Sacha Inchi Oil


Genus: Plukenetia

Species: P. volubilis

Binomial name:

Common names: Inca Inchi, sacha peanut, mountain peanut, Inca-peanut


Sacha inchi (Plukenetia volubilis L.) is a wild, climbing, semi-woody, perennial, oleaginous of the Euphorbiaceae family that grows in the tropical jungles of America, in warm climates up to altitudes of 1700 m as long as there is continued availability of water and good drainage. It grows better in acidic soils and alluvial flats near rivers.

The plant reaches a height of 2 m, with alternate, heart shaped, serrated leaves, 10 to 12 cm long and 8 to 10 cm wide, that have petioles 2–6 cm long. It flowers five months after being planted, and bears seeds around the eighth month. The male flowers are small, white, and arranged in clusters. Two female flowers are located at the base of the inflorescence. In tropical locations it is often a vine requiring support and producing seeds nearly year-round.

Each fruit is a capsule (ca. 4 – 7 cm in diameter), consisting of four-to-seven pods, with one seed per pod. They are green and ripen blackish brown. On ripening, the fruits contain a soft black wet pulp that is messy and inedible, so are normally left to dry on the plant before harvest. By two years of age, often up to a hundred dried fruits can be harvested at a time, giving 400 to 500 seeds a few times a year. Fruit capsules usually consist of four to five lobes, but some may have up to seven.

Inside are the seeds, oval, dark-brown, 1.5 to 2 cm in diameter. The seeds of Sacha Inchi have high protein (27%) and oil (35 - 60%) content, and the oil is rich in the essential fatty acids like linolenic acid (≈45-53% of total fat content) and linoleic acid (≈34-39% of fat content), as well as non-essential omega-9 (≈6-10% of fat content). They are also rich in vitamins A and E.

Information sourced from various bibliographical information and websites. Biocosmethic is not liable for any medical claims or traditional uses reproduced in this document.

Biocosmethic – 6, rue du grand chêne 78830 Bonnelles – tél. : (+33)1 30 88 49 18 [email protected] –

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Sacha Inchi is endemic to the Amazon Rainforest in Peru, where it has been cultivated by indigenous people for centuries. It was probably cultivated by the pre-Incas and the Incas because representations of this plant and its fruits have been found on vessels in Inca tombs.

The Amazon natives obtain flour and oil from sacha inchi seeds. These products are used in the preparation of different meals and beverages; roasted seeds and cooked tender leaves are also consumed.

The seeds of sacha inchi contain amino acids, tocopherol and sterol showing good prospect in pharmacy, health care and cosmetics.

Sacha Inchi oil production is increasing in the Peruvian Amazon and is gaining international recognition for its taste and health properties. In June 2007, Sacha Inchi oil won the Médaille d'or (Gold Medal) at the AVPA Specialty Foods Commodities competition. Sacha Inchi has been called a super food because of its high content of essential fatty acids. The oil has a mild flavour, not bitter, with a nutty finish. Sacha Inchi oil is used in vegetarian diets to provide a plant source for Omega-3 fatty acids.


The fatty acids composition:

The oil is obtained by cold pressing process from the seeds of “Plukenetia Volubilis”. Sacha Inchi oil is rich in unsaturated fatty acids and more precisely essential fatty acids with more than 45% of -3 (Alpha linolenic acid), more than 25% of -6 (linoleic acid) and at least 7% of -9 (oleic acid).

Fatty acid Formula Percentage Palmitic acid C16:0 2 - 6 Stearic acid C18:0 Max 4.0 Oleic acid C18:1 7 - 12 Linoleic acid C18:2 25 - 37 Alpha Linolenic acid C18:3 45 - 60 Table 1: Sacha Inchi oil’s Fatty Acids composition

Several studies reported that ω-6 and especially ω-3 unsaturated fatty acids have beneficial effects on human health by preventing several diseases like cancer, coronary heart disease, and hypertension; furthermore, a hypocholesterolemic effect was observed when used as food supplements

Sacha Inchi oil also contains tocopherol (vitamin E) as you can see on the table 2.

Components Tocopherol content (g/kg) Alpha tocopherol 0.004 Gamma tocopherol 1.257 Delta tocopherol 0.869 Table 2: α-,γ- and δ-tocopherols contained in Sacha Inchi oil

Information sourced from various bibliographical information and websites. Biocosmethic is not liable for any medical claims or traditional uses reproduced in this document.

