Diocese of Norwich Diocesan Secretary
Diocese of Norwich Diocesan Secretary Application pack / March 2021 Introduction from Bishop Graham, the Bishop of Norwich Thank you for your interest in the key role of Diocesan Secretary. The Diocese of Norwich is a wonderful place to serve, with amazing diversity: deeply rural, market towns, coastal towns and urban centres, some with places of urban deprivation and rapidly expanding new housing developments. The city of Norwich with its Cathedral is a vibrant and cultural place which, as a regional hub, attracts inward investment and businesses due to its high quality of living, teaching hospital, two universities and science park. There are Minster churches at King’s Lynn and Great Yarmouth serving their wider communities. The Norfolk Broads and coastline attract many visitors each year. That variety is in itself energising, but for me what really makes this such a rewarding, satisfying and fun place to be engaged in God’s mission is the people - parishioners, church workers and clergy - exploring and living out what it means to be transformed by Christ. The Church of England will face both joys and challenges in the coming years as we navigate our way through and beyond the pandemic, and seek to share the Gospel afresh with each generation. I am looking for an exceptional individual, who will bring transparent, caring and collaborative leadership, fresh thinking and some innovative answers and solutions, as the next Diocesan Secretary. That person will be deeply committed to the Christian faith, have the heart of a servant of God’s Church, and want to work with me and other colleagues to see God’s Kingdom come in Norfolk and Waveney.
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