A challenge that will take rowers more than 3000 Miles west from San Sebastian in La Gomera, , (28oN 18oW) to Nelson’s Dockyard, English Harbour, & Barbuda (17oN 61oW).

The annual race begins in early December, with up to 30 teams participating from around the world.

The Talisker Whiskey Atlantic Challenge brings together teams from all walks of life united by the same objective: The Talisker Whiskey Atlantic Challenge is the world's toughest row. In a specially designed rowboat, participants race across the entirety of the Atlantic in teams, from the Canary Islands off the coast of Africa to the Caribbean. 5000 kilometers of open ocean, rowing up to 20 hours a day, through tropical storms, severe heat, driving rain, and 30-foot waves. The boat carries all the supplies you bring with you at the start and that is all you get for up to 120 days. Any help or assistance beyond radio communications results in a disqualification, leaving your success up to you and your preparation alone. Fewer people have rowed across an ocean than have climbed Mount Everest, and fewer still have done it alone. In December 2022 I will be attempting to not only cross the solo and become the fifth Canadian to have crossed any ocean solo, but I will also be competing for first place amongst the other solo rowers in the 2022 race.

This race is a massive undertaking, and as such, it is also a platform that many teams use to fundraise for causes close to them, and for me that cause is Epilepsy. Rowing up to 20 hours per day, every day, for 3000 The most extreme weather you can image! 30ft+ miles including rowing in darkness. Rowers will row in waves, storms, and extreme temperatures. excess of 1.5 million oar strokes over the race.

In an emergency situation a rescue can be days away. All food will be on the boat and water pumped from Solar panels will provide the electricity to power the the sea. Keeping nutrition levels high and fully systems onboard including the water maker. Any hydrated is vital. Rowers need to consume up to 10 problems or boat damage will have to be dealt with litres of water and 10,000 calories per day. using only the supplies onboard.

Salt sores, blisters/infections, muscle damage and Whales and sharks, shipping lanes, collision course for depletion. Each rower loses on average 12kg crossing vessels 30x the size of the rowing boat. the Atlantic!


Complete the crossing in as Raise as much money as Raise enough money to short a time as possible, possible for Epilepsy cover the base costs to help ultimately aiming to win the , a charity close to make this adventure solo category of the race my heart happen


For as long as I can remember, I have been obsessed with adventure and the means to achieve it. Constantly looking for new, strange things to do and try. In canoes and rafts, on my own two boots or wheels, with a rope or just my hands to steady myself, in the heat of the day or the dark of the night, adventure does not wait for me and so I pursue it. I’ve climbed mountains, paddled rivers, explored abandoned mines and buildings. I’ve ridden mountain bikes, dirt bikes, motorcycles and quads. I am part of a motorcycle ice racing team, flying across frozen lakes at 150+ km/h, the wind sweeping past you at -30°C with studded tires spinning like a chainsaw below you and your competitors jostling you as they pass. I used to take it all for granted; my ability to do whatever I wished regardless of what my body was telling me. It didn't matter if I hadn’t slept or if I hadn’t eaten, I would carry on because I could. That changed when I met Tristan. In March 2018 I had my first seizure at home while studying for a midterm in my first year of university. Three months later I was finally diagnosed with Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy. My initial reaction was pure shock, and of course sadness. I had no idea what it meant for me and my life. My day to day life has changed quite a bit, integrating taking medication twice a day at the same time 12 hours apart. I am a very independent person and going from being able to rely on myself and my own schedule, to depending on other people was difficult. I had to break down some walls and let people help me. I also take a lot more time for what my mental health needs now, as stress and sleep are two big triggers to my seizures.

For a long time I feared having another seizure and while it's hard to let go of that fear, I am finally starting to. I could sit and worry all day, every day but that would make my health worse. So instead I try to live day to day, and take things one step at a time. I hope that I live a full and happy life despite any disorder. I also hope that one day there is a cure for epilepsy; not just for me, but for all of the people who live with epilepsy every day. Epilepsy is an everyday struggle for so many people and I pray that one day, that struggle can be removed. “We met in November 2017 and, as cliche as it is, I fell for her almost immediately. The more we talked, the more I realized how incredible she truly is. She is loving, kind, dedicated and patient and her goal to become a teacher only highlights these qualities further. Tristan's attitude and outlook on life are even more impressive in light of her diagnosis of Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy. During the period of diagnosis and medication trials, there were many tough patches. The uncertainty weighs on you, and the side effects from medication took a while to get used to, but through it all, she kept her chin up and did her best to not let it define her. Despite the situation, she kept pushing forward with her university education, her job, teaching dance, and coaching a cheer team, which is enough of a load for anyone, let alone a woman also dealing with the stress of epilepsy. I realized how fortunate our circumstances were that allowed us to deal with epilepsy and also just how difficult it could be for others, and I want to make a difference.” - Caleb

