I . ■ ______.

I ■■vaiUfcr ^ R Q c k:ets e stay CC'.ooldow n1 stretch,.Ip u lL to w itith in ^d m ee o f C elts ' - i _^ ___ _

^ In Hite m lu Juvernljecen nter Get "Easy Me«onBy" ^ with a Guaraniinteed Ad, I thy shp1>ts CALLCLASSIISIFIED 733-0626 stirs Iunease5-Cl I .ir-Tri..-iiiH iTiirir-hiir'

17 ti> C 003 3 195 w KALVAR COR!ORP m l i ' c ^ S 3RD £E f t S AL T L^e- boost over three ^ R r/jcAssoc/.ifeiitcd Press. ih;lhal will becom e p a rt of ihe; a'accords, years. Thai wasvas raised to 7 percent While P e rry said IBEW' members r Saturday andi thenIhc lo 8 percent — 2 GTON — Tens of thou- are ar not on strike, “the goneroral policy per cont Immcdlledtalely and 3 percent long-distance lelcptione is is lhal, we respect othercr unlonsbtn lya? and 19UH-lUH - on Sunday, accor- ' . lo reach out a llltle far* picket pi( lin es." d lnglo companymy cofficials, jch someone Sunday as However. ; AT&T officia:lals said Linnen saidI iBEW-memberIB opera- P }M'. illicd’ and walked picket there th< a re relatively few com)mpany fa- tors reported to work' Sunday for all % ' A m erican Telephone 4c cilltles cit with workers represiesented by three shifts aflcafler the CWA strike facilities In the nation's both bo unions. w as callcd. AboAbout 4,000 of AT&T’s He In th ree years. i iaiors' m er~ 3C.ooo^nton“- 05operators are IBEW WASHINGT CWA and AT&T negotial )sl of Ihtm work In New ■ ■ sands of im lo unlcations Workers of tw fcc'for b’flef periods on SuSunday bul members. Most 0 callers had'hlch lo represents 155,000 of no progress was reported. England and PernPennsylvania, I out a lot B ahr, however;ver. said his union ex­ ther lo loucl"Ionized employees, began •’We can afford to stay ( :WA PresI- peels IBEW menm em bers lo honor CWA . workers rallliit 12:01 a.m . Sunday afler longer than they can," CW lines' at Anthe tclccommunlcattons dent Morton Bahr told reporters i picket- lines al company facilities y Is highly w here m em bersicrs of both unions are Telegriiph r fa( of an 8 pcrcent wage In- afterwards. "This Industry competitive. Beginning tomorrow, to part of the sameTie vworkforce, largcststrlkelead over the nexl three theyth' are going to starart losing Telephone ustusers attem pting to The Commi customers.cu After a little! ipain ... place person-ton-to-person, collect, America. whl(le,-the company and the people pe will be In a more corompromts- thlrd-number-bill-billing or credit card M M H AT&T's, union,est of its employee Ing Ini mood." long-distance colcolls Sunday were fre- the strike a ll_lhe International- Bahr, : said lherci_were thrhrcE* large , quently. greeted,;ted- w ltb -a lelephone rejecting d the of Electrical Workers, issues isj s{Ill dividing the twos!sides: recording advisl:vising that AT&T, was giant's offertentative o sclliemenl Sun- • A T iT ''s dem and for the1C ellmlna- experiencing a "work stoppage" and crease spreacnew three-year contract tion tic of autom atic cost-of-H-living ad- asking them to wall for the next years, ■arly-11.000 AT&T workers juslm ju; ents (COLAs) lo reflcfleet infla- available operaterator. ^.idenllcnl jobs lo those tlon tic - an ingredient of evevery tele- Linnen saidId 10,0001 m anagem ent ' Meanwhile,- \ m em bers. phone ph w o rk ers’ contract sinencei972. and supervisory;ory personnel ran the second-largest dlrcctor.of tho IBEW's • SpllHIng 2Q.OOO_-servlC(lce_ tjcjmi- comp_any’s long-distance loi swlt- unions, ...... ^ ~ r ■"'"■“ ivlsion, said Sunday night clans" cl; who now make S64616 per week~chboards c>irsunsundayr Ordlnarllyrhe------Brotherhood ( intatlve accord" on an into ini separate categories,5. One ot said. AT&T has ha 12,000 operators ' j reached a ten 0 percent increase wage those th' new classification;3ns. wire working on Sundcindays. ^ ot .. j day on a ne’ as signed Sunday and wilt pullers, pu could suffer as mimuch as a But hesald, the com pany w as brae- covering nearl itted to the union’s S300 S3i per week cut In pay asis'a result, ing for today,. thethi busiest cdling day in viriually.il tor a rank-and-file vole B Bi ahrsaid. of the the weekek vwhen norm ally 24.000 H E jjSaC heldbyCWAnr June 10. • "The company's proposed long-distance: operatorsope are on duty, • Art P6rrv. i he interim. Perry said, elimination ell of piecework: Ineenllve AT&T official!cials said Sunday they _.__ j j 1 lelephone divl.ells representing approx- pav pa for som e 20,000 manuilufacluring will try to reopejopen today 2G telecom- ... ■r .W thal a "tent. j ,000 ' telephone ‘ syslem"w'(' workers: ...... municatlons’equequipmenl' manufcctur- ...... W V three-year. 0 \ id the nearly 31,000 in -Herb Linnen, an AT&T sptipokcsman, Ing plants in 18 states earlier i I V ■, package, wasanufactuclDg-planls-wUl—&a -Mtd-thcrc-u'CMuno-concciy}sslons**F-4argeied-4or-6hui 6hutdowiv-lf-a-8lrlkft-oc* ------______^ be submtlte nmendatlons on- whether givebacks gi, In the companjiny's offer, curred. p i...... \ K members forould accept or reject the AT&T A’ b egan the finalI days of Linnen saidd A' AT&T also will try to k , shortlyafterold J' negotiators also hope negotiations nc leading up to} I the strike open all 700■0 of0 its retail Phone During the Striking telcphoih o n e w o r k e r s p ic k e t Slunday u r outside AT&T healeadquarters In New Yo 1 bargalnlng.by the end of_ with w an offer last Wednesdsday of a 5 C enter storesi todtoday...... S .union counclh ' \ ' irhalely'" i6,0( \ workers and -JVIirs-mani Weinb<)erger opjposes / jw in F < draft recomm)le T e n \ ^ Riot]t police ------*PL.»,p>,OtO^ ' workers shout ABMeextensiorn if it A.jgsf Complete'orkC lty lo conclude,1(W hr in,-Palls. y ' ■ ^ driveeback streets shbwsi nihese ■'V hampeers ‘Star W ^ r s ’ . blocks to be:ln t i o l T s u p p ' ■alls' TerribI porters DyBKYAN'BKUMl.lCY.ICY position is i lhal the negotiationsIS V\/arren Avenuo, • - .:V^ The AssocUitvd Pressis should ren-emain confidential,” ------Welnberlerger's -remarka.- mude on " of Milarcos WASHINGTON - Defense llie CBS-T>-TV program "F ace ttie Na-j" - Madrpna Street,itieiii^iveyrbflhe T ------— S ecrelary C aspar WcWelnb^ger said lion," can:aine five day^'afl^ flcagan By RUBEN G,A1;,ALABASTRO Sunday' tie woulc) oppDpposc extending said Ihifb ^fl y 'lh ”e“^ " o f l h y y e a r IhuZ- ^ 3^ 5th Street Wesl, |g b g |E ^ TJieAasodaludf.udF rcss the 1972 Anil-Ballisticitic Missile Trea- United Stales SI might e.xceed the ri'thew orst'.ronditic Kt,': < ty if il inlerferecl wiliiviih tlie develop- limits setet by I the l‘J7U SALT il treaty MANILA, PhilI’hiiippines — Police fir- ; ! r r ^ G r a n d v iB w Drive m ent of Prcsidenl1 ,ii Heugan's Star In respon;onse to Soviet violations of 0. blocks 2200 & 2300- ing tear gasIS :and swinging clubs ; Warsclefetise. the accordird. drove some 3,000 3,0C supporters of ex- ; Welnhurger said “extending “i the Shultz, appearing ; on the NBC-TVV “-C®^ Slreot Nor5t,' block 100 President Ferdirrdinand 1£. Marcos from : ABM treaty or c]oin^>ng anything thal programn "Meet' the Press," said thole ^ —- the Nutiunat AssemblyAsb grounds cj'ar- . ! would prevent ourr (doing all the Soviets had h. broken Ihe Strategicic Nprt 1 ^^^^ ly today where;iere the Conslltulional • Ihings we need lo do to develop a Arms Lim■imitation T reaty by encoding J!, block 100 Commission met hours later. . Strategic Defense; Initiative is messageses from missiles on lest 111 a brief!f iaddress to the 48- jy ; Diam ond Avenuf something obviouslyIv we would be flights, and ar by delploying about 70 ve Soulh. blocks 100-600 member comrommlssion. President • ' ■ very much opposed to."lo." SS-25's. whicti w he said is a new Cora^on Aciuinoino said. "You arc here I He stopped short of calling■ for ab- missilebarred bai by the pact, Orctiard Drive, orth, t blocks 200 & 400 today vested with wit full authority and rogation of the ABM■I trtreaty, which is Despitele Soviet warnings thatat ^ ^ 8 5 . compietc indepeiependence to write our __ due for review by U.U.S. and Soviet Reagan's's rem arks, on SALT II jeor^ - country’sTiowvconslltulion. CO negolfalorb....ii e x l'y■year e 'b u t tils pardizedd chances for a summitlit A venue W osinh, block 200 remark appeared hostile 1 to a meeting! this t y ear. ShulLz said tie "Nobody, nol even 1, your presl- intcrfecrfere with, or overrule reported Soviet offer;r l( lo begin reduc- was still1 hopeful. hi ■■.^ OyEim Street NonhlueW/est. block 200 ing strategic nuclear;ar forces if the "We feel fee lhat It’s very Important you. in tills great•eat task." United'States agretd;d 10 at>ide »y the to have•this th meeting,?’ he said. "Wc The putlce,alt;,altack. was launched at block 200 ABM treaty for if) toi 2020; years. think lhatlat Important Ihings can be BBM B’ dawn, about. nineni hours after the Tlm#i-Now»(}faphlc/Qfl£( A W hile House spispokesman, and done Ihertere that can be beneficial lo REOHAJim loyalistilisls had occupied the S ecretary of Stale! George( Shultz us and the the Soviet Union, and wc are > s t.'b ld c k 600" ' assem bly grwurrwunds and said they ■ ------declined lo commentU o on the reported prepared:d to1 do the hard work neces-. would remainin .1 lo protest the gov- Soviet offer, carriedJ in Sunday's cdl- sary 0 to make il a worthwhile ih. block 100 ernmenl commitnni'ssion lhal is to w rite tions of The New YorYork Times, and meeting." I " S ' les: It's‘thepiti a constitution,1. . Weinbcrfier said that;hat he had not Neitherer Shultz nor Weinberger ad-d- ByANNK’n'E C A llY '■■■; But just becausese your block ranks as onecolllii; ■ Wilncssfs •■ saidsa some of the read the Russian propo;aposai. vocated1 that tl the .United Stales usese TImcs-Newswritcr most deterioratedd inii Itie city, that doesn't m While House assistant- asi press an article:le of the ABM Treaty which:h “ dcmotislralorsrs hurled stones and will receive the mosnosl work. City officials willI aabo be ijo^ios a, n,,.he charging police as secretary Uiile Fetrosk■oskc'ysaid; "Our *SeeWWEINBERGEIlonPagcA2 ] TWIN FALLS - Th Falls taking into accountIt Uthe traffic on the streets., , „ they were chas:hascd at least Q mile. that, rivals any horro I'wood Their.lop priorlllellles will be major sirccls. foi v^rMhS ^'vay from thele assemas bly building. ; screenwriters — when flurk . by coileclors andid commercial streets. Kvti among,the dirl and gr;pothoU looms worst residential streetssir will receive only minlinlmum They also reported repi seeing at least Senatee faces aiirms, before the last one end. ^p and mainlenance..Young.ingsnys. eight people ciubbe’d clu by police, buti unmercifully regular, Overlaying a slnjsingle block of residential streets s li'cre were no10 reportsr of serious in-,: ' ' ' - No, It's not the slrci e. It’s costs $30,000. Theie city would be wiser toJ invest Juries amongg theli demonstrators or Warren Avenue, a sir Iheast $40,000 to do an overlay ove on one of the city’ss 'wider, police or of anyny arrests.a tax delibates... iand TV rh ere Is a street In Twin Fi corner of the city whet ror_dream cd up by Hottywcle bul __ ^mnjor streets.thfllfll handlei 10.o r..2Q .Umea.ai>-IS -m uch ------sundar^il^hli^hl •th T 'M a rc o s sup-;~-T'Tr ------By LAHHY-KNUTSON ~ ~ ' Senatelejeleysloh J js stiinn'the cx-jx- no'one resides: ere mlnrTslands of asphalt li Iraftlc. Young says.^s. ,, , porters pusheded their t way past police- TIicAssocialci] Press perimentantaf 'stage', -however. Thehe , But if you live on thi ;ravel. where one pothole :ireet.loo The city will still;I11 plan to do some work on' “: •,»' guardinc thele National Assembly Senate wiwill decide by roll-call votelie the 1800 block of 4th A' ock of w orst streets, Youn[lung says. How much work w WASHINGTON - ids, where ihe ruts are deep z * compound, and officials said two - The Senate later in1 the It summer whether or notlot Blake Street North yo com- pend on Iheir usageage. That m eans "doing somi Tvenue policemen sufferiffercd m inor Injuries. enters th e age of teltelevision today, to 'makee televised I Senate debates a plain. not rebuilding it." Warren A rcet in front of your house. 1 with "Warren but nol Inaugurating gaveM/cMo-gavel • TV permanenlent part of the legislativeve All ore among Ihe w s in the ‘ Chanls of "Marcos "M: again!” began itretch of road In the soulheel ac- had the highest score see for Ihe most defects i coverage in a week: thulth will see the scene. cording lo a just cc after ttie demonnonstrators had entered lere a few-industrles operateruts,, I survey, opening of debate: onC a plan to The House Ho opened its debates ,lo.10 cracks, potholes, corn irring Madrona, whichh w^sv. second, will get somee major the grounds. overhaul Ihe nation';on's income tax televisionon In March 1979. They haveve city pavement. 'oung says, but the street wil ihe 200 block of Madrona Sire , patching work, Youi Tho crowdI firstfir tried to block the code and an attemptipl 10 defy Presi- bcenlelevleviscd ever since, Engineers and street Tionth babiy conllnue to> deterioratede bccausc It has ni Avenue East, or the 400 block no-curb------assembly enlraiitrance. but did-not'try- ..... H dent Reagan and blole Jjcst based on the scv£ efects the pavement pumpiT ip ln g the mud beneath and n worst sections of city street making numberer ofc soldiers guarding TV style-on a closed-cid-clrc;iit basis for systems s and some UHF stations,IS. in their pavem ents, the problem worse,e. completed city tally of rv ii„ , .„ the -m ain doodoor to th e m odem the past month, usintsing a battery of Additlona:nally, major networks arere The inventory was c make The city Is also:lso plagued with hurriedly •rugation and oxidation marr Tiplex. • six cameras mounteded in ils galleries expected to carry segments of sound Judgments abo trcels streets thal have nevnever met construction standailards assem bly complt and operated ■ by remote rc control debateon on m ajo r Issues, most need scarce city fi It’s a good bet thalhat If you live In a bouse bullUlit dur- Protester FredFrc' Guerrero said Ihe :et crew workers spent a iiidi from a subterraneann controlCG center. Con'gresress Is .returning from a 12- ^Everyone who has II or Iho next d e c ^ e , yourir street crowd was demJem onstrating "tMHiause to come up with an invenlorjthoir ing World War II c Slatting al 2 p.m.m.-today, - it will day Memiimorial Day recess faced withith house, thinks they Ha' own," pavement is not amamong the c ity 's best, Youngng says, - tom orrow Iheyley will s ta rt the Illegal iking them from the worst to make televised debateales availabie.for the neces:lessity of making a final deci-ci- says City Engineer Gi lortages. constitution, and anc we're going to pro- - j ■ iverlty and extent of the defe. true. During the w ar there th were materials shor the first time to comiommercial tclevi- slon'onI vivthclher or not lo block thetie The study gives us a ba: . ______?S ceEPOTHOLES O ' on Page A2 test lhat. Wee wwant the old constUu- , slonnctworksandslatiilatiOQS. . ___ tSe>See SENATE on Page A2------______J tlon. It Is still1 legal."leg ■ compiled lo help the city mj bout which sections of strc ^ funds for improvements, as a chuckhole tn front,of th lave the worst street in’ towi Gary Young. "It's Just nbt ir )asis for prioritizing work." ■ ___ _ _ Aj2Tlmo3^owo, TwinFfl[> Falls, Idaho Monday, Junono 2,1900 r i l r i e l h o l e s — • CooUnuinued Irom Page Al much mui more lhan playing “ “t the old engineering llDgo0 b(because it colitfcts ir, boom lim es m eant a catch-up cat( game,” Young says,ys. That cars from rcsldenidential-,arcas, was .gj,--- Sheriff's Jgt. Terrerry Pddllla. He would rioVS ld cn tK , I Iraq attacksks Liberian tanke: vclopment and lax slim- means mei lots of seal-coating and ar pat-- next wilh 205 pointsInts for Ihe 100 block chitchingbul not many overlays. and 200 for the 2000 bhblock. BAGilDAD, IratIraq (DPA) - Tlie LibLiberian- He said no searearch was under way In ihi of 4th S treet South' registered tankerr Hellensporl Enterprise was ( city dooIocs have 122 blocks of Next N year the picture is bleaker. b: The 400 block of IS on fire muddy river becoucause "there’s nothing to ses^ a rc n io r ck of Fourth Avenue in the northern PerPersian Gulf Sunday after an /flh 'pcrfcct ratings of The federal revenue sharln•Ing pro- and the IBOO block o an Iraqi If you can’t m akec a !sighting.” 200. The first. Is. a. missile attack, gulfsUf shipping sources said.. zero In Ih'c reciccent Inventory. The ci- gram gra will be discontinued,, Ileaving E ast -also raled 20( re a few potholes go The sources saidlid Iranian lugs wcj;e-trylngIB lo pat in n er c^not takeke direct credit for the the the city without 5420,000- tntl annual short block where a G ardner playpi top Tony wii ird covering the en- oul an engine rooroom fire alward the 150.S . , I condlllon brmi'm any of those, built In funds. funt About half of those funtlndswere a long way toward jO,518-ton NKW.VOHK (AP) ( / - ‘ Tiie M ystery of tire pavem ent, and anc -the second ;is vessel, which wass hith: Saturday while steamingins south of Ldwm . reccnt years; b;by private contractors used usei for street work. o flra n 'so il export tc med best musical and the Hericrb Card* developing nevnew subdivisions. Con- , , "It "i looks really tough," saj^lys city anolher colleclor)r streetJ with pat­ •I term inal at Kharg Island. nor comedy "I'm The crew member,bers were un{lcr.«ilood lo have 'm Not Rappaporl" was a1 surprise t tractors mustst meet city standards Manager Mai Tom Courtney. "TlThere Is ches upon patches,'s- ive aban- winner for bestt play p os Broadway celebrs of Slh S treet West - cloned fihlp. Therejre was no immecllalo jepeporl c on 1935.5(3 irat^ the onthestreetsth1 that bccome public. really real relatively little the clly cl can Tho too block of Si casualties. season a t liie 40th annu;lual Tony There, m ayi beb a lim e in the not- doJo to I generate additional dolljllars for that mass of cracksicks behind Sears — • awardsSundaynig] night. ^ , looHllslant fuUfI'Uiro when the city will strejtreetw ork.’’ was awarded 1955 points.po And the six - Duarte prop*iposes peace talkiks Rappnppnport" captured three awewards, In- n d cyjyj. accflfcfl^ Jbose streets built The Tl average street how is •'not" loo blocks of Grandvlevview. Drive south cf . . eluding a best actoracti prize for Its star JuddId Hirsch. iq ^Ity stfltul- I close." Addison Avenue won a well-deservcO SAN SALVADOR,11, iEl Salvador (AP) - ,Prcs: tuiaWs. Some council 3ad bad if y o u .d o n 't look loo i . sixth place as anyny rmunicipal course Jose , Napoleon Dua)uartc, addressing Ihe. Not intno memJicrs haveVG' m entioned the possi- YouIfoungsays. . jotioSSi Lawmaker!Ers see Bonner Ko )n the ci-golfer can atlcst. • Assembly Sunday on the anniversary of his sc IV IU V billly of no Ion?anger Incorporating new The Tl m edian .street score on second BOSTON (AP) - of 170 lo ' Haling IM are1 Bl;Blake Street Niirtb y e a r In office, proposposed a third round of peacc ) — Two congressmen left thehe United rcsl^nllal sinBtrcels Into the city’s :y’s ly’s survey Is In the range of ct talks stales on Sunday 5 of Filer blocks 200-400 whlclfhlch are missing! 9 wllh leftist guerrillas.las. lay to Join Soviet dissidentIt Yelena streiil system,m, but Instead leaving 175. The ICOO and 1700 blocks c lent larg er than .'a '‘People of El Salvlalvador, I want lo end Ihe, w,vnr •’ Donneronherretur:turn trip lo Moscow. th em for resldtjldents lo m aintain and AveAvenue E ast..Just past Twin/In Falls patch of pavem ent t’cnue North behind Duarte said. "I am1 gcgoing lo m ake a new effort; a:ol IL Barney Frank;Fr D-Mass., and Dan LLungren, repair, nigi[llgh School Is one such street:ct, mar- Cadillac: 5lh Avcni I and in R .caiif., were lo r few pot- Ihe County Courthoithouse; commercial th al spirit I call a ihlrclilrd m eeting." .0 m eet Mrs. Bonner In Madadrld and. Kach. year■ the U city spends about red*ed with some cracks but fe blocks 200 DlamonTiond Avenue West He proposed thatla t the talks with rebel repre- n ■cavcforlheSovletlet Union today. $500,'000 on-ba;basic m aintenance, and holeloles. ;nue West; and Uie sentatlves be’heldd "without‘ weapons. In nat minor repairsrs lo' Its streeLs, This WWarren Avenue, a comnnmercial and COO Cth Avenue lationai No talks seset in Alcoa strike Easlland 200 block of Orchard:ard Drive. territory at the endId i of July^or-'durinE the mon te sum m er will sesee slightly more work drivIrive tliat branches off E: ores of 1S5 are lOO ' A ugust.” '™'" ATLANTA (AP)P) — No new talks were! plannc| than usual, sinsince the clly plans to DrhDrive at the Slmplot SollbiIbuilders Those wilh score; Sunday as 15,000'00 Alcoa w orkers went on slrlh spend some re;reserve funds on street con:orner, was the worst wllh aI S'score of Elm Street North;rlh; 100 8th Stfeel :------B|i&owners.1s-to-pay-for-funeK alnum giant over Its “ bellleci?erent a work. ______241).Ml) ouU f a possible low score!0f285. ol E ast; IGOO 7lh Avcn,venue East and 300- cessions sought in contractI r negotli S tiir ”ihe cITclly will not be doing ~Madn)na M Street, a ‘‘colled!c(or’~iiOrad'rona'Sll'CTl. WALKER, Calif.. (A(/ P) — The owners of a busJUS thal tlons. crashed into an ic>icy mountain stream saidid they The United StecSteelworkers of America a would pay for funeral:ral arrangem ents for the inn eelder- Aluminum. Brick:k andi Glass Workers Interr ly people killed in the accident, while most of tl ■Aftlona Sentm te—— f the 22 called a strike agaagainst 15 Alcoa plants at mldnigh m Injured showed signsns ofc im provement Sundav. Saturday after rejirejecting what they termed:d unrea •Continuenued from P age Al moral support to the PPalestine week, A woman believed'Cd lo have been aboard the:he bus sonable concessionsions demanded by lhat tom pzpany ana Saudi arms salesa or perm it It to go lLiberationII Organization andnd lo the The bill, which:h ReaganR has endbrs- with -10 others at UuIhe time of Friday's wreckck still another m ajor alun’lumlnum producer, Reynoldsds M etals ' forward. ■ gogovernm ent of L ibya's Col.)l. Moam- ed, would cut,t Individual1; income was unaccounlcd, foifor Sunday, said Mono (’ounly Co Co. "The White;e House1 seem s to think marGadhafy. laxes by an averiverage of G.3 perccnt * they’ve gol tlthe votes," said one ]In his veto m essage. Reapagan said and raise taxes!s onoi corporallonS’ by - Senate aide wwho asked not lo be Uie Saudis have "worked qul[uletly" to - aboul $108 billionIon over- the next 'five -- tdentlfledhynan am e;‘‘We’ll see.” - - .promote pri 'a better cllinate;e in th e 'y e a r s .' W e i n byergrer— i ------On May 22,22, the day before the '^1Middle East. He contendedd iIhe sale The legislationon would\ rctiiice Indi-’ rccess began,1, Reagan1 vetoed a con- would bo good not only for fo Saudi vldual lax ratess lo a maximum oi 27 • Continued from)m P : age Al observedI in all of Its elem ents." an a ything.lhal attem pts loto dolino on grcsslonal roseesolullon forbidding the /^rArabia and the Unllcd Slates;es bul for percenl, the loweslwest In a half century . allows either Moscowv oroi W ashington’ "We thinlink it Is Important to keep ntheir terms research or attemal pts to ', he had bolstered an In- Israel as well. and raise theI standardsi dcducllon to abrogate the padt onoi six months pointing otoul these violations and pprevent our doing the kind:Ids ot Uilnfis ‘'" s lw ylng drive on behalf of ,And he said rejecting i:the sale'and personal exerexemption. The max* notice. keep worklrklng lo curb them, and lo necessary ni lo see if we cacan develop >5= >•>' •’B''igreelng to remove from would send "the worst possible Imum corporatee rarale would be cut to Both cabinet offlcetleers, however, ,iry lo keepcep as much ot ihls lrcaty nnd n: deploy an .effectiveve defense ckage 800 shoulder-fired message" -aboul America’ss "depen- 33 percent. TheJ chchanges would be fl- argued lhal the Sovietsets have broken siruclure; InIr place as is appropriate against a Sqvlel missiles," hc'.snld Stinger missile!lies. .dablllty da and courage" andI 1 Us com- nanced .by reduciilucing.or cllminaiing the ABM pact by bulldlIMIng a phased- loU icdrcuicum stances," tie said, " I ’d like to see us develop d a Ttie Stlnscrscrs composed (he mo.st mltment to maintaining statlability In various deductionsons and exemptions, ; a rra y ra d a r in the Slbcjlberlon lown of "in Gene■neva . : . wo havo been lr>’- t^thoroughly reliable strateg:E1c detonso- con roverslal1 elem ent of the the troubled bul oll-rlchII Middle House and Senaienate conferees meet •• Krasnoyarsk, fartherir Ithan pcrmil- ingtcrengaigage Ihe Sovietrin a discus* Ihltiailve [ji ■ and deploy It ■ in d package bccaicause of claim s they East. on Tuesday lo conicontinue a search for : led from their borders.s. slon ot Ihehe ABM treaty regime and w hatever It takes lo d o ll." would prove'e an Ideal terrorist ■]Tho-$2M million package,c. without compromise on1 the th competing! ver- ; Although some Pcntaintagon officials lo try to gigel It back where 11 ought weapon If thejhey fell Into the wrong jhcthe Stingers, calls for the salsale of 100 slons of the federaleral budget approved ; have been pushing'thethe adminlstra- lobe." Weinberger repeated thiIhc eoals ol hands, MaHarpoon shlp-to-shlp mlssilsiles and earlier by cachch cham ber for ..the .<• ‘ lion lo abandon theie ABM treaty - Weinberg;rger stnicl^ a tougher the R eagan’s SDI goalsbff (developing senale Dem'jmocrats prevented an l,G6GSidewlnder air-to-air misilsslles. fiscal yearbeglnnlrnnlngOct. L when It com es up for review nexl stance. Since Str lUlW. when Reagan technologies for a posslbhble decision {mmcdlale volvole on overriding the Olhcr ( Items on the congngressloHal The House willHI act t on Tuesday on • . year, Shultz said; "U'cWc certainly. In- first anmnnounccd his Straleglc In " Ihe early I990’s on depjploylng a d -'v e to when II bebecame clear that some agagenda this week include Ihthe open- Uie Computer ~raudFrai and Abuse Acl. ___ ^ lend to abide by thee titreaty. That's Defense Initiative I - popularly vanced anti-mlsslle defensinses on the^senalors opposposed- to the arm s sale |nrIng Wednesday of Senate deb;ebale on a And on Wetlnesdaisday It votes on the "• ' whpl we have? said, contiiintinuously,” ' knovvh asis Star Wars, (he Soviets''S" ground or in space. "were leaving[furthehollday. fu! .• f;,ffar-reaching plar, to ovcrhrhaiil the Housing Act }f of 1‘j86 t which would Asked whether thee UnitedI Slates have urged^ed him to drop the Idea. The ABM treaty cxcludjdes basing Opponents contendco the sale should (^cfederal Income tax code. No'0 votes on reaulhorl'-'e comi:ommunlty devOop- , might abrogate tho ADABM treaty on Weinberger^er said thal allhough he missile n- defenses In spacej j and lim its not go Ihroughgh because Saudi Arabia t|](the plan, written by tlie‘ Finance1 menl block grantsints, rental subsidies, . grounds of Soviet violaiolations, in the had nol re;read the latest Soviet pro- the th developm ent of exotictic ballistic has allegedlyy donec lillle to promote - Commliiee. are-expccted duiluring the and public housingIng program 1 s, same way It has saidlid It will move posal, "11 would cerlalnly oppose missile n: defenses, allhohough Ihe the Middle tlastKa peace process but away from SALT II,, ShultzSh said: “ I anything lhat ih blocked or in any way Reagan R adm inistration rec•ecenlly ad- ha.s In.steadI Riven. financial and don’t w ant lo step-lntoInto that hole. I preventedd our' developing strategic■ vanced v; a more' liberal Inleilerpretallon think we need to do Is tto continue to defense." olof the ireaiy that wot ouid allow Ecuadoloreansvote work to have lhal treaty Ire be fully “ i dnn’l’I want ever to agree wllhI rescarchonsomeSlarWars n irs devices. PRESSiniECIlANNER GAUGE TES!STING Tuesday,', JuJi n e 2nd 5t p leb iscite against ------TOAM-A - S P N T ------a _____ ------QUlTOrKcutcuudoH-AFM-----Voters-ln- a y ' s r w ce c e t h e r = Sunday'.s natlotlonal elections were re- • ■ ■ jecllng by nealearly two-to-one a gov- 0 . ernment-.spnn.s(insored plebiscite, with - . t S B CteriIftarga Per GauKe the results seeseei\ us a-sharp setback A thuni G au g o to sting p [jderstormn or tw o mlay a join he lo President: 1.Leon Febrcs Cordero's g proformod by th6 UnlvorsHy Twin Falls, Burley. Rup< conservatlveec.“economic policies, >ity of Id a h o lupcrl. Jerome and n Cooporoflvo Exto Gooding: I For»ca*l/for 8 p.m. E Tho govcrvcrnment Information ixfonslon Sorvlco Conliniiccl hot.wllli.lsoJsolalcd.alternoon . , I. EOT, Mon., Ju n e 2 ^ agency, relcas■aslng unofficial returns, Mastor Prosorsorvors, with ■J ossistonco ■ from and evening ihunOerslorstorms through lo- Q / I S said 61.3T>ercircenl 61 the first 520.200 3m Morry Mor- day and Tuesday. HIkIis - riods HomomakorikorC lub. ighs yo (o Lows _ \ ^ f L T \ voles talliedi;d were against the I COtoGS. plebiscite, which wh would allow In- Bring lids only. ’ . Camas Pralrlc, HoUcycy .and Uio Lower Wood mvcr Valley: y ■ dcpentlenf canlandldatcs to run-for of-- “ All available portss irtsTock . All M o kkes e s S M odels Toilny dnd ■ Tucsdnyiy 'will have con' / |/ \ / j f / - 7 0 fice. llnucd' warm u'c-allier)cr wllh Isolated ( U l l ^ V ___ / \ L l \ - a 1 O It said M.4j,4 percenl favored the aflcrnotm nnd cvi-nlnyng ihundcrilorm.';, y n |l ||) ) proposal while:ille blank and nullified lllglisln thvisus. Luwsnc'iinear 50, voles accounltnled for ihe remainder. NorlhcmUUhandNcvfldivflda: The agency’ ssaid the 52U,20U voles Utah - Fair lo parlly•lly cloudy ihrough represented 12.2 12 percenl of the 1.2 < ® Tuesday. Wiuoiy scniK'nttorc-d ancrntwn - ^ million reglsleiilered voters, and evening thunder?)cr?howers. Gusly QA -U 7 MAIN AVE. W This Andeaiean nation on the.nor- winds n ta r llic sMowits. TWIN FALIS • 733-54Si773 4 /7 ers. Lows 55 lo GO. Hioh ® thwcslern coa:oa.st ot South America wt*t j inRh.smId-«(iblo!i.wuo^'UO.exceplne..r!DO-- peratufSB ■ U* tn IhL' Dixie area. has :i populatloition of about million. Nevada — Hot withIh sbcallcrecl after- noon and evfalnt;ig ihunilerslorm ------throiiRli Tuesday I'xcepl:cpl only varialile FRONTS: hlRli cloudiness In lliele nnorthwest Tiies- w lm /tm - flay, IHkIi temperatures•es 1tn Ihc lower KUs • } WV arm-wCok]-^ to mid 'JUs. l.ywh In llu Ihe lower ■fO;' lo ShOWBf/era Rain Flurrtea Snow C r % ) mlclGUs. Occiudfld-y^Statonafy• y ^ l Synopsis; NaKOTMJ WMTTkM SeTViiervtCtt NOAA u s 0 « t oJ Carorrynerco MAS1 The afternoon healal 1helped trigger central scfl.et'liuiis lit lli'e'slale, while COs n;i tarn Launhlin. some IhunderbhoviiTs Ihi nation, liie warm spoi wa:> I. oT h I Ihroughoul Idaho werecommiimon in some areas of norlhum SiNev., wllh lu'J degrees and thehe coldest Sunday, and Boise rccuiccurded a record- uml .soulliwi THEBRE^AKTHROUdGHM -J ^ liwc.stern Idaho. .Morning lows was w; 37 al Craig. Colo. high tem perature for . Dr June I of 'jj ranged frorrum UJI degrees al Stanley lo The enlemdcd forecast (or• Soulhern i ^ <’Olipslni: (hee oldo! a-c-ord ul ‘jJ ihe mid-r^is ■-Os al Iwtli Ixwiiioii and Uoisc., -Idaho._ld, Wednesday ihrough Krlday, Kr Is Ji-sl AFFOMMABUCOOLII.ING. degrees set In li)o;i. Thl- warmeniest lenipcrature re]>orled In tor loi a lillle cooler leniperaturiures. Fair I.ewlslon also reached II cdliieniid-yiis Idaho .Sumiunday was 'J7 degrees al wllh wj a chance ol alternixin or3r evening Low icm peraturcs witi *erv mostly in Ihe I.cwlslon anand Ihe coolest reading was M thundershower. ihi Illghs In the auaus. 1/Ows • i ^ upj)cr -lu.s lo mtd-50s> In the ea.-,l and degrees in in Stanley. Klicwherc in Ihe tntlieMs. tn I Kjr,5.v,Cilj 56 b: (’o/iiam). On: 84 ta National lasvocaj ic: n ^ laahoFilli 11 Ma. U,nn Pep l03Ani;,-lr,5 !• c: Icwistoti 97 Si'iLjk'cC.t, « ia ' - ... Molon 57 . , ?0 3uilttolast. .j Dalm 7S C6 1 03 M n Twin Falls Oi>r<«Qr n M •CC ticwYoiK M C3 M.n PCD DPSMomns U I O'laliumaCitf 81 t?S :: Idaho ’ruSlorUa^ 33 Uel-oit I'.') ii M.r, Pep LiJtYosr N ■ Horioluij f6 1 ProU^. 102 rln . Done 91 14 1 01 ,PilIM,utch^ E6 63 QjHo, W M_ TMjyjsgnjol..... T h i s Arvin / m odel rec•ecommended for cooling homes, con d os, . ind.jnjco;.! V U nin lomodow’sjuntiso ... apartntments, mobile homes, ho agribusines?sses & a varietyy ot1 com - m ercicrial' applications,. Arvin is the largest I manufoctiicturer of ^ I n d en i ------— ^ ------evapoilorated coolers. C r o s s l f l e d ...... C 4 - 8 Magic VeValley . . ___ C l-4 RR e a c h ...... , Bl-3 S o»0o75% o n electri;trlc cooling bill withh an Arvin cooler. C o m i c s ...... A6 NationI ...... A3 SS p orts...... D l-4 Expert-t installationI Availableble Dear Abby ...... C3 Obituarlirle s ...... C2 VValley l i f e ...... C3 M odel EW I20 2 400CP,CPM I d a h o ...... A5 Opinionn ...... a 4 WWest ...... A 5 ----- Porisrtable and powerful1 — con go . . M odel EW335 3000 CPACPM i __ Jo Atin Larsen - ...... ; v-B2—People . r ...... A 7 WW orld...... A8 ^ from *«■< room to room witlvith you. Pc>orfect for sm aller' hh< o m e s — circulation — &t0cr1{iUaoOORite, It ------Clrculnlloxi ons art m a n n e d tx tw e c n 7 and 10.Oa.m.only.lfyou a dellvtfy: diUy. Il JO per wttk; Sundi; do not receive your p ly tnct SmUy. tl JQ per wttk. Ruril m. ir paper by 7 a.m., call Ihe: numberni for your ddivery; iuUUy. y }|.M per week; Suadjy. TS« per not malnlAlneclined: oUis s n .a ; U lster 326-5375 Sunday only.ly. 1 monUi R U . 3 mmths tll S , I mononllitClTg. ■ QVOivailablo for Twin Falla nod all otb()tbcrarcas , _ 733^)331 lJn»whiti34(U.U. Studeal andierrietm u ral*. by}y imill only, nobllo ho m o s. In p • KUpermofUtKiruh tor diUy Sunlay. News sqtofunjm(eo.in*a»l«lcoUcca>UI ' available weekdaysso on o ly . U p u U lM . AIN 2 N D A V e ^ INE | W E S ^ 7 3 ^ . W nSB. sI ...

'! SouthBakota CG O P race turnss bitter - — ^ ______Monday, ./gpp12'. 2 :!996..;_Tlmcs-NQW3..Twinvin F a lls. I d o h o A - 3 ._____ JVaitioy 9 statee s g e a n up for iTuesdal y p r i i Blaries i _ ' . PIE IIR E , S.D. (A^P) -— Gov. Bill Janklow's — California: 13 Repuolicancans. Including Rep. Sharpirpe Jam es, who upset NevNewark.Mayor Ken- loolh-and-nall fight to sna'snatch Jhe U.S. Senate Ed Zschau and former Nixonn speechwrllors{ Bruce nethh Gibson, ( a longtime Rodlnos10 supporter. J. 1*looddealith toll att8; nomlnolion from fellow RqRepublican Sen. James HeHerschensohn. compete for a clchance to challenge —-• •New Mexico: Six Repulpublicans seek the Abdnor ls one. of the hotte;ittest races among nine DcDem ocratic Sen. Alan Cranston;ton. Republican Gov. "nomlinlnation for governor, hoplnjling to replace Dcm- slate primaries Tuesday.. BuiBi If rccent history Is^; GoGeorge Dcukmcjtan and Los5 ArAngeles Democratic ocrala l Toney Anaya, who Is bai thers reirnMn miss»sing any guide, lhe real winner:r I:In South Dakota could Mayor Ma Tom Bradley should1 cjeasily win nomlna- runnlinlng again. Ray Powell, row ood lo. search for be the Democrats. liontloi for a rematch of their 190219C; governor’s racc. of SandlaSo National Laboratorii) T ^ H H ( L d i n g ' ETN/FNA. P a. (A P) - The Natlollonal m ud left by lhe flood "We really have had peopljople on both sides in the PProposition n 51 would ch’angege California's joint Dem(iriocrot against two write-inncutlM9aMM.'' ei Guardrd arrived under overcast skiessk bodies. Republican primary say’ i f m y guy loses, I'm and am several liability doctrine. - N orth Carolina: A riinoffoff from th^Moy C SundayJay to help stunned homcownvncrs ■ Damage to privateite iproperty could md ruined sewers. with you,"’ sajd Paulil Johnson, campaign — Iowa: Democrats nomin;ninale candidates to prim;mary lo determine lhe DeiDemocratic nomlna- and wcwcarj’ rescue workers cleanm up reach 5'^0 million, and : manager for lhe lone D6Dblnocral seeking the opioppose Republican Sen. Charharies Grassley ond tion1 .for the U.S. House seatit beingI vacatcd by suburb;irban communities wheree at water lines, roads rmirmd''other public ..Senate scat,.Rep. Tom DasDaschle. “ I think It can Gov. Go Terry Branstad. ” - R ep?;'Jam / es Broyhlll, who won woi the Republican .leastI (eight people •■died In flflash - propei-ly "could driveIrive Ihaf figure • only help, especially sinciincS this last' week 'It's '' — - Mississippi: DemocratsIts In the prim arily nomtintnatton for U.S. Senate. - • • floodlniding that causcd m ore .thann S20-much higher. - said- a county------tor Joseph Moses, become very divisive and bilbilter."^ • . blablack 2nd Congressional Distrlstrict decide whether ion In dam age. Maintenance Director. n;-South Dakota, Republlcalean Chairman Joel. iburgh said Sotur- TJie lasl lim e a U.S. setsenator lost, a primary lb nominate a black candandidatc to oppose fdclals say thal as many as 12 Thornbur schlhal denies any blttemcmess'is likely from- Ofdcl iny County com- w as in 1980, when 11 happerpened four limes. Three ReRepublican Rep. Webb Franklinklin. Justice Reuben racc , between • Janklow' anda Abdnor, and people)le have been missing sincc‘ Fri-I day thal Alleghany mned niunltles affected byjy t: the flood would of the losers were Democral:rals, and all three seats AnAnderson,, the first black on or lhe Mississippi \ A i th e winner could be helped this fall day,, whenv, thunderstorm s dum| j'm. be declared disasterter areas, but he ended up In the GOP colunilumn that November. In 'Su;Supreme Court, faces an arch-cch-conservativc while :ause his campaign organlziilzallon will already up. loto .'t ■ Inches of .rain in the T did not specify towns,vns pending dam* the fourlh race, Republicanian Jacob Javlls of New in'a in- Democratic primary for)r lheU final two years • firtd-tuncd. sburghrgh area In several hours, York losl lo AHonse D’A3’Amato, and D'Amato of;of anelghl-yearterm. age estim ates. ■ It gives us exposure. Il ma;nay even give us an storn barely won In November,, onlyon because Javits ran — Montana: Madison CoiiniDiinty Sheriff Johnny orm runoff quickly swelled PineP The National Weathiather Service said /pjijage," Rosenthal said, re possible again under a Ihlrd parly and1 tooktc voles away from F Fr rance, who. captured "mountluntain men" kidnap- Creek;k and. ils tributary, Llltte Pine P thunderstorms were | lhe Democrat. perspe Don and Dan Nichols in 1984,1 Is challenged iRo:losenlhal and other GOP officialsolfl have follow- Creek,L'k. Into fierce .rivers lhat chvhum- Sunday In lhe floodioodcd neas. and undcrstorm w atch ‘ Here are somaolhgr keyi(ey races on the busiest by one of his deputies in a Repubpublican prim ary; cd- IrIradltton-and rem ained neuleutral In Uie Senate ed through th the area’s nan.irrow issued a severe thund northwestern Pen- prim ary day'so fa r In 1986:>: — New Jersey: Democratsats In lhe primarily primmnry. He said IncumbentsIs t usually do well in val!cy.sey.H, for U counties in nort 5 people died In a — Alabama: Democrats)its begin choosing a sue- black bU 10th Congressional DistrlIslricl decide whether electctlons, but that may nol predlclpn the outcome Onn SSunday, volunteer firefight'hlers nsylvanla where C5 pc aslM ay31. — ccssoc-to-rcUrlag-Gotf^coiicorgc,W jllace,..and.plck—.to.Domiaatc.RcPa-E?tcL.W,_Rod to. ito d in o Jr. for his 20th__ Tue&esday. because "South Dok(akolans are very in- conlimilimied slogging througli smimelly series of tornados last! a nominee to run agair;ainsl Republican Sen. leiterm . He faces three rivals.*als, includlhg black d ^Dendenl e i people, and 1 Uniilnjik^hallbnanreiuTs Jerem iah Denton. ■ NcNewark Councilman DonaldId IPayne, an ally of mayly not apply." FIpod l( warniring v i ; a s tooo late TNA, Pn. (A P) - Residentsiwere w ahout-l:l5p,m.Fridayday. w arned aboul tho possibilitjity of The w eather servlc:rvlce, which.had UAWcc h i e f g i ^ivesBig'[T hree'‘ w a r ’ l liQtice ■ding until 30 mlnules after flflash been Issuing w ornlnrnlngs of severe floodsds ripped through Plttshuriiirgii's thunderstorms Ihnthroughout the .least aflcmoon. first menllenlioncd the pos- ANAHEIM, Calif. (AP)») -• U nited'M otor Co. T hleUAW e ' ’s Chrysler Corp. casesises to two Delrolt-area laww firm s vered by conservatvatlves. northcithem suburbs, killing al .li Itional slbility ot floodingng in a special Aulo Workers Presldendent Owen contract expireIresln 1088. - in return ri for cash. Runneljels was The commlssloSion'S task. Bieber eightIt people,j according to Nati( w e a lh c r s ta te m e nnt t .filed. at 4:45 Bleber opened his union’ss oconvention . "Despite our)ur patlcnce, despite <5ur remnmoved from office and Blebcber held said, will be to find fir “ how labor can Weatlnather Service records. Witnesses said the flooding heb e g an p.m .. said meleorologlloglstBlllDrzai: ^ Sunday by warning the: BBig Three desire lo coocooperate, despite our himm upi as an example of behavavior he im prove its politicItical effectiveness in Witn ) autom akers the UAW "w"Will go to desire to ach:chieve peaceful agree- woulcould noltolerate. a period of the per;lermancnt campaign, t— w ar" to achieve Us bargainalning goals, menl, the UA\lAW will go to w ar" al ... •* new era of poll'Olltics dominated by Bieber, unopposed in his nre-e ec- 30-second TV sp . 'Including stemming thee «export of the bargainingng lable, Bieber told the spots, sophisticated jn bid, renewed a pledge lo d computerized | ■ automotive jobs to low-w£-wage coun- delegates fromDm l,-loo locals galliercd [ uiJISs°Sf PENNY-/A-POUNvJD I e the Ohio assembly operati alysls." I fortheweek-lor.|o„Bmeetl„8, Ind the dem ographic anal> • tries. onda Motor Co. Ltd. am Pose Is your choice , ' The keynote speech by BlBlobcr.who :ilcl.his 50-year-old union Nissaissan Motor Co. Lid. plant in h Ten- “ W hat m ust we we do to harness tho is expected to be re-elecl( -was nol mvolvolved in criminal actlvl- neess;cssec. The union's failuress al the new technologieses of communication ■ ^ lhe union's frIennlaJ comonslllullonal ,| lined a standing ovallon ■•0 iwo Japanese-owned plants.s have — satelllles and com puters and cbnvention, was his toughe , , BhcstspMch iceting's 2,500 delegates . bccor:comc its mosl glaring orgaganlzing cable to-bring-I 1 closcr Jo'vorkers' woi compensation hasIS been I outspent and ouliiliiianeu- bloodied, but we're;'re unbroken." . .g•axJO OF YOUR CHOICE FROM OfORIQIHW. PORTRATT ENVE- U)U)PE*OflofvalidatUmoQ(8iiUnQ . wllh ihb coupon • May not tx> U300 wilh any olhor ollor • Umit ono epociol per #ub|oct • Jl.OO lor U.S. takkesalool»k at singlt[le womei:n’s sex hhabits ioach ad<)ii«na! subjocl In porinui •A•Ao«'imil12yoiira V - - -^j WASHINGTON (AP) - Resoar- sclcnces brandnch. "Their "Tl fertility behavior is l^ very -Twenty percercent did not begin to • chers studying the sexualual habits of There havere been many governm- signi:gnificanl." Baldwin snld. U5e contraceptive;ives unlll after their V,no i" cuto''' ■ 'Single women In their 20sOs Ifound that ent studies on lhe fertility and sex- He He said m ajor findings includjded: . first pregnancy. i one in three had lived withith a man, 40 uai behaviorr o of Americans, but Ihis - - O ( . n e out of three single wot,'omcn in —Four oul of fivfive have engaged in 'j ^ m JL ' : percent aborted their firstIrsl pregnan- is the first to0 focusfi solely on the sex- ;r her 20s has been pregnant aiat least sexalleastonco. ; cy, and one in six habltu)ltually risks ual habits of3f unmarried women in' anc^. —Ncver-marrlet-led women in their — ^'pregnaney—by—engaging-ig-.in-inler--—th(L.primc_chl chlld-boarinp years he- ___ 2(ls have had so:sexual relations,.on______Twin Falls.______. ■^Fort>’~per_cont—o{—the—\ JGPGnney twi __l_cmirstLvvmiQUlcnntracgpUvlUves.______L\vceiL2U_aud_idJ!y.J5ald\vln_5aid.'.in_a__ 'Ji.mcnjiallof-whom.-.------telephone interlerview, ;)ortc(r'nreir first pregnane ong-lerm boyfriends ------^H(^ O U R S :^ ------1 K) ncr '“"I - The sur\’cy, commission'loned by the - • half a lf of ' tiic white women and1 ilu p e r nnd half more casuisual acquaintances, Tuesday-Thurursday 9:30 to 5:00, L*nt of lhe lilack women. ; National Instilute of ChilChild Health In !9H3. thelhe year the interviews Baldwin said the Ih' survey indicates F r id a y'9:30 s to 6:00 ; and Human Developnopmcnt, Is were conductc■cted, 40U.00U of tlie O.i -O - C n e-th ird have lived wilh a man. lhat lhe young adultail population "is S a tu r d aiy9:30 y to 4:30 - scheduled lo be presentedled today by million single’le women In Iheir 2(is -One-sixtii —(i habitually risk not really doingg a: whole lol belter L u n c hi1':00to2:00 1 Wendy Baldwin, chief of .agency's gave birth, aand GOO.OUO had abor- prcgircgnancy hy engaging Inn Inter- than adolescents,s i in term s of eonsis- ; demographic and tbehavioral lions, accordin,ling lo lhe study, cour>lurse without contraceptives.s. lcntuseolconlrac(acepUves." - ■

; Woman’I’sbodyJfound aftter stornin f . . : . SAN ANTONIO.- Texascas (AP) - while'wind an‘and rain thwarted lf> at- S Sa an' Antonio park ’workersrs“ found ; P ark w orkers found a worn/O m an’s body tem pts to entlnthrone the new Goddess thele body 1 of .a young woman uunder a - beneath a bridge Sunday,y, a day after of Liberty ;atop the Capitol in brldjridge aboul 7 a.m. Sunda’lay. The 3 ; she was washed away byy floodwalersfli Auslin. bodyody had been reported beingng swept : as storms dumped up 0(o 55 Inches of Ten moree attempts were made alonilong the San Antonio River:r in the • rain on south and central1 TeTexas. Sunday lo get g the Ifi-fool, 3.000- soulloulhern pari of the city Sallaturday. : :.The Nallonal Weatherher .^Servlcc..pound goddeidess on its perch, but polkoilcesaid- ; warned of the possibilitylily of more blustery windinds again- defeated the The Th woman liad not been Idcdentlflcd ' M l 11^ - •. heavy— thunderstorms ••-and ~a flash cflort and hethe project was postponed Suncunday. said police Sgt. 'M anuel — ■ ■ Hooding through Mondayy f(for Son An- Indefinitely, Lonj.ongoria. , lonlo, Del Rio and other are:areas,- Sporadic but bi heavy rains con- The Th storm, which dumpedJ i lip to 5 : .Tornado-like winds In El Paso tlnued Sundinday, causing more inchiiches of rain on San Antonimip. also alcwtde. The downpours sentcnt Leon and Culebra crecIBC.ks and ! - tiprooted trees, broke winwindows and flooding slate ^ J . _ y brought down power linesles Saturday,, felt on groumund already soggy from mannany other small streamsSi i racing rains thal bc(.began a week ago. Much outut of( Ihelr banks to snare mimotorisls of Texas wasas uiWer flash flood wat- ind and their vehicles in a raging-ig-r;ush of i; O s m o n d te leg t tn O n chesorwarninnings Sunday nlglil, watc^•ater. nets $30.1 minillion ri OREM, Utah (AP) -■ BuoyedBi by a -■ surprise visit from comiclie Bob Hope, i\-. DOlYOUQ >WN the 1986 edition of theHe Children’f Miracle Network Telethlethon ralseo •: $30.1 million over the weeA'cekend. said Osmond and PMENTr co-chalrpersons Marie Oe YOURr EQUIP J ohn Schneider. ■: The 21-h6ur productionion originated T* In the fo'rmer Osmondid Entertain- ment Center here andI wosw carrlcd ...... OR D0ES1 I fOUR by 1G2 television static.itlons In -■ United Stales and Canada. • This y ear's lotal ln (lonatlons-and don pledges was $8 million momore than the miPMEENT •I; S22 million raised lastst year. The ■■ money will assist the 131 pediatric > . hospitals partlclpaling in In the event, WNYOllU? OsmondandSchneldersaicsaid Sunday. % Owning canan lie you up with machin(ine p a y m e n ts e v e n when you're notot using1 your machine. If you’re like m ost ;i: R em ains retuturned loggers and con:o n tra c to rs , y o u c a n ’t aflafford to let your ih-flow Is-too g reat KAILUA-KONA. Hawalwall


I )nday.Juno2.180O A-4Timc3-Now1W 9. Twill Falls, Idaho M onde w Q p ii f t i a

/ / E X C U S E M I ANYOF ^t>u ' WlliamEHff,Ho^w^^ . WiDlaniC.EC. Blokt S E E N M Y P u b t u h c r AdvcitUinging Manager 1 W C R E F O R A Slq)hcn Hartslartgen ... MJchodCwGowci i ______—; ------MenoglngEdilEdiiof------QrcuUUonIonM#n*gci------___■__

T h e m em bers ofif ththe editorial board and writeItm of edltoriaTs- are Stephcrhen H artgcn a nd William E. Howardl- i'- , 1______Seconnd wasteJ site mustn’i’t be def€erred

- Everybody kno\nows that three decadiades’ accumula------tton'OfTadloactlve;{ve^aste"is‘belng'stor«Dredrt’empbrarl: ly, in pools, at the reactors thatU produced It, Everybody knowsiws that it would be much r safer to store the stufff in sealed canistersrs burled deep underground. B ut none o f It it has been burled yetret,. becau se the , country h asn ’t be(been able to make upI Its11 mind where to put it. Severalal years ago Congresss passedp leglsla- tlon that, by a slo\low and cautious proces;ess, would force • ■ a decision. This5'w w eek P resid en t Reagcigan took a first gingerly step whenlen he Identified three possiblepo sites.

