The Covid 19 pandemic hit the air transport sector hard in 2020. All regions have experienced a drasc drop in traffic due to border closures and travel restricons. Both capacity and traffic dropped globally: ASKs and RPKs declined by 55% and 65% respecvely. From February 2020, air traffic recorded a drop of 31% on the Asian market and 3% on the North American market. In March the traffic is down 45% and more than 95% in April. Traffic TABLE OF CONTENTS resumed significantly from July ll October, but the recovery was hampered by the second wave of infecon during the fourth quarter of the year. Few months aer the traffic restart, some countries imposed new travel bans and borders closing, impacng internaonal Global airline industry performance 3 markets and causing an 11% drop in the traffic.

African Airline industry performance 2020 4

Financial performance 4 Global industry ASK and RPK growth Passenger traffic growth 4 % Global ASK growth % Global RPK growth Passenger distribution 5 0% -20 -20 -20 -20 -20

African airlines ranking by traffic y eb-20

8 Jul-20 Jan-20 Jun-20 Oct Apr F Sep-20 Dec-20 Aug-20 Nov Mar Ma -20% Routes ranking by traffic 8

-40% Airport ranking by passengers traffic 10

Airport ranking by freight traffic 10 -60%

Airport charges 11 -80%

Airport connectivity index 12 -100%

African countries connectivity and openness 13 Source: AFRAA /OAG Air cargo was also affected by the Covid situaon. The lockdowns and travel ban affected Annex: glossary 15 belly cargo capacity, leading to an overall yearly drop of 23%, according to IATA. Cargo traffic also declined, affected by the disrupons in manufacturing and trade worldwide. However, the recovery from Q3 led to a 10.6% year-on-year traffic drop, but an improved Cargo load factor since capacity decrease was greater than traffic decline.


The Covid 19 pandemic hit the air transport sector hard in 2020. All regions have experienced a drasc drop in traffic due to border closures and travel restricons. Both capacity and traffic dropped globally: ASKs and RPKs declined by 55% and 65% respecvely. From February 2020, air traffic recorded a drop of 31% on the Asian market and 3% on the North American market. In March the traffic is down 45% and more than 95% in April. Traffic TABLE OF CONTENTS resumed significantly from July ll October, but the recovery was hampered by the second wave of infecon during the fourth quarter of the year. Few months aer the traffic restart, some countries imposed new travel bans and borders closing, impacng internaonal Global airline industry performance 3 markets and causing an 11% drop in the traffic.

African Airline industry performance 2020 4

Financial performance 4 Global industry ASK and RPK growth Passenger traffic growth 4 % Global ASK growth % Global RPK growth Passenger distribution 5 0% -20 -20 -20 -20 -20

African airlines ranking by traffic y eb-20

8 Jul-20 Jan-20 Jun-20 Oct Apr F Sep-20 Dec-20 Aug-20 Nov Mar Ma -20% Routes ranking by traffic 8

-40% Airport ranking by passengers traffic 10

Airport ranking by freight traffic 10 -60%

Airport charges 11 -80%

Airport connectivity index 12 -100%

African countries connectivity and openness 13 Source: AFRAA /OAG Air cargo was also affected by the Covid situaon. The lockdowns and travel ban affected Annex: glossary 15 belly cargo capacity, leading to an overall yearly drop of 23%, according to IATA. Cargo traffic also declined, affected by the disrupons in manufacturing and trade worldwide. However, the recovery from Q3 led to a 10.6% year-on-year traffic drop, but an improved Cargo load factor since capacity decrease was greater than traffic decline.

3 AFRICAN AIRLINES PERFORMANCE African airlines ASK and RPK growth Africa airlines operaons were severely impacted by the Covid19 crisis. If the first cases on the % ASK growth % RPK growth connent appeared at the end of February in the northern region, the restricve measures 0% -20 -20 -20 -20 -20

-20% y eb-20 started to be applied in March. The impact was drasc for the traffic. Jul-20 Jan-20 Jun-20 Oct Apr F Sep-20 Dec-20 Aug-20 Nov Mar Ma -40% Financial performance -60% -80%

The Covid19 crisis had a devastang impact on airlines finance around the world. For African -100% airlines, whose financial situaon was already precarious, the impact was even greater. For the Source: AFRAA /OAG year 2020, the Passenger revenue loss is esmated at USD 10.21 billion. African airlines’ Asks and RPKs followed the same trend as the global industry. From the end of African Airlines' Passenger Revenue Loss March, the majority of carriers grounded their aircra, causing a drasc ASK and RPK drop of 85% and 94% respecvely in April. The reducon in traffic connued unl June, before reversing with the gradual opening of borders. 2 2021 1 2020 2 2020 3 2020 4 2020 1 2021 3 2021 4 2021 Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q 0

