The Making of Smith Wigglesworth Part 2 the Making of His Message
YIKI Sl MI'lY MUST IfUII EnnS!eJist Smith \\ i~S!lcs\\orth Assemblies of God At Another Year How General Superintendent Ernest S. Williams Viewed the Beginning of,1~~44 Cover: Erne. and Leara Willi ...... aboat' 1945 InnSRPOL 1:"',111 (.I·; "",I ·: n \1. ('01 "",CII . \s,..... I·;\IIU.1E.'-i elF (;(11> \IIJ.!II .... ' 10 - 1:"',. Hl!l:l l 3 WINT ER 1992·93 VOL. 12. NO.4 I'AGE 10 PAGE 20 I'AGE 32 4 \\ O M A~ TO WOMAN ARCIIIVES STAFf-WAYNE E, WARNER, EDITOR AND ARCHIVES DIRECTOR; A story of Susan Easton's missionary vision In India. JOyel:. LEE, ASSISTANT ARCIIIVIST; By Edith L. Blumhorer GLENN GaHR, ARCHIVES ASSISTANT AND COPY EDITOR; CINDY RIE~1EN· 9 AT _AN OTHER NEW -,Y~"~.A.,K,---____________ SCHNEIDER. SECRETARY ARCHIVES ADVISORY 80ARD-C HAIR~1AN JOSEPH Gcncral Superilllendem E. S. Williams calls the Assemblies R FLOWER. J. CALVI "I HOLSI'GER, GARY B. McGEE. EVERElT STENHOUSL of God (0 prayer in January 1944, during World War II. As.wmblil's 0/ God Htrlla~e is published 10 \\ II .Ll AM J. MITC"·',.tE",I",.t",, = 1'-"",,1-'1__________ _ quartcrly by thc Assemblies of God Ar~hil ('<i. 144~ Boon,ille A'e.. Springfield, \.liS'iOuri A former cabin boy on ships and teenage alcoholic becomes 65802·189J. This magazine is fr~ to members of a preacher and d istrict leader in New England. the Assemblies of God Heritage Society. Yearly By Bun on K. Janes memberships are available for SIO; lifetime membership, are $100. Membership f~$ arc used to publish the maga~ine and support 13 A M I RA e !.>: I N"I"I U"'M= 8"'U"'G'---_,-----,--__---,,----_-,,-_ the Archin·s.
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