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Table of Contents Great Lives from History: Jewish Americans Table of Contents Publisher's Note Editor's Introduction Contributors Pronunciation Key Complete List of Contents A Senda Berenson Abbott J. J. Abrams M. H. Abrams Bella Abzug Dankmar Adler Felix Adler Julius Ochs Adler Samuel H. Adler Stella Adler Gregory Ain George Akerlof Sholom Aleichem Madame Alexander Nelson Algren Saul Alinsky Mel Allen Woody Allen Gloria Allred Herb Alpert Lyle Alzado Walter Annenberg Mary Antin Judd Apatow Diane Arbus Hannah Arendt Alan Arkin Harold Arlen Kenneth Arrow Bea Arthur Sholem Asch Isaac Asimov Ed Asner Red Auerbach Paul Auster Richard Avedon Richard Axel B Lauren Bacall Burt Bacharach Max Baer Steven Ballmer Theda Bara Salo Baron Roseanne Barr Bernard Baruch Abraham Beame S. N. Behrman Daniel Bell Saul Bellow Judah Benjamin Jack Benny Seymour Benzer Moe Berg Paul Berg David Berkowitz Henry Berkowitz Milton Berle Irving Berlin Ben Bernanke Carl Bernstein Elmer Bernstein Leonard Bernstein Hans Albrecht Bethe Bruno Bettelheim Theodore Bikel Jack Black Wolf Blitzer Allan Bloom Harold Bloom Sol Bloom Michael Bloomberg Judy Blume Franz Boas Peter Bogdanovich Ivan Boesky Jeremy Michael Boorda Daniel J. Boorstin Victor Borge Margaret Bourke-White Jane Bowles Barbara Boxer Louis D. Brandeis Marcel Breuer Stephen G. Breyer Fanny Brice Sergey Brin Matthew Broderick Joseph Brodsky Adrien Brody Albert Brooks Mel Brooks Joyce Brothers Larry Brown Michael S. Brown Susan Brownmiller Lenny Bruce Jerry Bruckheimer Jerome Bruner Louis Buchalter Art Buchwald Arthur Burns George Burns Carl Byoir C James Caan Sid Caesar Abraham Cahan Sammy Cahn Hortense Calisher Eddie Cantor Robert Capa Al Capp Benjamin N. Cardozo Emanuel Celler Michael Chabon Paddy Chayefsky Judy Chicago Noam Chomsky Joel and Ethan Coen Leonard Cohen Mickey Cohen Paul Joseph Cohen Stanley Cohen William S. Cohen Mildred Cohn Roy Cohn Kenneth Cole Betty Comden Aaron Copland David Copperfield Howard Cosell Billy Crystal Mark Cuban George Cukor Jamie Lee Curtis Tony Curtis D Rodney Dangerfield Larry David Clive Davis Sammy Davis, Jr. Daniel De Leon Michael Dell Cecil B. DeMille Alan M. Dershowitz Neil Diamond Misha Dichter Samuel Dickstein Barry Diller Jim Dine Carl Djerassi E. L. Doctorow Stanley Donen Kirk Douglas Fran Drescher Richard Dreyfuss Matt Drudge Andrea Dworkin Bob Dylan E Gerald M. Edelman Morris Michael Edelstein Albert Einstein Edwin Einstein Alfred Eisenstaedt Michael Eisner Danny Elfman Gertrude Belle Elion Stanley Elkin Albert Ellis Harlan Ellison Larry Ellison Rahm Emanuel Nora Ephron Theo Epstein Susan Estrich F Max Factor Lillian Faderman Peter Falk Susan Faludi Howard Fast Jules Feiffer Russ Feingold Dianne Feinstein Moshe Feinstein Eliot Feld Edna Ferber Richard P. Feynman Irving Fine Fyvush Finkel Louis Finkelstein Shulamith Firestone Stanley Fish Carrie Fisher Eddie Fisher Abraham Flexner Jonathan Safran Foer Robert William Fogel Abe Fortas Lukas Foss Barney Frank Leo Frank Robert Frank Al Franken Helen Frankenthaler Felix Frankfurter Arthur Freed Betty Friedan Benny Friedman Bruce Jay Friedman Kinky Friedman Milton Friedman Dorothy Fuldheim G Art Garfunkel Peter Gay David Geffen Frank Gehry Larry