I September 1994 Vol. 20 No. 4 A South African Zionist Federation (Israel) Publication mdUJZ IN JRANSmON SOUTH AFRICANS TELL THE UNFOLDING STORY ~D LM^^nAvCUAjif- 46 SOKOLOV (2nd Floor) RAMAT-HASHARON Tel. 03-5400070 Home 09-446967 Fax 03-5400077 Dear Friends, I actually wanted to say that we are now at the end of the "Long hot Summer" but looks like everything is late this year. Actually 1994 will be remembered as a year of dramatic developments. Hard to believe that only a year has passed since Oslo!!! Travel this year has also boomed, with many thousands who never dreamed of being overseas finding themselves on the Turkish Riviera at prices cheaper than Eilat. This trend shows no sign of letting up, but if you can, my serious advice is not to go during peak periods (e.g. chagim). It is just not pleasant. Europe too has become closer with very cheap flights attracting travel lers. Not to mention Thailand and China etc. El-Al is now opening a new route to Hong Kong and, with the possibil ity of El-Al planes now overflying Jordan and Saudi Arabia and reaching Bombay in 3 hours and Bangkok in 6, the world is really shrinking. Now seems to be the time to fulfill those dreams!!! After spending the summer mostly at home, I am taking my family for a tour of the New South Africa in September - after a three year break be lieve it or not. I will be happy to tell you about it next time. My Staff and I wish all readers of Telfed a very Happy and Peaceful New Year and well over the Fast. We thank you most sincerely for your excellent support over the past year and look forward to assisting you with all your travel plans in 94/95. Best regards. \ Terry Kessel Managing Director Dialogue with the future any South Africans have, over the years, who have served us so well over the past four chosen not only to make their lives in years. M .Israel, buttojoin the uniquccommunal Otherwise, it's been a long, hot strength-sapping lifestyle and ideology of kibbutz, and help build summer. Still, the magazine stops for nothing it. Now, as kibbutzim all over the country make and we have been hard at work bringing you this soul-searching changes to their institutions, for special New Year edition. Enjoy. It has been a mer South Africans are inevitably at the heart of big year of changes for this publication and we the debate that surrounds them and in many have been very heartened by the ovenvhelm- instances are playing a pivotal role in the transi ingly positive feedback. tion. Our next step is publishing material written by Ou r cover story this month gives a voice to some you, the reader. For those who need a little of these people as they wrestle with absorbing prodding, we have launched a humour writing policy questions, and probes the attitudes of kib- competition. See details on page 29 and please butzniks both for and against the changes. enter! On the home front, Tclfcd's newly appointed On behalf of the chairman and the Telfed Maga Executive Chairman, Mike Fredman, takes of zine Editorial Committee, may I wish you all fice this month. Telfed Magazine wishes Mike shana tova and best wishes for the coming year. mazaltov and all the best for the coming months and years. Also farewell and thank you to outgo A d a m G o r d o n ing chairman, Nick Alhadcff and his executive Editor Contents L e t t e r s 2 Travel In Israel 26 N e w A r r i v a l s 4 4 People 3 P r o p e r t y 2 9 Eating Out 47 R e g i o n a l N e w s 5 A r t s 3 0 C h i l d r e n ' s P a g e S O C o v e r S t o r y 8 B u s i n e s s 3 2 Keren Telfed Column 55 Religion 16 B o o k s 3 8 Sport 56 B r i d e s 1 8 Telfed 40 C l a s s i fi e d s 6 3 Production E d i t o r : A d a m G o r d o n Telfed is published by the Editorial Committee Chairman: David Kaplan S o u t l i A f r i c a n Z i o n i s t F e d e r a t i o n I s r a e l o f fi c e : Business Manager: Rossie King Beth Clal, 5 Druyanov Street, Tcl Aviv, 61110. Editorial Committee: Sharon Bernstein, Janine P.O. Box 11556 Tel Aviv, 61114 Gellcy, Hillary Kaplan, Narda Korakln, Liana Telephone: 03-290131 Koton, Lena Nulman, Jonathan Osrin, Sydney Fax: 