SD Passenger Traffic Distribution -1 -0.61 -2 -1.35 African airlines passenger on U -3 -1.85 The traffic reparon shows that African airlines distribution 2020 -2.72 -2.60 -2.55 Billi -4 -3.41 -3.47 globally carried more domesc traffic in 2020, around 43% of the total traffic compared to. The leading Source: AFRAA /OAG Intra Africa carriers in terms of Domesc traffic are airlines like 19% Quarter 2 and 3 was the most affected, before a smooth recovery on the 4th quarter.According to Safair, , airlines, and Air Domesc our forecasts, African airlines will connue to lose money in 2021, even if the amount will reduce. Algerie. Those 5 airlines carried 4.8 million passengers 43% We esmate the overall Passenger revenue losses for 2021 at USD 8.35 billion. on domesc routes during the year. Internaonal Interconnental traffic represented 57%, breaking down into 19% of 38% Passenger Traffic Evolution Intra-African and 38% of interconnental passengers. Scheduled passengers carried by African airlines Source: AFRAA /OAG

100 91.9 95.6

s 88.5 African airlines international passenger destinations per quarter in 2020 83.9 er 90 76.6 79.5 80 73.8 Q4 3.7 1.4 1.3 0.90.1 0.2 70 61 63 53.2 56 Domesc 60 Q3 2.3 1.0 1.4 0.7 0.1 50 Intra-africa Million passeng 34.7 Europe 40 Q2 1.5 0.6 0.5 0.3 Middle East 30 20 Q1 7.6 3.5 3.9 2.2 0.8 0.6 10 0 0 5 10 15 Million PAX 20 m.) (es 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Source: AFRAA /OAG Source: AFRAA / IATA Watts At the connental level, Europe is the first internaonal desnaon of African airlines, The number of scheduled Passengers carried by African Airlines is esmated to drop from 95 represenng 21% and even exceeding Intra African traffic (19%), domesc excluded. Traffic to million in 2019 to 34.7 million in 2020, represenng a year-on-year decline of 63.7%. Middle-East tended to increase, while traffic to Asia reduced due to Covid. 4 5 AFRICAN AIRLINES PERFORMANCE African airlines ASK and RPK growth Africa airlines operaons were severely impacted by the Covid19 crisis. If the first cases on the % ASK growth % RPK growth connent appeared at the end of February in the northern region, the restricve measures 0% -20 -20 -20 -20 -20

-20% y eb-20 started to be applied in March. The impact was drasc for the traffic. Jul-20 Jan-20 Jun-20 Oct Apr F Sep-20 Dec-20 Aug-20 Nov Mar Ma -40% Financial performance -60% -80%

The Covid19 crisis had a devastang impact on airlines finance around the world. For African -100% airlines, whose financial situaon was already precarious, the impact was even greater. For the Source: AFRAA /OAG year 2020, the Passenger revenue loss is esmated at USD 10.21 billion. African airlines’ Asks and RPKs followed the same trend as the global industry. From the end of African Airlines' Passenger Revenue Loss March, the majority of carriers grounded their aircra, causing a drasc ASK and RPK drop of 85% and 94% respecvely in April. The reducon in traffic connued unl June, before reversing with the gradual opening of borders. 2 2021 1 2020 2 2020 3 2020 4 2020 1 2021 3 2021 4 2021 Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q 0

SD Passenger Traffic Distribution -1 -0.61 -2 -1.35 African airlines passenger on U -3 -1.85 The traffic reparon shows that African airlines distribution 2020 -2.72 -2.60 -2.55 Billi -4 -3.41 -3.47 globally carried more domesc traffic in 2020, around 43% of the total traffic compared to. The leading Source: AFRAA /OAG Intra Africa carriers in terms of Domesc traffic are airlines like 19% Quarter 2 and 3 was the most affected, before a smooth recovery on the 4th quarter.According to Safair, Ethiopian Airlines, Mango airlines, and Air Domesc our forecasts, African airlines will connue to lose money in 2021, even if the amount will reduce. Algerie. Those 5 airlines carried 4.8 million passengers 43% We esmate the overall Passenger revenue losses for 2021 at USD 8.35 billion. on domesc routes during the year. Internaonal Interconnental traffic represented 57%, breaking down into 19% of 38% Passenger Traffic Evolution Intra-African and 38% of interconnental passengers. Scheduled passengers carried by African airlines Source: AFRAA /OAG

