

FRESNO, CALIFORNIA January 4th – 18th 1925

Announcement published in Pentecostal Evangel, p. 14 January 10, 1925

FRESNO. CALIF. Brother Smith Wigglesworth and party will hold a campaign here from Jan. 4 to Jan. 18. A. G. Frisbie.

FRESNO, CALIFORNIA January 4th – 18th 1925

Report published in Pentecostal Evangel, p. 13 February 28, 1925

FRESNO, CALIF. - Brother L. R. Keys sends the following report, “Brother Wigglesworth and Brother and Sister Salter were with us 4 weeks, 5 Sundays. The meetings were held in the Full Gospel Tabernacle which has a large seating capacity. It is estimated that 8,000 persons passed through the building each week. Truly the Kingdom of God was nigh unto us in power.

The faith of the saints was greatly strengthened, and it increased as the meetings progressed. Salvation, divine healing, and the Spirit-filled life were preached in every service. People were marvelously saved in the audience and others were miraculously healed without, in some cases, even being prayed for. When Brother Wigglesworth prayed for all who were sick sitting in their seats, many testified to instantaneous deliverance. One case of this kind was that of a little boy whose leg was shorter than the other. When the prayer was made for all who were sick in the auditorium, this boy’s leg was immediately lengthened normally like the other one.

Large hotel, Fresno, California

It was stated that a larger percent of people were actually healed through the Wigglesworth campaign than in any campaign yet held in this tabernacle. At one service, like the above just mentioned, 57 people testified to instantaneous deliverance. Many diseases of every description were prayed for. One woman who had been paralyzed for many months, and had used crutches, was healed. She left her crutches and went on her way rejoicing. Another woman dying with cancer was healed immediately when prayed for, and though she had been confined to her bed she was able to dress and be about and to meet her husband at the door the next evening.

A sister who was confined to her bed with rheumatism was brought to the meetings with the aid of crutches. After being prayed for she was completely delivered. Another case of cancer was prayed for; two-thirds of it dried up during the night, and it is entirety gone at this time.

Each Sunday afternoon an interesting missionary meeting was conducted by Brother and Sister Salter. God wrought special miracles through the ministry of handkerchiefs according to Acts 19:11. The leaders of the Tabernacle feel that a new era of faith and power has come into the work, and everyone is rejoicing because of the privilege of having had the Wigglesworth party with us for a very profitable campaign. God bless them.”


Report published in Pentecostal Evangel, p. 13 April 18, 1925

BRIDGEPORT, CONN. - Pastor A. J. Jenkins sends a report of a campaign with Evangelist Smith Wigglesworth and Brother and Sister Salter. He writes, “The Spirit of the Lord worked mightily. The church was packed with people expecting great things from God, and they were not disappointed as there were many testimonies from those who received a healing touch from the Lord. The city was stirred as never before; ministers from several churches attending, seeking the Baptism and healing. We have purchased a tent for an all summer campaign, trusting the Lord to help us have our new church ready by the time the cool weather arrives. We welcome all Council ministers passing this way to stop off and help us.”

NEW YORK CITY March 15th –22nd 1925

Announcement published in Pentecostal Evangel, p. 14 March 7, 1925


Evangelist Smith Wigglesworth of Bradford. England, assisted by Mr. and Mrs. James Salter from Africa, will conduct a revival meeting in “Glad Tidings Tabernacle,” 33rd Street, west of 8th Avenue, New York City, beginning March 15 to 22 inclusive. Service every day at 10:30 a. m. and 7:45 p. m., except Saturday and Monday. Announcement published in Pentecostal Evangel, p. 14, March 21, 1925 adds:

Bring the sick, and expect great things. For further information write Robert A. Brown, pastor, 337 West 14th St., New York City.

Report published in Pentecostal Evangel, p. 12 May 2, 1925

SYRACUSE, N. Y .- Pastor David M. Wellard writes, “The Lord has done great things for us; whereof we are glad. He has visited us again in Syracuse with copious showers through the ministry of Brother Wigglesworth and Sister Salter.

The following diseases were definitely touched through our brother’s ministry; cancer, rupture, intestinal and bladder trouble, heart disease, goiter and deafness. One brother, who had been a Methodist minister for years came to our preparatory meetings and the Lord filled him with His Spirit. At the first night service he stood up in the audience and our brother prayed for him from the platform. The doctor said he had a cancer either in the liver or in the stomach. The lower part of his bowels was entirely closed, be had not been able to take any solid foods for months. The Lord healed him and the next morning he was able to take a good breakfast and came to the meeting praising God for the wonderful deliverance.”


Report published in Triumphs of Faith p. 213-214 September 1925


In a recent number of “Miracles of Healing”, (), the Editor gave an interesting report of Mr. Wigglesworth’s ministry in a Convention in London, England. We pass this on to our readers, as we are sure they will be interested to hear from our dear Brother Wigglesworth, who was made a blessing to so many when he was holding Evangelistic meetings in the .

“At the time of writing, I am attending a great Convention of the of Great Britain and Ireland, in Kingsway Hall, London, W. C. I wish with all my heart that every one of our readers could be present and see the Lord working before their eyes, as I have been privileged to see; a description is almost impossible, for I have no words to do it justice, but will do my best.

“Brother Smith Wigglesworth was speaking on Hebrews 11, ‘Faith being the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.’ After speaking for some time, he made this statement, “I am going to demonstrate to you this morning, and prove what I have been saying. That if there is anyone in this audience suffering from pain, and I pray for you, that you will be healed where you stand.” Then a number of people from all over the Hall stood up. He asked one, a woman, what was the matter with her? she said, ‘my body is full of pains’. He said to her, ‘Put your hands up; now everybody look to the Lord.’

Then, standing upon the platform with his hands stretched up to heaven, the woman standing in the audience with hands up, he prayed a simple prayer, binding the evil power in the name of Jesus and asking the Lord to heal her. Then he said to the woman ‘Come out now into the aisle, put your hands up, run down here’. The woman ran towards him with her hands up, then back again up the aisle and down again. Then he said to her, ‘now tell the people what the Lord has done for you.’ The woman told them that every bit of pain was gone, Jesus had healed her. James Salter

“In a similar manner, he dealt with a man with consumption, a cripple woman, and a woman with a bad heart, and several others, praying for them as he stood on the platform, and they in the audience. The consumptive man was told to go and be examined and find out if he was healed, as he was not positive about it. The others testified to immediate healing. SOME TESTIMONIES HEARD 1N LONDON

40 years with Ulcers and Running Sores.

“A man came to the meeting for healing, who said that he had running sores and ulcers on his back. He always had to have cloths over the sores, and they were continually being saturated with matter. He was prayed for in the Name of Jesus.

The next day he came and gave his testimony, that he was healed, and that it was the first day for 40 years, that he had a dry back. Before he could scarcely breathe, now that was all gone.


“A boy was brought to a meeting by his father, caged in irons. After listening to the message, the father picked up the boy and passed him to the next row of people, and in this way over the heads of the people he reached the platform.

The boy’s head and arms were held up by irons, his loins also were caged in the same way. He was prayed for in the Name of Jesus. The boy cried out, “Daddy! Daddy! its going all over me.” Brother Wigglesworth said, ‘take the irons off.’ They were taken off, and the boy stood upon the platform perfectly healed by the Lord Jesus.

Hallelujah ! Your brother in our glorious Lord.

Walter H. Clifford.

WALES AND SCOTLAND Llanelly, Old Colwyn and Bonnington August 1925

Report published in Redemption Tidings, p. 10-12 September 1925


Llanelly Convention

The second Annual Convention held at Llanelly during August week was a time of great blessing. Those who attended the meetings from near and far felt the presence and power of God to such an extent, that at times the tide rose far beyond human control. There was great liberty in the meetings, and praises rose from the hearts and tongues of the people to God, until the atmosphere was filled with great joy. We can truly say, as in Acts 8, 8: “There was great joy in that city.”

Messrs. Smith Wigglesworth, W. J. Thomas, D. Leigh, H. Entwistle, Samuels Lall and W. Faux from U.S.A., preached the Word with much power and blessing. The saints were edified, the sick were healed, the sinner was saved and the Lord glorified.

Bro. Wigglesworth conducted special altar calls at most meetings, during which scores of people were filled with the Spirit and liberated from sickness, pain and disease. Everyone who came out to the altar, I believe, received more of God.