03-295099 Shapiro, Henrietta Wolffe-David, Debbie Zabow Cover and Illustrations: David Kaplan Regional offices Calligraphy: Sharon Bernstein Jerusalem: Tel. 02-618135,634822 Photography and Picture Editing: Adam Gordon Haifa: contact 03-290131 Proof Reading: Jenny Galansky BcerShcva; 07-418697 Advertising: Lena Nulman Typesetting: Nancy Ozeri (Word Play) South Africa: South African Zionist Federation 2 Elray Street, Raedene, Johannesburg 2192 To advertise in Tdfed Hhgazitie, P.O. Box 29203, Sandringham, Johannesburg 2131 phone Lena: 03-290131 Telephone: 011-4851020 The views and comments expressed in articles in this publication arc not necessarily those of the South African Zionist Federation or of the Editorial Board of Telfed. The organisation is not responsible for the advertisements and the insertions in this magazine. Letters D e a r E d i t o r . Wc have received more publicity in the short most welcome - we are the first South African time since our aliyah a year ago - following the family to come to their kibbutz. Thank you for a picture of my wife and I in the "Election special" very informative and interesting magazine where article - than all the years wc lived in CapcTown. we can read about what's happening to all the We have experienced a wonderful feeling of ex-South Africans now resident in this country. homecoming and belonging. People we hardly B r i a n G a d d i e knew phoned us with great excitement. It iust goes to prove that South Africans are interested in all South African olim. The support system I have just been reading the July edition of one experiences from South African olim is quite Telfed Magazine and found the comments made phenomenal and this makes aliyah so much eas by your readers with regard to our April elections ier and worthwhile. It's great to be home most interesting. I was in Israel in June and spoke Abe and Betyl Mar§qlis to quite a number of ex-South Africans who Kfar Saba found it their moral duty to vote. Thanks for a wonderful and informative magazine. Wc arrived in Israel at the end of April and moved Jtdian Gecdter to Kibbutz Ein Gcv. The kibbutz has made us Lyndfairst, Jo/uinnesbiirg IJAL MAXIMUM CVCOME FUND EARN THE HIGHEST INCOME FROM YOUR BLOCKED RANDS! ♦ PROFESSIONAL DAY TO DAY MANAGEMENT OF YOUR BLOCKED FUNDS BY A LEADING EXPERT IN THE SOUTH AFRICA INVESTMENT COMMUNITY - UAL {AFFILIATED WITH THE NEDCOR GROUP). ? Pioneer ♦ INCOME REMTTTED FOUR TIMES A YEAR International ♦ OUTPERFORM ESIODM AND R.SA. GILTS Ltd. M A X I M U M I N C O M E F U N D 1 4 . 4 7 % * 157 YtGAL ALLON ST.. ESKDM168 12.29%* P.O.B, 33504 TEL AVIV 61334 ISRAEL R.SA. 150 12.82%* TEL; ♦+ 972-3-6951374 (At the time of writing 11 May, 1994) FAX; ♦+972-3-6953128 ♦ PROFESSIONAL STREAMUNED AND EFFICIENT ADMINISTRATION THROUGH YOUR LOCAL For further information P I O N E E R O F F I C E . contact Pioneer: ♦ PIONEER - THE MOST EXPERIENCED IN THE FIELD WAviv: 03-6951375 ^running yield Jerusalem: 02-257303 2 People Charney opens the channels Mcnora Charncy, spiritual healer, meditation in G c r s h o n w a s a m e m structor and co-ordinator of the Meditation ber of Israel's delega Group for Peace and Harmony for Creative Liv tion to the United ing (MPH) will be hosting an international New N a t i o n s a n d l a t e r Age conference in Tel Aviv in October. Speakers served in the Israeli from around the world will lecture and lead work Consulate in the US. shops on the many varied topics of parapsychol In 1991 he became ogy and esoteric living the first Israeli Diplo It will be the fifth mat in Residence at such conference for the Fletcher School the MPH group, of Law and Diplo w h i c h h a s m e t macy at Tufts Uni weekly for the past versity. Mr Gan will Qan 20 years to medi also serve as the non t a t e a n d w o r k t o resident ambassador to a number of neighbouring wards world peace states in southern Africa. and harmony. "Since the first con ference in 1988," Kristal heads Israeli says Menora, "each Forum has been a joyous Meiwra Clu-niey and thought pro- Tony Kristal has been elected chairman of the voking event, a Israeli Forum.