Gelbart George Gershwin Ira Gershwin Allen Ginsberg Ruth Bader Ginsburg Donald A. Glaser Milton Glaser Paul Michael Glaser Sheldon L. Glashow Philip Glass Nathan Glazer Louise Glück Arthur J. Goldberg Rube Goldberg Jeff Goldblum Maurice Goldhaber Daniel S. Goldin Nan Goldin Emma Goldman Marcus Goldman Boris Goldovsky Barry Goldwater Samuel Goldwyn Samuel Gompers Benny Goodman Mark Goodson Robert Gordis Adolph Gottlieb Elliott Gould Stephen Jay Gould Rebecca Gratz Adolph Green Hank Greenberg Irving Greenberg Paul Greengard Alan Greenspan Charles Grodin David Gross Meyer Guggenheim Peggy Guggenheim Philip Guston H David Halberstam Monty Hall Marvin Hamlisch Oscar Handlin Yip Harburg Lorenz Hart Moss Hart Herbert A. Hauptman Goldie Hawn Ben Hecht Jascha Heifetz Joseph Heller Lillian Hellman Leona Helmsley Mark Helprin Nat Hentoff Will Herberg Jerry Herman Bernard Herrmann Seymour M. Hersh Abraham Joshua Heschel Eva Hesse Sidney Hillman Judd Hirsch Al Hirschfeld Abbie Hoffman Dustin Hoffman Roald Hoffmann Nat Holman H. Robert Horvitz Harry Houdini Irving Howe Sarah Hughes I Carl Icahn Amy Irving J Jacob K. Javits Ricky Jay Billy Joel Al Jolson Erica Jong K Pauline Kael Louis I. Kahn Marvin Kalb Horace Kallen Justin Kaplan Mordecai Kaplan Donna Karan Jerome Karle Mel Karmazin Leopold Karpeles Alex Katz Jeffrey Katzenberg Andy Kaufman George S. Kaufman Danny Kaye Alfred Kazin Harvey Keitel Jerome Kern Alan King Carole King Larry King Jack Kirby Henry Kissinger Robert Klein Alfred A. Knopf Ed Koch Syd Koff Jerome Kohlberg, Jr. Walter Kohn Ted Koppel Sandy Koufax Larry Kramer Stanley Kramer Lee Krasner Lenny Kravitz William Kristol Barbara Kruger Paul Krugman Stanley Kubrick Maxine Kumin Stanley Kunitz William Kunstler Ray Kurzweil Harold S. Kushner Tony Kushner L Shia LaBeouf Carl Laemmle Fiorello Henry La Guardia Ricki Lake Hedy Lamarr Norman Lamm Edwin Herbert Land Aaron Lansky Meyer Lansky Ibram Lassaw Paul László Estée Lauder Ralph Lauren Emma Lazarus Norman Lear Fran Lebowitz Leon M. Lederman Isaac Leeser Herbert Lehman Tom Lehrer Annie Leibovitz Alan Jay Lerner Gerda Lerner Jonathan Lethem Philip Levine Barry Levinson Uriah P. Levy Jerry Lewis Richard Lewis Sol LeWitt Jason Lezak Lewis Libby Daniel Libeskind Roy Lichtenstein Joe Lieberman Walter Lippmann Seth Lipsky Marcus Loew Frederick Loewe Peter Lorre Ernst Lubitsch Sid Luckman Sidney Lumet M Lorin Maazel Judah Leon Magnes Norman Mailer Bernard Malamud David Mamet Man Ray Barry Manilow Joseph L. Mankiewicz Michael Mann Mickey Marcus Rudolph A. Marcus Harry Markowitz Groucho Marx Eric Maskin Matisyahu Marlee Matlin Walter Matthau Elaine May Louis B. Mayer Richard Meier Golda Meir Henry Pereira Mendes Ruth Messinger Howard Metzenbaum Al Michaels Bette Midler Harvey Milk Michael Milken Arthur Miller Henry Morgenthau, Jr. Henry Morgenthau, Sr. Arthur D. Morse Robert Moses Paul Muni Bess Myerson N Maud Nathan Howard Nemerov Jacob Neusner Richard Neutra Louise Nevelson Barnett Newman Paul Newman Randy Newman Mike Nichols Leonard Nimoy Mordecai M. Noah Emmy Noether O Phil Ochs Clifford Odets Tillie Olsen J. Robert Oppenheimer Suze Orman Cynthia Ozick P Larry Page Grace Paley William S. Paley Dorothy Parker Sarah Jessica Parker Mandy Patinkin Daniel Pearl Arthur Penn