Testimonies were daily given of healing by the power of God of all kinds of diseases, Neuritis, Rheumatism, Paralysis, Rupture, Diseased Ears, Bad Eyes, Stiff Joints, Internal Disorders. It was the Lord’s doing and it was marvellous in our eyes. The people of the town were filled with wonder and amazement at the mighty power of God. They thronged around the building day after day watching the operations of the Spirit of God upon the people. They never saw it on this fashion before.

The Missionary meetings on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons were greatly enjoyed. The Missionary collections amounted to £45.

On behalf of the Assemblies of God of Wales and Mon., I hereby tender their heartiest thanks to the members of Siloam and all who assisted in making the Convention such a great success.

H. Crook The following report is taken from “The North Wales Weekly News” of September 10th, 1925:-

Remarkable Scenes at Old Colwyn

For some months now remarkable religious services have been held at the Full Gospel Hall in Beach Road, Old Colwyn, and several conversions have taken place. The mission is being carried on under the direction of Brother Wakefield, and it is to the credit of the denominational churches that they view this special effort to revive interest and faith in the Gospel of Christ with no small favour.

Interest in the mission became very pronounced when bills were put up stating in bold type that the days of miracles are not ended, and the Evangelist Smith Wigglesworth, of Bradford, proposed to prove this statement.

The meeting was held at the Y.M.C.A., on Thursday night, when there was a large gathering.

The meeting was opened by Brother Parr with prayer. Revival hymns were subsequently sung with extraordinary cheerfulness and enthusiasm. Mr. Wigglesworth then discoursed on Matthew viii., 1-17, dealing in particular with the cleansing of the leper and healing of the centurion’s servant by Christ.

The preacher said the one condition of healing was belief in what God’s word had said, “and I am here tonight,” he added, “resting only on God’s word; and if I fail in the privilege of changing or moving you, you can say as you go outside, ‘God is not with him.’” He said with emphasis that his great desire at that meeting was not that everybody should be healed but that everybody should be saved. “Thirty-five years ago,” proceeded Mr. Wigglesworth, “I was a weakling, helpless and dying, when God in a single moment healed me. I am now sixty-six and as fresh as any of you and as ready for work as I ever was. It is a wonderful thing to know that you have no indigestion, no constipation, no corns to trouble you, and this is possible for you through Christ, and I am here to help you and to give the Lord the glory.” The evangelist asked those present who were suffering from any ailments to stand up, and fourteen people – six males and eight females – immediately did so.

A middle-aged woman got up and told Mr. Wigglesworth she suffered from rheumatism. She was asked to raise both arms, which she did, and she again stooped with apparent ease. “Walk about,” commanded the evangelist, and the lady did so. “Now run,” came the final command, and the sufferer ran along the centre aisle and on to the front of the platform to her own unalloyed joy and to the wonderment of the onlookers.

An elderly gentleman, from Heswall, then told Mr. Wigglesworth, “I am a firm believer in Christ. I suffer from loose kidneys and double rupture, and am anxious to be cured.” The evangelist offered a few words of fervent prayer, and the next moment the man was running along the aisles, and mounting to the platform, shouted at the top of his voice, “I am healed! I am healed! Hallelujah!”

A young man claimed that he had been healed of a long-standing nasal catarrh; an aged lady who had been hard of hearing for some years proudly said she could hear Mr. Wigglesworth quite distinctly; while a young lady, who for the past eight years had suffered from asthma – and she really looked pale and worn-out – shouted, “I have been cured!” Several others also claimed that they had been healed, one of a sprained finger, another of deafness, and a third of nervous debility.

As was to be expected, there were a few people present who doubted. Others looked on in sheer wonderment. Another section were firmly convinced that the cures were real, “because,” as one lady remarked after the meeting, “they are the result of faith in the efficacy of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, which gospel has not changed one iota from the time when Christ and His apostles performed miracles nineteen hundred years ago.”

Mr. Parr adds that “while the meeting was going on someone who saw the first man healed ran out and brought a man, who had lost the sight of one eye through the action of lime.

This man was prayed for and declared he could see the congregation with this eye when the other eye was covered up.

A gentleman met him the next day and asked how his eye was going on and his testimony was, “I can see as well with the eye which was blind as I can with the other. Praise the Lord. We shall see greater things than these. Let us magnify the Name of our very same Jesus, the Lord, together. – Ed.


Memorable times were experienced in Bonnington Toll Hall from August 23rd to 30th when the Assembly was privileged to have a visit from Mr. Smith Wigglesworth. Anticipation of the biggest and best campaign ever yet held in the hall were absolutely realised. During the closing weekend the seating accommodation was re-arranged and taxed to the utmost capacity; the packed hall was an inspiration in itself. We have never heard such singing for depth of feeling and heartiness.

The evangelist was ministering all through under a very marked and precious anointing of the Spirit, and great blessing not only fell upon the people time after time, but remains as a permanent increase in vision and faith. To God be the glory! “We shall never be the same again” is the testimony that only proves how truly God answers prayer.

Many were healed. Cases of consumption, jaundice, deafness, nerve- trouble, weakness, backache, and many other ailments too numerous to mention were brought to the Lord, and the sufferers blessedly released by “just the same Jesus.” Testimonies are still pouring in as we write of blessing and healing received in these meetings. Hallelujah! One brother has since testified to complete deliverance from smoking, after 20 years’ slavery. Many handkerchiefs were prayed over in accordance with Acts 19, 12.

The glory still abides in our souls. Everyone seems to be singing “Only believe, all things are possible, only believe!” An unspeakably precious deposit of faith remains in every soul.

Those who are responsible for the meetings happily testify how God undertook right through in every particular in a marked and special way. The whole campaign has been an inspiration to one and all. Praise the Lord!


Report published in Redemption Tidings, p. 11 October 1925

A three-days’ Soul Saving and Divine Healing Campaign was held by Mr. Smith Wigglesworth in the Chesterfield Town Hall on October 3rd, 4th and 5th, the Campaign having been arranged by the Chesterfield Assembly. Great preparations had been made for the Campaign, including a week of prayer. Chesterfield Town Hall

About 200 people were present at the opening meeting on Saturday afternoon, and the numbers increased until the place was crowded out on Monday night, many being unable to get inside.

There were many wonderful cases of healing, and amid scenes of wonderful joy and praise one had the joy of seeing a little girl about 12 years old take the irons off her legs, leave her crutches behind, and for the first time in six years walk round and round the hall, to the joy of her mother. How that smiling little face brought tears of joy to many eyes, and the whole place sang as never before –

“Just the same, Just the same, He is just the same today.”

“Who healed you, darling?” was the next question. “JESUS,” was the reply. Thank God for such a glorious Redeemer Who Saves Sinners from their Sin and heals human bodies from the ravages of disease and demons.

Another young man, who had fallen off a building about a month ago, was in such a terrible plight that he could not stand owing to very severe pains through internal injuries. Blessed be God, in less time than it takes me to write it he was perfectly healed through faith in the Name of Jesus, and was soon jumping, running and praising God for his marvellous deliverance.

It was impossible to keep record of all the wonderful cases of definite healing, but scores of people were healed, including deafness, asthma, rheumatism, etc., etc. The greatest joy of all was witnessed when Sinners and backsliders came to the Saviour. One woman who was healed said, “Jesus saved me while I sat in my seat tonight.” Praise the Lord! The revival is increasing in intensity, the tide is rising. Let us arise, press forward and attempt great things for God. The theme of the meetings was JESUS LIVES – HE IS THE SAME. Only believe and He will Save, Cleanse and Heal your body.

The Special Campaign is being followed by Special Evangelistic Meetings in the Assembly Meeting Room, and Mr. Leonard Gittings is there for fourteen days. Please pray for Chesterfield.

CHESTERFIELD October 3rd – 5th 1925

Report published in Pentecostal Evangel, p. 9 January 16, 1926


I was at Chesterfield convention. Mr. Wigglesworth’s ministry was greatly blessed. One young girl, fourteen years old, crippled six years, two years in irons, tubercular knee, discharged as incurable from Chesterfield Royal infirmary, was healed. She came a Week after and testified (her face was a picture). She gave her heart to God; and all the country-side is stirred.