It's That Time Again, High Season, Lots of Activity, Bustling Around from Morning
It’s that time again, high season, lots of activity, bustling around from morning ‘til night. And we all have our favorite things we look forward to year after year. Well, this season, here’s something really special to add to that list! On March 18th, the Israel Tennis Centers Foundation, in partnership with Jewish Federation of Greater Naples, will host an exhibition with their student team from Israel, at the Players Club & Spa at Lely Resort in Naples. The exhibition is part of their 2019 Winter exhibition tour. By the time the team reaches Naples, they will have swung through over 15 appearances across South Florida during February and March. The Israel Tennis Centers Foundation holds exhibition cycles several times a year, bringing diverse teams of children to the US, that take part in their educational and sports programs across Israel. This season’s team is a multicultural group of 4 Israeli junior tennis players, including Koral, a 17-year-old girl from Tel Aviv; Jasmine, a 10-year-old Arab girl from Akko; Ariel, a 10-year-old boy from Tel Aviv and Tuval, a 19-year-old young man also from Tel Aviv. The team will be coached by ITC Alumnus and former #18 in the world in Singles, Amos Mansdorf. During their US appearances, in addition to exhibiting their skills on court, these youth ambassadors will share their personal stories about the impact of the ITC on their lives off court, on their families and the communities in which they live. The ITC represents a safe and nurturing educational environment in which these children can learn vital life values while sharpening their tennis skills.
Syria 99 a Mt.Hermon M 98 rail Odem Lebanon T O Rosh GOLAN HEIGHTS 98 Ha-Nikra IsraelNational 90 91 C Ha-Khula 899 Tel Hazor Akhziv Ma’alot Tarshiha 1 Nahariya 89 89 Katzrin More than a bed to sleep in! L. 4 3 888 12 Vered Hagalil 87 Clil Yehudiya Forest Acre E 85 5 4 Almagor 85 85 6 98 Inbar 90 Gamla 70 Karmiel Capernaum A 807 79 GALILEE 65 -212 meters 92 Givat Yoav R 13 -695 11 2 70 79 Zippori 8 7 75 Hilf Tabash 77 2 77 90 75 Nazareth 767 Khamat Israel’s Top 10 Nature Reserves & National Parks 70 9 Yardenit Gader -IS Mt. Carmel 10 Baptismal Site 4 Yoqneam Irbid Hermon National Park (Banias) - A basalt canyon hiking trail leading Nahal 60 S Me’arot to the largest waterfall in Israel. 70 Afula Zichron Ya’acov Megiddo 65 90 Yehudiya Forest Nature Reserve - Come hike these magnicent 71 trails that run along rivers, natural pools, and waterfalls. 60 Beit Alfa Jisr Az-Zarqa 14 6 Beit 65 Gan Shean Zippori National Park - A site oering impressive ruins and Caesarea Um El-Fahm Hashlosha Beit mosaics, including the stunning “Mona Lisa of the Galilee”. 2 Shean Jordan TEL Hadera 65 River Jenin Crossing Caesarea National Park - Explore the 3500-seat theatre and 6 585 S other remains from the Roman Empire at this enchanting port city. Jarash 4 Jerusalem Walls National Park - Tour this amazing park and view Biblical 60 90 Netanya Jerusalem from the city walls or go deep into the underground tunnels.
Syria 99 a Mt.Hermon M 1 ail 98 r T Odem Lebanon l tiona a O N GOLAN Rosh l e 98 a HEIGHTS Ha-Nikra Isr 90 91 C Ha-Khula 899 Tel Hazor . Akhziv Ma’alot Tarshiha 2 Nahariya 89 89 Katzrin More than a bed to sleep in! L 4 888 12 4 87 Clil Yehudiya Forest Acre Vered E 85 5 Hagalil 85 85 6 98 Inbar 90 Gamla 70 Karmiel Capernaum A 807 79 GALILEE 65 -212 meters 92Givat Yoav R 13 3 11 Zippori 75 70 79 7 S Hilf Tabash 77 2 77 90 8-10 Nazareth Khamat Israel’s Top 10 Nature Reserves & National Parks 70 75 767 Yardenit Gader -I Mt. Carmel Baptismal Site 4 Yoqneam Irbid Hermon National Park (Banias) - A basalt canyon hiking trail leading Nahal 60 S Me’arot to the largest waterfall in Israel. 70 Afula Zichron Ya’acov Megiddo 65 90 L Yehudiya Forest Nature Reserve - Come hike these magnificent 71 60 Beit Alfa trails that run along rivers, natural pools, and waterfalls. Jisr Az-Zarqa 14 6 Beit 65 Gan Shean Caesarea Um El-Fahm Hashlosha Zippori National Park - A site oering impressive ruins and Beit 2 Shean Jordan mosaics, including the stunning “Mona Lisa of the Galilee”. TE Hadera 65 River Jenin Crossing 6 585 Caesarea National Park - Explore the 3500-seat theatre and S 4 9 Jarash other remains from the Roman Empire at this enchanting port city. 90 60 Jerusalem Walls National Park - Tour this amazing park and view Biblical O Netanya Jerusalem from the city walls or go deep into the underground tunnels.
