UK Business Adapts to a Changing Landscape O U O E I Tro U
CONOCOPHILLIPS Fourth Quarter 2017 UK business adapts to a changing landscape Join us online. Introu PHILLIPS CONOCO CONOCOPHILLIPS First Quarter 2017 CONOCOPHILLIPS Second Quarter 2017 The Bakken Resilient through industry cycles Third Quarter 2017 ConocoPhillips Qatar PARTNERSHIPS AND COLLABORATION IN THE HEART OF THE ARABIAN GULF As we say goodbye to spirit Magazine after 11 years and 44 issues, we say hello to spiritnow, a digital site devoted to frequent publication of compelling stories. spiritnow will take full advantage of its digital format through insightful writing, photography, audio and video content. We hope our stories will continue to engage and inspire all those who follow the work and the people of the world’s largest independent oil and gas company. CS 17-1207 SHARING INSIGHTS From the desk of Terri King, President, Conoco Phillips U.K. SINCE COMING TO ABERDEEN IN EARLY 2017, I have been struck by the focus and determination of Conoco Phillips’ U.K. teams to deliver improvements in safety and environmental performance, unit cost, production reliability and cost of supply. The cover article of this final print issue of spirit Magazine features many of the people who are the essence of this exceptional business unit, working hard and looking out for each other as they go about their day-to-day duties. The U.K. asset base is a diverse one, with ongoing operations for more than a half century that now encompass the entire oil and gas life cycle, from exploration to rig decommissioning. Each stage has its own unique challenges, but offers opportunities to do things differently, to embrace new technology and to think outside the box as we focus on safe, reliable and efficient delivery on our commitments.