The Agrarian Question In Tanzania? CurrenT AfrICAn Issues 45 THe AGrArIAn QUESTIOn In TAnZAnIA? A state of the Art Paper sam Maghimbi razack B. Lokina Mathew A. senga nOrDIsKA AfrIKAInsTITuTeT, uPPsALA In coperation with THe unIVersITY Of DAr ES sALAAM 2 011 1 sam Maghimbi, razack B. Lokina, Mathew A. senga The Mwalimu Nyerere Professorial Chair in Pan-African Studies was established as a university chair at the University of Dar es Salaam in honour of the great nationalist and pan-Africanist leader of Africa and the first president of Tanzania, Mwalimu Julius Kambarage Nyerere. It was inaugurated on April 19, 2008 by the Prime Minister Honourable Mizengo Pinda in the presence of Mama Maria Nyerere. The main objective of the Chair is to reinvigorate intellectual debates on the Campus and stimulate basic research on burning issues facing the country and the continent from a pan-African perspective. The core activities of the Chair include publication of state of the art papers. As part of the latter, the Chair is pleased to publish the first paper The Agrarian Question in Tanzania. It is planned to publish at least one state of the art paper every year. first published by Mwalimu Nyerere Professorial Chair in Pan-African Studies University of Dar es Salaam P. O. Box 35091 Dar es Salaam Email:
[email protected] Website: INDExING TErMS: Agrarian policy Agrarian structure Peasantry Agricultural population Land tenure State Agrarian reform Land reform rural development Economic and social development Tanzania The opinions expressed in this volume are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of Nordiska Afrikainstitutet.