Irving Penn S. J. Perelman Itzhak Perlman Molly Picon Norman Podhoretz Sydney Pollack Natalie Portman Chaim Potok Otto Preminger Jackie Presser André Previn Sally J. Priesand Jay A. Pritzker Stanley B. Prusiner R Isidor Isaac Rabi Gilda Radner Harold Ramis Shulamit Ran Ayn Rand Sumner Redstone Lou Reed Robert B. Reich Steve Reich Carl Reiner Rob Reiner Frederick Reines Abraham Reles Ed Rendell Judith Resnik Abraham A. Ribicoff Adrienne Rich Renée Richards Don Rickles Hyman G. Rickover Moses Rischin Herb Ritts Joan Rivers Larry Rivers Jerome Robbins Abraham Robinson Richard Rodgers Sigmund Romberg Ernestine Rose Irwin Rose Maurice Rose Julius and Ethel Rosenberg Samuel I. Rosenman Julius Rosenwald Barney Ross David Lee Roth Philip Roth Mark Rothko Arnold Rothstein Jerry Rubin Robert Rubin Ruth Rubin Tibor Rubin Helena Rubinstein Muriel Rukeyser Winona Ryder S Albert Sabin Jeffrey D. Sachs Morley Safer William Safire Carl Sagan Mort Sahl J. D. Salinger Jonas Salk Edward S. Salomon Haym Salomon Paul Samuelson Adam Sandler David Sarnoff Dore Schary Solomon Schechter Béla Schick Dorothy Schiff Rudolph Schindler Arnold Schoenberg Daniel Schorr Shubert brothers Dutch Schultz Charles Schumer Delmore Schwartz Sholom Secunda Jerry Seinfeld Gershom Mendes Seixas Bud Selig Maurice Sendak Rod Serling Ben Shahn William Shatner Artie Shaw Mordecai Sheftall Judy Sheindlin Sidney Sheldon Cindy Sherman Dinah Shore Elaine C. Showalter Bugsy Siegel Beverly Sills Abba Hillel Silver Sarah Silverman Sime Silverman Alicia Silverstone Gene Simmons Carly Simon Herbert Simon Neil Simon Paul Simon Isaac Bashevis Singer Anna Sokolow Stephen J. Solarz Hannah Solomon Joseph B. Soloveitchik Stephen Sondheim Susan Sontag Aaron Sorkin George Soros Arlen Specter Aaron Spelling Art Spiegelman Steven Spielberg Joel Spingarn Mark Spitz Eliot Spitzer Gertrude Stein Herbert Stein Leo Stein Gloria Steinem Howard Stern Isaac Stern Jon Stewart Alfred Stieglitz Joseph Stiglitz Ben Stiller Isidor Stone Mark Strand Lee Strasberg Isidor Straus Levi Strauss Barbra Streisand Kerri Strug Jule Styne Arthur Hays Sulzberger Henrietta Szold Arthur Szyk T Marc H. Tanenbaum Edward Teller Studs Terkel Irving Thalberg Mel Tormé Dara Torres Laurence Tribe Pauline Trigère Lionel Trilling Barbara W. Tuchman Sophie Tucker U Louis Untermeyer Leon Uris V Abigail Van Buren Harold E. Varmus W Lillian D. Wald Mike Wallace Immanuel Wallerstein Barbara Walters Sam Wanamaker Felix M. Warburg Warner Brothers Lew Wasserman Wendy Wasserstein Henry Waxman Weegee Kurt Weill Steven Weinberg Matthew Weiner Paul Wellstone Nathanael West Harry Dexter White Elie Wiesel Cornel Wilde Billy Wilder Gene Wilder Walter Winchell Debra Winger Henry Winkler Garry Winogrand Louis Wirth Isaac Mayer Wise Stephen Samuel Wise Frederick Wiseman Paul Wittgenstein Naomi Wolf Paul Wolfowitz Herman Wouk William Wyler XYZ Rosalyn Yalow Anzia Yezierska Kevin Youkilis Henny Youngman Louis Zukofsky Adolph Zukor Abner Zwillman Appendixes Chronological List of Entries General Bibliography Web Site Directory Literary Works Mediagraphy Research Centers and Libraries Organizations and Societies Indexes Category Index Geographical Index Personages Index Subject Index .
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