HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES Permits to the American Legion 1966 Con Vention Corp
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11950 CONGRESSIONAL :RECORD - HOUSE May 27, 1965 ADJOURNMENT _UNTIL 9 A.M. THE JOURNAL The message also announce·d that the TOMORROW The Journal of the proceedings of Senate had passed bills of the fallowing Mr. ELLENDER. Mr. President, -I yesterday was read and approved. titles, in which the concurrence of the move, pursuant to the order of May 26, House is requested: 1965, that the Senate adjourn until 9 S. 1564. An act to enforce the 15th amend o'clock tomorrow morning. MF.8SAGES FROM THE PRF.8IDENT ment to the Constitution of the United The motion was agreed to; and (at 3 Sundry messages in writing from the States, and for other purposes; and S.1689. An act to amend paragraph (a) of o'clock and 49 minutes p.m.> the Senate, President of the United States were com the act of March 4, 1913, as amended by the under the order of May 26, 1965, ad municated to the House by Mr. Geisler, act of January 31, 1931 (16_U.S.C. 502). journed until tomorrow, Friday, May 28, one of his secretaries, who also informed 1965, at 9 o'clock a.m. the House that on the following dates the President approved and signed bills KURE BEACH, N.C. CONFIRMATIONS and a joint resolution of the House of the following titles: Mr. GILBERT. Mr. Speaker, I ask .unanimous consent to take from the Executive nominaJtions confirmed by On May 21, 1965: the Senate May 27, 1965: Speaker's desk the bill H.R. 821, "An act H.R. 7064. An act to amend the Foreign for the relief of the town of Kure Beach, IN THE Am FORCE Service . Bulldings Act of 1926, as amended; and N.C.," with an amendment of the Senate The nominations beginning John C. Aarni, thereto, and concur in the Senate Jr., to be second lieutenant, and ending H.R. 7855. An act to authorize appropria Ftirman E. Thomas, to be second lieutenant, tions for procurement of small patrol cutters amendment. which nominations were received by the sen for the Coast Guard. The Clerk read the title of the bill. ate and appeared in the CONGRESSIONAL On May 22, 1965: The Clerk read the Senate amendment, RECORD on Aprll 23, 1965. H.R. 66. An act to authorize the Board as follows: of Parole of the District of Columbia to IN THE ARMY discharge a parolee from supervision prior to On page 2,. line 12, strike out "in excess of The nominations beginning Thomas R. the expiration of the maximum term or 10 per centum thereof". Dooley, to be captain, and ending Raymond terzns for which he was sentenced; The SPEAKER. Is there objection to A. Sanders, to be second lieutenant, which H.R. 3043. An act to amend title 37, United nominations were received by the Senate a"nd States Code, to authorize payment of special the request of the gentleman from New appeared in the CoNGRESSIONAL RECORD on allowances to dependents of members of the York? May 19, 1965. uniformed services to offset expenses incident There was no objection, IN THE NAVY AND MARINE CORPS to their evacuation, and for other purposes; The Senate amendment was con The nominations beginning James L. Abbot H.R. 4338. An act to authorize the Veterans curred h1. III, to be ensign in the Navy, and ending of Foreign Wars of the United States to rent A motion to reconsider was laid on Timothy J. Vogel, to be ensign in the Navy, certain property in the District of Columbia the table. which nominations were received by the Sen for certain office purposes; and ate and appeared in the CONGRESSIONAL H.J. Res. 195. Joint resolution to authorize RECORD on May 5, 1965. the Commissioners of the District of Colum LEGISLATIVE PROGRAM FOR BAL bia to promulgate special regulations for the ANCE OF THE WEEK AND NEXT •• ..... I I period of the American Legion National. Con vention of 1966, to be held in Washington, WEEK D.C.; to authorize the granting of .certain Mr. GERALD R. FORD. Mr. Speaker, HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES permits to the American Legion 1966 Con vention Corp. of the District of Columbia I ask unanimous consent to address the THURSDAY, MAY 27, 1965 on the occasion of such convention, and for House for 1 minute. other purposes. The SPEAKER. Is there objection The House met· at 12 o'clock noon. to the request of the gentleman from The Chaplain, Rev. Bernard Braskamp, Michigan? D.D., used this verse of the Scriptures: MF.sSAGE'.: FROM THE SENATE There was no objection. Psalm 112: 6: The righteous shall be in A message from the Senate by Mr. Mr. GERALD R. FORD. Mr. Speaker, everlasting