F. Braithwaite, London, England. FRANCE, ITALY, SWITZERLAND December 1925

Report published in Pentecostal Evangel, p. 9 January 16, 1926


We are just back home after some time spent in France, Italy and Switzerland. We had blessed meetings in Rome. Brother Wigglesworth had great liberty as he preached, and the response was wonderful. Many were saved, healed and filled with the Spirit. The brethren informed us that there are over fifty assemblies in Italy. Praise God! James Salter.

Letter published in Redemption Tidings, p. 9 February 1926


Mr. Wigglesworth writes from Zurich, Switzerland:

Zurich has never had a move like this – there are over a thousand in the meeting – the doors had to be closed before we began. Faith has so risen in the hearts of the people that there is a great manifestation of God’s power – hundreds are being saved (one hundred came forth in one meeting a week ago). The cry is tremendous, God is answering prayer. I am still broken – The power of God was so great, I could not minister but broke down and wept because of the need of the people. I did not want to do this, but the thought of the opportunity and the fact that it would be met melted me down before God. A Bishop among many called to see me. The Lord is preparing a great harvest. A Swiss sister writes hundreds cannot obtain admission to the meetings and we have had to take a larger Hall.

Report published in Redemption Tidings, p. 7 March 1926


Copy of letter received from Miss Ruff, Zurich.

Perhaps you will have heard that Mr. Wigglesworth has held a mission here. Praise God, we have had a lovely time. The mission lasted a fortnight, and we may say that it has been a perfect success. One of the largest halls in town was taken.

A lot of advertising had been done, handbills, etc., and boys parading with sandwich-boards, which were quite a new thing in Zurich; the first day the people so crowded round the boys that the traffic was stopped and quite a commotion caused in the streets. Already the first meeting the large hall with a spacious gallery was packed.

It was lovely to see from the platform all the eager faces, then they would rise and with uplifted hand utter their petitions to God – a very inspiration for anyone standing there. Mr. Wigglesworth was full of the Spirit of God declaring the full four-square Gospel.

After the meetings people would crowd into a vestry to be prayed for. It was heart-breaking to see them throng around us, some halting, others bearing on their pale weary faces the cruel marks of sin and suffering – all eager to hear how they could approach God and claim their deliverance. Oh! the expressions of their eyes! How they changed! Scores of those sick ones went away praising God that He had healed them and saved their souls from destruction. Hallelujah!

Zurich has been stirred up during this fortnight. My father is keeping the hall for Sunday afternoons for Gospel meetings. We want the work to go on and hundreds being saved. Why not? It’s the will of God that men should not perish, but receive life. Hallelujah! “All things are possible, only believe!” We covet your prayers for this end, as we only want to see God glorified, nothing else really matters.

With best wishes in the Lord, I am, yours sincerely, NELLY RUFF.

Later: - Miss Ruff writes: We are very busy these last few weeks; our meeting has greatly increased. Thank God the tide is rising. We have not had a meeting since Mr. Wigglesworth’s visit in which there has been no healing or decision for the Lord. We have also lovely reports from people who have used handkerchiefs that have been prayed over. Prayer is being answered. May the Lord continue to smile upon us. Our greatest desire is to glorify the lamb that was slain. Please continue to pray for us.

Report published in Redemption Tidings, p. 10-11 June 1926



A girl came for healing. She was tubercular with many complications. She has fully recovered and is now able to earn her living also for her mother.

A mother in Neuchatel was anointed. She had suffered with tumours in the kidneys for many years. She had had many doctors but they gave her no permanent relief. She went to a hospital in Berne to be operated upon, but the doctors found seven tumours, and said it was impossible to operate. She heard of the meetings and came to be ministered to. She fully recovered and said – Lord, choose this body for Thy glory, and was Baptised with the Holy Ghost. She had the joy of giving her son (who was saved in the meetings) and called of God to the mission field. He is now on his way to the Congo.

A maid, twenty-eight years old, tubercular from childhood, just returned to Berne after spending a year in a Sanatorium in the mountains and discharged incurable. She took service but was spitting blood – her elbows and feet were very painful. Her faith in God enabled her to keep at her duties. She left doctors and medicine, seeing the uselessness of human means. After Mr. Wigglesworth’s first visit to Switzerland she heard of Divine healing. She would not listen at first but later accepted the truth. From that moment she could sleep and eat as never before. Nevertheless the enemy was strong in her lungs, and she had great difficulty in breathing. The Lord one day called her by her Name three times. Each time she thought it was the voice of her mistress. The last time, going into the study, her mistress said: No, I did not call you, but if your Name is called again say, Speak Lord, Thy servant heareth. The Lord said, Thou shalt be healed. She seemed to understand deliverance would come by the ministry of this servant of God, Mr. Wigglesworth. Later he came to the house. She was ministered to and entirely recovered. She understood the power of the blood of the One who had redeemed her. She now lives in praise and thankfulness, and her body, which Satan tried to destroy, has become a vessel for the glory of the Lord, a temple where He lives by His Spirit, and many sufferers have since been blessed by her testimony and ministry. (I can supply these addresses if needed).

SWITZERLAND January - February 1926

Report published in Pentecostal Evangel, p. 7 June 5, 1926

Good results in Switzerland. Miss Nell Ruff writes of a meeting held recently by Brother Smith Wigglesworth in Zurich.

“Mr. Wigglesworth was full of the Spirit in declaring the full gospel. After the meetings, people would crowd into a vestry to be prayed for. It was heart breaking to see them throng around us, some halting, others bearing on their pale, weary faces the cruel marks of sin and suffering - all eager to hear how they could approach God and claim deliverance.

Oh, the expressions of their eyes! How they changed! Scores of those sick ones went away praising God that He had healed them and saved their souls from destruction. Hallelujah! Zurich has been stirred up during this two weeks. My father is keeping the hall for Sunday afternoons for gospel meetings.”

In a later letter she writes, “Our meeting has greatly increased. Thank God the tide is rising. We have not had a meeting since Mr. Wigglesworth’s visit in which there has been no healing nor decision for the Lord. We have also reports from people who hare used handkerchiefs that have been prayed for. Prayer is being answered.”

Since writing the above, a long distance call has come from Eureka Springs from Brother E. J. Burton, who tells us that he has received a letter from Brother Wigglesworth, sent from Jerusalem, agreeing to accept the invitation of the brethren to be a speaker at the Interstate Camp Meeting to be held in Eureka Springs, Ark., from August 29 to September 12.

ROME, ITALY January - February 1926

Report published in Pentecostal Evangel, p. 7 March 20, 1926

Pentecostal Work in Rome. Brother Smith Wigglesworth writes, “After seven weeks in Switzerland, I had a call into Italy to visit some sick one belonging to two of the people who were baptized in my first visit to Switzerland five years ago.

After a week of much blessing, they came with me to Florence, Rome and Naples. I had the joy of my life preaching in Rome. I prayed much about this, that God would provide me with an interpreter, and the first man I met in Rome was a man that was in my meetings in San Jose, an Italian, and he really did good work for me. We had a great meeting that reminded me of a red-hot Welsh revival. I had a great crowd of Italians crying to God for mercy, many fine men among them, and after this, many seeking the Baptism. Quite a number received and others were under the power. A number were healed. They now want me to go back to them again.

I was given to understand that there are many Pentecostal meetings in Italy.” Brother Wigglesworth is now on his way to Ceylon and is looking forward to working with the missionaries in Ceylon and India during the next few months. Pray for him.


Announcement published in Redemption Tidings, p. 4 February 1926

Mr. Smith Wigglesworth sails to-day, Feb. 12th, from Marseilles—for India and Ceylon. Will our readers please join in intercession that divine energy may accompany God's Word and millions be gathered into the Kingdom of God.

CEYLON March 5th – onwards, 1926

Report published in Pentecostal Evangel, p. 10 May 29, 1926


The campaign began March 5th in a hall capable of holding a thousand people. From the first night it was a great success, hundreds being saved.

Not a night passed without many standing up and reaching out their hands to heaven, calling out, “Jesus save me! Jesus deliver me!” Each night the evangelist would single out people in the audience who were in pain, and would pray for them. Immediately after prayer was offered the suffering ones would testify that they were free, from pain. If it was a case of stiff limbs, they were made to exercise them by walking up and down, running, stamping their feet, or waving their arms about in order to test whether the pain had actually gone.