Nothing will happen h, quickly. Thehe three states chosen - Texas,s, Washington^ and Nevc!vada - will un- / f doubtedly attemptipt, in cou rt and In Coni)ngress, to block B further action. M'Meanwhile the Energy■gy JJepartn^nt,' C o m m hittee apip o in tmwrits galin interr e s t -havlng-already’ doned a good deal'dlo f drllltng and ^ BOISE-TheIdahoLegislati bc aturewlllhavea - R-NamjTipar all were defeated Tuesda>jday.Ifovcnono . testing at these sisites, will now sink mlmine shafts and newew look next session, a resulttof c the defeat of m ore mim oderate Is appointed next session,ses: thal ■ ■ begin opening cavcaverns to allow geologoglsts to Inspect” ‘ sevceveral highly consorvailve Holouse members In could mimean an easier road for majorijor lax changes, i^~"ouane~* rwin Falls and- - the rock'direcUy.'y. T h a fw ill talcfe five yeiyears. If all goes he primary election. Watkikins. Rep. Donna Scott, R-Twlr Bul don’t expect tho Lcglslatiature to turn into a |-•- Rep.J.Ff.F. •‘Chad''Chadband, R-TwIn'win F alls, also ke a final choice Kenyon - well, Mr. Reagan’!in’s successor will make lUnch of free-spending liberals.Is. It’s likely tore- | | m w on'l be back on the Legislature’ss JointJo Fi- and, in 1998, burialial of the w a ste will begir6*^- mallnain a conservative body, reluiluclanl lo approve nance-A•Appropriations Commltlce,j, alongali with h o u l aclearm a• , Democrcrat Sen, Norma Doblerof MosMoscow. When Mr. Rea:eagan narrowed the: choices( to - the S;ew taxes or m ajor debts wltho orltyofsupport. . — w asaf; against most tax changes durduring his term as Cochajrijrm anScn, David Little, R-Em.Emmelt,also •- three w estern sisites, the administra.ration also an- U(However, it likely will spend,d lessI time oalhe spoakiaker. isreiirlrring. nounced that it wasWi deferring the seanarch for a site in...... tar-(ar*out propo.sals which surfacticed tbe lasl two ____ —Sen.cn. Dano Watkins, IM dahoI’alI’alls,losthlsbid.- Appoliolntmcntsio lhat24-mcmber.c(2r.commltlee ______the E ast. ycai'ears, and took much valuablele lim e away from for the 2nd District congressionalaol inomination, sn will be; wwatched closely nexl Deccnibiiniber as an in- , . . worlvork on Issues many considerered far more impor- he willvill not be returning a s chairm.rmanoflhe • dlcatlon:>n how the nexl session will go, T hat’s an impmportant decision, and an probably a tantant. .Senateate l^ c a l G overnment and TaxationTa; Com- Anothither election could mean changangesinthe mistake. The lawaw specifies that therere are to be two. Republicans ii< probably won't'I 1lose their ma- milleelee, Legislalaluro’s fiscal policy. Moderate•ate Jerry The admlnistratU3tlon argues that the fiifirst site will not Joriioritles In both cham bers. The>eysloodalC7-l7 in Inihi the lasl eight years, with WatVatklnsaschair- Deckan!inl of iCagle bent conservativeive Rop.1 L ym an, be filled until well w Into the next ceicentury, and the he Hou.se for the last two ycarjirs a n d 2H-M in the man,n, thatt committee h as blockedted most lax GeneWitVinciieslor, R-Kuna, in the prinprim ary, jcnale.— ...... -changi kard, a former House meml)cr,ber, andR cp. search for asecon;ond can be deferred untlntll the 1990s. nge bills passed by the House.3e.Sen,Alwell ...... Dem ocrats w eren’t able to fiifield as many "A l” !P arry. K-Mclba, couldholdt)ld the key. He’s i.indenl;i Bateman. IMdaho Falls. In;nl984 19 But one reasorson for developing a sesecond site Is to egislalive candidates as theyy vw anted. And It nextt inir line for chairm an of Local'cai Government eiiglneei'ered passage of the Education;ion Reform von’t be known unlll Novembei)cr w h eth er Demo- a n d T; m ajor effort to pump more moimoney Into — --have the-assurairanee of an alternative I Taxation, And if a m oderatestesenatorlsap- Act, a ni Ive if the technl- . :ratncwcomers.cau,cutinloihihii£iiticnchcii ______poinU:)Uui.ui.UiaLcammiltee.,itc,ouiti ; luldgive teacher:;i' salaries and other educalion;.ionai'costs.ahd cians run intoTntrouble at th e first. Thlfhe congressional gj oOP i strongholds. Most of the.•ch;mgesinTues- c i„oderlieralos seven ot the 12 seatssand an a working , impIeiiKITenTatlOfTortllo Stat0*5llrsttcareer-ladder cai ------Office of Techno!nology Assessment maclade that point In dayiay’sprimary were inodcraleleltepiihlicans majorjorily. systemIIS, s its study last yea/ear of radioactive wastiste disposal. But Jefeatlng ullra-c.oiiservalives,■s. Thehe House Itevenue and Taxatifation Commiltee Tliel'JI'JHf) and 1‘JUG sessions, pressedsed for money, the administratiiation has decided thahat the political , Bul\ Ihe U g islatu re may beE rmore willing tn is thelie Legislature’s other key batlllatllegroundon refusedd loI continue funding those projprograi^_ _ look al new Ideas, includin}^ lotlocal-option taxing taxm ; costs of a second»nd site outweigh the bebenefits of a fall- Jmt, m atters. Three of ils most con:conservative authority, and new ways lo funund education. ., mcmhmber.';. Ilcp. Myron Jones. R-ft'R-Malad; Uep. Noy i^uancr c KcnyoH covers Idnfio polJlIc: “ 0ack . All o f the 'ItlcsnndsliU c- the incentives in waslisle disposal are hHouse o i Speaker Tom Stivers is iretiring, and he Brackickett, R-Twin F alls and Ilcp.ip. Roberti Korrcy. govcr/i/i'i/iionf for Tho Assoc/ntcdFrvss'rcss. weighted toward■d procrastination.p

And since thele E1 ast en joys the ben(sneflts of nuclear • L pow er, should nonot the East accept s sin ce it can be m;managed with negllgiblible risk to public We in the news m edia are encriticized fur many H B view ofif theI world are bound lo be disadlsapp9lntcd . health? Uiings,Uiii including being too iiej;egalive. We focus on , wheiiilcit doesn’t, bad news, some people say. I ssuppose it's true, , R , In thele case ofthe man wlio complaliplained a b o u t- I M ike ■ JThe answer loto that question Is usuaually a"denuncia- Terrorism , unemployment antmd radioactive thehydrdropower project slory. It tunuurned out hl*'d tion ^ n u c l e a r p(power In general. ButJt the alternative fallout “i” are basically iieg;illvee tilings.t They're - C Sullivan been Inviivolvud in the problem and waswasabltsen- depressing, Who wanls to hearar about them? B sillvc ab to nuclear powerer js coal. While nucleaear waste can be f about the publicity. He alsotilslyisllkcdlhe Twice last week readers conumplained about- i^PAaiumd the idea of environmentalal regulations.rc ...... sa fely -b u ried , th( the-wastes-from coal1 ccombustion-are " -'w-h:what they perccivcdasncRati'live things in The - who.';0 .i^klppcd towir. But TlioTlmc-inc-s-NcwSIias ------H chadriino qualms about negative pubpublicity on ------pum ped into th(Hi(Hiirlhatyou breathe. Times-NewsTin — one was a ’‘lu-gi-galive" headline on learnirned lhal most investm ent opporluniitcsaro-opp nuclearir ior coal energy. It was a classilassie cascof anan« economic slory, the other wwas a slory about Icgilii.itimale and are an integral partpai of the free whose oxo.' was being gored, Some are highighly toxic and, whilee technology can environmental env problems eonminecled wilh a local enter]erprise system thal has madeide America great, The pointpt needs to be m ade here.‘Ihatnewspa- the redu ce th em , itIt can’t elim in a te ththem from coal hydropower project. One readiider opined thal »SlSlate Kish and G am e officialsials say thousands persgenenerally do not run news slorieiirieslnorderto smoke. The prev•evaillng view seems to be that coal is negativism sells newspapersi -• a novel concept. otlroirout have been killed and monlore will die as the advancece or attack a point of view. Th(The end is. The other suj!gestedwc have.• a vendetta against result safe but nuclearar power is bad for yoyour health. The /“J ult of an accidental spill of cyacyaiiidO-intolhe ideally./. Ilo Inform readers on the Impcm portant iiydropower, • Salniinion Itiver near Stanley from;im an overturned Issues of iheday. Often tJienew slsbas b a d .o ra L past several d( decades' experiencee suggests thal Thet latter arjium ent is the inmust inleresting, lankeiker truck. Chcmleal industryry spokesmen■ con- least coronlroversial- Sugar-coating^iltomakeit it t precisely theoppcDposlte Is true. The reader called for m ore bal>alance In reporting, facieiled t>y The Times-News werere quickc lo point more pa3alatable falls into Ihe realmnof of propagan- -T h e; V W ashington Post Sure, Ihel’.S. lOnvironnienlal!il Protection Agency oul,, however,hi ihut such accidents■nls are rare and da, was called in because of a proi:obleni in developing lhatt cyanidec, is deadly only if youou Icome in con- Propaaaganda, Il seems, is what somi;ome readers III- I l^lhethe project, the reader argued,.‘d, but why nol men- taclwiw ith il. ' expectI fromfi a newspaper, as long as It’s1 in line lionllor that hydopower is clean,, safes and c h e a p - • TlieTl Boulder City m en’s soflbiflballteamloslils v.lththelleir way ot thinking. Pro-busincislness readers much more so than nuclear or>rcoal energy? That 5Gl!iII straightsi game, falling-Lo thohoMuldoon f - expectL a pro-business lilt lo the news,!ws, u ltra ' was the proposition: In storieseslliat focusonpro- iMudhidhens. 2U-0. and sctlin s a Ghoshost Town League conservi-valives want the news to confoi)nform to their ■'I 1 ^ -Sblems, we should also point ouijuttheupbealside. reeorcord by-falling loscore in H8Bslrolghtinnings;- sli worldvlvlow. If there’s bad or depressiiessingnews, -- I’ve1- been thinking about lhaliatallweek.il pro- Butlot losing "Rock” Minor'lor walked only l-j others s;say. balance it wilh somethingling good, bablybab wouldn’t be difficult loladdalillle a batterlers, and TheTimes-Ncws has learned that he i^alammce in a nows slory comes fronfrom offering disclaimdisi er to ccrlain stories --- something like is a. responsiblere family m an andid accomplisheda • bothpoiioinls of view on a controversialsial issue. In Ihis:this whilirilllcr. , • • the casese of the hydropower slory, the industry • Although eight people diedL‘d over the Memorial •SStale t; Rep..l.M. Shiffty wasjconvlctedofac- coi wasnotiIt the subject; so, there was;no no reasoni to Day weekend in Idaho in highvhway and boating ceplinilingabribc lovole infavorof■ofablllto i dowhatitlhereadersuggested, aceiilents related to alcohol, ninol one alcohol- legali;allze casino gambling in Idahoaho.butThe As farar as negativism being market:ketable, both ^ reU related death could be altrihululed lo an acciden- Timesles-News isproud lo report lhalhat no other, TheChrlirislian Science Monitor andd GritGi do quite lallal: skewering on a barbecue fo fork. Hospitality in- statele legislatorwasI convicted of anya felonies this well byy ffocusing on good news. ButIt mimost dally C dustry dus spokesmen hail the newL'ws as evidence that week,;k. newsparapers have Uie responsibilityty olof printing all alcohol abuse has been exaggegerated by the news Howlow does this sound? Balanced,:ed, or absurd? the newtws lhat fils, good and bad. Thai'hat, I hope, is media. Eve:very day offers new evidenceice Ilhat tho w hat monosl readers expecl- • Investigators for the Idahoho Attorney perccjceptlonsof those working with/Ilhin the news ' A ccurLirate and fair reporting sellsIs ncnewspapers, I G et General's Office disclosed lhallat dozens of in- . -m ediadia and of thos'e who view thele nmedio are often ccnaln p oi ii^ i ^ o f view. veslors in a gold-mining venluilure near i’aul were quitetedifferenl. c THERiBUCHASNOR A im Y Knows.' bilked Mk oul of thousands of dollaliars by a con artist , Polk olks who expect the news lo) conformco lo lh e ir____ M ikeie Suliiv.-in is ci(y editor of ThehcTlmes-News. 7 . IgnoramtcriUiidstnoff M e ^ cWblockkspathI to und(lerstandding • The late comcdlan Lenny nny iirucc used to well-deserved.•d scolding from Los Angeles’es' Ican-American WarroflWS.Thflaborof of La say Ihiit when corrupt inn n[ Laws, for example, estimatesOS that,tl between n nnd,evil w c re _ Homan Calhollolic Archbishop R oger Mahorfiony, Mexican w orkerssuppupportedUi^ Industries - ... elim inated in the world, ho l933_an^

Pollygam hIstswav^ueLiberrtarianjfla g fI 1 d a h o / W e Party WlWOOS 2 polygamTiists as candidatiates because of theirt high publicic profiles 1 ■ SALT LAKE CITYTY (AP) - In a slate whereere group founded by Joseph,!ph. But, attracted by the lLWI i rtarian philosophy ■iPhone ad ffederal land near Lake , Laws against victim iessss crimes1 - such as po- ,customers, up SI from wwhen the access charge as the mosl equilobie lack of a beller wore'ord, were already somewhathat Powell on the Utah-Ariz(,rizona border. He lost his -• lygamy! — should be abolls)lls h e d . P o lle r s a id , a d - , charge ' initially was imposeded lost Ju- way lo help paypay. for the telephone notorious,” said .stole.sti p arty chairm an BobJob law suit to keep the land, lam and moved his set*. 'dlDg, - “You cannot leglegislate people Into ly- equipment are; usedus in making both Waidrop. “It’s kindid ofo hard lo bfl'-a'Liberlarlanlan Uement to prlvalc propfroperty lhat later was In- ■ I h e n v e D .'' But Mountain Bell Vice FPresident local and long-dl:g-dlslance colls, Thot andnotbealawbreakeaker." corporaled Into Big W Wo a te r, a dusty southern ; C.E.C. ‘'G ene'' Hill said marany Idaho equlpmenl Includcludes the facilities and • While W aldrop said Jose Waldrop said hee 1;is counting on Joseph andmd uiohtownofSSO. oseph con win In Kane cucustom ers will see no ovi)verall In- cable between 0a c u s t o m e r ’s h o m e o r • Counly, the party is tryinfing to raise the $40,000 cr Potter to draw attentCQllon to U tah's Libertarianlan Utah authorities haveive been unwilling to pro- '■] crease for whot they payy for tele- office and Mountajntain Bell's switching ■ to'450.000 he believes Potteliter would need to bo a ph Party, whose eandlcidldales have never won an secute either Joseph1 01or Potter. Neither has ‘ phone privileges bccause mimost long- center, serloas opponent to Incincumbenl Democratic di: election In the statele vwhich gave Ronald Reagan cohabitation statutes, nor , distance com panies will lowower their Hill said the S2 access fee w ill not been charged under coh Sheflff Pete Hayward. his largest pluralityy inIr 1980 and 1984. a re th ey likely to be,e, jsaid Deputy Salt Lake ' . . . . _rates ra the same day. result in greaterler revenue for Moun- Both Joseph, 49.), andI P otter, 32. have highIgh County A ttorney Goviavin J. Anderson, who Raising such an amouiount will be difficult. ' . 'The access charged wass Imposed tain Bell becauseuse long-distance com- public, profiles beeijeeause of their outspokenIteti researched Potter’s case.Qse. 'W aldrop said, since In 1984984 the parly raised but by the- Federal Commuilunlcallons panics will payiy ac reduced price to defense o t polygamy,ny, a practice oncc embraced $S,000 statew ide. Commission following the bbreak up Mountain Bell to cconnect lo lhe local : S ____ '•JLJ5..Mtremcly_unUunlihcly^lLAndeKon.said. ------by thcM ormon-ChunrarcJirwJiosrfollowcrs'Bettleti SlillrW aldrop'sprim ary -Bcll-Byslerh-lo-rodlBlrlbutc-c - t h e < 06t - c o m p o n y 'G s w ile h t '“The political climatete jjust doesn’t seem right iry-Dbjcctlvtrls-tOTlraw ------UtohlnlB47. . enough voles, perhaps 10 of telephone usage betwc(?een long- The FCC h a s> orderedo n long-distance • Inv ' to brin g those kinds of: cchi h a r g e s ." . 10 percent of llie key ^ , Jesus Christ of Latter-day distance ond local com panieses,. . , ,, companies lopasajass that savings on to .L. . The Church of Je .i j Indeed, Joseph has beenbe< the elected m ayor of r a c e s . (0 moke the Libert;jrtarlan Partj' a factor _ Saints, wllh manyr of its leaders jailed for vio- In utah pollttcsrAiid ho -•in "'a competitive envir/ironment, consumers in the form of reduced : loci Big W ater for two years•ars, and his seventh wife, i belleves lhe approach lating cohabitationin laws,I abandoned the doc' is working. we cannot subsidize one ser\trvice with rates. , It E lizabeth, a 33-year-old-old attorney, is a public arriage In 18!H) and made ii Waldrop expects obout trine of plural marr defender for Konc Countju n ty . it 150 delegates to the grounds forexcommiimunlcatlon. stale convention on June hn«----WJien Waldrop askedked Joseph to run as a ; le 7. nearly four times I But authorities say sa 25,000 to 35.000 Utahns the num ber who turned out Libertarian for the UlalJlah Legislature, he refus- J out two years ago. And ‘ Washout' cdoses Hwyy. 21 live in polygamistst households,I most of therr the Utoh party ranks amornong the best In the na- Mormon fundamen'lentallsts who believe lhe thi tionI for the , number of candidates it has BOISE (AP) - Slate Hlfi lg h w a y 21 “The road Is closed Indefinitely church erred in forsaking fo r the doctrine In.exex- “If you are mindingg youryi owrt business, there recniiled,1 hesaid, . between b< Lowman and Statanley has until the repairsairs can be. made," he ‘ change (or statehood.)0d. ' is no reason for thehe stale to step in and Waldrop said he will11 recommend1 his ap- been bi eloscd due to a washoilOUt fro m a s a id .' lor- regulate your life,” Joseph Jos said. “If you’re in j Potter and Josepl;eph, both converts to Mor prooch to nallonal Libeibertarlon leaders ex- . severesc thunder stdrm in the c Ir^ormatfon monism, both wereere excom m unicated for od- od your own bedroom, youi^-our own homo, they hove peeled i to attend the part;irty’s stale convention Department crews are vocatlng or practlcinIcing polygamy. They becomiime no business regulatinggwhatyoudo.” wl i i n J u n e . withw heavy equipm ent lo clc l e a r m u d a n d busilisfness and friends after Potter'er was fired from lhe Murrajray Poller, a former ArArmy iieutenanl in the ■i’ll lell them . ‘Get withllh someone who knows and ai fallen trees on the hijilghway at s to c k lr\fiInformation ond m ilitary police, said he was asked by Waldrop < Police Departmenti l inI 1902 for taking a secom your stale real well andId make a list of the milepost m 91 near Grand Jea ‘- - d a nily y . /e a tu re wife. to run either for sheriffriff or for .the U.S. Senate, troublem i akers’,’’ Waldropop said. "We may not department dispatcher, T After meeting onm PhilF Donahue’s talk show'iiv'in ag ain st incum bent Repul^ p u b lic a n J a k e G a m . become I the majority partjirty, but we may force , surface si was washed oul from fr< up lo Of th e T I ir im es'N ed a 1983. P otter joined:d tthe Confederate Notionss of o When Waldrop firstI proposedpr lhe idea. Potter other t candidates lo adoplopt some Libertarian ' five fl’ feet of wliler on Saturd ic : Israel, a loosely knit kl political and rcHglou!■ous said. “I Just started laugllUglilnc.” I f d e a s .” noonnc and a culvert is being ______:______I to to handle the flow, he said. 0 9 3 1 Salt Laa k e C o u rn ty G O P^ delegatt jd jb a ia M rip ‘Nei2w D e m oo c r a t s ,’ ei2a c h o th €r p : ______SALT.-LAKE -CITI ■1XY--(API.-— Bangcrlerer blasted Democnil-W ayne1C' - Cunhon’s luller ' b la m e d Republicans mocked a i8 M W I ed the I’New owens, wwho also is seeking 2nd Christensen for losing seseveral eases D em ocrats’’ and some ; 2,000 d istric t seal si he held for a single,Ic. •'embarrassingly and sspectacular- | ' M ; delegates chose candid ididates for Salt term in theth e e a r l y 1 9 70s. iy;" citing llie case of Lake County commiss ME 4 , W E D N E S - * : In Counly Treasurer Arl M =0L10WING COUPON!iNS WILL BE IN THE TilriMES-NEWS ON JUNE and assessor and stal " 'V e tJon't a need that voice back ,ln ■ TH/fO rig was a^qulted of seveveral theft ■ DAY, ANDA IN THE INSERTSiONSUNDAV, O j U n ES.J. posts during the Saltm U k o Cou„,y gton," said Bangerter, noilng .ory over 'Owens in the 1TER BLEND any sIzo cai: a n ...... 4 0 * O F F i "p.ercenrof'the delegatgate voles over ■ "We've■'c softened; him up for one of T'could gel, Ted has lososl credibility ■ ------busincssm an“M cniti-Ci1-Coolcrwho-iost—jwgoys-,*^.“‘he'saidrTcferring-to-thc- f,j._wiULevcryune here ------a GATOGRADE 111 11111111 . - 3 0 ^ 0 W l ------the Sait Lake City ma;mayoral race to six candledidates vying for the GOP)j) Livingston, endorsedi by Cannon, lo i I V .Y TIMEMICROWAV!lVEPOPCORN ...... Palmer DePauiisiastye[year. congrcssiostonal nomination at next re u e iv e d l.OIM v oDies, lt while H JULLY ..as* ow ■ However, Frandsen.■en. with' 1,055 m onth’s: RepublicanI Stale Conven- C hrislensen received 7211." I GENEfERAL MILLS CIRCUSIS F U N ...... 2 5 * O F F ! votes, will have to face fac Cook, wllh tion, In other contests. Rep. U2fl votes. In the Aug,,ug, l_6 prim ary Jncumbcibcnl Salt-.-Lake .County .At-..a-.. Fullm er, Salt, Lake .(.'ity ■ GENEfERAL MILLS CIRCUSIS F U N ...... „ 4 0 * O F F S election. The commisslissioii s e a l i i be- iorney TeiI ’cd Cannon distributed let-.•t- a s a c a n d i d a t e f o r re -eelection li from ■ W EIG5HT I' WATCHERS FROibZEN BEEF or C H I CCKEN BURRITOS ...... 2 5 ‘ O F F i ing vacated by M. Tom)m Shimizu, who lers prairaising candidates Roger-er- D istrict 3'J. and Melvin Tri.-Urown, a | is seeking liie 2ndi Congressional( Llvlnston,>n, chief deputy county at-it- dairym an and former edi.‘ducator, won ■ W tlG5HT r WATCHERS FROlO ZEN PIES, CAKES> or( CHEESECAKES 18* O F F I district post being va^vacated by in- lorney an('■ind Cannon’s Idp aide, andid the nomination over ' William C, W ElGtJHT WATCHERS ENCV J C H I L A D A S ...... 3 5 * O F F B eum bent David Monson.on. criticizing«g deputy counly attorneycy Swank by 51-2, Fullm er saids; he drop. ■ ...... I IiUilsJuivnole-speechech,.G ov.-N orm —Michael■ CfChrlslense_n, — ...... p e d o u l f o r h e a l t h r e a s o nlii s ,...... B S U R E: ooniteizo or form-1 . . . . . , .!30‘OFR|^ ■ I GENEFERAL MILLS WHEATIJIES ...... 2 5 ‘ O F F ^ Bacteriria |" j C C ‘ ■ ■ NUTRIRI-GRAIN WAFFLES!S fromi Eggo ...... a O 'O F F ^ 8 5 % ‘ s ' lSUCCK ; ■ L-ENVIVIE PARFUM SH AMw ! p o o or CONDITIODNER...... 5 0 * O F F i Depends Onn Your'1 Ability To eattoxKic ; DealSuccessfisfully With Others ! J ALWA'AYS 30 count or 26 counInl oi r 2-12 count pockogos ...... 1I .O Q O F F i ------|-,-ZlPLO(OC BRAND FREEZER:R " B A G S p T n t siiQ ^ .7!". "I ::25‘OFF«-^ Develop)1 N e w S K i i r s cHemicc a l ! • Speaking Easily BelBefore Groups I I BLOG0 BOWL CLEANER single51, pack ...... 15*OFF" UOISK DENT DENTURE AIPHESIVE P ...... 3 0 * O F F I dissolves some metals,als 11 com e^ Into 1 contact with. Whenen the bacteria C N T RY l F R E E ! i MORT(TON SEASONED SASALT ...... 30^0FFl digests the phenol,, It11 absorbs the p I MORTrr.ON GARLIC SALTT ...... 25* OFF ■ metal. As the bacteriairia arc removed Bring your ovown ammunition from lhe system, thojJiose meials can _ _ I SUCCECESS RICE a n y s i z o . 1 5 * 0 F F ; be relrieved, allowiriwing 0 lim lled ^ JLER READY-CRUSTT ac n y flovor ...... o f f method of regaining; suchsu substances TROPHYI can d PRIZI[ E S ■ k e e b l . . . 1 0 * ! as gold.- 2 m llet south of JaJackpot to Dole Plaione ! LYSOl3L DEODORIZING CLEANERCl ...... !... 40* OFF ! I turnoK, folioHow the arrows. Have youfsjtsa'yl * T H E ABOVE A BRANDSi ARE IMPRESSIVE ■ The column!ms In the NOALCOF) H O L P L E A S letters to ihethe editor ^ ABOVE SAVINGSS ARE SUBSTANTIITIAL. ) " oftheTiniesies‘New» Proceeds and donatilotions will go to suppc the Jackpo> Fire an(dd fiAmbutanco Deportmi are one of theth besl ' ■*Wf ! W H W O V E:R R 80% O F C O N SiUMERS l USE COUllUPONS^ ) S read feQture ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ w e r m r a e - '• ■. ' __ .J . TA-6Tlm o3-Now3, TwinI FaFalls, Idaho Monday, Juno:n o 2 ,1 9 M D ojonesbury i ------~wa^'mf^.rMABoOr iMAmYINGFCRA n n ^ TOEAWiKONA VSfC/ poimoNiNTHeemiiV77SH ' AFJ^WCMOf.rLLBeB e tTOl o b b A L r m s ; fiOPSHJUy UlfTH YOaR. LBAVIN6 FORtJeUJyORt'ORK 7AKJSm N 6 lT sUFm5££>. . FULL BL£S5im. \ A^$OONA5JCMAR- , CfiJJy u i ^ . Frank and Ernenest , J Z m S A N ~ i r m m u . I., x*rX’M H A P P Y \(\ TO P£= ALIVF./E. . ^

I ’M cJuXr NOIj o r 5 0 HAPPY 3 e ^ n — C " ’ a b o u t G , A W A te& . r

lAi-CJ t- t I__^ ... . Peanutss f l Like voiyoU E N EW ] ,.i///i '“Garfield •CT, IT ^ LOOKING I [T^j^HANK5,MARCI^ ■» ^IL, 5 I R ^ \ \ \ ®' p { ^ ) ^ ^B-t'THEMINlTTE.. / L|-rr£R BOx\(^ t HA IX B A C ^ P o p ? j S MONPy I L _ 2 S s Blondie feEVg.WEu5l-{— ^-(-J. JUSr.<30T->l-^$il-AfAH£?-MO'^£7-(NTO-| I |tH 6.T'S■T's m s .'Jthat'S'M H: ------IS THE NAME ■JE NEISHSORHOOO I 2 0 VVEARS E/ ^ 20 VHAb 6 j30ZJ(p;3OfAr y Hagar the Horr»rrible m u

rtTT^isissTO hlifIEHEM^E-.Y 5 0 ME SA5 A Y I T W A 6 I ACTUALL\LLX IT V^AS eolfsja T , “f^ SOME SAV ITTWAS' \ AAMO&seSEP^/ATopr I ^ ___ f f e AA ^HoppiHe MALL TEWPUE

;l1|||ir77^cC^ Andy Carapp ______

/ II DiDHEBUWYNOU A ------X r ( HE SAID rOTHI - J # ■' I /li|( PRESENT R>f ^ ------1 > BUTTHEBES' ANNIVERSAJS^ n ( IS GCOti B uUlmBr THINK, V =_ I FORAAE- k / r u b e - ? ^

,„ The Born Losei5 c r n.iiL ------:------^ "'^^ n e i/T wiea,W a j 0 c^TpV” j F^EK&'S A S ~ J j , FIA^K.,EH ? WR^'T'S m u E ^ T H E S M £ . -supeesTAP. J ^ b-^ S A V M O ^ . ^ 2 ^ ^ a rd of Id . -P{?srgp m pp^oH -ni^Pooi 4 r- (^in ■ zP5/frT«^R;oP/ll|P($lWPCV P S I iow&-to6e n o,Y ) 0 J ■ p u > S ) f l M nefwiw-Hitvsr-r B^$/lvlPrep•m • IT T I I [1 | .^eetle Bailey I* __, J.(_fclCiiiLe££ILE*J5 TJ V 5ECONP5 • rWCJTHRECT-OU^N------■(— X-i-JE^BR-WA^-Soop &IX5Ev'£N£lGHT. } ' V \ ATCOllfJTIWS SECOhiP w t m • ‘‘=l' \ OU T O P RAN< fi»^- NETerJ... y . \ ^ Broom-HH i l d a r — iiiw . ------3^5. j ’• I'LL B E -m■W i E.BE5T-FARM- "FEEEEP THE' SEET :'V£ l ? \ a s T l 'H A N PV O UUEVER I MIREP.' ANI, L .. - g ® NIMAL5 ? LEARNEP FLOAT'/ fa’p > YOU'LL SEE: E m o w FA6T r-1 YE‘i"E5,5lR.' SOMETMI^ \ I LEARN ! /——- 7 ?: ALREAP'r P j I — •(— Iv^Ti

