Tilting trains Technology, benefits and motion sickness by Rickard Persson Licentiate thesis TRITA AVE 2008:27 ISSN 1651-7660 ISBN 978-91-7178-972-3 Postal Address Visiting address Telephone: +46 8 790 8476 Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) Teknikringen 8 Fax: +46 8 790 7629 Aeronautical and Vehicle Engineering Stockholm E-mail:
[email protected] Rail Vehicles www.kth.se/fakulteter/centra/jarnvag SE-100 44 Stockholm Tilting trains - Technology, benefits and motion sickness Preface This is the final report of the research project “Optimal vehicles for high speed and narrow curves – development of technology for carbody tilting and track friendly running gears”. The project was initiated by Johan Förstberg at Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI) aiming at increasing the competitiveness of trains and in particular tilting trains. A post graduate project was formed together with Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems (VINNOVA), the Swedish National Rail Administration, (Banverket), Bombardier Transportation (BT), division of rail vehicles at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) and Ferroplan Engineering AB. The project became connected to the research programme “Gröna Tåget” (the Green Train), which slightly changed the aim as the Green Train programme contained development and testing of track friendly running gear for speeds up to 250 km/h. The present study has been carried out at VTI in cooperation with KTH. The project has been led by a steering committee consisting of Carl Naumburg (VINNOVA), Tohmmy Bustad (Banverket), Evert Andersson (KTH) and Lena Nilsson (VTI). Scientific support has been provided by a reference group consisting of Björn Kufver, Ferroplan, Evert Andersson, KTH and Lena Nilsson, VTI.