One night a woman came up the aisle, walking in pain, her body all doubled up, and she finally fell on the floor in front of the platform, the pain was so great. Brother Wigglesworth jumped off the platform and put his hands upon her, and said, “In the name of Jesus I bind this pain and loose this woman.” Immediately she ran up and down the aisle, free from pain, and then went and sat down to listen to the message. She was perfectly whole. This demonstration had a great effect upon the crowd.

Some nights the evangelist prayed for over five hundred people, many of them coming hundreds of miles bringing their sick with them - the blind, deaf, dumb, lame, palsied, consumptive, eaten up with cancer, tumours, epilepsy, weak-minded, deranged, crippled. God worked mighty miracles; blind eyes were opened, deaf ears unstopped, stammering tongues spoke, men on crutches put them over their shoulder and went away, stiff joints were made supple, headaches and fevers vanished, asthma was treated as an evil power and cast out in the name of Jesus.

Handkerchiefs were brought in an ever-increasing number and piled high upon the platform. So many were brought (quite 500 some nights) that a fairly large suitcase was necessary to hold them all.

One night, while our attention was diverted, a boy stole six new handkerchiefs that had been brought. Two nights later he came back with them confessing that he had not been able to sleep since he had taken them. Many wonderful cures were wrought through this means. One was taken to a sanatorium and placed on a consumptive boy. The boy is wonderfully better, is putting on flesh and looking healthy.

Many people were helped by rising from their seats in faith and saying, “Jesus heal me,” without the prayers of the evangelist at all. One woman, who had eruptions on her arms and burning sensations caused by these eruptions, was healed as she sat in her seat. Truly these were wonderful days. God’s Spirit was poured out and Jesus was glorified

Walter H. C. Clifford. Colombo, Ceylon.


Report published in Pentecostal Evangel, p. 11 May 22, 1926


Brother Wigglesworth has been with us in Colombo, ministering for two weeks. He came very late in the season and found the heat very trying, and in consequence did not visit India. In Madras we had one meeting as we passed through Bombay to Colombo. I went to Bombay to meet him. The meetings were wonderfully attended here. There were over a thousand listening to the Word nearly every night.

It was a joy to see hundreds of people standing up with hands outstretched to heaven, asking Jesus to save them. Hundreds were healed of all kinds of diseases. Owing to the heat and the strenuous night meetings (some nights praying for 500 people), he was unable to have meetings for believers, as we should have liked. However, the visit was a great success and has brought blessing to many homes. He has left us now for Palestine, where he expects to stay about a month, reaching England in time for the Whitsuntide Convention in London.

The follow-on meetings have been wonderfully blessed. One woman in the Sunday morning meeting, after Brother Wigglesworth had left, was healed of three diseases. She came on the following Wednesday bringing fifteen friends with her, eleven of whom were saved that night as we gave the altar call. I had the job of immersing eight in water while Brother Wigglesworth was here. The youngest being a Singalese girl, seven years old. She had a wonderful testimony, and on the morning of her baptism, she had a vision of Jesus. It was a joy to my soul to take her in my arms and bury her with Christ in the water.

The Lord has given us another little son, born on Feb. 9. This makes us four children now. All is well, for which we praise the Lord. Brother may from Travancore is here helping me for a little while, and I am very grateful for his help. We have had strenuous times since Christmas with two conventions and nine meetings a week in between. Oh, for some men to come and stand in the gap. Walter H. Clifford, Colombo, Ceylon.

CEYLON March – April 1926

Report published in Redemption Tidings, p. 9 April 1926



Evangelist Smith Wigglesworth was to have held the last meeting of his campaign at the new hall in Maradana yesterday evening, but at the earnest request of hundreds he has extended it to some days more. He began his campaign on the 5th instant, from which day his audience increased daily until during the last few days the hall has been insufficient to hold the vast gatherings that come to listen to him and be blessed by him and be prayed for. People have been known to come from all parts of the Island with sick folk devoid of all hope of health, and to wait for hours till the doors were opened; and, if not all, the majority of them went away sound in body and mind.

As a testimony of the efficiency of prayer in healing sicknesses, Mrs. Speldewinde, of Kandy, who suffered from a virulent cancer in the stomach and whose case was abandoned as hopeless by scientific medical men, on Tuesday confessed to having been completely freed of the disease by Mr. Wigglesworth’s prayer. People of all sorts, of all ages and classes, of diverse religions and professions, have attended Mr. Wigglesworth’s meetings, and though there have been scoffers among them nearly all of them have gone away impressed by his words and his actions.

There is an undoubted spiritual atmosphere about the hall during the period the meetings last. Beginning generally about 6 o’clock, by which hour the hall is quite full, hymns are sung from the conventional sheet published by the Assemblies of God in Ceylon. Mr. Walter H. Clifford, of the Glad Tidings Hall, Borella, then delivers a sermon, which is frequently punctuated with exclamations of “Praise the Lord” and “The Lord be praised” from those who have benefited by the campaign. About 7.30 or 8 o’clock, when the assembly has been induced to an atmosphere of devotion, Mr. Wigglesworth himself begins to speak, and concludes by calling on the sick and the afflicted to stand. Most of them

Admit of Cure Straightaway.

Mr. Wigglesworth prays, the ailments ranging from headaches and pains in the body to rheumatism, catarrh, blindness, deafness, etc. Not a few children are brought by doting mothers and women of advanced age by loving relatives, and if their derangements are not set aright on the first day they come again and yet again. Confirmed drunkards and smokers have been purged of the desire for intoxicants, and persons suffering from consumption and diseases due to dissolute lives have admitted to have been cured by Mr. Wigglesworth’s prayer and their own. Many prominent people have been attracted to the hall, from which none could go away without a profound impression of Mr. Wigglesworth – his deep voice, his simple but weighty words, his remarkable personality, and above all the perfect confidence of his actions, as when he says “In the name of Jesus, come out of this woman,” addressing the evil spirit possessing the patient before him. “Are you healed?” he asks, and if the reply is in the affirmative, “Praise the Lord” he adds.

The publication of the Assemblies of God in Ceylon – “Miracles of Healing” – contains accounts of miraculous cures, and there are many households attached to this gathering where the need for a doctor is never felt. Faith in the efficacy of prayer sustains them in all their actions.

Considering the diversity of races and creeds in Ceylon the numbers attached to this campaign may be said to constitute a record, but each day the crowd swells in size, and yesterday night the compound adjoining the hall too was filled, some having arrived very early in the afternoon.

Evangelist Smith Wigglesworth’s campaign continues to draw big crowds nightly to the new hall opposite the Tower Hall in Maradana. Mr. Wigglesworth has a powerful voice that lends itself to a variety of inflexions, and although his gift of holding his audience gets somewhat weakened by the periods of translation the large gatherings that never diminish but rather increase from start to finish of each meeting are indicative of the popularity of his message. Every night scores go up to the platform to be cleansed of sin and healed of bodily ill, and a certain number never fail to testify to the Power whose aid the Evangelist with great fervour invokes. On Monday night one of those who thus testified was a woman who had been blind for fourteen years.

A lady resident in Kandy was brought down to Colombo about two weeks ago. She was suffering from cancer and was in “extremis,” and the doctors in Kandy had given up all hopes.

Eminent physicians consulted in Colombo were also of the same opinion. The day Evangelist Wigglesworth arrived the relatives of the lady called on him, at the Glad Tidings Hall at Borella, and asked him to see the patient. As he was unable to go on that same day he gave them a piece of cloth, which he blessed, to be placed on the seat of the trouble pending his arrival on the next day. Immediately the cloth was placed on the patient, she said she felt relief and that the agony she was suffering for weeks and the spasms of pain left her. The Evangelist saw her the next day and cast out what he termed the “evil spirit with was afflicting her in the form of a cancer,” and the lady is today perfectly well and able to get about. She is to testify at tonight’s meeting conducted by Smith Wigglesworth.

Report published in Redemption Tidings, p. 12 June 1926


By Walter H. Clifford Heb. ii, 4. The campaign began March 5th, in a large hall capable of holding a thousand people. From the first night it was a great success, hundreds were saved, not a night passing by without many standing up in response to the appeals of the Evangelist stretching their hands up to heaven, calling out, “Jesus save me, Jesus deliver me,” and then, as they stood up, the Evangelist would pray, asking the Lord to have mercy upon them and save them; then the whole audience would sing, “I do believe, I will believe, that Jesus died for me, that on the Cross, He shed His blood, for sin to set me free.” Every night he would single out people in the audience, who were in pain and pray for them, and immediately after prayer was offered the suffering one would testify that they were free from pain. If it was a case of stiff limbs, they were made to exercise them by walking up and down, running, stamping their feet, or waving their arms about in order to test whether the pain had actually gone or not.

