnal variation in the surrounding settlement. The study explores traditional as environment. However, it may also be well as modern techniques to determine density influenced by human disturbance and other and daily activity patterns of Sun bear and will anthropogenic activities that were supported by hopefully be an important step towards findings from Meijaard (1999), Griffiths and acquiring more knowledge on the ecology of the Van Schaik (1993) and Augeri (2005) where a species and its conservation in eastern shift in Sun bear daily activity patterns was Himalayan regions of . 62 | Journal of Wildlife and Biodiversity 4(2): 56-64 (2020)

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