I . ■ ___________. I ■■vaiUfcr ^ R Q c k:ets e stay CC'.ooldow n1 stretch,.Ip u lL to w itith in ^d m ee o f C elts ' - i _^ ___ _ ^ In Hite m lu Juvernljecen nter Get "Easy Me«onBy" ^ with a Guaraniinteed Ad, I thy shp1>ts CALLCLASSIISIFIED 733-0626 stirs uneaseI 5-Cl I .ir-Tri..-iiiH iTiirir-hiir' 17 ti> C 003 3 195 w KALVAR COR!ORP m l i ' c ^ S 3RD £E f t S AL T L^<b CIT I T Y ' v P T S 3 f 3Ai i . ' ' ^ . 81sU s t y e a r, N o . 153 T w in F a lls, IdId. a h o MondDnday, Ju n e2 ,1986 AT&StT sti isrupits Ionig-disijtance? s e r vr i ic e _B y MATTYAr'ANCEY Mthis week on various locoical issues percent wiige->e- boost over three ^ R r/jcAssoc/.ifeiitcd Press. ih;lhal will becom e p a rt of ihe; accords,a' years. Thai wasvas raised to 7 percent While P e rry said IBEW' rmembers Saturday andi Ihcthen lo 8 percent — 2 GTON — Tens of thou- arear not on strike, “the goneroral policy per cont Immcdlledtalely and 3 percent long-distance lelcptione isis lhal, we respect othercr unlonsbtn lya? and 19UH-lUH - on Sunday, accor- ' . lo reach out a llltle far* picketpi( lin es." d lnglo companymy cofficials, jch someone Sunday as However.; AT&T officia:lals said Linnen saidI iBEW-memberIB opera- P }M'. illicd’ and walked picket thereth< a re relatively few com)mpany fa- tors reported to 'work Sunday for all % ' A m erican Telephone 4c cilltlescit with workers represiesented by three shifts aflcafler the CWA strike facilities In the nation's bothbo unions. w as callcd. AboAbout 4,000 of AT&T’s He In th ree years. i iaiors' m er~ 3C.ooo^nton“- 05operators are IBEW WASHINGT CWA and AT&T negotial )sl of Ihtm work In New ■ ■ sands of imlo unlcations Workers of tw fcc'for b’flef periods on SuSunday bul members. Most 0 callers had'hlch lo represents 155,000 of no progress was reported. England and PernPennsylvania, I out a lot B ahr, however;ver. said his union ex­ ther lo loucl"Ionized employees, began •’We can afford to stay ( :WA PresI- peels IBEW menm em bers lo honor CWA . workers rallliit 12:01 a.m . Sunday afler longer than they can," CW lines' at Anthe tclccommunlcattons dent Morton Bahr told reportersi picket- lines al company facilities y Is highly w here m em bersicrs of both unions are Telegriiph rfa( of an 8 pcrcent wage In- afterwards. "This Industry competitive. Beginning tomorrow,to part of the sameTie workforce,v largcststrlkelead over the nexl three theyth' are going to starart losing Telephone ustusers attem pting to The Commi customers.cu After a little! paini ... place person-ton-to-person, collect, America. whl(le,-the company and the peoplepe will be In a more corompromts- thlrd-number-bill-billing or credit card M M H AT&T's, union,est of its employee IngIni mood." long-distance colcolls Sunday were fre- the strike a ll_lhe International- Bahr,: said lherci_were thrhrcE* large , quently. greeted,;ted- w ltb -a lelephone rejecting dthe of Electrical Workers, issuesisj s{Ill dividing the twos!sides: recording advisl:vising that AT&T, was giant's offertentative o sclliemenl Sun- • A T iT ''s dem and for the1C ellmlna- experiencing a "work stoppage" and crease spreacnew three-year contract tiontic of autom atic cost-of-H-living ad- asking them to wall for the next years, ■arly-11.000 AT&T workers juslmju; ents (COLAs) lo reflcfleet infla- available operaterator. ^.idenllcnl jobs lo those tlontic - an ingredient of evevery tele- Linnen saidId 110,000 m anagem ent ' Meanwhile,- \ m em bers. phoneph w o rk ers’ contract sinencei972. and supervisory;ory personnel ran the second-largest dlrcctor.of tho IBEW's • SpllHIng 2Q.OOO_-servlC(lce_ tjcjmi- comp_any’s long-distanceloi swlt- unions, ..........^ ~ r ■"'"■“ ivlsion, said Sunday night clans"cl; who now make S64616 per week~chboards c>irsunsundayr Ordlnarllyrhe-------- -- Brotherhood ( intatlve accord" on an intoini separate categories,5. One ot said. AT&T hahas 12,000 operators ' j reached a ten 0 percent increase wage thoseth' new classification;3ns. wire working on Sundcindays. ^ ot .. j day on a ne’ as signed Sunday and wilt pullers,pu could suffer as mimuch as a But hesald, the com pany w as brae- covering nearl itted to the union’s S300S3i per week cut In pay asis'a result, ing for today,. thithe busiest cdling day in viriually.il tor a rank-and-file vole BBi ahrsaid. of the the weekek vwhen norm ally 24.000 H E jjSaC heldbyCWAnr June 10. • "The company's proposed long-distance: opeoperators are on duty, • Art P6rrv. i he interim. Perry said, eliminationell of piecework: Ineenllve AT&T official!cials said Sunday they _.