Wigglesworth can be clearly seen in this Ceylon group photograph, which appeared in the Redemption Tidings. He is left of centre on the second row up. Next to him is a missionary, probably W. H. Clifford.

One night a woman came up the aisle walking in pain, her body all doubled up, and she finally fell on the floor in front of the platform, the pain was so great. Mr. Wigglesworth jumped off the platform and put his hands upon her and said, in the Name of Jesus Christ, I bind this pain and loose this woman, and she immediately ran up and down the aisle free from pain, and then went and sat down to listen to the message perfectly whole. This demonstration had a great effect upon the crowd.

Some nights the Evangelist had to pray for over five hundred people. Many of them coming hundreds of miles, bringing their sick with them – the blind, deaf, dumb, lame, paralysed, consumptive, eaten up with cancer, tumours, epilepsy, weak-minded, deranged, crippled, with rheumatism and many other kinds of diseases. They came an increasing multitude, and God worked mighty miracles. Blind eyes being opened, deaf ears were unstopped, stammering tongues spoke plain, men on crutches put them over their shoulders and went away, stiff joints were made supple, headaches and fevers vanished, asthma was cursed as an evil power and cast out in the Name of Jesus. It was a wonderful sight to see them coming, and to know that those who had faith, went away rejoicing, in a Living, Loving, Tender-hearted Saviour, who had delivered them from the power of the devil that had bound them for weeks and months, and years, or a lifetime.


Handkerchiefs and garments were brought in an ever increasing pile, and were piled high upon the platform, so many were brought, quite five hundred some nights, so that a fairly large suitcase was necessary to hold them all; all sorts and conditions of people brought handkerchiefs and garments. Coloured handkerchiefs, silk ones, white ones, dirty ones, pieces of cloth, pillow cases, and many other things.

One night while our attention was diverted, a boy stole six new handkerchiefs that had been brought to be prayed for; a couple of nights later he brought them back, confessing that he had not been able to sleep since he had taken them away; how wonderfully God uses this instrument to reveal His mighty power!

We know that many wonderful cures have been wrought in this way, eruptions have vanished, and a case of insanity was wonderfully helped. The father brought a handkerchief for his son in the asylum; after it had been prayed over it was taken to the asylum, placed on the son’s head, and he at once began to speak like a normal being. Another one was taken to a sanatorium, and placed on a consumptive boy; the message brought from the sanatorium says the boy is wonderfully better, putting on flesh and looking healthy. Drunkards lives have been changed by these means, desires for gambling have gone, many wonderful deliverances have taken place. Glory to Jesus.

Many people were wonderfully helped by rising from their seats in faith and saying “Jesus heal me,” without the prayers of the Evangelist at all, but by just following his simple directions. One woman who had eruptions on her arms and burning sensations caused by these eruptions was healed as she sat in her seat. Truly these were wonderful days, God’s Spirit was poured out and Jesus was glorified, and the devil’s kingdom suffered great defeat.

JERUSALEM May/June? 1926

Report published in Pentecostal Evangel, p. 9 June 26th 1926


Brother Wigglesworth made us an all too short visit recently on his way back to England from Ceylon, and we are very grateful to God for sending him to us. We feared that our own Mission Hall would be too small to accommodate the people, so Brother Turnball kindly offered the use of the American Church for the meetings. Many have been greatly blessed. We rejoiced to see the power of the Lord manifested in some remarkable healings. God’s Word, which cannot return unto Him void, was given in the power of the Holy Spirit; believers were quickened; souls were saved, and three of the waiting ones were baptized in the Spirit during the meetings, two others since and “the end is not yet, praise the Lord.”

We believe that the Lord will send our brother back to us in the not far distant future for an extended campaign – a few days is too short a time to reap much of the whitened harvest. Who will stand with us in faith that we will have our own Gospel Hall ready to dedicate when our brother returns? If you could only see conditions as we have to meet them you would surely “pray the Lord of the harvest that He would thrust forth laborers into His harvest field; for the harvest IS great and the laborers ARE FEW.

A. Elizabeth Brown.


Report published in Redemption Tidings, p. 7-9 June 1926


The clouds hung heavily over the weeks just preceding the annual Whitsuntide Convention this year. The Great Strike was crippling all means of transport, and we were almost facing the question of a Whitsun without those precious days we have annually spent, by God’s goodness, in Kingsway Hall. London seemed so far away! Letters from the great metropolis were taking three or four days to reach us. All seemed uncertain.

But, blessed by God Who answereth prayer, the clouds lifted, the way opened again, and once more we were able to gather from North and South, from East and West. True, travelling was a little difficult, there were no cheap fares as we had hoped, and doubtless quite a number who had intended being present found it impossible at the last moment. But in spite of all these things the Convention was a mighty triumph, for in every way it proved to be the greatest and the best ever held at Kingsway; - to God be the Glory!

Four Wonderful Days

They were four wonderful days that we spent together, with the Presence and Power of God surging in our midst all the time, and the divine background of His peace that “passeth all understanding.” Full of tense moments. Full of joy unspeakable. Full of the manifestation of His glory. Full – and that was deepest of all – of JESUS.

What the attendance would have been had conditions been normal we cannot say: as it was there were few seats to spare on Whit-Monday or the closing meeting, and the numbers must have hovered around 2,000 (the Press said 3,000). That the meetings were of a remarkable and striking character is evidenced by the fact that there were reports of them in the Daily Newspapers all over the country. Naturally the Press focused on the striking examples of Divine Healing. It could be truthfully said of the whole time that “the power of the Lord was present to heal.” Numbers stood up all over the Hall when the Chairman asked at different times for definite witnesses to God’s healing power having been experienced in the Convention. Oh, the blessedness of it! To see the sufferers released from pain, the weary hopeless ones bright with new joy, and new LIFE. Mr. Stephen Jeffreys and Mr. Smith Wigglesworth both gave themselves lovingly and unreservedly to ministry to the sick in the name of the Lord Jesus after each meeting.

Remarkable Healings

There were some special and definite testimonies to healing given from the platform that greatly glorified God. Outstanding among these was that of Mr. H. Horton, a teacher of Elocution, and now on the Staff of the Bible School, who the year previously was happily saved from the delusions of Christian Science, and then healed by the living Christ from a Rupture of two years’ standing. We were deeply moved by this convincing testimony; and scarcely less by others. There were remarkable testimonies from those healed during Mr. Stephen Jeffrey’s Campaigns around London, the dumb speaking and cancers cast out. Very beautiful was the testimony of a Danish sister residing in England who had been healed by the Lord Jesus of that dread scourge of tuberculosis. The Harley Street physician who had examined her previously was deeply moved when he examined her again after the healing, and exclaimed: - “There is nothing; - pray for me, I must know Jesus as these funny people know Him.” Harold Horton

We have never known so many requests for prayer sent in from all over the country. What a pathetic revelation of human need and suffering it became! Nevertheless it was a privilege to bring them all to the mighty and loving redeemer. Mr. John Carter seemed to have a special anointing of the Spirit as he led the huge congregations on in intercession. We have since heard of cases of definite answers to those fragrant, powerful prayers of the saints.

The Holy Spirit Outpoured

Again and again the whole meeting seemed to be drenched with “Latter Rain.” Powerful and significant utterances were given through the gifts of prophecy, tongues and Interpretation. The restoration of these supernatural gifts of the Spirit to the Church is undoubtedly going to constitute a feature of all the great Revivals measuring up to the fulness of God’s standard for these Last Days. About 100 were baptized in the Holy Spirit during the Convention, and according to the Scriptural pattern of Acts ii, 4 “were all filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance.” God is no respecter of persons, and these included brethren in the ministry in various denominations, young men from the Universities, and those in every station in life. Praise the Lord!

The power of the Spirit undoubtedly touched the singing throughout the Convention in a remarkable way. The glorious hymns collected in the “Redemption Tidings Hymn Supplement” were sung again and again until the very roof was ringing with the praise of the Lord, and the joy of the Full Salvation which He bestows. The people never seemed to tire of singing out the glory which he had put within, and they kept on and on at the close of each day until time for going homeward just compelled them to stop. And then they kept singing all the way home too! Truly London saw that Jesus Christ can still satisfy the longing soul. The New Hymn Book carries a great blessing with it wherever it goes.