100 91.9 95.6 s 88.5 African airlines international passenger destinations per quarter in 2020 83.9 er 90 76.6 79.5 80 73.8 Q4 3.7 1.4 1.3 0.90.1 0.2 70 61 63 53.2 56 Domesc 60 Q3 2.3 1.0 1.4 0.7 0.1 50 Intra-africa Million passeng 34.7 Europe 40 Q2 1.5 0.6 0.5 0.3 Middle East 30 20 Q1 7.6 3.5 3.9 2.2 0.8 0.6 10 0 0 5 10 15 Million PAX 20 m.) (es 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Source: AFRAA /OAG Source: AFRAA / IATA Watts At the connental level, Europe is the first internaonal desnaon of African airlines, The number of scheduled Passengers carried by African Airlines is esmated to drop from 95 represenng 21% and even exceeding Intra African traffic (19%), domesc excluded. Traffic to million in 2019 to 34.7 million in 2020, represenng a year-on-year decline of 63.7%. Middle-East tended to increase, while traffic to Asia reduced due to Covid. 4 5 Regional Insights

Northern Africa is the leading region in terms of passengers, represenng 36.6% of the total In Southern Africa, the traffic drop related to Covid reached 63.6% compared to 2019. In this connental traffic. In this region, the major part of this traffic is directed outside the connent, in region represenng 21% of the connental traffic, the domesc market is clearly dominant: from parcular to Europe: 45% before Covid. This can be explained by the tourism that is developed in 66% before the Covid, the part of domesc traffic increased up to 77% in the last quarter of 2020. the region and aracts Europeans. Middle-East is also a preferred desnaon from Northern On the other end, intra-African traffic reduced, as well as traffic outside the connent. Africa (22% of the traffic in 2019) due to the strong cultural and economic relaonship between the Maghreb and Middle-East. The Covid19 outbreak caused a year-on-year drop of 61% of the Traffic repartition - Southern Africa regional traffic. The traffic toward Europe declined by 5%, in favor of Middle-East (+2.6%) and 2.6% 100% 2.7% 2.1% intra-African (+2.1%). The part of the domesc market is around 20%, which is far from the 3.3% 5.6% 3.2% 6.5% connental average that is 43%. 22.9% 15.1% 17.1% 80% 19.7%

Traffic repartition - Northern Africa 60% America Asia 0.5% 3.1% 3.2% 100% 2.5% Middle East 0.8% 0.2% 0.3% 1.2% America 40% 76.7% Europe 24.2% 29.3% 24.9% 26.2% 73.1% 75.5% 80% 67.0% Intra-africa Asia 20% Domesc 60% Middle East 40.6% 34.5% 44.9% 38.3% 40% Europe 0% 10.1% 17.6% 11.5% Intra-africa 20% 11.3% Source: AFRAA /OAG 21.5% 17.3% 15.6% 20.5% Domesc 0%

Source: AFRAA /OAG Central and Western African regions both represented 19.7% of the traffic in Africa. Domesc traffic represented around 40% in 2019, Intra-African following with 32%. In 2020, with the Eastern Africa is the second region in terms of passenger traffic volumes with a share of 22.2%. Covid situaon, the share of domesc increased, parcularly in the second quarter with 68% with Domesc and Intra-African traffic are dominant in this region, both represenng 70% of the the boarders closing. The share of Europe, the principal desnaon outside Africa reduced from traffic in 2020. Europe is the major desnaon outside the connent followed by Asia (12% and 12% in 2019 to 10% in 2020. The traffic to Asia also declined from 5.8% to 2.4%. 7% respecvely). Aer the beginning of the Covid crisis, the share of the domesc market rose by 20%. On the other hand, Intra-African traffic reduced by 10%. Asia also lost some shares, from 8% Traffic repartition - Central and Western Africa to 2% from quarter two. 100% 3.1% 1.2% 1.4% 2.1% 4.5% 7.2% 3.6% 7.0% 5.7% 11.5% 8.1% Traffic repartition - Eastern Africa 80% 11.8% 22.1% 2.6% 2.2% 1.8% 100% 2.9% 2.2% 30.6% 32.0% America 8.0% 2.2% 6.1% 2.7% 8.4% 25.8% 7.2% 3.3% 10.4% 60% 80% 12.4% 9.8% Asia 13.2% Middle East 18.8% 17.6% 18.5% America 60% Europe 28.2% Asia 40% Middle East 68.7% Intra-africa 40% Europe 49.0% 51.7% 49.4% Domesc 62.7% 59.0% 59.3% 20% 20% 40.6%

0% Q1 Q2 Q2 Q2 0%

Source: AFRAA /OAG Source: AFRAA /OAG 6 7 Regional Insights

Northern Africa is the leading region in terms of passengers, represenng 36.6% of the total In Southern Africa, the traffic drop related to Covid reached 63.6% compared to 2019. In this connental traffic. In this region, the major part of this traffic is directed outside the connent, in region represenng 21% of the connental traffic, the domesc market is clearly dominant: from parcular to Europe: 45% before Covid. This can be explained by the tourism that is developed in 66% before the Covid, the part of domesc traffic increased up to 77% in the last quarter of 2020. the region and aracts Europeans. Middle-East is also a preferred desnaon from Northern On the other end, intra-African traffic reduced, as well as traffic outside the connent. Africa (22% of the traffic in 2019) due to the strong cultural and economic relaonship between the Maghreb and Middle-East. The Covid19 outbreak caused a year-on-year drop of 61% of the Traffic repartition - Southern Africa regional traffic. The traffic toward Europe declined by 5%, in favor of Middle-East (+2.6%) and 2.6% 100% 2.7% 2.1% intra-African (+2.1%). The part of the domesc market is around 20%, which is far from the 3.3% 5.6% 3.2% 6.5% connental average that is 43%. 22.9% 15.1% 17.1% 80% 19.7%

