WESTERN SPRINGS RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA Monday, October 2, 2017 Recreation Center, 1500 Walker, 7:00 pm

CALL TO ORDER: Brian Piper, Chairperson

APPROVAL OF MINUTES - ADDITIONS - DELETIONS - CHANGES: Minutes of the meeting from August 28, 2017 (attached to email packet)



NEW BUSINESS: 1) CSB Contract Renewal – 2 year (current contact attached to email packet) 11-29-16 2) Grand Ave Center – available space for use/rent with Music Makers vacating a lot of rooms. (Draft memo attached to email packet)

REPORTS: 3) RECREATION DIRECTOR AND STAFF REPORTS A. Current Program Sessions – B. Theatre of WS – additional use of rooms due to fire C. Lacrosse – D. – Travel & House Leagues E. Seniors Programs – F. Brochure – 2018 Theme: “B” Your Best – Winter book info due Oct 2 G. Commission to tour Parks and Centers H. Special Events – Safety Days, Ping Pong, Halloween Party I. 2017 Winter/Spring Session Report- (attached to email) J. Styrofoam Recycling Project – 1st Sat of month, 9am-noon, Grand Ave. K. Summer Program Participant Evaluations Report – (attached to email packet) L. Capital Projects Update – Rec Center HVAC Project, Trees along north berm at RC, and Butterfly Area M. Complaints/Comments –

4) BUDGET - 2018 process has begun

5) PARK DISTRICT BOARD MEETING - Park Board Packet in Correspondence File - Special meeting: Sept 26 - Next meeting: Tues, Oct 10, 7:00 pm, Village Hall

6) S.E.A.S.P.A.R. - Board Packet in Correspondence File - Tax Levy – no change - Next Meeting: Tues, Oct 17, 3:30 pm, Downers Grove



CORRESPONDENCE FILE: - Village Board Agendas – 9-11-17 & 9-25-17 - Park Board Packet from – 9-12-17 - SEASPAR Board Packet from – 9-20-17 - IPRA Magazines - CIP 2018 (proposed Capital Improvements 2018)

COMMENTS: - Next Meeting: November 6, Grand Ave Center


This Day In History: October 2 1968 - St. Louis Cardinals strikes 17 in the first game of the , breaking ’s record for the most in a Series game. Though the Cards ended up losing the Series in seven games, Gibson pitched three and struck out an unprecedented 35 batters. Gibson was recovering from an injury–the year before, a line drive had smashed his ankle–but he still managed to win 22 games in 1968, with one 15-game winning streak that included 10 of his 13 shutouts. He started 34 games and finished 28 (an incredible 304 2/3 of play) and in one remarkable 96- stretch he allowed just two runs. His earned- average was 1.12, the fourth-lowest ever. Gibson was the ’s MVP in 1968, but his weren’t the year’s only extraordinary accomplishments on the mound. Tiger’s pitcher Denny McLain (who lost twice to Gibson in the ’68 Series) won 31 games. Dodger threw six shutouts in a row–a record 58 2/3 scoreless innings. The Cards and the Giants threw back-to-back no-hitters, one against the other, and the Astros beat the Mets by scoring just one run after an exhausting 24 innings.

Benefits of Parks & Recreation “Children and dogs are as necessary to the welfare of this country as Wall Street and the railroads.” --Harry S. Truman, 1948

“Don’t get high and don’t drink. Opportunities are to be seized, not drooled upon.” --Ted Nugent, Musician

Hi Recreation Commission Members,

We have a meeting on Monday, October 2, 7:00 pm.

This email has 4 attachments. 1. Agenda for October 2 & minutes from 8-28-17

2. Christopher Spartz Basketball – 2 year renewal contract

3. Draft memo – Grand Ave Center available space

4. Summer Participant Evaluation Report

5. 2017 Winter/Spring Session Report

Please let me know if you have any questions.

See you Monday,
