Creative Industries Organisations Revenue Funding 2021-22

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Creative Industries Organisations Revenue Funding 2021-22 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE 27 JANUARY 2021 POLICY AND RESOURCES COMMITTEE 3 MARCH 2021 CREATIVE INDUSTRIES ORGANISATIONS REVENUE FUNDING 2021/22 Report by Head of Economic Development and Planning PURPOSE 1.1 The purpose of the Report is to consider funding agreements with key creative industries organisations in 2021/22. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2.1 An Lanntair, Taigh Chearsabhagh, the Hebridean Celtic Festival (HebCelt), Ceòlas, the Eilean Dorcha Festival and the seven Western Isles Fèisean are essential parts of the islands’ cultural heritage infrastructure and have successfully delivered activities in terms of their 2020/21 Funding Agreements despite the severe restrictions due to COVID-19. The organisations deliver significant social and economic impacts in terms of jobs supported, monies recycled through the local economy, and through the levering-in of additional new resources. 2.2 It is proposed that funding for 2021/22 be approved as per the recommendations at 3.1 below. RECOMMENDATIONS 3.1 It is recommended that the Comhairle, subject to Budget setting for 2021/22, and the satisfactory conclusion of one-year Funding Agreements for 2021/22, approve: (a) £47,579 to An Lanntair Ltd. from the Economic Development Budget which includes the repayment of the sum (£3,415) due under Prudential Borrowing arrangements; (b) £13,998 to the Taigh Chearsabhagh Trust from the Economic Development Budget; (c) £7,200 in total to the Eilean Dorcha Festival from the Economic Development Budget; (d) £18,703 to the Hebridean Celtic Festival Trust (£14,428 from the Economic Development Budget and £4,275 from the Sgioba na Gàidhlig Budget); (e) £7,558 to Ceòlas Uibhist Ltd. (£3,046 from the Economic Development Budget and £4,512 from the Sgioba na Gàidhlig Budget); and (f) £10,720 in total to be distributed directly to seven Western Isles Fèisean via the Small Grants for Gaelic Funding Scheme (£4,320 from the Economic Development Funds budget and £6,400 from the Sgioba na Gàidhlig Budget). Contact Officer: Elsie Mitchell, Arts Development Officer Appendix: None Background Papers: Report to Sustainable Development Committee 26 February 2020 and Comataidh Buileachaidh Plana Cànan 3 March 2020 IMPLICATIONS 4.1 The following implications are applicable in terms of the Report. Resource Implications Implications/None Financial £90,571 from Economic Development Investment Budget in 2021/2022 and £15,187 from Sgioba na Gaidhlig grants budget. Legal None Staffing Administration to compile and monitor funding agreements with external organisations. Assets and Property An Lanntair Prudential Borrowing. Strategic Implications Implications/None Risk Loss of key arts organisations and cultural infrastructure (further detail provided at Section 14). Equalities All arts organisations comply with equalities legislation. Corporate Strategy The significant contribution to delivery of the Comhairle’s objectives under the Single Outcome Agreement, the Comhairle’s Plana Cànan nan Eilean Siar, and the Post Covid-19 Economic Recovery Strategy to deliver “Empowered communities maximising the value of our natural, human and cultural resources, and empowered to support social and economic regeneration”. Environmental Impact None Consultation Decision on budget reductions prioritised via community consultation. BACKGROUND 5.1 In December 2016, the Comhairle approved a report on a revised Outer Hebrides Creative and Cultural Industries Strategy 2017-2020 which identified An Lanntair, Taigh Chearsabhagh, the Hebridean Celtic Festival, Fèisean nan Gàidheal and Ceòlas as five of eight main Creative Hubs in the Outer Hebrides and stated: “Providing support to the main ‘hub’ organisations, whose cultural, social and economic impact extends beyond their own defined objectives is crucial to the wider local sector…..” 5.2 Historically, each of these five organisations have been in receipt of annual revenue funding from the Comhairle’s Arts Revenue and Sgioba na Gàidhlig budgets under Annual Funding Agreements. Comhairle support enables these organisations to secure significant levels of inward investment from Creative Scotland and other partnership funders. The financial investment results in the maintenance and creation of many FTE posts throughout the Outer Hebrides; freelance contract work for SME’s; a skilled Creative Industries workforce; creative skills training opportunities for young people and a wide range of educational outreach activities for school pupils and vulnerable adults. 5.3 An Lanntair, Taigh Chearsabhagh, the Hebridean Celtic Festival, Ceòlas, Fèisean nan Gàidheal, the seven Western Isles Fèisean and in more recent years the Eilean Dorcha Festival, are essential parts of the island’s cultural heritage infrastructure, ensuring a vibrant Outer Hebrides wide arts programme can take place which adds to the quality of life for the local population and is a significant driver for tourism. 