Proposed Water Reuse Mission to Israel Draft Notional Itinerary
Prepared 3-1-20 PROPOSED WATER REUSE MISSION TO ISRAEL DRAFT NOTIONAL ITINERARY Note: This draft itinerary was developed in anticipation of the reuse mission to Israel scheduled for May 15-22, 2020. However, the mission has been postponed, and is tentatively rescheduled for October 16-21, 2020. Purpose: To visit innovative water reuse sites and organizations in order to increase water reuse knowledge and opportunities in the US (agriculture, utility and industry sectors) and to further the work of the EPA/Israeli Ministry of Environmental Protection MOU Friday, May 15 United #72 Depart Washington (IAD): 10:45pm Saturday, May 16 Arrive Tel Aviv: 4:30pm RON: David InterContinental Hotel Tel Aviv Sunday, May 17 Jerusalem 9:30am-11:00am Meeting with Israeli Ministry of Environmental Protection (MoEP) • Greetings - Minister/DG • Alon Zask, Senior Deputy Director General for Natural Resources • Adam Schalimtzek, Head of International Relations Division 11:00am-12:30pm Meeting with Ministry of Energy and Israeli Water Authority (at MoEP) • Giora Shacham, IWA Director • Danny Greenwald, IWA Deputy Director • Hezi Liphshitz, MOE Deputy DG 12:30pm-1:30pm Meeting with Ministry of Health (at MoEP) • David Weinberg, National Planning & Treated Effluent Reuse Manager, Environmental Health Department 1:45pm-3:00pm Lunch 3:15pm-5:00pm Site visit: Sorek or Har Homa Wastewater Treatment Plant • HaGihon – Jerusalem Region Water and Wastewater Utility Prepared 3-1-20 o Kando representative 5:30pm TBD Visit to Old City of Jerusalem and Dinner RON: David InterContinental
TELFED JULY 1999 VOL. 25 NO. 3 A SOUTH AFRICAN ZIONIST FEDERATION (ISRAEL) PUBLICATION REAP ALL ABOUT IT! INSIDE: TELFED MOVES TO RA'ANANA PEOPLE: •Former South Africans make their mark in Poetry, Theatre and Music; Beth Chever 50th Reunion ART SCENE: •Making art that makes a difference ECO-ACTIOK'i^ Waiting for the trains to arrive? BOOK REVIEW Alon Liel'sbook on South Africa NUPTIALS, ARRIVALS.... A N D M O R E 46 SOKOLOV (2nd Floor) RAMAT-HASHARON Tel. 03-5488111 Home 09-7446967 Fax 03-5400077 Dear Friends, Even though it is now the middle of summer, the only thing that is really hot is the weather. It seems that most of our clientele prefer to travel in the "off season apd not to be involved in the summer rush. There are so many deals to near and far away places that it is no longer feasible to offer "specials" to anywhere —just know that they exist all the time to everywhere!!! This last weekend Carol and I spent a very special 4 days at the new Anassa Hotel — 35 minutes drive from the Paphos Airport in Cyprus, which is in itself only a 45 minute flight from Tel Aviv. I can honestly say that the hotel is without doubt the finest hotel I have ever stayed at — a real masterpiece — on the sea, beautiful setting, great food, but wow, it is expensive!!! — something to save for a special occasion. Give me a call and Til fill you in on all the details. Prices to South Africa on El A1 have been reduced for July/August, with all sorts of interesting deals, for example two for one on certain dates.