Sc|^|a-^2ff_ ------‘/ofiS T W i r f J p e E T . J ( i ' i.N 5 E / V ^ i N E i i f i 0aiparlnersliip.wiUi the U.S. GtGovcrnm - luck, not badluck.ick. to spill sail. ^ 37 Seine ______chiiiip_'.niLtti'.‘r -If -Hie eiivironnicntalistist m your than all bul tlie hired man, and come ent as is the'liquor business,,s, forking {S55J9 Music passages I----- family would like lo wrilele an essay, Saturday nif’hl[’111 you might even lose ov(over almost half its gross to:o the fed- A small c a r’ss tireslli lasl longer lhan JS tiO Lawyer: abbr. EEIEEE.a^k said worthy lo cxplninin lliis claim abuLun'that. era] treasury. Pretty good1 1deal.for ablgcar's llrcs.s. .______...... - 6/2/86 ^ ^ ______eri ;* a il Linklolter i | 42 Drills a hole ird^s Puzzle ^Ived: {» 43 Brod or spiKc - 6 Pr s M' dT e m Io W a c f s' « 44 Rivulet 7 Al later on^Sliow your loyally andai d o n 't home Improved-V • J ; g r t 6 — M oines ------fl-C. i M £ Hi N 0 y X ‘ i l y H o r o s G }d-with the OK of'kin; - I 48 R o b e rt —______dt rM JIo H TJ1a-(N .N A -M D a i Gope go offon any tangents.______buLtIon:L.I}.tJw_rwjDr.ccfuUn_[ryjngJo____ IIA-p i r - V ± pi T^ f - I; ¥ - - gel your way. •- , - ^ VPopor quantity 10 Si dX ili G-i|f ■ ! E LIBUA (Septem ber 23 to3 'O ctober jjfejs Concealed li Di B s_ £C eo (e(F s||B (JK.N’KHAL TKNDKNClCIHS: i:ntil GKMINI l^5|^5ay 2!- to June 21): A 22)22): Listen lo -whal a clever AQUARIUS (January (Ja 21 to Febru- tj j i S e Prolozoan 12 Ur l Ie oM's ^L 1 C 1 1 ■inidaftornoon. all sorts of o interest- clever friendd hasli the righl course of associate 3^5 has to suggest amnd follow ■ ary 19): Gel busyusy early since you can 2***'R) Allionco 01 iiifi ideas arise by which j 0 ■ WKM ■ I V Aj 6 I 1 you will he action for youou to follow if you want advlcc ;,{j, given to you. Don't ppermit a accomplish muchlUch more than usual. octonym 13 CI •able to start afresh (0 to win tho to gel rid of you,'our problems. jaf, 5 ^ B l Freo from 10BS Oi v fT S l l P llfljA~ T E S ■' family affair to upset you. .. Don’t pcrmil a1 sccrelsc worry lo deter various oulk-ls tbat apiitiieal lo you P StSi prejudice ac Salurd;E il A L l C'li L T A S .) you. Addicl ’ Pronoun “ * it, a | r I h sl 'iM vlA 0 E Is I H l l Iand thal Jou watil as palart of your MOON CillLIILDIUCN (June 22 to Ju- SCORPIO jj (October :23 to f At a distance r “ri'c tt I future. 5 - fii Food dressing 22 Ut 0 | a I l]||p I A T £ ' ' !y 21): C]el finfine talents to the atten- November j-vjo 21): If you get into in your .PISCES (Fcbnebruary. 20 to M arch - fl_ 65 Advonlnge 24 Ri ;wig and gain support for (jy( d evice y * !.L i?.■ il F l E e M r ^ D I N ’ tion of a bigwi; duties enthusiastically, youJ can ac- 20): You knowv behow to gain m ore of S ' 66 Gordon plots 26 Ft AiUKS (M areblil to Apr.[jrll lUi: Yoii them easily-AAvoid \ argum ents. tor rCociTb'iJToro------N- A; ■ w E N I B A ' 1 i H 1 , compllsh m ore than you Uiinink possi- life's blessings,5, so go after them car- a '*67 Mr'. John oc get fine new Ideas and. shouldi pul. 5 68 Talk back- 273 SCi trong H N l I■ f l M S .T lsM T lA lN rG lsj ble now, ly. Slecr clear• of a pal who is trying I ji - 281 DecorativeHI E L11 S fl 6/7/8B them in operulion quidickly, since LEO (July 'L22 lo August 21): This is lobe forceful, S DOWN 30ZUnbndled TJ G E N TBS C 54 Comfort , . later, prominent persons■ ccould deter a good, day to make thal changc you SAGiri’AlUUS y (Novembe:je r 22 lo oulbronk ‘-r -.-\y ^ - i'ourproijrc.ss. • contemplating for some dq, Unlidy person ov 5S Bible book: i have been coi December 21): Make arranfngcm ents IF YOUR CHICHILD IS BORN TO- J Chutch section *• |-U- ^yan ^ . obbr. a trip that, can bring Z ^ f -2 Prohlbillon 323 Ooyiime Kr J.. V ■• time. Plan a for amusememts later, butt be su re DAY .., be ,o or r shq will quickly 5 '■ 3 Suffers on 33 Mi ' 57 Icelandic • greater succes::ess, ,0 aocioi P ^ lo count Ihe cost. Handle business I understand anytJnythlng of a modem t iitl (lintoss 36 Kl broth- literary work TAUiUJS (April ^0 to) .May 2U): oHoir S i0.1 D Ioppr?" nl . 58 Plead* v affairs wisely. nature, even thouhough living In a staid *■ 4 Brush hairs • 39Z UncommonIn CIHIU B S’’ Keep (;ulel for a while ammd let good VIRGO (AuiAugust 22 lo September *.-4 5 Formulas of 40 W < coldly 59 Fruit drinks " atmosphere, so tbe sure to send lo 1 HelisfL p 'i'rc'B ideas pervatle your conS'nscloiisness. 22'): Changcc your attilude toward boliof - •• -^2 A 6 2 :S g L o r c p l. • [j CAPRICORN (December;r 22 lo Ihe most modem 5 Festive v yr-^t^B then you can forge ahead ququickly, your m ate an lem schools that teach occoslons *. and avoid an argument January jj,j 2Q): Study how loI get.i your such subject^ r Cut Bhort i p Ia Id I s M } Hindered } 'n-onsterred 45 Mistakes ownership 47 Tors I Knot again 50 Himalayan 5 Mode country ) Kind of beam 52 "— my br ) In 0 stupor or's koepf ) Windflowers 53 Behove cc I A Ruih . - toword ' ^AetrejJssrFeii is^paek ratter ___ - ^ ____ Monday. JlJuno2.19SC- . Timea-Newa.lva. Twin Falls. Idtho v r PORTLAND, Oro. (APAP)—Women (------to M exico as a ire using their naturalil &sense of nur- s a child, did not say how Peopl . ;urlng in gaining andd uusing power many checks5 heh planned to give out. “ ind are bccomlrming more s parents survived the massive Sep wphlstlcatcd In ndvocvocatlng their !cptcmber earthquakes, i but an u deas, says aclrcss PattyItyDuke. 1 .. unde, a cousin and the ^ cousin’s baby Only in (Californii lia?: Miss Duke, an actrcsress sincc the 3y were among those klll- cd; jge of fl and rcccnlly’ electedci' prcsl- have no Jent of the Screcn AcActors Guild, not ended my commit- I m ent to thele victims of the earth- Dead * caiindidate has\ I ipoice Saturday to uImuoutI 2,000 work- quake, especU ing women at a-conferifcrcnce called !clally those living in the Nuevo Leon bl •Strategies for Success^ ’&G,” spon- I building, but I decided it a ■ ■ sored byChcvroiet, t i l ® * jfl necessar;ary now to make the ghost J of■ chance tot win ■M donation.” he “The pendulum hass s swung from he said. His relatives - w ere killed LosAngclesTlmcs Ifie rabid, 'foamlng-alg-at-the-mouth’ |^ H ||p :d In the apartm enf Lo race. building. women's movement thathat scared the White sued,, contendingcc that tlift Domingo p< 'REDWOOD CITY. Calif, ■bejesus’ out of everybod’)ody in Idaho," peformed benefit con- 1 f. — Bren- new law was not an attempt to gNe K dan Maguire stands a ve she Bald. c erts In Swltwltzerland. -Spain, West very good voters a choice,:c, asi Its backers said, G erm any. Dall chance of being re-elected s '! "We a rc more sophisliIsllcated about H H lH •alias and Puerto Rico. ch 1 sheriff of but was Insteadad i an obvious effort to .wcwealthy, wooclsy San Matec ; liow we pacicagc our Ideaseas." too County deny him the electIcctlon. on T u e ^ a y , b ut that la not un The 39-ycar-old Misss DukeD said In I unusual. Four slate Supr>uprcme Court Juatlcfs T V co nrespondent e says The strange part Is thatIt Brendan decided May 23 l an interview lhat she did die not intend 23 that until the sta^ Maguire is dead. to delve into pollllcsrs during her P>P A T T V D U K E PRINCESS MARGiGARET p a g e a nIts ts are Improved Court of Appeal;al can1 judge the coo- ki And the oddest thing of allal Is lhat stitutionallty of the delayed dcc- 1 two-year term as guildLilid .president, 'W e’re n i more sophisticated' Cancelled C official englaagcmcnt NORTH PLATTE, PL Neb. lAPl - evencv If B renden M aguire wins wi Tues- tlon. the regular I'sometlilng her prcdecdecessor, Ed ilar election should be The Miss Amiimerica Pageant is more day's da vote, no one may evever know held-w ilh oneeprovlso. pr ; ; Asner, w as criticized fordiir doing. . The news]wspaper quoted an unlden- h • ing,which tissue was rcmimoved from professional1 nowt than* in the days about It. The justices or lend of lhe royal family” as h J ordered lhat ballots -Royal family dlsllsmlsses ' her left lung. Doctors ppronounced when flamingng batons and accordion M 1 aguire, 53, suffered aI hearti at- cast Tuesday be b< Impounded; tie le princess had. undergone the u tissue non-canccrous. solos dominatilated tlic talent competl- tack ta( and died April 21 In lhe Ihi middle results of that \ e r r u m o r an operatlor It voting will be . princess'cancer ;iqn £ o r_cance;^a^ has had ( El—ontrant—and-current—of-of-an-electlon campaign thal ■— LOIJDON“( A P r - BrilBrilalii’s tbyal~reguFar Ifca -Opera star pledgt iat-he,-and-nounced onlyHf-tlIf-the-Court of A ppii fcalmenf ana checkups for , television cornirrespondenlsays. many mi others, expected to eearn him rules that a sp ; family Sunday deniedi a newspaper Ihepastfow s p e ^ elecUon in- )w months. - . tot earthquake ulccnms Tiie . swiiwimsult competition, his hlj second term In office;. •-report that the queeueen’s sister, "I am de Jiugustlsforblddeidden^tatelaw. f denying that she has had MEXICO CITY (A P )-(- Opdra star however, is | "H e w as extrem ely welMI 1 Princess Margaret, ha 5 part of the tradition, l-llked and With Tuesday’jay’s balloting res;!^ has rccelvcd any treatmcment for cancer,” said the Placldo p Domingo says.hi;his commit- said Nancy very popular,” said William ; .treatment for lungcancer. y Foreman.' a former ve: m Ward, a reeled, the latele s sheriff’s supportgis- cer.- spokesman,in, who In line wilh British m n e n t. to • M exican earthqhquake vie- N ebraska title real estatij investment - c [•- P rincess M argaret, 55, Itle winner who presided rei cxecuUve renewed his cam:am palgn li> hopes of- 55, flew home practice de entry in the national a « 31-year-old former Sar .dismissbd as "complctelctely unfound- nienls. , an Diego in 1962. Rep. ClcClem MUler, D-Callf-., ferencc Saturday and saidild he would com pellllon wwas a reading she had Counly Co resident who now woworks os a successfully defei cd” the front-page report rep In the In Januaiuary 1985, Margaret, a J lefended his congrts- distribute the rest of lithe money prepared forir :a speech class at the guard gu, at the U.S. Mint In SanSi Fran- sional scat again;jalnsl challenger Don News of the World, a ILondon pic- longtime cigarette clj smoker, under- dl directly lo olhcr victims. University of ( Nebraska. Ms. cisco. els Clausen more tharlhan a month after be* , torial weekly. went an cxrixploratory operation riur- .Thr» .Spnnkh tpnnr. whon om1 lpratrd Forem an said.Id. White ^ had earned the enm er ity of Ing killed In a planelane crash. M£Maguire’s supporters by accusing i The same haslas happened'scverel' the sheriff of corruption arand suing times sincc, mostnost recently on Miy. Maguire after being dcniecled a gun 13, when a Rushvllihvllle. Neb., m an Wpn. Some^lOth-gjradersigrow. . . intoi stars permit. Si While also is criticticized tor a primary race2 foifor a position on (he- his lack of experience In thIC e: sheriff’s Sheridan Countyty BoardI of Commte- ] BOISE, Idaho (AP)) —- Remember deldepartm ent, and for his Invovolvement sioncrs even thougiough he had died the. glory- noses, knec^i lhatIt buckle wllh.no ad- .. Ihe little kid who sat. nexl nc to you In • ^ in a shooting incident when2n he was day before thecleci Waldrldgo recalls paying, "I vance warninging. voices that crackle jj[i] •lection. • ! lO'th grade English? Tii still a Juvenile 16 years ago. The quiet one ^ remember Ihls kid. I don't and squeak likilike a faulty radio, arms "This electionm hhas been a ball of ‘ who didn't say two wonr'ords the whole Not long after Maguire died, d his snakes,” moaned remember he was Tom Selelleck.” lhat are too' lo long and legs that arc bg, ncd M arvin ChurcA, year? backers sel out lo deny WlWhile the the San Mateo Cour No wonder. Nobody’s whowl they arc loo short. :ounty Clerk. 1 Betcha can’t. . clectionby default. B y ' ■ when they’re in the 10th gri>rade. With all theie motion and the'nolse, He is not the only E xcept for best friend.mds and secret Using the help of DIslislrlct At- "I can 't debate i The only good thing; :I can say It's no wondercr il’s impossible to sort ite^a det^ man," snid; j ____ • hcarth^s,_feliqw highlgh_schqoi_stUi.. tom ey Ja m e s Fox and the susupport of Whijc, adding th —about-thc-lOlh-grade Is-ti-that-ll-B-not-oul-who's-golr [olng-lo-l«-fomous-and— that he was evu< I rd e n tsle n d lo fade withithcy'eafs. th< the county Board of Supcpervlsors, reliictanT to' crltli lhe elghlh grade. It’s still, 5 as a who Isn't. frltlclze M a^re for 'j • F or all anyone knows,iws, those folks thethey pushed a special billII through fear lhat he may s friend says, "like a bad,d accident." Things aren’en’t much better in the ly sp ark an emotlonlal; I ; are all minding Ihelr owiown little lives, the California Legislature! poslpon-| backlash and cost No one rem em bers anytlything about lllh grade. NoNobody’s.on the bottom...|ng cost him self votes lH’ I learning aboul.middlele oge, middle Ing -the election until Augiigusl- ond what'many people t ...... jil. If they did, they’d go erarazy. of the heap:ap any 'm ore. But jju, oplc believe will stUl. ' ! income and middle spreairead. allowing new candidates to0 Join the be a close election. I In lOlh grade, everonee 1thinks he's everyone’s still;till jusl a bag of poten* on. • 1 : But maybe, jusl mayllaybe, that kid L k going to be famous, . tlalslnlhegomiimeoffam e. '*3 "We arc still1 doingdo all the thln^ | at the next desk turnurn e d ' into so- V *. you do to get so: Just as soon as he can ca grow a- By -I2tli gra{rade,- ovcrihing -seem s - I j somebody elected;" mcone famous. moustache and get his feeect to go the rosy. Y ou're sure si now thal not only Bad day foi> r said Ward. "Wee hahave people walUng; If you,'re P am Walbridg•idge,lhatls. M _ _ precincts, putting ■'’same' direction, ■' hC ll" ‘t‘become—a will-yo»-be-a--a-Nobel-Frke-winner,- - L ing up posters, mak- ___ W albridge, who nowJ livesll\ in Boise; L a P r ^ ^ .W famous baskelbail player'cr. Jusl- as your face will111 probably | be clear for U 0 T ' " ingtelephohecallsiills and placing ads." was a 10th grader at Grant Hich~'PjT - |J |j bicycle thie Not surprisingly, __ spon .as_shc_gets_hcc_bracaccs_ofLand.youLacccptanct ncc.spccch ______igly. Ward said cara------School-in-Van-Nuya,-Gal! 'allfrHername— learns to point her loes,. she’il s be a ThenrealllfeIfchlts.- ~DEMINGrN;Mr?AP)~S ^ “Sept 10 paign— workers—.s somelim'es me«T then was Pam Tennysonson; And one of e S l M e J i (amous d a n c e r Friends achichlcve some of their 19B5, was not Anastaclo '•Plmpy "I resistance. the kids usually seatedd nearn her was Lujan’s day. “There are somyjm e people who Tom.. rOM SELLECK ^H e’s going lo be a famemous writer dreams or theyley don't. They're happy when he’s finally old cenough to or they’re nol.,ol. Some of them even Lujan ^ took a bicycle fromTl a Dem- wantan t to w aste their- He was very quiet, vcvery shy. His Q uiet,et, shy sophomore d by the votes”,on a manan 1who cannot serve, sm oke a pipe. She’s goi'oing'lo'be becorhe well-k1-known In their com- ing resident’s garage and last nam e began withI nnnr S, so P am „cxi lo thehe hunk from television's p; tlmtim e his ease went to trial tri lasl hesald. "We’resajf sa y in g ,‘How can you Tennyson was ususally president of the United SUjlateslfahe munltlcs, ly sealed near Magnum Pi^.I. .l Cican ever bear lo utter a word in But Fame.I. ’with a capital F, is week, the victim , Sam D. Ba3oca, was \as/c your voteIte :If It gives you a - him. choice of !5 cand When sheie gol the news, Walbridge pipublic. som ething thaihat happens to people m ayor. landldates Instead of I It w asn’t .until five yeiyears ago that lold her bro)rother-ln-law, "You’re oul' Everyone’s going to lake - The cur-timcsritYrT3 my favorliropera. i'lhlnk'’ Ihusiasiic...... (1 .. ' ...... He h a d ar 's small part in Myra :harges by.tlui.l2-membcr jury , tain closed on a 103-yco year-old tradi- this is as good gc as the others. There "This week has been m;marvelous.” Breckenrldgc; and: donated some of Luna County District tlon as stars of the A Judge o R c u i r : Metropolitan aren’t anyy well-known ^ nam es bul I she si said. his organs in CoComa. ^lanuel Saucedo said he ordrdcrcd a both towns-0 Opera’s "La Travlata’’ ;a” look their think Iheirr voicesv are beautiful.” she Robert nnd_.Susan Ilur•unkle. who___BuL-iL-wasu’lm 't unlU Dec. 11. 1580, )rc-sentencing report on Lujan final 'bows, ending the _____ IWIN ;he company's said, c,cam e from C edar F alls, lov:owa, (or the thal Tom Sellccllcck, norm al guy, walk- last spring lour amid mid cries of Jack Hulc:Jlchinson, who has been at- fifinal four performances,i, said they cd into thec homes and hearts . j '•bravo” from theslondinj A Tim osrNews dossilS iflo d BOTHTOWNS dingcrowd. lending Mellei performances here for had h been com ing lo Minninuapolls lo. everyw here asIS IMagnum P .l. ^ OAllY I T here -was no official Will prom oto your lal mention al 15 years andmd has also seen the Met in hear hi the Mel for aboul lU ye;/ears. Which jusl gogoes lo show you. You’d / 7il0-9il0 Saturday night’s perfon formance thal New York,,w w a s m ore critical, "We really regret lhalit lhe tours belter hope you,’ou were nlcc lo lhat kid •goroge solo better the Verdi opera was Ihe [he last on the -T he qualilality is nol even near whal aiare ending," Runkle said,1. "I hope il in English etaclass. In-the next few ffhon any medium i Mel’s final annual spring•ing tour. Thai n used lobe,')e,’’ h esald. • ' w will resum e." years, he couldId becomeI Tom Selleck. Phone | 733*0931 , announcement had comem e more than Ross Smit:nith, who was co-manager EBSai a year ago. of the Melt:elropoiltan O pera in the • - .j o w c v e r . m any of tho ______~ A U \ N ^L) A l a those who al- u p p e r Mldwdwest for 18. y ears before tended were thinking; anda talking retiring '.'j I'.', years ago. agreed that "" PG-13 Rating about losing what hadId become an me quality c y of productions has drop- g lc V a lle y R e g io n a l MiQdlcat e t C enter I n tro d u c ed . im portant pari of their the artistic pcdlnthelaslasl 10 years. lives. A n*w rating catMory I ‘•It’s quiteite evident that tliey don’t |ilvng OAftyyrat-ftM con in Feldm an, coordinator of 1954. PMS program, "E verybody's kind off sasad. The Mel eason in Minneapolis and Th« ravttad flva-coU( w m won’t be back.” added I lent of marketing for the •n tan i tha voluntetY (IlmIm In- OrfNFItlDAY DeuIahFjeldeofEdlna. j S r o - p 'San l f ; Opera In the Upper V\/EDNCSDAY, JUNE'E 4 th Idustry rating program U now isagreed...... (ollom i The Met began takingng Its produc- «lsa 7:00 P.M. •1 Oanaral Audlancai, oil c . . tions to other cities afteliter the New “u may bebe fashionable to say the York season in 1804, andmd since then tour Isn't wwh hat U once was. but iwo Infor Porafttol gvldanca »«fl-i ______]j ormalion C enter of the Sgattad. Soma matarial moy no had m issed only foufour louring years ago whenwl the Mel brought Us not ba I TWIN lul»iitkl!lll OATOOKHfUl Women’s Hea;alth Center, 2nd FloorDr. MVRMC lutteblalorchUdran. l«QWIIAtn»t» • seasons, all in the lale 18(K>!800s. centennial tour ti here, II was jusl a 737-2900 IP#*I1| Portnti ara ttrw The company, had performed per at phenomenal.’al.” Feldman said. "I have toutlonad to giva ipaclol guideE l POLTERGEQ E I S T II h(or chltdran undar )9. Soma m , Northrop Auditorium hereere ev_eryjpr- been goingi sinces I waa.a-ilttle girl Irene E. Oliver ing since 1945. This year, ri r f , T h e O l h e r r S l d e ■ar, it was tRT and that was wa one of thc' grealest fVc -lasl stop on a tour that tha Included seasons ever,'er. It was arlistically Im- Women's Health Centerer Rl lUttrictad, undar-17 raqu “T liey’re bocfc” a d Boston, Cleveland and AtlaVtlanla. ___ peccable.” o«omj»oByli»B porant or ^ o o ln t MTH TOWNS-0$. DAILY The lours have been opeoperating at a Agnes Mo guardlon.V Moore, a retired piano X i No en a undar I7admmad. lo-w of aboul J! millionin 0c year and icacticr—Itqd rom Powell, Wyo., who Ail (Um> ratad o(tar July 1 I wUI many of Ihe leading perf>erformers no_ cam e for hethe entire week and has nl- rttHast uadaf tU» •rtaw -. •- longer w ant-to-go oa'thc'Lhe-road, said tended openleratlc.* pdrformances' all ’ L '______‘ li tjva-cctagory ip ta m ...... IEYPIT __ D{iylOeubenu?n:sa_5CC-5CCCciary_jQr_ovcr.thti-Uniinited-Statcs-aDd-ln-sover- — ■ II I i| . l_ g ^T O W3M -H A N K S— :------the Met. So the tours arelending. en al Europeanin countries, also was cn- Over the years, touringng casts have _SHELIELLEY LONG j included such stars ass EEzio Pinza, — — ^^AJlYTiO^^^ Lily Pons, Rise Steveevens, Zinka , Mllanov, Leonard Warreirren, Robert W hennthoy 1 need I • Merrill, Richard Tuckcr Pclers. Leontyne PriiSe,’‘”S help,, letI, them know Sutherland, Marilyn Honi'ome. Luciano Y o u Vre © available FOR LI ------Pavarotti. Placldo Dora)oralngo and ■ : ,EASi o r t l s e y o u r ■ Sherrill Milnes. . J DAkVtiOO ^ ; In Saturday night's proproduction of S D e ci I l c a l t y or‘ Sale ■ "La Travlata,"-it was sopsoprano Bar- ^ b ara D aniels who died: of consump- III tflO10 Timos-Nows Daiyl Hannah ! tlon in the. arm s of ten'tenor Dennis w l. 6000 sq. ft.(g»I 4 .0 €0 I O'Neill. Daniels has bccc«cn with the »erviir ic o D i r e c t o r y Met only sincc 1983, arand O’Neill Collontn e b f o u r H i o r t h B l u e L akes Bllvd. l I , made his first appcarance C lo s s ifli ; com pany during the final to ifled Ad-vlsors wton 71733-8371 734-3258 | But the lack of big*n:j-name stars fo r fu ll11 Iinform ation IB I didn't bother.Weasler. "I have seen "La Trav'raviata' four 7 3 31-0931 d DAttY a jg a - h in Ii i ...... 'T._ •, A-a TImoa-Nowo, Twin Falli’alls, Idaho Monday, Juno0 2,19802 - ' . —I T h o u s a n i d s o t E oj l l e s 1 '^oEinetlt r i ^ B e erreplaiced nm a r c h a cg a i n s t a nr r e s t >ALEM (AP) - Isra e l’s f i i r o j e r u s a i nounccd tlic appoinlment of C3- v C e a s e - f i coalition Cabinet on Sunday WARSAW, Poland us. itlinvolved. tbloc. absurdity of furUiiirtJicr blundering into been held in hi£high regard by many Policc p have given no detail; • Iseparale lhe combatantsnls. according Aiiegatloi[Ions that the two Palestl- At a Cabinet m eeting . ills regar- a blind alley . . .. HeH who wants to be ' Sunday, Israelis for ilsLs 'work in preventing t]jn,ding BuJak's arrest. t ^lo com jnuniques from bjothsides... o tt ^ .mans wereere beaten to death and .Prim pi e. M inister Sltim on .X’tPercs.an-. Arabterroratta(;tac_ks.. an enemv will be ono. The struggle ' . ' B u r Inlerm iilent oververnigh’t skir* '------^ _A_senior_SDlidarlty:.figurc,c ,.spcak-.-w iiigoon;''------•!.n ish es escalated into fi(fierce bailies _ _ I;ot midmorning'aroundid lhe Sabra. |\ 1 :-ChQtilla and BourJi cl-Barajnehi l^ C tLt i i o n s a g r €e e o n A f ]F r i c a n - a i cd p l a n •Icamps. Syrian obsenjorvers were Affochmont lo solicitoti3fion for bid proposals to provldo roal H .! i'unablfe to onfoi;cc the; cicease-fire al UNITED) NATIONS (A P) IIIbrahim ra il, who he;leaded llic ■ Uic U.S. torclEeign aid agency, said the Ostolo and chaltol oppjproisols, and loon sorvici■vicing ond loon ' ;-any of the three shanilanlylowns on African andnd donor-nation delegales African a negotiating team,1. salil. "Wc Unllcd Slalcscs will help the economic m ak in g functions. ’IBeirut's southern outsktsklrls, policc at the GoneL 'neral Assembly’s, speciiil ' c; can consider It a success■s as an an- recovery off ,Africa by supporting Tho Formers Homo Adrdministration is solicitingig bidI proposals Btt - •:said, session agngreed Sunday on a new m nouncoment of north-southIth eoopera- economic refo:Horms with an emphasis to provide roal ostatoto and chottol approlsals ' :■ Shiite m illliam cn used us I06mm partnershipip to heal A frica's stricken lion.” u . . . - als for Farniors 0 - ■ olv p riv a te 01enterpriser‘agrlcullural ;Ig u n s, 120mm mor^Earss i and cannon economics, Homo' Administration' Ito pound the sprawling n countries and Increased ii)g in the session inciudinf:ng specific “ The Unitected Stales will work to ;!BaraJneh camp, again { fiod occroditod rural apoppraisors os sonctionodid hby ono of tho n forcing shut Inlernailonalnal support, Is spelled out commilmenls c( of debt 1relief by deepen and broadenbr the partnership appraisal soclotios or corganizations, or have'o hodh FmHA o r • ;the main highway to) Beirut’sB air- in the finalil document i of the session Canada, c the Netherlandss and Den- we have wilhth you, the governments Fodorol Land Bonk opp}proIsol training and hovo I-p o rt. ohthecrltlcaIcalsltuationlnAfrica. m ni ark. and peoplc'ofif A frica,'’ hesaid. 3V0 hod ol loast five yoors roconf oxpor Palestinian spokesmemen claimed ' Delegateses issued the final doeu- Of g reat im portance willill be donor DJIbril Dla.)lallo of Senegal, the erionco in conducting farrfarm roal ostato and chottol appraisals. : • ; their guerrillas knockedcd iout a Shiile menl afterer closed-door meetings responses rt after lhe session,1, 1hesaid. spokesman for foi the special session, . Solicitations will bo rocolicolvod ol Form* :-tank with an armor-pier)ierclng rockel lhat begann 5Saturday and didn’t end Some African delegatess 1expressed noted the finaltial docum ent will not be ors Homo AdministratiJtion, Hwy 24, Ruport Bowl Be Building, ;ias the tanK led an atiemempt to slorm unlil Sundayay m orning. dl disappointment lhat largrger donor ic;-;i]ly blndlndin g .. Ruporf, Idgho. until 3:0:00 p.m.. Juno 6, 1986.. ForF< furthor in“ ; • ;B ouriel-B arajneh. .Canadian,n. Amba.ssador—Stt-phen nation.';:-iiicludltig n: llfe Dnililllcd.States. The. documcment analyzes Africa’s fo rm o llo n o n d /o r solicllcitoflon forms, ploaso ;• They said Justice Miniillnlsler Nabiii Lewis, chairairm an of the com m ittee refused rc to commit them:mselves to devastating economic c woes and contact FmHA at fho cobovo address or tolo- . .•.•■Berrl's -m ainstream -Amal- An militia-that draftedted the final statement, higher hi aid levels'durlng ththe session outlines a recovery re program in- phono 436-0116. This'■ shall: bo done without •' also tried unsuccessfullyilly lo overrun said he expixpecied It would recelvc thal th began Tuesday, eluding an AAfrican estimate that rogord to roco, color, roligion. r« nolionol origin, ;C h a tilla cam p a t mmldafternoon formal appipproval by lhe General In a speech prepare

: T u n n e l c l e a r e d BO/r t o r e a c tt' s o r I p l : MOSCOW (A P) - Arm;rmy sandhogs PI have' blastcd'a-tunnel i to Chernobyl’s crippled No. nuclear H |H |H ■■■ reactor, sottlng'cxploslvc'ivc'chargos-so—l ^ ^ ^ s 'as not to shake the ruinedned block and iAL'Ij ■ working quickly lo avoiivoid long ex- .. ..posure lo radiation, a newspaper H | • reported Sunday. The reactor, wreckedd b;by an explo- ■ sion and fire on April-26,!6, nowi will be B j - ■ i m entom bed In cem ent iclo seal off U radiation. Engineers have fittedcd lhe lunnel _ ilS Only wllh pipes through whit;hich the cc- m B m ent will be poured beneath be -and [ H ...... H -.-•around lhe reactor.-saidId Llhe Defense H ------1 ■ Ministry dally Krasnaya/a i Zvezda. Of- H ______H flcials have said the reac re- main enlombed for cent •... the fuel clem ent decays...... The new spaper did nonol - say- how a _long the tunnel Is or wlwhon It was k completed. It said thee peoplep who ‘ '■ I I # , buill II have been decoratciatcd. :::i 111 I Workers had to' biasDlast through S I REMAINING r -SE REGIIROUPED C 1% I walls of vcnlilallon shalllalis to ro a c lr” ;i|:' ■ and lhe foundallon. said thene\newspaper. ^ illli ‘'Precaution was necet;eessory,- firsl wHENS ■ OF‘‘01DNE^’# tfALUE RACiCKS... « ^MOREI I of all, because the openi)enings of lhe SAV required slze_ had to be made wllh S I I rnlnfmurh blasts, as unwarranle'• TOKYO (AP) - The■ presidentspr ot L— — .' ■ ■ North and South Korea1 willw meet as • e a rly as O ctober in the;he first _^ch_ r“ T T 7 ” ” su m m it sin ce-rth e pcniicnDisula wa's i j . - - SPJECIAL PRICES LOOW ER T H A N 6)%OFF! ^ - - I ' • '. divided after World Wararil, Japan’s . .H Uindreds l of pthi Nothing helie l d B a c k • • Kvodo News Service repreported Sun- ______; day. • A meeting between1 Chun( Doo- D q I WESTERNBOOTS I MENSDRESESS SLA C K S"^' riQinally to 69.95 - - - - - ___ Originallyilly to 59.95 hawn of capitalist, pro-Vro-Wesl South arpinsytoDlo r p ™ EVERYTTHING ' \ K o rea and Kim II Sung of communist ; •; Nortli Korea would be a major Y O I y $ - | 9 2 0 Y o u P a y S ' •V breakthrough in relationlions between - ■ Wlu i Must Savive ______>18°° GOES':S\ ' Ibe bitter rivals. Sincc:c the 1950-53 • m .* - Korean War. lhe peninsiinsula has re- A t BOYS'S DRESS SUITS M E N SSBELTS E ■ i m alned-nw o-nations dlviillvided at the t Least 60______%°/ Oil)flglnally to 100.00 OriginallyIlly to 16.95 __38th parallel. malic sources lyjf - '. Kyodo, quoting diploma d , You P; ’ Leattier-?abric: $ 4 8 0 ; in Tokyo, said the twowo presidents i wlaster-Card i i ALL MERCH/;h a n d i s e . Onty Pay$2600 . W estern would discuss plans forr s(some events •' (0 be held in the NorthI KoreanKi capi- \ / l ^ , MUST BEESOLD I ; ; tal of Pyongyang durlniring lhe I9sa ■ >A, Checks3 or 1 ■ Seoul Sum m er Olympics. WITHII Cash Only, ly Court Order, BLILOCKS Burley Mafell Store - , HIN ^ ^ TIMES-NEWS ,C . CLASSIFIED ADVERERTISING Tolo Remain Open Until 6 p jn .« Saturday, Jurejne 14,1988 2WEEKEKS PHONE 733-09:0931 I------Please ------U------•-

______Monday,yri_jmo_2.J.988 ___ ^Tlm05-'N0W3lowi. Jw in i^s. lda^SL_i_ Who'o’s perfect? I Cereal rriakers I ... ,Don’1I’t be too hard | jump on fiber 'R e ' on yo baridwagon — E /ourself —B2 JL l b 3 B Mea!isles 0j u t b r ee a k ; fi^ s h o iit f o r ilim m u lin iz a tii o n Health cccare professisionals say i' vaccine benefitsI dwcvarf risks ; ■ BY JOAN BEAN clnationsi arc ai bad, so they don't gel V ‘TItncs-Ncwscorrcspondi>ndenl an y ." She saysys there is a very slight risk ------2b ' TWIN PALLS - - Because of w ilh the pertussis pc vaccine, but that “fm ; Idaho’s relatively doseise proximity to it Is nothln(ling com pared to the risk of Vancouver. B.C., It is I likely a good . the disease,ise. Dr. T rotter agrees, say* num ber of us willill soon have ing “ Thea riskr of the child getting I souvenirs of EXPO ’8C,IC, theI world ex- whooping5 cough,c and dying, or en- r-'■: ...... position being held Ihei[here Ihis sum* ding up braDrain dam aged from whoop- m er. ing. cough;h we feel Is many times ' But, health professioniionals arc hop- higher thanan the risk of him having an t Ing m easles will not be iamong those adverse rea•eactionto the injection, " .... I . . souvenirs...... - - ...... - - -C enter __ -_-.forj;_Dj^eose--Gontroi------— ^ ,Chei7 l Juntuncn. physical phj health statistics sshow in one In every ertussis shots, a mild lem- direclor for the SoiSouth Central llO-POO Pert ...a .District Health Depariw rtm cnt. says P&farj' inflnflammatlon of ttie brain ; Vancouver has had an outbreak of occur,iir, and In one out of 310.000! ! the disease, with over/er 2,000 cases rmanent damage may hap- rcporlocl. “PeoEle going { wllli pen, which:h canc be mild o r severe, children," she says,, “musl" -makP limlze the risk, precautions sure those kids are Immumunlicd. arc taken. (Children are screened for '' ^ "W e’re going to hav(lave a. horrible problems; ofc .the central nervous ...... outbreak here, wiih't'vct'vel-yone'going sy stem ,• scseizures,' chronic health - . lo Vancouver..unless-tlii-Uiey a rc well..- Problem s; .a.and jsj fam ily hlslorv of[ immunized. We are really, rc really severe reaclacllons to DPT. Or, if the conccrned nboul it." child had a first shol. and had a high :ricd very hard,— a scream- I She says the recommemended age perce'iir*\vnniavc a~pr e says, "is so far is the HIHIB - Hemopliilus in- whlc such as kindergarten, they’ ‘dramatically. And. ourr 2-year-olds2- - have somele risks, but it is nol so exiexcreted through the Inlesti hlch m ay be life-long. su( ley’re; going to sefjd stiiies. and fiuenza Type B. Available since April seizii 1, blind- him to school -• on the bus — cross- only 42 perccnt werere adet]uately great, and1 ppart of the reason we do so there’s some immunizalk .“izures, mental relardalion. ilion of Ihe 19113, ii immuniznizes against one of the ness ;re have ing the street. Bui i' immunized in our dislrict.'ict. recom m endid the im munization up paiparents, and also .some ris ess or deafness. Me says then But, the benefit of •isk to Ihe m ajor causes; 0of mcningilis. In one been r menin- having that' chllc “ T here’s vbeen a lol of adverse until G yearsars of age Is lhal the im- paiparents, when, they chan cen 15 cases of Uils lype of r :hlld educated far ange lhat study, fio,000 chichildren were given the gilis outweighs the risk publicity about DPT vivaccine, and munity thalal Is built for those babies chichild’s diaper, for at>ou ilis in Id a h o sln c e Ja n .l. risk of sending him oul three vaccine, and only on one child liad an As •Ith any ou lsld eth eh o m elo t what wc see is not onijjnly DPT vac- lakes a whIlI'hlle before il g els really weweeks,” As to risks associated wltl ?lo the school, allergic rcacliorion. a mild one sim ilar Imm s, "Pco- “ And, Ihe minulenule you put a child cines nol being oblalntalned as they good. So, you yoi want lo protect those 1Troller says he feels pare nmunizatlon. Juntunen says, renls need lo those associai;ialed wilh penicillin or p'le 1: : are no in a car. you are risl should, but also thet;hen measles, babies doublubly by having all pro- lal^lake^no special precautini le have got lo realize there : risking his life much inns when aspirin. The IHIJIB vaccine is given al safe hal the more lhan you arc risking his life ' mumps, rubella (vaccin;cinallons) tend schoolerswelivcllprotecled." ihttheir child receives the ot ife bets In life. 1 know thi oral [Tolio ni months if the child goes tojijiay .risks are so -w h e n you give him hln an immunlia- . lo drop, loo.'T hey justst say 5 all vac- With Ihe oralo polio vaccine. Jun- vaivacclnc. and that the e>extrem ely care cc-nler, Dec sks ..from tho - vaccine «f le'caiisc Ihe risk of.con- minlilinlmal that, as a soclcly.. we've* lion.” New limits on hhospital paymerints urged Quid:k takes' 1 1 ^ ^ ~ ^ Coverrnmcnt: m ovincig to GUIrb Medilicare N icotine p i By SPENCER RICH “ ■ CaCapital Telmbursements, whi patch may helpIp q u i t t e r s ' • which Medicare now repres'esenllng aboul 1.200 for-pi)r-proflt hospitals, payslys separately from Its bills f ?d Ihe 0.5 pcrcent increase "‘ni Smokers who wantant to quit may benefit from ; Is for patient care — c;illed ■ ‘•‘nn Insult, sure to m a time-rcleasc nlco- ■ , andid wilh virtually no limii .* u bad impact on quality of c tine patch lhat coultouid ease the cffccts of wiUi WASHINGTON - The D imils — would be have i of care and access I’iUidrawal. F rom Los Department of Health'dimIminated, on the theory they > are." He said it would be the Angeles, a sludy hltal Associalion, which represents repi almost United States has an unacceplably' high deathfl rate,r according to a ^The second curb is a revol' w capital payment Hosplt, olutlonary newsyslem iysUslom. which IlilS proposes to 'f Ihe nation’s C,100 hospitals,lals. called the 0.5 report in the Journalnal of the A m erican Medicalical Association. Fur- of Ipaying hospitals for Medi' s to phase In by 1991, all of dlcare’§ share of their wouljuld save McdicareSlO.G billioi ent increase “inadequate"’ an and said, ‘‘Given ther, the report sug{uggesls lhat m an y .o f IhcJ eesllmaled 40,000 to capital outlays for new Ilion ov er five years, percen w buildings, m a jo r' Michael-i), Mi Bromberg, exec ; they’re doing on rates,5, 11li raises son\e 00,000 procedures domJone each y ear in the U.S. may mj be unnecessary. rccreconstruction and large Item:ms of equipment, the xecutlve director of whal e Federation of American •S ec MEDICARE oniPageB Pai S Called_carolid ej^art«artereclomyJhejjrocedjireJr eJnvolves.rcmoval.of ______an H ealth Systems, ...... plaque frorfrihecafotii•olid artery. c Seientistts cookinn g u p nLooking i good M ultiple rplp ies reinforce wv o m e n jno-calori j ie sugar,, f a ts - m Despile pressure catcaused by complex stresses,S. \women performing j>„ ' m ultiple roles of wife,life, m other and career worn By the E ditorsof Weight Waleilchurs very few plantsits Hike sugar beets. • let, p o ste r for fr Jman tend lo be less Los A/}gcii's Times F itn ess bppkU free __ ^ ...... vulnerable to both lllnIllness .and'depi-eSioFdiah1 bolhbl single working seaweed and son;ome algaO.'but can’t ...... • Ti^Iii'g 16 w alS) your'irelg;l'^t.. .godown? ' - - women and marriedd wwomen working outside thehe home, twostu(lies i. be extracted, Imagine; Chocolate cake Weigh! Wdlchers. has created c "T he Busy Womannan’s Survival concur. And womencn who were single and working wc revealed a - „ e without Levin and hiss staff s aren't the only ( a calorie to Us name. Frencinch fries, oncs.,raclng to p G uide,” a 20-page free boc•ooklel, featuring a seven-daylay schedule of-i.- som ew hat higiier Incitiicldence'of physical illness lhanth working wives, _i-. ' put out these no-cal ' v :le-ear, includingg shorts,; shirts and singlets,ts. madei from i'at Ihelr daughters' ‘ '. nylon a re making big sUlde Aho, like them selves,5, bccamebi pregnant at an early Jlght difference in the way w, the Is viewed by the,e IFDA as a drug, and lightweight. quIck-d^ring r rides on trails ' nolecules are bonded togeth In a survey of 120 low* and middle-incomene families, human , ilher and more work is netneeded before wc can and tracK s iHis year. d tank tops m ade of lycrar a are a gaining Jevelopment ^esca^ch£•Cher Linda M. Burton foundnd lhal these young n -ny the fact that they don’tt contain delermlne Its saleifety and efficacy." For women, Ughts and my calorics. The taste is su s like u secotfd'skln, yet Is porporoiia enougfa' ■ grandmothera oftenI wi w ere not ready for the rol(role. "I didn’t hear, JqI supposed For now, dleteclers should •sUA'lo ' ground.-f. Thla-fabric cUngs 1 0 be Ihe sam e, loo. but th e ei era also acts as.o muscle (osulaliulaloc..-. ______. .. ‘I'm angry because my m; teen-age daughter is prtpregnant,’ " Burton . jn n enzymes fresh fruit arid vegelables,ve since ex- lo let moisture ^ a p « , Lycr n the human body don’t met g activewear' maritet, Levej said, "Instead I heardard, 'She made me d grandindmother when I'm i letabolize perts say the newew products probably r Targeting the growlag ever Brolbera supposed to be doing yoiyoung-adult things. How dare: elt*l]anded sugars, says Levi;vin, who won’t be avallablablc until the IWOs. Company'has ,, introduced SurfSi Detergent, wlth'a speciaeclal deo>-err«C'-, a d * idds thal trace amounts of c left- But when they arrlve.'the ai battle of live “ formula thal promiseses lo eliminate odors aa.well'cU 1os d irt and ~ ' ~~~~ i hanclanded sugars are" conlainciled in a Ihe bulge will neve.‘ver be the same. grim f e from natural ond synt’nthelic fabrics. -

■'.... ^ - -i

______i . . . . -.?-2Tline8*NQwa. Twinwln Falla.I[lahG “ oncJay. JuJuno2.1980 ■ A r m e i nclestrete ehing- each - releases5 upper hi3ody

By KA TH Y C O IIE Y W h y nI o t b e imperfce c t ain d enjco y it? and R O B E R T U E ID Do you g et upset.Vjt.when you make tmmrnma ■■ not making a'mlstake; \when another recommendinds, "Puf a statute o of l L o s A n g eles T im e s even small nilatakes?es? Do you believe person has an opinion>n aboul ,what ilmilalionsns on past errors and refuse Is an Impor- Ih cre's som clhlng wrong wi with you? jfllB you "ought" to''do dlljlfferently, for to walloww in self-punishment yearar Upper body flexibility Is alignment. I& Or that other pcophople think less of e«ample, Ken realizedj thisI when his afleryear.’’r." tanl part of balanced i - cage and you? Do you know’ In your head tha^ ■ ^ " wife lold him lhat whatlat he had said GROW PIPROM YOUR MISTAKES, Flexibility of the rib - — J - J o A n n — you can't be perfec•feet, but .in your '* was Just "plain siupiipld," and he Recognizflize that a mistake reprc-■Q. mobility of the. shoulcjldcr. . Joints i ^ ssue In tlie f f \ heart, you still, (eeleel uncomfortable . . resp o n d e d by . s a y inig: g "Joan, .1.. sents.a.gro’rowth opportunity. Somc-of.o( lengthen connective lissi ‘' k Larsen Ihecheslby S when you fall? reserve the right to sasay things you your greateatest lessons in life have and upper carriage. Opening 11 luseles from ' If you said "yes”" toli all or most of H | ^ M ' think arc stupid andI inot feel bad . will contlnuInue lo come from mistakeses working the pectoral mu: m . ______these questions, you’r)u’re probably way Z about it." Ken knew hele hadn’t made you've macnade. Some of ihls learningng the shoulder lo the chestSt a d d s sup- o j u too hard on yoursurself when you Ratherr than taking the position,on, a mistake — he Just didn'td behave would notit have1 taken place had youou pleness and articulationI to I posture. vHilt l blunder. Head on, then, Hi to examine “Oh, I[ maden a mistake," you moylay the way his wife thought he been lesss f fallible or more cautious,IS. In addition, the muscles3 ini the mid h H accumulated wH your style of hornlandling personal feel “I'm I’n what'- went w rong," You'ou "should," In fact, lalaking risks, and making and upper back release ac m istakes nnd to gtget some Ideas loathe yourself yi and your deficlen-en- Take another examplipie. You’re nol mistakes;- isi absoiulcly essential if .tension and receive a munuch needed JjH about how to viewI ycyour mistakes In cies. And An you become your ownwn makihg a mistake wheilen you base a you are tooarow a . stre tch . a new light. w orst ccritic, silently castigatingin g — " Sland wilh feel togethe::cr. Tighten fflD WHY ALL THE FUSSFU ABOUT BE- yourselfilf with negative self-talk for fo r The biggest milstake h you can mlake al is clinging to your abdominal and butliittocks mus- H jH ING PERFECT? When W you think having; erred:i "I, can’t make a cles to prevent lhe sway anda arch of HQjl /, it's hord to ig- m istake.'cc." " I ’ve blown -U." 'This Is is past mistakes.s .... (Consciouslyy face mistakes, about It rationally, 1 the back. Circle one arm i^verhead9' as ; nbrc the fact thal nonobody's perfect, lurrible.'e." "I can never do things J8S learn from ththem , and then layly them to rest. you circle the olher arm1 cdownward. lU m Everybody you knowlow has pulled his rig h t."’ “There’s‘ something wrong>ng ------p Bend your elbows and'1< reach the W H ; sh are of the real boboners (and will w ith ’ meme." Sadly, you can't make3ke d e cisio n on th e b e s t Infi nformallon you LET OTHER 01 PEOPLE SEE flngcrUps-togclher_.at. tliciic„ccnter,_0f_ — : continue to do so),I, V Why then do so mistakescesandstlllbookay. -- havc-.and-ihcnTrcall24lie':iUlcr-. lhair.YOUR '.•MUHISIAKESriTliIhkTorrsoL' your- bock. Keep your,r. sh o u ld e rs • . many of us becomele ircd-faced when Sincee j you feed these messages' to w ith in fo rm a tio n you ni now have, you mcone youou know ’Who always does pressed down, your neckck long and H9 : we goof? Why is it s so hard to face yourself!lf when you m ake a mistake,ke, would have made a cl different deci- everythingIg rlglit. She never has a“ your chest lifted, Incn:rease your ; our- mistakes and1 ccome to term s you’re; in charge of w hether you 'suf- Sion. You .simply did 1 the best you hair out of of place, never lo!;es her-[ stretch by bringing thee lop elbow with our Imperfection'Ion? fer. For'ortunately, you can releasease could wilh lhe informal lation available cool, alw:Iways has the prefect close to your ear and the I bottom JH ; - F o r most people, the t bottom line yourselfjlf from self-inflicted pain by at the time. Il doesn’t n , says Briggs. Contrast your ; m ake sense lo response, sc elbow close lo your body. Stretch for 9H ; is the fear of rejccijection. They are adoptingng positive rather than ncga-ga* chastise yourself for lhal lat,, feelings wltlj wit those you might have 30 seco n d s. R e le a s e y o uir r hands and convinced that otherelers will think less tlve self■elf-talk: " It's okay -to makeQke Even if you have mac lade a mistake, when you1 arcar with someone who does circle your arm s the othithcr way to 2 not successful or mistakesiexlbillly un- ; _ like most people,, whenw things go a mistilstake" or having “done one Briggs continues. Cominsclously face (^j(y'}■ family Iltcraplsl and a ■til your fingertips mcecel comfor- ’ ' wrong you may tend t( to blame somethlrhlng wrong" under conditions ons mistakes, learn from ththem, and then duvghtvr of ol Dr. Ivin M. and Allcc:e tabiy, ^ S A ; yourself and to discoiicount your worth, when we reallv haven’t erred. You’rei'rc lay them to rest., I;In Ind, she Jackson orifKIntborly. K I 1.1 I • SilkSilk Flowers • BaslB a sk o ts RESULTS! • R ibtibbon The clqssifiecd w a y . • Fur J I Limibic spsstem: Ttrigger}formoklence A Timos-'Nows ciossili,ilio d • C ro ftB o o k s will soil; buy or ront cnyo - FREDERlERICKSON'S ilc in ! Righjht circumstance:es could kindle a violent seizuree, resulting in mnurder i CRAFARHAUS Phonc733-099 3 1 301 2ndISt.Eait.Twrn St.: Fall. PHILADELPHIA^IA (AP) — A man remindededof The m urder off the brother was lhee Pollncl< of the Universil;Kily of Toronlb. a man 73*733.7624 ~______the lale of Lizzie;ie Borden's ax m urder off hher m u rd erer's way of stristriking back at his parents. was iiaving a drink withh a friend when suddenly parents erupted inIn a violent seizure, strangligled she said. tiic' m an was entrancedd byI the shimmering of his 14-ycar-old broljrother and moments later• wasw Pontius has identifiitified eight men including lights in the glasses, overcom e with remiemorse. this one who commlttcItted m urder or tried to, all I The* m an exploded in a violent llmhlc seizure, ' Ia a . //V 'J iVlalagic Valley : Researchers saidlaid Tuesday that the man,, who w of whom she believes'es were victims of seizuress knocked oul his friend wiiwitJi one punch and car- killed without appiipparent motive, suffered from frc in the limblc'syslem,n. ii located near the center off ried him to the kitchen wiwhere he held a knife to k V J Reegional Medical; a l C e n t e r a disorder in aI regionrc deep within lhe.br:brain the brain, surroundingngthe I brainstem. his lliroat, "A feeling of)f rager came over him," ______that has been Identientifled as a trigger for vlolclolen_l____^ V e have a lways ; tatalked ! about free will, peo-^ said l^ljoi-k^____ acts. pie being bad orlHiaJIi3 ly ~ brought u p ," PontiulTs The .seizure ended, andFd'lhi}lwo went back lo The m an was> visiting vi his brother whilee Ithe . said In an interviowJ dtduring the annual mueting-4- drinking, whereupon a seci;econd .seizure occurred. brother was beingng tutored at home. Amongg I the of the Am erican Assosso c ia llo n '"for th e A dvance- The friend escaped harm h; a second time, F R E E B5REAST l SCREEEENING • • tu to r's reading as:assignments was the storyry of menl ot Science, where wl; she presented herr Pollock later showed thallal the man who had tlie Lizzie Borden. results. seizures had an overly aciiicliveiinibicsystem. CLINIJIG-JUNE 11 & 25 When the m an1 sasaw the story, he immediateialely Now, however, stiele andi other sclenlisls havej "For a monlli, tiiis; patientp stayed in his became violent,, saidsa Dr. Annellese Pontiusus of - offered an explanalioiition lor murder lhal docs5 room, terrified." Pollockicii said. When tiie man 2 n d & 4 lIh h W ednesday of egchh mn o n l h . . . Harvard Mcdlcaial School,. who examined hihim nol involve genetic: b:background or social fac-- finally came lo -tlie hospital ho seeking help, tors, Kather, the causc later. luse is an injury or disorderr Pollock gave him procatmline, a drug thal'Pollock BY APPOINTMENTIT ONLY Twenty minuteses 1later, the, seizure ended..The, T in the brain...... hassiiow n excites the limb:nbic system. • - ■ • -man recalled thele entiree episode and was filled fill 11 is not known how)w imany murders or violentt "H e wanted lo grab us and kill us," PoiloOk • Learn the'cornrrect w/ay to perform ssel e lf ; with sorrow, Pontiuitlussald, acts might be explalr.(alr.ed'by this, sho said, BulI said. Vallum turns off theIhe limbic sysleni. When b rea st exam ininations Lizzie Borden, had earlier be The man, like Liz been “many people'nave hadha stresses lo ihcir limhic: t!ie m an was given Vaiiiaiium, he quieted down • Receive a bre

Dieting rat;its give clue to3 human agingI f j . : FOR APPOINTMElENT. CALL THE MVRfvlRMC WOMEN'S . _____ PHILADELPHIA\ (AP)( -.'Forced animalslis thal are allowed lo eal aj HEALTtTH CENTER AT 7 3 7 - 22 9 9 1 0 0 . dieting somehow slislows the aging much-as-as they want. In facL resear process in animals,is. and understan- chers say sa lhal such food llmils Te arc ( Annouuncing the operwing of ^ ding how this worksks im ay help scien- the only on way they know oi . tists Ug'ure’ out newlew strategies for significaicantly extending these ro c , letting humans livee Iclonger, a resear- d en ts''normal nc lifespans, TW/IN FALLLS \ ^ f t c / cher said Tuesday, No ono on knows precisely why this 7 ’itts u if oh When the diets of or laboratory rats w orks; — - and finding out is the sub- are severely restrlctcicted, they live far Ject off studys at several labs around^ F0(OT CLIINIC Iongec_lhan do othe'therwlse identical thecoiinilintry, ChiliWren.,* Adilults JUNIClOR FASHIODNCAMP • Athletes p N ^ ^ s te m I? m a d e r K JUNE 16 thhru JUNE 20 Dr. Peeter Rickards, DD.P.M. m e a i V This is o summor do::loss on fashion, groom- U Ing. clothing caro, ond or basic clothing con- 1441 Blue Lakes >N. thinbriIde!” R struction for kicis agiagos 9 to 12. Thoy will S sow a pair of jamsi a ond a matching f-shirf CCALL 734-3338! 8 Linda Cantinella lostit 51I p o u n d s. ' fo^thomsolvos. ■— ...... - foLappoinlm ent "My woddlngwnsa ^ SGroatMorniniings Ju n o 16 to 20 V ------J ------aroom como truo, ■ lhankslo ______J Nutri/Systom!" 9 :3 0 t o 1 2:30 Me •Nocounling Monday>FrIdoy • R*glitorc»r an d p rep ay by J u n o 12 colorlos or CALL 734-244818 woighing ponions. • Dollclous, oosy-to- proporo m ools liko Chill, Lnsoono and Connoiioni. ^i^aBrics • Coring : I ______m136 Main A vs. N. • Twin Fal .profosslonol slall. Falli, Idaho SNAPPE UP •A ak about pu r now FODR SuroSlflrt‘“ I Accoiorotod Wolgtil Loss Pfograro— r»i» 0* w»loM loM. i j H H T G ^A cquainted 1 S U M MlER... I ...... s .. . CATHYIY DID! I - ______— >pecial! •Tgatned healthT i&'ibstweighi." '1 And C am e Do)own 4 Sizes. i £ LOST 30* ^'& 3 0 L b s . I _ _ L _ ■ T«' o 7 . : O 1 5 1% O F F •■■■Thanks a Setpolnt. l i f s s s s l i AUi l l SERVICES CAIMHY JENSEN I 3n's & Women's LOOK GFiREAT& __l I _Call_NuStri/Svstemn Nowi~~ ~*~CLris^St'Stvlos •‘Pfirms" Farlals • FEELGGOOD I r^EciA r^c~i" S • Manicurcures • Pedicures • Nails • Lifelong W eightIt (Control 1 ! OFFER I O E L b s Tf o r • Stress Managem:moni I lv*Mi-ica«KnainTC>tnicttKingHig >UrVS7UmW*«n LSD C«nt« m ) IKWM11 so I cn^imtnaMcrtMrMillimtCi^connM |U>tn-OirwrW* i | • No Special Food KM;i09t>mOra«>cau-ap«pncn | > d sto e u y VkM enhr «t paiUclpMlnp a e r 6iBi ic s t r • No Painful Diets chedule l^i N e w S c h i • D octor R ecom mTiended i ■ ■ I 525 Blue LakkosN. 1201NN o r m a l J M onday ththru n Friday I l e a d ^ I 6:1 5 a .m . a:ndS:30p.rn. n d I TWIN FALIL S BURIJRLEY I FREE No0 O bligation C onsusuftatlon Summir Ratal $1S» 18.00 p#f month I 7 3 4-04105 ( 678>51 -9 7 8 1 I m m ^ Oftvraipira:plr*,Jun. ,u, ^ tnTheBJuolo:lok«t Plaza Setpdint m m *5{MCl«j dOM:»• Kna KkIucm com o« I 'd. North • 734-355S Wk P t o e - J- CENTERS'- NuuVS^U tl*f1 uo A* oaec^ T»UfJI,.l0 Tf t. *0 M41 l »in n I ■ 3K H . ..OminCttAnlr — Monday: juuno-2;1960- r Tlnrus-NOWS.T’.5.Twm'Faus;ldaho'D-3.. • 1 I r r r n JlJ lb doiforyouy ,.riM ‘Fibem‘ zed’ ceiT e a l s mnarkete(; d f i e a c By the Editors of Weight W V atchers tng on the bandwidwagon, although they However. Ho Uiere ore two reir;la liv e ly nioy nol necessaisarily be adding more newew cereals that have been ti “To Do for You"i" IsL a calendar listing hcalL Magazine alth-rclatcd activities. - fiber to their proi!roducts," * withith high-fiber appeal: All 18-year-ol■olds make; e v e n ts and education'.ion. In fo rm u tio n sh o u ld b e subm/»cd s by Thurs- . In view of recenl studiesjs pointing wilhith E xtra F ib er and Fiber On day for publicationn InIr lhe following Monday's's ReachJ section. Mail * tal drivers " 10 fiber as a preventive forr colonc ond Friedm an cilcites the California formirmer is a “flberlred" revai m o st fatal ■■ notlccs to The Time:m es-N e w s. P .O . B o x 548. ru T \ -/n F a lls. B3303, or igular All-Bran cereal Uhoilough It If you think 18-;18-ycar-olds arc the dellvcrlbem toouroli‘0ftlccatl32ThlrdSl. W. other types of canccr, monony manu-,.Prune -Board,d. currently touting regu facfaclurers are scramblingIg -lo put prunes os "theie high fiber fruit” in still•ill exists). According to corompany f^osl dangerouslUs d r iv e r s , y o u 'r e th(their foods in the limelighthi. Calling their odvcrllsemements. A few cereals, spokJOkespersons. All-Bran withh Extra dKhl. fiber the “hot nutrition) button.” which have alwowoys been fibrous, are "More deathss ptper licensed driver .. CanSurm oiount to m eet toonlght Marlin !,?; Friedman, editor, olot Dancer also going for* 11the high-fiber sell — ibcr has 13 fjrams of dietaryry fiber are associated witwllh the automobile . Fitzgerald- Sample's NewA/ Pjoducl even when Ihey’ey’re loaded-wlUunon- .P^'’*^pr one-ounce serving. Fiber OneOi has crashes ot lil-year/ear-old drivers than; • TWIN FALLS-Ca• CanSurmounl. a cancer supfjppori group, wlli hold for any other iyear,'ear'of age,” reports— ; Ils monthly'meellng 1 News, “ ''vrrvnnpin ts Uimp- healthy sugar. Qg today at 7:30 p.m. at thele ImI m a n u el L u th e ra n , the Journal Pcdi’cdiatrlcs. Next, In ------Church. AU cancor p r patients and/or-lhcir fnmllmllies are welcome to ^ order, came 16-, i:17- and lO-year-old altend. For more Info Information, call Kathy Wllllalllams, area American n d riv e rs . Cancer Society dlrccti ector,al734-J4-}G. Mother/ mem orandum said q,] , ■” m v f i sstPV i H inc. anyone can allcndd theli breakfast even If nolDl ]porticlpallng in the proposed pr new paym ent poll )n decisions affecting rates ( ,'crc so high bccause the ,n(., 1 5 0 2 n d S t.Wt.W05t 734*7805 .. I walk. The cosl of thellic breakfasl is S2. The wall•alk and breakfast are day, da did not link them wil. Ih S b ln- prom s «;cr nent for tl)!lG and 1987,’' had set initial prospcc- sponsored in conjuncunction wllh the Idaho Stateate Conference on Ag- speclor sp General's report■I on ISM e»vcnim cnl hai L rales too high for dit- Ing, being held al CSI.'S I J u n e 3-5. huhospital profits, tiie report■1 itit))''; sun- paym ent r; of illnesses wlien the I " port lhe belief of manyiy n Z I>^rc,.l kinds .1 po ■e payment system was Kcagan udmJtilsfrairJ/im llBl ncw Mcdicarci WILLIAMS ClCHIROPRACTIC OFIOFFICE I Eagle’s Ruiun ta k e s off Sa>aturday ~ mMedicare reimoursementsts con lie ’“ •'"■I'"' cucurtailed without damafaging the Sections off Ithe study lhat have THE HUMA^N BODY TW IN FA L L S -• Eagle's E; Run, a fun run sporponsored by Boy Scout hohospital indusifv, been reportedid on earlier-said thal mm Troop GG In memoryiry of Roy Painter, will be heldhe Saturday beginn-' HHS Inspector G eneral RichardH P. teaching hospispitals averaged lK.2f! IS A COMPPUTER I S ing at Harmon Park,rk. T-shirts will be given lo0 alla entrants of either KiKusserow, in an internal nmemoran- percent profitit on Medicare income Clinical Kinesiology Is a science that [?|ig3|R |^9 lh e 5- o r 10-kilom etei;ter runs, Pre-r.eglstration is $G; registration the Judum addressed to Roper andar obtain- while non-teacraching averaged only recognizesj, the humanI b o d y a s a b lo - ' . \ '■ day of lhe run coststs $7.50$ and will be taken bel\'ctween 8 and y;45 a.m. ed by the Washington Posl.St. said hi? 12.42 percentent; that for-profit c^ o m p u te r a n d th a l th o boiprofit as a return on inve:I’e.sted capi- ol a n y M agic CaU tor Froo Clinical Kl>iCInotlology Exam ol Your Body'ady'a Com puter atSt, Bencdiefs Famamlly Medical Center confereijre n c e ro o m . t;tal, Item Nov.ow th ru Ju n o 30th "Cost of the classs is S4 per couple. For furthrther Information, call hiisse'row's memorandl e r - B e m l n a 734-0500 G ay le G oodin a t 321"i:M-1301. ■ b;based on a survey of 2,0!)‘J o B e u tk 130 Elm h(hospitals involved in thee new pro- S e wvlng l: Center CONSULTATION rw in F alls, ID I spective payment system W ithout Obligation ( ! / Iv 1 ------_ _ J J,. 257 MA/IAIN AVE. WEST \ Hours:: 8-58*1 M on.-Thurs. * thal percent ot thee hospitals ^ TWIN FALtULS . 734-5267 C areers explplcred t“ “ TW IN FA L L S - -- •'-'Out of -iho ; Maze,” a free careerL'er e x p lo ra tio n Physical'I Therapy workshop, will be pre:presented from - 7:30 to'J:30 p.m. Junee 3 and 5 by th e Leading Thhe Way To • Ccnler for New Dirccikciions in H o o rn ._ . » y b f)'l, ext.xt. 361, o r sto p /. N ationmal Physicsal T h ese are the 5 most by allOGO W ashingtoniS St. L N . // r dangerousr w«words in th e TIMES-NEW£WS^ / /^ i ThenTapy Week English languiguage CLASSIFIED ADVBVBRTISING / / / I Dangerous becaecausepain, or any PHONE 733*03*0931 ii Ii/j Junee l - 7 , 1 9 8 6 symptom for that matter, is the body's way off tellingtel us som ething is wrowrong. Although '* Tom Wagner Mark Allen -painisu'npleasaiasant,w ecanbe Julie Eliis Scott Bloxham thankful that oour u rb o d y w a s ...... Lou Sterling Gary Garrison created with thisIhisvaluable- David Little Dean Mayes mechanism, Mary Yost David M ead- - ■♦gnoring pain isisiike ii waiting for a Julie Schwerman Peggy Goodmann sm oke alarm to tturn oft without CindyJardine checking to seeie e if t h e r e 's a f i r e . • ^ To ignore thisi wawarning Is to court k disaster. Just as the house will, AmericanAl Physical11 7Therapy Assoclatlition ■ surely burn dowrown, your body will ___ surely.brEakdovidown.if.the ______malfunction cau£:ausing the pain.is B F u not removed, Ignoringign the pain M agic Valalley ^■ jjb allows the damacmage to become R egionalil IMedical Centiter At best, coveitvering up pain w with drugs cacan only b e a temporary tretreatm en t------FREECQNIMUNINITY LECTURE - We ere concerneKned not so m uch wilh treating the pain but with “SUPERWOfVlAr<\N SYNDROMEE” ^ correcting the3 cacause. Since the GRAD SPE'EGIAL by RITA LAROM,1, Masjei^Cqunselor ^ body created the pain, only the BUY ONE ccEOLOR- body can permarmanently eliminate'; — -- ______it. a n d it c a n ddo o thisII only w hen ______------E N L A R G E MiENT-.-.-, E r ------— r—-Dothaveve-it????-'------• th e c a u s e IS c:o o rn r r e c te d . GET ONE P R E E 3 • Howdid IIc get it???? . Remember, pain)ainis an im portant ; (actor in its own i 1 _ I wn right. D on't Just • — 5 x 7 - What do I do;D about it???? wail for it to go|0 a'away, especially — 8x100 — MONDAY,lY,JUNE9 if y o u h a v e h a3d d iheil problem • : £ com e and go in thot past. Do - •; 7:00 p.m.-!,,-9;00p.m . — 11x1414—-■ m "l something about)outitioday, ; ^ -WOMEN’S HEAEALTH CENTER 126, no,D isc, 1 CONFEREN:n c e r o o m 135 Onl)niy