__ j j 1 lelephone divl.ells representing approx- pavpa for som e 20,000 manuilufacluring will try to reopejopen today 2G telecom- ... ■r .W thal a "tent. j ,000 ' telephone ‘ syslem"w'(' workers: .......................... .... municatlons’equequipmenl' manufcctur- ........ W V three-year. 0 \ id the nearly 31,000 in -Herb Linnen, an AT&T sptipokcsman, Ing plants in 18 states earlier i I V ■, package, wasanufactuclDg-planls-wUl—&a -Mtd-thcrc-u'CMuno-concciy}sslons**F-4argeied-4or-6hui 6hutdowiv-lf-a-8lrlkft-oc* --------- _______ _____ ^ be submtlte nmendatlons on- whether givebacksgi, In the companjiny's offer, curred. p i......... ...\ K members forould accept or reject the AT&TA’ b egan the finalI days of Linnen saidd A'AT&T also will try to k , shortlyafterold J' negotiators also hope negotiationsnc leading up to} Ithe strike open all 700■0 of0 its retail Phone During the Striking telcphoih o n e w o r k e r s p ic k e t Slunday u r outside AT&T healeadquarters In New Yo 1 bargalnlng.by the end of_ withw an offer last Wednesdsday of a 5 C enter storesi todtoday.................................... S .union counclh ' \ ' irhalely'" i6,0( \ workers and -JVIirs-mani Weinb<)erger opjposes / jw in F < draft recomm)le T e n \ ^ Riot]t police -----------*PL.»,p>,OtO^ ' workers shout ABMeextensiorn if it A.jgsf Complete'orkC lty lo conclude,1(W hr in,-Palls. y ' ■ ^ driveeback streets shbwsi nihese ■'V hampeers ‘Star W ^ r s ’ . blocks to be:ln t i o l T s u p p ' ■alls' TerribI porters DyBKYAN'BKUMl.lCY.ICY position isi lhal the negotiationsIS V\/arren Avenuo, • - .:V^ The AssocUitvd Pressis should ren-emain confidential,” ---------------------------- Welnberlerger's -remarka.- mude on " of Milarcos WASHINGTON - Defense llie CBS-T>-TV program "F ace ttie Na-j" - Madrpna Street,itieiii^iveyrbflhe T ------------------ — S ecrelary C aspar WcWelnb^ger said lion," can:aine five day^'afl^ flcagan By RUBEN G,A1;,ALABASTRO Sunday' tie woulc) oppDpposc extending said Ihifb ^fl y 'lh ”e“^ " o f l h y y e a r IhuZ- ^ 3^ 5th Street Wesl, |g b g |E ^ TJieAasodaludf.udF rcss the 1972 Anil-Ballisticitic Missile Trea- United StalesSI might e.xceed the ri'thew orst'.ronditic Kt,': < ty if il inlerferecl wiliiviih tlie develop- limits setet byI the l‘J7U SALT il treaty MANILA, PhilI’hiiippines — Police fir- ; ! r r ^ G r a n d v iB w Drive m ent of Prcsidenl1 ,iiHeugan's Star In respon;onse to Soviet violations of 0. blocks 2200 & 2300- ing tear gasIS and: swinging clubs ; Warsclefetise. the accordird. drove some 3,0003,0C supporters of ex- ; Welnhurger said “extending“i the Shultz, appearing; on the NBC-TVV “-C®^ Slreot Nor5t,' block 100 President Ferdirrdinand 1£. Marcos from : ABM treaty or c]oin^>ng anything thal programn "Meet' the Press," said thole ^ —- the Nutiunat AssemblyAsb grounds cj'ar- . ! would prevent ourr doing( all the Soviets hadh. broken Ihe Strategicic Nprt 1 ^^^^ ly today where;iere the Conslltulional • Ihings we need lo do to develop a Arms Lim■imitation T reaty by encoding J!, block 100 Commission met hours later. Strategic Defense; Initiative is messageses from missiles on lest 111 a brief!f iaddress to the 48- jy ; Diam ond Avenuf something obviouslyIv we would be flights, andar by delploying about 70 ve Soulh. blocks 100-600 member comrommlssion. President • ' ■ very much opposed to."lo." SS-25's. whictiw he said is a new Cora^on Aciuinoino said. "You arc here I He stopped short of ■calling for ab- missilebarred bai by the pact, Orctiard Drive, orth,t blocks 200 & 400 today vested witwith full authority and rogation of the ABM■I treaty,tr which is Despitele Soviet warnings thatat ^ ^ 8 5 . compietc indepeiependence to write our __ due for review by U.U.S. and Soviet Reagan's's rem arks, on SALT II jeor^ - country’sTiowvconslltulion. CO negolfalorb....ii e x l'y■year e 'b u t tils pardizedd chances for a summitlit A venue W osinh, block 200 remark appeared hostile1 to a meeting! thist y ear. ShulLz said tie "Nobody, nol even 1, your presl- intcrfecrfere with, or overrule reported Soviet offer;r lol( begin reduc- was still1 hopeful. hi ■■.^ OyEim Street NonhlueW/est. block 200 ing strategic nuclear;ar forces if the "We feelfee lhat It’s very Important you. in tills great•eat task." United'States agretd;d 10 at>ide »y the to have•this th meeting,?’ he said. "Wc The putlce,alt;,altack. was launched at block 200 ABM treaty for if) toi 2020; years. think lhatlat Important Ihings can be BBM B’ dawn, about.
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