Nation Activity Switzerland Since 2019 (New format) Davis Cup (World Group PO) PER d. SUI 3:1 in PER Club Lawn Tennis de la Exposición, Lima, Peru March 6 – March 7 2020 Clay (O) R1 Sandro EHRAT (SUII) L Juan Pablo VARILLAS (PER) 6-/(4) 6:7(3) R2 Henri LAAKSONEN (SUI) W Nicolas ALVAREZ (PER) 6:4, 6:4 R3 Sandro EHRAT/Luca MARGAROLI (SUI) L Sergio GALDOS / Jorge Brian PANTA (PER) 5:7, 6:7(8) R4 Henri LAAKSONEN (SUI) L Juan Pablo VARILLAS (PER) 3-6 6:3 6:7(3) R5 Not played Period W/L: 1 – 9 // 396 – 444 Davis Cup (World Group I PO) SVK d. SUI 3:1 in SVK AXA Arena, Bratislava, SVK September 13 – September 14 2019 Clay (O) R1 Sandro EHRAT (SUII) W Martin KLIZAN (SVK) 6-2 7-6(7) R2 Henri LAAKSONEN (SUI) L Andrej MARTIN (SVK) 2-6 6-4 5-7 R3 Henri LAAKSONEN / Jérôme KYM (SUI) L Evgeny DONSKOY / Andrey RUBLEV (SVK) 3-6 3-6 R4 Henri LAAKSONEN (SUI) L Norbert GOMBOS (SVK) 1-6 1-6 R5 Not played Period W/L: 2 – 6 // 395 – 441 Davis Cup (Qualifiers) RUS d. SUI 3:1 in SUI Qualifier 16 Swiss Tennis Arena, Biel-Bienne, SUI February 1 – February 2 2019 Hard (I) R1 Henri LAAKSONEN (SUI) L Daniil MEDVEDEV (RUS) 6-7(8) 7-6(6) 2-6 R2 Marc-Andrea HÜSLER (SUI) L Karen KHACHANOV (RUS) 3-6 5-7 R3 Henri LAAKSONEN / Jérôme KYM (SUI) W Evgeny DONSKOY / Andrey RUBLEV (RUS) 4-6 6-3 7-6(7) R4 Henri LAAKSONEN (SUI) L Karen KHACHANOV (RUS) 7-6(2) 6-7(6) 4-6 R5 Not played Period W/L: 1 – 3 // 394 – 438 1923 – 2018 Davis Cup (WG Playoffs) SWE d.
Una Mirada a La Prensa Deportiva Nacional: El Fenómeno Marcelo Ríos
UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS SOCIALES ESCUELA DE PERIODISMO Una Mirada a la Prensa Deportiva Nacional: El Fenómeno Marcelo Ríos. Rodrigo Andrés Miranda Sánchez. Memoria Para Optar al título de Periodista. Profesor Guía. Sergio Gilbert. Santiago, Marzo de 1999. I N D I C E Introducción 3 Orígenes Históricos 7 El Circuito ATP 9 Las Superficies del Tenis 12 Los Comienzos en Chile 15 Anita Lizana 18 Aparece Ayala 20 La Final contra Italia 24 La década de los ochenta 25 Zona de Promesas 28 El Repunte 32 Presente del Tenis Nacional 37 González - Massú 38 El Tenis en la Prensa (1993 - 1997) 41 Evolución 48 Una Mirada Revisionista 51 Conclusión: El Fenómeno Ríos 53 Anexos 62 Fuentes 90 pág. 2 I N T R O D U C C I O N Durante los últimos cinco años un nombre ha definido al tenis chileno. Y ese nombre no es otro que el de Marcelo Ríos. Desde sus primeros pasos en el profesionalismo, la figura del zurdo de Vitacura se ha convertido en uno de los ejes fundamentales de la prensa deportiva nacional, reactivando un segmento deportivo que estaba sumido en una de las crisis más grandes de los últimos años. Marcelo Ríos se ha transformado en una de las figuras noticiosas más importantes de nuestro país. Portada de diarios y revistas, ya sea deportivos o no; figura recurrente en los estelares de televisión; foco noticioso recurrente de noticieros; personaje de interés por su juego y personalidad ha contribuido enormemente a la difusión del deporte blanco en nuestro país que, por fin, cuenta con un ídolo que le permita recuperar el rumbo perdido.
