2010 Peer Review Report by Hartikainen Frontiers Trabzon
1 Central level (EUSG, MoI, Coast Guard), Trabzon Airport and Seaport, eastern border with Georgia, western borders with Bulgaria and Greece – Expert Col (BG) Antti Hartikainen / Border Guard of Finland PEER REVIEW MISSION TO TURKEY (JHA IND/EXP 42920) 6 – 10 DEC 2010 1. Introduction At the central level, all the three border management experts assigned for the mission (Mr. Hartikainen, Mr. Karohl and Mr. Gaya van Stijn) with all the accompanied personnel from the EU Commission and the EU Delegation to Turkey had a common programme in Ankara. At the beginning, a preparatory meeting was organised with the EU Secretariat General. Subsequently, a meeting took place with the Ministry of the Interior Integrated Border Management (IBM) Bureau. Representatives of the General Directorate of Security (Turkish National Police, Department of Aliens, Borders and Asylum Affairs), General Staff, Land Forces Command, Gendarmerie General Command, Coast Guard Command, and Turkish Customs Enforcement also were present in both of the aforementioned meetings. At the end of the central level programme, a visit was made to the Coast Guard Command. During the field visit, the expert was familiarised with the Trabzon airport and seaport on the shore of the Black Sea, Sarp Border Crossing Point (BCP) on the border with Georgia, Kapıkule BCP on the border with Bulgaria, Pazarkule BCP on the border with Greece and Edirne Removal Centre located to the close proximity to the last two aforementioned BCPs. Moreover, two Deputy Governors joined the trip in their respective Areas of Responsibility on the eastern and western borders and a meeting was held with the Governor in Edirne and the Deputy Governor in Trabzon.
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