5.4 The Policy and Resources Committee on 9 December 2020 approved the development of proposals to realise savings in the 2021/22 budget. This included the option for a 10% reduction across all the organisations receiving annual Economic Development revenue support under existing Funding Agreements. 5.5 As previously reported, the organisations deliver significant economic impact in terms of jobs supported, monies recycled through the local economy and through the levering-in of additional new resources. The grant provided by the Comhairle to support the arts programme is therefore a major contributor to these economic impacts. 5.6 The tables below detail the previous and proposed level of funding: Organisation Arts Rev Grant Eco Dev Fund Eco Dev Fund Eco Dev Fund 2018/19 Grant (-25%) Grant 2020/21 Grant (-10%) **Industrial 2019/20 2021/22 Promotions * Inclusive of £3415 * Inclusive of £3415 * Inclusive of £3415 * Inclusive of £3415 due under due under due under due under Prudential Prudential Prudential Prudential Borrowing Borrowing Borrowing Borrowing An Lanntair 69,350* 52,866* 52,866* 47,579* * Inclusive of £3713 * Inclusive of £3713 * Inclusive of final due under due under payment of £3713 Prudential Prudential due under Borrowing Borrowing Prudential Borrowing Taigh Chearsabhagh 19,500* 15,553* 15,553* 13,998* HebCelt 21,375 16,031 16,031 14,428 Ceòlas 4,513 3,385 3,385 3,046 Fèisean nan Gàidheal 6,400 4,800 4,800 4,320 (devolved to 7 Western Isles Feisean in 18/19) 7 Western Isles Fèisean (Small Grants for Gaelic in 19/20 & 20/21) Eilean Dorcha Festival 12,500 ** 10,000 8,000 7,200 Totals £133,638 £102,635 £100,635 £90,571 Organisation Sgioba na Sgioba na Gàidhlig Sgioba na Gàidhlig Sgioba na Gàidhlig Grant Grant Grant Gàidhlig Grant 2018/19 (no reduction) (no reduction) (no reduction) 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 An Lanntair 0 0 0 0 Taigh Chearsabhagh 0 0 0 0 HebCelt 4,275 4,275 4,275 4,275 Ceòlas 4,512 4,512 4,512 4,512 Fèisean nan Gàidheal 6,400 6,400 6,400 6,400 (devolved to 7 Western Isles Feisean in 18/19) 7 Western Isles Fèisean (Small Grants for Gaelic in 19/20 & 20/21) Eilean Dorcha Festival 0 0 0 0 Totals £15,187 £15,187 £15,187 £15,187 AN LANNTAIR 6.1 In 2019/20, the last complete Financial Year, An Lanntair Limited and An Lanntair Trading sustained 18 full time posts, 37 part time posts and had a total of 55 employees. An Lanntair made a significant contribution to the viability of operating an SME in the Creative Industries Sector. In 2019/20 an estimated 180 SMEs were paid on a freelance basis to deliver Education and Outreach workshops, Exhibitions and Performances; 102 businesses or individuals were provided with specialist Creative Industries business and practical skills training and mentoring; 123 SMEs accessed promotional opportunities within the Exhibitions and Events programme and 150 SMEs were listed in the online Artist Directory. In December 2020, following the impact of Covid-19 on the organisation, An Lanntair Ltd. employs 33 staff, all of whom are currently working. This includes three newly created posts within the education and outreach team. 6.2 In 2019/20 An Lanntair spent £466,148 directly back into the local economy on salaries and pensions. An Lanntair and An Lanntair Trading spent £220,000 directly back into the local economy purchasing goods and services from local suppliers. An Lanntair levered more than £800,155 in grant income into the local economy, which would not otherwise have come to the Outer Hebrides. 6.3 As one of the islands few indoor attractions an Lanntair provides an award winning and year-round programme of Exhibitions (15 in 2019/20), Performing Arts Events (48 in 2019/20 - total audience 5,677) and Cinema Screenings (207 in 2019/20 - total audience 19,019); participatory arts activities for people of all ages and an increasing number of annual festivals targeted particularly at the low season months; including the innovative Dark Skies Festival in February. An Lanntair’s impact extends beyond the Stornoway venue with Education and Outreach Work and creative projects taking place throughout all Wards in the local authority area. In 2019/20, 11,617 people benefited from a total of 1106 Learning and Outreach sessions. The organisation has well developed partnerships with healthcare organisations, community organisations, schools, pre-school groups, Taigh Chearsabhagh and Museum nan Eilean (Stornoway). Key examples of this work are An Lanntair’s Dementia-Friendly Community Activities, which support people living with Dementia, carers, and families in an award- winning holistic approach to living with the illness. These extensive educational and recreational opportunities add to the quality of life within our local communities helping to make the islands an attractive place to live and work. 6.4 An Lanntair is a key component in the marketing of the Outer Hebrides to tourists. It is highlighted by Visit Scotland as one of 14 inspirational galleries to visit in Scotland and as “the town’s arts hub” where “visitors can get introduced to Gaelic arts, literature and music”.
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