Evaluating Professional Tennis Players’ Career Performance: a Data Envelopment Analysis Approach
Munich Personal RePEc Archive Evaluating professional tennis players’ career performance: A Data Envelopment Analysis approach Halkos, George and Tzeremes, Nickolaos University of Thessaly, Department of Economics September 2012 Online at https://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de/41516/ MPRA Paper No. 41516, posted 24 Sep 2012 20:02 UTC Evaluating professional tennis players‘ career performance: A Data Envelopment Analysis approach By George E. Halkos and Nickolaos G. zeremes University of Thessaly, Department of Economics, Korai 43, 38333, Volos, Greece Abstract This paper by applying a sporting pro uction function evaluates 229 professional tennis players$ career performance. By applying Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) the paper pro uces a unifie measure of nine performance in icators into a single career performance in ex. In a ition bootstrap techni,ues have been applie for bias correction an the construction of confi ence intervals of the efficiency estimates. The results reveal a highly competitive environment among the tennis players with thirty nine tennis players appearing to be efficient. Keywords: .rofessional tennis players/ Data Envelopment Analysis/ 0port pro uction function/ Bootstrapping. %EL classification: 114' 129' 383. 1 1. Introduction The economic theory behin sporting activity is base on the wor4 of Rottenberg (1952). 7owever, 0cully (1984) was the first to apply a pro uction function in or er to provi e empirical evi ence for the performance of baseball players. 0ince then several scholars have use frontier pro uction function in or er to measure teams$ performance an which has been escribe on the wor4s of 9a4, 7uang an 0iegfrie (1989), .orter an 0cully (1982) an :izel an D$Itri (1992, 1998).
Editor: Nurit Felter-Eitan, Authority Secretary & Spokeswoman All information provided in this report is provided for information purposes only and does not constitute a legal act. The hebrew translation is the current and accurate information. Information in this report is subject to change without prior notice. Greetings, I am delighted to hereby present the Israel Public Utility Authority’s (Electricity) biennial activity report for the years 2012-2011. This report summarizes the Authority’s Assembly’s extensive and meticulous work, assisted by the Authority’s team of professional employees, over the past two years, signifying a turning point in the Israeli electricity and energy markets. Alongside a severe energy crisis that befell the electricity market in the past two years due to the discontinuation of natural gas supply from Egypt and the creation of a gas supply monopoly, these years have seen a historic change in the electricity market, commencing with the admission of private electricity entrepreneurship and clean electricity production in significant capacities (the Authority’s projection for private electricity production is 25% by 2016, and approximately 10% for electricity production using renewable energy by 2020). As a result of the natural gas crisis, which began in 2011 due to recurring explosions in the gas lines leading from Egypt to Israel, the Electricity Authority was faced with a reality that would have forced it to instantly and radically increase in the electricity tariffs for the Israeli consumers in 2012. These circumstances led the Authority to combine forces with government bodies, including the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Energy and Water Resources and the Ministry of Environmental Protection, and lead a comprehensive move which significantly restrained the tariff increase, and furthermore, relieved the electricity consumers’ burden in a manner that enabled spreading the tariff increase over three years.
s FROM THE CRIMEA TOTHEKINNERET 46 SOKOLOV {2nd Floor) RAMAT-HASHARON Tel. 03-5488111 Home 09-7446967 F a x 0 3 - 5 4 0 0 0 7 7 Dear Friends, It seems a long time since we last communicated — probably due to this never-ending summer!!! Being confirmed Africa Lovers, Carol and I spent our usual week in Kenya in September, discovering exciting and new lodges and confirming our belief that Kenya, and more specifically the Masai Mara, is really unbeatable for the sheer mass of animals that one sees. Kenya is also a great destination for that special family holiday or Bar Mitzvah tour. I'm counting the years untl I'll be able to take my grandson for his first tour of Africa!!! We are already in the advanced stages of planning our Brenda Miller 2000 Tours and have already started registration for the following tours: 1. Brenda to Russia 16th - 30th May 2. Brenda to Prague 18th - 26th June 3. Brenda to Paris 2nd - 10th July These very special music tours are for English speakers, and of course are led by Brenda personally. All previous participants came back with rave reports after having enjoyed an unforgettable experience. Please call Simone in our office for further details and for registration. (03)548-8111. As the millenium draws to its close my wish to you all is for a happy and healthy next 100 years!! May peace finally come to our troubled land and offer a bright future to us and our children. Bes^eg^ds, Terry Kessel Managing Director O N T H E R O C K S CONTENTS "Scotch and water." "Sorry sir, we are right I N T H E M A I L out of water." A bit over the top? True.