The Ministry of the Word

A profound feature of the Convention was the ministry of the Word in the power of the Spirit. Without this all else might easily have become empty excitement and baseless enthusiasm: but the Scriptures of Truth were the Abiding Foundation of all that was so happily experienced.

The diversity of a God-given ministry was beautifully exhibited among the brethren who ministered from so many different lands and centres. Mr. (Scotland) gave the opening message; and as the words “If any man thirst, let him come unto Me and drink” rang out they seemed to constitute just that invitation and promise which was so wonderfully proved in all that followed, - for “Thus spake He of the Spirit which they that believe on Him should receive.” Mr. Smith Wigglesworth was fresh home from times of great blessing in the East, and all through the Convention the ministry of the Word on the line of Faith through this beloved servant of God was greatly under the anointing of the Spirit and richly blessed to all.

Much emphasis was placed on Abraham, that great father in Faith, during the Convention. Mr. Attwood (Wales) and Mr. T. J. Jones (London) each gave some inspiring messages on this theme: and Mr. Thomas Myerscough (Preston) led the company into the priceless truth contained for all believers in the Priesthood of Christ “after the order of Melchizidek.” Mr. J. Nelson Parr (Manchester) gave most powerful and convincing messages on the Baptism in the Holy Spirit and the place of the Spirit in the life and experience of the believer according to God’s plan: while Mr. John Carter’s clear voice rang to the farthest seat in the Hall with the message of still larger Revival coming – “make this valley full of ditches” (2 Kings 3). It was a great pleasure to also see and hear two honoured representatives of the Pentecostal work on the Continent, Mr. H. Steiner from Switzerland, and Mr. Martin Gensichen from Germany, who also sang one of his charming hymns fragrant with memories of old Sunderland days.

The closing message each day was delivered by Mr. Stephen Jeffreys, the Welsh Evangelist, whom God is using so largely, and the burning words that fell from his lips were as a very flame of fire, sweeping the large audience at times to a pitch of holy enthusiasm that defies words to describe. Men and women listened spellbound as the words gripped their very soul; we do not wonder that the Lord is using His servant to the salvation and blessing of so many souls, and his ministry should command the praise and prayer of all the Lord’s people, in the expectation of still mightier things.

Stephen Jeffreys Mention must be made of the magnificent company of leaders of Assemblies of God from all over the country that filled the platform right through the Convention, and presented a tangible proof of the grip this Revival is getting upon the country. Thanks be unto God! There was a fine contingent from Yorkshire and the Midlands; Ireland was represented; the Welsh accent was unmistakeable in others; and the new move of the Spirit in Kent was also evidenced by leaders of the new Asssemblies springing up there.

On Missionary Day the company was reinforced by honoured servants of God home from the Mission Fields, and a magnificent body of Students from the Bible School, some of whom gave glowing testimonies of how the Lord had saved them, called them, and was now thrusting them forth into the Harvest-Field. One sympathized with the returned Missionaries who had SO MUCH to tell, and so little time in which to tell it! Miss Noad told us of Kalemelembe; Mrs. Larsen of the Lebombo Work; Mr. Andrews of China; Mrs. Salter of the Congo. We all longed to hear Mrs. Jameson from South America, and earnestly pray that her strength may speedily be restored.

The Closing Meeting

This seems worthy of special notice. The congregation gathered long before the time, and commenced heartily singing chorus after chorus, as Mr. Gee led them on the piano, with the aid of skilled and consecrated brethren with violins. Just before the meeting commenced news came through that a beloved brother in the ministry had just received the Baptism in the Spirit. What a meeting it was! “This is like heaven to me,” sang the people again and again and again; and surely they had reason to sing it. Mr. Wm. Hill (Wales) gave a brief but powerful message on the rent veil now opening the way to a full Pentecostal experience. His pungent words must have gone home to many a heart with convincing force.

Then came the final offering of the Convention. And what an Offering! The beloved Chairman, Mr. A. Howard Carter, (Principal of the Bible School) had requested that he might be allowed to take the entire financial responsibility (about £300) of the Convention on his own shoulders, in the confident faith that the Lord would provide. But when that last meeting came there was £130 still needed, and in the natural way it looked hopeless. Then Mr. Wigglesworth rose, and the way he put before the people the joy of giving, and his own feeling of responsibility in the matter was touchingly beautiful. The offering was laid upon the Bible, and the great company marched up in a double stream, singing with increasing joy the whole time. It was a supreme moment when as the last mite was given the whole congregation spontaneously burst into the Doxology. Then in the hush that followed, and while the stewards rapidly counted the offering, a special request for prayer that had just come over the telephone was laid before the Lord. Then in a few minutes Mr. Wigglesworth made the delighted announcement, “Now I can preach!” – the Offering had completely covered all the expenses, and God had honoured the faith of the Chairman up to the hilt. And Mr. Wigglesworth DID preach! Yet nothing was more beautiful than the way he made room, though his heart was so full, for Mr. Stephen Jeffreys to give the closing message from Rev. 1 – the man “In the Spirit.”

The Rising Tide

And so the Convention closed; - and yet still continues in its inspiration for all who attended. Moreover these words have been written that those who could not attend might share that inspiration too. God grant it!

We listened intently all through to catch what was, above all else, the thought of the Spirit at this hour. And we believe we heard it; heard it in song; heard it in prayer; in testimony; in message; - and then finally in that inward witness. We heard this – that there is a RISING TIDE of Pentecostal Blessing on every hand. The new hope beginning to dawn last Whitsuntide has this year taken definite shape, and we are convinced that there is now nothing to hinder an ever-increasing Revival on Full Gospel lines sweeping the whole land if we but keep loyal to the Spirit, true to the Word, and in the place of humility and sanctification where Christ is all in all. D.G.

Report published in Redemption Tidings, p. 10 June 1926


On Friday evening, May 28th it was the day following the Great Whitsuntide Convention in Kingsway Hall, and many friends still lingered in London, including a number of Leaders from the Assemblies of God who had been spending the day in the Annual Presbytery Meeting.

Half-an-hour before the time to commence the hall was full: to accommodate the crowded gathering as many as possible had to stand until there was no room even for that; some found seats on the windows, some on the edge of the platform. The air was charged with the wonderful sense of the Presence of the Spirit of God. Mr. Tetchener (Co. Durham) gave a brief opening message; and was then followed by Mr. Smith Wigglesworth, who seemed more full then ever, and ministered the Word under a most gracious anointing of the Spirit that melted, moved and stirred every heart. There was a great time of seeking the Lord at the close, as many touched HIM, and found the Lord Jesus still the same gracious Saviour, Healer, and Baptizer in the Spirit. The Missionary Offering totalled £100. Praise the Lord!

Truly among the many memorable occasions in Sion College that night will find a lasting place, and has linked the visitors present from all over the country in a new sympathy with the splendid work that is going on there Friday after Friday under the auspices of the Bible School and the leadership of Mr. A. Howard Carter.



Report published in Redemption Tidings, p. 9 October 1926


Just one week after the opening of our new premises our annual Convention began. The convention meetings were held this year in our own Hall, excepting the meetings on the Bank Holiday Monday, which were held in the Central Baptist Church. From the beginning we were very conscious of the Glory of the Lord in the midst. The speakers were Mr. Smith Wigglesworth, Mr. Donald Gee, Mr. Sebire, Mrs. Salter and Mrs. Jameson, just home from S. America, while again we were privileged to have Mr. A. Hoy and Miss F. Palmer helping each meeting with most appropriate messages in song. Looking back, we indeed praise God for sending such a rich ministry to us for this year’s Convention.