Traffic repartition - Northern Africa 60% America Asia 0.5% 3.1% 3.2% 100% 2.5% Middle East 0.8% 0.2% 0.3% 1.2% America 40% 76.7% Europe 24.2% 29.3% 24.9% 26.2% 73.1% 75.5% 80% 67.0% Intra-africa Asia 20% Domesc 60% Middle East 40.6% 34.5% 44.9% 38.3% 40% Europe 0% 10.1% 17.6% 11.5% Intra-africa 20% 11.3% Source: AFRAA /OAG 21.5% 17.3% 15.6% 20.5% Domesc 0%

Source: AFRAA /OAG Central and Western African regions both represented 19.7% of the traffic in Africa. Domesc traffic represented around 40% in 2019, Intra-African following with 32%. In 2020, with the Eastern Africa is the second region in terms of passenger traffic volumes with a share of 22.2%. Covid situaon, the share of domesc increased, parcularly in the second quarter with 68% with Domesc and Intra-African traffic are dominant in this region, both represenng 70% of the the boarders closing. The share of Europe, the principal desnaon outside Africa reduced from traffic in 2020. Europe is the major desnaon outside the connent followed by Asia (12% and 12% in 2019 to 10% in 2020. The traffic to Asia also declined from 5.8% to 2.4%. 7% respecvely). Aer the beginning of the Covid crisis, the share of the domesc market rose by 20%. On the other hand, Intra-African traffic reduced by 10%. Asia also lost some shares, from 8% Traffic repartition - Central and Western Africa to 2% from quarter two. 100% 3.1% 1.2% 1.4% 2.1% 4.5% 7.2% 3.6% 7.0% 5.7% 11.5% 8.1% Traffic repartition - Eastern Africa 80% 11.8% 22.1% 2.6% 2.2% 1.8% 100% 2.9% 2.2% 30.6% 32.0% America 8.0% 2.2% 6.1% 2.7% 8.4% 25.8% 7.2% 3.3% 10.4% 60% 80% 12.4% 9.8% Asia 13.2% Middle East 18.8% 17.6% 18.5% America 60% Europe 28.2% Asia 40% Middle East 68.7% Intra-africa 40% Europe 49.0% 51.7% 49.4% Domesc 62.7% 59.0% 59.3% 20% 20% 40.6%

0% Q1 Q2 Q2 Q2 0%

Source: AFRAA /OAG Source: AFRAA /OAG 6 7 African Airlines Ranking By Traffic (AFRAA Estimations) Top 10 Intra - African routes by passengers carried (AFRAA estimations) African airlines ranking by traffic (AFRAA estimations) Intra-African routes ranking

Tunis - Casablanca Ethiopian Airlines Gaborone - Johanesburg EgyptAir Johanesburg - Bulawayo Accra - Lagos Safair Domesc Miga - Niamey Intra-africa Saint Denis - Maurius Air Algerie Entebbe - Nairobi Interconnental Maroc Khartoum - Cairo Harare - Johanesburg Mango Airlines Miga - Tunis 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Thousands 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Million PAX Source: AFRAA /OAG

Source: AFRAA /OAG Almost all the regions are represented in this top 10: Southern Africa with 5 routes, 1 route in Eastern Africa, 2 in Northern Africa, and 2 in Western Africa. Routes Ranking By Traffic (AFRAA Estimations)

Top 10 domestic routes by passengers carried (AFRAA estimations) Top 10 Intercontinental routes by passengers carried (AFRAA estimations) Domestic routes ranking Intercontinental routes ranking

Kumasi - Accra Algiers - Paris East London - Johanesburg Cairo - Medina Lagos - Port Harcourt Cairo - Charjah Johanesburg - George Khartoum - Jeddah Johanesburg - Port Elisabeth Tunis - Paris Cairo - Kuwait Nairobi - Mombasa Saint Denis - Paris Cape town - Durban Cairo - Dubai Abuja - Lagos Riyahd - Cairo Durban - Johanesburg Jeddah - Cairo Johanesburg - Cape town Total 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 0 0.5 1 1.5 Millions 2 Thousands Source: AFRAA /OAG Source: AFRAA /OAG

6 of the 10 busiest domesc routes in Africa are within South Africa showing the strength of this This top 10 shows the strength of traffic between North Africa and Middle East, parcularly from market. Western Africa is represented with 3 routes: Abuja – Lagos, Lagos – Port Harcourt, and Cairo. Egyptair is the leading carrier on these routes. Kumasi - Accra.