Itinerary is subject to change. • Welcome to Israel! Upon individual arrivals, meet your group transfer in Tel Aviv at 3:00pm and head north. En route, hear from leading KKL-JNF Professional Talia Tzour Avner, who will provide an overview of JNF’s pivotal role in the development of the State of Israel. Golan Heights Arrive at Ramot, a charming moshav situated along the coast of the Sea of Galilee (Kineret). This evening enjoy your opening dinner in a private room at the moshav with special guest speaker Professor Eilon Adar, who will discuss the water economy and water scarcity in Israel and Israeli noble innovations in this field. Overnight, Ramot, Golan Heights Moshav Ramot Itinerary is subject to change. • Following breakfast, begin the day hearing an overview of the Kinneret from Dr. Doron Markel, Senior Director for the Israel Water Authority, who will discuss the monitoring and management of Lake Kinneret and its watershed. Shamir Drillings Project Afterward, depart Ramot to visit the Shamir Drillings, Israel’s new initiative for the difficult water crisis, which involves drilling for and accessing new groundwater resources, as well as for agricultural purposes, further freeing up fresh water and replenishing water levels in rivers and lakes. Leading our tour will be Shabtai Glass, Manager of the Galilee Water Association, who will discuss the significance of the drillings, and how it has helped Israel overcome its water challenges. Take a guided tour through Agmon HaHula and its water journey that has made it Agmon HaHula one of the most significant bird migration routes in the world.
{PDF EPUB} the Cobra and Scarab a Novel of Ancient Egypt by Glenn Starkey Ihr Link Zur Ex Libris-Reader-App
Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} The Cobra and Scarab A Novel of Ancient Egypt by Glenn Starkey Ihr Link zur Ex Libris-Reader-App. Geben Sie Ihre E-Mail-Adresse oder Handynummer ein und Sie erhalten einen direkten Link, um die kostenlose Reader-App herunterzuladen. Die Ex Libris-Reader-App ist für iOS und Android erhältlich. Weitere Informationen zu unseren Apps finden Sie hier. Kartonierter Einband 84 Seiten. Kartonierter Einband. Beschreibung. Klappentext. Source: Wikipedia. Pages: 82. Chapters: Gardens in Israel, Jewish National Fund forests and parks, National parks of Israel, Masada, Caesarea Maritima, Achziv, Lachish, Shivta, Qumran, Beit She'an, Tzippori, Capernaum, Tel Megiddo, Mount Tabor, Hippos, Ein Avdat, Tel Hazor, National parks and nature reserves of Israel, Khirbat al-Minya, Herodium, Beit Guvrin National Park, Makhtesh Ramon, Ramat HaNadiv, Beit She'arim National Park, Eleutheropolis, Ein Gedi, Canada Park, Al Qastal, Palestine, Tel Arad, Montfort Castle, Jezreel, Yarkon River, Arsuf, Gezer, Nimrod Fortress, Shrine of Bahá'u'lláh, Yatir Forest, Yarkon Park, Ashdod Sand Dune, Maresha, Mount Arbel, Belvoir Fortress, Wohl Rose Park, Ben-Gurion International Airport Garden, Terraces, Beit Alfa, Rosh HaNikra grottoes, Nitzana, Mamshit, Archaeological sites in Israel, Tel Be'er Sheva, Sidna Ali Mosque, Castel National Park, Ein Hemed, Garden of the King, Nahal Alexander, Island of Peace, Australian Soldier Park, Hurshat Tal, City of David National Park, Hamat Tiberias, Samaria, Israel Nature and Parks Authority, Jerusalem Forest, Neot Kedumim, Mazor Mausoleum, Ashkelon National Park, Alexandrium, Gazelle Valley, Gan HaShlosha National Park, Tel Shikmona, Migdal Afek, HaSharon Park, Ramat Gan National Park, The Garden of Mordy, Eshtaol Forest, Emek Tzurim National Park, Bar'am National Park.