The gathering at the Lord’s Table on the Sunday morning was a most hallowed time as Brother Wigglesworth spoke to us of – The desire of the Lord to suffer for us (Luke 22, 15), and of the divine life and blessing to be received by faith while remembering the Lord’s death in the breaking of Bread and the Drinking of the Cup. Calvary was before us in a new and fuller light. Hallelujah! Mr. Wigglesworth was with us until the Tuesday evening, and throughout his ministry was greatly blessed and owned of God. Many have since testified to personal blessing received as they united in prayer for God’s blessing to go with Handkerchiefs to needy ones at a distance. Among those who testified to healing after some of the meetings were cases of Heart trouble, Rheumatism, Chest complaints, Nerves, and many other sicknesses. Several very definite cases of healing were witnessed as Mr. Wigglesworth prayed with individual cases. One sister from a near-by town was healed of deafness, and could hear distinctly. Another who had lost the use of the swallow and for two years had not been able even to drink, having been fed with liquid food through a tube in the body, was prayed for and afterwards sipped half a tumbler of water, later drinking tea and eating a portion of a bun. Donald Gee

The Missionary Meeting was a melting time as we listened to Mrs. Jameson tell of the needs of S. America and of their own very thrilling experiences among the uncivilised Indians to whom they have sought to carry the Gospel. A people sitting in utter darkness, destitute of clothing and living in the Woods like animals. Mrs. Salter, who had previously been in S. America, also spoke of the needs of that Continent, as well as the Congo. The Offering for the Missionaries amounted to £38 10s., plus a Gold Watch and a Dress Ring.

Many will remember the blessed messages given by Mr. Sebire showing how the old life must come to an end before the new can be known and enjoyed. Jacob received a touch at Peniel which rendered him helpless, hence “No more Jacob” was a word constantly falling from our brother’s lips. There was no sparing the old Adamic life in our brother’s ministry; death was the only way to life; while we live, Christ cannot live His life in us.

Not the least by any means were dear Brother Gee’s messages. His first was “Much land to be possessed,” Jos. 13, 1. At another meeting he showed us the value and profit of speaking with other tongues. Yet at another occasion we derived much blessing as we listened to the exhortation to “Gather up the fragments,” John 6, 12-13, and Mark 8, 19. Again the “Power of Satan to sift,” Luke 22, 31-32; here we were shown that it is only “wheat” which is submitted to sifting, and Peter was such, supported by the Master’s “I have prayed for you.” It was at the close of one of our brother’s addresses one afternoon when the front was lined with dear ones mostly reconsecrating themselves to the Lord, while three at the same time received the Baptism of the Holy Ghost with signs following.

Much more might be said but space forbids; may the work go on in the hearts of all who were privileged to be with us, both the many from a distance as well as we who reside in the district. God is blessing His people, let us keep in the pathway of ever-increasing blessing till He comes, and unto Him be all the Glory.

W. T. Greenstreet


Report published in Redemption Tidings, p. 11 May 1927

Cancer Healed

In December, 1925, I was stricken with bladder trouble, and going to the Hospital was operated on, and the Doctor said I had cancer of the bladder, put a tube in my bladder and said I would have to wear it as long as I lived. For several months I suffered much pain and passed much blood as the cancer was doing its deadly work.

But on September 2nd, 1926, I landed in Eureka Springs, Arkansas, at the Interstate Camp Meeting. The following day was prayed for by Bro. Wigglesworth and others, and praise the Lord I was healed by the Mighty Power of God, and two days later removed the tube as I had no place for it, all Glory be to Jesus.

The Doctor said the neck of the bladder was dried up, and would never function again but now it has been perfectly restored, Praise the Lord.

D. W. Savage.

First Christian Church, Sixth and Laurel, Pine Bluff, Arkansas, October 25th, 1926.

Dear Bro. Wigglesworth,

In the short time we were with you in your room in the Hotel in Russelville, Arkansas, I failed to tell you of the instant healing of our older daughter when you touched her and prayed for her at Eureka Springs. Doctors had expressed themselves that they could do no more for her. She had violent headaches. Her back had ached day and night for one year. Her right hand trembled like she had palsy. It is all gone and she claims Jesus as her physician and healer.

EUREKA SPRINGS, ARK. September 2nd – 12th 1926

Announcement published in Pentecostal Evangel, p. 9 April 7, 1926


So many letters come inquiring of the itinerary and whereabouts of this evangelist, that this notice is printed; thus, we hope saving our having to write many reply letters.

We know nothing at all about the plans of Brother Wigglesworth, other than that he is expected to hold the Camp Meeting at Eureka Springs, Ark., in September. We know of no meetings arranged after this Camp. Brother Wigglesworth is at the present time in Great Britain. He expects to arrive in this country late in August.

Announcement published in Pentecostal Evangel, p. 22 July 10, 1926

INTERSTATE CAMP MEETING, EUREKA SPRINGS ARK. - August 28 to Sept. 12. Evangelist Smith Wigglesworth, Elder J. W. Welch and other workers.

Announcement published in Pentecostal Evangel, p. 13 July 31, 1926

THE INTERSTATE CAMP Eureka Springs, Ark.

The five District Councils of Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri, and Arkansas, comprising eight states are holding their first annual Camp Meeting in that unique city of the Ozarks, Sept. 2-12, 1926. Evangelist Smith Wigglesworth of Bradford, England and J. W. Welch of Springfield, Missouri, have been secured as speakers for the meetings. The city is furnishing free convention and dining hall and equipment with free campground. Hotel accommodations, furnished rooms, and cottages can be had at reasonable rates.

Meals will be served. Special railroad rates on all roads. Excellent highways leading into the city. Write for any desired information. If you want to rent a camp tent, write the Secretary of the Camp Meeting Committee, before August 15.

E. J. Bruton, Secretary, Box 415, Phone 229, Eureka Springs, Ark.

Announcement published in Pentecostal Evangel, p. 13 July 31, 1926


The five District Councils of Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas. Missouri, and Arkansas, comprising eight states are holding their first annual Camp Meeting in that unique city of the Ozarks, Sept. 2-12, 1926. Evangelist Smith Wigglesworth of Bradford England and J. W. Welch of Springfield, Missouri have been secured as speakers for the meetings. The city is furnishing free convention and dining hall and equipment with free campground. Hotel accommodations, furnished rooms and cottages can be had at reasonable rates.

Meals will be served. Special railroad rates on all roads. Excellent highways leading into the city. Write for any desired information. If you want to rent a camp tent, write the Secretary of the Camp Meeting Committee before August 15.

E. J. Bruton, Secretary. Box 415, Phone 229, Eureka Springs. Ark.

Report published in Pentecostal Evangel, p. 12 October 23, 1926

THE INTERSTATE CAMP Eureka Springs, Ark. The first annual Mid-west Interstate Camp meeting is now history. Guests began to arrive, some as early as a month before the opening date of the meeting and a week before the first day of the camp a number were present. Hugh M. Cadwalder, chairman of the committee, came in a few days ahead of time, and preached a very soul-inspiring sermon to the visitors and local congregation Sunday at eleven at the assembly.

Elder Welch arrived Tuesday, August 31st, and preached at the church that night. Evangelist Smith Wigglesworth and daughter, Mrs. Salter, of Bradford, England, arrived Wednesday and by this time, even though it was the day before the camp was announced to begin, the crowd was sufficient to begin the meeting at the big tent when Brother Wigglesworth preached his first sermon in Arkansas.

Thursday morning at 9:30 o’clock the Camp Meeting proper began with Evangelist Wigglesworth bringing the message. Dinner was served from twelve to two at the dining hall where Kelly Campbell the preacher-cook had prepared the meal. Elder J. W. Welch in his original style under the anointing of the Holy Spirit brought the message in the afternoon at 2:30 in the form of a Bible lesson.

Supper was served from five to seven. Evening services began at seven o’clock. This was the daily program.

Every service was much blessed of God. Many remarked that the presence of the Lord was very marked. Mrs. Roxie Alford brought the evangelistic message before the arrival of Elder W. T. Gaston. Her messages were brought forth so powerfully under the anointing of the Holy Spirit that people were moved from earnest listeners to penitent seekers. At her first altar call scores responded until the large altar overflowed.

Brother Gaston arrived Saturday night and preached his first message Sunday night. He was at his best and brought the message of Salvation, Baptism in the Spirit, and Second Coming in clear-cut style to the conviction of the hearers. The altar continued to overflow each night until hundreds sought the Lord. Brother Wigglesworth was much blessed of the Lord of the Lord in the morning services. His messages on faith were wonderful. Hundreds were prayed for, for healing. There were some very miraculous cases. Testimonies were still coming in from those who were healed.