8 9 African Airlines Ranking By Traffic (AFRAA Estimations) Top 10 Intra - African routes by passengers carried (AFRAA estimations) African airlines ranking by traffic (AFRAA estimations) Intra-African routes ranking

Tunis - Casablanca Ethiopian Airlines Gaborone - Johanesburg EgyptAir Johanesburg - Bulawayo Royal Air Maroc Accra - Lagos Safair Domesc Miga - Niamey Kenya Airways Intra-africa Saint Denis - Maurius Air Algerie Entebbe - Nairobi Interconnental Air Arabia Maroc Khartoum - Cairo Tunisair Harare - Johanesburg Mango Airlines Miga - Tunis Comair 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Thousands 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Million PAX Source: AFRAA /OAG

Source: AFRAA /OAG Almost all the regions are represented in this top 10: Southern Africa with 5 routes, 1 route in Eastern Africa, 2 in Northern Africa, and 2 in Western Africa. Routes Ranking By Traffic (AFRAA Estimations)

Top 10 domestic routes by passengers carried (AFRAA estimations) Top 10 Intercontinental routes by passengers carried (AFRAA estimations) Domestic routes ranking Intercontinental routes ranking

Kumasi - Accra Algiers - Paris East London - Johanesburg Cairo - Medina Lagos - Port Harcourt Cairo - Charjah Johanesburg - George Khartoum - Jeddah Johanesburg - Port Elisabeth Tunis - Paris Cairo - Kuwait Nairobi - Mombasa Saint Denis - Paris Cape town - Durban Cairo - Dubai Abuja - Lagos Riyahd - Cairo Durban - Johanesburg Jeddah - Cairo Johanesburg - Cape town Total 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 0 0.5 1 1.5 Millions 2 Thousands Source: AFRAA /OAG Source: AFRAA /OAG

6 of the 10 busiest domesc routes in Africa are within South Africa showing the strength of this This top 10 shows the strength of traffic between North Africa and Middle East, parcularly from market. Western Africa is represented with 3 routes: Abuja – Lagos, Lagos – Port Harcourt, and Cairo. Egyptair is the leading carrier on these routes. Kumasi - Accra.

8 9 Airport Ranking By Passengers AIRPORT CHARGES African airports ranking by passengers Methodology: A comparave study based on a single aircra type applies to all airports of more than 500 2 Quarter 1 Quarter 2 thousand passengers yearly. Quarter 3 Quarter 4 1.5 The type of aircra chosen is the B737, the most popular aircra type in the region.

AX Following the applied criteria: 1 Million P 0.5 Aircraft Type B737 MTOW 70.08 Metric Flight Type International 0 ) Origin & Destination 100 g a o os obi

ech Total Departing Pax 100 unis own ons Cair T Lag ak Parking Time 2 Hour Nair Durban

ma Boarding bridge time 1 Hour Marr Casablanc Cape-T (es Addis Ababa Johanesbur Arrival Time 12:00 Source: AFRAA / ACI AFRICA Cargo 0 Kilograms Johannesburg and Cairo are the busiest airports in Africa. Addis Ababa and Nairobi are also part of the African airports ranking by charge index top ranking. The only WCAF airport in this top 10 is Lagos. (Addis Ababa data are esmaons). Aer the

severe drop in traffic on Quarter 2, Cairo, Casablanca, Addis, and Nairobi airports saw a rise in traffic. Mahe Island Algiers South African airports had to wait for the last quarter of the year to have a noceable improvement. Maurius Nairobi Lagos and Marrakech on the other hand saw a decrease in traffic during the third quarter. Gaborone Antananarivo Lilongwe Entebbe Maputo Windhoek Airport Ranking by Freight Traffic Addis Ababa Dar Es Salaam African airports ranking by freight Saint Denis Cairo 100 Kigali Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Johannesburg Abidjan Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Libreville 80 Harare Accra

ons Lagos 60 Brazzaville Dakar Ouagadougou 40 Cotonou Kinshasa Thousand t Khartoum 20 Douala Ilha Do Sal Bamako Malabo

0 ) s g a a o

ar Tunis obi Conakry ons Cair Accr Lagos Dak Algier Nair

Abidjan Casablanca

ma Luanda Casablanc (es Addis Ababa Johanesbur Lusaka Source: AFRAA / ACI AFRICA 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Source: AFRAA / IATA ACIC Index Nairobi Jomo Kenyaa airport handled more than 330 thousand tons of freight during the year 2020. Cairo followed with 280 thousand tons. Four West Africa are part of the top 10, namely Lagos, Accra, Lusaka has the highest level of charges while Mahe Island has the lowest among the selected Dakar, and Abidjan. For the majority of these airports, freight traffic strongly rebounded aer the drop airports. Some of the busiest airports in Africa like Johannesburg, Addis, Algiers are among the of Quarter 2. Nairobi even performed in Quarter 4 compared to Quarter 1. (Addis Ababa data are least expensive. This indicates that lowering the airport charges can have a posive effect on esmaons) traffic. 10 11 Airport Ranking By Passengers AIRPORT CHARGES African airports ranking by passengers Methodology: A comparave study based on a single aircra type applies to all airports of more than 500 2 Quarter 1 Quarter 2 thousand passengers yearly. Quarter 3 Quarter 4 1.5 The type of aircra chosen is the B737, the most popular aircra type in the region.