1^..* ’Sponsmsorod by MVRMC Wom(omen's Health Center ana n d th o O n o Hou , C o //ege g e of Southern Idaho 250 W ad s h in g t o n S t r o o t , TwinTw Falls —■ Photo Protc PloasQ caJI737-290(900 for resorvatlons. 7 3 4 - 7 o r r IPRACTIC ln> uranc« O ffice: 734*126:1262 I t s HOURS: Monday • Fridayday \ " ss& C 6:00- I2:00ft2:00*6:00too , - ; , ...... ,oj 4 -

M ' B-4Tlmo3-Nowa,,TwInFin Falla, Idaho Monday, Junoino2,1986

1 C O R O N K I k ' m M■ ^ . e n e r g y s a v ii n g L i H ODOVER C SIZZLER m a n e i J r e y o u r , imairGonifitaoner SALE i b ^ m q r aiduate c a gift ^ Hocsover Upright Dich will last. ,ol Agitator I II f e '- jw h ii ocdC cH hfort! - S to o l ^ * ^ 0 . C o . ■ -te.-' 'ZHoiEtoighi Adjustmonts B aargain i P iicc;e! r:'~i roRog., $109.50 :-5 0 0 0 ECTRONIC l l , & y » mn < a n a . j | { y | | | | PEWRITER • ilM iM i PORT ■ Roor m - H M o d o l U 43Q7 C ondiIdltlonor U gaa g;iiiji;-:.:. Top Fill I Jjustm ohtft|hi u oO n n f t c u c n ' • HOClOOUER. Magic ValUIley rl- SALE PRICE: B™ n it .h -v « o - .... N O W O NNLY L - I Sotofattocochmonts^^pM ^ $ 4 A A1 I ^ 0 0 IDining Gui(lide V - : - % AutO-rrMCJIr lo K S "•a- $ nrapwiwn. ■. , ' Choices Forr ' - no.O.A.C. ------s . w . XI-tOOOElOECEaRONICTYPEWRITES W eekend EntertalnrInm en t ^ M o d e l #5^ESP-6-2MFt — w m t SPEitPEU-RITEDiaiQNABV ... 3 9 9 ” I KirSRYI WHILE QUANTITIES REMAIM A IN CEvery Friday /ACUUM CLEANERS OF■IDAHO 1 W fOUR TYPEWRITER SUP£RMARK\RKET" ^ g E B * ___- =>y'" "Buy Wfioro r/ioSofvlco Is' th e Friday iSpeceeial ! Witp o N ig aT j Corn>r of Blu* Lokat and 2n d AW ' E , | B | j - mMataAn Twin Fallf ■7330037 nMIM • Expofioneo ♦ Profo»t/onol • He IMalnA

^ , Mr. Juan’:n ’s - C ollegsofHf H a I r f - ••■---• - • . D esign s S S l P f l ^ ANNUAlA L / o STUDENN T I ■**' . fOCOMPETITIT IO N - f: ■ / /

m s P ~ ' DO IT YOURSELELF& , 0 Invited. • ^ • j f v :harge_ . lISAVEi!■ A l L ] 'i 1 ' _ t h ---- \ X HESEGREA J m W ^I '-J THE LARGEST SECECriOTIO N O F 1 ----- \(‘ I t B=IRSTdFTHI UNFINISHED FURNITUIrU R E A T i r ------# r . ' ^ 7 ^ \ ' n / - p » - ^ THE VALLEYS LOWEST;T PRICESP . WEEK IS A T E 4,1986 AT 7:00 PPM - \ BARGAINS AT THE ■C: i-’ll MMARYCAReCENENTER t y ' 2116-64lliAv«nu*£a>t TVTVnNFAtl ^ LKS LODGE "JustolfEasiland" iE J V ------» 3 - 3 4 9 a ------6-WIirBiTA-MalS’F a slm n SShow. h i iV-- > . — — I jr More Inlormallon CnII 733-7777777 ri.r,v.'-j \ ^^8 V...... ' \a •"*SW , < i - ; ; j 1 ~ - , 1

byb . . . Gibs< ' ‘PEToflVeWW^ w il e a c h . . . ||L iASON SEASCION .-I , X _ » AFTER r T a k e m e t o if e jk ' - ESTEEL® STEEL SIDINIING ! ■ ; ' YourWindov Resists sovoro woathor -J ,. !■ an td install m e yoni not RUINSothor siding . .. ESTEEL^ Is .STRONEEIlER itum inum . vinyl,and w oodd wv ith ■ '■■‘"- .r I I'i iqh co atin g thot is FOUR'timim os •’• I | ! CKor th a n MOST o ih o r sidin.'dio<.-i d.-n o< ollici- j t o b ^ • ilKlod^-, Cl Iwo ^lK•ud foil, □ lo g oos o s Pol of Iho W ook. your guide 1 »oti.col lhuiiiio-.li J i r a ' 7 9 « J g : HHound Pound-UrSUthlA A v ».W . health andid . W:: B y M o d .1 i AA i10SA4 ...... M i M 5-7 P.M. 7 33-0860.0 ’ J U N E ^ C liV O rX Try . . . Y oull 5^ w»>>—W better livining f e „MorWof* Woflle VolUy Fomlll*» 0*p*i , B o ojrding r d I !••• aFr^^W; ^ w a l v . d KIWFURNITI Colo BoM ling*RSw® is in today'/ ' s t r ; EL r S ;|p ny hei tpon-^rSKSM MARY CARTER CEHraR PEPSI] hU dofl. V«l — :— tiAvtnuaEoil TWINMNFALIS I f iNCES , l.*s illitvb^^^H l^ F oislOHEattlond r M 733-34931493 a p p ly . 1 ;^


f a t h e r T ^ m T n S S 5 0 % ' i DAY ■■■; - S E A ORTHC0 ,, I in B)I r a s s %\SHAVER H (INS » “ p ^ aitid Gj l a s s " p e c ia l sHJ C ^ AS SEEN rrrrr— th at M agazineTi[Table B W1 S T - ( S 3 -» S o N T v . . . JtiT crlllllH ^ l/\J^ D ^ L • lti»ociicnJoicJofof liamp £1^; ^ jiYtK L i , LIFES 1 cordon F l o o r L ^odo In U.S.A. I nfSj1E»1|\1!S=^ MODE - u- --• Ihon atur 3DELAQ708 G I c .u i ir MINGTON o tough REMIt WTCW I ^1:;. •-:■■ '. 11010 horn- ^ ^a;-L rovide* I"DELUXE RECHARGEGEABLE AIRCONDiTIONEI«ERS NO Qtmy' ’ crfui lUitiga ' _ f o r m * g i ,0 0 0 BTU ...... culwormi, V-"- nowipMi '^4 2 ; R«g. bugiond fv ^ — ^"TT^i.LvtTtl V A tli* cciiv* ii *jid m«M . . $56.S6.'95...... N o w ,5 0 0 BTU ...... ,,,•319“ ' =fet;‘ ■ olho'' X In anyydocor. j . pujlj. ■' D O V KtlKlJUFK K «MICRO SCREEN CORD?D SHAVER a .o,0 o o a iu ...... :...... ,,.,*3I9” Sr-.,;. 8 MUSUPunoQM. r eEMINOTON m : XLR-800 . J j , • uvn'°d?c° UWJllt idftilpV fl PLi^ATI A 9 5 9,0.OOOBTU ^ fl I«bl« (4bnc. 3 •llW c n ^ W \\^ K •ockil •wllth...... ■ io;o1.000 BTU tl,d.W,n s ) t t f i ! ‘J/here e You Love To Save A 21UilhA> R o g ,$ 3 .9 8 Money" ■ - r ” " ^ \ f | $ 1 9 9 WATSOg U j NOW I , i m m m ILOBEPil 222 ^th A * » . Jogih. Twin Fotli, 10.: MixUnlhn* feUtr *■! • •- ■ = r ^ w I j i

' - '■ # | g i 222 — 'I

______Monday,ly, Juno 2 J 0 6 6 ___Tlmns-NowciQwo, Twin Falls, Ida h o ____ «-Obitu^es/hospltalals C 2 _ ...... m a vmt t e y ■ Valley life/DearAblbby C3 ■■ Classified ( advertisiiiing C4-8 c Prop)osed juvenlile c€snterlleave:IS que^ tiori!IS By PATMAKCANTONIO110 Honknk Bekkcr’s job al the centcr-tcr-as-lts oHlce Residentss of the area, however,r. were questions and no answans ers." Bekker replied, "I don’tI’t knowk what to say. : r/mcs-A'eu's writer m anainager, the attorney added. bothered th£hal they first learned abouMUt the Bekkcr said FridFriday lhat he expected Uiee (Agricultural) propertyrty Is devaluated It!t wasv Bekkcr who presided at a new s con- plan from ththe news media rather thanan from criticism . anyway, Anything comingling inlo our county ■ JEROM E - Neighbor})ors of a proposed 30- feren•ence May 21 to announce the opening of the group, saidsi John McGonlgal, who) o^owns a ' He didn’t conicintact the neighbors firstit w iilhelp.” - bed juvenile delenlion ccntcr.cci lour miles cast _UieJ lacillly.Ii withln W.days by na Uthree private, aia-acrc fanirm adjacent lo the site but3utdoe_sj, because, he ,dldn!l.n!l _want._a_i:cpca,t_of what_it__ People .should,nol_bc..wi;..worrled_about dan-.____ _ ; of Jerome have conceiicerns' and questions Invcs;estors. One of the Investorstors Is form er not reside theJiere. • happened earlierr tithis year when the groupp gerous juveniles being houhoused at the center, i about the projccl. Twin/In Falls County coroner Cloycoyce^ Edw ards. ■'Everythlihing was kept quiet." McGc:Gonigal had sought a zoningling change for the proposedd he added. Jerome attorney Gene;ne Frederlcksen, who Bekk'kker would not reveal the: namesn: of the said, juvenile center InIn thet! "old library” buildingg "What we’re talkingI aboutat Is status of- - • resides about one milee ffrom the slle of the otherler two. Another w orry of the neighborsI isi; the near Jerom e, he salsaid. In that case, the groupp fenders, kids who need somesor place to go be- . -planned private center,er, said about halt a' Th(rhe four buildings at the site,lie, formerly a center’s pot like today, you can look 0 ' the alfalfa fields and see ther h; y ‘ wll. I ^ i n eneighbors l ^ uncunder the afternoon sun. In thithe ■ distance, the sprinkler pipes s disi , Snowbirds” andi anolheram one over Uie • merme like a desert mirage. Yes,wearespendlng ; What does a farm fam ily doin when window says. “Yes • . V nheritance.” the weather heals up like this'k7 A ftrr' 'Our Children’s Inhoi the fjldcs'tcpsallveJy the chores and betw een the wjwater nc Oulofthlsvehldi ■ ____ . the little m an In Bermurm udas. his wife and ' of the fields, a nice tre a t for us og seems a little gather the children in the pickckuoand Iheir dog. The dogs ckupand befuddled. I snickeicker to myself, . „ . drive down to a country slore. 's looking for a fire If It’s a " country” store, thehnv’iihP w’onderin g ifh e'slo d couple and their benches along the outside, a g;Gas hydrant, The old co ° dogsoemtobeenjo:njoylng themselves pump o r two, and oftentim es a pur ngtheSnakeRlver. coocooler wilh a bulll-ln boltle opiDnener vacationing along t WdS The children laugh at the dog. He filledfiii< wllh ice cold pop. The kii ,^1 _ barks a lol and seerseems Intent on stlr- usuallyusu spend som e tim e peek ; of lazy country cats over the Ice cream freezer antmd down ring up a couple of 1 '"or^Llounglngbyagarbcarbagecan., ^ ; ______into the chest plied with boxes ------inti Lined up behindndUic.Wintiebagols t - Fudgcslcles,Fui PopslclesandEs ! up with fishing gear, Pies. After the purchases are:^ rna^S a pickup loaded up S d e rubber bools, tackl.ickle boxes, cooler we ail line up on the benches 0 and camping equiplUlpment.Acoupleof toto( gulp and slurp o ur treats an men get out of thhe e ttruck and go Into watch people comc and go. ,ngalUickldsonUie • . - JoJ se ana his fam ily drive upunnnfhf Uicstore,Winking; l?wn bench as they go,0 byby. A fe>v m inutes ! gravel parking lot. W e’ve kno )ught their provisions ^ them a long tim e. T hey've woi,.Qrked later, having bougl ihe vorKco - a container ofifnlghtcrawlersanda nil • ' for us and som e o th er farmers for —Ihoy’relnthelr-^- : : around- E veryone sm iles and;?waves 12-packofbcer-l P'ckup andgonee forsomfo o re m o te ------__ and we scoot oveMo_shr\re the '■ -' am mountain streamim knownk only to a ; bench.hni It doesn't seem lo maH TtmsfNswt pnoiphololK EN NETH A. OROWN . few fly fishermicn en tand all o f’Twin much that we don't speak'eac Falls County, Geologic formamatlons In the Goodingig City( of Rocks arc very:ry sim ilar to those founind In Utah's red rock nsnational parks other’solli lanquage. c •truck The kids a re awa whole l lot-stickier ------Soon Tom com es by in his ti :am e, bul we all feel He’s hauling for Slm plot and i S ’e ' ; a S " deshed. S On a steaming to take a break on his way out 1 Idaho, Ihe best Truckers usually can'l slop fo BLMf seeksito keepp rock Icity rennote around and the most .Tom’s runnjng again st a dead .To: iney can only be found bul yes. If we need a ny grainn hI au k d Inn lor your m o n o ByKENNETI! A^BUO'ROWN t)e lilcd with the U.S. EtEnvironm ental Protec- lumps lui of rock. on a n Old w ood benchben leaning In the al harvest, give hTs wife a call j Tlm cs-\'cK S w riter tlon Agcncy. Oul( of the car and Into the Ih rocks, however. all - . ..shadejgainsllhefh e front of a c o u n try ...... ■ ■ V, The KIS covers the agcn'jcncy’s seven wilderness ih([he 'area 'rapidlyunfolds, revealing rev ridge after ' ' she’ll she relay the m essag e: ■ I GOOUING - Norlh■ih i of Gooding, In the rollingg study a re a s in the BennettDlt HillsI a rea. ridge rk of rock towers and momonoliths; a maze of JJu st when the children areedow c nto ...... deserl foothills betwuc,vucn the Snake itlver Plainn Although Gooding andnd Wendell are visible volcanic vo rock. gellinggel a silver in th eir tongut;ue from vwriieslier weeiily and the Bennetl Hillsills. Is Ihe Gooding Clly ofif from the area, the Goodlniding City of Racks Is nol At / ils core Is an area off rcrock "fins” — a col- the barren Popsicle sticks, a largeI Diana llooicy wr gas column fn>m h erf:er farm home near In- Hocks — a wild landsiidscapc of rock arches, col-I- as well-known or as heavlavily used as the Magic leclection of geologic . formalilalions and features Winnebago Wi drives up to the g:i column win resume, ■; umns and monolillis. Valley's other Hock City,>. nearOnt akicy. ;ili;ilmosl' identical lo those fofound in U tah’s Ar- pump. pui On Ihe re a r end a bumj,„por diun Cove. TliC coli its rt'/;u/.-JrT/Jursc/irsdayspdl this ivceic. J . . All but 1.C8U acress olof the 21.030-acre area hass Only one road traverses■ses the area - .and for :hes ch National Park. Otherr portionsp of the cily sticker stii reads "H ooray for been recommendedJ f(for wilderness status byy most motorisls it- is pas:passable only from the mimirror the shapes and sinstructures of Utah's ■ the U.S. B ureau oof Land- Management'ss north. From the south the road is a bone-jarr- wciveii-known red rock nationallal [parks. A ; Shoshone District. Ing path of rocks and deepi;p ruts.r Wilh ' the spring, wildflowcrvers and brigiit-green ' Youths ^ tto skate Ibaek ■ ' Proposed matiagemi-■menl recoinmundalions aree The difficult access h;has no doubt helped cliclumps of knee-high wild rye ry line the winding ' • detailed h i''th e BI.BLM’s' recently releasedd preserve' the are.Vs 'undlsidlsiurbed character. In -papatbs-and passages betweenn tlthe rocks...... ^ ,j Shoshone/Sun Valleyey Wilderness Envlronmen-1- addition, the site docs notnol lend itself lo drive- The area is also homo loI a variety of wildlile: T 1 lal Impact Slatemeimenl on Wilderness, Thee through tourism. From1 theth road, the Gooding upUujd up gam e birds, raptors,s, ielk, deer. bear, and to ^ eounc:ilwithpl)lan I document is the BLM’,iM’s first wilderness EIS to0 City of ftocks looks likeke so: m any small grey >nPageC2 • See ROCKS on i ByANNE'lTECARY ihem from downtcvntown. ------:------TilTimes;\cwswiitcr S katers have'e argueda that repo'Vls of damage are exaggerated, but TWIN F A L I^ - Skatelleboarders they agreed thathat there should be MVRM1C to beecome rare:e operatetor of seaanner ar]are sclieduled to be back al1 {City Hall some controlsi on skating downtown, lorlonlght lo present the counc:icil wilh a The high .schoollool sludenls who al- TWIN FALLS - In;n threeI weeks, radi'jlogis,i.St. .said Uic nuw (JT icijn!ii:r- p permit doctors to studydy' virtually The new CTJT m w also allows for a plan pic to allow skating d(downtown tended the laslU councilc< meeting said Magic Valley Region’lonal Medical will allowV II the hospital to double the; aany portion of the humanan body and faster scan. Officials01 said it can ac- aftafler norm al business hours.s. there Is a problerblem wilh younger stu- i Center will he one of only three num ber of^of^'patients im aged on the‘ rmake a rapid diagnosis,is, said Sue complish a partial pa scan in jusl 1.3 'Two weeks ago, the courtuncll con- dents, just learnarning.lo skate, using hospitals in-the entireitlre Northwest machine, ffrom between 12-15 pa-- S Summers, MVRMC's community c seconds, or a full. 3C0-degree scan sldered sId . banning tlie 1use ' of the downtown, sidewalks sld before they I region wilh the newiewest medical tients a' da;day on the old scanner, to) rrelations director. between 2-H secseconds. sk:skateboards in com m ercialli districts have control off Iheirthe boards, * ' diagnostic m achine In thelh( nation. 20-25 patienten tsad ay . It is manufactured by bj General- „e„j„son s of Ihe elly at the request.‘S t of the Tliey. have suggested suy that rather 1 said a 2-second scan downtown Business Imprprovemenl than a total ban,, ba "thrashers" be ;• SC2S,*0 CT illim , llendcrsoison told the hospital boardI I; Electric's Medical Sysler,ems Opera- generate I Installalion of the $C2‘. lie nearly- 1.5 million m, allowed to useise the sidewalks al ' wn-as-a--CAT In Mardi 1 UUiat patients were having5 t tions inJ^lilwaukce. Wis. District. Quick scanner, known , measuremeiilsIlls, :and..-.during...an . a - ,: BID^ inenibers-have-argi■gucd lhal' night, The downiiwnlown sidewalks are • scanner; will begin-neXilent week. Cur- •» "Pup to th ree .weeks lo be; H enderson said.that bee:jcauseof he second scan.I. -doctors t can get some the skateboarders have deniinled cars, am ong the smo(;moothest In the city, ' rently, only Ucnver anand Salt Lake scheduled1 Itfor a CAT scan, and manyI s scan n er’s ability to pinlinpomt the 5,7 million mealeasuremenls. broken a slore window aiand done making tfiem ideal idc for skating, the J City have the new scanncr, sea which paticn s w(were going elsewhere to) p precise location of lumcnors, cysts, bri ning is, unquestionably. oUother damage lo private anand public sludenls said- can simuUaneouslyy scan or have im»n>one. MVIIMC has had a CT' d degenerated tissue or oilDther abnor- "CT scannin the human one of Uie U» m ost dram atic pnproperly. They are also ccconcerned The council cancai cither take action photograph any part of the body In ,inceim ' nmallties deep 'within tl: liminale the breakthroughshs in diagnostic medi- lhal th; the youths mayy Injure on an ordinanciance tonight or wait seconds. r 'J800 Quick combines an1 b body. CT scans often elir advancedI X-ray_scannlng' system,, n need for exploratory or unnecessaryur cine in thee lasl half century.’’ customers cu: and thal they m;nay be in- anolher two week:eeks- Dr. Sid Henderson, MMVRMC chief wllh a po\powerful minicomputer lo) s surgery. Henderson saidaid. linlimidaling - shoppers andd' driving ‘ SeeCOUNCJNCILonPageC2 Clean1 cam palign isn'I’t enou — ijf you'reenot ahIsocleaiin-cut ByDEANMiLLEit story of a Ucpublican campiipai^ii f>cliu<)l where Timvs-Ncws w riter pictures of preferred Republublican dress styles Analyilysis Iw ere shown In contrast to wlwhatthecampalgn ■ TWIN F A L L S -Ina theth middle of his campaign1 ^ ■ Fprofessors said was unaccep:eptable. Chadband said I for lieutenant governor,nor. Republican Chuck 1;he was em barrassed by howow closely he resembled I Lem pesls underwentI a iradical change. He shaved;d decided to shave II for Ihehe (campaign. tthe casually dressed man, In while shoes on the 1 his mustache. He said he did not shaveive It w hen he ran quite sscreen. He soon replaced his wardrobe with near- I : Tall, thin, andsllghtl>hlly swarthy, Lempesls said unsuccessfully for Congrej’ress a few y ears back. ly I S2.000 worth of the cautiouious, blue and grey I In an Interview Thursdasday - a f t e r his unsuc- , and " I'v e been thinking;about ab It; thenagaln:!------suttsoflheGOP,s • cessful political b id- -tl that his black mustache rem em ber vividly the resuesultsof the contest,"he Words can m ake a differeifence, too. I m ade him look like "SnI'Snldely Whiplash," a TV ■ quipped. On his brochures, Lempes3Csis, whose law firm I cartoon villain, so hcsh;! shaved it off. Afler he S havingIsn'ttheonly Imageim grooming thal - has 1 a contract to perform th'the duties of the I — ■ cieancd up his upper' lip,lip Lempesls asked news- goes on during campaigns.«ns. ------Kootenai 1 County public defeefendcr, called himself - I paper editors to use his 1newer, clean-shaven pic- L asl w inter, during hlspIsperiodlc ram bles a c businessman, Wary of belrlelng lumped wllh the D Jf - tures, - . ■ -...... through theStatehouse in BoiseI lo talk to profession p that battles wllhth reporters1 for low I leglslaror57TX!mpcsis''opp(>pponcnlforiieutenarit public p approval ratings, hele ssaid legal practices Because politics Is5 dodom inated by Image-mak- governor; Boise executiveIve Buleh Otler,_looked run r like businesses and tooknk exception lobeing I - ing television advertlsliUsingcampoigns and first every bit the urbane, globeobe-lrolting president of called c ah atlorhey by Ihe prcpress. I impressions taken fron"rom 12-second video clips in Slmplot International, the.JieJ.R . Slm plot Com- Names arc loaded words,Is, too,^ forUie Image- I crowded news Shows,s, LU*mpesls' Is not the only pany's overseas arm. conscious.c mustache to have gone)ne Uie way of the sink, • But on April 9. when hele camc, e to address the On 2nd D istrict congressicisional candidate Connie I The 17-year-old daugllughter of Larry La Rocco off Twin Falls County Centralral Committee, Otter Hansen’s 1 brochures, the narlame of her controver- I Boise, who Is runningg fcforthe Idaho Senate scat wore cowboy boots, a biggs'llver sl rodeo t>«lt- slal s spouse does not appearir in1 her descriptions of I held by Senate Presidei Idem Pro-Tern Jim Risch, buckle, and a suit with WespVestem-slyleyo^esover her 1: experience as a congresi■esslonalalde.ShelsUie . | •had lo wait for her fath(ithei* to run for offlcc to see the shoulders. wife of, and form er top aidedelo, 1 form er con- his upper lip. La Rocco:co said In a Thursday tele- ImagerepalrcoststaleFleRep. J.F, "Chad" gressman g George Hansen,I. whow Is appealing a t he had been thinking aboul CHUCKLEMPES:SIS: Before and afterr closercli shave phone interview thal he Chadband.U-ldaho Falls,!Is, m ore lhan the price of ?four-count felony convictionon for falsifying flnan- gettlngrldofhlsmustaistacho anyway, when he •0 shave. Tattling onhlmseliself, Chadband lells the -c■ cial disclosure forms filed1 wlUiw: Congress.

■i ' - t

■ ...... - ...... - - ______1______

' C-2Tlmo3-Now8, Twinvin IFalla, Idaho Monday, JurJuno2,19S6 - , On thile agendia—-— ___ rUrp i e f l y - the City Kali. Here's Q list of governmental p.m . at the TUESDAY trome County Sheriff Elzaiza HalJ said the A n-. meetings that are schscheduled lo take The Go»Sooding City Council wilt m eet atIt aB The Fatrflcld City Counelneil will meet nt T h r Cee i robbery suspe^cts sought Haielton, ond closer to - the City Hall. i ison farm Is Dorlheasl of Haz place this week lo the Magic Valley, p m.atihe 7:30 p.m. a l the flrchotiM. me. He said lhe family .1,. The Shoshone Clly Counc: N FALLS Police In Twinn FFalls Sunday were PaulJ andj Burley than to Jerome. This list Is compileded from advance •inc jcrc'erome Counly Board of Coramis- i j sg : for three H ispanic men who#ho robbed an alien- took: t the child to the Cassia. CouiCounty hospital follow-. schedules. The Times- will meet at 9 a,m. a t the Cour- 8 p.m . a t the City HalL . ^ ies-Ncws suggests sioncrs wti d an t otIt the t Circle K Food Storee aol 890 Washington ing thethi accident; ...... - - -that you confirm lhehe Iinformation by ihouse, WEDNESDAY S t.S „ eearly ar Sunday momtrig. colling the approprlatilate clerk's office Tj,g ...... Cas;issla Counly Coroner Paulul Young1 and J e ro m e . ■Cetchum City Council will m eet; al The CosUeford City CouncmcUwUlmeeUt - said the Infant died of before attending one o of these 7p,m,aitJ^It the City Hall. [Ic Safety D irector Tim Quailuolls said one of the Count;nty Coroner Gerald Ostler sal 7 p.m . at J 4 D Enterprises. officer knew details of meetings. . . . The Bliss City CouncilrwUlmectat-8 v 'as armed wllh a knife andd Richardfl Sohm, 25, seven•rc head Injuries. Neither offi The, Magic Mn Volley Regional Medical p.m. ol City HolL of Twinn Falls, 1 who wos in the siontore and went to the - the ay hreaiffast at nt Beverly Hackney donee n Slate Conference onI Aglnf?A{ wlli be held Fine Arlss Center.Ci h c td a te p .m . In lhe Fine ArtsIsCentcr. Meitmoriesoof 2 Filer• High stiiiidents -Obili t u a r i © IS------— reki:indled wi/ithdisplilay dedicication Inglnn. F r I Frlcnrt.s may call al the chapel■I LPN AssoClaUoa...... YSURSELY -Thursday. ' ...... the display- casecaj will fcature--other this afternernoon and evening and Tuesdayy Surviving arc six sons, All II'S corrrcspondent "I think basically thehe students student works ot ai a dedication ceremony Parr announced at aan awards Valley RegionalHe Medical Center In TwinIn Wilcox of Jerom e; a slslIster, Eunice Thursday in In memory of two Filer it’s g reat so many were assembly held prior to .Lthe dedlea- , i f Ik. Fatts. l-elchllter of Holley. 30 gr:grondchlldren youths who,0 diedd lasl winter. j this rocmorial project. I He . tion thal Brown had reireceived me l»™lvpd n this A'as bom Sept. 23. 1906, In Neww and 40 great-grandchildren•en. She was The twoI boys.be Bill Brown and Rick | serve to promote art at a Jersey. , honorable -mention aw ard• d a l the Na- ’. When he was 13 years of age he1C preceded in death by two were kIJJed )n a c a r accJ- , It really needs if,” said moved wilh his parents to Lithu.inla for ® IJamillon, w ■' tlonal Scholastic Art Awarardsl„N ew |i-»to,,.^. }r grandchild and one great-grai Curry Crossing. Hamilton . several1 years and then returned to Neww The funeral will be conduci s position as art inslruc- Jersey,, where he m arried Anilala a.m , Wednesday at the Calvary B5 ^ graduate ot Filer High . tor was ellmlrIminaled this spring in Padrleza■2Q Nov, 14, 1931, They movec held Tu< ounly Sherilf Robert AJa " •Sur\’lvlng are-his- let’s Family .Medical Center, ^ t mlnlstrator r Al llepworth said no) added.a The test is requli Jerome; ^hrce sons,s, iBUI ArrihRton o f - ' -Sheww n; as lwrn.Feb. 2B. tW I. In ilaltev■y a.m . in the .McCuiioch Cl oposed price was "way ■lance is required by theJ thereH are more lhan 25 peo ; ■ Glenns Ferry, Mikelike Arrington of and wasas reared and educated In Ihe,c Bishop .Steven Tuft otficlalia.lnT'D«“ l.l “ " '" 6 varlai n for juveniles." t site, be It cam pground c I Jerom e and John KjKyle Arrington of Wood Hlver Hlv Valley, alteftillng lhe Zlne,t will t)c tn the Pleasant View:w Cemelery. “ " ' f ess il plans to construct s Al that price, pric he doesn’t an------1_ - Lancaster, Calif,; one>ne daughter, Kristy grade school sc and graduating from-m- Friends may call al the chapiapcl Tuesday buildings" ht{higher- than the heightI rani.- r ' Southwick of Dietrichrich; two brothers, Hailey itlgli ill School, After her gradua-p, from 10a,rn. tolimeof serviceIce, rcslriclions s placed on the areai Some counly sheriffs alsilso reacted ticipale usingtg tthe facijlly, although- , . 1 .O re Arrington of Cllm:ilnctiport, Va., nnd ilon, he she worked-far several years atn t ...... ____^_____be^a_us£ ofif its location__near the; tolheproposalwllhquesliorti ions judges couldI onorder tho youths lh(|re, I Carson Arrlnglon ot Virginia; three the liallcGilley Post Office. She married■'i Janet Carter ...... 'Jero rtie Countunty Airport. Jerome'Coitnly Sheriff'1[■ Elza H a lf AjQ-sald-.--- ■- ' sisters, Onn Goansn s’of ’ .Ilogersvllle, AndrewJ-' 1.1 Knlghl ut Hailey July 31, loscd ccnler is permilledI said s he liked the idea of a Mparate p^^h District : Tcnn-. Juanita McMlliMillion ol Duttlcld, ly ji. She ' TW1.\ FALl-S - Janet Cai Iricl Magistrate Judge ihc nnd her hiishcyid ranched on mmerlcal-ione classifica-• JuvenileJ’ detention centerer becausc Burdick Vo„ and Anna Bellele '.-Tt»e famlly-illy m rm n ,__ years___ ----- view. Okla.,-dled Salurday.ln.In-Fjirview— Jo._dclerm lneine If it meets building; heh .does-hold-juvenilesi -on_ - other An officialil ofo: -the State Depart- rlals lo lhe Omer ArrArrington Memorial She was wa a membt^oFthe Calv.iry”■y The funeral Is pending andd will■ be an- COdes, • Hepwoiworlh said. B ecause it isi clutrges, c ho hires extra:a help lo • mont of Health1th .and Welfare saidjihe ’• Fund. Ttiese m ay be: leileft with Carol Arr- l-:plbco[ial'[lal Church of Jerom e and lhele iiounced by lhe Payne Chapelol IIn Burley, in th e airportort zone, the center musl. supervise s them because lhthe Jail has didn't know If tJUte departm ent would / not create any ai glare hazards withI non insurance coverage for fo law-en- bo required to license1 the ccnlei! as . -Serrvices- ex terio r lightshis, . • forcemenl fl activities. Becacause juve- ilwouldashelteietter or foster home. ; TWiN FALl-S - A funeralf( for Keren ny conducdueled by the American Legtnnn home, will tie tield TuesdayF atal II ii.m, a l R o icks------. I. Bogar, 75, of' Twinvin Falls, who died Post. Frit•'riends may call at the funeralil While M ortuary Chapei, wllh w. Harold Wednesday, will be heldheli today at 3 p.m, chapel tro tromCloHp.m,today Antrim, pastor of the Bol:O ise Friends • ContInitlnued from p a g e Cl wwilderness. Cotter said, it would bo w ilderness,”’Cordell Coi said, ; a l lleynolds FuneralI CtChapel, Burial will Chureh. oHlciallng, Burialil wlU b e in bobcat. DLM.,M reports suggest lhat 0open | to all those uses in a^addition lo The BLM’s'ws wilderness recomrlien- be In Sunset Memorlaorlal Park. Friends EUfc:,NN - The funeral for Vernonn Sunset 'Nrcmorial Park, FriFriends may the rem ote the grazing which curren may call at. the chapel e rocky area could be tl cnlly takes daiion will be forwarded to , lhe pel unlll tlie time ot t.ancc, 35,35, nl Sandy, Utah, form erly ofif call al lhe mortuary todaytr Iromf 3 to 8 su itab le for a ; the funeral today. The r a reintroduction of wild pplace In Ihe more-accessibhble portions -secretary of the Interior, then to- the rhe family suggests Kdcn. whiwho died Wednesday In Kearns,», p.m, and until iu a,m , on TU'Tuesday, The It is r memorial .contributionHons to the First Utah, wiltA’lll be held al il a.m . today in s also a lush habitat for o.o flh c a re a . president and;n d : finally to Congress. n ' family suggests memorial Whelhcr or nol the area Christian Church Memo;m orlalFund. the Hazelizellon I.DS Chapel, with Bishopp tlons lo the Am erican Cancer:i'so^Sy*^'^' raltlesnakes■s ■- and visitors should ea is even- while the BL^^|plans to have repbrts lually designated as wilder EvunK:, , ftlechjmft oHlciating. Burial willII .- be on tho tookoul to for them when It lemess is a on wildemc;m ess study areas corn- ! HAGEHMAN - A\ services< for Helen be In Hazeazellon Cemelery, BURLEY - A gravesideeservic?'for ; Iraveling inn the area, particularly dcongressional decision, says s Bob pietcd by 1937,37, Ithere is no tim etable E. Ulllcan. 78, ot Hagclagerm an, wlio died the Infant son of Duane anand Jennifer w hen scrammbllnp b or climbing over CCordell, m anager of tl, ^or congrcssioijsional action, . Cordell, Friday, will be held lo< 1 today at 2 p.m, at TWIN 4F FALLS - A service for .Mornss ■' Elaine lleynoids, who wa;vas stillborn irocks.- —- —------riresource a rea which Inclicludes lhe jaij, : the ilcorganlzed I.LI,DS Church In Blackburnurn, 75, of Twin Falls, who diedd Salurday at Cassia ftlemoriarial Hospital. T he area'sI's rock formations were■ G Gobdiitg Cily of Rocks. H agerm an. Burial willvill be In Jiagerm an Saturday .iy morning at Magic Valleyy will t)c held in Luna, N.M„ withw Hansen form ed by fl(flows of glassy volcanic W ilderness was a conijnirov'erslal area cancan be reached via stale ; Cemetery. Friends:s may call at Regional f al fttcdicai Center, will be held atIt M ortuary of Rupert in chaqarge of loca! jjg},. Eruptiorions of hot, gas-charged isissue for the BLM whercn It llrsl HlEhway 46,, northno of Gooding. En- D em aray's Gooding; ChChapel today from -y p.m . tod.loday at While Mortuary Chapel,I, arrangements. I potential trance Is caslceasiest from the north, < lo7p.m . lava also depJeposlled welded tuffs of bbegan ils Inventory of Burial wlli wil be In Twin Falls Cemetery, ' To many Although thele road r runs along the Ttie fan }ck and an obsidian-like *wilderness areas In 1977. family suggestb m em orial con-1- TWIN FALLS - The funerleiaWorUen. Icserl lands “I the areairea from north to south, RUPEItT- A funeraleraUorGolda Alice irlbutlonsi■ns to a favorite charity, ]amin K. Alldrlll, liS, of TwinIn Kails, who 81as5H"Ownailasvitrophyre. ^Magic Valley residents, dej 1‘aul, Oi, ot Irvine, will be held Monday a offers a number of IIlike ihose in the Goodinfng Clly ol I drivers might want to died Salurday at his home,. will u be held T he area 'ully before trying to al M a.m. at the II:Hansen Mortuary HAZl-:i;i•:LT()N - A service for Ityann Tuesday at 2 p.m, al the Belteihel Temple recreationalil opporliinltles. says RRocks arc seldom thoug:Ight ol as carefully • ' enter from tl Chapel. Burial wltl be In: Kuperl Ceme- [..-nhi- AmAndreasen, 21-month-old son off Church. Burial wlli be in1 1Twin Fails JDonlta Colli)ller of th(?^ BLM in wwilderness, the south or drive tery. Friends may calcall at the HanM'n Robert aand Myrna Andreason . ot't Cemetery, Friends may call:aii ol White Shoshone, Hu "People just don’t Idenentlfy wllh through the area arc from the north to M ortuary In Hupert lo Hunting, hiking, fishing, t today from 2 lo 8 Haielton.'n. who died Saturday in a farm1 M ortuary loday from 3 to 8 p.n 11,” Cordell said. Most, hele Bald, pic- “ “ ttt tJccausesc of o the almost impass- p.m. and Monday prioDrior to the lime of accident, ' ’•fn- photography,y, and backpacking arc 11 It. will be held Wednesday at li1 , „ all possible in the area. The School of titure wilderness as high,, mountain able road, the service. a.m . atI While Mortuary Chapel, wlih tl (JAKLEY — The w rvice for ‘'■■ban and Wilderness W Survival has aareas with glacial stretxams and Lasl year, C (he Rev.I. FredI- Brodin und Arl Knudson Clark. Bn. of Ynklmo, W •, Cordell said, two.Lirs alpine meadows,, got stuck whc • . JEHOM t: - The turfuneral for Dortha officiatingIng, Burial will be In llazeitunI form erly of Oakley, who diedledFrid.,!. area, Coller said. The a when they were "hlgh- G. W alker. W. of Jc ro n ^II Ih^k there's a lent rome. who died Fri- Cemelery,ry, . .Yakima, will be held today aalllla ,m at school Is hca'icadquartedjn Rt^niondj , :nd_ency for centcred’io nn lhthe i rough ro a d - ___ - - J day afternoon ol Si.. BiBenedict's Family Friendsds may call nt the m ortuary to-- the Burley West LDS Stakece Center on '''a s h . " tlie local population not to0 share the . "You bust,t- youryo oil pan and Ihere ' t Medical Center, willI be held Tuesday al day andI TiTuesday lrom5to8p,m, Park Avenue, wllh Bishopop Paul M, If the area arc Is designated as s.same attitudes towards youare,"Cordeirdellsaid. I 10:30 a.m . tn lhele Hove-Hobcrtson Woodhouse officiating, Frli'riends may Funeral Chapel, wllh vlth Bishop David t W'I.N I F FALLS - The funeral for N. call at the church today onele hour prior ^ , I .V Egbert officiating. Burial Bu will t>e In Bernlece;e Johnson, 71, of Twin Fails,, to services. Payne Chapel isIs in charge I ' Jerome Cemetery, wltlwith a nag ceremo- who diedd eearly Saturday morning at herr ofarrangem■ ents. uncil— ______-. - -•ConUmtlnued from P ag e Cl------New-rules-would-oHow-vr-free-slan— shop.— The—Pli-P innning—and—Zonlng- In other cocouncil business scheduled ^ding signs for medlcal.faciicUlUes w llh-C om m ission. haihas advised the council r for today’sG]iCp.m. meeting; Jover-night patient care Iri li reslden- to approve the request, since her ------— • Memberse rs will consider hiringg tial areas, The change slet;eths from a home is already:ady surrounded on Ihree -H 6s|spitals U request made by Canjnyon View sides by comnie: either J-U-BJ-B Engineers, CH2M .HI1J [ irnerclal properties^ . - M. »mery Engineers-to designn HospllaL_IL' woutd-atso aallow-free- - -- MAGICVALLEY BlrUa o r Monlgomi c standing signs at somele multiple “ca REGION/DNALMEDICALCENTER • ■ Daughters were bornbor to Joanna Yvonne ftfartlneilez of Mountain a w ater sysiystem to Increase volume ^ Admitted Home, Mr. and Mrs.ilrs. Kelly Wilson of Buhl-and MMr. and Mrs. and pressureure in the southeast corner■r building^ complexes wherere they are ^ Mrs: James'E. Parson - f IwotjlcJliki •sons and Mrs, Steven williams.Tts. both of Steven Williams of Duriey,E and a son to Mr. an*and Mrs, Rkk " of the city, nowr prohibited. J like lo e x p re ss a Twin Falls: LeonardI BrownBi of Buhl; Mrs. Cietec BlackI of Shelby of Burley, ’ , , ' w arm amd nd iheartfelt thank ; ^ iclby of Burley and Joanna Yvor - The cllyy staff Is recommendingg Another change would r Jerome; Mra. Rick Shclb vonne Mar- ail the sym pathy, llnc2 of Mountain Home,c, ' ' • ■ lh a t the company cor wilh the lowestit governing{ signs for emergir g T n t S . 3f8 a n d thought* - ^ | Dismissed CASSIAUEMORUL __ _ -___ fee for the; piproject, J-U-B, be award-I- illesi and signs deslgnatlnfiig separate ' P'ayers; - .. Bradley R, Asher. Mrsiirs-, Philip Bontrager and son,1, ft!rs. ft Tim A dmitted ed the contnitract. J-U-B would chargee . buildings I and offices moreelenlent^. 1 , - fulness3 exe x p re sse d fro m . H - Jam es add daughter. ColiColette Taylor and Barbara JoycjyccTubtis, Patricia Aguirrere. Glen Fox. M arie Walkerer and Jesus $3,585, whilelUe CH2M HUl's price Is , ^ , neighborsDors, friends and , i | ^ • A public hearing is als all of Twin F alls; Clllfordord E . Brown ot Buhl; Klppy S, CoillnsandCo Villagomez, ollof BurlOurley. « ,0 0 0 to }6,0€,000 and M ontgom ery’s Is ^ le rs for th e family « fl daughter and Mrs. Donalonald K, Monenscn, all of Burlcjrley; Cody ed on a request made by:‘? ( a S ™ i > Dismissed 514,000. T im M onek, J | Conley and Pablo Pachedhcdco, Jr,, both ot Rupert; CharlariesTaik- Jennifer IteynoldsIds and baby, Jo n Plotts, Estelitella MouJtrfe. Ifor a zoning district chahange from . Ington and Mrs. Ja m e sJ CrCrabb and son, ali of Klmbcriy;iy; Michael Marie Brtjcsch andid E Elolsc Olson, oil of Burtey; Helen He M caure <-• The counluncll will consider fhangess residentiali to commerlca];al for pro- !' Debb,abbie M onok 3 0 G. Crumrlne of Haielton.ion. and Mrs, W, Lance Johns. undur son of and baby of Heyburnluro; M arlsela Rocha of OoUey;y; Jodie Teach to th e city's/'s sign o rd in a n c e , follow-'■ perlyj located at 930 2m2nd Avenue sk &j& F a m H y : B Jerom e. ■ ondbabyofftlurtauRh,ugh, and Annc Blayney of R upertt ing a public,c hhearing on the matter. ) West. She..wants to open1 1handicraft, <9g ...... IP I