“I decided to partner with the team at Epilepsy Canada because they not only provide support for those living with epilepsy but they also strive to help the Canadian neurology community find a cure. Epilepsy is present in approximately 360,000 Canadians, and is recognized by the World Health Organization as the world's most common brain disorder. Despite this, it is comparatively underfunded and Epilepsy Canada does a fantastic job of supporting several different major research projects in finding future treatment for people who suffer from medication resistant seizures as well as seizure forecasting and defense against Sudden Unexpected Death In Epilepsy(SUDEP). This is my chance to make a difference in the community, and to support other families who are going through the same challenges as myself and Tristan. I can think of no better cause to give my time and effort to, and I am sure that thinking of a community I have a part in will give me the motivation I need in the middle of the ocean.” Epilepsy Canada is a registered Canadian charity dedicated to positively affecting the lives of those living with epilepsy. It's sole mandate is to raise monies for epilepsy research with an objective of finding a cure. It demonstrates the need for research by highlighting key issues related to those whose seizures cannot be controlled through existing medication and treatments and the tragic cases of SUDEP (Sudden Unexplained Death from Epilepsy). Through its active financial support of epilepsy research, it strives to help the Canadian neurology community find a cure for epilepsy.

The Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge employs a dedicated media team to maximize coverage and exposure around the world. Press releases and video news reels (VNRs) are produced for each team, ensuring that a steady stream of content is ready to be consumed by global media. Official film crews and photographers are present at race start and finish to capture key visual assets that are distributed around the world. THE RECORD-BREAKING PACE OF THE 2017/18 RACE AND A KEEN FOCUS ON SUPPLYING MAJOR BROADCASTERS WITH TIMELY, HIGH QUALITY VIDEO FOOTAGE AND IMAGERY HELPED GENERATE RECORD MEDIA FOOTAGE. 3,363,374,468 Total People Reached $197,809,791 CAD Total PR Value

$54,846,405 PR value $2,770,934 PR value $8,556,273 PR value 365,473,333 People reached 43,067,017 People reached 2,331,839,199 People reached

COMPANY NAME 17 The website acts as a ‘one-stop-shop’ for everything about the race The race tracker is the most popular way for fans to follow the The Talisker Whiskey Atlantic Challenge’s official YouTube channel and, in particular, provides past, present and future rowers with progress of the boats during the crossing. Known as “dot watching”, generated over 100k views in more than 53 countries during the race. practical information and key resources for planning and preparation. the positions of the boats are updated every 4 hours. 140,000 VIEWS 1.5 million PAGE VIEWS 935,904 PAGE VIEWS 320,975 ESTIMATED MINUTES WATCHED 170, 684 UNIQUE VISITORS 3 min 27 sec AVG TIME SPENT ON SITE 39% AVERAGE PERCENT OF EACH VIDEO VIEWED 5 min 10 sec AVG TIME SPENT ON SITE 67% GROWTH from 2017 race

The Talisker Whiskey Atlantic Challenge Facebook Page has Instagram is proving to be one of the most popular ways for fans to Twitter is the fastest way to get the latest news from the fleet. The feed significantly more followers in the 25-54 age group than Facebook engage with the race. The latest content from the fleet is constantly is updated by a dedicated content manager, aggregating the latest average. The launch of Facebook Live coverage was hugely popular, uploaded by a dedicated content manager, on site at the start in La information, videos and photos from the race. attracting more then 588,553 unique video views. Gomera and at the finish line in Antigua. 4,780 FOLLOWERS 15,117,873 TOTAL REACH 16,819 POST LIKES (2018) 408,988 IMPRESSION 59% POST ENGAGEMENT 25-34 MOST REACHED AGE GROUP 20,234 ENGAGEMENTS COMPANY700,000 NAME TOTAL LIFETIME VIDEO VIEWS 11,700 FOLLOWERS 18 The Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge offers all visiting media royalty-free multimedia content, access to the media centre and free high-speed internet connection at race start and finish. The Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge has 2 media centres that are available to use by all accredited media – one in San Sebastian, La Gomera and the other in English Harbour, Antigua. The media centres, situated right at the start and finish of the race, are equipped with high- speed internet, providing peace of mind that the teams’ content will be transmitted around the world. Accredited media also have royalty-free access to a wide range of media content, equipping attending journalists and press representatives with all necessary assets, produced to the highest possible international standard.

Before this epic challenge can become a reality, the first, and one of the biggest challenges I face is getting to the start line. To do this I need to cover the costs, enabling me to buy equipment and pay the entry fees to compete in the challenge. I aim to do this by working with corporate partners/sponsors. Put simply, without your support I cannot make this dream a reality. I would like to offer you the chance to become a partner of the team. You will align yourselves with a driven, passionate and dynamic individual in what is a truly unique event. I hope you are excited about the prospect of partnering with me on this epic adventure. I look forward to working with you and finding a sponsorship package that fits your needs. The Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge offers potential sponsors, brands, and ambassadors the opportunity to raise the profile and brand perception of their company on a local, national, and international scale throughout the year, before, during and after the Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge.