AX Following the applied criteria: 1 Million P 0.5 Aircraft Type B737 MTOW 70.08 Metric Flight Type International 0 ) Origin & Destination 100 g a o os obi ech Total Departing Pax 100 unis own ons Cair T Lag ak Parking Time 2 Hour Nair Durban

ma Boarding bridge time 1 Hour Marr Casablanc Cape-T (es Addis Ababa Johanesbur Arrival Time 12:00 Source: AFRAA / ACI AFRICA Cargo 0 Kilograms Johannesburg and Cairo are the busiest airports in Africa. Addis Ababa and Nairobi are also part of the African airports ranking by charge index top ranking. The only WCAF airport in this top 10 is Lagos. (Addis Ababa data are esmaons). Aer the severe drop in traffic on Quarter 2, Cairo, Casablanca, Addis, and Nairobi airports saw a rise in traffic. Mahe Island Algiers South African airports had to wait for the last quarter of the year to have a noceable improvement. Maurius Nairobi Lagos and Marrakech on the other hand saw a decrease in traffic during the third quarter. Gaborone Antananarivo Lilongwe Entebbe Maputo Windhoek Airport Ranking by Freight Traffic Addis Ababa Dar Es Salaam African airports ranking by freight Saint Denis Cairo 100 Kigali Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Johannesburg Abidjan Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Libreville 80 Harare Accra ons Lagos 60 Brazzaville Dakar Ouagadougou 40 Cotonou Kinshasa Thousand t Khartoum 20 Douala Ilha Do Sal Bamako Malabo

0 ) s g a a o ar Tunis obi Conakry ons Cair Accr Lagos Dak Algier Nair

Abidjan Casablanca

ma Luanda Casablanc (es Addis Ababa Johanesbur Lusaka Source: AFRAA / ACI AFRICA 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Source: AFRAA / IATA ACIC Index Nairobi Jomo Kenyaa airport handled more than 330 thousand tons of freight during the year 2020. Cairo followed with 280 thousand tons. Four West Africa are part of the top 10, namely Lagos, Accra, Lusaka has the highest level of charges while Mahe Island has the lowest among the selected Dakar, and Abidjan. For the majority of these airports, freight traffic strongly rebounded aer the drop airports. Some of the busiest airports in Africa like Johannesburg, Addis, Algiers are among the of Quarter 2. Nairobi even performed in Quarter 4 compared to Quarter 1. (Addis Ababa data are least expensive. This indicates that lowering the airport charges can have a posive effect on esmaons) traffic. 10 11 INTRA-AFRICAN CONNECTIVITY AFRICAN COUNTRIES CONNECTIVITY AND OPENNESS Methodology: In 2020, the regional traffic represented only 19% of African carriers' operaons. Furthermore, We calculate the total number of possible Intra-African connecons between inbound and the Covid19 situaon depleted the Intra African connecvity that was already low. It is important outbound flights on 20 important African hubs in 2020. to facilitate travels within Africa by removing the barriers that prevent travels within the The rules selected for the computaon are as follows: connent. Ÿ Single connecons only to/from the chosen airports, Ÿ Minimum Connecon Time from OAG table, Ÿ Maximum Connecon Window of 6 hours African airports ranking by passengers