A missionary service the first Sunday afternoon, in which a cash offering of $666.70 and a diamond ring were taken, was a great service. Brother Cadwalder, who is a returned missionary from Egypt, and Miss Mollie Baird, who is sailing for India, had charge of that service. Mr. and Mrs. Forrest G. Barker of Peru, South America; Miss Almyra Aston, Bara Banki, India; Miss Ayers of ; Miss England of Brazil, South America; Miss Steffin, out-going missionary to India; Mrs. Salter of the Congo, and the much beloved Missionary Secretary, William M. Faux, were all present and kept the cause of missions at white-heat fervor. Brother Gray of Tulsa, the gifted musical director, had charge of the music. He was more than ably assisted by Brother Henry, also of Tulsa, at the piano.

Mrs Salter of the Congo, wife of James Salter and daughter of Smith Wigglesworth

The rousing congregational song services were aided wonderfully by the Hymes family orchestra of Ottawa, Kansas, the Assembly of God Young People’s Band of Eureka Springs, and several individual instruments. Numerous solos, duets, and quartettes such as only Spirit-baptized singers could render added greatly to the meeting. Fred Henry, the pianist, surprised the audience one night by playing all by himself a trombone and piano duet. Brother and Sister Williamson and daughter of Colorado helped wonderfully in the musical program.

The mayor of the city in making the welcome address pledged anew the city to have the permanent auditorium ready for the meeting next year. The city had bought a forty-two lot park, furnished the convention tent, a nice sum of money and many conveniences for the meeting. The committee consisting of Hush M. Cadwalder, Chairman. of Houston, Texas; E. J. Bruton, Secretary, of Eureka Springs, Arkansas: Fred Vogler, of Burlingame, Kansas ; D. E. Collins, of Okmulgee, Oklahoma: and A. A. Wilson, of Puxico. Missouri, deserve much credit for the success of the meeting.

A hearty invitation is extended to all who attended this year, and to those who did not, to come next year. There were representatives here from twenty-six states. Let’s make it forty-eight next year. E. J. Bruton.

ALTON, ILL. September 23rd – 26th 1926

Announcement published in Pentecostal Evangel p. 14 Sept 25, 1926

NOTICE - Evangelist Smith Wigglesworth will speak twice daily at a four days’ convention at Gospel Tabernacle, 6th and Spring Sts., Alton, Ill., Sept. 23-26. Missionaries and other speakers will be present. Meals will be served on the freewill offering plan. Rooms at reasonable rates will be provided for. Everybody come and have a spiritual feast of good things.

Pastor A. W. Kortkamp.

RUSSELLVILLE, ARK. September 23rd – 26th 1926

Announcement published in Pentecostal Evangel, p. 14 Sept 18, 1926

RUSSELLVILLE, ARK. - Beginning Sept. 14 there will be an old-time revival conducted by Brother Smith Wigglesworth of Bradford. Eng. Visitors will receive a hearty welcome. Bring the sick. L. L. Riley, pastor. ST. LOUIS, MO. November 1926

Report published in Pentecostal Evangel, p. 21 November 20, 1926


Pastor Fred Lohmann writes from St. Louis, MO., “Trinity Tabernacle has just closed the greatest meeting of her history, under the leadership of Smith Wigglesworth, of Bradford, England. Many states and distant cities were represented in the gathering. Many ministers were in attendance, some from other religious bodies. From the opening service the crowds were large, and even at the morning service at 10 a.m. which was something new for St. Louis, the attendance was large, and the blessing that came down as the word went forth can not be described in human language. The evening crowds grew until at the close they overflowed the auditorium, and people were seated in the gallery.

“Great blessing came to the sick who were in attendance and many claimed their healing. Many splendid testimonies to the healing touch of the Master were given. Many hungry hearts who were seeking God, were blest and brought nearer to him. Some, who had never before had a clear witness of deliverance from sin, went away from the meetings happy and radiant with the love of God. Others who have been ‘on the fence’ concerning these great truths of the full Gospel message were fully convinced and expressed themselves as ready to take a stand for Christ and His Gospel. Many times during the meetings I was made to think of what Jesus said concerning the Holy Spirit being. ‘Rivers of living water,’ which should flow out of the lives of those who should receive Him. The power of God seemed to sweep over the people like an irresistible flood tide of life and glory; driving before it the darkness of unbelief and sin, until the whole church and all the people were under the warm glow of the heavenly unction, and the people were melted under the touch of the Spirit and moved to tears of joy and gratitude. Notwithstanding the large crowds there were no outbreaks of fleshly demonstrations to mar the beauty of the meetings.

Miss Mary F. Ayers, of Australia, assisted by Miss Louise Quitsch, of Chicago, will conduct a revival campaign in the Tabernacle, November 9 to 21. We will take the same interest in out-of-town visitors in this meeting that we did in the Wigglesworth campaign. If you desire to come in and enjoy the blessing of the Lord during this campaign; drop me a card. Room and board can always be secured near enough to attend the meetings, and at reasonable rates.

CHICAGO November 3rd – 7th 1926

Announcement published in Pentecostal Evangel, p. 13 October 23, 1926

Also in November 6, 1926.

CHICAGO, ILL. - Smith Wigglesworth of Bradford, England, will conduct a great revival campaign at the Christ Covenant-Glad Tidings Assembly Church, 2120, Sunnyside Ave. His daughter, Mrs. J. Salter, will assist in the campaign. Wonderful things are expected. For further information write to Pastor S. A. Jamieson, 2120, Sunnyside Ave.

Report published in Pentecostal Evangel, p. 10 December 18, 1926


Evangelist Smith Wigglesworth and his daughter, Mrs. J. Salter, conducted a wonderful campaign in the Christ Covenant-Glad Tidings church, Nov. 3 to 7.

The church was packed to its utmost capacity. A large number of saints from the surrounding country attended the service with great profit. A large number of people were healed, some of tumors and cancers.

S. A. Jamieson, pastor, Sunnyside Ave., Chicago.

TULSA, OKLA. November 1926

Announcement published in Pentecostal Evangel, p. 14 October 2, 1926

TULSA, OKLA. - Brother Smith Wigglesworth will conduct a revival campaign in Full Gospel Tabernacle, Cor. 5th and Peoria, some time during Nov. Exact date to be given later. Jonathan E. Perkins, pastor.

FORT SMITH, ARK. November 10th – 14th 1926

Announcement published in Pentecostal Evangel, p. 14 Nov 13, 1926

FORT SMITH, ARK. - Smith Wigglesworth campaign, Assembly of God Church, South 12th and Dodson Ave., November 10-14. Hungry-hearted people come to the feast of good things. Bring your sick folks and expect deliverance.

Rooms and board can be had at reasonable rates. A committee will assist out-of-town visitors to find accommodations. Brother Wigglesworth’s daughter will assist in the campaign. For further information write Pastor C. A. Lasater, 1900 S. R St. Fort Smith, Ark.

SAN FRANCISCO December, 1926

Report published in Pentecostal Evangel, p. 13 January 15, 1927


We have lately been blessed with a special two days’ feast under the ministry of Evangelist Smith Wigglesworth. We have been earnestly praying for revival and God in these meetings has surely met us with a gracious beginning. Only two days with our dear brother, but in the first morning meeting the Spirit of God was manifest in great uplifting power while in the evening meeting the crowds were fairly startled at the miracle working power of the Holy Spirit. The students of the Bible School attended the four meetings, assisting in the music and the personal work. The entire assembly and student body with faculty and ministers felt that God had lifted them in faith, deepened them in holiness and enlarged the vision of each, while many were healed, sinners were saved and saints baptized in the Holy Spirit. Robert and Mary Craig, founders of Glad Tidings Temple and Bible Institute

God has been moving in our midst in a marked way in the last few months toward revival, not alone in the assembly, but also and especially within the school. With various improvements in the school and with faculty and students all harmoniously working together for the glory of God, the atmosphere of heaven is truly in our midst and the fruitful Spirit of peace is working good. Hallelujah! The growth and spiritual advance in God’s work here has been observed by many and one dear brother being impressed of the Spirit of God in the midst, gave four hundred dollars for missionary work, thus making the missionary offering for the month to be seven hundred dollars. We give God the glory for multiplying His blessings to us according to His Word.

Evangelist Willa Short is now with us in a great campaign for souls and will remain until January ninth. The loving, brooding, convicting Spirit of God is doing His work, souls are being saved and baptized in the Holy Spirit daily. Uphold us in prayer.

Glad Tidings Bible Institute.

Chas. G. Weston