■ ■ ' ■ i - • • •I I Monday, Jununo2.198G Tlmo3-Nowo,Twi.TwlnFall8,ldohoC-3 lUylife “ PiClay ModermRomleoandIJulietsstillmulistplay/by rulee s i c i c kk t h e DEAR ABBY: Ourr ninth-grade fT S K T DEAR DESPERATE: YYou don’t wrote a Ipvc Totfotler lo m y father for blonclonde and my husband’s hair h, is m ____ English class Is currcnUylUy working on state your ages, but If youou are old F a th e r's Day, JuJune 16. blacllack. Wc have a 3-yenr-old dailaughter A b i g a i l EIBB, this projcct/WlU you picailcase read the |H |P rVy | enough to be legally marrlrrled,’ then I’d like to quoluote from a letter Dad whoshose hair is flaming red. lelter below, written by>y Romeo,I and |H v a n B u r e n you yo a rc old enough to0 support wrote lo us, datCilied Ju n e2 l, 1985: WcWe’ve heard all the snide retremarks answ er 11 In your coluialumn as you yourselves and take full rcs]csponslblll- “ I really enjcinjoyed the letters you abouDout mailmen, traveling saleilcsmen, • % \ I would if you had receivededit 1 today? Dear Abby Jyty for your actions. and Je rry Inclui:luded in your F ather’s clc.,:c., bul w hal should our dailaughler ,, We have already subBubmltted our But regardless of your agvays be grateful to you hair;air;' we taught him to say, ‘It'It came // ; and Immediately- fell in love with got to do sorsomething in a hurry. I am yoyour colum ns. I can’t quotole.il ver- for publishing? tlthal suggestion, and I withith m y h ead .'” : Her. The problem is thala l our( families lonely and: dedesperate. babatlm, but you suggested thalth an In- will always be)c grateful lo God thal (G ctllns m arried? Send (orrA t bby’S ( f y # ^ ; don’t get along veryry well, Our Whal shoulould I do? I ’m afraid what exexpensive gift lhal Dacad , would we look you upponit. 01 new,eiv, updated, expanded booklet. be \ J : : , / / . parents would never haveave considered might happe ipen if either of our parents tntreasure would be a letterer'wrlllen -GRACE AN/\ND JERRY CARLSON "Iio\How lo f/ave a /xjveJy IVcdiadding." X k ; 'v ' y / ; letting us marry each oil-olhcr. The on- ever found1 ouloi we were married. I’ve from the heart. DEAR GRA(lACE AND JERRY : Sendend your n a m e and address; clearlyc ■ iy' solution was to gel scsecreUymar- gotiobewltl:1th her, I’ve always been a greatat W le v e r Thank you foifor affirming thal a printrinted with a check or moneyey order . : rled, which we did. I am willing w to try almost inin giving gifts from lhe hiarl I in- sincere expressltsslon of'appreciation Is for)r $2.50i and a long, stimiped p i (39 ; But to com plicate my m; problem, anything. Is there a solution? Please si(stead of the purse whenevi3v^r possl- thebestofallgifgifts. ccnt:cnts) envelope lo: Dear■ Abby, ; the other day In a streeteel fight I kill- help me. Des)esperately yours, blible, so thal idea greatly apjippealed to Wed,/edding Booklet. P.O. BoxX W 2 3 . ‘ ed her cousin, Now I have been n AMEWIWITHHELD BY REQUEST both bo piy husband and me.!. Wc-each d e a r ABBVBY: I am a natural //o//j'ollywood. Calif. 9003S.) Marriaige g a g e m (B e n t s — sS tu d y sa\,y s A , longevioify I K n e n a r e "N ___ boomiiing U lilikelier to -^repc. whow stay IB B H H irrupting conversation "is oni)ne way 'i married has-increaseased by 20 ...... ryn McCgnlles I control the topic of convcrs;rsation. \ • . ' ’ • percent during the lastlasl decade B rid ggeVHelene^qlan e ^Hopkins'Mooiy r e ' andCh^harles Showers .mdnd thereby to control intrerieracllon ...... -.alone, according to) tl;the latest BU inr- M r."^''M rs7’ iih lhe oilier person.'” , Issue of "Statistical1 BBulletin," B o i a t l - Hopkins, Buhl, announc McGdn/iiiie s^ Taylor studied men and women w [ published by the Metrletropolltan ri'SherriU \ \ engagemenj ent of ihelr d;daughter, .C hoill#>r' ho w ere,put in a room logcllclher In 1 Life Insurance Co. -SHOSHONIiNE— ----- Mr. . .and--Mrs..-,SusSusan,Lelgli,-to Craig-A.-Mo*loore, son O flU W er,•rs ...... airs, unaware'that the'oxpererinient' - •■“ "The Increase 'in "t: ; the olnf E.:. Boian, Shoshone, an- of Mr.1 and Mrs. Ray Moore.re, Brook- F lL E It - Mr. Mr and Mrs. Donald theyley were participating In had _ ^ ' ) survival of marriedJ peoplep 13 11,^, • -> ------le .engagem ent of liieir ini'Ings.S.D. McCanlibs.'Sandindpoint, 'announce the ‘ilrt-'iIroady begun. ' largely a result ot the lie Increase dauBhler, BrBridget Helene, lo Kevin Hopkins, II a Buhl High Schofiool grad- engagement, of ilheir daughter, "j in life expectancy "I recorded their intc'ractiorons and ■y D. Sherrill,11, son of Mr. and Mrs. uate. uat is employed at Idalaho Con- K athryn. to’Chaiharles Showers, son of foun( general population," lund that on the average, thehe male , slat sti- Dallas A. SheIherrlll. Jerome. sinslniclion Co. in Twin Falls. Clancy and Dorot — —clan Stanl<*y Kmnp7pr ■ T^thy Show ery interiterruptcd—aftcc—tlie—womar,a n -h a d ------B oian n riS-4‘J04-groduate-of-Shoshone——Bfooksi. B — who— graduatedcd=from=:F^%TeGun1Ies-rB-i news release. The morno re stab o m „|, 'B-ti-gFa'duale-o'f-feamP^okjoken—fi-si'ttaW csf*—'Payioror-said: ------lol, has allcndetl CSI lhe Brookings Brc High School antnd South polnl High Schoolool and the University lifestyle of married led people p af, ’ars. DalDakota ' Stale Unlversilsily. Is of Idaho. Women, whon they interrupupted al may also be a factor,, hesaldhe allended Twin Falls High asbassociated with Dunford, Mc(IcCall and Showers, wh(vho graduated from II. interrupted after an aver,crace of . The likelihood lhatIt ae epical ij 1 is now employed in Nam- As.sAs.sociatcs in'Twln Falls. F lie r High Schoolool and lhe University •1 syllables of the m an’s speechch." _ ^ f newly married coupji uple wou d p a.K h erethlhe e couple plans lo reside, TThe couple plans an Aug. iC wed- of Idaho, is a ci\civil engineer In Boise Sh live anolher half-cen She said research by socloilologisls /A " A June ■>»2i; wedding is planned in din,ding in the Buhl Prestisbyterlan with , the' IdnbInbo D epartm ent of Can( 1900-02 was 108_perl,0( ’andace Wesl and Don Zlmmmerman 1,000, while Shoshone, Q ChiChurch. 'Transportation’sn’s Highway Division. sliov today's avejage' bride brl and how lhal In conversations between bt The wedding I: ■groom liuve a 350I pper .l.dOO _ _ F5 Is planned for July 5 unacnacqualnted men and worn'men, 75 al St. Joseph's's Catholic Church In perc , , chancc of living lhatIt 1long, nc- ercent of the interruptions observ-o /'m|B Sandpolnt. d were initialed by men. ; - cording to the report.'rt. The me- O ^ C t ed w d ia n -a g e of 23 foror- today's ...... an to b e irinstalled JlWhen the pairs were acqu;[uainled _____. . / i firsl-lime brides is; a record “ ■ • fiie-nien iiilerrupted 9G percrcent of / f f r ~ high, whfle the medial [\ Sentlio r ' lie lime and the difference w;was pro- / ( / ^ / today’s groom is 25f i a s aaiv h o n o ree d q u een b;iW;iW>' because people are on tlieir VJ / * • / approaching the higiilgh of 2G esl behavior around people theytl do -.recocded. In.JOOO,.. the report JEKOMKE - SUicey Dean, daugli- III- -.-Sol know w eil," she said. % N says. ler of Judiii 1Dean, Jerom e, and Lee m^n Joint sur- Bean, Boise,se, will be installed as the Agelesss SeniorS Citizens ' Taylor said studies focuslising on . The likelihood of Jo onvcrsatlon pallerns of parents p. vival for the nexl 50 y; ears is lored queen of Jerome 310MalnSluSt.N.,Kimberly ' :ouples ond -^clhel No.. 1-5. International Order of. ^...... andnd -cliildrcn-indicatc- tLat-pi-p a re n ts ------greater for young eoui ilerrupt their children morere oflen - decreases rapidly when wh cou- l>«ughlghlers, al 2 p.m. June a al ^ Monday — La:Lasagne, salad, bread, i;in the children Interrupt then:;m. ... ' • pies marry at an olderierajfe ac- lhe Jeromec MMasonic Temple, \ b u tler and bananlana. ■ cording to, the report.rt. 'Chances offlcfflcers lo be Installed in- Wednesday - While beans wilh -ij'iJoth parents interruptit girls • ' ore ^7a p er 1,000 for a brideb and elude Beth1 Fisher,1 senior princess; ' 'A ‘ ham. butteredd 1 beets, cabbage with monlore oflen lhan they Interruptipl boys, groom of age 20; 330iO per f 1 OOO- Nicole Wilsoison, junior princess; Kato ► K green peppers.s. cornbread and bul- andnd even children ages 2 to S 5 inter- when both a re 25; andmd 18G per Silver, guideide;.S usane Vining, mar- K ter. ruplupl girls in conversation more)re often l,000atage30. shal; Tracjacy Cochran, chaplain; •,J& Friday - Seaicalloped potatoes with HumKill boys," siie said. S' Age disparity also0 pplays an Maureen To!Toberer, librarian; Gayle U , cheese and hatham, spinach, tomato important role, the.he report Bolich, reccecorder; Donna Nutsch, aspic, bread, buUer t and cherries The Th' researcher said the coi.■onimon . "N notes. A bride and groomgro who Bobbie Larsen, musician; i ^with cake. read.'action lo her research is lhal \ W 1 : are both 25 can expeupecl their Michelle .WilWilson, senior custodian; ------wornomen are loo passive in Iheiieir con- s. \\^ ; m arriag e to last 42.6.6 ;years, a ^'^a Campbcpbell, inner guard; Barhi WA & .Subscicribe by tjrsalion. a conclusion she dotloes not N. N 13-year gain since:e 1900-02 Claylon, oute:Jter guard. ' [ k jpport. However, women ngiegs I ’ »*thrce-credlt course, meeteets from 9 to oH Locationi:iix ...... » ONTHEOVERRIlIlDEaECTION M B I. LrnwoedShoppIn •. 11 a.m. June 16*30 Mondonday through runththat p pping Cantar, ■A S FlUr Av«.(N*w«|•W«pap*r*tCan«) ; Friday in Vo-Tech BulldlUdlng 144. Bill ■ D a 3. Smith'f Food KingKing. Addlton Av». : John will teach thisils five-credit *89,25150.00 weakiklegs ^ 3. Albwrliont.AddlikddUonAva. ' course.-, P( M B (N«wipop.rf&C

. . I CM Tlmos-Now3, Twin Fills,Fill Idaho Monday, Juno; tg ic V a U e1 ^ 1 D e la y smay oppendoe^ rta G o i^nsolidaation stce Chairman buu , By DAVE LEWIS said and gave, a plea for unity.u “I, Morllz Trustee TImes-Ncws1 correspondent Wood River wouldwo hope that as far as hcacallh care McElfresh ' pledgledged his ' board’s js concerned we a re one count,nty:” cooperation In the Ihi com m ittee's ef- ■ HAILEY-'Saying consbsblidationof K 1 ;^ I ■ P VaUey county Hospital 'Admlrilnlstrator fort, ‘Overssight’ k the counly’s two hospital,a ls may be ta DaDavid Fames said he belielieved his "If wc are going golr to have health eaves . unty lhat is at Us op- . bbest, Uie Blaine Countyy Board of ^7^ II board of trustees would be3 unhappyi caro In ihe county Commissioners postponed:d a vote on H I PJF ______WlWlh Uic com m issioners’ declsclslon. timum level, t's it's gol lo on a coun- a proposed hospital laxlr(Ing dislrict •'I Ihlnk'lhe hospital hadid a valid ty-wlde basis somiometlmo,” McElfresh $66,0>00( for streetss ?for one hospital so it cann hold talks consolidation,in’. From there, Ihe bo ird proposal prc and 1 don’t think: : anything said. "We will.1 enter ei this In good on creating a unified, cccounty-wide said 11 hopess toI form a committee to Is [s going ; to be accomplishedKl by put- faith," ByBAHHARANEIWCR'3RT called a spcspeclarmeeting al her home! health h caro system. I find a solutionIon lo unifying the county ting tin, it on hold," F a m e s said.1. The commission!iionert opposed a vote Tlmvs-Ni'ws concspondcndcnt lo discusstss the commission’s ap-- ■ ■ The board unanimouslyly agreed lo health.servicei As for consolidation, hee said “ I on the taxing dislrict di; /or several proval fortr £a plan by Dave Wendland1 postpone p the vole becausese they said A final dcdecision on a taxing think thl: the board (eels wc haliave been reasons, the overrverrldlng concern be- : iiAlUEY - The Halle:illey Cily Coun and Jim Carison C: to install a recrca-..•...If .H the taxing dislricl lo,hellflp.suppori district will1 uwait until the outcome down do\ this road Iwfore.” ...... _.- -. . - Ing Its Interlerencrencc wiUi consollda- - —cll“ approprlated"over■or $G6,000 Toi "Ifo n al vehlcihlcle park on the prbperlyI the II Blaine County Medical;al Center In of those effortsris, they said. EffortsI al consolidation hahave been tlon efforts. strecl repairs and inimprovements surroundingling the M lnl-M art.on Ihc• Hailey I passes a popular vole.V( 11 will The comnmmission refused lo made nia before. The most rccci:ent effort Reynolds also0 saidsa he believed the alter il learned Ihcsc; funds fu were in norlh endd ofo Hailey. The public wns) delay d consolidation wit,’ilh Moril?. speculate ono n ' how con.solidalion came cai last winter when thehe Morllz vole would failII ,bi because his con.stl- (he l)ud(;el but hadlad nol been nolnollfieded of Ihe meeting. Community t Hospital, ownvned by. the would come; aaboul anil said It m ay Board Bo, of Trustees proposeded lo use tuenls In the northorth part of Ihe coun­ allocated. The '•Inapproprlaleness" off city c of Sun Valley. lake an outslitside consultant lo pro- ils iis adm inistrative ;lcam to jointly ty slrongly opposeposed the dislricl and Alter examining cityity rccords, of- holding sueiuch a meeting was dlscuss-- "W hat I'd like lo seeee Is steps vide the answiswer. especially because manage ma bolh hospitals. It wovould be a taxpayers elsewhowhere did not want to ficials dclcrmined a tottotal of 50C,401 ed and no10 (official action was taken,, toward l< consolidation,'' ssaid Com- of the cmntlon.'inal'iialure of the issue. first firs .step to consolidatlctlon, the pay more laxes. from (ctitral revenue; sharing si funch City Clerfcerk Connie Ellway said1 missioner- n Alan Reynolds,Is, "I think Commlssionioner Hobcrt Gardner trustees iru said. Gardner saidd tthal although the...... : new dislrict would had nol been properlyly jallocated for Thursday.i. IIthe way for thal lo iiapfppen is nol said thal willnth unified health care Although / rejected, tbe Moitorilz pro- board’ for the nc Blreel repairs. • D rakee rccommendcdt two nam es5 wllhltiedislriet.’'v servtcf.s, thee ccounty “ can be one of posal poi Included the appolnlm'menl of a eveatually be picked pick by the voters, Mayor Paschal Drak'rake said this lo the counluncll lo fill vacanles on theJ Tlic board agreed lo rmeet soon the bo.sl' arenreas of health care in "blue "bl ribbon’' committee! to d eal’ lhp.se lype of eleielections have small was an "ovcrsiglil'' by']:ly’lasl year's ci- Planning;andZoningCommlsslon. ar "wilh bolh hospilal bo;wards and Idaho.", witwilh the details of consolsolidatlon. turnouts and acluiclually give the tax- ty officials. The coiinciincil held a re- Al Josep;ephy won unanimous ap-• -• nmembers of the county's, healthh care . ••Those are■e the goals, bul I don't That Th. committee is whal lh execu- quately entorce er federa! guidelines ' live session for over;r ani hour mid- will mean me surcharges forr • 'vay through- their regular reg meeting homeowneiners’ flood Insurance LEGAL NOTICE LEGALi NOTIpE L E G A L N O T IC E l-iLEGAL NOTICE LEG:g a l N O T IC E l eEGAL g ; NOTICE to discuss personnelI m.m ailers Involv- prem iumns s Ihis fall. The 'cily will _ IngCouncllwoman.Mnrynryann.Mlx, work lo clarify cl the new classifica- lapeo inlormation for persorsons with visual Impair- ty/ rrental ralo. Also, tho proporl'porly rental rato will bo Mix', who also serves?es on the Plann- tlons andd aadequacy of tho cllv's cur- NOTIClCEOF rnments can bo provided uponnon live days' nollco. For rodJducod for those lacilltlos, Therho |properly rontal baso ing and Zoning Commis;■nisslon, reecnllv ren t flooddpiainordlnance. p INTENDEDRUIlULE-MAKING ararrangomonis, contacl tho) urundersigned at (208) 334- ratelie will bo reduced lo S8.94 lornlor nonambulatory faclll- In compliance wilh Secection 67-5203(a)(1). Idaho 4023. 40 os and to $5,81 for ambulatoryitory facilities. Grandfa- I I.—.. , Codo, ( nollco is horoby giveiven that the Idaho Depart- Dated thisflth day ol May,K 1986.19 ■ Ihoilored properly rental raloswvlllborosot illt basodupon rmonl ol Hoallh and Wollaro,ro. Division o( V/ellare, has Andrew Ai W. Covor, Supervisor nnualizod property costs as ofJanuary1,1986.ol Ji ...Initialed fiilo^raaWnQ. Thee proposed .actlon.-under.'•AdminlatratlvQ Ai .PrflcedufO-..0 Section._Dlvi3ion...of.. . Within tho.tlmo.limits spociliociliod below, any p e r s o n ___ Y o u h a vd e o u r n u m b e r foir r eiasslllodl [Docket No; 030-1-8505, Invofvos I Iho adoption, MManagomonl Sorvlcos. Oopilopartment ol Health and canim rovlow the proposed rulesIS inIn thoDHW B u ro au o f AND IT IS TOLL FREEE ■ • Jamenclmont, repeal, and rerenumbering ol rules gov- WeKaro,w 450 West Stato Streot, Str 91h Floor, Boise. Adr.dmInlslratlvO Sorvlcos or In1 an)any of the regional ad- lihistrative offices of the Dopartparimonl. Copies of tho Joromo, Wondo orninn Food Stamps, Tillo0 3. Chapter 4. Rules and idIdaho 03720-9990 mih idoll, Gooding, Hagornirm an. . 5 3 6 - 2 5 3 5 \Rogulallons of (he Dopepartmonl of Health and PUBLISH: pi Monday. May 19.261.26, and Juno 2,1986. proroposed rules will bo made) avi available upon written Fllor, R o g o r ioon.Holltstor n ...... 3 2 6 - 5 3 7 5 ^WoTfaro. Tho action is prop^>posed under the authority — aquost spocilying the docketit numbor(s)nu cllod abovo Oranied in Section 55-202(12(b), Idaho Codo. for tho ■ ' NOTICE OF EMEihTEWiEkcV ^ ■ andnd.al 0 rato ol ton conls (10:) (10:1 por pago. Chocks' Burloy, Ruport,rt.pGuI.Oakloy...... 6 7 8 - 2 5 5 2 [ purposes ol planned policycy chanyos. clarilications. RULE-MAKINillce is horoby given lhal proroposed rules, and any Individ}|vldual or industry who ' The. (ollowino is a descscnptive summary ol the Jp;Iho Division ol Welfare. Dop,Dopartment ol Hoalth and ma'lay'be allectod by the proposeosod rules Is oncourag- suDstanco ol the intended1 actiona and ol tho principal Welfare, Stato ot Idaho, hasas undertakeni em ergency d od to submit information concoricornlog the a'l^lclpatod __ ^Issuesinvolved: rocoduros lor rulo-makihg;itig. Tho action, under qccconomic impact ol tho proposed pro action. For 3-4300; Dolermlning HoHousehold Eligibility and Eocket Number 0310-«601E,£, iinvolvos tho promulga- assssislance on technical quosticostlons concorning the Bonofit Lovol • AmoncJcd’d to require rolrospeclive lion 1^° ol rules govorning Medicaid Mei Provider Reim- proroposed rules, contacl C. Douc3ouglas Norton. Dopart- • ratner than prospectiveve budgeting ol Public bursem ent in Idaho. TitTo 3, ■Chapter 10, Rules and moilonl of Health and Welfare,0, Divisionf ol Wolfare, E ffectiv e Assistance (PA) incomeJ ialter iho begmnmg mon- Regulations H( of tho Doparti)anmont ol Hoallh and (20(208) 334-4323,' Boise. Idaho., AlAll wrillon comments audtion" Wellare. The action has1 bibeen taken under tho andnd data concorning iho propcroposed rules musl bo D a te s 3-«02:Dotormining Incom.mo-Amended lo: authority granted In Sectionon 56-135 and Section 56- qircIroctod to tho undersigned and musl bo poslmarK* 202. Idaho Code, for the purpiurposes ol complying wilh edid or delivered on or before Junoluno16.1986.' •Slreamtine text, Bill 1367, olfectlvo March r ■ 4 3 •Renuire applicant hoiislisehoids with household I'i'tho provisions of Senate Bill Provisions lor public hoarinarlngs aro waived, as I thru June 14 members who participateted In tho previous morith >222,i586, aliollowod by Soclion 67-5203(a)(4)i)(4), Idaho Code, since cale lobobudQOted fclrospecli Emergency rule-making] isI: nocossary because theno Dopartment has no discrotio•etion 05 lo tho substan- ?ndai emergency provisions placeciced Senate Bill 1367 Inlo (ivoivo requiromonts ol tho proposod prc amondmonr •Make appfopfiaie text cl - budgeting ol PA househoi< law on March 22.1986, and1 bocausobe a conlllct In tho whi/hich is designed sololy'toI comply coi wilh tho provi- 3-44ffo: Household Hequo:lost for Closuro • Amended law and current rules couldDid result In unnecessary sio,ions ol Senate Blit 1367 lo3 rerelloct char^gos man- TUISDAY, JUNI!3 3 to removo "form number.'f.” payments pa to providers aand p’osslblo federal dallaled by changes in ihe Idaho3 Codo.Co .FUKNITURE ..ANTIQUES • JUNQl 3-4403: Monthly Roportlnoig-Amendod1o: ■ ___disallowances lor unnecessarsary overpayments. DATED D Ihls 5th day ol May. 1986.198( •Reauire a five-day dolajlay ol benelits receiot lor ■ ' The rules which were adop'Jopted by omorgoncy pro- An(mdrOwW. Covor ■ Ad c e d u re so n lh o Bth day olMa\May. 1986. and fitcd by tho Siicliiporvlsor nouseholds wiio tan 10 lo return to Iheir status ”undersigned on the 5th dayy ol May, 1985, becam e ol- Adiadministrative Procedure Section. SC' Division ol 1 reporisby the hllh. teclive on the 15th day ol May, Ma 1986, and will expire Ma.lanagem ent Services, Doparln)artmonl ol Health and THURSDAYr 1 5 i •Allow suspen^iion ol all11 housoholos. nol Just PA at Ihe ond ol one hundred3 Iwonty Iv. (120) days on Ihe WoVoifaro, 450 Wosl State Strooitrool. 9th Floor. Bolso. RAVBOtBORN ESTATE • HOUSEHOLD - TWIrWIN FAUS -nouseholds. wfio becoriome ineligible due to a Adv«rlli.m«nt:Jun*3 periodic increase in recDcurrinn income or other lilh " day ol September, 1986.6. Idadaho 83720-9390. M oitari Auction ThC'tollowing is a doscrl|scriptive summary ol tho pu’UBLISH: Mondays. May 19.26,26,andJuno2,l986. a change nol expected lo10 conlinue m the subso- substance ol the emergonq;ncy contained in Dockol — quonl month. THUR«DAT,JUNII1 1 5 N um ber NOTICEN OF HEARING ByyDoputyClerk Do FIBAlNC.tFXt Nl 0310-6601E; Farmers o ^ m a c ic valley • FARMfai EQUIPMENT •Require coniinuancc ol5l retrospective budgeting The Idaho Department ol<1 Health Hi and Welfaro. as a INN THE DISTRICT TerryorryT.Uhllng Adv»r1l»«m*n»: Jun* 3 (or households suspenaoced one month. reresult of changes in Seclionsons 56-101. 56-104. and 56- CO:OURT OF THE. FIFTH Atlorrtlornoy lorPotillonor M*i»»f»ml!hAucllon 3-4404; H o u se h o ld s NotI FRoquirod to Roport Mon- 106 10 ol Ihe Idaho Code madilade b yS enale Bill 1367, JUIlUDICIAL DISTRICT OF P.O.. 0. BoxI 1906 FRIDAY, JU NI 6 thIy-Amended lor clarity, which was signed into law MarchMa 22,1986, is propos- THI■HE STATE OF IDAHO. Twinwin Falls, Idaho 83303- KIMBEWBERIY NEIGHBORS • FARM EQUIPUIPMENT 3-4405 a n d 3-440G. R «pororlod by Households Nol ining changes in Title 3. Chapliapler 10,. Rules Govorning INN AND FOR TWIN 106 1906 Ad»*r1li*m*nl: Jun»4 Required -to- Roport MMonthly - Amended to Medicaid M' Providor Reimbursejrsomonl In Idaho. The af- FAI•ALLS COUNTY, PUBLUBLISH: Monday. June .WallAuctlon.*ri stream line and rem ove lor. locted sections-include Secilecllons 3-10003, 3-10060. 3- In- li tho matter of Iho 2,9.9.16, H and 23,1986. 10100, 3-10110, 3-10115, andid 3-10125.3 Under tho pro- aptipplicallon ol Oarroll FRIDAY JUNI 6 Wilhin Iho tim e lim its spenambulatory facllitios and Pal 3 in asbestos abate- r ^thIt e am ount of$J,90. be reduced to S8.94 lor nonai ■alls. Idaho, proposing a Adv«rtli*m«nt; junvS to S5,0Lfor ambulatory fadliti:i|itics..Grandfathered pro^.chrihanqo of .namc to Oar- |^onllOnl for the Stale of Anyone can submit writtenen commcnt reoording tho Iaho should respond lo proposed rules, and any me pcrty ronial rates will be roseoset based upon annualiz- rellell Jam os Bridgeman. individual or Industry who -ed properly coals es ol danuatiuary1r19S5: ------hajia5“ tjaon“ fiiQa~in~ihlod until Juno 6, or aro addressed to tho undidersigned ond postmark- r y any person who can, ceplc /AASTtRS MACHINE CO. Ing changes in Tltlo 3. ChaptlaptorlO, Rules Qoveming in1 such objections, isfe. Adv*rlli*m«nt: Jun* 10 e0( d o n o r boforo June 9.1986,B6, Irom iwenty-fivo (25) or m ModicolcTProvldor Rolmbura«liraomonl In Idaho. Tho at- shehow 10 tho Court a Bids Bid for asboslos Wol] Aue1len»«rt more interested persons,, (or Irom an associalion {"lecled seclions Inciudo Sect;octlons 3-10003, 3-10060.3- goc batemont prolocls will ' presenting a petition with sigiignaturos of nol loss lhan } ood ■ reason against abate SATURDAY JUN1 10100, 3-10110. 3-10115. andid 3-10125.« Under trio pro- sueuchchangoofnamo. ot not bo accepted from twenty-livo (25) mombors olif Itho organlzalion. or from ' to Caro Facllitios for tho WII dntraclors who hai^o SCOrrs REFRIGERATION a governmental subdivisionm or agency. Hearing ro- posod P' rules, Inlormedlalo < WITNESS my ond tho cdntr Adv.rlli*n>*nlj Jun* 13 Mentally Retarded will no) longorlo bo paid indirectly soooat of said Dislricl ,ot not been pro-quallliod Henry'! Auction S*rvlc* quests should Inciudo a slatatoment of^tho direct in- ^ lorestslo ol tho potitionor(s) i as pan ol tho property ronl;onlal ralo for tho property Cot:ourt this 29th day of bylhly Iho Slate of Idaho. ) in Iho sutjjocl matter ol iclation, ar.d amortization Ma'lay. 1988. PUBl>UBLISH: Monday. May .. Ihtho proposed rules. Any holoaring silo(s) will bo ac- costs of Inlorosl. deprecia rolatod to major movablo oqulpmonl.eqi Insload, Ihoso CLj:lerk of the' 19.9. 1' 1986. Ihrough and In- cossible to tho physically didisabfod. Intorprotors lor rc ludlng Monday, Juno 2, persons with hearmg impailairments and brallled or costs c( will be reimbursed seoilODaratoly Irom tho proper- gilSTRICT s COURT Cludi • nlCIlCHARDA.PENCE 1986.986. •

I ■ - . ■ M onday. Juiluno2 .1986 TImoo-Nowo,3, TwinT> Falls. IdahoOS . l o u n c e m eenfcs»Sele ] z c te d o ffe' e r s 0022-025 ------1 ^ I . — ■,

G uarann t e e d A dIs s IB IG C in « a e EA^SYIV / l O N I I LINES, 7 1PAYS, 0^ aw « YouY i Don't Sell, IEither pon't Pa’ay For C a l l r o d o y 7 3 3 3 i 0 6 2 « _f e _ Ad or Run A Secc:ond Week For• Free.F

LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE ~ 005-Per#Oflal3 007-OOy-JoteoM ntorest 007-i7“ Job«oflrrtoro5t 0t4-Dai-Day Care Services IN’“ "fH r DISfRTctc t said Complaint within.in -«nd-W elfare. Ihe action lo I lorcfloct now forms. n^NViTAtroTTfofllD' ~ “ COURT OF THE FIFTHFH tho • llmo horolnIn is proposed under theI 34403: Mo/ilhly Repor- th • ...... c ^OofTwANfio. i b ^ d ~ l i n d Socrairatary;"'Wenlodi Musl ABC Chrisllan Ch day Caro- The Board ol Trustees manlANSiON slvie living, room)om lufnlshod. plus salary, deal w JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF3F spocKlod, the plalnlllfII' authority granted In Sec- tlr I wolf with poopio. havo Proschoochooi, agoa 2-0. Mon­ • ting • Amended to ' DSponsiDIo proUss., sinolo Boauoautllul mountain goltlng. goodd toiophono lochniquo, Fri.atoiatale iiconced. n4-3238. THE STATE OF IDAHO,0 , will tako judgmonlnl tion 5^202(b), IdahoI ro reflect reporting ro- of Iho Kimberly S chool fo=P' IN AND FOR TH^- Dislricl 414 will a c c e p t P®;»;ofson (3) wonlod lo aharo C olli0111-259.3321, Lowman, Id, lyplngng & word procosaosing ^E• against you as prayod In Codo, (or tho purposes1 quiromontsqi for monthly ixury living siluallon. Cali p • v Bbiiiiioa oasontiai. Com- Soo Tho Service Guide ond COUNTY OF TWININ said Complaint. of Implomonllno the ro bids (or lhe following aui, allof 5pm, 714-W21, xporlonced iooaTsocrolary :tory in iho ciassillod I roporling households as yn 11;------— Itti-slrono adminialrallvo .r Lotu> UJ in a loal FALLS WITNESS My handid_proyj9lon3_oL7-XFR.271-r6 -requlreo-fjrior- lo -cer'-^ 110 background hoiplui. ori 'dolly (or additional O no (1) now or u s e d p.VimEQNANT-NEED HELP? sKiilaOils, mual t)0 moluro and S® ",” c a ro 3 0 rv 1 CO a.______RANGEN, INC., on Idahoho and goal of this Courf,■*. through 285, effectiveI llfillflcation. roo prognoncy -loailfig caoal ly wllh reaumo lo Box 1986 m odol 65 avail, ipabio ol handling doman- corporation. tho 22nd day of May.y. Juiyi.igeo. 3-4412: Department , vaiiabio. Cali Prognancy dinnin g work load wiltt iillio ), c /o Timos Nowa, Box Speciallai caroc. for'kldal Meals, P lo ln llff,ff. 1 9 8 6 . Tho following is a Rc p a sse n g e r gaa o r hoiiiloilino i Crisis Conior 73<- sudoijporvtsion, organizoiionnl _ -.t-i''Twin Foils,,idahoe3303._^ acllvllios.ilios. loncod yard, i Responslbllltlea . dlosol powered type-7^ , ilngBidoaroa;73*-2ter~'— '' Richard A. Ponce descriptive summary of' Am'ondedAr to streamline. il?, 24|10yra_aday.; - akfila(liio a mual and llilgallon SEEKIKING moihiirs'hDVor,'*'^°^i'?n? JERRY L SCHELL ondn d C L E R K (he substance of tho In­ 3-4413; Transfer of "C" school bqs. iirocired oi being aiono, ilko oxpciiporlonco hoipfui. word chlidaIcofo for 2 and Will do boljysllllng bi any llmo ' Mra. JERRY SCHELL,L, ByDor^aC. U nn Spoclllcatlons and bid watki■alkino Itl tho rain, wal- proce'ocossinn copabllilios ro- housolsokooplng. Pilvate .duringI?t506a°^ th' In my nomo, tended action and ol the CfiCase Records - ; rtors available, oius sol- Cail3j6-5( husband andwlfo, DEPUTY CLERK _ principal issues Involv- "h req u ire m en ts m ay bo chinihing Iho sun sol, picnics, quiro'jirod. Salary common- quarto ■‘Housohoids Who i anclng and rock & roil? auratijralo wllh abliilios. Reply °ry, Filer.f Cali ovos and Dofendants.8. MAY, MAY, SUDWEEKS,\i e d ; MMove" l .am ended to ,Inspoclod al th e gone Klmborly School oply to Box i-78. c/0 Times withith rosumo to; Box B-78. weo_ke ^ C aae No. 38585 SHINDURLING, STUBBSS 3-4112; Household in- adoptad transfer of case i ows. P.O. Box 548, Twin c /o0 1Timos Nows, PO Box S|naio -EmploymenlWanted ALIAS SUMMONS & M IT C H E L L . District olllco al 141 "O"' ile oxoculivo father (3 7 )______terviows in .02, .05, and roirecords for households , aii3,ld8330:i.______M8,T _ ancf77 yoor old son seek in- inlerior/Eor/Extorlor houso THE STATE OF IDAHOiO By JAY D. SUDWEEKS .06. - A m ended for clari- wf Contor Stroot West, who move. ,Klmborly, Idaho. Bids acatlon Qlbfo sVh'ooi’ Blbio Groalroal aummo: jobs in loiiigoi]onl. maluro. roiloblo pofnllng.iIng, roosonobleralos, S ends greotlnga to Jorryry Aftornoya for Plaintiff ly . 3-4414: Appilcanta ! apliat Church. 136 2nd Avo Snwlciwloolh Volley. Poaltton- housolsokoeper. Two or-’ ______CallC 734-1739, L. Scholl and M rs. Jorryry PUBLISH: M onday, Juno0 3-4113; Mandatory Wl will bo a c c ep lo d at I h o ' PBP,031. Joromo. Juno 9-13lh Indueeludes walUng tables, rangon[omenio ore posslbio; SEMl-RET Who Move - Aaoplod to |Klmborly ; S chool (}om •RETIREE soaks night Schell, iho Qbovo'namooiS 2JjO nd23,19M . Verification for Initial allallow transfers of case i Om9:30-11:30AM. ' maidaid work, hosling and (1) OciDccaslonal ilvo-ln while o^monl wim elderly;______• dofonoanta;- _ - - \ -v: - N^itfCEOF Applicants - Amended roi - Dislricl olllco u n lll-1ieclfto.. -^ an -a d In -Vh^ ohHaahtnn. .Slans- Juno. IravQlB >r or (2) Ful|.tlmo-Cait 733=« rocorde ■■ for—applioanl.....,p.m. 0M h6'4lh day of class lh, cali .774y IhiTENOED forclarily. hohouseholds who move. ' iasslffod columns ia a notified thal a Complaint Ju n o , 1986, DioctlocnolrnVn r applicallona, Idaho ExcoiUjilenl living condllfons, „ n t . R U L E -M A K IN G 3-4117: Responsibility 3-4415: : Recipients th >CKy M l R a n c h , H C 04, F fo oI Room F and board plus Uir—DU!•Business Opptya. has boon fllod oijalnst Tho Board ol Trusloes — ■ • ROCKi 3t In compllanco withh for Obtaining Verllica* WlWho Move - Adopied to S ™ " " " ...... BoxO'3x 99W, STonl^, 10 83278 _ salary,ry, Rolorences roquirod r 2 T,_‘nn you In Iho District Courtrt Section ■ 67-5203(a){1),), l i o n - A m e n d e d l o r c l a r l - all< reson/os tho right to ro- n g our" ow n' BOSS, 1 ^ allow transfers of case loct any or all bids and ^ TERIOR"'DESIGNER, in will bo InvosUoaled wllh 5^ • of tho Filth Judicialal Idaho Codo.-..noilca-.la_a _ l y . ro ( ^ SelecteiJ Offers - WrIlo lo Box J-78. C/o dynamic^Ic Iniornoiionai set- records for households 10 o a cc ep t tho o n o J S i l n 's H o m o F u rn is h in g s . Tirr,V,V :ompany. Full tralnlnfl. District of Iho Stale of3f horoby given lhat tho0 3-4120; Processino whomove.w^ I —. Part-liirt-limo, hours ond salary 1''" ®>a “ Nowo, Box 548. Twin 'O '"' Idaho, In and for tho de em e d b o st for t h o ------1,1083303^______marjODomgomonl ossislanco. 10 Idaho Ooparlmont ol>1 Stondards - Amendea Within \ Iho time limlis c r opon,ion. quoiilicallons and ox- sivo lorrllory, high Counly of TwIn Falls, byly Health and Welfare,), forclarily. 3pspecified below, any School Dislricl, and to rvn irionco Important, Contact Small i waive any technicality, )07-Jobsollnlare8t ng potential, ambitious tho abovo namod plain­V Division of W elfare, hass 3-4121: Delays in Pro^ poperson can review the -x >11 Von Ordon 9:30- porloni dual only. Call Chrla s/s LaReo Crawford, aLig ;30am, 204 Main Avo- * cy c io EE tiff, for (ho purposo of3f initiated rule-making.). cessing • Amended for pr(roposed rules in the r , LTgnMENT 'iTonTond ” -30“ lor, al 1-600-624-7613. ■ obtaining a Judgm enl.- - The proposed ecllon,I, ciarlly. Dh Clerk - mocl-ochanic noodcfl. Expori- >rth. Twin Falls.______BHW Administrative kKlmborly School District oncoICO prelerrod. Wrilo lo ilioftod Fonco Com- You aro horobyy u n d e r D o ck et N o. 0304- IDAHO ' m KSRANT In Burloy. retiring from I- 3-ib8.03: AppllcaUon- ProcodurePn Seclion or In a414,. Box3x N-78 c/o Times-Nows. K 'M a rt diroclod lo appoar andd 8606, Involves lhe NCIL Migrant Head g u J L035 , , and musl BOil, 0 Process for PA anyan' of tho regional ad- pi O^Oox_548, TF,|p 8^03.-_ A l is now occopling op- m o o ' drx pload lo said ComplaintU amendment, ropoai,[, H o u s e h o l d s • A m e n d e d m ii PUBLISH; Frld«/. May PA! Auto Service Ctr si“« ^ ' down - & will carry ministrative offices of in30. and M onday, Ju n o 2 , lions tor tho loilowlng i within iwonty (20) d a y3 s adoption, and renumber- forclarily. lhe AMERICAN ' Mec CO, Coll 678-6203 days lhe Departinont. Coplea -iQi1986,- _ - Per; lechanic8& Basic Pi'o°lion. Contor Manager, or078-7505•759S overlings. of tho oorvlco of thiss ing of rules aovernlnn3 3-4202.01: SSN Ro- of lh e -p ro p o sed rules 'ersonnel&Temporary g g p Allas Surrimons uponn Food Stamps. Title 1I, quirement - Amended wli ervice Personnel. E? f mo Valonllna Migrant oaso or oalo boauly wlll 'b o m ade avallablo " in Jorom o.-1 or 2 op- you; and you aro furlhorir Chapter 4, R u l e s a n d3 forclarily. upiupon . wrllton request C H o o dI £Start 01 296 Falla Avo J notiflod tnal unloss you •'30lllcosloSorveyou" Moche)c h 0n ic8 position opon lo WostI or ( call 734-8419 and 733-6442or 734-0214, u Regulations of tho9 3-4311: Rocertificatlon spispecifying Iho docket Kl^Announcements NOUPFROKTFEES S so appoar and ploaci to oilllod person wlih lor Marisoia Loo, Tho For salo; salo Cinder block • 0 Department of Health1 Processing • Amondod nuinumber cited above and —— ------PoiPerm.inont&iomporary lectmi:hnica1 knowiodqo in' Itlaho) Migranl^ Council Is on building,ng, A.R, Haskoii, 690 ata l la rato of ton (10) cenls —------OpQ oponings.E.O.E.M/F/H. hrakniko son/ico. Ironl-end oquoto1 oppoflunlly ompioyor. S .locual.L4?Ji 734-3725.______p o i • 409 Shoshone SI, So. por page. Checks must jnmoni, luno-up, ox- ______OOINO 301 OUT o f ' b u s in e s s , 002-1081 & Found .ray•y.-W52,M2:0.ia,467-fie27.. houst!^uat, shock work, 4 A/C. accompany the request _ ...... v . v v v jil, TImoaNowa coramlcs.lies, ontlro invontory, and bo made payable to a\ WtioaionToloredi Tonior, aiariino wagoa, propor- ' Tolarlamarkctlng/Ad-Viaor kilns, molds, moi tablos, groon- inswors !o Iho namo ot Appllcoilons.eoingTokon___lionaicn a l o __ w ith _ oxpofioneo.______P{Poaltton Avaliablo- ware &-pBln!s.-J12,(i00,-432. & pi ------C i f p s s► i i f f i e d § ■ lhe Department ol-i''^ ForNowApanmonlaIn Full i Hoallh and Welfare for 5“'3arla, losl In lhe vicinity ot , II 4 part-ilmo poaiilono This'tuituii-ltmo poraon wouid S483 or1734-7047 734 or 734-6257. n d e x i eromo Available Juno 2lsl avoiiatlilablo. lull bonim oq fQj Ihot h e am ount of S2.80. 9°:oncordo way. Ml Vlov# & ''®'° oaponaiblo lor aolilno Ktls Camoras, Cam' ostabtishod ~ Siaaium.nowardi 734-5828, : k 0Q0 to bo diacussed. and o( Anyone can submit __ 2 Bodroom-;i85 &on*iac oorvicing oalabliahod for tonn yoara yo as as ioadino fi niaci Mf, Ralph Konnoy. accoun'unlo oa woll os tranctilsorlisor ot spoclaily rolall 0 7 4 iMvluilcollnilfumanli u i wriwritten com m enl regar­ 3Bodrooit>4225 maftoohaqor lor Inlorviow llmo. ooricilln A N N O U N CiE M ^ E N T S 0760(11silica Equipmoni din lllnq and devoloplng otoroa.s. otiora o primo loca- ding lhe proposed rules, bualnoas by toiophono. lions In — • 077Rodllodio, Tva stofoo anc CHECK DAILY Caiia2*-7352ofa2M443 c. ' -J. in Konnowick, WA,, ana any Individual or in- 1-208-734^jl5. _ oZ ?“r rosponsibifllios In- Twin ■Folia, ’ Fall iO,„ & olher ...... 001 FlorJtit . 07BFucr'ucnitureftCorpaU - du* Or Conlacl Marsha 1 079 App dustry-w ho may bo af- FORCURRENT ‘ I aaststing prh?ato party woolornirn cilios, c Compfohon- 003 loit& Found VppKoncoi foe I Iho Lynwood Floa Markol LOSESE ' WEIGHT, earn money nd'vo'rtl!rtisora by toiophono or alvo Irain ' OOOHoo foclcd by Iho proposed ^ ...... wilh II Iraining and support. 003 Announcomonli *ipi>,8PIt apl bldo plus housB olt&Suppllat q^JCq^jostions concerning mi isinosa zoned lol. Low 093AucliuclIon» . thotho proposed rules, con­ .OCAT60:139fiTHAVE.W. ■owiodgo- ot accounting Hona,ia. Close-in. Sond workurunder prossuro, Salary p^D us no ■‘ooltw.iltwaro. Comtrlaaion ropliosilio s 10 Box M-78, c/o Includedos S4.00/hour. or isl “S' lorma, *100,000. 007 Jo b io lln ftro tl _____ latact c i Linda L. Caballero, 179 or 734-0664. Ooparlmont of Health fucluro. Sond resume to 103 Nowa. P.O. Box 548. mbro dopondingd on oxporl- OOa SoI*t P«opl« Hour85to7pmoniy IX M-70. c/o Times Nows 'w lnFin Foils. . 1083303-______o n c o , , plus commission. 3 unitill apartmente houso. 009 £rriploym*nl Agi WIERS M ARKET aand n ^ Weilaro, Division of Monday, ihru Friday °°o* g O,Box5«,TFid83J03^ _ NO0dod rolloblo babysitter - or roaumo lo Tho M ustaeiiisoil duo to iilnosB.Catl OlOProfaitionol Sorvica*Son » W i - ■ WWelfare, oi (208) 334-4337, , Ihor'o holper, w/own a Nows Classified 733-1086186 wookonds v or afler 014 Day Cor«S«rvlco 73WOCO 0X1284 pISTFSTRICT ".SALES molhoi or aond il lo: Rnx 8;00p.m,vjnjvoakda^8^__^_ 095F*rtii»rtiliior4TopSoll Bolso. Idaho. All written • MAN/ONAGER; Sofltiino oo- 'fansp;isportation, Tues.-Fri.. 3 ' O ISBobyiillarr , 096FormJrm 5« . d ccomments o n and data n„p 1.-12 o,m„ botwoen T.F. % Tho Timos Nows, 016 Gmploymanl Wat ocaujo OoQS aro brouQhl p rooasivo y soil-Qiariors lo W onlad 097 Hoy.oy.Croln«F*ad concerning the-propos- (nI ovoryo hour and SOLD or "of'tl''ndio oil ospocls ol corrlor ? 0_r^0,_324-38M;______Box 548. Twin Falla. ID 020-Mor•Money ToLoan 017 BulinaiiOpporti.oflim llia, 090 Form . Ali roaumos musl bo srmiforRonl / edod rules musl be OESESTR6 yED ollor 48 houra, homomo deilvDfy tor 70,000 d r. Now« I loking apiiicallon lor focoivoi 0181ncom»Pfop«fiy" '1 ' 099Pe»1iitiu ra ifo r Rani ‘-^Odiroclod iro to tho under- pioa iailon rowspaper In LPN'o PRIVATEJ E If»ARTY purthoaoB ...... 020Mon«y.loLoon .. :oaao call or visit tho cuialli ^ ...... tOOllva*vanoekworiad ' 'Slflfslflnod • and- m ust' bo poui3und- daily lo ’ chock " 0"p.mo. NV. RosponslDio for' pooltioffo n rsis,r;v '".; irusl deoda-arjd deoi confraeta----- • 031 Men«yWonl*d lOIAnimnimolBraadIng postmarked pos or delivered whoftolhor your pol has boon rrler recrulling, training, Bhilta.Ita. Maturo LPN wishing Falls Sctiool DisUlct on roalal ostato. o Can (Si'^o 033 lnv«ilm«nli . 103COIII.n i l * o n ckod up. This Is not on les, aorvlco, collections, to aup(luppiimonl their Incomes f,Is ' now taking applica- laal.CailT:allTom7B6-437Sovo». 035 Iniirueilon " on or before Juno 9. Pick 103 DairyalryEqulpmant 1080, 108£ up-ti3-to-dfllo list. Mixed does d fuslomor rolatlona, cncourouraged to apply. (or 'o Driver Training in- ' giQNAGNATUHELOANS 0}6Muilcl«iiont ' lor oxporlenco proforrod, Piooso ora until 4;00pm, Juno UotoSlO 0 • 104 Hon.i r i a t Rule-making pi hear- 0 hard lo doscribo. como BSO c o n lo c l D o n n o ol SlO.OOOFroOdetalla ______tOSHortijrta Equipment |na( ■ (ho pound 10 aoo II your "oporporio to homo delivery Moq3Ilcc Valioy Stalllno Sor- ®' 86, Thoso aro lom- o l v E RRSIFIEO S I F 7311 Belerivo 106 Swimv in a .Ing(s)1^1 will be hold II Jll8 lhor«,ComoandplcK inaoor. Coil Adoilno vIco20C12002nd Avo. N.Tf. POfa^yPypoailiona lor summer iioie, Houaton, h - Toxas- signed, wrllton roquosis. gSJl a puppy or lull.gown geman at 702.788-6370, 1,1 only. Appilcania 77003, REAL ESTATE FTO O R S A L E lOSShoafloap/Cooli I |.||U(» tm um pt,. 1-3 moot state certilica------iiTr r llOPoulliiullry«Robbit» [or °H a hearing are submit- dog,)g, TWey WOULD COVE noG a:olleJournal.EOE. yro pNpracllcfll oxperlonco or ,|on rno, /VEPAYMOREi • lod personally or are TOh5HAVEAH0ME1I Ivoioni oducaiion. Cali oppucj];GQulromonla, To mako — -■ nSlrflgoIgolion...... DO YOU alon conlact Twin Molropoill:polllan buya contracla . 0390p«nH out«i 113 Form:rm4RanchSuppll*» addressed to-the-under—» - £ 2 1 1 ______^_F Q ha S< ■nortgagoa for oaah.' signed and postmarked nod”'# aprin^lonIc"Ior "- :- QUALIFY?------•SchooLOislficl. Por- -and morti 030 Horn** For Sal*la 114 Farmrmlmplomantl S'O" lurhousohoidDudgoHSoil n so PUBLISHER'S REP aonnoili Olllco.C 2Cll Main"Avo; And w wo" o' pay “ m'o/ei“ TJ6------0310«t.ol-TownHo.Thrganlzation, or Irom a ino) Porrino school oroa. n :,,:., lo; N O R T H W E S T LIVING r y u u c , 040Camai«rvl.oti lowed LS homo. 734-3502. islanding hospitBlirailon maaaiirlazino, THE MILEPOST, •Salespeople • ini^r'pTai7)rlainn now buainoaa 043 Vo(alionPropari) )wV*h(cl*. -OpVClovernmonial subdivi- J7S.l}iX) lor expansion ■ ...... i propfoltl sharing ompioyoo jn o our ou now NORTHWEST pT, —-V ------needs J75. 044 CondomlniumiPo ivalTrijilori lion Slon or agency. Hearing End Job? in rued of a ' ond Impr.improvemonla. Good T^pariS Shall. rOQUoquosts should Include Jl EPOSTS. Sond iollof i ^a n a o0? ? Wanl lo earn whal socurily. v 045 Mobile H o m a i.For Foi Sol. II 7 M.I0, JEROME DOG LOG “fS.=n.lW " “ I ,„).,e.,l. “Srmo S lo; ALASKA NOR. SSS3 ly. will pay up lo 13% lofHom oi aI S lC 0 worth? Cali Barbara, inlorosi, 5 slatoment of tha direct ' AVAILABLE FOR ’""ESJEST PUBLISHISG. iooKdOv SI, 5 yoar noto- Reply n a u i i i iNiytraiiari i y interntorests of the.poll- AOOPTION 73M792 Advorll' lava, 9-lp.m.. 1-323- lo Boxjx t L.78. c /o Times orllsing Ooparlmont, 130 o355 Wo W nood iwo aaloo Nowa. Boi — nioner(s) o n e In th e subject Houra Mon-Fri AvoaI- Soulh. Edmonds, rooa foi Box 548, Twin Falls,- m ~ 7 e n t a l s 12:00pm 2;00pm. . . „ for tho Magic Valley, Idaho 8330!S3303- latlor of the proposed ■ ___ WA98^:9M20. n.oj>h_onoco|l^_ galos oxporlencoox 4 2 years -■■■ - TOMOTIVE . S Expo/Iop;loncod person nood- RQimbic ^ ulos. Any hearing v ahio peraon- noedod colieooc9.P.fplQ_»oci.EOE. n rj_ in ,p , ------■ SltO(: XMeinaCroBBBmd - -od lo caro lor seml-lnvolld y,ho 13 OSOFurnlihad Koutai llo(s) will be accessible ia mochanlcally Inclin. c a i b e5 Vposition, soo Doll in In v eslm en t lady,y, Fftday morning uniii ^d to:o »worK in Picture tube norson i M l Unfyrnithod Hooio u io t 131 AuloloSarvIc* S l oa t h the physically dlsabl- , Boxer, rc (omaic. 1 mcnin Sunda ^9;30-l1:30am. Cain's ~ ” b 17v'< nday morn, oach wook, taclorvjry. Call Monday 9 lo 3. C f uy. Soil or Brokar ^ 053 Furn, A pli. S Dup!3uplaxat 133 AutoloPartiaAeca»»ori*» P C«-■d. > Inlorpretoro for per- old-1K brown i black. 733-471 Furnishings. 204 Main Real Ealat M7 orr ta taped information for 3 BiaJiacltLabpuppios, D7-JoteollnterMl" 0Cf7-.7—JobJoflnierest " ogalnalsuiit such popors- 057 Ranlol Moblla HomatHon 136Haovy>vyEqulpm*nl porS(orsons wilh visual im- *■ ®8 Doborman.^ Shophord X O H - DDay a Care Services Loron mccM cC oy...... 734.2068. OSBOIIicaABuiinaitl»*Ronlol l39Plck-U|\-U p Truck* pairnairmonis can bo pro- ppios. maio and tomalo. 2 059 Condominium RanloljRan UOHaovy>vyTruck*/Saml’i VICJOCIdod upon live days' m . 1 . Babysltl 060Worahouia/Sloro|orogaRonlol 141 Von* IROUT iltTlno’ Tn “ nw~ or'oa^ 025-lnatfInstruction ollco. For arrange/- snoliellor locatod on 1 miio k m i M o n .. FlFri. High loncod back ______. 061 Coraga RontaUt l43imporl;ofl/Sport»Cor. dally actlviilea, hot SUMMERT 063 Wonted lo RaniI 146 4-Wha< lonts. contact ihe woaial road, uso Itio onlranco AVAILAIIBLE r")' “ 1 ER”tTm E^TulOf l7i^.~ In u nndorslgned d o at (208) to S£Sowor pianl octos# iho lu n c h o03 a . Only tako 5 kids, my tiomo.)mo- Grodoa 1-8. cor- 065 TourlitSrrollorR- Ceduisdure Section, Division lo a r coin,co oven sldo 700-800. 060Computori ...... !66A uIot. st: Malo Oiillany Spanlul. ' pi, 3*.MafAvorW,------IROULES mmilable ] i,lrlin*» - - - - Twin Falla A spocW 2-hour Seminarinarw i lllto IVATTPARTYRATITE GHAHT " CHICK ___ 7»4413 conducted In this area ofitnochoroo no CONSECUTIVE NSEfl^fliiONs I y, IN BURLI toraJthoi9 IntenalOitaiad. w o n o TOUKADON 1^ . LEY TUESDAY. JUNE:N E3 EOi;iVALEHT IIN£S 1 2-3 4-7 8-10 1t»15•15 10-20 21>25 2»-3Q 4 ^ p e c la l Notices FFIRST l ROUTE: T hie e railroad THI H U T _ HOLIDAY INNIN 3 f T s50 O 1 7.00|10.50 114.50 12000.00 j 22.25125.75126.00 p | Ip wanlsd. Anyone ovor tn p m h c a t i o i i B . tracks to 16tti; ODverland v to 1350 N. BLUE LAKESES B L V D . J 5 ______4 7 .000 0 10,00 14.00 18.25 26.25.25 29.50 31.75 33.75 p i , irodatSilDaraH ot.. .. Ploaso chock your SpriniIng'sPooT. H i TWIN FALLS, ID ':30 P.M . , J 9 ______S 9 .000 0 12.50 16.50 22.25 32.00.00 36.25 39.25 42.50 - „fi Highland. *7:30 adonfheflrstdoy- SiSiia a o call7344?973. ______23______6_ 1 0 .550 0 1 5-50 19.50 27.00 38.50 Airlino Intervlowa aro achodulodjlod on campus .50 42.75 44.75 47^ ofpublicallon. of No — SECOND ROUTE:; t ^ o r t h o f , . 51 2S • 7 11.7575 17.50 22.50 31.00 44.00 during your ualnlno Ufooromi 00 47.25 50-00 51.75 _ oollow ll, anco* c o n bo 6- P 6r#on4l8------— l h 3 2 ------B 1 4 .0DO 0 21.00 26.00 35.00 51.00 the railroad tracl3cks, both 00 53.00 'jSfl.25 59.00 madoonod»o#ttr mc / ^ 6 ______9 _ 1 5 .550 0 23.00 28.50 39.00 57.00 Si< gO_ 59.5C 60.75 62.60 th th< e first In sertio n . “AlWHOLrcr" sides of Overlancn d t 9 t h e ^ 0 ______1 0 _ 1 7 .0OO 0 25.75 31.75 43.75 63.5050 65.00 65.75 66.25 ANONYMOUS river. rl\ _44______n _ 1 9 .0DO 0 28.00 34.75 48.00 69.50^70725 71.50 7 ^ ~ CtllTiMSOO 4 B 1 2 I 2 0 .775 5 30.50 sa o o 52,50 73.5050 174.50 I 75-00 176.50 ■ Please call The Tinrim es Ney/s ■ ' 0 AOO(TIONAt CHARGE * 2 .225 5 2.75 2.75 i.75 3.2525 3.50 3.75 3.75 ^ cCirculation r Dep V h e r e A i r l i n e C a r ee e e t r s B t ^ n f ^ FORE^UNEOVEfllJ Ad*l ’roblom Is not a problem i p a r t m e n t , I »«tu> on shofod. Mental H o m . KA. tocM on. 5pm lo 7am. 24 M onday throuah FrFriday, 8-5^ ■nT BOX CHARGE: $4.00 M«llW llw l/iaxO PIckup^iEM pniAL lAL A D S >5.00 P tr D a y iraonwoeltondB.______6578^2552 7 (toil fr e}ej e or call K iil I YPN0SI3 HELPS 1000-* ASKAB c i A i s i S s : Ight, tobacco, pain, ' ,Jeana J 6 Breeding, 4363 6 - 0 1 2 0 . ^BOOTOUttSPWi ifoloa, nonros. Cali Jobn . ------J j S llmo (loaav). 324-7281.- - : I 1, . ' ' < I , . ^^-flU m oa-N ow a. TwITwin Falls, Idoho Monday. JJuno'2;i08e..- *j- • te^Merchaa n d ise - 0330-067