Biocosmethic – 6, rue du grand chêne 78830 Bonnelles – tél. : (+33)1 30 88 49 18 [email protected] –

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Omega-9 fatty acid (oleic acid) is a monosaturated fat generally believed to be good for one’s health. Omega-9 is not an 'essential fatty acid’ meaning that it can be manufactured by the human body in limited quantities, unlike Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids. It is used by the body to fight inflammations, to reduce atherosclerosis (fat deposits on the artery walls), blood sugar balance, and to improve functioning of the immune system. Modern studies suggest that oleic acid helps lower levels of harmful low-density lipoproteins (LDLs) in the bloodstream, while leaving levels of beneficial high-density lipoproteins (HDLs) unchanged.

Omega-6 (linoleic acid) belongs to a group of "good" fats called polyunsaturated fatty acids. Unlike such "bad" fats as cholesterol and saturated fatty acids (which contribute to the worsening of a host of aliments including heart disease and other degenerative conditions), omega-6s can actually be beneficial to human health. The most healthful of the omega-6s are those that contain linoleic acid. These convert in the body to gamma linoleic acid (GLA) and ultimately to prostaglandin, hormone like molecules that help regulate inflammation and blood pressure as well as heart, gastrointestinal, and kidney functions. The healing powers of a number of therapeutic oils rich in omega-6s can be attributed to their high concentrations of GLA.

Vitamin E is an important natural antioxidant in foods, especially those rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids. Due to its role as a scavenger of free radicals, vitamin E is also believed to protect the body against degenerative malfunction, particularly cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Natural vitamin E is composed of eight chemical compounds: α-, β-,γ- and δ-tocopherols and their corresponding tocotrienols. α-Tocopherol is the most active form of vitamin E. The vitamin E helps in protecting the essentials fatty acids, elements composing the cellular membranes, preferably reacting with free radicals. This inhibits the oxidative processes which are responsible for cellular aging.

Cosmetic properties

Skin barrier repairing activity

Oleic acid has been found to improve transportation of PUFAs into the skin as it promotes skin penetration through a mechanism including softening of the horny layer. Polyunsaturated fatty acids or physiological lipids, locally applied, may reach lower skin layers thus enhancing skin properties. Other reports show that increasing the levels of these essential fatty acids in the skin causes an increased production of beneficial eicosanoids with anti-inflammatory and anti-proliferative effects. The balance between the different eicosanoids is critical for maintaining healthy skin barrier structure and functions and skin homeostasis. In addition, these fatty acids are useful as vehicle of actives because they increase the penetration of the actives.

Linoleic acid supports the healing process of dermatoses, sun burns and burns by noticeably accelerating the regeneration of the skin barrier.

Vitamin E has moisturizing properties, as it helps preserve the hydric content of the skin. Repeated topical applications greatly smooth wrinkles and reduce skin roughness.

Therefore, Sacha Inchi oil is highly recommendable to formulate cosmetic products with moisturizing, emollient and repairing activities, including hair care products. It can be used for soothing sensitive skins.

Information sourced from various bibliographical information and websites. Biocosmethic is not liable for any medical claims or traditional uses reproduced in this document.

Biocosmethic – 6, rue du grand chêne 78830 Bonnelles – tél. : (+33)1 30 88 49 18 [email protected] –

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Antioxidant activity

Thanks to the vitamin E properties, it is a great antioxidant which protects the skin, regenerating its natural barriers and restoring its firmness and elasticity.

Thanks to its richness in unsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E, Sacha Inchi oil is the perfect oil for cellular regeneration and particularly for nourishing skin, hair as well as nails. With its dry texture, this oil will immediately penetrate into the skin.

Benefits: - Emollient - Moisturising - Antioxidant - Anti-inflammatory - Smoothing - Antiaging

Cosmetic applications: - Creams for normal, dry, mature or damaged skin, - Anti-ageing products, - Nourishing balms, - Hair care


Wright S. Essential fatty acids and the skin: Cosmetic application of research. Br J Dermatol, 1991; 125(6): 503-15 (ref. 1212).

Carreras, M. La vitamina E en el cuidado de la piel y el cabello. El farmacéutico, 2000; 238: 66-69 (ref.3765).

Fanali C, Dugo L, Cacciola F, Beccaria M, Grasso S, Dachà M, Dugo P, Mondello L. "Chemical characterization of Sacha Inchi (Plukenetia volubilis L.) oil." J Agric Food Chem. 2011 Dec 28;59(24):13043-9. Garmendia F, Pando R, Ronceros G. "Effect of sacha inchi oil (plukenetia volúbilis l) on the lipid profile of patients with hyperlipoproteinemia." Rev Peru Med Exp Salud Publica. 2011 Dec;28(4):628-32.

Encyclopedia of life – Sacha Inchi

Information sourced from various bibliographical information and websites. Biocosmethic is not liable for any medical claims or traditional uses reproduced in this document.

Biocosmethic – 6, rue du grand chêne 78830 Bonnelles – tél. : (+33)1 30 88 49 18 [email protected] –

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