This is a unique opportunity to partner with a highly motivated, dedicated and engaging individual. I am ready to push myself in all areas of this campaign to yield the highest return on investment for my sponsors. The support of partners is essential for the success of this campaign. In becoming a partner, your business will benefit in the following ways…

• Increased PR, brand exposure and outreach through international media coverage and events, supported by a coordinated PR campaign. • Your brand will receive local, national and international exposure through TV, press, radio and social media from my campaign and the Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge. • Improved brand perception through affiliation with the mission and this inspirational sporting challenge. • Endorsement of your products or services. This can be through a variety of channels including content creation such as video footage and photos on the row, as well as mentions on my website and social media to directly engage your target audience. • High quality media content. • I will be available for press releases about the partnership and will provide rights to all photos and video content from the row to partners. • Partners’ staff are encouraged to share in the adventure and post race presentations can be arranged. COMPANY NAME 22 TOP 01 02 03 $75,000CAD

• Boat to be branded and coloured in the style of your company to • Prime company name & logo on the campaign website with link maximize impact. This will include your company logo featuring to own website. prominently on the boat – hull or main cabin, both sides. • Your company to be featured on our sponsors page as the Lead Sponsor. • Your company will feature prominently as Lead Sponsor in our • Name the boat online blog, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook media streams. • Branding within team name e.g. ‘TEAM… powered by …’ or ‘Team …’ • Your company will be mentioned as a Lead Sponsor, where possible, in all media interviews. • Your company will be given access to all post-race • Your company logo to be largest logo on all race/training clothing worn in photography, video and press releases. training, press conferences, media & fundraising events and at the finish • Content creation e.g. footage and photos of product being line. used during the row • Exposure through official race media content (photos and videos) • Attendance at PR shoots pre and post row. • Post-race presentation to your company about the challenge, success, perseverance, overcoming ordeals, and motivation. • One set of oars will be presented for display post-race. • Speaking events for your employees clients / partners • A half day on the boat for up to 4 employees – learn to row, and get a taste of what I will endure for months at sea – great for team building! • Your company logo to be featured on the blade of the oar. • Unlimited invitations to all fundraising events. • Weather permitting - Video postcard from somewhere on the Atlantic Ocean to highlight your company support along with regular updates and personal messages while at sea. $25,000CAD

• Prime logo placement on boat - your company logo will feature • Corporate talks at your office before & after the row on the hull of the boat or main cabin (both sides) for maximum • Post-race presentation to your company about the challenge, exposure – see example. success, perseverance, overcoming ordeals, and motivation. • Logo on inside of cabin • 5 Complimentary tickets to all fundraising events. • Attendance at partners PR shoots and events pre and post row. • While at sea regular updates and personal messages highlighting your support to the campaign. • Large logo, company name & bio on my website sponsorship • Team press release announcing sponsorship & associated press page with information and a link to your website. • Your company will feature regularly as a key partner on my Instagram, Twitter and Facebook media streams. • Your company will be mentioned as a key partner, where • 5 Branded long sleeve shirts possible, in all media interviews. • Bottle of Talisker whiskey • Your company will be given access to all post-race photography, video and press releases. • Content creation e.g. footage and photos of product being used during the row • Exposure through official race media content (photos and videos) $15,000CAD

• Medium-sized company logo featured on the hull of the boat • Presentation to your company about the challenge, success, (one side) - see example. perseverance, overcoming ordeals, and motivation. • Logo on inside of cabin. • 2 Complimentary tickets to all fundraising events • Your company logo to be featured on all team kit worn in training, media/fundraising events and at the finish line.

• Mid-size logo & company name on my website sponsorship • 2 Branded long sleeve shirts page with information and a link to your website. • Bottle of Talisker whiskey • Your company will feature monthly on my Instagram, Twitter and Facebook media streams. • On ‘your’ day specific mention of an individual or company on all our social media platforms and a specific message delivered from the boat (weather permitting). • Your company will be mentioned, where possible, in all media interviews. • Your company will be given access to all post-race photography, video and press releases. • Exposure through official race media content (photos and videos) $5,000CAD

• Small company logo featured on the hull of the boat (one side - • 2 complimentary tickets to any fundraising events see example).

• Small logo & company name on my website sponsorship page • 2 Branded long sleeve shirts with information and a link to your website. • Bottle of Talisker whiskey • Your company will feature on my Instagram, Twitter and Facebook media streams. • On ‘your’ day specific mention of an individual or company on all our social media platforms and a specific message delivered from the boat (weather permitting). • Your company will be given access to all post-race photography, video and press releases. • Exposure through official race media content (photos and videos) $2,500CAD

Oar will be presented for display post race.

Your company logo to be featured on the blade of the oar.

Your company to be featured on the sponsors page of our website.

Your company given access to all post-race photography, video and press releases for marketing purposes. Own a t-shirt company, travel agent or just want to donate some spare protein bars? I am also looking for support in the form of goods & services that partners maybe able to provide from their business.

I am happy to discuss a tailored package to suit your needs.

Epilepsy Canada Caleb Wright / Corporate Sponsorship 3250 Bloor St. W., [email protected] East Tower, Suite 600 Toronto, Ontario Gary Collins / Corporate Sponsorship M8X 2X9 [email protected]

Lisa Gray / Media Inquiry [email protected]

Caleb Wright www.epilepsy.ca Rower 587.589.6640

Gary Collins, President Epilepsy Canada 416-346-1446