Top 10 best and worst connected countries in Africa The Covid19 situaon dramacally affected connecvity within Africa with a sharp drop of 97% Ethiopia during the second quarter. Unl the end of 2020, the level of intra-African connecvity was 90% Kenya Egypt under the level of quarter 1. South Africa Morocco Cote D'Ivoire Ghana Nigeria Cameroon Togo Intra-African connectivity growth by quarter Seychelles South Sudan Q1 (base) Q2 Q3 Q4 Guinea-Bissau Botswana 0 Burundi Djibou -0.5 Libya Lesotho -1 Eritrea -97% -95% -90% Eswani -1.5 Source: AFRAA / OAG Source: AFRAA / AfDB Intra-African connectivity index 2020 Among the 54 countries in the African connent, 13 have direct flights to more than 20 African Airport Index 2020 countries. Ethiopia and Kenya lead with 30 direct flights and more to other countries within Africa. However, the intra-African connecvity remains poor. African airlines should take the Johannesbur g 12527 Addis Ababa 9744 opportunity to develop their Intra-African Network, especially in this period where the EU has Nairobi 4548 Algier s 1829 limited travels to Europe. Cair o 1163 Zanzibar 1162 Lome 744 Abuja 648 Connectivity between African regions Casablanc a 632 Abidjan 493 Central Africa Eastern Africa Northern Africa Southern Africa Western Africa Kigali 409 Central Africa 64% 16% 34% 15% 33% Accr a 364 An tananarivo 195 Eastern Africa 45% 16% 21% 7% Khartoum 184 Northern Africa 69% 4% 41% Luanda 178 Maurius 131 Southern Africa 57% 3% Dakar 128 Western Africa 65% Libreville 125 Entebbe 114 Source: AFRAA / AfDB Ouagadougou 107 Lilongwe 100 The table above represents the percentage of direct connecons exisng between all the Source: AFRAA / OAG countries within a region or toward another African region in relaon to the total number of Johannesburg remains the most connected airport, even if severely affected by the lockdown possible connecons. While intra-connecvity is relavely high within Northern Africa (more measures. Maurius completely ceased operaons during Quarters 2 and 3, bringing than 69%), we can see that connecvity across regions remains poor. The highest rate is between connecvity level to zero. Airports like Madagascar, Lome, and Khartoum saw a quick Northern and western Africa with only 41%. Southern Africa is the less connected with other improvement from the beginning of Quarter 3, benefing from less strict restricons. regions, parcularly with the western (only 3%). Visa Openness within Africa 2020. 12 13 INTRA-AFRICAN CONNECTIVITY AFRICAN COUNTRIES CONNECTIVITY AND OPENNESS Methodology: In 2020, the regional traffic represented only 19% of African carriers' operaons. Furthermore, We calculate the total number of possible Intra-African connecons between inbound and the Covid19 situaon depleted the Intra African connecvity that was already low. It is important outbound flights on 20 important African hubs in 2020. to facilitate travels within Africa by removing the barriers that prevent travels within the The rules selected for the computaon are as follows: connent. Ÿ Single connecons only to/from the chosen airports, Ÿ Minimum Connecon Time from OAG table, Ÿ Maximum Connecon Window of 6 hours African airports ranking by passengers

Top 10 best and worst connected countries in Africa The Covid19 situaon dramacally affected connecvity within Africa with a sharp drop of 97% Ethiopia during the second quarter. Unl the end of 2020, the level of intra-African connecvity was 90% Kenya Egypt under the level of quarter 1. South Africa Morocco Cote D'Ivoire Ghana Nigeria Cameroon Togo Intra-African connectivity growth by quarter Seychelles South Sudan Q1 (base) Q2 Q3 Q4 Guinea-Bissau Botswana 0 Burundi Djibou -0.5 Libya Lesotho -1 Eritrea -97% -95% -90% Eswani -1.5 Source: AFRAA / OAG Source: AFRAA / AfDB Intra-African connectivity index 2020 Among the 54 countries in the African connent, 13 have direct flights to more than 20 African Airport Index 2020 countries. Ethiopia and Kenya lead with 30 direct flights and more to other countries within Africa. However, the intra-African connecvity remains poor. African airlines should take the Johannesbur g 12527 Addis Ababa 9744 opportunity to develop their Intra-African Network, especially in this period where the EU has Nairobi 4548 Algier s 1829 limited travels to Europe. Cair o 1163 Zanzibar 1162 Lome 744 Abuja 648 Connectivity between African regions Casablanc a 632 Abidjan 493 Central Africa Eastern Africa Northern Africa Southern Africa Western Africa Kigali 409 Central Africa 64% 16% 34% 15% 33% Accr a 364 An tananarivo 195 Eastern Africa 45% 16% 21% 7% Khartoum 184 Northern Africa 69% 4% 41% Luanda 178 Maurius 131 Southern Africa 57% 3% Dakar 128 Western Africa 65% Libreville 125 Entebbe 114 Source: AFRAA / AfDB Ouagadougou 107 Lilongwe 100 The table above represents the percentage of direct connecons exisng between all the Source: AFRAA / OAG countries within a region or toward another African region in relaon to the total number of Johannesburg remains the most connected airport, even if severely affected by the lockdown possible connecons. While intra-connecvity is relavely high within Northern Africa (more measures. Maurius completely ceased operaons during Quarters 2 and 3, bringing than 69%), we can see that connecvity across regions remains poor. The highest rate is between connecvity level to zero. Airports like Madagascar, Lome, and Khartoum saw a quick Northern and western Africa with only 41%. Southern Africa is the less connected with other improvement from the beginning of Quarter 3, benefing from less strict restricons. regions, parcularly with the western (only 3%). Visa Openness within Africa 2020. 12 13 Visa Openness within Africa 2020 ANNEX: GLOSSARY