remembrance. Arrington, one of its clerks, announced I take this time for the purpose of ask Almighty God, on Memorial Day we that the Senate had passed without ing the majority leader the program for approach a time that brings back not amendment bills of the House of the the rest of this week and next week. only a strange medley of memories, following titles: Mr. ALBERT. Mr. Speaker, if the mi praises, sorrows, and disappointments, H.R. 806. An act to amend the Textile Fiber nority leader will yield to me, I am but of dreams and hopes and better Products Identification Act to permit the pleased the gentleman made this in days. listing on labels of certain fibers constituting quiry at this time. For some of us Memorial Day makes less than 5 percent of a textile fiber prOduct; Mr. GERALD R. FORD. I yield to the scenes which are vivid and horrible and H.R. 6691. An act to validate certain pay distinguished majority leader. which, we pray aOd, we will some day ments made to employees of the Forest Serv Mr. ALBERT. I would like to advise be able to forget, for mankind has suf ice, U.S. Department of Agriculture; and that we expect to finish up the legislative H.R. 7031. An act to provide for the estab business for the week today and have a fered much, hoped much, and dreamed lishment and operation of a National Tech much, but the new age and better worl4 nical Institute for the Deaf. meeting tomorrow for the purpose of that we expected has been wholly in being able to go over until Tuesday. It adequate and is still without imperish The message also announced that the will be my purpose after announcing the able remembrance. Senate had passed, with amendments in program to ask permission to do this. Those brave men and women, who which the concurrence of the House is Monday is Memorial Day holiday. fought those wars of the past, revealed requested, a bill of the House of the fol There will be no session if my request is an incredible heroism; they did not fear lowing title: granted. or falter or fail; they fought many great H.R. 6767. An act making appropriations Tuesday is Private Calendar Day. wars but we were guilty of making a little for the Department of the Interior and re Also on Tuesday the 1966 appropriations peace that did not touch the reverent lated agencies for the fiscal year ending June for State, .;Justice, Commerce, the ju imagination of humanity or become for 30, 1966, and for other purposes. diciary, and related agencies. Also on ever memorable in the annals of history. The message also announced that the Tuesday, H.R. 3584, the Federal Coal May our vision of a lasting and endur Senate insists upon its amendments to Mine Safety Act amendments, with an ing peace continue to grow and abide the foregoing bill, requests a conference open rule and 2 hours of debate. and prove its immortality for Thou hast with the House on the disagreeing votes · For Wednesday, H.R. 8371, to reduce created mankind not for failure but for of the two Houses thereon, and appoints excise taxes. victory and we must adjust our thinking Mr. HAYDEN, Mr. RUSSELL of Georgia, Mr. For Thursday and the balance of the and living to fit that eternal faith and McCLELLAN, Mr. BIBLE, Mr. BYRD of West week, H.R. 4623, further amending the hope and love. Virginia, Mr. MUNDT, and Mr. YOUNG of Reorganization Act of 1949, with an open Hear us in the name of the Prince of North Dakota to be the conferees on the rule and 1 hour of debate, and H.R. 8464, Peace. Amen. part of the Senate. to provide a temporary increase in the • May 27, 1965 CONGRESSIONAL- RECORD - HOUSE 11951 public debt ceiling .for the.period July 1, poses, with a House amendment thereto, tion plan is .to te1minate outdated ar 1965, to June 30, 1966. insist .upon .the House amendment, and rangements which now stand in the way This program is made. subject to the agree to the conference asked by the of the most effective management of the usual reservation that conference re Senate. Com.mission's railroad safety program. ports may be brought up at any time and The SPEAKER. Is there objection to Organizational :flexibility is at present that any further program will be an the 1·equest ·of the gentleman from Colo restricted by the statutory requirement nounced later. rado? that there be 50 locomotive inspection Mr. Speaker, it is quite possible we The Chair hears none, and appoints districts and at least 1 inspector for may have additions to announce to the the following conferees: Messrs. AsPIN each such district. The number of in program sometime next week.