i i - 4 03&-Home3 For Sale WO-HomesForSaJfl 051-Unfum. Houses £ ■ C3fr-BujlncM Property 052-Fum.Apl4Dup. OSMinfuntApts. OSCOSB-Offlceiind - (Duplexes Business RentsI ■ M(m“SLLrBrai)d nowr a3 5V.-ACRE f a r m e h e b7: cind'o^ blockck ...... , i ~ . . . . . tJdim. 1 balh. latgo loi. now- ~ Choory 1 bdrm,, basomont . o w fwoon T.F. f KImborly. Co2yjy building, A.R. Haskell. .600 1 apt., all util- fum. Including \ V ly planted lawn. Aaaumei^me 2W bdrm, prlcK & motallal S. Locust. 734-3725.______Appllcatlonj Bolng Taken month froo ronl, 1 apt. for in£INSULATED w a to h o u ^ ' \ 11% FHA wlth'J2000 downlo or r B id in g , Ig. country kitchon. ForNowApartmonlafn cablo.-non-amokofa.*150 rrent. 2 bdrm w/oppl„ 73fl oldco. old 499 So Locust. Avail a felinanco. 1185 Sunburst; 'r|. 4 main atrool commordaial Jort>meAvallabio Juno2latIt *50 dOD. 733-7169.______I Maurlco. *260 -f tfop: Pro- Juno Jur 15, *375 mo. Call TO- IS t. Earth slovo, 24x60 motol dbl.31- proporUos avallablo. Call ______734-M47^______parage i machlno • ohod. 111 NICE bachelor apl. near ^periloaServlcea 734-2500, &571,oxl32,Voleolnc.. ^ y. 2 BodroonvSlBS n I Ifc Now 3 bdrm.-2 bath. 1400'!•, 2 earn; corral, lencod?d Lynwood Conior, *150, Call , VALLEYVISTAVILLAGE Now Noi Professional Offlco, 2 3 Bedroonv*223 734-8123 01734-7139. 1 ' bodroom aparimonis for 785 sq-' (l; 1 305 aq- It, ox­ m ^1^’ fr“urTtoo°,!''^??cc“'’“w ^\ f f 4 w arehousoa for salo or parsons 62 and older or collcollont location. H 4 R i^ilT. *74,W0.734.i720. ■ ' loaso. or 12000 aq, ft,,L 'Call324-7352or32«443 Nico 1 bdnrt lurnlshod apl, handicapped,I lodorally BJoBlock. 733^106 or 733-7849. . V ^ l OWNER ANXIOUS. will - hoalod. Insulated, docks.s. Or Contact Maraha 150; Largo aludio, *1« , , conaldor all ollors. 6 bdrm. assisted. Equal Housing ch^ rm. fi bfl'droom, 2 bath, 7.5%% fall Sldlno. In TF, 324-3404. olthoLynwood Floa Markett 734-3653or 734-7731, J Shop for fcnl, 2000 sq ft-, X / 2'/} batha, llvlno room, faml-ml- loan, paymont *362, Pin lowiw ------—_ Oppormnltv. dall 733-3500. (on,fenced In yard With 3 o(- ^/.._.ly-toom._2.-frplcea, -hoal o a l. dOwn.lda.50Q .73i.flm _____ — ^.. '—xTreirndN 'ii------STuDIO. "A^.'~nicoly , liu-,.,. Vary\ do*n-2,*nd-3 bdnn. „tico„llcoa. Call 7344363 .______m J pump, (enced back yard,ifd, “ nlshod, all utllltlos. *225 appliancoa, < w ash o f' dryor ija t Y ^ x > “ M O— Comolory Lots ‘ PROPERTYOWNERS 1200 4 1900 sq-.lt. olilco W bot. KImborly and TF. monlh. Call 73^ 2 8 1 . Ihook up, *275/*300 -t- *100 spaco ana avallablo July 1. *8,00 / KImborly School DIsl,,J,f; 03l-OuiiilTo*n ■ - W e're almost out ol vacan- ; 3 Tola In Sunaol Momorla'l .Cios. but wo havoa long JIat 1 BORM BASEMENT apt (ot doposll. ' Call 734.2307.______p^rpor sq. If,'por yoar. (ncludoa *69,900, must soo to *P- sp- HAQERMAN . VAl I FV~~1■7 Park. Rlvorvlew oocllon. II a quiet person. All utllltlos UIIIIII03. rolflaototor am prociato.733-0109._ j____ . J; o( good lonanta. We will : WE CAN HELP YOU ullll — • bdrm, 1 b a th h o m o o n 3 lota,, oach lot curronily valuod’at“ p io fn ilo n jll, m .n .so jmd !lurnlshod, *185.733-2672.- (OUTANOIN conconditioning & lanllotlal. PRIVATE'PARTYpurchasoaloa ■ Locaiod in- Hanorman.\ *600 oach. Soil (or *350 ooch" maintain your rental propor-.r-, : 2 bdrm duplex ttpartmont, !to a very cloan 2 bdrm. 2 Blue BlU' Lakos N,ftonlago. roal bstato in any condition,on,. Would mako oxcollont,i Pr*1,000 (orall3. 734-1763. - ly (or an o((ordablodoductl-I- : *175 a month. *25 cioanlng fbath apt, Fitoplaco, AC, C CallTom,788-4375ovea._____ rotlromoni homo, *53.000K3 Sunaol Memorial Park lota,3. bio (eo. Savo your sanityy 1 doppslt, water & aanlt. pti. '(oncod yard, ptlvalo Barnes Really . SELL OR TRADE for homemo may lako au to o r ? In pania!al hall regular price. Coll col-ll- and your (roo limo. 'cloan. quiet, adults -or Stonge, J adults ptelotrod, '■'ot , “I really d o n 't ccare about q mom'ont In Twift Falls. 3 bdrm brickIck 'iado^637-6a31 ovonlnna,____ lect, Bolso, 1-342-5703. . V/EOOITRIGHTII se i niors proforrod.734-9917. *350 * por month, 73M 227 i . .;j . of sllofice Inn schs o o l, but I’d liko to homo with attochod flaranomo In Shoshone: woll-kopl. “ ^..FoBlorMgml 733-0739 . 3 ; Ig rooms, bath, remodel- AURORA CAPfTAL ~ 7438sq ' ft 10197600 sq ft ■Ctu h a v o o n o h' In Pocatoiio. Vi aero, fiV HV oldor 3 bedroom home with . Avail, immediately, nice 2 od, < clean, carpol, drapos, 734-6347 3 horo occasionally.". . parking, flV.% loan, pay- h 043-Vacatlon Property . . Evon^^t 4 wookonds, Excellent Rolall and/or Of- ay- partial basem ent on 2 cor- _ bdrm. all eloc. homo w/I AC, < ptofor adults, no pots, flco Spacos Avallablo In the ____ ment la *347 Including taxoa:m net lots, loncod with autoo Murphy Hot Springs, largo0 fenced back yard & single3 312 • Yakima, Filet, 326-4784, - Lynwood-Tho Center Of If andlnauronco, prlcoJ62.000300 Sprinkler ayatom, garago0 lot, 12 X 60 mobile homo,), car garago, closo to ( WENDELL, latge°'’2 bdrm ^ 030-Home5FofSa]9 ■ P/J.’’.c!PAl30.n!yiy3J4l^___ 3 e kitchen and 2 duplex apts. „ AlllWlllfO^O^^OOUll. i a Real estate _ and amallor outUiMdlngaI, dtjj dock, wood ahed. well,), downtown. Apbls. nol Inc. Comploto t with cablo TV, «apl, *145 -I- *15 water and i 'Jui--— ------—. ■ COUNTRY HOME. 3'bdrm, focont roof. oxirS Insula- 0 No polo. Locaiod at 245 3rd1 *50-*70 ] pot week. 1201 ~*125doposlt, 538-8487. ______Calh, Locaiod 3 mlloo To.l wo SHADY ACREAGE •. '■ tlon. .steel aiding, ihormalll ayajom; Call543-8724°°^°°° ''Avo- IJ., *285 + *100 dop.■ Kimberly I Road, 733-6284. ’1 4 2 bdtm apts. Unfutn. of TF on 4.2 acroo w/wati'ratof OQBt of Twin ffliis-Reducod • wirtdowa, hoat pump and airIr , SOLb'lERM'oUNTAIN"" •• 734-5681-Taylor. 734-2631. : Ront according to (ncomo. 060060-Warehouse/' I aharoa, garago, bam, loa od - condlllonor. carpetIt 3 aero cabin silos up Soidle'r ■ 3 ^ 4 -3484. Casa 601 Prado, L- _ ..,h?530-HomB3FotSalB loal- to soil! Lovely oldor 2 atory..’[yT-il'ouohoiil. covorpd'patlo; 'r Ouhl-2 bdrm, well Insulated. Storage Rentals ...... !_____Ing shod, i laraolrooa.AsIAsk- (rarrie fiouao (las boon 1; Creek. '-,H unlino.'. ilthing,'I,' ' 'Irg loi wilh W of tho gardeni • ■ 05*-UnfurnVApt9...... j, I & 2 bdrm apts. Unlum. ___ «Q,000. 733-0363 o r 886-2470. ' • 4 M rm, plu3 lull basomeomont. infl.m.850Xoll 734^709.L____«Jatod; Loroe. country kllch- . gorgeous vIows. Sm8"lll up, *175 * *?5 30cu(ityd0p. i Duplexes JRent according to Income. 2400 24a Bquaro foot atorago for , - r Camroom, homo.. CanC OELIQHTFUL • f'amiLMlLY on ovorlooka park-llko got-oti ^ ’“ 'T'lly room 1 01- down paymants. low mon-I- CaliS43-_58M.______326-4053,Co3aGrande. rentrent, dock high, *240 month. . . tachod Qoroge, 1 detached -id su m o cuffoni FmHA\ loan.la HOME wlih full baaomonnont, t^ng in back yard, 3 or’ 4 1 thly payments. Call 764-J5422 clean"’T'bdrm home- 2 2 bedroom duplox, ahady 1 T apl. (or ronl, 2 bdrm w / Call 52!i 733-3838. WO,000, 1559 Aspon SiroSlreot. locaiod on popular Clncl:inay bdrma, 2 batha and- part gatane, large plnotroe, 12544 or wrlto Smoky Oomo0 Roloronces, coupio prefer-• lawn, I some ufllltloa, *195 a; 3lCml_734^340._ . SQ. It. Salo prico *42,000. appT,, 736 Mauilco. *260 -f POTATO POT STORAGE, with air ____ DrIvo. Neor schools. Bhopilopp- basomont, A country dream I. Ranch. PO Box 5tt, Falr-'• red, nopota. 733-4133. plua f deposit.Call 734-3552. dop. d Properties Senrlcea washers, was 150,000 hundred ord fiomo with troea, (lowora'' Terms avail. 513 I4lti Si.,, field, Id, 83327, Free . ••;rAHbMElNSW RCHICH l"0' 'onnlj courts or “ CLEAN, i bdrm homo,, a >‘ nice i txJrm. carpel. AC. ^73^2500, • : ______,wol(weights, locaiod at Magic , " playground.- 4 • or ■-■_5 ■ and Irult galofo, 2 good out-'•* Rupoft, Contact BarclaysJ brochure. _ ____ Amorlcan/Financlal Inc. - carpotod. no pots or• appi, i laundry avail. *200 * t *125/*I80 - 1 4 2 bedrooms Wosl In Glenns Forry, Con­ __ OFA FAMILY? bodfooma, 3 baths,. 2 buildings. Coll Jano George • 2 coblna-1 al Magrc'n^or. tact, Doug Ogdon' al Magic fvWla 4 tiodfoom. 2 bi Bolao. 10.208-375-3043. • watoibods, partially (ur-■ ctfoposll.Call 733-2733. in bath Uroplacos, roc room, ptua plu lod ay l/n -80.. ■ voir, 1-In the SawTootha. on■> nishod.AnorjJpm,73^ 930^3,^ / ValloyFoodsfnc,436-0126. .'fitromo on a nulol cul-do-aae-sac larqo (amlly room. Enloy th Fisher Creek nearObsldlan, All oloctrlc 2 bdrm a'pt. In ^ -CM poffoct (or your Qfowl•owing mature loncod yard Irof : Cloan, 2'/] bdrm', 'Tully■ 44-plox, range, foltigotalot. TIF iiF & BWANT TO RENT or LEASE 0 32-B uhW lsr Homos both in oxc. cond, com- 2 bdrm duplox. stovo, frig, cooler cool spaco. call 733-4738. . .. . ^ m l l y . A (oncotJ yard,. irou-.itc Ifo 'argo.covorod palloS.. an .G.S.R, . ... pJetolylurn.324-3-504. . carpeiod, ranno. (rig, no w v asher/dryer hook-up, o,garago, near hospllflUS2« _ j ^ ^ f f o Ifoo lancjacoplnoJ anda 5- «I1 Dick at horn Fllor-a.lovoly old 2 story, i, - polg. Call733-lfeo.______largo li living room, S pgrklnfl 1 deposit. 733sM0?ovos.___ '4800 4W0 oq: ll. with 800 sq. fl. ' rural almoaphoro ollorora lotak /33-5804 or bI (iwln floalt)'X ® GEMSTATEflEALTY pad. *250 por month + *12i5 ;r clflcg complex. Torma, Call bdrm houao lo bo moved, CLEAN 2 bdrm, atovo. i 2 BDRM APT, Rango 4 nl... ■ ol room (or your kidoIda to Inc. 734-MOO,^______;^ •734-0400.______• Would make a nrand homo,■ M4-Con(Iom inlum 3 roltig, closo to downlown, deposit, 5 734-4758.______2 734.9106 orTO-1041. .**TOBm, *<0.000, roltig,, *175 deposit, no — ^ Earth aholtorod home-me-4 Starto: ot Income, currentlyj- Fgr_ln(0 ., 320-4S2^S/32&-4460. ForSale no pels. *220 -f JlOOdopoa- An / oxtra nice decorated pels. 733-2211 or 734-8511. - !':.y,li7iyi08;______C condo, 2 bdtm,- appi, W/D , • bedfooms, 3 batha, Cali Ca rented, ^v, bdrm. S..Park,k. Owner Oeapotale: rt aero 2 BDRM Apt. Slovo, 066-MobIleHomeSpc. : ^ SA0ALA&ROY! ‘ <23-MHoninlnfn______^ TF. J2t,500 total or *700000 with largo 1,460 sq 11 homo, Comiodablo 2 bdrm. qulot 1'laclllllos, carport, no pots. ^ *325 + dop. Call 734-362t. reltlgorator, utllltloa paid, ^ : ' 73^321, ___ . Family type home. 5 bdrm/_ 2 down and aaaume Escrow.w. 2 garagoD. *32.500. Barkerr .M & -M obllB H om ea neighborhood. TF. *2^ .* i adults profortod. no pola. Space for single wide ------bath, lam room, 2 car oai ■Call4t5-48l"0562.______noaltorB,&43M371. deposit. 326-5217.______f ATTRACTIVE 2 bdrm 4-pIox' 13 mobile, adult park, *73 mo. ^ (i( ACRE In country > *275 por month + *106 do- 733-3m -. 9 61, Curry Ttir Park.___ 7 ,w/ Iro yard, culdosac. + manlany .11 lakos only mlnutos to' • ALPINE 10x55', nood Shapo,, DELUXEI colonial home w/ ^Appls, AC, carport, W/D (a- posit. Call 733-9003. : 1722 oq. It. brlbrick nice, loaiuroa In this nov »J5?.PiC.aJiM.3:i93C,_ _ many ( oxiras. 3 bdrms, 4 5clliry, *250-fdOD. 733-8340. f -.'pomo. Room for hora now plDce your ciassiilod ad !° . 033~Klmbci1y-HansBn 2 bdrm duplox. stovo. & frig. " (or Iho results to k e a bltlongof. , Asaum. loan u x 70', lo’?'!)1 batha, ' (ormal dining, don, CCloan. part (urn, Ig 2 bdrm, water pd, 1265 + *75 oecurl- R 9 •‘^ r d o n (rljlt iro o a i borrlo - b.DOWN. paymonta basedI Sandpolnt, 3 bdrm., *11,900. wot ' bar, olovalor, 335 Bluo uupstairs. *170 or. ask about ly 1 V, oatho. 3 frpic ----- TAKEALOFkl [V. refundable. 328 Eastland | M Merchandlao pn hcdm o: 3 bdrm. 1 bath. *155pymlg; 734.2375. LakoaNo. ' *650 mo, CallPat- 22 mo. (reo tent plan, 734- X,Of. Call 432-5234. Doo'e. • lam rm. 4 (nrpo aolarlum \ imo. Charming 1 bdrm starlofor liroDlaco & garagu, Jocalod • l/.o/ler4pm, i3817djya, 734-1g9toyo8, fully oncloacd nol lub. Ju homo or Invostmont propor- , Comploto Saiolllle Olah I 2 bdrm-noat 4 cloan. yard. ------lo Cajl 733-7663 attor 3 pm, If- on cul-tJo-soc on odflo ol cl- System with ony now dou­I FOR r e n t ' in MurlauDh-2 Comlonablo C 2 bdrm, L -3 ml. woal ol TF, Priced — ly, oppls. inc.. nico loncod 1ty.- Soo ot 715 Aah 6ouih. pood Twin location, W/D „ C^Oll.734-6054or733-0208.8. For aalo bv ownor: cloanin I & yord. Walk to shopping & 1 blo wide purchased at; bodroom f houso and 1 secluded a and qulot. *265 -t- hookup3.*240,543-e253. 067-Mlscellaneous 067- — — woll kopt, } houaoa on l lotlot. pork & relax In qulotS ; lIC1,g00.Call734-a ESTATE SALES \1388 sq It Jr llnlshod base- 1 *2004*255,8630uincy, ESpots. 733-2211 or 734.8511. ■jjkllchon, formal living roo 1. Now listing. 2 bedroom , uplnC aspor, Call 734-3?07. [, ilckup,*25,Call54:M138. _ _ ^W /m arblo Irplco,, allracti' ^ mont. C ‘ ,wall5, :trlpie win- ] IN OUHL. largo 1 bodroom - . ■ CALL734-860 0 .-____' 2-!2 -bedrooms 4 bath oqulp- o r " , a c t ^ ' "HOME SWEET HOMEIEl homo on 4th Avo. E, Big llv [ No down payment, tako homo, h garage, yard, *135 + ~ 12' diamond shaped aatel- family room wlbrlck frplci '■ Oowa, hoat pump with AC, •ovor -, paymont of J328.10. 4 d FREECABLE NOW . P° lieTVdl3h,tocolvor. 4con- • Great place to ralsb, a Ing room 4 kitchen, good pBlaze King, actlvo solar. 1 depo3lt.Coll543-5ige.^____3, —largo covorod dock, lola Ifta; garaoe. Only *J4.e00, so , bdrm double wido. 324-4628, if at Northvlow Manor, 1. 2. 5^' tola, needs some work. alomoo. Sawtooiti Schoi-hool 2 balha, 0 private pavod road, ovorsl:o IN KIMBERLy, unlurnlahed and ar 3 bedrooms. *185. *225 °r;drapes. Ground level. *250/ 1?^,'1400; older (ull-slzo ro(tlg. • assumabio loan, t69.0CiOOM' l“ rgo ‘‘‘icl’on. lamliy. room10m hurryll . . . tdtjie garapo, roalrictod sub- Nothing ! down, 1984 Nashua 3 3 bedroom 4-plex. No pots, at mo., 1814 last montha ront. 12^1 19.000, woedburnino slovo,3VJ, 2, Sharp 2 bedroom homo r ond 5265 + deposit. Range. 120.1-774-3544,Stanley.____ . .. . Cn!l.r3.y,?M for appt. _ '0 division. KImborly Schools, 14X70 W/7X2I Cxpando. luku Steve, S tefrlgoralot, *220 toltlgerBlor, to wator'4 aanlia- ?iOiml!}BPop.oall.733-fl400. ^ —— scparato 'dining • room,om! 00 7m Avo.N,.Lafoo living0 oxc, lqc-._.*72;[)00,423-4938. ovor 5 pyrnnta, 734.3275evoa, -m - tr oftlh-^ deposit. 733-4952._ IK ANTIQUE -'flloigh'V- bed - ,BY OWNER: Lovoly 4 bdrm. bdri storago gaioro. • newlovy room with' llroplaco. Base- , tlon lurnlshod.'laundry -5' 22 bodroom'. cloan,' W /D'riJl!,',Jrosset, m lrtof.nlghl stand; 3 bath, 9pliNovQl. boauilliull ul- carpellng + a row aprlnkloiVlof mont 6 doublo garago. Ask- 3 bdrm, 1 bath, le'nced back Sahara ; mobile homo, 2 Jeromo,J 1 8 3 bdrm houses. Piparking, Nopota. 73W)74&, hO'hook up, C1030 to park and -niM baths, sunken tub, oiovatcd Call C 324-3130, Valley Vlow 1 I PM-5 pm Only. Monday-• sclschools, stove 4 frig, *250 |lolld ~ wood doots. 733-9597. ly docoralod homo, Nor. Nc oyatom, groat location. Call lng*29,500bulmakeolforl ^yd. Blaze King (tplc. oarage, Ihoasl.of T.F., many extra FmHA. VA, V h A loans klichan 4 black wrought daytlmo.or324-3430 d o»oa. _ SiSaturday, 1322 Washington ±+ j dop, 734-1961 or 733-3647. CARCCAROUSEL flroplaco. black, ______-£all (or appt.. 734-4722 (i 1 would quallly, 423-4651. ’ Iron ! railings, appliances, k St.N.MGt.'sAparlmont. 2 I ;85; car carrier. *15; KImborly; modern 3 bdtm, ^ lacobson lawn mowor. front ^JL_hamleti'healty-? ___ Z32:4D42_i'—I’.i.twthrJamily.roomrlonc-----ln-Klmbofly-3-3-bdrm-apto„-“In a 1 ° ! mornlnosorovonlngs. 0 ooir*s5XaTror-3E5<:— :------By Ownor vorv co'mfofta’t o f f ic e :'.'.:'.'::'.'':r733-4079 - cd yard, nico -f cloan, *350 (u(ully carpofod, VJID hookup,. Foster Mgml73;KI738 OS^^erom B Homes ' ^ommodo. 1 yoar old. now . _____ .T^OOSO (or S3l,500. A35UI Joycocolo ...... 733-0767 Sharp doublc-wlflo, 3 bdrm, -I-* dop.423-J22tor237-2755. - nopetS.CalM23-5_82_8. nc ______jjSJi5 3tdA ve.N .l bdrm, *160 G.S.R. ^ OavoHamlOtt 733-4030 $ 2 bath In La:y J, J17.500. f :ondltlon. Paid *120. will ,,J3S3 per mo., oasy lorm *2500 down assum e. Cloan 3 ‘ TF, 5 bdrm. 2 bath, w / ‘ ,J£,JER0ME:'2bdrrn duplox. All t+> tf.opo3il, Call 7 3 3 ;.^ 7 ,._ i .L1201 8th Avo. E,. 734-0607._ -...... 'b Aco Really, 733-5217 p ako *75. 733-0363, mornings _ bodroom, corner lot, nice bsmnt. *475, discount to eloc, el appls., W/D hookup, ^ evenings.______"*0/ Owner:*'almo3r'’no 3 bdrmotartorhomoallon11 lencodfi yard. Call 324-5579, ]12x65'. older, 501 up in park, J425/rlflht *‘ tenant. 788-4573. ' garago. pt *275 + dop, 324- 650>50 Eastland Or, N„ *290 * ..m ust soil, moving, 3 bdrm, level, good nolghbothood,3, M3B 58th 6 ., Jerom o, ^2 bdrm. 2 bath, sml down, t , 5940, 734-7538T h e a u b , del :iocltlc Toro mowor. Extra ! Twin Falls: cozy 2 bodroom; =? lop.. 2 bdrm,,. W /0 hook- ]ood shapo, grass catcher - linjalha, doublo car oaraga ' *37,500. Call 734-8632. appliances, *200; Jerome: i L0VEi.'i'"cUSTbM L( B'liiLT 2 up.jp, wator/oan.. lawn cutting tilr condltionlno, all oloclrl _ 037-FarmsiRancho3 bdrm.SI (ireplace. pallo, *325. bdtm be elec duplox, 1200 aq. futiurnlshod. 734.2413. ncludod,i85. Call 733-7152. I 1 ------...... Estaii•staio lowelry, (2 rings) Call j-iSPflnKlor. largo foncod'bairback ' 030-HofTiM For Salo • C35-HoiH9sFofSaJo 14 X 70 w/tip oul. Class A Tri Tl Country Proporty (I,, (I, 0" Insulated walls, iher- Ridoau. No down. Assume Mangemont, M 324-2734. m-mol windows, carpels, nt 34-247i Tuesday or Thura- ■^TOaumo” »9!200" o^t'^io"' ? a —_____ B U Y A F A R M 1loan. 733-6701- *135, j, 1 bdrm, 332',-i 3rd Avo. 'i\drapos, stovo, Irig. OSS-Roommates Wanted §lay 2 1and ask (or Barbara, —jo ta l monthly paymont *487. W8 •360 ACRES-Produciivo row 1967 1 Flu'ulwood Mobile W. W Call 734-4089. disposal, dishwasher. W/D ppj iardon tractor with 30 ■“'down paymoni ol *<00J4000, hookup, AC. garage, jh^EMALE' j "nTn:sm'ii^?r,~to lallon sprayor, *100. Now crop larm. Reasonably ptic- homo. 12 X 60, 2 bodfooma. 2 5 bdtm In Filor, *200 -^'do- rc lhato 2 bodroom condo. ' 55|(’W:?ryL9il^:3094.__ 0od,C33tofjQtomo,T5l. J3.000/bosl J oiler. 543-5340. p, covorod patio, mow 4 trim, cal:all 734-2194. Hornlomolllo 360, *200. Wizard — — ------—— - • posll. Cail326-t704,______Owner: 3 bodroomim ,' ,'2 ' ...... : ------...... ■ •317 ACRES-Very nice row n-non- Oiiimora 12 wide. ’2 5 *325 , -f , dop- Prefer sonlof -—------—— ,-fOlOll.olollller. *150.,. Lola ol...... ^TO lhs, oxcollont localioiation. crop larrn ano- Improve- b 2 bedroom & don on adults. ad fio.pot3.734-1396,_. ookle (ata. mako oKor. bdrm, gas unit. *3995. Also, , Madrona,m i Konnolh road. ^ o w down, oaaumablo FHFHA montsSolHa20llon.T94. 6b olhcr 12 widus and we m ^ LYNWOOD MANOR OSfr-RoOmsForRont Lyma.yman 54 callbor-black- ^ o a n . Call 734^864. •159 ACHES-Seme ol the t; Mature Individuals or cou- 2 ? bdtm, 1 balh, all elect., ^i? lowdor, *250, Call 324-7214. take in trade lurnlluro, tots. plo. ^ No puts ot llvoslock. ’rivato' room i n ' s h ' ^ boat ground around. Good 5 bboats, snowmobiles, larm j.: stovo, fridgo 4 carport. ^ 0” landmado oxccrclse ijfa y ownor: nVcoly" locoVc bdrm homo near Twin, T34. n *400 pot month. Must havo *7 lome. personal cate, *540 ."“"S' lu Jo a r town, Immaculali maclimury or most roloronces. rc Call 734-3090. *2B5/monlh.Call73^9._- "orlor month. 733-1878. roadmlll. oxc.. cond.. *40, ro'docofalciJ 3 bdtm on}n ' •115 ACRES-Crops/pasiure. anything, a _ , , MaploGrovoApi«-73t9300 , 1 ^ :all 733-1135...... boautllui 5 bdrm home, jual Brockman's -*225}‘ 2 bdrm, paini-m & out. ' " QuaiiiyllvlnglofadulU! «- f,JCfO. Garago. complotolelely *160 small 2 bdrm. largo latdwood picnic tablo, nat- •p o n c ed , polio, aprtnkllr c a st,61 HageffTun. Can bo ■ 734-3187 324-4203 f • Two bedroom, two balh 057-MoblleHomo uraUiral color. Call 734-5146 or ikling • 4 bodroom# • Frull I ro e t. S iiI.Roducedtoscil!D3t. lawn, 733-1355._ _ _ •.^Jf3tom. Reduced (or qulcquick * 3 balhi ' I960 Ft.EE^VOOD 14x70'. • Eiovalor Rentals Mi82_88.^______—««lo. J49.MS Coll 734^421 • Foncod- •S1 ACRES-Good row crop, ;, *235. 2 bdtm, basement, 332 • •£ Socufity System .^420. • t ■/. Qcrei oaiod pipe, TFCC water, lust I reduced, ownor must , ARGE' size womens - ^Q^m4.fil[etAyo.WoaLjJ,.. . • LondicGpod • RVpodw/hookup*______P soil. 3 bdrm, 2 bath, wood 3tdAve.y;,Call 734-4089. • »F Parking Garago '44 ■J<68'lh ro d ’bodr^om7 l ^ loihing and now malarial. ------•-.Conlrolvocuum . __^ homo, Cnstlolord, B8?, • *460oormon2h _ balllain rango, rodlgerator, bdtm' * flfopfoco ' ■ •74 ACRES-^ood- larm SW JiurniniLstove,. -.i S<12‘ o.pan- 3 3bdtm homo in iho counlry. • * loublo-'Knits. ,lorsQy,_and, _____ 5"' a y O'WNER'nowot'3 bdtt ♦ • Hool pump ^ 2 acre loncoa pasturo: frDIC.~'Nc jssh o rr dryor, and^-vrator 'rn iio 1287 • Automeilc.prlnklofi o( Buhl, Galcd pipe.- TPCC do, ,, miiny ,extras-Like now 2 ■■Nearly "now. all olo'etrlc,""*,: ollon.Call 324-0216, t'iTlots o( extras, J51,300, 12 msldoandout 423-l8l6_ *375 « + dop.Call324-ll38, spacious ap 2 bodroom aptmt. odonot. locaded-ln coun- r?r-'-°- _ Twin Parka Dr. 734-973Q, * Malritanoneo water. 37. '' ry.*2QO.OO per mo. 423-5753. Iborty Rock Shop moving neolroowhllobtlck.l ^•72 ACRES-E^c. lurm SW o( 1981 14x70' KIT Oakvlow. 2 3 ^ bdtm. den, llroplaco. l'/i Good Gc location, 733-1359. _ '-O'-, ale. 6 vor 1000 lbs. of gotn • Pramiumtontomiruclion ihfouflhoutl e bdtm (urnishod'in'qulot ?ocki -.'iyfcharmlng 2-3tory. 3 tjdrn: Buhl, Nlcu Impfovomonla, bdrm, ^ 2 balh, reltig, stovo, balha, b; fruit tteos 4 gurdun NEW n'e LISTINQI 2 bdrm, ^ t) DCk In rough. Valuo *t-6lb. lovoly all oiectric 3 bdrm. 2 dijJiwjshor, ^ vaiiiled ceiltng. space, Sf work shop, Hansen. plex, pK appls, laundry laclli- P ark , in Filet, no pets, ptr,, I ' 1'.'« bath3, 5 acjos wl RICED BELOW APPR A ISA L [' oleroncos. Call 326-58M ot jrsj *1000 lakes, 788-4090. -Hraos, pasture, i stfoam,: bath homo. Owntir linancing I ’ owner, cxc cond, Low eam-8 pm 734-4885 Drivo-llne lies, flo AC, carpel, drapos, m ,S . :ollfofonoppolntm.nHodayl S.crvjco. A(_te 16_p_m 423-6240. wo 26-4382.______WAPLIApIe bunk boda, ex- l ^ f Jofomo, J55.000.324-349£ with good down, 030. book, *15.000. 324-8325. S' water pd, no pots, *240 -v ollont box springs ond mat- i i0 4 3 B lu o •40 ACRES-Hay. pasture, l9e6New28wldc 3 3 bdrm. oppls. lull bsmni, *><*100 dop, 733-4029 altor 5PM - •033, moving, must soil, - Has your campor boi fO> Lakos North corn,^ 4 bdrm brick homo. 3 bedroom, 2 balh now n< carpel. Hoots, i paint, Quiot, Ql 2 bdtm, near Lyn- OS358-Offlceantl *T2”125.n3.889Sallor6pm. i vlow,-prlcort;ducod.B54. lenced yard. *275 4 dop. wood wc Mall, *255. Appi, laun-^ ?'?.‘ioolng moro driveway th; 7 3 3 -6 2 2 7 - PniCEOTOSELL >C Business Rental Movinloving must sell, vatloua ,;:;bam p3ltesl Soli It with 524,900 NopolalCall N. 734-2832. _ dryQr laclllly, carport, low u t i l - ___ ousohold and yard iloms, 7 •t.ad plays m;made by others (jafl-AcreageiLots ^ ne 6‘x4' alorm window SOUTH F, HAZELTON: nice 2 bdrm ~ BT • Adult Livingi g " A l l A m o n if lo s *75°'5; 1 Hexagon hanging 8 ,.h i'b .th e pasL ESTATE SALE: 2 acros, hhomo. Newly re-decorated n 155 •- light II ♦ QJ74 shop, sf 2 - bdrm homo, c 052-Furn.ApL&Dup. jl • Ront From $i25J ]ht fixture; l wagon whoel fl i.' East wins the spadeade king and re- carpol. drapes, appliances hanfllr VKQJ10 8 (Iroplaco.IX 533,000. .- cCall423-5l04or 423-Sj36, • if, • S enior C ltiien lDiscount oach.i n^-twnis the 10. What cardard should South i' largo bdrm apt. all uiiiliToa M ■ i p o s . • KIMBERLY: nice, turn. 2 paid, pa *165-f deposit; 434 4th - M ^ J » la y ? ALSO: 2 bdrm, earth stovo, .C rystal Cloor SSwimming Pool ' " Btlor woodburnlng slovo N ♦ 6 olotoctric heat, sinnlo car bdrm mobile homo, carport. Avo Av West. Call 73>25I3,.___ r-; eludes pipe. *150, Router H ------.A,'.’ If South covers witwith one of h is - Vulnerobie: , storajje, 423-5104-423-5138. Af ith sol ol 37 routor bits 4 fl )!e: Both.,Dea!cn North. c«garage,, closo to shopping ' , APTS lot font. Largo K LAUREL P A “ l ; .^.honors, the game goesocs down. West The biddingIrig: «center, *34.500. Call Newly N remodeled, cuto 1 studios sti from *170, unlurn; 1 K ly ^ e ta flo r. like now. Call | bdrm., porfoci lor singlo, bdrm bd Irom Jie5-*205, un- K 734*4• 4 1 9 5 . 324-35: ' .itioii'lRS h ts 'a c c and rcetums tu his nine. North Ea Evergreen Realty, 734-3200 ^ E a i t Sooth W « t . FcFor Salo 160 acros, 130 *145 I w/(utn., *135 w/0, 734: lutn. fui Heat 8. water lutn. W alolgh USA taclr\g cycle' . w ^ d the spades a rc cleacleared. If South ,4 g 3317day3. 734.l991ovos. _ Coin Cc operated laundry, 203 *=“ 12 apt Pass 1T Pass “cocros water right, *225 por T, : apds. suport) condition! -jjfi J^ ta b lls h c s his h earts, t acre, 10 mllos S.E. ol NICE, cloan. 1 bdrm houso 41h ilf St Morth. 734-8752.____ muatbust bo sold. Call 734-1874. :s, Uie defen^ere 2 ♦ _ _ PPa ass_ . 2NT...._.Pasa ___ _ 3? win four spad« andnd a h eart fo r’ 3 N f -Wllkons - NV.- 20% - down, In Hansen. Partially lurnlsh- BoaulKuI Be and cloan 2 bdtm. ------' REMOEMODEUNQ SALE: ir x - B ------P^ Pass Pas3 ba ed, carpeted, won in- c.irpntod,' c.i (iroplaco, "Sudown one; And if SouUi balance Bii InlorcsL 5 ral Dralflod,-fug,, ioo%______tulh tries a c l u b ...... open>ening lead: Spade six • ^yoars, Writo P.O. Box 749 SUUtud, nice yard. rofy-r5-” 'wa'washing " facflllios!------ool. *100. 45 yds of 'l^flnesse in a brave tryTy to m ake his ------7^ Wells NV,89835.______quifod.Call82S-5713.91 microwavo. mi utilillos (utnlsh- jtumn colored carpet. pij^game, the p en alty Is a ttwo-trick set. AD WITH THE ACES Get back to natiirol Nice Ri.'a5ona'blo"2 5 bdrm houso! od oxcopt oiocttlcily, no 00. 40 yds gold carpet. viows, 5 aero parcels, oasy Stovo, ^ ro(rlg„ W/D hookup, amoking. an adults ptofottod, 00. Headboard 4 frame The correct play is for South to „ , H -B VK S P A R IMlEHis E ^ a,. 'PirH3-.Call4_23-.5185.. _ ciIy#orv]coa^23-5263,_ <=.! no pola, *250 -f dop. Call ^ )ublo slio. *25. Kitsch — .refuse to cover Erast'srtipadelo.il Soulh holdiIda; 733-4525 or 73W 479. Molloh ..Valloylhoiao. couo.-.-’1 . BORM small houso’witn ^ J __J ui Ion. lit Mcor.)corolor ItavorsB-rodB-nna ♦ J 8 6 2 - - - M' apesri sots forslldlng ------.•WEast holds three spadeides and contip- try, 5 acros w/lrrgallon, ■flnrjgb7Iumbhud:612Vf2nd~Cl 5' “ Clean'fbdtm , laundfvovaii., .( 1 B*iroorn -‘Ai U..A.«iT9 n 'm IE ;}^;'ucs w ith another, thele {game makes ▼ a s - - spiii-iovoi nemo; 3 bdrm., Avo * Soulh, *125.,+ J50 do- no ri( pels. *155 a month -» *75 \ ass doors, -*■ 1 window, all ♦ J 10 9 7 2Vt2^. bain. Call 543-8303 _ posll. P' Cail_734-0693. ______d( dop. Call 734-9283.______I A llo w r *100. Wood kitchon cel>- 'because the defense; c;can win only ots. 2 units 4 doors, *100 ♦ 103 2 • Mobile Mt homo lots. A d u lfi ? Clean. 1 bdtm apt, all flK J Inciudoto s : langir th ree spades and one• heh eart^no need farfamily subdivision. City T.F ''' sutilillos paid.'*150 (SOde* I V E *AIr conditioning • x r ■ for a club finesse). utililioa, torms. 734-et»l util.A iiJ dofS .734-9621. pjposit. No pots. Call 733-2513. . i ■ •Playground ■ E^ut SoaSoolb Weit. North ------•Loundrjf-Fo( When spades aree I 5-2 (today’s 1 NT Pa: SKYUNE ACRES -C-Cl loin, - sm aii-studio, all * lEPAIRING TELEPHONES Pass 3 NT Dbl, ' 3,7 acres, *480XX) 0 5 1 -U n fu m . H o u se s ' utllltlos paid, *115-► * i5 do- .Im case), South’s duclc is most effec- Pass FasP ass P a ss posll,no pets. Call733-2513. D a d ' Call 733-5802. . Jackpot, Nevo 1880 Kimberly Road nve. West cannot'affoifford to over- ANSWER: I 3 Mrm houao, 4l6"N a c7Clean, partly lurnljhod. /a d o ___l& U Heart eight. Since part- “ 0 ; ke, since he cannott clecl a r the s u it ner*s doubl. Ostrandor. *325 mo, Ollico, lailargo 2 bdtm, upitalrs, hot ^^702-755-253: >11 top dosk, solid oak, 4 ible suggests a long suit, I035-Bu8lnojs P roperty 734-8944,73 or 734.7339 OvQ-a. wtwalor lutnlshod, *185. 734- ssiss Call 73^ ' Jjm id South has time tox> developd will- hearts Is the most Ukely candidate. g A nowly decorated 3 bdrm. 38l7day3,734-1991 cvea. 111734-7031. ‘Miners to make tho game.le. Tho defend- Black Boar Tavern 3 mllos llroplaco, Hr fenced yard. Ex SADOL^DOLE, il^iJt JSiShT ' ' wosl el Buhl, good location, na Exc«II«nt nol^h^fhood. get only th re e spades spj and a qwttJoa*. lo Tb* Acci. P.O. Box * garago. no pets. *365 do- 2 woator)8torn. 1125. Call 3 » 4 5 d 1.TCXM7UU. B'potohtljl for quality posit. pc 734.l9l9 a (lor5PM. N(No%3mo°kor, ^ 7 1 & T '° ''° ' ovonln .^,'tieart, and South'Yan bragbn a bout his tloj* for reply. “buslnoss. Will lease with I A 3 bdrm, 1 bath. Appls, LaLargo nice 1 bdtm, (urnlsh- nail Lowry Organ, dbl ittfijwperlcnce In coveringjg honors.1 cewtnKiHlUt.llaludr«(ir«lrii«au option to buy. Soo ownor k, manua. mmornlnas, J3baaoment, lencod yard, eded apt. *150. Call 734-0484 or JnuaJ. loot podala, 4 *325-t-deposit, 733-6340. 73-734-3653. ^ , bench,'och, good cond., noods mlnorinor repair. *200.734-8737.

i ' ■ - M onday, Ju ^ n e 2 ,10ag Tlmoa-Nawa.Tw>,TwlnFall8. MthoO-7 rchandisi9e-Recrea\^ i o n a t 0 6 7¥ ^ 1 2 6

r a p i NOW fSWf A P H O N iCL U A S SiriE D I MRE

OTIJ-WinttdToBliy HI074-*li»lcti ' 0707&~AppllafK:e8 ’______lOMctOe 11^^M r lo it io n 1 2i-aotts&Acom 1 -ft . \ ---•> BUY1NQ: Evorythlno In gold __ Co^kimInD ware atove, good =— 8iSllvor. NAUQAHYDE NA covered mlr- cor:ond, *125. Sldo^y-alde ffooroo to good homo 2 killon, Forar Sliie! perform ance H 2 .|-HP, centrilical pump, 14' Omega Ome sailboat, 4 vra ! . \ Idaho Coin OAllerlsa rored ror piano, good tone, rotiolfiporator, whlto. *250. ouse broken. Call 733-0554. l«8te<'Sted Angus bulla, 1 and 2 ’-^0 HiHP short coupled turbin old, oxc. cortd., main aall & 302 N. Main. Call 733-aS&3. nooda no< TLC, beat olfor over 543^3-8258, noottrlv calls. pjq|, >ar ciOlda. Sprtngcove P^'"P-ip.Call934-8SQ9.______Nb, *900. *90C 734^77 MuSSOr I , ’iqk 0 Pupl Rog. Lab, vari*- d, days, 4 2 3 ^ ^ , eves. DEAD Of ALIVE: Color T.V.’a t50.733-0260 ?§? oves/wkends. ^=RIQIDAIRE lelrlgorator tyy of < colors, i l to chooso anch. Bllsa, 352-4202, 352- 2VAUkLLEYBtoworeprtnklora § 5 2 ^ & appliances. Wo'll pick up. . OlderOIc Conn ornan, doublo wltlvith Ico maker, almost now, tronrom, 7 wks Iho 24 of May. t43,3^-4225.______with I I high floatation tiros, 14' Valco Valci llat bottom tjoat. lop prlcos. Call 7 ^ 6 8 . koj board, J12J. Call 423- ojmilmond. SSOO. 733-7ai5wes. tIOfl 63M010.______«95.I. 10' boal trailer. tNS. .100.734-6a04or734-3788. 'TWOVO yoar old Angus Bulla, neeveson1ya37-e3M. V) V )tjio irrJ-. WANT ' 10 BUY, walk-in 581 Pun’uro brod blonde Cocker '00dellvofed.CalT«32-g235. 3rt"■ O.D. W" wall aleel EiH®®: TrS.}^ aS^JilrW Scooler.Call 73^4736.______^ Wa n t 10 buy: Fender TbI*- 0). . E. washer, JI50; 0 . E. )panlol, Spa to monlh old 2-88 monthm HoJateln'-ateera. », *1.00 per foot. RocJw 14 oot foot Unllllght flberglase . WANTED TO BUY c u te r . Btratocaster, dryIryor. *100. Call 733-0474. lom.omoio, good with kids, *75 4001b. intaln Induatrfea, o(f (■ t>oal«-wl«-wlth Volvo penla Olb. Holstein ateora 45i „ pExit. 168, Jerom e, 10, aquamalamallc 200. Complete NiQtilCrawlors Mustang, tS50-1B80 models, Gr><>ood, cloan. usod op- ooQ ood homo. 734-3298. perlb Qllllland Bail 7a*-ontoonboaLexo&aafe i J850. Call 423-5280. Call 734-7199 )0 k like small pItt bulls, . dow alf condllionor. Call » » omalea only, *100,733-7390. Bicauea o w o( thla,*. DHIA pn>- Ingi I, tgood condition, duala, for (Ishlng, (I anchor*, 733-4940 or 734-M33.’ — — ------QlvSlvlng up golll Advorllso ^ lea 21 different teating *32064 and S4200/o(fer. Call storage,oge, good eng, etc. When you havo Itoma yoi'our cluba lor salo wllh purebred Siamese klltons, ^ ntns, ! with optlona and 733-5915917or423-624?.‘______*180070II0/olfer, 734-8884. wooks. litter -trained, around your homo you no lowow, moko mi o((or. Call 7 » ‘ leUHSSlALWAYSSraHOWUPWHEN'itX/RE track rool to rool rocordor, 07 32M018 734-7249 J T T ^ EAHNa BECAUSE T o lw 077-Radlo,TV&St9reo cie:iearanceCenler, 733-7111. 092-AucUona 092. 230 swather, 12' with rReALWA\SEAnN6.' mlkea r and ole. J95 or trade — dryer, *300. diah Kloata a a Conslonmont Auo- .(llkTeatJna ' (lald ready; '57 IHC 122-SportlndQoodi->Sd Please call 324-4947 or 324- aalo, sal< worka good, 170 noQO- waahor,*250. Call 734-7309. tlon, .leterRantala - halerjr. good cond.; 324-1252. 067—Ui3C8liV>90U9 2852 ove. ' Uablo.Allorfpm,Hi8205... Uat ^ on. South ol Jorome-The •H *'* C07-UiMflMWOUS I lofrlgorator, lato' model, 2’“?.'laco lo buy & selli Huo- •■-InO; •RNATIONAL 3 « dlosol , ^ BEST BELECDON of uaod cus rods cl dllferont Items on 71 SSIhor, hvdro, hal( cab, in 123-Qu-Qu(U&RtflM ’ ^F A . groon. 8'. MO; llkoto i Stlhl chalnsaw, 045 Supor, ustom eroded, Hotpoint TV'a. Low prlcos, good war- arvost gold. 11.0 cu. fl.. 10 block oach wook. The TTTTr 3 condlllon. 543-4903. ------now cnb w/qusN(y (nat-it- : 24" bar, usod only 1 chain . ranty. Moi Ouales, 1730 k„„ olo atarts at 6:00 p.m. and alia, 2,000 gallon bulk ilngton .870, 12 pa. 3" lrp5», JCO: Carflfloo-atrollor.If. i 8lncoflow.J450.KlMr07. / ■oautilul condition. *125. ik, milking equip., & !rJZh.iSEY FERGUSON 124 Anllquo Tolodo uprlaht iS!i!KlmborlvRD. Terms. :ooat777Fllof Ave.TF. ' . 0 don ° I atop till evorylhlno bjr^n.id,o.a,.«i25o. ^^vent rib, *221 (^1 $1S; Call 7iM35a.______. scale. 8 foot hloh. $12f Call COiCOLOR Televisions. Usod, 1 soldi Serving the Maalc 122212 4 Upriflhl (fooior, 25 cu ft. 7734-t350or423^1. larc School Appllancoa aro hero; valio largo selection from J99.S5. 'flshora. drvoro. rannns. • alioyforovorSOvearsI — MPSON Contender M :ss% ?ffs„,rss 9" p .)r ‘ i justI aorvJcod.^tU. 20" fawn z Ken'6 Fumtturo 4 Ap- ,0,1 barrel or 410 for ul*, ill mowor, UO. Cloan usod „Anllquo bulfot. roflnlahed, nd refrlaeralora. PrlcoO to 104-M-HofW rt hatrow monlh. WIlBon Datoo (all ' oxcellont condition, *400 or epllancea.!!« 453 Main Ave E. ®2ll 324-8833. locations). 73MKB.______Ibricks. 1S< oa. Call 734-1743. g oil. Cains Clearance K B bost oiler. Call S3»^787. PDFFOR SALE. Zenith 19" color Con^ontof, 733-7111.______f S I ;rrel horao, older Quarter SPRtNQTIMEQAROEN i i 1612 Brunswick SX9 anookor TV, J75; oxocutlvo olllco ^ 3 Farmers' martiel irae maro wllh loia of RENTAL EQUIPMENT WMER DISTILLER, Midk i oar washer and dryer, ■■n 1 ■ unk. has been run Ihe NHIW048 Supor Hayatflckor, 125-1(1-Travel TraDare Stm-d with holding tank, allI tabloti & accesaorloB. good ctialf, 125.734.7229.. . 'hlto. good condlllon.-l323 ------J conation, tall 324-' ^ - r T — : cond.I65g.Coil543-5574. REr ------past8 l : 2 yrs In Waah. High (ensklll trailer, w lih'ta ^ etalnloss stool, automatic c RENT'A NEW TVI Own a fort)r Iho 801. Call 678-7676. hool rodeoa. Alwaya In ,324-8708, or 324-2057. • « « « Ro(Qtlller, (hBlchors andubla roglatered rialf Ara- i^eo InIntornallonal Combine. Bill's Aui 'On .rollors; aovoral' choslil a** ' jw ml, oxc cond; 7'^ 3- ;250.'Call7330474.V ______CASH CM for good usod lor- ^ »S-FannSeed Kin. '! Appalooaa maro, 7 yr 4S00 K( I Automotive 4 Mufller. nituro & eppllancos. Banner AirCondllionlng ^ Hesston ton baler. 2394 2105 KlmbeKlmt rly RD. 733-0081! trd(i;ora. 3?6-<553 cvonlnoa. ^ayRVrotrlg.Call324^04. • BRAND | NEW 11-pIeco Toma 2 '^, rmakeolfer.32M948. (^0I t tractor. Big squirt Ir- Furnlturo.7li3-1421.______. - — AA ALFALFA.SEED. Sov- illent condition, 1973 ' • STIHL chain aaw. 24'-bittdo.0, 20” : blko; Korato GhI; drum d eel. darn motalllc blue ^ vaporatlvo Coolors by Ar- o ,a f rlgator, almost now/1 extra biadolo wrakoet j & cago; 1648 2 ton paint, p consists of bass ETHAN ETH ALLEN Ubio and v(n“' ral vorlotfea avalliblo. Call HORSEl SHOEINQ 7fe-210 18'. elove,'heater, Ice- n. Ju sl arrlvod, savo 75% jimim jMarshall. 733^1141, Call7»-50W. __ and .paso, WOOfbosl 0f(0r; tr; Choyy * truck; 1962 Scout; drum, d snaro, high hal, e bonch; poni Annlvoraary tablo; n on oloctric cooling bilL Tom Jones. 423-4217 x 224T JO baler, Wlac. :------;k 1978SubaruBrat;328-5914. t( llko now Maytag washer. In- pfU 'slldo^n aluminum ~olock ^ tonga, and 2 cymbals, oxira ricos starling at *1B9.S0. I ?OP ? , QUALITY ALFALFA------H0R8E8H0EINQ1 . motor.>r. 1970 1 4' 275 IHC c aa „ o e rack lor bio pickup. J150/3/ ■■■' ' ' ■ hoavy h duty drum and cym- torostod? toro Call 538-2002. EED. Seven varieties, star- „ . beE S S ^ o r v anner Fumlluro,733-1421. 12 yeara experience swathehor. Good unlta. Call 35’Hlichh1ker8Ui bostoHof. Coll 324^78. - 063-Camera Equip. ^bal stands, 3 microphono at- Klngslzod KInc water bod, J150. no at *1.10 per lb. Free Edwin Eoberr324-2092. 837-479I7S2 or 784-2280. tachmenls. atool and drum Cair734-324Bovenino8. Call (jm Bllvore. Also BRIDON r r ^ iB'RoadRangerBUi ; irso shoolna & trimming. 1081 1Now Holland.- 1088 1 97924'A24'Argosy travel trailer L Comploto black t whllo• tuner, best ollor. 878-5300 Speed Ouoon waahor 8. )82-Bu[ldlng . Materials b aliALER TWINE- delivered. Horso I anklof.J}mlJnSha.K______• ob Hamlllon, 734-3587. Anywllywhere In Magic Valloy, dieselol stacker. Ready to Newl985■1985 Rawhide 6th • ------TA it^TE, w : campar^fit’ derk~~room— raulpmBnt, — I29-p«f RCT1E ^ D A f fr ro n c in g rp o iti. mwrRne.-3gft-A31. at»ck-t ■■19adWltchMkef8th—:----- — ' sriGM plua, I2»: ciolhoa,J Bo8aler^-23CIJ— ontarner.-GGullafo,-1-«loc;-1-acou9tle:- mon Sl03-(all--5ianmng.-lntorlor-wair covor-- ■- ‘ lunlor, 12-14; baby clotnosIS timer, safe llohla. CallI hhard cases. J150 oa. Storoo localocations). 733-8148. jving ■ (dreed \o ' boI1:''«21SL In cablnot.tSO. 734-4050. g. Fir.framing lumber, ond lautlTuI Arabian QH, 8 yrs MAUDE.UDE8TRA1UR8ALE8. and caraoal. Call 7^1878. C hfis,734-0395 atfor 5pm. !l ( lall chromo bar stools, knol Qf(M4Exlt147 1 ACRES, now aeedlng “ I?.'i, used (or mountain iij_|-F arm W orX TROY BILT TILLERS ' Kimball organ. Early whilwhllo upholstery, llko now, ^°oi^Lumber324-8120. < llno.*eOO/0(fer,324-692fl. | Call837-44a Amorlcan slylo._^ doos W5 falla with barloy for green Spoclal max discounts. Allil] 'O?O-Want0dToBuy M5 oach or JIM (or all 4. ----- W "" ” ! u S Hnew, S 1978 Mark V a ' ' . modola avallablo now, bosi ovorvlMno. tIOOO. 82g-5537. Call::all 734-8292,______qj, lop. Excellent hsylago.S^^ QH,■I, tlthoroughbred, maro, 8 )83-Gafao0 Sales sooli3uih& iv^ wosl ol Jeromo. yra,s. nnot broken, good con- ALL TYPES GROUND 3 RangerR 6th vrheel prlcos -guarantood Dl al BEE BOARDS wanted, wo'Ui LLowry Genlo oroan, oxc. 54"54" 6 legged old stylo tablo ___------Cali: rmallon. *250.00.423-5753. WORK, ur. See to appreciate! . Gordon Coontry. Burloy.y. como to you. Ray Odormott,, condition,c J600; 12 string + 2 all 324-2018 or324-2572. forma' IK. plonllng, reck + 2 loavos and malchlna Sou:ouih Conlral Community TTp/ •(3 quarter horaes. P'cker,or, loader . work; L720g-_Ca0.Call 734-2023. CailcoIlocl.87Wl&. ' Cplloct 1-465-52M. 0guitar. *50. Call 324-3733. bulfi3ulfol.J185. Call324-5268. Actlictlon AQoncy Gleaners ol LFALFA HAY, 2nd & 3rd REO jttings. minimum 25 bales. 8 n>odoodmare; S year mare,- swathli[hlng, baling, threshing. Now 1984 lOS- Terry Teurua, 23', — — i------Twir Min Falls win bo having a 7^13-0922/7330207 am/ovea, WInnliInning Song, Voo Doo Wllltratravel. 543-eaaa.______(uil bed, bee deluxe rangp/ uago saio Juno 13-I4th, 1. large (r*g/treezor. 2. (gMiingqSilw 00-QangB8tl«3 063-Qnoe Sales »m-OmKSiiti S llenllon farmers. aJIalla >ckel. offer. M3-851S. CHEMlMICAL APPUCATJON, o v e n , la 180, al 220 Taylor SI. TF. Attor or roller harrow, with or heavyy dutydi batterfes, apan jmominolorovoryono. idciovor * sood, good quail- KOfilsiiglslered Appaloosa disc or ire, 7 year. *500/ollor; 13 wUhouioul liquid fertJJlzer. t k o . Bubliuer B lab lacks, excep- , low prico, various "’aro, il value. 328-S248. irioUoa. also good oala for voar. le R. Jones. Los, 733- »onalvaIi 4 t ; oW w -T o o l» *joding 3 down your alfalla Call 54 orDouq.-326-<181. SAVEIIEll FactoryF direct, cotrh -■■ ■ ' ' crop.op. A3-4308 al Rood and STANDING CU8TCTOM SWATHING, bal- p a c t light llg h welahl, euper Irh Grainrain Boan Co, Inc.____ RRed Gray Mammoth Ing ania n d slacking. Coll 543- a uieo la te d traver trailers, 8(h fle-Firewwd ~ q Jack. ^ 1 4 3 . <516 or 543-8241.______• I ’OOlsols and mini motor G R EE N C H O W Q ----- TOM SWATHING, bal- es. Call Scamp toll free- W t ii t u l a ^rowood by Iho soml-load^ Wolgolghod ovor our new por- STANDINQ CUSTO ^J4MM2 (or tree...... ordodor EARLY. MIKo Buol. J. tablobloocalos; - - ...... ------.. Palnt.Jack - - -'^0 hure.______^ ■ Call733-7?4?i______Reasor M. Entorprlsos. 423-4680. LSO'30'8 Custom Farming — LL, easy to pull lent ■ 'i:'- ORDRDER your tlfowood early ; yr old Quarter Horse. Cuaton ir. B l e e p s 4, o l d e r , bul. ----- V Is yoar. By tho cord, ------32M7D332&^964 Qon’lkmile and good dlsposl- service I,*450. Call 5 3 8 ^ . h r ■ ' ■' • this n. *450. CAll 328-5183. 8192 altaltorOPM.ormess. OP°Si.^ ckup load or truckload.-Hay.»y.for.aalo;.-150-lona lat, -il2nJ: el trailer,-1977-NomM, -— jlllns Posl and Sawmill, ooad^a^^^uallly dairy hay. Call 1985i i APHA'bay/ (Illy, GhOBl ~ CU'JUSTOMSWATHINQ 11?''*' Call837-6594 . soif-contained, exc. 3-5691 or 423-5828______334-41 limes oul ol Qallant Ghoat ... llUon, *4000.324-4883;------" ■ NowBw aoofllng alfalfa for Wayward Chlmoa, 1983' ^•ariymorna.orovBB. _ ’HA Flashy sorrel/overo cu< IT TO RENT 20' RV, to U ot» oon chop. Soulheajt of ;USTOM SWATHING: 6&-Varl0ty Foods 3;°°;iromD.Call78a-2214. m "u 0. s . Never Suspoclod oul TraveleJ any area. Scoit Bag- jorkod fL®. In Filer (or H8 Forecast Suspicion & gen,54W l M / 5 4 ^ __ 0 finals. Sleep « & T R E B E W P A fC H “ N^oTow 1988 first cutting hay, pL„n5inny Loyd. 1977 AOHA bay c u i Vrr cenuined. Respond tr/ ▲I ^ni5y' ^ B j'; ‘■I “TAspi ilry quality, 100 Iona, take om swalhing, baling 8. 6/11,487-,487-1931 eves.______sporaous...... 119.95/20lbs «ro, Im Judy, oul of Jot On poaitk)n, £ 15 hands, Leo caif’ol^ :fcs,t3995. 734-7194. • pios,OS, *75-*125. 352-435? or C°HS Be.dlng,*450.54«28i._.. >34-5609.______1978 Golden Gc Falcon 22'. 524-34-3141 ovoa 8iwookonda. 1500 0a cres of al(al(a hay l o r _ r ^ yoar old reglalered 'A custoirom Swathlno, Baling & contained, gaafelect )rso gblding. Will sell or c^Vwinking. Call ffruce B ^ L'lO'*4000. Call 423-4SU, Sf.i.'i-sfs.af'&a ill idefortlYeafock.53&-8100. o i / o f & t s - 48a 2 h o o p"'y ‘n fi‘ i"a- onlngsorwookends. 3rd1 cuttingc jilfaKa, 30 tons, ______om baling. soK-propolI- Prowlor P " 20' tandem, CC Lab pups, sound, good ” 5 A cont., exc., cond., rmoni w/chlldren, 837-6t i iK » -fio - fM Equipme'nl od’ nic(? n Holland 1425, Jim S.CaU&37-&525. ). 733-3272,? or Dean ai X how. foodylopickup '30 Ion li 2nd cutllhg hay, 2-hors m.Tlre,73W78l. - lorM deluxe nwdel :kaon Cuatom Stacking — 13, shots Inc., *150. black covorivorod. cioso In. tf.9 pro. udde^vJem axle, mala, apare Qoldon. For Inlo, S34- Call? i quick service & rales. ''''2Prowler, , 28', park »I173^«- lfr?“hB, hardwood, red leather 173^8587 oarly or oves. ot, eeir and/or bal- ^ 21288. M ______M j J triovi ^ n 1 1 over, 5 monihs old. malo, ()9a_» - p 45ture8 For Rent 1 horalorae, horso trailer, and a uSlf? 29' Nom»d, like new,, ■ 9 1 nood■ods good homo, *50. Call ______sljdode In atock rack. Call bod, caaa. TV antenna. H B2ZL______. CoitloItlo corral with night lighi 934-811 awalhing and baling, ). call 7 3 3 ^ . ■ L AKCCC roQistorod blonde & loafing ><» shod, also hay i ' m — — S 5 ,„.llilng, ; manure hauling, ^ T | V - - - - lama'nalo Pommeranlan, 1 avail111 onc farm, 733-6043, .*» 8 X 39, park model, te yoar il trailer, KTtt Up-out, 1- a ro ld ,*125. Call 438-5S22.- irrlgatgated and dry paature for iriY swsllilrj nna KI, nuny il! extras, conakier Auoloul. slartiirta 8/9. Ollorlng Bog. & 1(Q—t2 -C a ttie 112- thing, baling and stack- soll-contcontained, TV antenna, ------Inlonjirmodlato.— Obadiefwo,------Call kick or ROn.At 423?. conUnouiinoua . hot water, Air,'. Puppippy Pro-School, & Show 100I Mack b baldy pain, 5o’'‘g |0 ] or737-16a5 (tele can. conditionlltlonlng, alorm wI(k . Hancindling. Snak* River Ccrh head < EMlNrbitCH REPAIR ™ 3wkJe sucking. dows.tata. *8000.734-^712. yon> 8AILEY^SAL£8 A iri To help hi you moke your s n Kennel Q ub. 423-5442. cowa; mold Pruett. 543-4048. 78 KIttItt a 2; w 8el(-conUJned, • sole a real success, l let e t CUT!JTE pupplos 10 bo gIvon f"04®]ua eteora. 034-5778 b»- 733-4013 cangiigelsw atherandbaler. goodI cond^pn. coi C^|. o 7am or afler 6pm.______eilorSpn5 pm. 733-0083. the3 1Times-News bring in the buyers with your ray. part Lab and part >ur - -- ■ S !)lmaranor.call324-53ll BULL!LLS. Registered polied ' f t*tfrjfl» ^ Alum.~PVC'0*t6d ■ 8x35-' SunflowerSur parit modal. ------— ------c l aJssified'odr-Andr s s le T 'u s reforartoBtMina>oMy“ ? i*« ,•am}-undefCfound.-Call-^3-] Mf/dryei'.'exc. cowj}------u s tfd“it~dt“d ~ r^l“^ |ce ytlmelliUthOT42>«47 >3Heoreatloiial X m j ; savinF-BoaisdAccm if pupplos, *200.5 4 3 ^ 1 . ______Tfl Circle Inc., Rupert, * ' 0 0 DO klttons: 3 maios and 1 ho.438-47D1.______Alwaysye bellor buya. Magki '' - fomanalo. Also. 1 :year old e. 32*4438 Of 324«8a. O nJof;Jer your pipe now. G ated. V^IW-ly. Marin*. S'A mlToa 5 L malolie oulsldo cat. C^l Jay al ■^petaiSM It LINES 2 1DAYS^7 ‘ e, underground pipe, SO Westion 01 Addison.733^141 iZ5-01l PLUS, WITH EACH ^8796. Coloatloatrum alarted Holstein m I*’ o c h p a i d a d , 6 et QH or to pal, bubble EvlnruC•ude,& Mercury motor#, HeautiM 2 FREE GARAGE GERIERMAN wirehair pointer, l^ ^ v e a tor aala. CaJI •ena, atand plpea. pipe boats CESAIE SIGNS. (emamalo. good hunter, *75/ 324-731^ 2 5 2 :-______irallenJ e n . Amolh IrrtgaUon Tom’# for.423^73alt0f4Dm; DAYY COLO CALVES lor aaia. And 81Supply 1 mile M at of Heybur>um/Bur1ev.S£7<73. MOELLER RETRIEVER loatrum (ed. axcaUent BuhI.H!LHwy&.S4V4777. CAI . „ KENNELS Holstelstelnherd.P4:-7208. ^ e CaJklna boat trailer custom d :ALL CLASSIFIED TlTODAY AT 7 3 J 0 9 3 1 HON tubee (or aale, for i n8-19' boat. w c . cond, J i . 1 BOARDING &TRAININQ DAYY old Colostrum fed alumlnimlnum 00"xM ". caJi uaed 0 ^ QU| I onlv 3 m onths, 1700. Custom-1 ... lUNDOGS&OBEDlENCE caNesves (bulls & helfera). Call 7TMoa•3PW- ______CallaftiM ritm .-m tiis. . t o l l t o Twin Falla: 7 H W 4 638-211 S 5 2 i______- 1 HP■

I i ”— . r - r--Vi ;...... ' ' -}-j -

Falls, laaho ' Monday. Juno 2 W T Im o a -N o w a , Twin Fall ______9 ______-

— : Z ^ B e ci c r e c i t B o m taotiv'e - - 1 2'6-17/T- 6 .,

leMlwcury&Uficoln 1^ . ia-C im pera&8hoil» __ 1»^^ea& ^pplte8 KO—HoayyTnjcks/Soinra 1KMWhool Drives 1154-Aijt05-Cadillac. J*IM-*l«raj(ySUn»ln IB ^M ercury i Lincoln 172-Ai2-Aul08-Pontiac Fltjof^as'lop’for IB/VdfsJ 5 1981 HONOA~ATC, 165 s! S, ...... BrBronco, 1073, now iiroa, i 1976 ’9 Coupo” do VllloTbo'o'ui; Sf’®Sharposl 1075 Mocury BUDGET B REMTACAR w TM *t20b)' '«,“ i975“ ( J ^ l rg7T"T.J Trana-Ai^7" 'e'ir. tilt. Voep. FiboffllaM wmporpar from .suaponBlon.-' STjporor For aalo 69’ 2-lon Chovy )rt(ront end. AM/FM sloroo.. car, ca muol ooll. First *895 ^0^Cougar XR7 In the couniry. Nowlow soiling 1985 modol llool Morcircury Morcury Marquis', cruise,ISO, runs good. *1600. •nel^ (or long Urhool bAiOliO trap oxhaual. *300 or' bvslJl alnglo a.Io, *3,000, 7 3 '2-lon oxoxc, cond., *3000.733-6239_,_ lakoa..Call 'a 324-5033 evc9. 1111.--RS..PB. AC. 2 dr. fun8„carars.8. -,- - BothIhjtxc. I CQnd.834-8S95, .Call'733ii?33, 733; . . . . PU.. 024-7103 or 32«-<8«,. tt of(er.678-Ml7eve3, Chovy single axle, *5,000, 'pi period, good rubbor. *1500, Call f 8 Morcury Bobcal. *?00. 76 PontI’ontloc, AM/FM. AT. PS, 0lck‘8Mu((lBr. 'exCELLEn'T 4 whoolor, 1973 1982 19 Cadillac Coupo doVillo. PSsLos' Huon at Calns-733- 450:* 160 B o ^ ^ v o V ^ , 537-0787;____ dlosol, all now tiros, oxc. 7,.. 1734-9508, ______AC.,Go(Good cloan transporla- — 'iS a T Honda ExprMS; 1660 IH Seoul. PS, PB. 4 speed, dl 71ll,allar6:30-733-9601. . 1073 I, *700. Call 324-4257.___ 0 (t. BlIdiHn campor Btioli.loll, Yomaha 50cc; bumporlor 1D82 F-700 Ford. 370 V8, 5 CrCall 733-3474.______sf; shape. *7500-Call 637-4490- — 973 MERCURY. 351 w—Cougar, ? very cloan, row paint, naw carpal, goodood racks; saddle baokol;ol; apd, 2 apd roar axle, 10 g{ I ciassillod odvorllBlnn Clovi:ievoiand ongino,. vory nM•00 m t Ac. PS, AM/FM GOING Inlo Navy, must soil, “ aidn'loxisi.somoonO would rollalollablo,*700. Coll734-3654. condllion, asklno Cio. Call ^^olmoli; 733-6149,______whole budd whoolB. o«c. 19 8, *3650, 734-6072. 17J-AlJ-Autoa-Plymoutli iSas Oodgo D .^ 4x4, call 155-Autos-Chevrolet 1 ^yenvonl 11, Call 733-0931 . 73*-7Q3l. ______1982 Suaukl.TS 450. like newjw cond.,324-6686o r 324-3456. 54y.3-4715oftor6pm, ____ — 981 Morcury Capri. oxIra' — ~ 1873 Lincoln Town car. jnan ~ Volaro wagon,' 6 BVi' Sportklng ovorahothot condllion. 780 mllos, *550 or Stoat ihia t9B5 GMC Jlriimy, BUDGET r"e NT A CAR harp. 1 owner, 42,000 ml,, 6 , 17Jit-AKM-Poote . _ campor. A Curnor atova,ivo, best ollor. Call 733-0016 or ooka Bharp. runs groat, cyi.yl, AT, AM/FM cass, - ~ nder. AC. runs good, Of Kl-Vans vV-a. l AT, AC, powor windows Now N( selling 1985 model Hoot 'oo'low radlala. *1385,733-2046._ f/|ch OBB, ovan & hoalof. 3 wayvay Beonl336 4lhAvo. W. & locks, 5 yoar/50,000 mile (ichelln radlals, *4400. Soo 16888 Ponlioc Floro, gold, *895.L Alt - y 0 ^J-P C” r ? 24.8253. (rlQ, (luah lollol. hydraulicullo 1002 Yamaha 650 Maxim, OuTBlandboT 1070 D o d ^ wiwarranty, liko now, only Call C« Roger 363-3090 or 1873 Monlogo,- qood cond. olI V«Valloy Schwinn Cyclery, aun-rt>-roo(, tinted windows. 1976! Vol Voiaro.-Tilce care, AC, lacKa, «800. Call733-4245.:__ 2400 miloo, oxlras, *1500.X). van, 74,000 ml, 14 MPG, AC, 1111,000 mlloa, novor ell road, ISOr^l-tndorfl.______w/o«/olmost now llros. Also, 1841841 Addison Avo. East, A/C.i. 3700 ml,. 60' .1603or233-5153. (nr Dick'aMuffior,______more! *0500. 733-435S.___ BO ooll *13,177 nowl Compare AT, Al PS, PB, AC. oxcolloni M 127-Motor Home# . 1983 HONDA V-45 Mannanfl 1971 bofloo van, oxc, ong. jh'Ihls llko new4 X 4 lo a now4 condl1lDn.Cajl423J!^5. co ____ H X4prlce. Margo. 734-1777 or ,o 750CC, Groat condition,■n. Call 436-90J0. Wranglor Ins.- X. 1979 228, AT. crulae,'f.topD, jj| Chovy BChool bua campor 733-1100 km vt;_ M convorBlon: Btovo, doalor.Ifgf' *1400. Mark, 734-0634 ovoa. dayaor436-C54^voa.__ ___Z.3 AM/FM cass, radlala, 41,50(T D Ico box. carpol, runa afo»t.esl! 1963 Honda 500XR, good30 1975 DODGE apori van, 12 TCTO SETTLE ESTATE;'1980 onoriginal rni, *4800,324-4946, ■ Inquire al 304 Biuo Laliaa.cos, cond, 43(}-002a. Wrangloror pasaongor. 360 V-6, *1200 or JoJoop 4 whool drivo pickup, jn1980 2 dr Chovotto, AM/FM B Apl II or 733-7447.______Ins.-daya o r 438-05430V08,_ boat ollor. . ... Call 4 ... 23-4450. .... pxoxc cond. Call 733-6317. gocass, 2 now radial tiros, ■ SIE E 'GDIIDII FOR RENT or SELL: 1983130' 30’ 1983 Kawasaki KDX 200, 1D73 CHEvV'Suburban, V. ruirunsgpod,*1500.934-5181, ■ Pace Arrow, loaded. Call superior condllion, *900,)0' 1D80 Vonagon, good Shapo, 'O'Ion. 3-3001, good condition, ■(;.’GS Chovy Mallbu. 2U ong. I now for rOBorvatlona at 733- Call 324-8453,______clean, AM/FM cassolto *JJJ750,_Call733-5fi59,_ ...... aAT.1 runa woll, J 1000 or boal ■ .500Qft(ter5J0p.m. M *iS50/boalollor.S37-6561. 1*975 19 Land Cruiser, good oilollor. Call 733-2883 ovoB.____-M . A N 1863 KLT 250, 3whoolor, 30 ® i D i i r aECT'OP" LET US RENT YOUR'lUR miles. Soil or irade lor condition, now llros. Warn 7777 ChovoYle,' AT7 AM/FM, I huba, *3,000.423.5782,. . . 731 18 MOTOR HOME. ConalgnI 10lo motorcyclo. 324-7193 or 142-lmportSponsCarB , 78K, runs and looks good, H Blll'a Automollvo I Mulllor.lor, 324-4948. at Dick's Mulllor. 197B Ford F150 Rangor XLT bobost offer. 733-3830.______B 2105Kimbo(lvHD, 733-0081, 1083 Yamaha Virago 500,fl ’ BUDGET r e n t a c a r '" LaLariat, loaded, oxc. cond. *” 1985 HONDA CIvlC 4 door. CnCa|l.625-58450r 725-3422. MOTOR HOME, Claaa a; Z?'27' now last aummer, 700 miles, 16O-Autos-Do.■a^ 19W Honda TRX-200: 1905~ CallRogor38M090of opapd, heavy duty suspon- linllroi, runa good, haa Vnoon 9 Inola, oxtra cloan, S13,5(I0. Suiuki, 230 shall, TRX Hon-I | Call 3fl&.2?56,______■ 0 3545/734-4S585. | 1 4 8 -A n tiq u e A utos IE162-Aulos-Fords • Qg _o»tlm8to j^ o ^ o y 73^7168.a '®- ahnjb romoval, a Really boaulHul Mazda RX7, -3322, 1078 Mlnl-molor homo, 20 13&-Pick-UpTmck3 Froo 081. Tony 73+0 1969BMW2M2 Pfomlor. Pf; 58EdS0l.Sta. Svgn. 250 25C onglno, AC, good condl- "«“ For that wookon black-lop, all typos of roof. I ■; ■•mfiaa. ficonso s flv fooa Will trade lor good running lioi . paid,Call 5434234.______down and aaaumo pymis, orir Jt_595,_Cdll733jJM6t.______:lon,Coll7J4-8,G20_- . . , gB hideaway you'vo alway Ing. SAW.W.ConatnjcUon. m — ta.OOOcash. Call734-3022,__ auto. Call 7337648. ,37 _ dreamed of, atari yot Call73»«237oJS7 or 734-0S44 and ■ 82Claaa A. 27’, lowmlloago, - 1972 Dalsun 510 wagon, best 1974 Ford Musiann II, cloan. gg i?’ 1962 U Ion Intornallonal, 1949 Chovrolei pick-up. runs •uns run groal, 25,000 ml, on DQ search In tho real ealal 63e-273Sovonl(vonlngs. ;llko now, all options, load­ I. oiler, soo at 932 Fair St.. g | i^ju m n s 01 c l» aJJ le d. 1 ^^5. good engine, needs3. Pjjhi_qr cqll.543:6507, good. Call 324-5612 allcr •obulli rot ong, *850.760-4584. f . heck ed. Call 733.78i7.0f aoo al Will •ISIBE.Heytimn. Twin Falla. Clutch. *575, Coll734.3332. ' 5PM- -1971974^iundorbirarP S . PB, “ Im,” g ra# B . ______-i ; 1957 Bulck RoadniaDlor, \T, AT AM/FM cass. AC, oxc, II work Lawn mowlng/irim, “ 1067 Chovy pickup, 4 speed,I. 1972 Volkswagon bug. ■ fllH'l'IMIIHBIigott, catchor mowora, (roo (r oat, - - hall ton, oood cond, goodd _ Call 487-2112 ovonlnga. runs groat, noods some :ond,825-5a45_or cor 726-3422. “ llroa, *405.733-5859, _ body ropalr, *390.825-5982. 197 oxp, reasonable. 734- • CULTURED:D hMARBLE, Tub [ ' ■ Iza-UtllityTrailere - 1974 VW atalionwagon, good 7. 1974 Thunderblrd. good BB Cuatem Swatnino. Choc oncloauroB,B, aahowora. Freo ' I ; llros, very good condillon. 74 Chov Mallbu Classic, e«c. :ondltlon. cor runs on gas or mn our compellllvfi ralaa. Wi Charmac T x 10’ 5ih whool, cond, AC. PS, sorvicod pro Eatimatea.. FPRO MARBLE ’ S ol, 1908 Chevy pickup, AT, *550,I. Ingulrpal 673.3864 allOLS. iropano, *1400. 670-7676. m travel any aroa. Quality wor ------. 734-0751 orf436-5818. 436- . E .doluxo • enclosed olocKCk Call 734-950d^______every 2,000 mllos, *1295, 1978 ,07 Ford Courier XLT, AC, &B dono right. Scott Oaggot tjomo & trailer, now tiros. 423-5411. - 1976 MG Midgol. Wobor Call ca ovonlngs 423-0297. g,o 3 Moat comploto hi 0 carburallor*,— good—cond., •— itoroo, camper sholl, ono _" 543-5130/54341085, ^4M_ ,_flardon ___aonfico-«___ avail, — ------...... — - t irCr^li'c'^'Snr‘f '■ *20p0.324-3406allor5:30pm. , ow,jwr^Or. uxc, con'dT, 324-1252. ‘ gB 71. carponlry. concroto Waohlnoton or call 7344739 152-Autos-Buick 1981 ibs Escort L. 3 door hat- au Bcapino. mowing, c or 734-2844.______1976TrlumphTR>wltfi Buick : Automotive" - V-C engine & now paint. ,or chi:hback, low mllos.- AC, ■B ______hauling, A (tor7pm 73 _ 1973 Chov Vj ion. PS, AC,• *1800. Call 837-8385-- p-g19G2 4 df Bulck. 401 V-6. PS. amVM/FU lapo. cxc. condl-. ■ CUSTOM STACKINO B i _ AT. tilt, 52,000 mlloa. il900. PB, AT. looks 4 runs good, iiorIon, *2600.534-4462 OVOS. . *■ Ron Mothorahoad-423-440- Call 734-6072. '• 1977 Honda Ctvl: v/agon. oviovor(i.iu|od, *300, 72G-4?<6. ,gg g ' MartyJflCOt)8-4»fl22Jr ATTENTIONN HOME ' \ - Now onglno. tiros, shocks, 9B4 Tempo. 4 dr. 5 spd. AC. I roHiD A OWNERI IFF yoyou havo wind I . 132-Aulo, Parts i H978 Tovota SR5 shori’bo’d. '83 Park Avonuo, oxc., AM\M/FM steroo. S55d0, Call' _ 2. Lawnmowor tune- sloroo & Int, Loll Ironl ond cond,, loaded. Call collcct 324 amago, call Bax- l , Acce880riB8______*1795. Call 733-3237, ECCO) damaflod, *750. 734-4999. 124-7193 or 324-4948, al Bu ropalr, froo pick,'^ 35? loy Conal. Co. 326-4862. 30 | ' — d ayaor 733-7118 ovoa. al 622-5428, Sun Volley. Di:3i:k'r, Mulllor. g . dollvor. Uaod mowox: )rlonco In roodng ■ Cualom made trailer hlich 1977-TOYoY a Coiica GT, — CUSTOM HAYINQ c h i i ^ w . ■ 1979 Chovy Silverado, load- ood condition, good buy, . 7, S ____ up. Homellt# XL eh,33_AutoDeiJef8 175_V-AutoPMlOT 17S-A5-AutoDaatef8 -• engine witn 40' uiiiiw (lai ■ For Sale or frado: 1983P bod. *19,500 (or boin. 3 axel\\ Wheel DrtY03 , Kawasaki GPZ IIOO. TradeI® gooso nock machineryy 19B0 Chovrolei Vi ion. AT • for a Honda VE5 Magna or5' irallor, *4500. 13‘ llai bod In-1- aux. un k s, 350 V8, i.ial 33. ^ 175-Auto DMiera • MOTORCYCLE loalhora and 175-Auto Dealers . • boola lor anio, call 733-1798, USED 5 1 ; askforM ati.______S P ^ALSjf ' USED CARR & ' r a u c K • Movlngl 1976 Honda Od- 1969 DATSUN■J' 1973 BUICK • doaay. 4 whior. runs greai, U G A R 1978 GSRAND l 19801lOHONDA ; laHWO lakoa.733-8787. WAGON APOLLO [ Q U I S ACCORD • Showroom quamyl iSM O R M A R C AC( : S P E CCIALS G ood fishing cor, Locally o w n eM! d . .ow m ilos. - •-H o n d a Goldwlng Aspen- ortofion. Local 1 o w n o r . L ow ; cade, low mlloane, many; REDUCEDIDACAIN! • oxiraa. c a ll 324-4^.______:K 1978 couc _. 1385 SPRIIIT.,...... : . j m > 4 D O O F • I-W anted. 1970-1975 .Yamaha * 3 0 0 I * 8 8 8 199 *31 id. Good transport8 8 *14 tiyy . 400 Enduro. any condiUon. . ___• Leave moasago at 543-4%0. ' _J J 382 CHEVY MOKIE CARLOCAI ...... * 4 1 9 5 ' . . 1975 YAMAHA 650, runs' • oood. J600 or bost ollor. 1976 FORD I976CHRYSLE EPHYR 1983M • Cali 733-3033 and leave« • 1982 CHEVY CAPBICE.E *2795 B * l Q gR C U R V .1981ZE (MERCURY I m ossagoon mactiine. PINTO CORDOBA T COUPE COI c u T i a s o J U I S Z7 SPORT OUGAR • 1976 FLH-H,D. custom pjint A ir c o n d itioning nRoody. tAVIi v i $ 1 0 0 0 ■ and chromo, oxc. cono., o;t-■^ 138) 98 OLDS LUXURYIYSEOAN....:*5fl95 H o n in g . _ .VGCo tlo n I ! tra parla uvailatiip. 423-4741. HER 1974 MERC • 1976 yomjlfa~50d~!aTtrngl ■ • crulso, 8,000 ml., now lircir -1381 C.HEVY CUATIOH.ic :7 ::. *2295 : * 7 8 8A M A R Q l l > 9 9 ^ 4 1 ' : -Sbatlory.JOOO. 733-3272. ng. Aircondiflor9 9 *a4 IS95 ’ 1979 BMW RIOOT wfJajring, ■ bans, trunk, atoruo, o»c.I; 1381 BUICK SKYLARK. : cu;id,53'100.734-G34S.__ t ...... SOLD 1978 CHEVY 1981 CH EW — ~ 1379 Suzukt-e50,-3ha(t-t)ri»e.— B « D A 1981 HlONDA C 19799 PONTIACP ; full dro5S. low miles, J1200r “ ISSnOYOTA STAHOIfflnwaeohtt :.. * 2 8 9 5 ' : ----- WAGON---- CITATION . cr bosl oHur. 734-8808. lOdR (CIVICC DX GRANDND LoMANS Vocofron Roady. Vacofion Roody ‘ 1973 Yamaha 2M OT.cnduto. 1988DAISUNNISSAI(P w milos. Front whotool drlvo. 1 ownor,nor, low m ilos. I 1400 mr.; excellent conOi------SPORrcOUP£_5____tpiasA R soLD I |loft.J6l5.Call32i-526a._.,_ 1 9 8 1 M A Z • l98dKAWASAkr750LTO * 8 8 8 jyN : G L C 3 D 0 ! Exc. cond.. low ml., recent, 1382 CHEVY'/2IOH SIISILVERADO. . . * 4 9 9 5 * 9 9 3 188 *117 9 9 dy. ] ownor, lown9 9 *31 • tunoup. riow lltoa 8 ballory, • back rost. luQOaoo • crulso control, highway bar, 1977 CHEVY VAN COKYI(VERSION .^ .. - * 4 9 9 5 £iiu«dt 'ttjaiw on s • i150Q. 734-2430 ovos.______' ‘ I960 440 Kawasaki, full .. 5 - [ * 1 7 S ; dross, crulso conlrol, 2 . holmots, 3900 miles. *1495, • Call 733-0419.______TrHEIS ! 1981 C. 0- Honda 650, (uH For Over 3 2 Yea. MOT€ :e In The World To B u/Am y, Car s ■ aro.j, SOM ml, portoci ^TOUrtAINAVM cond, mako odor, 734-1247. LFALIS 3 ^ 7 7 0 0 ^ ^ ^

sars The Easiest Place i It , 1 >■. ■ p G r i d1 All-siitarshlo n efforSai t t u r d iay b aiitd e— TWIN FALLS - For th Assisting Bond and Shrun r the firsl time Larry Bondnd of Shoshone and Paul jm will be Whitaker andid Troy lilgby of Raft Russ Rui Rudd. Carey; Dalcn1 1Hoiner, Brown, Alan ThiThomsberry. Brian In Ils brief history, iho M Clark Muscat of Hagerm; 0 Magic Valley ShrumofGleJlenns Ferry. C man. Gene River; K.C.^ Thompson, Shane Jesse Jes: Beltran, Jesse Bransi Clem ents of Buhl and BobM isen and Howard, T racy TwiTwiss and Bob Clark, ,>vestom all-star learnn willv have a The-Easlit iis cxpected to reply with Milligan of Newcomb, Pal Jpxsey and Dana Shane Sha Crist, all Minlco, ancnd Ryan all Buhl. college-bound quarterba ling Brad Matlhews of Gooding. Tback at ils do-everylhln 'M iller, all BuiBurley; Kenny Preston Palm Pal er, M urlaugh. Wade Cooperr aond Chris Tabor, helm , when lhe lopDp graduating Declo, who10 reportedly will sign a T he gam e is conducted eai’ach spring C raig Gill;ill, both Richfield, and both Shoshone;; J(John Weeks, Todd seniors from Magic Vail/alley meel In football-tradack scholarship wiih C ol-. , 'with' all’proceeds goingig J th? 0111 » °rd y . ScScott Sorenson, Shawn Simis. Danny Dall;)ally, Chad Mink and UiQ annual Magic Valleyley Shrine All- legeofSouUnithcmUlah. ; 'Shrlner’s Cripple Childrenin H ospllal '•'f IRalph Shawver, all West B rian D arcy, all Gooding; Chad S ta r football gam e Sali5alurday nlghl The leam:ms have begun workouts f" in Salt Lake Clly. ^ Valley. ' Mark M Elliolt, Hagerman;; Torrey Hope and Darrearren Sparks, both at BruinSladlum. le pointing toward lhe 7:30 and will be j The rosters include:' Kurt HolcomIimb, Brell Wright, Mike Sheets. She Ranee Peterson, Eric1C Holley. Wendell; Dale Ainsworth Ain and Steve • Gooding's Todd Simis . Saturday. The cast sqund mis, who has p.m. start Si Stark. Glenn TaylorTi and Duane Rob- rracy Tra Block, Jim Hart andid Jared crown, both-Filer;ler; Matt Simons and signed wilh* lhe pass-h.s-happy Idaho Is being hamindled by the Declo staff of East bins, all Kimb(nberly; Shane Stimps(}n [larding, Har all Jerome; Jnmie! Carlton,C Mark Carpenter,r. both\y Glenns Ferry; Slate Bengals In the pas: Will Bcdke, Keith Cranr jass-happy Big Mike Mallhethews, Jay Darrlngton and nney. John and Corey Alleilien, both Hansen; "Brad -asey Cas Bartholomew, Tom \McLinn. scoll Walker and Tyler Williams. Sky Conference, probab Oldham and Randy Rodi uably will gel Ron Knowle/Ics and Don Tompkins of 01 )drlguez of Matthews, BillMil Collrin, Mike Red- Mark Mai Lee. Eric Ahlbom antmd Mike boih Wood River,;r. aand Ron Owen and the starling nod from wiwest Coaches Oftkley andid G ary Hoxspy n( Burley. 0;Oakley; Justin Whitakerer. Travis man nnd Brenrent Kowltz, alt Declo; Pavelec, Pav all Twin Faijs, ancmd Gary Brian Lima,•bothihCaslleford. Ci

imiiifimiwiiiiMiiiiiyiyiiiiM—a Monday,ly, Juno 2,1986 Tlmes-Now:Iowa. Twin Fails. Idaho -* ) Baseball roundup CD 2 oris9 ■ 1 Bradly is LPGA chihamp D3 w -" 1 Indy 500 autopsy ED4 D Collegiaans figuure itoNBA\ finals Rockeetsgetlbackim series ^ >p pickss A keem ," Wiggins said, to be to HOUSTON (AP) -— The : Boston Ralph or A! Cellics’ plans for, a 3-03-0,lead in the "D .J. (Denennis Johnson) relaxed NBA (Inals were •foiled fo'l by a on the-offf side.s 1 saw a crack of rclallve mldgel In a forest of daylight anand lipped the shol In- 1in 1 toda\y’s draf.ft skyscrapers. stinclively.y. II must have been the Mllchell Wiggins.5. a 6-foot-3 first tim e ! C D .J. didn’t box m e out NEW YORK (AP) - Colloileglans Hemond of Soulhjlh Florida, shortstop .. ..reserve. guard.Jeapcdpcd among.a. .allday,bullm il fell good." 'eff King, a third basem anan from Gary Sheffield of Tampa, Fla.,-and. swirl ot players'Si lealeast one-half Wiggins> said the Rockets Arkansas, and Greg Swlifflil9ell, a Keyln1 BBrown of Georgia fool (alter and tappc(>pcd In a re- shocked Bo:Boston with Ihelr llghln- efl-handed pitcher from Texjixas, fig- Tech, Daryl Browrown of Nagodoches. bound for lhe winningling basket in Ing comebacjack. ureire lo be am ong the leading> cchoices Texas, and Kentnt N Mercker of Dublin, the Houston Rocitcls'.s' lOG-lO-5 vie- "We gav(avo outselves a chance n baseball’s' amateur free'c agent Ohio. lory Sunday lhat cucut Boston’s whon RalphIph and Akeem kept get- H M H H M drafIraft Monday. The club seleclioctlon process is based lead in (Ijc best-of-sevijeven champi- ting defens}nsive rebounds," Wig- n r ^p H H r King and Swindell, both Juniors, Ji on tho inverse order ort of last year's onshipserieslo2-l. gins said.. “ I saw the look of fear *' ould go In tiie lop three; of the standings. Thee Ifirst-round order, "I saw an opening,>, saws the ball ontheCelllcillcs’ faces." « . . ]^H | drafiraft's regular phase. Kingg baited after San Franclsticisco, will be Texas, and knew where it wawas com ing," Bul Celticitics forward Larry Bird Sul \ ‘ 37G with 14 home runs and1 55y runs Atlanta, Mllwaukaukee. Philadelphia, - Wiggins said. "If ('(74) Ralph was nol th:lhal Impressed with the ttl JM H balti'ailed Jn this . season. S\SwlndeJi SeallJe. Chicagogo , Cubs, Minnesota, Sampson had been thethere, he pro- comneback:k victory. post'osted n 10-2 record with a 1.3(.3fi earn- San Diego, Oakland, Oa Houston, bably would have got!gotten a dunk "They werewe awfully lucky and n w I edd nrun average while strikingg oul1 171 • Boston. Montreal,cal, California, Cln- .• instead of a lip like I diddid." - -they—know)w they were awfully j andnd walking 27 in 12G Innings. . cinnati, Detroit,oit, Los Angeles, lied from an lucky lo bettteal u s," said Bird, who The Rockets roiilcc lavc the White Sox,Sox New York Mets, : eight-point deficit Inin the. last was held I I lo two points In the The PiOsburgh Pirates ha’ irsl pick in the regular Dinse California, St. I.oiI.ouis, Kansas City, three minutes to winvin their first fourth quaija r le r despite finishing onto, California and fnlloallowed by the Cleveland 1Indians California, Toronli gam e of the series. TvTwice before wilh 25 poinoinls. 15 rebounds and 11 Indians California again.1. ,nd the San F rancisco (Hants. at Boston Garden, ththe Rockets assists. "If•If a couple of calls go The Angels' cxiextra- choices were — hadwlllcdihthcsecondondhalf. the other waway,wcwin," • Much inleresl will c e n ter.on r.1 the compensation foror losingli Class A free — This time, It.was BostonDo as-Uie— -Houstoas;o-saw it differently, election of Bo Jackson, Auf\uburn’s agents Juan Beniceniquez to Baltimore . . . Celtics scored only twtwo points in "Our spc'peed and our ability to , ^ , f f l H Ul-AmericanA lh running backck who and Al Holland ;olo the th Yankees. the final three minuInutes. A rc- run Is a lilllillle bettor lhan theirs. 1 liready has been drafted Nos'o. 1 by Three of the; firsl fl: eight'players Sampson said. "1 was . bound, basket by KcvCcvln McHale ihink," Sai V ■ # ^ h(! National -Foolbali - LeLeague’s chosen in the lastist JuneJ draft already • ;• had given the Celtics:s a 102-94 lead very confidifidenl all along in the Tatr,‘ampa Bay Buccaneers,I. Most are In the major,ijors: first baseman wilh 3'.-j minutes to play>lay. series, bul It\ we ju sl had to gel over baselaseball officials will considc,der ll a Will Clark of the thi San Francisco Seven-foot Akeemm Olajuwon, ihehumpofof playing these guys." siiri:iirprise if Jackson chooses pailassesup Giants, lhe No.5. 2 2 pick last year; ■ • who scored 23 points, po then "We wene re playing wilh full In- iro foolbali for l)asel)all. Thusus, ho is pticlier Bobby Will Wi of the Texas started the comebacback with a tensity beciecause we knew we had lot expected lo be a prim e pick,:k. R angers, No. 3, and ar outfielder Pete ihrce-point play, mmaking the to win." ' ' Olajuwon said. "We ^ W litHowever, liie California /Angels, Incavlgiia of thee Texas T< Rangers, No. • score I02- Ang\ngeis and lhe Toronto Blue JaJays. made public. Thehe rem1 ainder will be i Alnge gave Boston Ils last lead al ■ Jusl befoefore a missed shot by K. Jackson lilt only .24(1 in 21!l gam es' announced at alaterdate. late ; 104-103 withes secondsids remI aining. Boston’s K Robert Parish, referee ^ ■ ■- his season before being decia:iared In- The secondaryy phasepi will deal wilh Olajuwon's misseded hook shol Jake O'Dor)onnell blew an inadver- oligiligible for accei)llng a ticlickel to players who previoijviousiy were drafted, 1 bounced high abovee tlthe rim. bul lent whistleille, forcing a jump ball Tatii’atnpa for a pre-draft physiI'sical by but chose nolto to s i ^ right away. Wiggins' perft'dly tim tin: e leap tip- between thethe 7-0 P arish and Samp- thelie Biics, He balled .401 andIld hit 17 Players who previously p were . pcd the bal! in with;th 31 seconds son. Samp;npson cleanly won and I ■ ■ I I » hon;lomerslaslseason ...... 4rafted. but who.ailO .are 21.years old.or ■ ■' ■ ielt. tipped the,e Iball lo Olajuwon, wlio Al’tilcfptioto Others ^^1 expi'Cleil lo lie choseisen early 13 monlhs expiixpircd since ihelr "We were going in.siin.side lo either -wasfouled di- and hit one free throw. Akccm Olajuwon dr:irivcs past Boston’s Gn5rcg Kite for two ire shorlslop Mall Williailams of previous seleclior:lion. go into the Nevs'evada-Las Vegas, catcherer Scott regular phase. Footbi)allcoatetoei nd "man winnsKmipi^erinovei3rtime BKTIHOSD/>DA, Md. (AP) - More r— 11 than anyoneme./ Greg Norman is recruititing byr school[ alumni sorry to seesee l!ie-K em per Open movo fromI !i.lungthy-Congressionai DALLAS (AP) - TThe College Vince Doo )ooley of Georgia said he Ulegislation," hesaid.- Coif Course,e. i* . J : Football Association c on Sunday fell the proposal' pr to bounce the Some of ttie other itemsns opiirovcti K „ m a n .. oneoi of Ihe'longe.sl hll- ' | ' voted lo gel boosterilers oul of boosters would wo pass in the NCAA b by tiie full CFA membcrsi•sliip incluil- , „„ II,p ,,,PGA.Tour. tai)ped in a . recruiting,.limit head coacoaches to one convenlion. 1. ■ Cied: two-foot parlar pull on liie sixlli ; contact per -prospecl, iand to cut "The charlan ces are good," Dooley —Support of Propositionon JU ivliidl Iioi,. , ^scholarship llmils. e Sunday lo beat Larry said. "Nihcllely-seven per cent of the sels si new standards for adiidmission lo uiz'c iiml win^’In llie S5uo,ooo Kemper The proposals will bele ssubm itted to alumni have ve the University al heart.. college.ci Opi'n golf loi : the NCAA Convention In lournam cnl for the se- 1 In San Diego But Uiere a a re r alw ays 71 few who can ’--Opposition to a propoposai lhat t'ondlimeinlnliiree years. • In January. The Pac-lOiO anda Big Ten cause probltblem s. Most vioialions in- alhictcs a he allowed five,-e. years flf- N onnan, w are nol members of the CF who won S'JU.OOO, has f\ ■CFA. volve booste sters. This legislation is in eiiglbilily. el captured four:uir PGA Tour events in , The full CFA conventloiItion adopted a ihe best Int Interesr o f; Inlercoilegiale —Support of freslimaii eli|.■ligibilily, „i^ . aiand hail of them have .-proposal-by coaches thal tha will pro- athletics." —Hei'omrneiiiied lhal tiiree tin junjor. ^Ver ti lilDit the reprusentatlves • the 7,l7;i-yard, par-72 ves of athletic Chuck 'Jeinas. Nei executive director •varsity v. football games be bi allowed congressionainai Golf Club. '4 : -, interests fc^m all rccirecruiting, in- of Uic CFA^A, said " I ’d be enlirely e; each ■year, Next ye.1/ear, however, lhe eluding telephone callsIs andi letters, surprised ifif. our recrullmenl package ' —Approved appoiiilmcilent of a Kemper will,fill, move to a neari)y . untllaprosp^^lsignsagr:granl-in-aid;^ was n o t-passedpa; by the NCAA. W'e- j., ^ s ^ coininitlee lo evaluale lhehe fuiLire of Tournam entnt Players Course, a "This will help us ckclean up our had an 'JCAA NC represenlatlvc wlio act,” said a jubilant Texc postseason footbaii in the.’ Iilong range shift Normanan regrets, "• ? exas Christian sal wilh o ou ur coaches and saw the ||. interest of Intercollegiate al id lo leave Congres- m Coach Jim Wacker. "It's "ll' the pro- widespreadtidendorcemenlof 11." , aliiietics. ’ Defeated was a proposalai for a spr- sional. It's niceni to play on a natu- H blem we face more thanlan any single Dooley alsoals said CFA approval of a jj. ing Iraitiirig footl)aii gamme against ral cour.ser like1 this one," said H thlngr-W e-have lo keepep the alumni proposal-thahat inlitial scholarships be j,, out of recruiting." anollier university as a fuifund-raising Norman, whcI’ho won after Mize put m reduced froiirom 30 to 25 and tlie overall vehicle, ‘ Ills approachch sliot into lhe w ater ■ TCU was recently hit wilh Iwo limit be int increased from 95 lo lOU , and then chit:hipped his next shot in- W years of sanctions fromam the NCAA "w as very si, Un recruiting, lhe coai •siRniflcant legislation.” lOCllUS sue- ■ „ water hazard on lhe because booster Ulckk Lowe1 gave He said Ih gusled liiat Hn; iiead 1 th e lUth annual CFA con- K' olhersldcofl)f the green. players cash. This happcppened before vention hadad becom e ‘,'a landm ark restrlcled f( lo otie contact cl per pro. „|,^. ^ij,,,ght be anxious to bid Wacker became headd coach. He meeting’’ becausebe of the recommen- sped ^I that would include 1 n Congressionainal good riddance after - turned ovor all 'cviderdence to the dutionsitaptipproved. cicalendar day and would\ J allow Ito „,,|s|,i„g ieciecond hero for the se- « NCAA when he discoverc•ered what had “The Hr coach to visit with the proj limiling boosiers and ;ospccl toll. ,„„j ,|„ i 4hl hi year. Lasl year, he happened. scholarships at the high schoo! and in hisIS Ihom o. ps are very significant ir-slroke lead. On Sun- —■ day. he ledI afler ai three rounds and t I had a chanceice lo win in reguialion TV COI)ntract 1 [I bul barely mn issed a 25-fool pull ' r highligihts trial . on the 72ndd hole I lhal would have . NEW YORK (AP) - 1The Us 'f L’s Myerson clal:lalms shows l]^ establish- Jolorce Uial dem and In thele-firsl 2',-j glvenhimaWiGfl and the victory, failu re'to win a iietworlvork lelevlsion cd league'siiihterillo ir destroy it'. " • w'lweeks or‘his”cotilenllOn ■thaflhure' II ------Second ■ place “ once- again...... both direct here," Blghedled Mize, who collected :J ■1 , contract, central to theic 1< league’s $1.5-- „ ■ - ■ was NFL "pressure," bo billion antitrusl suUI againsta the , .• central iss'ue rem ains and aj implied, to dissuade'!e‘ the nel- .55-1,000, "OmDnce again, I’m very i NFL, will be the m ainn locus T as tto fland the inability of the works from providing the USFLU wilh disappoinled.L‘d. I feel I had a good ^ «, Iriai enters Its fourth weektck Monday. 'o oWobtain a network contract a j contract. Meanwhile, NFIFL lawyers round, butt obviously■ it . wasn't H voted in August 11)84 to p, —J— —USFb-Commissionerr Mli arry F ran k Rolhman and Itobijberl Fiske good enough.’; h . " ------■ ;! who unsuccessfully soughuclil a nelwork 5*!"'','™m "’ a spring schedule to the have he noled regularly lhalI Ill was on- N orm an,'V' who started lhe day wM • ; television contract for■ ihUll! Icasuc, Is cague played Uiree springs ly lu a fler the decision lo monove to the three strokes:es behind Mize, charg- APLaserohoto ;- -cxpeeted to be Ihc firslirsl Kllnoss ol nlract from ABC. bul will fall Uiat the USFL-losl HiIts network -cd back loQ force, f the playoff by / ESPN cable and syn- — Larry Ml*c grl^<» af '. the. week, The six juroijfors, niiiic o( “"'y exposure. shoollnga6-uiJ-undcr-parcc: ------— ii iftciimtBBlhsiLcrucUilL 1 birdiebl putt____ ~ ,0 are Kpgctcil ■llcatcittdcvevlslon this fall, The playofl'Off was the longest on wl: them foolbali fans, also a when his 4u-foot putt for aI tbirdie Each player thenhen missed birdie ■ Tour suice 1933, when wa . • to hear this week from71 JinjJ Spence, Aside fromom the monetary damages Usher, hired in January' 111)85, after ^^e PGA Toi was off by inches. Normanm Uien putts from aroundmd 10 feet on the ix Open was,extended ex • the ABC negotiator wilfi v whom - SSOO millrillllon, tripled under an- the th vole lo move lo the fall, f: is ex- the Phoenix exleiided the piayoff by drojropplng third extra hole.e. Ithe I8th. and Ics. ihl ^ Usher dealt. lllrusl rulesIcs — the USFL's main peeled pe to testify about hiss efforts lo byeightholes In a 17-fool putt. Nownan missed a chance( to win and Mize, who finished ( Until now. the USFl.Fl. has spent demand is; that11 the NFL be thrown gel ge a network contract. Spc■pence, who N orm an an On 17, 11 was Mize's tujturn to when, again back:k a t tho I6lh, his der-par scores of 277, set considerable lim e on what ils off at leastSt one of the three major resigned re from ABC this spiiprlng after with 11-unde scram ble. Afler landing hi:his ap- 12-fool birdie puttIt from fi the fringe ed the firsl five extra pn • lawyer. Harvey Myersoirson, calls his networks. The Tl older league has had serving se as Roone ArledgJge’s chief Purred proach shol in the rough,I. Mize of lhe green cameme up about two •'sniokltig guns" ---two0 InInternal NFL contracts w wl ith ABC, CBS and NBC deputy de in the sports dcfieparlmenl, saisank a lengthy putt for parir after feet short, memos and a siu ly by a- H arvard since 1970. willwl be questioned about hihis p art in the first fli extra hole, the NoNorman sent a 20-foot birdielie putt -Each dropped In £ 16lh, Mize ml In short pulls for Business Suhool prof(rofessor lhat Myerson I h has been trying lo rein- those Ih negotiations. m issed a chance lo win ba:barely wide. par on the fifth hole.Die. !

1 ■ V-;

.-.■ -..■ -■ -I:..-J I

t| D-2 Tlmes-Nows, TwinIn Foils,F Idaho ' Monday. Juneuno?.1068 Kans<;as CityJ drops 1Texas!to geun share cof divisiion leadd KANSAS CITY. Mo. (AP) — Lonnie Smith’s’s two-run1 m h h h h w m Allanson hithi a l,\yp_-out triple off rellevilever Bob McClure, keyed by)y a two-run single by Bobbyibby Grich and two-run triple with two out In. Ihe seventh led Kansas■ CityCl past ■. 2-1, scoringg IPat Tabler and Tony Bernemazard, who had double byDyJaclc Howell. T exas 5-3 Sunday and am Into a Ilrst-placo tie: wllh w the /American both singled.d. R angers In the AmerlcjrlcanLeague-Wesl, Scott Baile,iles, 6-4, Cleveland’s third[i ppitcher, was the Yanki over the " tees 7 ,A 's l •. II was Uiii. Royals'ils' Uilrd straight victory o' Winner withh lasl-inning1, relief help fromim Ernie: Camacho. -OAKLA:AND, Calif. (AP} - Daveve \Winfield’s Ue-broak- own Friday night with a thretiree-game throwing error by I R angers, who hit towr 3y first basem an Rick U ach:h that allow- who recorded:cd his seventh save, Ing, two-r ining propelled the'New ...... ed Tolleson to scon )-run hom er in the sixth inninj lead In the AL West. :ore on a play at the plate antmd a two-run Allanson alalso drove in Cleveland’s's firstf run In the York Yarankees and pitcher Tommy-Jly-John lo a 7-1 victory n the sev- homer by plnch-hl Greg Pryor rcachedhod i)n a fielder’s choice In t h-hltler Greg Walker, his fifth fi of Ihe third Inning,g. and he scored a run durlluring the Indians' over the; COakland A’s Sunday. ;econd on Frank While's pinchich single, season. cnth, then w ent to secc four-run fifth.Ih. John, who V spent most of last se:season wllh Oakland, loved starter Jose Guzman, -i Milch Williams rellcvi The four'fiffiflh-lnning runs gave the IndiansIni a (»-3 lead, scatloredid nine hlls. struck out seveniven and walked one In Wilson before Smith triph Red S o x 6,5, Twins 3 struck out Willie W bul the Brewiewers cam e.back to lie it with wit Ihrcc runs in eight innlinlngs In making his record 3 vlng the Royals a -5-3 lead, MINNEAPOLIS,IS (AP) — Unbeaten Roge rd 3-0 since joining the right-ccnterfield, givlnj m Clemens, uie sevenlh.h. The Brewers loaded the bases on Bill Y ankeess oni May 2. The lefl-hunder v e It 5-3 on a home run In the! eighthcl by wilh home run susupport from Don Baylor^ er won the 262nd game Kansas Clly made It r’^n d Dwight sch ro cd er’ss leadoff1. double and Dale Sveum’s Sv< single off of his m:n a jo r league career wllh. iast-lnninglas relief help seventh this season and'200tl)Oth of his Evans, recordedi hihis nlnlli straight victory as George B rett, his sevi as the Bosbn sia rlcr Tomm Candlolli and a walk lo0 ErnestI Riles'by fromAlHHolland. ler. It also gave Brelt 1,000X)0 career Red Sox beal thoI MMinnesota Twins (>-3 Sunday. major league carccr. y- rellcverRich'chYett. The los;ass weht to rookie Dave Leip(.elper, 0-1, who entered RBI. Clemens, the AiAmerican League leader In li vlclorlps, usehplder then drove-In two runs wilh his the gamnc e in relief of Dave Stewart^arl lo start the sixth, , RubcH'Sierra hit a three-runtl homer on his seccecond ma- was making hiss Iifirst s la rt since last Sunda r 'I Ihe day, and Rick ManningIng’s RBI forceout with the: iscore 1-1. With one oul. GarGary Ropnicke singled jo r leogue at-bat toI gl'give the Rangers a 3-2 lead,3d. Sierra, where he sufferedred a sprained knuckle onn the middle ticdnc-c. • and Wlnfiifleld followed by hitting hisIlls (eighth homer of Iho an Association In home runss nnnd RBI Unger of his pltclItching hand on the third p leading the Amorlcan, 'i! "'S Tlie Indianians’s four-run fifth was sparked sp by Iwo season ininlo the lefl-cenler field bleachiachers. . when called up frorTom Oklahoma Clly on Saturday, Sa Rame, Although he Ihrew 7 2-3 Innings of no-1 lo-hlt hall and Brew er errorsors. The Yoifankees added three runsIS init Ihe seventh, and planted a pitch fromm Charlie' Lelbranl, 5-3, deepecp In Ihe finished the gameme. the Injury forced him1 to I miss his Jim cantne Iner bobhled Allanson’s leadoadoff grounder for Mike Pagagliarulo hll a solo hom er,, hishlf lOlh, In the eighth n tho fourth Inning. scheduled startl Ihlst past F riday nlghl i left field bleachers Intl; against the „n,r. MlMilwaukee slarler Jaime; CocanowerC then off Tom DDozier, anollier rookie pitcher:her. G ary W ard and Pele Pel Incaviglla, who had boibolh been Twins. tlircw wildlylly lo first'on Brett Butler'ler's bunt, lelling sidelined by Injury, iscored ahead of Sierra'sI's homer. Clemens lasted ceighl innings Sunday, glvlr dng up seven Allanson .sconore from fir.sl as Duller raced.‘d (■to third. Marifi I Ward singled to start•t thetil fourth and Incaviglla walralkcd. I'its, before Bobb SiStanley camc on for hiss ninUi save. [ners 9, Tigers 1 Clemens struck ouloui nine to assum e Ihe AL Ic SEATT"TLE (AP) — Jim Presley’;ley’s three-run homer White Sox 6,.>, Jays 4 He struck out Ihc! sidesli in the second and Ihird Ir A n g e l ss 7, : Orioles 4 capped a five-nm seventh inning,ig. leading the Seatlle ' the Boston second wilh his 1 M, Calif. (AP) - Wally Joyn<)yner’s I7lh homer M arinersrs to a i)-l victory SundayJay and a Ihrce-game TORONTO (AP) - Wayne Tolleson hll a th rn rn in Boylor led Off th s nth homer. . ANAHEIM, Portugal, l-C, lo give the Rcikd Sox a 1-0 "1 ll'c sixlhI Inningh snapped a M tie and ant the Cnllfornla sweep oftf thet Delroll Tigers, hom er and G reg Wall/alk cr added a Iwo-run shol Angels scorei)red five lim e s‘In the eighiighlh to beat Ihe Presleyey had a double and triple.. gi\giving him nine hlls In Chicago While Sox'snosnapped a seven-game losing *Boston increasedsed ils lead to •!-€ in tho foui)UrthoilPor- HaltimoreOrli)rloIes 7-4 Sunday, 14 al-balsils in the three-game series,'es. The homer, his sev- w ith a 6-1 victory overcr Ihe11 Toronto Blue Jays Sunda :ico singled. Rich GodmanI \walked and Joyner's Ileadoff iiomer off Call;^allfornla’s Scott enlh, caname off reliever Chuck Caryary and gave Seattle a The While Sox, whoho I had m anaged just one hilil tthroughthroui>h ‘■’5 ;vans followed with his fourtlirth homer o( M cr.ref’or re!resulted in his sevcntii gamame-winning RBI. 0-0 lead, the firsl rive Innings,;s, finallyI solved'Jim m y Key, ■ The rookie,. w who leads Ihe m ajor leaguesues in homers, has Winnerer Billy Swift, 1-3, pitched] 5 1-3 Innings, scatter- the sixlh when theyr stnickst for three runs. With W one f''-'season, a ^43-foc-foot blow lo straig h t center. jainst alfnine team s the Angels’els have faced. ing nine; hits1 and walking just one,e, iVMark Ilulsmann was oiit, Joel Skinner andind Julio Cruz singled andI TollosSST The Twins'score<)red Ihetr first;run in the slxtxth InnlhB on homereil agali single by Kent Hrbek, H /ns off winner Mike Will. 5-1.5-l.j;am e on home crediledi 'with ills second save as he Iheld Ihe Tigers to a followed with his thirdird hom er of Ihe season. Tolle: Hrbck later. All th e ru n s 'walloped .a iwo-oi3-oul home ruH; in ihe eigl urrunded a solo hom er in thithe tiiird to John run the r(rest (if the way, a leadoff honhomer by Pal Sheridan been struggling aL'tlieJie plate and his homer lo lei ■Ighth lo ent ■'“ "S' >l<-' su r' left snap- Boson's lead to.1-2. Shelhy andI a iwo-run homer lo Mike.0 'Young and solo in lh cn inInth. l _ • ped a l-for-17 drought,il, hom er lo Sl»Siielby in the ninth.' The’■ hehome runs gave Johnnyly Moses, who had Ihree'lifts;liftsrsingled home runs : Rich Dotson. 3-5. was wa the winner with lato roll relief help - ^ r Shelby threee f(for Ihe seagon. Young’s wasIS hish .second. in ihe fir:irsl and fiflh Innings lo give;lve tho Mariners a 2-0 urvived a from Joel McKeon an(and Bob James. Dotson sur' Indians 9,, BrewersE 7 George Henleiidriek’s solo homer In Ihele second,i ills sev- lead, shaky first inning whei■here the Blue Jays loaded Ihi Ihe bases CLEVELAND (A(AP> — Rookie Andy Allansoison tripled in enlh, had giveiven the Angels a l-O lead againslaga McGregor. In thec ;sixth, Danny T artabull slnisingled and scored on oh three hlls and scorcored Iheir first run on a sacriicrifice fly iwo runs lo break ;i ik a C-G tie in Ihe seventh innItning and lead -h . who c;um;me into tiie game with a lifelifelime 1»-G record Dav,e Heilenderson’s eighth hom er■ of the year. Presley by'G eorgcBelf. Ihe Cleveland Indians In to a *>7 victoryry over the against ihe AnAngels. followedJ wilh a double to chase cJetrollifc starter Frank ■Chicago added threeree unearned runs In Ihe eigh ighth on a Milwaukee Breweri,'ers Sunday. McGregorr wasv shelled In a five-run1 California(.’ eighlh Tanana,, 44-1, who lost his third straightIghlgame, Contrroversital grancdslam Ihlielps PiIrates bjmy Do3dgers •PITTSBURGH (AP).P) — Jim Morrison drove: inir seven runs in fhe second.sec Singles by Carlton andan( Jeff Slone and Relievi'ver P a l P erry got into trouble irou in Uie sevenlh, rims with a disputed!d i grand slam , triple and double doi as a walk to Itiinton itoenicke loaded the baseases and Samuel’s but'Worrirrell retired Eddie Milnerr or on a fly ball with the t(ie Pittsburgh PlralIrales baltered Ihe , Los Angelos / National doul)ledown!i thell left-field line scored all1 threeth runners. liases lo:loaded to end Ihe Inning. The fteds again loadccl ' D&dgers 12-3 Sunday. Ihe base;;es in the eighlh before Worr-’orrell escaped Iho jam ! M orrison’s fifth-lnnlninlng hom er off reliever Tomm Nieden-I ------Cubs 7\,. Braves 3 by gollining Bo Diaz on a fly oul! Worrell Woi gol his seventh fu'er m ade It 9-2 and. loitouched off a lo-minute argurgumenl In Ron Darling. G-1. [5-1. look Ihe loss as ihe MelsIs commllled CHlfAGO) lAF)i — Gary Mallhews' wind-blown, w two- save. wblch Dodgers Managelager Tom Lasorda argued thalth: Mor- a season-high fiveIve errors, leading lo Ihree 'ee unearned run triple cacapped a three-run firsl in:Inning and Ryne Cinclnrnriali native Chris Welsh was wa; erratic In his first ______rlson_pas^e^ runner*r ' Tony Pena whllo roundlnding first runs. Darling pilch Iched five innings and gave: uup five runs Sandherg iiadlad tiiree hits and drove InI two tw runs, leading start forir the Reds since being calkjailed up him from the ■ i^ase. on six hlls, Ihe Chicago;o Cubs to a 7-3 victory over ov the Allanla m inors I,last week, Welsh. 0-1 letet theI Cardinals get a ------Pena was standingig i a few feet off first, watch;;ching-Uic-.. The G iants lookok a 1-0 lend in iho firsl on1 a : singlo by Braves. . -- runner In-scoringIn position in-fi^trof-tTjf-the-severr-innlngs he biall fall into the lcfi-fi available of Ihe play. in_his..flrsl career_j_fou5lonjn_A^rps over the M ontreal ExiExpos fi-4. . n m , Uaullon cach lillill three-run homers Sundayay, powering complete gam'une. :'Morrison, whose pre\irevlous career-high was six R Kncpp(iper, y-2',' pitched six'irinings'ai's'and gave up-fourruns...... • 1 Phillies pasl the Sari Diego:0 Padres ir,-5 Bob Hornerler doubled and eventuallyly scored; on Hoff- on six hi 1934 game against thehe New York Mets, gave Ihe : hits, including two home runs run; by Andre Dawson. n l»rlhdrslxlhslfal(ralghl victory. m an's wild pipilch In tho second beforere theI Cubs added Knepper a l-0 lead in Ihe secoi;cond with a two-oul, RBI Ir ir lied Boston's Roger Clem!lemens for the major- (rlplo oil piiiiadclphla-s; runn lolal was ihe highestit In the Na- Iwo runs inn tliie third against Zane SnSm llh, 4-3, Trlilo league le Bob Welch. 3-5. lead in victories. tlonal League thishis season. The Phillies rnppipped 15 hits, doubled andd LopesI walked, Sapdberg. hithii an RBI single Dawsoi5on, who drove In all four MoiMontreal runs, became three by Wilson,, andai look advantage of 12 walkswi by five Lopcs scoicored wlien Moreland groyndinded into a double 'ih e a ll-tiitime Expos' home run leaderjd er with 216. ono more G iants 7, Mei\ets3 San Diego pitchers.;rs. h play, than G arary C arter, :NEWYORK(AP)-) - Mike Krukow pitched 7 1-3 stro n g — StevGu-Carilon.. -J--J-G, allowed five runs on 10 hits in six y-, J , Daviss ihad a sacrifice fly in thee firstfir inning, hil a Iwo- Ihnlngs for his secondnd victory over New York in In 10 days Innings In rocordln•ding his second slralglU vlclid o ry , II was C o r d t ntals a 2, Reds 1 run homim er in the third and added?d ana RBI double in Ihe .,an(J Dan Gladden hadlad ftree hlls and drove InI two tv runs Ihe first tjme Carliarlton had won consecutive gamesg since CINCINNA'l;aTI (AP) — Danny Cox. an iH-game winner eighlh, Sonday as the San FrFrancisco Giants beal ihe; it mistake- September 108-1. last .season,[1, won his first gam e of ihe year with Houstoton jumjled on Joe Hesketh,Ith, 3-4, for two runs In ...... plagued M els 7-3. - ...... After Ihe Padresres look a 2-0 iead-in the topip of the first -oulslanding‘ rrelief help-from-Todd-WoiWorreii-os-the Sh the first.>l.-Singles-by B!ll-Doran,-BlliBl)!y Hatcher and Jose------■ .;Krukow, 7-3. gaveive up seven hlls. includlnding Ray Inning on KevinI McHeynolds' M lOlh homer of)f llie season. Louis C ardinainals edged (he Cincinnati Ited;;eds 2-1 Sunday, Cru?. proi-oduced one run and Davis hit a sacrifice fly. Knight’s two-run home)mer In ihe sixth. Krukow. who wl beal llie Phillies scored•ed four limes in Iheir half of the inning, Co.\. 1-1, sc,scallered six hlls over five•e InningsI and also 'T h e As\stros made it .l-O in tho third,lird. Doran doubled and Dwight Gooden and thithe Mets 10-2 on May 22, rell•elired Ihe Von Hayes drovec liIn the first run with a sacrliTlftce fly and singled homelie tlic ticbrcaking run in the sccond inning, scored on oi a single by Cruz beforere IDavis, homering for first nine batters, extextendlng his streak againslI thett Mels Wilson connectedd forfc his fourth homer. - Cox lefl Ihele game after the fifth wilh wii: a lighi right' the secor■ond straight game, hil hiss iiiininth home run of the tb.32 consecullve bailer;iers faced wlihout allowing a hit.h The Phillies kno(.nocked oul Andy Hawkins. 3-4,3- wilh live 'elbow . ' season.

s and StaatS := = := :r-~::

1* I ? "i i IWmuOIK ^ ^ ^ Ml

Fifth District trtntvriMtri i I iiXnii N B A pplayoffs I -.- ' 1 1 1 ' sSliHi ^ J a-l-ail It,-.) I ■■ p* s i® i I'tf.i J! ■ f s r i , ...... LPGAGA II gap i l l ss S l l ! r : ' " ' " ® 'mik:;: H a a S i ! , nl'i 11 ir i n i l i m Ab l o x .------» - | l ’ ; i i i ; m ■ I “ ■ iili p ^11 i < | ;|pPp i ! p i ! !S ! i S l U V t s i SB’ ii) K E iI ,; ™ ! '" - ' ii I n |:S |' lyjii: lifi fi IX s . " i s : s if I t f a li i s i g ; i f I . . . |fa 3 H i i ! 'f . 5 I 5 ! § ' I...... ‘ u.,. ’ " !•! ! i i i ! » s | : t i i p " ® i - i * ^ a mm -A L boxes :

^ Worldrid Cup : I J I ■i; ! 1 r ! I m T i i i s n * S! n l boxes i. “JTrlSS*- in’c!: 'kiiTill IM IT J r u ^ } Mill i l& -ii S I •I , ) Monday, Juruno 2,1986 Timos-Nows,3, TvTwin Fnlir., Idaho D-3 ...... in SportssZZH ^lBradleyy thinki:s abouttLPGAtgrandiJslani MASON, Ohio (AP). -- Halfway, final round to lake the one-stroke onshnshlp winner In I9il2 and 190903 wh(j Jull Inkster, who10 sshot G9 Sunday, at IG A setss juniorj qualifi f y i n g totoward a grand slam ofif women's"victory over iwo-tlmfctw LPGA Cham- sholhot a 67 Sunday for a 2 7 a lolal,l,sald. 5 27'J. golf'sEC four major - ever■cnls, P at pionship winnerlerPattySheehan, Br TWIN FALLS - 'The Idnh(i Golf Associatiorlion's Junior boys tour- Bradley, wiio won the Open1 liIn I'Jftl, .Okamoto, n nathlative of Japan, par-; B radley said It would be diflifficult but Earlier ihiss season,j Brodley won laug ■ llaimint will be heldeld at Twin Falls-Municipalal (Golf Course June IJ lughed wlieii liie comment•nt was red lhe first 11 II holes Sunday lb_ nol impossible. the Nabisco Din!)lnah Shore. Still ahead repoepeated lo iier, Ihen said,. "I nnd 12, aanoimcesi chairmanch Art Duncan. •‘1 don’t m aintain a two-sivo-slroke advonlage' “It's a lough chance; but bi if I’m to complete the grand slam are the tliini The six low scorerirers in the 3G-hole event will ill; advance to the slate iiink 'm y zone' was as intenstIS C as it but fallered down)wn the stretch. She. halfway I'll give il my besl:sl lo bring U.S. Open Julyly 110-13 at the NCR Club was finals al Elkhorti JuiJune 23. The low four rounds,ds al Elkhom will rep- - .as al the .Dinah Shore. But:t I was bogeycd Nos. 12 and 1C .while it all lhe way through," Braradley said In Dayton, and an the du Maurler verycry much into w hal 1 was dol resent Idalioat.lheAe A m erica Cup Toumahient Inin Mexico City. ioing ail Bradley, playingig oi one group In front Sunday, afler capturing her he second Classic July 24-2'4-271nToronlo. dav. The qualifying loulournamenl Is open to age groupsgri lG-17, 14-15. 12- of Okamoto, birdleddied Nos. 13 and 14 to. consecutive majc^, tho0 S300,000 "(W inning tho grand slam ) will be Br i:i. 10-11 ancl'Janciuniunder. Bradley was trailing ,Ayako pull even. LPGA Championship, at. Ilhe Jack a very tough liithing lo do.” Bradley Okaiikamoto, who shol a Iwo-ovcr- 1 took lhe lead for' E nlry form s arc’ availableav al lhe clubhouse. EntryEt fee Is S7. rgj T-par74 B radley then to NIcklaus Sports Center. sold. "The Opeipen Is without a doubl .Sunclunday, i)y four shots startlrting the good by chippingig Inli from the fringe; Bradley, who fired a final-round fli the loughest'm;m ajor coming up. Bul finalnarriiiind. • ofthepar-:ilGlli hokliole for a birdie. Canyon SSprings worn)n e n m e e t - four-under-par 68 for an ll-tl-under 277 rvepntlieO peIpen before." okOkamoto. lhe leader by^ three firadlcy bogcyed>’ed No, 17 as'h crlead '...... lolal, ■ needed 'lo' rally' fronDm'a'four'’ "(Bradley) was w in her zone all shot;liots after-liotli the second ancnd third fell lo one -shotI overo\ okam oto and TWIN FALLS - Tlie Canyon Springs Ladladles Golf Association , sj, shol deficit midway threirougn the day." Sheehan.in. Ilie LPGA’ Champt^ piun;iunds, finisiie'd' lied ’ fuT thlr(Ird with’ Siieelvan;~ — June ineeling willi'ill l)e conducted at 8 p.np.m. Tuesday al the ; clubhouse. A nine-hole fun toutournam ent, beginning al C; p.p.m., will precede the ; V mcelinB, Those enlenlering should contact the proprc shop at 734-7(J09 by , I 5 p.m. Brazil, Francee take srest golfers win« I WINSTON-SALiuM[■:M, N.C. (AP) Oklaliiahoma Stale's Scott » Verplank iiunR on1 wwliii a l-over-par 73 Salurdirday lo win the NCAA g Division I m en's golf go championship, but hisIs Iteam fell to second g i e by four strokes will) S * la ( place as Wake Fore::)resl claimed the leam title I aindIP •1-over-par 1,156. cei ^in Falls busir Verplank had siiolhoi Gfis In each of lhe first iwttwo rqunds at the par- 1 g The Twi iness connmunjnity is constaiantly growing3 and 72. 7.079-yard Berm•muda i Run Counlry Club, bulbut feil to 73 both Fri- | | g. New buslne day and Saturday loflo finisiiatG-undcr2iJ2. H changing lesses appear, old .ones reklocate and acqcquire Four strokes down)W'n In secoiid placeW as Hou;:ouslon’s'M ike Slandly '*' S with 2HG, and there) wV.'; a sa flvc-way lie for third placepi; at 237. nB neftToWnn^rsTSM iethinilg interesting is always^happpening,,.l.f you have h 1 a new biiusiness"orchaia n g e s in your eexisting buslne;ess, here’s an1 eeasy W omen’s’s high jump nm a r k s e t iring your custor VIENNA. Austria•ia (AP) - Stefka Kostadlnovlova of Bulgaria broke way to bn D m ers up to dateIte with w hat's h

m u n T n ? \ I IDJJ1ARBU_^C0.) Bell, StuGick win at LeMM a n s MOVEED. n LE MANS, Francenee (AP) - World endurancencc champions Derek TION 409 LOCUSTt sf. SOUTH Bell of Britain and1 WWesl German Hans Sluck.. alongal with American IN FALLS • 734-7^7451 - Ai Holberl, won thele 554th Le Mans 24-Hour classiissic Sunday in a race r a here to serve you.и. O w ners Jack - - marred l>ythodealhoIh of Austrian driver Jo GarlneIner. ' ' M , Jack Creechley, II was the fourth1 LiLe Mans victory for Bell, whowl said il was "one ■ m Jr. and Dot of my besl races herelere, In a fantastic car." Thele triumpht was the se- ^ g wilh Dick and Stan1 iand office staff cond for Holberl andid thet: first forStuck. ithy Creechley and tlthe entire staff '■The big shadowV oover the win is-the loss of3f our( friend Jo Garl- u to m ore efficient officfices. Your com- ner,” said Sluck.;. who■ regularly raced with lylt the 32-year-old ' H ial contractors for tiletile. m arble and ! Austrian in the Unileililed Stales in the IMSA series•ies and won the Sebr- ' M lngA2HourswithhimIm this yoar. Jerving the entire Western W United , ' ^ Shortly before lhe1C ihalfway point, aboul 3:155 a.m,a local time Sun- H day. Gartner’s Porscirsche crashed al a high spee)ced, turned over and ^ b u rst’into flam es, InjInjuring him fatally. The caicause of the accident ^ was nol known. WE’V NEW LOCATI I TWIh i But, w e ’re still . 1 - •: Creecliley Sr., Creechley along Kris Lycan. Cat! have relocated te .plete commercia - brick pavers se .State's. IJUMY ... - -|

.1. . 0-4 Tlmo3-Nows, Twin Falls.Fall Idaho Monday, Juno102,1980 2 1 I Sq^ itle in Rahalididn’t sees his cheeke( 5redfla< e takes ti, INDIANAPOLIS (AP)) — Bobby beaming prouroudly. "M y goals in life "If you’re going to drivee two laps total purse of J3,27►3,271,025, Rahal never saw the chececkercd flag haven’t changmged, just my schedule,” as best a s possible, those aire n the two Cogan receiveelved 5253,362.50 for wave over his first Indlaranapolis 500 he said. “I1 askeda Bobby, to do the lalaps to do II on,” he said,:. "I didn’t finishing second,md. while M ears took Twin FFalk IVe!^ ^ t d a y s :victory. ^ besl he couldJd ... I think he drove the drdrive crazy. I Just wanted itto bring it hom e J332,2C2.501.50 for hls-thlrd-placc Thai .was fitting.. For• Rahal.I lhe .best race of hlihlsllfe.” - . h e .1 finish and record;ord qualifying for the / ByBR/UJBRELANE hom e." - . ! . : iND ofTa sacriflriflce grounder by Kevin" Victory -y meant much morere lhan fam e T ruem an,, alalso a race driver, didn't There was no.room.t(to spare, pole position. ;r_ .Condle. I JVmcsWctt's.H'ri/er _ and fortune; il was emollollonol pay- sec the finish.sh, cither. He was afraid .Rahal’s,R; red March crossed t ■ In UiC tl: ‘“ ol Thor.™ originIginally was scheduled third Inning, the.Sage. „m ent for the m an w ho got)t him there, (o watch. , ](fline Just I.441-second5 a TWIN falls - 1 lay 25, but rain washed - Tim Woods, put the gamame on ice, scoring eight car ^ owner Jim Trueman. " I wouldn’tI ’t look up unlll they told Cogan C( and only l.SSi seconim dTahM d Troy Wlnmlll and1 EricI Miller ninfe on six ly’s action, as well as six hits and sending 12 : When Rahal crossed theie finish line me It was over,rer,"hesaid. of third-place Rick Mears, combined to loss cd race the next day. >s a one-hit b atte rs toHheplate. th • ■ sSaturday, he look his cyi?ycs off the And R ahal?li? • • • thtills the clpsest ihrec-way/(inlsh 1^ rescheduled : shutout as the MInKni-Cassia Sage D ave Cos 'osgrove started the Inn- j.road lo search out Truejemaa. who “it’s not neccsssary nc to sec il, Is ththe 70 ycar^ of racing al Indy,ly. Another 30-mir•minute delay prior to ] won the Western Day;>ays American ing wilh a a walk and Schow and had given him his first ridele In 1573. il?” he-laughcghed. "1 still win it. don’t “In the racing world,,whirhelher it’s the start of the the race was caused ; Legion baseball tourrurnament 12-0 Kevin Ml Miller ■ followed with And when he arrivedI 10I Victory I? " dcdeserved o r not, winning1 this t race when 1983 char:hamplon Tom Sneva ;over Ihclr rivals, thehe Mlnl-Cassla singles, Lane, his wife and baby’ besidet Wm No doubt ofoft that, . C2causes you lo rise above thelie others.’* veered off the; trackIn during the pace V. Power Rams, Sunday. jy. - - • With -one)ne oul. Marly Carter-- In his m om ent of glory, Rohai's Ri first Rahal madejdc the longest Indy ever R;Rahal said. "You've won1 the Indy lap and' tapped)d theU wall. Sneva was ■ The three pitchers irs wore sup- delivered[ a base hit thal scored jlthoughts were for Truem;man, locked, tl^e fastest eveever. And one of the m ost''500: 50 A 'tremendous -ammount - of unhurt, but track■aclt officlols.dedded to. -ported by 13 hits by th ' the Sage with Cosgrove anand Schow. j,In a m ortal battle with cancncer. dramatic, prestige,, goes _wllh _this r,race. It’s hold^£ thc_starltarl long enough to top ------■ Kcnt-Scnow-and-Jeajleasle-Branson — Jesse - BBranson-singled-to-load n ' ■' ..p r ■ "ThlS'one was for Jimn Trueman; The' 33-yearlar-old Rahal knifed past larg la er ttian life?' ...... off ihe pftYuel tan]'tanKs. > hitting three apiece in tthe game. the bases s and winning pitcher, -jThis Is the one 1 can give g him,” Kevin Coganin with two laps remain- Rahal also earned a reeecord win- Finally, lhele race- . began, wllh The Power Ramsis didn’t help Tim Woods, ids, walked to m ake the pRahal said, his voice chchoked with ing. then droIrove the fastest official n nc e r’s share of a record pipurse. Sp- 250,000 to 300,000,000 people on hand the cause committing Dg five errors, scorc 4-0. emotion.' "1 think cveryboctody knows I ra c c lap eve:iver at the Indianapolis pcdway pt officials announcneed late under mostly sunnysur skies and a na- four of them In the s e seventh Inn- D an PaulQuiton then hit a single love him . I felt a ^ c aat t sense of Motor Specdwd w a y - 209.152 m p h - .o n Sunday Si afternoon - lhat Ra^ahal won tlonal televisionlon audience watching ing. that scored!jd two more runs. ^well being and a particuialiar salisfac- his final triprip around the 2i,':-m^ile SSS1,0G2.50 $5 out of a toLal1 purse of live for the irstfirst time. And It was a The Sage trio ofpltc iltchers fanned Craig AncAnderson hit a sacrifice (|tion for ail the things JimIm has done oval. (4,001,450. Both -previousIS records classic race ofif speed,sp safely and ex-, 10 batters while losl losing pitcher, --to scoree .Carter -and after (,for mo over the years. If II anything Sunday, asIS heI posed for the tradi- werew< from last year’s raracc when cltcraenl, Justt w wl hal Indy needed to ' , ■' Jesse Villanueva, was wa the only Cgsgrdve « was hit by a pitch, (.can repay him, maybe thisIscan." < tlonal victoryry pictures wllh his team J>anny J>, Sullivan look homeic the win- wash away aa’ 'w week of 'washed-out Ram to get a hit. Onl Only one other Schow singleigled to drive him liom e. Truem an, 51, stood -'nenear Rahal, and fans. Rahaihai recalled the finish, ncn o r's share of 5517,662,50) out of a frustration, batter was able to0 getg the ball In the fourth fot inning, the Sage _outofthelnIleld. boosted Ils lead to lO-O, when i , "We hit the ball1 g(good today," Condio trlphIpled and came home on said first year Sage;e iCqach Russ a wild pitch,:h, . • -J Wright. “ Hey, Vllli'lllanueva’s a In the ;sevcnth,-se the Sage con- Lewis, Ashfdl>rdmasisterlonig sprintits' good pitcher. We Justust hit our pit- verted four)ur Ram errors into a - SAN JO SE, Calif. (A P)I - I n a pair g-.93, finishedd fififth. Lewis, 24, winner of fourjr golds ar women’sdlscusbjIS by Carol Cady, ches today.” pairofruns.n s . 0of sparkling 200-m eter dasashes at the Johnson’si tiitime was one of the four the th 1984 Los Angelei Olympnplcs, said Cady, of Stanftanford, Calif., hurled The Sage startedd Its11 assult, in Mlnl-Ca«liS*pS*KC ...... 108 IM J-12 13 0 ^Bruce Jenner Classic, CCarl Lewis world's bestt p perform ances Uils y e a r this ih is a resting year forr him and the discus 21GG U fecti 10 inches, the . the first Inning when wl Schow mui1-c#mi#po»PoweriUiM... 000 000 (h-0 aand Evelyn Ashford dlsplplayed Ihelr in the klckoffoff meet of the Interna- thal ih those who think he's's slowing- best throw In lhe world this year, to reached on an errorr andar moved to > } ' ' superlorilys in the long sprlnrints. tlonal Amateiileur Athletic Federation down do are wrong, erase thb 213-nn r record set by Leslie , Wlnmlll (71, Miller sna llr.mion. third on a stolen base.se and a pass- <1, Uicola anil llott. W—Woods. I*'or Lewis, it w as rredemption Mobil Grandmd Prlx international ‘‘I still think I’m the best:st.V Lewis Denlz in 1984.. TlThe world record Is ------jed ball. Schow scamtim pcrcd home L-viiianucrs.rs, - - - ...... - ...... ------nCtCLait wrctched lOO, F or r ,Ashford. It - tra c k and flcJd(Jdtour,. said. sa "If I dldn’t. lt would beb< hard, lo 244-7 by , ZdeiZdenkp . 'Sllhava of, :------^ ^ — V.was reaffirmation of her• t;talent afler Ashford, whwho was running her first gel gc me lo run anywhere. EvSvery race Czechoslovakia.a. becoming a mother one yeaear ago. - 200 m eters inin i two years, was clocked 1 i lose ] now, they call It lhe2 Ifinish (of Fastest'timesles in the world this Lewis, who said he ran1 ai ■’terrible in 22,30. wellill ahead of second-place my m carecr). Right now, I’mn cruising, year were ■ turnturned In by Andre Cpve-B3 a n k a n dd T rust •race" r in the 100, finished,1i behind Ca- Grace Jacksorson. I’m I’l not going to force mys(?self to try Phillips In thele 4'400 hurdles (47.95), nnadlnn.Ben Johnson, theic . w l n n e r _ i n “ l.fc e l Uiatlat I’m In a good place,” to to ru n a .9 .” steeplechascr-Her•Henry Marsh (8:24.87) 10,01 seconds. Lewis wasas timed in Ashford s a idd, ,' "A lter having a baby. I Despite the laic wllhdra’rawal of a and Brazilian JoseJo: Luis Barbosa in w in s CO0-ed tourrney jJ0.18, fa r behind his m eetet record of could have cocome out and run 24 sc- strong sti Soviet team, a packc:ked crowd th e 800(1:45.17).1 ). 10.00, H arvey Glance finislished third, conds. I didn’tn ’t, I ran 22.30... In order of of 10,829 showed up a l San1 'Jose Clly Ireland’s Eami;amonn Cou^lan, 33, , I By RON GATES The Covc/T'klTMln Kallj Bank and Trust i:, Ulainc( KKirk Baptiste was fourth,I, j and Calvin to be In top3p form, I have to run College. Cc .Those who stayed1 late1 were lived up to his> preracepr< prediction by County Tllloy TImcs-Nt'ws writer • sSmith, who holds the worldrid record al' against top corcompetition.” . • treated tn to an American recocord in the winning the 3,OOC5,000 m eters In 7:48.ar

• TWIN FALLS - u ’to an extra game to do It, but The Cove/Twin Fails Bank and Trusrust the championship trophy at home.winn- tng the Bud Light Co-e Slowpltch Softball Invitation Touri Sun- day. ■-Rocky Reece scored tlithree tim es in . a second tiff for.thc.cro\ in pacing ... -Tho Covc/Twln F alls BaiBank and T rust. lo'a 12-9 victory over BlBlaine County Title in the-third meeteellng bcLwecn. 'the two team s on thele day.c Recce’s perform ance at the piplate in that contest was about typ the il____ two-dny event jis he wowon the aw ard_^^^^^H for leading male hit In'-the-^^^^l ; ■ ■tbumeywitha.G25averai .1 ' "In a momlngctash of undcfeateds, i. Johnny Bryant blasted2d \a grandslam ■ ! honicrun that gave Twli Falls a 9-7 - victory and sent Blainene County Title into'U'scmlflnal-'game-nc-aga1nst-The''^^^^H ' Sandpiper. ! The northern squad < The Sandpiper In that onec if to earn a shot al first-place. Blaine County's Dan . — se- cond In hitting to Reece!ce at ,619 - led off: the third inningg i the first championship game wil an Inside- :______tlie:parlc.homer- and.hlshis team sent a dozen batters lo the pplate scoring j seven runs. T hat lead st up for a 10;7 win, forcing the sec champl- onship session. . -^Caren Mletiner of the th< Ihlrd placc Sandpiper team led ththe In -- ‘ '--baiting with q ,471 over fc

- - - - - S u a O ij’i ic o r e j ■•-W holesale C s r p tH 7. S m ith) llwflwlInK ...... ;'TheSaniIplper7.M aiietnilr/S'Ir/SunlinDcachS m CminlyTllle? • ; J h c S a n d p ip e r 15, W h o le jalc Ci ' niilnvCounlyTUlel6,'n ie S a n ' Blllnc Counly Title 10, TThe h e Cove/Twin Kails U M k o n ilT r u «7 14-year-c putsFrer U l - ■ seeds on ear PARIS (AP) - FourDurtcen-year-old Mary Joe Fernandiindez shocked J ■ Claudia Kohde-Kilschh ofc Wesl Ger- m any 7-,6, 7-5 Sunday ai Joined the two No; i seeds In thehe quartcrflnais~^^^^l of the $2,G-miUlon Frcn< Open Ten- nls Championships. Martina Navratilova, seeking her third French singles wwoi omen's title in five years, eliminated Italy's 1 Laura Garrone G-l, G- while Czechoslovakia’s Ivanan Lendl, who won the men’s champiciplonship on the red clay courts of Rolaoland Garros In lOM, advanced with a) 6-1,6- 6-2, G-] vie- ...... tory - over West' Germjrmany's Damir' K cretlc.------Meanwhile, French hopes »• almost - disappeared as Yannlc.nick.Noah was forccd to withdraw wit a severely burned left ankle andmd Argentina’s Guillermo Vilas, drawlriwing on his ex- perlencc, outlasted young Guy Forget G-2,3-G, 4-6,6-1, 8h T hai "left .eighth-se1-seeded Henrf Leconte as the only FrcFrenchm an still in the hunt for a singles tl With her. stunninging upset of ■ Kohde-Kllsch, the No.0. 4 seed, Fer- nandez, a high school1 freshmanfn from Miami, advanced toI a quarterfinal It began withwi a simple phonne call, your phone; services< a second th:hought. Because mating against _No.Vo.__ 6 Helena___ —^ - “Hellollo, Brian? It’s Gramndpa.” even thoughh we handle millionins of phone calls ------SuK0Va.“ iT3-6, G-l, 6^1' winner over - IJuigarian - teen-ager’er --Katerina ...... - - - . “Granandpa! How’re -you-'idoing?” - - every day. nolone is morejmportrtant_thanypurs._____ M aleeva. T e m a n d e z Is the scco«cond youngcsi “Fine,le, great, listen you tthink you might “I’m gladid you called, ( ^ nidpa.” ( player lo reach the-quaquarterfinals In talkv^ your Mom into leietting you loose “Me too,o, Brian.” . the F rench Open. She; Is nearlyi seven months older than KaKathy Rinaldi for a Iday on the lake?” was when she gainedI a quarterfinal -, Makingig connections like: ithese is important berth In 19S1. • Rinaldi, seeded scvcnl'enth this year, to the peoi!ople at M ountain IBell. That’s why w 10 Mourtlaiiin Bell also moved into the qtquarterfinalss Sunday when No. 12 CaCalerlna Lind- , work hardrd to make sure youu never have to giv' @y A u s W E S T clOMPANY c qvfst of Sweden becamen c Ul and had to retire after losing( lheIt first set. i Ol986»^r,tiinR,ll -