No Visa Visa on arrival Visa required

Seychelles 53 0 Benin 53 0 Gambia 53 0 ACIC: Aviation Charges Intelligence Center Ghana 24 28 1 Senegal 22 31 0 Maurius 27 21 5 AFDB: African Development Bank Rwanda 18 35 0 Uganda 18 34 1 Kenya 18 33 2 AFRAA: African Airlines Association Nigeria 17 35 1 Cape Verde 16 36 1 Guinea-Bissau 13 40 0 Togo 14 38 1 ICAO: International Civil Aviation Organization Mozambique 9 44 0 Mauritania 8 45 0 Tanzania 16 25 12 IATA: International Air Transport Association Ethiopia 2 51 1 Somalia 0 53 0 Comoros 0 53 0 RPK: Revenue Passenger Kilometers Madagascar 0 52 1 Djibou 0 52 1 Zimbabwe 17 10 26 Guinea 22 0 31 YoY: Year on Year Cote d'Ivoire 22 0 31 Burkina Faso 16 11 26 Sierra Leone 13 17 23 Tunisia 21 0 32 Mali 20 2 31 Malawi 15 11 27 Zambia 14 11 28 Niger 18 0 35 Botswana 17 0 36 Eswani 17 0 36 South Africa 17 0 36 Lesotho 16 0 37 Chad 14 1 38 Liberia 14 0 39 Central Africa 14 0 39 Angola 10 7 36 Namibia 13 0 40 Gabon 9 0 44 Congo 5 8 40 Sao Tome and Principe 8 0 45 Cameroon 7 0 46 Morocco 6 0 47 Burundi 6 0 47 Algeria 6 0 47 Congo Democrac 4 3 46 South Sudan 0 5 48 Egypt 0 4 49 Eritrea 1 2 50 Sudan 0 2 51 Libya 10 52 Equatorial Guinea 10 52 0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Source: AFRAA / AfDB

In terms of Visa openness within, more and more countries are opening their borders to other African countries. In 2010, The Gambia joined Seychelles and Benin in the group of totally Visa- free countries. Visa on arrival is adopted by 32 countries across Africa. Unfortunately, in 2020 46% of Africans sll need a visa to travel to another African country compared to 50% in 2019, which is a small improvement.

14 15 Visa Openness within Africa 2020 ANNEX: GLOSSARY

No Visa Visa on arrival Visa required

Seychelles 53 0 Benin 53 0 Gambia 53 0 ACIC: Aviation Charges Intelligence Center Ghana 24 28 1 Senegal 22 31 0 Maurius 27 21 5 AFDB: African Development Bank Rwanda 18 35 0 Uganda 18 34 1 Kenya 18 33 2 AFRAA: African Airlines Association Nigeria 17 35 1 Cape Verde 16 36 1 Guinea-Bissau 13 40 0 Togo 14 38 1 ICAO: International Civil Aviation Organization Mozambique 9 44 0 Mauritania 8 45 0 Tanzania 16 25 12 IATA: International Air Transport Association Ethiopia 2 51 1 Somalia 0 53 0 Comoros 0 53 0 RPK: Revenue Passenger Kilometers Madagascar 0 52 1 Djibou 0 52 1 Zimbabwe 17 10 26 Guinea 22 0 31 YoY: Year on Year Cote d'Ivoire 22 0 31 Burkina Faso 16 11 26 Sierra Leone 13 17 23 Tunisia 21 0 32 Mali 20 2 31 Malawi 15 11 27 Zambia 14 11 28 Niger 18 0 35 Botswana 17 0 36 Eswani 17 0 36 South Africa 17 0 36 Lesotho 16 0 37 Chad 14 1 38 Liberia 14 0 39 Central Africa 14 0 39 Angola 10 7 36 Namibia 13 0 40 Gabon 9 0 44 Congo 5 8 40 Sao Tome and Principe 8 0 45 Cameroon 7 0 46 Morocco 6 0 47 Burundi 6 0 47 Algeria 6 0 47 Congo Democrac 4 3 46 South Sudan 0 5 48 Egypt 0 4 49 Eritrea 1 2 50 Sudan 0 2 51 Libya 10 52 Equatorial Guinea 10 52 0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Source: AFRAA / AfDB

In terms of Visa openness within, more and more countries are opening their borders to other African countries. In 2010, The Gambia joined Seychelles and Benin in the group of totally Visa- free countries. Visa on arrival is adopted by 32 countries across Africa. Unfortunately, in 2020 46% of Africans sll need a visa to travel to another African country compared to 50% in 2019, which is a small improvement.

14 15 CONTACTS African Airlines Association P.O. Box 20116 00200 GPO Nairobi, Kenya GSM: +254 20 2320144 | +254 20 23 20148 Cell: +254 (0)722 20978 | +254 (0)735 337669 Website: