Molecular Study of the Insoluble Organic Matter Isolated from a Primitive Enstatite Chondrite
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72nd Annual Meteoritical Society Meeting (2009) 5134.pdf MOLECULAR STUDY OF THE INSOLUBLE ORGANIC MATTER ISOLATED FROM A PRIMITIVE ENSTATITE CHONDRITE. L. Piani1, S. Derenne2, F. Robert1, A. Thomen1, S. Mostefaoui1, Y. Marrocchi1, A. Meibom1, 1LMCM, CNRS- MNHN Paris, France, 2BioEMCo, CNRS-UPMC Paris, France. Introduction: Apart from [1], the insoluble organic matter (IOM) isolated from meteorites has been mostly studied in car- bonaceous chondrites (CCs) during the last decade. Numerous details were obtained concerning the macromolecular structure or the isotopic composition of the IOM. In the present study, HF- HCl treatments previously improved on carbonaceous chondrites [3] were applied to one of the least metamorphosed enstatite chondrite, the EH3 Sahara 97096. Methods Different techniques were used: elemental analysis, Curie-point pyrolysis coupled with GC-MS (gas chromatogra- phy-mass spectrometry) analysis, Fourier transformed infrared (FTIR) and Raman spectroscopy, High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy (HRTEM), Electron Paramagnetic and Nu- clear Magnetic Resonance (EPR and NMR) and NanoSims iso- tope imaging. Results The carbon content (0.16 wt.%) and the H/C ratio (0.31) are consistent with the values found in literature for other EC’s[1]. This low H/C ratio – when compared with Orgueil and Murchison (0.7) - reflects a low aliphaticity as shown for the CO3 Kainsaz meteorite (C/H = 0.16) [4]. Moreover the aromatic character of the IOM is confirmed by FTIR and Raman spec- trometry. On the HRTEM images, in addition to graphite, less- organized IOM is observed. It shows aromatic units organized in stacked layers. The fringe lengths (0.57nm), the number of stacked layers (3) and the interlayer spacing (0.37nm) [2], re- veals that the IOM is slightly more organised than that found in Orgueil and Murchison. Upon Curie point pyrolysis/GC-MS, only a few aromatic compounds (benzene and naphthalene) are detected. The pyrolysates of Kainsaz and Sahara 97096 IOM ex- hibited numerous similarities like the modest number and the nature of the pyrolysis products —mostly aromatic products— and were strongly different from those from Orgueil and Murchi- son. Indeed a wide diversity of products is observed in the latter cases. This low diversity of compounds is likely the result of the thermal stress, which is supposed to have affected the EH3 IOM. EPR did not allow to reveal any free organic radical in Sahara 97096 IOM, contrary to in the Orgueil, Murchison and to a lesser part Kainsaz IOMs. Free organic radicals are associated with the D-rich areas in Orgueil [3]. NanoSIMS pictures of the EH3 IOM reveal that (1) the D/H ratio is quite homogeneously distributed with a mean value around (182 ± 22) x10-6 (2) no D-rich “hot spots” are observable contrary to the CC IOM (3) 15N “hot and cold spots” are spatially resolved (4) two organic phases are de- tectable on the C/H NanoSIMS elemental pictures: from 1 to 10 µm-size-areas more organized than the surrounding matter. Therefore the CCs and the EH3 IOMs seem to originate from the same material; the latter would have been submitted to an additional thermal episode before the accretion or during the par- ent body metamorphism. References [1] Alexander et al. (2007) GCA, 71, 4380-4403, [2] Derenne et al. (2005), GCA, 69,3911-3918., [3] Rémusat et al. (2006), EPSL, 243,15-25, [4] Rémusat et al. (2008), MAPS, 43, 1099-1111. .